9th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry | Regimental Color | Civil War

Flag dimensions: 63 1/2" hoist X 51" fly.
The 9th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry received this silk Regimental Color on June 5, 1861, from Mrs. William Moffat outside her home on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Reverend Frederick S. Wiley made the presentation on Moffat's behalf. The flag, made from two pieces of silk, includes metallic fringe and a painted inscription on both sides. The inscription includes the unit's motto, "Toujours Pret," or "Always Ready." The flag is believed to have been carried by the regiment at the battle of Antietam, Maryland, September 17, 1862, where Captain Adolphe Libaire snatched the colors from the fallen color bearer to rally the zouaves. Libaire earned the Medal of Honor, issued in 1898, for his actions at Antietam. Approximately 45% of the flag is lost, mostly to the fly, from use, poor storage over time, and possibly souveniring. Veterans from the regiment presented the flag to Governor Theodore Roosevelt in 1899 for deposit into the flag collection.