4th New York Heavy Artillery Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Absent Without Leave | |
William Barton | Edward Syke |
H. Barclay | Carrell Smith |
E. Bishop | William Faffey |
Charles Davis | C. H. Wells |
Shadrock Duryee | N. M. Wilcox |
R. Fryer | J. P. Miller |
J. Gorray | M. Robinson |
Edward Haycock | Joseph Sprague |
W. A. Hunt | F. Latula |
John Jennings | Clark McLean |
Samuel Lemity |
Letter from the 4th Artillery.
Camp Co. D, 4th reg't. N. Y. Artillery,
Fort Ethan Allen, Va., Nov. 2.
Thinking you might wish to hear a little news from the "4th Heavy," I take the liberty of addressing you. Our fort is on an eminence, about half way between the Chain Bridge and Washington; mounts forty guns of various sizes and calibre, ranging from 10-pounder Parrott guns to 8-inch Columbiads, and from 24-pounder Coehorn to 10-inch mortars. It is the strongest fort on the line, with one exception--Fort Lyon, near Alexandria--and with Fort Marcy, a smaller fort about a half mile to the right, and near the bank of the Potomac, has been called the key to Washington.
This position has been strengthened very much since we came here, over fourteen months ago. We have been at work almost continually on our fort and Fort Marcy and have, with the assistance of other regiments, dug long lines of rifle pits, built several strong redoubts and we have things so fixed that if Johnny Reb. should ever attempt to enter Washington by this way he would find another Gettysburg in his path. Gen. Sigel said, last fall when he was here, that with 400 men he could hold the position against a force of 25,000 men, and our fortifications are now of double the strength they were then.
Our regiment has recently been reinforced.--The 11th N. Y. artillery, (Col. Barnes), has been consolidated with the 4th, and called the 3rd batallion. The 4th heavy is now about 1500 strong. We have never seen any fighting, but if such should ever be our lot, you may rest assured that we will give a good account of ourselves.
We have been at work, during the past month or two, building barracks for ourselves, and now we have got just as good quarters as any regiment in the U. S. service, and better than we have yet had since we have been a regiment; for these barracks we can thank Col. J. C. Tidball.
Col. T. is a new man among us, and by his strict discipline (he is a "regular") has caused some dissatisfaction; but I think that after we know him better we shall find more about him to like than to dislike. He is acting Brigadier General at present.
FORT MARCY, VA., NOV 22, 1863.
Mr. Editor--Sir:--Our company has just been out drilling on the heavy guns, and now, as I have the remainder of the day to myself, I will endeavor to inform you of the doings here. The weather is quite winter- like. Cold blasts of wind sweep over the hills with all the fury of a hurricane, threatening to overthrow tents, barracks, and everything that comes into its way. Out barracks are not yet finished, owing to the heavy storm and gale for the past few days, which have caused all outer work to be suspended for the time being.
Our Company numbers at present one hundred men for duty. Captain, William Church; 1st Lieutenant, E. H. Richmond, 2nd Lieutenant, A. J. Smith, are officers of the Company. There are eight Sergeants and twelve corporals, all of whom have seen service and are capable of drilling squads of men in Infantry and Artillery tactics. A majority of our Company are old Soldiers many of them have served their time in the two years regiments. There are four or five of our boys who were in the old 23d N. Y., with whom I marched many a day through rain and mud, on the dreary roads of old Virginia. Little sis I expect, when I enlisted under Lieut. Furniss at Waterloo, that I would see any of my old comrades in this Regiment, but so it is, and I am glad to be with them again and I am willing to go to the front again, if required, and share with them the hardships of the march.
Monday morning, 3 o'clock.—At dress parade, a few evenings ago, new orders were read for the Companies at this post, and hereafter the daily routine of garrison duty be as follows: Reveille at sunrise; breakfast 7 A. M.; foot artillery drill 7 1/2 A. M.; dinner 12 M.; heavy artillery practice 2 P.M.; dress parade 4 1/2 P. M.; supper 5 P. M.; and taps 9 o'clock, when all soldiers of the garrison are supposed to be in their quarters unless on duty.
There are two sutlers at this post, and to show you what enormous prices they put upon their goods, I will give you a list of the rates at which some of these articles are sold. It is awful price--butter (half lard) 45 cents per pound; cheese 20 cents; apples from three to five cents a piece; pies 25 cents each; candles 5 cents each; tobacco 10 cents per paper; boots $7 to $10 per pair; besides hundreds of other articles sold at extravagant prices. Army sutlers are a humbug, and the soldiers ought to hoot out every one that comes into camp or garrison for they are daily making their fortune out of the soldiers' hard earned money.
Day before yesterday our entire Regiment was inspected by Gen. Barry and staff, who seemed to be well pleased at the good appearance and discipline of our Regiment. We were on the parade ground about five hours during inspection, after which we matched to our quarters, and unstrung our knapsacks, (which we never carry only on general inspection,) and started off on a double quick, to show the General a little artillery practice. This did not last long, and, as the sun disappeared behind the lofty hills, we returned to our quarters.
Monday afternoon, Nov. 23d.—I have just eaten a hearty dinner, and I will try and finish writing before drill time. Your valuable paper found its way into our garrison last week, and it was with eager eyes I gazed at your editorial columns, and saw, with joy, that the entire Democratic ticket of Seneca was elected. If there had been a few more soldiers at home on furlough, she would have went her strong, for about all the young voters at home are republicans, which shows who go for soldiers. Wm. Lautenschlager, Jacob Beary, Corpl. Frank P. Heiser, Levi Shiley, and Charles Seivers, members of our Company from Fayette, are sound Democrats, and they send their respects to their Democratic friends in Fayette, and, although they were not there to vote, their hearts swell with joy at the result of the election in Seneca.
Well, it is near drill time and I must soon close, hoping, that ere many months, the Stars and Stripes may float in triumph over the cities of Charleston and Richmond.—Then the heart of Rebellion will be broken, and Peace will then soon spread her wings over the length and breadth of our Land, and the Emblem of Liberty—the American Flag--wave undisturbed for evermore. The sound of the drum calls us to arms for artillery practice, so I must hasten to obey its summons. No more at present.
Yours, with respect,
Corporal Co. G., 4th N. Y. Artillery.
MR. EDITOR—SIR:—It was a fine morning on the 27th day of March last, when the 4th N. Y. Art., was drawn up in line, with knapsacks packed, awaiting the final order to join the Army of the Potomac. At 10 A. M., every being in readiness to move, the regimental brass band announced the hour of departure by playing Yankee Doodle. The whole regiment, 2400 strong, filed out of the fort, bidding adieu to the defences of Washington by uproarous cheering for Gen. Grant. We soon reached Alexandria, and at 3 P. M. got aboard the cars. Our band played a lively air, while hundreds of people gathered around to bid us farewell. At 7 o'clock in the evening the iron horse gave a few snorts, and we were soon under way for the front. I took one parting look at the dome of the Capitol, and the numerous forts erected for the defence of the city, then fell asleep and did not wake until we reached our place of destination.
