73rd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves.
The organization of this Regiment is progressing rapidly, and the muster-roll is nearly completed. A committee consisting of John Baulch, John McCosker, and Charles L. Curtis, recently visited Washington to offer the services of the Regiment for the war, and there is no doubt of their being accepted. There are now seven hundred men enrolled, and so soon as arms are furnished they will go into barracks. The recruiting officers of the Regiment, in pursuance of an order from John Baulch, are ordered to meet today (Saturday,) at their Headquarters, Fifth Ward Hotel, at 4 o'clock. The Colonelcy of the Regiment has been offered to a distinguished officer in the United States Army. Rumor says to Colonel Charley May. We hope so. (May 31, 1861)
Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves.
Owing to this Regiment not having been properly encouraged by the Union Defence Committee at the first starting of the organization (although they have since come forward and stated that every requisite shall be forthcoming), and to the want of some suitable man for Colonel, a check was given to the affair. Since the death of Ellsworth, however, there has been a fresh impetus started, and the Regiment is in a fair way to be filled up.
The Captains are as follows: Company A, Burns; Company B, Glass; Company C, Andrews; Company D, Crowley; Company E, Fisk; Company F, Silva; Company G, Feeney; Company H, Underhill; Company J, Elliott; Company K, Hathaway.
The recruiting offices are as follows: 128 West Broadway, house of Engine Company No. 10; house of Hook and Ladder Company No. 15, 100 Cedar street; house of Hose Company No. 22; house of Engine Company No. 81; house of Hose Company No. 51; Fireman's Hall, Brooklyn, W. D.; Chief Engineer's Office, Brooklyn, E. D.; house of Hook and Ladder Company No. 6. (June 1, 1861)
The general Head Quarters are at Laird's Hotel.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
This regiment is now likely to be raised. It is to form a part of the so-called Sickles Brigade, and the men are to commence going into quarters at Camp Scott, on Staten Island.
The new Colonel, James Fairman, formerly belonged to Company A, 8th regiment. He was nominated for Congress at the time Hon. Horace A. Clark ran; but a compromise being effected, he withdrew. It remains to be seen what sort of a commanding officer he will make.
The Lieutenant-Colonelcy is vacant. The Major is Lieutenant John D. Moriarty, late of the 7th Regiment.
All the staff and line officers are to be firemen. Assistant Engineer, John A. McCosker, it is said, is to be made Quartermaster.
The dress will be, in all probability, Zouave red fez cap, blue Zouave jacket, red shirt, blue pants, and white gaiters.
Parade of the Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves.
The Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves is to parade this evening, under command of Acting Colonel Decker. The members of the different companies are ordered to assemble on Broome street, right resting on Centre street, at half-past 6 o'clock precisely, in black glazed caps, red shirts, and black pants.
The route is from Broome street up Broadway to Union square, round the equestrian statue of Washington, thence down Fourth avenue, Bowery, and Broadway to Broome street, and dismiss.
Recruits will be received at any of the company quarters during the day, or at General Headquarters, at the armory of the Seventy-first Regiment, Centre Market drill-rooms.
It is expected that the officers will be prompt, and have their men upon the ground at the time indicated. (June 8, 1861)
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
During the week, the several Companies of this organization have been sworn in at Centre Market. No Field officers are chosen as yet, Assistant Engineer Alker and Capt. Samuel Jackson are talked of for Major. It is rumored that Jack Bailey, the Fire and Militia editor of the Sunday Mercury, will be attached to this Regiment. His military criticisms are read and acknowledged everywhere, as standing authority. We understand that quarters are to be provided for the men during the coming week, when drilling commences in earnest. There are upwards of five hundred men enrolled in some eight Companies. (June 8, 1861)
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves. (June 5, 1861)
The officers for this new regiment are nearly all chosen. Major Shaler, of the Seventh Regiment, is to be Colonel, Capt. Wm. H. Riblet, Lieut. Colonel, and Lieut. John D. Moriarty Major. The staff is to be made up mainly from the ranks of the National Guard, and many of the 1st Lieutenants of the different companies will be chosen from the same command.
There are about 650 men enrolled. Chief-Engineer Decker and several friends of the organization went on to Washington during the week to see what the Government would do in reference to arms and equipments.
The regiment has been accepted, and is to be uniformed as speedily as possible. The men are meanwhile, to be mustered into the service and probably quartered at one of the islands in the East River.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
We regret to announce that this regiment, which numbered some of the best men still in the Fire Department, has been broken up through delay and disappointment It was one of the fourteen extra regiments accepted by the Union Defence Committee several weeks ago, and promised immediate aid. Instead of furnishing quarters and means for the men, this Union Defence Committee refused to have any thing to do with them, notwithstanding an excellent choice of officers had been made.
Chief Engineer Decker went on to Washington, and returned here last Monday with the information that the regiment would be accepted by the War Department, provided it was uniformed and equipped. Either the privates who were to fight and run the risk of getting killed, must buy their own uniforms, knapsacks, belts, blankets, &c., or else they could not go.
Now this is wrong. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars still unexpended in the State and City Treasury for the especial purpose of equipping New York regiments. Why accept of new organizations, and fit them out before those already chosen are in a fair way to get ready for the field?
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
This regiment does not seem to recruit very rapidly. There are only about 200 men now forming the nucleus of the Fourth Regiment Excelsior (or Sickles) Brigade, at Camp Scott. It is a question if the regiment will be much of a success; several of the men thus far enlisted would have to be rejected by an inspecting officer.
Cannot they get hold of some spirited wide-awake well-known military officers to take a hand in the organization?
The regiment is now encamped about a half mile this side Camp Scott, and expects to gat along much better than when mixed in with the other companies and organizations.
The companies and their recruiting stations are as follows:
Company A, Capt. M C. Burns, promises to be the "banner" company. They only need a few more recruits. Their headquarters is at the Exempt Hose house in West Broadway, near Beach street.
Company B, Captain J. Smith, is also a good company as far as heard from. They are located at the house of Hose Company No. 56, in the Park.
Company C, Captain John Andrews, headquarters 2A home of Hook and Ladder Company No. 15, Franklin street. Company D, Captain D. Crowley; headquarters, house of Engine Company No. 28, No. 100 Cedar street.
Company E, Captain Fisk; headquarters, house of Hose Company No. 23.
Company F, Captain J. Libry; headquarters, house of Engine Company No. 31. Company G, Captain Phoenix; headquarters, house of Hose Company No. 50. Company H, Captain Lawrence; headquarters, house of Engine Company No. 20. Company J, Captain Elliott, Brooklyn, Eastern District, at Chief Engineer's office. Company K, Captain Purtell; headquarters, house of Engine Company No. 14.
The uniform of the regiment is to be a chasseur jacket of dark blue, trimmed with light blue; sky-blue pants, with white canvas leggings; red shirt and a light blue fatigue cap.
It is expected the regiment will leave for the seat of war in about two weeks.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
This regiment is getting along swimmingly. The men are determined to conduct themselves with propriety, and seem quite attached to their officers. One of the officers informs us that every member cheerfully performs his duty, and all are anxious to get away as soon as possible. The uniform of this regiment can not be bettered. It is strong, easy-fitting, and dashing in its appearance. The regiment expects to be off in about a week. (Aug. 3, 1861)
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves. (Aug. 24, 1861)
There appears to be no inconsiderable difficulty in regard to affairs in this regiment. A number of interested parties, actuated by political feelings, have determined upon removing Colonel Fairmen. Out of the ten companies, seven are decidedly in his favor, and will leave the regiment if he is removed. It is urged against the colonel that he is not competent for the post. So far he has proved himself to be a good officer, as respects taking care of and equipping his men, in spite of the interfering opposition of Dan Sickles and others.
