69th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Dedicated to its Noble Commander, Michael Corcoran, on his return home. Air: The Glorious 69th.
The Southerner's in fierce array against the Northmen bold,
When Irish voices rung on high, as in the days of old,
And, in one loud, united voice that rent the very sky,
They swore they'd put base Traitors down, and conquer them or die!
'Twas then the Gallant Sixty-Ninth, with spirits light and gay,
Cheered by the ones they dearly love, when marching down Broadway,
Went forth to meet the rebel foe, who would destroy the land,
That gave them birth and nurtured them, the dastard rebel band.
'Twas not to subjugate the South these Irish Braves went forth,
Nor emancipate their negroes, to satisfy the North,
But bring them back unto the laws, their noble Sires had made.
And place again, beneath our Flag, each Southern Renegade.
'Twas at the battle of Bull Run, when first they met the foe;
They charged the rebels with cold steel, and laid their columns low;
And, while the Northern ranks were broke, 'mid showers of shot and shell,
The Gallant Sixty-Ninth still stood, nor flinched, but nobly fell!
God bless the noble Corcoran, who led them on the field!
Against the odds of two to one, he fought, but could not yield;
For Corcoran, valiant Corcoran, the bravest of the brave,
Would fight to death, but ne'er retreat before a rebel knave.
God bless the Gallant Sixty-Ninth! God bless each manly heart!
They've done their duty faithfully, they acted well their part;
For, on the bloody battle-field, where lay their martyrs dead,
Was heard their wild and fierce hurrah, when Southern traitors fled.
As at the charge of Fontenoy, our brave men of to-day,
With Gallant Meagher, drove the foe, in terror and dismay;
For, at the battle of Fair-Oaks, as at the Seven-Pines
The Irish charge, with one wild yell, broke through the rebel lines.
A Cead Maille Failthe we give to thee, brave man,
Thou hero of the Sixty-Ninth, who nobly led the van!
With a hundred thousand welcomes, we grasp thee by the hand,
And proudly claim thee, Corcoran, brave son of Erin's land!
Hurrah! Hurrah for the Sixty-Ninth! how brave they look to-day,
With Gallant Corcoran at their head, as if to meet the fray;
God bless our Irish soldiers, in our hearts we shall entwine
The name of Michael Corcoran and the Gallant Sixty-Ninth!
Written expressly for Thomas L. Donnelly, Esq., and sung by him, with tremendous applause, at the New-Bowery Theatre.
By John Mahon. Air: Lanigan's Ball.
Of course, you've all heard of the Great Michael Corcoran,
That true Son of Erin, so brave in the strife;
The National cause he was ever a worker in,
And the Union to him was more precious than life;
When dastard Secession raised its dark crest upon
This Glorious Country, he answered her call;
And though, at the moment, he sorely was press'd upon,
He went off, right gladly, to open the ball.
Chorus: Then come to his Standard from ev'ry region, Boys,
Do not delay your response to his call;
His excellent band, the brave Irish Legion, Boys,
Will furnish the music at Corcoran's ball.
At that ball, there will be a Reception Committee, Boys,
Of Heroes who managed such parties before;
Thousands will go from our own Empire City, Boys,
And Professor McClellan will manage the floor;
T h e right kind or Partners, too, will be provided, Boys,
Muskets and bayonets, shot, powder and all;
We'll teach those who would have our Union divided, Boys,
The Skedaddling dance at Corcoran's ball.
There will be a beautiful order of dancing there,
Printed quite neatly with types made of steel;
'Neath your own Glorious Sunburst you'll all be advancing there,
To open the ball with a Virginia reel.
And, oh! but your Country with rapture will greet you, Boys,
When she hears of the glory you've won, one and all;
Hundreds of thousands will turn out to meet you, Boys,
And welcome you home from Corcoran's ball!
Come to the rescue, Boys, raise Erin's Flag on high;
Tear Treason's Emblem of villainy down!
Jeff Davis will view your appearance with agony,
And the Monster-Rebellion will flee from your frown.
The bright Star of Corcoran's Glory hath risen, Boys;
Hark to his music, brave Irishmen all!
He spent thirteen months in a Southern prison, Boys,
Forming plans to get up this ball.
His own 69th, who once fought so gloriously
That even the Rebels their prowess admired,
Are going again, and they'll surely victorious be;
For, their bosoms with virtue and honor are fired!
Much dances as these are their Nation's proclivity;
The music they love is the warrior's call;
Some of them passed many months in captivity,
Practising steps for Corcoran's ball.
Come to the ball, Boys; let us not linger now;
The music strikes up, choose your partners at once;
Let old Jeff Davis raise but his finger now,
And soon we'll be smashing his ugly old sconce.
Away with you now, Boys! your presence is needed;
Go with the man who would take no parole.
Irishmen! let not his call be unheeded;
Make Treason Skedaddle at Corcoran's ball!
H. DE MARSAN, Publisher. Songs, Ballads, toy books, paper dolls, small playing cards, molto verses, &c. No. 54 Chatham St., N. Y.
Air: The Flag of Our union. —By Eugene Johnston.
A song for our Flag, proudly waving on high,
The Emblem of the old Irish Nation;
Its Glorious Sunburst ever shall fly
With the Pennant of the Eagle, in station!
It's the Flag that we love, and by it we'll stand,
Till the bonds of Rebellion we sever,
And peace is restored to our dear adopted Land,
And Traitors are crushed forever and ever.
And Traitors are crushed forever!
When Treason's black Flag was raised in the land
By ruthless foe that did hate it,
And the Capitol threatened by a dastardly band
Who would have Washington's tomb desecrated,
The President called: and we rushed, hand in hand,
The bonds of Rebellion to sever,
And to fight for our home, our dear adopted land,
And crush out the Traitors forever and ever.
For to crush out the Traitors forever!
Brave Corcoran, our Leader, is again to take Command
To a Traitor he never shall yield;
As a patriot he's loved and honored through the land,
As he's hated by his foes on the field;
With a Legion of Irishmen, he'll bravely lead the van,
And give old Stone-wall Irish thunder;
He never yet did fail; he is the very man
To crush the Traitors asunder, asunder.
To crush the Traitors asunder!
H. DE MARSAN. Publisher of Songs, ballads, toy books, &c.
No. 54 Chatham Street, N. Y.
Dedicated to the 69th Regiment, N. Y. S. M.
Our gallant soldiers they are gone and left their friends to mourn,
To watch and pray, both night and day, their quick and safe return.
They are gone to face the enemy, and put Rebellion down;
May they return victoriously, and wear a Laurel Crown!
Our gallant soldiers they are gone to fight a glorious cause,
To defend the Flag and Union, the Government and its laws;
Kind Fortune, smile upon their brow, wher'ever they do go,
To never yield, upon the field, to any daring Foe!
Our gallant soldiers they are gone to the Battle-field of fame,
To defend the glorious Stars and Stripes, and put to flight, with shame,
Each proud Secession-Leader, with bayonet, sword and gun,
And make them pay severely for the Battle at Bull-Run!
The gallant Fire-Zouaves they fought like lions brave;
So did the Massachusetts most manfully behave;
Likewise the Twenty-Seventh their foes they did not shun;
But the glorious Sixty-Ninth was the terror of Bull-Run.
Long life to Captain Meagher, that Irish blood of fame,
Who wore the Harp and Shamrock upon the Battle-plain.
Who said unto his warlike men: Remember Fontenoy!
Then the whole, at large, with bayonet's charge, soon did their foes deploy.
The field of fame we did maintain against an enemy
Concealed in woods and ambuscades and their masked batteries,
Till Johnson, with his forces and the Black-Cavalry,
Turned our scale of battle, or we'd gain the victory,
When the gallant Colonel Corcoran lay prostrate on the ground,
Weary, and fatigued, and exausted [sic] from his wound,
He cried unto his gallant men: Brave Boys, I'm not undone,
We'll make them pay some other day for the Battle of Bull-Run.
Over ten long hours, we fought most manfully
Against four to one, a fearful odds of men we could not see,
Untill [sic], amongst our teamsters, a panic had begun;
Then we did retreat, but were not beat at the Battle of Bull-Run!
H. DE MARSAN, Publisher,
54 Chatham Street, New York.
The Vault of Calvary Cemetery has within the past few days received the remains of three more of the gallant fellows who, little more than a year ago marched out under the green banner of the Irish Brigade, full of life and energy, ...ed by the most fervent devotion to their adopted country, and hoping still, as only Irish hearts can, for the future of their native land.
The body of Lieutenant Charles Williams, of Co. C, 69th Regt., reached this city on Tuesday of last week, in charge of his brother, and was conveyed to his late residence, corner of Pearl and Vandewater sts., from whence his funeral took place the next day. The officers of the Brigade now in the city, wounded or on recruiting service, who were able to be present, attended the melancholy cortege to Calvary, where the deceased was interred. Lieut. Williams, we believe, was a native of Kerry. He was of a kind and urbane disposition, and was beloved by his brothers in arms for his many excellent qualities. He served with the Brigade through all the battles in which it was engaged, until the light at Antietam, in which he fell.
On Saturday morning the bodies of Captain P. F. Clooney, Co. E, 88th Regt., and Lieut. John Conway, Co. K, 69th Regt., arrived in charge of Quartermaster P. M. Haverly, 88th, and Mr. Martin, brother of Brigadier-Quartermaster Martin. They were enclosed in handsome metalic coffins, and were conveyed to the headquarters of the Brigade, 596 Broadway, where they laid in state until Sunday, when they were conveyed, with appropriate military honors, to Calvary. The funeral cortege was one of the most imposing we have witnessed in a long while. Twelve officers of the Brigade acted as pall-bearers, while the others, incapacitated from walking by their wounds, followed in carriages the long line of citizens who marched mournfully behind the hearses. The escort, as before, was furnished from Gen. Corcoran's "Irish Legion," and consisted of a detail of men of the 69th N. Y. S. M., under Capt. Dempsey. A large number of carriages closed the sad procession, which was headed by a line band. The funeral arrangements were under the direction of Mr. Nicholas Walsh, 6th Avenue, and were most creditably carried out. The coffins were draped with Irish and American flags, and the hearses, each drawn by four white horses, covered with the Stars and Stripes.
On reaching the Cemetery, the funeral service was performed by the Rev. Mr. Joyce; after which the coffins were taken to the receiving vault, where the escort delivered over them the soldier's last salute, and in a few brief moments the heavy iron doors shut from the gaze of their comrades the cases which contained the ashes of the brave. May their rest be peaceful.
The body of Captain Shanley had not arrived up to the time of putting our paper to press.
Elsewhere will be found a sketch of Captain P. F. Clooney. To that eloquent tribute from one who knew him in those moments of trial which develope all that is noble in the human character, it would be idle for us to add a single word; nor shall we attempt to do so.
Of his companion in death, however, we may, with propriety speak. Lieut. John Conway was born in Tuhamore, King's County, Ireland, and arrived in this country in 1840. Foremost among those who sprang to arms at the formation of Gen. Meagher's "noble little Brigade," he served in it with distinction and honor on every battle-field to the hour of his death; when, like many of his brave companions, he was struck down, on the 17th of September, at Antietam, leading his command to the charge. Courteous, affable, loving and truly brave—he was as much beloved in social life by all who knew him, as in camp by his fellow officers, who esteemed him as a "noble fellow," and mourn him to-day as an irreparable loss. Aged but thirty-six years, his young life is another sacrifice of Ireland for America, in the annals of which, as a staunch and trusty soldier, the name of John Conway should be cherished.
Irish-American Patriotism.
NEW YORK, October 11, 1862.
To the Editor of The Pilot:
Your correspondent presents to your readers this week brief sketches of some of the fallen heroes of—
Another gallant officer of the Irish Brigade has gone to his eternal rest. Captain Timothy L. Shanley, of Co. D, 69th Regiment N. Y. V., (Col. Robert Nugent), died in Frederick, Md., on Wednesday, Oct. 1, from injuries received in the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17. Captain Shanley was born in Ireland early in January, 1833, and was consequently twenty-nine years and nine months old at the time of his death. He had been a resident of Chicago for many years prior to the commencement of the present struggle, and had also been a lieutenant of the Shields' Guards of that city. The Guards served under Col. James A. Mulligan, in the Chicago Irish Brigade, in Missouri, and during the siege of Lexington won honorable distinction. Having been liberated on parole by the rebel leader, the Brigade returned home. When an exchange of prisoners was effected, Captain Shanley hastened to offer his services to General Thomas Francis Meagher, and the offer was eagerly accepted. A company was raised by him and annexed to the first Regiment of the Brigade, the 69th N. Y. V., Col. Nugent. At the head of this company the brave fellow took a prominent part in every action in Virginia, in which the Brigade was engaged. In the desperate battle of Malvern Hill he was severely wounded in the arm. He was allowed to go home until sufficiently recovered from his injuries to resume active duty. His reception in Chicago, in the latter part of last July, was most enthusiastic. During General Meagher's visit to this city, early in August, he was assigned to the recruiting service. Your correspondent had the honor of an introduction by the noble General to the gallant Captain, at the head-quarters of the Brigade, (then at the corner of Broadway and Walker street),—immediately after his arrival from Chicago. No thoughts of his early death entered our minds. The impression made by him on your correspondent was extremely favorable. He was rather under the medium height, of a well-knit frame, open, manly, countenance, fair complexion. He was very resolute in manner, yet had all the modesty of the true soldier. His noble General viewed him with evident partiality. On the 5th of August, at the Bleecker House, in this city, he was presented with a beautiful sword and field glass, as a recognition of his valuable services in Missouri and Virginia, by his friends and admirers. The presentation of the sword was made in a very complimentary manner, by Mr. James McCullough. Captain Shanley made a happy and characteristic acknowledgement. He closed with an earnest promise that when this war was crushed out, he would be ready to follow General Meagher to Ireland, and would never sheathe the sword till Ireland's wrongs were avenged and the Green once more above the Red. Poor fellow! The grass will soon be green above his sod grave. Captain Shanley rejoined his regiment prior to the evacuation of Harrison's Landing, and was constantly with his company, until fatally wounded in the shoulder on the battle-field of Antietam. He lingered in the hospital in Frederick until Wednesday, Oct. 1, when he breathed his last, in the presence of his afflicted wife and devoted brother in-law, who had been with him, from the time of receiving the news of his injury. His remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery of Frederick, Oct. 2. May his soul rest in peace.
The Firemen to Assist in the Reception of General Corcoran.
It is the wish of the firemen generally to turn out in honor of Brigadier General Corcoran, but want of time prevents a meeting of the engineers and foremen in season to make the necessary arrangements. However, Chief Engineer Decker proposes to remedy the mishap by issuing the following recommendation:—
NEW YORK, August 20, 1862.
Whereas the firemen of the city of New York have, from time immemorial, displayed their love to their native city by rendering their services voluntarily to the citizens of this metropolis, and their undying loyalty and fidelity to the government of the united States; and whereas the Common Council of the city of New York design giving Brigadier General Michael Corcoran and his companions such a reception as their services in the field and their sufferings in prison in the Union cause, so justly entitle them to; and whereas the firemen of the city of New York have been awarded by the Common Council such a position in the escort to meet the gallant officers alluded to as their good services merit; therefore, I recommend that the foremen do assemble in the Park, on Friday, the 22d inst., at two o'clock P. M., in uniform—fore cap, red shirt, black pantaloons and belt—without apparatus, for the purpose of taking such part in the ceremonies on the reception as we have been requested to do by the Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council of this city.
As the time specified is too short to call a formal meeting of the Board of Engineers and Firemen, I feel convinces that this unofficial call will be responded to in the same spirit in which it is made.
JOHN DECKER, Chief Engineer New York Fire Department.
Among the victims of the battle of Antietam was Lieutenant P. J. Kelly, of Company G, Sixty-ninth regiment New York Volunteers, who was struck down while leading his men under the hottest fire of the enemy. He was a brave and experienced officer, as well as a warm friend and genial companion, whose loss cannot he easily replaced. The funeral will take place from his late residence, Melrose, Westchester county, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. The deceased leaves a widow and five children.
The Funeral of Col. Doheny.
In our obituary notice of Col. Michael Doheny, published in yesterday's issue, it was erroneously stated that the funeral services would take place on Thursday instead of Friday morning at eleven o'clock. The services will, therefore, occur today, and preparations have been made to procure a military escort. Col. Martin Murphy, of the Phoenix Brigade, has issued the following order, which explains itself:—
Regimental Order No. 16.
Headquarters First Regiment Phoenix Brigade,
New York, April 3, 1862.
The officers of this regiment are hereby ordered to assemble, with side arms, at ten o'clock on Friday morning, 4th inst., at the Sixty-Ninth regimental armory, for the purpose of attending the funeral of the exiled and distinguished patriot Col. M. Doheny. The officers will proceed from the above armory in coaches. By order of
T. Leonard, Acting Adjutant.
The Board of Officers of the Sixty-ninth regiment held a meeting last evening, at their headquarters, and passed a series of resolutions of condolence, to be presented to the family of the lamented Colonel Michael Doheny. It was also resolved that the officers of the regiment assemble at their headquarters, at nine o'clock this morning, in full uniform, to attend the funeral.
The recruiting for Meagher's Irish Brigade has been eminently successful during the past week, and there is every hope that this gallant band of soldiers will soon be reinforced to the full number. Colonel Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth regiment New York State Volunteers, who has been on here for some time, for the double purpose of recruiting and benefiting his health, returns to his command to-morrow. The Colonel has been very much indisposed for the past few weeks, but is now nearly recovered. He has the good wishes of all with whom he is acquainted that his career in the field may be a prosperous one, and that the gallantry and efficiency which he has exhibited hitherto may be duly rewarded when occasion offers.
Corcoran Demonstration in Boston.
BOSTON, Feb. 5, 1862.
There was an immense and enthusiastic Corcoran demonstration in Faneuil Hall to-night. The old Cradle of Liberty was crowded to its largest capacity. Mayor Wightman presided, supported by sixty Vice Presidents.
The Mayor recited the circumstances attending the capture and imprisonment of Colonel Corcoran, and lamented that by the act of our government that noble man and the hostages with him were now imprisoned in a felon's cell, because we insist upon holding the prisoners of the Savannah as pirates, and not as prisoners of war. The new threat upon the lives of Colonel Corcoran and the others proved that this meeting was timely. He denounced in indignant terms the infamous demand made by Jeff. Davis that the bridge burners of Missouri should be placed upon the same footing with the hostages of Colonel A. O. Brewster, and made a stirring speech. He said it was pitifully said that these men should, by the action of the federal government, be held to eke out their lives in more than an Austrian prison. The President could do no more magnanimous act, none more popular, than to take measures for their immediate release.
Hon. Benjamin Hallett sent a letter, in which he claimed that the watchword should be, "Free Corcoran, free Wilcox and the other colonels." There were hopes for them now, for since the call for this meeting the Hattoras prisoners had been released from Fort Warren. Why not now send Barron back to release Colonel Corcoran? He contended that the Savannah prisoners were not pirates by any law of war. Mr. Hallett quoted a private letter, which stated that the hostages were confined in a cell seventeen feet by eleven; that for two months these brave men never saw the light of day, and yet they have never lost their Christian fortitude, nor suffered the first complaint to be made to the government. The exchange of prisoners was no concession. The President could not do an act more humane than to take immediate measures for the release of the hostage colonels.
Judge Russell said in time of war he knew not how to criticize the government; he only knew how to support it. He trusted the government would act more promptly for the release of Colonel Corcoran, and his fellow hostages, and the country would once more see that galant [sic] man at the head of his regiment, yea at the head of a brigade, an Irish brigade, doing deeds worthy of the field of Fontenoy. This bravo man was taken prisoner because there was one military movement he did not know how to obey—the order to retreat. He asked the release of Colonel Corcoran as a proper tribute of gratitude and justice for the services rendered by the adopted citizens in their hour of national peril.
Hon. John C. Tucker asked why it was that Boston called a meeting for Col. Corcoran's release, and his own almost native State had not? He would say it was not the fault of New York. In December last ex-Governor Clifford, of Massachusetts, Judge Dewing and Mr. O'Gorman, visited Washington and informed the government that a meeting of this character was to be held in New York, and they were told if they were to forego their intent, immediate steps would be taken for the release of the prisoners they wanted, and Colonel Corcoran is not yet released. He would say, however, act with great prudence, and not blame the government; it might be that these mighty measures were perfected for there release. He could not have the meeting act hastily. In the name of Irishmen, he said, let us not show ingratitude, and call only for the release of Colonel Corcoran, but for all the hostages with him. They are all in the same plight. There is no Irishman, no Yankee now. They will hear the same groans if they die, the same hospital, if wounded, and there is one thing, Irishmen will have for the next three generations at least, the stamp of true men.
A series of resolutions were reported asserting the regard of the adopted citizens of Massachusetts for the constitution and the Union, laudatory of Colonel Corcoran and his brave regiment, concluding with the following resolutions:—
Resolved, That it is the voice of this meeting that the President of the United States should take immediate steps to facilitate the liberation of the patient and uncomplaining Col. Corcoran and his fellow prisoners, and this they ask in the name of the thousands of loyal Irish citizens throughout the country, in the name of his dear kindred and faithful friends, and in the name of his sufferings. The resolutions were adopted by acclamation.
Resolved, That they be transmitted to the President of the United States, with the earnest request that he will interpose his executive power to obtain the release of Colonels Corcoran, Lee and others with them, now held as hostages in rebel prisons.
It being now half-past nine o'clock the Mayor announced that General Butler had asked permission to shelter the Maine Eighth regiment, which had just arrived, in the Cradle of Liberty.
The meeting was then dissolved, after three cheers for the Hon. Benjamin Butler. There were no less than four thousand persons who participated in this demonstration.
… Wednesday, Oct. 1, when he breathed his last, in the presence of his afflicted wife and devoted brother in-law, who had been with him, from. the time of receiving the news of his injury. His remains were interred in the Catholic Cemetery of Frederick, Oct, 2. May his soul rest in peace.
The Firemen to Assist in the Reception of General Corcoran.
It is the wish of the firemen generally to turn out in honor of Brigadier General Corcoran, but want of time prevents a meeting of the engineers and foreman in season to make the necessary arrangements. However, Chief Engineer Decker proposes to remedy the mishap by issuing the following recommendation:—
New York, August 20, 1862.
Whereas the firemen of the city of New York have, from time immemorial, displayed their love to their native city by rendering their services voluntarily to the citizens of this metropolis, and their undying loyalty and fidelity to the government of the United States; and whereas the Common Council of the city of New York design giving to Brigadier General Michael Corcoran and his companions such a reception as their services in the field and their sufferings in prison in the Union cause, so justly entitle them to; and whereas the firemen of the city of New York have been awarded by the Common Council such a position in the escort to meet the gallant officers alluded to as their good services merit; therefore, I recommend that the firemen do assemble in the Park, on Friday, the 22d inst., at two o'clock P. M., in uniform—fire cap, red shirt, black pantaloons and belt—without apparatus, for the purpose of taking such part in the ceremonies on the reception as we have been requested to do by the Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council of this city.
As the time specified is too short to call a formal meeting of the Board of Engineers and Foremen, I feel convinced that this unofficial call will be responded to in the same spirit in which it is made.
Chief Engineer New York Fire Department.
Among the victims of the battle of Antietam was Lieutenant P. J. Kelly, of Company G, Sixty-ninth regiment New York Volunteers, who was struck down while leading his men under the hottest fire of the enemy. He was a brave and experienced officer, as well as a warm friend and genial companion, whose loss cannot be easily replaced. The funeral will take place from his late residence, Melrose, Westchester county, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. The deceased leaves a widow and five children.
The Funeral of Col. Doheny.
In our obituary notice of Col. Michael Doheny, published in yesterday's issue, it was erroneously stated that the funeral services would take place on Thursday instead of Friday morning at eleven o'clock. The services will, therefore, occur to-day, and preparations have been made to procure a military escort. Col. Martin Murphy, of the Phoenix Brigade, has issued the following order, which explains itself:—
Regimental Order—No. 16.
Headquarters First Regiment Phoenix Brigade,
New York, April 3, 1862.
The officers of this regiment are hereby ordered to assemble, with side arms, at ten o'clock on Friday Morning, 4th inst., at the Sixty-ninth regimental armory, for the purpose of attending the funeral of the exiled and distinguished patriot Col. M. Doheny. The officers will proceed from the above armory in coaches. By order of
T. LEONARD, Acting Adjutant.
The Board of Officers of the Sixty-ninth regiment held a meeting last evening, at their headquarters, and passed a series of resolutions of condolence, to be presented to the family of the lamented Colonel Michael Doheny. It was also resolved that the officers of the regiment assemble at their headquarters, at nine o'clock this morning, in full uniform, to attend the funeral.
The recruiting for Meagher's Irish brigade has been eminently successful during the past week, and there is every hope that this gallant band of soldiers will soon be reinforced to the full number. Colonel Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth regiment New York State Volunteers, who has been on here for some time, for the double purpose of recruiting and benefiting his health, returns to his command to-morrow. The Colonel has been very much indisposed for the past few weeks, but is now nearly recovered. He has the good wishes of all with whom he is acquainted that his career in the field may be a prosperous one, and that the gallantry and efficiency which he has exhibited hitherto may be duly rewarded when occasion offers.
Twenty Thousand Enthusiastic Recruits.
Speeches of Mayor Opdyke, Gen. Corcoran, Gen. O. M. Mitchel, Gen. Busteed, Gen. Walbridge, Gen. Wright, Gen. Wetmore, Hon. Moses F. Odell, Hon. Arld, Hon. James Briggs, Col. Nugent, Hon. Luther Marsh,
Ethan Allen, and Others.
Munificent Donations and Promises for More.
Great Demonstration in Honor of Corcoran and His Old Regiment.
A Vigorous War Policy Demanded.
In response to a call Issued by His Honor the Mayor, in behalf of a Committee composed of the most influential men in the City, a vast concourse of people met in the Park yesterday afternoon.
As on other recent occasions, New-York astonished herself, furnishing scenes of thousands of citizens, at a day's call, who obeyed the rallying call of the Chief Magistrate, to consult together concerning the state of the nation, and plan for its assistance,
Three stands were erected in the Park; one—the Grand Stand—immediately fronting the centre of the City Hall, and obstructing the view of the Washington botch, and a second and a third on either side of the wings of the same building. About these stands was stationed a most efficient body of policemen, who, prior to the beginning of the meeting, kept the most absolute order, and held the enthusiastic citizens under a salutary discipline.
The stands were beautifully and patriotically decorated with the National ensign; garlands of flowers depended from the uprights; smaller flags hung from every possible staff; and a general winding up in the ever popular red, white and blue, caused each platform to appear cheerfully and intensely American.
Appropriate mottoes were used as facings to the stands, and the memorable words of JACKSON, WEBSTER and CLAY were again conspicuously brought to the notice of the people.
At the hour of 4, not more than ten thousand people had gathered around the Hall. The steps of that edifice, the immediate front of the stands, the roofs of contiguous houses, and the branches of the neighboring trees were well filled, but the body of the people were at the Jersey City Ferry, waiting for the arrival of Gen. Corcoran and the gallant Sixty-ninth, which, travel-worn and stained, was being ovated and hand-shaken on its homeward way.
At 4 1/2 o'clock the crowd had increased to perhaps 15,000 persons, mainly the bone and sinew, literally and not "so to speak," of the City. They cheered everybody, encored every patriotic air, and called aloud for speeches.
At this time a small procession, headed by His Honor the Mayor, left the City Hall, and, guarded by a deputation of the "Broadway Squad," approached
Hon. GEORGE OPDYKE, Gen. PRPSPER M. WETMORE, Gen. WALBRIDGE, MAJ. ZENAS K. PANGBORN, U. S. A., Gen. H. C. Bowen, Hon. Mr. ARNOLD of Illinois, Hon. MOSES F. OPDELL, and others, took positions upon the platform, when, in response to repeated calls,
GEN. WETMORE, in behalf of the Committee of Arrangements, said: FELLOW-CITIZENS: It is my privilege and my proudest duty to call this meeting to order. No meeting of American citizens ever met together at a crisis more imminent in the history of the country. [Cheers.] I do not count that you come here as loyal men to sustain the Government of your country, and to put down, once and forever, rebellion and treason. [Cheers.] The surest evidence that this country can give of its loyalty to the country and to its institutions, will be found in the character of the eminent magistrate whom I shall now nominate to preside over your deliberations. [Great cheering.] Fellow-Citizens: I nominate GEORGE OPDYKE, Mayor of New-York, to preside at this meeting.—[Cheers and hurrahs.] "Gentlemen," continued Mr. WETMORE, "is the proposition seconded?" [This was replied to by cries of "It is; of course it is; hurrah!"]
"Is it seconded?" the General asked again. "It is; yes, yes," was the response.
"As many, then," said the General, "as approve of the nomination, will say 'Aye.'"
There was a chorus of Ayes.
"Those who dissent will say 'No.'"
Not a "No" was uttered, and the nomination was announced to be unanimous.
The General declared that the nomination was carried without opposition, and informed the audience that the Mayor would take the chair.
The Mayor announced that Mr. NEHEMIAH KNIGHT would read the following list of officers, for their approval, which he did as follows:
A. T. Stewart, M. H Grinnell, M. Van Schaick,
J. D. P. Ogden, C. H. Marshall, John J. Phelps,
Robert T. Haws, Dan'l. Devlin, Edw. Pierrepont,
Nehem Knight, Hiram Barney, Isaac Bell,
Chas. P. Daly, Edwin Hoyt, Geo. W. Blunt,
Chas. H. Russell, R. F. Andrews, Wm. V. Brady,
D. F. Tiemann, Wm. Barton, Horace Greeley,
Bernhard Cohen, Moses Taylor, D. Dudley Field,
Cor. Vanderbilt, C. H. Luddington, Simeon Draper,
Peter Cooper, J. S. Bosworth, R. M. Blatchford,
Geo. Denison, Richard Busteed, James Brooks,
H. F. Davies, Fred. Kapp, J. A. Stevens, Jr.,
Jas. G. Bennett, Saml. Hotaling, Lewis Naumann,
Thos. Stevens, S. F. Knapp, D. E. Delevan,
M. O. Roberts, Saml. Wetmore, Ben. R. Winthrop,
S. Cambreleng, Wm. G. Lambert, Robt. L. Stuart,
Edwin J. Brown.
Ethan Allen, Fred. Sturges, Francis A. Stout,
Dr. P. Van Wyck, Geo. Wilson, A. S. Lathrop,
J. Howard, Jr., W. H. L. Barnes, Theodore Tilton,
Geo. F. Betts, Ed. A. Wetmore, Jos. H. Choate.
The officers were unanimously accepted, when
who was received with cheers, spoke as follows:
FELLOW CITIZENS: I shall not inflict on you a lengthy speech. The call for this meeting truly declares that the time for sneaking has passed, and that action, instant, earnest, united action is the duty of the hour. We have a country to be saved. Let us resolve that it shall be saved by the concentration of all our energies in the performance of this one great duty. [Cheers.]
