Other Resources
This is meant to be a comprehensive list. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email to ng.ny.nyarng.list.historians@army.mil with the name of the resource and where it is located. This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. Also, if you have any materials in your possession that you would like to donate, the museum is always looking for items specific to New York's military heritage. Thank you.
Aldrich, Mijaman T., and Karen H. Taracks. Civil War letters of Mijaman T. Aldrich, Union soldier, Steuben County, New York. Ypsilanti, Mich. : K.H. Taracks. 105 leaves ; 28 cm.
Typescript transcription of letters dated Oct. 25, 1858 through Oct. 23, 1864, most of which were written by Private Aldrich.
Reproduction: Photocopy of typescript."
Located at Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, IN 46802.
Barber, Alfred E. Alfred E. Barber Papers,ca. 1863-1864.
The collection contains a diary, documents, 7 carte de visite photographs, and leather document case of Alfred E. Barber, a Civil War lieutenant, New York Infantry, 141st Regiment (Vol.), Company G, ca. 1863-1864. Barber was the great uncle of the donor of the collection, Mrs. Dean W. Meeker.
2 linear feet (1 thin oversize box).
Finding aid online at: www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt6c6006mh
Located at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Brink, Hellen Kelly. I thought it my duty to go to my country's call! : The civil war letters of John McIntosh Kelly and Maryett Babcock Kelly of Fremont, Steuben County, New York. 1862-1865. Steuben County Historical Society, 2007.
Available for sale from Steuben County Historical Society, PO Box 349, Bath NY 14810.
(607) 776-9930. steuben349@yahoo.com
Thank you to Kirk House for pointing this resource out.
Dillon, E. Gordon. E. Gordon Dillon collection,1794-1891 (bulk 1862-1891).
Items relating to the history of the Town of Salem, N.Y. include: assessment rolls and tax lists, 1795-1805; account of town finances, 1794; and summonses and notices to collect on judgements, 1794-1805. The bulk of the collection consists of material relating to the Civil War. Reports written by Col. James Selfridge detail the operations of the 46th Regiment (Pennsylvania) during the 1865 campaign from Savannah to Goldsboro, and of the 123rd and 141st New York Volunteers during the occupation of Atlanta and the capture of Savannah, 1864. Remaining items concern Lt. Robert C. Cruickshank, who is mentioned in Selfridge's reports, and include his commissions and promotions, muster rolls and provision reports, receipts, and two letters, 1862-91.
1.0 cubic ft.
Located at the Washington County Historian's Department, 383 Broadway, Fort Edward, N.Y. 12828.
"Historical record of Company A, 141st N.Y.S. Volunteers." Watkins Express. 10 August 1865.
Houghton, Charles A. The Charles A. Houghton papers,1858-1865.
Contains the following type of materials: correspondence. Contains information pertaining to the following wars: Civil War -- Eastern theater, -- Atlantic coast, -- Western theater, --Northern interior. Contains information pertaining to the following military units: 141st New York Infantry Regiment; 72nd New York Infantry Regiment; 86th New York Infantry Regiment; 84th New York Infantry Regiment. General description of the collection: The Charles A Houghton papers include soldiers letters, 141st, August 1862-June 1865; campaigns: Suffolk Peninsula, 1863, Gettysburg, Wauhatchie, Chattanooga, Resaca, New Hope Church, Atlanta, march to the sea, Savannah, and Carolinas; served: Laurel, Maryland, Arlington, and White House Virginia; Shell Mound, Tennessee, Nickajack, Georgia, Stanton General Hospital, District of Columbia; cattle herd; longs for home, Lindleytown, NY; letters, 72nd,1863; 86th,1861-1864; and 84th, 1862-1865.
1 box.
Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA.
Janowksi, Diane L. "Timeline of the 141st New York Infantry." The Chemung Historical Journal, 49:3. (2004) p. 5449-5453 : ill.
Kelly, John McIntosh, et al. "I thought it my duty to go to my country's call!" : the Civil War letters of Josh McIntosh Kelly and Maryett Babcock Kelly of Fremont, Steuben County, New York, 1962-1865. Bath, N.Y. : Steuben County Historical Society., 2007.
Logie, William K. New York (State). Bureau of Military Statistics. "Col. WM. K. Logie, 141st Regiment, N.Y.S.V.." Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Military Statistics, with Appendices : 5th Annual Report of the Bureau of Military Statistics, with Appendices. Albany, NY: C. Van Benthuysen & Sons' Steam Printing House, 1868. 362-389.
Miscellaneous Collection, 1797-1919.
23 v.
Account book of Ira Davenport store in Hornellsville, 1830-32; minute book of Hornell Symposium, 1899-1903; account book of Ebenezer Houghton of Putney, Vt., for shoemaking and farming, 1797-1803, with later entries, and Houghton family record; arithmetic copy book, c.1825; scrapbook of Hornell V-J Day Celebrations, 1949-51; scrapbook of local theater ads, bills, and programs, 1893-1904; scrapbook of World War I events in Hornell; minute book of Hornell Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1888-94; meteorological diary kept at Hornellsville, 1821, 1833-68; autograph books of Blanche and Lottie Storms, c.1887-90, and of Morris Lloyd, 1879-83.
Other items are personal scrapbook of Laura Barney, 1915-18; photo album of building of Hornell Reservoir; scrapbook of newspaper articles by Miles W. Hawley on early history of Hornellsville and his letters from 141st Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers, 1863-64; three volumes of bound almanacs, 1820-80, also Ayer's Almanac for 1889 in 21 languages; Sanborn map of Hornellsville, 1898; atlases of Allegany and Steuben Counties.
Located at the Hornell Public Library, Hornell, New York 14843.
Oellig, Charles, et al. The Charles Oellig collection, 1848-1930.
1 box.
Contains a collection of photocopied letters from the following U.S. soldiers: Samuel A. Bullock, Co. H., 34th Illinois Volunteer Infantry (1864); Albert C. Bushman, Co. I, 129th New York Volunteer Infantry (1862); a Union soldier's letter from Camp Hamilton, Va. (1861?); James Collard, Co. A., 38th Pa. Volunteer Infantry (1861); A.L. Gridley, Co. H., 50th New York Volunteer Engineers (1864); Solomon Mick, Co. K., 7th Pa. Cavalry (1861, 1864-65), plus a marriage certificate (1848); George H. Nye, Co. K., 10th Maine Volunteer Infantry (1862). Silas R. Rhodes, Co. F., 141st New York Volunteer Infantry (1864); Louis H. Wint, 2nd Pa. Heavy Artillery Battery (1862); "Raymond", Pa. Infantry Regiment 15th (1898); C.M. Crone, Co. F., 316 Infantry (1918); Howard Nissley, Co. K., 146th Infantry (1918); Percy Swab, 316th Infantry Band (1917-1919). Other documents include: issue of DAILY DUTIES OF THE 179TH REGIMENT P.M." (n.d.); declaration for the organization of a company to be part of the Pa. National Guard (1873); programs of the Military Athletic League of Philadelphia (1912-1916); World War I maps and documents on the military career of Lt. Joseph Fornance and Base Section 2, S.O.S., A.E.F. France (1912-1929); special orders from the 28th Division, A.E.F. including registers of members (1918); some purchase agreements for land in Lebanon County, Pa. for Indiantown Gap Association.
Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA.
Reimann, Valentine. Papers, 1844-1903.
12 items.
Reimann was a German immigrant settled in New York state. His papaers contain correspondence, diaries, financial and legal records, and genealogical information on the Cornwall and Lawrence families. Included is material on Civil War service in Company H, 141st Regiment, of New York state.
Located at the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
Rhodes, Silas R. OelligColl
(Enlisted man's letter, Dec 17, 1864) Roster of Officers.2p.
Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA.
Russell, Andrew J. Auger on a Blanket. 1863. Salt print ; 15.3 x 20.3 cm.

See www.getty.edu/art/gettyguide/artObjectDetails?artobj=69181 for the original.
Six colored views : Camps of New York regiments during the Civil War.
[6] leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill. ; 27 x 37 cm.
Contents: Fort Ethan Allen, Garrisoned by the 4th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. Col. D. Doubleday, Commdg. -- Camp Pomroy, 111th Regiment, New York. Col. J. Segoine, Commdg.-- Camp Chase, 147th Regt. N.Y.S.V. Col. A.S. Warner, Commdg. -- Fort Pennsylvania, Head Quarters of the 113th Regt. N.Y.S.V. Col. O.L. Morricee, Commdg. -- Camp Seward, 170th N.Y.V. 2d Regiment, Corcoran's Legion, Col. Peter McDermott, Lieut. Col. J.P. McIvor -- Camp Hathaway, 141st Regt. N.Y.S.V.S.G. Hathaway, Col. Commanding.
Located at the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Singleton, Robert R. "James C. Beecher and the Freedmen's Bureau." The Mississippi Quarterly. Winter 1999-2000 :53 1. 5-40.
Six colored views : Camps of New York regiments during the Civil War. 1861-1865.
Description: 6 unnumbered leaves of plates : chiefly color illustrations ; 27 x 37 cm
Contents: Fort Ethan Allen, Garrisoned by the 4th N.Y. Heavy Artillery. Col. D. Doubleday, Commdg. -- Camp Pomroy, 111th Regiment, New York. Col. J. Segoine, Commdg.-- Camp Chase, 147th Regt. N.Y.S.V. Col. A.S. Warner, Commdg. -- Fort Pennsylvania, Head Quarters of the 113th Regt. N.Y.S.V. Col. O.L. Morricee, Commdg. -- Camp Seward, 170th N.Y.V. 2d Regiment, Corcoran's Legion, Col. Peter McDermott, Lieut. Col. J.P. McIvor -- Camp Hathaway, 141st Regt. N.Y.S.V.S.G. Hathaway, Col. Commanding.
Held by the Massachusetts Historical Society.
State of New York. Second annual report of the State Historian of the State of New York : transmitted to the Legislature, February 22, 1897. Albany ; New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co. 1897.
Towner, Ausburn, 1836-1909. "Military Affairs in the County." Our county and its people : a history of the valley and county of Chemung, from the closing years of the eighteenth century. Syracuse, N.Y. D. Mason & Co. 1892. 199 - 277.
Van Wagoner, Charles. (Composer). Record of the 141st N.Y. V. Infantry. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1984.
1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
Microreproduction of original holograph (245, [11] p., [14] leaves of plates : ill., maps) made in 1895 in possession of James E. Andrus.
Includes military history, rosters, deaths.
In addition to company rosters, the manuscript has a fair amount of chronological narrative detail and several maps.
Located at: the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Thank you to Ed Rutan for pointing out this resource.
Van Wagoner, Charles. "From Wauhatchie to the capture of Savannah, an interesting narrative from the diary of." In Annual report of the State historian of New York, III, p. 107-27.
Whitley, Albert J. Letters, 1863.
3 leaves and 10 pages.
Letters, 1863, from Albert J. Whitley, 141st New York Infantry near West Point, King William County, and Suffolk, Virginia, to his sister Harriett (Whitley) Lounsberry in Van Etten, New York. Whitley writes regarding the Battle of Suffolk and the encampment at West Point, mentions the health and welfare of his comrades, his unit’ trip from Arlington Heights to Suffolk aboard a steamer, gunboat skirmishes, enemy positions, and he provides a description of his tent and camp. Transcripts of the letters are included.
Accession 42715. Located at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia.
Thank you to Ed Worman for pointing out this resource.
Woodhouse, Zina. Zina Woodhouse Civil War diary,1863-1864.
Woodhouse kept this daily account of his wartime experiences in a printed Daily pocket remembrancer for 1863. The first sixteen pages contain a printed monthly calendar. Each diary page contains three days and Woodhouse records brief entries noting his activities: laundry, practicing the drum, marching (including locations), writing and receiving letters from home, drawing pay, and the named deaths of his comrades. On the memoranda pages he lists the places his regiment marched to, and lists names of men from whom he either borrowed or loaned money and the amount. In the cash account section he lists his pay received and continues his diary entries from 1-31 January (with entries only through the 24th). On blank pages at the back of the book he copied out the poem, The Indian Lament. On the endpapers he records additional financial accounts. Woodhouse records the deaths of Wilber Hubberd [William F. Hubbard], 27 Mar. 1863; Samuel Stewart (Co. H), 24 May 1863; David McCann, 16 June 1863; Elisha Wright (Co. C), 12 August 1863; Daniel O. Day (Co. F), 7 Sept. 1863; and Charles Harridon [Charles A. Harrdon] (Co. D), 20 Oct. 1863.
161 p. ; 11 cm.
Located at Pennsylvania State University.PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV.
Unit bibliography from the Army Heritage Center
Items in the museum collection are in bold.