Some of the line officers are not very popular with their men. Thus is especially true of the captain of Company E, who chaffered away the office of first lieutenant to a different person than whom he represented, and also deceived the second lieutenant in regard to his position. The rumpus in Company K, on Thursday, while en route for the Park barracks, was caused by a difference between the men as to which lieutenant should command, the captain being temporarily absent.
The following is a list of the officers: Colonel, James Fairman; Lieutenant-Colonel, L. C. Benedict, Jr.; Major, John D. Moriarty. Company A, Captain M. Burns, Lieutenants Shaw and Phelan. Company B, Captain T. Smith, Lieutenants Glass and Whitfield. Company C, Captain A. Gibson, Lieutenants Dennin and Price. Company D, Captain D. Crowley, Lieutenants Gleeson and Skinner. Company E, Captain W. M. Flake, Lieutenants Tremaine and Mullin. Company F, Captain Donalds, Lieutenants Shine and Feeny. Company G, Captain J. Feeny, Lieutenant Stuart (no second lieutenant). Company H, Captain W. McCardey, and Lieutenants Reynolds and Lawrence. Company I, Captain C. Elliott, Lieutenants Short and Ruck. Company K, Captain M. D. Purtell, and Lieutenants Evans and Hamilton.
We hope that there may be no fooling with any deserters or disorderlies in this fire regiment. Punish the offenders at once, and to the extent of the law.
Discipline and good men will soon follow.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
This regiment has, since its arrival at head-quarters, won golden opinions from the War Department and the officers generally, of the army. It has succeeded in purging itself of the incubus who sought to force himself upon it as commandant.
The regiment has been placed in the Excelsior Brigade, commanded by General Sickles. The attempt to influence the officers against this assignment has failed. General Sickles has obtained permission of the War Department to recruit the regiment to the full army standard. Lieut. Wm. H. Lewis, whose office for the present is at No. 12 Chambers street, has been detailed to raise an additional company. He has also established a branch at No. 12 Greenwich avenue, where those who live in the upper part of the city can enroll their names.
We commend this new draft to the patriotism of the firemen, not doubting that it will meet with a prompt response on their part. The same difficulties which environed the First Regiment will not be encountered by this, and we therefore do not hesitate to predict for it a brilliant career of usefulness and glory. A number of our prominent firemen have ordered a superb stand of colors, which will be presented to the regiment in a few days. (Sept. 7, 1861)
The Second Fire Zouaves.
By reports received from Washington, this regiment appears to be getting along much better than its friends here anticipated. They are posted at Ox-Run, and commence throwing up entrenchments next week. During their temporary encampment at Meridan Hill, they were reviewed by General McClellan.
We hope the pick-axe and shovel may not be entirely used in place of the musket. Keep the men well drilled, even if it is necessary to leave the entrenchment work to other hands. Learn every man how to rally, load and retreat.
A flag is to be presented to Company G (Captain Feeney) by the citizens of the Sixth Ward.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
We have received the following letter from our special correspondent, and it will be found not without interest:
Camp McClellan, September 8, 1861.
Editor Leader: The announcement in your paper of last Saturday, that the "Boys" were not forgotten, and that there were friends that they left behind who were about to present the regiment with a stand of colors, sent a thrill of joy among them that was full and complete.
They are fully determined to prove worthy of the gift, and to show by their acts that they are firemen—not runners—and will sustain the honor of the flag, and the good name and fame of the New York Fire Department.
The most perfect order has existed in the camp since our arrival with one exception. One of the boys who sought to escape, was caught, gagged with a bayonet in his mouth, and then sent to the Provost Marshal of Washington to be tried for Insubordination.
The Quartermaster's Department, under Lieutenant John A. McCosker, is in most admirable working order. He has possession of a large barn, which he has subdivided in three departments—one for quartermaster's stores, one for company's stores, and the other for ordnance stores; and thus by the system introduced by him, everything goes on swimmingly.
We are now encamped on a splendid place about five and a half miles from Washington, and the men are happy and content, with very few on the sick list, and those doing well.
We have been under marching orders since Thursday night, and our pickets are out day and night for five miles north and south. They were fired on last night, but nobody hurt. Considering the little military experience we have had, I do not think that if the brigade moves onward but that we will be left here to guard its camps.
Great credit is due General Sickles for the splendid manner with which he has behaved towards the regiment. Whatever we have failed here to get from the Government has been most promptly supplied by himself, and in fact, he has throughout sought to anticipate our every want.
His devotion to the comfort of our regiment cannot but be gratifying to the Fire Department. Our source of joy in the regiment has been to be relieved of the erratic domination of Mr. Fairman, who now is quietly left out in the cold, to meditate with his brethren of the Young Men's Christian Association, of which he has been a burning and shining light, upon the mutability of human affairs. Truly, he may exclaim in the language of Brother Bates, there is nothing certain but uncertainty.
The election of Field Officers took place on the 6th instant.
The following is a perfect list of the present Regimental Field Officers and Staff, and also Captains:
Colonel Wm. R. Brewster.
Lieut.-Colonel L. I. Benedict, Jr.
Major John D. Moriarty.
Quartermaster John A. McCosker.
Adjutant George Le Fort.
Surgeon William Bostwick.
Assistant Surgeon James T. Brady.
Commissary Sergeant Chas. Carson (son of Alfred).
A. Michael W. Burns (21 Hose).
B. Thomas Smith (56 Hose).
C. Archibald Gibson (15 Hook and Ladder).
D. Daniel Crowley (20 Engine).
E. William Fisk (22 Hose).
F. A. A. Donalds (17 Engine).
G. John Feeny (50 Hose).
H. William McCauley (40 Engine).
I. ____ Elliot (Ass't Engineer Williamsburgh).
K. Michael C. Partell (14 Engine).
If our first scrawl finds favor, we will furnish you more of the weakly sort.
Yours, Grand Rounds.
From Our Second Fire Zouave Correspondent.
Camp McClellan, Oct. 14th, 1861.
Editor leader—Since my last our regiment has been busy in the performance of our ordinary camp duty. On last Tuesday the fort on Hope Hill was completed, excepting the magazine, which will be left for laboring men. I have not seen the works since completed, but in some future time may have an opportunity of visiting them, when I will give you a full description. I regret to record the death of Fleming Roff, private in Company C, who was accidentally shot. His remains have been conveyed to his former home in Westfield, N. J.
The disputed Colonelcy still excites considerable attention. The heart and soul of the regiment was once for Fairman. But when the deception practiced by him was fully exposed, the sentiment underwent an entire change. The unjust interference of New York politicians' is depriving us of our pay, which many that have families are sadly in need of. Should Fairman be forced on us, we will never fulfill the dearest hopes of our friends. When Colonel Brewster took command there was scarcely any to bid him welcome, as we then believed that Colonel Fairman had been unjustly deprived of the command. But his cool, deliberate action daily tends to increase our confidence in him as commanding officer. The same can also be said of Gen. Sickles. When the regiment left New York, the cry was, "We will never serve under Gen. Sickles!" On last Saturday, at brigade review, I can assure the readers of your paper that Gen. Sickles was never more heartily cheered in his life than he was by the Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves.
Where can you find men more sensitive than the firemen of New York? We fully appreciate the kind favors of General Sickles, and feel proud to have the honor to serve under him. We are expecting to be presented with a set of colors, and also a visit from General McClellan this week—so we must keep our uniform clean and brass plates bright for their reception. Last Saturday night two days' rations were ordered to be prepared, and the regiment put under marching orders; but as yet we have not moved. I think for the present we will be left in our encampment Lieutenants Tremaine and Skane, of Companies C and A, have resigned. Next week I will give you a full list of the officers connected with the regiment.
Hoping you are well, yours truly C___H.
Second Fire Zouaves.
Camp McClellan, Ox Run,
October 19, 1861.
MR. EDITOR—According to the promise given you when I last saw you, I now proceed to give you a sketch of the proceedings in and around our camp. The most important of these was the presentation of the stand of colors to the regiment, which, I can assure you, was quite an imposing display, and passed off with great eclat.
The sight of so many familiar faces among the visitors was almost sufficient to make us imagine ourselves somewhere in the vicinity of New York, instead of our being so far away from home and friends. The speeches made on the occasion of the presentation were very good, especially that of Gen. Sickles, and one by Henry Wilson, but I suppose you will have an opportunity to form an opinion of your own respecting them, as I believe there was a reporter on the ground during their delivery. There was also an artist on the ground during the time the regiment was going through its various evolutions, who took sketches of us in different portions of the review drill. These are, I believe, intended for Frank Leslie's papers, and will enable the friends of the regiment to form an opinion of its present appearance when on parade. I was very much disappointed in not seeing the well known face and figure of the Chief of Orange among the committee, as I felt sure that he, of all others, would be certain to be present, on the occasion, "knowing the great interest he had all along felt in the regiment; but I suppose affairs of greater importance detained him in New York.
After the colors had been placed in charge of the color sergeant (who, by the way, is the same six-foot-two-inch boy about whom I spoke to you in New York, and in whose keepings I am fully satisfied they will be perfectly safe), the regiment was dismissed, and the committee, in company with the different officers present, proceeded to the colonel's quarters, at the back of which there was a table laid out in the open air loaded with the good things of this life, both fluid and solid, to which all paid their respects with the greatest relish. After supper, the air resounded with the sound of the champagne bottles, the corks from which were flying in all directions so thick as almost to make one imagine there was an engagement going on somewhere in the immediate neighborhood.
Speech making and toasting were then the order of the evening for an hour or two, after which the committee prepared to take their leave, which, after a delay of about an hour, they finally effected. They then, in company with the General, and some of our officers, proceeded to make the rounds of the different regiments in the brigade, one of which (the First), on the long roll being beaten, turned out, armed, equipped, and ready to march in two and a-half minutes by the watch, which I think will equal if not surpass anything that the celebrated Seventh, of New York, would be able to perform, even in their best days. After this they proceeded to Washington, where they arrived about 4 o'clock in the morning. In consequence of my being officer of the day, I was unable to take a very active part in any of the proceedings, being obliged, most of the time, to act as a spectator, but after the supper and speech making were over I managed to capture Chief Decker, and had him conveyed to my quarters, where we had quite a happy time for a little while. I was the only line officer who succeeded in getting the Chief to visit my quarters. On the return of the committee to Washington they were unable to obtain sleeping accommodations at any of the hotels, with the exception of Henry Wilson and J. J. Gorman, who managed to obtain a bed for themselves. The others were obliged to find whatever accommodations they could until morning. So you perceive that jack was like Botts, having slept with the President. They have not as yet left for New York, but, I believe, purpose visiting some of the regiments over in Virginia before returning home.
Although I had not the pleasure of seeing you here among the visitors, I am still in the hope that your proposed visit to us is only deferred for a time, and not abandoned altogether. There is one thing I had almost forgotten to mention that is the general satisfaction felt by the regiment at the magnificent appearance which the colors presented, all being of the opinion that they are the most splendid suit of colors ever presented to a regiment. So you see that general Sickles was not the only General who graced the scene by his presence on this occasion.
We were all gratified to find Judge W. H. Dusenbury, founder of the distinguished society which bears his name, present as one of the committee. He is a gentleman who wins golden opinions from all who have the pleasure to meet him. May his shadow never be less. You would have been amused to see the gallant Chief Decker mount a horse belonging to one of the officers; the horse never having been honored with such a load before quietly landed the Chief upon the turf, who exclaimed "vast!" amid the shouts of all the spectators. It is due to the Chief to say that he afterwards preferred to make the review on foot.
We are constantly receiving communications from the Chief of Orange, whose epistles always find a ready welcome, and are passed around as part of the public property of the regiment.
You would be amused to see with what avidity THE LEADER is sought for by the boys. A few extra copies scattered loosely among the different companies would be a perfect godsend. I will write as soon as anything new turns up.
Yours, Quentin Durward.
Second Regiment Fire Zouaves. (Nov. 15, 1862)
The adjourned meeting of the Officers, Representatives and Foremen of the Department in behalf of the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves, was held on Wednesday evening, at the Hall The attendance was remarkably small, which was probably owing to the inclemency of the weather. After the adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, the following subscriptions were paid in:
B. C. Scuyler ...........................$50 00
Brown, Brothers & Co ………. 50 00
John Claney………………….. 25 00
Chief Engineer Decker reported recruiting slow, but stated that they were doing about as well as any other regiment.
The Secretary, Mr. Chambers, of Hose 22, reported the receipts as follows:
Engine Companies............ $1,010
H. & L " .................................700
Hose " ................................. 1,915
…………………………… ..4,525
Personal donations ............. 1,945
Total amount subscribed ….7,170
Total amount paid................5,480
Amount due….....................1,690
He stated that owing to the Common Council having taken no action as yet, granting an extra bounty of $200, he had delayed in getting out bill posters and advertising the Department bounty in the dally papers. He presumed, however, that action would be taken in the matter on Thursday, and that he would issue the posters on the following day.
Commissioner Wilson desired to have it understood that the recruiting of the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves was not with a view of avoiding the draft. He believed that every man lent his aid from a sense of duty, and with a view of saving the regiment from consolidation. He spoke in high praise of the regiment, and hoped it would be sustained by the whole Department.
A motion was made that when the meeting adjourned, they would not convene again until the call of the chair.
Chief Decker hoped not. He thought it was important that they should meet at least once a week, believing that it would add to the benefit of the cause.
The motion was finally withdrawn, and the meeting adjourned to Wednesday evening next.
Meeting on Behalf of the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves. (Nov. 8, 1862)
Another meeting was held on Wednesday evening last, at "Firemen's Hall," on behalf of this regiment, the attendance, we regret to say, not being as large as we expected after the appeal of the chairman, Mr. Zophar Mills, that the Foremen and each and every Representative should attend. After the adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, the following additional subscriptions were made:
Engine Company No __ $50
" " 46 50
47 50
42 200
Hose " " 19 150
60 50
Hook and Ladder " 4 25
From the Board of Fire Commissioners 100
N. Y. Leader……………. 25
Total $700
Mr. Thomas, of Hose Company No. 19, desired to know, if any member of the Department was drafted, whether he had the right to join any regiment he desired, or was he compelled to go into a regiment selected by the drafting officer.
The Chair said that he could not answer the gentleman's question, as he was not familiar enough with military matters. The Chief he thought could however, enlighten him upon the subject.
Mr. Decker remarked that the gentleman from Hose Company No. 19 need give himself no uneasiness about the draft, as he knew there would be no draft from the Fire Department, provided they furnished their quota to the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
Mr. Philips inquired if those who were sent from a company as their representatives had to be members of the Department.
The Chief said he thought they had.
Mr. Chambers, of Hose Company No. 22, stated to the contrary. He assured them that in a conversation with General Anthon, the General stated that he did not care where the men came from so long as they were furnished; he should make no inquiries whether they were members of the Department or not. All the General wanted was the men.
Mr. Burns, of Hose Company No. 60, moved that the bounty be raised to fifty dollars.
Mr. O'Brien, of Hook and Ladder Company No. 9, objected, believing that for the present it would be better to keep the bounty down to $35, so no other regiment were offering as high a bounty as the Fire Department.
