11th New York Independent Battery's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

11th Independent Battery, NY Volunteers
Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Transcribed By Brendan Murphy

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K&F The Havelocks have secured as their Commander Rev. A. A. von Puttkammer, pastor of the German Baptist Church of this city, and a gentleman of most thorough military education. He is a graduate of the celebrated Military Academy of Berlin (7 year course), with 23 years experience in the Prussian service; 5 of which was as an officer in the Flying Artillery; and 3 as Aid de Camp of one of the most distinguished Generals in the Prussian service. He drilled in New York several companies for the Florida war. The following is the form of pledge which all are required to subscribe to before signing the volunteer roll :—
"We, the undersigned, members of the Havelock Battery of Flying Artillery, do here-( by solemnly pledge ourselves to abstain from ' the use of all intoxicating liquors, profanity, obscenity, gambling, card playing, etc; to avoid all desecration of the Sabbath; to en- 1 courage and help sustain a regular morning and evening company prayer meeting; to use every effort to secure and maintain for the Battery a high moral and religious character; in short, to strive to do our whole duty to our God, our country and to each other." See the advertisement asking for volunteers.
A Pleasing Incident at the Barracks.—Among the many noble gifts-so creditable alike to their generosity and patriotism-furnished by our citizens to the soldiers at the Barracks yesterday, for their Thanksgiving dinner, was a large cake, richly frosted, surmounted by an American flag in miniature, and accompanied with a card inscribed, in a neat feminine hand, as follows
For Capt. A. Von Puttkammer, of the Havelock Battery, from G U E S S WHO.
The tender was duly made to the gallant Captain by a member of the Committee in attendance, who asked, in a jocular way, what he was going to do with it ? The Captain, whose puzzled countenance and swelling eye revealed at once the conflicting emotions of curiosity and gratitude working within, replied:—" I have got three sick men at our Hospital and I shall, give it to them." But won't it do them more harm than good ? was the enquiry. No ! not my poor boys have been very sick, but they are better now, and they must and shall have the cake, was the reply—and so he de" parted to carry out the kindly purposes of his heart. "That little speech," exclaimed a Private, in earnest tones, — who stood by industriously engaged in the laudable work of carving up a huge turkey—" That little speech goes right straight into my heart!" Yes! yes! simultaneously chimed in two other soldiers, sweating over the same delightful task, " there isn't a nobler hearted man, or a better officer in the whole Barracks, or any where else, than Capt. Von Puttkammer !" and thus before he reached his unfortunate comrades, the Havelock Captain had breathed upon him the grate-ful blessings of many.
The scene was a, most touching one—the spontaneous encomiums were fitly bestowed—and had the fair donor been present, tears must have moistened her eyes ; at lean, such is the belief of "L."
A Letter from the Havelock Battery.
The following letter from Stephen P. Corliss, to his father in this city, gives some details of the affair in which the battery was engaged. The number missing is stated at 75, while a despatch from Lieut. Burton' from Washington Saturday morning, says only three or four are missing. Fort Ward, where the letter is dated is the headquarters of the Second Now York Artillery:
Fort Ward, near Alexandria, Va.,
August 28, 1862. Dear Parents—You have, doubtless, heard of the great fight in which we participated. On Tuesday
night, at 8 o'clock, we were ordered to Manassas. A cavalry regiment left near where we were encamped, leaving us entirely without support. This regiment was attacked, and they sent scouts back after us. We then went forward. Arriving there, we did not see the regiment; but there was a small company there acting as scouts. Pretty soon a volley of fire was received by us. We stood it like veterans. We answered their fire—still they came like an avalanche. Our oav-a!ry support skedaddled and we, with six guns, were left to fight 1,500 thoroughly equipped cavalry, in a strange country and dark as pitch. We fired fourteen rounds and then were obliged to retreat. I held the third post, or thumber. We lost four guns, our battery forge, wagons, and all our ammunition that was in the wagons and camp equipage. All that I have left is that which I wore—the other things have gone to the Rebels. It would make you shudder to hear their war cry. As near as I could it was, "damned Yankee." Our loss, if it remains as it is now, will be about seventy-five or eighty, out of one hundred. Probably the number will be reduced. We fell back to Centreville;—then we were reinforced and started with two guns and twenty-five men of our own, and the Second New York regiment to back us. We were again repelled, they having been largely reinforced, now numbering 3,000. We numbered 1,000. We were this time driven to to Fairfax Court-House. There we met the Fourteenth Mas -sachusetts, formed in line of battle and awaited their approach. About five o'clock General Green told us to leave our two guns with them, as we were entirely worn cut. Wm. Van Gassbeck and myself started on ; we walked from there to Alexandria, a distance of fifteen miles, and reached there this morning. Up to that time we had nothing to eat—from Tuesday night till this morning. We are to meet at Fort Ward to see how many of us are left. I do not know what we will | do after this, whether they will give us new arms or put us in a fort. 
Later.—A letter received in this city yesterday from Lieut. Rogers, furnishes the gratifying intelligence that all the members of the company had come in with two or three exceptions. The statement as to the loss of four of their six guns is confirmed by him.
Correspondence of the Evening Journal.
Camp Sturgis, Aug. 30, 1862.
