148th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Major MURRAY, of the 148th N. Y., with one hundred men, in a recent raid into Princess Ann county, Va., destroyed eighteen salt works, captured a Rebel sloop having on board 400 bushels of salt, and a large number of mules and horses—some of the latter valued at $500 each.

Capt. E. D. GAGE of the. 148th (of this village has been appointed Provost Marshal of Portsmouth, Va. His company are assigned to duty as Provost Guard and patrolmen in that city.

Major Murray, of the 1478th N. Y., with one hundred men, in a recent raid in Princess Ann county, Va., destroyed eighteen salt works, captured a rebel sloop having on board 400 bushels of salt, and a large number of mules and horses--some of the latter valued at $500 each.

Chaplain of the 148th.
We see it announced that the Rev. Ferris Scott, a Baptist clergyman formerly of Phelps, has been assigned chaplain to the 148th reg't (Col. Johnson.) The Chaplain's family have removed to Geneva. The appointment is an excellent one.

NORFOLK, VA., AUG. 6th, 1863.
FRIEND FULLER--Two months in the service. I can speak now with a little more positive ness. Experience is an excellent teacher--especially in the army. So, doubtless, thought the poor fellow (not one of 148th,) whom I saw the other day at the jail, brought in for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, foaming at the mouth, and beating the stone wall of his cell with his fists, while he exclaimed, in his drunkenness and frantic rage, "Ah! poor fool! What ever brought me here, to fight for such a miserable, d___ rotten, poor Government as this?" He was not, allow me to say, in a contemplative mood when this was uttered, perhaps he was hardly responsible for his words. Though the jailor quietly "reckoned" that the walls of the cell could stand it, if his fists could. This incident leads me to a few brief reflections. Why is this good looking, able-bodied, manly soldier (when sober) brought in to jail in such a wretched plight? "Poor fool," as he called himself. Ah! yes, I hear it. "It is just after pay day--and the boys are a good many of them inclined to get on a little 'bender' (a big bender some of them make of it,) while their money is flush." Ye fathers who have sons in the army,—ye wives who have husbands, what is your solution? I will give you mine. The soldier, when he leaves home and goes into the ar­my, has no fixed purpose in his mind of ever becoming demoralized. He intends, indeed, to return no worse in character or in morals than when he left. Men do not deliberately or intentionally make "poor fools'' of themselves. But they are caught in this category often, ere they are aware of it. They claim to be the creatures of the most untoward and unfortunate circumstances. "They are sorely tempted—there is no such thing as resisting." They yield—they fall—" and many a one is lost—lost to honor and to shame—lost to virtue and all true manliness. They are a gain to the mere brute creation, or rather they are a disgrace to the animal kingdom. And how does this sad state of things come about? Not at one grand, fearful leap, but little by little—step by step. The soldier is cut off from home, and in a great measure from the restraints of society. At first, the chords which bind him to his wife and children, his parents and friends, are not severed but lengthened. They are of necessity elastic in their nature. He cannot at once let go of all these loved objects. He clings to them in memory by night and by day.
For a time his memory is brightened and his heart is cheered by frequent missives, in the shape of love tokens received through the regular mail. But soon he becomes more settled in his new mode of life. The daily routine of camp or field duties becomes commonplace to him. There is less of interest for him to write about. He is slower and more negligent in answering letters from home. His friends graduate their time and interest exactly by his. Thus days and weeks sometimes pass and nothing is heard from either side.
The soldier feels the necessity of something, he hardly knows what, or why. He is lonely—sad. It will not do to appear so. What is the harm, he reasons, in killing time by a simple game at cards? or taking a tramp about town of an evening? or looking into (just for curiosity's sake) some of the "cribs" and "dens" in this Southern town? We are far from home, no one will know it. It is nothing more than others do, and why not I? The first step taken, the second follows, the third is comparatively easy—the fourth still more easy—the fifth is a pleasure, and then on to ruin. "Ah! poor fool! what brought me here?"
The point I wish to make is this: Friends at home can do much to prevent the demoralization of our soldiers in the army. They can do it by keeping strong and bright the home ties. Let father, mother, brother, sister, lover, friend, all write—write often, write lovingly, write encouragingly, write patriotically, let them keep on writingwait not for an an­swer, write again, draw out an answer by the force of kindly words of cheer. Make the distance between home and the soldier's camp as short as possible—make the time of his enlistment as brief as possible, not by encouraging him to desert, but by a cheerful air, showing true courage, patriotism and interest in the great struggle of the day. 
I have acted for sometime past as the Post-Master of the Regiment. I have often noticed the disappointed look, the air of home-sickness produced by the non-arrival of an expected letter. Friends at home, if you would comfort and cheer the hearts of your brave defenders, if you would save them from demoralization and ruin, don't fail to write. It is good economy to spend three cents yourself for postage, and thus induce the "soldier boy" to spend three more of his surplus wages in answering, if it will save twenty-five or forty cents which I am told has been often paid in the army for a single drink of whiskey. 
As a Chaplain, it always gives me far more pleasure when going through the tents or quarters of the regiment, to find the men employing their leisure time in writing home than it does to see them gathered round the card table.
Anxious parents, loving wives, which would you prefer? If the latter, then urge your husbands and sons to spend more money for postages and paper, and more time in correspondence and you need have but little fear of their becoming demoralized.
P. S. In writing, persons ought to be more careful about giving proper directions on the letter. Very many, I find, direct in care of Col. Johnson. This amounts to just nothing at all. Col. Johnson has nothing to do with the mail whatever. The proper directions are:
1st. The name—in a clear, careful hand.
2d. The Company. Be sure to put this on.
3d. The Regiment, thus: 148th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols. Some direct "via Baltimore, or Ft. Monroe." This is useless and only delays the letter if noticed at all by the Post Master. All letters for the 148th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., should now be sent direct to Norfolk, Va. F. S.

CONSCRIPTION.—The following regiments are represented at the Elmira rendezvous, to take charge of the conscripts assigned to each respective regiment: 
The 153d, 49th, 109th, 77th, 122d, 117th, 140th, 89th, 146th, 112th, 2d, 1st, 3d, 15th, 141st, 155th, 144th, 94th, 147th, 204th, 157th, 44th, 148th, 111th, 107th, 137th, 76th, 108th, 127th, 149th, l06th, 60th, 64th, 97th, 86th, 50th, 72d, and 85th; from the 10th and 14th regular infantry, and 10th, 5th and 9th Artillery.

AUGUST 1, 1863.
The following is a list of burials in the Soldiers' Cemetery at Norfolk, Va., for the week ending July 26, 1863:
Juo. Winner, 177th Pennsylvania, died July 20.
Corporal Juo. Carter, N. Y. Battery, died July 20.
Jeremiah Pinkham, 10th N. H., died July 21.
Charles Pommell, 148th N. Y., died July 21.
Jno. Arnold. 69th N.Y., died July 22.
Sergt. Jno. B. Ayres, 10th N. J., died July 22.
Thomas Sparks, 112th N. Y., died July 22.
George Atkinson, 112th N. Y.. died July 25.
William Miller, 10th N. J., died July 25.
The United States gunboat Memphis sailed from Hampton Roads at 10 o'clock this forenoon for Charleston.
One of the Baltimore mail boats, the Adelaide, Captain Cannon, on arriving at Fortress Monroe this morning, received orders from the Government to proceed to Norfolk, and it is understood that she sails from thence to Charleston. She left here at __ o'clock this morning.

Heavy showers have visited this place constantly during the day.
The steamer S. R. Spaulding arrived this morning from Beaufort, N. C., and reports that the steamer George Peabody, loaded with ammunition, from Fortress Monroe, got aground on Cape Lookout shoals, causing her to spring a leak. After transferring a part of her cargo to another steamer, she succeeded in getting off and ran into Beaufort.

NORFOLK, Va., July 23s, 1863.
Mr. Editor:--I have not written you in some time, but you must not attribute the neglect to any forgetfulness of mine, but rather to a general dearth of news in this region. Our Regiment, as yet, knows but little about war, but some are beginning to think that the time is fast hastening when our fighting qualities shall have an opportunity to develop themselves. An important military change has taken place in this department. Gen. Dix who has been in command, has been ordered to New York, and Gen. Foster will take command at Fortress Monroe. Brig. Gen. E. L. Veile, Military Governor of Norfolk and Portsmouth, is relieved from duty in this department, and we learn has gone to take charge of a camp of instruction for colored soldiers at Annapolis, Md. Col. Wm. Johnson of our Regiment, (148th) is now acting Military Governor in place of Gen. Viele. The two cities, Norfolk and Portsmouth, are now under the immediate control of the civil authorities, civil law having been restored in this portion of the State. A resident of Portsmouth, Mr. Cowper, a truly loyal man, has been elected to the office of Lieut. Governor, and will no doubt make an excellent officer. A fine opportunity is offered here for some young lawyer from the North, to display his legal learning, as Mr. Cowper, Lt. Governor elect, is the only lawyer in this portion of Virginia qualified to practice, even in Justices Court. Already scores of business men from the North have settled here, and are doing a large and profitable business, and as the population increases all kinds of trade will revive. Three years hence the now silent streets of Norfolk and Portsmouth, will resound with the roar of commerce, and instead, of being inhabited and governed by an by an arro­gant aristocracy, the ruling power will be in the hands of those who earn their bread by honest toil--the mechanic and the laborer.--The "blessed institution" which has kept them in their present condition of indolence and inactivity, is dead, and it may henceforth be numbered among the "things that were," and these two cities will assume an equality with others possessing like unrivalled natural ad­vantages. The laboring classes now hold the reins in their own hands, and be assured they will continue to hold them, until the South becomes fully satisfied that capital should not own labor, and that the poor white man is at least as good as the black. 
This community was thrown into an intense excitement on the afternoon of Saturday, July 11th, by a deed of atrocity scarcely if ever paralleled in the history of crime. A. L. Sanbern, 2d Lieutenant of company B., 1st U. S. Colored Volunteers, was cold bloodedly murdered in the streets of Norfolk, by a Dr. D. M. Wright, a surgeon and well known secessionist residing near where the deed was committed. Lieut. Sanbern arrived here with First Lieutenant Beeman, who has lately accepted a command in a colored Regiment, and Col. Birney, some fifteen days ago. He and Lt. Beeman have been engaged in recruiting for that Regiment in these two cities, and have raised two or three companies. On the after-noon in question, Lieut. Sanbern led his company to the Custom House to be reviewed by Gen. Veile, and while passing a store in that vicinity, Wright came to the door and address-ed to the Lieutenant a grossly insulting remark. The Lieutenant halted his company, and told the Doctor that if he insulted him again he should have him arrested, and turned to attend to his company, when the Doctor came up behind him and deliberately shot him, the ball entering back of the left shoulder and penetrating to the spine. This failing to render the Lieutenant helpless, he turned around and attempted to draw his sword, when the M. D. fired a second shot which passed thro' his uplifted right hand and through hos left arm near the shoulder. The young man ere he fell, grasped the murderer, and attempted to wrench the revolver from him. Here the exasperated soldiers would have sent the doctor to rebel headquarters in a second, had not the Lieut. Col. of the 155th N. Y. Vols. interfered. White soldiers, as well as black, were determined to put an end to his existence on the spot. He was immediately taken before the Provost Marshal for examination. The testimony conclusively showed that no provocation was given by Lieut. Sanbern, and the Doctor was fully committed for trial. During the examination his conduct was arrogant and impudent almost beyond forbearance. His wife and daughter were present, and while he was being conveyed to jail, his daughter gave him encouragement, saying, "Don't mind it, Father, the nasty Yankees won’t dare to do any-thing with you!" The deceased Lieutenant was a native of Vermont, a graduate of Dartmouth College, and 29 years of age. He had for sometime been a school teacher in the South, and was following that profession in Missouri when the Rebellion broke out. 
Dr. Wright was a prominent citizen of Norfolk, and according to Secessia, was a model man. Recent developements [sic] have proven that a secret meeting was held by the Secessionists, and that lots were cast at that meeting to determine who should shoot Dr. Brown, (who has charge of Craney Island, many confiscated farms, and a large number of negroes,)--Lieut. Elam C. Beeman and Lieut. Sanbern. The lot, it seems, fell upon Dr. Wright to kill Lieut. Sanbern, and well he performed the cowardly act. He is now being tried by a military commission at the Custom House in Norfolk, and will inevitably atone for his high handed crime, by being hung by the "nasty Yankees." There is one incident connected with this affair which we cannot let go unnoticed. While the young man lay lifeless behind the counter, stretched out upon the floor, his body surrounded by a pool of blood, and his face covered with a sheet of brown paper, a young lady appeared in the crowd and prevailed on the guard to let her see him. She raised the paper from his face, which bore a sweet and placid expression, calm as a summer morn, and gazing at the seemingly sleeping face a few moments, burst into tears and left the room, sobbing violently. She was undoubtedly one of the few true women of the South, who loved freedom better than slavery, Union better than Secession, virtue better than vice, and by shedding a tear of sorrow over the lifeless body of that fallen hero, she has gained the respect, not only of those present, but of those who have heard the story.
Our regiment is now doing post and provost duty in the city of Norfolk. The health of the regiment is comparatively good; we have lost few men by death and few by discharge. Our colonel being acting Brigadier General, in place of Gen. Veile, relieved, Lieut. Col. Geo. M. Guion, is at present in command of the regiment, and a better officer never was in command. He is a strict disciplinarian, a young man of sterling integrity and moral worth, and above all other things combined, he is an officer that shoulder straps and promotion cannot make a fool of, and I tell you such officers are scarce. All our line officers are well liked by the men, and that are certainly entitled to respect.
Company G, in which I suppose you Canandaiguans are somewhat interested, is prospering finely. Captain Griswold and Lieut. Brown are well. We privates are passing away the time in the best possible way, looking forward to the time when the root of the tree and the hard board shall no longer have to be our bed, when we can return to our homes after having performed our duty to our country and our God, and live with the loved ones there. We are able and willing to fight the battles of our country, but we want assistance. Tell those howling stay-at-home patriots that go about the streets shrieking about "What we have done," that we want them to practice what they preach. Tell them that, although in times past they have fed at the public crib, and succeeded in getting three hundred dollars, the price of a poor man's life, they are none the better for that; and that their country needs their services, to proceed South and see the soil where so many glorious victories were achieved. The skies begin to brighten and the dark cloud which has hovered over our country for the past two years has gone, I hope, forever. Victory upon victory has crowned ... for the last few weeks, over which our friends North will no doubt rejoice with exceeding joy. But, Mr. Editor, you have no idea how it gladens [sic] the soldiers heart, to hear of these crowning victories.
The sad intelligence has just reached us that John Masseth, a member of our company, departed this life on Saturday last at Chesapeake Hospital. He was detached from the company shortly after our arrival in the South, and placed in the Signal Corps, where he remained until a few days ago when he was attacked by that malarious disease, the Typhoid Fever, and lived only three days after it. We knew nothing of his illness until to-day, when we learned that he had died and had been taken home by his brother. We sympathize with his friends in their bereavement; while each and all of us deeply deplore the loss of our esteemed brother, we have the proud consciousness of knowing that he has always proved himself a good soldier, a kind and obliging companion, and well worthy of the cause in which he has fallen. Rest, brother, rest. OBSERVER.