Let us look the situation squarely in the face. For what are we fighting? It is for nothing less than National existence and the cause of civil liberty everywhere. An aristocracy, grounded on human servitude, has rebelled against a democratic Government, of which its members form numerically an insignificant part. Its only grievance is that the people, instead of bowing to its insolent dictation, have exercised the rights of freemen. Our would-be masters could not endure such temerity from men whom they have contemptuously called "mudsills." Rather than submit to equality with such, they turned traitors. They took up arms to destroy the Government and sever the Union, of which numerically they formed less than a fiftieth part. But by establishing a relentless despotism and sweeping conscription, the deluded and helpless non-slaveholders of their section have been swept, as by a whirlwind, into the ranks of their army. Aided by these appliances, they now confront us on the theatre of war with superior numbers. This must be changed--instantly changed--if we would save our honor and insure our triumph. How shall this be done? By following their example of conscription? Let the patriotism and manhood of freemen answer the question. In a life and death struggle between civil liberty and the prerogative of waste, it is natural that the armies of the latter should be filled by the iron scourge of despotic power; but the defenders of liberty should be impelled by their own free wills and manly hearts. The cause we fight for is as righteous and as essential to human progress and happiness as any that ever unsheathed the warrior's sword. We fight for the rights of the people, and in defence of liberty, order and law. The best interests of humanity are involved in the issue, and our failure would cast a dark shade over the future of the race. But there must be no such word as fall. To avoid it, however, there must be no hesitancy in the rush to arms. Every man who can fight should promptly and cheerfully tender his services to the Government; and every man of means should contribute liberally to those who volunteer, and for the support of their families. We should all imbibe something of the noble sentient that the gallant CORCORAN has uttered. He declares that no inducements, however strong, "not even the fee simple of Broadway," would restrain him from the battle-field. [Applause.] Such a spirit as this demands not merely a Brigade but a Division, and I trust a division will be forthcoming. [Cheers,] If a spirit like his animated us all, we might celebrate our final triumph over the rebellion at our next annual Thanksgiving. Let us try to emulate this spirit, and by united, vigorous effort, save the honor of our City by avoiding the necessity of a draft. We are behind other portions of the State, and behind many of our sister cities. This must be changed. Let us, under the promptings of a common patriotism, unite in an earnest effort to send to the field a force that will overwhelm this malignant rebellion; and let us do it voluntarily, as freemen should who are worthy to be free. [Great Applause.]
When the cheering, which followed the Mayor's speech, had subsided, he informed the audience that the resolutions which had been prepared for the meeting, would be read by Gen. WETMORE, who then attempted to read the resolutions, but was interrupted by the sounds of a drum, and the immediate and thundering hurrah and shout which announced that
Under the circumstances, it was deemed wise to wait until the troops had taken their station, and for a few moments there was nothing done but to cheer and shout, and hurrah, and be glad for the safe return of the "Boys with the Green Flag."
At last they came. First rode Lieut. CONNOLLY at the head of the escorting troop of horse, followed by Gen. CORCORAN and his officers, in turn followed by the regiment. The General rode a fine gray stallion superbly caparisoned, and looked himself every inch a soldier. The men walked erect, and with proud deport, bearing their guns with fixed bayonet, and on their backs the heavily laden knapsack. They looked every inch the soldier, too, and dirty ones at that, for they were covered with dust, begrimed and travel-stained, as are their flags, but crowned as well with glory, and happy in the enjoyment of the respect of their fellow-citizens.
Following Gen. CORCORAN, were the civic dignitariese [sic], our City Fathers, accompanied by THURLOW WEED, Esq., a number of Catholic clergymen, Col. NUGENT, of the Sixty-ninth Volunteers, recruits and ex-members of the Old Sixty-ninth.
Gens. WALBRIDGE and KNIGHT left the stand, and as a Committee, received Gen. CORCORAN and brought him upon the platform. His appearance there was the signal for an enthusiastic demonstration by the multitude who at this time must have numbered at least 30,000, and who cheered louder, longer and more lustily than ever before.
At this moment the scene from the stand was most exciting. The vast crowd had broken all barriers and sweeping up like the waves of the sea, had swallowed up policemen, soldiers and all, and stood shouting, red-faced and cheery, in honor of their friend, whose military career, so well commenced promises to be most brilliantly successful.
Gen. Wetmore, after awhile, remounted the platform and announced that after he had read the
Gen. Corcoran would speak. This made the boys good-natured, and the reading was done as follows:
1. Resolved, That in this struggle for our Nation's existence, we here solemnly pledge our faith, our fortunes, our lives and our honor; that this rebellion shall be crushed, and the National soil redeemed from every taint of treason. [Great applause.]
2. Resolved, That, inasmuch as property in the loyal States is valueless should the rebellion succeed, we call on the moneyed and other corporations to contribute largely to the recruiting funds, and to every effort for suppressing the rebellion. [Enthusiastic applause.]
Resolved, That, up to the 13th day of September we request that all places of business, so far as possible, be closed on each day at 3 o'clock P. M. [cheers.) to enable loyal citizens to carry forward volunteering, and perfect themselves in military drill, [Applause.]
4. Resolved, That any interference on the part of foreign Powers in the great contest for the existence of our free institutions, will be regarded by our people and treated by our Government as a declaration of war.
5. Resolved, That we most earnestly urge the President of the United States to authorize Gen, MICHAEL CORCORAN [three cheers for CORCORAN,] to recruit a legion of twenty thousand men, to be under his command, and to fight with him for the land of our adoption or our birth, and for the flag which symbolizes everything we cherish in national pride, and everything we love in national freedom. [Cheer upon cheer.]
6. Resolved, That as we cherish that national pride and love that national flag, so will we do our utmost to plant that flag on every foot of United States' soil, and make this home of the brave the land of the free, [Immense applause.]
The resolutions were, of course, adopted unanimously, and
was then introduced by the Mayor, who said;
"Fellow-citizens, I feel that we have a man among us who needs no introduction at my hands—a man whom it is a pleasure to esteem, to know, and to respect throughout these United States. I present to you Gen. CORCORAN."
It was long before he could be heard. The excited crowd would brook no interference with their rights, He was an Irishman, and so were they to a great extent, and they didn't know why they should be kept from his side. They rushed towards the stand, they screamed themselves blind, they demanded the most extravagant honors for their favorite, they invoked the blessing of the Infinite upon him and his men, they swore he was a hero, they kissed the green flag, hugged the soldiers, all tattered and torn, and they made such an uproar that it was as idle to speak to them as it would be to address a herd of buffaloes.
Quiet being in a measure—small one—restored, the General spoke as follows:
FELLOW-CITIZENS: The call for this meeting proclaims that the time for discussion is past, and that the time for action has arrived. This is the appropriate sentiment, and, in accordance with that sentiment, I stand here before you, and the Sixty-ninth Regiment stand here too—["Hurrah," and cheers]—ready to take action, in common with our fellow-citizens, for the immediate and speedy suppression of the rebellion. ["Hear, hear," and cheers.] The City of New-York, I know, is not ashamed of the Sixty-ninth—["No, no," and cheers]—and the Sixty-ninth feel justly proud to be identified with the patriotic citizens of this great Empire City; and they come here, Mr. Mayor, not to loiter but to reorganize; not to desert, but to fill up their ranks to their full standard, and, whilst determined never to give up the cause of their country, are equally bent on continuing to do it every service in their power—desirous of seeing their families, it is true—wishing, as I know, to return here with me to see their families and their friends, and equally resolved to return with me from the seat of war to see you again. [Cheers.] We have amongst us, perhaps, some few who think that the rebellion has now assumed gigantic proportions and that we ought to let them go. To these men there is only one answer, and that is the answer of the people of this great City, and of this nation, to the world, that never, until the last man is lost and the last dollar expended, shall we cease our efforts until this rebellion is crushed,
Let us take a review of how this rebellion stands. For thirty years, at least, those men have been plotting against our institutions. During that time they have beep preparing themselves for the opportunity to strike the blow. The opportunity came, pephaps [sic], sooner than they anticipated.. We made the opportunity and we forced them to act before they felt ready—but enough. They were much more ready than we were; and, when we went forth to meet them, we went forth like a father going to chastise his disobedient child, and we found that the child would act so unruly that we must deny him, as it were, the absurdities which he claimed. [Cheers]
Now, I grant that the rebellion has assumed gigantic proportions; but what have we been doing? [Cheers.] Admit that we have assumed gigantic proportions, the most immense of any country on the face of the earth, and we are better prepared to meet the enemy than any country ever was on the face of the earth. [Cheers.] The Government is now prepared to meet and to prosecute this war with vigor. You are willing to support [sic] it, to prosecute this war with unabated vigor, and to contribute to this war with the last dollar you have in your possession. [Cheers.] Now, further, how is it to-day? We have strong foot-holds in all the Southern Slates except one or two, and, with a noble and cordial response in answer to the call of the President of the United States, we find that it brings forth these 600,000 volunteers, and I am satisfied that before six months roll by this rebellion will be forever crushed. [Immense applause.] I feel the most infinite pride in looking at this meeting to-day. It will send a thrill of joy throughout this nation when they read of this immense gathering of freemen in this Empire City of the Empire State, which has so nobly done its duty; and I say to you, that no matter how many battles the Southern people may have won, they cannot hope of any prominent success while you present an undivided front to them while you show them that you are determined that we must be the possessors of every inch of soil of this continent, and that, too, before this war ceases. [Cheers.] I have spoken everywhere, where I have spoken publicly at all, in favor of the President being invested with the fullest authority at this crisis, because I have full confidence in him as the representative of the people. I believe in the people of this City—[Cheers.]—and I believe that in expressing my views I represent them in this particular—[Cheers]—that they will agree with me when I say that I do not believe that at this day any "ism" should be introduced into this war in favor of the Constitution, and that nothing but the Union and Constitution should be introduced into this war—nothing more and nothing less, [Cheers.] I like to assert my own principles and my own views, because I think the time has arrived for every man to ascertain his own principles and his own views. The man who is not with us now is against us. No one half-way about it. [Cheers.] If men are not coming up to fight with us, let them come out and spend their money in the cause. [Great cheering.] I know there are men in the country who are willing only to enjoy our prosperity; but call upon them in our difficulties, and where are they? They are skedaddling off. [Loud laughter.] I am glad that the opportunity has arrived when the country can know its friends; and I am glad that the hour has arrived, when, as Irishmen, we can say from this platform, that we have something to show, by way of practical illustration, of our devotion to preserve the integrity of this glorious Constitution and Union, and that we will ever use our efforts to maintain them, until this glorious country is redeemed from the thraldom of JEFF. DAVIS and his associates. [Loud cheers.] And. gentlemen, I know that it is unnecessary for me to tell the people of this great City of what their duty is in this important crisis. From the first, every Irish heart has beat proudly, fondly and heartily for the cause, and the Irish, I am confident, will never cease their exertions until that cause be won. [Cheers.] It is useless for me to tell you of the black reign of terror and despotism which weighs over the people of the Southern country, and which has now forced them into, apparent unity, as it were, in battle array against you. [Cheers.] They are endeavoring to attack and defeat our troops before it is possible for our people to respond to the last call of the President and Government for reinforcements; but, thank God, they are frustrated. [Cheers.] We are already almost prepared to meet them, and before they can advance five miles more toward Washington, we shall have 500,000 men more, and the Irish Brigade will be there to support them. [Loud cheering.]
Fellow-citizens, as I announced in the commencement of my remarks that the call of this meeting had plainly spoken my sentiments, that the time for mediation had passed and the time for action was at hand, I beg to add that the Sixty-ninth Regiment is here—that they are tired and fatigued—that they wish to retire to their quarters, and afterward to have an opportunity of rejoining their friends. [Cheers,]
I have only time to say that the Sixty-ninth recruiting offices will be open in a few days. They will open in every prominent locality in. the City.
And it may be as well for me to say that I shall make no national distinction in the selection. I shall extend the right hand of fellowship to the American-born; I will even take the hand of the Know-Nothing and the Black Republican, or any man of any other "ism." [Laughter and cheers.] Gentlemen, allow me to thank you for your patience, and permit me to retire. [The speaker retired amid much applause.]
After the normal uproar which followed the speech of Gen. Corcoran had partially subsided, Gen.Wetmore introduced his old friend and the public's old friend,
Who has been making speeches since the war began, and who was received with evidences of popular favor. After a short speech he presented the following resolutions:
1. Resolved, That any man fails to properly comprehend the great crisis through which the nation is now passing who does not realise [sic] that God himself is manifest in the moral and political phenomena which this great, loyal, intelligent people have thus far constantly displayed in sustaining constitutional representative Government, when assailed with arms and violence by traitors who have most largely enjoyed its benefits and protection.
2. Resolved, That each seeming disaster has only more fully developed a higher courage, a loftier patriotism, a more thorough and invincible determination, and a more sublime devotion on the part of the loyal, patriotic masses, for the preservation of the Union, for freedom and for free government.
3. Resolved, That in all these great events we recognize the wisdom of Providence in disciplining and educating this vigorous young nation for the high destiny confided to it of forever placing on an enduring basis individual and public liberty, and we conscientiously believe that, without this chastening discipline, we should now have been weakened by divided counsels, by conflicting opinions and unformed purposes, and the world would never have witnessed the sublime spectacle upon the altar of patriotism of the voluntary tender of more than a million of our hardy, patriotic, loyal sons, and the entire resources of more than twenty millions of an active enterprising and industrious population, to quell this infamous rebellion and preserve the national existence; that if they fall, other men, still waiting, equally patriotic, shall hasten to avenge their death; all we ask in return is the restoration of our glorious Union; the right to hear, at the earliest possible moment, every incident that marks the varying fortunes of the struggle; the prudent husbandry of our resources, the most rigid and vigilant economy in every department of the Government; that our brave and unrivaled troops be led by experience, skill and valor; that courage, capacity and fidelity be promptly rewarded; that partisan objects be banished while we are saving the national life, treason forever annihilated, traitors summarily punished, the Union preserved, the Constitution inviolable; any foreign interference promptly met with decisive, unequivocal, energetic resistance, and every disturbing element swept with the boson of destruction that con in any degree interrupt the tranquillity [sic] of the Republic, as it again becomes the acknowledged representative of constitutional, well-regulated liberty in every quarter of the globe.
The Mayor then put the resolutions to the vote and they were vociferously adopted, after which Mr. CHARLES GOULD offered the following
Resolved, That the following citizens, namely, Geo. Opdyke, Peter Cooper, Charles Gould, Moses H. Grinnell, D. Dudley Field, Alex. T. Stewart, Prosper M. Wetmore, Richard D. Lathrop, Michael Corcoran, William Orton, J. Austen Stevens, Nehemiah Knight, Isaac Sherman, Abram Wakeman, Andrew Carrigan, R. M. Blatchford, James W. White, W. Curtis Noyes, David Dows, A. C. Richard, Terence Farley, Samuel Sloan, Edwards Pierrepont, Jonathan Sturges, H. W. T. Mali, be a "National War Committee," (with power to add to their number and fill vacancies,) to represent the people of the City of New-York in all that relates to obtaining and using the means for a vigorous prosecution of the war and a speedy destruction of the rebellion.
This was unanimously adopted, when the Mayor announced that he had just received a very interesting
from a gentleman of the City, which, he had no doubt, would prove more interesting than all the speeches, and proceeded to lead it, as follows:
NEW-YORK, Aug. 27, 1862.
Sir: On behalf of the American Bank Note Company, I hand you a check for $2,000, to be applied in raising volunteers to put down the rebellion, and to maintain the Constitution and the Union,
Let New-York furnish her quota and avoid the necessity of a draft. Very truly yours,
TRACY R. EDSON, President.
To Hon. GEO. OPDYKE, &C., &C.
After this Gen. WETMORE announced that His Honor the Mayor had authorized him to tender the sum of $1,000 to the Committee for the same purposes. This was greeted with hearty cheers, and the people waited for more.
Gen. WALBBRIDGE was then added to the Committee.
Gen. WETMORE announced
Member of Congress for Brooklyn, who spoke substantially as follows:
FELLOW-CITIZENS: In other days, now passed, our people have assembled here for various objects. But never before has any one assemblage been of equal importance with this. Here we all stand—the lawyer, the carpenter, the laborer, shoulder to shoulder, and what for? For the Union! That's what I'm here for. I wish the President of the United States, an honest man, was here to see this assemblage. I wish he had his Cabinet here with him, and I would say, Sir, as the humble representative of this great mass, we demand of you, the President of the United States, that the armies in Virginia shall move onward—[cheers]—and that they shall not cease moving onward until this old flag shall wave in triumph from the rebel Capital. [Cheers.] And those are the sentiments of every loyal man here, and every loyal man in the City, and I do say that we, the people, have the right thus to speak to him, for we put him where he is and gave him his power. We, of New-York, have early done our duty, and we continue to do it cheerfully. When Mr. CHASE wants money, he goes to the railroad office and buys a through ticket for this City, and when he gets here, he gets his money here, and therefore we have a right to say the armies must go on. And the armies ought not to stop at Richmond, but should go on to the very Gulf—and, Sir, we will not be satisfied till the flag floats from the flag-staff of Sumter. [Applause]. The force against us is mighty in malevolence and in numbers. We have a duty to perform, each one of us. We have grown rich here, and made fortunes here, and now our country wants our money and our fortunes. I say to the men of wealth give up some of your treasure to keep the families of our brave soldiers from starving. [Good, good.] We want the spirit which pervades the soldiers in the field, to pervade the breasts of the people at home. Now, I hope every man in this City will do his duty.—the rich and the poor, side by side, each his best, and then this rebellion will certainly be crushed; and when your regiments return, as return they will victorious, I want to be here to see them march up Broadway, to the cheers and hearty congratulations of their fellow-citizens, who will say to them, "Well done, good and faithful brethren; you have done your duty. God bless you, now and forever!" [Hearty applause.] Gen. Wetmore then read the following letter from Gen. Wm. H. Seward.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26, 1862.
Gen. Wetmore: I am directed by the President to express his sincere regret that owing to imperative engagements he cannot be at New-York to-morrow.
It will be impossible for me to attend your meeting. But why should it be necessary? If disunion shall prevail, New-York, so far as its assumed destiny is concerned, will cease to be. It is for New-York itself to decide whether disunion shall prevail.
Faithfully yours, WILLIAM H. SEWARD.
Gen. Prosper M. Wetmore.
which had been standing in the broiling sun all this time, and which had become completely engulfed in the surrounding crowd, now began to prepare to move on.
Gen. CORCORAN left the stand, saluted by cheers and followed by some thousand people, more or less, who pulled his hand, his coat or his sword, and, failing in these, his horse's tail, and mounting his steed, forced his way through the admiring but dreadfully crowded mass, and placing himself at the head of the regiment, gave the order to march. The scene of confusion which followed can't be told. Like an inebriated swarm of bees, like a frightened nest of worms, the people twisted here and there, squirmed in and out, and involved themselves in a series of scrimmages, fights, rows and miscellaneous pushings and haullings, the like of which has rarely been known in this orderly city.
All seemed good-natured, and that was part of the mystery. Finally, the last of CORCORAN and his men were away, and the meeting proceeded, with the introduction of
M. C. for Illinois. Mr. ARNOLD made a clear and forcible speech in favor of enlistments. He compared the doings of the West with those of New-York, reviewed the present position of affairs, and concluded with an eloquent eulogy upon the heroism, the patriotism and the zeal of the troops of the Union, He was followed by
State Agent of Ohio, and formerly member of Congress for that State.
Mr. BRIGGS, who is one of the most popular of our resident orators, gave one of his very best-considered speeches, filled with go-aheadism, and abounding in points most pleasing to the Irish-born citizen, and calculated to aid in a very material way the progress of recruiting. He gave some very interesting statistics concerning the comparative number of men furnished by Illinois, Ohio and New-York, and concluded with an earnest and eloquent appeal to the masses before him to enlist, at once and without delay.
WM. ROSS WALLACE then read, in an impassioned manner, and with great effect, an ode, of which this verse is a part, and for the whole of which we regret that we have no room:
"See! to the hero's mighty cry
Brave Elin's 'sun-burst' glitters by!
See KOSCIUSKO'S children beam
Again by Freedom's rushing stream!
Behold the gallant sons of France
Rush with LAFAYETTE'S olden lance!
See great GERMANIA'S sword and lyre
Leap to the fight with song and fire!
And hark!—with these the native born,
To Washington, they shout reply—
Honor's broad glory on each brow,
And will in every eye."
The President then introduced
of the Sixty-ninth Volunteers, who was received with great enthusiasm, and said:
Order! Just keep still for a moment. I have only a few words to say to you. I will be very brief. This meeting has been called by His Honor the Mayor.
First in that call is the requirement that it is to fill up the veteran regiments of the New-York volunteers. I am a little interested in that. I suppose you are aware that I belong to the Irish Brigade. [Cheers.] That is a brigade that has done credit to the City of New-York. [Cheers.] The Sixty-ninth, the regiment that I had the honor to lead through seven hard days' fighting, wants a few days to recruit, and I think I see a good many faces here prepared to say, "Col. NUGENT, I will join your regiment to-morrow," [Cheers.] Now, let every man of you in favor of raising the Irish Brigade just raise your hand [cheers and raising of hands.} and I will enlist you all right away. [Cheers.] There are some other regiments of the brigade that want recruits. You can join them, too. I am satisfied, however, that there are enough men here to fill up our first brigade. [Cheers,] There are, also, some decimated regiments where you are all wanted, and where you all may be put, and which you will, have no doubt, heartily join, and make as efficient as before. [Loud cheering.]
After Col. NUGENT retired, the President said: Gentlemen, I have heard that during the recent Peninsular battles, the New-Jersey Brigade conducted itself with great coolness and efficiency. They were well led, and I have the pleasure of introducing to you the man who led them, in the person of
of New-Jersey, who spoke substantially as follows:
The Governor remarked that he was not aware that he could make himself distinctly heard by such a large body of his fellow-citizens. [Cries of "Try it,"] but he was obliged to thank them from the bottom of his heart for the indulgence they had extended to him, Jerseymen would say to New-York that while it (the latter) excelled them in point of numbers, it did not excel them in point of patriotism, and every Jerseyman felt himself, in that particular, to be the equal of at least five Mew-Yorkers. In America the men were free. Let us be intelligent, he said, and we secured the right to be free. He trusted for the honor of the great State that New-York would never have it said of her that she sent a conscript to the war, and that, by our unfaltering performance of our duties as American, citizens and patriots, we would prove ourselves to be the admiration and the model of the whole world. New-Jersey was true to the Union. Let the Union be perpetual. Let not the sun of heaven ever shine on an enslaved land. We can make no terms with traitors who have arms in their hands, until we force them back into fealty. [Cheers.]
As a fit representative of the Yankee who can whip the world and feed the people while he whips them,
of the United States army, and formerly of the Atlas and Lee, of Boston, was introduced. Maj. PANGBORN'S bright, pithy, humorous, jolly and effective speech was one of the incidents of the gathering, and did execution beyond a doubt. For it we have no room. He kept his vast audience in the best of moods for half an hour, and then gave way for
the "Irish-Dutchman," who made a very funny Celtic-Teutonic address in favor of instantaneous and universal enlistment, which kept the crowd in a continual roar for many minutes.
The hour of 7 was now reached, but the list of good speakers and the patience of the long-standing audience were by no means wearied. Several gentlemen, for whose good efforts we have no room, spoke patriotically, and were received enthusiastically, after which the vast throng dispersed, singing, cheering and shouting for the Union, the Constitution and the maintainance [sic] of the laws.
CHARLES GOULD called the meeting to order, and nominated ANDREW CARRIGAN as President, who was unanimously chosen.
Mr. R. D. LATHROP nominated the following, who were likewise elected
A. A. Low, Josiah Sutherland, Elijah F. Purdy, Henry J. Raymond, Wilson G. Hunt, Shepherd Knapp, Charles King, Wm. H. Leonard, John A. Stevens, Sneridan Shook, Wm. E . Dodge, Wm. B. Taylor, Joseph B. Varnum, Jr., Royal Phelps, Wm. H. Anthon, Wm. M. Evarts, Richard B. Connolly, John J. Bradley, R. H. McCurdy, A. C. Richards, John Dimon, Richard F. Carman, James B. Nicholson, Edwin Bergh, Geo. W. Quintard, Benjamin F.
Manierre, S. B. Chittenden, Egbert Starr, James S. T. Stranahan.
Henry J. Barney, T. B. Wakeman, Frank Shepherd, Wm. E. Dodge, Jr., Wm. Coster, Andrew R. Trotter, John A. Foster, Frank W. Ballard, Cephas Brainerd, Nat. Wood Howell.
The same resolutions read at the other stands were here passed, amid uproarious enthusiasm.
Major-Gen. ORMSBY M. MITCHEL was the first speaker introduced, and was received with enthusiastic applause. He spoke as follows:
FELLOW-CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK: It gives me the greatest pleasure once more to meet the upturned faces of my loyal countrymen. [Applause.] It is a long while since I had the pleasure of meeting my loyal countrymen. For nearly nine months, you will remember, I have been sunk deep among the enemy. I was surrounded by them on all sides, and the multitudes I have met there was the multitude in arms against the flag of our country, and ready to strike down, if it might be, that sacred banner. But, thank God, that under my eye that has not been done. [Applause.] I have little to say to you to-day. The time for talking, my friends, has passed by. The time for long speeches and argument, and figures of rhetoric has gone. We want now the bayonet. We want now the thunder of cannon. [Hear, hear.] We want now the marching and tramping of squadrons. [Applause.] We want now the array of armed troops, of battallions [sic] and regiments moving forward to head the phalanx, to crush and grind to powder the armed resistence [sic] of the enemy. [Applause.] That is what we want, and that is what we are to have. We are engaged in the grandest conflict that the world has ever known. [Hear.] We are to-day fighting the battles of the liberty of the world. [Applause.] We are my friends, I tell you, engaged in the most stupendous struggle that the world has ever known. Go back to those struggles of the French Revolution. They were nothing to the struggles in which we are engaged to-day. We are fighting the battle of freedom of the whole world, and I am sorry to tell you that we shall be compelled to fight it single-hand-ed and alone. [Applause.] Are you ready to sustain that flag? ["Yes."] Are you ready to-day, though the whole world is arrayed against you, to die in de-fence of that cause? ["Good, good."] Are you ready, I ask? ["Yes,"] Give me your response. Say Yes, call us to the battle-field, call us to sustain it; call us anywhere. Say what you may; ask of us our sons, ask everything of us and we give all to God and our country. [Applause, and a voice—"I have three sons in the Union army."] Last evening I had almost decided not to speak to you to-day, but this afternoon II took up the London Globe newspaper and read a speech made in Sheffield at a great banquet given by Lord Palmerston—a speech made by a member of the House of Commons, Mr. Roebuck. ["Three groans for him."] And now, my friends, I want to tell you what Mr. Roebuck said at that meeting. I beg you to listen, for it is extremely important. He said, in the first place, that he had no sympathy with the North, and that this struggle because of the cause was unrighteous and could not succeed. Now let me answer Mr. ROEBUCK in two words. [A voice—ROEBUCK, the wasp, sir; that is his name.] I tell you that our cause is one of necessity. What prompting have we to lift our hands against the South? We lose in the first place $300,000,000, which they owe us. In the next place we lose $300,000,000, which we should have made last year without the war by trade with them. We lose $1,000,000,000 by the expenditures of the war to keep up our armies. It costs us blood without limit, and, what are we fighting for? I tell you it is for a grand principle. It is for the liberty of the world. It is for the integrity of the nation. If this integrity is destroyed, you will have witnessed the death-blow to humanity. [Applause.] But, Mr. ROEBUCK tells us that if the United States are divided, it will be for the benefit of England. There he shows the cloven foot. What destroys the United States, will be for the benefit of England. We have been too insulting. We have been too strong. We have taken John Bull by the throat and compelled him to do justice, by telling him that we would shake him until he did us justice. [Applause.]
At this point Gen. MITCHEL was compelled to desist speaking, in order to allow those present to participate in the, "Welcome of the gallant Sixty-ninth Regiment, just passing the stand. At the expiration of a few minutes, amid renewed cheering, the General continued as follows:
Nothing, my friends, could have given us greater gratification than to see again the brave Sixty-ninth Regiment and the gallant CORCORAN. [Cheers.] Sixteen months ago I met Col. CORCORAN at Annapolis Junction, on his way to Washington City, where I had the honor of dining with him and his Staff, and with many officers of that regiment you know as patriot soldiers. You know that he has suffered for us and for his country. You know how he has resisted the efforts of the enemy, and their offers to induce him to accept a parole and leave his loathsome prison. You know how he has at last triumphed, and you know how to receive a noble hero suffering in the cause of liberty and of his country. [Applause.] Let him go on. You have made him a Brigadier. You have offered him a brigade of four regiments—give him at once forty regiments, and let it be done at once. [Applause.]
But I was telling you of the probability we have of meeting in this struggle the envy and hatred of the aristocracy of the Old World. I tell you that ROEBUCK was attempting to turn the honest, upright people of England against us. I tell you that the division of this country England will be proud) to see. But, I tell Mr. ROEBUCK, that when he begins the game of separation and dividing, it is a game that two can play at. [Tremendous cheering.] The integrity of our country is sacred, and we will preserve it at every hazard and every risk. We will give our lives, our blood, our money—all we have got, to protect it, because we know that in the division of this country we die. We die—literally and absolutely, we die. Not a physical death, but die a death of utter contempt and degradation. [Applause.] Suppose we give it up? Suppose the South, with smaller resources, should triumph over us, with greater resources? Could you look an honest man in the face? ["No! No!"] If that should take place, I would advise you as I did a friend of mine who thought of going abroad to run away from the disturbances in his section of the country. I asked him: "Have you been down to the brass-founders to get you a mask? Make it an inch thick, or the heat of the blush of shame will melt the metal and expose you to the contemptuous gaze of everybody on the other side of the water." [Applause and laughter.] Mr. ROEBUCK says we cannot make friends with the South.
A voice—"With the North."
Gen. MITCHEL—I beg your pardon, Sir, he said the North. He said the Southerners were gentlemen, English gentlemen and their descendants, and that the North was composed of the scum and refuse of Europe. ["Shame."] This is his language: "With the South you can make friends. They are Englishmen. They are not the scum and refuse of Europe." The only meaning of that language is that the North are such. Let me tell you again, it is nothing but the envy and hatred of English Aristocracy of American Democracy; and I tell you that we have got to meet it everywhere—in England or elsewhere—and I ask you now are you prepared to meet it and to defy it? ["Yes, yes,"] I devote my life to this conflict. God knows I have nothing to live for now but my country. I care for nothing else. Sixteen months ago, in the presence of a multitude in Union square, I laid down my life, to be offered if necessary, on the altar of my country. I will give all willingly to defend my country, [Applause.] The less strength; the best power; all that I have got. [Three cheers for Geo. MITCHEL.] Now, my friends, that is all very well. What do you cheer me for? [VOICES—"Your sentiments," "your services," &c.] If you like the sentiment enact it. Perhaps you will say it is hard to leave my wife, my children, Yes, it is hard. But you must do it. [VOICE—"We are doing it."] The President has called for 300,000 men; he has added to that number 300,000 more. Let the 600,000 be forthcoming at once. Let them be freely offered. The result cannot then be doubtful. Let us be united. The South is now perfectly cemented, while we are to a certain extent divided. But we are coming together every day. The battle must be fought, and let me tell you how. It must be fought with armies—with brigades and divisions—on the battle-held, and then we will hunt the enemy wherever we can find him, and destroy him wherever he is found. There is to be no more dallying, no more hesitation in this matter. I know JEFFERSON DAVIS, and can appreciate the tyranny which he has established over the South. I know that when the South is disenthralled, there will be found many who will rejoice at the return of the old flag—the sovereignty of the Constitution and the glorious Union. ("Applause.] Make up your minds to enlist, every one of you. Don't do it as a mere matter of pleasure. War is a mighty serious business. Solemnly serious. Do it thoughtfully, determinedly; and, when you make up your minds, and say "I am going to be a soldier," be willing to perform a soldier's duty. You will have to give up wife and children. I have had to do it. Let not your children grow up and upbraid you by saying, "Father, if we had only been men during the time of the rebellion, we would have fought and died; would have given everything, rather than have endured the ignominy, contempt and degradation of defeat." That's what you have got to meet—right square. What do you decide—glory, or possibly death, in the armies of your country, or despisal, ignominy and contumely? There is no use waiting longer. There is liberty, glory and your country's emancipation on the one side, and contempt, shame, scorn and degradation on the other. I know what my fellow-citizens will answer. I understand them. I know what my Irish friends will answer—I had them with me in the Tenth Ohio—I had none to hold back there. All the trouble I had was to keep them out of the fighting until the time came. [Applause.] When I said, "Hold on," they said: "Och, General, yere not goin' to keep us back, shure?" [Laughter.] "Oh no, boys; I will give you the word directly, and then spring to it like the lightning;" and it was always done. [Applause.] That was the spirit of my Division, They always liked to strike the first blow, and when the first blow was struck it was always the last blow, too. [Applause, during which Gen. MITCHEL retired.] BRIG. GEN. RICHAED BUSTEED was then introduced and received with great enthusiasm. He delivered a stirring speech, concluding as follows:
I have the utmost contempt for him who by speech or act attempts to draw party lines now. This is the appropriate office of home traitors; let them have a monopoly of the work. I am certain no true Democrat will engage in it; at least no intelligent or reputable person will do so. There is a great fight on hand between democracy and aristocracy—between the privileges of the few and the rights of the multitude—between caste and republican equality—and he is the genuine democrat who loves Liberty more than Slavery.