Believing that exaggerated and false reports will reach you concerning the late action at Manassas, in which we lost part of our Battery, and desiring to relieve the many anxious ones at home, I thought it my duty to give you the particulars. |
Last Saturday afternoon we received orders to cook five days' rations, and be ready to march at a moment's notice. In a few minutes after orders came to march immediately for Manassas, accompanied by one section of; Capt. Barnes' battery, Lieut. James, commanding, and Capt. Whitney's Company of cavalry. It was late in the evening before we were ready to start. We marched all night, and reached Manassas Sunday afternoon. Nothing of importance occurred until Tuesday afternoon, when the cavalry regiment encamped near us received orders to march to White Plains, leaving us all alone. In order to guard against surprise, the drivers of my section and the section of Lieut. James, together with a few of our men under charge of Lieut. James, were sent out as scouts. About dusk the Commissary at the Junction sent us word that he feared an attack, and desired us to come out with the Battery. Soon after he came himself and informed us that a train, had been fired into near the Junction. The right and centre sections were accordingly moved forward; the others were left and placed in position to guard
the camp. The scoutiug party returned, hav-ing been fired at Lieut. James was ordered to, and left immediately for the Junction, and all six pieces were placed in position and loaded before the approach of the enemy, whom at first we supposed to be only a party of guerrillas whom we could easily disperse. It was now late and quite dark. They pounced upon us very suddenly, giving us a volley which quite surprised us; we returned the compli-
iment with a round of cannister, which sent
them back in a hurry; they soon rallied and dashed upon us again, with most infernal yells. The contest was short. We gave them from nearly all the guns five rounds of cannister be-
, fore we left the pieces. The men,with scarcely an exception, behaved nobly, and doubtless would have been all taken prisoners had it not been so dark. As soon as the firing commenced, my section,
I which was all ready, started for the scene of
action, leaving the camp in charge of the guard. On our way we met part of our cavalry returning in double quick time. We also met a large body of cavalry, who refused to accompany us
I to the scene of action, saying they had orders to fall back; and before we reached the Junction we met some of our horses running back, and soon after our Captain, who took charge of the left section and started for Bull Run. The other offiers, with several non-commissioned officers and men, returned to camp, and we brought off five caissons and some of our baggage, and very reluctantly fell back, leaving a load of ammunition, all our camp equippage
and a wagon or two. We moved on as fast as we could, expecting to be overtaken by the Rebel cavalry. We met Col. Wagner and his regiment (2d N. Y. Art) about a mile beyond Bull Run bridge, coming to our assistance. He ordered us to cross the bridge and remain until further orders, which we did. It was now almost 2 o'clock Wednesday morning.
About 5 we received orders to march on, and coming up, found the 2d N. Y. Artillery in line of battle, and the Rebel cavalry coming on with their hellish yelling. I would scarcely believe it was possible for any thing human to make such a noise. We arrived just in time and took up our position on the right, as ordered by Col. Wagner, and commenced firing, scattering and shelling the Rebels from their hiding places. Most heartily did all of the 11th N. Y., then on the field, wish for the whole Battery, and sincerely do we mourn our loss. The left section did nobly. We were obliged to change our position several times, for the Rebels made as many attempts to flank us. We fired over 100 rounds, when we were obliged to fall back, our cavalry leaving some time before us. We fell back as far as Centre-ville, when another stand was made, our pieces placed in position, the 2d N. Y. and some gallant cavalry in line of battle to support us. We found the Rebels were following us up in force, and were ordered to fall back before we fired a round. Soon after we met the 14th Mass., Col. Green, hurrying on to our assistance- Our cannoniers were so completely worn out, our Captain gave our pieces in
charge of Col. Green, who returned them yes-terday. We have nearly all our horses, two guns, five caissons, one limber and men enough for a six gun Battery, and earnestly hope we will have a chance to try again. We are not positive of any being killed.
We have received a letter from Lieut Rogers, describing the trials of the Battery at Manassas, for which we have no room to-day. When written, August 30th, the following were reported wounded and missing:
Edwin W. Burrage, Albany, shot through bodv; left in hospital at Manassas; is probably a prisoner.
JohnMarkey, Albany, shot through thigh; safe in hospital at Manassas; is undoubtedly a prisoner.
Joseph W. Finkle,-ball top of head;
not serious; missing.
MISSING. Sergeant E. D. Tracy, Albany. Sergeant James Manning, Ashtabula, O. Corporal Samuel Boyle, Ashtabula, O. Corporal William A. Dalton, Albany. Markes S, Acker, Schoharie. Heber R Hoilis, Ashtabula, O. William H. Sammis, Ashtabula, O. Lewis Sheppard, Ashtabula, O. Willard D. Turney, Ashtabula, O. John Wilkes, Albany. William McBride, Albany. William Killip, Albany. Henry Bennett, Buffalo. Duncan Cameron, Troy. David Davis, Chittenango. Austin Haun, Chittenango. Frederick Deal, Amsterdam—left sick in hospital.
Jacob H.Tolmsbee, South Schodack.
Charles W. Hemstreet, Schoharie.
William Hastings, Glenville.
William T. Quinlan, Canada.
No doubt many of the missing will come in all right.
Since the foregoing letter was received, we have received the following telegram from Lt. Rogers :—
Alexandria, Va., Sept. 30,1862. Editors of the Evening Journal:
The twenty-four (24) reported wounded and missing are safe. The wounded are in the hospital. Others were taken prisoners and released on parole, and have arrived in camp. The left section all right and in the field.
JAS. ROGERS, 1st Leut. 11th. Artillery.
Army Correspondence.
FROM THE HAVELOCK BATTER Y. Camp Near Fort Corcoran, Opposite Georgetown, Sept. 24, '62. | Dear Brother:—Since my last to you, written from Camp Sturgis, I think we have keen something of real soldier life. Of our first adventure with our new Battery, how we were ordered to proceed in great haste to Manassas, of our hurried march in the night, our arrival and two days' stay with nobody to stay with us, of the little scrape we had with the rebels Tuesday night, and our march back to camp even more hurried than we went out, of all this you have heard enough and your mind is, no doubt, made up in regard to that affair, as well as the mind of the public generally, and whether you blame us for our loss and defeat, or those who ordered us to an exposed point like that, without any support or any help at all on -which we could depend, is a matter but little importance now to those of us who the circumstances and have a clear conscience > subject. So without stopping to say more coi>
ing that affair I'll proceed to give you a brief ac-count of our wanderings since then. Wednesday morning we moved on towards the ver we began to hope they would take us into Mary-land, but we were disappointed. When within a half mile of the bridge, all expecting to cross, we were turned off to the right and marched, as we supposed, own the river. After traveling all the forenoon and poking anxiously ahead for some familiar objects in the vicinity of Georgetown, judging from the dis-tance we had traveled, that we must be nearly oppo-site that place. Imagine our surprise when, on aising a hill from which we could see all the surrounding country for miles to discover, that instead of being near the river and opposite Washington, we had been brought to a point but a little distance to the rear of where we camped the night before. Here we found Griffen's celebrated battery of Parrott guns ready for action. We were marched a little begond and to their right, when our two guns were planted just in the edge of the woods, commanding the road. A portion of the infantry were drawn up in line to support us, and from all appearances an attack was expected. Thus we remained all night, the infantry sleeping on their arms, we by our guns, and all ready for a fight.
