State summary of war casualties : (New York). United States. Navy Dept. Office of Information. -- Washington, D.C. United States Government Printing Office, 1946.
Pacca, Anthony
Paccione, Marco T.
Pace, Robert Arthur
Pacelli, Lewis Henry
Pacia, Michael A
Pacini, Charles Vincent
Pacitto, Ralph Angelo
Packard, James Edward
Packard, James Michael
Packard, William Owen
Pacuillo, Nick F.
Paddock, Herbert Frank
Padlo, Alexander M.
Padron, Joseph
Paduck, Paul
Paganelli, Frank Louis
Pagano, Salvatore
Page, Herbert Bruce
Page, James Keena
Page, Louis Leland
Pagliaro, Daniel
Pagnozzi, Alfred
Paige, Eugene Stanley
Paige, Norman Sidney
Paine, Leland Francis
Paini, Gino Joseph
Paino, Joseph T.
Paiva, John Nazareth
Pakradooni, Aram Puzant
Palacios, John R.
Palazzolo, Frank Joseph
Palcich, Stanley Henry
Palermo, Anthony
Palermo, Charles Francis
Palermo, James William
Palermo, Ralph P.
Paley, William J
Palicki, Steven Stanislaus
Palka, Stephen Frank
Palladino, Frank
Palleska, Peter P.
Palma, Michael Joseph
Palmer, Clarence Erwin
Palmer, James Arthur
Palmer, John P
Palmer, Joseph Louis
Palopoli, Domonick
Palopoli, Orlando C
Paluch, Thaddeus Walter
Palumbo, Dominic P.
Palumbo, Joseph A.
Palyo, Edward W.
Panagos, John F.
Panara, Joseph Nicholas
Panariello, Arthur Francis
Panaro, James M
Panchyshyn, John
Panek, Norbert Joseph
Pangburn, Ernest Samuel
Panica, Lewis J.
Panik, Paul
Panitz, Irwin Arthur
Pankowski, Raymond Joseph
Panosian, George
Panson, Fred
Pantaleo, Louis P.
Pantalia, DanieI J.
Paolini, Herbert J
Paonessa, John F.
Papa, Anello Dominick
Papa, Pasquale Joseph
Pape, John Albert
Pape, Robert B.
Papenhausen, George A.
Pappalardo, Samuel
Pappas, Aaleiviades M
Pappas, James Martin
Pappas, Peter N.
Paradis, Joseph Albert
Paralic, Andrew Joseph
Parcheta, Walter J.
Parent, Amos L.
Parent, Ernest R.
Parent, Francis W
Parente, Giustino
Park, Francis S.
Park, Harold L.
Parker, Clifford John
Parker, Dewey Ernest
Parker, Gerald
Parker, Harry S.
Parker, John Eugene
Parker, John Shelton
Parker, Joseph E.
Parker, Joseph Francis
Parker, Kenneth
Parker, Lloyd V.
Parker, Samuel Thomas
Parkhurst, Clif Eugene
Parkhurst, Lester Kent
Parkinson, Stanley George
Parkison, Howard A
Parks, Everett T.
Parks, Ned Franklin
Parks, Norman E
Parks, Robert Wallace
Parks, William A.
Paro, Robert W.
Parrinello, Frank
Parrinello, James
Parsons, George Herbert
Partnow, Morris Jack
Partyka, Edward Joseph
Parus, Henry Robert
Parziale, Michael John
Pascaretti, Frank Thomas
Pasciuto, Aldo F.
Pascocello, Michael Raymond
Pash, Joseph Stanley
Pashoff, Gustave
Pask, Patrick J.
Pask, William Fredrick
Paslawsky, Daniel
Pasquale, Mike J.
Passalacqua, Louis John
Passanisi, Thomas Joseph
Passarelli, John Anthony
Passaretti, Thomas A.
Passiglia, Agostino J.
Passmore, John A.
Passon, Benjamin Fabian
Pastorini, John Louis
Paszkowski, Felix S.
Patalon, Charles
Patchen, Robert H
Pate, Norman Alexander
Paterno, Andrew Patrick
Paterno, Charles Joseph
Paton, John Joseph
Patruno, Pasquale John
Patrzyc, Henry Frank
Patterson, Daniel William
Patterson, Donald Delos
Patterson, Paul Anthony
Patterson, William Raymond
Paulik, Andrew
Paulson, Francis Jack
Pausley, John J.
Paust, Carl William
Pavone, Concetto
Pavonetti, John A.
Pawelek, Zygmund A.
