1st New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Arrival of the First New York Regiment -- Reconnaissance of Sewall's Point-Condition of Affairs in and About the Fortress--Operations in the Potomac and Chesapeake,
& c., &c,. &c.
BALTIMORE, May 30, 1861.
The steamer Adelaide, from Old Point Comfort, arrived here this morning, and reports all quiet there.
The steamer State of Georgia landed the First regiment of New York at Fortress Monroe yesterday. General Butler was reinforced yesterday by two thousand troops.
Col. Fay, Aid de Camp to Gen. Butler, arrived by the boat and proceeded to Philadelphia.
Most of the troops encamped outside the walls of Fortress Monroe and at Newport News Point.
There were no hostile indications on the part of the Virginians in that direction.
WASHINGTON, May 30, 1861.
Capt. Engle, of the navy, has just returned from a survey of the position of the rebels at Sewall's Point. He reports that the Point is held by four thousand rebel troops, and that a powerful battery is erected on the shore. The place is skillfully defended by works, and the task of capturing it would be great. Capt. Engle, however, does not regard its capture as at all necessary for the purposes of the government - for the present at least, especially as vessels of war can pass the Point without incurring the peril of injury from the battery. Capt. Engle reports that the position can be turned by a rear movement, and that by cutting off their communications with the main land, the rebels can be starved out.
May 30, 1861
The steamship Delaware, from Philadelphia, arrived yesterday morning, reports:-28th 1:30 P.M. when passing Fort Delaware, was invited by a gun from the fort to show our colors (should not have waited for an invitation), at 6:20 P.M., off Cape May, passed steam transport State of Georgia, bound South, with Colonel Allen's regiment, for Fort Monroe.
The steamship Coatzacoalcos sailed from Quarantine for Fort Monroe at 5:30 A.M. yesterday, having Naval Brigade on board.
To the Editor of The N. Y. Tribune.
Sir: Your Fortress Monroe correspondent in his letter in yesterday's Tribune indulges in rather severe allusions to Col. Allen's difficulties; and his remarks, if not intended, are at least calculated to prejudice opinion against the Colonel.
I have a letter from Col. A. under date 4th inst., in which he says that he is pressing for a speedy investigation, which he confidently anticipates will his favor; and he requests me to make public the fact that he feels he is right. Your ob't servant,
No. 240 Pearl street, July 8, 1861. JOSEPH BYRNE.
Honor the Brave.
From the New York Evening Post.
We have been furnished with the following extract of a letter from General Kearney, addressed to a personal friend in this city. The officer alluded to is Captain John H. Coster, of the First New York Volunteers, who was dangerously wounded in one of the actions of the seven days' retreat of the Army of the Potomac:—
" A most noble fellow, Captain Coster was fearfully wounded in the jaw. His conduct deserves high mention, and I hope you will help me to render him justice with the community and with New Yorkers particularly."
Captain Coster is now with his friends in this city, and we are happy to hear is gradually recovering under skillful treatment.
Lieutenant Charles Coster, brother of the above-named officer, was attached to the Twelfth regular infantry, and was also wounded in the leg during the same series of battles. He also behaved with great gallantry, and we understand is warmly recommended to Governor Morgan by his superior officer, Major Clark, and by many of our most influential citizens, for a high command in one of our new regiments.
Trial of Col. Allen.
From Our Special Correspondent.
Friday, July 12, 1861
The Court assembled, pursuant to adjournment, and the proceedings of yesterday were read by the Judge Advocate, Lieut. Loder.
Col. Allen offered a paper, asking that reporters should be excluded, as the daily reports of the trial might prejudice his case. The court was cleared, and after maturely considering the request, denied the same.
Col. Allen offered another paper, asking that the charges be dismissed on account of insufficiency. The request was denied.
