17th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1863.
Official Paper of the County.
The late election shows most conclusively the interdependence of the City and the Country. Scarce a single city gave a majority for the Union;—scarce a rural district failed to give such a majority. And yet can the country boast?—Nay: the great thoughts of the master minds found readiest and most effective utterance through the Metropolitan Press. A few years since, Mr. Editor, when the Telegraphic line was renewed through your town, the worthy President of your Village Trustees greeted Buffalo with the salutation that if the "Queen City" should be threatened with invasion" Warsaw's champions" could be depended on for "aid and comfort;" and the message afforded abundant glee to one at least of the Local Editors of that big town. Wouldn't just a few of Warsaw's Electors, which she could readily spare and still give a majority for "Unculpsalm," very nicely have turned the scale in B.? "Tis impious God never made an independent man." "Forewarned, forearmed." How aptly do these words apply to the threatened invasion of which but last week we were made aware! How vividly did the aged men of Western New-York recall the burning and sacking of Buffalo Dec. 30th, 1813! History pictures that scene in gloomy colors. May not the event be repeated! New from the artist's hands, and just now erected stands a beautiful Monument in our Cemetery, over the graves of EMMA and CHARLEY BILLS. Young, bright, beautiful, the daughter early went to rest. And Charley, from the school-room to the camp, from the camp to bloody battle-fields, from fatal fight to hospital, from hospital to a premature grave went down. The following record of Charley's death is from the lips of a fellow soldier. It has been widely quoted, and though falling far below the thrilling interest of the scene, it may most fittingly be here and now repeated:
I was conversing not long since with a returned volunteer.
" I was in the hospital as nurse for a long time," he said, "and assisted in taking off limbs and dressing all sorts of wounds; but the hardest thing I ever did was to take my thumb off a man's leg.
" Ah!" said I "how was that?" Then he told me.
" It was a young man who had a severe wound in the thigh. The ball passed completely through and amputation was necessary. The limb was cut off close up to the body, the arteries taken up, and he seemed to be doing well. Subsequently one of the small arteries sloughed off. An incision was made and it was again taken up. "It is well it was not the main artery," said the surgeon as he performed the operation; "he might have bled to death before it could have been taken up." But Charley got on finely, and was a favorite with us all.
I was passing: through the ward one night, about midnight, when suddenly as I was passing Charley's bed he spoke to me: "H___, my leg is bleeding again." I threw back the bed clothes, and the blood spirted in the air. The main artery had sloughed off.
Fortunately I knew just what to do, and in an instant I had pressed my thumb on the place and stopped the bleeding. It was so close to the body that there was barely room for my thumb, but I succeeded in keeping it there and arousing one of the convalescents, sent him for the surgeon, who came in on the run. "I am so thankful, H___," said he as he saw me, "that you were up and knew what to do, for he must have bled to death before I could have got here."
But on examination of the case he looked exceedingly serious, and sent out for other surgeons. All came who were within reach, and a consultation was held over the poor fellow. One conclusion was reached by all. There was no place to work save the spot where my thumb was placed; they could not work under my thumb, and if I moved it he would bleed to death before the artery could be taken up. There was no way to save his life!
Poor Charley! He was very calm when they told him, and requested that his brother, who was in the same hospital, might be called up. He came and sat down by the bed-side, and for three hours I stood, and by the pressure of my thumb kept up the life of Charlie, while the brothers held their last conversation on earth. It was a strange place for me to be in, to feel that I held the life of a fellow mortal in my hands, as it were, and stranger yet, to feel that an act of mine must cause that life to depart. Loving the poor fellow as I did, it was a hard thought; but there was no alternative.
The last words were spoken. Charley had arranged all his business affairs, and sent tender messages to absent ones, who little dreamed how near their loved one stood to the grave. The tears filled my eyes more than once as I listened to those parting words. All were sad and he turned to me. “Now H___, I guess you had better take off your thumb.” “O, Charley! How can I?” said I. “But it must be, you know, he replied cheerfully. “I thank you very much for your kindness, and now, good bye.”
He turned away his head, I raised my thumb, once more the life current gushed forth, and in three minutes poor Charley was dead.
The Seventeenth Regiment.
The last dress parade of the Seventeenth Volunteer regiment, Colonel Lansing, which recently removed from the Park barracks to new quarters near Quarantine, Staten Island, took place last evening. At 2 o'clock this afternoon the regiment will leave its quarters and land at the foot of Fourteenth street, North river, arriving at about 3 o'clock. Disembarking, the line of march will be through Fourteenth street and down Broadway. Thence the regiment will cross to Jersey City, and proceed by the New Jersey Central Railroad to Washington.
At the conclusion of the parade last night, Colonel Lansing addressed his officers in relation to the departure to-day. He impressed upon them the necessity of insisting upon the most careful preparation on the part of the men under their command for the march—of working all night, if necessary, to accomplish it. As for himself, he did not expect to sleep. After the breaking of the line and the companies had marched to the vicinity of their quarters, the captains addressed their respective companies, communicating the substance of the Colonel's address and gave the necessary directions. The scene then became interesting. The air was suddenly rent with loud and enthusiastic cheers, and each company, catching the note from the echo of the last, carried on the shout from one end of the encampment to the other. The cheering continued irregularly for a considerable time. Thus the Seventeenth Regiment received the official notification of their starting.
But though they have been several weeks in quarters, they are but partially prepared for the service. Their long sojourn in the Park barracks, and their daily parade in companies, and on guard in their ancient habiliments, unfitted them for rough camp life. Their four or five days experience on Staten Island has been worth to them more than all their previous training.
The following is a list of officers:
FIELD OFFICERS.—H. Seymour Lansing, Colonel; T. F. Morris, Lieutenant-Colonel; Charles A. Johnson, Major.
STAFF.—J. Brainard Taylor, Adjutant; J. C. Stewart, Surgeon; Rev. R. S. Carver, Chaplain; A. B. Shipman, Assistant Surgeon; G. S. Hawes, Quartermaster.
Company A (Yonkers)—Captain, Charles A. Smith.
Company B (Port Chester, Westchester county)—Captain, Nelson B. Bartram.
Company C (Morrisania)—Captain, John W. Lyon.
Company D (New York)—Captain, William C. Grover.
Company E (New York)—Captain, Charles G. Stone.
Company F (Sing Sing)—Captain, Franklin J. Davis.
Company G (Nyack)—Captain James H. Demarest.
Company H (Chenango county, N. Y.)—Captain, James Tyrrill.
Company I (Wayne county)—Captain, Andrew Wilson.
Company K (Wyoming)—Captain, Gideon H. Jenkins.
Welcome to Company K.
The citizens of our village assembled at the Court House on Thursday evening last, to make arrangements for the reception, on their return, of the first company, that two years ago left our village for the war. The meeting was well attended, L. W. Thayer, Chairman and A. Holly, Secretary. Remarks were made by the Chairman, L. A. Hayward, Esq., and others, and committees were appointed by the meeting to carry out the arrangements. We are unable to furnish the programme at this time, but we understand the committee of Reception is to meet the Company at some point on the railroad and accompany them to the Warsaw Station, where the citizens of this, and the surrounding towns, will escort them, under the direction of the Marshal and Assistant Marshal of the day, to the Court House yard. The Speaker appointed for the occasion will welcome them and probably a reply by the Captain, or some member of the company, will be made. After the remarks, a dinner will be furnished to the soldiers and their friends under the direction of the Committee of which Mr. Frank Miller is Chairman. The names of the Committee are a sufficient guarantee that every thing will be cared for. The Warsaw Band will meet the Company at the Depot and remain with them until the close of the exercises.
Our citizens are determined to welcome them in a manner suitable alike to themselves and the brave men who have risked their lives in endeavoring to save their country and crush the wicked rebellion now going on.
The following Committees and Officers of the day were appointed. | |
Augustus Frank | J. A. McElwain |
L. W. Thayer | T. H. Buxton |
J. H. Darling | H. L. Comstock |
Rev. E. E. Williams | H. Garretsee |
H. Johnson | C. W. Bailey |
S. Fisher 2d | |
Marshal of the Day | |
Capt. G. H. JENKINS | |
Assistant Marshal | |
H. A. DUDLEY | |
Speaker to welcome the Soldiers | |
Chaplain | |
Rev. J. E. NASSAU | |
Com. of Entertainment | |
Frank Miller | Noble Morris |
C. C. Buxton | Wm. D. Miner |
Wm. H. Merrill | B. F. Homer |
N. J. Morris | J. Ellis Fisher |
J. M. Davidson | W. Schofield |
M. A. Pierce | Morris Hodge |
Chas. Williams | Henry Boughton |
H. C. Edgerly | Mrs. J. E. Nassau |
Mrs. J. A. McElwain | Mrs. M. L. Rice |
Mrs. L. W. Thayer | Miss Mary Buxto |
Miss H. Carpenter | Miss Laura Thorp |
Miss J. Hully | Miss Emma Darlin |
Miss M. Bingham | Miss Harriet Morris |
Miss P. McCagg | Miss L. Davidson |
Miss Carrie Knapp | Miss Fannie Buxton |
Miss L. McElwain | Miss Margie Darling |
Miss Eliza Gates | Miss Nettie Taylor |
Miss F. Buxton |
We are unable to name the exact time of the return of the Company. The members are to be mustered out on Thursday of this week in New York and will probably return home immediately, As soon as ascertained, public notice will be given that all may participate in the exercises. Let the welcome be a hearty one and the day one long to be remembered by old and young.