Mr. Charles L. Curtis, of Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, hoped the bounty would be raised to $50. He claimed that the gentleman from Hook and Ladder Company No. 9 was mistaken about the bounty being the highest given. He knew that the Ironside Regiment were offering $50. Burns claimed that there was enough money to warrant their offering $50. The money was raised for this purpose, and should be used for recruits.
Mr. Thomas moved as an amendment that it be increased to $55, which was accepted by Mr. Burns and adopted.
On a motion of Mr. Burns it was agreed to have it published in all the daily papers, and posters put up around the city. The Common Council, it was understood, had agreed to give a bounty of $200 to each man, which will make a total bounty of $255 to each recruit.
Mr. Wilson, President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, then presented a check for $100 from the members of the Board, as their donation.
The Treasurer, Mr. Giles, reported the funds received and disbursed as follows:
Total receipts...................$4,930
Expended ............................ 375
Balance on hand............. $4,555
Collected this evening..........675
The chairman urged the necessity of hurrying up with recruits. He had been very busy himself, and could not say how the recruiting had been going on since the last meeting; but he presumed, owing to the election, that it had not been as favorable as he would like to see.
Mr. Decker stated that they had recruited between twenty-two and twenty-five since the last meeting -- the total number recruited being over forty.
There being no other business, the meeting adjourned to Wednesday evening next, when it is to be hoped every company will be represented. The Consolidation of the First and Second Fire Zouave Regiments--The Action of the Finance Committee Indorsed, etc., etc.
The adjourned meeting of the Representatives, Engineers, Foremen, Trustees, Commissioners, &c., of the Fire Department, for the final consideration of the consolidation of the two fire regiments, was held on Wednesday night, at Firemen's Hall, and was attended by over two hundred and fifty persons. Zophar Mills, Esq., occupied the Chair, and W. R. W.
Chambers acted as Secretary.
Chief Engineer Decker handed to the chairman the sum of $94 87, the donations of Messrs. Henry McDermott, Esq., of Brazil, S. A., Supervisor Blunt, and Peter Lynch, Esq., of Vesey street, which was ordered to be duly acknowledged with thanks. Speeches were made by Commissioner Wilson, John Decker, Esq., John S. Giles, Esq., Henry A. Thomas, Esq., and Major James J. Byrnes, which were in every feature, the same as those given to the first meeting on the matter mentioned by these gentlemen.
Zophar Mills, Esq., then explained the reasons why the Exempt Association had not paid their subscription of $500 to the Fund, and said that measures had been taken to obviate an informality through which the payment of the subscription had been made impossible.
The monotony of the meeting was quite destroyed by a warm passage at arms between Commissioner Wilson and the gallant Major Byrnes, the former having expressed his surprise that the Major should claim that the One Hundred and Sixty-Third Regiment conferred any honor upon the Second Fire Zouaves by becoming consolidated with it, and charging the officers of the former, with having for their principal object the dollars and cents. This brought the Major to his feet in a moment, and he proceeded to deliver a well-timed speech, exhonerating the men of his regiment from the bad acts of others, the effects of which they had endured in silence, and vindicating the character of his brother officers from the aspersion of the erudite Commissioner. On the first point, he said that, every man in the One Hundred and Sixty-Third Regiment, was entitled to the respect and support of the whole body of loyal American people as a part of the grand army sent out to save the Government under which we live.
It had done its duty nobly and deserved its meed of praise. On these grounds the loftiest that could be submitted, it was an honor to any regiment to be united with them. They had never disgraced the Fire Department, but had suffered in silence for the bad acts of men who were never identified with the Department. If the speaker alluded to thought there was no regiment that could reflect any credit on the Second Fire Zouaves, he would have to enjoy that opinion alone.
After some further debate, which did not bring any more facts to light, the question was raised as to whether the Finance Committee have not the fund under their control. The chairman, Mr. Mills, decided in the affirmative, whereupon another question was mooted as to whether they could not pay the same to the officers of the One Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment, which was decided in the same manner.
Zophar Mills, Esq., spoke feelingly, in eulogistic terms of Major Byrnes and his regiment and paid a well-merited compliment to all our firemen-soldiers.
W. R. W. Chambers, Esq., then moved that the action of the Finance Committee, so far as the Committee itself, is concerned, be declared indorsed, which was unanimously adopted.
The meeting then adjourned, to meet at the call of the Chairman, Zophar Mills, Esq., when the Finance Committee are ready to report.
The Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
The following are the several ordered issued respecting the consolidation of the one Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment, Colonel Leverich with the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves:
(No. 1)
CAMP NEAR FALMOUTH, Va., Dec. 22, 1863.
Lieutenant: Annexed is application from Lieut. Colonel Leverich, commanding battalion of six companies of the 163d Regiment N. Y. S. Vols., addressed to the Adjutant General of the State of New York, requesting that the remnant of it be consolidated with mine (Fourth Excelsior Brigade, Seventy-third Regiment N. Y. S. Vols.) The application is referred by the Adjutant General of the State of New York to the Adjutant General of the Army, with a strong recommendation in its favor.
It would be for the benefit of the service to consolidate these two organizations, as my regiment is so much reduced as to be very much below even the minimum standard, as to men for active service.
I therefore respectfully request that this consolidation be made. Very respectfully yours,
William R. Brewster,
Col. Comd'g 4th Regt. Excelsior Brigade (73d N. Y. S. V.)
Lieut. H. C. Hinman, A. A. A. G. Excelsior Brig.
Geo. Le Fort, Cap. and Act. Adjt. 4th Excelsior (73d N. Y. S. V.)
(No. 2)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12th, 1863.
8. The 163d Regiment New York Volunteers will be consolidated with the Seventy-third Regiment, from the same State. All supernumerary officers present and absent will be mustered out at date of consolidation. The new organization will be known as the Seventy-third New York Volunteers. The consolidation will take place under the orders of the Army Corps Commander. Complete muster rolls will be forwarded to this office as soon as the consolidation is made.
By order of the Secretary of War.
(Signed) E. D. Townsend, Asst. Adjt. General
[Official] John Spinning, A. A. A. Gen.
[C. O. Seventy-third N. Y. Vols., through C. G. D., Army Potomac.]
(No. 3.)
Jan. 18th, 1863.
Special orders No. 10.—The 163d N. Y. Vols. having reported at these head-quarters, in pursuance of orders from head-quarters Third Army Corps, for consolidation with the Seventy-third N. Y. Vols. (Fourth Excelsior), according to Par. 8, Special Orders No. 17, War Department, A. G. O., January 12th, 1863, the consolidation is made as follows:
1st. Under the direction of the commanding officer, of the, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols., forty-five enlisted men of Company G of that regiment will be transformed to Company E of same regiment.
2d. The enlisted men of the 163d N. Y. Vols., will be apportioned among the several companies of the Seventy-third N. Y. Vols. (Fourth Excelsior), as follows:
Twenty-three enlisted men of Company C, 163d, incorporated with Company A, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Forty-one enlisted men of Company, C, 163d, incorporated with Company B, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Fifteen enlisted men of Company D, 163d, incorporated with Company A, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Twenty enlisted men of Company D, incorporated with Company F, Seventy-third New York Vols.
Thirty-five enlisted men of Company D, 163d, incorporated with Company I, Seventy-third N. Y.
Forty-four enlisted men of Company F, 163d incorporated with Company C., Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Four enlisted men of Company F, 163d, incorporated with Company D, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Twenty-two enlisted men. of Company F, 163d incorporated with Company K, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Thirty enlisted men of Company A, 163d, incorporated with Company D, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Twenty-five enlisted men of Company A, 163d, incorporated with Company G, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Seventy-one enlisted men of Company B, 163d, incorporated with Company G, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Forty-three enlisted men of Company E, 163d, incorporated with Company F, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
Two enlisted men of Company E, incorporated with Company I, Seventy-third N. Y. Vols.