We got off and lay on the ground until morning, when our march was resumed, and at 9 P. M. on Monday we halted about three miles north of Brandy Station, and pitched our shelter tents, but ere we had finished it commenced raining and continued for three days. There was no woods to be found inside of two miles, and our men suffered greatly from the effects of the cold rain. So great was the fall of water that our tents were no more of a protection for us than brown paper. After it ceased storming we received orders to join the 2d Corps, and again it commenced raining, but we soon reached the Artillery Reserve, three miles south of Brandy Station. It rained about two days, but I was fortunate enough to find a number of the 126th N. Y. boys, so I remained with them until the storm was over. It cleared off, however, fine and pleasant, and the sun again shone with brilliance over the mass of troops composing the Union army. In a few days the ground was dry and everything went off pleasantly.
Our regiment has been assigned to three different corps. The 1st Battalion to the 6th, the 2d Bat. to the 5th, and the 3d, in which I am in, to the 2d.
Our Battalion was present at a brigade review by Gen. Hancock, near Stevensburg, also at the grand review of the 2d Corps by Gen. Grant, at which 50,000 troops were present.
Last week an order came for our company to join the 1st Bat. 6th Corps, and Co. L. to take our place, so we packed up and march there and pitched our tents on the ground formerly occupied by Co. L. The day after we arrived in the 1st Battalion, details of ten men out of each Company was made to drive teams, &c, five men, with myself, were detached to Brigade Head Quarters for a permanent guard. There were also six men detached from each of the other Companies in our Battalion for the same purpose. We draw our rations from the Brigade Quartermaster, and when the army moves we go as the advance guard of the Brigade. We have good times—no drill, no roll call or inspecting, but every member of the guard is expected to keep his gun and equipments in good order, and we are the boys that can do it. Our uniform is new and we make a fine appearance, whether on duty or otherwise.—Col. Tompkins is in command of the Brigade. The Headquarters is located in a beautiful pine grove about two miles north of Bandy Station. It is a beautiful place the whole being surrounded by a fence made of pine boughs, with several entrances extending to the Generals quarters.
Since I have been detached from the company, 20 more men from each Com. in the Battalion have volunteered to join Light Batteries, and now our Bat. is quite small. —What will become of the rest I don't know. All the Regiments about here are in readiness for marching orders, and the first battle of the campaign will soon take place—perhaps ere another week passes by. It is getting late and I must close. My best respects to all my friends.
Your obedient servant.
Chas. E. Rorison.
The Herald has the following report of the casualties in the Fourth N. Y. Artillery, a regiment which has a number of companies from this city:
Casualties that have occured in this regiment since May 4, 1864, to date:--
KILLED.--Lieut. James Walker, C; A. B. Benedict, artificer, H; William Burrows, K; William Derbyshine, K; Albert Dresser, K; Sergeant Peter Gordon, K; Joseph Howell, Jr., H; Henry A. Jones, D; Robert Knapp, K; Wm. R. Meade, H; John Mullen, R; Albert Parkinson, C; Simon Pettingill G; Sergt. Judson A. Smith, H; Abner Smith, F; Timothy Fan Cleet, K.
WOUNDED.—Lieut. S. W. Doubleday, D; Lieut. D. F. Hamink, R; Lieut. M. J. Lee, R; John Barnes, D; George Hicknell, F; Chas. E. Abbey, H; Erastus D. Adams, H; Melvin Aldermad, K; John Anderson, K: John Ager, M; Corp. Wm. H. Banks, G; Levi. Brocklebank, H; Chas. M. Butler, H; Corp. Peter Brownell, I; George Bowmad, K; Robert Brown, M (since died); Silas Baker, M; Corp. E. E. Cooley, D; D. A. Campfield, D; John Couse, D; John A. Cole, D; Charles Cole, D; Joseph Cannon, E; Augustus Cass, B; Washington Covert, H; Saml. C. Cole, A: S. A. Cornell, I; John Collins, K; Corp. H. H. Keuyon, D; Frederick Krapp, D; Milton Dathrop, C; F. M. Loyd, D; J. D. Leroy, D; George Lowrie, D; Michael E. Loughlin, F; Albert E. Lyke, H; Wm. H. Lent, K; Gustave Lange, K; O'Hugh Monyagne, B; John McIlwine, D; Jas. C. McClellan, B; B. F. Miller, D; Jas. McCormick, R; Henry Marsden, G; Corp. Wm. Morris, K; Frank W. Morgan, K; Samuel Mulford, R; Nathinal Moore, K; M. M. Mack, M; Henry Osborne, D; F. A. Phelps, H; William Rowe, C; Frederick Coldmorning, K; James B. Douglas, D; S. R. Dunlaer, D; Davd D. Daniels, F; C. C. Davis, G; James Downey, K; Andrew Fry, D; John Flinn, K; D. A. Graham, D; James Gall, H; Sergeant E. O. Gates, M; Robert D. Hoag, A; Frank Hurd, C; Sergeant Charles D. Herrick, D; E. L. Huffmann, D; Charles Hane, D; Charles Herrick, D; Wm. A. Hunt, D; Jno. Higgins, M; John W. Hatch, F; Corp. Samuel L. Harned, H; Jenkins Harris, M; Patrick Higgins, M; Christian Hortenzer, M; Corp. B. T. Harkness, D; Samuel Johnson, D; Silas Johnson, D; Thomas W. Johnson, F; John H. Jackson, F, armorer; Wm. Rooney, D; Michael Ryan, H; Sames A. Still, A; Wm. Sweetman, A; John Smith, C; Robt. P. Smith, D; Wm. L. Slover, D; Thos. G. Stenson, F; Geo. W. Scheman, F; Allen R. Smith, H; Asa Smith, H; Chas. Strubble, H; Jos. Shortsleeves, H; Wm. Simpson, I; Michael Sheehan, M. Geo. Tompkins, B; Chris. Turner, K; E. B. Woodford, D; Edward Wheeler, K; John Wilson, K; Valentine Washburne, K; Egbert Wilbur, K; Milo Warner, K; Solomon Wyler, M; Jas. Wright, M.
Thos. Andrews, D, Silas Barker, M, Henry Crane, S. M. Chase, D, A. Chase, D, Asa D. Cross, M, Henry Dibble, B, Hiram Drew, F, Amos Ford, B, D. A. Greenman, D, Nelson Abbott, C, Chas. E. Jaycox, F, Sergt. David B. Jones, H, GFrancis Keegan, I, John Ling, F, L. Mason, D, Hugh McGovern, G, Lawrence Marks, __, Channing Miller, M, Lyman W. Parkhurst, K, John Satter, A, George Sheppard, F, Sergt. Jno. Smith, M, Edward Vogel, F.
The Late Fight in Virginia--The 4th New York Heavy Artillery-List of Casualties.
The following letter from Lieut. Howard L. Kelly, of the Fourth Heavy Artillery, to his father, gives interesting particulars of the recent engagement in which his regiment received its baptism of fire. We regret to say that the losses are considerable, including some from this city and vicinity.
