84th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
More Reviews--The Brooklyn Fourteenth.
N. Y. S. M.
Friday, April 10, 1863.
The President still remains with us, and seems determined to see all that there is to be seen, and manifests a disposition to remedy evils and correct errors, if, upon a thorough examination of this whole army, there are any to be found. Yesterday he reviewed a portion of the troops at Belle Plain, and to-day he will do the same near Stafford Court house.
The spot selected for the review yesterday was one of the most romantic to be found in a State abounding in picturesque and attractive scenery. The location is about ten miles from these headquarters, in a southeasterly direction, on the banks of the Potomac, a short distance below the mouth of Potomac Creek, where there is a plateau some two miles in length, and extending back one mile from the river bank, completely shut in by a chain of small, steep hills—which look as if dropped into their present place from some other sphere as if by accident, a peculiarity that characterizes much of this portion of Virginia. No better place could have been selected to give effect to a large force of troops. Each regiment formed in columns by division, and ready to be reviewed. The President yesterday, wearied somewhat, doubtless, by his previous rides in the saddle, rode to the parade-ground in a carriage, accompanied by Mrs. LINCOLN. Gen. HOOKER, with the usual cavalcade and escort of lancers, accompanied the President. The only demonstration made on the route was while passing through a camp of one of the bodies of troops reviewed on Wednesday, where the soldiers lined the carriageway, and in a familiar, but not insolent manner, asked to have the Paymaster sent along. The troops reviewed made an excellent appearance, and the complimentary remarks in relation to those reviewed on Wednesday, in my letter of yesterday, can be appropriately applied to them. One regiment, however, attracted particularly the attention of not only the President and Gen. HOOKER, but, in fact, all others present. This was the Brooklyn Fourteenth N. Y. S. M., or better known by the soubriquet applied to it by the rebels in the first battle of Bull Run, as "The Red-legged Devils," because they fought so desperately. As this regiment passed in review," Splendid," "That is splendid," was uttered on all sides and it was a splendid sight. The Seventh New-York, in its palmiest days, never marched better on the Russ pavement in Broadway, with thousands of the fair sex looking on, inspiring them by their presence to do their best. The Fourteenth has now for duty about 500 men, but there are less than 160 of these who originally came out with it; the balance have re-enlisted since. All in all, no regiment in the service is composed of better material or is under better discipline. The regiment has been engaged in some twenty battles and never has been found wanting. Capt. JORDAN, of Co. A—a worthy officer—has recently been promoted to the Majority of this regiment.
The rebels across the river are much annoyed by the movement of troops on this side of the river. On Wednesday, as an offset to our review on that day, they marched a whole brigade to near the river bank and had a review of their own. P.
MR. EDITOR:--Dear Sir,—I have often noticed in your paper something about the Brooklyn 14th Regiment, and as the relatives and friends of such are always glad to hear, through your much esteemed paper, something good about the regiment, please permit me through your paper to say a word about its Colonel.
I think the regiment has not received credit for half the good it has done towards putting down this dreadful rebellion; the Colonel, whose name is well known throughout the Union, having been mentioned so often in reports from battle-fields has not had the correct title attached to it. I say it should be Gen. Fowler, instead of Col. Fowler, for I know how deserving the soldier is of such rank; as to his abilities, he has not his equal below the position of Major-General. He has been with the regiment since it left Brooklyn, and has led the regiment in every battle it has been in, and the papers North and South have already acknowledged that the 14th Regiment of Brooklyn has done more hard fighting and punished the enemy more than any other regiment in the army; it will be useless for me to go any farther to make known his abilities as a Colonel.
Colonel Fowler has much of the time acted as Brigadier-General—at the battle of Gettysburg he commanded the first brigade, first division, first army corps. Permit me to say that I have conversed with many prominent army officers about his conduct, and I firmly believe that he displayed the abilities of a Napoleon, as he was attacked by a superior force of the enemy, which he repulsed and captured many prisoners. The second brigade should never cease to honor him or the success they met with while under his command; such a soldier should have a higher position than that of Colonel, and as the government is aware of his fitness for the position of Brigadier General, it only remains for the citizens of Brooklyn to step forward and make known that they desire to have him promoted and it will be done. Such a brave and able officer must be put forward, and I now ask the people of Brooklyn to show that they appreciate the conduct of the brave men of the 14th Regiment N. Y. S. Militia, by demanding the promotion of Col. Fowler to the position of Brigadier General.
By giving the above a space in your valuable paper you will much oblige one who studies the interest of the Brooklyn 14th Regiment, and is acquainted with Col. Fowler. G. W. H.
The Wounded of the Fourteenth Regiment.
The following is a list of the wounded members of the Fourteenth Regiment now in the Satterlee U. S. A. General Hospital, West Philadelphia:—
Private Charles Plant, Co. C.
Private Henry Walters, Co, C.
Private John H. Bradford, Co. B.
Corporal William M. Campbell, Co. H.
Private Jno. Jochum, Co. B.
Corporal Philip F. Brennan, Co. C.
Private John S. Edwards, Co. E.
Sergeant Pat. Flynn, Co. B.
Corporal Jas. Riley, Co. F.
Private W. H. Spear, Co. D.
Private Thos. Tassie, Co. F.
Private James E. Reynolds, Co, E.
Private Michael McCarthy, Co. F.
Private Joseph Eichholz, Co. B.
Company A—Corporal Frederick II. Griffiths.
" " Private James Ires.
" B—Private David Tenyc.
" " Private Curtis H. Woods.
" " Private Washington Larkin.
" C—Corporal George H. Forrester.
" D—Private George H. Atkin.
" H—Private Joseph Walton.
" I—Private William S. Willard.
" K—Sergt. Charles Concklin.
" " Private Ludwig Isler.
Sergeant Peter Carberry, both hands.
Private Samuel Byers, left thigh.
Private James Connelly, body.
Private James Gibbs, right shoulder.
Private George Marshall, hand.
Private Edward Moakley, head.
Private Edward O'Connor, left leg.
Private John Ryan, side.
Private Frederick Lang.
Private William B. Whaley, both legs.
Private Charles F. Webber, right hand.
Sergeant Joseph Erkenbrack, arm, slight.
Corporal Francis Gorman, leg, slight.
Private John H. Bradford, arm, slight.
Private Thomas Early, back, slight.
Private Thomas Farrell.
Private John Jochum, neck.
Private James Jauncey, leg amputated.
Private Lewis M. Kellog, neck, slight.
Private John Manley.
Private George F. McIntyre.
Private John G. Potts, leg amputated.
Private James B. Rich, hip serious.
Private Erastus B. Roberts, thigh, since dead,
Private Frederick E. Wright, breast,
Private Joseph B. Martindale, (July 3d.)
Captain Thomas A. Burnett, foot slight.
First Lieut. Harry W. Michell, slight.
Second Lieut. George M. Martin, Head, slight.
Serg't John M. Perry, wrist slight.
Corp. John Lewis, both legs.
Corp. George M. Forrester, breast—since died.
Corp. Philip H. Brennan, left shoulder.
Private Edward McLeer, shoulder.
Private James Woodhead, right foot amputated,
Private Chas. Plant, left hand.
Private Daniel J. Harte, arm and side.
Private Wm. J. Smith, abdomen.
Private John J. Deasey, shoulder.
Private Henry Walters, left arm.
Private George G. St. John, face, slight.
Private James Ward, leg.
Private Thomas C. George, leg.
Private Cornelius Canning, right breast.
Private John R. Robbins, face, slight.
Private Albert M. Chapin, ____
Private Chas. T. Pearce, leg, slight.
Private Wm. B. Magonigle, head, slight.
Serg't James T. Scofield, right arm—(July 3d).
Corp. John C. Brown, foot, slight.
Corp. John F. Young, left knee.
Corp. Enos A. Aretell.
Corp. Theodore P. Brakaw, right thumb amputated.
Corp. James Nesbitt, left arm.
Private John C. Parker, right arm, slight.
Private Thomas J. Georghagan, shoulder, slight.
Private Robert McMillen, leg, slight.
Private Henry Becket.
Private Thos. Healey, right arm amputated.
Private John A. McLarkin, leg.
Private Wm. H. Doney, shoulder.
Private George K. Hackett, leg, slight.
Private George M. Stout, shoulder—(July 2d).
Captain George S; Elcock, side, slight.
1st Lieut. Stephen Manderville, leg, slight.
Sergt. N. E. Carlton, left arm.
Sergt. John Van Beel, left hip.
Sergt. John F. York, right wrist.
Corpl. John Egolf, arm.
Corpl. William Egolf, left foot amputated.
Corpl. Jas. B. Tomsey, right foot, slight.
Cordl. Michael Stubbs, back.
Private William E. Cashaw, foot amputated.
Private J. S. Edward, left hand.
Private William Main, right thigh.
Private Thos. Richardson, left hand, slight.
Private Walter Seaman, leg, slight.
Private Jacob F. Rocker, wrist, slight, (July 2d.)
Private Robert P. Thurston, right leg and arm.
Private Chas. A. Barton, side.
Private John McLarty, supposed killed.
Captain Wm. A. Ballyfoot, slight.
Sergt. John H. Skarren, finger.
Corpl. John H. Horan, arm.
Private, Geo. A. Douglas, body.
Private Robert W. Guy, leg amputated.
Private Chas. Kaiser, body.
Private Jacob Riell, body.
Private Robert W. Welsh, arm.
Private J. H. Connelly, arm, (July 2d)
Corpl. Thos. Healey, head, slight, (July 3d.)
Private Bernard McCormick, spine, supposed dead.
Private Warren B Ruser, breast and arm, serious.
Private Barney Kernan, hand, July 2d.
Sergeant John R. Davenport, head.
Sergeant John Shannon, hip.
Corporal John Jelly, arm slight.
Corporal William M Campbell, head and wrist, July 2d
Private George Klassman, shoulder, slight.
Private William Farrell, hip, slight.
Private Alburtus A. Horton, side.
Sergeant Daniel Lane, leg.
Corporal R. W. Bowers, hand, slight.
Corporal John I. Taylor, leg.
Corporal Rutger Hagerman, leg, slight.
Private Joseph H. Hicks, arm, slight.
Private George McConnell.arm and side, serious.
Private John Cox, arm, July 2d.
Private Charles Brower, left leg.
Private Samuel Hawthorn, left leg.
Private William J Wreford, right leg.
Col. E. B. Fowler, horse slightly wounded.
Lieut. Col. R. B. Jordan, slightly, by spent ball.
Ag't H. T. Head slightly, by spent ball.
MISSING July 1, 1863.--Co. B, Peter Murphy, John McGillan. Co. C, Henry C. Cook, Julius Soudder. Co. D, Patrick Lee, David L. Wilson, Alfred Lloyd, James Reily. Co. G, Jacob A. Hallenbcck, Jacob Raab, John Mungerford. Co. H, George L. Bixby, John F. Myers, George W. Harte. Co. I, Robert Webster.
Officers, Men,
Killed..0, 11
Wounded.. ... 6, 107
Missing ....... 0, 15
Total 6, 133
Aggregate........ 139
(Signed) E. B. FOWLER,
Col. Commanding 14th Regt. N. Y. S. M.
has its headquarters at Musical hall, corner of Fulton and Orange streets. The men will be armed with Minie rifles, and commanded by experienced officers. Rations and quarters are furnished, if desired from the time of enlistment. It is designed to make the corps in all respects efficient, and the liberality of the Brooklyn public is appealed to in its behalf. The ranks are rapidly filling up.