Reception of Company I, Seventeenth Regiment.
ARCADIA, June 12, 1863.
To the Editor of the Lyons Republican:
Our gallant Company, the first that went from this town two years ago, returned home last Wednesday, the 10th inst. The two Fire Companies, Hook and Ladder Company, the Cornet, Band, and hundreds of citizens met them at the depot, and escorted them to the village of Newark, where they were addressed in a patriotic Reception Speech, by Prof. Steele, at present the Principal of the Union School in Newark, but formerly a Captain of a Volunteer Company from Oswego Co., and who was wounded (I think) in the battle of Seven Pines. The following is the address:
Officers and Men of Company I:
To me is assigned the pleasing task of addressing you in behalf of your assembled neighbors, friends and kindred. We bid you a hearty welcome home; home from the toils and dangers of camp; home to the quiet and rest of your peaceful firesides.
During the years of your absence from your homes, there have been vacant seats at the table, vacant chairs at the hearth-stone, vacant positions in society. The rushing tide of life has not closed in upon the places you once occupied. They have been kept sacred for the defenders of our country. We hail your return to your former associations and friends.
You went out from us fresh from the plow, the desk and the bench. You return to us war-scarred veterans. Your valor and patriotism have been tried in the dreadful shock of battle, and have not been found wanting.—The record you have made is honorable to yourselves and to us. Newark is proud of such heroic sons. We have followed your military career with admiration —We have seen you, in imagination, standing amid the fierce hurricane of battle, heedless of the leaden storm, jealously guarding the honor of your flag, and like a wall of iron receiving the fiercest attacks of the foe —This baptism of fire, while it has sanctified your patriotism and attested your valor, has filled our hearts with joy and pride. We welcome your return beneath the folds of that glorious old flag you have so gallantly defended. Long may it wave over what we may now more emphatically than ever before, believe to be
" The home of the brave and the land of the free."
But our joy at your return is mingled with grief. As we look over your thinned ranks, the proof of your loyalty and devotion, we miss many familiar forms. The place of your gallant leader is vacant. He whom to day we would delight to honor, has fallen. He died a soldier's death, with his face to the foe. Capt. Willson, that agreeable companion, the sympathizing friend, the brave soldier, the accomplished officer, the hero, the patriot, is no more, save in our reverent memory of his virtues and valor. We to-day would cast the green wreath of our sincerest sympathy and condolence upon the new made graves of your honored dead. They moulder in soil all unworthy of the dust of freedom's sons. How vain are words to express our debt of gratitude to those who have given their lives in defence of our dearest rights—our homes, our altars and our sires!
" How sleep the brave, who sink to rest,
By all their country's honors blest!
When Spring, with dewy finger cold,
Returns to deck their hallowed mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod
Than Fancy's feet have ever trod.
By fairy hands their knell is rung;
By forms unseen their dirge is sung;
There Honor comes, a pilgrim gay,
To bless the turf that wraps their clay.
And Freedom shall awhile repair,
To dwell, a weeping hermit, there."
May that God whose battles they fought, impress upon our minds the immortal principles for which they suffered, bled and died.
By our words of cheer and welcome we would in some measure, heal the wounds that war has made. We sympathize with your sorrows, lament your dead, honor your patriotism, respect your bravery, rejoice at your escape from the thousand perils of camp and field, and will aid you in keeping ever green the memory of the immortal "Seventeenth." In the sincerity and heartiness of our reception, forget, we pray you, the hardships of your soldier-life—the lonely picket, the damp bivouac, the forced march, the headlong charge, the dull monotony of camp,—and remember only that, crowned with the brave man's laurels, you are home at last, among friends beneath the "dear old flag" of our Union.
The Company responded in a very touching and interesting speech, made by the Rev. Mr. Shumway, and a Poem by Miss F. H. Sheffield, was read; and after partaking of some refreshments, provided by Gen Barney, a general congratulation and warm shaking of hands ensued, and then all dispersed to their homes.
Their noble Captain, Andrew Willson, fell at the second battle of Bull Run, and his grave is among his friends in the eastern part of this State. About seven in all of the Company have died from disease or the casualties of war. They have been in some eleven engagements. Among the boys, I noticed Mortimer Leach, son of the late and much respected Edwin B. Leach, of Lyons. He appeared much improved in health, and told me he had not been sick a day. He still performs upon his favorite instrument—the drum.
[We have been furnished with a manuscript copy of the remarks of Rev. Mr. Shumway, and of the poem alluded to above; but we have not room for them in this issue. They were both creditable and timely productions, and were well received.
PORT CHESTER, N. Y. VOLUNTEERS —A fine company of volunteers, numbering 90, has been organized in Port Chester by Capt. Nelson B. Bartram, late teacher of public grammar school No. 45, in Twenty-fourth street, New-York. His First Lieut. is John Vickers, and Ensign James Taylor. They left Port Chester at 9 o'clock yesterday morning for New Yprk, where they join other companies of the Westchester chasseurs, under Col. Lansing, of Albany. The Port Chester boys were escorted to the cars by the fire department of that village. During their sojourn in New York, they will be provided with superior accommodations through the liberality of Thomas Palmer, Esq., on Mammaronick, at his place of business in Duane street.
Return of the 17th Regiment.
The Seventeenth New-York State Volunteer regiment, under command of Lieut.-Col. N. B. Bartram, arrived in New-York last week. The regiment numbers about 300 men; company K., which went from this county having about 40 of that number. The regiment has been in some of the severest battles that have been fought, and has maintained a good reputation throughout the two years, the full term of its service. During the first year of its experience in the field, it was remarked that it had singularly good fortune in coming out of engagements with comparatively a small list of casualties. The present reduced numbers, however, show that unfortunately it was not so favored during the latter part of its service. The regiment has been always noted for its attentiveness to the sanitary condition of its camp. The army correspondent of the N. Y. Times says of it:
It has not been my practice to speak of individual regiments, save for very meritorious conduct on the battle field, but I feel justified in doing so in this instance. The Seventeenth New York volunteers, Lieut. Col. Bartram, commanding, left for home to day, its term of service being over. Intimate acquaintance with this regiment during the past year qualifies me to say that its remarkable efficiency and uniform good behavior and high discipline place it in the front rank of regimental organizations. It has been always reliable, always healthy, and always ready for duty of any kind, without murmuring. The Quartermaster's Department, as administered by Quartermaster Hawes, has always been exceedingly prompt and complete, the last evidence being the departure of the regiment from this station this morning, at _ o'clock, and the perfecting of arrangement which will land it in New York at 8 o'clock to morrow morning. The people of New York will honor themselves by honoring this noble band.
The reception in New-York was most flattering and well deserved. After being reviewed by the Mayor and Common Council, in the presence of a vast multitude of people, the regiment was entertained by a dinner given by the municipal authorities, at the Park Barracks, which is represented as being a very fine affair.
COMING HOME—The brave soldier boys who went from our midst at the call of their country, and have escaped rebel bullets and the fatal sickness of the camp, and been honorably discharged, are beginning to return to us, and right gladly are they welcomed. On Monday, George Nichols and Delos Gazley of the 17th Regiment returned, and others are close upon their heels.
The New York papers give an account of one of the 17th N. Y. Volunteers, who deserted to the mob and called upon his fellow soldiers to follow him, and was shot by an officer. The truth is that the 80 soldiers in dispersing the crowd were surrounded and fell back. To stop the retreat Lt. Blackman shot the foremost of the receding soldiers—one Ruttgen, a German, who, so far from deserting to the mob was farthest from them, and could not have called upon his comrades to desert with him, as he was a German who could not speak English. It is in this way that events are falsified.