May 20th, 1864.
Day before yesterday we marched at daylight two and a half miles and lay behind some breastworks until late in the p. m. We then returned to near our old camp ground and were brigaded under Col. Kitching of the 6th N. Y. Artillery. Our brigade comprised the 6th and 15th N. Y.
Artillery and three companies of our battalion, viz: Cos. D, H and K. Co. E was with the ordnance train. We rested all night and at seven yesterday, (a sorrowful day for us) we marched about two miles with our brigade. Half of our company, K, was sent forward with Capt. Gould. and myself; the other half being held in reserve by Lt. Lee. Cos. D and H being still in reserve in the rear of Lt. Lee, Lt. Carpenter of our company being detached temporarily with Co. H. Our men were deployed as skirmishers thirty feet apart and the left of our line joined the right of the 6th Artillery. We lay there till three p. m. About three, six rebel cavalrymen rode into a picket of three men from our company and said, "Surrender—get up and don't you fire a gun!" One of our men fired and the picket ran back to our company. Our line was against a rail fence just at the edge of a very thick woods. The Rebels soon made their appearance in the woods and firing commenced.
* * * Lt. Lee was severely wounded in left arm, just below the shoulder, and Lt. Doubleday in right foot. Both are in hospital.
We were highly complimented by Col. Kitching, who said the 4th New York fought splendidly.
Capt. Gould had possession of a house and barn, from which he was driven three times by the Rebels and as often he rallied and drove them out. Finally the Rebels flanked him and he had to retreat. We left three of our company dead in the house.
Our battalion went into the fight with 394 men and lost nearly 100 in killed, wounded and missing. One lost out of every four in a skirmish line is pretty heavy.
We killed a Col. Owen of N. C. and Col. Boyd and other officers. We were opposed by Gen. Rhodes' Division, Ewell's Corps.
* * * * * *
Enclosed I send a list of casualties in our three companies. As most all our men are from Rochester and vicinity, it will set many at rest who are uneasy, if published. The dead were all decently buried with head boards and inscriptions. Their pockets were all rifled while the ground was in the hands of the Rebels before we regained possession. All our dead and most of the wounded, I think lived in Rochester.
May 20th, 1864.
The Major General commanding desires to express his satisfaction with the good conduct of Tyler's Division and Kitching's Brigade of Heavy Artillery in the affair of Thursday evening.
The gallant manner in which these commands (the greater portion being for the first time under fire) met and checked the persistent attacks of a corps of the enemy led by one of their ablest Generals, justifies the Commanding General in this special commendation of troops who henceforward will be relied upon, as were the tried veterans of the 2d and 5th Corps at the same time engaged. By command.
Major General MEADE.
Asst. Adjt. General.
Headquarters 5th Army Corps, May 30th, 1864.
Official—A. S. MANNING, Asst. Adjt. Gen.
BATTERY K.--Killed.
Sergeant Peter Gordon.
Private William Burroughs.
Private Albert Dresser.
Private William Derbyshire.
Private Robert Knapp.
Private Timothy Van Cleack.
Wounded. 2d Lieut. Michael J Lee, arm.
Private Melvin Alderman, Arm.
Private George Bowman, back, severe.
Eugene Collins, foot.
Private James Downey, shoulder and leg, slight.
Private William V Lent, back.
Private George Lent, head.
Gustave Lange, right thigh and breast, severe.
Frank W Morgan, right eye.
Thomas Murphy, right leg, severe.
Samuel Mulford, hand.
Nathaniel Moore, hand.
Christopher Turner, right side, severe.
John Wilson, leg.
Edward Wheeler, left arm.
Valentine Washburne.
Egbert Wilbur.
Milo Warner, right thigh.
Private Lawrence Marks.
Private Lyman W Parkhnrst.
BATTERY D.—Killed.
Private Henry A Jones.
1st Lieut. S Ward Doubleday, right foot, severe.
Sergeant C D Herrick, leg.
Corporal A E Cooley, arm and leg.
E B Kenyon, hip.
B Harkness, knee.
Private John Barnes, ankle.
David Campfield, shoulder.
John Grouse, both legs.
John Cole, both hips.
Charles Cole, hand.
James Douglass, shoulder.
Andrew Fry, ankle.
Charles Herrick, hand.
W Hunt, hand.
Samuel Johnson, bowels.
Silas Johnson, thigh.
Frederick Knapp, leg.
F W Loyd, foot.
J D Leroy, foot.
J McElwane, hand.
W Rooney, foot and leg.
R P Smith, thigh.
W Slover, arm.
E B Woodruff, hip.
B F Miller, leg.
James Greenslit, hand.
Private T Andres.
A Chase.
S Chase.
C Greenman.
L Mason.
BATTERY H.-Killed.
Sergeant Judson A Smith.
Artificer Gould R Benedict.
Private Joseph Housel, Jr.
William R Mead.
Corporal Samuel L Harned, both legs, slight.
Private Charles E Abbey, face.
Erastus D Adams, foot.
Levi Brockelbank, arm.
Chas. M Butler, ankle, severe.
George H Bullock, arm.
Samuel C Cole, foot.
Fred A Phelps, side, slight.
Allen K Smith, foot.
Charles F Sanfords, arm, severe.
Albert E Lyke, face, severe.
Sergeant David B Jones.
Private Asa Smith,
Charles M Struble
Bat. K
Bat. D
Bat. H
Total | ||||
Killed | 0 | 6 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 11 |
Wounded | 1 | 17 | 1 | 25 | 0 | 11 | 55 |
Prisoners | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Missing | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 3 | 8 |
Total | 1 | 25 | 1 | 31 | 0 | 18 | 76 |
The above is a correct list, so far as is ascertainable | |||||||
H. L. KELLY | |||||||
1st Lieut. Battery K, 4th N. Y. Art. |
Correspondence of the Ontario County Times.
Casualties in the 4th N. Y. H. Artillery.
May 25th, 1864.
MR. EDITOR :—I take the liberty, inasmuch as I am not acquainted with their address, to convey through your journal to relatives, and friends the sad intelligence of the casualties in my Company.
On the 19th instant, two companies, "H" and "K," were posted as pickets on the extreme right of the Union lines in front of Spottsylvania Court House, Co. D being in reserve, with orders if attacked to hold the position as long as possible. Lt. Edmondston commanded the left of company line, and took up his quarters in one of three old houses a little in advance of the pickets, posting a small force in each of the buildings. These houses stood in an open field, bounded on three sides by woods, and dense, underbrush, and occasionally a rebel could be seen for an instant, dodging about among the leaves.
About 4 o'clock P. M. firing commenced, and at once became general along the line of Co. K, ad the left of H. Soon the woods about the houses spoken of were alive with rebel skirmishers, pouring their fire from front and flank upon the brave boys posted there, and it was returned with equal vigor and effect. Co. D immediately came to our support, and each of our small company reserves were sent to reinforce the left of our line. Scarcely had this been done when the rebels advanced in two lines of battle in splendid order from the woods upon our simple picket lines, threatening our complete annihilation or capture. We knew we had no line of battle to fall back upon, and that a valuable supply train was then coming up the road a few rods in our rear, and we determined to hold the rebels in check, at all hazards, until reinforcements should arrive. This we did for more than three-quarters of an hour, until the 1st Maine and 2d and 8th N. Y. Artillery came up and went in with a will. Our line, except a few men on the extreme right, who were flanked and cut off, formed with these regiments, and, the rebels being driven back remained on the field during the night.
The fighting ceased about 9 o'clock P. M., and we learned to our surprise from prisoners taken, that the whole of Ewall's corps was engaged in the attack. The rebel dead strewn over the field the next morning showed how fearfully that corps must have suffered in its attempt to flank us and capture our supplies.
The list of killed, wounded and missing of Co. H is as follows:
Sergeant Judson A. Smith, shot in right leg, died in hospital next morning; Artificer Goold R. Benedict, shot in the head and killed instantly; Private Wm. R. Mead, shot in the groin, lived but a short time; Private Joseph Housel, Jr., shot near the heart and died soon after, being carried from the field.
Corporal Samuel L. Harned, both legs, severely. Privates—Chas. E. Abbey, face, severely; Erastus D. Adams, foot, slightly; Levi C. Brockelbank, arm, flesh wound; Charles M. Butler, leg, severely; George H. Bullock, arm, flesh wound; Samuel C. Cole, foot, slightly; Albert E. Lyke, face, severely; Frederick A. Phelps, side, slightly; Charles F. Sanford, arm, severely; Allen R. Smith, leg, flesh wound; Charles M. Struble, hand, slightly.
Sergeant David B. Jones, Private Asa Smith.
The graves of the dead are marked, and the wounded all sent to the hospitals at Washington, except Phelps, who is now with the company. Nothing definite can be ascertained concerning Sergeant Jones and Asa Smith; many reports are in circulation, but none are reliable, and I have the strongest hopes that they are safe, though they may be prisoners.
Time will not permit me to notice at length the character and services of those who have given their lives for the cause, as I could wish. Suffice it to say they were among the very best men of the company—their places in the ranks can never be filled. Surely "Death loves a shining mark."
Very respectfully your obedient servant,
Capt. Co. H., 4th N. Y. Artillery.
June 11th, 1864.
Wounded—Major Frank Williams.
Killed--Privates Aenry J. McBride, William
S. Brown, James M. Lyon.
Wounded—Privates David Parker, Matthew Quinn, Geo. S. Robinson, Wm. H. Sweetman, Wm. M. Nichols, Alonzo Townsend, Robert D. MeElroy, Clinton Harris, Jeremiah T. Lockwood, Charles Bailey, Ephraim Davis.
Killed—John Morehouse, John Sheridan, Alfred Wright.
Wounded—Sergeants. James Barr, Francis Mullen; corporal James Porter; privates: John Acker, Philip Briady, Martin Bossom, Patrick Colgan, Timothy Flannelly, John Kerns, Alexander Pels, Marcus Ritchinger, Barton Tompkins, William K. Trask, Albert Tyler, Alexander Van Loon, James Weller.
Missing,—Nathan Egnor, Joseph Kinsley.
Killed--Capt. D. K. Smith Jones.
Private David Templeton, injured by caission 17th inst., died 19th inst.
Killed—Privates Henry Leslie, Gilbert Northrup, Chas. H. Rowell,
Wounded—Corporal Polk Adams, John Vanontersterp, James H. Wilson; Privates David Bentley, Aenry Bell, William Bentley, Henry Bertels, Nathan Barney, Frederick Caryl, Francis Dunigan, Christopher Gegan, Charles E. Goble, Josiah Dryton, George P. Lawrence, John Mc-Dermott, Borden McGinty, Horace Nungezer, Darwin Wait, Frank Woodhouse, George Julian, Henry Dubert, Amos F. Drew.
Missing—Howard Wager, Richard Clother.
Killed—Corporal Philip Angle; privates Jas. Foley, Andrew J. Wright, James Wood.
Wounded—Captain Edward C. Knower; Sergeants Thomas Smith and Thomas Deladny; artificer, John Holsten; privates, Thomas Branigan, John Conley, Alsop L. Corwin, Michael Dougherty, Reuben Hibbard, Isaac Jacobs, Hugh Kirkwood, Jas. Kirkpatrick, Seth Mapes, Abram G. Miller, James Mentaugh, James Pryle, James W. Stone, Joseph Thourniger, Adelbert Weed, Charles Wesley, and Alvah Wixon.
Missing--Private Moses G. Travis.
Died of Disease—Sergeant Ebenezer Barrett.
1st Sergeants Theodore A. Theben, James G. Martin; privates James Allardice, George W. Doty, Walter G. Hicks, James Kimber, Charles Mainka, Albert E. Lyke, Joseph Markey, Sidney J. Merrill, John E. Perry, Selah P. Eose, Hamilton Rose, Isaac N. Vischer, Gilman Warner, William H. Williams.
Wounded and Missing--Privates Mathew Fareils, Frances Curran.
Wounded--Privates George Kelsey, Oscar Leonard.
Killed—Private Stephen Duroche.
Wounded — Sergeant James A. McDonald; privates Herman Erhardt, John Murphy.
Wounded—Private Jacob Cutter.
Reported today, the 24th:
Killed—Private William P. Sennett, Company H.
Wounded—Privates John Hoogland, Company B; John Warner, Company M; corporal John Bradley, Company C; private Stanley H. Polley, Company H.
— We have before us a private letter from Lieut. WM. H. BURT, of the 4th Artillery, to his father, dated "Spottsylvania Heights, May 13th, 1864," in which he speaks hopefully of "the situation." He says: "Yesterday was the eighth day of the fight, commencing at Wilderness Run, and ending here. We have thrashed them and are in rapid pursuit. As near as I can see, we have the two sides of a triangle, and are closing on the third. Averill has destroyed the Gordonsville and Richmond Railroad, and Sheridan has passed between them and Richmond, tearing up the track, &c. The Second Corps captured 7,800 prisoners and 35 cannon yesterday morning about daybreak. I think five or six days more must decide the matter."
CASUALITIES.—The following is a list of casualties in the Fourth N. Y. Heavy Artillery, in the fight of last Tuesday near Spotsylvania Court House. The Fourth it will be remembered is composed in part of the regiment recrueted here by Col. Barnes:
C. H. Bullock, Co. H; V. M. Washburn, K; D. A. Graham, D; R. P. Smith, D; C. H. Stumble, H; Corp. E. B. Cerrigan; Jas. Greensleb, D; Sergt. Dorman, D; Sergt. J. A. Smith; C. Herrick, D; M. Alderman, K; Cyrus Johnson, D; T. Dunning, K; W. S. Glover, D. E. Wilbur, K; F. W. Morgan, F; E. B. Woodford, D; C. Turner, K; E. Collins, K; T. Murphy, K; E. C. Brockelbck; C. E. Abby, H; L. M. J. Lee, K; Lt. S. W. Doubleday; W. A. Hunt, D; C. M. Butler, H: A. C. Cooley, D; Ed. Wheeler, K; A. E. Lipe, H; E. J. Hoffman, H; F. A. Phelps, H; G. Lent, K; E. D. Adams, H; C. Cole, D; F. M. Dloyd, D. B. T. Harkness; D. A. Canfield, D.