A trip to Virginia and Back—Incidents by the way—An Ontario Co. Brigadier—Fortress Monroe and Norfolk—The 148th Regiment N. Y. V.
Editor Rep. & Mess.:
Having recently made a flying visit from Canandaigua to Old Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, &c., &c., and returned safely, I have thought some reminiscences of my tour down and back, might be interesting to many readers who have friends in the army,—and also, that some "bits of information" as to how the thing is done, might be of profit to others who propose the same journey, and who have never been through the mill.
My route was via. New York, Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leaving New York at 7 o'clock A. M. by the New Jersey Railway, four hours brought us to the end of that road, from whence we (the writer and his other half) were transferred to the city horse cars, and drawn to the Wilmington and Baltimore depot, a distance of two and a half miles, where the cars of that road were in readiness to receive t heir load of passengers for Baltimore and intermediate places.
I was much surprised here at the great increase of travel Southward, seven superb coaches being completely filled. To attempt anything of a description of the country through which this line passes—its variegated and beautiful scenery—would, if properly delineated, be interesting to the general reader, who has never performed the journey; but it would require more space than I feel warranted to ask in your columns. But the palatial cars, the smoothness of the road, the fast time made, and the courteous and obliging disposition of the conductors and employes [sic], contrasts very much in everything, except the natural scenery, with the route through Harrisburgh [sic] and Williamsport, by which we returned.
Arrived at Baltimore at half-past three P. M., the first hard duty now devolved upon me to get a pass to leave for Fortress Monroe.—Being a stranger, I was compelled to become a sojourner in the land. Being informed by a news-boy on the cars, that the "way it was done" was to get a "ticket of leave" from the PROVOST MARSHAL, whose quarters were in the old Gillmour House, situate near Barnum's Hotel, I repaired thither and found the Provo Marshal's office locked up, and several besides myself in waiting outside, to show "proof of their loyalty," &c., in order to gain admittance to within the lines of the army. Being told by a Sentinel on guard, that the distinguished functionary would be in his office at four o'clock, the anxious crowd, myself included, counted the minutes, compared our watches with Baltimore time, and kept on doing so till five o'clock, the hour at which the boat left for Fort Monroe; and nobody appearing in the meantime, it was all over for that day. As the mass of disappointed ones were leaving the hall, we were met by a gentleman in uniform, who, on learning our disappointment, courteously informed us that the Provost Marshal did not give passes; that he was the officer who did up that business, as the aid of Maj. Gen. Schenck; and he had been in waiting in his office since morning to answer all proper calls in that behalf; and now that the boat for that day had left, he had no further duty to perform till the next morning, and he had come out to go to his dinner! 
Judge, if you can, how indignant I felt at this denouement. "If I had only known," said I, "we could have procured our passes and saved a day's time and expenses," Yes, if I had only known. It has been said a man needs to live one life to learn how to live the next. Verily, a man needs to make one trip to Norfolk to learn how to "get through" the first time. But possibly it may be of use to be told that on arrival at Baltimore they sho'd go at once to the office of Lieut. GAULT, in the building adjoining the Gillmour House, and present proof of their loyalty to him, who will, in all allowable cases, give passes to Fortress Monroe.
But it was no use to grumble; so I took it as cool as I could with the mercury at 96, and ensconsed [sic] myself in Barnum's Hotel, where we remained until the next day. 
At Baltimore it was my good pleasure to make the acquaintance of Brig. Gen. Tyler, who, to my astonishment and pride, I learned was an Ontario county boy; and though his father left this village in 1830, when the now Brigadier General was but a youth, the former will doubtless be remembered by many of our oldest inhabitants. Brigadier General Erastus B. Tyler, was the son of Asahel Tyler, who at an early period, resided in West Bloomfield, and carried on the Hatting trade, and where Erastus was born. Subsequently, the father with his family removed to the village of Canandaigua, where he was engaged as superintendent and foreman of the same business for the late N. G. Chesebro, Esq., for several years. In 1830, he removed to the State of Ohio, and the son, when quite young, entered the employ of the American Fur Company in the wild and venturesome country of the Cumberland Mountains, where he rose step by step, first employee, then agent and manager, till finally he became a partner and largely interested in its affairs, in which he continued till the breaking out of the present war. At the first fire on Ft. Sumpter [sic], the governor of Ohio despatched [sic] a message to him soliciting him to come and assist the State authorities in raising troops. The summons was quickly obeyed, and the result was that in five days after his arrival in Ohio he had raised a full regiment on men, of which Erastus B. Tyler was made Colonel. He went with his regiment into Western Virginia and fought, I believe, his first battle at Weston, where he was successful in taking the town, capturing $40,000 in gold from the rebels, and nearly as much in Bank Currency. On the 22d of March, 1862, he whipped Stonewall
Jackson's army at Winchester, Va., the first and only occasion when that General has been whipped; for which conduct and bravery Col. Tyler was made a Brigadier General on the 14th of May succeeding. The General has been in nineteen hotly contested battles, the last at Chancellorville, with the army of the Potomac. Since the first of June last, he has been commander of the North Western Defenses of Baltimore, which post he now holds. 
Gen. Tyler in personal appearance, is about five feet ten or eleven inches in height, sturdy, rebust [sic] frame, large and prominent forehead, a little bald, and his weight is, perhaps, one hundred und eighty pounds. He is quite social in his temperament and habits, evidently never having been injured by shoulder straps —and he is emphatically a fighting general, and is looked upon with terror by the rebels in disguise of Baltimore. His age is 43 years. 
At five o'clock on the next day, (Saturday) having been courteously waited upon with passes by Lieut. Gault, we left in the Thomas A. Morgan steamer, for Dixie. Every thing went smoothly till we got about one hundred miles (half way) on our route to Ft. Monroe, and at about twelve o'clock midnight, when, whang! crack! bang!—Stop her! shouted a voice. The boat did stop. There was some sea on at the time, and our headway having been checked, we were at the mercy of the waves; the stern of the boat, in which part we had out state room, now and then settling down quite suddenly in the troughs of the sea. "We're sinking," shouted one and another. I thought so myself, and peering my eyes out of my window I saw the life-boat suspended close to it, and no one attempting to lower it. This was a happy omen, and encouraged me to believe there was no danger. I kept my eye on it, and window open. If I had seen it lowering, the live contents of my state-room would have rushed through the window and taken an early choice of seats. A crank of the Engine had been broken on its upward stroke, and was thrown through the wall partition into the Captain's office. If it had broken on the down stroke, the Captain informed me, it would have knocked a hole through the bottom, and then life-boats would have been in use.
Our craft sounded her steam whistle--a signal of distress-- and pretty soon it was answered in t h e distance; and in half an hour the upward bound boat came along side of us, took us in town and towed us back to Baltimore! where we arrived once more at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Sunday, the sun pouring down its scorching rays upon or heads, oh, terrible! Here we had to seek shelter from the sun as sheep do under the fences, and so hid away at Barnum's again, till five o'clock had for the third time arrived and found us in Baltimore. Well, we left, at that hour, and had a successful passage this time to Fort Monroe, where we arrived at 7 o'clock Monday morning.
Here, all the male passengers were mashalled [sic] on the wharf and commanded to stand at a rest. This all tried to do, but could not, for the savage bites of the flies, and 'sketers. After some little delay, we were marched to a Provost Marshal's office, where each one registers his name and residence, and takes the oath of allegiance; which all having done, we were politely informed that at nine o'clock the office would be open, when we could get passes.
Returning to the boat to procure my baggage, I was informed by the colored master of the baggage-room that before my trunks were removed they must be searched! 
"What have I stolen?" I demanded. 
"Noffin' as I knows on, massa, only they must be searched; dats my orders." "What property has been lost on board durting the trip?" I enquired.
"O 'tis'nt stealin', massa; no body steals on de boat; but dey runs de blockade."
Presently a Provo appeared; who politely informed me that he was charged with the duty of examining all parcels before landing them, as many attempts were made by persons in the guise of honest travelers [sic], to import into the lines contraband articles of merchandize, and then run them through to the rebels. Having taken a somewhat hasty view of the inside of a trunk and valise, as with a sort of suppressed smile at my greenness, he bowed and left. I was glad "nobody steals on de boat." This necessary surveillance must be submitted to by persons landing baggage at the Fort; and I mention it that no one may suspect themselves of the suspicion of "Stealin' on de boat," when their trunk keys are demanded.
An hour and a half more having gone by, I procured my pass, and took a Virginia Omnibus for Fort Hamilton, two miles distant, where the Signal Corps is encamped, in which is my son, and Cornelius Palmer, son of Henry H. Palmer, of this village. Having found these and found them well, and exchanged gratulations, which were as warm as the heat of the sun, I asure [sic] you, we were introduced to the Signal officers, Lieuts. Patterson, Strong, and Young, who compose the Staff of the Signal Corps; and in them all, we found the perfect gentlemen blended with the soldier officer, and to whose courtesy and politeness we are much indebted.
The country about Fortress Monroe as far as the eye can reach, is one desolate barren waste; here and there a scanty pile of brick and rubbish that tells the place where once stood the stately mansion of some Old Dominion aristocrat. The plains are grown up to coarse weeds, and afford a common pasture for dilapidated Government horses, cows, hogs, and persons of African descent to graze and sport upon.
On Tuesday morning I procured a pass to visit inside the old Fort. This is a privilege accorded, generally, only in necessitous cases of business; and though my business was necessary for me, yet the government could have done without it. I feel very thankful for the courtesy. The object of the greatest curiosity to me, inside the Fort, was a building perhaps one hundred feet long, ten feet high, and wide in proportion, filled with boxes of hard tack. If the war is to last till this is all mastricated by the soldiers inside the Fort, there will be no peace in my day, I fear.
At one o'clock P. M., we took the boat for Norfolk where we arrived at two o'clock. Two boys of the 148th happened to be at the dock when we got off the boat, and were not a little astonished to see a Canandaiguan so suddenly appear to them. Having taken quarters in the National (Secesh) Hotel, the boys of the regiment soon learned of our arrival, and taking advantage of the hour of the day when they were mostly off duty, the Hotel had for the rest of that afternoon and evening the appearance of Military head quarters.
The men and officers of the 148th regiment are most well, very few in number being sick; and those in the Hospital have in general been attacked with a mild form of typhoid fever, which yields at once to treatment, if taken at the outset. No one, as I could learn, was considered dangerously ill.
The 148th is bivouacked on a public square the size of a whole block, surrounded by four streets. In the middle of the square is a large granite building, formerly used by the city authorities. It is now occupied as a Hospital and quarters for some of the officers. On one side and its two ends, the regimental tents are pitched. These are the Sibley tents, being in form like a circus canvas, and running to the height of ten or twelve feet. The tents have board floors raised up from the ground, and around the outer side are boarded up some eighteen inches, the canvas fastened to stakes, driven into the ground, some twelve inches above the top of the board siding; so as to allow the air to sweep through; the soldiers at night lying with their heads to the outer edge of the tent are protected by these base boards from the winds blowing upon them. As to their food, it is better than that served at the Hotels in Norfolk; though they do not have it brought on to a table in all the style and convenience of Hotel life, or home. At this season, the South abounds with every delicacy the most fastidious palate may crave, and are had at prices that would put to blush the Canandaigua market; and those friends at the North who so delight to send something good to eat to their sons, brothers or husband, may rest assured that the current of freight would be the other way, if the soldier had time and opportunities to send. Exception, however is to be made as to Butter. This is a scarce article and high-priced, and very poor at that, and almost equals much of that sold in our market the past season for dirt.
I saw most of the men of Co. G. from this village; two or three of the company are sick, but convalescing. The men in general are, to use a common phrase, as fat as mud, and healthy as men can be. Indeed, some have so fleshed up, that of my most familiar acquaintances here, before they left, I did not know them when I met them in the camp. I have been asked since my return, if this is healthy flesh or is it bloated by thee peculiar climate. I was assured by all that it was real, and what a farmer intends to signify, speaking of a fat horse, when he expresses that it is worked on. The men of the regiment are well satisfied with their position and fare. Many assured me they would not accept a discharge were such a document to be tendered them. The officers, commissioned and non-commissioned, every one from the Colonel down to the Eighth Corporal, enjoy the utmost regard and esteem of the private soldier, and soldiers in return, have the confidence, and are made to partake of the courtesies and favors of the officers, in a manner that makes them all one family.
As to Norfolk itself, the city, throughout the business portions, has an antiquated appearance, resembling the old towns of Canada, tho' there are many public buildings which are of modern style. At all hours of the day and as far into twilight as I was in the streets, the city was literally alive with "unbleached Americans," mostly contrabands, of all ages and physique [sic]. As I looked from time to time upon this mass of freed chattles, thus thrown upon the world without education, without the knowledge of men, or how to obtain the means of subsistence, walking to and fro here, and lounging in idleness or engaged in sport and play there, I was almost led to believe the grand consummation of all things was nigh, even at the door, for that a merciful Providence would not permit so many creatures of His hands to be kept long in such a waiting condition. I saw no wantonness, or intended incivility on their part, but, as must be expected, a profound ignorance of the amenities of good society.
Norfolk is under strict military rule, and it must needs be so. Not over three or four loyal families of original settlement, are in the place; the whole of its inhabitants, beyond these, being avowed Secessionists. No civil courts are open, and all trials are by Courts Martial, or the Provost Judge, who hears summarily, all complaints, and disposes of offenders according to the equity of each case, and the conservation of good order. Lawyers are an unnecessary appendage at this time; and I was informed that there was only one of that profession in the city, and that he could not maintain himself by his practice, so he ran for Congress and was elected. Guess he will live. No man is allowed to do any business there till he takes the bath of allegiance. This the Secesh will not do; hence the city is short of physicians, there being but a single one who has been thus qualified to practice.
Darkness prevails after nightfall, save only the light ejected by the glimmering taper of an adamantine candle, and these are short. The stockholders of the Gas Co. being disloyal and refusing to take the oath, a blockade was set in the way of their importing coal, so the company suspended operations, per force of their own plucky obstinacy.
Having spent most of three days "taking observations" in this hot-bed of Secession, and visiting different points of attraction to a Yankee, which I was enabled to do by the courtesy of Col. Johnson of the 148th, who is also Military Commander of Norfolk; and having received the polite attentions of Capt. Griswold, and several of our village boys in his company, to all of whom we are much indebted, we left for home on the evening of August 6th, bearing words of good cheer and kind remembrance to many a soldier's loved ones at home.
It is due to the military officials to say that, notwithstanding the inconvenience and annoyance to the traveller [sic] in cutting the strings of red tape that the rules of the war department demand of visitors, and which are absolutely necessary to the safety of the country, in every instance I met with nothing but courtesy at their hands, and the kindliest and most obliging treatment, every where. 

Dr. F. B. SEELYE, late Surgeon of the 148th N. Y. V., and for the past fifteen years a resident of Rushville, has taken up residence in this Village to practice his profession. He is thoroughly educated in the Healing Art, and is a gentleman of high standing in the community of his late residence. He occupies the office of the late Dr. Bellows.

CASUALITIES IN CO. I, 148th REGIMENT—We publish, in another column, a letter from Capt. M. S. Hicks, which gives a complete list of the causalities in Co. I, 148th Reg't N. Y. V., from May 4th to June 20th, 1864.

CAPT. JOHN COOLEY, of the 148th, is home on a short leave of absence. He has made a good record as a soldier, and is always where he belongs when the fighting is done.

Chaplain Scott, of the 148th, came home a few days since on a short furlough. We are pleased to see that his health has been much improved by camp-life. We understand he is expected to preach in the Baptist Church on Sunday next, at the usual hours for service.
The 148th New York.—Private Parker of the 148th N. Y., skilled in the use of the rifle, made his way beyond the skirmishers, and crawled up to within short distance of them. Getting his eye on a rebel sharpshooter, he raised his head to fire; the rebel did the same. Two reports sounding like one, and the two men were shot dead, each having a bullet through the head. The 148th is from Orleans and Niagara counties.

Capt. H. H. Hewitt, of Co. B, 148th Regiment is spending a short time at home on a furlough from the hospital. The Captain was taken prisoner in the fight before Petersburg, but by the kindness of a rebel officer, escaped and after various hardships come back within the Federal lines, and becoming sick was sent to the hospital. He is still sick, but will no doubt rapidly recover in the genial society of his friends.

WOUNDED.—We are sorry to learn, that our friend Capt. HIRAM SCHUTT, of Company K, 148th regiment, N. Y. V., has been wounded. The 148th is with BUTLER'S command at Burmuda [sic] Hundreds on the James River, and is reported to have behaved with distinguished gallantry in several sharp engagements. Capt SCHUTT'S wound is in the arm, and said to be severe. A full list of the casualties in that regiment will be found in another part of this paper.

Sharp Shooting.—A correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune gives the following incident that occurred during a late reconnaissance [sic] made from Bermuda Hundreds by Gen. Martindale:
Private Parker of the 148th N. Y., skilled in the use of the rifle, made his way beyond the skirmishers, and crawled up to within a short distance of them. Getting his eye on a Rebel sharpshooter, he raised his head to fire; the Rebel did the same. Two reports sounding like one, and the two men were shot dead, each having a bullet throuth [sic] the head.

DESERVED PROMOTION.—Among the many well deserved promotions that have taken place from time to time in this command, we know of none that it gives us more pleasure to record than that of Adjutant Henry T. Noyes, of the 148th N. Y. Vols,, to be Major of that regiment, vice Major Murray, promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy.
None who know Major Noyes can fail to recognise [sic] in his character all the traits of the courteous gentleman and the true soldier. His well-known merits as a brave and efficient officer, evinced in the performance of his duties as Adjutant, cannot fail to render his promotion highly popular with the regiment. [Yorktown (Va) Traveler.
We are highly pleased to learn the well-merited promotion of our friend Noyes. He has proven himself exceedingly competent and trustworthy in the position of Adjt., as he will in the position of Major or any higher office he may attain to. He will be in all positions a faithful and gallant soldier. Yates County has now two Majors in the service, Major Brown of the 126th, and Major Noyes of the 148th, both late Adjutants.
Prisoners of the 148 New York—The Petersburg Express of last Thursday has the following items, which possess a local interest in this section, relating to prisoners captured from the 148th Regiment:
Twenty-three prisoners brought in last night, belonging to the One Hundred and Forty-eighth New York Regiment, all concur in the statement that Baldy Smith's entire army corps (the Eighteenth) is on this side of the river. Again, other prisoners taken yesterday morning, state that they belong to Burnside's corps.
Three of Grant's miscegenators, taken yesterday morning in Prince George, were brought in last evening, and assigned to quarters at the Rock House Prison, near Well's foundry. One of these invaders was a sergeant attached to Spear's Eleventh Pennsylvania cavalry, the other two are attached to Co. F, One Hundred and Forty-eighth New York, Eighteenth Army Corps, commanded by Baldy Smith. 
These prisoners had three days' cooked rations in their haversacks, and stated to the Provost Marshal that they expected to eat one of them in Petersburg to-day. They will not be disappointed in this respect, but they will eat under very different circumstances from what they expected.

Additional List of Casualties.
The Washington Chronicle of Monday contains the following additional names of the killed and wounded in the late battles:

3d N. Y. Artillery—Lieut. Jas. S. Fuller.
1st N. Y. Dragoons—Capt. Geo. S. Wells.
148th N. Y.—Capt. Hiram Schutt, Capt. Edgar Griswold.
11th N. Y.—Capt. K. W. Livingston.

1st N. Y. Artillery—Sergt. Frederiek Deitz, L; John G. Minnemon.
9th N. Y. Artillery—Ambrose Rick, C; James J. Girard, C.
76th N. Y.—Wilson W. Elwood, A.

The following wounded are reported at Washington:
111th N. Y.—Lieut. E. S. Hueston, K; Capt. R. C. Perry.
146th N. Y.—Capt. H. E. Jones, I; Lieut. A. J. King, C; Adj. Wm. H. Wright.
126th N. Y.—Capt. Winfield Scott, C. 86th N. Y.—Capt. E. L. Todd.
Asst. Surgeon John W. Brunt, 9th N. Y.

Heavy Artillery.
THE 148TH.—We find in the New York papers that the following sick and wounded soldiers of the 148th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., arrived in that city on Saturday last, per U. S. Hospital Steamer, from Hampton Roads, Va.:
Co. B.—Corp. V. Huff, D. Hughes, Geo. W. Austin.
Co. C.—O. Daily, H. Bush.
Co. D.—W. Wheaton.
Co. E.—T. McCartly.
Co. F.—W. McNougle, J. Parker.
Co. G.—A. Wilson, J. E. Griffs, W. Bartholemew, S. Williamson, Geo. W. Chapman.
Co. I.—J. Cassey, H. D. Robertson, F. D. Smith.
Co. K.—H. B. Webb, M. M. Herald, S. W. _edfield.

Casualties in the 18th Army Corps.
The New York Times of yesterday publishes a list of casualties in the 18th Army Corps, who have been admitted into battle-field hospital since June 1st. We find the following names of soldiers from our local regiments:
148th—John Reynolds, Chas Miller, George T. Mitchell, B Bogardus, R Marshall, A Schott, D Ball, G A Buchanan, ____ Gill, J Reed, W J Haney, M Stoutenburg, J L Freeman, G L Smith, Jr., S W Dickinson, G Deal, J Bishop, H Baldwin, J M Hodge, O H Devaney, G W Chamberlain, J Brower, D Sabin, M Doud, David Cires, G W Hall, W T Hawley, Dennis Roon, H Holmes, W J Updyke, P Kettle, J Conker, J Call, A B Cooper, G W Ford, Lieut C J Johnson, Capt J Cooley, Corp T Pringle, Sergt E Beadles, Sergt H Rumsey, J Feedry, J W Pilver, W J Nusher, Chas Graham, Partick Doudle, Patrick Canoll, A Cox, Joseph McClure, P McDonald, F Almon, J Armstrong, J Beader, J W Smith, Corp J Rodney, W Medinger, Surgeon
H T Brickler.
The following promotions have been made in the 148th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., during the year ending December 31st, 1863. 
Lieut. Col. G. Murray Guion, to be Col. Oct. 26th, vice Wm. Johnson, resigned. 
Major J. B. Murray, to be Lieut. Col. Oct. 26th, vice G. M. Guion, promoted.
Adjt. H. T. Noyes, to be Major, Oct. 26th, vice J. B. Murray, promoted.
1st Lieut. Fred L. Manning, to be Adj't Oct. 26th, vice H. T. Noyes, promoted.
James Bellows, to be Surgeon, March 13th, vice E. W. Simmons, resigned.
1st Ass't Surgeon C. H. Carpenter, to be Surgeon, Aug. 29th, vice J. Bellows, resigned.
Augustus Campbell, to be 2d Ass't Surgeon, May 5th, vice F. B. Seelye.
R. D. Craig, 1st Ass't Surgeon, Sept. 16th, vice C. H. Carpenter, promoted.
Thomas Helme, to be 2d Ass's surgeon, Nov. 13th, vice A. Campbell, promoted.
Ferris Scott, to be Chaplain, April 53d, vice S. B. Dickinson.
1st Lieut. Alex. Gilchrist, to be Capt, Nov. 6th.
2d Lt. A. J. Cooke, to be 1st Lt., Jan. 8th.
do J. G. Evenden, " April 6th.
do Geo. D. Hicks, " April 17th.
do H. H. Hopkins, " Sept. 24th.
1st Sergt. C. H. Paddock, to be 1st Lt., Oct 9.
2d Lt. Henry Parsons, to be 1st Lt., Oct. 26th.
do R. F. Scott, " Nov. 5th.
do J. M. Sharp, " Nov. 6th.
1st Sergt W. L. Vorce, to be 2d Lt., Jan. 8th.
do O. M. Adams, " April 6th.
do W. H. Redgraves, " Sept. 24th.
5th Sergt. C. J. Johnson, " Oct. 26th.
1st Sergt. J. McNaughton, " Nov. 5th.
Private H. S. Mcleod, " Nov. 6th.
1st Sergt. R. F. Scott, " April 27th.
(Official) John Cooley,
1st Lieut. and Acting Adj't.

CASUALTIES IN THE 148TH REGIMENT.—A list of killed and wounded in the 148th Regiment, N. Y. Vol., up to date, May
19th, 1864:
John C. Pringle, right shoulder; Aaron D. Updike, head slight; William Stahl, head slight; Henry Gaumer, leg slight; Patrick McNarmy, leg slight; Serg't Curtis S. Dye, abdomen mortally.

J. H. Tymeson, thigh; Corp'l Perry Danes, right leg; Michael Fitzgerald, left arm; George Tubbs, left leg; George F. Mitchell, hand slight.

Charles Cole, left hand slight; John H. Brown, left hand slight.

David Yader, left fore finger; Mortimer Dean, left leg slight; George Huntington, right foot; Corp'l David Barnes, two toes on left foot; John B. Moore, slight flesh wound; John Mertz, killed, buried on the field; Augustus Scott, killed, buried on the field; George Chase, killed, buried on the field.

James Bishop, two fingers on left hand; Edward Anderson, left thigh; Owen Daley, shoulder; Jacob M. Hodge, palm of left hand; G. W. Sabin, right arm; George King, left hip; George Hadsell, right shoulder; Hamilton Craven, right leg slight; Michael Quinn, right leg, slight; Alonzo Kitson, foot slight; William McElroy, finger; Irwin West, killed; buried on the field; Anthony Covert, killed, buried on the field; John Scott, abdomen, was brought to the corps hospital where he died the same day—was buried and his grave marked.

Joseph Sprague, two toes on left foot; William Blew, struck by R. R. tie; William Wilson, hip; Lyman Green, left leg, severely; John Conley, neck; Charles W. Stark, side; Hiram Barnes, leg, slight; Capt Gardner, slightly wounded but on duty.

James Goodrich, broken ankle; Peter Goodrich, right shoulder; Sergt. W. S. Briggs, right knee; Martin Luther Bennett, right shoulder; Andrew Lyon, struck by a falling tree; Levi Parsons, shoulder slight; Capt. E. A. Griswold, left arm severely.

William Edwards, struck by R. R. tie; Frank Gregory, face severe; John Malone, right arm; James Keily, killed, buried on the field; Capt. Benj. Watkins, after running several very narrow chances was finally struck by a spent ball and disabled for the time, but he is now doing duty again.
William Matthews, side, very slight; Benj. F. Hood, right arm severe; Jourdan Davis, left shoulder; Corp'l Samuel P. Strong, left side, mortally, died the same day, and was buried on the field.

William Mannahan, right arm, amputated; Capt. Hiram Schutt, right arm.

Total killed 9
" wounded 52
Grand total. 61

From the 146th.
Clinton, Sept. 6, 1864.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Dear Sir.—Mrs. Stewart, the wife of Capt. James Stewart, of the 146th Regiment N. Y. V, received a letter, to-day from her husband, dated "Libby
Prison, Richmond, Va., Aug. 21st 1864." The Captain says he was captured on the 18th of August, while out skirmishing, as the 5th Corps was making a demonstration on the Weldon & Petersburg RR.—He is uninjured and faring as well as could be expected in the circumstances:
At the time of Mr. Stewart's capture, seven others of the 146th were taken, viz: 
M. O'Connor, Co. A; Jno. Robinson, Co. B; Jos. Robinson, Co. C.; Jacob Rosevelt, H.; Jos. Jones, Co. H.; Eugene Parkell, Co. I.; Jos. Wilson, Co. K.
The next day, Aug. 19th, the 5th Corps lost in officers captured, about 65, among them Gen. Hayes. The number of prisoners confined in the Libby Prison, at the time of the capturing, was over 2,000, including 100 officers. Yours, &c.

Correspondence of the Ontario Co. Times.
Additional List of Casualties in the 148th Reg't N. Y. Vols.
At Port Walthall May 26.
James Eckerson, Co. I., killed; Henry J. Van Benthyson, Co. I, killed; Henry Parker, Co. H, killed; Hiram Barringer, Co. A, wounded, right fore-finger; Alex. Rushett, Co. A, wounded, head, slight.

At Gaines' Farm, June 2d and 3d.
Co. A—Marvin Burroughs, right hand; Thomas O'Grady, left side and arm; L. B. Cross, left hip, slight; Samuel Scott, right temple, slight; Serg't Fred S. Gibbs, face; James H. Stout, both legs and arms; Serg't H. W. Rumsey, leg; Corp. Thos. Pringle, finger—is on duty; Corp. John O'Keisinger, killed; Theodore Van Rennselaer, abdomen, mortally; George Matthews, both legs, slight; Thos. Hastie, left fore-finger; Burton A. Tuttle, right thumb; Charles D. Graham, right shoulder; William White, both thighs, flesh wounds; Joseph Feeder, heel, slight; Isaac Conkey, neck and breast; _. W. Pilbeam, left foot; David B. Hull, rght elbow; William J. Updike, ankle out of joint; John Hanntz, killed; Michael Dunnington, killed.
Co. B.—Rufus R. Stowell, left knee; Geo. W. VanLoan, left knee; H. A. McGraw, shoulder, slight; Freeman Hilligas, killed; Charles H. Elwood, struck by spent ball, slight; George Chamberlin, arm; George Mitchell, hip, slight.
Co. C.—Capt. John Cooley, side; Serg't Morgan Stoutenburg, left arm; Corp. Chas. White, killed; John K. Reynolds, right hand; Thomas Caton, right hand. 
Co. D.—1st Lieut. R. F. Scott, killed; John A. Casterlin, left arm, amputated; William Edinger, struck in the back by one of our own shells; Serg't Charles C. Freshour, breast, mortally, since died; Alpheus J. Troutman, left leg; George Deal, left temple; William C. Tyler, killed; Serg't H. F. Brickley, left leg; Jacob Reeder, arm, amputated; Ithiel Hause, killed; Harrison Goodman, right foot; Jacob Brower, left side and face; John Vinn, right arm, amputated; William Duner, left hand; John P. Richenback, killed; Franklin Graham, head, slight; Owen Devanney, left shoulder, severe.
Co. E.—Serg't James W. Smith, left arm, Archibald Covert, right arm; John A. Bodine, head; Owen Carl, neck, slight; Geo. Smith, Jr., right side; Serg't Silas W. Dickinson, left hip; Jacob M. Hodge, left hip; Jehiel Armstrong, left arm; Patrick Doudle, face; John W. Swarthout, right arm, slight; Corp. J. H. Brewer, right shoulder; Jacob Bishop, ankle and back.
Co. F.—Wm. Ginther, left temple, mortally; Josiah Read, head, severe; Corp. George Wright, head, slight; Wm. Hawley, slight; Henry Hiltibidal, killed; Corp. Chas. G. Van Ness, head, slight; Fred. Green, leg; John C. Slater, killed. 
Co. G.—George Buchanan, shoulder; Roswell R. Marshall; left leg.
Co. H.—Lieut. C. J. Johnson, two fingers off from right hand; Abram M. Schot, left leg; John T. Watkins, left hand; David Sabin, head; William H. Ward, head, slight; Peter Kittle; right arm and leg; Andrew Gramer, left leg, two balls; John A. Bortle, four wounds; George F. Sesler, left leg; Patrick Carroll, face; James Carroll, right side; Serg't Edward Beedles, leg; Albert R. Cooper, side and back; Dennis Roan, right wrist; Frank Alman, left leg.
Co. I.—Orderly Serg't C. C. Miller, left arm, severe; Lawrence Cooney, shoulder, slight; Charles A. Dunning, right arm; William Gallager, shoulder and leg; James B. Crouch, left hip; Henry R. Mead, shoulder, slight.
Co. K.—Ed. Trumbull, slight; Henry H. Shaddock, left a r m; Jeremiah Combs, left leg; William Kaler, left hip; Lieut. O. M. Adams, face and left arm; John Rodney, shoulder, severe; Jonathan Purdy, head; A. P. Coons, killed; Thomas Murray, right arm; Jacob Johnson, foot, very slight; Serg't John Foreman, left breast, severe; Daniel Tubbs, left shoulder; Warrren P.
Burt, foot; Patrick O'Daniel, mortally; Charles Faulkerson, right shoulder.
Summary.--Previously reported, 61; at Port Walthall, 5; at Gaines' Farm, 109; total killed and wounded, 175.
This list is as nearly accurate as it can be made without the official report. No account of the missing is given. There are however, very few of this class. The Regiment has been under severe fire, and has fully sustained its past good name.
I will give prompt reports of additional losses as they occur. The friends of those whose names do not appear in this or in previous reports may feel assured that they are "all right" up to date.
June 7, 1864.