The Seventeenth Regiment New-York Volunteers, Col. LANSING, broke camp yesterday at Staten Island, where they have been quartered ten days, and proceeded on board a special boat which conveyed them to this City, landing them at the foot of Fourteenth-street. The regimental line was then formed, and the troops marched through Fourteenth-street to Broadway, down Broadway to the City Park, where each man was served with two day's rations, thence to the New-Jersey Railroad depot, where ears were waiting to convey them to Washington via Harrisburgh [sic]. The regiment displayed a beautiful silk flag with gold bullion fringe and tassels, bearing on one side the coat of arms of the State of New-York, and on the converse the inscription, "Seventeenth Regiment New-York Volunteers." The flag was presented to the regiment last Monday, by patriotic ladies of Westchester County, who proceeded to Staten Island for that purpose.
The regiment have been in possession of arms for several days, but they were not distributed to the men till yesterday morning. During their stay upon the Island they made many friends amongst the inhabitants, who frequently visited them, and expressed their pleasure in various ways; and upon two occasions, presented them with guide-colors. The decorous and orderly deportment of the regiment, while on the Island, elicited much praise from the citizens, and it may be said that no body of soldiers has left the city, whose appearance betokened more of respectability and refinement. They have not ostentatiously sought public favor, or made grand parades through the streets, but have worked quietly and successfully to obtain a proficiency of drill and knowledge of military routine that will certainly give them a high position in the field. In a conversation a few days ago, Col. LANSING remarked, that he did not intend to make any display until he stood on the field of battle with the enemy before him, and then the public might judge of his acts. The adjutant's roll shows a force of 850 men. Notice was received of the death, yesterday, of Lieut. R. S. HARTT, of Company F, at the house of Dr. DIXON, on Fifth avenue, where he had been staying some days. The deceased was a man of fine military qualities, and was esteemed highly by the men under his command, and those who knew him. The following are the principal officers of the regiment: Colonel, H. C. Lansing; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas F. Morris; Major, C. A. Johnson; Adjutant, J. B. Taylor; Quartermaster, G. S. Haws; Surgeon, J. C. Stewart; Assistant Surgeon, A. B. Shipman; Chaplain, Thomas G. Carver; Company A, Capt. Charles Smith; Company B, Capt. W. B. Bartrum; Company C, Capt. J. W. Lyons; Company D, Capt. W. T. C. Grover; Company E, Capt. C. G. Stone; Company F, Capt. F. J. Davis; Company G, Capt. James Demerest; Company H, Capt. James Terrell; Company I, Capt. Andrew Wilson; Company K, Capt. Jenkins. (June 22, 1861)
Hooker's Operations as Seen by a Soldier.
May l l , 1863.
EDITOR KNICK: After several months of inactivity, during which time the Federal army, under Major General Hooker, had reached a high state of discipline, active operations were commenced by several successful cavaly [sic] raids, which penetrated the enemy's lines, interrupting and destroying their, railroad communications and severing their main arteries of supplies, thus embarrassing their Commissary Department, and otherwise injuring their ability to cope with a vigorous attack. The whole army moved towards the Rappahannock in different directions on the 27th of April, the main bodies crossing Kelly's Ford, some 10 miles above Fredericksburgh, with the intention of getting well on the flank, drawing them from their entrenched and strongly fortified position on the heights, back of the city, from which Burnside attempted to drive them in December last, but was repulsed with terrible slaughter, and compelled to fall back to this side of the river, after three days of severe fighting. Sedgewick's Corps was left in front to take possession of the heights, in case the movement became successful. This corps was reviewed by Hooker several times, to delude the enemy and lead them to believe that the bulk of the army were still in their front; and so well did this ingenius [sic] ruse succeed that the main column had crossed the Rapidan before they became aware of our real intention. The river was much swollen by heavy rains, and the current so swift that a bridge could not be thrown across, and it was neccessary [sic] to ford it, and in it we plunged, waist deep, taking the precaution to swing our cartridge boxes around our necks, and profit by the old maxim of keeping our powder dry, etc. The rebel pickets awaited us on the opposite side, but fled upon seeing a large body; several were captured, and would not credit that we were part of Gen. Hooker's army. For, said they, ‘he was reviewing his army yesterday,' The boys merely snickered, informing the astonished grey backs that Lee was done brown for once. A drizzling rain set in, while we set ingeniously to work drying our clothes, which occupied the greater part of the night. This done, we sought Mother Earth and passed the balance of the night upon our featherless beds and getting in trim for the morrow. Cooked our coffee and were on the road shortly after daybreak. Roads exceedingly bad and strewn with blankets, overcoats and every species of wearing apparel incident to the wardrobe of a soldier, which, together with the unmerciful load of hard tacks (8 days) bore too heavily on the tired shoulders of the men, and every thing not absolutely necessary was consigned to the roadside; passed several of the enemy's rifle pits which bore the appearance of being newly dug, but hastly [sic] evacuated upon the approach of our column. Some skirmishing ensued, when the advance reached Chancelorsville, which consists of one rather fine looking building, formerly used as a hotel in the balmy days of peace, but then occupied by the widow somebody, I forget who, the contraband rather jumbling up this information, and being ordered to fall in just then could not learn any further particulars, but am confident that this house rejoices (or did, rather, for it is in ashes now) in the appelation [sic] of Chancellorville. Little did I think when resting my weary form upon the green sward that it would so soon he deluged in human blood, for it was here we took up our position, taking advantage of a crest of hills which arose gently, overlooking a deep ravine, in which the rebels were completely at our mercy, as their artillery could not be brought to play to do us any matter of injury. We immediately set to work entrenching ourselves and strengthening our position with logs, forming abatis like, which proved highly beneficial, as events will show. A vigorous attack was made upon our lines occupied by the 11th army corps, Siegel's old troops, and after a feeble resistance their lines were broken, and they fell back in disorder, their cowardly conduct well nigh costing us our position; as it was, it became necessary to change front to prevent a flank movement, which cost us considerable ground and lost us the plank road. Howard swung his sword in vain, and the Germans could not be rallied for some time.
But Sunday was the eventful day. Skirmishing commenced at the first peep of day, increasing in fury till the very earth started to tremble and the little birds on the trees ceased their song as the murderous shells came crashing and tearing through the branches scattering their jagged fragments in every direction. Louder and louder grew the din, while the fierce shouts of the combatants could be distinctly heard as charge after charge was epulsed with great slaughter. Firm as steel stood the first corps as division after division led by the intrepid Jackson came surging on only to be driven back, repeatedly again and again. Finding it impossible to force our lines in front, he made a vigorous attempt upon the right flank, but was anticipated by the wary J o e; his old brigade came thundering into action led by the old white haired veteran himself, with hats flying in the air and crys of "THAT'S PLAYED OUT, JACKSON—THAT'S PLAYED OUT," and with this unsuccessful manouvre the firing gradually ceased after a fierce and bloody action of five hours and a half. But a new horror presented itself, the rebels had conceived the inhuman idea of burning us out and had set the woods on fire in several places, and, fanned by a gentle breeze which blew towards us, the dry leaves and tangled undergrowth now became a blazing mass, enveloping us in a cloud of hot smoke, almost suffocating us and the wounded. God of mercy what a fate. My pen shrinks from the horrible thought, and yet many perished by this frightful death, their bloated corpses swelling up and bursting open with the heat—sickening thought.
Heavy firing commenced in the direction of Fredericksburg, which proved to be Sedgewick's column, who had captured the heights but was overwhelmened [sic] and driven off again. Our position then became worthless, and a retrograde movement commenced on the night or rather morning of the 5th, and by 11 o'clock the army had recrossed the Rappahannock at United States Ford, the rebel shells falling harmlessly in the water some distance below, doing no injury whatever. Thus ended Hooker's movement, occupying exactly ten days. A victory it is not, and a defeat it certainly cannot be, inasmuch as we fought on our own ground, and maintained our position till we could no longer draw the rebels to attack us, and it became policy to withdraw from an army twice our number. It has demonstrated one important fact, that Gen. Hooker is capable of commanding a large body, and finding something for all to do, which puzzled his predecessor. The plan was well laid and perfectly successful, had it not been for unforeseen circumstances which rendered it an impossibility. More anon. Yours, &c., H. B. S., 17th N. Y. V.
Return of Co. H.
What was left of the eighty men who left this County two years ago in Co. H, 17th Regt. N. Y. S. V., returned home during the last week, having been honorably discharged. Their names are as follows: Thomas Allen, Samuel W. Williams, Lyman Graves, Norwich; Cyrus Cook, Thomas Tracy, Albert Cady, Charles Petit, Sherburne; George Nichols, Frank Gomes, Stephen Figary, Oxford; Burdett Fisher, North Norwich; Smith Blackman, Plymouth; Hiram Scranton, Pitcher; M. A. Hotchkiss, Smithville; Alfred Squires, Greene; Henry E. Riper, Lorenzo Tefft, Delos Gazely, Smyrna; Edwin S. Button, Preston; Isaac Henkrickson, Pharsalia.
