61st Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry | Regimental Color | Civil War

Flag dimensions: 77" hoist X 81" fly.
This blue silk Regimental Color carried by the 61st Regiment features the Arms of the United States painted to the center complete with 34 gold-colored painted stars in two arcs (18 over 16). The lower ribbon, with raised center section and an ornate gold border and tails, does not include the regiment’s numeric designation. A label adhered to the staff includes a handwritten note, in ink, reading: "Received from Bt. Lt. Col. J.M. Moore AQM USA June 12th 1866." James Miles Moore served with the 19th Pennsylvania Infantry, the 90th Pennsylvania Infantry, and by July 1864 joined the Quartermaster Department. Breveted Lieutenant Colonel in November 1865, Moore remained with the Quartermaster Department until retirement in 1901.