Letter from Chaplain Scott of the 148th N. Y. V.
We are indebted to Chaplain Scott of the 148th Reg't N. Y. Vols., for the following letter, giving an additional list of killed and wounded in the regiment: 
In the field before
Richmond, Va., June 7, 1864.
Additional list of killed and wounded in the 148th Reg't Y. Y. Vols.

At Port Walthall May 26th.
James Eckerson, Co. I, killed. 
Henry J. Van Ben Thyson, Co. F, Killed.
Henry Parker, Co. H, killed.
Hiram Barringer Co. A, right fore finger.
Alexander Rushet, Co. A, head, slight.


Company A.
Marvin Burroughs, right hand.
Thos. O'Grady, left hip, slight.
L. B. Cross, left hip, slight.
Samuel Scott, right temple, slight.
Sergt. Fred S. Gibbs, face.
James H. Stout, both legs and arms.
Sergt. Horace N. Rumsey, leg.
Corp'l Thos Pringle, finger--is on duty.
Corp'l John O'Keisenger, killed.
Thoedore Van Renessalear, abdomen, since died.
George Matthews, both legs, flesh wound.
Thos. Hastie, right fore finger.
Burton A. Tuttle, right thumb.
Charles D. Graham, right shoulder.
Wm. White, both thighs, flesh wound.
Joseph Feeder, heel, slight.
Isaac Conkey, neck and breast.
J. W. Pilbeam, left foot.
David B. Hull, right elbow.
Wm. J. Updike, ankle out of joint.
John Hanntz, killed.
Michael Dunnigan, killed.

Company B.
Rufus R. Stowell, left knee.
George W. Van Loan, left knee.
H. A. McGraw, shoulder, slight.
Freeman Hilligas, killed.
Charles A. Elwood, struck by a spent ball, slight.
George Chamberlain, arm.
George S. Mitchell, hip, slight.

Company C.
Capt John Colley, side.
Sergt. Morgan Stoutenberg, left arm.
Corp'l Charles White, killed.
John K. Reynolds, right hand.
Thomas Caton, right hand.

Company D.
1st Lieut. R. F. Scott, killed.
John A. Casterlain, left arm, amputated.
William Edinger, back, by one of our shells.
Sergt. Charles C. Freshour, breast since died.
Alpheus J. Troutman, left leg.
George Deal, left temple.
William C. Tyler, killed.
Sergt. H. F. Brickley, left leg.
Jacob Reeder, arm, amputated.
Ithiel House, killed.
Harrison Goodman, right foot.
Jacob Brower, left side and face.
John Vinn, right arm, amputated.
William Duner, left hand.
John P. Richenback, killed.
Franklin Graham, head.
Owen Devaney, left shoulder, severe.

Company E.
Sergt. James W. Smith, left arm.
Archibald Covert, right arm.
John A. Bodine, head.
Owen Carl, neck, slight.
George Smith, jr., right side.
Sergt. Silas W. Dickinson, left hip.
Jacob M. Hodges, left hip.
Jeremiah Armstrong, left arm.
Patrick Doudle, face.
John W. Swarthout, right arm, slight.
Corp'l J. H. Brewer, right shoulder.
Jacob Bishop, ankle and back.

Company F. 
William Ginther, left temple, since died.
Josiah Reed, head, severe.
Corp'l George Wright, head, slight.
Fred Green, leg.
John Slater, killed.

Company G.
George Buchanan, shoulder.
Rosewell R. Marshall, left leg.

Company H.
Lieut. C. J. Johnson, two fingers on right hand.
Abram M. Shutt, left leg.
John T. Watkins, left hand.
David Sabin, head.
William H. Ward, head, slight.
Peter Kittle, right arm and leg.
Andrew Gramer, left leg, two balls.
John A. Bartel, received four balls in various parts of the body and limbs.
George F. Sesler, left leg.
Patrick Carrol, face.
James Carrol, right side.
Sergt. Edward Budles, leg.
Albert R. Cooper, side and back.
Dennis Roan, right wrist.
Frank Alman, left leg.

Company I.
Henry R. Mead, shoulder, slight.
James B. Crouch, left hip.
William Gallagher, shoulder and leg.
Charles A. Dunning, right arm.
Lawrence Cooney, shoulder, slight.
Ord. Sergt. C. C. Miller, left arm, severe.

Company K.
Ed. Trumbull, slight.
Henry H. Shaddock, left arm.
Jeremiah Combs, left leg.
William Kaler, left hip.
Lieut O. M. Adams, face and left arm.
John Rodney, shoulder, severe.
Jonathan Purdy, head.
A. P. Coons, killed.
Thomas Murray, right arm.
Jacob Johnson, foot, very slight.
Sergt. John Foreman, left breast, severe.
Daniel Tubbs, left shoulder.
Warren P. Burst, foot.
Patrick O'Donnel, head, mortally.
Charles Fulkerson, right shoulder.

Previously reported 61 
At Port Walthall, May 26th, 5
At Gaines' Farm, June 2d and 3d, 109
Total killed and wounded 175
This list is very nearly accurate. No account of the missing is made; there are but few of that class, the most of whom will probably find their regiment again in a few days.
The Reg't has been under severe fire and has sustained nobly its past good name. None had done better.
I will make prompt report of future losses as they may occur. Friends of those whose names are not reported may feel assured they are all right up to date, (June 7th.)
FERRIS SOTT, Chaplain.

We are permitted to publish the following extracts from private letters written by Rev. Ferris Scott to friends of his in this Village: 
In my "Hole in the Ground," in front of the Enemy, near Gaines' Mills, Va.,
Friday, June 10, 1864.
MY DEAR FRIEND MONROE: If you will excuse the past, I'll go ahead and blot this already soiled sheet, just to let you know the beauties of my present situation. To realize my present position, you want to come and see. I will give you the directions. Say you are at Fort Monroe. Take the first boat up the York River to West Point, at the junction of the Mattapony and Pamunky, take up the latter to White House Landing, thence westerly some fifteen or eighteen miles, and you will come upon the camping ground of the Army of the Potomac. Inquire for the 18th Army Corps, 2d Div., 2d Brig., 148th Regt. You will be shown to the front centre. You want to come into the front line of trenches, but there is some danger in getting in. The Rebs are strongly posted in front, within easy gun shot, and they are sending their leaden messengers of death all through the woods and fields in our rear. But you must not be frightened. They may not hit you. The path to the right of our Regiment is the shortest, but it is also the most dangerous. Five or six men have been hit every day, on that side, for a week. I prefer the longer route to our left. You leave the main road, turn to the right, through a piece of woods, thence you come upon an open field; one of our batteries is just down to the right of you. Pass around to the left of it, where you will enter a partial clearing. Here you will find our Division Headquarters, and here you will hear the bullets whistle over you. You need not duck your head. Ha! ha! I know you can't help it. The first time I came through there I tried to stand up bravely, and I got a ball through my cap for it. Ever since, I dodge. But come on, the sooner we get through the better. Down through a small ravine; now turn a short corner to the right. Whist! phiz! couz-zin! Lie down a moment. The Rebs see you. Here is the greatest point of danger. They have got a good range here; but it is only a little ways. Now is your time. Up, stoop low, rundouble-quick. There, you are all right,—at the mouth of the first trench. (A trench is only a deep ditch, the dirt thrown towards the enemy, forming a breastwork, which is a safe protection against bullets.)
Once in this trench, you are comparatively safe. But come on. The 148th are on the extreme right. You have entered on the left. You pass the 12th New Hampshire, then the 2d, then the 11th Conn., and you are in the camp of the 148th. Come on down the line to this side cut; turn to the right; ask for the Chaplain's quarters; any of the boys will bring you to the mouth of my hole. It is four feet deep, three feet wide, seven feet long. Come in! I am glad to see you! Here you see is my hardtack box. I use it for a table, a writing desk, and a cupboard. I sit on the ground. You will have to do the same. Still I am just as glad to see you. You will feel easy, here, I trust, for we are quite secure from harm, although we are just in a line between two opposing batteries that are engaged just now in sending shells at one another. We are about half way between the two. Boom! goes a Yankee gun; the shell comes straight over us and lands among the Rebs. It hardly reaches its spot before back comes another, and you can hear the limbs crack and break behind us as it ploughs through the woods to where our guns are. This heavy firing has been kept up since noon. There is no other way than to keep cool and not mind. Night and day since Friday last we have been under this sound; with the addition of musketry almost all the time. The loss in our Reg't has been over one hundred in killed and wounded, in the last eight days. Boom! boom! My head fairly aches from the jar and noise. Imagine, if you please, what it is to write, sitting in the path of a hundred pound shell. Now the skirmishers are at it. Bang! crack! bang! go the rifles. Mercy what a din. But we get used to this, as we do anything else. You would have to laugh, I know you would, if you were here, just in front of my "hole" in the ditch.
Sitting square down on the ground, is a man cleaning his gun. A bullet just now passed along the ditch, close by the side of him. "Z-i-p!" says he, "that was spiteful, wasn’t it?"-- and goes right on with his work. The expressions of some of the men under similar circumstances, are most amusing.
The friends at home have but a slight idea of what soldiers have to endure. Life in the trenches is almost an entirely new phaze [sic] of a soldier's existence. The principal feature of which is dirt. We sit in the dirt, we sleep in dirt, (boom! another big gun,) we eat dirt; it sifts into our coffee, gets on our meat, fills our hair, clothes, get begrimmed [sic] into our face and hands. Sometimes I have not washed for three days together. Our food is of the simplest kind, and not always plenty at that. We don't live, we simply exist.
We get no papers. We know less by far of what Grant is doing than you do at home. We move as we re commanded, for the rest we take little concern. My own duties have been greatly increased since the fighting began. I am, amid all, happy and contented. I want to see the war ended. I am tired of this slaughter and this sorrowful record of wounds and death. I feel for those at home as well as for the sufferers in the army.
I am as ever, yours very truly,

Friday, P. M., June 17th, 1864.
WE have been in this vicinity nearly three days. We left our position at Cole Harbor, near Gaines' Mills, last Sunday. Marched to White-House Landing, laid there waiting for transportation till Monday night, then shipped on transports, took the back track down the Pamunkey, York, and up the James, to our old place, Bermuda Hundred. We landed there Tuesday night, and marched by moonlight to the banks of the Appomattox, near Point of Rocks. Slept in an open field till Wednesday morning. Then crossed on a pontoon bridge, and pushed out for Petersburg. We met the enemy in position for battle about ten A. M. We at once pitched in and drove them over two miles and to within sight of the city. Darkness came on, and closed the fight, the gain all being on one side. The loss in our Regiment was four killed and some sixteen wounded, most of them slightly.
But the saddest part of the tale for Seneca Falls remains to be told. Lieut. Court. Van Renssalear, as brave and fine an officer as we have in the Regiment, had the misfortune of being captured by the Rebs, together with some 25 or 30 of his Company. He and those captured with him Were on the extreme right of the Regiment and had taken possession of a house as a shelter from which to act as sharp-shooters. While in the house the Regiment was ordered to fall back. He did not get the order, and was left behind; and before he was aware of it, the Rebs surrounded the house and took the whole squad prisoners. I haven't been able to obtain an accurate list of those taken yet, but will in a day or two, and will send it on.
Sergt. Hoster, John Hudson , and in fact the majority of the good fighting men in the Co., are gone to Richmond. The only ones who escaped were those who had been sent to rear for ammunition, water, &c., &c., and who were not in the fight at the time. We took, during the day, between 700 and 800 Rebs, 13 cannon, two forts, and small arms to match. We have not lost many since Wednesday--one or two slight wounds have been all. To-day has been quiet, so far, but I am expecting the fight to begin at any moment. I write in great haste, as I want to go and see the Regiment before sunset.
Yours, truly, FERRIS.

Correspondence of Seneca Co. Courier.
Additional List of Casualties in the 148th Regt. N. Y. Vols., up to June 18, 1864.

Co. A.
June 3d.—Richard Stevens, killed.
June 15th.—James Roe, hip.
" Charles Marshall, back.
" Matthew Caroll, hip.

2d Lieut. Cortland Van Rensselear.
1st Sergt. John F. Hoster.
Sergt. Charles B. Randolph.
Corp. Thomas Pringle.
Corp. William Owens.
Corp. Wm. J. Dillon.
Hiram P. Barton.
James B. Churchill.
James G. Cross.
Robert Campbell.
Thomas Crelly.
Peter A. Deal.
John A. Hudson.
Wm. A. Hood.
Cornelius Hibbard.
William Lace.
Benj. Merry.
Wm. F. Morris.
John Persannar.
Joseph Snyder.
William Thompson.
George Vincent.
Johnson Weah or Weir.
T. B. Youngs.

Co. B.
June 15th.—Richard M. Barber, arm, amputated.
" James M. Smith, hip, slight.
" George W. Austin, hip, slight.

Co. C.
June 8th—George Mills, Band, shoulder.
" 10th—Corp. James C. Wooden, killed.
Co. D.
June 3d.—Sears F. Brainard, hand.
" 15th.—Capt. E. D. Gage, head, slight.
" " —Darnel Yoder, leg broken.
" " —F. M. Dillinbaugh, prisoner.

Co. E.
June 15th.—Thomas McCarty, foot, slight.
" " —George Gorman, wrist, severe.

Co. F.
June 15th.—Sergt. John Earl, left hand, slight.
" " —Wm. H. Francisco, left breast, a bruise.
" 16th—Albert Sharp, missing—supposed taken prisoner.

Co. G.
June 15th.—Phoenemonine Lacy, back, slight.
" " —Corp. Wm. H. Swift, hip, slight.
" " —H. Chamberlain, foot, slight.
June 3d.—Gustavus H. Klube, killed,
" Frank Lammel, missing, supposed killed.
" Corp. Charles P. Wilson do.
" Joseph Lehman do.
" Matthias Moll, do.
" Philander Powell, wounded in leg.
" Joseph F. McIntyre, head, severe.
" Andrew Lob, foot, slight.
" John Vanhorn, foot, very slight.
" Corp. Julius Seibold, face, very slight.
June 15th.--James Beck, killed.
" Abram V. Terhoun, left leg.
" Sergt. John Hiller, leg, slight,
" John Reger, right hand.
" Michael Regan, taken prisoner.

Co. I.
June 8th.--Sylvester Decker, little finger, accident.
" 15th.--Alvah H. Wheat, hip.
" " Philip L. Shaw, face.
" " John Carey, face, severe.
" 16th.--Corp. George Scofield, left leg.
" " Henry Hulbert, leg, very slight.
" " Peter J. Conklin, leg, and taken prisoner.
" " Dennis Lewis, Lewis, hip, slight.
" " Joseph J. Wright, side, severe, a prisoner.

Co. K.
June 15th.--Wilber C. Rouse, right eye, severe.
" " Francis Lee, arm or leg, probably mortally.
" " Noah Turner, missing—supposed captured.
June 18th.--Homer B. Webb, Band, foot,
Previously reported 175
Additional killed, wounded and missing, 76
Total, 251
Co. A has but six men on duty in the Company. The above list is as nearly accurate as it can be made.

We received this morning the following list, from the 148th, which is five days later than the preceeding [sic]:

Co. A.
No casualites [sic] since the last report.

Co. B.
June 18th.—John Clark, killed.
“ “ George W. Van Loan, killed.
“ “ Squires V. Strawway, neck.
“ “ Simpson Halleck, left hand.
“ “ Corp. John Knap, left foot, slight.
“ “ Corp. Volney Haff, right arm.
“ “ James S. Ellis, right foot.
“ “ Ord. Sergt. F. P. Cook, groin, slight.
" " Solomon Brownell, breast, slight.
" " Sergt. Major Homer T. Webb, right breast, slight.
June 3d.—Thos. E. Raplee, hand, severely.

Co. C.
June 18th.—George Hicks, right thumb.
" " Corp. William H. Brown, right hand, slight.
May 26th.—Newton Harwood, left foot.
June 3d.—Joseph Benedict, left leg, slight.

Co. D.
June 18th.—Warren McDuffee, killed.
" " Michael M. Ritter, right wrist.
" " David Ritter, left leg.
" " Charles Ross, right arm.
June 19th.—Elisha King, face, severe.

Co. E.
June 18th.—Charles Little, killed.
" " Henry Bumpus, killed.
" " Sergt. William Van Sickle, right thigh.
" " John A. L. Bodine, right hand.

Co. F.
June 18th.—1st Lieut. A. J. Cook, shoulder, slight.
" " Ord. Sergt. Wm. H. Kelsey, arm.
" 3d.—David Criss, leg, slight.
" " William A. Carr, face and foot.
" " G. W. Ford, neck, severe.

Co. G.
June 18th.—William T Bird, killed.
" " Abram R. Terry, killed.
" " Conrad Bancroft, right arm.
" " John R Stiles, arm, severe.
" " Abram Wilson, right arm.
" " Corp. James M Doolittle, right arm, severe.
" " James Toner, left leg, severe.
" " Michael Toner, right wrist, slight.
June 18th.—Daniel D Sanford, head, slight.
" " Marvin Worden, head and hand, slight.
May 2th.—Corp. A A Stetson, knee, slight.
June 3d.—S Oatman, leg, slight.
" " G W Freer, hand, slight.
" " Bennett Bogardus, arm, severe.
" " Sergt. E R Barker, leg, very slight.
June 8th.—H Fegan, leg slight.

Co. H.
June 18th.—Alford Crull, right hand.
" " Ellis E Pierce, shoulder, slight.

Co. I.
June 18th.—William D. Frey, killed.
" " Charles E Willis, killed.
" " Patrick Duffee, killed.
" " George D Feagles, killed.
" " John D Pool, right ankle.
" " Frank D Smith, leg.
" " Oliver Presler, left leg, slight.
" " Robert Holmes, finger, slight.
June 19th.—Edward H Sins, right hand.
" " A D Robertson, left hand.
" 22d Sergt. F M Bohall, left shoulder.

Co. K.
June 18th.—Ord. Sergt. D W Redfield, neck.
" " George Miles, left knee, slight.
" " Moses N Herald, neck.
" " Corp. Jesse H Baker, killed.
June 3d,—Henry McLain, killed.
Previously reported 251
Present report 64
Those wounded previous to June 18th, and included in this report, are taken from the official record, and were omitted in my own previous lists. My report now agrees with the official, up to date.
It is a sad record, but proves the valor of the 148th, under orders in the field. Who may be the next on the list of the fallen, we know not, but the 148th will continue to face the enemy so long as any are left to command or carry the musket. 
Yours truly,

Casualties in Co. I, 148th Regiment.
Camp 148th N. Y. V.,
June 20, 1864.
FRIEND CLEVELAND:—Below you will find a list of casualties of Company I, 148th Regt. N. Y. Vols., since the 4th day of May, 1864, to the present date:
May 10. Sergt. O. F. Loug, wounded, slight.
" 12. Private Wm. Mathews do side, slight, at Swif's creek.
May 12. Private E. Sine, wounded, leg, slight, Swifs creek.
May 15. Corp'l S. P. Strong, killed, at Drury's Bluff.
May 15. Private Jorden Davis, shoulder severely, Drury's Bluff.
May 15. B. F. Hood, arm, since died, Drury's Bluff.
May 15. Sergt. C. G. Jackson, arm, slight, Drury's Bluff.
May 15. Private A. Speer, side, slight, Drury's Bluff.
May 27. J. H. Van Benthuysen, killed, at Port Watthal.
May 27. J. H. Eckerson, killed, Port Watthal.
June 3. Capt. M. S. Hicks, leg, slight. Cole Harbor.
June 3. Private C. A. Dunning, arm, severe, Cole Harbor.
June 3. Private H. R. Meede, shoulder, severe, Cole Harbor.
June 3. Wm. Gallagher, shoulder, severely, Cole Harbor.
June 3. J. B. Crouch, hip, severely, Cole Harbor.
June 3. Corp'l L, Cooney, Jr., shoulder, slight, Cole Harbor.
June 4. Orderly C. C. Miller, arm, severely, since amputated, Cole Harbor.
June 7. Private S. Decker, hand, slight, Cole Harbor 
June 15. Private P. J. Conklin, wounded and prisoner, near Petersburg.
June 15. Private A. H. Wheat, hip, severely, near Petersburg.
June 15. Private P. L. Shaw, face, severely, near Petersburg.
June 15. Private D. Lewis, hip; slight, near Petersburg.
June 15. Private John Carey, face, severely, hit twice, near Petersburg.
June 15. Private J. J. Wright, missing near Petersburg.
June 18. Private William D. Frey, killed, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private Patrick Duffey, killed, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private Charles E. Willis, killed, near Petersburg.
June 18. George D. Feagles, mortally wounded near Petersburg.
June 18. Private John D. Pool, ankle, severe, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private Frank Smith, knee, severely, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private Edward H. Sine, hand, severe, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private A. D. Robertson, hand, severe, near Petersburg.
June 18. Private Henry Hulbert, leg, slight, near Petersburg.
June 18. Corp'l George Schofield, leg, severely, near Petersburg.
I send this list for publication, for the benefit of the friends and relatives of the men of my Company. 
Yours, &c., M. S. HICKS,
Capt Com'd'g Co. I, 148th Regt.