Lieut. George Moore who enlisted in New York has also returned home to this place.
The boys look well and hearty, and seem to have enjoyed their "picnic" as some of them termed it, right well. None of the original commissioned officers were with the Company at its discharge.
Nobly has the 17th done its duty, and Chenango may well be proud of the brave boys who have returned again to her borders after having spent two long years in the country's service. The battle-fields of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Gaines' Hill, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run, Antietam, Shepardstown Ford, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville attest their valor and bravery. Their memory will be cherished by all lovers of liberty as the first who responded to the call of our country in its hour of peril. We cherfully [sic] take them by the hand and feel that they are of the loyal defenders of our country's honor.—Norwich Telegraph.
The New York papers give an account of one of the 17th N. Y. Volunteers, who deserted to the mob and called upon his fellow soldiers to follow him, and was shot by an officer. The truth is that 80 soldiers in dispersing the crowd were surrounded and fell back. To stop the retreat Lieut. Blackman shot the foremost of the receding soldiers—one Ruttgen, a German, who, so far from deserting to the mob was farthest from them, and could not have called upon his comrades to desert with him, as he was a German who could not speak English. It is in this way that events are falsified.
The Returning Soldiers.
Parents and sisters, sweethearts and friends, and the community generally, have been trying for many days to 'possess their souls in patience’ while waiting to welcome home that little band of heroes—"Company K." The delay has been caused by one or two Regiments which took precedence in mustering out from having arrived in New York before the 17th, and from the fact that the muster-rolls of the Regiment were not complete— having been lost during their campaigning. "Red tape" requires that everything shall be done "according to Gunter" or some other old humbug, as waiting soldiers and expectant friends may feel inclined to vote him. It is apparent to all, however, that the Government's agents must insist on things being done systematically and according to rule. But the welcome will be as warm, the enthusiasm as sincere, the entertainment as sumptuous, the embraces and hand-shakes as hearty, the kisses and cakes as sweet, and the day as truly a gala-day as though the boys had come a week ago. The arrangements are perfected, and the program agreed on. Handbills will be issued as soon as the exact time of their arrival is known, and there can be no doubt that the news will spread rapidly enough. If there are any fears on this score, we would suggest that the news be whispered confidentially to ten girls and one ancient maiden lady!
A telegram from Capt. WHALEY states that they will not be able to start before the middle of the week at the soonest. Friday morning will probably bring them. And let all the people turn out in their gayest attire and sunniest mood!
The New York papers give an account of one of the 17th N. Y. Volunteers, who deserted to the mob and called upon his fellow soldiers to follow him, and was shot by an officer. The truth is that 80 soldiers in dispersing the crowd were surrounded and fell back. To stop the retreat Lieut. Blackman shot the foremost of the receding soldiers—one Ruttgen, a German, who, so far from deserting to the mob was farthest from them, and could not have called upon his comrades to desert with him, as he was a German who could not speak English, It is in this way that events are falsified.
A correspondent of the Orleans American, writes to that paper, that the article we publish on our first page this week, entitled "A Touching incident," relates to Charles W. Bills of Co. K. 17th Reg. N. Y. S. V. He was from Warsaw, a young man, 21 years old, of more than ordinary intelligence, of a noble and generous disposition, and loved by all who knew him. He was wounded at the second Bull Run Battle, Aug. 30th, 1862.
The writer says he was within a few feet of him when he fell, and had barely advised him to get to the rear, when a bullet passed through his own shoulder, and admonished him of the necessity of a change of base.
The Late Lieut. A. W. Proseus.
Another name has been added to the list of martyrs to the cause of American Liberty. Another Citizen-Soldier has crowned his manhood with the glory of a patriot's death. To the long catalogue of noble men who have fallen in the defence of their country's sacred rights, must be added the name of LIEUT A. W. Proseus, of Sodus.
In the morning of life, while all its fruits were golden, in manhood's dawning years, he left the comforts, the hallowed associations, and the sweets of a cherished and happy homeland has sacrificed his life upon his country's altar. He was killed in the battle of Gettysburg on the morning of the 2d of July, aged twenty-eight years; and with others, schoolmates, cherished friends,—noble soldiers all,—received temporary burial on the morning of the glorious Fourth.—While we drop a tear over his honored death, let us pay a tribute of respect to his memory.
Probably no person in his native town had more friends or fewer enemies. Those who knew him best, esteemed him most. Educated, gentlemanly, courteous, his highest earthly ambition was to be a good citizen, an affectionate brother, a faithful son. His letters to his most cherished friends, written since his enlistment, breath the spirit of the Christian. To his associates he was a congenial companion, an earnest, truthful friend.
He entered the military service of the United States as a matter of conscientious duty. His patriotism was undoubted—his heroism he has proved on the battle-field with his life. At the first call of the President for 500,000 volunteers, he promptly responded by enlisting in the Seventeenth Regiment N. Y. V., in which he unexpectedly received a commission as Second Lieutenant. After seven months service he resigned his commission and came home. When the President called for "600,000 more," he again enrolled his name among those noble ones who gallantly gave all for their country. He enlisted in the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment N. Y. V. When the Companies were organized, he was appointed Orderly Sergeant in Company E, and served in that capacity until January, 1863, when he was promoted to a Second Lieutenancy. In April following he was again promoted, receiving his commission as First Lieutenant. From the time the Regiment was attached to the Second Army Corps, until his death, he acted as Captain of his Company. Harper's Ferry, Camp Douglas, Centerville, the long march to Pennsylvania, and the bloody field of Gettysburg, fully attest his sterling qualities as a soldier. Let the wife of a superior officer in the One Hundred and Eleventh speak his praise. In a letter to a friend she says: "His friends have the proud satisfaction of knowing that he was all he should be; and his death attests his courage as a soldier. It will always be with me so satisfactory to remember that I had the privilege of seeing and knowing him in camp. It was remarked by his superior officers that Lieut. Proseus was ever known to shirk his duties. He was a true, good soldier, and served his country with a determination of spirit, and an honesty of purpose, worthy of all praise. His men will mourn for him, I know, as they would for a brother, for they loved and respected him. They trusted him and never found him wanting, but always true to his manhood."
When the booming cannon announced the opening of the drama of the 2d of July, he arose from a sick couch, scarcely able to walk, and placing himself at the head of his Company, gallantly led them into action. While cheering his men on to victory, saying to them "STAND FIRM, DON'T YIELD AN INCH," the deadly misile [sic] laid him low in death.
Thus passed away a noble youth. Thus has gone one, of whom very many will feel proud to say, "he was my friend,—I knew him well." His name, untarnished, imperishable, belongs not alone to his friends; it is his country's sacred inheritance.
WARSAW, JUNE 17, 1863.
Return of Company K.
The long-expected return of Co. K, of the 17th Regiment—the first Company that went to the War from this County—took place on Wednesday last. The despatch [sic] announcing that they would arrive here at 8 A. M., was received only the afternoon before, and but little time was given for preparation or notifying the public of their arrival. But nevertheless, a large crowd of people were at the Station some time before the train arrived. The Committee of Reception met the Company at Portage, and returned with them to Warsaw. On arrival of the train the greeting of the people was most enthusiastic, and the re-union of relatives and friends hearty enough. After a few moments the soldiers were formed in line, with muskets which had been provided for them, and a procession and escort formed, led by the Band, which took up the line of March through the Gulf, Buffalo and Main Streets, to the Court House. Here a still larger crowd was in waiting for them. After stacking their arms they were addressed by L. A. HAYWARD, Esq. His remarks, which were extemporaneous, have been written out at our request, and were substantially as follows:—
SOLDIERS OF THE 17TH:—It is said that patience is a christian virtue. We have watched and waited for you long. The slow progress of your discharge from the service presents a strong contrast to the alacrity of your entrance into it. It took each man of you about three minutes to enlist—it has required at least three weeks to get out of the enlistment." Somebody once said—it must have been some wicked old bachelor—that war was like matrimony, it was very easy to slip into it, but mighty hard to get out of it. However that may be, we rejoice to see once more the familiar faces of our soldiers. The evergreens we wove into garlands for you some days ago have faded, but the welcome we bring you has lost none of its freshness and our hearts are just as warm toward you as ever.
Since you left us two years ago, we have watched your fortunes with unchanging interest. We have other soldiers now in the field, but "Company K" was always the pet Company of our region, for it pioneered our way into the war. Its interests were our interests—its fame was our fame.
.... weary and long winter that followed your enlistment. We thought of you in the hard marches, in the tedious routine of the drill, in the lonely midnight picket, under the smitings of heat and of cold, and bearing amid snows and sleet the hardships of a solder's life. We thought of you in the hard warfare of the Peninsula, at Bull Run, at Antietam, at Chancellorsville, and upon the slippery heights of Fredericksburg, where the converging fires of the Rebellion poured upon your unflinching ranks. From the glory and the blood of that field your commanding officer brings a wound, the effects of which are to last him through life.
In all those scenes of warfare your courage has honored the homes that nurtured you. We heard of your deeds of valor on the distant fields of Virginia, and there came back to us from the stormy fight at Bull Run a story of your heroism that made the blood tingle in the veins and the heart swell with pride. Let me read it to you that you may know how well you have been prized:—
" When the enemy made their sudden and powerful advance toward our center, on Saturday, Porter's corps were ordered up to meet the attack. They responded with the gallantry for which they are noted. Butterfield's brigade was ___ forward, the Seventeenth N. Y. having the advance. They marched up the hill amid the fierce leaden hail, as if it had been but a pleasant summer shower. On they went, and fiercer and hotter was the fire. First a battery on the right and then another on the left opened and poured a devastating fire into their devoted ranks. But they never wavered. Faithfully did they ply their trusty muskets, and they held their position as cool as veterans. Officers who witnessed the scene describe it as most terrific. Storm upon storm of bullets, grape shot, screaming shell, and great pieces of railroad iron, were hurled into, through, and over them. Thus they stood, their ranks being thinned at every discharge. The enemy suffered, too, and quickly sought the cover of the woods. At length came the order to fall back. The line was still preserved and at the command they moved off steadily and coolly as if it had been but a dress parade, the infernal fire of the enemy never ceasing for one moment. The colors were shot into shreds; both flag staffs were shot to pieces by grape shot, and three color bearers were shot down while bearing the flags bravely up, but they were brought off. The regiment took 350 men into action and brought out 125."
In reading this noble record one is reminded of the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, commemorated by an English poet:—
" Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them,
Volleyed and thundered.
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Bravely they stood and well,
All the land wondered."
FELLOW CITIZENS:—The men who participated in that terrific charge—a charge at which the very nation held its breath, so full of daring was it—the soldiers who shared the dangers of that glory-covered field—are with us here to day. It is what they may be proud to tell of for a life-time. When they left us, two years since, the nation was just rousing itself from its sleep of peace, to enter upon a war the end of which no one could see and few ventured to foretell. Our flag had just gone down at Sumter, environed in fire, and cloven with balls, and the cursed ensign of traitors had risen in its stead. Our brave Massachusetts boys, whose only crime was that they were hastening to defend the Capital, had been shot down in the streets of Baltimore — butchered to make a Baltimore holiday. These men, in whose hearts the revolutionary fires were yet slumbering, started to their feet, and, with the grand old war-cry of the revolution upon their lips, hurried off to the field to rescue the nation from the grasp of treason. Un-inspired by bounties—untempted by gain—they went because the land was in peril.
When the Roman soldiers returned from the fields which they had illustrated by their valor, all Rome was stirred to meet them. She wove for them the choicest of her garlands, and the Roman maidens of two thousand years ago welcomed them with music and song. We too, welcome our returning brave. The garlands we weave for you to-day are the garlands of melody. The very skies, in their serenity, shower down their benedictions upon you. The colors of our flag, the red—the white —and the blue, dearer to us now than ever before—are pictured for us in the loyal bloom of our northern maidens. I do not mean the badges they wear, I mean the decorations that nature has given them.—In the red—of the cheeks, in the white—of the foreheads, in the blue—of the eyes, I see a token that God himself approves our national colors, for He has linked them forever with beauty and immortality.—Rome built monuments for her soldiers.—But shafts of brass may rust and fall in the lapse of time. Granite may crumble and moulder under our bleak northern skies.—The monument we construct for you to day is made up of earnest, grateful, throbbing American hearts, that love liberty and know how to honor its defenders, and these will keep your names imperishably.
But you are not all here. Almost a hundred strong you went out from us—now less than forty men, browned by Virginia suns, and hardened into men of iron by exposure and dangers, stand before us.—Many have been discharged for disability. Four fell in battle, one was mortally wounded and died afterward, and ten fell victims to the diseases of camp life and died in hospital. One of them—SOLON G. RIPLY—was brought home for burial. We laid him to rest in our own city of the dead yonder, where the hills that rim our valley around shall tenderly guard the repose of the loved and youthful soldier.—The rest of them lie under other skies, unknown but honored still. These thinned ranks speak eloquently to-day.
The blood of our slain appeals to us from their Virginian graves to stand by our country in its need. It bids us be stout of heart in the cause of the republic—to faint not—doubt not—and the storms that brood over us shall yet pass away. In its prophetic power it announces that the colors for which they fell shall yet go unmolested and victorious from our own Lake Ontario to the Gulf of Mexico. They shall yet rise over Vicksburg—over Galveston— over Mobile—over the spot where Charleston—was, and last, and best of all, over the cannon-scarred bastions of Fort Sumter. And to this grand result you who are before us have contributed your part. And, in closing, let me say once more, from my heart, Welcome, welcome home, brave soldiers of the 17th.
Capt. A. M. WHALEY replied, but we can only give the following, which does not do justice to the Captain's remarks:—
MY FRIENDS: I am in no condition to make a suitable reply in behalf of the Co. under my command, which you are so generously welcoming home. Going into the service without any reference to, and with no expectation of, large bounties. We have endeavored to discharge our duties faithfully, and from good motives. We have been in some severe engagements, and the reference which has been made to the fight on Bull Run, reminds me of one who lost his life there, while holding up the flag of his Country. A Corporal of our Company (BOVEE), then with the Color guard, had the flag staff shot off in his hands.—He seized the Colors again and held them up by the stump of the flag staff, when he received a shot that brought him to the ground. He recovered, and still holding up the colors took his place again, until he fell again with his death wound. But he never for one moment lost hold of the flag, and died with it firmly grippled in his hand. It was to sustain this flag from dishonor that we went into the service, and to that end we have done what we could.
I cannot find words to express our thanks for this generous and bountiful reception. The Soldier is a man of deeds more than of words, and as I see you have provided a table of goods things for us, I will guarantee on the part of the Company that we will do our duty there also.
The Company then repaired to the bountiful table provided by the Committee of Entertainment, accompanied by their friends where all were abundantly helped to breakfast. The balance of the day was spent in greeting friends and congratulations and welcomings of a more private and personal character.
The members of the Company look well and hardy. Their two years experience in the army has not been time wasted.—Several of the officers and men have already determined to enter the service again.—Capt. Whaley has been appointed Quarter-Master of the new 17th Regiment which is being organized under Major (now Col.) Grower, of the old 17th. We understand that Lt. Morey has also determined to reenter the service, but in what capacity we are not informed. They all have our warmest wishes for their success.
Lieut.-Col. Bartram of the 17th New-York Volunteers.
NEW-YORK, June 15, 1863.
At a meeting of the officers of the 17th New-York Volunteers, held this day, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The term of service due by the 17th New-York Volunteers having expired we, the officers, feel it proper and our duty, before officially parting, to tender to Lieut.-Col. Bartram an expression of our sincere appreciation of his faithful and gallant services while commanding the regiment during the ten past active months; therefore, we
Resolve, That in Lieut.-Col. Bartram we recognize the officer to whose energy, untiring zeal, distinguished ability, and skillful gallantry in the field is due the credit of bringing out and utilizing the qualities inhering in the regiment, permitting officers and men to retire from the military service of their country proud of their connection with the regiment and of its honorable name.
Resolved, That we hereby tender to Lieut.-Col. Bartram all the above, and our sincere wishes for his future welfare, and congratulate him upon his honorable renown—justly won; also:
Resolved, That the spirit and intent of the foregoing resolutions is to reprobate and contradict by our own testimony any covert or open attempt to detract from the merits of our commanding officer, Lieut.-Col. Bartram, by any person who from persistent absence from the regiment must be (to put it mildly) ignorant of the services rendered by the regiment or its commanding officer during its active service.
M. J. Kelly. Capt. Co. C; Charles Hilbert, Capt. Co. B; A. M. Whaley, Capt. Co. K; T. V. Foley, Capt. Co. A; John Vickers, Capt. Co. F; G. S. Hawes, Lieut and Q. M.; J. W. Morey, Lieut. Co. K: E. A. Cowdrey, Lieut. Co. E; Thos. ,Beal, Lieut. Co. B; L. D. Lusk, Lieut. Co. I; George Moore, Lieut Co. H; M. Skully, Lieut. Co. A; Irving D. Smith, Lieut Co. F; John P. Hollers, Lieut Co. D.
NEW YORK, June 21, 1865.
I ask the privilege of your columns to reply to a communication in this morning's Herald, signed "One of the Light Brigade," in regard to the Seventeenth regiment New York volunteers. I was a captain in that regiment; and was wounded in the action of the 30th. August, 1862, styled the second battle of Bull Run. Major Grover (since killed at Jonesboro, as colonel of the veteran Seventeenth) commanded the regiment in that fight, led it into action, and was shot down while at the head of it; and the wounds he then received confined him to his room, and most of the time to his bed, for six months. Lieutenant Colonel Bartram was not in command, but acted on Brigadier General Butterfield's staff, being field officer of the day on the 29th, and not relieved on the morning of the 30th, he continued to act as such, and I believe so stated his intention at that time. It is hardly worth while noticing the malicious attack upon Colonel H. S. Lansing, but I, as one of his old officers, cannot permit such injustice to pass unnoticed. Colonel Lansing was ill when the regiment left Harrison's Landing August 15, and was directed by the regimental surgeon to go to hospital at Fortress Monroe, and not attempt the march. He, however, continued in command, in spite of increasing illness on the route to Newport's News and from Falmouth to Groveton. The night before the battle of the 30th he was very ill, and on the morning of that day was placed by the surgeon on a cart filled with hay, and moved with the column. On the first shot being fired he called for his horse, and was assisted to the saddle. General Butterfield rode up at this time and told Colonel Lansing that as he had command of the division some one must command his brigade, and asked if he (Colonel Lansing) felt able, to which the Colonel replied he would try and hold out if he could. He then put the brigade into position; but, becoming too weak to ride or stand, he was relieved by General Butterfield. The next day he was sent to hospital, and was confined two weeks to his bed with fever. Lieutenant Colonel Bartram, in Colonel Lansing's absence, was attached to General Butterfield's staff for a time, who was then in command of the First division, and afterwards the Fifth corps, and was so acting at the battle of Fredericksburg. Colonel Lansing rejoined the army the latter part of September, and took command of the Third brigade, and as such commander was at the close of October ordered by General McClellan to New York in charge of all volunteer organizations forming in this vicinity. As to the cannon captured at Hanover Court House, by references to Major General McClellan's report it will be seen that he says, "General. Emery had before this been joined by the Twenty-fifth New York (of Martindale's brigade) and Berdan's sharpshooters; these regiments were deployed with a section of Benson's battery, and advanced slowly towards the enemy until reinforced by General Butterfield, with four regiments of his brigade, when the enemy was charged and quickly routed, one of his guns being captured by the Seventeenth New York, under Colonel Lansing, after having been disabled by the fire of Benson's battery." I have thus disposed of the malicious slanders of one who under cover of a desire to correct errors, has been guilty of an attempt to deprive a gallant officer of one of his laurels, and one too, who now sleeps in his bloody grave and cannot refute them; and to insult another who was never found backward or remiss in duty, and who has always had, and still retains the friendship and respect of all his superior officers. Finally endeavoring to rob a regiment of its honors confirmed by a report of the Commander-in-Chief, he has shown himself to be a most unworthy member of the Light Brigade.
Formerly Captain Seventeenth regiment N. Y. V.
During the last few weeks Colonel A. S. Lansing, the founder, and for some time the President, of the New York State Military Association, and also an ex-member of General Spicer's staff, has been engaged enlisting men to form a regiment, which will be called the Westchester Chasseurs.
It has now about eight hundred men enrolled. Five hundred of them are quartered in the large six story building at the corner of Broadway and Rector street; two hundred are at No. 84 Duane and the remainder will be accommodated with temporary quarters in this city as soon as the companies are filled up.
Morrisania, Yonkers, Tarrytown, Port Chester and White Plains have furnished one company each; New York city three, and two more are organizing, one in this city and one in Brooklyn. They will be ready to be mustered into the service of the United States at the end of the present week, and will form one of the most effective and. serviceable regiments which this State has furnished, as the majority of the recruits come from the farming districts, and all of them are inured to hard work, and all the rough and humble incidents to which they will be subject during a campaign. Their drilling is rigorously carried on at the depots, where they are under the regular garrison regulations of the United States service. Their uniform will be the regulation uniform, worn by the New York State Militia. At the principal depot, and also the headquarters of Colonel Lansing, on Broadway, there are five hundred men quartered, the building is about two hundred feet deep by thirty wide, and six stories high. Everything is conducted with military exactness and precision. The companies are drilled by squads during the day, the rooms affording ample space for them. The mattresses upon which the men sleep are all piled up against the wall during the day to afford more room for the marching and drilling of the recruits. And by the time the arms and equipments arrive, Colonel Lansing expects to be able to turn out, not only a fine looking, but well disciplined regiment.
Your "special correspondent from Washington," under date of September 30, in your issue of October 1, does the Seventeenth regiment of New York Volunteers, which I have the honor to command, great injustice by excusing the Fifteenth and Eighteenth New York Volunteers from "acts of vandalism," and leaving the Seventeenth among the vandals. I received on Saturday night at eleven o'clock orders to march, to support "Arnold's Light Battery." The regiment left camp with the battery at the appointed time, and never left it until the return to camp. Not a soldier left the ranks or entered a house during the entire day. Please correct the error of "your special correspondent," and oblige yours, &c. H. S. LANSING,
Colonel 17th Regt. N. Y. V.
From the Army of the Potomac.
An order has been issued that Ed. Cropsey, correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, having published in that journal a libelous statement on the Commanding General of the army, and now acknowledges it to be false, and based on idle camp rumor, be arrested and paraded through the lines of the army, with a placard marked "Libeller of the Press," and then put without the lines of the army.
Another order dishonorably dismisses Lieut.-Col. McMurphy, of the 17th N. Y. V., for presuming to send a flag of truce to the enemy's lines without any authority whatever.
The mails are now regularly received in the army, the arrangements being most complete. Capture of a valuable Prize.
— The wife of Col. F. C. Miller, of the 147th N. Y. V., came here from Oswego yesterday and paid a visit to Adj. Tracy, who brought the glad tidings that her husband was not killed, as reported, but a prisoner. She received from the Adjutant all the particulars regarding her husband that he possessed.
PERSONAL MENTION.--At the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church held at Schenectady, Rev. J. R. Berry, formerly of this city, preached the sermon.
We publish below, the letter of Col. Lansing, of the 17th Regiment, to Mrs. Van Cortlandt, Secretary of the Ladies Relief Society, of this village, acknowledging the receipt of the articles of clothing, &c., for the volunteers from this place:—
PARK BARRACKS, New York, June 1st, 1861.
MRS. C. E. VAN CORTLANDT, Secretary Ladies U. R. A. of Sing Sing.
DEAR MADAM:—Your esteemed favor of 31st ult., is at hand, and the three cases will have attention, the articles contained distributed as requested, first to the Sing Sing Company, and the surplus to the needy in the Regiment.
Permit me, in the name of the Sing Sing company, and on my own account as commandant of the Regiment, to tender to the Ladies, your Association and yourself, our sincere thanks for your kindness and generosity, and hope, if we have an opportunity, that you will have cause to be proud of the Westchester Regiment. In relation to other articles so kindly offered, I cannot now say, several societies of Ladies are busy with their needles for our benefit, and until we are packed for a start it will be difficult to say what we shall need. It will be something without doubt, and if so will apprize you, as any necessities can be sent after us. With respect,
Your obedient servant,
____ Military Decision—The Sixty-___ Regiment Case—The Old Organization Sustained.
At a late, hour last evening, the following official decision (as to which was and is the "Simon Pure" Sixty-ninth Regiment N. G., S. N. Y.) was received by Col. Jas. Bagley. It came to hand too late to be placed among our military column proper: but as it is an important document for the whole First Division to read, we publish the same in full. There is an old saying that "justice is slow but sure". In advocating the claims of the true Sixty-ninth, as against the bogus organization, our work has not been an easy task, backed up as the opposition was by official power and influence. Now, however, the triumph is complete, we have nothing further to add except to congratulate our friends on the victory of right over wrong. May it always be thus!
Albany, March 19th, 1864.
A Division Court of Inquiry having been instituted in the First Division by Major-General Sandford (acting under orders from these Head-quarters), on the 17th of February, 1863, for the purpose of ascertaining:
First. Whether the Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. Y. National Guard did volunteer to go into the service of the United States, and,
Secondly. Whether, in fact, the Sixty-ninth Regiment, New York National Guard, did enter into the service of the United States as a part of the Corcoran Legion.