Pawkett, Henry James
Pawloski, John Thomas
Pawlowski, Joseph A
Pawlowski, Raymond Paul
Pawlyshyn, John
Payavis, Edgar Allen
Payette, Ernest P.
Payne, Arthur
Payne, Harry Decker
Payne, James Andrew
Payne, Robert R.
Payne, Thomas E.
Payne, West Adams
Paynter, Stewart W.
Pazofsky, Harold
Pear, William
Pearsall, Edward Lee
Pearsall, Winford James
Pearson, Charles Joseph
Pearson, Donald W.
Pease, Llewellyn
Peate, Jack B
Pecheone, Raymond F.
Pechinsky, Benjamin P.
Peck, Donald Frederick
Peck, Gordon Charles
Peck, James R.
Peck, Raymond Francis
Peck, Walter Joseph
Peckay, Frank R
Pecor, Timothy Edward
Pecori, Peter
Pedersen, Albert Christian
Pedersen, Walter Richard
Pedine, William Arthur
Pedone, Andrew Joseph
Pedota, Vito V.
Pekarich, Joseph S.
Pelc, Casimir P.
Pelc, John Stanley
Peleschak, Michael
Pelham, Daniel Eugene
Pell, Clarence T.
Pellac, Eugene
Pellettiere, Frank
Pemberton, Hector F.
Pencylean, Orrin Charles
Pendergast, Hamilton T.
Pendzich, Frank J
Peneno, John
Penge, Raymond. G.
Penn, Albert J.
Penna, Frank F
Penney, Jean M.
Pennica, Frank James
Pennington, Frank Henry
Pennino, Joseph Vincent
Pensabene, Giacchino T.
Pensabene, Joseph Anthony
Penter, Loren Boyd
Pepe, Alfred C.
Pepe, Frank J.
Pepe, Joseph Michael
Pepe, Thomas M
Pepper, Louis
Peralta, Anthony
Percoco, Veto
Perdue, Harold Joseph
Pereira, Joseph J
Perez, Rafael Matlas
Perez, Vincent Edward
Perkins, Edson Q.
Perkins, Elbert S.
Perkins, Ellsworth Clark
Perkins, John Wentworth
Perkins, Louis Thomas
Perkins, Norman E
Perkins, Robert W.
Perkins, Stuart B.
Perkins, Walter E.
Perling, Richard Charles
Perlman, Max
Perlman, Max Morton
Perloff, Milton Max.
Perna, Anthony Thomas
Perna, Carmen J
Perna, Ralph Carmine
Pero, Donald L.
Perrault, George E
Perrault, Lewis J.
Perri, Armando Francesco
Perri, Peter V.
Perris, Pandilis
Perrone, Charles
Perrotta, Carmen Joseph
Perrotta, Salvatore
Perry, Edwin W.
Perry, Elbert J.
Perry, John Edward
Perry, Max C.
Pers, Gordon Raymond
Pescia, Everett Vincent
Peskin, David
Peskin, Max
Peskin, Michael
Petchenick, Solly
Peterman, Fred E.
Peters, Edward W.
Peters, Ernest James
Peters, William
Peters, William H.
Petersen, Andrew
Petersen, John Francis
Petersen, Robert Otto
Petersohn, James Warren
Peterson, Albert Hendrix
Peterson, Anthony James
Peterson, Arthur Burnett
Peterson, Donald Albert
Peterson, Howard B.
Peterson, John LeRoy
Peterson, Melvin Luther
Peterson, Richard C.
Peterson, William Francis
Peterssen, John Francis
Petito, Frank Joseph
Petralia, Anthony J
Petrella, Julius Thomas
Petri, Liberty
Petrick, David F.
Petrilli, Vito Michael
Petro, George Edward
Petrone, Alfred W
Petrone, Anthony F.
Petrone, Peter P.
Petroski, Richard
Petrunyak, John
Petry, Edward C.
Pettigrew, Dennis P.
Pettit, Denis Joseph
Pettit, Edward G.
Petty, Roger Donald
Petty, Winthrop W.
Pfaff, William James
Pfahlert, Frank L.
Pfeffer, Robert C.
Pfeiffer, Paul A.
Pfeil, Bernhard Henry
Pfendler, Bernard
Pfisterer, Frederick
Pfuerstinger, Louis J.
Phelan, Peter P.
Phelps, George E.
Philip, John Van Ness
Philipbar, Theodore J.
Philipp, William Francis
Phillips, Andrew
Phillips, Arnold P.
Phillips, Calvin D.
Phillips, Clifford James
Phillips, Donald A.
Phillips, Donald J.
Phillips, Erwin E.
Phillips, Frank P.
Phillips, George A.
Phillips, George J.
Phillips, George T.
Phillips, Harry Roff
Phillips, John J.
Phillips, John R.
Phillips, Leo M.
Philpott, Robert E.
Philyaw, James H.
Phinney, Arthur Wesley
Phipps, Allen Belding
Phipps, Donald A.
Phipps, John S.
Piacentino, Leonard
Picciano, Vincent J.
Piccinotti, Joseph
Picciocchi, Giovanni
Piccirilli, Nathan F.
Piccirillo, Angelo J.
Piccirillo, Anthony C.
Piccolomini, Dominick
Picerno, Mario N.
Piche, Edmond S.
Pickman, Lawrence
Pickup, Lewis Herman
Piechota, Peter P.
Piede, Werner
Piekarski, Benny Anthony
Pienack, Raymond R.
Pierce, Canterbury B.
Pierce, Clarence John
Pierce, Edward E.
Pierce, John W.
Pierce, Willard J.
Pierce, William Thomas
Piering, William J.
Pieringer, Charles F.
Pierpont, Charles B.
Pierson, Hilan R.
Pierson, Robert D.
Pietrantonio, Joseph D.
Pietrowski, Anthony John
Pietrowski, John S.
Pike, Ira
Pikul, Stanley J.
Pileckas, Allen
Pileckas, Henry
Pilkington, Kieran J.
Pillard, Arnold A.
Pilon, Glenn W.
Pilotti, Charles
Pimm, Henry G.
Pinegar, Franklin A.
Pineman, Robert W.
Pinero, Robert W.
Pinkney, Donald R.
Pinkoff, Jerome David
Pinner, Clifford L.
Pinter, George A.
Pinter, Warren H.
Piorkowski, Cornelius S.
Piperata, Alfred J.
Pipitone, Leonard
Pirozzi, Charles Nickolas
Pirro, Joseph P.
Piscitelli, William F.
Piscopo, Andrew W.
Piskorski, Bronislaus L.
Piszczek, Joseph Anthony
Pitcher, Frederick N.
Pitchon, Salvatore
Pitera, Stanley E.
Pitka, Antonio A.
Pitkouvich, Nicholas
Pitta, Joseph Anthony
Pittman, Harry T.
Pizanowski, Walter Thomas
Pizzo, George D.
Pizzo, John B.
Pizzo, John Francis
Place, Kenneth Everdell
Plagoff, Edward
Plaine, Irving M.
Planishek, Victor F.
Plata, George
Platek, John F.
Platt, Alexander H.
Plawski, Stanley
Playford, Leonard V.
Playne, Charles Ramon
Plec, Adam Frank
Plocharczyk, Walter Vincent
Plochick, Frederick
Plohocki, Zenon K.
Ploian, Jacob J.
Plotnick, Eli
Plumb, John H.
Plunkett, Thomas Joseph
Plunkett, Walter J.
Pluta, John
Pociegiel, Joseph A.
Pockalny, Andrew J.
Poczatek, Julian Henry
Podgorniak, Henry Peter
Podolsky, Thadeus
Podres, Ladislaus
Podzeba, Herman
Poggioli, John N.
Pohl, Lester
Pohl, Theodore
Pohl, Warren W.
Polan, Dighton L.
Poland, Robert James
Polanowski, Theodore F.
Polanski, Walter
Polen, Joseph P.
Polen, Robert M.
Polesso, James A.
Polhemus, Willis
Poli, Anthony Leonard
Policano, Vincent James
Polikowski, Michael
Polishan, Steve J.
Polisky, Edward
Polityka, Thomas Daniel
Politylo, Wasil
Polivy, Calvin
Polizzi, Samuel
Polk, Nicholas
Polk, Oscar L.
Pollack, Clement
Pollak, Edward G.
Pollard, Richard H.
Pollastro, Dominick P.
Pollinger, Arthur Harold
Pollock, Roy J.
Polomares, Manuel F.
Poloncarz, John E.
Polonyi, Charles
Pomichowski, Benjamin A.
Pomposello, Peter Anthony
Poness, Ralph C.
Pontante, Louis P.
Pontecorvo, Julius H.
Poole, Francis L.
Poole, Frederick E.
Poole, Henry Clark
Poole, Walker P.
Pooler, Robert W.
Poosikian, George
Pope, Douglas A.
Pope, George Joseph
Popeckie, Frank
Popeleski, Stanley D.
Popeo, Gerald A.
Popielarski, Adolph M.
Popkin, Arthur G.
Pople, John F.
Popovich, Nicholas P.
Poppe, George S.
