Other Resources
This is meant to be a comprehensive list. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email to ng.ny.nyarng.list.historians@army.mil with the name of the resource and where it is located. This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. Also, if you have any materials in your possession that you would like to donate, the museum is always looking for items specific to New York's military heritage. Thank you.
Allen, Stewart C. Correspondence. 1862-1865.
16 items.
Correspondence primarily written by Allen from various locations in Virginia and elsewhere to his mother and sister, probably in Hudson, N.Y. (July 1862-Feb. 1865). His letters often express frustration about having been forgotten by those at home who don't write or send much needed supplies. Includes one letter from E.S. Corser, Allen's former commanding officer, to Allen (Mar. 3, 1865).
Located at the New York Historical Society, New York, NY.
Blackman, George H. George H. Blackman papers, 1841-1926.
Description: 12 volumes, 350 items (approximately)
Abstract: Adjutant's book, roster, treasurer's book, and other letters and papers of Rolfe Post no. 332, G.A.R. at Stannards; minutes, cash book, rosters, and other papers and letters of Dexter Post no. 336, G.A.R., Wellsville including legal papers in suit of Dexter Post against Allegany County Superintendent of the Poor, 1908-10. Minutes of the G.A.R. Association of Allegany County, 1891-1914, with lists of members in various posts in county, photographs; printed rituals, and memorabilia. Blackman's personal papers include a few letters; pension papers; leases; record of special taxes kept when he was Internal Revenue Service Deputy Collector for Allegany County; appointment to Board of Trustees of New York State Soldiers and Sailors Home at Bath, 1887; and deeds, mortgages, bonds and other legal documents belonging to his father, George Blackman, Sr., of Cincinnatus and Scio. Also essays, addresses, and reminiscences of service in Co. E, 93rd Regiment, New York Volunteers.
Braman, Waters Whipple. Letters, 1863-1865.
2 boxes (.50 cu. ft.).
Group of letters addressed to family and relatives at Troy, New York, concerning battle campaigns of Antietam, Williamsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna River, and Petersburg Crater. His descriptions noted the positions and maneuvers of troops as well as the unit involved in a particular engagement and the names of commanding officers. Also included are many candid observations about the personal conduct of officers as well as life in the officers' quarters.
Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections.
Butler, B. C. 93d Regiment N.Y.V. "Morgan Rifles" Record of Events for the year 1862 by Lieut. Col. B. C. Butler. Unpublished manuscript.
Cockrell, Francis Marion, et al. Military officer correspondence, 1848-1904.
10 items
Abstract: Correspondence before, during, and after the Civil War from Francis M. Cockrell to Ben: Perley Poore; Henry C. Corbin to Horatio C. King and David Pell Secor; Michael Corcoran to John T. Sprague; Henry Knox Craig to L. Ward Smith; Samuel W. Crawford; William L. Crittenden; William C. Swain, John S. Crocker, and Andrew J. McNett; and Osborne Cross to Henry Storm.
Held by the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.
Coddington, Ronald S., 1963. Faces of the Civil War : an album of Union soldiers and their stories. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
[Commissioned & non-com. staff of 93rd N.Y. Infy. Bealton, Va., Aug. 1863] [graphic].
1 photographic print.
Original at the Library of Congess.

[Company G, 93rd New York Infantry, at Bealton [i.e., Bealeton], Virginia, August 1863].
1 photographic print.
Original at the Library of Congress.
![[Company K, 93rd New York Infantry, at Bealton [i.e., Bealeton], Virginia, August 1863]](http://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/93rdInf/gfx_93rdInf/93rdInfPhotoCoGBealton_thumb.jpg)
[Company K, 93rd New York Infantry, at Bealton [i.e., Bealeton], Virginia, August 1863].
1 photographic print.
Original at the Library of Congress.
![[Company K, 93rd New York Infantry, at Bealton [i.e., Bealeton], Virginia, August 1863]](http://dmna.ny.gov/historic/reghist/civil/infantry/93rdInf/gfx_93rdInf/93rdInfPhotoCoKBealton_thumb.jpg)
Cook, George W. Civil War letters of George W. Cook, Company F, 93rd New York.
Transcription only.
Corser, Elwood Spencer. "A day with the Confederates." MOLLUS-Minn IV 364-78.
Corser, Elwood Spencer. Record of the life of Elwood Spencer Corser of John A. Rawlins post no. 126 written for the records of the Post. Minneapolis: W. F. Black & co., printers, 1911.
Corser, Elwood S. 93rd New York Regiment records. 1862-1863.
0.25 linear feet (1 box).
Records, mostly August 1863 - September 1864, consisting mainly of returns of clothing, ordnance, and equipment used by Company B of the 93rd Regiment, many signed by E.S. Corser, sergeant and later first lieutenant; official War Department responses to the returns; and miscellaneous records of Corser's military service, including commissions, and papers documenting the wounds he received at Spotsylvania.
Located at the New York Historical Society, New York, NY.
Crawford, J. M. Thanksgiving sermon. Glen's Falls, N.Y. : Printed by Norman Cole, "Messenger Office" 1865.
Description: 8 pages ; 22 cm
Preached by J.M. Crawford, Chaplain of the 93d Reg't N.Y.S. Vols., in the field before Petersburgh, Va., Nov. 27th, 1864.
Held by Duke University
Crocker, John S. Correspondence of Gen. John S. Crocker. 1843-1890.
30 items.
The collection consists chiefly of letters between Crocker and his wife Harriet Gorham Sipperly Crocker. The majority of the letters convey family news. Of interest is Crocker's description of his conversion to Christianity; his 1859 trip to Washington, D.C., and meeting with Senator David C. Broderick; and the death of a daughter from typhoid. Few of Crocker's letters have Civil War content though one of 1862 August 20, announces his release from Libby Prison but does not describe his stay there except for a brief reference to rotten meat. An 1864 letter from Harriet Crocker mentions a local doctor who has acquired a contraband servant and complains about war-time parties. The collection also contains a copy of a sketch of Crocker from the Washington, D.C. Daily Critic, April 3, 1882; and three legal documents pertaining to his will and the settlement of his estate.
Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections.
Eames, Bill. ; (Compiler) Civil war : young soldiers. Amawalk, NY : Jackdaw Publications, 1999
Description: 12 posters : black and white ; 43 x 56 cm + 1 leaflet ([6] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm)
Contents: 1. Union drummer boy -- 2. Teen-age Private, Georgia Infantry -- 3. 93rd New York Infantry Drum Corps -- 4. Youngest wounded soldier of the Civil War -- 5. Twelve-year-old Shiloh veteran -- 6. Union Colored Infantry drummer boy -- 7. "Powder Monkey" -- 8. Youthful Confederate Calvaryman -- 9. Federal soldier -- 10. Pvt. William S. Askew, 1st Georgia Regiment -- 11. Pvt. George Graffman, Maine Infantry -- 12. Private of Fourth Michigan Infantry.
Gardner, Alexander. 93rd New York Infantry, Antietam, Maryland, Sept., 1862.
1 photographic print.
Original at the Library of Congress.

Gardner, Alexander. 93rd New York Infantry, Antietam, Maryland, Sept., 1862.
1 photographic print.
Original at the Library of Congress.
Jaques, John Wesley. Three years' campaign of the Ninth, N.Y.S.M., during the southern rebellion,
Publication: New York, Hilton,
Year: 1865
Gibbs, A Judson, joint comp. History of the Ninety-third Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865. Salem, MA: Higginson Book co. [Orignially published: Milwaukee, WI: Swain & Tate Co., printers, 1895].
Haverty, John. Civil War letters of John Haverty, Company A, 93rd Regiment NY Vols.
26 Letters on CD-ROM. 2004.0551
Donated by Anne C. Salmonson.
Transcribed by Helen Kyle.
Hawkins, William W. and McIvor, James P. Regiment collection. 1776-1900. 8 linear ft. (2 boxes). Collection containing assorted military returns, personal and official correspondence, muster rolls, court martial documents, lists of officers, military orders, accounts, etc., 1776-ca. 1900, for various individual United States Army regiments; principally those from New York State, including the 93rd Infantry.
Jaques, John Wesley. Three years' campaign of the Ninth, N.Y.S.M., during the southern rebellion. New York, Hilton, 1865.
King, David H. History of the Ninety-third regiment, New York volunteer infantry, 1861-1865. Compiled by David H. King, A. Judson Gibbs and Jay H. Northrup. Milwaukee, Wis.: Association of the 93d N.Y.S.V., 1895.
Lang, Wendell W., Jr. The Wendell W. Lang, Jr. collection. 1861-1913.
1 box.
Contains the following types of materials: correspondence, personnel documents, diary / journal, draft notice, pay voucher. Contains information pertaining to the following war: Civil War. Contains information pertaining to the following military units: 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 10th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 93rd New York Infantry Regiment, 5th Maine Infantry Regiment. General description of the collection: The Wendall W. Lang, Jr. collection includes diary for 1864-1865, 34th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment; diary 1862, 10th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment; letter 1864, 93rd New York Infantry Regiment; letter 1862, 5th Maine Infantry Regiment; memoirs, 1861-1913,11th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment; various letters dated 1861-1865.
Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA.
Osborn, Luther, 1843-1923. Luther Osborn diaries, 1861-1868.
Description: 5 pocket diaries
Abstract: Depicts Osborn's life in New York, including pursuit of a job at various city newspapers, a failed attempt at running a newsstand at his boarding house and frequenting theaters, reading rooms, lectures, church services, and Republican meetings. He reports "seeing an shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln" during the president-elect's visit to the city; seeing Laura Keen, Charlotte Cushman, and other prominent actors; attending lectures by Horace Greeley and Rev. Chapin, attending Republican meetings at the Cooper Union, "making Union rosettes," etc. Covers Osborn's life in New York, his trip home to Oak Hill in January; attending Washington birthday celebrations in New York and various political meetings, including the Union Defense Committee and "a meeting in Cooper Institute to express to the President and Congress a sentiment that Slavery should die now at the hands of the Government" where Carl Schurz was the keynote speaker; his decision to enlist in the army (which followed a prolonged disagreement over Sharp's rifles that the company preferred to the available Enfield rifles); and his military service. The diary includes accounts of the battles of the Peninsular, Antietam and Fredericksburg campaigns, an account of McClellan's farewell to the troops; political news, especially the 1862 elections. Gives Osborn's accounts of the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristoe, and Mine Run Campaigns, although, having secured a position of the regimental clerk, he seems to have assumed the role of a detached observer. It also includes brief accounts of the trial of John F. Porter and the 1863 elections and detailed descriptions of Osborn's application for an officer's position in a black regiment and studying for and passing officer's examination in Washington, D.C. in December. Follow Osborn's journey from Brownsville, Tex. home and search for a job in the Midwest. After his discharge at Brownsville, Tex., In New Orleans, he "subbed" at the Southern Star until the newspaper went "part French" and he lost his job. He then moved to Jackson, Miss., Canton, Miss., Grand Junction, Tenn., and Memphis, Tenn. where he found "prospects for work encouraging, but must join Union, paid fee & took out working card." At the end of March, he left of St. Louis, Mo., where he remained until the end of April working at The Press and frequenting the city attractions. From May to August, he made his way through Iowa, Minnesota, & Wisconsin, mostly "subbing" at local newspapers (but at certain point resorting to "strawberring). He arrived to his hometown in August, and soon left for New York City, and then on to Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, and Winona (works at the Atlas). In 1868 he and his young wife moved to Minneapolis.
Held by The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens.
Reitzel, Philip M. A soldier's letters, 1864. [Baltimore] : [Maryland Historical Society], 1988.
Robertson, Robert Stoddart. Personal recollections of the war, a record of service with the Ninety-third New York vol. infantry and the First brigade, First division, Second corps, Army of the Potomac, by Robert Stoddart Robertson. Milwaukee, Wis: Swain & Tate co., printers, 1895.
Robertson, Robert Stoddart. "The escape of Grant and Meade [May 7, 1864] a correction of history." Magazine of American history XIX . (1888). 248-51.
Robertson, Robert Stoddart. "From Spottsylvania onward by Captain R.S. Robertson." MOLLUS- Ind 344-58.
Robertson, Robert Stoddart. Diary of the War, by Robt. S. Robertson, 93rd regt. N.Y. vols. Edited by Charles N. and Rosemary Walker in Old Fort News , the Allen county Fort Wayne historical society, XXVIII (1965).
Ross, D. Reid. "Private Ross and the Ninety Third New York at the Battle of the Wilderness." Lincoln Herald. 91 :3 Fall 1989. 91-103.
Ross, D. Reid. Lincoln's veteran volunteers win the war : the Hudson Valley's Ross brothers and the Union's fight for emancipation. Albany: Excelsior Editions, 2008.
Swain, Samuel Glyde. Papers, 1861-1868, 1884.
Description: 0.4 c.f. (2 archives boxes) and. 1 reel of microfilm (35mm)
Abstract: Papers of Samuel G. Swain of Sauk County, Wisconsin, who served in the 12th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, Company E, and later with the 58th Regiment United States Colored Infantry, consisting of personal and official correspondence, a diary (1865), maps, and military orders and papers. Some documents pertain to his positions as Assistant Engineer at Camp McPherson at Natchez, and as Sub-Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands for Warren County, Mississippi. Also included are papers of Swain's brothers, William and James, who served with New York State units, consisting of family letters and commission papers.
Held by the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives.
Wilson, Edgar T. Letter, March 7, 1863.
2 p. letter from Wilson to his sister joking about how sorry he is that his time in the army is almost up. He is writing from the camp of the 93rd New York Infantry where his relative Hiram S. Wilson, mentioned in the letter, is a captain.
Located at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.
Wilson, Hiram Sickles. Letters (1861-1863).
44 items.
Letters sent to Wilson's wife from various army camps in Virginia and Maryland, mostly in regards to his opinions of Union Army generals such as Burnside, Hooker, Meade and McClellan.
Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections.
Unit bibliography from the Army Heritage Center
Items in the museum collection are in bold.