Here Lieutenants Rodgers and Burton joined us, and Lieut. Warmington was ordered to report himself at the old camp. He went out with us because the Captain was sick and could not go, and Lieut. Rodgers, chief of this section, was on business in Washington. We remained in this wild, out-of-the- way place, where there was little danger of the rebels finding us until Saturday night about 9o'clock, when orders came for us to prepare to march immediately. It was but a short job for us, the rebels having relieved us of our superfluous baggage the week be fore, so we were soon ready, but the infantry had more to look after and it was near 11 before the bugle sounded forward.
We soon came in sight of familiar objects which set our anxiety at rest regarding where we were, but increased our desire to know where we were going. Our route was leading us to Long Bridge and hope began to revive again that we would soon cross the river ; but we were again disappointed. Our course was changed, and we took the road to Alexandria where we halted about noon, just outside the town i to rest and feed, and a hungrier, sleepier lot of fellows you would not wish to see. I had a glorious nap there on the dusty grass under a scorching sun, after which Will and I, at the end of a long walk, succeeded in procuring a dinner of hoe-cake. The very thought of such a dinner makes my mouth water now. About 3 o'clock they started on again but moved but a short distance and stopped for the night in the rear of Fort Ellsworth, and not more than eight miles from where we started the night before, and there we had been traveling nearly twenty-four hours and must have marched during that time fifteen or twenty miles, all for some good reason, perhaps, but we boys could'nt see the point.
That night we hoped for a good sound rest and so we had until 8 o'clock in the morning, when we were routed out and again set in motion, but 'twas only a pleasant little march we had that morning and stopped at Fairfax Seminary just after sunrise. Here we thought it pretty certain we should remain over night at least as an attack was expected at that point, but we only staid to breakfast, then started back on the old route toward the Long Bridge via Alexandria, and again we began to look longingly towards Maryland. But there was no escape for us. Sick as we are of the "sacred soil" they are bound to keep us in Virginia, but as the work is all to be done here now we are content to remain. At Camp Chase, where we stopped Monday night we staid till Tuesday afternoon, when we moved a little further on and left among the stumps near Fort Richardson till next day, and then moved again back
near Fort Ward, and but about one mile from our first starting point. But there was no rest for us here either, and the second day we struck tents and moved to our former stopping place.
Heft we are pleasantly located on the heights overlooking Washington, Georgetown and the river, near to the headquarters of the Commissary Department where we can procure supplies in abundance, and in as great variety as they think it safe to allow the soldiers, and through the very obliging sutlers, who bring things over the river as a matter of accommodation merely, we can, so long as our money holds out, procure many little delicacies of which we would* be wholly deprived further away from market. To prove to us their generosity and disin-| terestedness, the sutlers furnish us potatoes at the j rate of $2,40 per bushel; butter at 30 cts. per pound, and we can buy mackerel at 15 cts. per piece ; other . things are cheap in proportion. But soldiers never stop at prices, they either buy and pay all they ask, or take and pay nothing. This latter method is what they call going through a sutler, and is resorted to only when out of money or when they are too particular about making change. Except we have specie or Treasury Notes it is almost impossible to use money when we have it. They are afraid of any other. But when they see a mellon going out of one corner of of their wagon, pies and cakes out of another, and a hand going into every box and barrel, they soon come to terms, and though destitute of change before, usu-ally succeed in finding a supply deep down in their | trowsers pockets or some other repository. How | long we shall stay in these comfortable quarters is a | matter of uncertainty. Our Brigade (Gen. Piatt's) and in fact all the troops about us, consisting of por-tions of several Divisions and Brigades moved yes- terday. We were left behind, doubtless, because our battery is not yet reorganized; but the other section, one of which has been for some time laying in Wash- ington awaiting for equipments, and the other stop- ping near the Arlington House, will join us with new and complete outfit this afternoon. Gen. Whipple will then very soon tell us when he wants to use us. Yours, very ailectionately, CHARLIE.
Letter from the Havelock Battery.
Camp at Warrenton, Oct, 29. Dear Brother— * * * I suppose you know that the Army of the Potomac has made another masterly retreat, but our retreat resulted in more spoil and loss to the Rebels than if we had risked a battle with them in their strongly fortified position on the Rapi-dan. We captured some ten pieces of cannon, about 1,000 prisoners, and killed and wounded as many more. We lost no artillery, and but few prisoners, mostly stragglers, and not many killed. We commenced retreating from Culpepper Court House, where we had been lying some three weeks, on the 12th of-October. The army was drawn off so quietly and orderly and with so little haste that I could hardly realize that we were retreating. Our cavalry were continually skirmishing with the advance of the enemy, and generally had the advantage. We passed over the old Bull Run fields, crossed Bull Run creek, and hauled up behind the Centreville Heights, strongly fortified with breastworks and redoubts for miles, Here we awaited battle, but Gen. Lee was too cautious to attack here, and after a few days he fell back to the Rappahannock, where he is now on the other side.