These dispositions will be made under the direction of the commanding officer of the 163d N. Y. Vols., and the names of the men thus selected will be placed at once by the commanding officer of the Seventy-third N. Y. Vols. (Fourth Excelsior) on the muster rolls of the companies to which they are assigned.
3d. After the above dispositions shall have been made as ordered, if there be found on the rolls of any company of the Seventy-third N. Y. Vols. (Fourth Excelsior), a number of non-commissioned officers in excess of the number allowed by law to each company (viz., five sergeants and eight corporals), the commanding officer of the Seventy-third N. Y. V. (Fourth Excelsior) will so transpose them to the rolls of other companies, until each company has its proper allowance. If there still be an excess of non-commissioned officers they will be temporarily placed in the ranks, and hereafter promoted to their former grades respectively, according to their merit, as vacancies shall occur. The musicians will be so arranged that there shall be two to each company. If there be a surplus number, the commanding officer of the Seventy-third N. Y. Vols. (Fourth Excelsior) will select to be mustered out, such as may he spared with least, detriment to the service.
All of the uncommissioned staff of the 163d N. Y. Volunteers, except the Sergeant-Major and the Quartermaster-Sergeant will be mustered out.
4th. First Lieutenant James McKanna.
Second Lieutenant William Butcher.
Second Lieutenant Richard F. Tighe,
of the 103d Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, will report in person or by letter to the commanding officer of the Seventy-third New York Volunteers (Fourth
Excelsior), who will assign them to such companies in that regiment as the best interest of the service may require.
Sergeant-Major Chapple, Quartermaster-Sergeant Cheever, and Sergeants Murry and Chambers will also report to the commanding officer of the Seventy-third New York State Volunteers (Fourth Excelsior), who will assign them to duty as company officers, and apply to the proper authority for their commissions.
5th. All books and records of the 163d Regiment New York Volunteers will be turned over to the commanding officer of the Seventy-third New York
Volunteers (Fourth Excelsior). All wagon-trains and Quartermaster's stores will be turned over to the Division Quartermaster.
6th. After the previous paragraphs in the order shall have been carried into effect the following named officers of the (163d N. Y. S. Vol.), whether present or absent, rendered supernumerary by the consolidation, will be mustered out by the mustering officer of this division.
Lieutenant-Colonel—John B. Leverich.
Major—James J. Byrne.
Adjutant—John Draught.
Surgeon—Paul de Mormon.
Assistant Surgeon—Armand Dufioo.
Quartermaster—Chas. W. Rodgers.
Co. H—Captain Michael Murphy.
" First Lieutenant Thomas Murphy.
Co. B—Captain Philip Sneidicar.
" First Lieutenant Patrick B. Byrne.
Co. C—Captain William Davis.
" First Lieutenant William Green.
" Second Lieutenant Ernest Funk.
Co. D.—Captain Frank Farnsworth.
" First Lieutenant Wm. B. Persse.
" Second Lieutenant Francis Lugue.
Co. E-- Captain Chas. J. Dunleavy.
Lieutenant Alexis L. B. Smith.
Second Lieutenant David S. Dixon.
Co. F-- Captain Thomas Murphy.
Major James J. Byrne (absent sick) will be mustered out as Major, and mustered in as Adjutant.
7th. Complete muster rolls of the (Seventy-third New. York Sate Volunteers) Fourth "Excelsior," will be forwarded through Division Head-quarters to Commander of the Third Corps for transmittal to the A. G. O. , as soon as the consolidation is made.
By command of Brigadier General
D. E. Sickles.
(Signed) H. Edwin Tremain,
A. A. A. General.
[Official.] Jno. Spinning, A. A. A. General.
Excelsior (Second) Brigade.
Note.—The rolls of the 163d New York Volunteers called for 365 enlisted men; but 180 have reported, and 20 of them were brought in ambulance, having been four months in hospital. W. R. B.
The Second Regiment Fire Zouaves.
A special meeting of the Board of Officers Representatives of the Department, was held last evening at Firemen's Hall, to hear the defence of Mr. John B. Leverich, respecting the charges reported against him in selling out the One Hundred and Sixty-third Regiment. Considerable argument was had, participated in by Mr. Leverich, Chief Engineer John Decker, John R. Platt, John S. Giles and Commissioner Wilson, but from all the facts elicited it was evident the Finance Committee had done none other than their duty.
The meeting finally adjourned to the call of the Chair.
The Second Fire Zouaves.
This long-expected regiment, or what is left of a regiment, has at last arrived, and been received with a true firemen's welcome. Every day for the last month we have heard from them, indirectly, they were to come but didn't—they were on their way, but were stopped, in the expectation of a forward movement. They were to come by telegraph, by railroad, by steamboat, by army wagons, and they were to march; but by neither of these modes of conveyance did they come at the time they were expected. But last Tuesday they came, and we were glad to see them. First, because they relieved us of the anxiety of constant expectation; and secondly, because they have behaved so nobly in their service to their country that it is a pleasure to look upon them, few though they be. As the order of last week read, the firemen were called together by the fire-bells, and they turned out with a will; nearly a thousand delegates from the different companies were on the spot, to do honor to the regiment they have thought of so much. The arrangements were well made and well carried out. It was a creditable display, both to the Fire Department and the regiment; and we have no doubt that Lieut.-Colonel Burns felt as proud when leading his little band through the Park, past the City Hall, and in review of his Honor the Mayor, as when in the best fought battlefield of the many in which the regiment has served.
After a good long march they were taken to the large room, near Jefferson Market, and rested here; they found a substantial collation. Here also speeches were made and toasts drank, and here the friends of the regiment gathered to greet their long absent comrades. That they kept up the evening as one of joy is not to be wondered at, for these men have during the last three years had but little pleasure, and they have before them the next three to serve as soldiers in the same cause, unless this "cruel war be over" sooner.
Among the friends of the regiment who turned out to do them honor were the officers of the Ninety-third Regiment National Guard, under their Colonel G. B. Hall. These officers aided in every way to make the welcome a warm one. Their Lieutenant-Colonel--Major Lawrence—is one of the officers of the returning regiment, and they could not but feel proud of the regiment to which he belonged.
Lieut.-Colonel Burns has set himself to work with a will to fill up the regiment, and that he will succeed should be the wish of all who feel an interest in the Second Fire Zouaves.
We regretted that the Colonel of the regiment was not present to see the reception. We expected to see him in command, but he was called upon to command a division in the field, and could not leave.
We hoped to have been able to have given a little history of the ups and downs of the regiment, but must lay it over for a few weeks.
To ex-Fire Commissioner Henry Wilson and the Chief Engineer much credit is due for the reception. They had hard work to warm up the feelings of the firemen and people. We and the regiment have seen how well they succeeded, and will, no doubt, remember them kindly. (Feb. 13, 1864)
Coroner Wildey, too, was not backward nor was anybody, in fact, when the matter was made known to them. All that is now wanted is to lend what we can to recruit the regiment. They deserve all that can be done for them.
Officers Dismissed from the Army.
Washington, Sept. 22, 1862.
The following officers, by direction of the President are dishonorably dismissed the service of the United States:—-
First Lieutenant Mathew Stewart, Fourth regiment Excelsior Brigade.
Second Lieutenant Washington Mullen, Fourth regiment Excelsior Brigade.
Second Lieutenant William Glennon, Fourth regiment Excelsior Brigade.
E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General.