Brigadier-General Pierce called and sworn-—Was in command of a portion of the troops during the month of June, 1861; Col. Allen's Regiment was included in his command; command extended from the bridge near the fortress and Hampton; it devolved on him to give commands to Col. Allen; had advanced picket guards; Col. Allen had no authority to send out parties of men, except guard details; he had no right to do so without permission of witness; an order forbidding such parties had been issued by Maj. Gen. Butler. [Said order was read, and Col. to its reception on the ground that its authenticity was not shown. Court required the Judge-Advocate to establish its authenticity. Col. Allen sent a party to outside of the pickets a few days previous to his arrest; it was on the 27th of June. [At this point Adjutant Haines appeared, and testified to the authenticity of the order referred to above. Col. Allen objected, in addition, that Maj.-Gen. Butler had no authority to issue such an order, the consideration of which the Court waived for the present.] Gen. Pierce continued his testimony: he did not give Col. Allen permission to send out a party; heard that on that day a quantity of wheat had been burned in the neighborhood; had a conversation with Col. Allen on that day before he heard of the burning; sent for Col. Allen to come to his quarters about sending some prisoners to Fort Monroe without reporting to him, the witness; told him that he had discharged all the prisoners, and that they referred him to witness that orders had been given to burn the wheat; the prisoners were harvesting when arrested; Col. Allen said he had not given orders to burn the wheat, but said if it took fire accidentally, he would not care; this conversation took place about sunset; told him that he had sent an officer expressly to prevent the burning of the wheat; received the same day a report from the officer of the party sent by Col. Allen; it was signed by the officer, and countersigned "approved" by Col. Allen. [Judge- Advocate here submitted the original report, which Gen. Pierce identified. It was read as follows]:
CAMP HAMILTON, June27, 186l.
Col. WM. H. Allen—Sir : I was detailed this morning at. 11 o'clock to go with six men of my company across the Bay, and proceed to the house of a Secessionist named Thompson, there to arrest all the white men I can find and to burn the wheat crop. I was then to bring the men before Gen. Butler, and request him to arrest them on the grounds of their having broken their parole. In conformity with the order, I crossed the bay and arrived at the house in question at about 1 o'clock. I found five white men present, one of whom, however, is so visibly infirm, that he is not able to walk for any considerable length of time. I arrived with the four men in the fortress at l:50 o'clock, and presented myself before Capt. Butler, the aide of the Major-General. After my stating the case he asked me what proofs Col. Allen had of his assertions, to which I replied that I did not know; that Col. A.'s saying so was enough for me, and ought to be for him. He then said that he did not feel authorized to act in the matter, and that he considered it improper to do anything before the case had been laid before Brigadier-General Pierce. I made my bow and turned my way toward my own camp, knowing that I would get better satisfaction there. I arrived with the persons, in camp at 10 o'clock.
One of my men asked one of the prisoners on the way, how near the enemy's pickets were to Fox Hill, to which he incautiously replied two miles, when one of the other prisoners hit him gently on the side and said. No, no, you are mistaken, ten miles.
Respectfully submitted.
J. CHRISTIANSEN, Lieut, commanding, Co. I.
Can't say whether the report was received when the prisoners were brought that day or the next morning; the conversation with Col. Allen was at the headquarters of witness, in the seminary; the prisoners referred to came from the Buckrow Farm; they were the same mentioned in the report of Lieut. Christiansen; no authority had been given by witness to cause their arrest; I thought he might recognize some of them; (witness was confronted with five men, three of whom he recognized as among the prisoners referred to, and mentioned in Lieut. Christiansen's report; they gave their names as James Arlington, Patrick H. Hopkins, Robert Jackson); the arrest of the men recognized were reported to witness by Col. Allen's officer, who reported that the arrest had been made by authority from Col. Allen; some of the passes found on the men were signed by Gen. Butler, and others by Col. Allen; when the men were discharged they were allowed to retain the passes signed by Gen. Butler; had been informed by Gen. Butler that he only could give passes; Col. Allen informed witness that he had issued thirtyseven passes by the authority of Gen. Butler; it is the duty of all under the command of witness to report any information they may obtain of the enemy's movements.