A week ago last Monday we commenced moving back again towards Culpepper, and have got as far as Warrenton, at present. We
recrossed the Bull Run battle field, one of the most memorable battle fields of history. Every knoll is a position for some battery, and every wood the covert for infantry or cavalry. We will lay here some time, I suppose, until the rail roads are repaired and our communil cations all opened, and then we will advance again. But the season is getting late; cold weather is coming on us very fast, and the roads are getting very bad. It is not probable that there will be much more fighting before spring. * * * * From your brother, H. 
The Havelock Battery.—We gather from a letter from E. L. Pearse, to his father in this city, a few facts in regard to this Battery, which may be interesting to those who have sons or brothers connected with it.
On the 29th of October, the Battery reached Lovettsville, Va, in a drenching rain, and camped on a piece of low, marshy ground, which gave the boys a very uncomfortable night of it
On the 31st, the Battery moved to Snicker's Gap. The march was a pleasant one, through a finely cultivated country. The apples being still ungathered, they were deemed confiscated, and appropriated accordingly. Up to this time, the Battery had been two weeks without a mail.
November 8th, the Battery was in Farqua-har county, in advance of the main army. It had been moving about tor a week, but had been in no engagement.
On the 17th, the Battery was near Warren-ton. The men were somewhat surprised at a rumor that their Captain had been relieved; bat immediately after were gratified to learn that he had been ordered back to his command. The Company is in general good health, and has only suffered the ordinary hardships incident to a march in pursuit of a retreating enemy. (Dec 11, 1862)
One of the Unwritten Histories of the War; Or, the Brief Career of the Capt. Theodore C. Rogers. (11th Battery).
It is understood that the following beautiful obituary, which recently appeared in the Christian Intelligencer, is from the pen of the Rev. Dr. Clark, the accomplished pastor of the North | Dutch Church, in this city : Perhaps no war in ancient or modern times has been more fruitful of instances of heroism courage and devoted patriotism than the struggle that is now in progress to maintain the American republic. Not only veterans and those inured to hardships rally to the support of our Government, but the young, the refined, the educated leave their homes, their business and studies ; and grasping the emblem of our national life, freely give their own lives to gave the free and Christian institutions that it represents.
Many such have fallen, with none near them to witness and record their valor; none to depict their noble personal qualities, their great individual sacrifices for their country, and their unflinching bravery in the hour of deadly conflict. Were history permitted to do full justice to the heroes in the ranks, and in subordinate offices,
as well as among the chiefs of the American army, many names liable to be overlooked would "shine with an unfading lustre and reflect enduring honor upon our nation.
Among these stands the name that we have placed at the head of this article. A son of Christian parents, a child of the covenant dedicated in infancy to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, young Rogers was reared amid the refinements, the educational advantages, and the religious influences of a Christian home.
Early developing a spirit of enterprise and indomitable energy, his taste led him to enter a military school in the State of Georgia, the residence at that time of his father. Subsequently he devoted himself for a few years to engineering, thereby not only enlarging his knowledge, but developing a vigorous constitution, that fitted him for his mission in the American army.
At about the age of eighteen, the Spirit of God touched his heart, and led him to the cross of Jesus. Soon after, he made a public profession of his faith, by uniting with the North Dutch Church, Albany, of which his father, the Rev. E. P. Rogers, D. D , now of New York city, was the pastor.
Receiving flattering offers to engage in business, he entered one of the most promising com-mercial houses in Albany; and such was the high appreciation of his integrity and abilities, that at the early age of twenty-one he was admitted as a partner to the firm,
But as the world was thus opening brightly before him, the call rang through the land for volunteers to protect our capital, and save the country from a rebellion, the darkest and most hideous that ever sought the destruction of a nation's life. Theodore Rodgers heard the call, and at once the spirit of a pure and undying patriotism was kindled in his soul. Neither friends, social position, business prospects, nor the tenderest personal ties could hold him back. His country called, and he answered yes ; answered with his whole soul, with all the energies of a noble nature, and with a spirit wrought for daring deeds and high achievements.
In May, 1861, he enlisted. After a varied experience, he returned home ; and on the 7th of January, 1862, was married in Cazenovia, N. Y., to the adopted daughter of H. Ten Eyck, Esq., a young lady who, we may be allowed at least to say, was every way worthy of the hand of the gallant young soldier. The bridal days were passed in the camp, where a few weeks of happiness were afforded them. Orders being received for the army to move, the bride is called, with tearful eye, to view the departure of the faithful lover and friend, who, before his plighted faith to her, had espoused the cause of American nationality and constitutional liberty.
Six months roll away, and the battle at Gaines Mills opens. Mr. Rogers, having left home as First Lieutenant, was, on account of his superior qualities as a soldier and as a man, promoted to the office of Captain. His indefatigable efforts to discharge the duties of his position seriously impaired his health, and previous to the battle referred to, he was lying sick in his tent. But the booming of the enemy's cannon roused the spirit of the soldier, and he forgot himself in his desire to win a victory for his country. An account of the last scene is given by an officer in the rebel army; and coming from such a source, its accuracy cannot be questioned. Col. McRae, while passing through Nassau, N. P., on his way to England, sought an introduction to a lady who,
I he was informed, was from Albany. Finding that she knew Dr. Rogers and his family she writes that his whole face lighted up, and he said: "Oh! I am so glad. I have been longing for months to see some one who knew the family of the brave young soldier who fell before my eyes.' 