This regiment, as we have before stated, has been accepted by the government. They have nearly their complement of men enrolled, but the Enrolling Committee will continue to be at their headquarters, Fifth Ward Hotel, every day, between the hours of eight A. M. and six P. M.
Colonel May, of Mexican fame, has been tendered the command of the regiment, but has declined to accept the position offered him. It is expected that the men will immediately go into quarters.
At a meeting held last evening at the Fifth Ward Hotel, General Nathan B. Graham was unanimously chosen Colonel of the regiment.
Councilman Miller, on behalf of the Committee on National Affairs, left for Washington yesterday to being on the body of Captain A. A. Donalds, late Acting Colonel of the Second Regiment Fire Zouaves, who was killed at the battle of Manasses.
The committee from this regiment--John Baulch, John A. McCosker and Charles L. Curtis--have just returned with intelligence from Washington that there is every reason to believe that they will be immediately accepted by the government authorities. The regiment is composed of active exempt firemen of New York and Brooklyn, and has now five hundred and fifty men mustered in.
To-night, a grand demonstration takes place under the auspices of the Fire Department of this City, for the purpose of recruiting the Second Fire Zouaves (Fourth Regiment Excelsior Brigade) to the maximum standard. The meeting takes place at the Armory of the Seventh Regiment, Tomkins Market. Gen. D. E. Sickles, with other distinguished speakers, will be present, and address the meeting. The Fourth Regiment (Second Fire Zouaves) have participated in every battle on the Peninsula since the landing of Gen. McClellan's forces. Their ranks have been greatly decimated by the casualties of field, as well as the malaria of the Chickahominy swamps. The regiments, originally 800 strong, are now reduced to less than 300. The Colonel, W. R. Brewster, and the Lieutenant-Colonel, L. Benedict, are both prisoners in Richmond, and the Major resigned. The regiment is now commanded by the senior Captain. They look to their comrades to fill up the ranks, as volunteers instead of the drafting process. Let the meeting at the Seventh Regiment Armory Hall tonight be one of the greatest gatherings of the present year. Every member of the Fire Department is expected to be present, and lend his aid to the immediate recruiting Second Fire Zouave up to its full complement.
Mr. Thomas Lawrence, one of the Fire Commissioners, has brought forward many recruits. If all the Fire Officers do as well, this regiment will be soon filled to even more than the standard in a few days.
There are now nearly seven hundred men at Camp Decker, on Staten Island, attached to this regiment, They have a recruiting office at 564 Broadway, and hope be the first of September to fill up to the number essential to its acceptance into the regular service. They are all uniformed, and in their blue pants and leather leggings, blue chasseur coats and caps of similar hue, show not a shadow of resemblance to the First Regiment Fire Zouaves. The men are being carefully selected, and do credit to themselves and the Fire Department, of which they are honorable members.
This Regiment was to have paraded yesterday for inspection by the Union Defence Committee, but owing to their active preparations for the obsequies of Col. Ellsworth, they are excused. They will at a future day, parade for the benefit of the Committee.
This regiment is about being placed in working order. Quarters have after much difficulty been procured at Centre market, in the rooms belonging to the Seventy-first regiment. The companies are all to report at the above quarters on Wednesday, when they will be inspected by Lieutenant Coggswell, of the United States Army. Company K, Captain Hathaway, will continue to receive recruits at the Company's Headquarters, Firemen's Hall, Mercer street.
Company K, of this regiment, has opened a recruiting office at their headquarters, Centre Market, in the drill room of the Seventy-first regiment. An election of officers will be held by the company this evening at 27 Greenwich street. (June 9, 1861)
The headquarters of the regiment was crowed yesterday with firemen and members of the Seventh regiment. About one hundred new men—all firemen, were sworn in and signed the roll. Everything is about to be put in working order, and by the close of the week they will be doubt have quarters assigned them, where the regiment will go into camp. Chief Engineer Decker, accompanied by two or three others of the members of the department, left last evening for Washington to have the necessary arrangements made to procure all that is required to arm and equip the regiment. Colonel Shaler is determined that his command shall not leave New York until everything that is to be had appertaining to the comfort of the men is provided. AS there have been reports circulated with a view to break up some of the companies, owing to the selection of officers that are to be made by Colonel Shaler, we would state that every member of the Fire Department elected to positions in the regiment will have the preference over all others, and if fully competent or capable of being made efficient officers they will be accepted and commissioned. Colonel Shaler will be at the headquarters during the afternoon and from six to seven in the evening, until further notice, to swear in men. A meeting of Company G will be held on Wednesday evening at No. 16 Mott street for the election of officers.
This regiment has been accepted by the President, and orders sent on to place them in quarters immediately. Colonel Shaler will no doubt promulgate orders to the several commandants of companies as soon as he receives official orders from Washington to the above effect. Chief Engineer John Decker is expected home today, and undoubtedly has made all necessary arrangements. We are happy to state that Colonel Shaler is fast improving, and will be ready to appear at his post by Saturday. Quite a large number yesterday were sworn in and signed the roll. There are now over one thousand names upon the rolls. (June 14, 1861)
This fine organization has at last been accepted by the government, and, as will be seen by the annexed order, the regiment is to go into quarters on Staten Island on Friday noon. Last evening a meeting of the rank and file was held at the Seventy-first regiment armory, and James Fairman, Esq., was elected Colonel. Captain John D. Moriarty, of the Seventh regiment, is the Major, and the remainder of the officers will also be experienced tacticians, which will make the Second Fire Zouaves an excellent and well constituted corps.
The following is the order of Colonel Fairman:
Members of this regiment will assemble at Centre Market, corner Grand and Centre streets—Seventy-first regiment Armory--on Friday, the 5th inst., at twelve o'clock M., for the purpose of proceeding into quarters at Staten Island. By order of JAMES FAIRMAN, Colonel Commanding.
This regiment, we understand, is in a fair way of being accepted, and in all probability will receive orders from the Secretary of War to proceed, in a very short time to quarters. A meeting of the officers was held yesterday, and it was resolved to notify all the members to hold themselves in readiness to go into quarters by Wednesday next. Company G will hold a meeting on Tuesday night at No. 16 Mott street, where those wishing to join can call and sign the roll.
Matters in this regiment have for several weeks past stood in abeyance. There were unknown difficulties in the way of their acceptance. The regiment has now taken an important step. The preliminary matter of acceptance has been settled, and they have resolved to join the Sickles Brigade. The authorities of the regiment, Colonel Fairman commanding, have caused orders to be promulgated, and advertisements to be published in the newspapers, to the effect that the Firemen who have volunteered will depart for Camp Scott in a day or two. Yesterday a number of privates, non-commissioned officers, and commissioned officers reported at headquarters, at the 71st Regiment Armory, Centre Market, and this ceremony will continue up to Saturday, when the first installment of the regiment will take its departure for the tented field.
The action of the Fire Zouaves fills up the Sickles Brigade completely, and it is probable that the officers in command at Camp Scott will move as soon as practicable to put themselves beyond the danger of dissolution, by desertion by speedily getting to Washington. Mr. Sickles, it is believed by the Firemen, will waive his claim to a Brigadier-Generalship, and will settle contentedly into the duties of Colonel of the 1st Regiment.
This regiment, which has been accepted as one of the Excelsior Brigade, will maintain its distinct character as a regiment of firemen unchanged, should a sufficient number of the firemen report to Col. Fairman, to raise it to the war footing—1,046 men. The present officers will be retained in rank. The uniform of the regiment will be dark-blue Zouave jacket and army blue Zouave pants, with leggings. The arms will be the Minie rifle of 1860. About 200 of those already enrolled reported themselves at the armory of the 71st Regiment, in Center Market, and were at once sent to Camp Scott, where they will be sworn into the U. S. service. All who have already enrolled their names are requested to report themselves forthwith. The men will be sent to Camp Scott twice every day, as they come forward and report.
This regiment is now in camp on Staten Island, where they are receiving fresh additions every day. They expect to be able to go away by the 1st of next month as they are now receiving their uniforms. Company A will take a few more able bodied men, who may apply at No. 128 West Broadway.
The friends of this regiment held a large meeting at the Astor House yesterday and made arrangements to complete the organization. Having taken hold of the enterprise with the determination to see it through, we confidently predict a speedy success. The regiment is composed of the hardiest and most energetic men in the city, who will make efficient soldiers. They are located in healthy quarters at Camp Decker, on Staten Island, and as fast as they are recruited the men are provisioned, equipped and armed. There are several vacancies in the lieutenantcies, sergeants and corporals, which are reserved for such officers as may be selected for their merit. There is every prospect that this regiment will speedily receive marching orders, and will soon be sharing the reputation for gallantry and good conduct earned by the First Fire Zouaves. A few good men will be received at the following recruiting offices:—Company G, at the house of Hose Company No. 50, 10 1-2 Mott street: Company D, No. 100 Cedar street; Company F, house of Engine Company No. 31; Company I, Chief Engineer's office, Brooklyn, E. D., and at the headquarters of the regiment, Centre Market, armory of the Seventy-first regiment.
Ox Run D. C., Oct 10, 1861.
To the Editors of the Sunday Mercury:
By inserting the underneath in your next issue, you will very much oblige the greater part of the Second Fire Zouaves, for the good of their friends and relations who cannot believe it possible we are all this time doing duty without receiving a cent of pay, or without the least hope of it:
Ox Run, D. C., Oct. 16, 1861.
We would wish to state unanimously, for the good of our families and friends, that we have not as yet received one cent of the payment due to us by the United States Government, and, as far as we can hear, we are far from it yet. Our families now (a good many of them) are bordering on destitution; but what will it come to if they are to be deprived of subsistence much longer? We have already seen some cases where wives actually wrote to their husbands, and told them they did not believe we had not received any money, for they saw letters coming constantly from other regiments with money to their families. We hope and trust that this matter will be seen to, and if possible, let us know what time we may expect to get paid. There is a good deal of dissatisfaction manifesting itself among the men on account of it.
Yours, etc.,
Special Correspondence of the Sunday Mercury.
Camp McClellan, D. C., Oct. 14, 1861.
To the Editors of the Sunday Mercury:
We have been so busy with the erection of the forts, in the vicinity of our encampment, that I have not had time to write before this. Fort Stanton is now completed, and needs only the guns, which are now being made, to make it one of the strongest fortifications erected by the volunteer forces. Fort Carroll is situated about half a mile South of our camp, and commands the city of Alexandria, Va., and vicinity. This fort, too, is nearly finished, and another one has been commenced on an eminence near by. It is not probable that we will be here to defend them, in case of attack, as we are now under marching orders, and know not what moment we will move. However, the chances of these forts being attacked are growing beautifully small.
I regret to state that we have had two deaths in the regiment since I wrote you last; one, a private of Co. C, named Firman Roff, was accidentally shot on the morning of the 7th, and died on the 8th; his body was conveyed to his late home in Paterson, N. J. He was universally beloved and deeply regretted by his comrades. The other one, private Michael Muldrey, of Co. D, died this evening of typhoid fever. Ii is intended to forward his body to his relatives for interment. We have but few on the sick-list, and but one more case of typhoid fever, and this patient is recovering rapidly.
On last Saturday, the regiment was reviewed by Gen. Sickles and staff, at the close of which we formed a hollow-square, and were addressed and highly complimented by the general for efficiency in line movements. The parade was dismissed amidst enthusiastic cheers for Gen. Sickles, who acknowledged the compliment in a becoming manner. In accordance with the wishes of a majority of the members of the regiment, a chaplain of the Roman Catholic religion has been appointed, and service in the parade-ground on Sunday mornings has thus far been well attended. Tomorrow, the banners are to be presented to us. The Committee (among whom were Fire Commissioners Wilson Lawrence, and Gorman), visited our camp today, and were highly pleased with the look of things. All the boys want to make them happy, is to get their pay. So far, they have received nothing but broken promises, notwithstanding a report to the contrary. We have little to write about just now. Should the weather be fine to-morrow, and the presentation take place, I will endeavor to forward an account of it in time for publication this week.
Yours, HOPE.
The Second Fire Zouaves (Fourth regiment Excelsior Brigade), commanded by Colonel W. R. Brewster, has been designated as United States Volunteers, and not State volunteers, as they were at first supposed to be. An order from General McClellan to that effect has been promulgated to the entire Army of the Potomac, where they are doing active service. They are now stationed on the Lower Potomac, directly opposite Aquia creek. Captain John Feeney and Lieutenant Washington Mullin are in the city to recruit. A squad of recruits leave the office. No. 12 Chambers street, on Monday afternoon, at three o'clock. Any letters or packages to be sent to the regiment can be left at the office before twelve M. Monday. (Jan. 27, 1862)
General Hooker's Division.
The following is a consolidated report of the losses in General Booker's division:—
Killed. Wounded Missing. Total.
70th New York Vols., or
1st Excelsior reg.... 79 139 113 331
72d New York Vols., or
3d Excelsior reg....... 58 93 44 195
73d New York Vols, or
4th Excelsior reg...... 18 65 21 104
74d New York Vols, or
5th Excelsior reg ...... 39 69 37 145
1st Mass Vols............... 7 37 9 53
11th Mass. Vols................ 7 59 1 67
2d New Hampshire Vols. 12 68 19 99
26th Pennsylvania Vols. 3 22 5 30
8th New Jersey Vols........ 11 65 27 103
6th New Jersey Vols........... 39 72 28 139
7th New Jersey Vols. 28 86 9 123
8th New Jersey Vols.......... 55 122 4 181
Battery H, 1st U. S. art. 2 8 — 10
Battery D, 1st N. Y. art. 1 7 — 8
Battery L, N. Y. art.... 1 5 __ 6
Total................... 340 917 317 1,574
Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Acting General Taylor 194 366 215 775
General Grover......... 29 186 34 249
General Patterson ..... 113 345 68 526
Artillery................ 4 20 __ 24
Total................ 340 917 317 1,574
Death of Lieutenant-Colonel Green.
The last arrival from New Orleans brings intelligence of the death, on the 13th inst., of Lieutenant-Colonel William N. Green, Jr., of the One Hundred and Seventy-third New York volunteers, from wounds received at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., at the age of 21. Entering the army as a private at the outbreak of the war, Colonel Green was promoted for his brave conduct at the battle of Roanoke Island. He passed through various battles and skirmishes—among others that of Cedar Mountain, at which he was captured and taken to the Libby Prison at Richmond. After his exchange he continued in the service, and received especial mention for his courageous conduct in capturing with his own hand the sword of a Georgia captain, and the battle-flag of the regiment.—The sword was presented to Colonel Green by the commanding general, and he was promoted to a lieutenant-colonelcy. About a year since he left for the Department of the Gulf, passed with his regiment through the whole Louisiana campaign and that of the Red River, up to the time of the battle in which he received his death wound. He was unusually well read in military law, and had been entrusted with the presidency of courts martial for the trial of offences punishable with death. He was brave, manly and honorable, and his assiduous attention to the comfort of the men under his command gave him a high place in their affections and insured a cheerful alacrity in obedience.
We clip the following report of a presentation to Captain John P. Short, of this (Eastern) District, of a war medal, from the daily paper published in Alexandria, Va., at which place the affair occurred.
Captain John F. Short, commanding the detachment of second battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, at present stationed in this city, was night before last, the recipient of a splendid medal, presented by the War Fund Committee of the city of Brooklyn, N. Y., as a testimonial of their appreciation of his services as an officer while serving in the 73d regiment, New York volunteers, better known as the 4th Excelsior regiment. The medal is of silver, about two inches in diameter, weighing two and a half ounces, and is of splendid device. On one side is an eagle and shield, the talons clutching the serpent Secession, surmounted by the inscription, "Honor to the brave. Illustrious deeds are a nation's pride." On the reverse, "Presented to Captain John P. Short, 73d N. Y. S. V., for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Williamsburgh, Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Bristoe Station, and Wapping Heights, Va., 1862 3," surrounded by the words, "From the War Fund Committee of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1863."
The presentation was made by Major Tremaine, of General Sickles staff, on behalf of the committee, in the following words:
GENTLEMEN: We have assembled here to-day to do honor to a brave man; one who has with us shared the dangers of the field; and who is personally known to us as a brave and honorable officer, and a worthy recipient of the plaudits of the people. I regret that our worthy colonel cannot be present to make this presentation, but it affords me great pleasure to be the organ of expressing the feelings of those at home, who, although they may never have served in their country's ranks, yet feel for those who have shed their blood in their country's cause.
Captain Short, it is with great pleasure I bear my personal testimony to the bravery, efficiency and officer-like conduct exhibited by you on the field of battle. Enlisting as a private, you rose, step by step, until you had attained your captaincy, and in each capacity conducted yourself with honor to the position you bore. Through all the bloody field of Williamsburgh—your maiden battle--at Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Robinson's Field, Savage Station, Glendale and Malvern Hill, an in the marches through Virginia, and in the disastrous campaign with General Pope, and battle of Bristoe Station and Wapping Heights, your gallantry and devotion to duty commanded the respect and confidence of superiors and subordinates.
Take this medal, and let it be to you a memorial that your sacrifices are remembered at home. Let it be transmitted from father to son with the sword which has won it, that your posterity may see and be reminded how you fought in the war for the Union.
To which Captain Short responded as follows:
Major Tremaine: I find myself almost inadequate to the task of responding to you and the gentlemen who, through you, have had the kindness to present me with this beautiful gift. I fear that those at home value too highly my humble services, for each and all of which I have been amply repaid by a generous government. In all my actions I have been controlled by the fact that it was a sacred debt I owed to my country, and that debt of duty I have endeavored to discharge, and nothing more. It is with mingled feelings that I receive this gift--gratitude, pride, and regret. Gratitude to those who have honored me; pride that I have been thus honored, and regret that the cause of my honor should ever have existed, and, as it does exist, regret that the casualties of battle prevent me from once more taking the field and assisting to hasten the downfall and destruction of this rebellion. Gentlemen, from the innermost recesses of my heart I thank you.
73d Regiment N. Y. Vols. (2d N. Y. Vols.)
Col. Wm. R. Brewster.
A board of officers was recently appointed by Major-General Hancock, to ascertain what regiment in his corps had particularly distinguished themselves, and were entitled to have placed upon their colors the names of battles in which they had been engaged, &c.
The following is taken from the report of the Seventy-third New York, the second regiment raised under the auspices of our Fire Department:
" Seventy-third regiment N. Y. Vols., originally known as the fourth regiment Excelsior Brigade, reached Washington in August, 1861, 897 strong. Its present strength is: present for duty, 203; absent wounded, 122—total, 425.
It has participated in the following engagements: Yorktown, Savage Station, Bristow Station, Chancellorsville, Locust Grove, Coal Harbor, Williamsburgh, Glendale, Bull Bun, 2d, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Petersburg, Fair Oaks, Malvern Hill, Chantilly, Spottsylvania, Deep Bottom, Twin Chimneys, Fredericksburg, Kelly's Ford, North Anna, Wapping Heights, Malvern Hill, 2d. Has lost in action seven hundred and nine (709) officers and men, of whom all but forty-six (46) have been killed and wounded; has captured from the enemy five (5) colors, five, guns, and never lost any.
This is a record of which not only every member of the Fire Department but every New Yorker can point to with pride. Colonel Wm. R. Brewster, to whom the regiment owes its efficiency; has been colonel since its entry into active service. He entered the service in April, 1861, as Major of the Twenty-eighth Regiment N. Y. S. M., leaving for the purpose a most lucrative business. At the expiration of his three months' term, he was assigned by Gen. Sickles to the Second Fire Zouaves, then the Fourth Regiment of the Excelsior Brigade. He has now been in active service three years and six months, and for a large portion of the time in command of a brigade. We understand, however, that his health is so much broken down by severe exposure, that his surgeons have advised him it would be impossible for him to endure another winter campaign, and that he is about to leave the service, and may soon be expected home.
This will leave the regiment in command of Lieutenant Colonel M. M. Burns, a most brave and gallant officer, who has commanded it during the detail of Colonel Brewster as brigade commander. In his hands the reputation of the regiment will never suffer. The friends of the regiment should urge upon the Government to assign from the drafted men a sufficient number to fill it to the maximum standard. Surely its long and most efficient services entitle it to the fullest consideration.
Lieutenant Benedict A. Leonard.-- Among the many who have offered their lives on the altar of their country, none have been moved by a purer patriotism than Lieutenant Benedict A. Leonard. At the outbreak of the rebellion, with a full consciousness of the probable cost to himself, he rushed to the rescue of the imperiled Government. Love of country was, with him, an inborn sentiment which alone would have impelled him to defend his country's integrity. But he was as brave as devoted. More than once during the seven days battles on the Peninsula, was he seen in front of the line of battle coolly loading and discharging his death dealing musket; and when, a few days since, he fell, it was in front of his command on the top of the enemy's entrenchments, his brain being pierced by a ball, while engaged in a hand-to-hand conflict with a Rebel Captain.
Thus he gave up his life--a life full of promise from early boyhood--in defense of Freedom and Right. Frank, generous and true, he will be mourned, not by his relatives alone, but by many who have learned to love him for his genial virtues and his manly worth. Always a favorite at home, and with his friends, the following letter from his brigade commander shows that his virtues commended him abroad and with strangers:--
FREDERICKSBURG, Va., May 20, 1864.
Dear Sir--It becomes my melancholy duty to inform you that Lieut. B. H. Leonard, the Fourth Excelsior, (Seventy-third New York Volunteers,) was killed in the action at Spottsylvania Court House, on the 12th inst. He fell while gallantly leading his company in the charge against the enemy's earthworks.
Lieut. Leonard was appointed by me, upon the recommendation of Major Gen. Sickles and Capt. T. W. Fry, and my acquaintance with him dates from February last.
I had proposed appointing him upon the Brigade Staff as Aid-de-Camp, but he preferred the command of a company in his regiment.
All who knew him sincerely regret his loss. He came among us as a stranger to all, but his many good qualities and strict attention to duty soon made him friends, and I know of no young officer whose future was more promising.
His life blood has been given to sustain our much loved country in her hour of peril. May Almighty God in his kind providence grant that it may not have been shed in vain!
I beg leave to embrace this opportunity to tender to yourself, and through you to the immediate family of the late Lieutenant, my sincere and heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of deep affliction.
I am, sir, very resp'y, yours,
Wm. R. Brewster, Colonel Commanding Brigade.
To L. M. Arnold, Esq., No. 67 Exchange Place, New York.
Lieutenant Leonard enlisted at Amsterdam in April, 1861, for two years, as Sergeant. He was commissioned as Second Lieutenant by Gov. Morgan and First Lieutenant by Gov. Seymour, and served on the staff of General Sickles.