The organization of the 84th Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., under command of Col. Frederick A. Conkling, was completed on Thursday night by the election of Capt. Augus Cameron, late of the 83d N. Y. V., as Lieutenant-Colonel; Capt. Thos. Barclay, late of the 79th Regiment N. Y. V., as Major; James P. Raymod as Adjutant; Edmund W. True as Quartermaster; James Norval as Surgeon; James Quee as Assistant Surgeon; and the Rev. Dr. J. N. McLean as Chaplain. Regimental headquarters have been established at Lafayette Hall. Gen. Sandford yesterday issued an order designating the officers of the 94th, who have been commissioned, and directing the regiment to hold itself in readiness to take the field at an early day.
FUNERAL OF A SOLDIER.—The remains of the late Lieut. Bloomfield, of Company E. Fourteenth Brooklyn regiment, were yesterday consigned to their last resting place in Cypress Mills Cemetery. The funeral ceremonies were conducted at No. 9 Liberty street, by the Rev. Mr. De Hass, who preached a fitting and eloquent discourse on the occasion. The deceased was wounded in the last assault upon Fredericksburg, and died from the injuries then sustained. He was a corporal when the regiment first left home, and participated in every battle in which it was engaged. He was promoted for good conduct and bravery. The remains were escorted to the cemetery by the members of the Fourteenth now in the city, the exempts of the same organization, and the Twenty-third regiment, National Guard, accompanied by a very large concourse of citizens. A band of music preceded the military. The police, under charge of Sergt. Boyd, escorted the cortege to the Four Mile House, on Fulton avenue, where stages were in readiness to convey the remains and members of the regiment to the cemetery.
THE DRAFT—BROOKLYN 14TH.—It may be interesting to those liable to be drafted to know in what regiments they will probably be placed, after being drafted. To such we would sat that, a Captain, Lieutenant and a squad of men from the Brooklyn 14th are now in the City for the purpose of taking on the drafted men from our County. It must be gratifying to those who may be drafted, to know that they will probably be placed in the most gallant regiment of the army of the Potomac, composed, as it is, of their neighbors and friends. But, what a contrast is now presented by the action of the Common Council of our City! Two years ago, they uniformed, equipped and sent out the 14th, to fight the battles of their Country. Now, when the remaining few of that that gallant regiment are here for reinforcements to prevent the army from being overwhelmed by numbers, the Common Council are illegally appropriating a million to prevent reinforcements being sent.
The Gallant Brooklyn 14th Regiment.
To the Editors of the Brooklyn City News:
GENTLEMEN--Among the list of the 14th wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, the name of young Corporal Towsey has been published. He has, I believe, been in every battle that has been fought by the Army of the Potomac, and as an evidence of the noble and self-sacrificing spirit which has animated him from the beginning of his career as a soldier, and which doubtless predominates in the ranks of that indomitable Regiment. I will briefly relate of him a fact that, is eminently worthy of record.
Learning that efforts were being made by his father (Major Alexander Towsey, one of the oldest and most respectable residents of Brooklyn) and other influential friends to obtain for him a commission, he peremptorily declared that he had no desire for promotion except such as he might win by his services in the field, and that his ambition was to rise by merit alone.
Such instances, gentlemen, of manliness and unselfishness are rare in any condition of life and as your journal is the recognized friend of true valor and genuine nobility of soul among all classes and all ranks—civilians as well as soldiers—I respectfully crave for this communication a place in your always instructive and interesting columns.
Yours, &c., L.
Brooklyn July 20th, 1863.
Camp Correspondence.
Camp of the 14th N. Y. S. M.
Near Herndon, VA., June 18th, 1863.
EDITOR DAILY TELEGRAPH:—I suppose you know by this time, by my letter in the Daily, that our army has moved.
We left camp on the morning of the 12th at 2 A. M. Marched in the direction of Warrenton. We marched twenty-five miles this day and encamped on the right at Deep Run, twelve miles from Falmouth. The weather was very warm and sultry, and the men suffered severely from sore feet. The dust was perfectly awful.
On the 13th we struck tents at 7 A. M., on the same road, and encamped for the night about two miles from Bealeton's Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Rail-road. The General put us through this day, marching us two and three miles at a time through the hot sun, without a rest. Our doctor was putting us under arrest for giving so many passes to the men who were "played out."
On Wednesday, the 17th, we left at 4 A. M., marched along the Chantilly road and within two miles of Dranesville, eight miles from Leesburg, where we learned that Lee was at the latter place with a strong force, Bragg having joined him here. Our force was too small to attack him, so we countermarched and came to this place, near Herndon, on the Loudon and Hampshire Rail-road, eight miles from Edward's Ferry—the place where the murder of Ball's Bluff took place. We reached here about 3 P. M., and encamped for the night, and was to march this morning, but the order was countermanded and we put up our tents and may stay here all day. We have marched over 95 miles since we have started, through dust six inches deep and the sun coming down red hot. You could fill a canteen with cold water and in ten minutes time it would be like hot water. A great many officers and men were sun struck on the route. One of Gen. Wadsworth's staff fell off his horse sun struck.
I saw Travis and George Chandler near Bealeton's Station, with their wagons. The 124th lost 3 killed and 17 wounded in the fight at Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, recently. Who they are I have not learned. Where the 36th is I do not know, as they were at the banks of the river when we left.
We have had only one mail since we started, and the carrier of that was shot by guerrillas, but they were captured and the mail taken from them, and then they were shot.
JUNE 21.
In my last letter I left off at Herndon Station, on the morning of the 18th.—
We remained there all day, but no orders to move came. We had quite a thunder shower this night. On the 19th we moved at 11 o'clock, but only marched about 4 miles, when we encamped near Gilford Station, alongside of Broad Run, Loudon County. The railroad bridge over this creek was burned by the rebels last summer, as also was another some miles below;—the track is also torn up. The rebel cavalry was here only two days ago. We remained here all day on the 20th—we had a hard thunder shower last evening.
On the morning of the 21st we received orders to pack up, but have not yet moved. Cannonading can be heard in the distance—supposed to be near Leesburg. We got our first mail in seven days this morning. When in camp we get the New York papers two days after they are printed, for 10 cents. The part of Virginia we are now in is splendid, but the parts we came through to get here were awful; nothing but a vast road. Our camp, while here, is in a low lot, alongside of the railroad.
The Christian Commission of Brooklyn at Work--They take care of the Sick and Wounded, and particularly those of the 14th Regiment--The rebel Wounded and their opinion about the War--The rebel officers on the Result of the Battle.
Mr. S. M. Giddings, a delegate of the Christian association of Brooklyn, just returned from the battlefield of Gettysburg, furnishes us with the following interesting particulars in relation to the great battle:
The commission has been at work among the wounded since the battle, and the 14th regiment was particularly attended to by them, although the 14th doing well, except John Weston, whose arm had been amputated and was in a dying state. Some dozen or so had suffered amputation, but every one was in good spirits, and are with those less badly injured in a fair way of recovery. All speak in the highest terms of the 14th as to their bearing and gallantry. There are still thousands of wounded in the woods in hospital tents, but there is no suffering that can possibly be prevented.
The Christian Commission have one hundred and twenty delegates on the field who are constantly employed attending upon the wounded and providing them with necessaries. They had the first car load of stores on the field.
Most of the rebels Mr. Giddings conversed with, acknowledged that their cause is more hopeless now than it ever was, and many stated that they were tired of the war, and would willingly take the oath of allegiance and remain here, and even join our armies, were it not for their families in the South.
There are from 6,000 to 8,000 rebel wounded still in the hospitals. All who were able to walk have been sent away.
The stories so persistently circulated that the people of Gettysburg were disloyal, Mr. Giddings pronounces to be false. He states that, with scarcely an exception, every house in the city is thrown open to the wounded as well as to the delegates who came there to assist.
The rebel officers and surgeons with whom he conversed, state that they thought themselves invincible. Even after the second day's fight they had no doubt that on the third day they would completely defeat and scatter our army. They said that if it had been possible for men to succeed, they would have succeeded in the charge of Friday, but that no human beings could withstand our troops on that occasion, and that they for the first time, broke and fled. The rebel officers knew that General Hooker was not in command from the manner in which the troops were handled. They were under the impression that General McClellan had charge of the Union army.
As an evidence of the fearful fighting, Mr. Giddings states that he saw a tree, not larger than an ordinary sized man's body, which was perforated with more than two hundred bullet holes.
In a volume entitled, "The Bivouac and the Field, or Sketches in Virginia and Maryland, by George F. Noyes, Captain U. S. Volunteers," just out from the Harpers, the "Brooklyn Fourteenth" have frequent mention. They appear to have been famous in the Army, not only for their fighting qualities, but for their ingenuity in making themselves comfortable in camp. Here is a sample quotation:
" About this time we were joined by King's division. With it came the red-breeched Fourteenth Brooklyn, a regiment reminding one of the gamins de Paris in the freedom of their manners and genius they displayed in appropriating to themselves whatever they needed for their personal comfort. They brought with them some bundles of counterfeit confederate notes, and soon became excellent customers at the Fredericksburg shops. On entering they usually accosted the proprietor as follows:
" Do you take this Confederate stuff here? We don't think it good for anything, but if you choose to receive it, we'll make some purchases."
" Shopkeeper (indignantly)--"Those notes will buy anything in my store, sir"
And so more than three thousand dollars changed hands, another illustration of the elevating influence of the war."
No doubt this is unconstitutional, but the rebels will get small pity.
Of course the enemy's p... are scared, but sometimes an accident turns ... into pork, and then--
" 'Hallo, my man! where did you get that pork?' called out our major .... soldier staggering along with something wrapped up in his shelter tent, and crimsoning .... as he passed.
" 'It Isn't pork, sir, it is tomatoes; you don't know, sir, how hard it is to tell pork from tomatoes in this country.' The major, a pleasant hand at a joke himself, was conquered at once, and did not press his inquiries."
A a poor, frightened rebel soldier, taken prisoner on the Rappahannock in a skirmish "seemed quite overcome by his late experiences, and stammered out, 'Why, gentlemen, I never was so frightened in all my life! How much better you all are dressed than our officers! Have you got any whiskey?' "
From the "Brooklyn Fourteenth"—A Private Soldier's Opinion.
We have been favored with the following letter from a private of the "Brooklyn Fourteenth," which although not furnishing any later news than has been already received will be found interesting, as an indication of the feeling of the privates in the Army of the Potomac.
There does not appear to be any sign of a forward movement at present. The 14th has been doing picket duty on the banks of the Rappahannock, at the exact spot where we crossed on the memorable 29th of April last. We have had quite frequent talks with the "rebs." and we find that the rebel soldiers are more anxious that the war should be brought to a close than one would suppose. They say if it was left to the privates, it would be ended without much more fighting. It may seem strange, but it is true that the northern men in the rebel army are the the most bitter against the Federal Government. I was talking to a couple of rebel soldiers, who formerly were Brooklynites, and to hear them say that they would like to see New York and Brooklyn laid in ashes, you could not blame a fellow if he shot them down out of hand. People may talk and make as much fuss as the please about the courage of the '"rebs." but if the men coming from the North, were out of their army, it would not take a great while to settle this difficulty, if the Government really desired it.
I think if Hooker had followed up his advantage when he was at Chancellorsville, he could have wiped out the Secesh. That is the opinion of most of corps commanders and of the army as a general thing. "Joe Hooker" is a fighter, but can't handle a large army. He is splendid with a division, or a corps, but he cannot handle the Army of the Potomac. It is too large for him. Nor has the army that confidence in him which they ought to have in a General-in-Chief.
