29th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry | Flank Markers | Civil War

Flag dimensions: 29 1/4" hoist X 29 1/4" fly.

Flag dimensions: 28 1/4" hoist X 28 3/4" fly.
The 29th Regiment, or “Astor Rifles,” or “First German Infantry,” mustered into service for two years on June 4 and June 6, 1861. The NYS Battle Flag Collection includes two flank markers carried by the 29th Regiment during their two-year service. Both flags feature painted inscriptions in gold, shadowed in red, along the top and bottom. The regiment’s numeric designation, in gold paint, appears in a red painted oval shield edged with a gold painted border in the center of each flag. The inscriptions along the top and bottom are in mirror image on the reverse while the numeric designations read left to right on the reverse.