26th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The 26th Regiment—Its Colors—The colors of the 26th Regiment, recently mastered out at Utica, were brought to Albany yesterday and deposited in the Bureau of Statistics. They bear the marks of hard and bloody sage. They were borne through ten battles, viz.—Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Thoroughfare Gap, Gainesville, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam, the battle of Fredericksburg in December last, and the battle of Chancellorville—and are pierced by thirty-eight bullets. Five men fell under its folds. The blood of one of its bearers—young Evans—is still traced upon its tattered face. The 26th is one of the historic regiments of the Army of the Potomac. It has seen an unusual amount of service, and borne its part gallantly in every encounter with the enemy. It suffered terribly at Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburg; but it never showed its back to the foe.
[Albany Exchange.
It will be pleasing to contemplate that a number of our own citizens shared the glories of the campaign of the "old 26th." Among those may be mentioned Lieut. Col. G. S. Jennings, now Major in the Invalid Corps, Capt. Charles E. Jennings, (killed in battle,) Lieut. John S. Jennings, now recruiting for the Griswold Light Cavalry, Capt. Frank Binder and Capt. Ross Lewin. All of whom, with the exception of Col. G. S. and Capt. C. E. Jennings, are in the city.
Major Shepperd Gleason is promoted to the rank of Lieut. Colonel in the 26th Regiment—to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Colonel Gilbert.—He enlisted as a private in the "old 13th" Regiment and has risen from the ranks to his present high post. This success has been won by faithful and efficient service in whatsoever position he has occupied.
COLORS OF THE 26TH.—The tattered colors of our gallant 26th were taken to Albany and deported in the Bureau of Statistics last week. They have passed through ten battles, and are pierced by thirty-eight bullets. Five men have fallen beneath them, and they are stained with heroic blood.
All quiet are we at the alter and hearth,
But banished from many a bosom is mirth
For hosts are engaging,
And battle is raging,
Our Union to guard—man's last hope on the earth.
The lion is roused from the North in his lair,
And old men and striplings the cannon's mouth dare;
A red stream is flowing,
The bugle is blowing,
While stars from our banner staff stream on the air.
Shall treason the land of our father's invade,
While left is one hand that can carry a blade?
From hill top and valley
Rush forth then, and rally
Around the Old Flag that our father's displayed.
Bold yeomanry gather, our Union to shield,
While the knell of infernal secession is pealed;
And thickly are lying
The dead and the dying,
While rebels retreat from a lost battle field.
Untamed be our wrath and unsheathed be our blades,
Though Death's pallid horse to the bridle bit wades,
In blood of seceders,
And infamous leaders,
Whose souls God hath doomed to Plutonian shades.
Then rally around the old Flag of the Free,
Oh! long may it float on the land and the sea;
The battle is raging,
And hosts are engaging,
While doom is pronounced on Jeff. Davis and Lee.
On! on! To the conflict! All Europe hath laughed
To think Union men are evading the “draft;”
The valiant are dying,
And invaders are flying,—
Then death give to traitors from steel point to haft.
Proceedings o f the Senior Class.
HAMILTON COLLEGE, June 12, 1863,
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The monotony of college life was relieved this afternoon by a touching tribute to the memory of Adjutant Bacon, that will not soon be effaced from the memory of those who were present.—The final examination of the class of 1863, of which Adjutant Bacon was a worthy member, is now in progress. At the opening of the afternoon session, Judge Bacon came before the class and with a brief address, in which the father's tenderness struggled with the patriot's devotion, presented each of the classmates of his son with a copy of the Memorial of Adjutant Bacon, which has just appeared from the press of E. H. Roberts. The presentation 'was gracefully and feelingly accepted by the Valedictorian of the class, Mr. CHARLES VAN NORDEN, of New York.
It would give us great pleasure to have the whole of Judge BACON'S admirable address published; you will at least make room for this closing paragraph, which will show its spirit and purpose:
"I place in each of your hands this little unpretending book. I do it with hope that it may not only revive pleasant remembrances of your youthful friend, but that it may give you a higher estimate of the mighty conflict in which we are engaged. I do not urge you to follow him to the field where his young life was crushed out, but I do earnestly ask you to stand by the country and the Government, and by tongue and pen, by open testimony and by secret supplication you commend the great cause to the support of all honest and loyal hearts, and the favor and blessing of Almighty God. I shall follow you into life with interest strong and abiding in your welfare and success. May you each and all have grace to serve your generation in whatever useful or honorable career you may be called to act, to do something for your dear country in her hour of need, and much, very much for truth and righteousness and the building up and extension of the kingdom of Christ our Saviour, and when called hence, having fulfilled your earthly mission,
"Pass through glory's morning gate,
And walk in Paradise."
Mr. VAN NORDEN'S response was in these words:
Dear Sir,—It seems to devolve on me to represent my classmates in expressing our sympathy for you in your bereavement, and our high appreciation of your kindness in supplying us with these tokens of our lamented classmate. You could not have presented to us a more acceptable gift. These memorials will point us to facts and incidents concerning his earlier life and warlike experiences, of which we knew little. But, Sir, we needed no memorial. The image of Willie Bacon is as fresh and clearly defined in our minds to-day, as when he left us for the army. His open countenance and manly traits are too firmly fixed in our minds ever to be effaced by time. We remember him as he was when he entered College with us; we remember him as he was when he left us to fight the battles of his country; as the warrior-student we shall ever remember him.
We beheld him, dear sir, from a stand point different from yours; but we feel that your parental affection and pride were not misplaced. Although he did not study hard during the short period of his collegiate career, he stood high among his classmates.
He had a reserved power within him, which only needed study and training, or the quickening of some sudden emergency, to develop into ... mental acquirements and abilities of the highest order. He was no less distinguished for the nicety of his sensibilities, and the warmth and depth of his emotional nature, than for his intellectual girts. Perhaps his most striking trait was his fearlessness. It adorned his countenance, and beamed in his bold, dauntless eye.—His ingenuousness was marked by every one. He was the soul of honor. No one can accuse him of ever having consciously done a mean or ungenerous thing. His courage, too, was noted by us all; and when in the hour of his country's dire need he hastened to her defense, we all felt that we had sent forth to the conflict a daring soul, who would not quail at the prospect of death itself. And we are assured now, that had his life been spared, his courage, his splendid talents, his restless energy, his all absorbing devotion and high toned sensibilities would have, as they already had, insured him speedy promotion among his follow officers.
And when the news flashed over the wires that Willie Bacon had offered up his life on his country's altar—a willing sacrifice to freedom—that he had died whilst bravely leading his men into the thickest of the battle, our hearts were stricken with sorrow; but our grief was tempered with joy, for our own classmate had died the death of a hero. We would offer our heartfelt sympathy for your loss, but we at the same time, congratulate you on being the father of such a son. Especially we rejoice with you, that in his dying hours he gave his heart to his Savior and that, now his battles fought, his victory won, he reigns in glory! Your loss,—our loss has been his gain! Sir, you have no cause for sorrow. Your son died a most enviable death. A manly soul, possessed of rare talents, full of generosity and ingenuousness, a martyr to freedom, his death is more glorious than the lives of many others. Henceforth he is enshrined in the hearts of all who knew him as one of our country's fallen heroes.
We thank you, sir, for these memorials, these souvenirs of your beloved son, these tokens of your own good will. We accept them with gratitude. Be sure we shall preserve and esteem them as treasures. And throughout our lives we shall ever look back to Willie as one of the brightest jewels in the chaplet of our Alma Mater.
ALPHA DELTA PHI.—In behalf of the Hamilton Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi, the following resolutions are adopted:
Resolved, That in the recent death, at the battle of Fredericksburgh [sic], of our brother, Adjutant William Kirkland Bacon, of the Senior Class, our Fraternity loses a most valued member, and one whom we fondly hoped would live to honor.
Resolved, That in his death we mourn the loss of a generous companion, a faithful friend, and one whose literary attainments, whose polished and accurate scholarship, reflected no little credit upon our Fraternity.
Resolved, That in offering up his life in defense of his country's honor; in leaving a home most dear to him, and acquitting himself so heroically in battle: in his true Christian deportment amid the vices of the camp, we recognize, in our soldier brother an exalted patriotism, and a character above suspicion and reproach.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathies of this Fraternity, are tendered to his parents and friends, but we with them would find consolation in the thought that he yielded up his young life in so noble and holy a cause.
Resolved, That as a tribute of respect to our deceased brother, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That these resolutions be published, and transmitted to the relatives and friends of the deceased, and to the Associate Chapters of this Fraternity.
THEO. F. GARDNER, Committee.
Hamilton College, Dec. 29, 1862.
MEMORIAL OF WILLIAM KIRKLAND BACON, late Adjutant of the 26th Regiment of New York State Volunteers. By his Father. Utica: ROBERTS, Printer,
This is the title of a very handsome little volume of 84 pages, illustrated with a steel portrait of the subject of the memorial. WILLIAM KIRKLAND BACON was a young man of rare mental endowments, with whom we had a slight personal acquaintance some three years since. He was the only son of Hon. W. J. BACON, of Utica, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of this District. He was quietly pursuing his studies at Hamilton College, when the guns of Fort Sumter roused the slumbering patriotism of the land to meet the gigantic rebellion which threatened the national life. Full of patriotic spirit and eager to vindicate the honor of our flag, young Bacon, having procured the consent of his parents, enlisted as a private in the 14th regiment of volunteers. He was soon after transferred to the 26th regiment and was promoted to the post of Adjutant. He nobly performed his duty in the battles and campaigns in which that regiment was engaged, displaying remarkable qualities of coolness and undaunted heroism in the hour of battle, until mortally wounded in the calamitous battle of Fredericksburg, his young life was laid a sacrifice upon the altar of his country. It was the fortune of Willie to make friends wherever he went, and it could be truly said of him that "none knee him but to love him" for his noble qualities and generous impulses. This book is a touching tribute of an afflicted father to the memory of his son—a book not designed to be sold, but printed to be sent to the many friends of the deceased. We have read it to the end and not without deep emotion. A subdued and chastened tone pervades the whole—a noble Christian resignation is displayed to a loss that would seem almost unbearable. Around Willie the affections and hopes of fond parents were centered. It was fondly hoped that he would carry down into the future and perpetuate the name of an old and honored family. All these hopes are blasted by the sacrifice made to the country, and on perusing many pathetic passages in this little book our heart has gone out in sympathy with the writer, and we have felt almost as though we were in his situation, experiencing the sorrow which weighs heavy upon his heart.
The author says truly that his case is only one of thousands of parents who have seen their offspring stretched upon the bed of death in consequence of this unholy rebellion, but we could wish that all sons had such a father to write so noble a tribute to their memory.
late Adjutant of the 26th Regiment of N. Y. S. V.
By his Father. pp. 83. Utica: Roberts.
Seldom have we read a book with so deep and melancholy an interest as this memorial, by a father, of an only and beloved son, who laid down his life on the altar of his country. We extract from the book the following brief particulars:
“William Kirkland Bacon, the only son of William Johnson and Elizabeth Kirkland Bacon, was born at Utica, N. Y., on the 16th day of February, 1842. He entered Hamilton College in the fall of 1859. He was quietly pursuing his allotted task, when the guns of Sumter startled the country like the shock of an earthquake. His parents and friends, in common with all the loyal at the North, keenly felt the blow the honor and integrity of the country had received. The son of their affections had not, with heedless ears and vacant mind, heard the instructions that, from his earliest years, had taught him love of liberty, loyalty to rightful authority, and fidelity to conscience. He heard the trumpet call of our honest and fearless Chief Magistrate, and his spirit with a bound leaped upon the ramparts where the great cause was to be defended, and the great wrong and dishonor redressed. He at once came home, and presented, his earnest plea to be allowed to go forth and enroll himself among the defenders of his country and her glorious flag. He enrolled himself as a private in Company A of the 14th Regiment of New-York Volunteers. With his company he arrived at Washington on 17th June, 1861, and was subsequently transferred to the noble 26th. That Regiment spent the succeeding winter and spring in constructing and garrisoning Forts Lyon and Ellsworth, he having, in the meantime, received from Governor Morgan the appointment of Adjutant of the regiment. On the 30th of August he was wounded in the battle that was fought on the fatal field of Manassas. He was taken to the hospital at Washington, and afterward brought to his home, where, under the tender nursing of mother and sisters, he rapidly recovered. At the end of his furlough he tore himself away, and rejoined his regiment. At the battle of Fredericksburg, on the 13th of December, 1862, he fell mortally wounded, and expired on the morning of the 16th of December, having just attained the age of twenty years and ten months."
Another Hero Fallen—
We learn that JAMES F. ROWBOTHAM, a member of the 26th Regiment, N. Y. S. V., died at his father's house near the Ridge, on the 28th June last, aged 23 years and 10 months.
The deceased was a member of Co. C., had served the full time of his enlistment, and was honorably discharged on the return of his regiment a few weeks since. He was a brave, good soldier, and the disease which resulted in his death was doubtless the result of hardship suffered in the defence of the national liberty. He was buried at Wright's Settlement. The decease was engaged in six different battles.
Miscellaneous Items.
Col. Christian, formerly of the 28th N. Y. V., has been appointed Major of one of the colored regiments in the District of Columbia. We have heard that his reputation for courage and military capacity did not stand high in the army, while he commanded the 26th, and if so, his new appointment is a very unfortunate one.
Sketches from my War Record.
John G. Ward, a native of the town of Johnstown, enlisted at Utica, May 9th, 1861, in the 26th Reg., N. Y. V. He was about seventeen years of age, at the time of his enlistment.
His regiment left Elmira for Washington, crossed over into Virginia June 21st, and marched to reinforce McDowell, but did not arrive in time to participate in the battle of Bull Run. From Springfield Station, which they had reached at the time of the battle, his regiment covered the retreat of our army back to Alexandria. He remained at the latter place ten months, the most of the time engaged in building Fort Lyon. During this period hew was in one skirmish near Polick church, in which the rebels were defeated.
May 3d, 1862, he was ordered to Fredericksburg expecting to join McClellan, but Jackson's raid up the valley caused a retrograde movement of our forces, and they returned to Alexandria, and from there to Front Royal, marching 30 miles in a day, and in a severe rain storm; and yet McDowell censured them severely for their tardiness. While at Front Royal, he, with a portion of his comrades, were sent over the Shenandoah river, and were five days without rations—the cause being the sudden rise of the river, by which all the bridges were swept away—thus cutting off their supplies. By foraging they procured food sufficient to satisfy, in some degree, their hunger, but suffered much from exposure to heavy rain storms, which prevailed most of the time.
For a time they were at Manassas, then at Warrenton, where General Pope assumed command, and in all the battles fought by Pope until he found safety behind the fortifications of Alexandria, young Ward participated.
On the 8th of August the rebels advanced, and the next day, was fought the battle of Cedar Mountain. It commenced at 2 o'clock P. M., and raged with great fury till darkness put an end to the contest. Our forces then fell back and encamped in line of battle, and during the night were shelled by the rebels, and a spectacle more grand and sublime, presented by the burning and explosion of shells, he never witnessed. The next day they had a skirmish with the enemy, the advantage remaining with them.
At the end of three days, he, with other, were detailed, with a flag of truce to bury our dead, and found many of the wounded still living, and among them a number of rebels, who informed him that they were natives of New York, but that they had lined long in the South and should fight for it. He thinks a man would wish to be detailed the second ... to bury the dead, after a battle. No one can tell, no pen depict the horrors of such a place.
Soon after, our forces retreated to the Rappahannock, 35 miles distant, which they reached in about 26 hours, the enemy following and continually shelling our troops, and their cavalry charging on and picking up our stragglers. After crossing the river, they marched to Warrenton, thence to White Sulfur Springs twice and back again, and finally to Thoroughfare gap, to prevent Longstreet from passing through. They held the place for six hours, but were compelled to fall back to Gainsville. Before going into ...
shattered and bleeding columns crossed Bull Run creek. Brigadier-General Tower, with all his staff and over half of the 26th Regiment were killed, wounded and taken prisoners. Some of the wounded lay upon the field five days before they were rescued. He says he never knew what thirst was till that day. His sufferings for the want of water, he has no language to describe. After exhausting the contents of his own canteen, he has recourse to those of his dead comrades, which partially supplied his wants.
He went through the Maryland campaign, fought at South Mountain and Antietam. At the former place they found the enemy protected by a high stone wall and other defensive works. Our forces charged upon and routed them, killing and wounding a large number and taking many prisoners.
That night our men slept on the battle-field surrounded by thousands of the wounded, the dying and the dead. Three days afterward followed the bloddy [sic] battle of Antietam, in which the slaughter on both sides was truly frightful. His own company was nearly annihilated, and yet he escaped unhurt. The day following he passed over a portion of the battle field, and in some places that dead lay so thick that one might have walked a long distance without once stepping upon the ground. A soldier of his company was struck by a rifle ball a little to the right of the centre of the forehead, and it was cut out three inches below the left ear. He must have possessed uncommon powers of endurance and an unyielding will or he would have died, as he lay five days before the ball was extracted and the wound dressed. The surgeons informed him that he could not live and there was no use in wasting their time upon him, at which he became irritated and swore he would live, and he did.
The 26th Regiment.
The 26th Regiment, which was mostly recruited in Central and Eastern New York, contained two companies from this city. The regiment is now at Utica, to be mustered out. Companies G and H will arrive here during the week. These companies left this city on the 4th of May, 1861, to be a part of the 13th Regiment, for which they were recruited. Circumstances beyond their control, prevented their joining that organization. The companies were officered as follows, when they left here: Company G—Captain, Gilbert S. Jennings; 1st Lieut. Chas. E. Jennings; 2d Lieut., Edmund R. P. Shurley.
Company H—Captain, Thomas Davis; 1st Lieut., W. Melvin Brown; 2d Lieut., E. A. Rosslewin.
After the arrival of the companies at Elmira they were organized with the 26th N. Y. S. V., and Capt. G. S. Jennings was elected Major, and Lieut. Chas. E. Jennings, of Co. G, was promoted to the Captaincy of his company. Lieut. Shurley was advanced to a 1st Lieutenancy, and Orderly Sergeant L. Frank Binder, was appointed 2d Lieutenant. On the 7th of August, 1861, Lieut. Shurley was promoted to the Captaincy of Company C, of the same Regiment, and Lieut. Bender was advanced to a 1st Lieutenancy, and Frank Lee, son of Major Chas. G, Lee, was made 2d Lieutenant. On the 29th of August, 1862, Capt. Chas. E. Jennings was killed, and was succeeded by Lieut. Bender. Capt. Davis fell also, and Lieut. Ross Lewin was promoted to fill the vacancy. After the battle of Antietam, Major Jennings was promoted to the position of Lieut.-Colonel, for meritorious services, which place he still fills. These companies have done good and faithful service in the following battles: Cedar Mountain, Rapidan, Rappahannock Station, Thoroughfare Gap, Groveton, Chantilly, Antietam, South Mountain, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.
At Rappahannock station these companies formed under Col. Jennings the rear guard of Gen. Pope's army, and received the commanding General's special commendation for their three days and nights continued and unwearied services. They also received the special thanks of their Corps and Division Commanders, for the gallant manner in which they performed the duty assigned them. Although Gen. Reynolds, the Corps Commander, freely confessed that the time of service of these companies expired on the 27th of April, yet their performance of duty after that period, is evidence of the patriotic sentiments which actuated them, and they are entitled to receive the plaudits of their fellow citizens. Col. Jennings will advise us of the time of the arrival of these companies, and our citizens should accord them a fitting reception. They have fought well, and leave an honorable record. Many of their officers and comrades have been left on the battle field, dying for their country and the preservation and integrity of the Union. They have fought the good fight manfully and bravely, and deserve a recognition of their services from the citizens of their native city. We hope it will be kindly and cheerfully awarded them.
OF THE 26TH REGIMENT.—Last evening the two companies of the 26th Regiment, numbering about 70 men, returned to this city from Utica, having been paid off and mustered out of the service. A large crowd of relatives and friends were at the depot to welcome their return. Wives, sisters, and, brothers were present, and many a joyful meeting occurred. Wives were clinging around the necks of husbands, smothering their bronzed faces with kisses, and sisters were embracing the forms of dearly loved brothers, who had passed through the fiery ordeal of battle, and many affecting scenes took place. The passengers in the train that stood near were many of them affected to tears in witnessing these foyful [sic] greetings. While many homes are made happy by the return of the brave men who have periled their lives in defence of the Government, the Union and the flag, alas! how many hearths are left desolate, how many hearts shadowed by the loss of loved ones whose bones lie bleaching on the distant battle-field. They have fought the good fight, have manfully met the foe and laid down their lives in a glorious cause, and their memories will be cherished in the grateful hearts of their countrymen.
Hamilton Boys in the 26th.
We have been furnished the following list of the Company which left this place under Capt. Arrowsmith in the spring of '61, and has served honorably and faithfully its time of two years in the 26th Reg't N. Y. Vols., and now returned. The most of then came into town Tuesday and Wednesday, and the rest are expected to-day.
1st Sergt. Nathan C. Wilbur,
Sergt. E. W. Tripp,
" O. A. Townsend,
" Peter McGuire,
" N J Harris.
Corporal Charles Wilcox,
" G S Bradley,
" Geo Dipley,
" Walter F. Cox.
S D Bates,
Chas. Sherman,
James Gilboy,
J Dipley,
Leroy Smith,
F H Snow ,
E W Conger,
Geo Primmer,
A Loveland,
D Wilcox,
D A Hopkins,
B Payson,
Abraham Antoine,
H H Shapley,
Charles A Smith,
Nathan Snow,
W H Lawton,
Wm D Phelps,
John Corrigan,
Edgar Seymour,
Geo Pullen,
A Holmes,
A A Collier,
M A Brown,
Geo Cook.
Michael Corrigan,
Isaac French,
Hiram Sholes.
The Gallant "Twenty-Sixth" Again.
Although the term or service of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment had so nearly expired that it seemed highly improbable that they should again be called upon to meet the enemy in battle, it seems they were not to return to their homes without once more signalizing their valor. On Friday, the 5th inst., it became necessary to penetrate the intentions and ascertain the force of the enemy on their right wing, their movements for several preceding days haying been such as to conceal the purposes of their General, and to leave Gen. Hooker in doubt where their chief force lay or in what direction it was moving, if indeed it was moving at all.
Accordingly on the morning of Friday the Second Division of the Sixth Corps, under Gen. Howe, were ordered to make a reconnoissance across the Rappahannock, below Fredericksburg, (Franklin's old crossing,) and at once proceeded to lay down the pontoon bridges.—On discovering our purpose the rebels betook themselves to their rifle pits, which were very strong, and within close range, and began firing upon our engineers and workmen, rendering it necessary to storm them by the old method of crossing in boats. It was now about five o'clock in the afternoon, when Gen. Howe at once ordered the Twenty-Sixth New Jersey, Col. Morrison, to man the boats, push across and storm the rifle pits, under cover of our artillery on this side. Promptly obeying the command the Twenty-Sixth dashed across the river, gained the opposite bank and made a brilliant charge upon the enemy, driving them from their rifle pits, and removing any further obstructions to the crossing. This charge of the Twenty-Sixth is described as having been deserving of the highest praise, and fully sustained the high reputation they had gained in the terrible fighting at Fredericksburg in the early part of the month. It was not executed however, without considerable loss, and among their casualties the following are reported:—Capt. Samuel U. Dodd, Co. H, mortally wounded; J. H. Ainsworth, Co. I, killed; Robert Wallace, Co. C, wounded; Wm. Delaney, Co. B, wounded; Joseph Decamp, Co. I, wounded in leg, slightly; Wm. Davis, Co. D, leg slightly; Dwight Stent, Co. B, finger shot off; William Egerton, Co. F, leg slightly; Wm. Small, Co. B. leg.
The remainder of the Vermont Brigade, to which the 26th were attached, speedily followed, and skirmishers were deployed down the Bowling Green road, and some sixty or seventy prisoners were captured, but no considerable force of the enemy were discovered in that direction. Our troops continued on the ground all the night of the 5th, and during the most of the 6th, were engaged in skirmishing, but were finally withdrawn, having completed the object of their reconnoissance and ascertained that nearly all the rebel force is in the vicinity of Fredericksburg, and that Lee had not yet begun any offensive movement, though his intention to do so is considered clearly apparent. At the latest accounts, Longstreet's corps was massed in Fredericksburg, expecting an attack.
Words of Acknowledgment.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Will you allow me space enough in your columns to express my most hearty acknowledgements for the warm tide of sympathy, and the unnumbered kindnesses that have been showered upon me, and my family, since the sad event, that has clothed us in mourning. If anything, beyond the proud satisfaction we feel that "our boy has done his duty," could mitigate our sense of bereavement, it would be the outpouring of the kind hearts that have felt for, and the loving arms that have been thrown about us. I am poor in everything but thanks, but these I give to each and all from a warm and gushing heart. May God bless them all, and in their hour of need may they find the same human helpers, and the same Divine trust that have been our stay and comfort and support in the day of our trial.
I have received a multitude of letters and communications from friends near and remote, expressing warm sympathy, and making many inquiries in regard to the fall and death of my son. I find it impossible to make replies to these letters or to answer in detail these many inquiries. These friends will receive this note as a very inadequate acknowledgment of their many kindnesses but I will add that I contemplate as soon as I can command the leisure and can gather some few needful materials, to publish a brief memorial of my departed son. I shall do this with no vain expectation of making a sensation, or of parading private griefs; and still less of seeking to perpetuate a name which is destined to live mainly in the memory of the friends who knew and loved him. Although he was indeed a martyr to the truth he believed in, and for which he gave his life, that life will possess no special interest to the public, but to his friends it will ever have a tender and tragic interest of which, God helping me, I intend they shall have the benefit. For their sakes and for their eyes mainly I shall prepare this brief record, incorporating in it, in good part, if not entirely, the feeling and noble discourse pronounced by President Fisher at his funeral obsequies.
It would be an idle affection in me to seek to conceal the admiration which, in the midst of my grief for the loss of an only son, I feel for the patriotic devotion that sent him to the field, to stand by, and suffer for, and die for his country. There are those around me in this community who do not appreciate this devotion, who doubtless think, if they do not say, that he rashly and unwisely, and for an inadequate if not unworthy cause threw his life away. I thank God that I have no such feeling, and while I utter no reproach I can only pity those who take so low a view of the mighty issues at stake in our beloved land. In this matter, while my sentiments were in entire harmony with those of my brave boy, I feel that in devotion to the cause he has been my teacher and exemplar. Here at least "the child has been father to the man"—and in view of it, I feel humiliated at the little effort I have made to serve the country, and deep regret that there are those who look coldly on, and have no part in such sacrifices. While fathers around me holding such opinions as I have indicated, retain their sons in safety at home, and congratulate themselves that they are secure however it may prove with the dear land and the benignant Government to which, under God, we owe all we have been, or hope to be, I can only say, "I would not exchange my dead son, for any living son in Christendom."
Thanking you for your manifold kindnesses and courtesies to me, I am
Yours very truly,
December 30, 1862. WM. J. BACON.
Shall the Returned 26th be Properly Greeted?—In a few days, two companies of the 26th Regiment, which were recruited here, by Captains Jennings and Davis,—both killed in battle—will arrive here from Utica, where they await the action of the mustering officer. Shall they be properly received, as companies, or permitted to dissolve their organization and mingle again with their fellow citizens without special token of public regard? There are companies of the 27th, also, and other fragments of regiments returning from the war, which might be included in one, and suitable recognition of their gallant service be tendered to all at once. What say the people?
VOLUNTEER RECEPTION COMMITTEE MEETING,— The meeting of the Reception Committee held last Saturday evening was fairly attended. EX-SENATOR HUBBEL presided.
Mr. BABCOOK from the Committee appointed at the last preceding meeting, to ascertain the cost of printing the proposed Memorial Book,—a record of the 14th and 26th Regiments,—reported that the cost of three thousand copies would be $500, and submitted the following resolutions:
Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $500 be, and the same hereby is appropriated out of the surplus funds in the hands of the Treasurer of this Committee, for the purpose of publishing a book containing a history of the 14th and 26th regiments, and an account of their reception in this city, and such other facts with reference to these regiments as the committee appointed to prepare the same may deem proper; and that 8 000 be published, and such numbers thereof as may be necessary be given without charge to the surviving members of the regiment and to the families of such as are dead, as far as practicable; and that the remaining copies be sold at fifty cents each, and the funds thus realized from the sales be paid over to the Treasurer of this Committee as the nucleus of a fund for a monument to be hereafter erected for all the regiments from Oneida county.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to prepare such book and to carry out this resolution.
After the rejection of several amendments, the resolutions were adopted; and Messrs. LEWIS H. BABCOCK, JAS. D. REID and HENRY W. CHASE were named as the Committee to procure the preparation and publication of the volume.
The opinion prevailed at the meeting that, after the distribution of two thousand copies among the soldiers and their families, there would be a demand for one thousand at fifty cents each,—this sale defraying the expense of the publication of the whole edition and therefore leaving still with the Reception Committee the balance on hand.
J. D. REID, Esq., made a final report from the Committee on Decorations, and received many compliments upon the manner in which he in particular, and his associates in general, had discharged their duties.
The Committee adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman,—first directing the Treasurer to publish in the city papers the amounts received by him from each Town and Ward in the County together with the gross amount expended,—which report, (handed to us this morning) is as follows:—
Utica—1st Ward $205 50 Utica $1,229 00
2d " 280 00 Rome 80 00
3d “ 348 00 Whitestown 50 00
4th “ 196 00 Waterville 75 00
5th “ 40 00 Deerfield 37 00
6th “ 37 00 Verona 28 00
7th “ 122 50 Western 8 50
Marshall 20 00
Total, Utica $1,229 00 Paris 25 00
Trenton 68 00
Boonville 70 50
Kirkland 25 00
$1,719 00
Amount of expenditures $1,151 78
Cash on hand 567 27
$1,719 00
Dated Utica, August 3d, 1863.
H. CROCKER, Treasurer.
MEETING OP THE RECEPTION COMMITTEE.—The Committee of Arrangements for the reception of the 14th and 26th regiments met last evening at the office of Sheriff CROCKER, the Treasurer, with a view to settling up their affairs, disposing of their surplus funds, and discharging themselves from further service. The Treasurer stated that the unexpended sum in his hands was $567.27. There was a division of opinion among the members of the Committee present as to the most suitable disposition of this money, some favoring its appropriation as the nucleus of a fund for the erection of a monument in Bagg's Square in memory and honor of the dead of the 14th and 26th regiments, and others preferring to place it in the hands of the Ladies' Relief Society, to be used either as the Society should see fit or for the benefit of the widows and families of our soldiers who have fallen.
Mr. BABCOCK finally made a motion that a portion of the money be applied for the purpose of procuring the publication of a history of the 14th and 26th regiments, to include an accurate list of their killed and wounded during their periods of service. It appeared to be the unanimous opinion of the Committee that the proposed history should be published, and it was suggested that the number of copies should be some 3,000 of which number about 2,000 copies should be distributed gratuitously to the families of the soldiers, and the remainder sold to aid in paying the expenses of the publication. Mr. BARNARD moved as an amendment to Mr. BABCOCK'S motion, that a Committee be appointed to determine the expense of publishing the history and report at a subsequent meeting. Mr. BABCOCK accepted the amendment, and the chairman, Mr. HUBBLE, appointed Messrs. BABCOCK and BARNARD as the Committee.
The meeting adjourned to convene at the same place at precisely 8 o'clock on Saturday evening next. As the questions then to be acted upon are important ones, it is desirable that every member of the Reception Committee should be present.
$100 Bounty.
AND PROBABLY A LAND WARRANT. Volunteers wanted for the 26th Regiment—a number of able-bodied men between the age of 18 and 45.
Pay per month, $13. Mileage to Washington—making the first month's income $20.
This Regiment is commanded by Col. Wm. H. Christian who served with credit in the Mexican War.
In addition to pay, each recruit will receive uniform, clothing and good board and lodging as soon enlisted.
Pay will commence from the time of enlistment.
Apply at the Recruiting Office, Exchange Buildings.
Captain 26th Regiment N. Y. Vols.,
Utica, Sept. 5, 1861. [dtf] Recruiting Officer.
WASHINGTON, August 14.—Letters received from Culpepper contain no news of interest not already telegraphed. On Saturday night after the action, Dr. Steele, of the Twenty-Sixth New York, while endeavoring to find his way to his regiment, encountered two rebel soldiers fully armed. He sternly demanded a surrender, and they were so alarmed, being apprehensive of their proximity to our forces, that they surrendered, and he marched them both to the camp as prisoners.
Volunteers Wanted for the 26th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers.
THE BEST CHANCE YET. This splendid Regiment needs more men, and offers a fine chance for young men to assist in giving the death blow to this infamous rebellion. The regiment is an old one, having been in service
and in point of efficiency is
The inducements now offered by the General Government, to those desirous of entering the service, are much better than heretofore; merit is sure to meet rapid promotion.
So Come Along and Volunteer.
This war will be crushed out by the immense mass of men to be sent to the field, so the term of service will be short. Pay and bounty the same as received in any other corps.
For full particulars inquire at the rendezvous, 28 Catharine street.
Col. WM. H. CHRISTIAN, Commanding.
Dr. COVENTRY, Surgeon.
Dr. BRISTOL, Chaplain.
Lieut. C. H. SCHMIDT. Recruiting Officer.
$100 Bounty,
AND PROBABLY A LAND WARRANT.--Volunteers wanted for the 26th Regiment--a number of able-bodied men between the age of 18 and 45.
Pay per month, $13. Mileage to Washington—making the first month's income $20.
This Regiment is commanded by Col. Wm. H. Christian, who served with credit in the Mexican War,
In addition to pay, each recruit will receive uniform, clothing and good board and lodging as soon as enlisted.
Pay will commence from the time of enlistment.
Apply at the Recruiting Office, Exchange Buildings.
Captain 26th Regiment N. Y. Vols.,
Utica, Sept. 6, 1861. Recruiting Officer.
COL. CHRISTIAN'S REGIMENT—Paraded again yesterday, numbering some three hundred and fifty men. If practice makes men perfect in military drill, the Colonel's Regiment bids fair to become perfect. The men are now well fed and cared for, and as a consequence, are happy. The luxuriance of the tables set for those quartered in the City Hall, make us quake lest the men should experience too severe a fall when they come down to the prescribed rations provided by the Government.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
FOR THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—Four ladies, Mrs. ROCKWELL, Misses ROWE, YENNEY and DREW, sent down a small box of blankets, bed ticks and other comforts to the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, early this week. They gathered the money in three or four days, without much difficulty. Let others follow their noble example, and thus show to our self-denying volunteers that they are not forgotten at home. Our villages especially should make greater effort to render the men of our Central New York regiments comfortable. Should our troops winter in the very heart of Chivalrydom, they will find blankets a necessity even there. Send down the
blankets. (Nov. 7, 1861)
The citizens of Utica are making extensive preparations for the reception of the 14th and 26th regiments, whose term of service expire in a few days. A public meeting was held Monday night, at which speeches were made by Mayor WILSON, Hon. FRANCIS KERNAN, and others.
COLORS OF THE 26TH.—The tattered colors of our gallant 26th were taken to Albany and deported in the Bureau of Statistics last week. They have passed through ten battles, and are pierced by thirty-eight bullets. Five men have fallen, beneath them, and they are stained with heroic blood. (Utica Herald)
From the Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
ALEXANDRIA, Aug. 18, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
We have again moved our camp, in order to join the brigade to which we have been annexed —Gen. Heintzelman's. We have thus lost the beautiful grounds and the splendid scenery of our former location; but we are glad to find ourselves in a brigade, where affairs will be conducted with more system. This moving a regiment after it gets well settled down, is a great nuisance, and makes much confusion for a short time. If we only had some women to scold the teamsters it would be as good as an ordinary May Day.—The army drivers use only one line to their four horses, and this occasions the use of quite a variety of terms to their horses, which increases to a most hideous jargon whenever about a dozen teamsters get tangled up in a swampy field. All the camp articles are thrown into these large wagons in beautiful confusion. Through the opening in the rear of the wagons may be seen a musket, a man's leg, a knapsack and a camp pail. Two men march with each wagon to guard it, and away they go, the regiment just ahead of them. Well, when we get to the new ground, the wagons are unloaded in the rain, (for it is always as sure to rain when we "move" as it is when a Sabbath School gets up a picnic)—then the companies go to work putting up their tents, and after the usual amount of shouting and quarreling, things finally settle down into the old order. Enterprising men then make a variety of fire-places in the ground, into which some very luxurious individual may place a joint of stove pipe. Perhaps the same pampered person that revels amid these conveniences may get some boards off from a fence and put a floor in his tent to sleep upon; but most of us live like plain volunteers. I suppose its very novel and pleasant around in York State for your military companies to "camp out" about a week in nice weather, with buffalo robes and champaigne, and stand guard, watching in great suspicion for the approach of an enemy from a neighboring corn field. But "camping out" loses its novelty after a few months, and standing guard becomes a stern reality, when it becomes known that Jackson's brothers can't be broken of their very impolite habit of shooting our pickets. Every one of these volunteers whom the Northern citizens encouraged to go to war for their country, and whom you cheered and told to shoot Jeff. Davis, and whom you gave $5, and advised not to get killed, "ole feller—though they never get into a pitched battle, are nevertheless entitled to great credit for the instances of self-denial in their lives as soldiers. The volunteers are now the only force the country can rely upon. The regular army is now only a fossil relic of something that once was of some importance. Now it is only of use as a police force, for which it is usually employed. Col. Christian had occasion the other day to express nearly these same opinions to a regular captain, and be "owned the corn," expressing his preference for the volunteers. Strange to say, political favoritism is exhibited as much as ever in the army appointments. Young sons of rich politicians, who bid fair to be good for nothing else, can usually be lieutenants in the army. In the style of fighting which this war brings out, men will have to act as individuals very often with the lines broken, and the personal identity of the men must not be swallowed up in the regiment, as is too much the result of the intellect deadening drill in the regular army. Horrah for the volunteers!
Our brigade is composed of four regiments, the 16th, 26th and 27th New York, and the 5th Maine. Gen. Heintzleman is quite unwell, and is at Washington, while Col. Davies is at present in command. Col. Christian is the second in rank. Our situation is to the extreme south of the Army of the Potomac, and our pickets extend nearly down to Mount Vernon. The regiments in the brigade take turns sending out pickets, and the companies in the regiment take turns going. Three of our companies have gone out to day, with two field pieces. Before we left our old camp our pickets out by Bailey's Cross Roads had a sort of skirmish with some rebel horsemen. We lost no men, but as near as we could learn from the inhabitants around there, and what our men themselves saw, six of the enemy were unhorsed. I met an old school mate at the Provost Marshal's, the other day, under arrest as a spy. He was very glad to see me, and in talking over old times we forgot that it was our duty to cut each other's throats. His name is John Bradley; he lives in Alexandria, and is a secessionist. "Such is life."
This splendid regiment needs more men and offers a fine chance for young men to assist in giving the death blow to this infamous rebellion. The regiment is an old one, having been in service
and in point of efficiency is
The inducements now offered by the General Government, to those desirous of entering the Service, are much better than heretofore; merit is sure to meet rapid promotion.
This war will be crushed out by the immense masses of men to be sent to the field, so the term of service will be short. Pay and bounty the same as received in any other corps.
For full particulars enquire at the rendezvous, 28 Catherine street.
Lieut. C. H. SCHMIDT,
Recruiting Officer.
THE 26TH REG'T. —These brave boys in Gen. Reynolds' corps. We have no intelligence of them, but trust they have escaped the terrible slaughter that has befallen our army.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—A correspondent writes from Slocum's Brigade to the Syracuse Standard:
All seems to be quiet, although the pickets of the 26th were badly scared last night at some firing heard, which originated from the shooting of a dog by the pickets on the outposts. I do not believe any attack is apprehended by military men, at least not at present. On the hills far west of our encampment, can be seen the rebel entrenchments on Edson's Hill; but a reconnoisance was made there by Capt. Jay with a small force from our regiment, who report that there is at present only a small force there, and the works are virtually abandoned. The 26th regiment some how or other see more rebels and meet with more adventures than any other. We take turns at furnishing pickets, but fail to see as much as the 26th claim they do.
MAJ. THROOP.—MONTGOMERY H. THROOP, Esq. was yesterday summoned to the bedside of his brother, Major N. Garrow Throop, by the announcement that the Major had become seriously worse. A letter from Dr. J. Foster Jenkins, of the Sanitary Commission, who sent the despatch, gives only too much reason to fear that the Major will lose his leg if not his life. We hope these fears will not be realized.
AN HONORABLE RECORD.—The following from the Major of the 26th, is with reference to a young soldier from North Bay:
January 12th, 1863.
Miss A. E. Tucker—It is with the utmost pleasure I take my pen to comply with your request. Howard Myer was a young man of sterling worth and merit. He was truthful, noble, bold. He was one of Nature's noblemen, never stooping to a mean or an unworthy act.—Since we left Fort Lyon, the regiment has marched over one thousand miles, and has been in eight battles; during the march and fights, Howard was always at his post, never faltering or wavering from the right. I went with several men of the regiment to fetch off wounded men, if there were any left, at about 11 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, but owing to our pickets' watchfulness we were detained some time, but succeeded in passing. We found several wounded men and removed them to the rear, including Howard. He could speak but incoherently, and when the water was offered him, he could not move his hands or feet; so we were obliged to raise him up and hold the canteen to his mouth. We laid him down and covered him with blankets and tents. The wound was through the neck, and I should judge that the spinal column was injured, which paralyzed his limbs. From his difficulty of articulation, we supposed it of no use to move him, and there were others that needed our attention. We continued our work until the moon rendered moving objects visible, and then were obliged to leave, as we were too good marks for the enemy's sharpshooters. We should have moved all, but the force of the regiment was so small that it was impossible. I have seen Howard's brother, and it is probable that he has returned ere this, and you know more than I am able to tell. This much you may say to a dear friend: that they need not ... for Howard C. Myer, for he was incapable of doing a mean act, and died for his country while battling for the right.
Respectfully, E. F. WETMORE,
Major 26th Reg't N. Y. V.
MAJOR THROOP.--The following from MORRIS S. MILLER, Esq., regarding Major N. GARROW Throop, will be read with interest:
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30, 1862.
Dear Sir,--I visited your brother last week and again to-day. I delayed writing until I could inform you of the result of the operation of extracting the ball, which was successfully and skillfully removed from the "outer condyle of the femur" while he was under the influence of ether. The surgeon informs me that the wound is "serious," but thinks he will wholly recover the use of his leg. The nurse thinks him not so well since the operation, but the surgeon says he is doing well.
This morning I found him under the influence of morphine but sensible enough to inform me of the fact, and to ask me to read his letters, but he was unable to hear them read through.
On Saturday he informed me that he wanted nothing, and deemed himself as well off as he could be anywhere, and from my own observation I think that such is the case. He has a good surgeon and nurse, and a negro to take care of him.
Yours very truly, Morris S. Miller,
Montgomery H. Throop, Esq., Utica.
$100 Bounty.
AND PROBABLY A LAND WARRANT. Volunteers wanted for the 26th Regiment—a number of able-bodied men between the age of 18 and 45.
Pay per month, $13. Mileage to Washington—making the first month's income $20.
This Regiment is commanded by Col. Wm. H. Christian who served with credit in the Mexican War.
In addition to pay, each recruit will receive uniform, clothing and good board and lodging as soon enlisted.
Pay will commence from the time of enlistment.
Apply at the Recruiting Office, Exchange Buildings.
Captain 26th Regiment N. Y. Vols.,
Utica, Sept. 5, 1861. [dtf] Recruiting Officer.
BLOSSVALE, Sept. 11, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Having a heart overflowing with gratitude, in view of the narrow escape of my son, with Ensign Neill (of Col. Christian's regiment,) from the rebels, I thought I would send yon an extract from his letter for insertion in the HERALD, if you are disposed, as I have many friends in the county that would like to know of his whereabouts. Truly yours, N. HOLSTEAD.
CAMP VERNON, Alexandria, Sept. 7.
DEAR PARENTS:—I received your letter of the 25th in due season, and was calculating to answer it the day before yesterday, but our company were detailed for picket guard that day, so I had to postpone it until I returned. Our company came in yesterday minus three men, which were taken prisoners by the rebels. Our company went under Ensign Neill. One platoon was sent out on the Alexandria and Accotink pike. It is a road running from Alexandria, between the Mount Vernon road and the river, and connects with the Mount Vernon road about six miles from Alexandria. The second platoon were stationed, some on the Mount Vernon road and some on the Richmond road. The first platoon went on the Accetink pike; I was in that platoon. Ensign Neill went with us. The farthest post on the road was at Mr. Gibbs' barn, nearly five miles from camp. Ensign Neill and Sergeant Church, with seven men, were at that post. In the afternoon, Neill and myself went around on the Mount Vernon road, to see the pickets and get the countersign. Neill rode a horse from camp, and I got one from a lot beyond our lines. We went "mighty fast, I reckon." We stopped at a house on the Mount Vernon road and got supper; while we were eating, one of the pickets came running up and told us our pickets over on the Accotink road had been attacked by two hundred rebel cavalry. We jumped from the table, and were on our horses in "right quick time," and started for our post.—We took our revolvers in hand, and "put the horses through." When we got to the Accotink road, it looked as though there had been an army of cavalry there, but the last tracks were towards Accotink. We came back to Gibbs' barn, but our pickets were not there. We rode to Gibbs' house. The women told us we had better run for the woods; they said the rebels had taken two of our boys certain, and did not know but more; they said the main body had gone back a short time before. They must have passed out by the Mount Vernon road just before we came into the Accotink road, and if we had been a quarter of an hour earlier we should have run on to those devils and been taken. We left our horses and started for the woods; we were not sure we had got clear of the rebels yet. We traveled in the woods nearly an hour, and came out into an open field, (it became dark soon after we left Gibbs'); we did not know where we were; we followed a fence along through the field; we had gone but a short distance when somebody called the Ensign by name; we looked around, and there lay two of our boys the other side of the fence. In less than five minutes up came Sergeant Church. We were lucky fellows, coming together as we did. We held a short counsel, and concluded we had better get to camp if we could. We did not any of us know exactly where we were, but I thought I knew a little something about the country. I took charge of the thing, and we came out all right. The next morning we started for Gibbs'; we met some Union men coming in; they told us we had better not go out with our small squad of men. One young fellow was near our pickets when they were taken. He said the rebels made our three men strip off their clothes and change them for their old rags, and they devoured their rations as though they were half starved.
The boys of this regiment are now generally very contented, and I don't know but that they are as patriotic as ever. I never felt better in my life, and you could not hire me to leave the army until the war is over. We are soon going to show the Southern chivalry what the "mudsills" of the North can do. Our Government has just commenced to do, and I think this war will be ended before next spring. And when some of these volunteers get home, those Northern traitors had better look out for their hides.
Your son, affectionately.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—The Rochester Democrat publishes the following extract from a letter written by Col. Christian:
You are aware that Sauers' Cornet Band from Rochester, is with us, and a fine on it is. The officers and men unanimously agree in saying that it stands far ahead of anything this side of the Potomac. They have a new uniform throughout, and are well drilled in all that belongs to band tactics. They think of going home on the 21st, as their time then expires. If we are held by government the remainder of the two years, it will be hard to part with them; for their beautiful strains help greatly to relieve the monotony of a soldier's life. They have had several offers, made by other regiments, when their time expires, but they want to go home first and see their families.
—The Secretary of War has accepted the resignations of three captains and twelve lieutenants of the Twenty-sixth. We have heretofore printed the list.
SERGEANT BUDDLE'S RECRUITS.— Nine recruits of the Twenty-Sixth were mustered into service by Capt. PEASE yesterday morning, and went to
Rochester at eleven o'clock. Two more who intended to go did not appear in time, and will wait for the next squad. The names of those who went are:
Chester L. Babcock, H. A. Clark, John Foster, Dela P. Grants, Thomas McGinnis, Francis M. Stephens, Thomas Sharp, Jas. Walker, Thos.
GONE TO THE WARS.—Fourteen men for the Twenty-Sixth Regiment left town yesterday at 3:35 p. m., under charge of Sergeant BUDDLE. They have gone to the Rochester military depot, where they will remain but a short time before joining the regiment at Washington. Among the recruits we notice the name of Mr. CORNEIUS J. COVENHOVEN, who if our record is correct, departed with Capt. HALL and the "Stingers" some time ago. This time we saw Mr. Covenhoven march into the cars with a determined aspect, and we can safely say that he has left us. The following are the names of the volunteers:
Joseph Ball, George W. Cross, Walter H. Burr, George Buskerk, Joseph Bradford, Wm. Henry Evans, Charles Francis, Charles Haughton, George McNett, George H. Rich, John T. Seely, Read Snyder, Bosell Woodhull, Cornelius J. Covenhoven.
The officer in Exchange Buildings will be kept open by Corporal D. H. SMITH, for the reception of other recruits.
From the Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
ALEXANDRIA, Va., August 18.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
A brief description of two nights duty and the destruction of the bridge over Hunting Run, will no doubt be interesting to you.
A mile or two below Alexandria a great Bay sets back from the Potomac into the western shore; on the north it bends around a promontory until it edges upon the suburbs of the city, while upon the south are high and wooded lands, threaded by a score of roads leading to the enemy's camp only a few miles distant. The Mt. Vernon road which crosses this important bridge intersects all these roads.
The bridge was nearly half a mile in length, consisting of a causeway from either shore several rods in length, connected by a substantial oaken structure, and crossed the Run about one mile from the Potomac.
A sluggish stream winds through the meadow at the base of the hills, emptying into the Run about two miles from the river. This stream and the Bay are known as "Hunting Run." They form the dividing line of the two great armies of the south of our position.
'The camps of the 16th, 20th and 27th New York Volunteers, and 5th Maine, are located in the meadows, just upon the northern edge of these waters.
Last Sunday the Colonel sent three companies across the bridge, conducted by Capts. Jennings, West and Blackwell; these companies separated on the opposite side, each taking different roads and proceeding from four to six miles toward the enemy, threw out their pickets and remained till next morning.
About two o'clock in the morning they faintly heard voices apparently giving commands in the distance. Captain Jennings cautiously approached a mile beyond, and plainly heard the deadened tramp of a large column of infantry.
It was late in the day of Monday when the companies came back to camp. The Colonel, upon hearing their report, immediately mounted his horse and, accompanied by Lieut.-Col. Richardson and Major Jennings, went to the bridge, and to their surprise found it guarded by only nine men of the Twenty-Seventh New York Regiment. Proceeding to the head-quarters of Gen. Franklin, Col. Christian reported the case, and asked permission to become responsible for the security of the road against any approach of the enemy; for this duty it was determined to send a company.
Capt. Arrowsmith, upon his request, was assigned this duty. Adjt. Bacon also accompanied them as a volunteer. The night was one of the most dismal I ever saw; the rain fell in torrents. The men were obliged to stand along the bridge, exposed to the full vigor of the storm—while the fearless Captain and our promising young Adjutant occasionally crossed toward the hills and listened for an expected approach. Red and yellow rockets were repeatedly thrown from the camps of the enemy, which marked a chain of regiments from the river for several miles towards Manassas. In the morning the company returned to camp, and, notwithstanding their sleepless night, as usual went through the duties of the day.
In the edge of last evening, by invitation of Col. Christian, I accompanied him for the first time to the bridge. We then called on Colonel ... (at present commanding this Brigade) Davies, (....) to whom the Colonel plainly stated the negligence in allowing the bridge to remain—how easily with a howitzer the enemy could sweep our infantry from it, and remarked that we were carrying on the war, as though we would not inconvenience the enemy, injure his property, or hurt any of them, and proposed that we take the responsibility of destroying the bridge. The Colonel's assent being given, two companies, one of the Twenty-Sixth and the other of the Twenty-Seventh, proceeded to the work, and this morning saw but a few forlorn timbers where yesterday stood a noble structure. Thus war compels the destruction in a day of many works which have cost months of labor; but in destroying this bridge we cut off one of the most feasible approaches of the enemy upon Alexandria.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH IN SERVICE.—The New York Tribune's Washington correspondent writes the following account of the capture of a picket guard from Captain FAIRBANKS' Company in Colonel CHRISTIAN'S Regiment:
On Thursday afternoon three men of Company C, Twenty-sixth regiment, being a picket guard under Ensign Neil stationed at a tavern on Little river turnpike, over Hunting Creek, were taken prisoners while scouting three miles beyond, by 200 rebel cavalry. Ensign Neil escaped by taking to the bush. The rebels were well mounted, but barefooted and uniformed only in rags and straw hats. They stripped their captives stark naked, carried them away, and greedily divided their clothes and rations. Three Companies of the Twenty-sixth were at the time taking their turn in guarding the whole left flank of the army, six miles in length.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—The letter of our correspondent "Aliquis" records a considerable number of changes in the officers of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment. This re-organization to be regretted in many respects, is yet gratifying, because it ends the talk about the Regiment coming home. The Twenty-Sixth will remain for the war. Individuals may receive their discharge, but the Regiment will stand by the flag. Col. CHRISTIAN commands the confidence of his superiors, and the respect and affection of his men. In remaining in the field and keeping his Regiment there, he deserves the approbation of all good citizens. The country can not afford now to lose the troops whose drill and discipline qualify them for usefulness. The Twenty-Sixth Regiment will not "march to the rear to the sound of the enemy's cannon."
—The recruiting office for the Twenty-sixth regiment is now in charge of Orderly Sergeant KLEINFELDT. Sergeant BUDDLE returned from Rochester, Tuesday, on his way to Washington, via New York, with the recruits he had enlisted here, reinforced by men from that station, making his squad eighteen in number. Since BUDDLE'S departure, KLEINFELDT has secured five men.
—Col. CHRISTIAN reports that he has ten companies organized and rapidly filling up. Five of the Utica companies are completed. The Regiment will be ready to march this week.
CAMP MARY, Sept. 19, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Since my last letter, I have visited Mt. Vernon, and have done all the sights and wonders of that place. This place is not now occupied by rebels, but is occasionally visited by scouting parties of both sides. We enter the Mt. Vernon farm long before we get to the mansion itself, which is surrounded by quite large forests. The farm as originally held by the General, consisted of 7,600 acres now owned by a large number of persons, mostly of Northern birth—from New York and New Jersey. The residence of WASHINGTON was indeed most beautiful. Nature here is profuse in her gifts, and the finest taste was exhibited in the plan and the decorations of the place—everything ample and spacious, and no doubt these magnificent surroundings have had their influence in preserving in Washington that noble love of nature and humanity for which he was so noted.
Well, my friend and I come up to, the mansion and are escorted by a lady of the Association, who informs us that we are requested to leave our muskets at the house while we go about the grounds. We take a suspicious look about us, and with a ghastly smile consent to let the lady keep our guns; not, however, without some reluctance. We then, after taking another cautious look around us, proceed to weep duly over the Tomb of Washington, taking the precaution, however, to assure ourselves that it is not the ice house which much resembles it, and which we understand is sometimes "lingered over" with much sadness by foreign tourists. The tomb is really in a sad condition, and rank weed are intruding themselves through the iron gate that forms the door. There are near the tomb monuments of other members of the family, among them that of Judge Bushrod Washington. The out-houses around the grounds are about twenty-five in number, and not one but that had the appearance of being constructed with a view to ornament as well as utility. After parading around the grounds very grandly, and imagining ourselves General Washington taking a walk before breakfast, we proceed to view the main house, which is much larger than I supposed. The first thing that strikes us is the key of the Bastile, hanging in a case on the wall. After informing another visitor that the Bastile was not a smoke house and that this was not the key of the smoke house, we pass through the ample rooms and see the old pictures, the holsters, the saddles, the surveyor's tripod, and finally the harpsichord made in Cheapside, London, which we essay to play upon to the great amusement of "Mount Vernon Association." We then express a wish to go up stairs, but are forbidden by the attendant, who informs us that the upper story is occupied by the ladies, so we are denied the pleasure of seeing the antique specimens there congregated.
I returned from Mt. Vernon, hardly able to realize that I had been there—hardly able to realize that one was obliged to visit the tomb of our country's founder and Father, armed against a treason participated in by descendants of his own family—hardly able to realize that Washington's remains lie in the neutral ground between two mighty armies, each claiming to assemble in defense of the principles for which he labored.
The enemy now seem to be most near us in the direction of Fairfax. The Colonel, the Adjutant and Capt. Palmer, with four dragoons, rode out yesterday until they saw an encampment of them and some artillery, over beyond Bush Hill. While the party were there, Gen. McClellan, at Fort Taylor, ordered some shells to be thrown at the enemy, which exploded not far from them.—The enemy, the Colonel says, responded in defiance with a field piece.
Gen. McClellan comes around visiting the camps occasionally, and seems to be particularly interested in strengthening the left flank of the army. He was in our camp last Tuesday, and he, in company with Cols. Christian and Bartlett, visited the pickets and outposts of our brigade. Those acquainted with him report him to be a sociable, modest man, much addicted to joking and smoking, but of fine sensibilities.
We are daily expecting to have our muskets exchanged for the Springfield rifles. Probably in a general engagement, a musket would be preferable to a rifle, as they become clogged less easily, and may be fired with greater rapidity; but for scouting or skirmishing, rifles are far superior. Since I last wrote, one of our men has been very badly wounded, having been shot while wandering beyond our pickets on the Richmond road. Two men rose from behind a log, and coolly firing at him ran away themselves, not daring to approach him after he was lying on the ground. This barbarous custom of shooting outposts does not seem to abate much, and they hunt each other like Indians. At one point the rebel pickets are on one side of a peach orchard and ours on the other; so that between the two, the fruit does not get much stolen. At another point, the federal troops occupy a church in the daytime, and the rebels at night; and they both keep their hours with remarkable precision.
The fort upon which we are at work every day, will be by far the largest on this side of the river, and will cover several acres of ground. It is on a fine hill, commanding a view of Fort Ellsworth, Fort Taylor, and a rebel post on Mason's hill. About 2,000 men are at work with the picks and spades every day. ALIQUIS.
FOR THE TWENTY-SIXTH.—Sergeant BUDDLE has secured seventeen as fine looking men as Col. CHRISTIAN or any other Colonel need ask for. He expects to join his regiment with them soon.
—Col. CHRISTIAN has yet a large number of men to provide for, and our generous and patriotic citizens will not let them suffer. All of his six companies have beer accepted and embodied in the first seventeen Regiments called for from New York. So, as there is no uncertainty about their entering the country's service, it is all the more proper and necessary that they be well cared for.
—Nothing is yet definitely known as to when the companies composing CHRISTIAN'S Regiment will move, but it is expected that the greater
Companies A and B of Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment, will leave this morning at 10 o'clock, for Elmira. Col. CHRISTIAN was at Albany yesterday, and telegraphed orders to this effect. The whole of Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment is under orders to rendezvous at Elmira eventually.
TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—Major JENNINGS of the Twenty-sixth Regiment (Col. CHRISTIAN'S) N. Y. S. V., has received a fine field-glass at the hands of the old members of the Rochester Citizens' Corps, of which Major JENNINGS is the old-time Captain.
Capt. Arrowsmith, Lieut. West and private W. C. Gardiner were presented with revolvers, and Nathan Wilber with a sword, by their friends in Hamilton,—where the company was enlisted. Capt. Arrowsmith's company is now attached to Col. Christian's regiment. Before the company left Hamilton, D. J. Mitchell, Esq., on behalf of the ladies of the village, presented them a beautiful flag.
—The Norwich Volunteers stopped in Hamilton one night, on their way to this city. They were welcomed to the village by President Eaton, of Madison University, and were kindly cared for during their stay.
Presentation to Rev. Dr. Bristol.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Permit me, through your columns, to report another of those generous demonstrations ever characteristic of our citizens, which took place at the residence of Rev. Dr. D. W. BRISTOL, who is appointed Chaplain of the 26th (Col. CHRISTIAN'S) Regiment N. Y. State Volunteers.
It appears that by the private enterprise of a few gentlemen and the liberal contributions of our citizens, a handsome sum of money was collected, to be presented to the Doctor on the eve of his departure for the seat of war. By request of those having the matter in hand, Rev. HIRAM S. RICHARDSON made the presentation in behalf of our citizens, in an impressive, eloquent and patriotic strain quite unreportable.
The Doctor replied briefly, uttering kindest thanks to his many friends, for this and former substantial tokens of esteem received by him during his residence in Utica, pledging himself that the attachments formed in our midst should go with him to the battle-field, and that his prayers will ever be for Heaven's richest blessings, peace and plenty upon his fellow citizens.
—Since the above was received, the following acknowledgment is handed in for publication:
Rev. Dr. BRISTOL wishes to express his deep sense of obligation to his many friends in this city for the deep interest they have taken in his welfare, and for the many substantial and noble tokens of their esteem, which they have shown to him on the eve of his departure for the seat of war. This multitude of noble names will ever be green In his memory, and his prayer will ever be for the Divine blessing to rest on them, on theirs, on our beautiful city, and on our distracted but beloved country.
NEW RECRUITING OFFICE.—A new office has been opened at 41 Genesee street, where names can be enrolled for Col. CHRISTINAN'S Regiment.
(May 1, 1862)
IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY.—Col. CHRISTIAN has received the following patriotic letter from his brother:
ST. Louis, April 24, 1861.
MY DEAR BROTHER—I am rejoiced that you have the courage and the patriotism to follow in the footsteps of your fathers, in hastening in this hour of peril to your country's aid. As for me, if I am to fight, it must be here. The Union men are strong in St. Louis; it will be the city against the State, if Missouri secedes. This rebellion must be put down, although rivers of blood flow, and the country be reduced to bankruptcy. Better that than the power and glory of the great Republic should forever pass away, and the progress of the human race be stayed for ages. Nearly all business is suspended here. Nearly every business house will soon be closed. Our four regiments are nearly raised, and all of them citizens of St. Louis. Two regiments are already in the arsenal, to aid the four hundred United States troops there in holding it. Both Union and Secession flags are flying here. The public halls are full of men (of each party.) drilling day and night. We received last Saturday 2,000 stand of arms from Massachusetts. We can hold our own against the traitors here; but if Missouri secedes, what then. Will the Union men of the free North see their brothers of the border Slave States crushed.
Believe me, dear William, heart and soul,
Forever with you in our country's cause,
P. S.—One company of 100 men leaves here on Friday next for Washington. N.
Card from Col. Christian.
August 1, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Col. CHRISTIAN desires to thank, through your columns, the ladies of Sherburne and Vernon for goods, which were most gladly received. The Colonel also wishes to thank Mrs. Mary L. Curran, of Utica, for her kind offer of Havelocks for the use of the Regiment. They will be very acceptable. Should there be any surplus, it will be dealt out to such other Regiments as are in need of the articles. Time is so precious here that it is next to impossible to find an opportunity to return thanks by letter to the many friends to whom the Regiment is indebted. Those, therefore, who have rendered us favors must rest content with the assurance that their kindness is duly appreciated.
All letters to members of companies in the Regiment should be directed with the name of the Captain, or letter of the company, in full. I remain yours, &c.,
WM. K. BACON, Col.'s Sec'y.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—To quiet doubts and answer inquiries it may be stated that "things are working" in this city for Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment. There appears to be an ominous calm in recruiting and Sergeant BUDDLE suffers no more than the rest. But he is cheerful, and hopes and works for better times. His office is at the old place in Exchange Buildings, and easy of access. A few nights since the Sergeant forwarded a small squad to the seat of war, but his modesty kept the fact from ...
A COMPLIMENT.—We observe that Col. WM. H. CHRISTIAN, of this city, is spoken of as one of the Brigadier-Generals to be appointed from this State. This is no political movement, but a compliment to the military skill and energy of the Colonel. His Regiment will not willingly let him go.
LOCAL MILITARY MATTERS.—Sergeant BUDDLE, of the Twenty-sixth, has secured, during the short time the recruiting office has been open here, twenty-five fine looking men, for that regiment, (Col. CHRISTIAN'S). Such success speaks well for the popularity of the Sergeant and for the confidence brave men have in the regiment. Wm. CHAPMAN of Verona, a well-built intelligent American enlisted within four minutes after the office was opened. The men have had good board and have been well taken care of at no expense to themselves since enlistment. Sergeant BUDDLE expects to be joined this forenoon by thirty or forty additional recruits from Rochester, Buffalo, and other points west, and will then take charge of the whole party and start to join the regiment in Virginia, by the next train. The office in this city will be kept open some time longer, to afford opportunity to any who may wish to join the fighting regiment.
The following are the names and residences of the men already enlisted:
Wm. Chapman, Verona; John Webber,
Frankfort Hill; Wm. W. Everett, Frank Shader, Higginsville; Charles Corbett, Allen Osborn, George Smith, Robt. McLaughlin, Chas. H. Thompson, Henry H. Davis, George Patterson, James Patterson, New Hartford; Henry Cronkhite, Fort Plain; Jas. H. Allen, Oriskany Falls; Joseph Gough, Jr., Oriskany; Charles Harris, Hugh Davis, Wm. Pelton, Utica; David Gray, State Bridge; Patrick Dunn, Frederick Welt, Clinton; Chas. W. Saunders, Lansingburgh; Sam'l C. Barnes, N. Y. Mills; George Smith, Illion; Philip Pfitinger, New York.
MILITARY.—About forty of Capt. CHRISTIAN'S volunteers from the country are now victualled by J . BUCHER, corner of Bleecker and Thirds sts. Contributions are sent in liberally.
—Sergeant BUDDLE, of the 26th, remains among us, cheerful under discouraging circumstances. He acknowledges that the business is dull, but believes that stirring times in recruiting are just at hand. He has five men where his finger can be placed upon them, and as soon as the "canal closes" and farm work is finished, has promise of more. A short time since he sent seven men to Rochester, which in part aided Major JENNINGS to reinforce the Twenty-sixth regiment with a squad of forty-three. Sergeant BUDDLE is an officer whose acquaintance should be cultivated by any one who has the war fever.
TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—The following articles from the ladies of New Hartford were yesterday forward to Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment, at Elmira:
49 Havelocks, 4 linen sheets,
30 pair woolen socks, 15 pillow cases,
36 towels, 16 new shirts,
31 second-hand towels, 15 second-hand shirts,
12 flannel bandages, 2 dressing gowns,
6 cotton bandages, 15 leather housewives,
13 pairs drawers, 9 pin balls,
12 handkerchiefs, 1 pillow
43 napkins, 1 parcel of tracts,
13 sheets,
A bundle of linen for bandages or lint.
COMMENDATION.—The Elmira correspondent of the Syracuse Journal, in a letter of Friday, thus notices the Twenty-Sixth regiment. From remarks of this character in many newspapers in the Western part of this State, our Utica people must acknowledge that their regiment has pretty effectually "established a reputation:"
The Utica Regiment, Col. Christian, departed for Washington this morning. It is as well-officered, well drilled, well-uniformed and armed, and well-wished body of soldiers as have left Elmira—unless the Buffalo Regiment be excepted. The men are fine-looking, and all join in saying that they will do effective service under the most trying circumstances.
Col. Christian's Horse.--A subscription of $225 was very liberally and cheerfully made yesterday by our citizens for the purchase of a horse for Col. Christian, and the money is now on its way to Elmira, in charge of Mr. Wm. H. Lewis. The animal has been selected by Col. C., and will doubtless see service.
—Companies E and F of Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment, did not receive the anticipated marching orders last evening, and will, therefore, be unable to leave until Monday. Utica is sufficiently patriotic to take good care of them for two days longer.
SUTLER TO THE TWENTY-SIXTH.—A dispatch was received last night from Lieut. Col. RICHARDSON, notifying Mr. E. LOUGHLIN, of this city, of his appointment as Sutler to the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, and ordering him to report at New York, where instructions are awaiting him at Sweeney's Hotel. Mr. L. accepts the position, and will join his Regiment in Washington as soon as may be.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—Col. CHRISTIAN'S regiment, whose three month's term of enlistment has expired, have re-enlisted for the war, and been accepted by the President. The Regiment is now stationed a t the extreme outposts of the army of the Potomac.
The Camp at Elmira.
ELMIRA, June 2, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:—
The Rochester Regiment left for Washington as was expected, last Wednesday about noon.—As they left the barracks the Utica regiment was drawn into line, and the boys gave three hearty cheers as they passed by. After they got to the train, and some of the companies found that they were confined in freight cars, they coolly knocked some extempore windows in their sides with their muskets for the purpose of ventilation. The Syracuse Regiment left the same day with them, and it really seemed lonely for a while without them, but there are still a plenty left to keep the town lively enough for comfort.
The Barracks formerly occupied by the Rochester Regiment are now taken by the Jefferson county companies, and the whole camp is under the command of Col. Christian. From both Regiments, over a hundred men are detailed every day as guards around the lines. The Jefferson county Regiment are as yet unused to camp restraint, and it has required all Col. Christian's energy and firmness to preserve order. They once commenced demolishing the cook-house, but were soon quieted. Last night a sudden row occurred [sic] there, and one man was very badly hurt; to-night he is reported dead, but we hope it is not true. There is a great deal of combustible material now in Elmira, and it requires close vigilance and discipline to prevent serious affrays. The fact is, the men are all anxious for a fight, whether with Jeff. Davis or "any other man."
The Twenty-sixth received their muskets yesterday, and it has given the men an additional impetus to persevere in their drill and it certainly greatly improves their appearance at parades. Some complaints are heard as to the weight of the muskets, but they are however said to be good ones and carry an ounce ball. We have not yet got our under-clothes, which occasions great inconvenience, and it must be confessed that it is really a shame, the manner in which the volunteers are in some respects treated; clothed with miserable, badly fitted uniforms; contractors becoming millionaires by thus depriving them; their pay still withheld; the coarsest sort of blankets furnished them—and yet the troops have borne it all with a patience and fortitude worthy of the highest commendation.—Rutger B. Miller, Jr., of Utica, has however, been appointed Paymaster for the Regiment, and he is making the most vigorous efforts to obtain money for the troops immediately. Harrison
Pease, of Utica, has been appointed Quartermaster's Sergeant, by the Colonel.
Our volunteers through all their other troubles have excellent food, and they are generally quiet and orderly. Some soldier amused himself the other night by coming into Haight's Hotel and firing a pistol ball into the dining-room door, but such unruly actions are of rare occurrence.
We are all anxiously waiting to be ordered off. ALIQUIS.
The following is a roster of the field, line and staff officers of the 26th Regiment: Date of
Name. Rank. Appointment. Residence.
Wm. H. Christian Colonel May 18 Utica.
R. H. Richardson Lt. Colonel May 18 Utica.
Gilbert S. Jennings Major May 18 Rochester.
David Smith, Jr. Adjutant May 18 Utica.
Wm. C. Blackwell Qtr Master May 18 Utica.
Walter B. Coventry Surgeon May 18 Utica.
Aaron J. Steele As't Surgeon May 18 Rochester.
Rutger B. Miller, Jr. Pay Master May 18 Rochester.
John Kingsbury Serg't Major May 18 Utica.
Harrison Pease Q. M. Serg't May 18 Utica.
Wm. Radcliff Drum Major May 18 N. Y. Mills.
Sam'l B. Benedict Fife Major May 18 Lebanon.
M. Cossl... Captain April 24 Utica.
Wm. E. Mercer Lieutenant April 24 Utica.
Perry D. Hecox Ensign April 24 Utica.
Geo. A. Blackwell Captain April 24. Utica.
Norman W. Palmer Lieutenant April 24. Utica.
Henry D. Barnet Ensign April 24 Oneida.
John H. Fairbanks Captain May 19 Utica.
J. Edward Roberts Lieutenant April 25 Utica.
Edwin Harrington Ensign April 25 Utica.
Geo. Arrowsmith Captain April 29 Hamilton.
Wm. P. West Lieutenant April 29 Hamilton.
Richard L. Hall Ensign April 29 Hamilton.
Antoin Brendle Captain April 25 Utica.
Oliver W. Sheldon Lieutenant April 25 Utica.
James Van Vlock Ensign April 25 Utica.
Ezra F. Wetmore Captain April 26 N. Y. Mills.
Rufus D. Patten Lieutenant April 26 Clinton.
John Bevines Ensign April 26 Utica.
Charles E. Jennings Captain May 20 Rochester.
E. R. P. Shirley Lieutenant May 20 Buffalo.
Frank L. Blader Ensign May 20 Rochester.
Thomas Davis Captain April 18 Rochester
Melvin Brown Lieutenant April 18 Rochester.
Edward E. Rosslenin Ensign April 18 Rochester.
John H. Palmer Captain May 9 Oriskany Falls.
Henry J. Flint Lieutenant May 9 Waterville.
John W. Renney Ensign May 9 Madison.
James B. Caryl Captain May 11 Candor.
Charles F. Berager Lieutenant May 11 Candor.
Emmit Harder Ensign May 11 Candor.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT AT THE SEAT OF WAR.—The following private letter from a Volunteer who went from Deansville with Col. Christian's Regiment, is communicated to us for publication:
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 24.
Prof. ____ DEAR SIR:—As you perceive by the date of this, I am in Washington, safe and sound, enjoying better health than I have before for several years. We started from Elmira on the 21st inst., and proceeded towards this place via Williamsport, Harrisburgh and Baltimore. The ladies of Williamsport gave the regiment a dinner in the grove; we fared sumptuously, almost all the boys getting a bouquet from some fair hand, with an accompanying "God bless you!" This, you may believe, increased our determination to fight the enemies of our country, and protect its fair daughters. Throughout Pennsylvania we found a hearty greeting, and all sorts of rumors as to the reception we should meet with at Baltimore; we rather expected hot work there; and at Glen Rock, Pa., six miles from the Maryland line, the train halted, and we all got out of the cars, loaded our pieces, excepting the caps, and then with blood up, proceeded to Baltimore. We saw no secession flags, save one in the hands of a small boy in that city.
The people in the rural districts of Maryland, waved their hands and handkerchiefs as the train passed along. In Baltimore we met with no resistance, but could see the feeling on the part of some of the citizens, and hear some remarks not very pleasant for us to listen to, while from some there was a cordial cheering. It appears that the name of Col. Christian's Regiment had preceded us, and alt were looking with special interest to our appearance. As our uniforms fit us rather loosely, they seemed to open their eyes at our stout appearance, and accosted us thus:—''Bully boys! where are you from?" "Old Oneida!" "Are they all as large as you are, up there?" "Yes, and larger too; we are only the boys!" "Any more troops from New York?" "Yes, sixty thousand!" "What! the whole State coming?" "No, they don't miss us;" &c., &c.
We arrived in Washington on Saturday, about 2 p. m., and were ordered by the Gen. to encamp two miles north of the city. There is a host of an army in and around the city, and as far as the eye can reach, the country is studded with white tents, a landscape of war.
Last night at eleven o'clock an alarm of an attack was given; the drum beat to arms, and I assure you there was excitement, and pale faces, and "hurrying to and fro and mounting in hot haste." In eight minutes our regiment were all under arms, and ready to face Jeff. Davis and all his minions. We stood in "battle array" two hours, and then were ordered back to camp.—Imagine yourself in the heart of the enemy's country, and the call sounding to arms at dead of night, and you can conceive something of our feelings, (green volunteers that we are), but not a man faltered,—but there was a general desire expressed to meet the foe, and that soon. Every Regiment in and about the city, probably nearly one hundred thousand men, was under arms last night. We expect to see service soon. Good bye. Sincerely yours,
The Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
SHOOTER'S HILL, (near Alexandria, Va.,)
July 23d, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Still another step towards a battle and still a more lively realization of real soldiering. We left Washington on Sunday about noon, leaving the sick to guard our camp, and arrived at Alexandria about two o'clock, where we had to wait a great while to get a train which could transport us to the scene of action whither we were marching. Alexandria is indeed a desolate town. Grass grows in the streets, business appears suspended, men look dismal and unhappy, and everything reminds of war. The Marshal House is continually crowded with soldiers tearing up staircases, floors, &c., to get pieces of wood with Ellsworth's blood on, which, by the way, must have flowed in great abundance in the young man's veins, if I may judge from the numerous specimens I have seen. While waiting at Alexandria, we continually heard heavy cannonading from the South, but night came on, and we finally lay down to sleep in a field near the depot, in the open air. Soon, however, we were called up and put on a train, the tops and platforms crowded wherever a man could stick on, and we started towards Fairfax. Aliquis lay on top of a car, next to the locomotive, gravely winking occasionally, as the cinders flew in his eyes, and now and then "dreaming the happy hours away," when the train suddenly stopped at a station just this side of Fairfax, called Springfield. There a picket was thrown out ahead, and we were stopped awhile, during which we received the astounding intelligence that our forces were signally defeated, and we were ordered to fall back immediately to Alexandria. When we got back we found Col. Kerrigan's regiment in the field which we had occupied, so we took an adjoining one and slept till morning, notwithstanding it had now begun to rain. When we awoke, trains crowded with retreating troops were coming hurriedly in, and the roads were crowded with stragglers from all sorts of regiments, in a weary and disorderly retreat. Our regiment now commenced its march up towards Fort Ellsworth, to cover their retreat so that they might rally behind us. And here a grotesque but most disheartening scene met our eyes—men from New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, all mixed up together, foot-sore and ragged, in no order, and apparently under no officers. All parts of the North were represented in the rout—Zouaves, with their gay uniforms torn, dirty and blood-soiled, soldiers without shoes, some without guns or knapsacks; others, more determined, carrying away three or four of each; some without eyes, some without ears and others with various flesh wounds, riding, limping or running—such was the picturesque procession which went along the road all yesterday forenoon. As they met us, they told us of the deadly fire of the batteries, told us to turn around immediately, and of the manner in which the rebels bayoneted all our wounded on the field, and such not very encouraging details. Others cheered us, and hopes "we'd give 'em Jessie," &c. We finally went to Fort Ellsworth and entered it, where we thought the cannon, the abatis, the ditch and the ramparts looked very welcome after the accounts given us. Well, as the Dutchman said, we did not stop there, but went over beyond and bivouacked in a grove, where in a cold rain, without tents, we made sort of a cold breakfast. We expected an attack all day yesterday, and it was all we could do to keep the muskets dry. About noon the companies began to go off in search of better quarters. Aliquis and his company got into a deserted dwelling-house, where with good fire-places and fences we managed to get comfortably dry. We put out extra pickets in the night, as it was reported that an immense force was approaching, and there is some danger of being pushed off into the Potomac. I really think the rebel General is very foolish if he do not attack us to-day. Most of our regiments are completely demoralized, and are crossing the river in crowds. The New York Twenty-sixth, Seventeenth and some others I think are entitled to great credit for their present stand, as the majority are completely panic stricken. A Pennsylvania regiment near us is to-day hurriedly packing up to return home, their time having expired, which is not extremely encouraging either. The storm has now ceased, and the morning is beautiful. Our ideas of the enemy are all conjectural, and we know not what to day will bring forth. I hope, however, when I write again to give you better news.
Among the consoling features of our soldiering is the good feeling among our troops. The Captain of Company D was lately presented with an elegant sword, a portable camp bed, a camp stool, and other articles, by the members of his company. ALIQUIS.
The Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
CAMP MAXWELL, July 30, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
One of the best jokes of the season with us is a little paragraph in a late Tribune, headed "A Gallant Feat: Tuesday, in Virginia, Colonel McLeod Murphy captured three rebels in uniform, while out scouting on his own hook. He saw three of them getting water, while their arms were leaning against a tree but a few feet off. Col. Murphy rode up, and without firing his revolver, collared the crowd and brought them into camp." We are encamped near Col. Murphy, and the only feat of the kind we know of his performing was the following: The picket of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment took three secession dragoons, with a flag of truce, and held them at the post of their picket. Col. Murphy was the officer into whose hands the captain of the picket, delivered them. Has Aliquis and his friends, who were in the picket at the time, known that taking men with a flag of truce was a feat so "galliant," [sic] we would all have "got in" the Tribune; why, if we'd known that, we'd all of us been Murphys!
We have again moved our camp, in order to get out of the way of the guns of the Dahlgren Battery which was put up near our old location. Our situation is, if possible, still more beautiful than Shuter's Hill. Where we are now encamped is called Federal Hill, and our camp, Maxwell, in honor of a kind lady friend to the Regiment in Elmira. Our gratitude to our female friends, regimentally speaking, indicates itself in the feminine sound of our camp names. We are still in sight of the beautiful Potomac—above us Washington, and below us Alexandria, Mount Vernon, and the most beautiful hills and valleys this country can exhibit. On the very spot where we now are, the U. S. army was encamped when they saw Washington burned, in the last war with England.
We have now got over anticipating attacks, and settle down to the routine of camp life again—drilling, getting rations, rambling, trapping, &c. To-day we expect our new uniforms, and indeed we sadly need them, for as it is we continually remind each other of Jack Falstaff's celebrated corps—"and more too!"
We no longer keep a picket out at Cloud's Mills, for the arrival of some New Jersey regiments near that place has obviated the necessity of it. There is the utmost strictness displayed now in passing persons in and out of the Federal lines, and a pass from the Provost Marshal is usually necessary. The Long Bridge is also strongly guarded, and not an officer or man in the regiment can get over to Washington, without a pass from the Colonel.
We are now discharging those who are sick and incapable of military duty. It is a wonderful drawback to a moving regiment—this having the halt, the lame and the blind to carry along, and recruiting officers should remember it. Every sickly man enlisted is a loss of two to the regiment, for it requires another to take care of him. ALIQUIS.
From the Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
August 4, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
My letters, you will observe, like everything else pertaining to camp, are very irregular. Food in camp is irregular with a moving regiment, both as regards quanity [sic] and quality. Sometimes when shifting our position, we have long fasts, which are not particularly conducive to a prayerful mood; at other times, potatoes, peaches, chickens, onions, beets, &c., mysteriously appear and disappear around the camp fires—"A moent seen, then gone forever." We do not, as a regiment, generally make a practice of foraging; but then, if we did not do it a little, Kerrigan's regiment, which is near us, would get more than their "rations." Cattle are very rarely disturbed, though, it is true, horses are occasionally impressed into the service of their country, while a misanthropic mule may sometimes be seen sedately carrying two or three volunteers around on his back. Sleeping is also irregular, and in all sorts of places, from the finest of bed rooms down to the open air, in a rain, with the boots of a neighbor for a pillow. Tents are fine apartments, though, except during a heavy rain, when the ground floor is apt to be quite damp, especially if on a low, marshy spot.
Since I wrote last we have been newly uniformed, and have laid aside the old colorless clothes which the men have so long worn under protest. Of course this gave an entirely new appearance to the regiment, which looked as though it had just been "shedding." One fellow, much fatigued after a long march, awoke from a long sleep that afternoon and saw what seemed a lot of strangers about. Loquitur, rubbing his eyes, "Wh-what regiment's this? where's the Twenty-sixth? Did you see which way they went?"—We were inspected by a regular officer last Friday, who is going through all the regiments along the river.
The greatest confidence is felt in all quarters in the ability and tact of Gen. McClellan, and his untiring activity imparts a vigor to every department of the army. The forests are still being leveled, entrenchments thrown up and batteries erected. The Northern "mud sills" are making havoc in the "sacred soil" generally enough, at least, to embitter the feelings of even that part of "the chivalry" who were the best inclined towards the North. I think the idea of the Northern Press with reference to Southern sentiment, are very erroneous. Around here the inhabitants seem to be all secessionists, but of course they are not forward in ventilating their politics, especially when they are certain that will tell upon their hen roosts and orchards. A young farmer boy can scarcely be found and where around here; all, as I suppose, bring ... with the army. The rebel army is made of good material. The Black Horse Cavalry, especially, were made up almost wholly of men of culture and fortune, and I've heard the greatest mortification expressed by Virginians that they should have been cut to pieces by the New York Fire men—the aristocracy by the sans culottes. These Zouaves, by the way, are the "lions" among the troops about here. Their officers are all either dead or good for nothing, and they warm all over recounting their adventures and showing their trophies from the Bull's Run battle. The Zouaves, Kerrigan's, the Mezart, McCunn's, McLeod Murphy's, and Lansing's, are the regiments whose camps are nearest our own.
Mr. Owen J. Lewis, of your city, was visiting through our camp yesterday, surrounded, as you may well imagine, by crowds of old acquaintances asking for news from Utica. A man in civilian's dress is quite a curiosity now, and we stare at him with as much interest as we used to have in a military company, when we delighted to follow them barefooted through the streets for miles, to the great disgust of all school teachers. Mr. Lewis started this morning on a trip to Fortress Monroe.
Col. Kerrigan was heard to pay Col. Christian and our regiment quite a compliment the other day. He remarked that it was the best-drilled volunteer regiment he had yet seen.
It is now Sunday night; warm, oh how warm, but beautiful. Grim looking war ships are lying silently in the river between here and Washington. The Chaplain is holding religious services at one end of the camp, with the Band putting in "Old Hundred" and "Coronation" occasionally. From another part may be heard soldiers chanting "Dixie," celebrating the virtues of the "Female Smuggular," or bewailing the untimely death of "Gentle Annie." It is half past nine, and time that these noises stopped—also it's time my light was put out. Aliquis.
From the Twenty-Sixth Regiment.
August 7, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
We were aroused again last night by two couriers from Gen. McClellan, who ordered us to assemble, with the rest of the brigade, immediately along the Leesburg road. This was a little after midnight, and we lay out until morning, but got into no engagement. We could hear the rumbling of their artillery wagons, however, and it is known that some part of the rebel army is not far distant. These infantry regiments in an alarm in the night turn out very quietly, and, as they have no lights, a person might be not more than fifty yards from the camp and not know that a man was astir. If we are attacked here a battery will be sent across to Washington, in apprehension, I suppose, of feigned attacks. This lying out in ease of alarms is what the boys call "going out to pasture," and it isn't very pleasing when they are obliged to sleep in the wet grass all night, and then return to camp in the morning without any engagement.
The following order was read on parade, last evening, by the Colonel:
His Excellency, the President of the United States, desiring the further service of the 26th Regiment N. Y. S. V., and having made requisition upon the Governor of this State therefor, [sic] Col. Christian is hereby directed, on the expiration of the term for which such regiment was mustered into the service of the United States, (August 21st, 1861.) to report with his command to the Adjutant-General of the United States Army, for duty under the order of the United States Government for the remainder of the term of enlistment of the regiment into the service of the State of New York.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
This occasions a great deal of disappointment among the men, many of whom had made arrangements to go to their homes after the 21st of August. The Colonel, however, says that as recruiting progresses those very anxious to go home may gradually all get a discharge, as he will use his exertions for that object at the War Department. He believes that the war at most will not last a year, and is determined himself at all events to see its close in the service.
The following changes have occurred in the officer roll of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, and we much regret that those resigned now are leaving us. The appointments, which have been made from among the most trustworthy and reliable men in the regiment, have been confirmed by Gov. Morgan, and the new officers will enter upon the discharge of their duties immediately. The resignations were assented to by Gen. McDowell, and the officers resigning discharged from the service of the United States:
William K, Bacon, Adjutant, vice David Smith, Jr., resigned.
Ensign Gilbert A. Hay, Lieutenant of Company A, vice William A. Mercer, resigned.
Sergeant-Major John T. Kingsbury, Ensign of Company A, vice Hay, promoted.
Lieutenant Norman W. Palmer, Captain of Company E, vice Antoine Brendle, resigned.
Ensign H. D. Barnett, Lieutenant of Company B, vice Norman W. Palmer, promoted.
Sergeant William J. Harlow, Ensign of Company B, vice Barnett, promoted.
Sergeant William C. Gardner, Lieutenant of Company D, vice William P. West, promoted.
Sergeant Hugh Leonard, Ensign of Company D, vice Richard Hull, resigned.
Lieutenant E. R. P. Shurly, of Company G, Captain of Company C, vice John H. Fairbanks, resigned.
Sergeant Charles B. Coventry, Lieutenant of Company E, vice Oliver W. Sheldon, resigned.
Corporal Charles Smith, Ensign of Company E, vice James Van Vleck, resigned.
Corporal William Cone, Lieutenant of Company F, vice Rufus D. Patten, resigned.
Private John Williams, Ensign of Company F, vice John Bevine, resigned.
Ensign Frank L. Binder, Lieutenant of Company G, vice E. R. P. Shurly, promoted.
Frank Lee, Ensign of Company G, vice Binder, promoted.
Lieutenant William P. West, Captain of Company I, vice John H. Palmer, resigned.
Corporal Alonzo Thompson, Lieutenant of Company I, vice Henry J. Flint, resigned.
Charles S. Johnson, Ensign of Company I, vice John W. Kinney, resigned.
Ensign Emmet Harder, Lieutenant of Company _, vice Charles F. Baragar, resigned.
... Albert D. Lynch, Ensign of Company K, vice Harder, promoted.
[The officers as above appointed have been duly commissioned by Gov. MORGAN.]
CAMP MARY, Sept. 12, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Again we have moved, and this time to a beautiful piece of ground, to which Col. CHRISTIAN has given the name that heads this letter. It is "over Hunting Run," where we have moved, which carries us still more to the left of the Grand Army of the Potomac—the left regiment in the left Brigade. We are now under the command of Gen. Slocum, an officer of whom we all have the highest ideas. Letters to the regiment, however, still occasionally come directed to Col. McCunn or Gen. Heintzleman's Brigade, an error which correspondents should take care to correct. Our Brigade is to be posted behind a line of intrenchments [sic], and nearly our whole force is working on them every day; we already have a fine rifle pit in our front. Our regiment came up yesterday afternoon, and last night was the only one on this side of the river. In the evening, some picket firing off in front of us kept us on the alert for a while; nothing serious, however, occurred, though it is reported to-day that some of the Maine boys were captured. To-day the rest of the Brigade have been moving up, together with a company of dragoons, and Capt. Thompson's battery, so that affairs now look a little more sociable. We now really are finely situated, and we have taken great care to make the camp comfortable. An unoccupied house near by was taken down, to make floors to the tents, the fences in the neighborhood, being rather defective. Capt. Palmer has charge of a squad of men daily employed in making a log building for the conveniences of the guard, facetiously called "Fort Palmer." Yesterday afternoon, we heard the skirmish up at the other end of the line, of which you have of course heard, but reported fighting is now so common a topic that it creates but little interest.
Picketing is a favorite duty with the men and officers of the regiment. There is a most solemn calmness along the roads that lead from Alexandria down into the country, and you may travel miles and see scarcely a living being, and hear only the chirping of insects or the singing of birds. I lay out all night not long since, on a hill at the outposts of the Federal lines. I never saw a more beautiful landscape. As the moon rose up slowly and made the still Potomac appear as a flare of light, the stillness had a drowsy effect upon us all. I lay, thinking of the prospect of a fight, when five horsemen, armed to the teeth, suddenly rode up to my comade [sic] and myself, and ordered us to surrender. Knowing the danger of grasping my musket, I did not make the attempt, but rising suddenly, I seized the leader by the throat—"Look here, you thunderin' fool, if you don't sleep a little more quietly you'll get punched in the eye!" I'll never forgive Jim for spoiling that heroic dream.
Mortimer Thompson, "Doesticks," has been "rusticating" in our regiment for two or three weeks, and is an "honorary member" of the Colonel's staff. He is continually scouring over the country, going out with the pickets, &c., and seems to be in love with soldiering.
The three months question has now "gone glimmering in the dream of things that were," and the regiment is running like clockwork. I am obliged to inform you that no men were shot for insubordination, at the risk, however, of spoiling the effect of some fine newspaper paragraphs. Our Adjutant proves himself a very active and able officer, and has become very popular in the regiment. The Colonel and the company officers are continually in receipt of letters from mothers, wives and fathers of soldiers soliciting discharges and furloughs for them. They seem to have a sort of vague idea that the officers can just summarily send the men home in a "Depart, go in peace" style. At most, all the Colonel can do is to make application for the discharges, which he knows very well would never be granted, unless in cases of marked physical debility.—To give every letter received due attention, would require the individual efforts of every officer in the regiment, for a discharge has to be "lobbied" through like a bill in the Legislature.—Besides these applications, there are innumerable applications for officers' positions.—Young John Smith or some one, has just got his education; his father Mr. Smith or some one, a man of high respectability, wishes him to fight for the honor of his country's flag, but at the same time does not wholly undervalue the "loaves and fishes." Young John is described as not being altogether inexperienced in military, having been fourth corporal in the 10th Wide Awakes, and has witnessed several encampments of the Smithville Blues, therefore an application is made that Smith may have an office, that eventually he may become Gen. McSmith perhaps. Our Regiment has in its non-commissioned officers and privates, ample material for good officers, and it is really unjust to them, that stranger's claims should be preferred to the claims of those whose previous stations and course of duty render them eligible to the positions. This is the principle which the Colonel evidently aims to observe in the selection of his officers.
Our Regiment now numbers 830 men, and some recruits we learn are now on their way here. We have had comparatively little sickness amongst us, and no deaths by disease that I am aware of. Our band from Rochester has been discharged, and that seems to leave a vacant place in the Regiment. But really, a brass band, like an elephant, is a cumbersome sort of luxury to keep. They are not expected to fight, and yet a bass drum for instance is not a handy thing to move with when Cavalry are in pursuit. We have occasionally to suffer some loss from disability and a committee sits every Monday in Alexandria to receive applications for discharges.
CAMP MARY, Oct. 5th, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Excuse my not writing oftener, but I am getting tired constantly repeating as the New York papers do, "all quiet over the Potomac to-day."—One morning we were all professionally exhilarated at the prospect of an action, and we all had our glasses out viewing from our commanding elevation the movement of troops, both among the rebels and the Federals, but it turned out to be merely the peaceful occupation of Munson's Hill by our forces, and the robbing of farms and dwelling houses in that direction. A beautiful view, by the way, is presented from Fort Lyon, Washington, Alexandria, the Potomac, Fort Ellsworth, Fort Taylor, Munson's Hill, Edsall's Hill and a broad expanse of country where Flying Artillery companies are drilling, and squads of Cavalry are leaping fences. Occasionally a shot will be thrown from Fort Ellsworth, and then all eyes are turned to see it strike far down in the Potomac, where it skips along on the water for a while, and then settles heavily in the opposite bank.
Last Thursday night Col. Christian, with 300 Infantry and 50 Cavalry, was sent out to Pohick Church, to capture if possible, a body of rebel Cavalry, which was reported to be stationed there. A portion went out on the Richmond, and a portion on the Mount Vernon road, and after a march of 14 miles, arrived at the Church about daybreak. The "body of Cavalry," however, proved to be a mere outpost of fifteen or twenty of the Hampton Legion, who, after exchanging a few shots, which resulted in wounding one of the rebel horsemen, made good their escape before they could be surrounded. The detachment, after sacking the officers' quarters, and appropriating everything from whiskey "and other household furniture," down to their drums and morning rations, returned, having marched about thirty miles in fifteen hours, over a very rough country. Pohick Church is a very large, old-fashioned brick church, with a sort of marble floor, and a pulpit of the old English style, which is ascended with about as much difficulty as a light-house, by a spiral stairway. The soldiers who mounted this pulpit to try the effect of their features in a clerical point of view, could scarcely be seen below the eyes, in this quaint old structure. Near the altar is a wide aisle which was occupied by Gen. Washington, but this like the rest, was now filled with forage for the rebel Cavalry. A scout who came in camp this evening, reported that we "beat up their quarters quite hurriedly, for a large body of Infantry and Cavalry came to the Church soon after we left. Our force was probably very near their main body, as they heard the long roll in their camp before they left.
There has been a great change in the situation of regiments off to the right of us, but we as yet have no intimations of a general advance of the army. Our Brigade seems to have settled down for a long stay in our present position though rumor says we are soon to move. An Agricultural Society never selected finer ground for a Fair than we now have for a camp, and we shall regret to leave it, unless for something more lively.
We were lately much pleased to receive a good visit from Justice Jones, of your city, and regretted his departure. He was continually riding around among the pickets and outposts, and must have acquired a pretty good idea of the Army of the Potomac's ... excitement!
October ...
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
In looking over your paper of October 3d, I saw an extract from an article written by the correspondent of the Syracuse Standard, and should judge by the tone of his letters that he thinks us a sight seeing people. He says "the pickets of the 26th were badly scared at some distant firing, caused by the shooting of a dog," &c. Now part of this is true, and the rest is not true. Here are the facts of the case:
On the night spoken of, it was our turn to furnish the picket. At about twelve o'clock we could distinctly hear firing in the direction of our outposts, but took no notice of it, and went to bed as usual. At about one o'clock General Slocum came to our camp and ordered two companies to be sent to the outposts and ascertain the cause of the firing, and to render what aid was needed. Capt. Arrowsmith and myself were detailed for the purpose—Capt. Arrowsmith taking the Mount Vernon road, and I the Fairfax road. When I arrived at the outpost I found the men all together, and not half so badly scared as the correspondent says they were.
As for our seeing more sights than the correspondent, I cannot account for, unless it be that he is always left with the reserve, about one mile inside of the outposts, or is attending to his duties in the camp.
Capt. Co, E. 26th Regiment.
CAMP FRANKLIN, Va., Oct. 15, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The organization of divisions has again compelled us to move, so that I now almost regard myself a second Wandering Jew. We now seem to be situated right in the center of the army near the Fairfax Seminary—have but little picketing to do, and no picking on intrenchments [sic], and the latter, I assure you, is regarded as no privation. Another brigade is now at work finishing Fort Lyon, and ours has again resumed drilling.
The nights are now getting very cold, and every stitch of clothing available is put into use. You may realize what I mean by taking a single blanket and sleeping out on the piazza some night—any one who wishes to try it. Yet a great many soldiers in the army now are unable to get that single blanket even, though the department at Washington is evidently making great efforts to supply them. Overcoats are also very scarce in some of the regiments; but I understand there is soon to be an abundant supply of them.—Comfortable camp fires are now made in the evening, and the bracing air seems to put the men around them in the best of spirits. In one direction I hear there is a lively quadrille, and a fiddler, with a vivid imagination, calling out "Ladies change!" and "Ladies to the right!" with the utmost gravity. A great many in the regiment have fixed fire places in their tents, in the following manner: A trench is dug, four or five feet long, one end within and the other outside the tent. This is covered with stones or bricks, and a piece of pipe or a barrel connects with the opening outside, to carry off the smoke. At the inner opening a fire is made, which heats up a tent very well, and very rarely turns any smoke on the inside—unless, of course, an old hat or a board is found to be placed over the pipe outside. This is fine weather now for a great movement of some kind, and we suppose one is soon to be made. Last Saturday, everyone expected a battle; the rebels had made a sudden advance, but they made as sudden a withdrawal immediately afterward.
Most of the officers of this Regiment on last fast day, made a resolution to abstain from the use of all intoxicating liquors, which is at least one "forward movement" made. While at work on the Fort, a gill of whisky wad dealt out to each man every day, which sometimes proved ruinous to all discipline and order. However, that is now all stopped. As a general thing there is but very little drunkenness to be seen throughout the army, considering the circumstances.
In obedience to orders recently issued, many horses and other valuable property which have been taken from the "Secesh" by our officers and men have been given up to headquarters, and some have thereby returned to their owners. Much of this sort of property, however, has been sold to the Government in Washington, or shipped north. It seems to me to be the very worst feature of war—the deleterious influence it must have on the morals of a people, for the distinction between military pillaging and stealing is often very fine and subtle. Those families just between the two armies have really a dangerous and harrassed [sic] life. They endeavor, of course, to take a neutral course, which only subjects them to occasional marauds from both parties, and sometimes skirmishes around their dwellings. Many wealthy families have been driven to very coarse living, owing to the stoppage of communication with the towns, and begin to realize the folly of Virginia in making her soil the battle ground. There is many an aristocratic family here who are secessionists, I believe just for the sake of keeping their reputation as F . F. V's. Many of these, by the way, own dilapidated, worn out old farms, and manage to keep up a sort of Turveydrop gentility only by selling negroes. However scarce the cash or shabby the servants, there must be a fine dwelling house with a spacious door-yard and very showy entrance. Here these hospitable Virginians sit and muse on the antiquity and respectability of their families, and show their visitors their household relics. I have seen at least a dozen pianos, each of which was the first ever brought into Virginia, and numerous clocks which had once belonged to George Washington. I think the old General must have had a way of giving furniture to all of his acquaintances, instead of locks of hair, when he was getting old, by the souvenirs I find. The Virginia gentleman is very hospitable, and if you'll only praise his horses, and not tamper with his negroes, he'll treat you finely, without asking your politics. At present his situation makes him very politic, and he treats officers of both armies out of the same bottle, and often the same day. So much for our "Secesh" acquaintances in Virginia.
A broken-winded bugler is now making night hideous, by way or informing us that it is time the lights were out—so here goes!
CAMP FRANKLIN, Va., Oct. 25, 1861.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
Our life here is a dull routine of drilling, carrying water to drink, cooking victuals to eat, and bringing wood to keep warm. Any one who wishes to do something for the volunteers in Virginia, is hereby recommended to take the extra blanket which the family never uses, but is kept for imaginary "company," which never comes, and ship it to some volunteer friend, at the same time exhorting his friends to go and do likewise. Any one, for instance, who would play the above joke on Aliquis or any of his friends, would be entitled to an honored old age, and will surely receive a benediction from the aforesaid in the silent watches of the night. Government seems to be unable to furnish blankets and overcoats sufficient to meet the demands of this immense army.
Last night we had a heavy frost, and almost every other day we have a cold rain, with a whole month's rations of mud all at once. The South doesn't seem to me to be so "sunny" to the soldiers ad it is to the poets. I have tried various ways to keep warm in the nights. I have sometimes become "gay and festive," and have had the play of the Camanche Indian all alone at midnight, to the great alarm of the sentries. I had a patent fire-place in my tent which was excellent, until the wind changed, and then as the smoke insisted on occupying the inside, I was obliged to content myself on the outside, poking up the fire with a long stick. I have to-night the fell design of robbing the Government horses of their covering after the lapse of a short hour or two. Wherefore we want some extra blankets.
This army, if it is to move on towards Richmond, must certainly start in less than a month, as after that time the roads will be almost impassable. Roads are not so carefully kept in the Old Dominion as in New York, and the ground is either a stiff clay or very stony. The fact that the troops are now drilled daily with their knapsacks on, seems to indicate a movement. When the men first began to exercise in "double quick" with these incumbrances [sic], they appeared not unlike some sportive dry-goods pedlers [sic] playing "tag," but they now carry them with the greatest facility. The knapsacks are always worn on the brigade drills, which occur almost daily, under the direction of Gen. Slocum.
I suppose the rumor which has prevailed here has also reached you, viz: that Gen. McClellan is to be superseded. I assure you the idea meets with no sympathy in this section of the army at least, where he is generally admired and beloved as a commander and as a man.
Our regiment is still comparatively very healthy notwithstanding the fickle weather of late. A regiment from Maine, which has encamped near us, I learn has dwindled, on account of desertions, death, disease and discharges, (four unlucky Ds for a regiment,) from 1,000 to about 300 or 400 effective men. By the way, there is a census of the effective men now being taken throughout the whole army.
You have no idea of the number of non-combatants, waiters, teamsters, hostlers, clerks, orderlies, hospital attendants, &c, that are included in speaking of an army as consisting of so many thousand men. And then there are the sick, the light duty men, those addicted to music, &c., which must also be deducted. We still have the old muskets yet, with a promise of the Springfield rifle, which is perhaps the best arm in the service.
Our chaplain, Rev. Dr. Bristol, arrived in camp to-day. He was already known to a great many of the men, and he will doubtless prove very popular among them.
Balloon ascensions are quite frequent now about the Fairfax Seminary. A few nights ago one came through our camp, the Saratoga, towed by a buggy and appearing like a great cloud all bottled up and labeled. It stopped awhile on being challenged by a startled sentry, and then went on its journey again.
The first of next month we are to be mustered for payment again, and as the rolls are all ready we hope that our turn will come in good season. After that, then may there be a speedy movement.
Camp Life.
Alexandria, Va., Nov., 1861.
To the Editor of the UTICA DAILY OBSERVER:
Few can realize the real character of camp life, until they have tried its stern realities—until they forsake their brick and wooden walls for those of cotton. At home, where men only hear the roar of the storm as its tones are muffled by the comfortable protections around them, and know of the rain only as it patters on the window panes, they can realize very little what it is to have the walls and roof of their dwelling shake, and quiver, and crack, like the report of musketry, and not only hear the cold blast without, but feel it creeping in at many openings it is quite impossible to close. At home, locks and bars keep away intruders, and we lie down and sleep in stillness and safety. In camp, our locks are made of rope, and no other means are needed to open our doors than to untie a knot. Here, wake at what hour you may, and you hear the dull tread of the sentry, or are startled by the sharp challenge which he gives to some luckless wight, whose necessities have called him abroad at an unseasonable hour. At home, the wakeful cook, or speaking bell from the neighboring steeple, tells you of the early dawn, and that the time has come to begin the duties of the rising day. Here, the sharp twang and roll of the martial drum start you into wakefulness, and make you feel the full reality of the strange and awful scenes which have been pressed upon the land by this most unnatural rebellion. At our fireside we hear only the peaceful hum of agriculture, or the arts, but here none of those things are seen or heard; their place is taken by the shrill tones of the fife, the stirring notes of the bugle, as its blasts reverberate among the hills, the almost constant roll of the drum, the firing of musketry, and the roar of cannon.—These, with the long ranks of martial men passing from point to point, the tread of horsemen, and the sharp, quick voice of those in command, are scenes all new and strange to our land of peace and thriftful enterprise. All these are scenes most intimately connected with camp life.
Every plain is covered with tents, nearly every eminence with fortifications, bristling with cannon. An evening or two since, we saw several regiments on their respective grounds, at what is styled "dress parade;" the day had been cloudy; just at this moment the sun looked brightly through a rift in the clouds, and threw a flood of brightness over the scene. Each regiment was formed in two lines, drawn with military precision; as the light fell upon their thousand glittering bayonets, they presented above their heads a line of the most spotless white; then, as they changed the position of the weapon to a charge, the line changed from above the dark mass of men to their front, the rays of the sun in the meantime glancing from each weapon, and quivering in the quarter of a circle formed in the movement, until it settled again into one long, bright line of spotless white, the whole forming one of the most fairy scenes on which the eve could rest. One finds it hard to believe that such a scene, so much like the moving of the wing of that angel who is clothed in light, is really the solemn waving of the wing of the angel of death.
When leaving home, some of our friends said to us, "tell us of the camp, and how you live there." There is some difficulty in doing this. If our friends were at our elbow, asking us questions about what they were curious to know, then we could answer them; as it is, we will do the best we can to meet their wishes.
Every camp should have a parade ground. This forms the front. Beginning with this and going backwards, you have the tents of the men, each company having their tents arranged in lines facing on a street where the Company forms preparatory to marching on to the parade ground and where they also meet for roll call, which occurs three times each day—at sunrise, at sunset and at eight in the evening. Next after the tents of the men, come those of the commissioned officers of the Companies. These face on a street which runs at right angles with the Company streets. In this broad aisle the men do their cooking, and have their company fires. Here they meet of evenings to smoke, and talk, and sing. Still back of these are the tents of the Colonel and staff. This is composed of the Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Adjutant, Quarter Master, Chaplain, and Surgeons, the tent of the Colonel forming the centre. The flag staff is at the edge of the parade ground, immediately in front of the Colonel's tent. In the rear of the whole may be found the Quarter Master, Commissary, and Sutler's departments.
When the ground has been marked off, the men proceed to pitch their tents, which, when raised and spread, are fastened to their places by cords and stakes; then a shallow trench is usually dug around each, to carry away the water which may drip from the roof. The dirt from this trench is sometimes thrown into the middle of the tent to raise the ground, thus avoiding the collection of water under the cloth.—When this is done, the occupant gets some boards for a floor, if he can; if this cannot be, he uses the ground. He makes his bed by putting some stakes in the ground, on which he makes a platform, spreads it over with some boughs of evergreen or straw, rolls himself in his blanket and sleeps sweetly, dreaming it may be, of home and glory.
The soldier generally cooks his rations in the open air. Then sitting in his tent, or under the shade of some neighboring tree, with his plate upon his lap, he enjoys with a soldier's zest, his frugal meal.
The signal for retiring is given by the drum, the ever present drum. And when the morning breaks, again the roll of the stirring drum shakes sleep from his drowsy eyelids, and calls him forth with his musket and his belt, to duty and to drill.
Each day the Colonel selects an officer, who is styled the officer of the day. He is known by his wearing his sash over his shoulder, the ordinary way of wearing it being around the waist. He has charge of the guard and the police of the camp. The guard is detailed for twenty-four hours, by the Adjutant, each sentry being changed once in two hours. The guard entirely surrounds the camp, so that no one can leave, or come on the ground without their notice and permission. Then when you retire to rest, you may be assured that these men are encamped round about you, and that they will be faithful, for if found asleep on his post, the sentry may be shot, or such other penalty as the court-martial may inflict.
Such is the camp life of our noble soldiery. Near half a million of our fellow citizens are daily meeting these fatigues for the weal of our nation. Let the whole Church pray for them.
DEPARTURE OF A PART OF COL. CHRISTIAN'S REGIMENT.—After so long a season of rest and inactivity in the barracks here, a part of Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment has at length moved.—Perhaps inactivity is not exactly the term to use in connection with Col. CHRISTIAN and his men, for every available moment has been put to the best use in instruction and exercises, so that now the men are as well prepared and drilled, as if they had seen an equal period of actual warlike service. On the instant of the receipt of the President's Proclamation, Col. CHRISTIAN set to work to raise an elective regiment, and from that time to this he has worked under many disadvantages, but with an energy and perseverance which has not belied his previous reputation. Long since, he had men enough enrolled to be received as a regiment, but the military red-tapists at Albany insisted that his companies must be full before they would be received.
Finally receiving the welcome orders, Col. CHRISTIAN yesterday dispatched Co. A, Capt. Cossleman, and Co. B, Capt. BLACKWELL, together numbering 156 men, to the rendezvous at Elmira, under charge of Maj. RICHARDSON. City Hall, which has for some time been used as a military camp, presented an animated appearance, previous to their departure. Men in gorgeous uniform, men in serviceable blouse; men with polished swords, and men with no side arms save plethoric carpet bags; policemen, women, children and dogs, filled the spacious hall to its utmost capacity. A one-eyed guard was stationed at the door to prevent egress, but as considerable leniency was exercised towards people wishing to come in, in a short time the Hall had the appearance of a gigantic fly-trap—the effect of which was heightened by the smell of provender from the commissary department. Attempts were made to exercise the men in military evolutions, but as the tables were close at hand, and the tastes of the men run rather to beef-bones and coffee-bowls, they were of no particular avail. There was fun in the eye of every soldier, and joyousness beamed from the countenance of each at the prospect of moving, which had come at last.
At 2 o'clock, the companies marched out, and went down Genesee street, led by the City Band, and attended by a crowd but little inferior in point of numbers to those of former occasions. Little boys shouted, "Bully for the Sepoys," "There go the chaps who will fight;" the band played "Dixie's Land," as a delicate intimation that the brave men were bound for that delightful country, through Baltimore or any other opposing place in Secessiondom, and so they passed to the cars.
At the depot, former parting scenes were re-enacted, with the exception that more stoicism was displayed by the men than we have observed before. There were plenty of friends to bid them farewell, who were perhaps tearfully inclined, but the soldiers appeared to think a joyous departure would leave the least truce, and that the grief of mothers, sisters and sweethearts would be soonest assuaged by the thought that the objects of their affection were contented, hopeful and happy,
The troops left on the 2:40 train for Canandaigua; thence down to Elmira via Elmira, Canandaigua & Niagara Falls RR. They appeared to be better satisfied with their destination than if they were going east. Elmira has not yet been tried by Utica troops—Albany has.
Among the volunteers of Co. B. was the well known patriotic business man, "STEVE DICK." He claims to have often visited Elmira "with a circus," but now he has sterner business than playing with "tumblers:"—let us hope he will strictly attend to it.
—Two additional companies of Col. CHRISTIAN'S Regiment will leave for Elmira, we understand, at 11 o'clock Saturday morning.—These companies will be E, Capt. SMITH, and F, Capt. WETMORE. A few more men will be taken for these companies, if application is made before 12 o'clock to-day, at the headquarters in the Exchange Buildings.
Other two companies, it is expected, will leave for Elmira early next week, perhaps on Monday.
—The volunteers at the City Hall still need food. Let them have it abundantly, for no one will grudge them the best we can get for them.
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT.—ACCIDENTALLY SHOT DEAD: JAMES GODFREY, of Co. A, 26th Regiment, was accidentally shot on Wednesday morning. One GODFREY MILLER had taken up a gun, not knowing it was loaded, and was showing how he would serve JEFF. DAVIS, pointing it at GODFREY. He pulled the trigger, the gun proved to be loaded, and the charge struck GODFREY in the breast. He lived about five hours afterwards. The deceased belonged, we understand, on Frankfort Hill. His body will be brought home probably to day.
—We find the following in the Buffalo papers: Wanted immediately, a few able-bodied men for the 26th Regiment N. Y. S. V., now in active service, (Wm. H. Christian Commander.) In addition to pay, rations, clothing, &c., $100 bounty, and probably a land warrant, will be given at the expiration of the term of service. Apply corner of Commercial street and Terrace, to
Lieut. 26th Regiment, Recruiting Officer.
We are requested to state that an office will be opened in this city within a few days for the Twenty-sixth Regiment, and only able-bodied men will be accepted. The above notice stated the terms and conditions of enlistment. The term will be for three years or for the war.
Mr. E. Loughlin, Sutler of the 26th, is in town, and will leave on his return to the Regiment on Sunday night or Monday morning. He will take letters or small parcels for members of the Regiment if left at the Store of Lewis
Brothers & Co.
THE ORISKANY AND WATERVILLE VOLUNTEERS.—The joint Company of volunteers from Oriskany Falls and Waterville, which arrived in town last Friday night, is now complete, and Capt. Palmer went to Albany this morning at 12:05 to make arrangements for their removal to Elmira. The company, we understand, was full on the night of their arrival here, but the men were not all present at the City Hall during the inspection by Gen. WHITE. They have been quartered over Sunday at the City Hall, taking their meals at the Fifth Ward House. The men conducted themselves, yesterday, in a manner reflecting the highest credit upon the villages they represent. Those who did not attend the different churches in the City, spent their time at the Hall engaged in reading, &c. Drunkeness was not apparent, and a dignified, sober quiet was the order of the day with them. The company expect to receive marching orders from Capt. PALMER by telegraph, and hold themselves in readiness to move on the 2:40 P. M. train for the west. The following is a complete list of officers and men:
Captain, John H. Palmer 4th Sergeant, J M McLoughlin
Lieutenant, Henry J Flint 1st Corporal, E Burnham
Ensign, John W Kinney 2d " A Thompson
1st Sergeant, Daniel N Yale 3d " Thos Cackett
2d " Chas R Holmes 4th " Geo Hutchein
3d " Wm P Gifford
Oscar M Atwell Richard Finn Henry Smith
Wm C Avery Patrick Farrell Robert D Spencer
Jabez F Barrows Julius M Glazier John Stafford
John Benjamin Vernon Gorton Harris L Siloerstein
Oscar Burdick John Garrey Benjamin Stafford
Jerry Boss Jaz Joaliu Everett Thompson
Peter Bardeen DeJay Judson Chauncey H Young
Peter Bartin Wm Kent E J Willard
John J Benson Geo LaClerc Eugene Wood
Geo W Clark John Levius Henry N Webster
John Crow Jas H Lobdell Chas P Williams
Anson D Cleveland L C Buckingham John Woodall
Monroe Lowes Alfred Mosier John G Ward
Hugh Collins Jas R McAdams Jas C Gray
Henry E Clark J E Montgomery Owen Graham
James Cox Chas Mason Isaac Goodwin
Michael Deitz Lorenzo D Morgan Jabez Greenman
Stephen Duffy Ray D Morgan Chas D Hoyt
Thos Daley Eugene Palmer Gilbert Hammond
Geo E Davison Wm Plunkett Seymour Hayes
Wm Dillon Stanton Park, Jr Alonzo Howe
Henry Deitz Geo W Ritter Michael Harrigan
Aug. 23, 1862.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
The following narrative we have from the lips of Mrs. J. B. Ricketts, wife of Brigadier Gen. Ricketts, who fought at Bull Run, and who, in that battle received three wounds; one in the arm, one in shoulder, and a very serious one in the leg. Capt. Ricketts, now Gen., had planted his battery in a very safe and advantageous position, and was doing great execution, when he was ordered to move his guns forward to a point which he well saw was less advantageous and more dangerous. He remarked on the subject to the Aid who brought the order, and who was an experienced gunner, "But," said he, "it shall never be said that I refused to obey orders," and carried the guns forward to the place designated. Here, a murderous fire fell upon him, still he worked the guns. Presently word came to him that a shell had got choked in one of the guns, and could not be driven home, (firing a gun in such a state usually bursts it,) "But," said he, "the gun shall be fired;" and going to it he fired it with his own hand. This was the last shell fired. The heroic officer fell covered with wounds. He had fought twenty-one regiments that day. Soon, a comrade saw him and exclaimed, "Capt. Ricketts, what can I do for you?" "Take my sword," said he, "cut it off, and carry it to my wife; I will never surrender it, tell her I died defending the flag of my country." He then supposed his wound was mortal. Soon after this a party of rebels came up; "Here," said they, "is a d—d Yankee, blow out his brains." The Capt. raised himself upon his elbow and said, "I am an officer, and claim the respect and attention due an officer." "Who have you there?" said a rebel officer, as he rode up.—"He says he is an officer," replied the men. The officer looked at him, "What, Ricketts, is that you?" They mutually recognized each other as old companions in arms, having served together in other years. He ordered the Captain taken in a blanket and carried to a place of safety. A party of men accordingly attempted to remove him. The firing still continued, and two or three bullets struck the blanket in which he was being carried, when the cowards dropped the wounded man and fled. Here was another season of anguish and burning thirst; when another party approached him with the exclamation, "Here is another d — d Yankee, blow out his brains." Mustering his little remaining strength, the brave man repeated, "I am an officer, and entitled to the treatment due an officer."—"Who is that," said a voice near by "He says he is an officer," the men replied. The horseman rode forward and immediately recognized, in the wounded man, his former school fellow at West Point. "Is that you, Ricketts?" "It is, I have been twice threatened to be shot, I now appeal to you, and claim the attention and treatment which is due a wounded man, and an officer." "Your treatment, Ricketts, will depend on the treatment received by our brave privateers," was the brutal reply. That officer was Gen. Beauregard. We once respected that name; we shall never do so again; it would be a crime. When brave men fall, they are entitled to the treatment accorded by all civilized nations to brave men. Such a threat, at such a time, could emanate only from a callous and inhuman brute. Capt. Ricketts was then placed in a wagon with a man who had been wounded in the head, the brains were oozing from his skull, and he, in his senseless ravings, and death agony, was throwing himself from one end of the vehicle to the other, every moment endangering the wounded officer, and adding alarmingly to his discomfort, when the horses took fright and became unmanageable; overset the wagon, throwing the wounded men on the ground, the man wounded in the head falling upon the suffering Captain. Then he thought he must die; he became insensible; but by some agency he was conveyed to a neighboring house. Where he lay in the hall, on the bare floor, during the night, his wounds being uncared for during the time. In the morning he was recognized by one of our officers who was a prisoner. Col Wilcox, who was also wounded and prisoner, insisted on his being brought to the room where he was and kindly gave up the stretcher on which he lay for comfort of the wounded captain. Six wounded men occupied this small room.
Capt. Rickett's sword was given to his wife in Washington. The utterance of the messenger was choked with emotion when he presented it and the words of her husband.
She now determined to visit, and minister to his wants during his imprisonment and his sufferings. But how was this to be done? She could find no one willing to trust a conveyance beyond the lines, nor could she find any man willing to accompany her. At last, however, a carriage was procured with the understanding, if it was returned, well; if not, she was to pay for it. This difficulty overcome, the next thing was to find a driver. This difficulty too, was met in a man who wished to cross to the rebel lines. Placing a scanty wardrobe in a bandbox, with a few bottles of spirits, some jellies and a few other trifling delicacies, such as she knew would be serviceable to the wounded, and with a piece of white cambric attached to a stick which she nailed to the carriage, and a pass to carry her beyond our lines, she set forth on her mournful errand.
A woman, alone and unprotected, throwing herself into the midst of an infuriated enemy, whose very tender mercies proved to be cruel. What her feelings could be we have not been able to imagine, only that they must have been like those of good angels, who go on errands to the friends of God.—She passed our lines and wended her way sadly towards those of the enemy. Soon she met a company of soldiers, who came rushing around her carriage, cursing and hallooing like a drove of fiends: "Shoot her; she is a d----d Yankee; shoot her," were the expressions which met her ears, and every gun was leveled at her. She calmly inquired for the officer who commanded them. They said they had no officer there; at length a corporal came up, who pacified the men, and told her there was a company of cavalry still further along, where she would find an officer, and allowed her to pass. On proceeding a little further on the road, she met a company of cavalry, who came rushing down from the hills hallooing, "The Yankees are coming!"—"The Yankees are coming,"—surrounded the carriage, cocked their pistols, and cried, "Shoot her—shoot her." "She is a d----d Yankee—shoot her." "I am not afraid of you," she replied; "I know soldiers, and none but cowards would shoot a woman." A lieutenant now came up, an after pacifying the men, asked her where she was going? She told him she wished to go forward. "That," said he, "is impossible." "I must go forward." "You cannot."—"Where is your commanding officer?" "He is forward some distance." "Will you take him a note?" Consenting to do this, she wrote a brief note in pencil," which the officer carried to his superior, who proved to be an acquaintance of hers, and she was permitted to pass on. Arriving at his quarters, she was coolly told she could proceed no further. "But I must." "You cannot." "I must go on." "It is impossible." "I must," said the heroic woman.—"Well," said the officer, "then you must give us your word of honor that you will not in any way give information or perform any act to the detriment of the Southern Confederacy." "I cannot do it, but I will consider myself your prisoner." Said an officer standing by, "You had better let her go. I know Mrs. Ricketts to be a lady of determination, and when she undertakes a thing she will do it."—They were joined by another officer of superior rank; the matter was stated to him. After hesitation and deliberation he said, "I will fix it." He accordingly wrote a parole like the one stated above, handing it to her, and requesting her to sign it. Looking first at the paper, then at him, she burst out with a loud laugh, and deliberately tore it in pieces.—This man (I will not call him a gentleman) at last consented to send her, under the direction of an officer, as a prisoner to Gen. Johnston. It was now in the evening. She arrived at Gen. Johnston's headquarters near ten o'clock. The General had been the guest of Mrs. Ricketts, and was accounted a friend, in other days. Many officers were present whom she knew; but her reception was cold and formal. There was no recognition of former friendship—no sympathy for a lone woman on the noblest errand known to earth, in such an hour. Here she found lodging for the night. The following morning, before leaving, she informed the General that the horses were her private property, stating at the same time that if she could not have the use of them, she would like the avails of their sale. He informed her the matter would be determined upon in two or three days. The same morning, while riding with Mr. Rhett, she made the same ren... and he replied, "Certainly, Madam; the General would never think of taking your carriage." "I rely on the word of a gentleman," was the reply. She had now arrived at the hospital which contained her suffering husband. As the orderly preceded her up the steps which led to the dwelling, he carelessly kicked an amputated arm aside, which had been thrown from the door to that place. Upon looking down, she saw a pile of legs and arms which had been severed from the bodies of their owners, and lay in a disgusting heap under the window. In a room off from the hall she entered, was a table on which a man was stretched—bound with cords ready for amputation. The floor was literally flowing with blood and covered with several limbs. She passed up stairs; and as she entered the door Col. Wilcox exclaimed, "Good God! Mrs. Ricketts, is that you?" She passed to the side of the stretcher where her husband lay insensible, and threw herself upon the floor beside him, exercised only by such emotions as only such a wife could feel. The physician told her that calmness, on her part, was indispensable to the safety of her husband; that she had better be composed and walk around the room that he might become accustomed to her presence. Here she remained, in a small room with six wounded men, for two weeks or more—having only the floor for a bed and a small valice for a pillow. The atmosphere, she states, was of the most offensive, and often of an almost unendurable character, occasioned by the stench arising from the uncared for wounds of the prisoners. The surgeons, she says, treated the men in the most inhuman and barbarous manner. Instead of trying to heal wounds, they were bent on amputation, which in almost every case proved fatal. Three times they determined to take off her husband's limb, which she as often prevented. Often in the night she could not sleep on account of the groans of the sufferers, with their piteous calls for water. A body had been thrown into the well on the premises, so the water was spoiled. They could only obtain water by going half a mile, and then the only vessel they had to bring it in was a small tin pail, such as laborers use to carry their meals. In a room adjoining that occupied by her husband, she found men who had been shot through the lungs, propped up in a sitting posture, and there left to die without care. One morning she went in, and found a poor man lying on a blanket, just breathing—his tongue protruding from his mouth, black with fever. She pressed her little pail to his lips, but he could not swallow.—She then took her handkerchief from her pocket, and after dipping it in the water, squeezed the cooling drops into his mouth; but he was too far gone; he could not swallow. She wiped his brow—and he was dead. His spirit went away on the wings of the Angel of Kindness, which soothed him in his last moments.
A fellow sufferer turned his eyes toward her as she rose and uttered a "God bless you." A man sixty years old who had been a sailor and belonged to a Brooklyn regiment, who fell, overcome by the heat; no bullet had touched him, yet this man had seven bayonet wounds. Day after day she entreated the Surgeon to look after him, yet he received no attention. At last with her much importunity she prevailed upon him to go in and look at him, saying he was being eaten up alive. This humane Surgeon came back. "Well," said he, "you are right, he is being eaten up alive, I will send a nigger to scrape him." And he did. He came in laughing afterwards and said the "nigger had got a gallon of larvae out of his wounds." Incredible as it may appear, she asserts, she has seen the blankets which covered them actually rise and fall from the movements of the larvae which bred in their wounds and covered their persons. The poor fellows not unfrequently took them from their flesh by handsful. In rear of the house was a lawn where many of the wounded lay in the broiling sun. She says she counted at one time some twenty-one hogs among the men, and one was surrounded by seven of the brutes rooting over his hardly lifeless body. One Surgeon, the principal one I understood, was heard to remark that he wished it was as easy to cut out the d—d Yankee's hearts as it was to cut off their legs. On another occasion he was heard to remark respecting a patient, that he did not wish to be greedy, that the patient would die anyway, and that he would allow a young and inexperienced Surgeon to operate on him. Some of the wounded prisoners were entirely naked, were left so for weeks, and were conveyed in this plight to Richmond. Is it a wonder our brave men died under such treatment?
Many more tails equally cruel and revolting might be given, but we have not the time or the space to print them.
After having spent two weeks amid these revolting and painful scenes, Mrs. Ricketts, in company with her husband and other prisoners, were to be transferred to Richmond. The journey should have been performed in two hours, but it consumed two days. All were stowed like cattle into two box cars, and thus jolted under a broiling sun, and through a suffocating air, for two tedious days, without food on to their future prison-house. No tongue can describe the suffering of that journey. One young man, we think she said he was from Rhode Island, the son of a clergyman, had had a leg amputated, the wound had begun to heal, but in his weak state the heat nearly killed him of itself, but the jolting of the car loosened the bandages, and caused the growing and tender flesh to cleave off, which opened the wound afresh; it was too much for his constitution; he began to sink; he said the journey had killed him. The conductor came in and told Mrs. Ricketts he thought he would die, nothing could be done for him. He did die. Mrs. Rickctts asked if they would not stop and bury him, as they were moving slow, and seemed in no hurry. She received for reply that they would throw him out, and presently, as the cars were moving slow, she saw the body thrown into the ditch, and the cars moved on. "Will any one bury that body?" she asked of the conductor. "I suppose some nigger will come along and bury him," was the coarse unfeeling reply. Mrs. Ricketts purchased from her own purse chickens and any other delicacy which she could, to distribute among these poor sufferers. But she did not escape many great personal annoyances [sic]. Where ever the cars stopped she was the object of great curiosity. Men gathered around in great numbers, using the most vile and taunting language; women, even, took great pains to ... and insult her. When they were unable to attract her attention without, for she endeavored to appear indifferent to their vile manners, they would come into the cars and pull her dress, to induce the "Yankee woman" to talk. This was carried to such an extent that she appealed to those in charge for protection, but in vain. She had to rely on what little protection could be afforded by our own officers, which under the circumstances could not be much. Such are a few of the incidents in the history of this truly heroic woman. We have told them only too imperfectly. To realize their full force they should be heard from her own lips. Let those people at home who are so incredulous about southern barbarities listen to her narrative of these facts, and then disbelieve if they can, all that is told of the barbarous enormities of those depraved, deluded, and dastardly men. Fiends could do no worse. When the history of the rebellion shall be written, her actions in these ... circumstances will form one bright illustration that kindness of heart has not wholly passed from the earth, and the name of "Fanny" Ricketts will be enrolled as that of a heroine among the heroes of the war for the constitution.
There are some other incidents which on account of the length of this article we have not mentioned, but to which we may allude at some future time.—Our men are more and more pleased with their General, they have the greatest confidence in him, and will dare to follow cheerfully wherever he may lead.
Ho! for the Army.--Col. R. H. RICHARDSON, late of the 26th regiment, has received an authorization from Adj.-Gen. SPRAGUE, and a commission as Captain to raise a company of men, which will be one of the one hundred companies authorized by the War department. Here is a grand opportunity for our young men who wish to go into the service, particularly as they can by joining Capt. RICHARDSON'S company, be with those with whom they are acquainted. Association with those we know while enduring the perils of the battle-field is much pleasanter for all concerned than to go out with perfect strangers. Capt. Richardson has trod the war path and is posted as to everything necessary for the comfort of the soldier. He expects his tent to-day, which will be pitched in Bagg's square. An office is already opened in the Sixth ward, under the auspices of the ward committee, and recruits are flowing in to get the $100 ward bounty in addition to the county bounty and all other bounties. It is unnecessary to say that the Captain pays the highest bounties. Hurry up and rally around his standard. Now is the day and now is the hour. Ho! for the army.
—Capt. E. R. P. SHIRLEY, formerly of the 26th regiment, is recruiting in Chicago for the 8th regiment Veteran Reserve corps, in which organization he now holds a commission. (1864)
CARE OF THE WOUNDED.—Dr. WALTER B. Coventry, late Surgeon of the 26th regiment, received a telegram yesterday, calling him to Washington to aid in the care of the wounded soldiers. He started immediately. We understand that M. M. Jones and wife and Miss Kip leave for Washington to-day.
Troops at Elmira.--The Elmira Press of Saturday says: "The General Government, alive to the exigencies of our situation, sent up a special Agent, who arrived here yesterday in the person of Col. Christian, formerly of the 26th N. Y. V., to examine into the actual facts in the case, which has resulted in the ordering of the immediate construction of additional quarters at Barracks No. 3, to accommodate four thousand more men. The buildings will probably be put up at this end of the present field occupied by Barracks No. 3. The large and capacious hall over Tapett's Livery Stable has also been taken by the Government for immediate occupation. Carpenters were busy yesterday in erecting the necessary fixtures, bunks, &c., for the volunteers to be housed there. We have already near seven thousand men here. It now looks as if provisions were making for at least ten thousand as the average number to be quartered here for the present.
FUNERAL OF WILLIAM TOLLES.—The funeral of Mr. Wm. Tolles, who died at Fort Richmond, Staten Island, on the 13th inst., was attended on Sunday last by the Fire Department and an escort from the Invalid Corps. Mr. Tolles had served two years in the 26th New York Infantry, and had re-enlisted in the 14th N. Y. Heavy Battery.
Losses in the Twenty-Sixth.--John Fitzgerald, Co. F., Capt. Wetmore, and Benj. Smith, Co. C., Capt. Shirley, 26th regiment, are reported among the wounded at the battle of Cedar Mountain. The Twenty-sixth is now in Tower's brigade, Ricketts' division, McDowell's corps. RICKETTS' division is in McDowell's advance, and was started Saturday morning to reinforce BANKS, but arrived after the battle was over. When Banks' shattered regiments fell back, Ricketts' division was sent to the front, where they lay on their arms for the night. Some of the teamsters incautiously lighted fires, enabling the rebels to discover our position, a discovery which they made use of by pitching shell into our ranks. Several casualties occurred, among them doubtless the wounds of Fitzgerald and Smith, for though Tower's brigade was sent out on Sunday morning to check a supposed flank movement of the rebels, no fighting came of it. Fitzgerald is an old British soldier, and served in the Crimea. Smith is from this city, and is a brother of David Smith, Jr., formerly Adjutant of the Twenty-sixth. Both the wounded men are in hospital at Alexandria.
THOMAS H. BAKER SHOT FOR DESERTION.—Thomas H Baker, of the 26th regiment—the same desperate felloe who shot TABOR at Oriskany and was the indirect cause of the MCLEISH stories and excitement—has finally met his deserts, as appears by the following from the Newbern, (N. C.,) Times of Aug. 16th:
The first military enforcement of death in this district occurred on Saturday last. The penalty of death was inflicted on the person of private Thomas H. Baker, of Co. F, 26th New York volunteers.—His offense consisted of desertion from his regiment at Manassas, Va., June 13, 1862, and he was apprehended at Newbern, March 25, 1864. It appears that Baker had deserted six. times, and attempted the life of the soldiers who arrested him on the fifth desertion. On Saturday morning the troops from the defenses on the south side of the Trent, at revielle, collected together at Green Spring, forming the three sides of a square; on the fourth side the grave for the reception of the criminal's body was excavated, the coffin placed alongside, on which the criminal sat astride. Directly in front of him was placed the firing party, about twenty feet distant.—Maj. Lawson, Chief Provost Marshal, then read the charges, trial, sentence and order for his execution, after which Rev. J. Emory Rounds read some Scripture to him, prayed, and took leave of the doomed traitor to his country's flag. Maj. Lawson bade him farewell, after which Baker's eyes were bandaged by the sergeant of the guard, the deadly volley fired, and the spirit of Baker was ushered into eternity. He died instantly, receiving the whole volley in his breast, and fell backward without any severe struggles. Baker met his fate courageously, expressing his penitence to his spiritual adviser, and acknowledging the justness and severity of his sentence. On his way to the scene of execution, he expressed himself as not being without hope, and that the chaplain's labor had not been in vain. He was 22 years old, and belonged to Utica, New York.
End of Baker the Deserter.—The notorious THOMAS H. BAKER, who has occupied so much space in the police annals of this county, has paid the penalty of his numerous crimes by being shot as a deserter from the 26th regiment N. Y. V., at Newbern, N. C. His shooting of officer Tabor, at Oriskany, in January last, his escape, and the great excitement caused thereby will be well remembered. We find the following account of the execution of Baker in the Newbern Times of Aug. 16th:
The first military enforcement of death in this district occurred on Saturday last. The penalty of death was inflicted on the person of private Thomas H. Baker, of company F, 26th New York volunteers. His offense consisted of desertion from his regiment at Manassas, Va., June 19, 1862, and he was apprehended at Newbern March 25, 1864. It appears that Baker had deserted six times, and attempted the life of the soldiers who arrested him on the fifth desertion.
On Saturday morning, the troops from the defenses on the south side of the Trent, at reveille, collected together at Green Spring, forming the three sides of a square; on the fourth side the grave for the reception of the criminal's body was excavated, the coffin placed alongside, on which the criminal sat astride. Directly in front of him was placed the firing party, about twenty feet distant. Major Lawson, chief provost marshal, then read the charges, trial, sentence and order for execution after which Rev. J. Emory Rounds read some Scripture to him, prayed, and took leave of the doomed traitor to his country's flag. Major Lawson bade him farewell, after which Baker's eyes were bandaged by the sergeant of the guard, the dead volley fired, and the spirit of Baker was ushered into eternity. He died instantly, receiving the whole volley in his breast, and fell backward without any severe struggles. Baker met his fate courageously, expressing his penitence to his spiritual adviser, and acknowledging the justness and severity of his sentence. On his way to the scene of execution, he expressed himself as not being without hope, and that the chaplain's labors had not been in vain. He was 22years old, and belonged to Utica, New York.
Job Printing.—In order to meet the demand for the neat and prompt execution of all varieties of BOOK AND JOB POSTING one of
Hoe's Improved Job Presses
has just been introduced into the press room of the UTICA MORNING HERALD Office. Additions of new type have also just been made, and the establishment better prepared than ever before to do every variety of LETTER PRESS PRINTING in the best manner and at the lowest prices.
MEETING OF THE RECEPTION COMMITTEE.—There was a better representation of members at the adjourned meeting of the Reception Committee Saturday evening than on Wednesday evening. President HUBBELL was in the Chair, and L. H. BABCOCK was appointed Secretary pro tem. Mr. BABCOCK, from the Committee to ascertain the cost of printing a memorial book of the 14th and 26th regiments, made his report. He and Mr. BARNARD had made careful inquiries, and had ascertained that the cost of 3,000 copies—the number that it had been thought proper to publish at the previous meeting—would be $500. After a pretty general exchange of views relative to the disposition of the surplus funds in the hands of the Treasurer, Mr. Babcock offered the following resolutions:
Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $500 be, and the same hereby is, appropriated out of the surplus funds in the hands of the Treasurer of this Committee, for the purpose of publishing a book containing a history of the 14th and 26th regiments, and an account of their reception in this city, and such other facts with reference to these regiments as the Committee appointed to prepare the same may deem proper; and that 3,000 copies be published, and such number thereof as may be necessary be given without charge, to the surviving members of the regiments and to the families of such as are dead, as far as practicable; and that the remaining copies be sold at fifty cents each, and the funds thus realized from the sales be paid over to the Treasurer of this Committee as the nucleus of a fund for a monument to be hereafter erected for all the regiments from Oneida county.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to prepare such book and to carry out this resolution.
Amendments were offered to the resolution by Messrs. Greenman and Van Ness, which were lost, and finally they were unanimously carried. In accordance therewith, President Hubbell appointed L. H. Babcock, J. D. Reid, and H. W. CHASE as the Committee to prepare the book and carry out the intention of the resolutions.
It was the opinion of the Committee—and, we fully concur with them—that not more than 2,000 of the 3,000 copies of the memorial would be distributed among the soldiers and their families, and that the remaining 1,000 copies would be readily sold at the proposed price of 50 cents per copy, thus paying the entire expense and leaving the original surplus in the hands of the Committee to apply as a nucleus for the monument. All present, we think, were at length satisfied that, the course adopted with the money was the proper one. As a record of gallant deeds, and an important part of the history of the city and county, as well as the war, and the country, the memorial book will be a treasure to those of our citizens who obtain it, and we think there are few among us who would be willing to have it remain unpublished, or who will not make haste to secure a copy when it appears. What we fear is, that the 1,000 copies to be sold will not half supply the demand. A gentleman present at the meeting last evening announced himself a subscriber for six copies, and we suspect a good many of our citizens will want from two to six each. We would therefore suggest the propriety of persons who desire to secure the book sending in their names to the Committee beforehand, in order that more than the 3,000 copies may be struck off if the demand should be found to exceed that number.
J. D. REID, from the Committee on Decorations, reported that he had sold the arches for $40 to the State Fair Committee, and that of this amount he had paid out for the poles that had been used some $18, leaving about $22 in his hands unexpended. About this time the Committeemen present were profuse in compliments which concerned the Committee on Decorations, and especially their Chairman, Mr. REID.
It was moved and carried that the Treasurer of the Reception Committee publish in the city papers the amounts received by him from each town in the county and each ward in Utica, together with the gross amount expended. Adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman.