47th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
At a meeting of the line officers of the First regiment Washington Greys, held yesterday, the following gentlemen were elected field officers of the regiment:—
Colonel, Henry Moore; Lieutenant Colonel, Leander Buck; Major, Daniel Lloyd.
Staff.—Adjutant, Thomas R. Turnbull; Quartermaster, George C. Bingham; Assistant Quartermaster, J. Pierce; Commissary, George B. Van Brunt; Paymaster, Fred. A. Sawyer; Surgeon, Dr.. W. V. White; Assistant Surgeon,
Dr. Swift; Chaplain, Rev. Joshua Butts.
Line—Company A—Captain, E. S. Kittle; First Lieutenant, F. Kellinger; Second Lieutenant, Edward Lauter.
Company B—Captain, Samuel G. Johnson; First Lieutenant, James McEnalry.
Company C—Captain, John Ross; Second Lieutenant, G. Douglass.
Company D—Captain, James Little; First Lieutenant, John Warne; Second Lieutenant, Thomas J. Hyatt.
Company E—Captain, James Early; Second Lieutenant, M. Neapold.
Company G—Captain, Charles A. Moore; First Lieutenant, G.M. Husted; Second Lieutenant, Charles M. Brockway.
Company H—Captain, James Welply; First Lieutenant, Charles O'Malley; Second Lieutenant, John Paynton.
Company I—Captain, J. Noble Warren; First Lieutenant, A. Seeman; Second Lieutenant, J. Newman.
Company K—Captain, J. H. Reynolds; First Lieutenant, W. P. Jemmeson; Second Lieutenant, Geo. G. Brotherton.
Engineers—Captain, G. Von Leetburn; First Lieutenant, George Bruyn; Second Lieutenant, John W. Swift.
By order of General Cameron, Secretary of War, the companies comprising this command will be mustered into service as soon as filled, separately, and furnished with the necessary arms, equipments, rations, &c.
This corps has its headquarters at the Odeon, in the Eastern District, and is under command of Colonel J. V. Meserole. Recruiting is going on rapidly, and they will probably be ready for departure by Saturday next. There are now nearly six hundred members attached to the organization. A meeting was held by the entire corps at the Odeon at a late hour on Monday evening, when the utmost enthusiasm prevailed. Colonel Meserole addressed the men, exhorting them to prepare....
This regiment, which is now numbered the Forty-seventh, under the command of Colonel Moore, has marching orders, and will leave to-day for Washington. All the members of the regiment are ordered to be at the camp at seven o'clock this morning. Governor Morgan, accompanied by General Anthon, yesterday reviewed the troops, and expressed himself highly gratified with the appearance of the officers and men, and the high degree of discipline to which they had attained during their encampment at East New York. The regiment will carry upwards of six hundred men to the field of operations, and will be paid off on their arrival in Washington. The tents will be struck at six A. M., and the regiment will take up its line of march, arriving at Grand street ferry at half-past two P. M. They will then proceed through Grand street to the Bowery, up the Bowery to Fourteenth street, through Fourteenth street to Broadway, down Broadway to pier No. 1 North river, where they will embark on board the South Amboy boat for Washington.
As this regiment leaves for Washington on Saturday there remains but little time to enable young men to join the regiment. Company F is busily recruiting at No 6 Sands street. Sergeant Herman is in charge of the station, and will receive recruits during the day.
(Aug. 27, 1861)
The gallant Forty-seventh was at its post last night. The old Odeon bristled with pleasant smiles and beautiful countenances. Governor Seymour has denied the Forty-seventh regiment the equipments due them by the State, but no veto of his could keep the ladies away from their Concert, and so long as the regiment retain the good graces of women, they may afford to be counted out by Seymour or his "friends." Representatives of various militia and Volunteer regiments in New York, and the Western District of Brooklyn were present. Among the guests we observed Major General Duryea, Brigadier General Jesse C. Smith, Major Hotchkiss of Gen. Smith's staff, Colonel Woodward of the 13th Regiment, Major Ward of the 23d regiment, Lieut. Col. Rugg of the 59th N. Y. Volunteers, Lieut. Col. McKee of the 13th regiment, and a host of other officers whose names we did not obtain. The VIIIth regiment N. Y. militia, was also well represented by a number of its members in their new uniform, provided for them by the State, (lucky for them to be able to get anything from the State.) The Odeon presented a very fine appearance. The decorations were splendid, everything indeed was tastefully arranged. At the north end of the hall, there was a life-size portrait of Washington in a galaxy of United States flags. At the south end, another portrait of the "Father of his Country" was neatly draped with flags. The walls were profusely hung with the Stars and Stripes, and the regimental banner of the 47th was displayed from the wall opposite the entrance to the room. At intervals knapsacks, marked 47th, surmounted crossed muskets; there were also drums, crossed muskets and swords, and hanging from the front of the orchestra were the battle-flags of the Shepard Rifles, tattered and torn by the experience of war. These last were objects of general inspection by the vast company who paced the floor to the accomplished music of Prof. Male's band. The ceiling was draped with bunting, the folds of which depended gracefully from several centres to the numerous points of circumferences of which they were the radiants. The officers of the regiment were all on hand, and did all in their power to render their guests comfortable. The band occupied the orchestra, and discoursed the music of the evening in strains worthy of the occasion. Prof. Male covered himself with glory by the manner in which he consummated his part in the concert.
The following was the order of exercises:
March—Le Prophete, ...............................Meyerbeer.
Overture—Semiramide.. ................................Rossini.
Thou art so near and yet so far.....................Reichardt.
Selection from Giovanna D'Arco..................Donizetti.
Galop—"New Year's Calls"...........................C. Rehm.
Lanciers..................................... Un ballo in Maschera.
Promenade—Se lection from Masnadiere,.Mercadante.
Waltz—Happy is thy Dreams.
Quadrille—Old Times.
Promenade Valse—Beloved Star......................Laurent.
Polka and Redowa—La Zouave.
Promenade—Duett—Luisa Miller.......................Verdi.
Lanciers—47th Regiment.
Promenade--Mazourka ..................................Desperini.
Galop—Double Quick.
Promenade~47th Regiment Quick.Step…………Male.
Quadrille—Cheat and Jig.
Polka—We met by chance.
Lanciers.—Break o' day, boys.
The lower part of the building was in the hands of Mrs. Jenkins and other ladies, interested in the representation of the Eastern District in the arrangements for the forthcoming Sanitary Fair. This was the refreshment department, and truly it presented a refreshing appearance. From what we observed, we are ready to challenge ladies or caterers anywhere to meet our Eastern District ladies on such an occasion as that of last night at the Odeon. Among those present who were loud in their admiration of the refreshment department were ex-Ald. Huntley, Water Commissioner Northup, and the inevitable and unconquerable Bostwick, all of whom, as well as we could judge, appeared abundantly able to decide as to the merits of the ladies in this particular department.
The whole demonstration was a success; another proof that Williamsburghers know when and where to do things just as well as people anywhere else. Every guest appeared to be highly satisfied with all that transpired, and we hope that the 47th will soon invite their friends again and treat them just as well as they did last night. We cannot resist the duty of acknowledging the polite attention of Capt. Vandewater. We thanked him in heart, and in pen, and now we do it, with pleasure, in type. VIVE LA FORTYSEVENTH REGINENT, N. Y. S. M.
Sup. Gridley presented the following communication from Col. Meserole, which was laid on the table for the present, until the committee's report should come up.
To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors:
GENTLEMEN: I had intended to make a full and entire statement of the difference between your honorable body and myself, but the Law Committee having thoroughly investigated the matter and taken my statement, under oath, of course it will come before you in an official manner and will have more weight than coming by communication from me, and I would most respectfully request that the evidence taken or the investigation may be read when the committee report. But I would make the following brief statement, and call upon the Law Committee to answer the evidence justifies them.
First. The Board of Supervisors directed the County Treasurer to pay me, to disburse to the Forty-seventh Regiment, a sum of money sufficient to pay the bills as presented by me.
Second. The County Treasurer paid me the money, and the Clerk of the Board gave me the bills, which I paid, without one word of instruction or information that the bills had not been passed for their full amount. Therefore, when I received the full amount of the bills how could I suppose anything else but that they had been so passed? Third. That the figures on the back of the bills were put there by the Committee on Accounts, some in pencil and some in ink, before the bills were acted upon by your honorable body, and that many bills for the late military service were similarly marked and yet passed in full by you, and I supposed the same thing had been done in regard to the Forty-seventh Regiment bills.
Fourth. That I did not, nor did any one else know, that the Committee on Accounts had made the mistake, and they did not until a long while after I had paid off the regiment.
Fifth. That I had no means of knowing that the ration bill had not been acted upon by you, as it was returned to me in the bundle with the other bills. But in regard to this ration money, I would state that the different companies had it in contemplation to devote their ration money as an assessment to wards fitting up their armory, and requested me to hold the money until they had decided about it. So when the information was given me that the ration bill had not been passed, I of course held the money, all but $400, which I had previously paid for coffee, sugar, cheese, etc., which the regiment had procured from time to time as refreshment for the night-guard only. I still hold it; and if your Honorable Body do not deem it right to pass the ration bill, I shall cheerfully pay it back to the county, provided the ration bill is returned to me, and I will pay it to any one and at any time you may direct. But I want it most emphatically understood that the ration money (except the $400) had not yet been paid out when I received information that the bill had not been passed, and of course it would have been wrong for me to pay it then. I also claim the amount asked for; the men are entitled to it.
Very respectfully, J. V. MESSROLE,
Col. Forty-seventh Reg. N. Y. S. N. G.
It is so seldom that we find a person improved by soldiering, that we deem it worthy of notice when one is found who has forsook bad habits and contracted good ones. Such an one, we are informed, is Mr. Joshua Dippy, a member of the 47th N.Y. Mr. D. has the look of health about him, the reputation of a good soldier, and the bearing of a gentleman. He is at present home on a furlough, having re-enlisted.
A WITTY IRISH SOLDIER.—There is a private in the New York 47th, on Morris Island, named Miles O'Reilly, who is a genuine Irish wit. He lately wrote some sarcastic poetry on military matters there, which was not considered quire respectful to his superiors, and he was put under arrest. He immediately sent a poetic petition to Secretary Stanton, which the President saw and was so much amused with it that he sent him a free pardon. The concluding portion of Paddy 0 Reilly's petition is as follows:
Och! Stanton, our great "god o' war,"
My condition in pity now see,
An' if you have got any bowels to milt
Let your bowels be milted for me,
For I come of the daycintest people
In the beautiful town of Thralee,
Where parties an' whisky is plenty,
(An' divil resayve the provost marshal we have there,
at all at all, though we have the "peelers"--bad 'cess
to 'em--who are worse, if such a thing wor possible)—
they bow both heart an' knee
To men like the grim ould Admiral—
A type of the oulden time!
God be good to you, Mister Stanton,
An look kindly on the case;
An' to the man wid Methusaleh's beard
An' the patriarchal face
(I mane ould Uncle Gideon)
Just ax him to show me grace,
For which I will, as in duty bound--
If he gets me out o' this place—
Do for him an' for you all that ever I can--
Votin' airly an' votin' often for yez both, or for aither
of you, if yez ever chance to be candydates in any
districk or county where I can get within tin rods o' the ballot-box).
An' now me name I thrace—
Miles O'Reilly, who wrote of the Admiral,
An' is having a hard ould time.
[Special Correspondence of the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.]
PALATKA, FLA., March 18.
Moved Again—A Picture of the Interior—What the Rebels have done—New Plan of Operations.
Our moving days, of late, have been quite numerous. On the afternoon of the 9th we received very sudden orders to pack up and prepare to make tracks, with one day's rations, for a new field of operation. We were soon on board the steamer Delaware, and about 9 o'clock in the evening left the wharf at Jacksonville, and were soon under full headway steaming up the St. John's River in the darkness, destined for Palatka, eighty miles inland from Jacksonville, and, as we supposed, occupied by the Chivalry. All hands were quartered on deck, for the purpose of returning the fire in case we were attacked; but the hellhounds of destruction were silent, and daylight found us quietly disembarking at the docks unmolested; not even a sable monk or a friendly dog to welcome our advent into this deserted and war-stricken town, which formerly contained about 2,000 inhabitants, and is beautifully situated on the St. John's, 125 miles from its mouth and 100 miles from Lake City. Only three families were found remaining, and they were of the poorer class of women, whose husbands, fathers, and sons were dragged from their homes by the merciless Rebel Conscription Act, while their families were left to the tender mercies of the uncivilized Yankees, and to starve.
Scouting-parties were dispatched in different directions, and soon afterward returned with numerous specimens of the old gray-haired and down-trodden white slaves of the South. The blacks were all run off, previously, into the interior of the country by their masters. The old men, and frightened women and children soon began to flock into our lines for protection and food. Their stories are indeed frightful. To describe their sufferings your correspondent will not attempt, but you can imagine their joy when they found that the Yankees were civilized and humane, and not barbarians, as they had been told by the tyrannical and we hope extinct chivalry.
Wheat flour has been sold here for $300 per barrel, and not to be had at that price. Coffee is an article that has not been seen here for the past two years.
Deserters are coming into our lines every day. They all tell us they are tired of fighting for the slaveholder and his niggers. Jeff Davis's game-of-bluff in Florida is certainly played out among the poor whites.
We are now fortifying Palatka, which will be the grand starting-point in the future operations against the Rebels. An advance from this place would cut the enemy's communications and force him to retire from before Jacksonville E. L. B.
KILLED AT OLUSTEE.—The Fredonia Advertiser says that 1st Lieut. Charles E. Evry, of Co, D, 47th N. Y., and son of Mr. William Evry of that village, was killed at the recent disastrous battle at Olustee, in Florida. He
was in the 31st year of his age. He originally enlisted in the 49th N. Y., and was transferred to the 47th.
MY DEAR BROTHER—This is the first opportunity I have had to write to you since we started from Fortress Monroe. I am anxious to hear from you, and to learn all about your regiment—how it is progressing and when you expect the order to march, and your supposed destination. I have enjoyed excellent health during our tempestuous trip to this post, and so have all the boys, and were all in excellent spirits. We have, however, one great annoyance from which we suffer very considerably, that is, that up to this moment, after four months' service, we have not received a dollar of our pay. In fact I hardly know what to make of such treatment on the part of the government. There must be certainly something rotten in the State of Denmark, and my own opinion is that the whole fault lies with our officers, most of whom are a worthless set. They take care to look out for themselves, however, and leave the men to do as best—or worst—they can. I expect before long that our Brigadier General Viele, will come down on them like a thousand of brick. The lamentations of the men, and their demand for their just dues, of which they stand in great need, must reach his ears before long, and then our precious officers may look out for squalls. The officers have all received their full pay, by what means I can't tell: but the rank and file are completely overlooked. It is high time that a change was brought about. The officers say that they had to petition the government for their pay, setting forth the destitution of their families, &c. Now, if the families of the officers are destitute, in what state may not the families of the private soldiers be in, who have left homes and firesides to sustain the government in this wicked rebellion? I wish to God the NEW YORK HERALD had a reporter or correspondent in this regiment, who would, in a proper manner, expose the evils under which we suffer. However, try and get this a place in the HERALD, and it may tend to a speedier alleviation of our sufferings, than any appeals we may continue to make to our proper officers.
Col. Henry Moore, of this regiment, has returned home from his regiment, having been released from confinement. It will be recollected that the Colonel refused to obey the order from General Hunter with reference to contrabands, which was the cause of his being placed in confinement at Fort Pulaski. After being confined there for a time he was released, when he resumed command of his regiment, and subsequently asked for a furlough of twenty days. This was refused, and he subsequently sent in his resignation, which was accepted instanter. The cause of this treatment is yet to be discovered, as will probably be shown on the return of the Colonel from Washington. The Colonel has been indefatigable in his labors to place this regiment in good state of discipline, and deserves better treatment.
Messrs. Editors: Perhaps you saw a piece in the Telegraph some time ago saying one of the 47th had left the Republicans and joined the Democrats. That was me. Then I did not believe in the abolishment of slavery. But I see that the present Democratic party do not support their soldiers in the field; as is proved by Seymour's veto of the soldiers' proxy bill to vote, and his party sustained him. Can I, being a soldier, fighting for my country, support a party who refuse to let me vote because I am such; and are they not traitors in disguise? I can say truly, that if I never attempt to vote that ticket hereafter, I hope my right arm may drop off before I put such a vote in. Will you please make a few remarks in your next issue that the people may know how I now stand, and why?
Hoping I may soon be paid that I can the first thing I do transmit some to you as I receive your paper pretty regular, having lost only one, and that the rebels captured it was of the most importance containing the county vote this spring on Supervisor. If you have an extra please send it.
Your friend and well wisher.
47th Reg. N. Y. S. V., Co. D,
Ossaban Island, Georgia
ON A VISIT.—Lieut-Col. James M. Green, of the Forty-seventh regiment, arrived from Port Royal about a week ago, and is now spending a few days in this city, his former home. Col. G.'s military career began as a private soldier in the Seventy-first regiment, and his advancement has been the result of faithful service and recognized....
Miscellaneous Items.
— About one-third of the 47th (Buffalo) regiment, N. G., have returned home. They could not be legally compelled to swear into the service of the United States, and so they took leave of their comrades and sneaked home. They are back just in time for the draft.
This regiment having been accepted by the general government have changed their name to the First regiment Washington Grays, and have adopted a uniform similar to the fatigue dress of the Seventh regiment, with the army overcoat. The men are now being encamped in the grounds lately occupied by the Scott Life Guard, at East New York. Great credit is due to Colonel Merritt and his officers for their indomitable perseverance.
They will probably be mustered into service within ten days, and will proceed to the seat of war at an early date. (June 28, 1861)
The Washington Grays—A New Regiment. A new regiment is forming from the nucleus of an old organization, the "Imperial Zouaves." Colonel Merritt, who had long endeavored to secure the admission into the service of a body of men he had enlisted under that name, has now a good prospect of success. After a sojourn in Washington of about two weeks for the purpose, Lieutenant-Colonel Moore had an interview with the President. He states that the President gave his free permission for the formation of the regiment, based, however, upon the free consent of the Secretary of War and Governor Morgan. He also gave the Lieutenant- Colonel a letter to Mr. Cameron, embodying his views. Mr. Cameron readily gave his consent, and the prospect of gaining that of the Governor is understood to be good.
Colonel Merritt has therefore entered with confidence into the work. He has established his headquarters at No. 534 Broadway, and is sending men into quarters, which he has secured at East New York, preliminary to going into camp. The uniform is to be similar to the fatigue dress of the Seventh regiment of this city, with regulation overcoats.
It is the design of the Colonel to have this regiment ready for inspection in about two weeks.
Messrs. Editors:—As the 47th Regiment has arrived on Folly Island, near Charleston, having evacuated Ossatand Island, Ga., I thought a few lines would interest your readers.
Folly Island is separated from Morris Island by a little stream. Four Companies of the 49th are stationed near the point next to Morris Island. Our monitors and batteries are firing at Fort Wagner every day, and our troops have charged on it several times—and if it had not been for some of our troops running, the fort might now have been in our possession.
No Regiment fought like the 54th Massachusetts (colored). They were anxious to be in the advance every time, and were put there and charged gloriously every time, contrary to the opinions of those copperheads, they always hoping that the colored soldiers would not fight. All they want is a chance, and they will fight nobly as has been proved.
I see in the New York papers of the 15th Governor Seymour's speech where he had sent to Washington to have the draft suspended. I hope the Government will not let such men rule the Nation, but will tell his Excellency that the draft shall be enforced, and that they will see that he enforces it. If we can only get Fort Wagner, Fort Sumter and Charleston will both have to fall. Never did a General need reinforcements worse than Gen. Gilmore at this place at this time, that he may advance successfully and keep what he takes. Your paper of the 11th July is received. Yours as ever.
47th Reg. N. Y. S. V., Co. D.
THE 47TH REGIMENT.--From Adjutant Irwin we learn that this regiment is stationed in the fortifications on Washington Heights, where they are finely situated and ready for all comers. Adjutant Irwin returns for the regimental band, which has also a connection with the Navy Yard, and was detained in consequence of the death of Rear Admiral Foote. Several members of this regiment, who were unable to leave with it, will go with the Adjutant.
A letter dated Arlington Heights, the 28th, says that while the 47th was out on picket a few evenings since, our cavalry, mistaking them for rebels, charged and wounded one man.