The Casualties in the 148th N. Y. Volunteers.
I am indebted to Lieut. Fred. L. Manning, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Butler, for the following full list of casualties in the One Hundred and Forty-Eighth Volunteers, Col. Guion--a regiment which has covered itself with great glory in the several heavy fights of the past few days. This command is attached to the Second Division of the Eighteenth corps, known as Gen. Weitzel's fighting troops, and deserves great praise for its excellent bearing and discipline under a hot fire:
Sgt Curtis S Due, A; John Metz, D; Augustus Scott, D; Geo Chase, D; Irvin A West, E; Anthony Covert, E; James Reiley, H; Corp. Samuel Strong, I.
Patrick McNany, A, leg, slightly; John C Pringle, A, shoulder, severely; Aaron D. Updike, A, head, slightly; Henry Gaumar, A, leg, slightly; Wm Stahl, A, head, slightly; John Tunerson, B, leg, slightly; Corp Perry W Danes, B, leg, severely; John Moore, D, back slightly; Geo Huntington, B, leg, slightly W. McElroy, E, hand, slightly; Hamilton B Crave, E, leg, severely; George Hadsall, E, shoulder, severely; Geo. Krug, E, leg, severely; Owen Daly, E, shoulder, severely; Edward Anderson, E, thigh, severely; M. Quinn, E, foot, severely; Geo. Sabine, E, arm, severely; Capt. H R Gardner, F, shoulder, slightly; Jas. Goodrich, G, leg, slightly; Corp A A Stetson, G, ankle, severely; Peter Goodrich, G, shoulder, severely; Andrew Lyon, G, head and back; Corp Wm S. Briggs, G, leg, severely; Martin L. Bennett, G, arm, slightly; Capt Edgar A Griswold, G, shoulder, severely; Levi Parsons, G, neck, slightly; Wm Edwards, H, leg, slightly; Corp Fran. Gregory, H, face, sev.; Geo F Mitchell, B, hand, slightly; Geo R Tubbs, leg, severely; M Fitzgerald, B, arm, slightly; John Brown, C, arm, slightly; Chas Cole, C, leg, severely; Mortimer Dean, D, left leg, slightly; L P Williams, D, arm, slightly; D Yoder, D, foot, severely; Corp David Barnes, D, foot, severely; James Bishop, E, hand, slightly; Alonzo Kitson, E, foot, slightly; William Voorhies, E, shoulder, severely; John Scott, E, shoulder, severely; Joseph Sprague, F, foot, slightly; L D Green, F, foot, slightly; C W Stark, F, hip; severely; Wm A Wilson, F, hip, slightly; H H Barnes, F, thigh, severely; J J Centley, F, neck, slightly; Jno Malone, H, arm, slightly; Capt Benj Watkins, H, bowels, slightly; Sergt G F Long, I, leg, slightly; Wm Matthews, I, side, slightly; E Sine. I, leg, slightly; Jordan Davis, I, shoulder, severely; Benj Hood, I, arm, severely; Sgt C J Jackson, arm, slightly; A Speers, I, back, slightly; Wm Manahan, K, arm, amputated; Capt Hiram Schutt, K, arm, severely; Joseph Hawver, K, thigh, severely. 
Col. commanding 148th N. Y. Vols.

Additional list of Casualties in the 148th N. Y. V. up to Date, June 23, 1864.
Richard Stevens, killed. 
James Roe, wounded in hip.
Charles Marshall, back.
Matthew Caroll, hip.

Taken Prisoners of Co. A, June 15th.
2d Lieut. Cortland Van Renssalaer, 1st Sergt. John L. Hoster, Sergt. Charles B. Randolph, Corp'l Thpmas Pringle, Corp'l Wm. Owens, Corp'l Wm. J. Dillon, Privates, Hiram P. Barton, James B. Churchill, James G. Cross, Robert Campbell, Thomas Creily, Peter A. Deal, John A. Hudson, Wm. A. Hood, Cornelius Hibbard, Wm. Lace, Benj. Merry, Wm. F. Morris, John Bersannar, Joseph Snyder, William Thompson, George Vincent, Johnson Weir, Talcott B. Youngs.

Co. B.
Richard M. Barber, arm amputated.
James M. Smith, hip slight.
George W. Auston, hip slight.
John Clark, killed.
George W. Van Loan, killed.
Squires V. Strawway, neck.
Simpson Halleck, left hand.
Corp. Volney Haff, right arm.
James Ellis, right foot.
Ord. Sergt. F. P. Cook, groin, slight.
Solomon Brownel, breast, slight.
Sergt. Major M. S. Webb, right breast, slight.
Thomas E. Raplee, hand, severely.

Co. C.
George Mills, (Band,) shoulder.
Corp. James C. Wooden, killed.
George Hicks, right thumb.
Corp. Wm. H. Brown, right hand, slight.
Newton Harwood, left foot.
Joseph Benedict, left leg, slight.

Co. D.
Sears F. Brainard, hand.
Capt. E. D. Gage, head, slight.
Daniel Yoder, leg, broken.
H. M. Dillinbaugh, taken prisoner.
Warren McDuffee, killed.
David Ritter, left leg.
Wm. Laboytaux, thumb.
Charles Ross, right arm.
Elisha King, face, severe.

Co. E.
Thomas McCarty, foot slight.
George Gorham, wrist, severe.
Charles Little, killed.
Henry Bumpus, killed.
Sergt. W. Van Sickle, right thigh.
John A. L. Bodine, right hand.

Co. F.
Sergt. John Earl, left hand, slight.
Wm. H. Francisco, breast, very slight.
Albert Sharp, missing--probably captured.
1st Lieut. A. J. Cook, shoulder, slight.
Ord. Sergt. Wm. H. Kelsey, arm.
G. W. Ford, neck, severe.

Co. G.
P Lacy, back, slight.
Corp'l Wm H Swift, hip, slight.
H Chamberlain, foot, slight.
Wm T Bird, killed.
Abram R Terry, killed.
Conrad Bancroft, right arm.
John R Stiles, arm, severe.
Abram Wilson, right arm.
Corp James M Doolittle, right arm, severe.
James Toner, left leg, severe.
Michael Toner, right wrist, slight.
Daniel D. Sandford, head, slight.
Marvin Worden, head and hand, slight.
Corp'l A A Stetson, knee, slight.
S Oatman, leg, slight.
G W Freer, hand, slight.
Bennet Bogarus, arm, severe.
Sergt. E R Barker, leg, very slight.
H Fegan, leg, slight.

Co. H.
Gustave A Klube, killed.
Frank Lammel, missing—supposed killed.
Charles P Wilson, " " "
Joseph Lehman, " “ " 
Matthias Moll, " " "
Philander Powell, wounded in leg.
Joseph F McIntyre, head, severe.
Andrew Lob, foot, slight.
John Vanhorn, foot, very slight.
Corp'l Wm M Tinkham, leg, very slight.
Corp'l Julius Scibold, face, very slight.
James Becky, killed.
Abram V Terhune, left leg.
Sergt John Hiller, leg, slight.
John Reger, right hand.
Michael Regan, taken prisoner.
Alford Crull, right hand.
Ellis Pierce, shoulder, slight.

Co. I.
Sylvester Decker, little finger--by accident
Alvah H Wheat, hip.
Philip L Shaw, face.
John Carey, face, severe.
Corp'l George Scofield, left leg.
Henry Hulburt, leg, very slight.
Peter J Conklin, leg, and taken prisoner.
Dennis Lewis, hip, slight.
Joseph J Wright, side, taken prisoner.
William D Frey, killed.
John D Pool, right ankle.
Frank D Smith, leg.
Oliver Presler, left leg, slight.
Robert Holmes, finger, slight.
Edward H Sine, right hand.
A D Robertson, left hand.
Sergt L M Bohall, left shoulder.

Co. K.
Wm C Rouse, right eye, severe.
Francis Lee, arm and leg, probably mortally.
Robert C Calhoun, left knee.
Noah Turner, missing--supposed prisoner.
Homer B Webb, band, foot, slight.
1st Sergt D W Redfield, neck.
George Miles, left knee, slight.
Moses N Herald, knee.
Corp'l Jesse H Baker, killed.
Henry McLain, "

Previously reported, 175
Additional list to date, 140
Total killed, wounded and missing, 315

C. SENTELL, Editor.
148th Regiment.
The following casualties have occurred in the 148th, in addition to those heretofore published:

Company A.
No casualties since last report.

John Clark, killed.
George W. Van Loan, killed.
Squires A. Strawway, neck.
Simpson Halleck, left hand.
Corp. John Knap, left foot, slight.
Corp. Volney Haff, right arm.
James S. Ellis, right foot.
Ord. Sergt. F. P. Cook, groin, slight.
Solomon Brownel, breast, slight.
Sergt. Maj. M. S. Webb, rt. breast, sl't.
Thomas E. Raplee, hand, severely.

George Hicks, right thumb.
Corp. Wm. H. Brown, right hand, sl't.
Newton Harwood, left foot.
Joseph Benedict, left leg, slight.

Warren McDuffee, killed.
Michael M. Ritter, right breast, slight.
David Ritter, left leg.
Wm. Laboytaux, thumb.
Charles Ross, right arm.
Elisha King, face, severe.

Charles Little, killed.
Henry Bumpus, killed.
Sergt. Wm. Van Sickle, right thigh.
John A. L. Bodine, right hand.

1st Lieut. A. J. Cook, shoulder, slight.
Ord. Sergt. Wm. H. Kelsey, arm.
David Criss, leg, slight.
Wm. A. Carr, face and foot.
G. W. Ford, neck, severe.

Wm. T. Bird, killed.
Abram R. Terry, killed.
Conrad Bancroft, right arm.
John R. Stiles, arm, severe.
Abram Wilson, right arm.
Corp. Jas. M. Doolittle, rt. arm, severe.
James Toner, left leg, severe.
Michael Toner, right wrist, slight.
Daniel D. Sandford, head, slight.
Marvin Worden, head and hand, slight.
Corp. A. A. Stetson, knee, slight.
S. Oatman, leg, slight.
G. W. Freer, hand, slight.
Bennet Bogardus, arm, severe.
Sergt. E. R. Barker, leg, very slight.
H. Fegan, leg, slight.

Alford Crull, right hand.
Ellis Pierce, shoulder, slight.

William D. Frey, killed.
Charles E. Wallis, do
Patrick Duffee, do
Geo. D. Feagles, do 
John D. Pool, right ankle. 
Frank D. Smith, leg. 
Oliver Presler, left leg, slight. Robert Holmes, finger, slight. 
Edward H. Sine, right hand. 
A. D. Robertson, left hand. 
Sergt. L. M. Bohall, left shoulder.

1st Sergt. D. W. Redfield, neck.
George Miles, knee.
Moses N. Herald, knee.
Corp. Jesse H. Baker, killed.
Henry McLain, do

Previously reported, 251
Present report, 64
Total, 315
Those wounded previous to June 18, and included in this report, are taken from the official record and were omitted in my own previous lists. Mt report now agrees with the official up to date. It is a sad record, but proved the valor of the 148th under orders in the field.
Who may be next to fall, we know not, but t h e Regiment will continue to face the enemy so long as there are any left to command or wield the musket. Yours truly,
Ferris Scott, Chaplain.