He then said : " It was just at evening on Friday. June 27tb, at the battle of Gaines Mills, as your army was falling back, I was struck with the appearance of a young man, the Cap-tain company, who was rushing forward at the head of his. men, encouraging Them and leading them on, perfectly regardless of his own life or safety. His gallantry and bravery attracted our notice, and I felt so sure that he must fall, and so regretted the sacrifice of his life, that I tried hard to take him prisoner. But all my efforts were vain; and when at last I saw him fall, I gave order at once that he should be carried from the field. It was the last of the tight, and in a few moments Gen. Garland (also of the Confederate army) and I went in search of him, and found him under the tree whither I ordered him to be carried." Here the voice of the Colonel trembled so that he was scarcely able to proceed. Recovering himself he added : I took from his pocket his watch, some money, and three letters—one from his wife, another from his father, and the third from his mother. As Gen. Garland, who has since been killed, and I, read the letters, standing beside the youthful husband and son, we cried like children—tears of grief and regret for the brave and honored soldier and at the thought of those who would mourn him at home." He said : "Tell his wife, and father and mother, that though he was an enemy of whom we say it, he died the bravest and most gallant man that ever fell on a battle field, encouraging and leading his men on, going before them to set them an example. Tell them, also, that we saw him laid tenderly in his grave (by himself.) and that when this hateful war is over, I can take his wife to the very spot where her husband lies."
Col McRae was very anxious to know; wheth-er the letters and watch had been received by the wife, as he said that he gave them into the hands of Col. T., of the 23d Regiment, who had promised to send them by a flag of truce.
From all that could be gathered, the lamented youth never spoke a word after receiving his death wound. The clear, shrill tones of that voice that was heard above the din of battle, crying,"Victory or death," was suddenly hushed and the noble manly form fell to rise no more. "He sleeps his last sleep ; He has fought his last battle. No sound shall awake him To glory again." Yet not so. He shall awake again. The last trumpet's peal shall be heard by all the true soldiers of the cross of Jesus. Those who have parted in tears, shall meet again. Till then, let a stranger to the departed hero plead that the name of Theodore C. Rogers be nor forgotten--one, who at the age of twenty-three, laid his precious life upon the altar of his country's salvation.
To the young widow, every true American heart will tender its warmest sympathies ; and upon her little babe, who will never receive a father's caresses on earth, all will unite invoking the Heavenly Father's tenderest bless-ing; R.W.C.
Albany, March 7,1863.
From the Havelock Battery.
Correspondence of the Evening Journal.
11th New York (Havelock) Battery, Res. Art., Vol. Div., 3d Brig., Warrenton, Va., Oct. 23,1863.
I take the liberty of writing to you concerning our battery, knowing that you have some personal friends here, and that the citizens of Albany are considerably interested in the welfare of a company which was raised right in their city, and which embraces many of their most reputable citizens. The Old Havelock
Battery has earned an enviable reputation for the good behavior, discipline and general intelligence of the men composing it, and its friends have no occasion to blush for its honor or in- tegrity. We have patiently undergone long, ' harrassing marches, the privations of hunger and short rations, and have manfully encoun"
tered the shock of battle in some of the most fiercely contested fights of this war. Shortly after the battle of Chancellorville, in
May last, our Captain was placed under arrest for an alleged disobedience of an order on the i battle-field; and although the charge was not sustained, it was found convenient to remove him to make room for those who were conspir ing for his overthrow. With no Captain and a lack of commanding officers, we were ordered into the Artillery Reserve, and soon after were merged into Battery K, 1st N. Y., a little 4-gun battery of about 50 men. Our horses and equipments were peddled out to several batteries, 4 of our guns given to Uncle Sam, 10 of our men turned into a Rhode Island battery, and what remained of us was sold out to Battery K, 1st N. Y. This was a bitter pill for the boys to swallow, and humbling to their pride and ambition to be thus ruthlessly torn from old associations, and their distinctive name and character lost; but we have borne it manfully, hoping that we will all come together again at no very distant day in the future.
To wear away the tediousness of camp life, as well as to show our appreciation of real merit, we got up on short notice a Sioord Presentation for the benefit of First Lieut. James T. Wyatt, a few days before our retreat from Culpepper. The occasion was enlivened by most excellent music from the Company Choir and by the joviality and good feeling of the boys. The Presentation Remarks were made by J. Q. A. Crounse, of Albany county, to which the Lieutenant responded in a very feel- ing and well-received address.
With hearty cheers for the speakers and some patriotic music, the exercises concluded, and the boys returned to their regular camp duties again in the best of spirits. Should anything very unusual occur to us again, I will take the liberty of informing you.
Very truly, yours.
[The addresses are full of patriotic eloquence, but the pressure upon our columns prevents us from publishing them. 
The Late Battle of Rappahannock.
Correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal.
11th N. Y. (Havelock) Battery, 
RESERVE ART'Y, VOL. DIV., 3d Brig., 
Rappahan'ck Station, Va., Nov. 13, 1863.
Last Saturday's fight on the Rappahannock was one of the most brilliant affairs of this fall's campaign. We brought only one brigade into action against a brigade of Rebels on this side of the river, and by a rapid movement in front and flank, succeeded in driving them out of their long line of breast-works and rifle-pits, cutting them off from communication with their pontoon bridge, and capturing twelve hundred. prisoners and a battery of Rifled and Parrot guns. The fight lasted about two hours, but the roar of musketry and thunder of artillery were almost incessant. To the 6th Maine and 121st New York belongs the honor of storming the breast-works and capturing the prisoners and battery. Captain Tafft's heavy guns played on the Rebel forts on each side of the river, whilst Battery C, 1st Rhode Island, (to which many of our Have-locks are attached,) did the work for the Rebel infantry.
It was amusing, as well as instructive, to listen to the conversation of many of the Rebel prisoners after the fight. They were mostly from Georgia and South Carolina, with a small sprinkling of "Louisiana Tigers." "Well, boys," said some of them, "you will find some elegant shanties around Brandy Station (about four miles on the other side of the river, on the road to Culpepper,) that we have built for you. We meant them for our own winter quarters, but you can have them now." Others were congratulating themselves on the prospect of getting something to eat, now that they were prisoners among the Yankees. Many expressed their determination to take the oath of allegiance and go North to live. Some of the prisoners were recognized by several of the boys of our battery as old friends and shop-mates at the North, before the war broke out. I think these prisoners were better dressed, and looked more intelligent than any lot I have seen heretofore.