Poray, Linwood Peter
Porcher, Norman W.
Porpiglia, Vincent Anthony
Porpora, Alphonse
Porpora, Joseph
Porsch, John Charles
Porter, Andrew R.
Porter, Joseph R.
Porter, Ralph Lane
Porter, Robert E.
Porter, Robert J.
Porteus, Donald F.
Porto, Philip J.
Portz, George W.
Porzelt, William J.
Poschadel, Edward
Posener, Berrian Philip
Posey, Samuel F.
Pospisil, Frank
Post, Clarence H.
Post, Edward Charles
Post, Harold
Postiglione, Gerald
Postman, Hyman
Potaczala, Joseph Andrew
Potkewitz, Herbert E.
Potolicchio, Rodney Alphonso
Potratz, Robert G.
Potter, Charles K.
Potter, Charles Steele
Potter, Clayton
Potter, Edward D.
Potter, Henry Thomas
Potter, John R.
Potter, Sheldon H.
Potts, Joseph Edward
Poulin, Wilfred H.
Pound, Robert L.
Powell, Charles A.
Powell, David Baden
Powell, Edward Vincent
Powell, James R.
Powell, John Michael
Powell, Robert F.
Powell, Thomas Francis
Powell, William J.
Powers, Arthur V.
Powers, George J.
Powers, James Anthony
Powers, James J.
Powers, John J.
Powers, Joseph G.
Powers, Matthew F.
Powers, William P.
Powers, William R.
Powles, John M.
Powley, Charles 0.
Powlowski, Albert Michael
Prall, James Arthur
Pramberger, Anthony A.
Pranzo, Robert J.
Pratt, Clifton L.
Pratt, Lyman S.
Prebola, John M.
Prefontaine, John William
Preiser, Arthur
Prell, Francis M.
Premschetz, Alex
Prendergast, John J.
Prentice, Earl J.
Prentice, Sheldon E.
Preset, Douglas R.
Preslak, John
Preslak, Peter
Press, Benjamin
Pressner, Charles J.
Prestia, Philip J.
Prestianni, Anthony
Prestigiacomo, Samuel A.
Preston, Victor M.
Prete, Joseph A.
Prew, Robert J.
Preziosi, Carmen J.
Prezzano, Ralph William
Price, Frank L.
Price, Joseph T.
Price, LeRoy
Price, S. Franklin
Price, Thomas Langdon
Price, Vincent Herbert
Price, Virgil B.
Prichard, Charles L.
Priest, Leonard Nicholas
Prieto, Miguel A.
Prihodka, Jack Patrick
Primiano, John P.
Primoff, Leon R.
Prince, John F.
Pringle, Walter G.
Prior-Leahy, Edward Charles
Prisaznuk, Michael Dominick
Pritchard, Elbert B.
Pritchard, William L.
Pritzlaff, Paul Earnest
Proal, William A.
Proctor, William A.
Procyk, Nicholas
Proffitt, Edward L. F.
Profis, Peter
Progy, Henry
Progy, Stanley
Proper, Harvey B.
Proper, Leonard G.
Protas, Stefani
Protas, Walter August
Protchenko, Anatole
Proud, Wilfred R.
Prout, Robert Herman
Prouty, Paul B.
Provenzo, Anthony
Provost, Leee F.
Prush, John Anthony
Prusinski, Joseph
Przybyl, Matthew J.
Przybyla, Frederic J.
Przybys, Richard
Przylucki, Walter J.
Pucek, John Edward
Pucek, Joseph E.
Pucello, Eddio V.
Puchalski, Raymond John
Puckman, Philip
Pudiack, Franklin A.
Pudlewski, Norbert S.
Puff, Donald L.
Pugliese, Albert J.
Pugliese, Vincent A.
Puliafico, Aniello Anthony
Pulizzi, Vincent F.
Pull, John P.
Pumphrey, Robert G.
Puorto, Gregory L.
Pupillo, Calogero S.
Purcell, Patrick R.
Purchas, John Barrnett
Purdoski, John P.
Purick, John Andrew
Purino, Albert J.
Purrick, Theodore Franklin
Purtell, Robert J.
Purves, George T.
Pusins, Raymond R.
Puskarowitz, John J.
Puskas, James
Putnam, Gerald C.
Putney, James Paul
Putorti, Tony J.
Putz, Frank M.
Pyle, Donald G.
Pyne, Warner C. Jr.
Pyrch, George
Pyzak, Edward B.
Pyzow, Walter
City of Birth:
State of Birth:
ID Number:
Home City:
Home State:
Enlist Date:
Separation Date: