5th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

… success attending the business of recruiting for the Fifth New York (Duryee's Zouaves), and the utter impossibility to accommodate all the applicants for admission, induced the recruiting officers to apply for authority to raise an additional battalion. After due deliberation the Governor has, we are glad to learn, granted his authority for the same, and the work is now going forward briskly. The new corps will, of course, wear the brilliant uniform of Duryee's Zouaves, so familiar of late to New Yorkers. The headquarters are at Mozart Hall, 663 Broadway.

KILLED AT HARRISON'S LANDING.—Intelligence reached here yesterday that Clarence H. Stevens, son of Cyrus Stevens, Esq., and a member of the 5th N. Y. V., (Duryee's Zouaves,) was killed at Harrison's Landing, Thursday night last, during the attack upon McClellan's centre by Rebel artillery. Deceased was between 19 and 20 years of age. His remains will be brought to this city for interment.

Col. Duryee has forwarded to the Chamber of Commerce, New York, for exhibition, two secession flags, which were captured from the rebels, near Norfolk, last week. One flag is 8 by 13 feet, with a motto, sic semper tyrannis. The other flag has three stripes and eight stars. Such was the hurry to use the later by the rebel troops, that a needle and thread were left in one of the stars.

ADVANCE GUARD ZOUVES, FIFTH REGIMENT VOLUNTEERS – This regiment, having been accepted, and now under orders and stationed at Fort Schuyler, preparatory to their departure to the Seat of War, and having already made great proficiency in drill, the remaining companies (two) will be filled in the next three days. None but men of intelligence and able-bodied received. Recruiting station at north-west corner of 32d st. and 6th av.
J. M. Davis, Major, Commanding

Col. Duryea’s command are still at Fort Schuyler, and are being drilled and equipped most rapidly. There has been a report that the men are not well fed. This the men themselves emphatically deny, stating that it is impossible for better rations to be served them.
The reception of the Fifth Regiment, New-York Volunteers, (Duryee's Zouaves,) by the Municipal authorities and the citizens of the Metropolis yesterday, was extremely cordial. The Seventy-first and Thirty-seventh regiments of militia, and the Tenth Volunteers, Col. Bendix, turned out in the procession, and in the evening a Municipal banquet was given at the City Assembly Rooms, at which Alderman Farley presided, and strong Union speeches were made by Col. Warren, Col. Bendix, Gen. Walbridge, Gen. Duryee, Col. Buckingham and others.

SOLIDERS RETURNING.—Yesterday morning, at eleven o'clock, the Fifth New York volunteers, more familiarly known as Duryea's Zouaves, arrived at the foot of Washington street, on their way home. They number two hundred and seventy-three men. The regiment originally consisted of nine hundred men, but, by discharge, from disease and deaths in battle, the above number are all that remain. Three hundred men, recruited for the regiment, afterwards were joined to the One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York, Col. Gerard, when the Zouaves left Fredericksburg for home. The Zouaves were in Gen. Sykes's division, and took part in the late fight at Chancellorsville.
Since the regiment has been in service they have participated in the following battles: Big Bethel, Hanover Court House, through the Peninsula, South Mountain, Antietam, Blackburn's Ford, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. The men presented a veteran appearance, and were justly proud to mention their exploits as a regiment, and look as if they could go through just as many more battles. Their dress is that of the genuine French Zouave. The officers in command are Col. C. Winslow, Lieutenant Col. George Duryea, Major C. Boyd, Adjutant Thos. Taylor.
The Refreshment Committees gave the Zouaves a most cordial welcome. The men say they will enter the service again after a short turn at home. The officers told us that they would themselves reorganize after a short rest, and we may expect to see them pass again with a new regiment. These are the kind of men the country needs, and we are glad that we have such noble institutions as the Union and Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloons to give these brave men such a warm reception as the Zouaves met with yesterday morning.

MAY 9, 1863
Welcome to Duryee's Zouaves - Enthusiastic Reception in City – Military and Civic Turn Out.
New York city yesterday tendered to Duryee’s Zouaves, the Fifth regiment, New York State Volunteers, an enthusiastic reception, as a token of their honest welcome for a corps which has nobly and bravely done its duty during the present terrible war. The regiment, as has already been announced, arrived in this city at a late hour on Thursday evening; but so sudden was their arrival that it was impossible to give them the escort through our city which had been prepared for them. 
Yesterday, however, the municipal authorities, in conjunction with the military, Fire Department and private societies, gave to those gallant men a reception worthy of their cause and the brave deeds which they have enacted while battling in defence of the Union. 
The Zouaves assembled at the foot of Cortlandt street about three o’clock, where they were received by a large concourse of people eager to do homage to gallantry and daring chivalry, for which those soldiers have become celebrated since their entering the service of the United States. The procession also formed at the foot of Cortlandt street and commenced to move up Broadway to the City Hall Park about half-past three o'clock. No two years regiment that has yet returned from the seat of war has received so warm and enthusiastic a reception as did Duryee's Zouaves yesterday afternoon, at the hands of the New York public. Broadway, from Cortlandt to Fourteenth street, was thronged with spectators, and cheer upon cheer went up from the assembled crowds for the gallant soldiers who had sacrificed so much for their country's welfare. Banners were hoisted upon almost every building that they passed, and fond looks and smiling visages cast down their eloquent welcome from many a fair countenance. Ladies thronged the piazzas, ladies filled the windows, ladies peered with enthusiastic inquisitiveness from the housetops, ladies stood upon the sidewalks, ladies fluttered white handkerchiefs, ladies were here, there and everywhere giving picturesque warmth to the welcoming scene, and making glad the hearts of those poor fellows who have been battling in the war for the past two years. Those gallant fellows have not had the tender care of woman to warm into life their darkest hour; they have not had her angel voice whispering hope and comfort into their wearied ears. They have been removed from all the tender approaches which home and kindred always bring with them; and, now that they have returned, after a long absence, these gentle welcomings at the hands of the fair ones are peculiarly appreciated by them. 
The Zouaves arrived in the City Hall Park shortly after four o'clock, where they were reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council. The Park was also crowded with spectators, who greeted the Zouaves as they passed with the most hearty cheers. The procession filed through the Park as follows.—
Colonel Bendix, acting Brigadier General, in command of procession, and Staff
Tenth Regiment Now York State Volunteers (returned regiment.) 
Seventy first Regiment.
General Duryee and Staff.
Fifth Regiment (Duryee Zouaves), under command of Colonel Winslow. Wounded of Fifth regiment in carriages.
Two Fire Companies, Washington Truck and Zephyr Hose.
Common Council in carriages.
Private citizens, &c.
After filing through the Park, the procession marched up Broadway to Seventeenth street, through Seventeenth street to Fifth avenue, through Fifth avenue to Fourteenth street, and thence through Broadway to the City Assembly Rooms, where the regiment was dismissed.

ADVANCE GUARD - COL. DURYEE'S REGIMENT—this regiment, stationed at Fort Schuyler, East river, will continue to enroll men for a few days till the remaining vacancies are filled. None but able-bodied and intelligent men will be received. This opportunity is taken to express congratulations to the members of the regiment for their orderly and gentlemanly behavior and attention to their duties.
This regiment being in service, pay commences to members of the old companies from the date of receipt into service. 
Recruiting offices No. 632 Broadway and corner of Sixth Avenue and Tenth Street.

Colonel Cleveland Winslow is now busily engaged in reorganizing the fifth regiment New York Volunteers (Duryee's Zouaves).

Arrival of Duryee’s Zouaves—Their Reception by the Military and Common Council.
The Fifth New York State Volunteers, (Duryee's Zouaves) Colonel Cleveland Winslow, reached Jersey City last evening, from the seat of war, their term of service having expired. They number about two hundred and fifty, all that remain of the one thousand who left two years ago. On their arrival in this city this afternoon at about 3 P. M., they will meet with an enthusiastic reception. Orders have been issued to the Seventy-first and Thirty-seventh Regiments, N. Y. N. G. to parade and act as escort, to the brave Zouaves. They will also be accompanied by the Tenth Volunteers (returned last week) and several fire companies. The line will be formed in Cortlandt street, and the procession will then march to the City Hall, to be there reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council; thence they will proceed up Broadway to Union Square, through part of Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street, and down Broadway again to the City Assembly Rooms, where a grand banquet will be served to officers and men and a number of invited guests.
No regiment in the army has done more to deserve all the honor, which its friends and the city authorities are to-day bestowing upon it. The organization of the Fifth, or as the rebels used to call them, "the red-legged devils," was commenced in April, 1861, by Col. Abram Duryea, the former popular commanding officer of the Seventh Regiment National Guard. Its ranks rapidly filled up, numbers of young men throwing up lucrative situations to enlist as privates. After a few weeks probationary drill at Fort Schuyler it left early in May for the seat of war. Its destination was Fortress Monroe, then the headquarters of General Butler's military department. There it saw three months varied service, taking part in several important reconnaissances and in the battle of Big Bethel. Thence it was sent to form part of the garrison of Baltimore, in this city, by uniform good conduct and admirable discipline, it gained the goodwill of all classes among the inhabitants. When active operations were inaugurated by the Army of the Potomac, the Fifth was called from garrison duty, and consigned to the splendid corps commanded by Gen. Fitz John Porter. The perfection of its drill and soldierly bearing procured it the distinction of being at once brigaded with the regulars in Gen. Sykes division. From that time the history of the most brilliant operations on the Peninsula is but the record of the Fifth's achievements. They distinguished themselves among the bravest in the army, for special courage and constancy. From the Peninsula it followed McClellan to the support of General Pope, and covered itself with glory at the second battle of Bull Run. There, less than five hundred strong, it lost in killed and wounded over three hundred and fifty. Subsequently the remnant of the regiment was at South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. They now, even, come fresh from the battlefield, having participated in the battles of last Saturday and Sunday at Chancellorsviile. The Zouaves come home with their arms and equipments, which, in accordance with a recent order from the War Department, will be delivered to Governor Seymour.
The following are the officers returning with the corps:
Colonel—Cleveland Winslow.
Lieutenant-Colonel—George Duryea.
Major—Carlisle Boyd.
Chaplain—Rev. Gordon Winslow.
Surgeon---Frank W. Doolittle.
Assistant Surgeon—F. R. Grimes.
Adjutant—Thomas J. Taylor.
Quartermaster---E. M. Earle.
Captains—Company A, J. H. Whitney; Company B,Wm. Hoffman; Company C, A. Sidney Chase; Company D, Thomas Martin; Company E, George Chambers; Company F, Stephen W. Wheeler; Company G, John H. Raymond; Company I, Charles Montgomery; Company K, James Lounsbury.
First Lieutenants—Ackele, commanding Company H; Gordon Winslow, Jr.; Albert Meldrum, Thomas E. Fish, Geo. L. Guthrie, Geo. A. Vail.
Second Lieutenants —Walsh, Gilligan, Bumes, Frie Carr, Kettson.
The reception this afternoon promises to surpass any heretofore given to other regiments, and the march of the Zouaves through our streets will no doubt attract a large crowd of people. In accordance with the request of the Common Council, flags are displayed on many public buildings along the route of procession.
A full report of the reception of the Zouaves in the city, their review by the Mayor, &c., will be given in our later Editions.
[September 1862]

On witnessing the review of Duryee's Zouaves, at Camp Washington, last Sunday, we noticed in possession of Lieutenant J. B. Vose a handsome sword, sash, &c., a testimonial received from a few friends, members of the Atlanta Boat Club of this city. The affair was got up by Tiffany & Co., and reflects credit on the makers. Lieutenant Vose will no doubt do honor to the blade.

The President, at the earnest solicitation of relatives and numerous officers and citizens has, for the present, suspended proceedings in the case of the three young men of Duryea Zouaves, who were to have been executed yesterday for desertion. He intends to investigate the facts in these cases, and examine closely all the circumstances cited in mitigation of their offenses.

The President, at the earnest solicitation of relatives and numerous officers and citizens, has, for the present suspended proceedings in the cases of the three young men of Duryee's Zouaves, who were to have been executed to-day for desertion. He intends to investigate the facts in these cases, and examine closely all the circumstances cited in amelioration of their offences.

RECRUITS FOR THE NEW YORK ZOUAVE REGIMENT. – There reached here yesterday, by a passenger train of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, thirty recruits for Col. Warren’s New York Zouave Regiment. They were recruited by Mr. David S. Soby, formerly of the Philadelphia Bar, and a most efficient soldier of that brave command. The Recruits are in the full picturesque costume of the Regiment, and judging from their physique they cannot fail to prove good soldiers.

HOW THE REBELS TREAT OUR SICK AND WOUNDED—Statement of Dr. K. O. Munson, 5th N. Y. V.
Dr. K. O. Munson, Chief Surgeon of the 5th New York Regiment, Duryee's Zouaves, who was one of those who were left behind at Savage's Station, to take care of our sick and wounded who were left there, and was subsequently in Richmond, makes the following statement:
After our rear guard had departed, he and some twelve or fourteen other surgeons and about twenty hospital stewards, set themselves to work to make as comfortable as possible those of our disabled whom we were compelled to leave at the above named station, to administer to the sick, and to perform surgical operations upon those who required it.
After being for some four or five hours engaged in this charitable as well as laudable undertaking, the Rebels, having been badly whipped and worse frightened and straggling toward the hospital, singly, in pairs, and by dozens, until the remnant of that portion of their army who had been engaged in the fight of the morning had assembled there. 
Scarcely had they been there five minutes ere they began what seems to be their chief duty after a battle in which our forces are compelled to retire—hunt for spoils and plunder. Although our troops before leaving had destroyed much of the subsistence stores and forage, still they had left all the medical stores, and provisions enough to comfortably provide for all the disabled and their attendants who were left behind for a month to come.
When our narrator discovered that the hounds were gathering, and knowing full well their propensities, he, with some two or three others, managed to hide a portion of the medical stores, two barrels of coffee, a few boxes of hard bread, and about fifty loaves of fresh bread.

Municipal Banquet at the City Assembly Rooms—Speeches of Gens. Duryea, Walbridge, Col. Winslow and Others—Vociferous Cheers Given for Gen. McClellan, Gen. Fitz John Porter and Governor Seymour, &c.
Last evening, the Fifth Regiment were entertained at a fine Municipal banquet at the City Assembly Rooms. Although but very short notice was given to Mr. Wood, the experienced caterer of the Astor House, the tables were served with a variety of choice viands, which were followed with unexceptionable wines.
Ald. Farley presided, and was supported on either side by Gen. Duryea, Col. Winslow, and the members of both Boards of the Common Council. When the cloth was removed, the Chairman called the guests to order, and announced the toast which created great enthusiasm: 
" The Union as it was, and the Constitution as it is."
Gen. Duryea being loudly called for, rose and addressed the company as follows: his remarks being frequently interrupted with loud applause.
SOLDIERS OF THE 5th REGIMENT!—Two years ago you entered the service of your country, solemnly obligating yourselves to fight for the restoration and integrity of the Union.
With laudable fidelity and zeal, you have fulfilled the obligation, ever presenting the most undaunted front to the foes of our country.
On the 23d of May, after one month's instruction, you embarked for the seat of war. Thirteen days subsequent to your arrival, you distinguished yourselves in the first battle for the Republic.
The threatening aspect of affairs at Baltimore, immediately after the disaster of Bull Ban, called you to that city, where you constructed one of the most formidable and extensive forts in the country.
Your moral bearing, as soldiers and gentlemen, pending your stay, won the respect, admiration and esteem of its inhabitants.
In the seven days battle on the Peninsula, under General McClellan (loud cheers) you won imperishable renown by your deeds of daring, displaying under all circumstances the fortitude that becomes the soldier of the North. On the sanguinary field of Gaines' Mills, you drove the enemy at the point of the bayonet, nearly annihilating two regiments of the foe. (Applause.)
With characteristic bravery you fought at Bull Run, losing one half of your number in killed and wounded; at Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and at the recent battles of Fredericksburg, closing your military career with distinguished honor,—winning the admiration of your fellow citizens by your noble conduct, and cheerfully submitting to the privations and sufferings incident to the calamities of war. What then can be the feelings of the officers, around whose names you have twined the wreaths of honor. We greet you now with thanks, and extend to you a fraternal and hearty welcome, back to your native State, your relatives and friends. Wishing you prosperity as bright, as has been your glowing deeds of fortitude and courage. (Applause.) 
At the close of this speech, a Zouave called for three cheers for Gen. McClellan, and in response, the soldiers and civilians, honored the name of "Little Mac" with the most deafening and wild applause. 
Another soldier then called for three cheers for "General Fitz John Porter," and the response was equally loud and enthusiastic, the Zouaves giving three times three and a tiger.
Gen. Walbridge then made a brief, but very strong war speech, in which he declared that the nation should exhaust every military appliance to crush the rebellion, and make the contest short and decisive for ever. (Applause.)
The principal toasts which followed were:—"The Zouaves—the red devils, the terror of the enemy and the pride of New York;" and the "Governor of the State," both eliciting loud applause, and the latter calling forth prolonged cheers for Gov. Seymour.
During the evening, remarks were made by Col. Warren, Col. Bendix, Col. Winslow and others. Dodworth's Band occasionally enlivened the entertainment, and the banquet passed off happily.

Who does not recollect the excitement attending the departure of the above command, the splendid appearance and discipline of the men, and the gratification felt by the people in seeing their favorite "Duryee" at their head? They too, like the Ninth, have done their share of duty having held the post of honor and danger in many a hard-fought battle.. They return again to our city, and will, undoubtedly, receive an ovation in keeping with their patriotism and bravery.
A meeting was held at the rooms of Company A, of the Seventh Regiment, on Monday night, with the view of arranging the details for a reception.
General Abram Duryee, was called on to preside, and was conducted to the chair by Lieut. Creighton. 
General Duryee briefly acknowledged the compliment, spoke in terms of eulogy of the glorious share taken by the Fifth in all the leading engagements of the Potomac and the Peninsula and referred feelingly to his own connection with the regiment.
On motion of Lieutenant Colonel Duryee, a committee was appointed to confer with the Committee of the Common Council on National Affairs, as to the details of the reception. The Chair named as such Committee Lieutenant-Colonel Duryee, Captain McConnell, Lieutenant Creighton, and Sergeant Thayer. Gen. Duryee, with Lieutenant-Colonel Duryee and Sergeant Wilcox as his aids, consented to superintend the management of the escort, and it was announced through Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall, of the Tenth N. Y. V., (Bendix's Zouaves,) that that regiment and the Thirty-seventh N. Y. S. M. would parade with full ranks for the occasion. The Zouaves have distinguished themselves at Big Bethel, all through the terrible six days' conflict before Richmond, at South Mountain, and Antietam, and they come back to the city crowned with the laurels of victory in action, and equally famous for admirable conduct in garrison and camp. 
A portion of the Seventh Regiment officers, feeling that a large number of the Zouaves sprang from their ranks, requested Colonel Lefferts to parade the regiment as an escort. This he declined, on the ground that if he paraded the regiment for the reception of one regiment, he would be called on to do so for others, hence he declined to take any interest. 
In view of the hostile attitude assumed by the Colonel, it has been determined to parade a battalion, and do honor to the brave representatives of the Seventh. There appears to be a determination on the part of Colonel Lefferts to assume a hostile position toward those whom he commands, without an apparent reason. There is no occasion for this, as he is not compelled to retain his position as colonel, and unless his course is marked with more conciliation toward those who think different from him, his term of office will be anything but pleasant.
It has been the custom of the regiment to carry a thing through when it was conceived, and this will be conducted in the same way. If the Colonel does not desire to take part in the reception, he can leave the duty to a field officer, and if they desire to follow his example, there are captains who think they are as capable, and who will teach these officers that a little courtesy, now and then, is relished by the best of men.

The remnant of what once constituted the Duryee Zouaves—arrived in our city on Thursday, and were formally received on yesterday afternoon. They numbered about 150 men—commanded by Cleveland Winslow as their Colonel. The wounded accompanied them in carriages which were provided by the Common Council. They carried with them a trophy of their labors, a large rebel color. This was borne by one of the color bearers—with the union down, a striking contrast to the gay national color which floated defiantly beside it. 
The Zouaves were escorted by their companions in arms, the 10th N. Y. Volunteers, Colonel John E. Bendix—numbering about 200 men—the 37th N. Y. National Guard, Colonel Roome with ten commands of twelve files front, and the 71st, Colonel Trafford with six commands of 14 files front, the whole under the direction of Gen. Duryee as marshal. Accompanying this escort, was a delegation of Firemen consisting of Hook and Ladder ... and Hose Co. 61. The attendance of ... large, so much so as to entirely block the roadway. The reception given to the Zouaves was a worthy one, a just tribute to their labors and patriotism. They are the remnant of 1,000 men, the rest having fell a sacrifice to the war for the Union.

The gallant Fifth N. Y. V. (Duryea's Zouaves), who have gained a reputation for courage and good conduct second to no body of men in the armies of the United States, return to this city some time during the present week. Preparations are being made by their comrades now in this city, and former friends, to give them the honorable reception they deserve. To this end a meeting was held last evening in the rooms of Captain Shumway's company, Seventh N. Y. N.
The meeting was called to order by Lieutenant-Colonel Hiram Duryea (at one time second in command of the Zouaves), and Brig.-Gen. Abram Duryea was called on to preside and conducted to the chair by Lieut. Creighton. The general referred in terms of the warmest eulogy to the achievements of the regiment and to his own share in its organization. A letter from Col. Winslow (now in command of the Fifth) was then read by the secretary, Lieut. Creighton, in which it was stated the speedy return of the regiment might be looked for, and the suggestion was made that any arrangements for its reception should be communicated to the officers and men. Mention was made in this letter of the fact that out of its original strength of 1,026 two years' men (besides officers), only some 360 could now be mustered. 
On motion of Lieutenant-Colonel Duryea, a committee was asked for to confer with the Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council, and to perfect with them the details of the reception. Lieutenant-Colonel Duryea, Captain McConnell, Lieutenant Creighton, and Sergeant Mayer, were appointed to act as such committee. General Duryea agreed to see personally to the marshaling of whatever escort might volunteer, and named Lieutenant-Colonel Duryea and Sergeant Willock as his aids. Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall, of the Tenth New-York Volunteers (Bendix's Zouaves), guaranteed a turn-out of his regiment, and said he was authorized to make a similar engagement for the Thirty-seventh New-York State Militia. Besides these five regiments, the "Seventh" may be relied on to swell the escort with full ranks. The Fifth was raised by the most popular colonel the Seventh ever had, and New-York's favorite militia regiment can do no less than parade on so special an occasion.

The Ninth Regiment, or Hawkins' Zouaves, will arrive in this city at 9 o'clock this morning. Preparations have been made to extend them a fitting reception.

Splendid Military Turn Out-The Zouaves Everywhere Cordially Received.
The Fifth Regiment New-York State Volunteers, known as Duryee's Zouaves—First Regiment—were welcomed on their return to the Metropolis, yesterday, with a splendid military turn-out, and one of the most enthusiastic popular demonstrations that could be imagined. The corps has been in nearly all the battles for the Union in Virginia and Maryland, from Big Bethel to Chancellorsviile, and has always distinguished itself for its esprit du corps, its splendid discipline, and its fierce fighting whenever opportunity offered. As is well known, it has been honored by being brigaded, with the regulars under Gen. Sykes, and has received from him due need of praise. No wonder, then, that New-York should be proud of it, and should do the utmost to show the regiment how patriotism and valor is appreciated in the Metropolis of the Empire State. Two of our best regiments of militia, the Seventy-first and Thirty-seventh, paraded to do them honor, while their late comrades in arms, the Tenth New-York, Col. Bendix, temporarily supplied with arms, likewise turned out to receive them. It was arranged that the Fifth should leave Jersey City at 3 o'clock P. M., and ad interim the attractive red breeches could be seen scattered throughout the City—everywhere the centre of attraction, the focus of ten thousand questions, the cynosure of all eyes, the envy of the men, the delight of the women. Probably no other regiment in the army is so well known—certainly none from the City of New-York has more friends. They are the same dashing, daring, free and easy, glorious fellows that they were when they left. It seems but a brief period since they electrified the City by their appearance en route for the seat of war, and their then unequaled marching drill. But how pregnant has been that brief period with memorable events. The eleven hundred men have dwindled to about two hundred and fifty, by the ravages of the bullet and camp disease, together with the natural depreciation of the force from the various disablements which have occurred. They are all still staunch in their love for the Union. The baptism of fire and sword has sanctified the cause to them, and many of them say that after they have seen their friends and enjoyed a brief respite, they will be off to camp and field again to do or die for the good old flag. They bring back their colors—worn, torn, pierced with many bullet holes, but not dishonored; not stained with the memory of one retreat or one ignoble act. Everywhere, where they appeared bearing these glorious Stars and Stripes, the cheering was loud, long and hearty. 
The line of march was through Cortlandt-street, Broadway, the Park, Broadway, Union-square, Seventeenth-street, Fifth-avenue, Fourteenth-street, and Broadway to the City Assembly Rooms. They seemed to march through a deep ravine of human beings, ecstatic with acclamations of welcome. The very heart of New-York seemed touched, and many an eye dimmed with sympathetic tears, and impressive cordiality was every where exhibited for the brawny braves. Their march was something which is rarely seen, and elicited universal comment. It was the march of veterans. The head of the line reached the City Hall about 4 1/2 o'clock, and, after much difficulty, owing to the small force of Police and the large force of the crowd, a space was cleared, and the distinguished guests, the Mayor and Common Council, and others entitled to be in the front rank, reviewed the passing pageant. Of course, all admired the excellent appearance of the Tenth Volunteers, the Seventy-first and Thirty-seventh Militia, and the corps of citizens generally, marshaled by the late Colonel of the regiment and its founder, Gen. Duryee. But the wild wave of welcome waited for the well-worn warriors, and many as have been the glorious scenes of enthusiasm in front of our old City Hall, none ever surpassed that of this occasion. Alderman Boole said it eclipsed the Japanese and the Turk, as well it might, for here the great heart of our impulsive people throbbed with unwonted emotion. The wounded, in carriages, were specially honored. 
But the best of the reception was the fact that the entire regiment was entertained at a municipal banquet, given at the City Assembly Rooms, where feasting, mirth song and sentiment, gladdened the brave fellows who have dared and done so much for their country.

The Common Council Committee, Messrs. Farley, Mitchell, Henry, Boole, Ottiwell, Joyce, Brandon, McConnell, Haviland and Webster, determined to give the boys a good time irrespective of the formality usual on such occasions. They, therefore, provided plenty of substantial eating, with a profusion of mild punch to wash it down, and a small allowance of talking. The Zouaves entered into the affair with spirit, and enjoyed it all the more because it was conducted with becoming free-and-easiness. Having satisfied the inner man, and indulged in smoking—not pipes of peace, but municipal cigars—they heard and cheered to the echo toasts to " The Red Devils," "The National Guard," "The Governor of the State," "The Zouaves—God bless 'em," "The Ladies," "The Union as it was, and the Constitution as it is," &c. Strong Union speeches were made by Gen. Duryee, Col. Warren, Col. Bendix, Gen. Walbridge, Col. Buckingham and others. Alderman Farley, who presided, kept the feast of reason and flow of soul in lively exercise, and wound up at an early hour, leaving the guests to the enjoyment of the festivities, and to a grateful appreciation of their reception by the municipal authorities. Gen. Duryea's speech recites so tersely the achievements of the Zouaves that we give it in full:

SOLDIERS OF THE FIFTH ZOUAVES: Two years ago you entered the service of your country, solemnly obligating yourselves to fight for the restoration and integrity of the Union. With laudable fidelity and zeal, you have fulfilled the obligation, ever presenting the most undaunted front to the foes of our country. On the 23d of May, after one month's instruction, you embarked for the seat of war. Thirteen days sub-sequent to your arrival, you distinguished yourselves in the first battle for the Republic. The threatening aspect of affairs at Baltimore immediately after the disaster of Bull Run called you to that city, where you constructed one of the most formidable and extensive forts in the country. Your moral bearing as soldiers and gentlemen, pending your stay, won the respect, admiration and esteem of its inhabitants. In the seven days' battle on the Peninsula, under Gen. McClellan, you won imperishable renown by your deeds of daring, displaying, under all circumstances, the fortitude that becomes the soldier of the North. On the sanguinary field of Gaines' Mills you drove the enemy at the point of the bayonet, nearly annihilating two regiments of the enemy. With characteristic bravery you fought at Bull Run, losing one-half of your number in killed and wounded. At Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, and at the recent battles Fredericksburgh, closing your military career with distinguished honor, winning the admiration of your fellow-citizens by your noble conduct, and cheerfully submitting to the privations and sufferings incident to the calamities of war. What, then, can be the feelings of the officers, around whose names you have twined the wreaths of honor? We now greet you with thanks, and extend to you a fraternal and hearty welcome back to your native state, your relatives and friends, wishing you prosperity as bright as has been your glowing deeds of fortitude and courage.
The following is the list of officers returning with the regiment:
Colonel--Cleveland Winslow.
Lieutenant-Colonel--George Duryee.
Major--Carlisle Boyd.
Chaplain--Rev. Gordon Winslow.
Surgeon--Frank W. Doolittle.
Assistant Surgeon—F.R. Grimes.
Adjutant—Thomas J. Taylor.
Quartermaster—E. M. Earle.
Captains—Co. A, J. H. Whitney; Co. B, Wm. Hoffman; Co. C, A. Sidney Chase; Co. D, Thomas Martin; Co. E, George Chambers; Co. F, Stephen W. Wheeler; Co. G, John H. Raymond ; Co. I, Charles Montgomery; Co. K, James Lounsbury. 
First Lieutenants--Ackele, commanding Co. H ; Gordon Winslow, Jr.; Albert Meldrum, Thomas E. Fish, George L. Guthrie, Geo. A. Vail. 
Second Lieutenants—Walsh, Gilligan, Burnes, Fife, Carr, Kettson.