—Those who contemplate volunteering, will be pleased to learn that men are wanted in the 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, for the past two years on garrison duty near Washington, D. C., where they will have comfortable barracks, good fare, light duty, and good pay. Col. JOHN C. TIDBALL, late of the regular service, is in command. A number of Cohoes boys are already in the regiment, and express themselves well satisfied, and pleased with the service. "A word to the wise, &c. A letter from WM. FERGUSON, of the 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, received by his brother in this village, speaks in terms of unqualified praise of the conduct of the Cohoes boys in the recent engagements before Richmond. He says they fought like veterans.
Personal.—We are happy to learn that Seward F. Gould has been commissioned and mustered in as Captain of his old Company in the 4th Regiment N. TY. S. V. Heavy Artillery, (Col. Tidball's Regiment,) now stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, near Chain Bridge, Va. Fourth Heavy Artillery.
Those who have friends in the 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, which has been, for the past two years, doing garrison duty in one of the forts near Washington, D. C., will be interested to know that the regiment has been ordered to the front for infantry service. This will be good news to most of the boys, who are tired of the monotonous drill to which they have so long been subjected, and who have been sighing for active service. They will, in all probability, soon have an opportunity to test their nerve and skill. A considerable number of Cohoes boys are in this regiment. The Invalid Corps are to take the place made vacant by the transfer of the artillery.
THE FOURTH ARTILLERY.—Gen. Gould has a letter from his son Captain Gould of the Fourth Artillery, at Washington, which confirms the report that the regiment had been ordered to the field. The first order was to go out as infantry. Against this Col. Tidball remonstrated and, being a West Pointer familiar with Army law, he could not be rode over with impunity. The order was changed in so far as it related to infantry and the regiment ordered to report to Gen. Hunt, Chief of Artillery. The men of this regiment will go out armed with rifles, and it is not unlikely that they will be put in a place to use them. Unless there is a fort to garrison or one to besiege there can be nothing for heavy artillery to do in the Army of the Potomac in the front. The regiment is a large one, Capt. Gould’s company alone numbering 170 men.
THE FOURTH ARTILLERY. —Gen. Gould has a private letter from his son, Captain Seward Gould of the Fourth Artillery. Capt. G. states that his company was ordered on the 28th, with six Coehorn mortars to the rear of the 18th Corps, which was the reserve of the 9th Corps, from which the assault on the works at Petersburg was made. The company worked nearly all night to complete the place in which they were to operate and get in three hundred rounds of ammunition to fire. At the signal of the mine explosion they opened with others in the terrible work. They fired two hundred and seventy-seven rounds, and all but seven of the shells exploded. They silenced one rebel battery against which they were directed to fire.
Capt. Gould describes the scene as grand and terrific. Though the rebel shells fell all about, none of Capt. G.'s company were wounded. The Coehorn mortars are made of brass, 124 pound pieces. The company were complimented for the manner in which these mortars were ….
DEATHS IN HOSPITAL.-—Among the deaths in the Hospitals of Washington yesterday are the following: Jos. Clayton, F, 4th N. Y. Heavy Art.; John Bisbie, C, do; A. Tompkins, C, 8th N. Y. Heavy Artillery.
OBITUARY.—We are informed that JOSEPH HOUSELL, jr., son of our well known townsman JOSEPH HOUSEL, Esq., of Number Nine was killed in an engagement near Spottsylvania, Virginia, on the 14th instant. He was attached to Battery H, second battalion of 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. A letter communicating intelligence of the sad event to his parents, states that he was shot through the left breast, and died instantly. He was honorably distinguished for bravery and good conduct while in the service, and much beloved by his companions in the field, as he had been by his associates at home. Thus has fallen another of our brave boys, who went forth to battle and die in defence of the nation's life. His death is a severe affliction to his parents, but they have the consolation of knowing that he had lived worthily and died in a noble cause. They have another son in the service, connected with the 14th regiment. God grant that he may spared to see the end of this wicked rebellion, and to be the solace of their declining years.
DEATH OF LIEUT. COL. HENRY M. STONE.—The Auburn Advertiser announces the death of Lieut. Col. Henry M. Stone, of the 3d N. Y. Volunteer Artillery, at Newbern, on Sunday, the 2d instant. Col. Stone was formerly editor of the Auburn Democrat, a Democratic journal. When the war broke out he entered the service as Adjutant of the 19th N. Y. V. He was a strong partisan while the Democratic organization continued to occupy a loyal attitude, but it will be seen by the following extract from a letter written by him to a friend in Auburn a few days before his death, that he could not sustain the Chicago Platform and nominees. He said:
" A word as to politics. I find myself unable to follow further my old party--I have suffered too much--been too long a soldier to be willing to settle this war on any such terms as the Chicago Platform proposes to do. If a proposition for an Armistice is to be, made, let it be made after Richmond and Petersburg have fallen; after Mobile and Wilmington are ours—after the rebels are driven from their "last ditch"--and then I want the proposition to come from them, not from our side. I don't think the present administration or its executive officers are perfect, but I doubt whether, under the circumstances, another administration, or another Executive would have done better. Old Abe has back bone, and backbone is just what is needed now. I love and honor General McClellan, but I don't like the company he is in."
Death of a Soldier.
MR. EDITOR:—The following Resolutions were handed to me to-day to be forwarded to you for publication.—It was the first announcement to me of the death of one whom all of his comrades had learned to respect as a brave and efficient soldier, and esteem for his many amiable qualities and real worth. Sergeant GATES was a member of the company to which I was formerly attached, and I can testify, personally to his value as a soldier and worth as a man, and I take the liberty of forwarding in connection with the resolutions a few facts pertaining to his military life, which, if you will please publish, may be of interest to the large circle of friends he leaves behind him.
Serg't Gates enlisted a little more than a year ago in the company then being raised in Canandaigua, by Capt. A. C. Brown, for the ill-fated 11th Heavy Artillery. He left an honorable and lucrative position as a teacher in Groveland, Liv. co., where his sterling worth had won him hosts of friends, to enrol himself in the rank and file of his country's defenders. He with four other young men, students of Can. Academy, who enlisted at the same time, formed a band of five as noble and intelligent young men as Ontario county could produce. One, Serg't A. T. Wilder, early fell a victim to disease, and now another by the hands of the enemy. God grant that these precious sacrifices be not all in vain. Serg't Gates followed the fortunes and misfortunes of the 11th without a complaint, always doing his duty faithfully and well and after the consolidation of the 11th with the 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and while stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, attracted the attention of the Colonel commanding, and was recommended for promotion, and on the day he was wounded a commission as 2d Lieutenant in the 4th was received for him, just a few hours too late to permit of his being mustered. At the time of his wound the Regiment was at Cold Harbor in the front line of battle, and was engaged in throwing up breastworks at a distance of not more than two hundred yards from the enemy line. Serg't Gates, to give courage to some timid ones and hasten on the work, took a shovel from a comrade and mounted the works and labored diligently until a bullet of a rebel sharp shooter hit him in the arm, inflicting what was supposed to be a slight flesh wound, which would soon heal. We were expecting him back to join his regiment daily, but instead were saddened by the news of his death. His wound had proven more serious than was supposed, and opening afresh hemorrhage ensued, which caused his death. It is a gratifying fact that while at Fort Ethan Allen he embraced Christianity in profession, as he always had in belief, and was heard to say that he was glad he joined the army if for no other reason than this.
The accompanying resolutions drawn up by those who have constantly shared with him the hardships and dangers of this terrible campaign, express alike their sentiments and those of all who knew him.
Lieut. Co. H, 4th N. Y. A.
(Near Petersburg, Va.) July 9, 1864.
We, the undersigned, members of Company M: 4th N. Y. Artillery, desiring to express our deep sympathy and grief at the death of our late friend and brother soldier, Edwin O. Gates. Sergeant Co. M., who died at Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia, July 1st, from wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va., submit the following resolutions:
Resolved, That while we would hot question the dealings of that Providence which has removed so dear a friend from among us, but would bow at all times in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, yet we can but feel the heaviness of the blow which came upon us by the tidings of his death.
II. That in his early death we lose the companionship of one whose manly qualities and moral worth as a Christian and patriot soldier, endeared him, not only to his near friends and associates in his own company, both officers and men, but to all who knew him in the regiment, and that on our course from the Rapidan up to the day he was wounded, on the fatiguing march through depths of mud or clouds of dust, beneath a burning sun or exposed to the enemy's fire, in every duty he bore himself with fortitude and courage worthy the emulation of a veteran.
III. That we extend our heartfelt sorrow and deepest sympathy to those who mourn, and especially would we bare our heads and share his mother's grief in this the hour of her sore affliction; but would submit to Him who "doeth all things well," the duty of Comforter, knowing that God will wipe away all tears. He died as he had lived, true to himself, his country and his God.
IV. That a copy of these resolutions be sent for publication to each of the Canandaigua papers. Also, that a copy be forwarded to the family of deceased.
Signed, Sergeant N. CLARK PARSHALL,
and 13 other Officers of CO'S M. AND C.
Presentation to Lieut. Wood.
Va., May 8th, 1863.
Messrs. Editors:--Lieut. James H. Wood, the present commandant of Co. C, (formerly Col. Barnes' Co.,) was yesterday made the recipient of an elegant sword, belt and sash by the members of his company in testimony of his uniform kindness, and of his many manly qualities, as an officer a soldier. The sword cost the round sum of $100, and is by far the finest in the regiment.
Mr. Alexander E. Ball, the leader of the Band, kindly volunteered his services and the services of those in his charge, for the occasion, and after playing "Hail Columbia," D. E. Groesbeck, a member of the company, made the presentation, with the following very appropriate remarks:
Lieut. Wood, I have been assigned to the very pleasant duty of presenting you with this sword in behalf of Company C, as a slight token of their esteem and regard for you as a gentleman and a soldier, as one whose sentiments, sympathies and interests are identified with our own. Circumstances have been such as to render us almost novices in the practice of war--we have never met the enemy in open conflict on the bloody battle field, but give us the opportunity and I trust we will not be wanting in manly courage, nor hesitate to follow wherever you may lead. Receive it, then, not for its mere intrinsic worth, but as a slight token of regard; draw it in defence of your country, and never let its glittering blade be sheathed till peace shall again reign throughout our now unhappy land.
To which Lieut. Wood feelingly replied: Fellow Soldiers of Company C: This is indeed, a double surprise; first, the gift itself, then its magnificence; My only delicacy in accepting it as a token of your esteem and confidence, is, that I feel that I may be unworthy of it. But I trust that I shall ever be faithful in the performance of my duties, and this sword, as a present from you, assures me that I shall have your hearty co-operation. Company C, I thank you.
The band then played "Hail to the Chief," the company gave nine hearty cheers and retired highly gratified. I am, truly yours,
J. Morton, Company C,
4th New York Artillery.
Losses in the 4th Artillery.
The following letter from Lieut. Smith to Lieut. Kelly contains a full list of the losses of the 4th in the recent engagement near Petersburg:
Near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 27, 1864.
FRIEND KELLY :—The following is a correct list of our losses in the last battle of Reams Station on the afternoon of August 25. We have no way of knowing how many of the missing were killed or wounded, for we suppose they were all taken prisoners:
Lt. Col. Thomas Allcock, wounded throught the neck, slight.
Major Wm. B. Arthur, wounded through the cheek, serious.
Major Frank Williams, killed.
Adjt. Henry J. Kopper, wounded through the thigh, slight.
Killed—Capt. James M. McKeel, 2d Lieut. O. L. Dearborn; 2d Lieut. J. P. Flannigan, Sergeant Theodore Quick, Sergeant N. B. Lines (color sergt.,) Corporal Wm. Kniffin, privates Henry V. Potten, Chauncey W. Potten, Wm. Donnell.
Wounded—Merritt Washburn, in left wrist and side, since died; Clark Lee, abdomen; Theodore F. Winans, leg; Oliver Davis, face; John S. Van Keuren, arm.
Missing—Corp. Joseph S. Seamen, Mark D. Cord, Franklin F. Dingee, James H. Hyatt, James McDonel; privates Alexander H. Aldrich, David H. Allen, Albert W.Baldwin, Samuel W. Blainey, Joseph Burk, Thomas Buppes, Zepheniah Denney, Josiah Davis, Normap Davis, Bernard Donnelly, Chas. H. Foster, Joseph Feitner, Samuel Gribby, L. E. Gallahue, Patrick Hughes, Hugh Hughes, John Jones, Robert Jones, Alonzo A. Knapp, Freeman Lyke, Geo. S. McGill, Norman B. Purdy, Jas. H. Russell, Daniel B. Scott, William Sheppard, John Trowbridge, Daniel Townsend, William Warring, Albert Buryea, John W. Knapp, Mitchell B. Knapp.
Missing—1st Lieut. Geo. Chichester; 2d Lieut. — Burdick, leg shot off, supposed dead.
Wounded—Privates James L. Van Loan, H. H. Blake, abdomen, Jacob Snyder, in leg, amputated; Reuben Brown, arm.
