15th New York Heavy Artillery Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Mr. Henry Lamb, of Buffalo, N. Y., was lately appointed Quartermaster of the Fifteenth Heavy Artillery solely through his daughter's energetic diplomacy. She obtained suitable recommendations, went to Albany with them, and labored so actively with the Governor, and Adjutant-General that they gave her the desired commission for her father, notwithstanding they had before refused him the place. The first the father knew of the matter was after it had been all arranged.

June 25th, 1864.
I herewith send you the names of killed, wounded and missing of my
Company not heretofore published, which completes the list to date.
WOUNDED—1st Lieutenant Nibergall. Privates, Daniel Y. Corwin, William C. B. Steele, Horace Proper, Frederick Becht, Timothy Shea, William H. Colyer, slight.
MISSING—Corporal James Smith, Privates, Charles S. Miller, Henry C. Canfield, Edson B. Brown, Charles R. Wright.
Private James H. Corwin who was wounded on the 19th day of May, 1864, and had his right arm amputated, has since died of his wound. He was a resident of Pine Bush, Orange County. The total loss in my Company so far, is 5 killed, 34 wounded, 18 missing, making a total of 57, besides there are 14 of the Company absent sick.
Respectfully Yours,
3d Brigade, 2d Division, Co. M, 15th Art'y. N. Y. V., 5th Corps.

Friend Champ—I take this opportunity to inform you that I am well at present, and the boys generally that left Delaware and Greene Co. with me. I have arrived to my Company, and am full as well satisfied with my location as I expected. I thought it might be interesting to you and some of your readers to have a description of my route here.
I left home and bid good-bye to my family and friends the 4th of February, for Norwich, Chen. co., and had a pleasant journey, arriving there the fifth, and reported the 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M., and went to the barracks. The weather was very cold and the barracks still colder, which made things look rather dubious, but as I entered, I saw that the boys were enjoying themselves first-rate, and everything had the appearance of school being let out for noon. Some were singing, some were dancing, some were hallooing at the top of their voices, and some of them looked as though they had been badly punished, as they had on very wry faces, but I could guess the reason of this—it was the regret of enlisting.—But I was soon relieved by a reporting pass to go where I pleased about town. I made it my choice to lodge with Mr. John Alien, at the National Hotel, and boarded at the barracks; and now to do the men justice that kept them, I must say that we had the best fare there that we have had since we left home. We stayed there until the 18th of February, when we shipped aboard the stage for Albany, by the way of Utica. We were called out about 7 o'clock in the morning and answered roll call, and about eight we got aboard and set sail. It was very cold, but our drivers stopped for us to warm every eight miles, where we generally found good fires to warm outside, and a little something to take inside if we choosed. About 11 o'clock A. M. we brought up at Hamilton for dinner. We had a good dinner, and stayed until about two o'clock P. M., when we started again on our journey for Utica, where we arrived all safe and sound about ten o'clock in the evening without any very serious incident except once when we run into a big snow drift and grounded. As our lead horse came back on us and would not draw, the driver made a grand charge on her with whip in hand, but the old mare wasn't to be hurt, so she charged back on us with her heels high in the air. So it was no use—we had to get out and put our shoulders to the wheel, and then everything had to go through. You can bet your life the old mare made up lost time the next ten miles. On our arrival there we were put in the station house for safe keeping over night. I shall have to close for the present for want of time. Yours, &c., J. W.

Aug. 18—Evening.
This morning at 4 o'clock, the 5th corps started on an expedition to cut the Weldon railroad at Ream's station, taking four days rations. This corps was withdrawn from the left front some days ago, and has been a reserve since. They reached the railroad about seven o'clock, and the first division, being in the advance, had a skirmish with a force of the enemy stationed there to protect the road. They fell back rapidly however, and the loss on either side was light. After placing the troops in line to meet any attack which might be made, the work of tearing up the track was commenced and prosecuted with vigor for several hours. But about noon they were interrupted in their labor by the appearance of the enemy, who were advancing along the railroad from Petersburg in line of battle. They proved to be Hill's corps, which had been lying in reserve for several days, and were advanced at double quick as soon as they became aware of our intention and movement. The 2d division, Gen. Ayres commanding, held the advance on the railroad, the 3d and 4th divisions supporting on the right, while the 1st division was placed to cover the left and prevent any surprise from that direction.
The attack on the 2d division was very determined, but our men met it in gallant style, driving the rebels back in handsome style, with heavy loss, after repeated attempts to cross our line. 
The rebels finally, after two hours hard fighting, gave up the idea, and fell back some distance, keeping up a fire all the afternoon from their batteries and skirmishers. The 15th N. Y. heavy artillery particularly distinguished itself in this engagement. Col. Weidrich, its commander, was severely wounded across the back. The movement was a complete surprise to the enemy, the rebel pickets stationed in the vicinity being so astonished that they had barely time to escape.
Some few prisoners were taken, several of whom were wounded.

Our citizens generally will be pleased to learn that Henry Lamb, Esq., of this city, has been appointed Quartermaster of the 15th heavy Artillery stationed at Fort Lyons, Alexandria under Col. Shirmir. The position is well bestowed; but we cannot forbear to make mention of the manner in which the "powers that be" at Albany were forced to a recognition of Mr. Lamb's claims. Perhaps in the way of feminine enterprise and diplomacy the "war" has not furnished anything neater. Miss Lamb, a daughter of the gentleman referred to, knowing her father's desire to secure the position of Quarter master, and regarding the difficulties in the way of his success as more formidable than he could immediately overcome, she determined a few days since, to play the diplomatist in the mater herself, and if possible to secure the coveted appointment. 
Without revealing her purposes or plans to her parents she proceeded systematically to business, and procured letters to Gov. Seymour from several of our distinguished citizens, among whom were Hon. John Ganson and Dean Richond, the latter extending to her the courtesies of the road to and from Albany. Armed and equipped she started for the Capital, and meeting Dean Richmond at the Delavan House, that gentleman promptly presented her to Gov. Seymour who in turn introduced her to Adjutant General Sprague, with the suggestion to that gentleman that if her demand could be complied with that it should be done at once. It is unnecessary to deal familiarly with the interview which followed, and it is enough to know that the enterprise, and diplomacy of the young lady, were satisfactorily rewarded in about three hours after the Capitol was besieged. We are pleased to record the appointment as we are to give credit to the young lady who carried out successfully so bold an enterprise.