There are a great many fanciful stories circulated at the North concerning the utter destitution and suffering of the Confederates; and yet they generally meet us at every point with equal force, and fight with an energy and desperation that are extremely difficult to withstand. They may not have quite as much to eat as we, nor as good pay, but believing us invaders of their sacred soil, and themselves as fighting for liberty and independence, they are hard to conquer. The most disaffected among them are the new levies or conscripts—men who have been torn from their homes and families to engage in a struggle which they believe to be hopeless. These last seek every opportunity to escape or desert, and come into our lines whenever they can evade the vigilance of their guards and pickets.
It is hard to distinguish here between the loyal and disloyal. The men whom you see to-day quietly at their homes engaged in their labors, are converted at night into guerrillas, who hang on the rear of trains and gobble up stray wagons and mules, their sole object being plunder. It is impossible for the army to make a move, or for a General to contemplate a piece of strategy without its being known in advance to the enemy, through the medium of some of these "loyal" citizens. The "Parti-zan Rangers" (guerrillas) are adopting our uniform. On the night when the Reserve Ar-tillery moved from New Baltimore to War-renton, about seven miles, we met about 150 cavalry, well mounted and apparently our own, who pounced upon the rear wagons connected with the flying artillery and captured
the drivers and about 130 mules. They were subsequently mostly recaptured. It appears to me that an enemy caught wearing our uniform should suffer death, or, at least, not be treated as an ordinary prisoner of war.
The old Havelock Battery, or the greater part of it, still remains attached to Battery K, 1st New York. As soon as active field operations shall have, ceased, and the army settle down into winter quarters again, we expect to be detached and resume our old organization. According to a late order from the War Department, batteries in the field are to be filled up from the infantry regiments, and these regiments are to be recruited by the conscripts and volunteers now being raised.
Very truly yours,
J. Q. A. Crounse.
Casualties in the Havelock Battery. Extracts from a Letter, from Lt. John E. Burton, of this city, of the Havelock (11th) Battery, dated
Falmouth, May 6.
We have had a rough time. We have been in the hardest of the fight. We lost one Sergeant killed and one officer (Lt. Wyatt) and nine men wounded. Lt. Wyatt was hit slight-ly in the breast. His life was saved by a locket. Lt. Wyatt is from Greenbush.
We lost thirty horses and three caisson bodies. We got off all our guns. Our men did nobly. Those not hurt are well.
None of the Albany men are among the wounded-except Parnell.
The following is the list of
killed and wounded.
Killed— Sergt. J. R. Warrington, fragment of shell passed through the body.
Seriously Wounded-Edward M.Mann, right leg amputated below knee; Henry D. Callo-may, fragment of shell in bowels, probably mortally wounded; Seth Patterson, right arm shot off; J. W. Parnell, right leg broken.
Slightly Wounded-Lieut. J. T. Wyatt, breast-Duncan Cameron, right leg; David D. Davis, face; Lafayette Murry, right ankle; Chas. M. Swane, left shoulder. 
Letter from the Eleventh (Havelock) New York Battery
Eleventh New York Battery,
Second Corps, First Division,
Near Petersburg, Va., June 25.
Dear Brother—You have no idea what harrassing marches and fatigue we have undergone, and what few facilities have been afforded us for mail privileges. From the 4th of May up to the present time, the army has been marching and fighting almost every day. We have, on the whole, been very successful; but it has been at an immense outlay of life, limb, and horseflesh.
I will not attempt to give you a history of Army movements; the newspapers have kept you pretty well posted thereon. Our Battery is attached to a corps which has been the ad-vance of the army, for most of the time, and we have been into about every right that has come along. Every considerable battle lasts now from three days to a week, and artillery is more freely used than ever before.
The rebellion dies very hard, and we can


only extinguish it by using up Lee's army ana resources; for resistance, Gen. Lee seems disposed to contest every foot of ground from here to Richmond, but as we shall, in a few days have command of the rail roads leading to the Rebel Capital, we may starve him into submission. God grant that it may be so. Unusual good fortune has attended us all through the campaign. We have had but one killed and six wounded.
G. T. Vandenburgh, of Guilderland, was killed at Coal [Cold] Harbor by a Minnie ball, which entered the brain through the temple. He-died instantly. He was a brave and faithful soldier, an excellent scholar, and a devoted Christian. His loss is deeply felt by us all.
Sergeant Charles Kelley, of Albany, was wounded at the same place in the head. He will recover. Sergeant Groesbeck, of Albany, was badiy bruised on left leg, by a cannister ball, which disables him from walking; not seriously. Corporal William Van Gaasbeek*, of Albany, was shot through the shoulder. His arm was amputated close to the shoulder. John Metcalf, from Ohio, was shot through the neck with a Minnie ball; will probably recover. Wm. H. Loag, of Albany, received a scalp wound of the head, very painful, but not probably dangerous. Edward Willard, of Albany, was wounded slightly in the side, at Coal Harbor, by the same Minnie ball which killed Vandenburgh. His wound is not considered dangerous.
The Seventh New York Artillery have been roughly handled since they came over here. They have lost more than half their number, and some three or four hundred of them are prisoners of war in Richmond.
Affectionately yours.
*Since died of his wounds, at David's Island, near New York. _________

Casualties In the Havelock Battery.
Camp near Petersburg, Va , Jane 24th 1864.
J. C. Cuyler, Fsq —Dear Sir:— Again this morning the 11th N. Y. (Havelock) Battery was engaged, and had the following persons killed and wounded, viz:
Alfred Elwell, killed, piece of shell in head, of Ashtabula, Ohio.
W. Robertson, wounded, slightly, in arm, of Troy, N. Y.
John Markey, wounded in arm, slightly, of Albany, N. Y. (From Albany Journal office )
James Manning, wounded in hand, of Philadelphia, Pa.