Missing--Sergt. John H. Stark, John N. Wright, William Clair, Corporals Edward St. John, L. S. Babbittt Jacob Rhodes, James Dainte, John Bennett, Jacob Shoefelt, George W. Wright, George W. Lemily, Earl S. Erickson, Privates Peter V. Bennett, A. Brandon, A. H. Bowman, J. L. Bailey, R. Bear, Wm. Roach, J. O'Callaghan, W. E. Distin, A. Fetherston, J. Gallagher, James Hanlon, A. M. Hay, John J. Jenkins, Charles Kelly, R. Lake, P. Layman, Geo. E. Lloyd, Henry Monroe, Joseph Monroe, B. Mangan, M. Nolan, R. Pringle, A. M. Peck, G. W. Pierce, H. Schermerhorn, H. Stillwell, P. Smith, E. Thorp, J. Thompson, P. Warren, T. White, Wm. A. Young, James Banker, Geo. Freeze, L. Haddcn, G. Kennedy, J. McKeever, J. Meagher, M. Murphy, A. Weckert, J. H. Williams, Geo. Ford.
Wounded—Sergeant John H. Kirby, slight; Corporal Marlon Worthy, in leg, slight; Privates John Van Pelt, in the side severe; Romanta T. Miller, wounded and prisoner; James S. Davis, do.
Missing—1st Sergeant Michael Fitzgerald, Sergeants Eldridge H. Hyde, Asa G. Clark, George W. White, Leman Granger; Corporals Henry J. Tomans, Henry Bennett, Manly Bannister; Privates Zenas Church, James Cooney, John Duncombe, C. Deitz, Rowe Dean, William Freeman, Geo. F. Furman, E. Green, Henry Hayner, D. Huftalin, Lawton D. Holley, Ord P. Hubbell, M. Hayden, J. Hughes, Gallett Isbell, C. Knapp, James Kenyon, M. Kelley, John Morey, Orson Marsh, William Marsh, Lyman McKee, Fred Purlee, Daniel Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Michael Regan, Patrick Regan, Fred. P. Shelton, John Schenck, Geo. Shadbolt, Moses Smith, Geo. W. Van Alstyne, Louis Winans, James White, James Bright, James 0'Nell, Herman P. Sheffer, Sylvester Clark, Robert McMellin.
Missing--2d Lieut. V. V. Vanderpool.
Wounded—Privates James Keever, arm; Charles Koumanam, arm and leg; Nelson Heavey, left leg.
Missing—1st Sergt. R. A. Price; Corporals John W. Bennett, Norman B. Wood; Privates Philip Monk. Abram B. Parslow, John Hays, Alfred Hays, Jno. Satterlee, David Satterlee, Daniel Greenfield, William Greenfield, Isaac Bennett, Rhienhard Straub, Timothy Hays, Geo. Skinkkell, Robert J. Matthews, John D. Martin, Thos. Kavanagh, Jackson Gibbs, Thomas Murphey, Willard Jones, Fred. R. Goss, Theodore Sands, James Finnegan, Thomas Garigan, Edward Scholemins, Marion Gibbs, Edward Burt, Samuel C. Vanhouten, Charles Van Wormer, Levi Travis, John Sullivan, James Riley, Rolan Ward, Martin Bower, Francis Millhouse.
Missing--1st Lieut. Hugh Watts, 2d Lieut. S. P. Corliss.
Wounded and Prisoner—Cor. John Dailey.
Missing—Sergts. John Haggerty, Joseph W. Hulse; Corporals Eugene Johnson, William H. Jones, Simon A. Wilson, Chas. Meitzger; Privates Geo. F. Behee, William C. Blair, Harvey L. Cooper, Lewis Dill, Francis Dunnigan, Levi Emmons, Leander Fitch, Roger Gordon, James Heady, Thomas Kegan, Jeremiah Manson, John Mahar, Abraham Newman, Adelbert Nash, Wm. Riley, Charles Sarles, William Tyrell, Haviliah Baker, James Barnish, Frank Cook, Chas. Cook, Rudolph Fox, Robert Herrick, Alonzo Allen, Austin Dey, Morris Harris, Chas. Hertage, Thomas Haley, Joseph Rogers.
Missing—1st Lieut. Wm. B. Knower; 2d Lieut. Wm. A, Flint; Sergts. Charles Smith, Michael Travers; Corporal John Smith; Privates John Baker, Charles Bergen, Samuel Burras, John Best, Peter Carlin, Daniel Cox, John Cunningham, Charles Cowley, Charles Davis, Arthur Donnelly, George Bunnell, Michael Fegan, John W. Fraser, Joseph Garland, Dominick Garvey, Jacob Hermann, Jeffrey Hay, William Hunter, John J. Ingersol, James King, Edward Kirk, Owen McIntee, Charles Martin, Henry Meyer, Patrick McDermott, John Perkins, John Provo, Orlando A. Rice, James Slater, John Smith, James D. Saunders, Frank Torrey, Harrison Travis, William White, John Wolsley, Lamise Willey.
Wounded--2d Lieut. Samuel Cox, Aug. 23d, slightly; Corporal Otto Kenkel.
Killed-Privates Peter Goldsmith, Henry C. Tuttle.
Missing—William B. Syke; Corporals Hobart Dodge, D. A. Hawkins, Chas. Marsh, Henry Mead, Joseph Mott; Privates Owen Eagan, Fredk. Blair, Augustus T. Blodgett, Carlton Barber, James Bannon, John P. Davis, Joseph Gass, Louis Jerome, Ira D. Lyon, Adam Kennedy, Rudolph Malnka, James McMannis, Roger Molanphy, G. W. Mahew, Patrick McDermott, William Pye, Ellestes Rose, Albert Ruess, Harry O'Brien, James Stephens, Levi B. Shennan, Zaddock Smith, Jno. A. Schmidt, Charles Sheppard, Hubbard Spring, Peter Turner, Rufus W. Travis, Jno. Thornton, Geo. B. Wiltsie, William S. Wilson, Henry B. Whitman, Casper Wagner, Jno. Troy.
Wounded—Corporals Jno. O'Connor, Michael Connor, leg; Private Bartholomew Lynch, arm.
Killed--1st Sergeant Bruce Herington and private Oscar Babcock.
Missing--Serg't Chas. H. Hagerty, Privates Chas. Ma- comber, D. H. Crandall, Ira Burrows, Wm. Stratton, Jno Ogden, Wm. Andrews.
Missing--1st Lieut. Wm. Barnes, 2d Lieut. Joseph A. Plubitt, 1st Sergt. Wm. H. Chamberlain, Sergt. Reed L. Brown, Sergt. Harry Broughton, Corp. Orrin D. Lee, Corporal Eli R. Lewis, Privates Wm. Lovell, Jr., Levi Butler, Nelson H. De Groat, Andrew Fosdick, John Hyde, Lawson McGurry, Patrick Maher, John Osterhout, Wm. Price, Geo. W. Rook, Michael Sullivan, Stephen Smith, Geo. Lemders and Jas. McClay.
Wounded--Privates Gilbert Cotton, in leg; Harry Ombler, in arm; David Kelly, in leg, Frank Nash, through leg, Phillip McIlvaney, in side.
Officers killed 5
Officers wounded 4
Officers missing and prisoners 8
Men killed 11
Men wounded 26
Men missing and prisoners 312
Total loss 366
Co.'s I and K were on t h e skirmish line, hence their small loss. Co. D. is serving a Coehorn Mortar Battery in the Artillery Brigade, 2d corps, and Co. L is also doing duty in the Artillery Brigade, so you see this great loss was sustained almost entirely by eight companies, Capt. Jno. B. Vanderville is commanding the regiment and Lieut. Theodore Price is acting Adjutant.
Yours truly ALVA J. SMITH,
2d Lieut. 4th N. Y. Artillery.
From the 4th Heavy Artillery.
September 25th, 1864.
MR. EDITOR: Since the last news from the 4th Heavy of the Reams' Station affair, the regiment has been working very hard, building forts, breastworks and redoubts. We have been attached to the First Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps. We have moved camp several times, from one position to another. On the 16th there was a sham fight between the First and Third Brigades of the First Division. There was a good deal of fan and excitement, and before the thing ended, some hard feelings, as there were some lively tussles to get the colors, on both sides; and nothing will make a soldier fight so quick as to see another party get his colors. Before the excitement of this wore off the First Brigade had marching orders to go to the left and reinforce the cavalry, to try and get back the cattle that the "Johnnies" took from our drove, but it was a failure, as the enemy had too much the start.
The news from Sheridan is good, and the entire line gave rousing cheers for the success of our troops in the Valley.
On the 24th the Second Corps received marching orders to relieve the Tenth Corps.—We came here last night about 10 o'clock.
The sight this morning, at sunrise, was splendid. We are on a high bank of the Appomattox river, in easy range of the city, within about 2400 yards.
The bells were ringing this morning, and it sounded very much like home to hear their peals on a pleasant Sabbath morning. But while they were pealing, we could hear the singing and whistling of the bullets. That marred the homelike feeling and gave one a knowledge of the warlike influences that encircle this Union. We are on a height above the city, and can look into the streets. There does not seem to be much stir. A contraband came into the lines last night. He tells the same story with all others. His reasons for coming away were he had enough of Southern influence, and wanted a little Northern Freedom. There are a great many recruits coming to the army every day. Let them come; the more the better. Now is the time that men are needed.
In marching here we had one man wounded in the thigh by a stray ball. It came along distance. It may prove quite a wound, as the ball struck the bone and lodged in the groin. The name of the man was S. R. Mead, from Chenango county, N. Y. We have not heard anything definite from our missing at Reams' Station. It is very quiet on the lines at present.
Yours truly, T.
The detachment of the Fourth Heavy Artillery consisted of 251 one and two years; men whose term of enlistment expires before the 1st of October and are under the command of Capt. H. E. Richmond. They have seen service in the entire campaign; from Wilderness to the surrender of Lee, participating in nearly every battle, and making a glorious record. The remainder of the regiment consists of about seven hundred three years' men, who were left near Washington and it is supposed will garrison the fortifications there. They marched from the Steamboat Landing to the City hall, where Ald. Mulhall furnished them with a lunch, which they partook of with a keen relish, not having had any supper last night. They expressed themselves highly pleased, with their treatment, and certainly nothing better and less expensive could have been devised. The detachment marched from the City Hall to the Troy barracks, where it will be mustered out.
The Twelfth New York Battery reached here yesterday morning. It numbers 116 men, many of whom are Trojans. The following are its officers: Captain, C. A. Clark; First Lieutenant, T. F. Batty; First Lieutenant, Kingsbury; Second Lieutenant, Little; Second Lieutenant, Conkling. (Alb. Eve. Jour., June 7, 1865 - arrived at Albany on the Hendrick Hudson)
.... through the camp on its way to the .... Sunday last. It has recently re-enlisted almost en masse, and received large accessions in recruits. We understand that its present strength is over two thousand. The artillery practice at the various forts in this vicinity has become very brisk lately and the roar of guns and whir of shot greets us daily on all sides. The 24th Mass., 25th and 62d Ohio and 39th Ill. Vol., all veterans, are encamped here, having just returned from their furloughs. These regiments were formerly in Gen. Gilmore's department, but as it is we understand the intention of Gen. Grant to operate with the Army of the Potomac, irrespective of Washington, they will perhaps be retained as a part of its defense. Alexandria is thoroughly stockaded, and every day since last September, when the weather was not too unpropitious, a force has been sent out from this camp together with a heavy detail from the regiments of artillery laying about here to work with the contract hands on the intrenchments, and it would be difficult to suggest wherein the defense of Washington might be more complete. It will now require comparatively few men to defend the city. The army is relieved of the necessity of covering it in every movement, and if Lee suffers himself to be lured this way it will be at the peril of losing his army.
Doubtless you have been advised that the Army of the Potomac has been consolidated into three corps, temporarily says Gen. Meade, but quite likely for the campaign or until experience shall have demonstrated that the old system of sub-division is more practical and efficient. It will be remembered that this is substantially the organization instituted by Gen. Burnside and discontinued by Gen. Hooker, the only difference being that they were then called grand divisions, and under the present order they retain their name and identity as corps.
All confidence is placed in Gen. Grant—no one doubts that he will do his utmost for the service, and we only hope that he is not over- estimated. BETA.
Letter from Alexandria, Va.
VIRGINIA, March 30th, 1864
MR. EDITOR:—We want our friends to hear from us occasionally, but we have written without hearing from them until we are both tired and ashamed. Now we must write to some one, and if you say so, we will choose the Republican. During this month we have enjoyed the most pleasant weather with but one interruption—quite unbecoming the "01d Dominion"—a fall of about eight inches of snow on the night of the 22d, but the next day came so warm that it however soon disappeared, greatly swelling the streams and making the historic Potomac almost the color of a road puddle.
Lieut. Col. McKeloy yet remains in command of the Rendezvous. He was relieved for a time per Brigadier Gen. Abercrombie, and we believe ordered to report at a court martial, but he was soon re-instated and has shown that he can "keep a hotel." A neat little sheet is printed here every Wednesday morning entitled the "Soldier's Journal." Seven numbers have been issued and the paper has a tolerable circulation.
Hon. Mr. Morrill, U. S. Senator from the State of Maine, addressed the Soldier's Temperance Society on Wednesday evening last, and we never saw a more attentive and appreciative audience convened on any occasion in the army. After briefly alluding to the political condition of the country, he proceeded to the discussion of the matter in hand—Temperance among the soldiers—and was frequently interrupted by the applause of the audience.
The 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery which has been doing garrison duty for a considerable length of time in this Department, passed through this camp in its way to the front on Sunday last. It has recently re-enlisted almost en masse, and received large accessions in recruits. We understand that its present strength is over two thousand. The artillery practice at the various forts in this vicinity has become very brisk lately and the roar of guns and whir of shot greets us daily on all sides. The 24th Mass., 25th and 62d Ohio and 39th Ill. Vol., all veterans, are encamped here, having just returned from their furloughs. These regiments were formerly in Gen. Gilmore's ....