The said Court having duly weighed and considered the evidence produced before it upon the questions heretofore mentioned, find as follows:
First. That a large majority of the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. Y. National Guard, did volunteer to go into the service of the United States, for the first three months’ service; and that many of the permanent officers , and about one-third of the permanent non-commissioned officers and privates of said regiment did volunteer to go into the said service for the second three months’ service, and that the regiment, as it was constituted before September 3, 1862, when it was mustered out of the United States service, and also, its officers separately, with a few exceptions, did, in an informal manner, resolve to volunteer to go into said service for three years or the war.
Second. That, in fact, the Sixty-ninth Regiment, N.Y. National Guard, did not enter into the service of the United States, as a part of the Corcoran Legion; nine officers, and forty-six non-commissioned officers and privates thereof, only, having entered said Legion.
It is, therefore, hereby declared, in accordance with the finding of said Court of Inquiry, That the Military organization or regiment now located in the City of New York, under the command of Colonel James Bagley is entitled to the designation, "Sixty-ninth Regiment National Guard of the State of New York."
The volunteer regiment, now in the United States service, from the State of New York, under the command of Colonel Mathew Murphy, heretofore known at the Sixty-ninth Regiment, New York National Guard Artillery, will be hereafter designated as the One Hundred and Eighty-second Regiment New York State Volunteers.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
NEW YORK, March 26, 1864.
The foregoing Special Orders, No. 125, from General Head-quarters, are hereby promulgated for the information of the corps interested therein.
By order of Major-General
ANOTHER SOLDIER GONER.—Benjamin C. Nodine of this village, died at Washington on the 30th ult., from the effects of wounds received at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House. He was one of the veterans of the old Army of the Potomac, having been among the first to respond to the President's call for troops. He went out as Sergeant of Co. A, Seventeenth Regiment, Capt. Smith, and performed his duties as a true soldier. At the expiration of his original service he re-enlisted—after spending a short time at home-in the 6th N. Y. Artillery, Co. H. Hon William Radford notified his friends of his death, and measures have been taken to have his remains brought home for interment. The loss of this gallant soldier will be regretted by a host of friends in this village.
At a Special Meeting of Neptune (Exempt) Engine Company, No. 8, held at their Engine House last evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It is with feelings of deep and sincere regret we have to mourn the loss of our late brother member, Benjamin C. Nodine, who died after a short illness from wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, while in the discharge of his duty;
Resolved, That in the loss of Benjamin C. Nodine this Company has lost an efficient member and the Union an honest and brave soldier.
Resolved, That we tender our sympathy to the family of the deceased, and our prayer that the God in whom we all trust will be their strength and consolation in their bereavement.
Resolved, That as a mark of respect to our late brother member, this Engine House be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and that they be published in the Statesman and Herald newspapers of this village.
Mirror Correspondence.
Friend Champ—Having a few moments to myself, I thought. I would drop you a few lines from the 17th Regiment, N. Y. V. Since I have been in the Regt., we have not been still in any one place more than ten days at a time. Our last expedition was from Vicksburg to Maridion—the distance I do not exactly know—some say it is 360 miles, others say it is 400. We left Vicksburg the 2d day of February, and marched without being interrupted by the rebels, until within four miles of Jackson, where we were drawn up in line of battle, and remained so until the next morning, when the rebels began to retreat and evacuate Jackson after burning a large farmhouse belonging to a rebel that had a Commissary store filled with rebel provision. We marched into Jackson, the Capital of Mississippi, and encamped near the city for a short time, while several Regiments went back and burnt the city. We then received orders to dispose of all unnecessary clothing or other traps that the officers or privates might have, and be ready to march to 5 P. M. We then crossed the Pearl river and marched until 1 A. M., when we encamped until about four, when we again pursued the rebels at our utmost speed. We passed through Brandon about noon. The 17th Army Corps went through just ahead of the 16th Army Corps, (to which our Regt. belongs,) without destroying anything, but left it for us to do. There was not a house on the road but had plenty of corn, tobacco, sugar, rice, molasses, wheat, bacon, and plenty of fowls of every kind, but the greatest trouble was the houses were sometimes ten miles apart, through a heavy forest. Whenever we came to their houses, they were stripped of everything, and in most cases burnt. We marched at the rate of 25 miles a day most of the time—some of the time we marched by day, and sometimes by night, just us it happened.
We kept following the rebels very close, and at Decatur they attacked the supply trains, killing six mules, and doing no other damage. We found by following them close and taking prisoners that they did not want to fight—the most they wanted was to get something to eat, such as coffee, hardtack, salt, and greenbacks. The prisoners tell me that 75 cents in stamps will but more that $11 worth of their money; and that one of us "yanks" (as they call us) could not live on their rations three weeks. They seem to be tired of rebellion, the most of them at least, and some are not.
I did not see any thing more interesting until we came within ten or fifteen miles of Meridion, only hard marching and half rations. There the supply trains halted with a heavy guard around them, while the rest went on to Meridion. Our Regiment happened to be one of the lucky ones to be left on guard, so that we could get a good rest after the long march. We remained on guard five days, while they burnt the city and destroyed the railroad. Some of the men got several hundred dollars in gold in some of the houses—also some rebel money. It is a splendid country where the farms or plantations are cleared up, but the most of it is woods. When the Regiments came back we once more started for Vicksburg, part way on the road we came, and then to the north of Jackson eight miles, to destroy a railroad near Canton. We arrived at Vicksburg on the 4th of March, having been out 30 days. Some of the boys stood it well, but a great many fell out, and we buried some that were worn out by the heavy march and half rations. As for myself, I stood the march well. We were soon ordered on board the transports and were taken to Memphis. How long we shall stay here, we do not know. We are going to be paid here, and it is rumored that we are going to Washington, and I'm sure I don’t care how soon, for I do not like the Western Army—but we may not go.
Yours as ever, WM. T. McL.
Seventeenth Regiment, New York Veteran Volunteers.
[Special Correspondence of the N. Y. Sunday Mercury.]
Return of the Sherman Expedition—Foraging—Darkeys and Mules Captured and Recaptured—Losses—Off Again.
February 20, we started on our return to Vicksburg. The troops that had gone forward to Meridian were on their return, but on different roads. At Hillsboro, which place we reached on the 22d ult., we remained until the 24th ult., while the Army Corps which had been on different roads, came together again. From Hillsboro we marched to Canton, which place we reached on the 25th ult.; we were ordered to wait there for supplies from Vicksburg. In the meantime, foraging parties were sent out; these parties usually returned with plenty of meat but very little breadstuffs; and until the arrival of our supplies, on the evening of the 20th ult., hard tack and meal was at a premium. On the 28th ult., a recruiting-party, consisting of Capt. Marshall, Lieut. Corey, and Sergeants Hare and Mund, all of Company B, and four sergeants selected from the remainder of the regiment, started for New York. During the expedition, a large number of negroes left their masters, and were following the Army; a large number of horses and mules has also been captured, and appropriated to their own private uses both by officers and privates.
Upon our arrival at the Big Black River, on the afternoon of March 3, a Provost-Marshal was discovered on the east end of the Pontoon Bridge, who seized all the darkeys who attempted to cross who were unprovided with papers certifying that they were officers' servants; these "gemmen" were turned over to guards detailed from the various negro regiments stationed at Vicksburg. All captured horses and mules were also taken charge of and turned over to a Quartermaster there in waiting. March 4, we reached Vicksburg, and went into camp one mile northeast of the city.
During the expedition we buried two men—both on Feb. 21—Corporal Teahn of Co. C, who was accidentally killed, and Private Geng of Co. G, who died from disease.
On the 9th ult., in accordance with orders previously received, we embarked on board this transport and started up the river. We had on board, besides our regiment, Gen. Veach and staff, and also a battery of light artillery.
We reached Memphis on the 14th, and expect to remain here a few days; our ultimate destination is said to be Athens, Tenn. SCOTT LIFE GUARD.
Moved Again—In Camp—Greenbacks—Bounty Promised—Exchange of Prisoners.
On the next day after reaching Memphis we were sent across river to Hopsfield, where we are now encamped. Since our arrival here the usual routine of camp-life has been resumed, and we have our squad, company, and battallion [sic] drills regularly.
The Paymaster has also visited us, and paid off Companies D, E, G, I, and K; so that now the entire regiment is paid up to Dec. 31; but as yet no United States veteran bounties have been paid, although, we are entitled to the second installment of fifty dollars, and some are even entitled to the third installment; but it is all promised us at the next payment. A flag of truce came into our lines on the 15th ult., object, to exchange a few prisoners; the necessary agreements were made, and on the 17th ult. the exchange was effected.
In Camp at Cairo, Ill., March 22.
Off Once More—On a Transport, but not in Glee—Awaiting Orders.
On the 19th ult. orders were received to embark, accordingly we were placed on board the transport Olive Branch, which already had on board portions of three regiments of veterans, going home on furlough. Our trip up the Mississippi was far from being pleasant, on account of the boat being so crowded; our entire regiment being confined to the hurricane-deck, the temperature of which was decidedly cool, sailing up the Mississippi on a March night, with a stiff breeze from the north. We will remain here for a few days for the necessary transportation to take us up either the Tennessee or Columberland Rivers.
The Seventeenth New-York Zouaves.
The Seventeenth New-York Zouaves are expected to arrive in the city to-day. The regiment was led to the field by Col. A. S. LANSING, and is now under the command of Col. JAMES LAKE. It participated in Gen. Sherman's grand march, as part of the Fourteenth Army Corps, and has seen much service. The following testimonials to the valor and soldierly qualities of the regiment will be read with interest:
COLONEL: The interest of the service not permitting Eastern troops to be sent West, you are therefore relieved from further duty in the Fourteenth Army Corps, and will report your regiment in accordance with previous orders. In giving this order, the General-Commanding desires to express his sincere regret that the regiment could not be allowed to remain with the Fourteenth Corps.
He parts from it with regret, and will always remember with pleasure and pride the credit which from its soldierly conduct, attention to duty, and invariably gallant conduct in action, it has reflected upon itself and the corps.
As he is proud of them, so he hopes that they will never regret their connection with the Fourteenth Army Corps.
I have the honor to be, Colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
(Signed) A. C. McCLURG.
A. A. G. and Chief of Staff.
Lieut.-Col. JAMES LAKE, Comd'g 17th N. Y. V. Inf.
NEAR WASHINGTON, D. C., June 12, 1865.
In transmitting the within communication, the General-Commanding desires to express his high appreciation of the soldierly and brave conduct of the Seventeenth New-York Volunteer Infantry during the time they have been under his command, and exceedingly regrets that the necessity of the service prevents their remaining longer with him.
The General always will remember with pride their gallant bravery in the charge at Jonesboro and the battles of Averysboro and Bentonville.
The General sincerely hopes that ere long you will all be permitted to return to home and friends.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
(Signed) T. WISEMAN, Capt. and A. A. G.
NEAR WASHINGTON. D. C., June 12, 1865.
COLONEL: As your regiment is about to be transferred from its connection with this brigade, the General-Commanding avails himself of the occasion to express his regret at the separation, and to assure you and every officer and man of the regiment of his appreciation of the high and soldierly qualities evinced by it, through a long, toilsome and eventful campaign.
In all the essential qualities which distinguish the heroic citizen soldier, the Seventeenth New-York has been excelled by none. Representatives as you are of the great City of New-York, your association with the men of the Northwest, composing the balance of the brigade, has been of the most pleasant and genial kind, and we part from you with reluctance.
It is, however, my pleasing duty to congratulate you on the happy consummation of all our perils and labors, in securing for our lately distracted country the suppression of a, remorseless rebellion, and the blessings of peace. The time is at hand when we may all return to the peaceful avocations of life, and the comforts and blessings of home. That your future lives may be as happy and prosperous as your career in the field has been glorious and triumphant, is the sincere wish of your late commander.
(Signed) Wm. Vandever, Brig.-Gen.
To: Lieut.-Col. JAMES LAKE, Com'g. 17th N. Y. V. I.
(N. Y. Times, June 14, 1865)
The great feature of t h e day was t h e reception of the Seventeenth New-York Zouaves, and it was one that spoke well both for the regiment itself and the numerous friends who turned out in honor of the gallant Zou-Zous. The Fourth Company of the Seventh Regiment, and the members of the old Hawkins Zouaves, (Ninth New-York,) accompanied by Graffula's Band, and a select number of friends and ex-members of the Seventeenth and Ninth New-York, paraded as an escort to the Seventeenth. Mr. GROWER, (father of Col. GROWER who was killed at Jonesboro,) gave the Seventeenth a collation on the dock, as soon as they landed, consisting of sandwiches and any quantity of ale, in bottles. Col. COLYER furnished t h e band, and on their arrival at the armory had a splendid table spread for the regiment.
The Seventeenth is a city regiment, and was organized by Colonel H. S. LANSING, at the commencement of the war, as two-year infantry, and served in the Army of the Potomac till the expiration of its service in April, 1863. It claims the honor of taking the first cannon captured by that army.
At Manassas Plains it was commanded by its Major (the late Colonel GROWER,) and covered itself with glory in storming a battery, but at a heavy loss in officers and men—three officers killed and ten wounded, including its Major-Commanding, who received four wounds, disabling him for seven months; its loss in enlisted men being above two hundred.
The regiment was reorganized as Zouave veterans in 1863, with Major GROWER commissioned its Colonel, officered by a majority of the old officers, as likewise part of the Ninth, better known as the Hawkins Zouaves, its rank and file consisting almost entirely of the two-year patriots late of the above regiments, who again volunteered to serve their country, and left this city in October, 1863, above 800 strong, were ordered to the Southwest, and joined SHERMAN'S army. It has been through the whole of his campaigns since, and always on hand for duty on picket, march, guard, trenches or general engagement, and has more than once received the thanks of the general officers under whom it served. On the 21st of December, 1863, under Gen. A. J. SMITH, it made the Tennessee campaign after Forrest, losing, principally by very severe frosts, about 200 men, many losing the use of both hands and feet, while scarcely an officer or man but was more or less frostbitten, and joining Gen. Sherman at Vicksburg Jan. 24,1864. Under that General they made the Mississippi or Meriden campaign, leaving Vicksburgh on the 2d of February, 1864, marching over 400 miles.
In April the rebel Roddy being in strength, and attacking Decatur, Ala., they were ordered there, where for thirty-three days there was a daily skirmish as regular as the reveille call. RODDY by that time learned to respect them and was less troublesome, not venturing to make an advance, but was attacked by the Regiment in their camp at Pond Spring, Courtland, &c., regularly routing them, capturing the whole of their camp and garrison, baggage, horses, &c.
At Atlanta they had their position in the trenches, &c.; at Jonesboro they charged, and fought CLAYBORNE'S invincible Texan Rangers, who boasted never to have been defeated, but who were then broken, routed, and had their works taken from them. Here it lost its brave and gallant Colonel, who fell in front of his colors and but fifteen paces from the enemy's works, with one hundred and one of its men left on the field.
From Atlanta it participated in HOOD'S campaign in the rear of the army, marching full or above six hundred miles. Returning to Atlanta at night, it started next morning without preparation on SHERMAN'S grand march to the sea, victory and peace.
From Savannah to the Carolinas, they again engaged the enemy at Averysboro, where their Lieutenant-Colonel, JAMES LAKE, commanding, received three wounds, and Capt. WILLIAM G. HARNETT, formerly of Hawkins' Zouaves, a brave and accomplished officer, was killed, being shot through the head. Once more at Bentonville, they fought the enemy, Maj. MARSHALL commanding, and where they made their last mark by cutting their way through the rebel lines, when by the falling back of the First Division they found themselves surrounded by the enemy, and were complimented by Gen. MORGAN.
The following are the battles of the Seventeenth New-York:
1862—Siege of Yorktown, April; Hanover Court-House, Va., May 24; Seven days' battle before Richmond, June 26--July 2; Seven Pines; Fredericksburgh, (under Burnside,) Dec. 13.
1863--Chancellorsville, May 1-4.
1864--Jonesboro, September; Averysboro, March 16; Bentonville, March 19.
The following is a roster of the officers:
Field and Staff--Colonel, James Lake; Lieutenant-Colonel, A. S. Marshal; Major, James B. Horner; Acting Adjutant, Wm. E. Hatfield; Quartermaster, William Corry; Surgeon, James L. Watson; Assistant Surgeon, George W. Davis.
Captains.—John Canty, Charles W. Fairfield, Wm. E. Fisher, John P. Hollers, Charles H. Pease, David A. Harper, John Timon, James S. France and Isaac Monks.
First Lieutenants—G. A. C. Barrett, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General on Gen. Vandever's staff; Clemens Wehmann, Edwin James, Edward Golden, Wm. B. Westervelt, Matthew Maloney and Daniel D. Mc-Dougal.
Second Lieutenants.—John B. Pannis, serving on Gen. Smith's staff; John Garry, Christian S. Crist, Charles Grabert, George W. Fisher and Thomas Hogan.
(N. Y. Times, July 17, 1865)