There is considerable excitement at present in our regiment. The privates claim to be two years men, but the officers say that they have enlisted for three years. The old members of the regiment held a meeting the other day and appointed a Committee to wait on the Secretary of War about it, and ho told them they were two years troops, but he did not tell them they were entitled to their discharge. The recruits feel much dissatisfied at this state of things, as we were led to believe that we were enlisted only for the unexpired term of the regiment. What we fear is that if the old members get their discharge, we who remain will be transferred to some other regiment. This we do not like.
I have read the copperhead speeches held at the late meeting, in New York. The majority of the army think that a copperhead or any other head, would look much better out here with a musket in their hands than they do creating a disturbance in the City of New York. Them's our sentiments.
We are all in good health out here, thank Heaven. Yours,
The Brooklyn Phalanx, now at South Brothers Island, will leave by boat for Fort Schuyler this morning at 11 o'clock. There are likely to be some complaints in this regiment, occasioned by delay in furnishing them with clothing and equipments,, as their own are beginning to give out. Something must be done immediately, or discontent may ensue. Although this regiment has been mustered into the United States service direct, they have had no assistance whatever, except their rations, from the Government as yet. Contractors stand ready to do their part. They only need the word of command from the proper authorities to change the condition of things.
July 10, 1861
The Fourteenth Regiment.
Immediately upon the receipt of the President's Proclamation calling for more troops, Mr. S. B. Chittenden placed at the disposal of Hon. M. F. Odell the sum of $10,000, to be disbursed in bounties of $50 each to two hundred recruits for the Fourteenth Regiment. The act was well considered, and, as the result shows, well directed. The Fourteenth Regiment is one of which the people of Brooklyn are deservedly proud. It was among the first to enter the army for what seemed at that time the defence of the national Capital, and it has since been unfaltering in its service in defence of the national life. Visitors to the old battle-field where occurred the first great struggle of the war report that they found the graves of the Fourteenth's boys in the farthest verge of our advance. They had been buried where they fell. And the flag which waved in the extremest van on the disastrous day of the first Bull Run has been borne always steadily and bravely in nearly every important battle which has since been fought in the East.
The present commander of the regiment, Col. Fowler, assured us, when recently in the city, that there is no regiment in the army more thoroughly toughened and disciplined than his own. It was desirable, therefore, that its numbers should be recruited by men of a character which would keep up the standard, and who, after having been thoroughly assimilated, would make the regiment equal in effectiveness as well as in numbers to its old strength.
This object was effected by the extra bounty so promptly offered. Owing to unavoidable delay, the arrangements for opening a recruiting office were not completed until about the first of December. Since that time two hundred men have been enlisted, have received the bounty and been sent to the rendezvous. Military officers of experience and judgment pronounce these recruits to be worthy of the regiment they join, and their former Colonel regards with pride such an addition to his old command. In the period of about four weeks by the aid of the extra bounty, this single regiment has received nearly one-fourth of the men recruited in the city, all of them being above the average in point of physical fitness, intelligence, and good character.
The practical result of this prompt and timely effort is of great significance. Had the example we have quoted been followed by such of our fellow-citizens as are abundantly able, Kings County would to-day be exempt from the draft, and would have secured an honorable distinction before the country, besides making a contribution of immense value to the Great Cause.
[From the Bestin Courier of June 4]
Captain Albert S. Ingalls, of the Union Guard, of West Cambridge; Lieutenant Foster, of the Union Guard, or Newburyport, and Captain Lindsay, of the Milford company, all of whom left here with their companies on Friday afternoon to join the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Phalanx, returned here yesterday, having found this "Beecher" corps, in the language of one of the returned captains, "an unmitigated humbug" the facts connected with this affair are substantiated as follows:—On Friday last the Governor received a dispatch from New York, signed by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, stating that if three Massachusetts companies could be allowed to go to Brooklyn, they could have an opportunity to join the Phalanx regiment, and go into active service. Relying on the terms of this despatch, these companies were permitted to proceed there, and with remarkable promptitude they all left during the evening. The Weborn Phalanx had an opportunity to go in place of one of the other companies, but Capt. Winn distrusted the promises contained in the despatch, and the company very wisely decided to ask for further time. Lieut. Grammar was detailed to go on and see how the Brooklyn regiment looked. On Saturday he sent a despatch to Capt. Winn, saying—"You were right in not coming."
The Milford company was the first to arrive in New York, having gone on via the Worcester and Norwich route. They were received by Lieutenant Beecher, son of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and by Captain Foster, of the so called Brooklyn Phalanx. Proceeding to the Astor House, they partook of a breakfast provided by Mr. Aaron Claflin, of New York, formerly a resident of Milford. The West Cambridge company also breakfasted at the Astor House, and when the officers called for the bill they were informed that it had been settled, but by whom they did not know. After breakfast the companies marched to Brooklyn and took up quarters in the armory of the Fourteenth regiment, where they now remain. They left home with the expectation of going immediately into active service, and were greatly disappointed at the discovery that no such regiment as the Brooklyn Phalanx were ready to go to the war, and that if such an organization had an existence even, the chance of its being mustered into the United States service depended upon the influence which Rev. Henry Ward Beecher was expected to exert at Washington.
The officers state that they did not see as many men of the so-called Phalanx as composed a single one of the Massachusetts companies, and they are strongly of the opinion that the whole thing is a myth. It is quite certain that the organization was started by the Union Defence Committee of New York, whose proceedings have greatly embarrassed the State and general government, and that the reports in the New York papers respecting the organization have greatly misrepresented the facts.
A statement of the actual condition of affairs was made to Governor Andrew by the officers, and arrangements were at once concluded by which the several companies will be recalled home, and sent into quarters at Port Warren, with the assurance of the Commander-in-Chief that they will be ordered into active service at the earliest possible moment. The officers returned to Brooklyn last night, and the arrival of the troops may be looked for on Wednesday morning. The companies have become attached to each other, and desire to be formed into a battalion.
[From the Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, June 4]
The Newburyport National Guard, together with the companies from West Cambridge and Milford, appear to have been completely sold on their excursion to Brooklyn. Henry Ward Beecher—by what authority does not appear—telegraphed to Governor Andrew for three companies to complete a regiment at Brooklyn. They at once proceeded there by permission of the Governor, anxious to get into service. In Brooklyn, on Monday, they found no regiment to join. Having no hopes of obtaining service, or having the men paid there, Lieutenant Foster, with the captains of the other companies, returned to Boston to consult Governor Andrew, and the companies will return to Boston and go into camp at Fort Warren
July 27, 1861
The following is an official list of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the 14th (Brooklyn) Regiment, as furnished by the Hon. M. F. Odell, of the old District:
COMPANY A.—Killed—Martin Frank, James Keating, Robert Simmons.
Missing—Michael Kelly, John Mark, James Murray, Robert Pomerick, William Burns, George Caffrey, James Donnelly, Michael Donnelly. William M. Farrell, William McCauley, Andrew Mackey. George McLaughlin, George O'Hara, Fulgence Perry, 1st Sergeant James Cully.
Wounded—Capt. Robert B. Jordan, Privates Thomas Morrow and Harris Bogert.
COMPANY B.—Missing—Thomas J. Fagan, Robert Bold, John Bradley, George W. Blake, William Blydenburg, William Dakin, Stephen Hastings, Henry Jakes, Thomas McMahon, William Murray, Michael Stackpole.
Wounded—Sergt. John J. Bradshaw, slight; George E. Baldwin, slight; Abm. Dixon, musician, slight.
COMPANY C—Killed—Augustus J. Brown.
Wounded—Henry Amos Isaac Snyder, James McLear, and Philip Deghall.
Missing--Joseph Darrow, Anthony Cook, Frank Howland, James Mchenry, Conrad Ten Eyck, Joseph Campbell, Alex. Gerand, Charles Renouf, Alfred Woolstencroft, Henry Ames, Isaac Snyder.
COMPANY D.—Wounded—Capt. C. F. Baldwin, Lieut. J. A. Jones, Sergeant Charles Hulse, Private E, M. Hicks.
Missing—Sergeant Henry Holmes, Corporal John Harriday, Corporal M. E. Ostrander, Private George W. Bennett, Wm. L. Mansfield, T. J. Bearne, William Revere, J. F. Warner, John Down, John Miner, A. B. Tickner, George W. Dwenger, J. H. DeGraff, W. T. Williamson, Wm. H. Van Horn.
COMPANY E.—Killed—Co. C. Schell, R. Scott, W. P. Wade, P. McManus, Q. Kerchpoefer.
Supposed Killed—G. E. Davenport, A. Copley, C. H. Rogers.
Missing—M. Ten Eyck, F. Hardiman, L. T. Wiggins, J. Marting, M. Stone, Stiles Middleton, J. Ryan. Corporal B. F. Middleton, R. Howen (slight), A. Harvey (slight), J. H. Perry, jr. (slight).
COMPANY F—Killed--Charles Kelly, John Fay, Henry Mastanus, Ernest Seidel, Simeon H. Richardson. Wounded—James McGaney, Charles Leise, Alfred Lechak, Richard Morrow (all slight).
Missing--Corporal August Thiers, Corporal, Chas. R. Prescott, Privates Jacob Dietz, Herman Bristol, Henry Schmidt, Timothy O'Sullivan, Charles S. Thompson, Felix Cuscaden, Robert Adams, Medore Passineault; lst Lieutenant R. Salter.
COMPANY G—Wounded—John Shanley, Stephen De Wort, Wm. Keenan, Alfred Parrier, David Maurey, Capt. Garwood Plass.
Missing—2d Lieutenant Rollin A. Goodenough; 1st Corporal William Stewart; Privates John Gillen, Wm. Stapelton, Edward Degan, Francis Lowrey, Warren B. Raser, Thomas McCluskey, Charles Simons, Ed. Ennis, Thomas Graham, James Larkin, Ed. Gunigle, John Shanley.
COMPANY H—Wounded—John Smith, Thomas McCarthy, John F. Rhaude.
Missing—John Jelly, George W. Bliss, Peter T. Kennane, Frank W. Richmond.
COMPANY I—Killed—S. H. Richardson, Louis Francis; Corporal John W. Lee.
Wounded—James McGraham, H. H. Winstonters, Lieutenant B. D. Philips.
Missing—Asa B. Smith, John Quade, 1st Lieutenant Clayton Scholes.
Total killed...............................................................20
Missing........................................................... ........80
A number of those reported as missing are already in Brooklyn.
The Supervisors' Office open for Recruiting—The Fourteenth Regiment
Special Bounty Nearly Full, etc.
The Supervisors have now opened their bounty office for recruiting purposes, with all the appurtenances of mustering officer, surgeon, and guard, and recruits may now be enlisted here and receive their entire bounty in fifteen minutes, instead of being guarded hither and thither about the city, from one office to another for hours, and may be certain of receiving all their money without t h e intervention of any sharks or sharpers who infest other recruiting places. At noon to-day the mustering officer had not yet been sent over by Gen. Hays, but it was understood that Capt. Boylan would be appointed. The surgeon is Dr. McDermott, of the Sixty-sixth Regiment. The guard consists of a detachment from the Sixty-sixth Regiment, Colonel Morris.
On Saturday, nineteen men were paid the County bounty, making the entire number recruited here 858, to which may be added nine recruited this morning. The total number recruited for the Fourteenth Regiment is now 197, of whom five were enlisted on Saturday. Three more fill the two hundred to whom Mr. S. B. Chittenden's special bounty of $50 each was offered. Will not some wealthy men come forward and aid the filling of the quota by a like liberality?
It is probable that the branch office of the Supervisors' Bounty Committee in the Eastern District will be abolished, as it has not thus far by any means fulfilled what was expected of it. On Saturday, six men were there enlisted. Capt. Maddox, the Provost-Marshal of that district, on whose representation that office was started, has now opened at his office a recruiting station for Queens County, and the other day took in twenty men. While he is working for another county, the policy or usefulness of a branch bounty office for Kings County, relying for its usefulness on the recruits from his office, may be doubted.
At General Spinola's office, on Saturday last, eight men were enlisted, and this morning four. Business at all the recruiting offices this morning is very dull.
The Supervisors will probably bring up to-day, in their annual meeting, a resolution granting $10 premium for each recruit to agents.
Only one case has been acted upon since our last report, that of James M. Turton, who was exempted on the ground of physical disability.
... in the Reception of Colonel ... Wood.
The news of the release of Colonel Wood and his arrival in Baltimore created the most lively excitement in Brooklyn last evening, and nothing was talked of in places of public resort except the manner in which his return should be received by the citizens at large. The members of the various fire companies in the city met at their engine houses and commenced preparations for a grand ovation to the returning soldier. The committee appointed at the citizens' meeting, held last week, have invited all the civic and military associations in the city to turn out on the occasion, and a number of them have signified their intention of so doing, and affirmative answers are expected from all the others. At the meeting of the Common Council, held last evening, a telegram was received from the Hon. Moses F. Odell, stating that Colonel Wood was expected to be in Washington on that evening, and in connection therewith Alderman Strong offered a series of resolutions, which were immediately adopted complimentary to Colonel Wood, and agreeing to proceed in a body to meet the latter at Washington, or wherever else it may be deemed proper. One thousand dollars have already been appropriated by the Common Council.
— About two hundred recruits have been recently added to the ranks of the Fourteenth Regiment, but as this number does not fill them to the original standard, efforts are now being made to accomplished this result. With this laudable object in view, Capt. George S. Elcock and Lieut. A. F. Ackley, of Company B, 18th regiment, National Guard; have secured the use of room No. 168 Fulton street, next to the corner of Orange street, where they are all able-bodied men who desire to attach themselves to this glorious organization, as well known in Dixie as in this city, and which has made its mark on many a hard-fouget battle field. It is the duty, and should be the pride of every citizen to aid pecuniarily and otherwise in filling up the regiment to the maximum number. Recruits should make early application as above, or at the City Armory, corner of Cranberry and Henry streets.
Special Correspondence of the Sunday Mercury.]
UPTON'S HILL, October 15, 1861.
To the Editors of the Sunday Mercury :
Two weeks or more having passed since last I wrote you I thought I would just try and let you hear from the regiment again. Since my last to you, we have had plenty of picket duty, which, though rough, the majority, I think prefer rather than being stalled in the camp, or at work in the trenches. We of the right wing of the regiment, had four days and nights picket duty—three in succession. On our return we found our tents had arrived, with our knapsacks, etc., ….
[ Written for the Brooklyn Times.
T h e "Fourteenth" at "Second Bull Run."
Listen, friends, to my tale of War.
Where bullets whistle and cannon roar;
Where shrieking shells hum thro' the air,
Striking the foe with mortal fear.
With cannon notes the bugles sound,
From hill to hill the notes rebound;
And long before the echoes die,
The horsemen mounted onward fly.
Dashing on batteries through the smoke,
With carbine shot and sabre stroke;
The gallant troopers cut their way,
Proud victors of the bloody fray.
Formed all in line abreast a wood,
The brave Potomac Army stood;
Upon the left in fierce array,
Was "Brooklyn's own," hot for the fray.
A lull ensued—all sounds had ceased,
Save orders from orderlies released;
" Ordered out upon the front,"—
The "Fourteenth" moves to bear the brunt.
Position scarcely had been gained,
When the "Louisiana Tigers," famed,
As gamblers, thieves and desperadoes,
From their covert upon us move.
Then quickly as a lightning's flash,
Upon our lines they fiercely dash;
But with a well directed volley,
They lie in scores, 'side pine and holly.
A quick return, and comrades fell,
Who never will the story tell;
Embittered; maddened at the sight,
We grasped our trusty rifles tight,
And with one loud defiant yell,
Charged full on them 'mid shot and shell,
The charge was fierce; they could not stand
Before proud Brooklyn's noble band;
Which never yet was known to yield,
To Southern traitors on the field.
Impulsively we charged ahead,
Fearlessly through shell and lead;
With our brave Colonel us to cheer,
We could not hesitate or fear.
Approaching close a wooded hill,
At whose base ran a silvery rill,
Another storm of shot and shell,
Combined with an unearthly yell;
Rolled forth that sultry afternoon,
To the "twelve-pounder's" fearful tune.
We fought like tigers held at bay,
While fierce and fiercer grew the fray:
Trebly outnumbered, held our ground,
The dead and dying strewn ground,
The noble band was growing small;
Comrades here and there did fall,
With no friends by to shed a tear,
Over the forms of them so dear.
Suddenly the left gives way,
And turning quickly leaves the fray,
Stubbornly "Brooklyn" deigns to yield,
Face to the foe, they leave the field.
They leave a field with patriots filled,
Whose blood has been for Freedom spilled;
The noblest blood the land e'er bore,
Or ever crossed from foreign shore.
To right, to left, and all around,
Humanity's sad sufferings sound;
Here lies the widow's fair-haired son,
The veteran there with laurels won.
Bodies lying as they fell,
Pierced through by shot and shell;
Some are gasping for life's breath,
More are sleeping sweet in death;
The moans that rise ascend to heaven—
To some relief— in death—is given.
Now draw a veil o'er this sad scene
As the moon rising shed her sheen
Down on the bloody field of strife,
O'er silent dead, and suffering life.
THE RECEPTION OF THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—The Brooklyn Fourteenth regiment, having received permission of the Government to come home for the purpose of recruiting, are expected to arrive in this city to-day.
The regiment numbers 262 men. When they left Brooklyn they numbered nearly 1,100, although several hundred have been recruited since.
They have participated in about twenty battles and skirmishes, and their ranks have been greatly reduced, not only on account of casualties but by desertions, as large numbers are in the city now who should be in the ranks.
A meeting of the military men of this city was held at the Armory, corner of Cranberry and Henry streets, yesterday afternoon. Several thousand persons were present, and the greatest anxiety was manifested. The main drill-room was thrown open, and it was soon filled, while hundreds remained on the sidewalks.
There were present Maj.-Gen. Duryea, Brig.-Gen. Crooke, Col. A. M. Wood, (who commanded the regiment at the battle of Bull Run,) and other officers and members of different regiments, all anxious to do honor to the gallant Fourteenth.
Gen. CROOKS mounted a box and spoke to the assemblage. He stated that it was a settled fact that the Fourteenth would come home, but did not think they would be here to-night. He favored a reception such as they deserved, but did not feel ready to take the responsibility of ordering the brigade out, as there was a penalty for ordering a parade on the day of a general election, or five days preceding. He suggested; however, that the militia should come together by companies, and their officers would be present to organize them into regiments. Those who had no uniforms could come without, and those who did not come deserved to be kicked out of the organizations they belonged to. On the arrival of the regiment he stated fourteen strokes would be struck on the City Hall bell in quick succession, so that all could know.
It appears that Col. WOOD received a telegram from Col. Fowler, on Monday last, stating that the regiment would be ordered home to recruit, and that he would be authorized to raise a brigade, with the rank of Brigadier-General. No time was set for their arrival, and no information has since been received, giving any indication of the time they would come. On Friday last they were still in the front.
Some 60 convalescents have arrived within the past few days. Most of these will be transferred to the Invalid corps, while the main portion of the regiment will be divided into recruiting parties, with the view of organizing a brigade. The regiment will have a grand reception when they arrive, having now been in service since the commencement of the war.
Arrival and Reception of the Fourteenth Regiment.
The Fourteenth was expected to arrive in Brooklyn yesterday morning about 10 o'clock, but in consequence of delay at Baltimore in procuring transportation, they did not leave that city before half-past 6 o'clock the same morning, having expected to start the night previous. Every preparation had been made to receive them, and from an early hour thousands of persons thronged Fulton street, from the City Hall to the Ferry. After waiting until nearly noon, a dispatch was made public to the effect that they would not reach Jersey City before 8 o'clock P. M.
The crowd then gradually dispersed. Toward evening the streets along the line of march, as designated by the Common Council Committee, again became thronged. The City Hall Park, Fulton Ferry and Washington Park were the points of greatest interest, it having been announced that the regiment would be dismissed at the latter place.
The public buildings, and places of business generally along Fulton street, were handsomely decorated with flags and streamers, and in several instances were suspended across the street. Among the mottoes were the following: "All hail gallant Fourteenth: Our Union for ever." "Our flag was there." "Welcome the Brooklyn Fourteenth." "From First Bull Run to Spottsylvania."
The regiment left Brooklyn on Saturday evening, the 19th of May, 1861, with eleven hundred men, under the command of Col. Alfred M. Wood, and have fought in every principal battle, from that of the first Bull Run, under General McDowell, to that of Spottsylvania, under General Grant, including the campaign on the Peninsula, under General McClellan, the second Bull Run, under General Pope, the battles of South Mountain and Antietam,
again under McClellan, and that of Gettysburg, under General Meade.
The number of effective among the original members has dwindled down from 1,100 to 140 men.
The Union Ferry Company generously tendered the use of one of their boats to bring the veterans from Jersey City to Brooklyn. The "Hamilton" was selected, and left Montague Ferry at 8 o'clock, P. M., with the Committee of
Reception, consisting of Aldermen Kalbfleisch, Belknap, Newman, Van Buren, Ennis, Fisher and Comptroller Faron, together the Thirteenth Regiment as escort.
General P. S. Crooke ordered out his entire brigade, consisting of the Thirteenth Regiment, Colonel Woodward; Twenty-eighth Regiment, Colonel Bennett; and Seventieth Regiment, Colonel Cropsy. The veterans of the Fourteenth, commanded by Colonel De Bevoise, and the new battalion of heavy artillery under Major Horace A. Sprague, likewise turned out; as did also the entire Fire Department of the Western District, in charge of Chief Engineer Cunningham.
The arrival of the boat Hamilton opposite Fulton ferry was announced by the firing of cannon from the City Wharf, which was responded to on board with music, and the explosion of sky rockets and Roman candles, making quite a pyrotechnic display, and which presented a beautiful appearance from shore.
As the boat touched the slip, the cheers of the vast throng outside the gates was almost deafening, and the pushing and crowding was so great that the police had not a little difficulty in clearing the way for the procession, which proceeded up Fulton street in the following order, under command of Maj. Gen. Duryea:
Detachment of Police.
Thirteenth Regiment as escort.
Veterans of the Fourteenth Regiment.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
Mayor and Heads of Departments, (in carriages).
Committee of the Board of Aldermen, (in carriages).
Fire Department of the Western District.
Fulton street presented an animated and exciting scene. There was one continued mass of human beings from the Ferry to the City Hall, and the enthusiasm was most intense. Roman candles and rockets were displayed in every direction, and cheer after cheer went up as the veterans made their appearance. It was, in fact, a grand ovation, such as was never witnessed before in this city, and as creditable to the citizens as it was deserved by the recipients of these honors.
The route taken was through Fulton to Court, through Court to Atlantic, through Atlantic to Smith, through Smith to Fulton avenue, along Fulton avenue to Clinton avenue, thence into Myrtle avenue and to Washington Park, from which place three years ago the regiment took their departure. Here the procession came to a halt about one o'clock A. M., and the regiment being heartily welcomed back to their homes by Mayor Wood, (who was Colonel commanded them in the first battle of Bull Run) the procession was dismissed.
Among the places illuminated on Fulton street were Jones's Hotel, the stores of Whitehouse and Pearce, Hasten & Carll, Sherman & Co. John White's Hotel, Westcott's Express office, Hooley's Minstrels on Court street, and the Brooklyn Gas Company on Remsen street.
The reception was a most magnificent one in every respect.
The Fourteenth was brought home by Col. E. B. Fowler. The officers and men all presented a fine healthy appearance, and appeared pleased to be in Brooklyn once more.
N. Y. News, May 26, 1864
The Union.
Thursday Evening, May 26.
HOME AGAIN. The Veteran Fourteenth Returned from the War.
The Reception at Elizabeth, Newark, and Jersey City.
The Ovation in Brooklyn.
The Military and Fire Department Out in Full Force.
A Torchlight procession and General Illumination.
The Returned Heroes—Their Number—How They Look and What They Say.
The few days preceding the 19th of May, 1861, must still be fresh in the memory of the people of Brooklyn. The Fourteenth Brooklyn Regiment N. Y. S. M. were encamped on Fort Greene, preparatory to their departure for the war. Who will ever forget the patriotic manifestations and enthusiasm of our people, or the extraordinary efforts that were made by the municipal authorities and the citizens for the departure of the Fourteenth, which was the first militia regiment in the State to tender their services for the war? In those days red tape was dominant in the counsels of the State, and innumerable obstacles were placed in the way of the acceptance of the regiment. But, disregarding state formulae, the regiment made a tender of their services directly to the President, were promptly accepted, and on the 19th day of May, 1861 amidst the booming of cannon, ringing of bells, and such popular manifestations of approval as are but seldom witnessed, the Brooklyn Fourteenth were off for the war.
Arriving in Washington the regiment numbered 1,100 men under the command of the following officers:
FIELD—Colonel, A. M. Wood; Lieut.-Col., F. B. Fowler; Major, James Jourdan.
STAFF—Adjutant, A. W. H. Gill; Engineer, Capt. E. Butt; Chaplain, Capt. J. S. Inskip; Surgeon, Capt. J. M. Homeston; First Assistant Surgeon, Lieut. J. L. Farley; Second Assistant Surgeon, F. Swain; Paymaster, Lieut. A. G. Gaston; Quartermaster, Lieut. A. S. Cassiday; Commissary, Lieut. H. L. Cranford.
NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF —Sergeant Major, T. Head; Sergeant of Ordnance, W. C. Booth; Sergeant Standard Bearer, F. Head; Quartermaster Sergeant, J. Howard ; Right General Guide, J. Miller; Left General Guide, W. A. Burnett.
LINE.—Company A—Captain, E. B. Jordan; First Lieutenant, J. D. McClaskey; Second Lieutenant, Jno. B. Styles.
Company B—Captain, Geo. Mallory; First Lieutenant, J. Uflendell; Second Lieutenant, E. E. Pearce.
Company C—Captain, Wm. M. Burnett; First Lieutenant, David Myers; Second Lieutenant, Wm M. Burnett.
Company D—Captain, C. F. Baldwin; First Lieutenant, J. Thornton; Second Lieutenant, J. Jones.
Company E—Captain, Wm. L. B. Steers; First Lieutenant, Wm. H. Middleton; Second Lieutenant, George S. Elcock.
Company F—Captain, A. G. A. Harnickell; First Lieutenant, T. Salters; Second Lieutenant, James Jordan.
Company G—Captain, G. Plass; First Lieutenant, L. L. Laidlaw; Second Lieutenant, R. A. Goodenough, Jr.
Company H—Captain, Wm. H. DeBevoise; First Lieutenant, George Davey; Second Lieutenant, Chas. H. Morris.
Sappers and Miners (organized as a howitzer company)—First Lieutenant, John McLeer; Second Lieutenant H. Kalt; First Sergeant, Philip H. Grogan.
Leader of the Band—J. H. Fielding.
Sergeant of the Drum Corps—J. Flint.
In Washington, being asked by what authority the regiment was there, Col. Wood replied, ''By the authority of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States." This being deemed unquestionable authority, no further obstacles were thrown in the way of the regiment, which was at once mustered into the service, and soon entered upon that brilliant career of usefulness which has since distinguished it.
With what interest and affection the regiment has been regarded is well known to our readers. Brooklyn has never failed to do it honor, to watch over and care for it. With what feelings of just pride will our citizens observe the record of
Bull Run, South Mountain, Falmouth, Antietam, Spottsylvania Court House, Fredericksburg, Rappahannock Station, Chancellorsville, Sulphur Springs, Gettysburg, Groveton, The Wilderness, Gainesville, Spottsylvania Court House, Manhasset Plains, (second time.) Chantilly.
Besides the above pitched battles, in every one of which the regiment was distinguished, and received the highest praise for daring courage and tenacity, which were attested by the severest losses, the regiment has been engaged in numerous skirmishes, daring reconnoissances, and other work of eminent usefulness.
This in brief sums up the record of the achievements of the Brooklyn Fourteenth. Is it not a brilliant one? But, alas! at what a cost has it been made. Of the eleven hundred who left Brooklyn in May, 1861, but one hundred and forty return in May, 1864, with the following officers:
Colonel—E. B. Fowler.
Lieutenant-Colonel—R. B. Jourdan.
Major—H. T. Head.
Company A—Lieutenant Henderson.
Company B—Captain Uffendill, Lieutenant Pearce.
Company C—Captain Burnett, Lieutenant George Martin.
Company E—Captain George Elcock, Lieutenants Addison Martin, John E. Golf.
Company F—Captain Ball, Lieutenants Barns and Brown.
Company G—Captain Mandeville, Lieutenant Bennett.
Company H—Captain McNeil, Lieutenant A. F. Ackley.
Company I—Lieutenants Cordonia and Cranston.
Company K—Lieutenant Tinker.
Though the regiment was detained nearly ten hours beyond the time at which they were expected, their reception lost nothing in heartiness or enthusiasm. Along the entire route of their homeward journey they were cheered and feted, and received such a welcome as must have assured them that their reputation had preceded them. The Common Council Committee, and a number of our prominent citizens, among whom we noticed Postmaster Lincoln, proceeded as far as Elizabeth, New Jersey, from which point they escorted them to the end of the route, where they embarked on board the Union ferry-boat Hamilton, on which they were conveyed to Brooklyn, where they landed at ten o'clock precisely.
All along their route they had been heartily cheered. In Jersey City the men were refreshed by a capital supper at Taylor's Hotel, which prepared them for the ovation which awaited their arrival at home.
Considering its impromptu character, the reception last night was the grandest thing of the kind ever accomplished in Brooklyn. It was a spontaneous outburst of enthusiastic, heartfelt admiration.
The city authorities, the military and the entire Fire Department turned out, while perhaps one hundred thousand citizens lined the sidewalks along the line of march.
The procession formed on Fulton street, under direction of Major-General Duryea, in the following order:
Police under charge of Inspector Folk.
Thirteenth Regiment, Col. Woodward.
Veteran Society of the Fourteenth, Col. De Bevoise,
Fourteenth Regiment Veterans, Col. E. B. Fowler.
Twenty-eighth Regiment, Col. Bennett.
Twenty-third Regiment, Major Ward.
Heavy Artillery battalion, Major Sprague.
Mayor and Common Council, in carriages.
Fire Department of the Western District.
Fulton street was one dense mass of human beings from the ferry to the City Hall. Scarcely any more could have been possibly crowded into it. The jam was so great that, notwithstanding the excellence of the arrangements, there was great delay before they reached the Hall. The enthusiasm was intense; men and boys cheered in the street, and ladies waved their handkerchiefs from the windows.
The Fire Department was drawn up in line on one side of the street and did excellent duty by keeping the crowd back. Had it not been for this precaution, it would have been exceedingly difficult to move.
Nearly every house in the street was decorated with flags, and, in many instances, appropriate mottoes of welcome were displayed, such as: "Out of the Wilderness, brave Fourteenth;" and "From First Bull Run to Spottsylvania;" with many others.
Several buildings were brilliantly illuminated, while in others the windows were thrown open and the gas lighted, which, together with the blazing of rockets and Roman candles, made it sufficiently brilliant to enable the spectators to see what was going on and catch a glimpse of the returned veterans, who were cheered most lustily every yard they advanced.
The route of the procession was through Fulton, Court, Atlantic, and Smith streets, Fulton avenue, Clinton avenue, and Myrtle avenue to Washington Park. It was from this park that the Fourteenth departed for the seat of war, under command of Colonel A. M. Wood; and the then Lieutenant-Colonel, E. B. Fowler, now Colonel, brought what remains of them back to the same place after three years' absence.
The following is Mayor Wood's address of welcome to the veterans:
VETERANS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC: It is with feelings of profound emotion that I greet you, not only in behalf of the citizens of Brooklyn, whom I represent on this occasion, but personally, as your former comrade and commander. Your deeds of valor and heroism on many a hard fought battle-field entitle you to honor everywhere, but nowhere so much as here, in your native city, whose battle flag you have borne from the plains of Manassas, in a willing three years, march, to the gory field of Spottsylvania without one blot or stain of dishonor. Welcome!—thrice welcome home! Your names are emblazoned, imperishably high on the scroll of fame; your deeds have passed into history; and your children's children shall read of them and be proud that they are descended from such noble men. As Mayor of the City of Brooklyn, in the name of its authorities, and in behalf of every man, woman, and child within its limits, I again bid you a cordial welcome home. God bless and preserve you for future deeds of usefulness.
It was just midnight before the regiment was dismissed, and the crowds which thronged the streets dispersed to their respective homes. The work for which the regiment enlisted has been nobly done, and its members have received assurances of the appreciation of a grateful country, and from their fellow-citizens the verdict of "Well done good and faithful servants."
The following communications will serve to show the estimation in which the returned veterans are held:
Brooklyn, May 26,1864—1 o'clock A.M.
To the Editor of The Union:
A few words for the veterans of the Fourteenth Regiment of this city. We, Unionists, know that they were one of the first regiments which left home for the defence of our nation's safety and honor. The regiment was full and strong. We have ever watched with pride and admiration its bravery in battle. We, especially we ladies of Brooklyn, have felt, both in our sympathy and in our fingers, armed with that useful little article of warfare, i. e. the needle, for their comfort and welfare. Now they have returned to us but a handful compared to the number which left at first, and our hearts have gone up to the One who has preserved even this remnant and returned them to us in safety, with emotions of gratitude. Shall not something be done for these brave men, who have reflected so much honor upon our city, besides the magnificent display of welcome prepared for them? Few, perhaps none of them are wealthy, some of them are maimed for life, all need rest. The necessaries of life are much more expensive than when the regiment left for the seat of war. The few men of the original Fourteenth of Brooklyn are those whom the people of this fair city should not only "delight to honor" but also to aid. These men received very small bounties compared with that received by more recently-formed regiments. Are there not a sufficient number of big, strong, patriotic hearts among the wealthy men of Brooklyn to subscribe a sum of money sufficient to present to each member of the old Fourteenth the sum of two hundred dollars as a token that their bravery will not be forgotten when the flags and other tokens of welcome are necessarily removed? Yes; there are plenty of such big, strong, beating hearts, Mr. Editor; and it only needs a suggestion to set the machinery in motion, which shall bring about that praiseworthy result. Will you give this suggestion in your columns? Now a word complimentary to our fire companies. Your correspondent did not see them until about 8 o'clock of last night, and felt a little nervous lest, as "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick," they might have used artificial means to keep up their spirits. She hastens, however, to affirm that, among the thousands of members of this honorable and useful department—and they were closely and keenly scrutinized for three full hours—not one gave the slightest evidence of aught but the strictest sobriety. In person and manners they presented a manly, aye, gentlemanly bearing. The engines were magnificent and elegantly decorated. Altogether, Brooklyn has cause to be, and is, proud of her soldiers and her firemen.
M. A. O'C.
To the Editor of The Union:
It is a great pleasure to welcome our brave Fourteenth Regiment home again. Well do we remember our meeting three years ago, to set them ready, with lint and bandages, pincushions, and all the comforts we could procure, for their march to the seat of war. How nobly they have stood in their place during all the time, in the front of the fight, nothing daunted; one after another of them killed or wounded; sometimes their ranks so thinned that there seemed only a handful of them left! As soon as they gathered new men the same spirit beamed forth, to be valiant in the field. Some of their number are sick, wounded, and scarred, but these are marks to show their heroism in the cause of liberty. May God's choicest blessing rest on them, and may Brooklyn never forget her brave sons.
The recently recruited men of the Fourteenth Regiment have been mustered into the Twelfth New York Volunteers. The returned veterans will a day or two be mustered out of the service of the United States, and the Fourteenth will be restored to its original status of a State militia regiment.
A Welcome by the Central Union Club.
Speeches by Mr. Griswold, S. B. Chittenden, Esq., Col. Fowler, Mr. Van Gott, and REV. Dr. Farley.
The Dinner at the Mansion House.
Speeches, Songs, &c.—"The Pennsylvania Lowlands"—The Regimental
In accordance with announcements made to the public within the last few days, the Central Union Club somewhat varied, last evening, their usual routine of politics and music, and gave instead a grand reception to Brooklyn's pride and pet--the gallant Fourteenth Regiment. The reception came from the Club rather as from a social association than from a political organization; the meeting had nothing of a party character whatever, and this being understood thoroughly by the brave and loyal men who composed the regiment, they turned out en masse, notwithstanding the malicious croakings of a few Copperheads about "lending themselves for party purposes."
The hour of meeting of the Club was, as usual, 8 o'clock P. M., but long before this time every seat, except those reserved for the soldiers, in their capacious hall, on the corner of Fulton and Orange streets, was crowded, and even the aisles and entrance were filled with interested spectators, among whom were quite a number of ladies.
The walls of the hall were tastefully decorated with bunting and flags, and on each side of the stage were hung a number of shield-shaped blue silk banners, each bearing in letters of gold the name of one of the many fierce battles in which the Fourteenth has won for itself imperishable glory.
At a little after 8 o'clock the drums of the regiment were heard, and in a few seconds afterward the officers appeared in the doorway, followed by the survivors of this noble band of heroes. The scene which ensued baffled description. Men mounted the benches, waved their hats, and cheered until they became hoarse; women waved their handkerchiefs and added their voices to the grand chorus of welcome; an uncontrollable excitement seemed to pervade the densely crowded audience. Still louder swelled the applause as the torn old battle-flags, each rag a fluttering page of glorious history of heroism and daring, made their appearance and were lifted upon the stage—not until the regiment was all seated, did the tumult in the least abate, and then it burst forth again upon the entrance of a wounded officer, who came in alone and took his place among his comrades.
The field, staff, and line officers occupied the front row of seats, and behind them were placed the rank and file.
Comparative order having been restored, Vice-President Griswold opened the meeting by calling on the Central Union Glee Club for a song. They gave "The Sword of Bunker Hill" with great effectiveness, and were loudly applauded.
Mr. Griswold then spoke as follows:
Members of the Fourteenth Regiment: The Central Union Club have invited you to meet with us to-night that we express in some measure our feelings of obligation and gratitude to you for the noble work in which you have been engaged. [Applause.] Day after day, week after week, month after month, for three long years, you have stood in the front ranks of our army, battling for our glorious Union. [Great applause.] It is for this that we wish to express our gratitude to you, and we extend the cordial hand of fellowship to you all. Standing on one platform, all working for one glorious cause, we lay aside all political differences, and it is in this spirit that we wish you to understand that we greet you to-night. [Applause.] We have invited our worthy citizen, Mr. S. B. Chittenden [applause], who is, by the way, not a member of this club, to address a few words of welcome to you. There is no man who has a better right to speak to the Fourteenth Regiment than he has. No man has done more to aid the regiment; no man has had a greater interest in its welfare; and it is with pleasure that I introduce him to you. [Great Applause.]
Mr. S. B. Chittenden then addressed the regiment as follows:
Col. Fowler And Men of the Fourteenth Regiment:
I thank the gentlemen who contrived this pleasant meeting, for inviting me to address a word of welcome to you to-night, and I mean to show my gratitude to them for their kindness, and my respect for you, for your brave deeds and heroic sacrifices, by saying as little as possible, in order that you may hear so much the more from the learned and eloquent gentleman who will follow me. I very well remember, sir, that on a bright Sabbath morning, about three years ago, I was called out of church and requested to obtain the Academy of Music, that a meeting of this regiment might there be held that afternoon. It was just before you marched on that grand errand from which you have just returned. The directors of the Academy cordially and unanimously directed that its doors should be thrown open for you, and the meeting was accordingly there held. And what a meeting was that, contrasted with this and with the stirring events which you have witnessed, and in which you have participated, and which touch to the quick the hearts of this community. The "redlegged" regiment was then nearly a thousand strong; hope beamed from every eye, and courage fired every heart; they were defiant and daring of danger; ready for any hazard, and confidently expectant of success. Surrounding them came a great crowd of friends, hastily gathered together for their last farewells, and bringing to them a parting benediction, and though those friends imperfectly knew and faintly realized the reality of a soldier's life, their hearts were manifestly full for that brave band of young men. You were then going forth to fight the battles of your country, and there ascended on that day many a sincere prayer that God would keep and prosper the Brooklyn Fourteenth Regiment. And what now has been their history? I need not have asked that question. We all think we understand it; we certainly do understand by hearsay, and somewhat by actual observation, your sufferings and your glorious achievements—your hard-earned, dearly bought, undying fame. [Much applause.] Full eighteen hundred men have, from first to last, been enrolled in your ranks; about two hundred have recently been assigned to another organization, and about one hundred and thirty have just now returned, with all the scars and honors of a full three year's service in the cause of your country. [Immense applause.] And where, oh, where are the rest? Some of them have perished miserably in rebel prisons, starved, perhaps, substantially murdered. Many of them have died bravely upon the battle-field in the thickest of the fight, with their faces to the foe. [Applause.] Many more have been wounded or maimed, and brought to our own homes and hospitals, and there have died, praising God that they had given their lives to their country. Many others have returned, with their constitutions shattered and bodies maimed, never more to be restored but to linger helpless in our midst; and some, I fear—I do not know it to be true, but I infer that among 1,600 you had enough of the darker part of human nature to warrant the assumption—some few, I fear, have sneaked away, deserting their flag. I rejoice that I do not know and never heard that there was a deserter from the Brooklyn Fourteenth Regiment. [Applause.] Such are the outlines of your history, and well, Col. Fowler and soldiers, may you be proud of it; well may your fellow-citizens delight to do you honor, and well may any honest man crave these honors which your brave deeds have worthily fastened upon you. There is not one loyal citizen in Brooklyn who can read or hear; there is not one among the many children of such loyal citizens that can read or hear, whose heart does not warm to the Brooklyn Fourteenth Regiment. [Applause.] It is with this feeling that we welcome you home, and earnestly pray that the best of Heaven's blessings may evermore rest upon you and yours. Your valorous deeds shall be our household words for centuries to come. The stories of your conflicts and your victories, of your hairbreadth escapes, of your imprisonments and honors, shall fire the hearts and nerve the arms of future generations of men, that they too may add deeds of daring in the cause of justice and liberty. The memory of your George Mallorys and your Joseph Grummans shall be treasured fresh and fragrant while the nation lives. The honors which this community now so freely and gladly award you shall be as fresh and as green an hundred years from now as the new grass is to-day upon many a battle field, enriched with your blood. Your torn and battle-riddled flags shall be kept as perpetual and precious memorials of your hard-fought fields, and at some far distant day, when it shall be said that the last one of these survivors of the Brooklyn Fourteenth Regiment has gone home on high to his last account, then shall the commerce and the population of this great city—twice as great then as now--pause to pay a new tribute of respect and admiration to the last of your braves. [Great and long-continued applause.]
Col. Fowler's rising to his feet induced a perfect storm of applause, which continued until he began speaking the following sententious soldierly words:
Gentlemen of the Central Union Club: Allow me on behalf of my comrades and myself to thank you for this kind reception of us this evening—for the hearty manifestation of your feeling toward us. In fact, gentlemen, since our return we have had nothing but an expression of the warmest feeling from the people of Brooklyn.
Brooklyn has been our home, and with what eagerness, during the three long years alludes to have we read letters or papers that told us of that home, even at times upon the battle-field. We have read how liberally, with both men and means, our beloved city has furnished the sinews to carry on this great struggle; and when we have read this and that at the last great Fair held here, our people generously contributed four or five hundred thousand dollars to the Sanitary Commission, for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers, we have felt proud that we came from Brooklyn. [Great Applause.] We have been very closely and distinctively identified with this city during our three years campaign; the name by which we have been known in the great army of the Union has always been "The Brooklyn Fourteenth," and, except for one great motive, the consciousness of our serving in a and holy cause, in the cause of human liberty, our great wish and ambition has been to deserve well of the people of our city. [Applause.] In a few days we will have taken off our uniforms and been mustered out of the service of the United States, but do not think, gentlemen, that we will then become idle spectators this conflict. Both our patriotism and interest demand otherwise. It is sometimes the policy of a General in the field, when troops are worn out in battle and their numbers greatly reduced, to put them in a second line, putting in the front new, fresh troops. It then becomes the duty of this second line to keep the first line up to fight; and it is their interest to do so, for if first line falls back, then second must take its place. We stand now, and will probably during the rest of war so stand, in this second line, if we are not again called to the front. [Applause.]
I have not language to express our thanks on this occasion; indeed, I scarcely feel like doing so, for it is the emptiest things which sound most, and our hearts are too full of your welcome to admit of my doing more than thanking you again, for myself and comrades, for this kind greeting this evening. [Hearty applause.] The audience hereupon gave three cheers for the Fourteenth, and the glee club sang a very doleful ditty, lugubrious in tone and sad in language, purporting to be a request to "wrap the flag around me, boys."
Mr. J. M. Van Cott was introduced as the next speaker. Said he:
Fellow Citizens of Brooklyn: Col. Fowler, in the few soldierly words he spoke to us to-night, used one word which, with one other word, probably touches and stirs more men's hearts than any other spoken in our mother tongue. The word he used was "home;" the other word is the "flag"—the home standing for the great interests of the people of any nation; the flag symbolizing the country, the power, and the greatness that embosoms, shelters, and protects the home. [Applause.] Col. Fowler told us that the thoughts of home stirred the hearts of these gallant men in the camp, on the picket, in the press of battle—the thoughts of mother, father, sister, brother, child, all embraced in and consecrating the dear name of home. Col. Fowler has come back with his men—I say men, not gentlemen, because manhood is the highest type of our nature. [applause]—they have come back, and to-night home greets them.
I speak to you and greet you soldiers, not as fancy, sham, street parade soldiers, but men who have just marched out of the smoke of battle, with the smell of the fire still upon your garments, and I feel that the occasion is not dignified by the words spoken here, but by the men who are here to represent the fight and the trial of the great cause of our country. On a May afternoon in 1861 you marched forth over 800 strong, to do all that loyal, patriotic, brave men ever can do for their country. On a May day three years after, at midnight, the streets of Brooklyn were again thronged with anxious crowds of men, women, and children, waiting to greet the shattered, wasted remnants of the Fourteenth returning home. You went out eight hundred strong, a number presently recruited to a thousand; you have at different times had eighteen hundred men upon your rolls, and with what you left behind and are yet to come, you have left a little over three hundred men. No other cause than that of our country was worth the sacrifice which you have made. I will not trace the career of this regiment—a career of which Brooklyn is so proud, it is the very apple of our eye; we wear it as one of the brightest mementoes nearest our hearts, and there will be no chapter in the history of Brooklyn or of the nation, hereafter to be written of these times, that will not name with undying honors the gallant Fourteenth, of the City of Brooklyn. [Applause.] Here is a list of the principal battles only in which they have been engaged, exclusive of all skirmishes, small engagements or reconnoissances, etc., etc. Hear the glorious roll: First Bull Run, Falmouth, Rappahannock Station, Sulphur Springs, Groveton, Gainesville, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Reynolds' Crossing, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg [immense applause], Mine Run, the Wilderness up to and including Spottsylvania. [Long continued cheering.] [Here the speaker indulged in a long and eloquent description of the gallantry of the Fourteenth Regiment at Gettysburg, drawing from his audience repeated bursts of applause, and his references to Generals Reynolds and Wadsworth elicited enthusiastic cheering both from the regiment and the audience. He also related a touching incident, which he had heard from Lieut.-Col. Jordan, of a dying girl in Philadelphia, leaving as one of her last requests a bunch of ribbons to be attached to the battle-flags of the Fourteenth. In conclusion, he expressed himself in favor of fighting this thing out to the end, for the preservation of the Union and the maintenance of the national flag, if it took not only five men out of every six, but reduced us to the last man and the last dollar, a sentiment which was hailed with enthusiasm by the audience.]
Rev. Dr. Farley was next introduced and spoke as follows:
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens, and our brave boys of the Fourteenth:
I came here tonight with not the slightest idea of saying a word, and yet I rejoice in the memories which I have of the past and the thrilling feelings which have been awakened in this very hour, and I am glad that I am permitted to say in this presence, if it be but a single word of congratulation and an echo to the welcome, extended by so many warm friends to you, the Colonel and officers, and the rank and file who survive, of the noble Fourteenth. [Applause.] It was my good fortune, and I shall always look back upon it as one of the pleasantest themes of remembrance, to be summoned, in the quiet of the Sabbath morning to which our friend Mr. Chittenden has already alluded, to be present at what might be called the farewell service to the Brooklyn Fourteenth, when about to take up its march to those bloody but glorious fields in which it has so eminently distinguished itself. We met in that beautiful Academy in the afternoon of that day, and I can truly say that as I looked into the eyes of the close ranks of that thousand men before me, just about to depart—it might be at a moment's notice—to those battle-fields, I felt that to every one of these men whatever of gratitude and affection I could have for any one, outside of my own dear home, or beloved parish circle, or the social walk in which God had placed me, was due to them who were about to shoulder their muskets and go in the very brunt and peril of this deadly strife, in behalf of all that God had made precious to me as an American citizen, as a father, as a husband, as one of this great country. Yes, soldiers, to you who survive it is but a poor but a most sincere tribute of gratitude and thanks which I pay at this hour to you, the survivors of those noble men, some of whom, as has been stated, have fallen in the deadly strife and encounter, others who have languished in those terrible hospitals and prisons of the enemy, and others who, amid the kind care and gentle ministerings of our Florence Nightingales and our noble Sanitary and Christian Commissions, have breathed their last, or have been spared to be the living monuments we trust for years, on which shall be hung garlands of grateful memories and thoughts of pure patriotism. Need I say more? I came here not to say a word, but the words I have heard have moved and thrilled me, and as I look at you and remember those first hours in which I met you, your ranks now thin and depleted, and your monuments on every battle-field in which the Army of the Potomac has left the bloody imprint of its avenging course, those torn and tattered flags, all these things conspire with the thoughts of this moment to make me rejoice that I am permitted to join in this cordial welcome, and to pray for you, the survivors of the regiment, as on that Sabbath I was permitted to pray for the grand regiment itself, in its first blush of hope, to the God of Hosts, that the same blessings which have spared you to us and to the honorable memories which will always follow you may be showered down in richness upon you in the grateful hearts of our people, and in your honorable service in the second line, to which your Colonel has alluded so strongly, if the needs of the country shall require it. And when the rebellion, now drawing nigh to its last struggle with our victorious and gallant Grant [great cheering]—that name which I know cannot be heard by you without calling forth a thousand grateful responses—when the Rebellion is ended, it shall appear to have been a grand and solemn discipline by which God himself has been training the hearts of this people, teaching them the profoundest and most solemn lesson that ever a nation was called upon to learn, that justice, equal justice to all upon whom the seal of manhood is set—a noble and actual, not a theoretical, freedom to all of every race and every color, can be won, and that that blessing, taught and written in the blood of the bravest and noblest of our nation, shall have been learned in a manner to be perpetuated from century to century, and render our country forever and ever the lasting and protecting asylum of the oppressed of every clime. [Great applause.]
On the conclusion of Dr. Farley's address the Glee Club sang another song, "The Good Time Coming," after which the Club adjourned.
The ringing voice of Col. Fowler was then heard ordering the regiment to "fall in," and in a few moments the Club, the regiment, and the invited guests were on their way to the Mansion House, where a dinner had been prepared by the Club for the occasion.
The large dining hall of the Mansion House was tastefully decorated with flags around its walls, and at each end was displayed the sentence, “Welcome to the Fourteenth Regiment." The tables were set for the accommodation of about two hundred and fifty persons, and about two hundred were present, of whom one hundred and thirty-eight were the officers and men of the Fourteenth, the others being members of the Club and invited guests.
The dinner was a good substantial one, and Colonel Fowler's order of '"Take seats" was scarcely uttered when the work of demolition was begun. Vice-President Griswold presided, with the field officers of the Fourteenth on his right and left, and at the same table, on opposite sides, were ranged the staff and line. The men of the regiment occupied the tables to the left and the guests those on the right.
Due time having been allowed for the disposition of solids of the repast, the Colonel's order of "Attention!" restored instant silence, and the presiding officer announced, the first regular toast of the evening.
OUR GUESTS--The Gallant Fourteenth Regiment N. Y. S. M.—of whom Brooklyn is justly proud; always foremost to peril their lives in defence of the Union.
The applause consequent upon this toast having in a measure subsided, Col. Fowler responded.
I cannot make a speech in response; I simply, in behalf of the regiment, thank you for the kindness of your welcome, and will, as an excellent substitute for any speech I might make, call upon one of the rank and file to sing a regimental song.
Obedient to orders, Corporal J. DeGraffe sang with excellent effect following song, written by Lieut. Egolf, of the Fourteenth, the whole regiment joining in the chorus, and rounds of heartiest applause from
the audience followed each verse:
Way down in Pennsylvania, not many months ago,
We marched from Old Virginia to fight the rebel foe;
Our hearts felt light and bouyant, as forward we did speed.
For a tip-top man commanded us—"How are you, Gen Meade?"
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
'Twas on the first of July, as history will tell,
The First Corps opened up the right, and noble Reynolds fell;
Although the odds were heavy we would have won the day,
But the "half-moons" couldn't see the point, turned tail, and runaway.
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
We fell back in good order, without a show of fight,
Until we come unto the hills called Cemetery Heights;
Here we formed our line of battle, bound to make a stand,
And give to Johnny Rebel a whipping: on Yankee land;
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
The next day opened fairly, the fight soon did begin,
But every time they charged our lines we drove them back again;
On right and left the battle still fiercely held its sway,
Nor the bloody struggle did not cease at the closing of the day;
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
The third day closed successfully, Gen. Lee did find
He'd have to leave his wounded as prisoners behind;
So he quickly gave the order to take the backward track,
Kilpatrick kept harrassing him till he crossed the Po- to-mac;
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
Now, peace to all our comrades who at Gettysburg did fall;
No more their faces we will see, their names hear at roll-call;
But if our lives are spared us to see our homes again,
On each returning year a glass we'll to their memory drain;
In the Pennsylvania lowlands, low, &c.
The second regular toast:
" The Army and Navy of the United States," was responded to by Mr. J. M. Van Cott. He said that the army spoke for itself in the persons of the gallant
men surrounding this board, and their deeds of heroism were upon every tongue, so that reference to them would be, at this time, almost superfluous; but we are too apt to forget the noble hearts of our navy, the men who bring back to us in parallel deeds the glorious names and actions of Paul Jones, Decatur, Perry, and Lawrence. We have now our. Dupont, Foote, Ellet, Porter, Farragut, and Wordon, and their exploits are worthy to stand side by side in history with those of our glorious army.
The third regular toast was:
" The-Commander-in-Chief—the President of the United States,"
to which Mr. S. B. Chittenden responded, paying a high tribute to the honesty and. capacity of the President, and eliciting thereby half a dozen hearty cheers from the gallant boys of the Fourteenth, three for Mr. Chittenden and three for the President.
The fourth regular toast was greeted with a perfect storm of applause and cheers. It was:
LIEUT.-GEN. GRANT—Now within seven miles of Richmond—Who proposes to fight it out, if it takes all Summer.
Col. Fowler proposed, instead of a speech in reply to this toast, that one of the regiment should sing a favorite song, which had been often sung in the field by the jolly minstrel who would give it on this occasion.
The song was given by Sergeant Coleman, and proved to be "The Boy with the Auburn Hair." Never was this comical song given with more expression; never was the Irish howl introduced in it with more effect; and the chorus by the regiment was almost drowned in the shoughts of laughter which it brought forth. The applause which followed it was positively huge, all being now in just the humor for the intensely comic.
The fifth regular toast was:
the happy fruit of a Christian civilization. Their large supplies have their fountains in the hearts of the people, and they are fountains of mercy to the sick and wounded soldiers."
Rev. Mr. Farley responded:
MR. PRESIDENT: The Sanitary and Christian Commission need no words of mine or of anyone; their works and good deeds speak for them, and these soldiers by my side and in front of me I will warrant will give their testimony to the noble and Christian work which they have done for them, in the field and in the hospital. Sir, it would ill become me, who have never been an eye-witness of the great and blessed services which these organizations have done for our army, to attempt to picture here any of those simple scenes in which the wise and provident foresight, the active and persistent provision, the generous self-denying and self-sacrificing temper, and the wondrous outlay, the bounty and generosity flowing into their coffers and inspiring their members from every part of the United Suites—I mean of course the loyal States, —have given to these organizations their vast and wonderful efficiency. Before the world and upon every page of history yet to be written they will appear the grandest proofs of the highest development of Christianity and its marvellous effects upon civilization. The germ of the Sanitary Commission is to be found in the Crimean war, originating with Florence Nightingale, but it was not given to them to establish on so vast a scale, and with such grand results, such a work as the Sanitary Commission. Through the length and breadth of our land other Florence Nightingales have in her spirit, served in the battle fields, in the hospitals, and at home carrying out her work.
[The speaker then went on to pay a tribute of respect to the Christian Commission for the noble Christian spirit which animated their work, and alluded in eloquent terms to their harmonious action with the Sanitary Commission.]
The sixth and last regular toast was:
" The City of Brooklyn,"
— in response to which the following letters were read by the President:
BROOKLYN, June 3, 1864.
To Messrs. Wm. B. Smith, A. B. Hume, Geo. J. Bennett, Committee;
GENTLEMEN: Please accept my thanks for your kind invitation to unite with you in a welcome to be extended to the gallant Fourteenth Regiment by the Central Union Club of Brooklyn at the Mansion House this (Thursday) evening.
I regret to be obliged to state that I shall be debarred the pleasure of availing myself of it, owing to an affection of the throat from which I have been suffering for some time past, and which has induced my physician to enjoin upon me a careful avoidance of exposure to the night air. Be assured, however, that although thus obliged to be absent, my heartiest, sympathies will be with you and them on this occasion.
The honors which you shall pay to the brave men of the Fourteenth have been nobly earned by a career of heroic conduct almost without a parallel. You but honor yourselves in honoring them.
In conclusion, permit me to give you as a sentiment the following:
The Fourteenth Regiment, N. Y. S. M. Soldiers in war, citizens in peace. Their career has demonstrated that upon its citizen soldiery the republic may ever proudly rely for its military power.
I am, hastily, yours very truly,
BROOKLYN, June 2, 1864.
My Dear Sir: I greatly regret that I shall not be able to be present at the welcome which the Central Union Club propose to give to-night to the gallant Fourteenth.
I should have been glad to render my humble tribute of gratitude to the men who have made our city illustrious, though no words of praise can add to the glory of those names—both of the dead and the living—which, inscribed upon the muster-roll of that regiment, shall be held in perpetual remembrance.
Very respectfully and truly yours,
S. M. GRISWOLD, ESQ., President, &c, &c.
Mr. Smith then proposed the toast of
" THE MEMORY OF THE GALLANT DEAD of the Fourteenth Regiment. It shall be kept sacred and green in our hearts forever," which was drank in silence.
Corporal De Graffe was called on for another song, and gave the amusing and patriotic one of "That's What's the Matter," the regiment again joining in the chorus, and the audience applauding to the echo, and on its conclusion the "health of the singer" was proposed and drank.
At this point in the proceedings, Col. Fowler proposed as an honorary member of the regiment, Mr. S. B. Chittenden, and his election was prompt and unanimous by the officers and men of the regiment, the election being followed by a succession of hearty cheers for the new member.
The health of Mr. Yale, proprietor of the Mansion House, was proposed and drank, and in response he modestly returned his thanks and gave expression to his ardent feelings of affection for the gallant regiment.
The entertainment concluded at a little before 12 o'clock, by the entire assemblage joining in the stirring patriotic chorus of the "Star Spangled Banner;" the regiment obeyed the order to "fall in" with a celerity astonishing to civilians, and moved off to their armory, the loud notes of their drums awakening the echoes of the night, and drowning the parting expressions of satisfaction and mutual good-will passing between them and the loyal club who took this mode of expression of their feelings toward them.
The Central Union Club and the Fourteenth Regiment.
To the editor of The Union:
The miserable little Copperhead organ of this city published an editorial yesterday entitled "The Veterans in the Hands of the Shoddyites." Now this article is a tissue of falsehoods, from beginning to end, and t h e editor must have known them to be such while he was preparing t h e articles, for he has repeatedly written sketches of the history of the "Central Union C l u b " for its editorial columns which were exactly contrary to t h e statement made in the one above referred to. The object of your correspondent is not to answer this contemptible sheet, but to inform our citizens of the facts.
In the first place, it says "the Club" started in political life as the Rocky Mountain Club, and vowed eternal fidelity to the pathfinder, "declaring that they never, never would desert Fremont." The Central Union Club never was t h e Rocky Mountain Club, and never had any connection with it, except to advocate the same principles; and this Club was not started until t h e campaign of 1860.
Second Falsehood. That the Club became " Wide Awakes." The Club never turned out as "Wide Awakes."
Third. Neither t h e Club nor its officers ever used its influence to obtain the appointment of a single man to the Custom House or other Government department.
Fourth. No officer of this Club is a political officeseeker, and care h a s always been taken to elect none but citizens who have their own legitimate business, and would not accept of an office. Hence, their appearing first in the campaign does not indicate such a motive as political power.
Fifth. With one exception, every officer of the Club has been individually, first and last, a strong supporter of Mr. Lincoln, but, as members of the Club, determined to support the nominee of the Baltimore-Convention.
Sixth. That paper says t h a t certain gentlemen and "a little Shoddyite, who wants to go to Congress, took possession of the Club and whipped it in bodily for Lincoln." It is well known who the gentleman referred to is. In the first place, he is not even a member of the Club, and therefore could not have had a voice in the matter. Exception is taken to him as the welcomer of the Fourteenth Regiment. I ask, sir, is it not appropriate that the man who contributed $10,000 at one time to this glorious regiment should welcome them when they return?
Now as to the ovation which the Central Union Club tendered the Fourteenth Regiment. There can certainly be no impropriety in the Club inviting the gallant pride of Brooklyn. The welcome was not offered them as from a political organization but as from citizens. It is unnecessary to refer to the contemptible remarks of that paper on this subject. They are so mean and contemptible that it can be seen at a glance that their motive was nothing but jealousy. The fullness of loyal and grateful hearts prompted the act, and t h e members felt it an honor to welcome the gallant regiment which Brooklyn as long as she lives will be proud of. Now if the followers of that paper desire to get up an ovation to the brave, the noble Fourteenth Regiment, and will do it, the object of the Central Union Club will be doubly attained; and they will aid them by contributions, or in any other way in their power, for we feel we can never show sufficiently our gratitude to the regiment.
The Fourteenth Regiment at the Park Theatre.
To the many tokens of the poupular regard for our gallant Fourteenth, we now add t h e invitation extended to the veterans by the liberal and enterprising lady manager of the Park Theatre, Mrs. Conway, to attend the Theatre this evening. The following is the correspondence, by which it will be seen that the regiment has accepted the invitation:
Sir—As Directress of the Park Theatre, permit me the pleasure of tendering to you and the brave and patriotic soldiers of your command, an invitation to visit my Theatre on Friday evening, May 27th, when I trust the entertainments selected for the occasion may be found worthy of your acceptance. Yours respectfully
BROOKLYN, May 26th, 1864.
MADAM—Your note, inviting the members of the Fourteenth Regiment to witness a performance at your Theatre on Friday evening, has been received. I take pleasure in accepting the same on behalf of the regiment. Permit me to express my thanks for the invitation, also for your flattering remarks in relation to the regiment. I have the honor to subscribe myself
Your obedient servant,
Colonel 14th N. Y. S. M.
P. S. There will be about one hundred men.
ARRIVAL AND RECEPTION OF THE FOURTEENTH REGIMENT.—The Fourteenth was expected to arrive in Brooklyn yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, having expected to start the night previous. Every preparation had been made to receive them, and from an early hour thousands of persons thronged Fulton street, from the City Hall to the Ferry. After waiting until nearly noon, a dispatch was made public, to the effect that they would not reach Jersey City before 8 o'clock, P. M. The crowd then gradually dispersed. Towards evening, the streets along the line of march, as designated by the Common Council Committee, again became thronged. The City Hall Park, Fulton Ferry, and Washington Park, were the points of greatest interest, it having been announced that the regiment would be dismissed at the latter place. The public buildings and places of business generally, along Fulton street, were handsomely decorated with flags and streamers, and in several instances were suspended across the street.
Among the mottoes were the following:
" All Hail, gallant Fourteenth. Our Union forever."
" Our flag was there."
" Welcome the Brooklyn Fourteenth."
" From first Bull Run to Spottsylvania," &c.
The regiment left Brooklyn on Saturday evening, the 19th of May, 1861, with 1,100 men, under the command of Col. Alfred M. Wood, and have fought in every principal battle from that of the first Bull Run, under Gen. McDowell, to that of Spottsylvania under Gen. Grant, including the campaign on the Peninsula under Gen. McClellan, the second Bull Run under Gen. Pope, the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, again under McClellan, and that of Gettysburg under Gen. Meade. The number of effectives among the original members has dwindled down from 1,100 to 140 men. The Union Ferry Company generously tendered the use of one of their boats to bring the veterans from Jersey City to Brooklyn. The "Hamilton" was selected, and left Montague Ferry at 6 o'clock P. M., with the committee of reception, together with the 13th Regiment as escort.
General P. S. Crooke ordered out his entire brigade, consisting of the 18th regiment, Col. Woodward; 28th regiment, Col. Bennett; and 70th regiment, Colonel Cropsy. The veterans of the 14th regiment, commanded by Col. De Bevoice, and the new battalion of Heavy Artillery, under Major Horace A. Sprague, likewise turned out, as did also the entire Fire Department of the Western District, in charge of Chief Engineer Cunningham. The arrival of the boat Hamilton, opposite Fulton ferry, was announced by the firing cannon from the city wharf, which was responded to on board with music and t he explosion of sky-rockets and roman candles, making quite a pyrotechnic display, and which presented a beautiful appearance from the shore. As the boat touched the slip, the cheers of the vast throng outside the gates was almost deafening, and the pushing and crowding so great that the police had not a little difficulty in clearing the way for the procession, which proceeded up Fulton street in the following order, under command of Major General Duryea:
Detachment of Police.
Thirteenth Regiment as escort.
Veterans of the 14th Regiment.
The Fourteenth Regiment.
Mayor Heads of Departments, (in carriages.)
Committee of the Board of Aldermen,
Fire Department of Western District.
Fulton street presented an animated and exciting scene. There was one continued mass of human beings from the ferry to the City Hall, and the enthusiasm was most intense. Roman candles and rockets were displayed in every direction, and cheer after cheer went up veterans made their appearance. The route taken was through Fulton to Court, through Court to Atlantic, through Atlantic to Smith, through Smith to Fulton avenue, along Fulton avenue to Clinton avenue, thence into Myrtle avenue and to Washinton Park, from which place, three years ago, regiment took departure. Here the procession came to a halt about 1 o'clock, the regiment being heartily welcomed back to their homes by Mayor Wood, (who as Colonel commanded them in first battle of Bull Run.) the procession dismissed. The 14th was brought home by Colonel E. B. Fowler. The officers and men all presented a fine healthy appearance, appeared pleased to be in Brooklyn once more.
The Circulation of The Union is increasing rapidly, and it affords one of the very best mediums through which advertisers can reach the public. A double sheet is issued every Saturday A History of the Fourteenth.
Mr. J. M. Van Cott, well known in our city as an accomplished scholar, and a warm-hearted and public-spirited citizen, has offered to write a history of the Brooklyn Fourteenth. No record could be more noble. Wherever prompt courage, unwavering fidelity, patient endurance, invincible pluck, and steady discipline win respect and compel admiration, the names of the Fourteenth will be remembered. In dreary camp, in weary march, in fierce battle, in the varied duties which tax the vigilance, the spirit, and the patriotism of the soldier, they have never faltered, never failed.
No one can have looked on the bronzed faces of these veterans, with here and there a scar seaming the forehead or the cheek, and have seen the clear, proud expression, of their eyes and their firm and settled lips, or have noticed their elastic step upon the street, without feeling that this manly beauty, this high bearing, unrivalled in its matchless grace by any won in the drawing-room, was the result of an experience such as never before has come to the young men of our and. It has been given to them, hardly yet arrived at the prime of manhood, to have endured sufferings and performed service, in a war whose issues were never known before in the history of wars. They have been privileged to fight for a principle before which the petty aims of ambition, or even the noblest purpose of any other free republic in the past, seems tame and insignificant. They have struck for freedom to their countrymen, to the oppressed of their own land, and to the oppressed of all lands. They have struck sharp, swift, and repeated blows. Hardly a battle of importance has occurred in the East in which they have not taken an active and noble part. The history of such a part cannot fail to be stirring and valuable, and we are heartily glad to record the fact that it has been undertaken by so able a hand.