Question by Col. Allen—By virtue of what power did you command Col. Allen? Answer—By virtue of detail by Gov. Andrew of Mass., to report to Gen. Butler in person and to Gen. Scott by letter, and by virtue of an order by Gen. B. to assume command of troops, in camp between Fortress Monroe and Hampton.
Q. Have you a commission in the U. S. army? Objected to, and objection not sustained. A. I have not.
Q. How long was Col. Allen under your command? Have you ever had occasion to listen to complaint against him as an officer and gentleman, and did he ever disobey your orders? A. Since the 4th of June; do not recollect that he ever disobeyed orders.
Q. Was not Col. Allen always prompt in obeying your orders, and did you not consider him an efficient officer? A. I cannot recollect of anything that leads me to say he was not prompt; as far as military qualifications go, he was efficient.
Q. Can you say of our own knowledge that the picket-guard extended to Buckrow farm? A. There is a place where it did not extend, near the Bridge.
Q. When the prisoners told you that there were orders to burn the wheat did. they tell you to whom it belonged? A. They said it belonged to one Thompson, who was in the Secession service; that he was indebted to them, and they were endeavoring to get their pay by taking the wheat.
Q. When Col. Allen told you that he did not care whether the wheat took fire, was he in earnest? A. I understood him to be in earnest.
Q. What disposition did you make of the prisoners returned by Lieut. Christiansen? A. I was going away at the time, and ordered them to be retained by the reserve of the guard till I returned, and could have time to attend to their case; they were brought to my headquarters, immediately discharged, and ordered a guard to go with them to see them safe out.
Q. Did you not consider them under arrest till your return? A. I did.
Q. What facts did you learn to lead you to discharge the prisoners? A. The fact that they had the safeguard of Gen. Butler.
Q. Have you any knowledge, of your own observation, that Col. Allen or any of his men were beyond the picket? A. I have not.
Q. Would Col. Allen, under any circumstances, have the right to go beyond the picket to make arrests or to destroy property without specific or general orders? Objected to, and the objection sustained.
Q. Do you know positively that a picket was established on the day in question at the head of Mill Creek? A. There was one ordered; did not do it myself.
Question by Lieut.-Col Washburn.~~-Was the order in force on that day? Answer. It was.
Question by. Col. Allen. Did you not rank Col. Allen senior in command under you by order of Gen. Butler? Answer.—Gen. Butler did direct me to recognize Col. Allen senior colonel of the camp at a certain time, but never had any writing from the General showing that he regarded him as senior in rank.
Q. Have you a commission from the State of Massachusetts as a Brigadier General. A. I have.
Question by Col. Allen.—Was Col. Allen not the. senior officer of and entitled to command the brigade in case you had no commission, or in your absence or removal to another post. Objected to, and objection sustained.
Q. Did you make the charges upon which Col. Allen is now arraigned? A. I reported certain facts; can't say whether they are the basis of the charges.
Q. Did you sign or draw up any charges against Col. Allen, or did you consider yourself the prosecutor? A. I have not signed or drawn up any charges, nor do I consider myself the prosecutor.
Question by Lieutenant-Colonel Washburn-~When did you learn that the prisoners were arrested—before or after they were taken to Fort Monroe? A. After they had been taken to the Fort.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning.
It is probable that the Col. DeRaney reported to have been killed in the skirmish which Capt. Hammell had with the Louisianans near Newport News, was no less than Col. De Rusey, brother of Col. DeRusey, chief of the Engineer Corps at Fortress Monroe. He was at Great Bethel, and there is but little doubt that he was the officer killed on the occasion re-erred to.