Pieces of shells struck many more of the boys but not hitting them hard enough to break the skin.
Respectfully, Yours, G. N. P. G.
Casualties in the Havelock Battery.
Camp Near Petersburg, Va., June 23, 1864
J. C. Cutler, EsQ.-The casualties of our Battery, 11th New York (Havelock) Battery, so far, are:—Wm. A. Van Gaasbeek, of Albany, wounded in arm, arm am-putated at shoulder-since died.
Chas W. Kelly, of Albany, wounded in head.
Wm H. Long, of Albany, wounded in head.
John H. Metcalf, of Ashtabula, Ohio, wounded in neck—since died._____
Edward D. Willard, of Albany, wounded in the abdomen.
G Vandenburgh, of Knox, Albany county, shot thro' temples-died instantly. James Groesbeck, of Albany, slightly wounded in leg. Elihu H. Ropes, of Elizabeth Port, N. J., slightly wounded In arm.
Died in Hospital.—Lieut. John Nolan, 155th Regiment, who was mortally wounded in the battle before Petersburg, died in hospital at Annapolis on Friday. Lieut. N. was an Albany boy. He enlisted as a private" in the 43d regiment, and for meritorious conduct was promoted and transferred to the 156th. He wasa brave soldier.
Casualties in the Havelock Battery,
Correspondence of the Albany Evening Journal.
Camp near Petersburg, July 1. In mentioning the casualties in the various regiments and organizations which have left the City of Albany, we would not forget to mention the Eleventh New York Independent Battery, Capt. Burton's (better known in Albany as the Havelock Battery.) Since the | opening of the Spring campaign, the Battery has been attached to the Second Corps, been in nearly every engagement and done good service.
The casualties thusfar, are as follows:-At Cold Harbor, on the 6th of June, Corporal Wm. A.Van Gaasbeck, of Albany, wounded in Ieft shoulder; had arm amputated, and died from the effects of it on the 24th. At the same place, on the 9th, Sergeant Chas. W. Kelly, of Albany, wounded in the head. At the same )lace, on the 12th, Gerrit H. Vandenburgh, of Knox, killed; Edwin D. Willard, of Al-bany, wounded in abdomen. On the 17th, before Petersburgh, Sergeant James Groes beck, of Albany, wounded in leg; John Met-calf, of Ashtabula, Ohio, wounded in neck, died on the 19th. Same place, on the 18th, Wm. H Loag, of Albany wounded in head. On the 24th, below Petersburgh, Alfred El-well, of Painesville, Ohio, killed; Sergeant James Manning, of Ashtabula, Ohio, wounded in head; John Markey, of Albany, wounded in arm; Wallace Robertson, of Troy, wounded in arm. I am happy to inform you that the wounded men are all doing well,some of them having already returned to the Battery for duty.,
Casualities in the Havelock Battery. —The casualities in this gallant organization now at the front, before Petersburg, are given by a correspondent. At Cold Harbor, on the 6th of June, Corporal Wm. A. Van Gaasbeck, of Albany, wounded in left shoulder; had arm amputated, and died from the effects of it on the 24th. At the same place, on the 9th, Sergeant Chas. W. Kelly, of Albany, wounded in the head. At the same place, on the 12th, Gerritt H. Vandenburgh, of Knox, killed; Edwin D. Willard, of Albany, wounded in abdomen. On the 17th, before Petersburg, Sergeant James Groesbeck, of Albany,wounded in leg; John Metcalf, of Ashtabula, Ohio, wounded in neck, died on the 19th. Same place, on the 18th, Wm. H. Loag, of Albany, wounded in head, On the 24th, below Petersburg, Alfred Elwell, of Painesville, Ohio, killed ; Sergeant James Manning, of Ashtabula, Ohio, wounded in head; John Mar ket, of Albany, wounded in arm; Wallace Robert-son, of Troy, wounded in arm. The wounded men are all doing well, some of them having already returned to the Battery for duty. __


"Havelock" Battery Camp Near Jones-Bend, on James River Va., Aug. 17, 1864 Friend Cuyler :—Again is the 2d Corps on the move, and the 11th New York, "Havelock" Battery, Capt. Burton, has been en-gaged, and William Kemp, of Albany, was wounded in the wrist. He is doing well. The rest of the members and the officers are well. Yours, &e. G. N. P. G.
The Eleventh New York Battery
—At a meeting of the officers and members of the Eleventh New York Battery, held In camp, in the "Woods." near Petersburg,Va., July 3d, 1864, the foll. wing resolutions were unanimously adopted :—
Resolved, That in the death of Corporal William A Van Gaasbeck. Garrit Vandenburgh, John H. Met calf and Alfred C. Elwell, who fell nobly fighting for our country in the late battles of .June, 1864, we, the offi-cers and members of the Eleventh New York Battery have lost In them warm and true-hearted friends, the ser-vice gallant and efficient men and the country true patri-ots; whose conduct while with us in camp and field has been such as to confer honor upon the Battery of which they were members, and entitled them to the grati tude of their country.
Resolved. That while bowed with grief at the death of so many of our companions and brothers in arms, we humblv submit to the overruling Providence which has seen fit to call them from us in the flower of their days and find con-solation in the manner in which they met a soldier's glorious death in their country's cause.
Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved parents and mends of our fallen companions our most cordial sympathies in this their severe afflictions, and that their memory shall ever be green, and their names revered amcng us.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the families and friends of the deceased; also, that copies be furnished for publication in the Albany Evening Journal and Ashtabula Telegraph.
John E. Burton, President. Gabriel N.P. Gale, Secretary.