The Fifth New York Volunteers (Duryee Zouaves) will return from the war during the present week, and measures are being taken by the friends of the regiment to give them a suitable reception. A meeting with this purpose in view was held last evening at the rooms of Company A, of the Seventh Regiment. It was very fully attended. General Abram Duryee was called upon to preside, and was conducted to the chair by Lieutenant Creighton. General Duryee briefly acknowledged the compliment, spoke in terms of eulogy of the glorious share taken by the Fifth in all the leading engagements of the Potomac and the peninsula and referred feelingly to his own connection with the regiment. 
On motion of Lieut. Col. Duryea, a committee was appointed to confer with the Committee of the Common Council on National Affairs, as to the details of the reception. The Chair named as such committee Lieut. Col. Duryea, Capt. McConnell, Lieut. Creighton, and Sergeant Thayer. Gen. Duryea, with Lieut-Col. Duryea and Sergeant Wilcox as his aids, consented to superintend the management of the escort, and it was announced through Lieut. Col. Marshall, of the 10th N. Y. V., (Bendix's Zouaves,) that that regiment and the 37th N. Y. S. M. would parade with full ranks for the occasion. There is no doubt that the Seventh will compliment its former colonel, Gen. Duryea, who raised the Fifth, by also turning out. The Zouaves have distinguished themselves at Big Bethel, all through the terrible six days conflict before Richmond, at South Mountain, and Antietam, and they come back to the city crowned with the laurels of victory in action, and equally famous for admirable conduct in garrison and camp.

Col. Graham, of the Fifth New York regiment, who commanded the reconnoissance at Mathias Point, has been ordered under arrest by Gen. McClellan, upon the showing of Gen. Hooker that the Colonel destroyed private property, such as dwelling houses, barns, &c. Col. Graham has arrived here and reported himself, and explains that he only destroyed such buildings as have been used by the enemy for their pickets and for the storage of forage, which buildings the several commanders of our naval vessels on the river have from time to time endeavored to destroy and shell.

Capt. N. T. Partridge. ___ Cunningham.
Corp. Alfred Barnes. Chas. T. Allen.
M. J. Tiernay. Wm. Galbrath.
Color Corp. Olivia. Corp. Luke Gilligan.
George Duryee. Fred. Lewis, arm.
Lt. R.E. Prime, groin. Nat C. Warren, head.
Lt. F. VanTyne, slightly. John McGhean, foot.
J. Collins, slightly. Wm. A. Bedell, breast.
Capt. Joseph Bradley, Lt. Arthur Johns, foot.
right shoulder. John F. Bone, arm.
Lt. Thomas W. Cart- John C. Coventry.
right, left arm, back. Jas S Edmonds, mouth.
Felix Agnus, in breast. Emil Frank, face.
Serg. Pike, in hand. James Gilligan, three
Serg. Hoffman. slightly. wounds in legs.
___ Delaney. Wm. Jones. 
___ Duryee, elbow. J. E. Horan.
___ Peroshean, slightly. Philip Kirchner, foot. 
___ Shane, not seriously. Thos. Murphy, shoulder
___ Turner, hip. A. Ray, shoulder and 
___ Tuttle, knee. back.
L. Corner; two shots in ___ Schollard.
knee. ___ Sondar.
F. S. Westlake, leg. ___ Winslow.
Sixteen privates missing.

Severe Engagement Near Fortress Monroe,
Two Hours Fight at Big Bethel.
VIA BALTIMORE, June 10,1861.
About twelve o'clock last (Sunday) night quite a large force left camp, under command of Brigadier General Pierce, with the design of breaking up marauding expeditions on the part of the enemy, for the purpose of running off the negroes and white men to work on their batteries. The forces were transported safely over Hampton creek in barges manned by the Naval Brigade, under the supervision of Lieut. Crosby, of the frigate Cumberland.
The force had proceeded about three miles beyond the creek when they were fired upon by the New York Seventh regiment, who had marched down from Newport News for the purpose of joining in the expedition.
The Seventh was established in a copse of wood at an angle of a road, and their fire was quite destructive. Sergeant Carey, of Company A, Colonel Townsend's regiment, was killed. Lieutenant Stone, of the same regiment, a sergeant and nine privates were wounded, some seriously. The fire was returned, and the Seventh fired one charge of grape from a howitzer, which passed over the heads of the troops of the Third, doing no harm.
The precise state of matters was then mutually ascertained, and the forces, uniting, proceeded towards Little Bethel church, five miles from Hampton. There they came upon the advanced guard of the enemy, defeated them and drove them back, taking thirty prisoners, including one lieutenant.
Advancing towards Big Bethel, in York county, they came upon the enemy in force, and a sharp engagement ensued, in which the artillery played an important part on both sides.
General Pierce has no orders to hold Great Bethel, and it is thought they will soon return, after destroying the position.
General Butler was busy keeping open communication with the post.
The conduct of the men has been most admirable under the hottest fire. The Naval Brigade received the highest compliment for their efficient conduct. In working the boats they were of the greatest service throughout the night and day.

The contest at Great Bethel was more severe than was at first apprehended. The enemy were so strongly intrenched in and protected by batteries that after more than two hours and a half severe fighting, our ammunition giving out, we were obliged to fall back, which we did in perfect order.
The details, as near as can be ascertained in the confusion, are as follows:—
Brigadier General Pierce, with the First, Second and Third New York, from this post, joined with detachments from Newport News from the Fourth Massachusetts, First Vermont and Seventh and Ninth New York, with two light field pieces under Lieut. Greble, and a squad of regulars, marched against the enemy, numbering four thousand men, and soon came on their position, protected by five or six heavy batteries, mounted with six and twelve pound howitzers and heavy rifled cannon. The engagement immediately became warm, the guns under Lieutenant Greble returning the intensely hot fire from the enemy's battery.
After some time General Pierce gave the order to charge on the battery, and Colonel Duryee's Zouaves gallantly marched in quick time under a scorching fire up to near the ramparts of the battery, where a broad ditch intervened, that could not be passed, and the gallant lads fell back.
Colonel Townsend's regiment also went nearly to the battery, but, meeting the same obstruction, were also compelled to retire. 
After over two hours' hot contest the ammunition for the field pieces and the muskets gave out, and the order was given to retire, which was effected in perfect order and safety.
We lament the loss of Lieutenant Greble, of the United States artillery, one of the most brave, gallant and chivalrous officers in the service, who died bravely at his gun from a cannon shot which struck him in the forehead, killing him instantly.
Our loss in killed and wounded is about seventy five. Among the latter I mention Captain Kilpatrick, of the Zouaves, who was shot in the leg.
Lieutenant Dumont, Company B, of the same regiment had a bayonet wound in the leg, not serious, and others slightly wounded.
The enemy's loss was heavy. Every one on our side behaved most bravely and did his duty.

FORTRESS MONROE, via Baltimore, June 11,1861.
This has been an exciting and sorrowful day at Old Point Comfort. General Butler having learned that the rebels were forming an intrenched camp, with strong batteries, at Great Bethel, nine miles from Hampton, on the Yorktown road, he deemed it necessary to dislodge them. Accordingly movements were made last night from Fortress Monroe and Newport News, About midnight Colonel Duryee's Zouaves and Colonel Townsend's (Albany) regiment crossed the river at Hampton by means of six large batteaux, manned by the Naval Brigade, and took up the line of march, the former some two miles in advance of the latter. At the same time Colonel Bendix's regiment, and detachments of the Vermont and Massachusetts regulars at Newport, moved forward to form a junction with the regulars from Fortress Monroe at Little Bethel, about half way between Hampton and Great Bethel. The Zouaves passed Little Bethel about four A. M. Colonel Bendix's regiment arrived next, and took a position at the intersection of the roads. Not understanding the signal, the German regiment, in the darkness of the morning, fired upon Colonel Townsend's column, marching in close order, and led by Lieutenant Butler, son and aid of General Butler, with two pieces of artillery. Other accounts say that Col. Townsend's regiment fired first. At all events the fire of the Albany regiment was harmless, while that of the Germans was fatal, killing one man and wounding seriously two others, with several other slight casualties. The Albany regiment, being back of the Germans, discovered from the accoutrements left on the field that the supposed enemy was a friend. They had in the meantime fired nine rounds with small arms and a field piece. The Zouaves, hearing the fire, turned, and also fired upon the Albany boys.
At daybreak Col. Allen's and Col. Carr's regiments moved from the rear of the fortress to support the main body. The mistake at Little Bethel having been ascertained, the buildings were burned, and a Major, with two prominent secessionists, named Livery and Whiting, were made prisoners. The troops then advanced upon Great Bethel, in the following order, namely—the Zouaves, Colonel Benedix, Lieutenant Colonel Washburne, Colonel Allen and Colonel Carr. At that point our regiments formed, and successively endeavored to take a large masked secession battery. The effort was futile, our three small pieces of artillery not being able to cope with the heavy rifled cannon of the enemy, according to some accounts, being thirty in number. The rebel battery was completely masked, so that no men could be seen, but only the flashes of the guns. There were probably less than a thousand men behind the batteries of the rebels.
A well concerted movement might have secured the position; but Brigadier General Pierce, who commanded the expedition, appears to have lost his presence of mind, and the Troy regiment stood for an hour exposed to a galling fire, when an order to retreat was at last given; but at that moment Lieutenant Greble, of the United States Army, and in command of the artillery, was struck by a cannon ball and instantly killed. He had spiked his gun, and was gallantly endeavoring to withdraw his command. 
Captain G....W. Wilson, of the Troy regiment, after the order to retreat was given, took possession of the gun. Quartermaster McArthur brought it on the field with the corpse of the beloved Lieutenant. Both were brought to Fortress Monroe this evening.
There are probably twenty-five killed and one hundred of the federal troops wounded. 
Lieutenant Butler deserves the greatest credit for bringing off the killed and wounded. Several of the latter are now in the hospital here.
I should have stated that Colonel McChesney's regiment formed the reserve.
Colonel Hawkins' regiment moved from Newport News during the day, and an armed vessel went up to Newport News, expecting the Cumberland.
Great indignation is manifested against Brigadier General Pierce.
General Butler has been ubiquitous, doing all in his power to save our men and the honor of our cause.

Fortress Monroe, via Baltimore, June 10,1861.
It coming to the knowledge of General Butler that the rebels were making a stand at a place known as Little Bethel, about seven miles from Hampton, on the direct road to Yorktown, and that at a point called Great Bethel, five miles further, they were fortifying the church as a base from which marauding parties were constantly issuing to force peaceful Union men and negroes into their service, and also to threaten Camp Hampton, as well as Camp Butler, at Newport News, he determined to make a demonstration against them. 
Last evening, therefore, General Butler ordered Colonel Duryee's regiment to cross Hampton creek and march on Little Bethel. This order was promptly executed, and the regiment moved from Hampton at about half-past one o'clock, having been ferried over Hampton creek by Lieutenant Crosby's flotilla of boats, manned by recruits from the Naval Brigade.
Colonel Duryee was to be supported an hour after by Colonel Townsend's regiment. At the same time Colonel Phelps, commanding officer at Newport News, was directed to move two regiments along that line to aid Colonel Duryee if the rebels should be in force. Brigadier General Pierce was to be in command of the expedition when the forces were united.
All the movements were promptly and properly executed except that of Col. Bendix's regiment. At the moment of effecting the junction he came in collision with Col. Townsend's forces, when shots were exchanged, with the loss of one killed, Wm. Carey, of Company A, Albany. Ten others were wounded on the part of Col. Townsend.
While this mistake was being corrected, Col. Duryee had pressed forward and captured the Little Bethel, and made prisoners of several officers and men. He fired the building.
Meanwhile Col. Bendix captured two rebels in the act, of firing on his men in guerrilla fashion. He fired the house, and sent the prisoners to Gen. Butler, at Hampton, where he was receiving reports, forwarding reinforcements and giving orders.
At ten o'clock, Col. Duryee, Col. Townsend and Col. Bendix, having formed a junction, reached Great Bethel, where they found the enemy in force, and engaged them. Meanwhile, Gen. Butler had sent for reinforcements. On engaging the enemy, they were found to be strongly fortified and in great force, with heavy cannon. Our forces maintained the conflict with determined courage for more than two hours; but finding that it would be impossible to carry the enemy's battery, they in good order fell back toward Hampton. It is impossible to gain anything reliable as to the loss.
The enemy numbered between three and five thousand. Their battery had twenty guns, some of them the Whitworth gun. The battle raged three hours. Our men retired only when it became evident that the enemy's battery could not be carried unless supported by artillery. They retired in good order, and the enemy was in no condition to pursue.
The whole number of casualties does not exceed fifty, of which not over twenty are fatalities. No prominent officer was killed. Captain Kilpatrick, of the Zouaves, received a bad flesh wound in the calf of his leg. Lieut. Greble, of the regulars, is reported killed. The battery was located so that it could not be carried except through marsh. A charge was attempted repeatedly. 
The following are the wounded of this morning, all of Col. Townsend's regiment:—
John Connelly, Company A, in the knee; in no danger. 
Frederick Bacon, do.; severely.
Joseph Richards, Company C, bayonet in the thigh; slight.
Philip Sweeney, thigh bone fractured; bad.
W. C. Cody, Company F, shot in the abdomen; mortal.
James Garbette, Company G, fractured thigh bone by shot; not mortal.
Lieutenant E. W. Stone, company H, bayonet wound in the knee; slight. [In the list of officers of the Third regiment, we do not find the name of Lieutenant Stone, of Company H, but in the list of those of Company I, the name of F. M. Stone appears as Second Lieutenant or Ensign. This is doubtless the gentleman who has been wounded in this engagement.—ED. HERALD.]
The following are among the wounded at the Great Bethel battle:—
S. F. Southern, Company H, Fourth Massachusetts regiment, serious, in the lung.
John Dann, Company H, Duryee's regiment, shot in the arm.
John Conway, Company H, Duryee's regiment, shot in the leg; not bad.
C. Ghent, Company K, Colonel Bendix's regiment, shot in the left side of the chest; seriously.

Baltimore, June 11,1861.
The special correspondent of the American returned from Fortress Monroe this morning, with a full report of the battle at Great Bethel. For several days past General Butler had been advised of movements of a considerable body of Confederate troops in the vicinity of the village called Great Bethel, which is about twelve miles from the fortress, and near the road conducting to Yorktown. Believing from reliable reports that they had thrown up intrenchments and were generally extending their outer line of pickets, he determined, after consultation with other officers, to whip them away, and accordingly gave orders to several regiments to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment's warning. At the same time the chief of the Ordnance Department received orders to send a battery of howitzers, which was soon under line of march, comprising four twelve pounders and a detachment of United States artillery, with Lieutenant Greble and other officers. A party of the Naval Brigade was also quickly mustered for the purpose of conveying troops across Hampton creek, which was done by means of fishing boats sent down on Saturday from the Susquehanna river.
The detailed force of the volunteers consisted of three regiments—the Albany regiment, Colonel Townsend; the New York Zouaves, Colonel Duryee, and the Seventh regiment, Colonel Bendix, with companies from other regiments, comprising a force of nearly three thousand men.
The command moved at half-past twelve o'clock on Sunday night, with the Zouaves nearly one hour ahead; and, owing to a most unfortunate mistake in relation to signals, two of the regiments got into a collision, when the regiment of Colonel Bendix, mistaking that of Colonel Townsend for that of the enemy, fired into them, and did not discover their mistake until the dawn of day, when their supposed enemy left them masters of the field. It is not known exactly how many were killed or wounded, but the number is not great.
After an explanation and a mutual understanding between the two regiments, it was then agreed to move on to Great Bethel, which is three miles from the place where the error was committed, and the entire force took up the line of march. 
As soon as the right of the column got near the place they were apprised of the presence of the foe, who were very strongly intrenched, and who opened fire upon them with a battery of rifled cannon. The federal troops promptly responded; but the volleys of the infantry and a small park of howitzers were unavailing against such a formidable battery, and in the course of half an hour a retreat was sounded, and executed in good order. 
The regiments moved well, and the men, it is acknowledged on all sides, acted with a spirit of determination. 
The most melancholy feature of the battle was the killing of Lieutenant Greble.
It was almost impossible to tell the number of killed and wounded on the side of the federal troops; but I was told by General Butler that his estimate was about thirty killed and one hundred wounded.
It was feared that Major Winthrop, aid to General Butler, had been killed, as he could not be found. 
When the news of the action reached the fortress the utmost sadness prevailed, and there was a mournful aspect visible throughout. The first wounded man that reached the fortress was private James Garbett. He came in an ambulance, which was very carefully driven.
As soon as General Butler heard of the affair, which was about seven o'clock, he mounted his horse and rode at the top of its speed to Newport News, for the purpose of ascertaining all the facts in the case.
Col. Dimmick also rode around the ramparts, and, inspecting the side near the land approach, ordered the howitzers and mortars to be gotten ready.
About nine o'clock P. M. the steamer Cataline reached the wharf, with some of the dead and wounded. In the meantime nearly all the armed fleet proceeded up the James river to Newport News Point.
The hospital for the regular force and the regiments of volunteers who are stationed in the fortress is in first rate order, and, under the directorship of Dr. Cuyler, will continue so. It is officially announced that the health of the garrison is excellent, and but a few are on the sick list.
I have endeavored to get a full list of the killed and wounded in the affair at Great Bethel, but succeeded only partially, as but few of them had reached the place up to the time of the departure of the boat, which usually leaves at four o'clock, but was detained for your correspondent until nine P. M.
The following are the names of those who have arrived:—
Joseph Richards, of Company C, Third infantry, New York, slight bayonet wound in the thigh.
W. C. Cody, of Company; F, same regiment, wounded by a Minie ball in the abdomen, and supposed to be dying when I left his room.
James Garbett, of Company G, sustained a comminuted fracture of the thigh, is very bad, and must suffer amputation, even if he survives.
James Connelly, of Company A, same regiment, shot in the knee of right leg, the ball not penetrating the joint.
Phillip Sweeney, of Company C, of Third infantry, also sustains a very severe wound in the thigh, but may escape amputation.
Lieutenant E. W. Stone, of Company H, same regiment, slightly wounded in the leg; Frank A. Baker, of Company ___, shot in the calf of leg, only a flesh wound. Of these, such as have received contusions are singularly cheerful.
Amongst the killed was Lieutenant Greble, of the United States artillery. He was struck upon the right side of the forehead by a rifled cannon ball, which tore away the upper part of the head. He was an efficient officer, and greatly beloved by his brother officers, who, as may be expected, are keenly grieved by the sad bereavement. His funeral will take place on Wednesday, and his remains will be deposited in a metallic coffin specially ordered from Baltimore.
Orderly Sergeant Goodfellow, of Company D, of the First New York regiment, was struck by a cannon ball and dropped dead. Three members of the same company were badly wounded.
It appears that the Albany regiment, under Colonel Townsend, were in reserve.
It was thought that Lieutenant Colonel Grinnell had been killed, as he was missing.
Captain Judson Killpatrick, of Company H, of the Zouaves, was wounded in the fleshy part of the thigh by the bursting of a shell, but gallantly led his company across the field to the attack.

Washington, June 11, 1861.
A messenger just arrived from Fortress Monroe reports that on Sunday night, at eleven o'clock, Brigadier General Pierce detailed sixteen infantry companies from Newport News Point from the following regiments:--Six from the German regiment, five from the Fourth Massachusetts, and five from the Vermont regiment. They had two pieces of artillery, six-pounders, under command of Lieutenant Greble, of the regular army. They were ordered to march to a place called Bethel, where it was supposed there were some secessionists. On the route two of our companies, in the grey of the morning, mistook each other for the enemy and pitched in. Shots were exchanged, and some were killed and wounded in Colonel Townsend's Albany regiment.
After an understanding the forces concentrated with an additional force of two thousand men coming up from Fortress Monroe, detailed by General Butter, bringing with them two howitzers. Altogether there were about four thousand men on our side. They proceeded on until they reached Bethel, where it turned out there was a powerful battery of rifled cannon and about two thousand men. Our forces could not see the battery, it being masked; consequently General Pierce ordered a charge, and when the men reached within a mere gunshot of the battery it was unmasked, and a terrible raking fire opened. Our men did not flinch, although death seemed to stare them in the face. 
The battle lasted some hours. Lieutenant Greble was the life of the fight. He inspired the men to stand firm, and worked his two pieces with shot and shell with the greatest effect. It was apparent that the shells produced consternation, as all the guns were silenced except one, when Lieutenant Greble was struck by a cannon ball and, instantly killed.
At about the same time it was apparent that the ammunition of our men was giving out. A small creek between them and the rebel earthwork presented a formidable obstacle. About seventy Zouaves, however, passed round the creek, and were frequently seen contending with the enemy at the greatest odds.
Gen. Pierce gave the order to fall back, and my informant, who was in the battle, and just arrived here with despatches to the government, says they did so in good order. They retired about three miles, and halted when a messenger was sent to General Butler to report the facts, and to ask for reinforcements, with more cannon, and, if possible, some cavalry.
About eleven were killed and forty wounded on our side, but the number killed and wounded of the rebels is not known.
When my informant left Fortress Monroe last evening reinforcements had gone to Gen Pierce, and Gen. Butler said he would have the battery before morning.

WASHINGTON, June 11,1861.
In my previous despatch I should have mentioned that my informant, who was in the engagement at Bethel, states positively that the report that the cannon belonging to the federal forces were taken is false. They were moved back with the troops, and the latter retired in good order, only regretting the want of ammunition and the fall of Lieutenant Greble, who inspired them more than any other officer.
I am satisfied that there were more men killed on our side than I mentioned in my previous despatch. The Zouaves suffered severely in attempting to carry the place by storm. They acted most gallantly, and I have no doubt that it will turn out that at least one hundred were killed on our side when the detailed report appears. 
Great mortification is felt here at the repulse of the federal forces. Eye witnesses of the affair say the confusion and heavy loss of life was due to the fact that the troops had literally to act without a leader. The general opinion is that the ignorance of General Pierce calls for a prompt court martial.
On receipt of the news from Fortress Monroe a special meeting of the Cabinet was immediately called together, and remained in session for nearly two hours.

WASHINGTON, June 11,1861.
It appears now that the despatches that came from Fortress Monroe made no reference to the battle at Great Bethel, but related to other subjects. Gen. Butler had no time before the steamer left yesterday to make any detailed report, and probably determined not to do so until he can announce the Capture of the rebel batteries.

We are indebted to Paymaster Macgregor, of the Fourth regiment New York Volunteers (Scott Life Guard), who arrived in this city last night, for the following particulars in reference to the engagement:—
June 10, 1861.
This camp, recently established upon a peninsula about eight miles from Fortress Monroe, bordered by the James and Rappahannock rivers, and opposite the Elizabeth river, leading to Norfolk, is one of considerable strategic importance. There are now encamped there five regiments, viz:—the First Vermont, Colonel Phelps; Third Massachusetts, Colonel Packard; and three regiments of New York Volunteers, consisting of the Seventh, Colonel Bendix; Fourth (Scott Life Guard), Colonel Taylor; and the Ninth (Zouaves), Colonel Hawkins.
The vicinity is infested with secessionists, and rebel forces in considerable numbers are known to exist in the neighborhood, principally at Yorktown, where they are organized four thousand strong.
An order was issued yesterday, by General Butler, ordering 1,000 men from the Vermont, Massachusetts and Seventh New York regiments to rendezvous at midnight at a junction of roads about five miles from here, to meet an equal force detailed from Fort Monroe, from Colonel Duryee's, Colonel Townsend's and Colonel Allen's regiments, to proceed to a place called Bethel, to disperse a force of some 400 rebels assembled there. Colonel Bendix, who, with two field pieces, in command of Lieutenant Greble, led the advance, had arrived at the point above mentioned, suddenly discovered a force approaching, and from a failure to give the proper countersign, or other cause, mistook them for enemies, and Colonel Bendix gave the order to fire, which they did, killing and wounding eight men belonging to Colonel Townsend's regiment.
After this most unfortunate calamity the forces joined and marched towards Bethel, before reaching which, and within two miles of the town, a locality called Little Bethel was searched, cleared of rebels and burned. Shortly after leaving the place they fell in with the enemy's pickets, who were driven in, and as they were approaching the town and near the bank of a creek which separated them from the town, a concealed battery suddenly opened upon them with fearful effect, the first shot killing three of Col. Bendix's men. Our forces came up to the creek, the artillery in the centre and infantry on the right and left, and opened fire upon them across the creek, a distance of about 100 yards. The rebels thought to number 1,800 men, had rifled cannon and Minie rifles, which they used with fatal effect on our men. A bridge formerly in existence had been burned, and the locality rendered it impossible for our forces to make a flank movement. Our troops fought bravely, under great disadvantages of position. After fighting for two or three hours in this way the federal forces withdrew, the firing ceased on both sides, our artillery ammunition having been exhausted. The loss on our side is about seventy-five, killed and wounded.. Lieutenant Greble was killed.
Major Winthrop, aid to General Butler, is also supposed to be dead. Upon our troops retiring the enemy burned their works, apparently intending to fall back upon Yorktown.
The whole affair—so disastrous and by many considered impolitic—has spread a deep gloom over the regiments, each of which has a share in the killed and wounded. Brigadier General Pierce, who commanded the expedition, is blamed and charged with lacking skill and judgment in the management. 
The troops at Newport News are in fine condition and spirits, anxious for a fight, but are almost hopeless of meeting the enemy in an open field fight, where they are confident they could drive them to the four winds. A brigadier general is badly needed at the Newport News camp, where five regiments are stationed and no recognized authorized local commander. The camping ground is a beautiful plateau, a mile in length, elevated fifteen or twenty feet from the water, skirted by woods. Daily excursions are made for the provender, and mules, horses, cows, pigs, poultry, &c, are seized for the assistance and comfort of the garrison. Gen. Butler's orders are that all bounty must be paid for, excepting that of "secessionists," which is forfeited.

This officer, who was in supreme command of the troops in the affair before alluded to, is a native of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and was appointed by Governor Andrew to fill the vacancy caused by the promotion of Major General Butler. He recently arrived at Fortress Monroe, and entered upon his duties. His military antecedents we know very little of at present, but we understand that he has held a Brigadier General's commission for upwards of two years in the regular organized militia of Massachusetts. He held a conspicuous position at the head of his brigade on the occasion of the review of the Massachusetts troops by the Prince of Wales on Boston Common, in October last. He is a man about forty five years of age, and has a good military bearing, but as to his skill and ability to lead troops we have no other positive information than the affair at Big Bethel developed.

This gallant officer, who met a patriot's death while serving a gun in the affair at Great Bethel, was a native of Pennsylvania, from which State he was appointed to a cadetship in the United Stales Military Academy in 1850. He graduated in 1854, and was immediately appointed brevet Second Lieutenant in the Second regiment of artillery. In 1854 he was detailed as acting assistant Professor of Ethics at the Academy. He subsequently (1857) was promoted to a first lieutenancy, which position he held at the time of his death. He was a brave, gallant and chivalrous officer, and his loss will be mourned by a host of warm friends.

Philadelphia, June 11, 1861.
I have just returned from the residence of Edwin Greble, Esq., in Nineteenth street, below Walnut. Mr. Greble is the father of Lieut. John C. Greble, who was slain, as your despatches state, in the unsuccessful assault upon the masked battery at Great Bethel, near Fortress Monroe. The dwelling of Mr. Greble is of princely dimensions, with interior arrangements corresponding to its external appearance. It adjoins Rittenhouse square, and stands but a square remote from the palatial dwellings of Joseph Harrison, Esq., J. Edgar Thompson and kindred millionaires.
I rang the bell and was ushered into a broad hall and dark, melancholy parlor, standing in the doorway of which the smothered voices of sobbing, from invisible occupants of the room, saluted me on every side. In a few minutes a member of the family approached, from whom I gleaned the following particulars of the life and character of the gallant deceased.
He was born in January, 1834, and attended the Central High School, of this City, in 1846, at the age of twelve years. A capable and industrious student, he won the regard of his Professors, and is remembered to the present day by Professor J. S. Hart and the eminent Doctor McMurtrie, as a most promising and gentlemanly scholar, While at school he was a mathematician of some note, and made rapid advancement in civil engineering and mechanical drawing. These latter indications, joined with a striking tendency for physical amusements, determined his bent of mind for the military profession. 
At the age of sixteen he graduated, in the month of June, and at once entered West Point, and, accomplishing the series of studies, received a commission as Second Lieutenant in the regular army and was soon ordered to Florida. In a short time his health failed, and the regimental physician ordered him home. He returned to Philadelphia, and was afterwards elected a tutor at West Point, where he served with distinction until October last, when he was made a First Lieutenant, and proceeded at once to Fortress Monroe. 
When at West Point, young Greble married a daughter of Rev. Mr. French, chaplain of that institution, by whom he had two children. The bereaved ones are now staying with Lieutenant Greble's father, in Fifteenth street. The whole family are deeply afflicted. Those with whom we conversed narrated, through their tears, the virtues and courage of the son and the husband. He had been in daily habit of writing to them, and during the past three months there was no single arrival from Fortress Monroe when a letter from the Lieutenant failed to reach them.
Mrs. Greble remained with her husband at the fortress until the calamity of approaching hostilities necessitated the order for the removal of the women and children. Conscious that her husband would be among the most daring, she has waited with shifting anxieties and pride for the first tidings of war. They have brought to her both sorrow and joy: sorrow that her children are fatherless; but joy at the conviction that he died by his guns, and that in his death his memory is made green. 
" He was, sir," said our informant, "such a mild spoken man, such a gentleman, and yet a soldier from childhood, we knew that he would die fighting." 
Mr. Greble, the father of the deceased, is the proprietor of extensive marble works, at 1,708 West Chestnut street, near his residence. He received, at three o'clock to-day, a special despatch announcing the death. The house and factory were at once closed, and the avocations of life gave place to the deepest regret.
John T. Farr of this city, was long the friend of young Greble, and his Sunday school teacher in old days. His family are touched with a kindred grief.
The body of the deceased will be brought to this city on Thursday next, and interred in Woodland Cemetery with funeral honors. The whole city is filled with mourning.

This gallant officer, commanding Company H, of Duryee's Zouaves, and who was shot in the leg in charging the battery at Great Bethel, was born in Deckertown, New Jersey, where his family at present reside. He is a very young man, being only twenty-two years of age. He is a graduate of West Point, having l e f t that institution only last month. He has taken a deep interest in military matters, as it is his intention to make it a life profession.
He was offered a captaincy in Colonel Duryee's Zouaves, which he accepted, and was appointed to command Company H. About a week before he took his departure with his regiment for the seat of war he was joined in marriage to a young lady of New Jersey.

New York, September 9th, 1882.
Editor Leader—In your issue of the 6th ult. I see, under the title of "Our Living Heroes," a mention of Private Wood, of Co. H, Fifth N.Y.V. (Duryee's Zouaves), for meritorious conduct in saving the life of Col. Townsend, of the Third N.Y.V., at the Battle of Great Bethel. Now, I say honor to whom honor is due. Give Wood credit for firing the first shot, and no more; as to saving Col. Townsend's life, Wood had nothing to do with it: it was Private William H. Burnham, of Co. H, Fifth N. Y. V. (Duryee's Zouaves), who did the deed, and for which Col. Townsend presented him with a medal (which I have seen) in the shape of a $20 gold piece, with this inscription (as near as I can remember) on it. "Presented to William H. Burnham, of Co. H, Fifth N, Y. V., by Col. E. D. Townsend, of the Third N.Y.V., for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of Great Bethel, Va., June 9th, 1861. By publishing the above you will do Burnam justice, and obilge an ex-member of Co. H, Fifth N. Y. V. Yours, etc.
RULIF VAN BRUNT, JR., 771 Third av., N. Y.

On Sunday night the Fifth N. Y. Veterans (Duryea Zouaves) arrived at the Battery Barracks, and was furnished with quarters until Monday afternoon, when the organization went to Hart's Island. During the day, many of the members of the Fifth visited various portions of the city, and attracted much attention by their showy uniforms. The officers report that the discipline of the men is excellent. The regiment was highly complimented by many Regular army officers, at the late review in Washington. The Fifth took the field in 1861, and served two years. It then returned home, when four companies were recruited from the old organization, and new companies were raised, with which it took the field in 1863. Since 1861 about 2,164 have been recruited or assigned to this regiment. Seven hundred and thirty men have returned with the regiment, of whom about one hundred enlisted in 1861. The regiment was attached to the First Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Army Corps, and wore for its distinctive mark the "white cross." Since its original organization the Fifth has been commanded by six Colonels, as follows: Gen. Duryea, Gen. Warren, Col. Duryee, Col. Winslow, Gen. Winthrop and Col. Drum. Gens. Winthrop and Warren, and Col. Drum are regular army officers. The following are the present officers of the regiment: Colonel William F. Drum; Brevet Major, Henry Schickardt; Brevet Major, John F. York; Brevet Major, Wm. H. Chambers; Captain, Gordon F. Winslow; Captains, John McKeon, John Taylor; Assistant-Surgeon Robinson; Adjutant Oscar Wirt; Quartermaster, John F. Raymond; Surgeon, Orasmus Smith; First Lieutenant (Brevet Captain,) R. Greene; First Lieutenant, John C. Browne; Second Lieutenant, Noble Cornish; Second
Lieutenant. Ed. Williams.
(N.Y. Times -- June 7, 1865)

NEW YORK, Sept. 27, 1862
The friends of the following named men belonging to Duryee's Zouaves (Fifth New York State Volunteers) will be pleased to learn of their safety through your columns. They were taken prisoners at the battle of Bull run, August 30, and paroled by Colonel Stafford, of the rebel army, September 1, at Gainesville, Va.:
J. Thelarius..................Co. A Joseph Tyndall. .......Co. D
Chas. Ambsler.............Co. B John Hoolahan.........Co. D
R. B. Fogarty...............Co. B Corporal J. Carroll…Co. B
Wm. S. McLane..........Co. B Peter VanGenderin...Co. E
Corporal J. C. Boyd.....Co. B Clinton S. Cowles....Co. F
Patrick McKenna. …...Co. B James Reilly.............Co. H
Lewis Matos................Co. C Henry Woodfall.......Co. H
John McAnasbie …….Co. C John Hearne......... ...Co. I
Sergeant J. H. Reilly.. .Co. D John Kerrigan..........Co. K
Most of the above were sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, but did not remain there long. None of them were wounded accept myself. 
Company D, Duryee's Zouaves

& c., &c., &c.
Fortress Monroe, June 12,
Via Baltimore, June 18,1861.
The county bridge where the battle was fought is near the head of a branch of Back river, and is better known as Big Bethel.
After crossing a narrow, but apparently deep stream, the road deflects somewhat to the left along its side. Just beyond the bridge the rebels have flanked their battery, consisting at least of one twelve-pound rifled cannon and two field pieces. A line of intrenchments then followed the right side of the road, a ditch only being between them. Their position was excellently chosen.
There were a stream and a morass on the left side of the road, widening so as to render futile any attempt to outflank the rebels on that side. The formation of ground on the right side made a flank movement very circuitous.
The first intimation of the battery was a sharp discharge of artillery upon the Zouaves, who twice attempted to carry the work, but were unable to pass the stream, and had to fall back among the trees. Other regiments then came up in the order given in my first despatch, but, for want of a good commander, fell into confusion. 
A council of Colonels was now held, and the order given to retreat, after the men had been exposed an hour and a half to a destructive fire. In the meantime Lieut. Col. Washburn, with two hundred and fifty men, had, by a wide circuit, reached the rear of the battery, and it is quite evident that the Confederate troops, who, it is now determined, did not number six hundred men, were on the point of leaving the field. Notwithstanding the report of the pursuit, the rebels were not seen this side of Big Bethel. It is fortunate that the rebel cavalry did not make a pursuit on the disappearance of the federal troops. 
The whole force of the enemy, fearing an attack under better auspices, left their intrenchments, and hastily withdrew towards Yorktown, carrying away their artillery and burning the adjacent buildings. Col. Taylor, with nearly a thousand men, yesterday made a reconnaissance from Newport News, but returned to his camp in the evening. With this exception, no military movement occurred. A captain of the Zouaves, with their assistant surgeon, has gone to-day to Big Bethel, with a flag of truce and bearing a letter from General Butler, respecting the burial of the dead. They have not yet returned.
The official returns of the lost are not yet complete. The casualties, I am confident, will number not less than twenty-five killed and over fifty wounded. Two of the wounded, at Hygela Hospital, died yesterday.
Colonel Bendix’s regiment has three killed, seven wounded and two missing. 
The accident in the morning near Little Bethel cost Colonel Townsend's regiment two lives and several wounded. At Big Bethel he had one killed and two mortally wounded.
Quite a large number are still missing. Lieutenant Greble, whose funeral is now being celebrated with imposing ceremonies, was killed while on horseback. His head was struck by a rifled cannon ball.
Major Winthrop fell, mortally wounded, in the arms of a Vermont volunteer. He was Aid and Acting Secretary to General Butler, and author of the brilliant Seventh regiment article in the June number of the Atlantic Monthly.
Brigadier General Pierce has not yet given an official account of the unfortunate affair.
The Monticello has just arrived from Washington, with a large amount of ammunition.
The weather is intensely hot.

Camp Dix, Fortress Monroe, June 10, 1861
Interesting Account of the Battle of Big Bethel by a Soldier Who Was engaged Therein &c.
I have at last some interesting though not very good news to communicate to you. Yesterday morning the camp was called to arms by beat of drum at four o'clock, to march, where, we knew not. We were supported by the Second, Third, Fifth and Seventh regiments, but no artillery; Colonel Duryee's Zouaves were sent in advance about two hours ahead; but the General who had command of our brigade knew no more about his business than a child, and his incompetency caused us to suffer the way we did without gaining one single point; our repulse was what I would call a palpable defeat. We marched about ten miles through a road closed on each side with thickly set trees, when suddenly the enemy's batteries opened upon us. Good God!, what a fire. One lieutenant and one orderly sergeant were killed at the first discharge. They used rifle cannon, and their rifle balls came crashing through the trees, scattering the branches and stumps among us. Our men never flinched; they marched steadily on, under a boiling sun. I can never forget the sight. It was terrific. Here and there we would meet some of Duryee's men lying, some dead and some dying. We passed one leg and one hand, which had been torn to pieces by those rifled cannon. We marched up a lane directly opposite the Southern batteries, and there-shame to our General—he exposed us to a most raking fire of shot and shell for some time. We halted immediately in front of a picket fence which we were ordered to tear down; we did so, and were then ordered to charge the battery. One single regiment to charge twenty rifled cannon in line, and an unknown force! If we had ever charged there would not be a man left to tell the tale. We were then ordered to lay on our faces on the hot sand; and there for one hour and forty minutes we were exposed to the awful fire; the balls sang "Dixie" and ploughed up the ground in front and behind us. The shells tore up the sand and scattered it in our men's eyes. To have taken that battery we ought to have had two batteries of flying artillery; but we had only one single sixpounder, served by eight regulars and one lieutenant who, poor fellow, the last shot that he fired was struck by a cannon ball, which carried away the back part of his head, scattering his brains over our doctor's coat, who was helping to carry a wounded man off the field. As soon as the regulars saw their lieutenant killed they deserted their gun, when one of our companies took it home. We were obliged to beat a retreat, which we d id in good order, leaving about forty on the field. As our ambulance, with wounded, was going down the road a party of cavalry dashed out of the woods and fired on the wagon, which our men returned, killing twenty of them and took four prisoners. If they had come out of the battery we would have been able to have given them a good reception; but they knew too much. It is a wonder we were not cut to pieces. We could see their bayonets gleaming through the bushes in the sunlight.

The following particulars of the battle at Big Bethel, from an officer engaged in it, and who arrived in this city last night, is as follows: Our forces had been closing in around the battery of the enemy, and had obtained important points with little loss, when the order to retreat was given. At this time Captain Clark, of the Massachusetts Rifles, with his two companies, lay on the left flank in such a position that the enemy's works and movements were in full view. The First Vermont regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Washburn, had outflanked the rebels, and gained a position in the rear, and poured a hot fire into the battery and silenced it. Our troops in front of the enemy, thought that they were out of ammunition, when in reality they could not stand against the well directed fire of the Vermonters. Just at this time General Pierce gave the order to cease fire and retreat. Not a man was hurt of the Vermont regiment until the rebels resumed their firing, after which the federal troops began to retreat, which they did in good order. A member of the Vermont regiment is missing; and three or four were wounded. It is feared that the missing man was killed, as nothing was heard of him up to Wednesday night. 
The Vermonters behaved nobly. They flanked the enemy, marched down one of their ditches, almost to within five rods of the breastwork, and opened a galling fire upon them. The rebels taken by surprise, were perfectly panic struck, and left the ditch. As fast as they left they were picked off by the Massachusetts rifles. Before they attempted to escape, and before the Vermont regiment had gained their important position, Captain Clark's men had done such good service with their rifles that the rebels dare not show their heads above their breastworks, but discharged their rifles at random. A large number of the enemy are known to have been shot by Captain Clark's men. The dead and wounded of the enemy were removed in horse cart in the ditches.
When our troops retreated, the chaplain of the Massachusetts rifles was cut off from the main body, and narrowly escaped being arrested by hiding in the woods, near the meeting house. That gentleman states that the meetinghouse was used as a hospital, that it was filled with the dead and wounded, and estimates their loss at from fifty to seventy five killed and about a hundred wounded. The men of the Vermont regiment and Captain Clark's companies also estimate the number about the same of the killed and wounded of the enemy. 
The ditch which the Vermont right wing moved down was thought by them to have been dug for the purpose of retreating.
It is thought by some that the reason General Pierce gave the order to retreat was that our artillery was cutting Captain Clark's companies to pieces, as they were in a line with the rebel battery, but they being on low ground the balls passed safely over their heads in every instance. 
When Colonel Duryee's and the Vermont regiments had passed Adjutant Whiting's house (an officer in the Southern army) they returned when the firing commenced at the fork of the road. As the Vermonters were repassing the house the Adjutant was standing in the front door, and deliberately shot at Orderly Sweet, of the Second Company, the ball passing through the tail of his coat. Adjutant Stevens and Colonel Duryee, with two or three of his Zouaves, at once arrested Whiting, and Adjutant Stevens gave him a severe kicking. The house was then fired by Colonel Duryee and Adjutant Stevens, and burned, together with the costly furniture and contents. The whole was worth about $8,000. Adjutant Whiting was then taken to Hampton and placed under arrest.
Each man had forty rounds of ammunition, only twelve of which were used.
The Zouaves were the first to open the fire after the artillery had found the enemy's position, which they did from their left flank. As soon as the engagement commenced from the enemy's batteries the Zouaves charged on them, and kept the charge up until ordered to retreat. The report still prevails that the battery has been evacuated.

The following is a list, so far as we have been enabled to compile it, of the federal loss at the engagement of Big Bethel:
1. —Major Winthrop, Aid and Acting Secretary to Gen. Butler.
2.—Lieutenant Greble, Second Artillery.
3.--George H. Diebout, Company A, New York Fifth regiment.
4.—James Greggs, Company H, New York Fifth regiment.
5.—Daniel Tieforth, Company I, New York Fifth regiment.
6.— Patrick White, Company I, New York Fifth regiment.
7.—James (or Joseph) Gager, Company I, New York Fifth regiment; shot through both scapulae.
8. —Mooney, Company E, New York Second regiment.
9.—Francis L. Souther, Company H, Massachusetts Fourth regiment; shot through both arms and chest; died in the hospital on Monday, June 10, at 8:40 P. M.
10.—William Carey, Company A, New York Third regiment.
11.—Orderly Sergeant Goodfellow, Company D, New York First regiment; shot dead by a cannon ball.
1.--Judson Kilpatrick, Captain Company H, New York Fifth, in the leg; not dangerous.
2.—T. S. Dumont, Ensign Company B, New York Fifth, bayonet wound in the leg; slightly.
3.--J.S. York, Lieutenant Company I, New York Fifth, slightly.
4.--Ordance Sergeant Bell, New York Fifth, slightly.
5.--Sergeant Sidell, Company A, New York Fifth.
6.--Adolph Vincennes, Company A, New York Fifth, dangerously.
7.--James L. Taylor, Company B, New York Fifth, mortally.
8.—Edward Moore, Company D, New York Fifth, slightly.
9.--John Brosher, Company B, New York Fifth, slightly.
10.—Joseph Knowles, Company E, New York Fifth, hand shot off.
11.--Thomas (or J.W.) Cartwright, Company G, New York Fifth, slightly.
12.--John Dunn, Company H, New York Fifth, arm shot off.
13.--H. E. Cohen, Corporal Company H, New York Fifth, shoulder dislocated.
14.--Brinkerhoff, Corporal Company C, New York Fifth, slightly.
15.—Jas. A. Cochran, Company H, New York Fifth, slightly.
16.—John H. Conway, Company H, New York Fifth, slightly.
17.--Joseph Richards, Company C, New York Third, slight bayonet wound in thigh.
18.—Wm. C. Cady, Company F, New York Third, shot in abdomen; mortal.
19.—James Garbett, Company G, New York Third, shot in thigh.
20 —John Connolly, Company A, New York Third, shot in the knee.
21.—Philip Sweeney, Company C; New York Third, shot in the thigh.
22.— — Stone, Company H, New York Third, slightly.
23 —Frederick H. Baker, Company A, New York Third, wounded in calf of leg.
24.—George Boyce, Company H, New York Third, shot through left armpit.
25.--William Hall, Company D, New York Third, shot in the wrist.
26.—John Larkln, Company E, New York Second, shot in the arm.
27.—Lanagan, Company E, New York Second, shot in the arm.
28.—Dodge, Company F, New York Second, wounded slightly.
29—Conrad Gauth, Company K, New York Seventh, in chest.
30.--James H. Preston, Company A, New York Seventh, sun stroke.
1.--Sergeant Hopper, Company C, New York Fifth.
2.--Allen Dodd, Company I, New York Fifth.
Killed Wounded Missing
NewYork Fifth 5 16 2
" First 1 — —
" Second 1 3 —
" Third 1 9 ---
" Seventh --- 2 —
Massachusetts Fourth 1 --- ---
Major Winthrop, 1 --- ---
Lieutenant Greble, 1 — —
Total 11 30 2
Total loss....................................................... 43
The above total is not at all complete. We have given in the list such names only as we have received, omitting count of numbers mentioned as killed, wounded or missing in the various regiments.

One of our special correspondents at Fortress Monroe, after enumerating the details of the battle at Big Bethel, thus instances cases of the courage displayed by our troops near the close of the battle. 
On the retreat Capt. Wilson, of Col. Carr's regiment, observing that a six pounder had been left on the field, about fifty rods from the battery, said to his men, "Boys, there is a cannon. We must not leave it behind; we must take it with us. The company to a man shouted, "We will take it." And he immediately marched his company up the road to the piece. Scarcely had they reached it before the enemy opened a scorching fire, which killed private Mooney, and wounded privates Lanergan and John Larkin. The drag ropes were not attached to the gun, and but a moment was employed in tieing them on, as the storm of grape and rifle shot hailed thick about them. Every moment they expected to be their last, as full ten guns were constantly playing upon them. Finally, in what seemed to be an age, the ropes were tied on and with a cheer they rushed the cannon into the woods, and then Captain Wilson with five men, went back to the open space, seized the caisson, and then quickly took up the body of quickly took up the body of poor Lieutenant Greble and got into the woods with both, before the enemy could recovered from the surprise and astonishment at the daring audacity of our men. 
Sergeant White fired the last two charges he had, and then retreated with his howitzer, bringing off with him several wounded Zouaves. He was the last officer to leave the field, and his gallant service during the day is recognized and appreciated by all. The Clarke’s Rifles fought like devils all day, and earned for themselves an enviable reputation. Lieutenant White, with twenty men, was far in the rear, and kept in check a body of forty gorse and fifty foot for four miles, when they were reinforced, and came in safely.

We have received an "extra" of a secessionist paper called the "South," published in Baltimore by an association. For additional War New see Fifth and Eighth Pages.

… tion of traitors, in which is depicted in glowing terms what is purported to be "a true account of the glorious battle at Big Bethel." The truthfulness of the report, which is news to people in this region, may be gathered from the following heading to the article:
Passing over a mass of falsehoods and absurdities in the first part of the "extra," we extract the following paragraph relating the manner to which information was given to the rebels in regard to the approach of our gallant
troops. It says:—
We understand positively at Hampton that Colonel J. B. Magruder was in command of the Confederate forces, which consisted of one artillery corps, with one hundred men and six pieces, a cavalry corps of one hundred, and three hundred riflemen and infantry--five hundred in all. It is said the cavalry were an advance force from Yorktown, and were engaged in erecting a battery where the engagement took place, to intercept the advance of Butler on Yorktown. About two miles from Big Bethel the forces of Pierce discovered t w o of the cavalry, which were from H a m p t o n doing duty as pickets. 
They succeeded in capturing one of them, who proved to be Captain Whiting and who is said to have allowed himself to be taken in order to enable his comrade to escape, reach the camp and report the approach of the enemy to Colonel Magruder. His comrade started at full speed to give the alarm, when the pursuers fired several shots at him, and although supposed to be wounded, as he fell upon the neck of his horse, he succeeded in reaching the Confederate camp and enabled Colonel Magruder to hastily prepare for battle before his enemy came up. He had previously burned the bridge, and his men were engaged in digging a trench and throwing up breastworks, when the wounded picket announced the rapid approach of the foe. Colonel M. then planted his six pieces near the bank of the stream—four in the front rank and the other two a short distance in the rear, on the hill side, with his riflemen and infantry in the unfinished trench, and his cavalry thrown back as a reserve. 
The federal troops moved up to the opposite side of the stream, with three field pieces in the front of the column, commanded by Lieutenant Greble, but apparently unaware of the position of the Confederate forces until they had opened on them with their artillery, rifles and musketry. The shock was so great that the advance column fell back in great confusion, leaving their dead and wounded where they fell. 
Among other falsehoods, the rebel "extra" states that Colonel Townsend's epaulettes were shot from his shoulders [He had no epaulettes—ED ] The extra then goes on to say:—
Col. Townsend of the Albany regiment, driven to desperation by the disgrace attaching to his command from their "brush" with Col. Benedix's Germans, is said to have exhibited a reckless daring, in endeavoring to retrieve the good name they bore before they had been tested, and it was deemed wonderful that Col. T. escaped unhurt. The federal troops charge that the greater portion of their officers acted very badly, saving themselves by hiding behind the larger trees in the woods. The stream which separated them from the Confederate forces is only some eighteen or twenty yards in width, yet no effort was made to cross over to charge Col. Magruder's
battery. When the order was at length given to retreat, the federal troops started in wild confusion, and Co1. Magruder ordered his cavalry to pursue them, which they did with deadly effect, and also secured a number of prisoners. The cavalry followed them several miles, seriously harassing the rear of the retreating army. The Confederate loss, as reported, was three men killed and ten or twelve wounded, while the loss of Gen. Pierce is nearly or quite four hundred in killed, wounded and missing.

Field Officers:
Colonel, Abram Duryee; Lieutenant Colonel G. K. Warren; Major, J. M. Davies.
Staff Officers:
Quartermaster, J. H. Wells; Adjutant, J. E. Hamblin; Surgeon, R.G. Gilbert; Assistant Surgeon, B. E. Martin; Chaplain, Rev. G. Winslow; Sergeant Major, John Collins; Quartermaster Sergeant; O. L Isaacs.
Line Officers:
Company A—Captain, H. D. Hull: Lieutenant. W. P. Partridge; Ensign.
Company B—Captain, E. S. Dumont; Lieutenant, G. Carr; Ensign (sometimes classed as Second Lieutenant), T. S. Dumont (wounded in the leg by a bayonet during the engagement at Big Bethel.
Company C—Captain, H E. Davis, Jr.; Lieutenant, J. F. Evans; Ensign, C. H. Seaman. . . . . . . .
Company D—Captain, James P. Waugh; Lieutenant, W. F. Lewis; Ensign, J. A. Cochrane.
Company E--Captain, H. Duryee; Lieutenant, George Duryee; Ensign, H. H. Burnett.
Company F—Captain, H. A. Swartout; Lieutenant, O. Wetmore, Jr.; Ensign, C. Boyd.
Company G—Captain, A. Denlke; Lieutenant, J. Duryee; Ensign, Jr., Bradley.
Company H-- Captain, J. Kilpatrick (shot in the leg during the engagement at Big Bethol); Lieutenant. C. Cambrelling; Ensign, James Miller.
Company I--Captain, Charles G. Bartlett; Lieutenant, J. S. York; Ensign. J. H. Whitney.
Company K—Captain, C. Winslow; Lieutenant, W. H. Hoyt; Ensign Wm. Ferguson. 
Fifth Regiment (Battalion) New -....
...cren Volunteers (Duryea's Zouaves).

[Special Correspondence of the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.]
Camp Slough, near Alexandria, Va., March 15.
Departure-The Soldier's home—Change of Camp--
Plenty Guard duty and Grumbling.
It will be remembered we left Staten Island on or about the 25th of last October, and proceeded to Perth Amboy. Arriving at the latter place we were thrust into a lot of cattle-cars, and arrived safely in Washington on the morning of the 27th. 
Tired, sleepy, and hungry, we were immediately marched to the Soldier's Home. It is needless to state we did full justice to the excellent food placed before us.
About three o'clock in the afternoon we were ordered to sling knapsacks and fall in, and we proceeded down Pennsylvania avenue, and across the Long Bridge, and once more, (as veterans) stood upon the "sacred soil" of Virginia. We encamped near Fort Albany, and remained there for two or three weeks, when we were ordered to this place. Here we have remained ever since.
We have plenty of duty to do here, patrolling the railroad, wharves, etc. In fact, every other night we are on duty, which causes, considerable grumbling. Our battalion is composed mostly of members of the old Thirty-first, Thirty-Sixth, and Thirty-seventh Regiments, with representatives from nearly all the two years' regiments.
Our Lieutenant-Colonel (Cleveland Winslow), who is a soldier and a gentleman, has been suffering for the past three or four weeks with the erisypelas.
Lieutenant John H. Raymond is acting Adjutant, and, by his soldierly bearing and gentlemanly manners, has endeared himself to the hearts of all the men of this command.
We are expecting the Paymaster here every day to gladden our hearts by the sight of Uncle Sam's greenbacks. In my next I will give you a list of our officers. Until then, au revoir.
(July 17, 1861)

Maj. Mansfield Davies has been very successful in obtaining the desired number of recruits for Col. Duryee's popular regiment. The last detachment of 100 men will leave for the seat of war in a few days. Meanwhile, Maj. Davies intends visiting Fortress Monroe, to transact some business which needs his personal attention, and will return after a brief absence. For the convenience of persons living up the river, the Major has caused a depot for the registry of names to be opened at Catskill, and already a number of recruits have been gathered so. The regiment is very popular on account of the comfort and elegance of the uniform, and the skill of the officers. On Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, p. m., a beautiful stand of colors was presented to the regiment, and received by Capt. Kilpatrick for his company, and by Maj. Davies in behalf of the regiment. The donor is Miss Pyne. Maj. Davies is recruiting a fine band of musicians, to whom he furnishes a very handsome uniform and gives to first class men the pay of Sergeant of Engineers, and to second class ones $16 per month.

Headquarters, Fifth Regiment, N.Y.S.V.
Demonstration on the Route-False Alarms to Test the Courage
of the Men--Luxurious Life in Camp--Colonel Abram Duryee promoted.
After leaving the glorious Empire City in the steam transport Alabama, on Thursday evening, the 23d inst., our men, instead of settling down in melancholy, enjoyed themselves to their hearts' content. We arrived off the bar on Friday night, and in the afternoon passed the steam transport Cambridge, of Boston, having the prize ship Ella, of Richmond, in tow. We exchanged signals, and salutes were fired from our vessel and the Cambridge. The ovation our regiment received in New York was scarcely to be compared to that awaiting us all along our route. Every vessel we passed took notice of the picturesque scene of our regiment clustered on the hurricane deck of our vessel—the red, white and blue uniform attracting considerable attention. Dipping of colors, cheers upon cheers, and other means of friendly and joyous greetings, were the demonstrations made in honor of the Fifth regiment.
On our arrival at Fortress Monroe the ships-of-war Cumberland and Minnesota, the latter the flagship of Commodore Stringham, manned the rigging and gave us three cheers—such cheers as only American tars can utter—the bands playing the national airs on both sides. At our landing we were courteously received by the officers of the Troy regiment, Colonel Carr. We landed about eleven o'clock, and by five the regiment was on the campground, two miles from the fort, being not only Advance Guard by name, but the advance guard in position. Since then we have been undergoing strict discipline, the monotony of camp life being somewhat enlivened by alarms raised, which our beloved Colonel instigates to test in how short a time his command can get ready for action. At one of these alarms, caused by a sentinel firing at what he supposed to be a boat, Lieut. Theodore S. Dumont, of Company B, was sent with the guard to ascertain the cause of the alarm, which, of course, turned out to be only imaginary. Captain Kilpatrick has been detached from the regiment, with a detail as a reconnoitering party, and is doing good service. Captain Waugh has also been detailed on similar service. 
We are living here like kings. The ground we are encamped on is a beautiful meadow. At our back is a splendid vegetable garden, from which we are supplied with potatoes, onions, &c. On the beach are oceans of oysters, clams, lobsters and fish; the latter, weighing two and three pounds, are selling at two cents a piece. Thus you see we are in no impending prospect of our being starved to death very soon, as long as we can procure the luxurious bivalves and the finny tribes in such abundance. Colonel Duryee is a great favorite with everybody at this department, and has already been assigned the temporary command of the troops here. He will certainly be promoted to a Major Generalship; but it will cost a struggle to him to leave this regiment, upon which he fairly dotes. This feeling is also shared by the members of the regiment. There is not one man in the entire ranks who would not willingly go through fire and water to serve his commander. We are daily expecting orders to proceed into the interior, and our men are anxious to see some fighting.

A splendid regiment of Zouaves has been organized under the attractive nom de guere of "Advance Guard Zouaves," the regimental title of which, however, at military headquarters, is Fifth regiment New York State Militia. The members comprising it are all picked men from the ranks of thousands of those volunteers who, through youthful impulse, or the promptings of patriotism, have so continuously flocked to the recruiting quarters of favorite leaders.
Up to this moment the flow of military ardor "knows no retiring ebb," but still offers to the country in the present crisis all the material in men necessary to the fullest demand that can be made upon it. No wonder, then, that at such a time as this the name of Colonel Duryee would act as a talisman to evoke around him a regiment of men anxious to press forward to the front rank with those who have been so fortunate as to be among the first at the point of danger. From the moment that the headquarters for recruiting was established at 632 Broadway, hundreds offered their services, and, under the practiced eye of Colonel Duryee and some of his officers, a selection of men was made, and the companies were rapidly filled by a smart, clean, and as soldierly a set of fellows as ever abandoned the goose quill and ledger for the musket and cartouche box. Numbers of the men resigned lucrative situations to join, and many others among them have their former places kept open for them while their salaries are still running on. To their new duties these men have devoted themselves with a zeal and with a success which gratifies and excites the surprise of their experienced commander. Through the constant and properly directed attention of their officers they are rapidly acquiring an expertness in handling their arms and a precision in military evolutions which will render them when their hour of service comes, as great an acquisition to the patriot ranks as they will be terrible to their foes. The regiment at present is composed of only eight companies, numbering some 620 men, but two other companies will be raised at once so as to make it the full strength. There is no evident decrease in the number of volunteers who continue to present themselves for enlistment at the headquarters, but the Colonel will be more careful than even at first to pick his men, so as to ensure that credit which a regiment of such men as he now has is certain to win for himself and the city which sent them forth. The command is at present occupying Fort Schuyler, where, in addition to their regular course of training, the men perform all the duties devolving on a garrison. There are no less than forty-five men detailed for guard duty every day, under the command of an officer, or sergeant and three corporals. There are sentries posted day and night on the ramparts and on the grounds outside the fort, the more distant posts being a quarter mile from the guard house. Colonel Duryee and Major Davies make frequent visits to the posts through the night, for the purpose of impressing upon the sentries the necessity of keeping a sharp look out and accustoming them to the routine of sentinel duty at night. The duties of the Advance Zouaves do not stop even here. They also act as a water guard at night, in overhauling any suspicious small craft that may excite the attention of their ever watchful colonel. In this way, in the performance of these multifarious and unusual duties, the Zouaves are becoming fitted to act efficiently in any service the exigencies of a military career may open before them. The Quartermaster General has supplied tents to accommodate one thousand men. The tents are a portion of those used by the French army in the Crimea, and will be immediately put up on the exterior glacis of the fort. In these tents the men will be quartered, and thus get a foretaste of life in camp. They rather like the idea of it, and are anxious to put them up at once, but the unfavorable weather of the last couple of days has prevented this being done. Notwithstanding their constant drilling and guard mounting, with occasional sailoring there is a marked improvement in the appearance of the men since they went to Fort Schuyler. This is principally due to the healthy location they occupy, to the regular and plentiful supply of good and properly cooked food served out to them, and to the heartiness with which they have adapted themselves to their new life. An excellent understanding subsists between the men and their officers, and this tends not a little to the enjoyment and comfort of all.
Their uniforms are not yet completed, but by Saturday next they expect to present themselves to their friends in full Zouave regimentals. As yet they drill with the old heavy musket, but the Colonel expects shortly to be supplied with the more appropriate Enfield, or Sharpe's rifle. The regiment, as soon as uniformed and equipped, will visit New York and pass in review the members of the Chamber of Commerce, to whose patriotism and liberality Colonel Duryea is much indebted for assistance in the work of organizing and supplying the regiment with necessaries. But one feeling pervades the breasts of the gallant Zouaves, and that is a desire to be on the ground wherever and whenever the first blow shall be struck for the Union.
In their anxiety on this ground, however, they are sustained by the conviction that a regiment organized and trained and commanded by Colonel Duryee, will not be long allowed to remain inactive. The officers, besides all the time they devote to the drill of their respective companies, find still some spare time for improving themselves in the more complicated tactics of the school of war, and in fitting themselves to perform honorably whatever duties the chances of battle may entail upon them. Like the men they command, they are most eager for the fray.
The following is a list of the officers of the regiment:—
Field Officers—Colonel, Abraham Duryee; Lieutenant Colonel, G. K. Warren; Major, J. M. Davies.
Staff—Quartermaster, J. H. Wells; Assistant Quartermaster, Wm. H. Sedell; Commissary, W. T. Partridge; Assistant Commissary, Whitney; Surgeon, R. H. Gilbert; Surgeon's Mate, B. Ellis Martin; Paymaster, ____;
Assistant Paymaster, Charles Davies; Chaplain, Rev. G. Winslow; Adjutant. Jos. E. Jamblin; Colonel's Aid, W. H. Mallory.
Regimental Officers—Company A, Captain H. D. Hall; Lieutenants, Miller and Torrey. Company B, Captain R. S. Dumont; Lieutenants, Governeur Carr and J. S. Dumont; Company C, Captain Davies; Lieutenants, Evans and Seaman. Company D, Captain James Waugh; Lieutanant Willis. Company E, Captain Hiram Duryee. Company F, Captain Henry Swartout; Lieutenants, Whitmore and Boyd. Company G, Captain Abraham Denike; Lieutenant J. Bradley. Company K, Captain Cleveland Winslow; Lieutenant W. K. Hoyt.

The following letter from a young soldier in Colonel Duryee’s Advance Guard of Zouaves, to his brother in this city contains very interesting intelligence from this regiment since its removal to the immediate seat of war.

Dear Brother—We have just been having a grand parade on our grounds, which you will see by the top of my letter we have christened Camp Butler, in honor of our General. I am pretty tired; but not wishing to give way to sleep, I have determined to write you a letter. Well, to begin, I must say that I enjoy excellent health, although I was very seasick during our voyage here. I am also in excellent spirits. I could not be otherwise: the perfect novelty of camp life gives no time for melancholy. All the boys seem to be at home. I was delighted while on board ship to see, now and again, one or two of our naval vessels pass by with a "prize," as we style it; or, in other words, “cruising crafts" which belonged to the enemy. We passed two or three such prizes, and as they passed along our boys gave three hearty cheers, together with a perfect New York "tiger." We arrived opposite the fort on Saturday morning, were placed on board the Yankee and landed at Old Point Comfort, which is about a mile and a half north of the fort. It was pretty late when our tents were brought to the ground. We had not time to pitch them the first night, but that made no difference; the boys, all with a will, spread their oil-cloths over the ground, knapsacks under head, blankets over them, and soon were in the land of castles. It was thus we slept the first night. The second night was quite an agreeable one indeed, inasmuch as our accommodations were better and we were in anticipation of having a ''brush" with the enemy. We were seated at supper, cracking jokes, our arms stacked below us, when, all at once our sentinels gave the alarm of the enemy's approach; the order to fall in was given, when, in an instant, tin plates were thrown one side, knives and forks thrown to the ground, and such a rush you never saw in your life—every man had his musket in his hands in a moment. You could have heard a pin fall, so great was the silence that prevailed, so anxious were they to meet the enemy; Captains were at their posts, the Colonel was on the field ready for the combat, when, what do you suppose?—it was a false alarm. After going through some little exercise we were permitted to go and finish our suppers. We had retired for the night. Two o'clock in the morning came, when again we were aroused by the cry "To arms," Out sprang the men; some with no coats, some with no shoes, some even without any dress but their pants and shirts, muskets were seized and the order given to “Stand fast." Again the same silence prevailed as at the first. No; I am mistaken You could have heard a slight whisper among them, encouraging one another:—"Now, boys, we have a chance, let us give them a preamble to our work." We waited patiently, but no enemy appeared, when the order was given to retire. We are in possession of a farm of about three or four hundred acres of land. On this land there are about forty beautiful houses—not a soul in one of them but those occupied by our troops. The owners of them (all secessionists, of course), were in such a hurry getting away that they did not take half their things. Some left beds and chairs behind them; some left their horses and cattle, and some left their slaves even. We are in possession of all this, together with which we have taken possession of a splendid female seminary, on the cupola of which we planted the Stars and Stripes. All these secessionists have concentrated at one point, about a mile from here. They number some 800 strong. We can see them from our camp, and they can see us plainly. They burned the bridge that crossed the stream that lies between them and us. We saw it burn, but had no orders to interfere with them. The woods all round us are infested with the enemy. They call us the "red devils." This I learned from a small slave who visits our camp once in a while. They are afraid of their lives with us. The place where these rebels rendezvous is called Hampton—just about one mile from here. I think our Colonel will give us permission to-day or to-morrow to baste them. This is a lovely spot—a beautiful bay—splendid encampment. I have taken off all my under clothing; I sometimes go bare foot. The climate is pretty hot. There is no sickness among us. Write to me soon. Send me some copies of the HERALD once in a while. Money is almost useless here as there are no stores in the neighborhood. I will tell you the rest in my next. For the present, goodby. Your affectionate brother, E. W. Hill.

Capt. Kilpatrick will leave this morning for Washington en route to Fortress Monroe in command of about 100 recruits for the gallant 5th Volunteers. A
few more are required to make up the desired number. Major Davis remains in the city to attend to the recruiting. His headquarters are at Lafayette Hall.

There is no subject of more vital importance for consideration, than the organization of an efficient ambulance corps, for each regiment now in the field. 
These should be composed of men of physical strength as well as intelligence and presence of mind, and able after instruction from the surgeon to arrest the flow of blood from any wound, or administer to the immediate necessities of the wounded upon the field before the surgeon could possibly see them.
The number of surgeons to a regiment is so small as to render it impossible to see every one as soon as wounded, and frequently a little immediate attention and prompt action would save the lives of brave and noble men.
The want of such a corps with proper ambulances was very greatly felt at the battle of Bethel. 
Surgeon Rufus H. Gilbert of Duryee's Zouaves, who was ordered here to inspect recruits for the regiment is now organizing an ambulance corps, which we have no doubt will prove of the greatest service in case of an engagement.
We yesterday saw United States ambulances from New-Haven, drawn by one horse, and fitted up for two men, which we think is superior to anything of the kind we have ever seen before. The wagons are mounted on light springs, and the litters which slide in and out as required, are also hung on springs, the mattresses folding to any form, the head and feet being furnished with adjustable rests, while each couch is so arranged that the patient is able to attend to the calls of nature without the slightest effort.

Colonel Duryee's regiment arrived here on Saturday last, and immediately went into camp. We are two miles from Fortress Monroe, near Hampton Roads. There are about eight thousand men in and around the fort, Colonel Duryee's regiment occupying the extreme outposts. Hampton is about a mile from our camp, and was occupied until Sunday by the secessionists. 
It was deemed necessary on Sunday to occupy the Chesapeake Seminary, and Captain. James L. Waugh, of Company D, was entrusted with its execution. He started at ten o'clock in the evening, with his company, and quietly surrounded it. He met with no opposition, the Principal, the Rev. Dr. Raymond, only asking for a day or two in which to remove his family. The building is a fine large one fronting on the Roads, near the mouth of James river, about three miles west of the fort. The land being level, the building can be seen at a great distance. Captain Waugh raised the Stars and Stripes above the dome yesterday at sunrise, and it is now floating freely to the breeze, within half a mile of the ground still occupied by the rebels. After taking the seminary Captain Waugh placed his whole company on guard for the night. About three o'clock in the morning about a dozen men were seen approaching. Upon being challenged they ran, when the company started in pursuit, keeping up a brisk fire, but they effected their escape. About four o'clock there was another alarm, but we could not clearly distinguish the number of men. The captain stationed men on the west of the seminary up to a stream near James river. Soon after daylight they saw men with arms collecting on the other side. We fired upon them, when they disappeared.
Captain Waugh was accompanied by the Rev. Dr. Winslow, the chaplain of the regiment. The doctor was with us all night, and was one of the foremost in each of the pursuits. He carried one of Colt's rifled revolvers, which he assured me would kill at six hundred yards. Your readers will remember the uniform of the regiment, the Zouave. One of the residents informed me that when we were landing a slave ran to his master saying, "Run, massa, there are ten thousand red devils coming to kill us all." We are gradually, extending our outposts, and I think it doubtful if the rebels make much of a stand this side of Norfolk. General Butler sent two regiments about six miles up James river yesterday. They effected a landing and hold the position. They went up in steamers, and were fired upon by the rebels from batteries erected on Sewall's Point, opposite our camp, with what effect we have not heard.
S. B. B., Corporal.

FORTRESS MONROE, June 2, 1861.
Dear Brother Frank - - , * * The men here are treated shamefully—sometimes getting nothing to eat for a whole day at a time, and what we do get is only salt pork and pilot bread. * * * It is an awful life, and the surgeon of another regiment said we were treated more like dogs than human beings. * * * J. P.

CAMP BUTLER, June 8,1861.
I notice in your paper of June 7, under the head of "Our Fortress Monroe Correspondence," an article signed J. P., which is a misrepresentation of facts. The men are well fed and contented. They have fish of every kind and
oysters and clams in abundance, fresh eggs, ham and potatoes, besides the regular army rations. 
Per order Colonel A Duryee.
Lieutenant W. H. MALLORY, Aid.

Twenty able bodied, intelligent men are wanted immediately to act as an Ambulance corps for the Fifth regiment, under the direction and instruction of R. H. Gilbert, M.D., Surgeon of regiment.

The recruits for the Fifth New-York (Duryee's) Zouaves are pouring in rapidly at No, 506 Broadway, opposite the St. Nicholas Hotel, where Capt. Gouverneur Carr recently opened a rendezvous for the regiment. Capt. Carr has received $300 from one patriotic gentleman, and $100 from two others to help him in his work, and offers inducements, in addition to the bounty and advance pay, as well as the advantage of joining a crack regiment with experienced officers and men, which will, doubtless, complete his complement during the present week. The "Red Devils" are a terror to the foe. Reader, go and buy a "Red Devil."

Wm. F. Gary, Esq., of 90 Pine street, received the following despatch yesterday morning:—
Annapolis, May 3, 1861.
Put in the HERALD the safe arrival of the Fifth regiment of New York. All well. Wm. F. Cary, Jr. Mr. Cary, Jr., is the Commissary of the regiment.

Colonel Duryee is in the city to-day on business connected with the Fifth regiment, which has just gone from Fortress Monroe to Washington. Within a day or two Major Davies has recruited a company of one hundred fine men to reinforce this regiment, and will go on with them as far as Baltimore this evening.

A young lawyer of this city, a private in company F of Colonel Duryea's Zouaves (now stationed at Hampton Creek, Va.), writes to a friend in this city a doleful account of the sufferings of the men of the regiment. The following is an extract from his letter:
" The great trouble here is that when a man feels weak through sickness it is very hard to get strong again with the diet we have. Last night a friend of mine went down to the fort and bought a beefsteak which he gave me. This seemed to do me more good than all the medicine I have taken during the last three weeks. I wish the Quartermaster would give us our thirty cents per day, and let us get our own provisions. I think we could make it then very comfortable. As it is now, a great many of the men must die before long for the want of decent food. I have lost eighteen pounds since I have been here.
I weigh now only one hundred and twenty pounds, others who have not been on the sick list at all, have lost as much, even more, through mere want of food. Boxes come every day for some of the boys, and it is this only that keeps us alive."

The Superior Court to-day, Charles H. Combes sued out a writ of habeas corpus requiring Colonel Warren and Captain Carr, of the Duryea Zouaves, to produce his son, who had enlisted, and who was under the required age. The judge said that he had seen decisions to the effect that the oath should be conclusive as to age, and no discharge could be granted on that ground, but he had seen no law justifying such decision, nor could the United States District Attorney inform him about such law. The judge doubted whether the mere signing of the papers required of recruits could be said to partake of the dignity of an oath.

DISCHARGE PAPERS FOUND.-The discharge of Michael H. Gaylord, a private in the 5th Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, has been found in the streets, and left at the Provost Marshall's office, corner Steuben and Broadway, where it can be obtained on proof of identity.

The following touching sketch possesses a peculiar and melancholy interest, from the fact that it is from the pen of the heroic Gen. Rice, who was killed in one of the recent battles in Virginia. At the time it was written he was Colonel of the New York 44th: 
It was perhaps ten days after the second battle of Manassas, that I visited one of the hospitals near Washington, for the purpose of ascertaining if any of the disabled of my own command had been borne there, and if so, of speaking; to them a kind cheerful word, always so grateful to a wounded soldier. As I was passing through the numerous wards, viewing with feelings of sympathy and pride the mutilated, but patriotic and uncomplaining sufferers, two strangers—a sister and an aunt of one of the young heroes--accosted me, and asked if I would be so kind as to come to the couch of their relative, and stand by him while the surgeon should amputate his limb, which they told me had been amputated a few days before, but on account of the arteries having commenced to slough away, the physicians had decided upon this as the only hope of saving his life. I followed them to the couch. They were both weeping, but the wounded soldier, although suffering intensely, met me with a smile and saluted me. I sat down by his couch, and took his hand in mine.
He told me that he was a sergeant in the 5th New York (Duryea's Zouave); that he was wounded late in the action and left upon the field; that he remained where he fell from Saturday until Wednesday, with no food save a few hard crackers, left in my haversack; and no water, except that which God. gave me from heaven in rain and dew, and which I caught in my blanket. The sergeant continued his story, after a moment's pause, occasioned by his suffering, by saying: "You know, Colonel how God remembers us wounded soldiers with rain, after the battle is over, and when our lips are parched and our tongnes are burning with fever. On Wednesday I was found by one of our surgeons, who dressed my wound and placed me with other disabled soldiers in an ambulance, to be sent to Washington. I arrived late on Thursday evening, when my limb was amputated, and I"— The sergeant again paused in his story, and I begged him not to go on. I noticed that his voice was weaker and his face more pale and deathlike, and a moment afterward I observed blood trickling down upon the floor from the rubber poncho on which the sergeant was lying. I at once called the surgeon to his bedside. He examined the limb, and after consulting with other surgeons in attendance, told me they had decided that it was impossible to save his life; that re-amputation would be useless; that the soldier was fast sinking from exhaustion; and that in all probability, he would not survive the hour; and desired that I should make known their decision and apprehensions to the aunt and sister. 
With such language as a soldier might command, I informed them that the sergeant must soon rest. Tears filled their eyes, and they sobbed bitterly; but their grief was borne as Christian women alone can bear such sorrow—or they heard the voice of the elder brother speaking to them as to Martha, "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live." The sister, wiping away her tears, and taking a prayer book from her dress, asked me if I would tell her brother how soon he must die, and if I would read him "the prayer for the dying."
I went to the couch, and stood beside the dying soldier. "Sergeant" I said, "we shall halt soon--we are not going to march much further to-day." 
" Are we going to halt, colonel," said the sergeant, "so early in the day? Are we going to bivouac before night?"
" Yes sergeant," I replied, "the march is nearly over—the bugle call will soon sound the 'halt.'"
The sergeant's mind wandered for a moment but my tears interpreted to him my words.
" Oh! colonel," he said, "do you mean that I am so soon to die?"
" Yes sergeant," I said, "you are soon to die."
" Well, colonel, I am glad I am going to die --I want to rest--the march has been so long that I am weary—I am tired—I want to halt--I want to be with Christ--I want to be with my Saviour." I read to him "the prayer for the dying," most of which he repeated; and then the sister kneeled beside the couch of her dying brother, and offered up to God a prayer-ful of earnestness, love and faith. The lifeblood of the dying soldier was trickling down the bedside and crimsoning her dress, while she besought the Father that the robes of her dying brother might be "washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. The prayer was finished. The sergeant said "Amen." We stood again by the bed-side. "Sister—aunt—do not grieve--do not weep, for I am going to Christ; I am going to rest in heaven. Tell my mother, sister"—and the soldier took from his finger a ring and kissed it—"tell my mother, sister,"-- said the sergeant, "that this is for her, and that I remembered her and loved her, dying;" and then he took another ring from his hand, kissed it, and said, "sister, give this to her to whom my heart is pledged, and tell her—tell her to come to me in heaven. And, colonel." said the sergeant, turning to me and his face brightened with the words, "tell my comrades of the arm--the brave army of the Potomac--that I died bravely, died for the good old flag.” These were the last words of the dying soldier. His pulse now beat feebler and feebler, the blood tickled faster and faster down the bed-side, the dew of death came and went, and flickering for a moment over the pallid face, at length rested – rested forever. The sergeant has halted. His soul is now in heaven.

Rochester Feb. 22, 1865.
Special Order No. 1:
In pursuance of orders from the Commander-in-Chief, Major Lewis, commanding Battalion of Light Artillery, will cause a national salute to be fired at noon to-day, in honor of the restoration of the flag of the Union near Fort Sumter.

The remains of Capt. C. S. Montgomery, who fell leading the 5th N. Y. in the late battle of Hatcher's Run, arrived here last night. They were received at the Central Depot by the Union Blues, Capt. Waydell, and escorted to the residence of T.C. Montgomery, Esq., brother of the deceased.

Dear Rose! It is my present intention
Of my health for a moment to sing,
The army of France is triumphant,
And I—have an arm in a sling.
Besides the decided advantage
We gained in the brilliant attack,
We have taken a plenty of plunder,
And I have two shots in the back.

I am now in the hospital, where
I soon shall have ended my pains,
I send you ten francs—'tis the money
That purchased my mortal remains.
It is fitting that Rose should receive it,
Whose lover has vanished from earth;
It will lessen my grief at departing,
To know she has all I am worth.

My dog, pray do not neglect him,
And do not permit him to learn
His master has gone on a journey
From which he will never return.
O, could he but see me a corporal,
How madly he'd caper and dance,
And how the poor fellow would sorrow
To hear of my fatal mischance.

Adieu—my dear Rose! it were idle
At my final departure to grieve;
I'm joining a regiment, dearest,
That never grants tickets of leave!
So everything round me is turning,
Ah, me! it will shortly be over;
I have taken my travelling orders.
Farewell!—and remember your lover!

FUNERAL OF CAPT. MONTGOMERY.—There was another solemn scene in our streets yesterday to remind us that we are in the midst of war. Again the solemn dirge, the slow pace of the death march to the beat of the muffled drum, told us that another soldier had fought his last battle and slept in death. Though these scenes have been witnessed scores of times within the last four years, yet we do not become so familiar with them as to feel less emotion, less regret, less horror. On the contrary, hoping that each will be the last, we feel less reconciled to the sight, to the justice of the afflicting blow. When, oh when will this end! The young officer who was buried yesterday fell in the prime of manhood, in the very period of life when he could be most useful living. It is not a month since he walked these streets in full vigor, and as hopeful of life as any who saw his funeral. He now lies in a tomb at the cemetery. 
The Union Blues, under Capt. Waydell, turned out yesterday as a funeral escort, with Newman's Band, to do honors to the remains of Captain Montgomery. The corps was in full numbers and presented a very soldierly appearance. They marched to the place of mourning and then escorted the hearse to St. Luke's Church and thence to the Cemetery. The pall bearers were of army officers who were in the city and among them we noticed Colonel Marshall and Major Lee. 
There was a large procession, and the church was filled with mourning friends and citizens. The usual services of the Episcopal Church were conducted by Rev. Dr. Claxton. The flags of the city hung at half-mast, and the bells tolled as the funeral cortege passed on its way to the church and the tomb. So went another of the gallant warriors of the Union to rest where no hostile gun shall disturb his slumber and summon him to the fray!

WHY THREAD IS DEAR.—In the good old times, before the days of prohibitory tariffs, the price of spool cotton was as low in this country as in England. "Coats" was sold at four cents a spool. Notwithstanding the advance in cotton, the retail price in England is still two pence (2d.) a spool for the best threads.

Angus, Felix, 2d Lt.
Allen, William H, 2d Lt.

Barnett, Henry W., 2d Lt.; Capt. Aug. 29, 1861
Boyd, Carlisle, 2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.; Major.
Brouner, Richard R.—1st lt., Adjutant Bell, Edward G.--2d Lt.
Bartlett, Charles G.-Capt.
Bradley, Joseph, H. - 2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain.
Berrian, John H.—2d Lt.
Burnes, John T.—2d Lt.

Carr, Governeur—1st lt.; Capt.
Cartwright, Thomas W Jr.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.
Cumbreling, Churchill C.-- 1st Lt.; Captain.
Collins, John--1st Lt.
Cochrane, John H.-2d Lt.
Chambers, William H.-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain
Chase, Sidney A.—2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain. Cregier, George W.-2d Lt.
Carr, Tavel W. - 2d Lt.

Davies, Henry E. Jr.-Capt.
Davies, J. Mansfield--Major.
Davies, Charles H.—2d Lt. Duryea, George--1st Lt.; Capt.; Major; Lieut-Col.
Dumont, Robert S. — Capt.
Denike, Abraham— Capt.
Duryce, Jacob— 1st Lt.; Captain.
Duryea, Kinman-Capt.; Major; Lieut-Col.; Colonel
Duryee, Abram--Colonel.
Dumont, Thedore S.-2d Lt.
Dunham, John E.-2d Lt.
Doolittle, Frank W.--Surgeon.

Eichler, Herman G.O.-2d Lt.; 1st Lt. Evans, Francis-1st Lt.
Earle, Edwin M.--1st Lt.; Q'Master.
F. Ferguson, William-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Fowler, Erwin G.-1st Lt.
Freeman, John —Asst. Surgeon.
Frie, John-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Fish, Thomas E.—2d Lt.; 1st Lt.

Gilbert, Rufus H.—Surgeon. Grimes, Francis S.--Asst.Surgeon.
Guthrie, George L.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain.
Gedner, Roderick--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Gilligan, Patrick--2d Lt.

Hamblin, Joseph E.--1st Lt.; Captain.
Hoyt, William H.--1st Lt.
Hull, Harmon D.-Capt.; Major; Lieut-Col.
Hagar, George O.—1st Lt.; Captain.
Hoffman, William-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain.

Isaacs, Charles L.--2d Lt.

James, Julian—2d Lt.

Kilpatrick, Judson-Capt.
Keyser, Henry M. --2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Adjt.
Kittson, William H.--2d Lt.

Lewis, Wilbur, F.--1st lt.; Capt.; Lounsbery, James H.--1st Lt.; Capt.

McConnell, James-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain.
McGeehan, John--2d Lt.
Montgomery, Charles S.-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.
Miller, James--2d Lt.
Martin, B. Ellis-Asst. Surgeon.
Meldrum, Albert R.-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Martin, Thomas R.-2d Lt.; 1st Lt.;Capt.
Marvin, Azor S. Jr.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
May, H.C.--Surgeon.
Munson, O.--Asst. Surgeon.
McIlvaine, William--2d lt.

Prime, Ralph E--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.
Partridge, William T.--1st Lt.; Capt.
Parker, Simon B.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.

Raymond, John S.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.
Reany, Joseph--2d Lt.

Sovereign, Frederick W.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Seaman, Charles H.--2d Lt.
Swartwout, Henry A.--Capt.
Sergeant, Charles---2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Captain.

Thomas, Augustus L.--1st Lt.; Q'master.
Torrey, Charles W.--2d Lt.
Taylor, Thomas J.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Tiebout, Samuel--2d Lt.

Uckle, William H.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.

Van Tine, Frederick--2d Lt.
Van Ingen, James L.--Surgeon.
Vail, Joseph A.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.

Warren, Governeur K.-- Lt-Col.; Colonel.
Wilson, Philip W.--2d Lt.
Wetmore, Oliver Jr.--1st Lt.
Waugh, James L.--Capt.
Whitney, John Henry--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.; Capt.
Wright, Charles W.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Winslow, Gordon--Chaplain.
Wells, John H.--1st Lt.; Q'Master.
Winslow, Cleveland--Capt.; Major; Col.
Wheeler, Stephen W.--2d Lt.; 1st lt.; Capt.
Wannemacher, George W.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Winslow, Gordon Jr.--2d Lt.; 1st Lt.
Walsh, Matthew M.--2d Lt.

York, Joseph S--1st Lt.; Capt.