Following the example of Gen, Butler, quite a number of officers in the different regiments have brought their families here, and many more are preparing to do so, so that before long we shall have the novel spectacle of the stern realities of war and the gentle amenities of the domestic circle mingling in the camp. When the Rebellion first broke out, Col. Dimmick ordered the families of officers and men to be sent away, and was among the first to obey the order; for what he required of others he was willing to submit to himself. Gen. Butler, perhaps with more liberal or civil ideas, if not with better notions of camp life, came and with his family occupied the fine quarters which Col. Demmeck's family had so lately given up. The social characteristic is contagious if not universal.. In this case it is supported by logic; for, as the greater includes the lesser, so what is good for the Major-Gen, is at least excusable in the colonel, and even the humbler private. The argument of the camp, as I hear it laid down, is that the example of the commanding officer is eminently worthy of imitation; and, as I have already said, not a few are preparing to signify their appreciation of it. What the Army will become is another, if not a secondary question. Let us have your wives is the word; aye, and children too. If wives make better men of us, why not better soldiers? I venture to say that from their ranks might be selected better Brigadiers than some that might be named. It is true that wives and children might at times prove incumbrances, especially on long and hurried marches. I believe it was the practice of ancient commanders to take their wives and daughters with them to the field; and their example well-studied, if not that of more modern ones, may, perhaps, show us how to manage under such circumstances.
Return of the First Regiment New York State Volunteers.
A telegraphic dispatch from Washington, received yesterday by Colonel W. H. Allen, late commander of the First regiment New York State Volunteers, informed him that the regiment would leave Washington that (Friday) evening, and arrived Jersey City about eight o'clock this (Saturday) morning. The members and friends of the regiment in the city will meet at Central Hall No. 274 Grand street, at ten o'clock in the morning, to prepare to give the gallant fellows a suitable reception.
Regiments En Route for Home.
Washington, May 8, 1863.
The First New York regiment came up from the Rappahannock this evening en route for home. They were in great spirits.
The mail boat from Aquia creek did not reach here until about eight o'clock this evening, having been detained in order to bring up the First and Fourth New York regiments, whose term of service has expired.
The Twenty-sixth New York and One Hundred and Twenty-third Pennsylvania regiments, whose term of service has expired, are expected to arrive here to-night, or in the morning, on their return home.
THE Turn-Out On Wednesday.—The three regiments which paraded on Wednesday were very prompt at the formation in the Park. There were upward of 1,500 uniforms paraded, including officers, bands, etc. The First Regiment had not 192 troopers, the Sixty-ninth rank and file numbered 261, and that of the Seventy-first Regiment, 483. We noticed that the cavalry held their sabres at a carry, and the band and Colonel were posted in the rear, while the infantry carried their arms reversed, and the band and officers were all in their usual positions.
The Hawkins Zouaves formed the feature of the procession; their handsome uniforms and soldierly appearance attracted the attention of all spectators. They should have been armed with muskets, and formed the guard of honor.
The 1st N. Y. Volunteers
— is re-organizing under its late Colonel, Wm. H. Allen. A meeting will be held this evening at Central Hall, Grand street, to perfect the re-organization. Recruits are wanted for this regiment.
[From our Brooklyn Reporter.]
No positive orders to march have as yet been received by the Brigade officers. The orders for the Brigades to fill up, and proceed to Harrisburgh have, however, not been countermanded, and this morning all the regiments were rapidly filling up their ranks. There appears to be no difficulty in getting recruits, for by ten o'clock this morning nearly every company had taken in from ten to twenty new members. The Quartermasters have made requisitions for equipments and supplies, which are to be furnished forthwith. The officers of the various commands are to hold themselves in readiness to march at any moment. They are to meet again at the City Armory at 71/2 o'clock this evening to receive, new orders.
Norfolk Telegraphic Dispatches to the Richmond Dispatch— Roanoke Island Captured on Sunday, &c.
Sergeant James Bell, of Company G, First regiment New York Volunteers, renowned in camp for his daring and successful scouting excursions, went yesterday up to Watt's creek, six miles above our camp, where a rebel picket is stationed. He found there that the picket guard had been largely increased; twenty men used to do guard duty there, while now they seemed to be at least a hundred strong. Sergeant Bell succeeded in procuring a copy of the Richmond Dispatch, of February 10, from which I copy the following telegraphic despatches:
The First regiment, National Guard, now encamped at Quarantine, Colonel Wm. H. Allen commanding, are to have a full dress parade and review before a large number of military gentlemen, at Quarantine grounds, at four o'clock this afternoon. This occasion will afford a fine opportunity for the public to witness the transformation of a raw recruit into a perfect soldier, embodying efficiency, precision and promptness in company and field movements, as well as in the manual of arms. The Quarantine boat leaves the foot of Whitehall street at three o'clock P. M. This regiment sails on Saturday next.
In consequence of the earnest call of a large number of commissioned and non-commissioned officers and men of the old 1st regiment, N.Y.V. and of other returned volunteer organizations, Colonel Wm. H. Allen, now engaged in the re-organization of the 1st regiment, called a meeting of officers at noon yesterday, at Central Hall, opposite Centre market, to organize a volunteer regiment for the special purpose of repelling the rebel raid in Pennsylvania. It will be composed entirely of veterans, rank and file, and assurances have been received that it will be gladly accepted by the government, and fitted, out promptly. A number of officers were present, and after discussing the subject for some time, it was adjourned until this evening at eight o'clock.
Col. Allen is well known as an able and brave officer, and all who have ever been under his command or met him in the course of his military career, will gladly accept the opportunity thus offered for service with him. His popularity, the veteran character of the command and the short term of service for which it is to be called out, must together fill up the ranks very quickly when the organization is once commenced.
The First Regiment, Col. Pierson, was received in New York with distinction on Thursday, and escorted through the principal streets by the Seventh Regiment. Broadway was gay and gorgeous with banners—cannon roared—crowds cheered— bands played, and all were merry as a marriage bell. A supper at the cost of the city was provided for their entertainment at the Seventh Armory.
Reception of Returning Regiments.
The formal public reception by the city authorities of the First New York Volunteer regiment, which arrived here on Sunday, will be given today. The Seventh regiment (National Guard) will be the escort. The procession will pass in review before the Mayor and Common Council at 5 o'clock this afternoon, and then marching up Broadway to Fourteenth street, will pass to Fifth avenue and to Seventh street, when it will cross to Fourth avenue, and be dismissed at the Seventh regiment armory. The First will, in the evening, at the armory, be given a banquet by the authorities. The arrangements are to be carried into effect under the supervision of the Common Council Committee on National Affairs.
The Fourth regiment (Scott Life Guard) was received yesterday. Mayor Opdyke returned to the regiment its battle flag, which had been sent hither, and made an appropriate speech, to which Colonel McGregor, of the Fourth, responded. Three regiments of militia, the Duryea Zouaves, and several companies of firemen paraded. The procession was reviewed by General Scott.
First Regiment New-York Volunteers.
The First Regiment New York Volunteers is expected home to-day. The Seventh Regiment will receive them, Col. Lefferts having issued the following
Headquarters SEVENTH REGIMENT, N. Y. S. N. G.,
12 o'clock, Feb. 17,1864.
GENERAL ORDER No. 3.—In compliance with division and brigade orders this moment received, this regiment will parade on Thursday, the18th instant, to receive the First Regiment New York Volunteers, upon its return from the seat of war, where it has rendered distinguished services to our country.
Regimental line in Lafayette place at 12 3/4 o'clock P. M.
Band and drum corps will report to the Adjutant.
W. H. HUME, Adjutant.
The following is a carefully compiled list of the officers of the various regiments said to have been engaged in the contest near Fort Monroe - -
The First Regiment New York Volunteers (National Guard) of New York City. Field Officers: Colonel, Wm. H. Allen; [still in New York, not having gone on with his regiment,-- Ed. Herald]; Major, James M. Turner.
Staff Officers:
Adjutant, Walter Scott; Quartermaster, Robert J. Walmsley; Paymaster, P. J. Joachimsen; Surgeon, Joseph L. Hicks; Assistant Surgeon, John Howe.
Non-Commissioned Staff Officers.
Benjamin Page, Sergeant Major; Joseph C. Briscoe, Color Sergeant; Robert B. Montgomery, Quartermaster Sergeant; James Murray, Officers' Mess Steward; Edward Willis, Cook to Officers' Mess; Joseph E. Eastman, Right General Guide; Richard J. Perry, Drum Major; Richard Willis, Fife Major; Wm. A. Bishop, Left General Guide.
Line Officers.
Company A—Captain, Leon Barnard; First Lieutenant, John C. Campbell; Second Lieutenant, N. S. Morenus.
Company B— Captain, James Clancy; First Lieutenant, George W. Duncan; Second Lieutenant, Wm. T. Allen.
Company C—Captain, William L. Coles; First Lieutenant, Jamet C. Shaw; Second Lieutenant, David E. Carpenter.
Company D—Captain, Henry M. Burleigh; First Lieutenant, Charles Ingersoll; Second Lieutenant, John F. Horton.
Company E—Captain, Timothy Waters; First Lieutenant, Joseph Yeamans; Second Lieutenant, Henry Ayers.
Company F- Captain, David Tuomey; First Lieutenant, James F. Hyde; Second Lieutenant, James Dolan.
Company G—Captain, William H. Underhill; First Lieutenant, George S. Melville; Second Lieutenant, Henry S. Hetherington.
Company H--Captain, Frederick Pierson; First Lieutenant, W, H. Hamilton; Second Lieutenant, C. M. Martin.
Company I—Captain, Ole P. Balling; First Lieutenant, Christian Christensen; Second Lieutenant, Alfred Fredberg.
Company K—Captain, Werner Bjerg; First Lieutenant, Nicholas Gronbeck; Second Lieutenant, John Allen.
Reception of the First New York State Volunteers—Parade of the Seventh— Dinner at their Armory, &.
The First regiment New York State Volunteers had their formal reception yesterday afternoon. There being several members of the Seventh regiment, N. G., attached to the First, the former regiment turned out in full and escorted the returned soldiers through our streets, The interest and enthusiasm exhibited in giving those brave spirits a hearty welcome has not abated in the least, and the people turned out in large numbers yesterday in Broadway, as well as the principal thoroughfares through which the procession passed, in order to cheer the soldiers in their triumphal march. The parade of the Seventh in yesterday's reception also much enhanced the enthusiasm of the occasion.
At five o'clock in the afternoon the procession filed through the Park and marched up Broadway in the following order:—
Squad of Police.
Seventh Regiment, National Guard, under command of Colonel Marshal Lefferts.
First Regiment New York State Volunteers, under command of Colonel Pierson.
Wounded of the First in Carriages,
City Authorities in Carriages.
Citizens generally, &c.
The procession passed up to Fourteenth street, down Fourteenth street to Fifth avenue and up W Seventeenth street, then passing down Fourth avenue to the Seventh regiment Armory, where the corps was dismissed, and entered the building in order to partake of a sumptuous dinner provided by the city authorities. A number of the Seventh also sat down to dinner with the gallant First. Among those present were Colonel Lefferts, of the Seventh; Colonel Pierson, of the First; Aldermen Farley, Mitchell, Boole and others. Alderman Farley presided upon the occasion. The following toasts were drank and responded to by the gentlemen whose names are attached:—
The President of the United States. Music.
Governor of the State of New York. Music.
The Union—Priceless as liberty, and as inestimable as liberty itself. Responded to by Colonel B. F. Shephard.
The First regiment of Volunteers, God bless them. Responded to by Colonel Pierson.
The Army of the Union:—We will support them and reinforce them; they have achieved great victory. May their last great victory be speedily won. Responded to by Colonel Lefferts.
Shortly previous to the conclusion of the entertainment Mayor Opdyke entered, and made a few complimentary remarks relative to the gallantry of the First regiment in the field. The splendid band of the Seventh regiment furnished the music upon the occasion.
A brilliant Skirmish - New Yorkers Engaged
A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer writing from Headquarters, on Thursday, says:
Last night at 8 1/2 o'clock, a detachment of fifty men from the First New York, and another of the same number from the Twelfth Pennsylvania cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant D. A. Irwin, were ordered out on scout, the whole under command of Captain Jones, First New York. They proceeded to Charlestown and bivouacked for the night. At seven o'clock next morning marched to Summit Point, and hearing of a force of the enemy in the vicinity of Smithfield advanced on that place. When within three miles of the town they overtook one of the enemy's scouting parties and at once gave chase. Pursued them to the town where the retreating "Rebs" were reinforced by a detachment of sixty of the Twelfth Virginia Rebel cavalry, who made a desperate charge upon a portion of our force, and a sharp skirmish ensued, in which Captain Jones was wounded in the hand and taken prisoner. A number of prisoners were also captured by us. After the first charge the enemy attempted to come in upon us from four sides, but were handsomely met and repulsed at all points by detachments under Captain Bailey, Lieut. Poindexter, of the first New York, and Lieut. Irwin of the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry, who at that moment came to the rescue. The fight lasted about two hours, was a complete succession of charges and of captures and recaptures by both parties, one of the most important of which was the recapture of the gallant Captain Jones, together with the capture of three men who were his captors, by Sergeant Thompson, of the First New York, Corporal Casler and Private Amos Parks, of the 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry, allowing the captain an interview of not more than ten minute's with the chivalry, scarcely time enough to receive from them the congratulations due an officer of his rank upon so auspicious an occasion.
After the enemy had been repulsed a number of times they beat a hasty retreat toward Winchester, hotly pursued by our forces to within four miles of that place.
Lieut. D. A. Irwin, of the 12th Pennsylvania cavalry, is spoken of in the most flattering terms by Captain Jones for his gallantry and coolness, and skill displayed in handling his men during the engagement. Both captains Jones and Bailey and Lieutenant Irwin are acknowledged universally to be a noble trio. No more gallant and efficient officers ever wielded a sabre in their country's defense than they.
Our causalities were three wounded, two of the Twelfth Pennsylvania, and one of the New York cavalry. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded is not known. We captured ten prisoners with horses and equipments, including two officers.
Colonel Allen on Mr. Winthrop's Death at the Battle of Great Bethel.
NEW YORK, June 18, 1863..
To the Editors of the New York Express :
Noticing the article in your issue of the 19th, from a Captain in the army to the Boston Transcript, relative to Private, not Major, Winthrop, killed at the battle of Great Bethel, I quite agree with you that the entire story is a sheer fabrication.
The rebel battery was on a hill covered by a dense woods. At the foot of the hill ran a wide and deep creek, beyond which a long-range of rifle-pits extended. These were occupied by the 7th Regiment North Carolina Regulars, so-called. About 400 yards from, and parallel with them, ran a private road or lane, flanked on the right by heavy timber. At the end of this road, joining the woods, Lieutenant Grebbel's battery was in position, and in the road, lying down, was my regiment as a support to it. All the space in front; was open and clear.
The Boston papers, and others, state that Mr. Winthrop was killed leading a charge,& c. This is all nonsense. He had no connection with the service at the time, simply acting as a volunteer Secretary in General Butler's office at Fortress Monroe. His ardor impelled him to shoulder his own rifle and go into action as an amateur, and while picking off men wherever visible, from behind a tree in the woods before mentioned, on our right, and about half-way between the two batteries he was finally killed by a rifleman of the left flank company of the 7th North Carolina. These are simply the facts concerning the death of this gentleman.
Late Colonel 1st Regiment N. Y. V.