Dismissed from the Service.—Capt. A. Von Puttkammer, of the 11th N. Y. Independent Battery, has been dismissed the service for disobedience of orders on the field of Chancellors-ville. Capt Puttkammer was formerly Pastor of the German Baptist Church, in this city. He has always hitherto borne the reputation of a brave and efficient officer.___ ____
Private W. W. H. Emmons, of the Eighth New York Independent Battery,has been promoted to lieutenancy in the One Hundred and Thirtieth New York Volunteers, and assigned, to duty at the headquarters of Major General Peck.
Promoted.—N. P. Gale, of this city, was yesterday promoted by Gov. Seymour to the office of Lieutenant in the 11th N. Y. Bat-tery__ Promotion.—Frank Wilkeson, private in the 11th N. Y. Independent Battery, has been promoted to a 2d Lieutenantcy in the 4th U. S. Artillery.— Lieut. Wilkeson is the youngest son of Samuel Wilkeson, Esq., and enlisted on the opening of the May campaign in Virginia. He took part in all the sanguinary struggles of May and June, which have made the Army of the Potomac famous forever. His heroic example is commended to other young men, who are equally bound to peril all for country.
J. Fillmore Crank gives up the mercantile trade for more war like purposes. He has a commission in the 11 N. Y. Heavy Artillery, has obtained several recruits, and wants more at his Head Quarters, Geneseo.
Another Victim of the War.—William Van Gaasbeek a member of the Eleventh Artillery (Have-lock Battery) died on Morris Island, near New York, yes-terday morning. On the 12th inst. he was wounded in the arm by a Rebel sharpshooter, and afterwards suffered amputation of the limb at the shoulder blade. Although he received every attention, his physician could not rally him, and he sank steadily and calmly into the slumbers of death. He was a young man possessed of many sc-cial and agreeable qualities, and beloved by his comrades. He was a brave and accomplished soldier, and enlisted in the defence of his country with mingled feelings of patriotism and justice. His death will cast a gloom over a large circle of relatives and friends in this day, by whom he was loved and beloved.
Death of Wm. H. Sinclair.
At a meeting of members of the 11th N. Y (Havelock) Battery, held in camp, near Rappahannock Station, Va . Nov. 24, 1863, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:-
Whereas Almighty God. in his infinite wisdom and mercy has seen fit to remove from our midst by death Private Wm. H. Sinclair, who died in hospital after a brief illness of two weeks: and whereas, we realize in this dispensation of Providence, a loss painful to us and difficult to be repaired, therefore it is 
Resolved, That in the death of our comrade the Country has lost a good, faithful soldier, and ourselves an estimable and warm-hearted friend.
Resolved, That we tende*- to the parents of the deceased out heartfelt sympathy and condolence in their unexpect-ed bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent for publication to the Ashtabula Weekly Telegraph and Al-bany Evening Journal.
Lieut. WADMORE REDHEAD, Ch'n. Corporal Lewis Shepard, Sec'y. no28 It
Dismissal of an Albanian. — As will be seen by the following extract, Captain A. Von Puttkammer, of the Havelock Battery, recruited in this city, has been dismissed from the Army:
Capt. A. Von Puttkammer, Eleventh New York Independent Battery, was tried before a Court Martial, of which Col. S. M. Bowman, Sixty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, is President, under charges of disobedience of orders, cowardice and misbehavior in the presence of the enemy. The first specification was as fol-lows :
In this, that Capt. A. Von Puttkammer, of the Eleventh New York Independent Battery, having received a written order from Major General Sickles, through Capt. Geo. E. Randolph, Chief of Artillery, Third Corps, to report with his battery to Capt. Randolph, at the crest near Gen. Slocum's headquarters, and in rear of the line of battle of the Third corps, did not obey said order, but marched his battery to the rear, while the corps to which he belonged was becoming rapidly exhausted and falling back. This on the morning of Sunday, May 3, 1863, near Chancellorsville, Va.
He was found guilty of all the charges and was sentenced "to be dismissed the military aervice of the United Statas and to forfeit ail pay and allowances now due him from the Government."
The proceedings received this indorsement:
"The proceedings of the Court in the case of Captain A. Von Puttkammer have been forwarded for the. action of the President of the United States. The sentence was dismissal from the service with loss of pay; but the requirements of the Eighty-fifth Article of War respecting publication in the newspapers were not complied with, and the sentence is therefore inoperative. The President, however, directs that the accused be dismissed the service, and Capt. A. Von Puttkammer accordingly ceases to be an officer of the United States service from the l5th day of June, 1863." 
The Havelocks.—It will doubtless be
gratifying to the many friends of the Eleventh N. Y. Independent (Havelock) Battery, to learn that they hare safely arrived, and are now en-camped near Alexandria, Va., which place they reached on the 8th inst. The order given below was issued upon their leaving the Artillery Brigade of the Second Corps—their horses having become so exhausted that it was impossible for them to accompany the rest of the corps on the over land route, and they consequently were sent by
railroad and steam via City Point, in advance.
Although this battery was engaged more than any other in the Second Corps, from the first movement of the Federal army upon the Rebel works before Petersburg; until the surrender of Gen, Lee, yet fortunately not a single member was wounded. This is truly wonderful. First Lieut. Jas. A. Manning was in command of the battery until the 14th of April, when Capt. Geo, W. Davey returned from leave. Capt. Davey was much disappointed at not being able to join his command sooner, but when he arrived at Peters-burg the army had cut itself loose from its base.
The boys are expecting soon to receive their discharges, and once more enjoy the comforts of home and the blessings of that Peace they have i helped to secure to our beloved country.
Head-Quarters Artil'y Brigade, 2nd Army Corps, May 1st, 1865. Gen'l Order, No. 19. "Extract."
* * * The Brevet Lieut. Col. commanding desires to express his gratification at the courage and promptness invariably displayed by both officers and men on the field of battle. The precision of their firing particularly being worthy of remark. * * * By command of
[Signed.] Brevet Lieut Col. Hazard.
A. M. E. Gordon,
Lieut, and A. A. A. G.