Casualties In the 148th N. Y. V.
The following is a correct list of the killed, wounded and missing in the 148th Regiment, N. Y. V., as reported by Col. G. M. Guion. The Regiment is said to have covered itself with glory in the heavy fights which have taken place on the James River. The command is attached to the second division of the 18th Corps, known as Weitzel's fighting troops, and deserves great praise for its excellent bearing and discipline under a hot fire:

Serg't Curtis S. Dey, A, Irvin A. West, E, John Mertz, D, Anthony Covert, E, Augustus F. Scott, D, James Reily, H, Geo. Chase, D, Corp'l S. Strong, I.

WOUNDED--Company A.
Patrick McNancy, in leg.
John C. Pringle, shoulder, severely.
Aaron D. Updike, head slightly.
Henry Gauther, leg slightly.
Wm. Stahl, head slightly.

Company B.
John Tunnerson, leg slightly.
Corp'l Perry W. Danes, leg severely.
Geo. F. Mitchell, head slightly.
Geo. R. Tubbs, leg severely.
M. Fitzgerald, arm slightly.

Company C.
John Brown, arm slightly.
Charles E. Cole, leg severely.

Company D.
Mortimer Dean, left leg slightly.
John B. Moore, back slightly.
Geo. W. Huntington, leg slightly.
L. P. Williams, arm slightly.
David Yoder, left fore finger.
Corp'l David L. Barnes, in foot.

Company E.
Wm. J. McIlroy, hand, slightly.
Hamilton R. Craven, leg, severely.
George Hadsell, shoulder, severely
Geo. King, leg, severely
Owen Daly, shoulder, severely
Edward Anderson, thigh, severely
M. Quinn, foot, severely
Geo. Sabine, arm, severely
James Bishop, hand, slightly
Alonzo Kitson, foot, slightly
William Voorhies, shoulder, severely
John Scott, shoulder, severely

Company F.
Capt. H. R. Gardner, shoulder, slightly
Joseph Sprague, foot, slightly
L. D. Green, foot, slightly
C. W. Stark, hip, severely
Wm. A. Wilson, hip, slightly
H. H. Barnes, thigh, severely
J. J. Cenley, neck, slightly

Company G.
Jas. Goodrich, leg, slightly
Corp'l A. A. Stetson, ankle, severely
Peter Goodrich, shoulder severely
Andrew Lyon, head and back
Corp'l Wm. S. Briggs, leg, severely
Martin L. Bennett, arm, slightly
Capt Edgar L Griswold, shoulder, severely
Levi Parsons, neck, slightly

Company H.
Wm. Edwards, leg, slightly
Corp'l Francis Gregory, face, severely
John Malone, arm, slightly
Capt. Benj. Watkins, bowels, slightly

Company I.
Sergt. O. F. Long, leg, slighty [sic]
Wm. Matthews, side, slightly
E. Sine, leg, slightly
Jordan Davis, shoulder, severely
Benj. Hovel, arm, severely
Sergt. G. J. Jackson, arm, slightly
Wm. Manahan, arm, amputated
Bapt. Hiram Schutt, arm, severely
Joseph Hawyer, thigh, severevy [sic].

CAMP OF THE 148TH N. Y.Vols.,
Near Bermuda Hundreds, Va., 
September 12th, 1864. 
Editor Geneva Gazette: 
After a long and tedious campaign, the 148th is at last in a place of temporary quiet, behind the impregnable fortifications of Gen. Butler. The campaign commenced with the regiment April 22d, and since May 6th has been within hearing of perpetual cannon and musketry fire; and with the exception of ten weeks of the time, it has been continually under fire. The regiment when it left York-town was in splendid condition and with full ranks--comparing sadly with its thin and shattered ranks of to-day. Between four and five hundred of the noble fellows that left Yorktown with us, full of life and hope, but a little over four months ago, are now sleeping the "quiet sleep that knows no waking," or are languishing in northern hospitals. The campaign of this year is without parallel in the history of this war, and the 18th Army Corps, to which the 148th is attached, has done its full share of the fighting, and has furnished its full quota of killed and wound-ed. We are confronted here by the same division that has met us five times at Peters-burg, once at Drury's Bluff, and twice at Coal Harbor. Hoke's rebel Division and the 2d. of the 18th corps and met many times in deadly conflict, and to-day they meet between the picket lines, chat, trade tobacco, pocketknives, etc. in the most friendly manner. While we were in front of Petersburg, our camp was in close proximity to that of the 126th N. Y., as noble a fighting regiment as ever met the enemy, and whose glorious career for the past two years, is without one blot. Well may the friends of the 126th and 148th be proud of their record, for each regiment stands A No. 1 in their respective corps. The losses of the two regiments so far have been about equal during the two years they have been in the service. A wrong impression prevails at home in regard to the strength of the 126th; some papers stating that "only 40 of the 1000 that left Geneva are left of the organization," when in reality, subtracting killed, wounded, prisoners, transfers to the invalid corps, deserters and those discharged for disability, there remains on the muster rolls the names of 460 men.
Quite a difference exists between the bounty given three years volunteers in 1862 and what is paid now for volunteers for one year. Then it averaged $90 for three years now $1200 for one year. When we enlisted we supposed the war would be ended, and what was left be at home in less than a year; but two long years have passed and the "end is not yet." Our national currency has depreciated, the cost of living has almost trebled, while the stubborn fact stares us in the face that we have not been paid in six months. Is this Justice? is it good faith? if so it is not calculated to inspire, with "splendid spirits," the soldier whose little ones cry for bead, and whose life can only turn from an empty cupboard and resort to the Poormaster for a pittance to help keep the "dark spectre" from the door.
The army almost unanimously approve the proceedings of the Chicago Convention, and ___, unquestionably, as with one voice, on the __day of Nov. next, declare for the soldier the soldier's friend, the hero and statesman,
Gen. GEO. B. MCCLELLAN. God grant us victory that day, and the sun of prosperity will once more shine on this once happy land.
Allow me to remain
As bound with you in the faith,
[Seneca Hills Cour. - May 4, 1865.]

FROM THE 148th N. Y. V.
CAMP OF THE 148th N. Y. V.,
RICHMOND, Va., April 29th, 1865.
FRIEND FULLER: It was my misfortune not to be present with the gallant 148th during its recent glorious campaign, and at this writing I am not aware that any definite account of the marching and fighting executed by our brave boys has been sent to you for publication.
Adjutant Traver has kindly placed in my hands his official report, which I will copy and forward as being, in my judgment, a more succinct history of the Reg't since it broke camp at Deep Bottom than any that I could write. This report is dated:
April 14th, 1865.
This Reg't broke camp at Deep Bottom, Va., on the 27th day of March, 1865; formed with the Brigade at 10 A. M. At 9 P. M. took up the line of march, forming on the left of the 4th Brig. 1st Div. 24th A. C.--Crossed the James river at Deep Bottom at 11 P. M. and halted at James landing until
3 A. M. of the 28th, when we again resumed the march, crossing the Appomattox river at daybreak. Continued the march until 8 P. M., passing at the left of Petersburg and halting for the night in rear of the 9th Corps line. Resumed the march again at 4 A. M. of the 29th, following the lines of the 2d Corps to the left of Petersburg for about three miles. Halted at 7 A. M. and relieved the 120th N. Y. Vols., being a portion of the 2nd Corps. Sent 120 men forward at once on the picket line, the remainder of the Reg't occupied the camp of the 120th N. Y. Vols.
At 7 P. M., of the 30th day of March the men in camp went out as a reserve for the picket line where we lay upon our arms until 5 P. M., 31st, when we returned to the works. The picket line, 120 strong, advanced at 8 A. M. on the 31st under my personal command (as Brigade Officer of the Day) to within 200 yards of the enemy's works, capturing their entire picket line on our front, consisting of 125 men of the 46th and 48th N. C. Battalion. From this position a sharp firing was kept up during the day, our casualties being as follows:
Clarence S. Lindsley, 2d Lieut., Co. E, wounded in leg.
James McClure, Corpl. Co. G, wounded in abdomen, mortally, since died.
Jerome Johnson, Private, Co. F, wounded in hip, severely.
Richard VanHoughton, Co. F, wounded in hand.
During April 1st, the Regiment were under arms at the woods, 120 men on the picket line. At 7 A. M. of the 2d marched to the right about two miles, to the breach in the enemy's lines in front of the 6th Corps. After passing to the rear of the enemy's works we moved to the right in the direction of Petersburg,—were supports to the charging column upon Forts Gregg and Baldwin, where our casualties were as follows:
Fred. S. Gibbs, Sergt. Major, wounded in leg, slight.
Hiram Case, Private, Co. G, wounded in side, severe.
Theodore Taylor, Private, Co. E, wounded in back.
Moses Coons, Private, Co. I, wounded in leg.
F. Davis, Private, Co. I, wounded in face.
At 4 A. M. the picket line in command of Henry Parsons, Capt. Co. H, advanced and captured the enemy's works in their front, together with about 300 prisoners; one six-gun battery, with the horses, harness and appurtenances thereto belonging; one battle flag, the colors of the 8th Mississippi regiment, and other property, which was duly turned over to the Provost Guard of the Sixth Corps. Our casualties were George L. Mathews, Private, Co. A, killed. 
At 11, A. M., the picket rejoined the Regiment, at 5 P. M., the Regiment moved into Fort Baldwin, which we occupied until 4 A. M. April 3d, when we again resumed the march, which continued until 8 P. M., when we halted for the night near the South Side R. R. On the 4th my command was detailed as guards to the 1st Division wagon train. Camped for the night at the park of the train. Joined the Brigade at 9 A. M., April 5th, and continued the march during the entire day. April 6th, resumed the march at 4 A. M. and reached Burksville at 11 P. M., where we camped for the night. Left Burksville at 10 A. M., April 7th, marched to Rice Station which we reached at 3 P. M., at which place we came up with the enemy and engaged him. Our casualties were as follows: Caleb G. Jackson, 2nd Lieutenant Co. I, killed; James Tuttle, private, Co. B, wounded in leg. At dark my line was thrown forward some 500 yards, to the crest of a hill, and the Regiment were engaged during the night in entrenching in that position. On the 8th (the enemy having retreated during the night) we moved forward at 5 A. M., and continued the march along the South Side R. R. until 11 P. M., when a halt was made for the night. At 3 A. M., April 9th, moved forward again, and at 7 A. M., engaged the enemy near the Appomattox Court House. Here the enemy found himself so badly pressed by the superior marching and fighting qualities of the 24th Army Corps, that after feeling of our front and realizing that we were there, he proposed a surrender, which was duly executed and carried out by turning over his arms, colors, and property to the 5th Corps, who arrived upon the ground just in time to receive the same, while we who really prevented his escape, lay in our present position awaiting something to turn up, where we have remained up to this date. Our Casualties are:
Isaac Wilkins, private Co. F, wounded in hip, (slight.)
Alanson E. Lyon, private Co. G., wounded in arm, (slight.)
Arthur Murphy, private Co. E, wounded in arm, (slight.)
Too much credit cannot be given to the officers and men of this command for the gallant manner in which they, together with their comrades of the brigade and Corps, have entered the fight and endured the march. Where all have done so well it would be invidious to attempt to mention individuals.
(Signed,) J. B. MURRAY,
Col. Commanding.
Our Regiment are now in camp about a mile north of the city of Richmond. The skies are rapidly brightening and we confidently hope ere long to return to our homes, bearing not only the palms of victory but the strongest assurances of an abiding peace. God Omnipotent reigneth. Let the people rejoice.
Yours Truly, FERRIS SCOTT, Chaplain.