7th New York Independent Battery's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Killed—Anthony Goodsell, Mathew Hicks, Felix Cleary. [Killed at Fair Oaks].
Wounded-Moses Crawford, Chas. A. Baily, John Proudfit, Nelson Legg, Geo. Edgar, John Hunter, Jas. M. Swain.
A letter from a member of Regan's Battery (Seventh New York), informs us that they now occupy the extreme front, two and a half miles from Norfolk.—Journal.
THE PRESENTATION.—Quite a number of citizens and friends of the men of Regan's Battery gathered at People's Hall, on Saturday evening, to witness the presentation of a flag to the battery. The presentation speech was made by David A. Scott, Esq., and appropriately responded to by Captain Regan. After which the company present—or such as chose--spent the evening in a social dance. The whole affair passed off in fine style, and reflected credit upon the gentleman instrumental in getting it up--Mr. John Hanmore.
MORE TROOPS COMING TO ALBANY.—The following despatches have been received at the Governor's:--
Richmond, July 18, 1865.
To Governor Fenton:
The Seventh New York Independent Battery have been ordered to Albany, N. Y., for muster out. FRED. MARTIN, Major.
The 7th N. Y. Independent Battery, 127 men, arrived in this city, via the Hudson River Railroad, on Thursday night, between 11 and 12 o'clock, and was received and entertained by the Citizens' Committee. The battery was in command of Captain Regan. It was raised in Orange county in 1861. It took part in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill. It was afterwards sent to Suffolk, where it served under Generals Peek and Butler.
After partaking of supper the battery proceeded to the barracks, where it will remain until mustered out and paid off.