Historical sketch of the Seventh (7th) Regiment, National Guard of New York
- Gadebusch, Paul H.
- Gailand, Wm.
- Gallagaher,
- Gallagher, Thomas A.
- Gallimore, Marshall R.
- Galwey, Thomas F.
- Gardner, Kenneth
- Garey, Philip
- Garland,
- Garland, J. W.
- Gartner, Arthur W.
- Garvin, Frank W.
- Garvin, William J.
- Gaskell, Harold H.
- Gaudineer, William J.
- Gaynor, George F.
- Geehan,
- Gentle, David W.
- George, James J.
- George, Ramon W.
- Gerety, Edward J.
- Gerrity,
- Gilbert,
- Gilbert, Jacob F.
- Gilbert, James T.
- Gilcher, Jacob O.
- Gillegan, Crawford
- Gillespie, J. J.
- Gillies, George J.
- Gillispie, J. J.
- Gilson, Raymond E.
- Girdner, Claude C.
- Glendenning,
- Glennen, Charles
- Goetz, Charles O.
- Goldesby, Frederick W.
- Golding, John N., Jr.
- Goldsmtih, Richard R.
- Goodier, Austin C.
- Gordon, Harold W.
- Gordon, Stephen H.
- Goshen, George A. B.
- Goss, Wright D., Jr.
- Gosselin, Alfred L.
- Gould, Charles P.
- Gould, Everett S.
- Gould, Francis L.
- Gould, Francis L.
- Gould, Francis L.
- Gow, Kenneth
- Gowell, Robert E.
- Gower, Henry G.
- Graham,
- Graham, James G., Jr.
- Graham, R. R.
- Graham, R. R.
- Granger, J.
- Grant, Douglas M.
- Grant, Walter R.
- Grant, William H.
- Gray, John V.
- Grazier, Henry C.
- Greason, Herbert
- Greene, Henry W.
- Greene, William M.
- Greer, Winfield
- Griffin, Charles J.
- Griffin, Edward J.
- Griffin, Egbert B.
- Griffiths, Hugh B.
- Griffiths, Richard
- Grimm, Earle D.
- Gross, Cassius C.
- Gudebrod, Frederick C.
- Guerrero, Arthur P.
- Guidess,
- Guiniff, Joseph L.
- Gulick, Edw. J.
- Gustafson, Srvif G.
- Gwyer, Lloyd F.
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