The democracy that will not endure this test is spurious. The man who delays or hazards victory to our arms, by talking kindly of rebels, or unkindly of lawful authority or necessary instrumentalities, or by preventing enlistments, or in any other way, is not only not a democrat, but he is a traitor, meaner than all his Southern compatriots; a sneaking, sniveling, cowardly traitor, scarcely worth the rope or time it would take to hang him.
My own position is easily declared. I was a Democrat. I am a loyal lover of my country, whose free institutions I do not care to outlive, [Cheers.] I will be what her necessities, the convictions of my intelligence and the dictates of my conscience make me. If this be treason to party, party can make the most of it. [Great applause.]
Hon. LUTHER R. MARSH next delivered a long and able address, a verbatim report of which is unavoidably crowded out. He read, in conclusion, the following telegraph dispatch:
ALBANY, Aug. 27.
To Chas. Gould, Secretary, &c., War Meeting:
The crisis is fairly upon us. Men and means are the agencies required to meet it. God has placed these in our hands. Will we devote them to the patriotic work? Shall the old regiments be filled up? Shall the new ones be complete? Shall conscription be avoided? Shall the brave and honored CORCORAN march back to the battle-fields of Virginia with ten thousand men? The country has done and is doing nobly. Her best and brightest spirits are earnest and faithful in the cause, laboring for it as they never labored before. The great metropolis will fall short of its duty unless it can give up present peace, property, personal and political considerations, health, life, and all that is sacred and dear, for the one role object--the salvation of the Union and the Constitution. What is new-York's response to these questions?
Commissioner of Charities Charles Nicholson, was here called to preside, and introduced Mr. Benjamin Van Riper, who made a stirring speech. Henry S. Smith, Esq., followed in a well-timed, brief, pithy and highly patriotic address, which drew forth cheer after cheer.
The work of recruiting for the 69th Regiment was carried on yesterday with great success. It was intended that this veteran regiment would be ready for the field, once more, last evening, but for reasons incident to the arrangements necessary to be made for the departure of regiments, this one was prevented taking its departure. The 69th, with full ranks, will leave at an early hour to-day.
Speeches of General Corcoran—Secretary Seward's Reasons for Not Speaking.
The Mayor of the City of New York and a few members of the Common Council insisted on giving to General Corcoran a complimentary dinner at the Astor House last evening. A table was sumptuously spread in Mr. Stetson's best style, and all the guests did that justice that was to be expected from those who had gone through the hardships of the sultry day. His Honor Mayor Opdyke presided, having on his right hand Brigadier General Corcoran, the observed of all observers. Mr. Charles Gould acted as Vice President, having upon his right hand Major General Ormsby M. Mitchel, surnamed the "Ubiquitous."
Among the guests present were Brig, Gen. Strong, Brig. Gen. Busteed, Gen. Walbridge, Abram Wakeman, Capt. Kirker of the Sixty-ninth regiment, Ethan Allen, Esq., Gen. P. M. Wet more, Peter Cooper, Judge Bonney, Dr. Griscom, and about thirty other citizens.
After full justice had been done to the good things spread before them, his Honor Mayor Opdyke proposed the health of Brig. Gen. Corcoran, and expressed the hope that he might gather around him, as his deserts called for, twenty thousand men at least.
Gen. Corcoran was called to his feet by enthusiastic sheers, and, after quiet was restored, said:—
GENTLEMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK--I sincerely thank you for the kindness with which you have mentioned my name to-night. I take your compliments as rather intended for the cause in which I am engaged than for any merits which I myself possess. His Honor the Mayor has expressed the hope that I may gather around me twenty thousand men. I hope that I may gather around me at least one hundred thousand men, not that I may command them, but that I may offer them to my adopted country, as some slight token of the love I bear her. (Loud cheers.) As I told his Honor Mayor Wightman, of Boston, when invited to visit his city, I accepted his invitation not for the purposes of any personal glorification of myself, but for the sake of the advantage which I am persuaded the visit might be for the cause which all of us have so near at heart. (Cheers.) I thank you all, and I take this opportunity to thank the whole country for the great interest manifested in my welfare from the moment of my captivity to the present time. All the return I can make is, to give my services for what they are worth in the field, which I will do immediately (Applause.) I will give you gentlemen--His Honor the Mayor and my adopted city.
In answer to this toast his Honor rose, and observing some of the Common Council present, called upon Alderman Dayton to respond.
Alderman Dayton replied in a few happy and pertinent remarks.
During the evening it was announced that the Secretary of State, Hon. William H. Seward, was at the hotel, and a committee, of which the Hon. Abram Wakeman was chairman, was delegated to invite him to attend the dinner.
The committee, through Mr.Wakemen, reported that they has waited upon Mr. Seward, and that he thanked the gentlemen for their invitation, but that he was too much fatigued by travel to attend. He had a leave of absence from Washington for a few days, and was on his way to Auburn merely to recruit his health. He was under a pledge, given when he obtained his leave of absence, to participate in no public demonstrations or dinners, but to attend exclusively to his physical welfare. He begged, therefore, to be excused from attending the dinner.
General Richard Busteed thereupon proposed three cheers for William H. Seward, as the right man in the right place, at the right time, which were given with a will.
The Mayor proposed the health of General Mitchel, which was responded to with the greatest enthusiasm.
General Mitchell very briefly responded, like Opdyke—we little know but what pertained to battles, and was best used to the sot phrase of speech. His few remarks were enthusiastically applauded.
The press was proposed by the Mayor in most complimentary terms, special weight being given to its great services in recording, in the most reliable of all forms, the facts of war.
The toast was duly honored, and was responded to by Parke Goodwin, Esq., who spoke very eloquently of Generals Mitchel and Corcoran.
Gen. Wetmore followed in a string war speech. For intervention he cared nothing. If it came, the reserved and unsuspected power of this government would spring up from its hidden place, like another Achilles, to insure speedy destruction upon any and all powers who, taking advantage of our difficulties, and the non-appearance as yet of the hero of the war, that would dare to throw down the gauntlet. He hoped the city would raise such a force for general Corcoran as to insure him a Major General's command.
The General's remarks, especially those adverting to intervention and the promotion of General Corcoran to a divisional command, were enthusiastically applauded.
Mr. Gould next spoke, and proposed the health of Gen. Busteed--a new man militaire, whose fresh career, not his antecedents, were to speak for him. Of course this brought up
General Busteed, who, in reply, said that he did not know what he was going to do; but if the consecration upon the altar of his country of his young family, and the devotion of a man sprung from the brave Celtic race, and whose personal bravery was never doubted, and the sacrifice of a life could promise anything of a guarantee for anything, he pledged it that he would at all events do his best, and never turn his back upon the foe. (Applause.}
Colonel Bartlett improved the occasion of his "accidental appearance among them" to exhibit his invulnerable iron-clad ship, five hundred feet long, calculated to destroy the whole English and French fleets with one broadside. He was interrupted, however, in a speech of broadside proportions by a unanimous call for General Walbridge--In the course of his remarks he animadverted upon the restriction put on the press, and declared that the intelligence of the people and the patriotism of the press demanded that that restriction should be removed. He had great hopes for a new order of things from the appointment of such officers as General Corcoran. (Cheers.) The rebellion was no nearer its suppression than it was on the 16th of April, when Baltimore arose in rebel arms and inhumanly slaughtered the first brave defenders of the capitol, the men of the Sixth Massachusetts. (Cheers.) The government in this crisis was nor equally ready with the people. The people we have always with us, and we know them to be equal to this emergency; but the doubtful question before the country now was the government equal to it. There were three millions of people sustaining this rebellion, and the rebellion would never terminate until the three millions of negroes were emancipated and drawn from the service of the bogus confederacy. Should that intervention, a moment ago spoken of, ever come, then comes the vocation of the country; then shall it exhibit its warlike power, and, by the eternal God, we will close the contest by declaring throughout the civilized world the abolition of slavery and universal freedom. The President is not near us, but his Prime Minister, Mr. Seward, is; but he, it seems, is too fatigued too come to a meeting of gentlemen. We can only hope for his speedy restoration of health. If the contest is not speedily ended by using the means in our power to make it a war of freedom, the contest may last forever. Already we have lost 200,000 brave soldiers through imbecility. (Hear, hear.) What is wanted is a proclamation of universal, unconditional freedom; until the loyal North enter with heart and soul into the contest against the malignant and bitter feelings that animate the South, the war cannot be terminated according to the wishes of the loyal people. (Hear, hear.)
At the close of the speech the Mayor and Gen. Corcoran retired.
Mr. McCurdy, on behalf of the merchants of New York, explained what that patriotic and appreciated body did for the defence of the country and the maintenance of the government in all its vigor. At the conclusion of this gentleman's remarks the party broke up.
Movements of Gen. Corcoran.
Gen. Corcoran will be at the Astor House to-morrow morning and subsequent days, from nine o'clock A. M., till five P. M., for the discharge of the duties now imminently imposing on him A meeting of the officers of the 69th regiment will be held at 11 o'clock A.M. in his rooms at the hotel. In the morning he proceeds, on invitation, to visit Boston, in company with the deputation from the Boston Common Council, and in the evening will address the citizens of that pre-eminently loyal city on their historic Commons. The following day (Friday) he will also, on invitation, visit Worcester, where a patriotic reception awaits him. He will address the citizens of the Burg the same evening.
A Jam, a Crush and a Rush—Corcoran Overwhelmed—Appearance of the Sixty-Ninth—They Join the Meeting in the Park, &c.
Precisely at twelve o'clock the members of the Common Council assembled at the City Hall, and about one proceeded to Jersey City, bearing their staffs of office, to receive General Corcoran and the gallant Sixty-ninth. The depot at Jersey City was crammed, packed and jammed long before two o'clock by a crowd of enthusiastic males and females, many of whom were deeply interested in the arrival of the Sixty-ninth, but still many of whom were assembled from an exuberant feeling of patriotism, mingled with an anxiety to see the men who had distinguished themselves in such a conspicuous manner in fighting the battles of their country.
At half-past two o'clock the Sixty-ninth arrived at the depot, amidst the cheers of the thousands assembled. General Corcoran was the fist to step from the cars, and he was immediately surrounded by the official authorities of New York and a host of his friends, who fairly overwhelmed him with their greetings.
As soon ad the regiment debarked from the cars it is scarcely necessary to observe that they were received with the most tumultuous applause. Soldier like, they felt the compliment, but in obedience to the command of their superior officer they fell into line, and held themselves in readiness for the start to New York. About three o'clock the order, "Forward, march," was given, and the regiment, headed by General Corcoran, embarked on board the ferry boat, which soon landed them at the foot of Cortlandt street.
The Metropolitans kept back the surging mass of people who were then congregated, and to their credit, be it said, they retreated "in good order," in order to allow the regiment to pass and re-form in Cortlandt street. This they did with precision, and in less time than it takes to record the movement, and as they marched to the great point d'appui, the City Hall, where the people were assembled in a grand mass meeting.
Cortlandt street and Broadway were decked out in the Stars and Stripes, which floated from every housetop and piazza along the route. Ladies became so enthusiastic that they hurled myriads of flowers on the regiment en passant, and almost smothered them with the aromatic incense of Flora. In this manner the Sixty-ninth, preceded by the Sixty-ninth Lancers, and headed by Gen. Corcoran and the Common Council, and thousands of citizens on foot, reached the eastern gate of the Park. As soon as the regiment entered the precincts of the Park a long, boisterous and renewed shout saluted them, and it was not until they were brought to a halt and General Corcoran mounted stand No. 1 to address the people that the articulations of the multitude ceased for a time. For General Corcoran's eloquent speech and other incidents connected with the gathering we refer the reader to another part of the HERALD.
The Sixty-ninth return 840 men strong, and officered as follows:—
Colonel—James Bagley.
Lieutenant Colonel—Mathew Murphy.
Major—Theodore Kelley.
Surgeon—Michael Gilligan.
Assistant Surgeon—Patrick J Clarke.
Adjutant—Wm. Fogerty.
Paymaster—Patrick Murphy.
Quartermaster—J. B. Tully.
Company A.—Captain, O. Sullivan; Lieutenants, Flood, Fahy and Kelly.
Company B.—Captain, Lynch; Lieutenants, Murphy, Bierne and Rogers.
Company C.—Captain, Keeffe; Lieutenants, O'Connor, Keating and McHenry.
Company D.—Captain, McGuire; Lieutenants, O'Boyle, Redmond and Murray.
Company E—Captain, Dempsey; Lieutenants, Reed Cunningham and Sinnett.
Company F.—Captain, Duffy; Lieutenants, Kevins and Snee.
Company G.—Captain, James Crane; Lieutenants, Campbell and Phipps.
Company K.—Captain, Wm. Butler; Lieutenants, H. Whelpley and Halloran.
Company I.—Capt. John Coonan; Lieuts. Cantlllon, Tracey, and Monaghan.
Company K.—Captain John H. Nugent; Lieutenants E. K. Butler, Michael Doran and John Bell.
Engineers.—Captain Francis Page; Lieutenant Rogers Richard Parry (on the staff); Thomas Fay and ___ King.
ANOTHER MILITARY MURDER.—It seems that Capt. McManus, of Company E, 69th New York, was visiting Capt, Phillips, of the 71st Regiment of Pennsylvania, and in the course of the conversation made some remarks about Capt. McMahon, of the 71st. The latter being in his tent, close by, it is supposed, heard the conversation, and at once appeared in the tent in his night dress, revolver in hand, and saying, "Sir, you have been talking about me tonight," immediately raised the pistol and fired before any one could interfere. The ball entered the breast near the heart and death ensued in about an hour afterward. McMahon attempted to fire a second time, but was prevented by a lieutenant who was present. When the news reached the 69th quite an excitement was created, and it was with great difficulty the mob of soldiers could be restrained from taking summary vengeance. The deceased was much esteemed by his fellow officers and soldiers, while his murderer is represented to be of a quarrelsome disposition, who has not won the respect or esteem of any of his associates. The affair has thrown a gloom over the camp, and all are discussing it. The body of the deceased is being embalmed, and will be sent North to his friends.
His Visit to the Camps—His Departure from Washington and Arrival in Baltimore—His levee at the Eutaw House—Mass Reception Meeting in Monument Square—Great Enthusiasm and Thrilling Speech of General Corcoran—The Official Programme of His Reception In New York, &c.
General Corcoran left here to-day for Baltimore. There is to be a reception there this afternoon. He will spend to-morrow in Philadelphia, and he in New York at two o'clock on Friday afternoon. He was accompanied by the committee of the Aldermen and Common Council of New York, the committee of the New York civic societies and the Philadelphia committee of the Common Council.
Before leaving this morning General Corcoran visited Brady's national gallery of art, and sat for a picture, which will soon he ready for distribution upon cartes d'visite.
Yesterday General Corcoran, accompanied by Judge Connelly, Richard O'Gorman, John Savage, Aldermen Welsh and Smith, Councilman Stevenson and Messrs. Robinson and Carey, visited the Rev. Father Early, the President of the Catholic college at Georgetown, and other personal friends.
Afterwards the party proceeded to Fort Corcoran, where the General was greeted, for the first time, with a Brigadier General's salute, from the guns of the fort bearing his name.
After a review and a reception by Colonel Doubleday, of the Fourth New York artillery, and a visit to several other forts in the vicinity and to Arlington House, the party, accompanied by Colonel Doubleday, proceeded to Fort Lyon to visit the Sixty-ninth.
The enthusiasm of General Corcoran's reception by his old comrades in arms was indescribable. After a review of the regiment the party adjourned to a tent, where refreshments were prepared, and toasts and speeches were the order of the evening until eleven o'clock.
During the entertainment it was proposed that General Corcoran should return here and go back with the regiment on Monday next. His agreement to do so was received, not with cheers, but a regular Irish yell that was deafening.
Baltimore, August 20, 1862.
General Corcoran received the citizens at the Eutaw House this evening, which was thronged from five to seven o'clock with an immense concourse anxious to see the martyr patriot and welcome him to the city.
A large number of Irish citizens also called, to whom he made personal appeals to arouse their countrymen of Baltimore to rally to the standard of the Union.
He consented to address the people to-night at Monument square, and the front of the Court House was beautifully decorated and illuminated for the occasion. Mayor Chapman presided, and introduced the General, who was received by the immense concourse with long repeated cheers.
General Corcoran returned thanks for the enthusiasm of his reception, and attributed it rather to the glorious cause in which he was identified rather to any personal merit. He then proceeded to give an account of his imprisonment, and detailed a number of incidents of outrage at Richmond, Charleston, Columbia and Salisbury. He described the prison at Salisbury, where were 300 Union citizens, prisoners, among whom he had found a number of Irishmen who had refused to fight under any flag than that which they had sworn allegiance to on their arrival in this country. Their treatment was more brutal than that of the military prisoners, and many of them were old gray headed men, bowed down with suffering and sorrow, but firm in their allegiance. The deaths among them averaged two a day for the last six weeks. He appealed to all who loved the old flag and hated tyranny to rally with him to the relief and succor of those suffering martyrs. He gave a graphic description of the condition of Richmond under the rule of the arch fiend and tyrant, Jeff. Davis, and declared that liberty no longer existed there, and would never be vouchsafed the people until the old flag was restored. The streets presented a most deserted and sorrowful condition; no able bodied man dared walk on the streets unless provided with a military pass, and all that was to be seen on the thoroughfares was jaded and ragged soldiers, and women and children dressed in mourning. If any of his ... sympathised [sic] with the rebellion, it was only necessary for them to see what he had seen to drive all such feeling from their hearts. He verily believed that all such tyranny and oppression existed on the face of the earth as the despotism of the Southern confederacy. He concluded with a strong appeal to his countrymen of Baltimore, who, he could not believe, were disloyal to the country that gave them freedom, liberty and citizenship, to rally to the support of the government in crushing the rebellion.
General Headquarters, State of New York.
Adjutant General's Office, Albany, NOV. 1, 1861.
In accordance with general orders No. 78, from the department, and general orders No. 71 from the War Department, the organization heretofore known as the First regiment of the Irish Brigade, is hereby organized into a regiment to be designated as the Sixty-ninth regiment (69th) New York State volunteers. The several companies of the regiment thus organized will be designated by the same letters they bore in the First regiment of the Irish Brigade.
The following persons will be appointed field and staff and company officers of the regiment thus organized when they shall have passed the examination required by General Order No. 78, and will be commissioned whenever the field and staff and company muster rolls certified to by the mustering officers, shall have been filed in the office of the Adjutant General of this State.
Colonel—Robert Nugent.
Lieutenant Colonel—James Kelly.
Major—James Cavanaugh.
Staff Officers.
Adjutant—James J. Smith.
Quartermaster—Denis F. Sullivan.
Surgeon—J. Pascal Smith.
Assistant Surgeon— ___ ___.
Chaplain— ____
Company Officers.
Company A—Captain, James Saunders; First Lieutenant,
Thomas Reynolds; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Company B—Captain, Thomas Leddy; First Lieutenant, Laurence Cahill; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Company C—Captain, Jasper W. Whittle; First Lieutenant, Garret Nagle; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Companv D—Captain, T. L. Stanley; First Lieutenant, William A. Moore; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Company E—Captain, William Benson; First Lieutenant, Charles W. Lucky; Second Lieutenant, Peter Conlin.
Company F—Captain, James E. McGee; First Lieutenant, Richard Moroney; Second Lieutenant, Joseph Burns.
Company G—Captain, Felix Duffy; First Lieutenant, ____ ____; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Company H.—Captain, James Lowery; First Lieutenant, Philip Carr; Second Lieutenant, ___ ___.
Comapny I—Captain, Thomas Scanlin; First Lieutenant, Patrick Morris; Second Lieutenant, ___ ___.
Company K—Captain, ____ ____; First Lieutenant, ____ ____; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Brigadier General Yates is charged with the execution of the details of this order.
By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
THOS. HILLHOUSE, Adjutant General.
Adjutant General's Office,
ALBANY, NOV. 2, 1861.
In accordance with general orders No. 78, from this department, and with general order No. 71, from the War Department, the organization heretofore known as the Third Irish regiment, and Captain Branigan's unattached company, now at the Albany depot, are hereby consolidated into a regiment, to be known as the Sixty-third regiment (63d) New York State Militia.
Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I of the Third Irish regiment will form the first nine companies of the regiment thus organized. Captain Branigan's company will become Company K of the regiment.
The following persons will be appointed field, staff and company officers of the regiment thus organized, when they shall have passed the examination required by general orders No. 78, and will be commissioned whenever the field and staff and company muster rolls, certified to by the mustering officers, shall have been filed in the office of the Adjutant General of this State.
Colonel, Richard C. Enright; Lieutenant Colonel, Henry Fowler; Major, Thomas F. Lynch.
Staff Officers—Adjutant, Thomas Cartwright; Surgeon, ____ ____; Assistant Surgeon, ____ ____; Quartermaster, Philip O'Hanlon, Jr., Chaplain, ___ ___.
Company Officers.
Company A—Captain, Joseph O'Neil, First Lieutenant, Joseph McDonough; Second Lieutenant, Thomas Twohy.
Company B—Captain, John Warren; First Lieutenant, Philip J. Connealy; Second Lieutenant, James Stewart.
Company C—Captain John Charles Lynch; First Lieutenant, ____ ____; Second Lieutenant, Horace Russell.
Company D—Captain, George Tobin; First Lieutenant, John Flynn; Second Lieutenant, Jas. J. McCormick.
Company E—Captain, James J. Pendergast; First Lieutenant, P. J. Gormley; Second Lieutenant, Richard P. Moore.
Company F—Captain, James Mc...; First Lieutenant …;
"A cold-blooded murder was committed on Thursday night in the camp of the Seventy-first Pennsylvania. It seems that Captain McManus, of Company E, Sixty-ninth New York, was visiting Captain Phillips of the former regiment, and in the course of the conversation made some remarks about Captain McMahon, of the Seventy-first. The latte being in his tent close by, it is suppose heard the conversation, and at once appeared in the tent in his night dress, revolver in hand, and saying, 'Sir, you have been talking about me to-night,' immediately raised the pistol and fired before any one could interfere.—The ball entered the breast near the heart and death ensued in about an hour afterward. McMahon attempted to fire a second time, but was prevented by a lieutenant who was present. When the news reached the Sixty-ninth quite an excitement was created, and it was with great difficulty the mob of soldiers could be restrained from taking summary vengeance.
It is understood that the decision of Governor Seymour gives the Sixty-ninth Regiment, commanded by Colonel Bagley, the exclusive right to bear the title of the Sixty-ninth Regiment New York State Militia.
The Irish Brigade.
The following is an official list of the names of the killed, wounded and missing in the Irish Brigade (General
Meagher) in the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862.—
FIELD AND STAFF.—WOUNDED—Lieutenant Colonel James Kelly, face, severely.
COMPANY A.—Wounded—Lieutenant, Richard A. Kelly, thigh, severely; Sergeant John Reynolds, thigh, severely; Color Sergeant Wm. Martin, body, severely; Sergeant Richard H. Birmingham, legs, severely; Sergeant Patrick Reliley, body, severely; Wm. Crowley, head, severely; Wm. Callahan, leg, severely; ___ Gibney, thigh, severely; Michael J. Linehan, leg, severely; Barthley McKeon, shouldcr, severely; ___ Moloney, leg, severely; Edward Reilly, side, severely; John Ryan, ..., severely; ; Felix McAloary, leg, slightly; James Quint.., leg, slightly.
COMPANY B—Killed—Corporal John No.., Andrew
Corcoran, John Martin, John Brady, Arthur Comy..,
Wounded—Sergeant John P. Lanagan, arm, slightly; Corporal John Scott, head, slightly; Michael O'D..., severely; Corporal Jas. Fee, legs, slightly; Patrick ___, body, slightly; Wm. Collins, thigh, severely; J... ___, legs, severely; Jas. Hassan, body, severely; M... ...ly, hand, severely; John Leddy, leg, severely; ___ shoulder, severely; Daniel O'Connor, thigh, ___; Dennis Sullivan, groin, severely; Michael M..., and arm, mortally; Edw. Healy, side, slightly; ___ McNamara, side, severely; Eugene McCann, thigh, ____; John Shannhan, head, slightly; Michael Collea, ____, severely.
COMPANY C.—Killed—Second Lieut. Chas. ____, Sergeant John Canton, Corporal Thos. Clemmons, John Moore, Michael Greehan, Thos. Connors, Garret Nagle, Peter Davies, Michael Moony, Corporal Wm. Smith, and private Edw. McGuire, died from the effect of their wounds on the 19th. Wounded—Capt. Jasper M. Whitley, hip, slightly; First Lieut. Garrett Nagle, shoulder, severely; Sergeant John Kiell, leg, severely; Sergeant Jas. Henry, hand, slightly; Jos. Bostick, shoulder, slightly; John Coughlin, leg, severely: Edw. Carroll, hip, slightly; Dennis Caffrey, side, severely; Jas. Caffrey, leg, seerely; Louis Maher, leg, severely; John O'Brien, leg, slightly; Michael Walsh, hand, slightly.
COMPANY D—Killed—Sergent John McMahon, Corporal Jas. Callahan, Corporal Jos. Keefe, Ewd. F. Gleeson, Patrick Roach (or Roch.) Wounded—Capt. T. L. Shanley, shoulder, severely; Sergeant Patrick Farby, thigh, severely; Corporal Patrick Doyle, arm, severely; Corporal Thos. O'Brien, thigh, amputated; John Mahoney, leg, severely; Thos. McCann, hip, severely; Chris. Murphy, leg, severely; Jas. Murphy, hip, severely; Ewd. McManus, thigh, severely; Patrick Ward, leg, severely; John ...ward, thigh, severely; Thos. Fullam, head, severely; Hugh Durley, neck, severely; ____ Kenard, arm, severely; John Harmon, arm, severely; Malachi Buckley, arm, severely; John Murtha, thigh, severely.
COMPANY E.—Wounded—First Sergeant Jas. T. Gorman, thigh, slightly; Sergeant Francis Murray, thigh severely; Corporal Arthur O'Neil, hand, slightly; Corporal John Harvey, head, severely; Garrett Bruen, hip, severely; John Baker, leg, severely; Wm. Dolan, arm, severely; Jas. Dougherty, arm, severely; John Kelleher, thigh, severely; Jno. McCarthy, leg, slightly; Roger Maloney, thigh, severely; Michael Quigley, hip, severely; John Ryan, hand, slightly; Ewd. Small, thigh, severely; Andrew Twomey, leg, slightly.
COMPANY F.—Killed—Wm. Morris, Jeremiah Wren, Timothy Dempsey, John Higgins, John Fitzgerald, Wounded—Sergeant Thos. Duffy, leg, slightly; Sergeant Rob't Laffin, arm amputated; Corporal Geo. Brennan, head and leg, severely; Corporal James O'Brian, leg (since dead, September 21); Jas. Burch, leg, severely; Patrick Burrens, side and arm, severely; Rob't Barrett, leg, slightly; Pat'k Dolan, body, slightly; Thos. Egan, body, severely; Jas. Daley, body, severely; Peter Flummersfield, leg, severely; Dan'l Hearty, leg, severely; John Hand, arm, slightly; Thos. Kelly, arm, severely; John Pendleton, leg, severely; Chas. F. Wise, leg, severely.
COMPANY G.—Killed—Captain Felix Duffy, Acting Major of regiment; First Lieutenant Pat'k J. Kelly, commanding Co. E; Thos, Gibney, Pat'k Hoban, Jas. McKevitt. Wounded—Sergeant Maurice Lyons, head, mortally; Sergeant Thos. Callaghan, hip, slightly; Walter Burke, leg amputated; Jas. Butler, leg, slightly; Jas. Cain, arm, severely; Jno. Dayre, leg, severely; L. Boyle, arm, slightly; Philip Dowd, arm, slightly; Wm. Fitzgerald, lungs, mortally; Jeremiah Fleming, month, severely; Bernard McElroy, arm, severely; H. McGee, leg, slightly; John Montgomery, shoulder, severely; Timothy O'Brien, leg, severely; Pat'k Quann, groin, slightly.
COMPANY H.—Killed—Jos. Ryan, Richard Mulrooney, Philip Kenna, Jas. E. McGee. Wounded—Second Lieutenant Patrick Kearney, leg, slightly; Sergeant James Moore, thigh, severely; Color Corporal Dennis Donovan, hip, severely; Peter Bulger, hand, slightly; George Bray, leg, severely; Thomas Curran, arm, severely; Thomas Kelly, abdomen, severely; Mathew Malloy, leg, severely; Michael Nolan, arm, slightly; Daniel O'Connell, leg, severely: John Rush, leg, severely; Patrick Rielly, leg, severely; John Leonard, hand, slightly; Patrick Curran, hand, slightly; James Sheehan, thigh, slightly; John Morris, arm, slightly; Daniel J. O'Brien, thigh, severely.
COMPANY I.—Killed—Color Corporal Samuel McGann, Corporal S. Timothy O'Keefe, John Cortland. Wounded—Sergeant Edward Britton, shoulder, severely; Sergeant Patrick O'Connor, wrist, slightly; Color Sergeant Michael L. Keenan, thigh, severely; Corporal Edw. Wagner, leg, severely; Corporal Thomas Conroy, head, severely; James Cunningham, shoulder, slightly; Thomas Cunningham, breast, severely; William Duffy, head, severely; Michael Nolan, leg, slightly; Patrick Tighe, leg, slightly; Michael White, shoulder, slightly; Thomas Wilson, hand, slightly; Walter Burke, breast, severely.
COMPANY K.—Killed—First Lieutenant John Conway, Sergeant John M. Loughlin, John Gleeson, John Duffy, Jas. Barnett, Patrick Griffin, Dennis Donnovan, Michael Quinn. Wounded—Thomas Cryan, leg, slightly; Owen Coleman, leg, slightly; Francis Connolly; leg, slightly; Wm. Burrison, leg, slightly; Charles Trainer, leg, slightly; Barney Trainor, leg, slightly; James Murray, leg, slightly; James McQuinn, shoulder, severely; Andrew Stanford, foot, slightly; James Doyle, hand, slightly; John Dugan, leg, slightly; Thomas McDonell, leg, slightly.
The Reception of General Corcoran.
General Corcoran will positively arrive in this city on Friday next. He was in Baltimore last night and will be in Philadelphia to-day. The Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council met yesterday and determined upon the following programme:—
Brigadier General
By the
Under the direction of the
On his
The members of the Common Council will assemble at Room No. 8, City Hall, at 12 o'clock M., on Friday, the 22d inst., and repair to Jersey City to receive Brigadier General Corcoran; from there the Common Council with their guest, will proceed by steamboat to Castin Garden, where ceremonies will take place, and his Honor the Mayor will welcome General Corcoran to the city.
Grand Marshal—General Ewen, assisted by the following aids.—
Colonel Geo. E. Baldwin, Major R. Taylor,
Colonel Alexander Hamilton, Colonel Schwartzman,
Colonel Van Buren, Charles Darling,
John Chadwick, Thomas St..ms,
Robert Shannon, L. R. Marsh.
Commanded by Colonel Postly, Acting General. First Regiment Cavalry, Colonel Walter W. Price.
Third Regiment hussars, under Senior Captain Budke.
Eleventh Regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Wm. Allen.
Fifth Regiment National Guard, Colonel Burges.
Commissioned Officers of the First Division, and Volunteers off duty.
Sixty-ninth Regiment, right wing, column companies.
General Corcoran.
His Honor the Mayor.
Chairman of Committee on National Affairs.
Chairman of Committee on Reception, in open barouche.
Sixty-ninth regiment, left wing, column companies
Returned Prisoners.
Common Council, in carriages,
preceded by
The Sergeant-at-Arms.
Delegations from Common Council of Philadelphia and other cities, in carriages.
Heads of Departments
City Government.
Board of
New York Fire Department, in full uniform, without apparatus, under direction of John Becker,
Esq., Chief Engineer, Acting Ald.
The various Irish civic societies, under the Grand Marshalship of Mr. James Sandford, aided by Messrs. Peter Halpin and James White, in the following order:—
Longshoremen's U. B. Society,
Marshal, Dennis Sullivan,
St. James R. C. T. A. Society,
Marshal, John Dwier,
Father Mathew T. A. Society,
Marshal, E. L. Carey,
Father Mathew Society, of Brooklyn,
Marshal, Hugh McCabe,
Barry Benevolent Society,
Marshal, ____ ____,
Ancient Order of Hibernians, N. Y.,
Marshal, John Tucker,
Thomas Francis Meagher Club,
Marshal, Edward Duffy,
Hibernian Benevolent Society,
Marshal, Michael Rowentree,
Hibernian U. B. Society,
Marshal, Michael Duffy,
Benevolent Society United Sons of Erin,
Marshal, John Duffy.
And all other societies desiring to participate,
Citizens on horseback and in carriages.
The procession will take the following route:—
From the Battery, through Broadway to Park row, through Park row to the east gate of the Park, passing through the Park in front of the City Hall into Broadway; up Broadway to Grand street, through Grand street to the Bowery, up the Bowery and Fourth avenue to and around Union square, thence down Broadway to the St. Nicolas Hotel, and dismiss.
The keepers of all public buildings, the proprietors of hotels and other public places, the masters and owners of shipping in the harbor, and our fellow citizens generally, are requested to display their flags during the day.
The Superintendent of Police is respectfully requested to see that the route taken by the procession will be kept entirely free from vehicles or anything calculated to retard or delay the progress of the procession.
The Mayor and the Corporate authorities of the city will entertain General Corcoran at a banquet, at the St. Nicholas Hotel, on Monday evening next.
Should the weather prove inclement the flags will not be hoisted on the City Hall, which will be considered a signal that the reception will not take place until further notice.
Committee on National Affairs,
Alex. H. Keech, Secretary.
Civic Societies not in the programme will report to James Sandford, Esq., Grand Marshal, on the morning of the parade.
By order of the Chairman of the Committee on National Affairs of the Common Council
The following despatches and letters were also received yesterday by the Common Council:—
New York, August 20, 1862.
To Alderman Farley, Chairman, &c.:—
Sir—I take great pleasure in tendering to your committee the ferry boat Pavonia, for the purpose of conveying Brigadier General Corcoran from Jersey City to New York, upon his arrival from Washington on Friday next.
Yours, respectfully,
A. A. GADDIS , Superintendent Pavonia Ferry.
Office Clerk, Common Council,
New York, August 20, 1862.
A. A. GADDIS, Esq., Superintendent Pavonia Ferry Company:—
Sir—I am in receipt of your returned favor of this date, tendering to the Committee of Arrangements for the Reception of General Corcoran the use of the elegant boat Pavonia, to convey the party from Jersey City to New York. On behalf of the committee I accept your liberal and timely offer with many thanks.
TERENCE FARLEY, Chairman Committee.
Office Commissioners Emigration,
Castle Garden, August 18, 1862.
Alderman T. Farley, Chairman Committee on National Affairs, &c.
Sir--On behalf of the Commissioners of Engineering I have the honor to tender to you the use of the Landing depot, Castle Garden, for the reception of General Michael Corcoran and his associates on the occasion of their arrival here. I shall be pleased to confer with the committee relative to any preparations necessary to render the reception one befitting the return of so distinguished a patriot and soldier. I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Quarters for General Corcoran have been secured at the St. Nicholas.
The Jersey City Common Council have extended an invitation to the General to receive the hospitalities of the city.
A meeting of the Committee of the Sixty-ninth regiment officers, appointed to make preparations for the reception of General Corcoran, was held at the armory last evening. The following despatch was received by Captain Clarke, Chairman of the Committee:—
Washington, August 20, 1862.
To Captain Clarke, 94 Chatham street:
General Corcoran will leave here for Baltimore tomorrow, Philadelphia next day, and arrive at Jersey City at two o'clock on Friday afternoon. The Committee of the Common Council will meet us at Jersey City and convey us in a boat to the Battery.
Captain J. B. KIRKER.
A communication was received from Captain Richard O'Grady, of the Fourth regiment artillery, which was read as follows:—
Captain Thomas Clarke, Chairman Reception Committee:—
Dear Sir—The services of Company F, Fourth regiment, N. Y. S. M., is tendered to assist in receiving General Corcoran in this city on Friday next, by firing a national salute to do honor to him, from the Battery parade ground. Please notice accordingly.
A despatch was also received from the committee on the part of the Common Council, which read as follows:—
Washington, August 20, 1862.
Colonel Stetson, Astor House:—
Sir—The committee, after consulting the wishes of the General, concluded to accept your very generous offer.
T. STEPENSON, Committee.
The members of the regiment now in the city were at the armory, and were addressed by Captain Clarke, who stated that the Committee of Arrangements wished them to turn out in citizens' dress, with appropriate badges to receive their General, which proposition was unanimously acceded to with cheers for General Corcoran and the Union. Cheers were also given for Captain Clarke and Lieutenant Duffy. Colonel Nugent was present and received with enthusiasm.
The returned prisoners in confinement with General Corcoran will meet at Captain Clarke's, No. 91 Chatham street, to-morrow, at twelve o'clock, to make final arrangements for taking part in the reception, and welcome home to the General and those who accompany him.
BATTLE FLAG OF THE 69TH REGIMENT.—The torn and tattered flag which the 69th Regiment carried through all their marches and battles in the Army of the Potomac; which was shot away from its staff at the battle of Malvern Hills, and later soaked the blood of the brave soldiers who bore it, was recently trampled under the feet of Northern traitors in the streets of New York. At the sacking of Provost-Marshal Col. Nugent's house, the mob found this sacred relic, and, taking it from its resting place, threw it into the street. It was subsequently rescued by the members of Fire Engine Co. 45, who restored it to the possession of Col. Nugent.
Pursuant to orders received from Colonel Corcoran, commanding the above regiment, 300 able bodied men will be accepted to join the Sixty-ninth immediately at Georgetown, D. C. Applications to be made at the recruiting stations, Nos. 42 Prince street; at Captain John Breslin's, 143 avenue B, and at Lieutenant Gannon's, 165 Delancey street, corner of Clinton, between the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock. P. M.
Capt. JOHN SAUNDERS, of the Sixty-ninth New-York regiment, who was recently reported to have been Court-martialed and deprived of one month's pay, for "conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," was honorably discharged, on June 12, in consequence of the consolidation of his company.
The Murder of Capt. McManus of the 60th by Capt. McMahon.
A cold-blooded murder was committed Thursday in the camp of the 71st Pennsylvania. It seems that Capt. McManus, of Company E, 69th New York, was visiting Capt. Phillips, of the former regiment, and in the course of the conversation made some remarks about Capt. McMahon of the 71st. The latter being in his tent by close, it is supposed, heard the conversation, and at once appeared in the tent in his night dress, revolver in hand, and saying, "Sir, you have been talking about me to-night," immediately raised the pistol and fired before any one could interfere. The ball entered the breast near the heart and death ensued in about an hour afterward. McMahon attempted to fire a second time, but was prevented by a lieutenant who was present.
When the news reached the 69th quite an excitement was created, and it was with great difficulty the mob of soldiers could be restrained from taking summary vengeance. The deceased was much esteemed by his fellow officers and soldiers, while his murderer is represented to be of a quarrelsome disposition, who has not won the respect or esteem of any of his associates. The affair has thrown a gloom over the camp, and all are discussing it. The body of deceased is being embalmed, and will be sent North to his friends.
Col. Corcoran.
The Democrat sneeringly alluded to the appointment of Col. CORCORAN, has Harbor Master of New York, by Gov. MORGAN, saying that Col. C. was in a position not to be benefited [sic] by it. By a singular coincidence of language the Albany Argus had before said about the same thing, to which the Albany Journal replies as follows:—
The appointment of Col. Corcoran was not merely intended by the Governor as a "pretty compliment" but as a substantial pecuniary benefit to the family of the gallant soldier. And the arrangements to carry out the intentions of the Governor are already perfected. Whether Col. Corcoran shall be released or not, his family will receive as many dollars and cents from the office as will be received by any one of the Harbor Masters. And when it shall be proper to state all the facts of the case, "the fortunate official who 'holds over,'" as well as those appointed with Col. C., will receive the warmest commendations of the public, in spite of the sneers and misrepresentations of the Argus.
Of Co. G., 69th Regiment N. Y. Vol., (Meagher's Brigade,) was the officer who was killed at the battle of Antietam, not Lieut. Richard A. Kelly, as was at first reported, and mentioned in my second letter. Lieutenant Patrick J. Kelly was a brave, experienced, and warmhearted officer. He was killed in front of his men. His remains were brought to his late residence, Melrose, West Cheater county, N. Y. The funeral took place on Sunday, Oct. 5. The military escort was provided by Captain Wm. Butler, according to the following order:—
October 3. 1862.
Company Orders, No. --, Company H.
With feelings of deep regret I have again to call on you to attend the funeral of one of our oldest members, and hope to see a full attendance.
The members of Company H will assemble at the Armory on Sunday morning, the 5th inst., at eight o'clock precisely, in full uniform, without overcoats (unless it threatens rain), when they will proceed to Melrose on the cars, to attend the funeral of an old comrade, Lieut. P. J. Kelly, late of the Sixty-ninth Volunteers. By order of
Commanding Co. H.
Poor Kelly has left a widow and five young children, to the care of his country. May God comfort and protect them.
One of the purest and bravest of the gallant men, who have sacrificed their lives in the cause of their country, was likewise killed in the battle of Antietam, and his mortal remains now rest in the earth of the bloody field. He was a genuine soldier of freedom. When this war commenced, he hastened from his native land, to link his fortunes with his fellow-countrymen in the glorious old 69th. He was to fight for liberty, for honor; to defend the Union of these States, to vindicate toe character of the Irish race. He came to New York early in July, 1861; entered the ranks of Meagher's Zouaves, Co. K, 69th Regiment; fought in the first fight at Bull Run, and returned to New York with his comrades, at the close of their Three Months' campaign. He organized a company for the Irish Brigade, and was commissioned Captain of Co. E, 88th Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, October 2nd, 1861. He was constantly with his command, in Camp California, on the Peninsula, and during the Maryland campaign, to the day of his death. He was first seriously wounded in the knee, but would not leave his men; he was next shot through the body and killed instantly, on the memorable 17th of September. He was an officer of commanding presence, energetic habits, fine culture, and indomitable spirit. A rudely carved wooden cross marks where his remains repose. Peace to his ashes.
Recruits are being sent off daily from the Irish Brigade headquarters, in order to join the several regiments of this gallant corps, now doing such efficient service at the seat of war. Colonel Nugent is still in town in charge of recruiting for the corps.
The following order has been issued by Col. Bagley: General Order.
Headquarters, Sixty-Ninth Regiment N. Y. S. M., New York, Sept. 2, 1862.
The members of this regiment will assemble at their armory, corner of Essex and Grand streets, fully armed and equipped, this day (Wednesday), September 3, at ten o'clock A. M., for the purpose of being mustered out of the United States service. By order of
THE 69TH.—It has been a question whether or not the 69th Militia had been absorbed in CORCORAN'S brigade—a Regiment with that number being in the brigade. The Adjutant General decides that the 69th is still in New York, and is one of the recognized regiments of the National Guard.
The 69th.—It has been a question whether or not the 69th Militia had been absorbed in Corcoran's brigade—a regiment with that number being in the brigade. The Adjutant-General decides that the 69th is still in New York, and is one of the recognized regiments of the National Guard.
Over one hundred recruits for the Irish Brigade, under charge of Captains Scanlan and Whitty, took their departure for the seat of war last evening, During the day the headquarters of the brigade, in Broadway, was crowded by the friends of the departing soldiers, nearly all of whom were females. Previous to the departure, each man was furnished, from the hand of Col. Nugent, with his $50 State bounty, upon the reception of which each recruit handed the money over to his friends for safe keeping or to relieve their immediate necessities during his absence. These recruits are all true hearted respectable men, who will not fail to rally around the green flag when it is clouded in the smoke of the enemy or perforated by their leaden missiles of death. The Irish Brigade, it is a pleasure to record, is fast being reinforced by the strong arms of the Celtic citizens of the Empire City.
RESIGNATION OF PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL DRAPER.—General S. Draper has resigned the position of provost marshal general, and it is stated that Colonel Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, has been appointed in his place.
Insubordination and Court Martial Gen. Meagher in Camp—Serenade at Eutaw House—Escorting Rebel Prisoners through the Streets—The Fourth in Baltimore, etc., etc.
[Correspondence of the N. Y. Express.]
N. Y. S. N. G., —Camp Ewen—
The equanimity and pleasure of Camp Ewen have been some what disturbed by the insubordination of a member of this regiment, and at a Court Martial held in the matter, the officers, after careful deliberation, decided that, for the preservation of discipline, the person on trial should be drummed out of the command, and previous to the execution of this portion of the sentence, that he be stripped of all insignia of the 69th. At the close of dress parade the regiment was formed in hollow square, and the result of the court martial promulgated to the command in the presence of the prisoner.—When this portion of the ceremony had been performed, Colonel Bagley stepped to the centre and addressed a few words to the men, urging the necessity of good conduct, persistency in the prosecution of their duties, and obedience to the commands of their officers. He then disapproved of that portion of the finding of the Court which subjected the unfortunate man to the disgrace of an ignominious expulsion, that the odious record might be spared us, and that he be quietly placed beyond the limits of the camp, not to return thereto
On the day following these events (Thursday) Gen, Meagher entered our pretty little camping ground. He had not remained long therein when his presence was bruited throughout the confines, and the greater portion of the men assembled in front of the Colonel's quarters, where the distinguished soldier was located. "Officers' call" was rolled, and those gentlemen gathered in the marque and indulged in a few moment's chit chat. The rank and file was becoming impatient, and the General, in response to repeated requests, appeared at the entrance and addressed a few flattering words to those surrounding him, when the men, after venting their enthusiasm in successive cheers for Meagher, Bagley, Cavanagh and other favorites, retired to their quarters. After the departure of General Meagher, Colonel Bagley sent a polite note by Dr. Clark to Colonel Lefferts, requesting that he would favor him with the services of the accomplished 7th Regiment Band, that the reception which was projected might be made worthy the distinguished recipient. Col, Lefferts responded by sending his splendid [sic] band and leader, who reported at the headquarters of the 69th about 7 1/2 o'clock of the same evening. The regimental line was immediately formed, and to the "Sprig of Shilelah," marched from the parade ground joyous and gay for the Eutaw House, where was stopping the object of our assembling. Arriving in front of the Eutaw House, we were drawn up in line, and soon appeared in rotation on the balcony Generals Meagher, Schenck and Tyler, each one accompanied and introduced to the regiment by Col. Bagley. General Meagher delivered one of his happy addresses, and in the course of his remarks stated that, as the 69th had come out to-night for pleasure, their play would be turned into business, as they were now under orders to march to Bolton railroad depot and escort the prisoners taken in the action of the previous day. This news, which was the first known of a battle having occurred, received vociferous cheering, in the midst of which Gen. Schenck made his appearance on the balcony. The latter stated that he had reserved for us the honor of conducting the first prisoners taken in the engagement at Gettysburg from the depot to their assigned quarters at Patterson Park. Great enthusiasm greeted this speech, and, after Gen. Tyler had recited a few of the historic deeds of the 69th, Col. Bagley addressed the men, importuning them to perform the duty which had been assigned; he cautioned them to be charitable towards those who had been so unfortunate to take up arms against the United States Government, and to treat as brothers those who had been thus unexpectedly placed in our charge,--we proceeded in the execution of the duty. After a fatiguing march, the labors were accomplished, and the 60th returned to camp about 2 o'clock on Friday morning, preceded by a few prisoners, who were unable to proceed with their comrades from exhaustion.
The Fourth of July in Baltimore was celebrated with a great display of bunting, the discharge of fire crackers, and the firing of salutes at sunrise, noon and sunset, from the forts in the harbor. If one would accept the many flags flung to the breeze from the windows and house-tops of the city, as a criterion of loyalty, Baltimore would receive the palm for fidelity to earlier and better associations. The secession sentiment of the people threw off the mask and was fully developed while the rebel prisoners passed through the streets, when the female portion would lavish their kindnesses on the more exhausted, and smile approvingly on those within the files of guards. The same feeling is passively entertained by the men, whose affection for the soldiers is of a decided negative character.
The anniversary of national independence was celebrated in Camp Ewen with great gusto, the exercises consisting of target-shooting, dancing, foot races, and other amusements, as would suggest themselves. These sports were indulged in to a late hour, spiced by the distribution of several kegs of lager, which the officers had procured for their men. It was a happy and joyous Fourth, and will long be remembered by the members of the 69th.
On the Sunday following the Fourth the hills in the neighborhood of Bolton Station are crowded with people seeking a view of the rebel prisoners as they arrive. BARCLAY
Important Habeas Corpus Case.
Before Justice Leonard.
In the Matter of the Application for the Discharge of Michael Barnet on Habeas Corpus.--The return not having been traversed, the facts stated in the case are admitted.
It appears that the party whose release is sought is a duly enlisted soldier, having volunteered to serve as a substitute. He is also charged with being a deserter from a New-York regiment.
I. Col. Nugent, being a military officer of the United States, and specially charged with the duty of arresting deserters, was bound to cause this man's arrest, and having him in custody to deliver him to the Commander of the nearest military post for trial.
II. The only tribunal competent, under the Constitution and laws, to try deserters from the army, is a Court-martial
III. The arrest, the detention and the final disposition to be made of the party, are all provided for by the laws of the United States, and the prisoner is in the custody of a United States officer under and by virtue of those laws.
IV. The prisoner being thus in custody under authority of the United States would then be subject to the Courts of the several States in relation to cases falling under the Constitution and laws of the United States, and which are of right exclusively cognizable in the Courts of the nation, civil and military,
(See Ableman vs. Booth, 15 Howard's Rep., 506.)
V. It is claimed that the decision in Ableman vs. Booth applies only to cases in which the prisoner is held by virtue of the process issued out of a United States Court, but the decision in express terms declares that in no case where the detention by a Marshal "or other officer" is under authority of the United States, can a State Court interfere with it.
The right of the United States Government to execute its laws would be practically abrogated if all its officers were subject to the control of the State Courts; it would be impossible to it ever to bring a deserter from the army or navy to trial if the process of a civil court is the only sufficient authority for any person's detention by a United States officer. The supremacy of the National Government would be destroyed if its laws can be executed only by permission of the State Courts.
The Supreme Court of the United States in Ableman vs. Booth, the first and only case in which the question was brought before it, declared a principle and established a rule to govern all cases in which the authority of the National Government to enforce its own laws by its own officers was involved.
That the decision applies to and governs all cases relating to the custody of persons who have entered the military service of the United States, has been decided by the Supreme Court of this State. (See opinion of Mr. Justice Smith in cases of Jordan and others, reported in New-York Transcript, Aug. 27,) and by all the Justices of the Supreme Court of Michigan. (See case of S___ler in Law Register for August 1863. Vol. II., p. 598.)
Sam'l J. Glassey, contact for Col. R. Nugent, A. A. P. M. G. respondent.
To the Justices of the Supreme Court,
For return to the within writ I respectfully certify:
That I am Colonel of the Sixty-ninth regiment New-York volunteers in the service of the United States, and Acting Assistant Provost-Marshal-General, appointed as such by the President of the United States, to superintend the execution of the Act for enrolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes approved March 8, 1863, in the first ten Districts of new-York.
That the said Michael Barrett, in the said writ named, was arrested by Thomas G. Girvan, an officer duly authorized by me to arrest deserters from
the United States service, at or near Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, upon the charge of being a deserter from the Thirteenth regiment New-York Cavalry.
That at the time of his arrest said Michael Barrett was in a camp of drafted men, he having enlisted and been duly mustered into the United States service as a substitute for a citizen of Massachusetts,
That it is my legal duty to deliver said Michael Barrett to the commander of the nearest military post, which I intend to do, as soon as possible, in order that he may be tried according to law for his alleged desertion as aforesaid, and if he is not guilty thereof that he may be returned to Massachusetts for duty under his enrollment there.
That the production of said Michael Cox in Court would be inconsistent with, and in violation of my duty as Acting Assistant Provost-Marshal-General as aforesaid--that he is now held under authority of the United States for trial.
For these reasons, and without intending and disrespect to the Honorable Justice who issued the writ, or to the Court, I must respectfully decline to produce said Cox, or subject him to the process of the Court.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Col. 69th regt. N. Y. N. and A. A. P. M. G. Samuel J. Glassey, Counsel for Respondent.
Aug. 26, 1863.
Of Co. F, 69th Regiment, N. Y. S. Volunteers, (Meagher's Brigade), a daring officer, and whole-souled Irish-American, died on Sunday, September 21, of wounds received in the leg, in the battle of Antietam. He was a son of Mr. Richard O'Brien, late of Loughur, Co. Limerick, Ireland. He resided, for some time, in Chicago. May God have mercy on his soul.
Letters from Sec. Seward and Gov, Morgan
Speeches by Generals Corcoran, Mitchel, Foster Sickles, Walbridge, and Busteed, the Hon. Mr. Arnold of Illinois, the Hon. M. F. Odell, the Hon. Mr. Wright of New-Jersey, Colonel Nugent, and many others.
The mass meeting at the Park yesterday afternoon was a most enthusiastic and patriotic gathering of loyal and brave men, who deem no sacrifice of time, or treasure, or blood, too great to put down the infamous rebellion and maintain the integrity of the Union. It was vast in numbers, generous in its tone, and practical in its plans. Although it embraced men representing every sect and party, they all stood in solid phalanx on the broad platform of patriotism. Love of country was their bond of union, and its defense the question of their earnest solicitude. A determination to fill up the New-York regiments now in the field—to fill the State quotas for the three years' and the nine months' men—to fill up a brigade, and, if possible to organize a division for Gen. Corcoran before "the leaves turn red."—moved the masses to give their money and to give themselves to sustain the war and uphold the Government.
This meeting will doubtless give recruiting such an impetus that drafting will nit be needed in this city or county, or State even. If money is given freely to volunteers, there will be no necessity whatever for buying the services of substitutes.
While the demonstration comported with the magnitude of the interests at stake, there was no violation of the laws of taste. Flags waved from every projecting angle, so that stripes and stars were everywhere visible, but they harmonized beautifully with the sea of upturned faces—the recruiting tents, the luxuriant foliage and the "wilderness of brick and marble" on either hand. Splendid banners were thrown out from the roofs of the Broadway palaces, from the City Hall, from the Tribune Office, and other places in the vicinity of the meeting.
One of the principal attractions of the meeting was the expected return of the gallant 69th, and for hours hosts of friends were in waiting to receive them. About 3 1/2 o'clock the regiment, headed by Gen. Corcoran, their former commandant, arrived at Jersey City, where they were tumultuously greeted by thousands of persons at the depot. Alderman Farley, Chairman of the Committee on National Affairs, welcomed the regiment home, and with the members of the Common Council, escorted the soldiers to the ferry. Upon landing at the foot of Courtlandt street, where were assembled several thousand persons, the regiment was received with cheer upon cheer. Suspended across Courtlandt street was a banner with this inscription:
The space in front of the ferry was literally jammed with people. The police having cleared the way, a procession was formed and moved in the following order up Courtlandt street to Broadway, up Broadway to Chatham street, entering the Park at the east gate.
Section of Police, under Capt. Dowling of the Sixth Precinct and Capt. Hart of the Twenty-sixth.
Troop of Brigade Lancers of the Sixty-ninth Regiment.
Gen. Corcoran, mounted on the steed which he rode at Bull Run.
Quartermaster Tully and Staff of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, mounted.
Capt. J. P. Kirker.
Deputation from the Common Council of this City, as follows:
Alderman Farley, Chairman of Committee on Marine Affairs Aldermen Tully, Chipp, Allen, Ottiwell.
Councilman Pinckney, President; Councilmen Orton, Boyce, Jones, Ross, Keech, Gedney, Gross and Repper—all bearing their golden staves of office, and marching in double file.
Gen. Hall, Cols. Nugent and McDermott, Wm. J. Kane, esq., a relative of Gen. Corcoran, John Hennessy, esq. &c.
Band of Sixty-ninth Regiment and Drum Corps.
Sixty-ninth Regiment, by Companies.
The entire route was densely thronged, the multitude loudly cheering the soldiers as they passed.
Words cannot adequately express the enthusiasm with which the regiment was received as it filed into the Park. The air was rent with the firing cannon and the continuous cheers of the multitude. The regiment closed in mass in front of the principal stand, and directly in front of the Hall. Gen. Corcoran, who was mounted upon a gray horse was warmly welcomed, and loudly cheered. Dismounting, he ascended the platform, and was received by the Mayor.
The meeting at stand No. 1 was called to order by Gen. Prosper M. Wetmore, who nominated as President, Mayor George Opdyke, which nomination was carried by acclamation.
Mr. Orton nominated the following list of Vice Presidents and Secretaries, who were duly elected:
Vice Presidents.--Alex. T. Stewart, Daniel F. Tieman, Moses H. Grinnell, Wm. Barton, Myndert Van Schaick, Horace Greeley, J. D. P. Ogden, Berhard Cohen, Charles Marshall, Moses Taylor, John J. Phelps, David Dudley Fields, Roland T. Haws, Cornelius Vanderbilt, DanielDevelin, Charles H. Ludington, Edwards Pierrepont, Simeon Draper, Nehemiah Knight, Peter Cooper, Hiram Barney, Joseph S. Bosworth, Isaac Bell, R. M. Blatchford, Charles P. Daly, George Denison, Edwin Hoyt, Richard Busteed, George W. Blunt, James brooks, Charles H. Russell, Henry E. Davies, Rufus F. Andrews, Fred. Knapp, Wm. V. Brady, John Austen Stevens, jr., James G. Bennett, Marshall O. Roberts, Samuel Hotaling, Samuel Wetmore, Lewis Nauman, Benjamin R. Winthrop, Thomas Stevens, Stephen Cambreleng, Shepard F. Knapp, Wm. G. Lambert, Daniel E. Delevan, Robert Stuart, Edwin L. Brown.
Secretaries.--Ethan Allen, Joseph Howard, jr., Fred. Sturges, W. H. L. Barnes, Francis A. Stout, Theodore Tilton, Dr. Pierre Van Wyck, George F. Betts, George Wilson, Edward A. Wetmore, Asa S. Lathrop, Joseph H. Choate.
The Mayor upon taking the chair addressed the meeting as follows:
Fellow-Citizens--I shall not inflict on you a lengthy speech. The call for this meeting truly declares that the time for speaking has passed, and that action, instant, earnest, united action is the duty of the hour. We have a country to be saved. Let us resolve that it shall be saved, by the concentration of all our energies in the performance of this one great duty. Let us look the situation squarely in the face. For what are we fighting? It is for nothing else than National existence, and the cause of civil liberty everywhere. An aristocracy, grounded on human servitude, has rebelled against a democratic Government, of which its members form numerically an insignificant part. Its only grievance is that the people, instead of bowing to its insolent dictation, have exercised the rights of freemen. Our would-be masters could not endure such temerity from men whom they have contemptuously called "mudsills." Rather than submit to equality with such they turned traitors. They took up arms to destroy the Government and sever the Union, of which numerically they formed less than a fiftieth part. But by establishing a relentless despotism and sweeping conscription, the deluded and helpless non-slaveholders of their section have been swept, as by a whirlwind, into the ranks of their army. Aided by these appliances, they now confront us on the theater of war with superior numbers. This must be changed--instantly changed--if we would save our honor and insure our triumph. How shall this be done? By following their example of conscription. Let the pa_ ... manhood of freemen answer the question. ... and death struggle between civil liberty and the prerogative of caste, it is natural that the armies of the latter should be filled by the iron scourge of despotic power; but the defenders of liberty should be impelled by their own free wills and manly hearts. The cause we fight for is as righteous and as essential to human progress and happiness as any that ever unsheathed the warrior's sword. We fight for the rights of the people, and in defense of liberty, order, and law. The best interests of humanity are involved in the issue, and our failure would cast a dark shade over the future of the race. But there must be no such word as fail. To avoid it, however, there must be no hesitancy in the rush to arms. Every man who can fight should promptly and cheerfully tender his services to the Government; and every man of means should contribute liberally to those who volunteer, and for the support of their families. We should all imbibe something of the noble sentiment the gallant Corcoran has uttered. He declares that no inducements however strong, "not even the fee simple of Broadway," would restrain him from the battle-field. Such a spirit as this deserves not merely a Brigade but a Division, and I trust a Division will be forthcoming. If a spirit like this animated us all, we might celebrate our final triumph over the Rebellion at our next annual Thanksgiving. Let us try to emulate this spirit, and by united, vigorous effort, to save the honor of our City by avoiding the necessity of a draft. We are behind the other portions of the State, and behind many of our sister cities. This must be changed. Let us, under the promptings of a common patriotism, unite in an earnest effort to send to the field a force that will overwhelm this malignant Rebellion; and let us do it voluntarily, as freemen should who are worthy to be free.
The Mayor was frequently and loudly applauded in the course of his remarks. Upon concluding Gen. Wetmore read the following:
Washington, August 26.
Gen. Wetmore—I am directed by the President to express his sincere regret that, owing to imperative engagements, he cannot be at New-York to-morrow.
It is impossible for me to attend your meeting. But why should it be necessary? If disunion shall prevail, New-York, so far as its assumed destiny is concerned, will cease to be. It is for New-York itself to decide whether disunion shall prevail.
Faithfully yours, WM. H. SEWARD.
Albany, 27th August, 1862.
Charles Gould, Esq., Secretary of War Meeting:
The crisis is fairly upon us. Men and means are the agencies required to meet it. God has placed these in our hands. Will we devote them to the patriotic work? Shall the old regiments be filled up? Shall the new ones be completed? Shall conscription be avoided? Shall the brave and honored Corcoran march back to the battle-fields of Virginia with 10,000 men? The country has done and is doing nobly. Her best and brightest spirits are earnest and faithful in the cause, laboring fir it as they never labored before. The great metropolis will fall short of its duty unless it can give up present peace, prosperity, and personal and political considerations, health, life, and all that is sacred and dear, for the one sole object—the salvation of the Union and the Constitution. What is new-York's response to these questions?
The following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That in this struggle for our Nation's existence, we here solemnly pledge our faith, our fortunes, our lives, and our honor, that this Rebellion shall be crushed, and the National soil redeemed from every taint of treason.
Resolved, That inasmuch as property in the Loyal States is valueless should the Rebellion succeed, we call on the moneyed and other corporations, to contribute largely to the recruiting funds, and to every effort for suppressing the Rebellion.
Resolved, That up to the 13th day of September next, we request that all places of business, so far as practicable, be closed on each day at 3 o'clock p. m., to enable loyal citizens to carry forward volunteering, and perfect themselves in military drill.
Resolved, That we most earnestly urge the President of the United States to authorize Gen. Michael Corcoran to recruit a Legion of 20,000 men, to be under his command, and to fight with him for the land of our adoption or our birth, and for the flag which symbolizes everything we cherish in national pride, and everything we love in national freedom. (This resolution was indorsed by the heartiest cheering.)
Resolved, That as we cherish that national pride and love that national flag, so will we do out utmost at plant that flag on every foot of United States soil, and make the home of the brave the land of the free.
In introducing Gen. Corcoran, Mayor Opdyke said: "The gentleman who will now address you needs no introduction at my hands. You all know him, and love him, and honor him. I introduce to you Gen. Corcoran.
After waiting some time for the subsidence of the tremendous cheering with which this announcement was greeted, Gen. Corcoran spoke as follows: The call for this meeting truly says that the time for discussion is past, and the time for action has arrived. This is the proper sentiment, and in accordance with it I stand here before you; and the 69th Regiment stands here too [cheers], ready to take action in common with our fellow-citizens for the immediate suppression of the rebellion. ["Bravo," and cheers.] The City of New-York I know is not ashamed of the 69th. [Cries of "No," "No"]; and the 69th feel proud to be identified with the patriotic citizens of this great Empire City. They came here among you not to loiter, but to reorganize—to fill up their ranks to the standard—to see their families and friends, and then return again with me to the seat of war, and come home again with me to receive your greetings as they have on two former occasions. [Cheers.] We have among us perhaps some few who think that the rebellion has now assumed such gigantic proportions that we ought to let them go. To these men and for these men there is only one answer, and that is the answer of the people of this great city and of the entire country; which is that the war shall never cease until the last man has perished and the last dollar is expended. ["Bravo!' and great cheering.] We all here solemnly pledge ourselves never to cease our efforts till this unholy Rebellion is crushed out forever. [Cheers.] Now let us take a brief review of how the matter stood at the commencement of this Rebellion and how it stands now. For thirty years at least those men have been plotting treason against our institutions. During all that time they were preparing themselves for the opportunity to strike the blow. The opportunity, perhaps, came sooner than they expected. We made the opportunity, and we forced them to act before they were quite ready. But they were much more ready than we were. And when we went forth to meet them we went like a father going to chastise a disobedient child; and we found that the child was so unruly that, we must deny him as it were. Now, I grant the rebellion has since assumed gigantic proportions. What have we been doing? We have been taking on gigantic proportions exceeding that of any nation upon the earth. We are a hundred times better prepared to meet the enemy now than at any time before. [Cheers.] The Government is now alive to the importance of this struggle, fully determined to prosecute the war with vigor. You are determined to support the Government, while it is ready to prosecute the war with unabating vigor. You are willing to contribute your last man and dollar to the support of the regularly constituted authorities of the United States.
Now, Further, at the commencement of this rebellion, they were masters of the positions of the entire Southern country. How is it to-day? We have strong foothold in all the Southern States except one or two. And with the noble and cordial response by the people to the President of the United States in bringing forward these 600,000 brave volunteers, I am satisfied that ere six months roll by this Rebellion will be forever crushed. [Cheers, and cries of "Bravo."] I feel the most unfeigned pride in looking at this meeting to-day. It will send a throb of joy through this nation when they read of this immense gathering of freemen in this Empire City of the Empire State--a city and State which have always nobly done their duty. And I say to you, my fellow-citizens, that no matter how many battles the South may win, they cannot hope for any permanent success while you present an undivided front to them. [Cheers.] We are determined that we must be the possessors of every inch of soil on this continent before we cease our exertions. [Cheers, long and loud, and again renewed.] I have said everywhere, that I am in favor of the President being vested with the fullest authority during this crisis, because we have entire confidence in his honesty as the representative of the people. [Cheers.] I believe I represent the people of this great city in one particular, in the opinion that we do not desire that any of the isms of the day shall be introduced into this war; but that it shall be prosecuted under the Constitution for the preservation of the Union—nothing more, and nothing less. [Cheers.] I like to assert my own principles and my own views, because I think the time has arrived when every man should assert his views. The man who is not with us is against us. There is no half way about it. If they do not come out and enlist, let them assist patriotic citizens in going forward to prosecute the war for the country. I know we have in this city, as well as in every community, men who are willing to live upon the blood of the people—willing enough to enjoy our prosperity; but call upon them in this hour of our difficulty, and where are they? They are skeddaddling off. [Laughter.] I am glad, for one, that the opportunity has at last arrived when the country will know its friends. I am proud to be able to say from this platform, as one of the Irish people, that we have done our duty. I say we have done our duty always; we will always continue to do it; we will never discontinue our efforts in this holy cause until this glorious country is relieved from the thraldom of Jeff. Davis and Company. To say the heart of the people of this great city beats proudly in thinking of our institutions, and I know they will never cease to cherish them. It is useless for me to tell you of the despotism ruling over the South, which has forced them now, as it were, into battle array against you. They are endeavoring to attack and to beat our troops before it is possible for the people to respond to the last call of the General Government. But, thank God they will he frustrated. We are ready to-day to meet them; and before they can advance five miles more we will have a hundred thousand more men at Washington; and the Irish Brigade will soon be there. As I announced to you at the commencement of my remarks, my sentiments are identical with those expressed in the call for this meeting—that the time for discussion has passed, and the time for action has come. The 69th Regiment is here. We are tired, and wish to return to the armory to lay up our arms for a few hours, soon again to resume them. I will only keep you long enough to say that the 69th recruiting offices are open; and I want every good and patriotic citizen to interest himself in this matter. And to the American born I would say that no man shall be more proudly received, and I will even take the hand of a Know-Nothing. [Cheers.] Thanking you for your patience, allow me now to retire.
Amid hearty and repeated cheers, Gen. Corcoran left the stand, and mounting his horse, departed with the 69th.
Gen. H. Walbridge was then introduced, and was received with the greatest enthusiasm. After repeated cheers, he said:
Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen: The firing of the first gun at Sumter changed every relation that had hitherto existed between the Rebels and the loyal men of the constitutional Union. [Cheers.] From that moment peaceful remedies were for the time being superseded, and it became at one a question of military force. [Cheers.] The failure to comprehend this conviction paralyzed our action during the greater part of the last year. A voice—['Tis too bad."] Not a single intimation has reached the North from any trustworthy quarter since the Rebellion was inaugurated calculated to make us honestly believe that any peaceful adjustment of the present existing difficulties would be responded to on the part of the treasonable and Rebellious South. They have inaugurated bloody, desolating, merciless war. Knowing this fact, that man is insane who proposes at a crisis like this to suggest political remedies. [Loud and protracted cheering.] The Federal authority must be asserted and maintained by force while armed opposition to that authority continues. [Cheers, and "That's so."] Treason must be annihilated; traitors must pay the just penalty of their crimes. ["Good, good."] The constitutional authority must be reasserted over every inch of our territorial soil, and the soldier who goes out to battle for the integrity of the Union must realize that he is not to be made the victim of extortion, outrage, and wrong. [That's right."] A careful husbandry of our resources must take place, unnecessary expenditures must terminate, and public examples made of all who seek this opportunity to fatten on the misfortunes of the republic. [Cheers.] The public morals should be invigorated, while the public arms are strengthened. While the resources of the nation are freely given, the people willingly taxed, and the blood of its best citizens flowing in defense of the public liberties, it becomes the imperative duty of the Constitutional Government to demonstrate that the relative disproportion in wealth, resources and population, between the contending forces, should be the means of speedily terminating the struggle—[true, true]—and that every agency employed by the Rebels themselves should be brought into requisition to make the contest short and forever conclusive. [Cheers.] Gen. Walbridge concluded by saying he had prepared some solutions which he would now submit, and if responsive to their views, he would request the Mayor to move for their adoption. Cheer after cheer followed each resolution when read, and on being submitted by his Honor the Mayor, they were carried amid a most deafening applause.
Resolved. That any man fails to pro... ...hend the great crisis through which the nation ... ...ing who does not realize that God himself is man... ...neral and political phenomena which this great, ... people have thus far constantly displayed in ... constitutional representative government, when ... with arms and violence by traitors who have most... enjoyed its benefits and protection.
Resolved, That each seeming disaster has only more fully developed a higher courage, a loftier patriotism, a more thorough and invincible determination, and more sublime devotion on the part of the loyal, patriotic masses, for the preservation of the Union, for freedom, and for free government.
Resolved, That in all these events we recognize the wisdom of Providence in disciplining and educating this vigorous young nation for the high destiny confided to it, of forever placing on an enduring basis individual and public liberty, and we conscientiously believe that, without this chastening discipline, we should now have been weakened by divided counsels, by conflicting opinions and unformed purposes, and the world would never have witnessed the sublime spectacle upon the altar of patriotism of the voluntary tender of more than a million of our hardy, patriotic, loyal sons, and the entire resources of more than twenty millions of an active, enterprising, and industrious population, to quell this infamous rebellion and preserve the national existence; that if they fail, other men, still waiting, and equally patriotic, shall hasten to avenge their deaths; all we ask in return is the restoration of our glorious Union; the right to hear, at the earliest possible moment, every incident that marks the varying fortunes of the struggles; the prudent husbandry of our resources, the most rigid and vigilant economy in every department of the Government; that our brave and unrivaled troops be led by experience, skill and valor; that courage, capacity and fidelity be promptly rewarded; that partisan objects be banished while we are saving the national life, treason forever annihilated, traitors summarily punished, the Union preserved, the Constitution inviolable; any foreign interference promptly met with decisive, unequivocal, energetic resistance, and every disturbing element swept with the besom of destruction that can in any degree interrupt the tranquility of the republic as it again becomes the acknowledged representative of constitutional, well-regulated liberty in every quarter of the globe.
Gen. Walbridge then moved that the following gentlemen be appointed a National War Committee (with power to add to their number and fill vacancies) to represent the people of New-York in all that relates to obtaining and using the means for a vigorous prosecution of the war, and a speedy termination of the rebellion:
Geo. Opdyke, Peter Cooper, Charles Gould, M. H. Grinnell, D. D. Field, Alex. T. Stewart, P. M. Wetmore, R. D. Lathrop, Michael Corcoran, Wm. Orton, J. A. Stevens, N. Knight, Isaac Sherman, Abram Wakeman, Andrew Kerrigan, R. M. Blatchford, James M. White, Wm. Curtis Noyes, D.
Dows, A. C. Richards, Terrence Farley, Samuel Sloan, Ed. Pierrepont, J. Sturgis, H. W. Mali.
The nominations were unanimously confirmed.
Mayor Opdyke then read a letter from the President of the American Bank Note Company, tendering in their behalf $2,000 to be used in raising volunteers.
Gen. Wetmore stated that the Mayor also contributed $1,000; he also moved that Gen. Walbridge be added to the Committee, which was carried.
The Mayor next introduced the Hon. Moses F. Odell from Brooklyn, who said:
CITIZENS of New-York--In days past in the history of this State, the people have assembled here in this Park time after time to do honor to the living, and to do honor to the dead; but never, in our history, has an assemblage gathered here with more importance and significance than ...
afternoon. The carpenter has left his jacket upon his bench, the merchant his ledger in the counting-room, and the lawyer his briefs; and what for? ["To stand for the Union."] That is it exactly. That is the response that comes from every patriot's heart--to stand for the Union. That is what I am here for, and that is the platform upon which I expect to stand while I live. Since I have been here, I have wished that the President of the United States, as honest and good a man as the sun shines upon, was here, to stand upon this platform, with every member of his Cabinet surrounding him. And I would humbly say to him, as the mouthpiece of this great City of New-York, "Sir, we demand of you, the President of the United States, placed in your office under the Constitution of the United States, that the armies in Virginia shall move onward [great applause], and that they shall not cease their onward movement until this flag shall wave in the Rebel capital, Richmond, and until the last Rebel shall lie low in the dust or ground his arms. [Renewed applause.] And in making this demand, I should only speak the sentiments of every loyal man in the city. I should say to him, with all respect, that we of New-York City, and New-York State, have a right to demand this of him. In the beginning of this rebellion that city sprang to its feet, and poured out its treasure, and sent forth its young men by hundreds and by thousands. Our boys lie on soldiers graves upon every field where a battle for the Union has been fought. And we are continuing to send them. We are cheerfully responding all over the State to his appeal. [Applause.] That is not all. When Mr. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, wants money, what does he do? He goes to the railroad office and buys a through ticket for the City of New-York. [Applause.] And when he gets here he finds the moneyed men full of patriotism, full of heart, and ready to respond to his wants. Here I would say to the President:
"Those armies of ours must move onward and forward. They must not stop at Richmond. They must go on to the Gulf." ["That's the talk."] This city will never be satisfied, will never feel that the cause of the Union and of the Constitution, and of the old flag, is vindicated, until that old flag shall wave again where it was struck down, on Fort Sumter. [Cheering.] This is the nation's crisis. There is an armed host against us, mighty in numbers, mighty in malevolence, mighty in wickedness; and it is for us as individuals to meet them. Men of wealth! you have a duty to perform. You have grown rich under the patronage of this Government; and now the country calls for your money. Not only till these brave boys before me go to the war, but give of your treasure to send them and to provide for their families. We want here the spirit that fills the soldier's heart as he stands before the enemy. We want that fire that pervades the heart of the gallant Col. McCook's mother. She told me, a few years ago, that she had six sons in the army, and one of them lay in the soldier's grave. Said I, "Madam, you have done your share in sustaining this Government." "Oh," said she, "had I six sons more, I would give them all." [Loud applause.] We want the spirit of a gallant son of New- York who was shot from his horse the other day, and when his comrades stopped to give him a drink he said," Never mind me; I die for my country; you go and follow your flag!" [Loud applause.] This is the spirit we want. Let us meet our responsibility and press onward in a mighty host until this Rebellion shall be crushed; and when by and by your gallant regiments shall come back covered over with glory, I hope to be here to greet them with you. [Great applause.]
The Hon. Mr. Arnold having been introduced, and three cheers having been given for the State of Illinois, he said:
FELLOW CITIZENS: I wish to God that the President whom Illinois gave to the Union could be here to witness the patriotism of this vast assembly. In behalf of the Empire State of the West, I challenge the great Empire State of the East to a generous, patriotic emulation, to see which shall do most to sustain the flag of our country. Prior to the recent call Illinois had sent 70,000 of her gallant sons to the field, and you have heard from them from every battle-field of the West, and now they are coming from every prairie, every grove, and every stream of our State to give their lives in defense of the flag of their fathers. This sublime uprising of the people is one of the most glorious spectacles the world ever saw. It knows no nationality, no party; but the people everywhere rise as one man, determined that, cost what it may, in men or money, the flag of our fathers shall float over every inch of territory belonging to the Union. [Applause.] And the Congress that has recently adjourned has enacted that every man that fights for the Stars and Stripes shall be at once recognized as a citizen of the Union, without any lapse of time. If there is any locality that should be determined to maintain the Union, it will be the great Empire State, and the States of the North-West. To us as to this city, the Union is a necessity. It can never be surrendered. We will never consent to a dissolution of the Union. ["Never," "Never."] I am as proud of the Empire State, my native State, as I am of my adopted State, Illinois. I want you to come up and do as much as Illinois—no, not quite, let us keep one step ahead of you [laughter and applause]—but we want you to be close to our heels. Will you do it? ["Yes," "Yes."] I have no doubt you will. Not until this battle shall have been fought, and our banner shall float again from the Lakes to the Gulf, shall there be a party spirit to divide the great mass of the American people.
WM. ROSS WALLACE read an ode upon the United States Flag in 1862, which was received with much cheering.
Col. Nugent was next introduced, and made a stirring appeal for recruits for regiments now in the field. His remarks elicited the greatest enthusiasm, and when he asked those who were ready to enlist to hold up the right hand, the response was most auspicious for additions to the veteran regiments.
The Hon. Mr. Briggs said that it was worth something to be an American citizen. As the bronzed, sun-burned 69th passed by, the reflection had occurred to him that though born on foreign soil, any of them having a son born in this land, might live to see that son the President of the United States. If any men on earth ought to fight for the flag of the Union, it is Irishmen, and the descendents of Irishmen. They build our railroads, dig our canals, build our bridges, and beautify everything; and now they should fight for that which they have created and made beautiful. [Applause.]
Gen. Wright of New-Jersey was introduced by Mr. Wetmore, and said that that State was doing her share in raising recruits for the Army of the Union.
He proceeded to urge the duty to sustain the President in defending the property of the Union committed to his care. We could make no terms with traitors with arms in their hands.
Maj. Pangborn, in the course of his speech, referred to what he had witnessed at Hilton Head, where they had destroyed their cotton and their crops, in consequence of the approach of the Yankee forces. The Union army had not gone there to subjugate them; but if they persisted in their course, they would go there to subjugate them, and would make that country a desert like Sodom and Gomorrah. [Applause.] After a whole year of forbearance, they are still more determined in their resistance than ever they were.
John A. McGorley was introduced as Major of the Dutch Brigade, and made humorous address, partly in German and partly in English, but declared that his "father was an Irishwomans." [Great laughter.]
Francis S. Lambert eloquently adressed [sic] Irishmen, appealing to them to come forward and never let the flag of our country trail in the dust, and never to cease their efforts until the leaders of the rebellion should be punished and justice should be done to Corcoran. He believed that the rebellion would never close until the Government should wake up to see that Slavery stands in the way of the Union.
Gen. Foster of N. C. was introduced, and greeted with three cheers for his State. He appealed to the people of the North to come to the rescue of the suffering people of that State. The large majority of the people of North Carolina are Union men, but they are surrounded, oppressed, and borne down under the barbarism of Jeff. Davis and his satellites. It is necessary that our strong arm should be extended there for their deliverance. If any were unwilling that the black man should be allowed to fight, the way to exclude him was to enlist themselves, to prevent the necessity. If enough white men would come forward and enlist, there would be no need of asking the negro to fight the battles of freedom for us. We need men, not for the subjugation, but for the deliverance of the South. If the army of North Carolina now fighting under the Confederate banner could be protected by our forces, they would rally en masse under the Stars and Stripes, and the conquest in favor of the Union would be immediately assured. [Loud applause.]
Capt. Hogan of Gen. Meagher's staff made a patriotic appeal to all classes. He told the rich that if they did not open their purses Stonewall Jackson would open them, for he was coming this way, and we could not tell how soon he would be at Hoboken. If a man had $60,000, he should give $30,000 of it to suppress the Rebellion, or he might pose the whole. He would give a leg or an arm to save the Union. If he only had as many men as he could see before him, each with a musket and a bayonet, he would make Stonewall Jackson run, sure as fate. [Cheering.]
Lieut. Washington A. Bartlett made an explanation of a new invulnerable steamship for the war.
Lieut. Tryon made a pithy speech. He was not a speaking man, he said, but he was a fighting man.
John Brady next took the stand, and said he had run 34 miles from Bull Run. He was always ready to speak, and always ready to run. But he did not seem to be so ready to turn his back upon the audience, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour.
Samuel Hotaling announced that he had offered to raise a brigade and go to the field, although above the age for drafting. He had already sent 410 men to the field.
Michael Curran, in shirt sleeves and workman dress, said that he had got $100 in gold at home, No. 178 Orchard street, and that he would contribute it to the object of forming a brigade for Gen. Corcoran. He made an eloquent appeal for others to follow his example. We understand the money was duly contributed last evening.
It was after dark when the meeting adjourned with three rousing cheers for the Union, and three more for President Lincoln.
This stand was located on the east side of the Park, opposite the Hall of Records.
Charles Gould called this meeting to order, and nominated ANDREW CARRIGAN as President, and several gentlemen were appointed Vice-Presidents and Secretaries.
The same resolutions as at Stand No. 1 were read and adopted.
Maj.-Gen. O. M. Mitchel of the Army of the West was the first speaker. He said:
FELLOW CITIZENS OF NEW-YORK: It affords me the deepest pleasure once more to meet the upturned faces of my loyal countrymen. It is a long while since I had the honor of greeting my loyal countrymen. For nearly nine months I have been sunk deep among the enemy; I have been surrounded by them on all sides, and the multitudes I have met there were multitudes in arms against the flag of our country, ready to strike down that great banner; but, under my own eyes, that has never yet been done. [Cheers.] I have but little to say to you to-day. The time for talk, for eloquence, has passed by. The time for long speeches, and arguments, and figures, of rhetoric is gone. We want now the bayonet, the thunder of the cannon, the marching of trampling squadrons, the array of armed troops, and regiments moving forward in solid phalanx, to divide and crush and grind to powder the armed resistance of the enemy. [Applause.] That is what we want. We have engaged in the grandest conflict the world has ever witnessed. We are to-day fighting the battles of the liberty of the world. We are, I tell you, my friends, engaged in the most stupendous struggle the world has ever witnessed. We are fighting the battle of freedom for the whole world. Single-handed as we are, are you ready to-day to meet this conflict? Are you ready to say, "I care not if the whole world were arrayed against us; our cause is pure and holy and glorious, and we are ready to die in defense of that cause?" Are you ready to say," Our country calls, in the discharge of duty, for our blood, our money, our sons, our fathers, and our brothers, and in this cause we freely give them to God and our country?" Last evening I had almost decided not to appear before you to-day, but this morning I picked up a newspaper, and in that paper I read a speech made at a banquet given to Lord Palmerston by Mr. Roebuck [groans for Roebuck]; and now I want to tell you what Roebuck said at that meeting. He said he had no sympathy with the North and its struggle, because our cause was an unrighteous and immoral one, and could not succeed. I tell you our cause is the greatest one in which the sword has been drawn. This war costs us thousands of lives and thousands of millions of expenditure; it has cost us blood without limit and money without stint. What do we get for it all? Why, we are fighting for a grand principle--the liberty of the world, the integrity of this nation; and if this integrity be destroyed, liberty is lost forever to humanity. But Mr. Roebuck says go on; divide the United States. That shows the cloven foot. Why? They have been too insolent, too strong, too independent; they took John Bull by the throat and held him, and said to him, Do us justice. [At this point, the 69th Regiment, headed by Col. Corcoran, passed into the Park, interrupting the speaker.] Nothing could have been more gratifying to me than to stop and welcome Corcoran. I welcomed Corcoran sixteen months ago, and saw him on his way to Washington. You know his sufferings since; you know what he has suffered for his country; how he has resisted every effort to induce him to leave a loathsome prison at the expense of his truth. You know how he has triumphed, and you know how to stop and welcome a noble hero suffering for his country. Let him go on. You have made him a Brigadier, and given him a regiment. Give him a brigade of forty regiments. [Cheers.] I wish to tell you what Roebuck was aiming at. He was trying to excite the envy and antipathy of the world towards us; he was attempting to turn the interest of the people of England against us. In the division of this country England will be profited. But let me tell Roebuck that when he begins the game of spitting and dividing, it is a game that two can play at. [Immense applause.] The soil of our country is sacred to us, and we will preserve it at all hazards and risks, and will sacrifice our lives, our money, our blood, everything to protect it. Because we know the division of this country will be literal and absolute and final death; and, my friends, a death of utter contempt and degradation! [sic] Can any of your bear to think of it? Suppose the South should triumph over the North, who of you will ever be able to look any honest man in the face. I care not in what way you settle this question. Will you make a treaty of peace? If you do you can never lift your head in the face of any honest man again. Suppose you do, I will give you the advice I gave a friend. You had better go down to the brass founder and get an iron mask, because if you get a bronze one the heat will melt down the brazen mask to the contemptuous gaze of everybody on the other side of the ocean. Let me go one step further with Roebuck. He says we can never make friends with the North, we can make friends with the South. And now I am going to give you his reason. He save the South are English gentlemen, the descendants of English gentlemen, and we of the North are—what? The scum and refuse of Europe. That is his language, and I desire to read it to you, that you may know I am right. Here are his words: "Of the South you can make friends. They are English; they are not the scum and refuse of Europe; with the North you cannot, they are such." ["Infamous liar."] That is nothing more than outpouring of the envy, hatred, and malice of the old English aristocracy upon the Democracy of the North. And we have got to meet it every hour, and I ask you, are you ready to meet it? [A Voice—"God knows I am ready."] Sixteen months ago, in Union Square, I laid my life upon the altar of my country. I do not own any life—any will, or conscience, or mind. I gave it all to my country, and to my country, God helping, I will ever devote it. ["Three cheers for the General."] Now, my friends, that is all very well. What do you cheer me for? You cheer the sentiment enacted, that is all. Every man that can fight, let him leave father and mother, wife and children, and let enlist under the banner of his country and fight, and let it be done promptly. The President has called for 300,000 volunteers, and 300,000 more. Will you not, by giving him a freewill offering, be noble sons of your native land? Let every man say, "What I am and have, everything I possess, belongs to my country," and I tell you the result cannot be doubtful. We have a tremendous battle to fight. Every day cements the North. The South is a solid mass; the North is divided as yet, but we are coming together every day, and a mighty stream of people deliberately is extending until it will sweep everything before it, and bring absolute destruction to everything in its path. The battle must be fought, and I will tell you how it must be fought. We will organize our battalions, brigades, and divisions, drill them, prepare them for the battle-field, and hunt the enemy wherever he may be found, and destroy him wherever we find him. There is to be no more delay or hesitation in regard to this matter. We will prosecute this war without any enmity toward the South, but with a solemn determination to rescue from their tyrannical grasp those who are in it. I understand them well. I understand Jeff. Davis's despotic power, and I believe the time will come when we will rescue the country from its thraldom, and that many a heart will rejoice in its return to that old flag which symbols the perpetuity of this Union. We have all got to enlist Make up your minds to take up your musket. Just listen to what I have to tell you. Don't undertake to enlist as a matter of play; it is a mighty serious business. Enter upon it seriously, thoughtfully, determinedly; and when you have made up your mind, say, "I am going to be a perfect soldier with a perfect determination never to fail in anything. I will be careful, thoughtful, vigilant, ever on my guard; on the march, when the cannon roars, where it is hot, I will be as solid as a rock. [Great cheering.] And if I fall, my last shout shall be for my country, the preservation of the Union, and for the liberty of the entire world." Have you made up your minds what you will do? Some one will say, "Can I leave my family? Can I leave my wife? She clings around me, the tears flowing from her eyes," Yes, I have done it all, and you must do it. Would you disgrace that wife? Would you have her blush with shame for you? Will you have your children grow up and curse you for cowards? Would you have them say: "Oh, father! if I had been a man during this conflict, I would have died, giving everything I had under Heaven, before I could have become the scoff and scorn of the entire world." That is what you have got to meet right square. What is the result? Glory on the one hand, ignominy and contempt on the other. Make your choice to-day. Don't stand here halting. It is glory on the one side, and utter contempt and degradation on the other. I know what my Irish friends will answer. I go back to the days of my triumphs in the South, when all I had to say was: "Boys, spring to it," and like hounds from the leash every man rushed to his duty. [Great cheering.] I never had any man hold back there. All the trouble was, was to keep them out of the fight until the time came. [Laughter.] They said: "You're not going to keep us back?" No, I will give you the word; then spring like the lightning, and deal blows like the thunderbolt. That is the training I gave to my division. We always struck but one blow, and the first blow they got was always the last one. [Immense applause.]
Mr. RICHARD BUSTEED was the next speaker introduced. He said: The nationality of the American people depends upon their unity. [Good; that's true.] This is the sole solder of their strength. Whatever threatens the indivisibility of the nation endangers its continued existence. Very early in its history, a motto was engraven on the nation's seal which contains the secret of its perpetuity, "United we stand, divided we fall." To parcel out the soil into independent sovereignties, would be to sow the whole of it with the teeth of the dragon of discord, rivalry, and bloodshed. Our people begin to understand this, and it is well they do. No greater political heresies have grown up among us than those which have their origin in false notions of what are called State Rights. The Nullification of 1832, and the Secessionism of our own day, are the spawn of this error. We meet to inflame zeal, to inspire loyalty, and to declare to our President and his Cabinet that the City of New-York—the great commercial metropolis [sic] of the country—favors the suppression of this most wicked Rebellion, by the prompt, free, fearless use of every and any means necessary to crush it out at once and forever. [Great cheering.] What these means are, the Executive is charged with the responsibility of deciding; but, as he has recently, in a well-considered letter, declared his readiness to hear suggestions, and give to them all proper consideration, I claim the right and embrace this occasion to say that it is my deliberate conviction that the cause of this Rebellion is Slavery, and that the cause and the effect must perish or survive in force together. ["Good, "good."] For one, I sincerely believe if Slavery lives the Republic dies. ["That's the talk."] And I deny that this Government, struck at and attempted to be destroyed by the Slave Power, should do anything to preserve Slavery as stock in trade for a future rebellion. God has decreed that their sin shall perish with them! This is Freedom's grand opportunity, and no man not himself at heart tyrannic, dishonest, and cruel, but will rejoice that the Republic of America is ere long to be disenthralled by the genius of universal emancipation. All hail the day! [Great cheering.] In this connection, I have a word or two to say to men, who, like myself, of Irish birth, have sought and found a home in the United States of America. It is supposed by some of my countrymen, and they have been taught to think so by bad designing men of the class known as politicians, that, if the emancipation of the black race should be one of the results of the war made upon us by the Southern slaveholders, an exodus of that race to the Northern States would immediately follow, and a new and distasteful element of rivalry in labor be produced here, to the disadvantages of the white working-men. Now, this is simply absurd. No such consequence would or could follow from the freedom of the blacks. Residence is not a matter of mere choice. It is controlled by great natural and philosophical laws, to the acceptance of which all men are held by an imperious necessity. Which of us could, for example, live in the heart of Ethiopia, although our revenue should be a million times what it is in the State of New-York? So, the swarthy child of the torrid zones cannot live amid the snows of Northern latitudes. He never can enter their fields of labor as a competitor, The country is in imminent peril. Traitors in arms menace and assault the people and their rulers; citizens are being ruthlessly slain; homes and hearts are made desolate; constitutional obligations and compacts, are whistled down the winds, and the sacred name of revelation perverted to the abominable uses of treason and rebellion. This is not the time to discuss how far the Government will be justified by the Constitution, or previously existing laws, in using this, that, or the other, as a means of re-establishing the national authority and maintaining the national power. Salus populi suprema est lex. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. Nor is this the time to regard the condition of the country from any political standpoint. In this hour party must be forgotten. There is a great fight on hand between democracy and aristocracy ["That's true"], between the privileges of the few and the rights of the multitude, between caste and republican equality, and he is the genuine democrat who loves liberty more than Slavery. The democracy that will not endure this test is spurious. My own position is easily declared. I was a Democrat. I am a loyal lover of my country, whose free institutions I do not care to outlive. ["Bravo."] I will be what her necessities, the convictions of my intelligence, and the dictates of my conscience, make me. If this be treason to party, party can make the most of it. ["Good, "Good", and applause.]
The Hon. LUTHER R. MARSH was the next speaker. He drew a vivid picture of our prosperous condition for fifty years previous to the breaking out of the Rebellion, painted the perfidy and treachery of the South in their efforts to break up the Government, and appealed in strong terms to his hearers to take up the musket and the sword to put down the wide-spread treason. He was frequently interrupted by applause.
Mr. J. W. T. VAN RIPER of New-Jersey followed in ardent appeal for enlistments, stating that he belonged to a regiment and intended to return to the field.
Mr. H. S. Smith made a short and patriotic speech, stating he was born in this city, and had learned to love the institutions under which he lived, and was ready to defend them to the last.
Capt. Price of Sickles's Brigade followed in a glowing appeal to his countrymen to enlist. He had a word to say to the ladies. They could determine the fortunes of this war. Let them resolve they would marry only returned volunteers, and we should soon have sufficient recruits to put a stop to the rebellion. He thought any girl who would marry any but a returned volunteer was not worth having.
Mr. JOHN BRADY was introduced, and made a patriotic, though somewhat disjointed appeal, to the Irish and Germans to rally round the Stars and Stripes, under which Jeff. Davis and Despotism were both equally to fall.
Stand Number Three.
At the stand toward Broadway from the City Hall a very large number of citizens listened to eloquent speeches. That portion of the great mass meeting was called to order by Henry Hill, esq., and the Hon. A. Wakeman, Postmaster of the city, was elected President, and a number of gentlemen were elected Vice-Presidents and Secretaries.
Mr. ALBERT CARDOZO was the first speaker. Regretting the weakness of his voice, he wished for trumpet tones to impart to his auditory a tithe of the hope for the perpetuity of the Union which he possessed. The nation was in travail, and she looked to New-York to insure her safe deliverance. Should New-York prove recreant to her duty? ["No, no."] To-day she spoke in her might, to make all the nations feel that we were a great and glorious people, capable to taking care of our country. It was now no time to discuss causes.
The 69th Regiment now came in through the Park and were received with loud cheers. Mr. Cardozo interrupted his speech, and before he could resume, the Aldermen and Councilmen appeared with batons of office, Mr. Wakeman gracefully resigned in favor of Alderman Farley, and Mr. Cardozo briefly concluded.
Gen. Wm. K. Strong of Cairo was then introduced. He said he had been requested to lift his voice in the city of his home, as he had been doing for the last ten months in the loyal camps of the West, to speak to the citizens, ...
To-day in the presence of a rebellion that threatened to destroy our Government, let us all band together, loyal citizens of all parties, defenders of our country's flag, before this sun, and let the assurance go forth to our half million of men in the field that we would stand by them, as long as life lasts in support of the Government. He had been in the glorious West. ["Them's the boys."] He had chosen the West because he has believed that until the Mississippi was reclaimed we could not dismember the terrible rebellion that had broken out in our country. He would see for himself whether the citizens of the West would rescue the great river of their land from the presence of traitors. And to-day the Valley of the Mississippi is safe. [Cheers] The men living on its borders would never give it up as long as there was a drop of blood to flow in the North-West. As long as those ten States remained in the geography of the country, so long would the Mississippi remain in the possession of Free Men and Free Labor. He was absent on a few days' leave to recuperate his exhausted energies. All was safe in the mighty West. With 50,000 more troops they could hold and occupy everything west of the five Cotton States. His father, after six battles with Washington, stood 52 years on one leg. His sons all but one were in the Army of the West, and that one had left his clerkship in Canada, and would enroll himself to-morrow as a soldier from New-York. Thank God there were loyal men from all nations and climes—they had whole regiments in the West from Norway, and they sang patriotic songs, the chorus of one of which being to the tune of Dixie, was this: "The stars shall shine, and the stripes shall wave, all over the land of Dixie." In the southern counties of Illinois, where there had ... most sympathy with Secession twelve months ago, they were now enrolling themselves, almost to a man; they now fully understood that there was no safety in anything but in putting down the Rebellion.
A detachment of Sickles' Brigade here formed in front of the stand, and were received with loud applause.
Gen. STRONG made eloquent allusion to the performances of the brigade. Let it be the purpose, he said, of everyone of us to put down the Rebellion and preserve the Government. He had been in Europe when the Rebellion broke out, and he instituted a comparison between the benefit of this country and its form of Government and those of the Governments of Europe. He concluded by ...ing his entire auditory to pledge life, fortune, and sacred honor to the salvation of our country. All responded. Then, said he, let all go to the places of enrolling and put down their names. Everything valuable in this world was enjoyed by the inhabitants of the United States. Let everything be expended before surrendering the unity of this blessed Government. The traitors were animated with the spirit of fiends. It was a wanton, malignant machination, and if it prevailed there would be one general night of darkness and desolation. In this we were all alike interested.
He pledged his all until our Government was established—muscle and heart's blood. [Loud applause.]
ETHAN ALLEN, esq., then made a short speech, announcing his intention to enlist, This announcement was received with loud applause as well as some spirited remarks on the general condition of affairs.
ABRAM WAKEMAN, esq., then read the resolutions; they were received with loud applause, and adopted with enthusiastic unanimity. They were the same as at stand No. 1.
Brig.-Gen. D. E. SICKLES was the next speaker. He said: To-day the imperial city speaks. Her voice is potential, because it is the expression of loyalty, courage, and intelligence. Thirty thousand brave soldiers represent the metropolis ... field; $300,000,000 of her treasure is in ... the national exchequer. The golden tide now flows like another Pactolus, from Wall street to Washington. ["Thank God for that."] Through the hands of your Mayor and Common Council millions have been distributed among the families of our brave volunteers. Yes, and the Alderman at my side says more is ready if it is wanted. In 1860, 50,000 votes were cast in this city for compromise and peace with the South; in 1862, 50,000 bayonets represent New-York in the army to compel obedience from those upon whom conciliation was lavished and lost. [Cheers.] The President has called upon you for more men. I am sent here for one to fill up the ranks of my battle-worn and shattered regiment. You see a line of brave boys here in front of you who have responded to my appeal, and who are going with me to the field. New-York—the City of New-York—has yet to furnish at least 10,000 volunteers. I know that my city only requires to understand what she has to do and that she will do it. The Press will help; it is helping. The pulpit is aiding us. In the Church of the Pilgrims a man of genius every day speaks in trumpet tones to the people, appealing to them to respond to the call of the country. In the Cathedral Church of New-York, a noble-hearted prelate ... an honor to his church and to his country, appeals to all those to whom he has a right to speak, and whom he always addresses with power. And his voice is not only heard at home; but, like a true hero was not afraid to beard the Irish lion in his den and tell England to her face that a great Republic was and ever shall be a unit. [Three cheers.] The banks—for I am one of those who believe that a s... can be awakened even in a bank by the urgent news of the country in this hour—let the banks of New-York, representing as they do untold millions, wake up to the exigencies of the hour; let them offer bank bounty, and if it is in proportion to the purse, it will be a very sizeable and handsome bounty. Let us hear from the merchants of New-York; in intelligence, in patriotism, in liberality they are second to no merchant community in the world. I know they have done much already, and those who have done much already are the very ones to do more. For he who has done nothing up to this hour never will do anything [Hear, hear.] The women can do a great deal. The women of the South have done as much to fill the ranks of the Rebel army as it Government has done. This Continent, dedicated to freedom, never would have been discovered but for the patriotism, the liberality, and the religious enthusiasm of a woman. Columbus, after he had in vain gone from king to king, and Court to Court, seeking the money with which to fit out his expedition of discovery, and failing everywhere, at last made known his scheme and his wants to Isabella of Spain. The Spanish treasury was bankrupt; wars had exhausted it. She told Columbus: "Go on with your expedition; you will succeed. I will sell my jewels to fit out your ships." She did so, and Columbus went upon his voyage, and America, the discovery of America, was the result. [Cheers.] Now here is an example to the women of America. The same sacrifice which Isabella made to insure its discovery, centuries ago, is worth repeating to-day to secure the preservation of its liberties, and to insure the suppression of an unholy, unrighteous Rebellion. We have everything to sustain and encourage us in the great effort we are now making. Gen. Sickles proceeded to say that the Rebellion had called out its last man, and appropriated its last dollar for a final struggle. This Antietam would witness the triumph of the Union, or the triumph of the Rebellion. One more campaign would close this war. It was for the North to say whether is should be a short and decisive campaign, witnessing the suppression of treason and the triumph of the Constitution and the laws. Nothing could be more cheering to the soldier than the enthusiasm, activity and energy displayed everywhere through this great city to re-enforce the armies of the Republic. In the justice and moderation of the President all could confide. We had a Secretary of War who had shown the energy of a Carnot and the enthusiasm of a Danton on the discharge of the duties of his great office. He had organized armies such as had not been seen in modern times. He had directed them with loyalty and skill. Gen. Sickles alluded to the achievements of the Navy, to the Generals in the field, to the Statesmen not in office and the Generals not in the army. There was room for all in the ranks. he concluded by an earnest appeal for volunteers and an eloquent allusion to the Flag, which was warmly applauded.
The Hon. W. T. B. Milliken was next introduced. He said that every man felt that every one must fight in this war on one side or the other. We were either to be in the ranks, or fill the ranks, or go ourselves without full ranks. The call for a draft had made a recruiting officer of every man, woman and child. Thank God, the Government had got through coaxing men, and compelled men to do their duty. Let all men attempt to devise some means by which the soldiers of New-York should be, not conscripts, but volunteers.
The Hon. D. S. Coddington was the last speaker. He would that he could address them not as fellow citizens, but as fellow-soldiers—that he could braid their plain coats into the livery of the army. The most important man in this country now was he who enlisted to save his country. He cared not how humble he might be. The moment he enlisted, the eyes of the whole country were upon him. We could not put down was until we had given up peace. We must not only talk war, write war, and pay war, but we must act war, feel war, and live war. We had dwelt so far from the armaments of rebellion, with nothing to alarm us—the habits of peace had been so enticing, that we had organized our peace and war so easily that we did not realize it. Some would not fight because this was an Abolition war—some because it was a Democratic war; but all parties had brought the war on, and all should carry it on.
The President, Alderman Farley, then invited the attention of the audience to the recruiting stations in front of the stand, and pledged himself to use all his influence in the Common Council to take care of their families while gone.
This portion of the meeting then adjourned with three cheers for the Union, Gen. Sickles, Gen. McClellan, and our troops.
Outside Meetings.
In addition to the regular speeches made at the stands, several outside meetings were got up for the gratification of those whose overflowing patriotism sought relief in words to the masses who could not get within hearing distance of the speakers on the different platforms. These speeches, with the single exception of a heartless fling at the blacks, were truly excellent.
We are living in a talking age; the world grows garrulous as it grows old, but our orators yesterday were practical, and their words were brave as cannon balls. In front of old Tammany, and in the Park, there was a liberal flow of speeches long after sunset.
The Eighth and Sixty-ninth of New York, and the Thirteenth and Twenty-eighth of Brooklyn.
Orders for the departure of this regiment to-day were received on Saturday last, and the work of filling up to a war footing has been proceeding vigorously ever since. Up to last evening over six thousand volunteers had been enrolled, but orders were received from Governor Morgan not to recruit a larger number than was sufficient to complete the regimental complement of 1,000 men, and they are consequently compelled to limit their number to that figure. All the men are very enthusiastic for active service and express the hope that they will be compelled to go through Baltimore and force a march to Washington. Regimental line is to be formed this forenoon, at nine o'clock, on Broadway, corer of Great Jones street, whence they will proceed to the steamship James Adger for embarkation.
The following order has been issued in reference to the troop of Lancers of the Sixty-ninth:—
Special Orders.
Headquarters Sixty-ninth Regiment,
New York, April 22, 1861.
The troops attached to this regiment, not being required for service at Washington, are hereby detailed to take charge of the Regimental armory and perform such other duties as they may be directed to by Major James Bagley, who, together with Captain James B. Rirker, are hereby detailed to forward supplies which cannot be procured at present. Major Bagley will report to the Major General for orders immediately after the departure of the regiment. A leave of absence for two weeks is hereby granted to Chaplain Denis F. Sullivan and Lieutenant Sullivan. By order of
Will depart to-day with the full regimental complement of 1,000 men. The dragoon company take with them six mountain howitzers for grape and canister discharges. Regimental line is to be formed this morning on Union
square at eight o'clock, whence the line of march will be taken up to Pier 36 North river, where they will embark on board the steamship Alabama.
The following is a list of the officers of the regiment:—
Colonel George Lyons.
Lieutenant Colonel Chas. G. Waterbury.
Major Obed F. Hentworth.
Adjutant, P. B. Keeler, Jr.
Engineer, Wm. M. Walton.
Paymaster, M. H. Cushman.
Quartermaster, Chas. G. Cornell.
Surgeon, Dr. Dalton.
Chaplain, Thos. Rinker.
Surgeon's Mate, T. F. Smith.
Troop—Captain Joshua M. Varian; First Lieutenant,
Robert Brown; Second Lieutenant, Stephen H. Cornell.
Company A—Captain J. O. Johnstone; First Lieutenant, A. S. Woods.
Company B.—Capt. Thos. Sweeny; First Lieutenant, A. G. Enos; Second Lieutenant, Michael Weaver Wall.
Company C—Captain, Edward Burger; Second Lieutenant, John Appleton.
Company D—Captain, E. D. Lawrence; First Lieutenant, Isaac Cohen.
Company E—Captain, Mortimer Griffin; First Lieutenant, Alonzo Dutch; Second Lieutenant, Chas. Hurlburt; Second Junior Lieutenant, Geo. L. Fox.
Company F—Captain, Leander Buck; First Lieutenant, David A. Allen; Second Lieutenant, D. G. Diamond.
Company G—Captain, Wm. S. Carr; First Lieutenant, John Shaler.
Company H—Captain, Saml. Gregory; First Lieutenant, S. M. Burrow.
Non-Commissioned Staff—Sergeant, Major Clyde; Assistant Seargeant [sic], C. F. Weed; Right General Guide, George Law; Left General Guide, ____ Cook; First Seargeant [sic], Thos. ____.
Yesterday orders were transmitted to the Colonel for the regiment to leave this morning, at eight o'clock. The consequence was, the excitement reached fever heat. All was bustle among the soldiers. Uniforms were looked after; knapsacks were packed, and on every side was heard the note of preparation. The armory was filled throughout the day with the friends of the men who were about to depart for the war, and at night the building was completely crammed. Outside a vast crowd blocked up the street nearly up to Fulton
street, rendering it almost impossible to pass, while every now and then squads of recruits marched into and out of the building, eliciting loud cheers from the crowd outside. Within the building the general drill rooms resounded with the measures tramp of feet, as the recruits were being drilled, while numbers were hurrying to and fro in all the bustle of preparation; and all over the city hurried farewell call were being made by departing soldiers, and kind wishes being uttered and fervent prayers breathed by relatives and friends for the safety of those who were about to devote themselves to their country.
The following are the names of the officers of the Thirteenth as far as they have been chosen:
Colonel, Abel Smith.
Lieutenant Colonel, Robert P. Clark.
Major, Willetts.
Quartermaster, J. Mumbey.
Paymaster, Boyd.
Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Lee.
Surgeon, Chase.
Adjutant, Johnson.
Company A, Captain. John Sullivan; Lieutenant Mead.
Company B, Captain Horace Sprague; Lieutenants Joseph W. Hays and William McKee.
Company C, Captain Morgan; Lieutenant Dodge.
Company D, Captain Baisden; Lieutenants Strang and Bennett.
Company E, Captain Jones; Lieutenant Richards.
Company G, Captain Thorn; Lieutenants Woodward and Johnson.
Companies H, I and K were vacant.
So successful has this regiment been in recruiting, that a great many more than the number required have offered, and there are not near enough uniforms and equipments for all. It was impossible to ascertain the exact strength of the regiment last night, but it is believed to be not much under one thousand men.
Orders were also receive by Col. Burnett for the departure to-day of the Twenty-eighth regiment, commanded by him. This regiment also has its headquarters at the armory, but the men are principally residents of Williamsburg, and their drills usually take place there. It is believed, however, that the men will assemble at the arsenal, in Portland avenue, and thence march to the place of embarkation. Nothing, however, could be ascertained in respect to the vessel in which the Twenty-eighth or the Thirteenth is to depart, or where she is lying or whether they will go in separate vessels. The matter was kept a profound secret from even the officers of the regiments. The Twenty-eight, though successful in recruiting, has not enlisted so large a number as the Thirteenth. It is said that the number will amount to about seven hundred and fifty men in consequence of a recent accident, Colonel Bennet will not be able to accompany his regiment, which will be placed under the command of Lieut. Col. Burns.
A meeting of the friends of this regiment was held at Captain Kirker's, No. 599 Broadway, last evening. Hon. Chas. P. Daly was called to the chair, Richard O. Gorman was elected Treasurer and William Kane Secretary.
The Chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to obtain funds for the relief of the families of the members during their absence.
The following committees were then appointed:
Finance Committee—Messrs. Daniel Devine, John O' Brien, Richard O. Gorman and James B. ____.
Relief Committee—Messrs. James B. Kirker, John Clancy, James Gagney, Edward Hartman, Felix O'Rourke.
Subscriptions were then received. The committees will meet every evening at the same place at five o'clock. Subscriptions may be sent to either of the above names gentlemen.
Two companies of the Sixty-ninth regiment of New York advanced towards Fairfax Court House last night. Private Cornelius Shehan was shot while bathing by an accidental spent ball from a musket which was discharged for the purpose of cleaning. The ball passed into his right shoulder. The wound is not considered dangerous.
Losses of the Sixty-ninth Regiment.
Names of the Killed, Wounded and Missing.
We append a list of the members of the Sixty-ninth (Irish) regiment of this city who were killed or wounded at the battle of Bull Run on Sunday, together with the names of the missing, so far as can be ascertained. The list is prepared from authentic sources, and is as complete as it is possible to make it at present:
Killed—Captain Haggerty, Acting-Lieutenant-Colonel.
Wounded—Sergeant-Major Tracy, slightly, in the thigh.
CAPTURED—COL. Michael Corcoran, slightly wounded.
Killed—Jeremiah Peters, Bernard Reynolds, Patrick Flannigan (probably), Patrick Lilley, Thomas Montgomery, Charles Crosby (probably).
Wounded—Joseph O'Hara, in the head, brought home; D. J. Cahill, left on the field; John Heddington, in both legs, brought home; William Durkin, in the head, brought home; John Gaffney, in the thigh, left on the field; Sergeant James Kelleher, Corporal P. Cahill, Richard A. Kelly, Richard C. Kelly, William Finnigan; Color-Sergeant John Murphy, in the leg, left at Centreville; Thomas Eagan, Hugh Duffy.
Killed—Patrick O'Donnell, Peter Murphy, Corporal Richard Shulter, Dennis Shorter, John Karr, Daniel Sherridan, M. D. Walsh, Luke Doyle, John Nugent, John O'Neil. [O'Neil took Colonel Corcoran's belt with the promise to see it safely to Washington or Fort Corcoran, and a few minutes afterwards was dead on the field.]
Wounded—Corporal Thomas Kiernan, in the wrist, brought home; Patrick Reiley, in the hand, brought home; John Gallager, in the foot—brought home; James Maginnis, fell on the field; has since died; John Cullen, dangerously, left on the field; P. R. Dunn, in the breast, left on the field.
Missing—William Joice, John Kerr, James McTague, John F. McNeil, William Moore, John Scott.
Killed—Hugh Reynolds, Bryan Duffy, Frank Scott. Wounded—Corporal Timothy Carr, in the head, left on the field; Patrick Fitzgerald, No. 2, in the leg, left at Alexandria.
Missing—Robert Carr, Jas. McKerrick, Patrick Logue, Patrick Blake, Wm. Mettley, Edward McWilliams.
Killed—Patrick Coffey.
Wounded—John Sullivan, in the foot, left on the field, afterwards brought away by his friends; Wm. Casey, in the foot, brought home; Hugh Fisher, in the hand, brought home; Corporal C. O'Neil, in the arm, left at the field hospital; Corporal John Jackson, in the thigh, left at the field hospital; Patrick Callahan, in the back, brought home: Theodore Sheehan, in the thigh, left on the field; Sergeant John Murphy, slightly; Corporal J. O'Brien; Thomas Sheehan; John Hayes, in the arm, brought home; John Hayes, in the head on the 18th, in Washington hospital.
Missng—Michael Colman, probably taken prisoner.
Killed—Wm. Powers, Bernard Quinn, John Fitzgerald, Edward Shields.
Wounded—James Hughes, in the thigh, left on the field; John Dowling, in the knee, left on the field; Michael Kenting, in the leg, left at the field hospital; George E. Boulton, in the thigh, dangerously, left at the field hospital; Christopher Cummings, in the hand, slightly, home with the regiment; ____ Fitzgerald, in the leg, left on the field; ____ Hackett, in the leg, slightly, came home.
Missing—Lieutenant John Bagley; Delancey Ryan.
Killed—Jas. Kean, Dominick McNally, Owen Donohue, Jas. McMallawy, John McOmalley.
Wounded—Edward Dalton, in the leg, and arm—left on the field.
Missing—Jas. McNulty.
Captain Breslin was accidentally shot, but not severely injured, before the battle.
Killed—Corporal Michael Brannan (probably), Michael Walsh, Patrick Flynn, Thos. Fleming, Henry Higgins.
Wounded—Richard Wallace, toes cut off, remained on the field; James Rorty, shot in the arm, left on the field; Nicholas Holling, (of Phoenixville, Pa.,) in the arm, left on the field; Thos. Dunlap, in the arm, remained on the
Missing—James Donnelly. Thirteen others were wounded and missing, one of the former was left on the field.
Killed—William Kegney, ____ Dillon. A few others are said to have been killed, names not ascertained.
Wounded—Matthew Malloy, in the hand—brought home; James McGrath, severely—left on the field; John Owens, left on the field.
Killed—John Broderick, ____ Madigan.
Wounded—John Daly, in the neck, brought home; Matthew Daly, in the arm, brought home; Corporal Patrick Dunfy, in the arm, brought home.
Missing—Captain McIvor.
Killed—James Costelloe, Edward Shaughnessey, John J. Dumphy.
Wounded—Thomas K. Hughes, in the side and arm, left in the field hospital; Corporal D. O'Keefe, in the side, brought home; Martin King, in the side, brought home; Owen McCarty, in the leg, brought home; Francis Brown, in the leg, brought home; John O'Leary, in the leg, brought home; James Keane, in the leg, left on the field; John C. McGuire, left on the field; Hubert M. Erwin, slightly; William Dalton, slightly.
Missing—Orderly Sergeant Wm. O'Donohue, was last seen on the battle-field; Daniel Cassidy, John Dumphy, Lieutenant Edmond Connolly, James Kane.
WOUNDED—John Hussey, John Bate, in the thigh, left on the field; Jolm Cotter, James Gaynor, Thomas McGurty, in the breast and neck, brought home.
MISSING—Thomas McGuire, Edward Sweeny, Richard Flynn.
[The engineer corps comprised originally only thirty-six, and its loss is proportionally very heavy.]
Killed . . . . . . . ... 44
Of the missing no satisfactory account can as yet be given.
is fast filling up, and the Celtic element is showing its unbounded enthusiasm in the cause of freedom by the numerous applicants for enlistment which are daily flocking to the recruiting office.
The festival at Jones' Wood to-day, for the relief of the widows and children of the soldiers of the Sixty-ninth regiment, promises to be highly successful and to realize a large fund for the object in view. In this expectation, would it not be well to have it distinctly understood what disposition is to be made of the funds, and in what way and by whom they are to be distributed.
At an early period of the war a relief committee was appointed, which has very efficiently and earnestly devoted itself to the praise-worthy object of relieving the distress and administering to the wants of the families of the brave fellows who attached themselves to the Sixty-ninth. The resources of this committee are, I understand, nearly exhausted. I allude to the committee of which the Hon. Charles P. Daly, is chairman, and Richard O. Gorman, Esq., is treasurer. The ability and experience of the gentlemen composing this committee have been thoroughly, and to the public, satisfactorily exerted up to the present time, and the avails of the great demonstration of to-day might with sufficient propriety be paid over to them.
I am aware that it has been proposed to restrict the beneficiaries of the festival to the widows and orphans of the slain; and it has even been further suggested that it is intended to nurse the funds and appropriate them in
such way as to set the widows up in business, and thus give them a permanent support for life. However praiseworthy the intention, the last mentioned idea is impracticable, and could never be satisfactorily and promptly performed; but if it is to be performed, or the fund restricted to the relics and offspring of the noble cause, no other committee, it is considered, could more properly be the guardians of the trust than the committee already appointed and herein named.
This, it is respectfully suggested, would be a better course than appointing a new committee of distribution, without the experience of the one alluded to, and would undoubtedly show the disinterested motives and zeal of the gentlemen at present occupied in managing this highly popular demonstration.
Recruits for Company G are received at the Park from nine o'clock A. M. to six o'clock P. M. daily. Men wishing to join the company will make application at once, as its ranks are almost full. Members who were enrolled yesterday will assemble at nine o'clock this morning to be mustered into the United States service.
NEW YORK. SEPT. 4, 1861.
In reply to several inquiries touching my relations with the Sixty-ninth Volunteers, I beg, once for all, to state that I do not intend to accept the Colonelcy of the same. It is true that, a few days ago, I was induced to acquiesce in my name being used in connection with the Colonelcy, with the view of completing the organization as speedily as possible. I did so with the expectation, moreover, that the Sixty-ninth Volunteers would be, at an early day, in the field as a component part of an Irish brigade, in which I hoped to secure some position, where, though of inferior rank, my services might prove more useful to the regiment, the brigade and the cause. But, although my heartiest exertions will be given to raise and equip the regiment, I cannot conscientiously, and with the approval of my judgment, promise to accept the command of it when on active service. The reasons which obliged me to decline similar positions, so flatteringly offered by other regiments, hold good with equal weight in the case of the Sixty-ninth Volunteers, and it would be doing the new regiment an injury instead of a service for me to deprive it of the control and guidance of an officer, who, like my friend Lieutenant Colonel Nugent, for instance, is well qualified to lead it with distinction. There are other positions of less responsibility which I do not feel myself wholly unfit to occupy, and in one of these, should it be assigned me, I should be glad and proud to serve the regiment. In justice to myself I desire it to be distinctly understood, in conclusion, that I have not personally tendered to the War Department the services of the new Sixty-ninth; that no correspondence has passed between the authorities and myself on the subject, and the use of my name in connection with it has arisen solely from the circumstances above stated. I have the honor to be, very truly, yours,
The splendid flag recently sent on by citizens of San Francisco to the Sixty-ninth regiment New York State Militia, has arrived, and is in the safe custody of Lieutenant Colonel Nugent. It will, in accordance with the wishes of the donors, be presented to that regiment by Richard O. Gorman, Esq., on his return from Ireland next month.
Captain James E. McGee, commanding Company F, First regiment of the Irish Brigade, has opened a new recruiting office for company purposes at the corner of Twelfth street and First avenue. It will be under the charge of Lieutenant Mooney, late of the gallant Sixty-ninth regiment.
We are glad to know that this brigade is progressing so rapidly. There are several companies already mustered into service here and in Philadelphia and Boston. We understand that Capt. Edward K. Butler, late First Lieutenant commanding the Irish Zouaves, Company K, Sixty-ninth
regiment, at the battle of Bull Run, is raising a company for the Fourth regiment, commanded by Thos. F. Meagher. He had his company mustered into the United States service on Friday last and sent into quarters. The members who had not reported on Saturday last will meet this (Monday) morning, at eight o'clock, at 297 Mott street. Young men who intend going to fight for the flag of their country had better call and enroll their names in company B, Fourth regiment, under this gallant young leader.
Mr. Joseph R. Tully, the active and energetic Quartermaster of the gallant Sixty-ninth regiment, throughout their late campaign in Virginia, is about to receive a handsome testimonial from his brother officers, as a mark of their gratitude for his perseverance in obtaining extra pay and mileage for the members of the regiment. At a meeting of the board of officers, held at the Division Armory on Monday evening, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, Quartermaster Tully has, at the expense of much time and trouble, succeeded in getting mileage for the officers and men of this regiment on the route to Washington, as well as pay for extra duty performed in working in the intrenchments at Fort Corcoran; and whereas, we feel in gratitude bound to acknowledge, in suitable manner, our indebtedness for his disinterested, zealous and successful exertions in our behalf in this as well as in all matters affecting the comfort of the regiment while in the service; therefore,
Resolved, That we present Quartermaster J. B. Tully with a gold watch and chain, in testimony of our appreciation of his efficient and valuable services.
Resolved, That arrangements be made to procure the same and present it to him at an early day.
Major, JAMES BAGBY, Chairman.
Colonel Robt. Nugent, Secretary.
(Sept. 25, 1861)
Capt. Joseph Laing of the Seventy-ninth (Scotch) regiment, is at present in the city on furlough for sixty days, on account of being unable to do duty, in consequence of wounds received at Bull run. They are not of a serious nature, only requiring rest and a freedom from the cares of the campaign. The Captain brings on with him about $5,000, which he collected from the members of the regiment, which money is to be appropriated to the use of their families. To facilitate the business, Capt. Laing will make the Mercer House his headquarters for one week. He reports the regiment as being well and prosperous, and fast becoming one of the crack regiments of the army.
On the departure of the Sixty-ninth regiment (Colonel Robert Nugent), each regiment of the Irish Brigade will be presented with a stand of colors by the ladies of the city of New York. The presentation will take place at the residences of Archbishop Hughes, and in the absence of his Grace, will be made by the very Rev. Dr. Starrs.
The New York pilots and friends of the Third Irish regiment are going to present them with a regimental flag today. On one side of it is the New York coat of arms, with the words, "Vulneratus non victus," and on the other an Irish wolf dog, with the words, "Fides et audax." The flag is on exhibition at the corner of Broadway and Duane street.
Special Orders--No. 475.
General Headquarters, State of New York,
Adjutant General's Office, Albany, Nov. 5, 1861.
The Sixty-ninth regiment, New York State Volunteers, Colonel Nugent commanding, will proceed to Washington on Monday next, the 11th instant, and report for duty with his command to the General-in-Chief. Colonel Nugent will cause timely requisitions to be made for arms, uniforms and all other supplies necessary, including transportation and subsistence on the route, and have full and complete muster rolls properly certified to by the mustering officers, filed in this department on or before the day of departure. Field and line officers, who have not passed their examinations, will appear before the Examining Board without delay. A list of such as shall fail to so appear will be forwarded to Washington, and their commissions withheld until they shall have then passed their examination. Brigadier General Yates is charged with the execution of the details of this order. By order of the Commander-in-Chief.
THOMAS HILLHOUSE, Adjutant General.
Headquarters Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. Y. S. V.,
New York, Nov. 13, 1861.
The officers and members of this regiment are hereby notified that the regiment will proceed to Washington on Monday, the 18th inst. All members on leave and those without leave, will report themselves at Fort Schuyler on or before Saturday, the 18th inst. All failing to do so will be considered as deserters, and their names and residence handed to Superintendent Kennedy, of the Police Department, who will have all "found in the city" arrested and sent on to the headquarters of the regiment, and will be punished accordingly. All officers who have not yet procured the regimental or brigade hat, will immediately provide themselves with the same. Commandants of companies will have complete muster-in rolls of their respective commands made and left with the adjutant on Sunday the 17th inst. Quartermaster Sullivan will make the necessary requisitions for arms, equipments and camp equipage, and two days' cooked provisions for the troops on the route to Washington, and will also make requisition for the transportation of the troops from Fort Schuyler to the city, and thence to Washington. This regiment will be presented with a magnificent stand of colors on its arrival in new York, the gift of the ladies of the city. The presentation will take place at the residence of Archbishop Hughes, in Madison avenue. By order of Col. ROBT. NUGENT.
JAMES J. SMITH, Adjutant.
Acting Brigadier General Meagher held a dress parade of the Irish Brigade at Fort Schuyler on Sunday, in presence of an immense assemblage of people. The brigade turned out in considerable strength, about 1,200 men appearing in uniform, and nearly 500 more being in the fort to whom uniforms have not yet been supplied. The men looked in splendid condition, young, healthy and vigorous. They went through the evolutions in a manner that elicited the warmest approbation of the spectators. No one who witnessed the parade could fail to see that the men were all soldiers, in a high state of discipline and that their officers, to a man, understood their business, It was in every respect a highly creditable display, and as the column marched to the fine music of Dodsworth's band, there was a martial esprit observable that prophesied favorable for the future of the brigade, when its services shall be demanded in action. The Sixty-ninth, formerly the First regiment, commanded by Col. Nugent, had the right of the line, flanked by Captain McMahon's battery, of the Fifth (cavalry and artillery) regiment, and the Eighty-eighth, formerly the Fourth, commanded by Colonel Baker and flanked by Captain Hogan's battery, also of the Fifth regiment, was on the left, Colonel Meagher and his staff, accompanied by a large number of well-known citizens, among them Judges Daly and O'Connor, reviewed the troops. As the column, after giving a marching salute to their gallant commander, went twice round the field at double quick time in splendid order, the delight of the spectators was evinced by fond and hearty applause.
Before the troops were dismissed Colonel Meagher addressed them in a brief and spirited speech, during which he read the letter of resignation of General Scott reminded them of the historic memories of the Irish race, and, pointing to the flag floating above them, conjured them to stand by it, and maintain the country where their people had found a happy and prosperous home, and by sustaining it, thus give a death blow to the despotisms of Europe He said that he wished to be their brother rather than their commander, and whatever might be their privations or sufferings in the future, while he had a cup of water or a crust of bread he would share it with the humblest soldier in the ranks. He would be with them at all times in danger, in privation or in death. He announced that the Sixty-ninth would leave for the seat of war on Tuesday week, and that the other two regiments would follow soon after. He would accompany each in person, bringing up the rear with the Fifth, his own regiment, and he would promise them that if the hour of a retreat should ever come, he would bring up the rear also. His address was received with hearty cheers, and three cheers being given for General Scott and Colonel Meagher, the troops were dismissed. The guests of the occasion were entertained at an elegant collation by Colonel Nugent.
Lieut. Contin, Company E, Sixty-ninth regiment (Irish Brigade), was presented with a handsome sword and sash by the New York Florence Association, on Saturday evening last, at the residence of Joseph H. Tooker, Esq., 24 Norfolk street. The presentation was made by the President, Dr. J. M. Griffiths, and during the evening addresses were made by several distinguished friends of the brigade, including Rev. Dr. Rogers, Colonel Nugent and Hon. Jas. B. Nicholson, Commission of Charities. The Anderson Brothers sang several patriotic songs. The rooms were tastefully decorated with the national colors and the banner of the association. The Lieutenant is the younger brother of Florence, the Irish comedian.
During the past week two regiments of the above organization have departed for the seat of war. The other corps from this State—the Fourth regiment, Colonel Baker, and the Fifth, under the command of Colonel Meagher—will leave on Monday next.
The Sixty-ninth, Colonel Nugent, are at present encamped on Meridan Hill, outside of Washington. This is the ground formerly occupied by the Seventh regiment. Ample space and comfortable accommodations in this vicinity have been allotted at this point for General Meagher's men, the government being anxious to have our Irish fellow citizens now in the army concentrated and combined.
The Sixty-ninth have in their ranks many of the members of the old regiment. Campaigning to them is therefore, nothing new. The committee, however, must look out that, above all other things, each man in the brigade have an India rubber blanket.
In this connection we would state that the Germans of the metropolis have equipped eight complete regiments. Of course the committee of the Irish Brigade will see to it that they are not behind any other organization in the zeal and efficiency with which they will look after their friends.
Acting Brigadier General Meagher, having received orders and authority from the War Department to bring on the balance of his brigade to Washington, has gone to Albany to obtain from the State government the necessary authorization for their proper conveyance to the capital. The following is a copy of the order issued previously to his departure:—
All the officers and men of the Fourth and Fifth regiments of the Irish Brigade are hereby ordered to report themselves at Fort Schuyler, on Sunday, December 1, at eight o'clock A. M., precisely.
Acting Brigadier General.
The military ardor and enthusiasm of the citizens of New York, which has been somewhat dormant for the past few weeks, was suddenly given vent to during yesterday on the occasion of the departure of the
Sixty-ninth regiment, the fleet of the Irish brigade. The number "69" itself, since that gallant militia corps so much distinguished itself in the present campaign, is in itself suggestive of patriotic enthusiasm enough to arouse the coolest nature, and this was the result of the immense outpouring which took place yesterday. This is the first regiment of the Irish brigade, which will consist of five in all, and hopes are entertained, and no one doubts, will be realized, that the brigade will rival that of France, which is so famed in song and story for its valorous deeds and numerous victories.
The great centre of attraction yesterday was the house of Archbishop Hughes, corner of Thirty-ninth street and Madison avenue, where a stand of colors was presented to the three regiments now in course of organization for the brigade in this city.
At eight o'clock yesterday morning the Sixty-ninth left Fort Schuyler, on board of a steamboat, and were landed at the foot of Thirty-sixth street, from whence they marched to the house of the Archbishop. Thither an immense crowd had hurried, the surrounding streets, piazzas, windows, &c., being crowded by persons of all classes and nationalities. In the parlor of the house were congregated a numerous and distinguished circle of the sons and daughters of the Emerald Isle, as well as of other nations. Among those present were Mrs. Thomas Francis Meagher, Miss Harriet Lane (niece of ex-President Buchanan), Mrs. Judge Roosevelt, N. Doyle (Late Assistant District Attorney), Generals Arthur and Sandford, Judges Mitchell and Daly, Thomas Addis Emmett and others.
The weather was as propitious as could well be desired, the sun shining out at the time with soft brilliancy. The Sixty-ninth were drawn up in line opposite the houses and the scene was decidedly a picturesque one. There were over one thousand true-hearted Irishmen, most of whom had felt the heat of battle, and struggled with the deadly bullet, drawn up to receive the colors of the American republic, as well as that of their native country. Those colors whose emblems they so bravely upheld at Bull run, and which were about being presented to them by a clergyman, the representative of their Archbishop and of their religion. Every man seemed to feel this, and the glittering eye and firm mien of the soldier Irishman as he stood in Madison avenue, betokened what a big, valorous heart beat under that rough gray overcoat. The men are dressed entirely in gray uniforms with the regular army regulation hat, to which a green feather is attached. They are armed with Enfield rifles. As a guard of honor, Major Minturn's troop of cavalry, with Captain Hogan's battery, from Fort Schuyler, accompanied the regiment, and were also halted on the avenue. A number of other officers attached to the brigade were also present, Colonel Meagher appearing mounted. Colonel Kavanagh, of the Macy Rifles, was also present, with Captain T. A. M. Murphy. Everything being in readiness, Very Rev. Father Starrs, V. G., stepped forward in front of the piazza and proceeded to speak to the soldiers. On the reverend gentleman making his appearance, he was greeted with loud cheers from the troops. He said:—
Soldiers of the Irish Brigade, Officers and Men.—The Most Rev. Archbishop of New York, previous to his departure for Europe, requested me to attend on this occasion, as his representative, and to open the proceedings by addressing to you a few words. I take great pleasure in complying with his request. I regret that he is not present, for I know that you would like to see him, and hear his voice. However, I know his sentiments in your regard. I know his good wished are with you. I know that he has confidence in your good patriotism, and your loyalty to the Union and constitution. (Applause.) I know that he has confidence in the fidelity of the Irish soldier, for history tells us that the Irish soldier has always done his duty at home and abroad. Where his services have been employed he has never been found wanting. (Cheers.) He has always been faithful to the trust confided in him. I regret very much to see the disturbed state of our country; to see this great republic, the wonder of the world for many years, so distracted by civil war. I trust ere long that the cry of war, which has taken possession of every part of this great nation, will pass away, and that peace will be restored on an honorable and just basis, and all become again united and happy. I will not detain you any longer, as colors are to be presented to the regiment by kind and patriotic ladies, and addresses are to be delivered in their behalf by distinguished gentlemen present. I conclude by exhorting you to be faithful soldiers. In the hour of trail forget not your God. Be Christian soldiers. He who holds in His hands the issues of life and death, and the destinies of nations, be with you and direct you in all your actions. (Cheers.)
At the conclusion of the Vicar General's remarks Judge Daly came form the house to the sidewalk, having on his arm Mrs. Chalfin, to whom the regiment are chiefly indebted for the colors. The different flags were also carried behind the Judge, when he proceeded to deliver the presentation speech. he said:
Colonel Nugent--I am requested by this lady behind me. Mrs. Chalfin, the daughter of an Irishman, and the wife of an officer in the regular army of the United States, and by the ladies associated with her, to offer to your regiment the accompanying stand of colors. In committing to your charge these two flags I need scarcely remind you that the history of the one is pregnant with meaning in the light which it sheds upon the history of the other. The green flag, with its ancient harp, its burst of sunlight and its motto from Ossian in the old Irish tongue, recalls, through the long lapse of many centuries, the period when Ireland was a nation, and convey more eloquently than by words how she lost her nationality through the practical working of that doctrine of secession for which the rebellious States of the South have taken up arms. The period of Ireland's greatness was attained when the petty princes who rules separate parts of the country and kept it in unceasing turmoil were finally subdued and the spectacle of a united people, under one government, was presented in the wise and beneficent administration of that truly great monarch, the illustrious Brian Boroihme. It is that happy period in Ireland's history upon which her bard's love to dwell, her historians to dilate, and around which cluster the proudest of her historical recollections. By what means was that nationality extinguished, and when did Ireland's miseries begin? When her ambitious leaders, the Jefferson Davies of those days overthrew the fabric of the national government, and instituted in its stead distinct and separate sovereignties, through whose internal weakness and clashing interests Ireland was finally brought under the power of that stalworth English monarchy that has since held her in its iron grasp. Does an Irishman, therefore ask what his duty is in this contest? Let him learn it in the history of his own country, in the story of that green flag; let him, contemplating the sorrows of his mother Erin.
"Remember the days of old,
Ere her faithless sons betrayed her."
What is asked of an Irishman in this crisis? He is asked to preserve that government which Montgomery died to create, and which these Irishmen who signed the Declaration of Independence--George Taylor, James Smith and Matthew Thornton--meant to transmit, with its manifold blessings, to every Irishman who should make this country the land of his adoption. To the Irish race it has been in every sense a country, a country where their native energy and stimulated industry has met with its appropriate reward, and where they have enjoyed an amount of political consequence and exercised a degree of political immence not found in the land of their nativity. Whatever may be the result of our experiment of self-government, whether successful or not, the Irish race in America is as responsible for the result, whatever it is, as any other class of citizens. That it has its defects none of us are vain enough to deny; but if, in view of what it has accomplished, any Irish adopted citizen is willing to give it up, let him go and live under the monarchy of Great Britain. But if he still has faith in the teachings of Tone and the examples of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, let him stand by that form of government which they sacrificed their lives to obtain for Irishmen. To preserve that form of government on this continent, it must be sustained, as it has hitherto been, in the grandeur, integrity and power of a nation, and not by a Mexican division into weak and ricketty republics. To secure that great end you are now in arms, and as a part of the military force that has come to the rescue of the republic, you, and the organization of which you form a part, have a mighty and ennobling responsibility. You have chosen to be known by the number of a regiment already distinguished in the beginning of this contest, the reputation of which you have assumed to maintain; but more than this, you and the organization to which you belong have designated yourselves by the proudest name in Irish military annals--that of the Irish brigade. The celebrated corps achieved its historical renown, not through the admitted bravery of its members merely, but chiefly by the perfection of its discipline, and it will be precisely in the proportion that you imitate it in this respect that you will or will not be known hereafter. The selection of such a name only renders the contrast more glaring in the event of insufficiency and in-competency, and it were well, therefore, that both the officers and men of this new organization should remember that, if any part of the glory which the Irish brigade achieved upon the plains of Ramilies, the heights of Fonttheenmay, and at the gate of Cremona is to descend upon them, it will not be by adopting that name, but by proving hereafter, by their discipline and by their deeds, that they are worthy to bear it. You, too, Colonel Nugent, have your own responsibility. You bear the name of that gallant Col. Nugent who, at the head of the Irish horse at the battle of Spires, broke the compact infantry of the Prince of Hesse, and decided the fortune of the day. The Irish soldier has been distinguished by military critics for his recognition of the necessity of implicit military obedience, for the cheerfulness with which he endures the privations and hardships incident to a military life, and for his daring impetuosity in battle. Look to it that you maintain that character. Sir Charles Napier has borne the highest compliment to the merits of a disciplined Irish regiment, in the account which he gives of the one led by him at the battle of Meeance, in the war of Scinde, and which he calls "Magnificent Tipperary." With this single corps of but four hundred men and two thousand native troops he encountered and defeated twenty-eight thousand of the warlike Belooches. Of the decisive charge with the bayonet he glowingly tells us how this thoroughly disciplined Irish regiment moved, as in a review, across a plain swept by the fire of the enemy, the men keeping touch and stop, looking steadfastly in the faces of their foe. Those are examples of Irish valor when regulated by discipline, which, if you may not rival, you can at least strive to imitate. Again I commit the colors to your charge, and in view of the obligation imposed upon every officer and soldier, by their acceptance it may not be out of place to mention in that connection, that at the commencement of this war I had occasion to offer, as the gift of a woman, I think, the first flag presented to a regiment departing from this city for the defence of the nation's capital. Of that regiment—the old Sixty-ninth—you were the second in command, and at the head of it was the noble minded, high spirited and gallant officer to whom so much of its after character was due--a descendent, by the female line, of that illustrious Irish soldier, Patrick Sassfield, Earl of Lucan, whose name is identified with the siege of Limerick, and who fell fighting at the head of his brigade upon the bloody field of Landon. Colonel Corcoran, in the spirit of his noble ancestor, received the flag with a soldier's promise, and kept that promise with a soldier's faith. It was not brought back from the field at Manassas on that day of disastrous ... and panic, but he at least, and the little band who stood around him in its defence, went with it into captivity. I need say no more when presenting this splendid gift, with which these ladies have honored your regiment, than to point to that example of the faith and fidelity that is due by a soldier to his flag. Colonel Corcoran is now within the walls of a rebel prison, one of the selected victims revengeful Southern retaliation, but he has the satisfaction of feeling that he owes sad though proud pre-eminence to having acted as became a descendent of Sassfield. Of this beautiful American standard, illustrative alike of the munificence of its donor and of the shill of the hands that wrought it, I say to you, as a parting injunction, in the language of John Savage's "Song of the Sixty-ninth:"--
Plant that flag
On f.. and crag,
With the people's voice of thunder.
Colonel Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth, read as address in response to the presentation, in which he assured his hearers that the colors would be well taken care of, and expressing his thanks in eloquent language for so generous a boon.
Colors were then presented to the Eighty-eighth regiment, Colonel Baker, which was the occasion of some more interesting speeches. Mrs. Colonel Meagher was the fair donor of these colors, and appeared on the piazza in person. She was enthusiastically cheered by the men.
Mr. Doyle, late Assistant District Attorney, in a lengthy and eloquent speech, presented the colors to Colonel Meagher's regiment. He discussed the present rebellion, asserting it to be the most hideous ever known to modern or ancient life. He alluded to the glories attached by the Irish soldier on every battle field where he treads. When the present war has ended there would be found to be no such expression in vogue as "Place none but Americans on guard to-night." (Cheers.) He presented the colors in the name of Miss Devlin, a fair young lady who stood beside him while speaking.
Colonel Meagher said in reply, that in receiving those colors from the hands of the fair lady in whose name Mr. Doyle had presented them, he deemed it his duty to respond in the name of the Fifth regiment, Irish Brigade. The colors, he assured them, would be taken care of, and if there were but one to bring them back from the contest, they would come back, and that, too, unstained by the slightest spot of dishonor. (Cheers.)
The ceremonies being concluded, the line of march was taken up down Thirty-sixth street to Broadway. The whole length of Broadway was filled with people. The crowd which assembled on the departure of the three months' Sixty-ninth was nothing whatever to it. The enthusiasm and cheering were immense, and as those soldiers of the Irish brigade filed past, in splendid order, cheer upon cheer went up, as proof of appreciation of the vox populi for the Irishmen who were hastening to defend the flag and integrity of his adopted country. Colonel Thomas Francis Meagher, seated on a splendid horse, rode at the head of the escort to the regiment, and never looked to better advantage, in the fine military appearance of the young Irish patriot who has spoken and worked so hard for the interest of the brigade, being the subject of general remark.
Green flags fluttered from various houses in honor of the departing soldiers; and, to the tune of "Patrick's Day," "Rory O'More," &c., the Sixty-ninth hurried through our principal thoroughfare. Arriving at the City Hall Park, the men were marched to the barracks, where they partook of refreshments. After about an hour's delay in the Park the regiment once more got under way and proceeded to the foot of Pier No. 1, where they were transferred on board a steamboat for Camden, en route to Washington. Colonel Meagher delivered a few encouraging remarks to the men as they marched past the Astor House, the green flag recently presented to the steamer Prince Albert by Brooklyn ladies being hoisted from the roof.
The leave takings, when a body of Irishmen particularly is in question, present as melancholy and touching a scene as the eye might wish to gaze upon. The parting at the pier yesterday evening made prominent those heart rending features which it is our loss to so frequently gaze upon of late. A tender heart, big with impulse and emotion, the Irishman feels forcibly the parting from those he loves best upon earth. The pier was crammed with the friends of the soldiers, most of whom were females, and the wail of the mother, wife and sister, mingled with the suppressed sob of the father and brother, burst out in melancholy chorus as the steamboat moved slowly out from the dock.
May the God of battles shield the gallant Sixty-ninth in their conflict with the enemy, and when the green flag of old Ireland which was yesterday presented to them is enveloped in the smoke and horror of conflict, may its time-honored folds wave triumphantly wherever the breeze of strife may waft it. That it will be bravely upheld by those sturdy Irishmen there is not the slightest doubt, and when they come back to us, clothed in the armor of chivalric deeds, let us be prepared to give them a welcome with fifty times more enthusiasm that that which we exhibited on their departure yesterday.
The following is a list of the officers:—
Colonel—Patrick Nugent
Lieutenant Colonel—James Kelly.
Major—James Kavanagh.
Adjutant—James J. Smith.
Surgeon—Dr. Smith.
Chaplain—Rev. M. Wellonit.
Quartermaster—D. E. Sullivan.
Drum Major— ____ Murphy.
Sergeant Major—James Murray.
Company A—Captain, ____ Saunders; First Lieutenant, ____ Reynolds; Second Lieutenant, A. Bunninghan.
Company B—Captain, T. Leady; First Lieutenant, Terence Cahil; Second Lieutenant, John Ganon.
Company C—Captain, Jasper M. Whilty; First Lieutenant, Ganet Nagle; Second Lieutenant, ____ Williams.
Company D—Captain, ____ Shandly; First Lieutenant, ____ Moore; Second Lieutenant, Martin Scully.
Company E—Captain, ____ Benson; Lieutenants, Lucky and Conlon.
Company G—Captain, Felix Duffy; Lieutenants, ____ Kelly and Terence Duffy.
Company H—Captain, James Lowery; First Lieutenant, ____ Carr; Second Lieutenant, ____ ____.
Company I—Captain, John Scanlon; First Lieutenant, ____ Morris.
Company K—Captain, ____ McMahon; First Lieutenant, John Conway; Second Lieutenant, Peter Kelly.
The widows and orphans of deceased members of the Sixty-ninth regiment, and such of its members as have been disabled during the late campaign, are requested to meet the Relief Committee to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, at the Arsenal in White street. It is necessary for applicants to have the proper testimonials.
The members of this popular corps flocked to their armory at an early hour yesterday morning, and though the weather was gloomy and wet every company and drill room was crowded long before noon. The regiment volunteers their services almost to a man, and recruits are so numerous that the only fear is the officers will have to decline the services of hundreds anxious to connect themselves with a corps which distinguished itself so highly in the early part of the rebellion. The officers' room was visited early in the day by Major Bagley, Capt. James B. Kirker, Quartermaster Tully, Capt. Breslin and other officers, with a view to expedite the business arrangements preparatory to departure. Major James Bagley, who will command the regiment during the absence of Col. Corcoran, has issued the annexed order:—
New York, May 27, 1862.
By the orders of the Commander-in-Chief this regiment is directed to hold itself in readiness to proceed to Washington on receipt of command. Commandants of companies are hereby ordered to recruit their respective commands, and for such purpose will be in attendance at the Regimental Armory from 9 A. M. until 9 P. M. until the day of departure.
By order of Major JAMES BAGLEY, Comm'g.
MATHEW MURPHY, Acting Adjutant.
The company officers are actively employed in filling up the ranks. The members of Companies A, B, H and G (the former Colonel Haggerty's old company), will meet this morning, at the armory, Essex Market, to complete arrangements. Company K—the Irish Zouaves—General Meagher's command at the battle of Manassas, goes out again, commanded by Captain J. H. Nugent and First Lieutenant E. K. Butler.
The following is a correct list of the officers of this regiment:—
Field and Staff—Col. Michael Corcoran (a prisoner in Richmond); Lieut. Col. ____; Maj., Jas. Bagley, in command; Adj., John McKeon; Capt. of Engineers, James B. Kirker; Surgeon, Dr. Robert Johnson; Quartermaster,
Joseph B. Tully; Paymaster, Mathew Kehoe; Chaplain, Rev. Thos. Mooney; Sergeant Major, Arthur Tracy; Quartermaster Sergeant, John Bell; Ordnance Sergeant, Francis Page; First Color Bearer, ____ Murphy; Second Color Bearer, ____ McCluskey; Right General Guide, Thomas Sweeney; Left General Guide, John Bowes.
Captains—John Breslin, Company F; Richard Dalton, Company L; Thomas Lynch, Company B; Thos. Clarke, Company D; John Coonan, Company I; Wm. Butler, Company H; James McCrarn, Company G; Thos. Dempsey, Company E; Theodore Kelly, Company A; Michael O'Keefe, Company C.
First Lieutenants— John Coonan, Company I; John Rowan, Company C; Patrick Duffy, Company F; Thomas Fay, Company D; John Bagley (prisoner of war), Company E; Richard Dalton, Company L; Daniel Strain, Company A; Chas. Campbell, Company G; Joseph Murphy, Company
B; Francis Whelply, Company H.
Second Lieutenants—Thos. M. Canton, Company I; John H. Ryan, Company C; Michael O'Boyle, Company D; Michael P. Breslin, Company F; Edward Hare, Company L; Denis L. Sullivan, Company A; Andrew Reed, Company E; Matthew O'Beirne, Company B; Thomas Phipps, Company G.
Junior Second Lieutenants—James Cannon (prisoner of war), Company H; John Duffy, Company F; Edmund Conolly, Company L; Wm. Fogarty, Company I; Michael Duane, Company E; Michael McGuire, Company D; John Fahy, Company A; Wm. P. Rogers, Company B; Edward Quin, Company G; Michael O'Connor, Company C.
Lieut. Col. CHAS. M. REID, of the Sixty-ninth New York regiment, has been dismissed the service for tendering his resignation in the face of the enemy and showing an indisposition to do his duty.
RECORD OF THE IRISH BRIGADE.—Gen. Meagher's brigade, which went into the battle of Fredericks burg five regiments strong, now numbers less than seven hundred men.
Our Irish-American follow citizens are quite busy just now with charitable and patriotic movements. First and most commendable is the grand festival for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the gallant Sixty-ninth, which comes off to morrow at Jones' Wood, under the auspices of the Convention of Irish Societies. For it there are already some thirty thousand tickets sold, and at least twice that number of spectators will be present to enjoy Captain T. F. Meagher's appropriate address, the Bryants' Minstrels, dancing to the sweet strains of Connell's Band, Professor Ferguson on the Irish harmonic pipes, a patriotic chant, written for the occasion and set to music by Daly, of Grand street, which will be rendered by an excellent choir, and several other pleasures, among the chief of which will be that of helping the helpless ones rendered destitute in the fall of their protectors while bravely discharging their duty on the battle-field. The committee having the festival in charge are indefatigable in their efforts throughout each day and most of the night to ensure success, good order, and general satisfaction. The labors of Judge Connolly, their chairman, and Mr. James Sandford, President of the Convention, are in that regard particularly arduous and efficient. The public are already aware that the Second and Third avenue railroads will bring then constantly in close proximity to the Wood; but, besides, arrangements are made to have the steamer R. L. Mabey, with the barge Cleveland, start from Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at nine A. M. and 12 1/2 o'clock, P. M. The popular steamboat General Arthur will also proceed from Peck Slip, with a band on board, at 10 1/2 A. M., 1 1/2 P. M., and again—specially to bring passengers in time for Captain Meagher's address, which will begin at four in the afternoon. The General Arthur will call, on each trip, at Gouverneur, Broome, East Tenth, and Twenty-sixth streets, New York.
The General Arthur is one of the fastest boats on the river, and will leave the Wood at all convenient hours during the evening.
The Sixty-Ninth Regiment N. Y. S. N. G.
On Tuesday next the three months term of service of the Sixty-ninth regiment National Guard will expire. During that time they have been stationed at Fort Richmond, Staten Island. The military efficiency of this organization is now beyond question. While at the fort the men have attained a discipline which will compare favorably with that of any other regiment in the military services. To Colonel Bagley and his energetic officers this enviable condition of the Sixty-ninth is mainly due. On next Monday evening a brilliant entertainment will be given at Fort Richmond by the officers of the regiment, to which a large number of distinguished guests are invited. This affair will commemorate the conclusion of their fourth campaign since the war commenced. A good time generally is anticipated.
Hart Island, Sept. 29, 1864.
As was noticed in your issue of the 26th inst., Brigadier General N. J. Jackson was relieved at his own request, in this harbor, and will report to Major General Sherman for duty in the field. General Jackson assumed command of the first draft rendezvous established in this department, then at Riker's Island, and subsequently, when the location was changed to Hart Island, he was still retained in command. The very manner in which the duties devolving upon General Jackson were discharged, and the kindness which invariably marked his administration at this pot won for him the confidence of the governments well as the best wishes of all those who served under him.
Finding that General Jackson, with his family, had decided to leave the island by the morning boat, the garrison, under command of Major Ewen, were assembled to tender him the formality of a parade—their regrets at parting. The battalion was formed in line on the wharf, and as the General and family passed down to embark a very affecting scene ensued. Many clustered around to bid adieu to their old chief, and clasp again the hand of him who had proven not only a commander but a friend. Brigadier General E. W. Hincks relieves General Jackson, and is now in command of the post. He will be remembered as the gentleman who began the present siege of Petersburg, Va., in the evening of June 15, by attacking and carrying the enemy's heaviest works in front of that city, capturing several pieces of artillery and stands of colors, besides many ...
69TH N. Y. N. G. RE-ENLIST FOR THE WAR. From the Commercial Advertiser.
Gen. Corcoran and the officers of the 69th regiment held a meeting at the Astor House yesterday. Gen. Corcoran stated that he desired that no time should be lost in re-organizing the regiment for the war. The Lieutenant-
Colonel then called off the roster, when all the officers who were present promptly agreed to re enlist for the war.
The Colonel then stated that the Governor had been telegraphed to know if they could not go on as a regiment, just as they were. They had more officers now than the law allowed, and they were awaiting the Governor's answer to their communication to know whether or not they might not remain as they were and proceed to recruit. They had now three Majors.
After some conversation, Gen. Corcoran said:—
"As you have all decided upon going into service for the war, I am desirous that you should at once open your recruiting offices, each captain selecting his own place, and, of course, making the regimental armory the headquarters for the reception of recruits and attending to other business. In a few days I shall have another office and headquarters at the City Assembly Rooms, which will be very central. No time, gentlemen, let me tell you, is to be lost. You must go to work at once."
On the question of whether the officers will be paid while recruiting for the brigade, Gen. Corcoran replied:—
"I find no hesitation in saying to the officers that I am thoroughly satisfied that the War Department, and the heads of all the Departments in Washington, as well as the Governor of this State, will do everything they can, consistently, for the welfare of the regiment—the brigade, I mean; and that they will do everything to aid it that can be done."
The Homeward March.
Arrival and Reception of the Irish Legion, Second Vermont and Seventeenth Massachusetts Volunteers.
The Irish Legion, composed of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth and the One Hundred and Seventieth, of this State, Col. J. P. McIvon, acting Brigadier-General Commanding, arrived in this city about noon yesterday and was received by Col. Colyer, the State Agent, and escorted to the armory of the Eighth Regiment, where a collation was prepared for the men. The legion was headed by Robertson's brass band, which had been furnished by Col. Colyer.
The men were warmly greeted along the line of march.
The returning regiments are commanded as follows:
Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. Y. N. G., 220 men. Colonel, Mathew Murphy; Lieutenant-Colonel, Thomas M. Reid; Major, Wm. Butler; Adjutant, Thomas M. Canton.
The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment New-York Volunteers, 164 men, Colonel, William McEvily; Lieutenant-Colonel, Jas. P. McMahon; Major, H. C. Flood; Adjutant, Thos. Ray.
The One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regiment New-York Volunteers, 249 men. Colonel, John McMahon; Lieutenant-Colonel, J. C. Burk; Major, ____ Smith; Adjutant, ____ Newall.
The One Hundred and Seventieth New-York Volunteers, 180 men. Colonel, J. P. McIver; Lieutenant Colonel, M. N. Murphy; Major, ____ Warner; Adjutant, P. W. McCarthy.
The legion was at Suffolk under command of Gen. Peck, and in July, 1863, was transferred to Centreville, Va. In May, 1864, it formed a portion of the Army of the Potomac, taking part in the subsequent campaign until the fall of Richmond.
The Irish Legion has had seven commanding Generals, for of whom—Corcoran, Murphy, Blaisdell and Smith—were killed, and two—Tyler and Ramsey—wounded; McIvor alone escaping unhurt.
Three Colonels belonging to the legion have been killed, as follows: Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth; Flood, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, and J. P. McMahon, of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth. Col. John McMahon dies of sickness, occasioned by exposure.
The legion will remain the guests of the State Agency until their departure for Hart's Island.
Arrival of the Irish Legion, Seventeenth Massachusetts and Second Vermont—Reception of the Legion—Banquet to the Officers of the Seventeenth New York—General Hooker Present, &c.
This fine organization, a full history of which we published in yesterday's Herald, arrived in the city yesterday at one o’clock. On alighting from the cars at Jersey City they were received by a large crowd of friends and relatives, who cheered the gallant soldiers enthusiastically. Colonel Colyer, Superintendent of the Soldiers' Depot, in company with officer Devoy, station agent of that institution, was on hand to tender the hospitalities of the State. In return for this favor three cheers were given by the soldiers for Colonel Colyer. Officer Devoy then proposed three cheers for Governor Fenton, which request was flatteringly responded to.
The Legion was then brought across to New York, when they were marched up Broadway to the Centre Market Armory, where a substantial dinner was provided. Robertson's full band headed the column and played enlivening tunes on the march. The Legion was escorted by a large number of friends, including the committee which has in charge the arrangements for their formal reception. Among those might be mentioned the following:— Colonel D. C. Minton, First New York cavalry; Colonel John O'Mahony, Ninety-ninth National Guard; Colonel McEvilly, Captain J. B. Kieker, Major Clarke, Captain Edward Connolly, Captain Kane, Captain Fogarty, Dr. John Dwyer, and about one hundred others.
On their passage up Broadway the returning soldiers were received with much enthusiasm. They looked veterans in every sense of the word, and marched with that precision which marks true discipline. Brevet Brigadier General J. P. McIvor is now in command of the Legion, having been promoted to his present rank on the surrender of Lee's army. The friends of the organization will be glad to learn that the men look splendid and are in the best of health and spirits. The officers are a gallant set of boys, and may well be proud of their command.
The officers were entertained in the afternoon with an excellent dinner at the State Soldiers' depot, provided by Colonel Colyer.
The Legion is composed of the following regiments:—Sixty-ninth New York, National Guard, artillery; One Hundred and Fifty-fifth New York Volunteers, and One Hundred Sixty-fourth New York Volunteers, and One Hundred and Seventieth New York Volunteers.
The following is a full list of the officers of the organization:—
Brevet Brigadier General J. P. McIvor commanding.
Adjutant William J. Nevin, A. A. A. G.
Captain Charles Goodwin, A. A. D. C.
Lieutenant Pierce Butler, A. A. D. C.
Captain D. J. Mykins, Brigadier Inspector.
Lieutenant A. B. Villeplait, A. A. Q. M.
Field and Staff—Lieutenant Colonel, John Coonan; Major, Robert Heggart; Adjutant, William J. Nevin; Quartermaster, A. B. Villeplait; Surgeon, Wm. T. Nealis; Assistant Surgeon, F. F. P. Cowley.
Captains—D. L. Sullivan, Michael McGuire, John Bell, Lewis H. Donell, Patrick C. Nevin, Charles Glynn, Joseph Murphy, Charles Goodwin.
First Lieutenants—Joseph Keele, John Owens, K. F. Knowles, Wm. H. Carney, Wm. Ivey, J. T. Connolly, James Foley, P. O'Farrell, P. B. McCarthy.
Second Lieutenants—Richard McGee, Samuel Woolley.
Field and Staff—Lieutenant Colonel, John Byrne; Major, Francis Page; Surgeon, S. S. Lounsbury; Adjutant, Charles Dodd.
Captains—Hugh Mooney, Thomas Dunbar, Michael Doheny, Charles Priest, J. D. MItchell, W. Hartford.
First Lieutenants—Michael Brennan, Christopher Galvin, Richard Wallace, Joseph F. Eustace, Thomas Burke, Robert A. Lee.
Second Lieutenants—J. B. Duffy, George B. Wilson, John Hanlon.
Lieutenant Colonel, William DeLacy; Major, John Beattie; Adjutant, Joseph McCarthy; Quartermaster, John Dunne; Surgeon, Joseph L. Hasbrouck;
Assistant Surgeon, James Kinsler.
Captains—T. H. Kelly, Bernard O'Reilly, Timothy J. Burke, David J. Beattie, D. C. Moynihan, George M. Davidson, John Ryan, Thomas McGarn, Stephen A. Callahan.
First Lieutenants—Daniel Crowley, C. M. Sheehan,
James Etchingham, William Webb.
Second Lieutenants—James Cunningham.
Field and Staff—Charles Hagan, Lieutenant Colonel commanding; Adjutant, P. R. Dunne; Surgeon, J. H. Olmstead; Assistant Surgeon, John O'Flaherty; Quartermaster, Simon B. Robbins.
Captains—John Mitchell, Daniel J. Mykins, John Cunningham,
Michael Quigley.
First Lieutenants—John Doherty, Thomas M. Costelloe, James Freelan, James O'Connell, Pierce J. Butler.
Second Lieutenants—Robery Skelly, Patrick C. Quinn, Michael McGuire.
The following record will show the original strength of each regiment, their present strength, names of officers killed, and other interesting facts:
Officers Enlisted Men
Original Strength 39 1,030
Killed and died of wounds 8 325
Wounded and missing in action 15 364
Present strength 23 241
Officers Killed and Died of Wounds—Colonel Flood; Captain Hart, Co. A; Lieutenant Nolan, Co. A; Captain Purdy, Co. A; Lieutenant Davis, Co. A; Captain Pelouze, Co. D; Captain Schuyler, Co. F; Lieutenant O'Connell, Co. K; Lieutenant Dumphy, Co. F; Lieutenant Cronin, Co. H; Lieutenant Dwight, Co. K.
Organized November 18, 1862.
Officers Enlisted Men
Original Strength 38 1,039
Killed and died of wounds 9 326
Wounded and missing in action 16 350
Present strength 20 288
Officers Killed and Died of Wounds—Colonel J. F. McMahon; First Lieutenant A. McCCaffery, Co. A; First Lieutenant R. Baylis, Co. B; First Lieutenant, M. Reddy, Co. G; First Lieutenant J. S. Hayburn, Co. H; Captain F. Hickey, Co. A; Captain W, Maroney, Co. B; First Lieutenant C. Waters, Co. D; Second Lieutenant J. O' Sullivan, Co, G.
Organized November 19, 1862.
Officers Enlisted Men
Original Strength 38 840
Killed and Died of Wounds 11 320
Wounded and missing in action 12 372
Present strength 20 348
Officers Killed and Died of Wounds—Major J. B. Donnelly, Captain G. D. Turner; Captain P. McCarthy, Co. C; Captain J. Lynch, Co. G; Captain J. Connery, Co. F; Captain J. H. Kelly, Co. D; First Lieutenant J. W. Griffin, Co. E; First Lieutenant Patrick Logan, Co. I; First Lieutenant F. H. Seeley, Co. H; Second Lieutenant M. Egan, Co. K; Second Lieutenant J. S. Fitzsimmons, Co. B.
Organized July 25, 1862.
A formal reception will be tendered the Legion on Friday next. The First cavalry, Ninety-ninth, Second, Seventy-first and Sixty-ninth regiments will turn out and escort them through our principal streets. They will be reviewed by Mayor Gunther at the City Hall at three o'clock.
Killed—Captain P. F. Clooney, Co. E; Capt. J. H. Joyce, Co. C; Patrick Burns, Co. A; Dennis Hogarty, Co. A; Thomas Martin, Co. A; John Pyan, Co. B; Corporal Florence O'Sullivan, Co, C; Corporal William McCarthy, Co, C; Jere. Durick, Co. C; Michael Connery, Co. C; Jas. Darcy, Co. C; John Durnes, Co. C; Wm. Kearns, Co. C; Patrick McLegnha, Co. C; Anthony Webb, Co. C; John Collins, Co. C; Sergeant John Murphy, Co. D; Jas. McGrath, Co. D; Polk Joyce, Co. D; Sergeant Patrick O'Connor, Co. E; Jas. McNamery, Co. E; Patrick Connor, Co. C; Patrick Fenney, Co. F; Hugh Kelly, Co. F ; Patrick Kensler, Co. F; John Leahy, Co. F; John Griffiths, Co. F; J. McKean, Co. K.
Wounded—Adjutant Turner, severely in arm. Company A.—Corporal James Clark, slightly; Corporal Dudley Byrnne, severely; Privates Thomas Bird, severely; J. Clark, slightly; Michael Finn, severely; J. Kennedy, slightly; Fras. Lanahan, slightly; J. McNally, severely; Patrick Meehan, severely; Joseph O. Harra, slightly; James Reynolds, slightly. Company D.—Privates Patrick Casey, slightly; John Fitzgibbon, slightly; Paul Kenna, slightly; John Maher, severely; James Davis, leg, amputated. Company C—Sergeant Richard Harrison, slightly; Corporal Michael Manning, slightly; Corporal Thomas Quinn, slightly; Michael Joyce, slightly; Privates John Collins, dangerously; Michael Collins, dangerously; John Hayse, dangerously; Timothy Keegan, slightly; John McFadden, dangerously; Michael Larkin, slightly; Martin McGowan, dangerously; James McGrath, slightly; John Nash, severely: Chas. O'Brien, dangerously; Patk. O'Niel, dangerously; Wm. O'Grady, slightly. Company D.—Private Thos. Ranigan, in leg; Paul Dover, side; John Donovan, head, dangerously; L. McCauliff, arm; Charles Haydan, head; John Sidney, slightly; Sergeant Patrick O'Brien, slightly.
COMPANY E—Wounded—Sergeant. John Morton, face, dangerously; Patrick Doonen, thigh, dangerously; Wm. Whelan, body, dangerously; Jim Egan, two places, dangerously: James Gennetty, shoulder, slightly; John Fitzpatrick, leg; Patk. Coughlin, slightly: Mat. English, shoulder, slightly; Michl. Haydon, head, slightly; Michl. Griffin, slightly; John Ryan, slightly; Michl. Griffin, slightly.
COMPANY F.—Wounded—Peter McKenna, through abdomen; Thomas Dowins, leg, amputated; A. McCann, side, dangerously; Jas. Smith, arm, slightly; Sergeant Thos. O'Brian, slightly; Sergeant Jas. Carr, slightly.
COMPANY G.—Wounded—Lieutenant M. Eagan, leg, severely; William Walsh, arm, amputated; N. McLoughlin, arm, slightly; Andw. McGurk, arm.
COMPANY H.—Wounded—Walter Croaker, thigh; Patk. Connolly, hip, slightly,
COMPANY I.—Wounded—John Denver, leg, severely; Michl. Hattan, foot, slightly; Jim Plunkett, arm, slightly; Jas. McCarthy, shoulder and thigh; Alex. Kinser, body; slightly; Thos. Berry, slightly.
COMPANY K.—Wounded—Pierre Teller, through abdomen; Nich. McGuire, arm, severely; Corporal Timothy Delency, leg, severely; Corporal John Dalton, slightly; Michl. Morton, slightly; Jas. Staples, face, severely.
Killed…………….. 28
Wounded................ 76
Lieutenant Colonel Com. Eighty-eighth N. Y. V.
John R. Young, Acting Adjutant.
Farewell of the Irish Brigade to General T. F. Meagher.
Previous to leaving his command at Falmouth, the soldiers and officers of the Irish Brigade took a sorrowful and affectionate farewell of General T. F. Meagher. On that occasion the following address was presented to him from the non-commissioned officers of the Eighty-eighth regiment—"Mrs. Meagher's Own."
VOLUNTEERS, May 21, 1863.
Beloved General—Seldom, if ever, has a more mournful duty devolved on a soldier than now devolves on a few of that devoted band of Irishmen that rallied at your call around the green flag of our native land, and who are here now to evince their sincere and heartfelt sorrow at the loss of an indomitable leader, a brave companion and a stern patriot, as well as to extend their congratulations at your returning in all your manly pride and spotless integrity to the domestic scenes of your own fireside.
Appreciating as we do the motives that actuated your resignation, nevertheless we feel that whatever advantages may accrue to us, is any, are purchased at too great a cost, and tells deeply the feelings and relations that existed between the General and his men.
The first to lead us to victory, we fondly hoped it would be your proudest honor, as it was your highest ambition, to lead us back again to our homes, but through the inscrutable wisdom of an all-wise War Department it is to be reserved for you instead to welcome back what has been or will be left, of what was once known, and proudly so, as Meagher's Irish Brigade.
Present to our lady patron, Mrs. Meagher, our happiest congratulations at your safe return, and assure her, through us, that what is left of the Eighty-eighth will still endeavor to hold by a high soldierly bearing that claim on her affections as of old, when you yourself led us to battle.
In conclusion, General, we tender to you the following resolutions, and believe us they are not the selfish offerings of interested followers, nor the cool, well digested and carefully worded productions of sage and matured. veterans, but they are, General, the spontaneous offerings of young heads, young hearts and young blood, that will always rally at your call around that flag for which you have sacrificed so much and braved so many dangers; and trusting, General, that the recollections of this meeting will in after years compensate for many days of wearied toil and profitless hardships, and it is, therefore,
Resolved. That we, the non-commissioned officers of the Eighty-eighth regiment New York Volunteers, duly authorized and appointed in behalf of the regiment, express in words too feeble to convey their sorrow, their regret at the retirement of their general, Thomas Francis Meagher.
Resolved, That in tendering his resignation he was prompted by the highest chivalric principles and unselfish aims, and consequently meets the approbation of his men.
Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions and address be presented by a committee of the non-commissioned officers of the Eighty-eighth regiment New York State Volunteers.
(Signed in behalf of the regiment.)
Patrick McCabe, Sergeant Major.
Thomas Smith, Quartermaster Sergeant.
Richard E. Dowdall, Hospital Steward.
John McDonnell, Commissary Sergeant.
William J. O'Connor, First Sergeant, Co. A.
Richard Finnen, First Sergeant, Co. B.
Benedict J. C. Driscoll, First Sergeant, Co. C.
Ross McDonald, First Sergeant, Co. D.
George Ford, First Sergeant, Co. E.
James Carr, First Sergeant, Co. F.
Lawrence Buckley, First Sergeant, Co. G.
John Meigha, First Sergeant, Co. H.
Michael McGrane, First Sergeant, Co. I.
Henry Southwell, First Sergeant, Co. K.
John Desmond, Sergeant, Co. C.
Richard S. Harrison, Sergeant, Co. C.
James Fox, Sergeant, Co. C.
Patrick O'Neill, Sergeant, Co. B.
George Geoghegan, Sergeant, Co. B.
Hugh Curry, Sergeant, Co. K.
Timothy J. Murray, Sergeant, Co. I,
Dennis Leonard, Sergeant, Co. I.
Thomas McDonald, Sergeant, Co. I.
John McGowan, Sergeant, Co. D.
John B. Sparks, Sergeant, Co. A.
Joseph Hyland, Sergeant, Co. E.
Edward Wilson, Sergeant, Co. E..
John Morton, Sergeant, Co. E.
Thomas Hart, Sergeant, Co. E.
This generous, resolute, noble young officer, of Co. C, 88th New York Volunteers, (Meagher's Brigade) killed in the battle of Antietam, was born in Fermoy, county Cork, Ireland, about the year 1840. His family removed to Dublin, while he was a mere boy, and in the metropolis he was well educated. Two years ago, the family came to this country. At the beginning of the present unhappy war, he was given a sergeantcy in Meagher's Zouaves, connected with the 69th Regiment, N. Y. S. M.; and he fought in the first battle of Bull Run, July, 1861. In the organization of the Irish Brigade, he was commissioned First Lieutenant of Co. C, 88th Regiment, New York Volunteers, and during the Peninsular campaign, he served with great credit. His Captain, Joseph O'Donohue, was mortally wounded in the battle of Malvern Hill, and died soon after. Lieut. Joyce was promoted to the command, and accompanied his men in the retreats from the Peninsula to Alexandria, where he was prostrated by camp fever and lay in hospital for some time. He returned to his command one week prior to the memorable day of his death, still suffering from the effects of his severe illness. In the bloody strife of the 17th of September, while leading his men, he was instantly killed by a shot through the head. His remains were brought on to his father's residence in Lexington Avenue, in this city. On Thursday of last week, as stated in my last letter, they were conveyed, along with those of the lamented Captain John Kavanagh, of the 63d regt., to Calvary Cemetery. The route of the funeral procession, from the headquarters of the Irish Brigade (now at No. 596 Broadway), was up Broadway to 10th st., and thence by the ferry to Calvary Cemetery. At the cemetery, the last solemn rites were performed by the Chaplain, the Rev. Mr. Joyce. The Irish American says:—"The Trustees of the Cemetery having tendered a plot of ground to be appropriated to the interment of the Irish soldiers who might fall in the war, it was determined for the present to deposit Captain Kavanagh's remains in the receiving vault, until the intended site should be selected; the body of Captain Joyce was to be interred in his family lot. The two hearses were therefore drawn up in front of the receiving vault, and the escort having formed line a few paces off, the customary military honors were paid, and in a few moments the heavy portals of the tomb had closed upon two of the bravest of the Irish Brigade." May God have mercy on their souls.
T. H. Squire, Surgeon of the 88th N. Y. V., in a private letter from Roanoke Island, thus mentions a most affecting incident:—
"The daughter of Dr. Cutler, of the 21st Massachusetts, of whom I have spoken in a previous letter, died a few days ago at Newbern, of typhoid fever. Her remains were brought back to this Island and buried to-day.
Who will write her epitaph in befitting verse? She was the friend of the sick and wounded soldier; educated, accomplished, young, beautiful, affectionate, patriotic, pious, self-sacrificing. In her death in the van of the army, a woman pure and lovely has been laid as a victim upon the altar of liberty. She died away from home; a father whom she loved stood by her, but his duties to the wounded prevented him from accompanying her remains to their temporary resting place on this beautiful Island. Sacred be the spot where her remains now lie! Ye winds that whisper in the pines, breathe her a requiem! Ye grapes and mistletoe that climb upon the trees, and droop from overhanging boughs bend down a n d kiss her lonely grave! Bay myrtle, and magnolia, distil your fragrance around the tomb; in life her gentle virtues breathed a like perfume! Dear girl, I would that I had power to hand t h y name down to all coming time."
The Late Colonel Patrick Kelly.
West Point, June 24, 1864.
I see by the morning papers, just arrived, that the remains of Colonel Patrick Kelly are expected in New York this morning. Should the funeral take place before Sunday it will not be in my power to attend it, as I am confined to my room by a very sore foot. If it takes place on Sunday, or any other day afterwards, I am desirous, in compliance with his express wishes, that the funeral should be a private and not a public one. Public military funerals are now a days a public nuisance, and the most delicate and reverential tribute we can pay to the gallant dead are to be paid unostentatiously and quietly. Colonel Patrick Kelly, commanding the Eighty-eighth New York Volunteers, the Second regiment of the Irish brigade, was one of the truest and most reliable officers. Perfectly and absolutely sincere, he displayed neither the vanity nor the brilliancy of a soldier, but under a most modest and almost obscure demeanor, he exercised the best qualities that effect and consummate the grand results of military life. His devotion to duty cannot be excelled. Utterly abandoning all political associations he pledged his life to the honor of the flag under which his emigrant race, the dispersed Irish race the world over, have found their most solid respectability and recognition.
The Irish Brigade was organized to assure, not only the government of the United States, but every foreign government, that the Irish emigrant and the Irish adopted citizen was true to the nation under which he took shelter, with all the vigor of his arm to the last throb of his impetuous heart. This profession or promise—call it what you will—the Irish Brigade, in the Second corps of the Army of the Potomac, has by every testimony up to this day fulfilled. The death of Colonel Patrick Kelly establishes this assurance as a fact. Thus the Irish soldier vindicates against the Irish politician, here and abroad, the truthfulness, gratitude, bravery and nobility of the Irish race. THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER.
The valiant Corcoran Irish Legion arrived in this city on Wednesday of last week, about noon. They were most heartily received by a large crowd of friends, admirers and relatives whose plaudits—and those of all other citizens along the route, who joining in, on seeing one of the most splendid bodies of veterans who, for months, had marched through Broadway—made the scene most interesting to look upon. Along the route, Robertson's full band headed the line, which proceeded to the Centre Market Armory, where arms were most decorously "stacked," and a bountiful collation, we understand, was given to men and officers by Col. Colyer, Superintendent of the State Soldiers' Depot.
Afterwards, and till Friday, when the grand civic and military reception, reported below, was given, the headquarters of the command was at the Centre Market Armory, where the men exhibited a most perfect state of discipline.
The following historical sketch of the Legion is from the pen of our accomplished friend and contributor, Dr. Dwyer, who writes with patriotic pride and fervor of his late brothers in arms:—
The Irish Legion which arrived in New York on Tuesday, 18th July, 1865, left this city for the war in the fall of 1862.
It was entitled the Irish Legion, in contradistinction to the Irish Brigade, winch was already in the service of the United States, and whose deeds were reflecting so much credit and renown on the Irish name.
Like the Irish Brigade, the Irish Legion was recruited at a time when no enticing bounties were offered; it was recruited entirely by the patriotic feeling and enthusiasm of its members, who were eager to embrace the opportunity offered them of volunteering, as Irishmen in the cause of liberty and the Union.
The Legion originally consisted of six New York regiments, commanded respectively by Colonel Matthew Murphy, Colonel McIvor, Colonel McEvily, Colonel McMahon, Colonel Burke and Colonel Reid. The nucleus of these was the Sixty-ninth New York National Guard, which had already so nobly distinguished itself at Bull Run, under command of Colonel Corcoran. On the release of Colonel Corcoran from the Southern prisons in August, 1862, the public were enthusiastically excited, in consequence of his heroism and self-devotion to the cause of the Union. The authorities at Washington, Philadelphia, Boston and New York vied with each other in ovations to him.
President Lincoln having commissioned him a brigadier general, Corcoran immediately set about raising an organization of Irishmen for the defence of the Union. His old regiment, the Sixty-ninth, was the first to volunteer. Then offers of men from every city in the Union rushed to him, but for some cause the great majority of these volunteers were sent to other organizations after being enlisted, and the six regiments, already mentioned, were all General. Corcoran commanded when organizing at Camp Scott, Staten Island, in September, 1862. Having been ordered to Newport. News, Virginia, in November, these were consolidated into four regiments—namely, the Sixty-ninth, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, the One Hundred and Sixty fourth, and the One Hundred and Seventieth. The following was the roster of the field and staff of those regiments:—
Colonel, Mat. Murphy; Lieutenant Colonel, Thomas M. Reid; Major, Wm. Butler; Adjutant, M. W. Redmond; Quartermaster, J. Fahy; Surgeon, J. Dwyer; Assistant-Surgeons, Fahy and Ewen.
Colonel, Wm. McEvily; Lieutenant Colonel, James P. McMahon; Major, Hugh C. Flood; Adjutant, Thos. Ray; Quartermaster, T. Cooke; Surgeon, P. Nolan; Assistant-Surgeon, R. Faucett.
Colonel, John McMahon; Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Burke; Major, ____ Smith; Adjutant, ____ Newell; Surgeon, M. F. Regan; Assistant-Surgeons, Wall and Hasbruck.
Colonel, J. P. McIvor; Lieutenant Colonel, M. N. Murphy; Major, ____ Warner; Adjutant, P. W. McCarthy; Quartermaster, W. L. Burke; Surgeon, Heath; Assistant-Surgeons, Olmstead and Louerbury.
Michael Corcoran, Brigadier-General commanding. John J. Blodgett, Assistant Adjutant General. J. B. Kirker, Brigadier Quartermaster. W. J. Kane, J. Tracy, P. Hughes, P. Van Courtland, and T. Connolly, Aides de Camp. Chaplains—Rev. Father Dillon, Rev. Father Gillen. Brigade Commissary—Captain Graham.
The following were the line officers of the 69th regiment, at date of organization:—
Co. A, Capt., D. L. Sullivan; 1st Lieut., W. J. Kane; 2d Lieut. Martin Kelly.
Co. B, Capt., W. J. Thorne; 1st Lieut., T. M. Cannon; 2d Lieut., Louis H. Dorett.
Co C, Capt., Joseph Murphy; 1st Lieut., Edw. K. Butler; 2d Lieut., Patrick Nevin.
Co. D, Capt., Michael McGuire; 1st Lieut., L. B. Villeplait; 2d Lieut., Patrick Snee.
Co. E, Capt., John L. Nugent; 1st Lieut., C. Glynn; 2d Lieut., J. Brennan.
Co. F, Capt., Michael Kelly; 1st Lieut., P. B. McCarthy; 2d Lieut., Edward Kelly.
Co. G, Capt., Robert _eggart; 1st Lieut., R. Hallahan; 2d Lieut., P. O'Farrell.
Co. H, Capt., Francis Whelpley; 1st Lieut., John Bell; 2d Lieut., T. Manahan.
Co. I, Capt., John Coonan; 1st Lieut., W. Geoffrey; 2d Lieut., Charles Goodwin.
Co. K, Capt., Henry Rowley; 1st Lieut., James Barrett; 2d Lieut., James F. Somers.
The General's staff were all young Irish-Americans, imbued with pure patriotic spirit, and were on many occasions afterwards distinguished
for "elan" and courage, and all made great sacrifices in exchanging the comforts of home for the chances of the tented field. Lieutenant Kane was a rising lawyer and a relative of the General; Lieutenant Hughes was nephew to the late lamented Archbishop Hughes; Lieutenant Connolly son of Ex-Senator R. B. Connolly was, while Aide-de-Camp to Colonel Murphy, captured at Ream's Station, and Lieutenant Tracy, of Albany, was by his gallantry on General Corcoran's staff promoted to the Colonelcy of a cavalry regiment. The labors of the Rev. Chaplains are never to be forgotten, inculcating by them precept and example, a proper feeling of the responsibilities of the men of the Legion, the fruits, of which were to be seen in their marked good conduct, and reliability, it being reported at the office of the Secretary of War, that the Legion was one of the best disciplined, and best conducted brigades in the army of the Potomac. The Rev. Father Gillen has continued with them to the close of their service. The labors of Capt.
J. B. Kirker (of the well known Catholic Cook Publishing Company) as Brigade Quartermaster, are especially worthy of record. His only desire being to do something for the cause of the Union, for this, he has sacrificed his time, his money and his health, in return for which he has the proud consciousness of having done his duty to his country, and has gained the respect and admiration of his fellow-citizens, with whom his name is a "household word." The genial and pains taking efforts of his assistants, John Shields and Thomas McQuade, were also pre-eminent; the latter lost a leg at the first battle of Bull Run, but, he nevertheless, did good service in the Legion.
At Newport News the regiments were perfectly drilled and organized, and in Jan., 1863, were ordered to Suffolk, then in charge of Major General Peck. Here the Legion was scattered all over the immense defences of Suffolk, building forts, clearing forests and skirmishing with the enemy. On the 30th of January the battle of Deserted House was fought by them, ending in the repulse of the rebels under Generals Pryor and Mahone. In this battle General Corcoran commanded in person, and the Legion covered itself with glory. The following order was issued complimentary to them:—
Suffolk, Va., Feb. 1, 1863.
The Commanding General desires to express his warmest thanks to Brigadier General Michael Corcoran and the troops assigned to his command for their good conduct and gallant bravery in the engagement of the 30th January, 1863, at Deserted House, and which resulted in driving the rebel forces to the Blackwater. Most of the regiments were under fire for the first time, and furnished those others so unfortunate as not to have part in the expedition with examples of patriotism worthy of imitation.
By command of Major General PECK.
BENJAMIN B. FOSTER, Major and Assistant Adjutant.
The Legion actively participated in all the actions and tedious marches and campaigns around Suffolk and Carsville, Franklin, Windsor, Edenton road, and the Nansemond—always bravely repulsing the enemy, though at the cost of many brave men. During the long and serious siege of Suffolk by the rebels, under Longstreet and Hill, the front on the Edenton road was defended by the Irish Legion, under Colonel Mat Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth, while General Corcoran was in command of the division. The importance of the siege of Suffolk and its defences will be understood from the following:—
Headquarters United States Forces,
Suffolk, Va., May 5, 1863.
The Commanding General recognizes, in the issue of the ineffectual investment of Suffolk for twenty-three days by the enemy, and in the final withdrawal of his baffled and dispirited forces, marked evidences of the Almighty's returning favor. With the acknowledged flower of his army, after long premeditation with superior numbers and under his ablest generals, he has failed. In view of this gratifying test of the fortitude and gallantry of the officers and soldiers of this command, the General commanding tenders them renewed expressions of confidence and thanks.
By command of Major General PECK.
BENJAMIN B. FOSTER, Major and Assistant Adjutant Gen.
After the raising of the siege the Legion was ordered to the defences of Portsmouth, and thence, in July, 1863 to Centreville, Va., and the task of keeping the outpost of Washington was entrusted to them. Here, again, was a repetition of skirmishing, marching and picket duty, for Mosby and other desultory bands of rebels continually hovered near them.
While in this department the Legion met with its greatest loss. Gen. Corcoran, on the very threshold of the most active campaign in history, met his death by apoplexy (from an attack of which he suffered once before while in prison), and which was brought on in this fatal instance by his efforts to control the notions of the spirited, unruly horse he rode, while inspecting his picket line on the morning of December 22, 1863.
Gen. Tyler then took command of the legion, which in May, 1863, was ordered to report to the Army of the Potomac, than at Spottsylvania, taking the initial steps on the onward and successful march to Richmond. On the 18th of May the Legion reported to Gen. Hancock, of the famous Second corps, and was designated as 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 2d Army Corps, and, though tired and weary after their long march from Aquia Creek, they were immediately ordered into the thickest of the battle then raging at Spottsylvania. In the charge which they made they were under command of Col. Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth, and acted with great coolness and gallantry, the enemy pouring on them terrific volleys of grape and cannister. Though opposed to overwhelming numbers the Legion fought splendidly, holding their ground and eliciting the plaudits of the whole army for their conspicuous bravery. In this battle they lost many officers and men. Col. Murphy was wounded severely, besides Lieut. Colonel De Lacy, Major Burns, Major O'Dwyer, Adjutant Dunn, Colonel Flood, Lieut. Kelly, Captain McConvey and Lieut. McCaffrey; Lieutenants J. A. O'Sullivan, C. Waters and Fitzmorris were killed.
In all the ensuing battles of the Wilderness campaign the Legion took part, leaving many a good and true Irishman dead on the field. At the North Anna it suffered severely. Here it was that Lieut. Col. Michael Murphy, of the One Hundred and Seventieth, during an interval of rest, sent out a flag of truce in front of his regiment in order to bring off the wounded and dying, who were lying within hearing of their own comrades, but who could not be otherwise brought away without risking the lives of the rescuers. Lieut. Col. Murphy, for this act, which somewhat interfered with military regulations, was summarily dismissed the service by order of Gen. Meade. This action was afterwards reconsidered; but too late, for the order had been approved by the Secretary of War, and two days afterwards while fighting at the head of his regiment, the order reached him. Col. Murphy was reappointed by the Governor of New York; but the regiment was now so few in numbers that he was not again mustered in.
At Cold Harbor the Legion met with the heaviest losses. The brave Col. James P. McMahon met his death while waving a flag over the enemy's works. Here also fell Captains Butler and Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth; and Lieut. Joseph Abrahams, of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth—a kind companion, a good soldier, and a clever, scholarly writer, whose contributions to the Irish-American, over the signature of "Fenian," so often depicted the hardships and pleasures of the Legion. Captain Joe Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth, was captured by the enemy while performing prodigies of valor. The One Hundred and Sixty-fourth regiment lost nine officers killed and nine wounded in this battle. So many field officers were now killed that some of the regiments were commanded by Captains.
At the battles before Petersburg the whole number of men left scarcely constituted a regiment. Major Connery, of the One Hundred and Seventieth received his death wound at Deep Bottom, and Major Butler, of the Sixty-ninth, at Petersburg. Lieut. Sweeny, of the Sixty-ninth, was killed, and Adjutant Michael Redmond, of the Sixty-ninth, was shot dead, sword in hand, before the enemy's works. Lieut. John Owens, of the 69th (who was captured with Gen. Corcoran at the first battle of Bull Run), was dangerously wounded in the head.
At Ream's Station the Legion had another most severe trial, Lieut.-Colonel Donnelly, of the One Hundred and Seventieth, was killed; Captain Whelply, of the Sixty-ninth, killed; Lieut. Kelly, of the Sixty ninth, and many other officers captured, and Captain Canton and Lieut. O'Farrell, or the Sixty-ninth, dangerously wounded. It was only by the bravest conduct of the men and officers that the Legion was saved from destruction.
At Hatcher's Run the finishing stroke was given to the now decimated Legion. Col. Matthew Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth, acting Brigadier, was mortally wounded; also Lieut. McTavish, of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth, his Assistant Adjutant General, who was only just released from prison, being captured at Ream's Station. He was a brave, dashing and popular officer; and the death of those two noble men cast a shadow on their surviving comrades. Captain Michael McGuire, of the Sixty-ninth, narrowly escaped with life, being severely wounded in the chest—this being his second wound.
The Legion has several times received honorable mention. In General Orders, on November 15, 1864, the Governor of New York "thanked the officers and men for their additional evidence of the good conduct of the New York troops in the discharge of their duties." Major General Humphries, of the 2d Army Corps, in his General Order, of February 13, 1865, expresses his satisfaction at the prompt, skilled and spirited manner in which every duty imposed upon them was performed. The attack of the enemy, composed of parts of two corps (Hills' and Gordon's) on the right of Smyth (Murphy's Irish legion), being skillfully and gallantly met and repulsed with severe loss to the enemy.
The final battles, pursuit and surrender of the rebels at Appomattox Court house found them a legion in name, but not in numbers—exhausted, bur. covered with glory.
The Corcoran Irish Legion has had seven commanding Generals—Corcoran, Tyler, Murphy, Blaisdell, Ramsey, Smith and McIvor. Of these, Corcoran, Murphy, Blaisdell, and Smyth, were killed—Tyler and Ramsey wounded; McIvor providentially escaped unhurt; and he has good reason to be proud of that Legion which, under his command, marched through Richmond and Washington with the sprig of evergreen in view and the green flag flying over them.
Of the Colonels of the Legion, three have been killed—Murphy, of the Sixty-ninth; Flood, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth; J. P. McMahon, of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth; and Col. John McMahon died of sickness brought on by exposure.
Col. John Coonan, of the Sixty-ninth, has been lucky enough to escape injury, although he has participated in every action since he first fought at Bull Run; and he has attained his present proud position of Commander of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G. A., by his unswerving courage and fidelity to the interests of his regiment, and he has been nobly seconded in his efforts to add lustre to the "Regulars" by his gallant Major Robert Heggart, and the brotherly band of officers and men of the Sixty-ninth.
Of the Legion officers killed, the following is a partial list:—
Sixty-Ninth—Col. Matthew Murphy, Major Wm. Butler, Adjutant M. W. Redmond, Captains E. K. Butler, John H. NUgent, Francis Whelpley; Lieutenants Martin Kelly and Daniel Sweeney.
One Hundred and Sixty-Fourth—Captains Morony, HIlckey, Sullivan, Boyle, Reddy, Waters, Abrahams, McCaffrey, Stapleton and McTavish.
One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth—Captains Hart, Schuyler, Perouse, Purdy, O'Connell, Dunphy, Nolan, Dwight, Cronin and Davis.
One Hundred and Seventieth—Major Connery;
Captains Turner, McCarthy, Lynch, Griffin, Kelly Logue, Fitzmaurice, Seeley and Egan.
Of the noble rank and file it would be impossible here to give the names. They are recorded in the archives of the State at Albany. The honorable record of those wounded and taken prisoner would fill columns—they carry their insignia of renown with thorn, and their scars are the proofs of their fidelity to the Union.
The Legion has been inaction at Deserted House, Carrsville, Edenton road, Franklin, Windsor, Beaver Darn, Blackwater, Nansemond, Suffolk, Tolopatonmoy, Spottsylvania, Po River, Bowling Green, Milford Station, Hanover Junction, North Anna, Coal Harbor No. 1, Coal Harbor No. 2, Petersburg, Deep bottom, Weldon Railroad, Reams' Station, Hatcher's Run No. 1, Hatcher's Run No. 2, Richmond, Appomattox and Deep Bottom
No. 2.
The original officers of the Legion are nearly all gone; and those who now command have gained their positions by honorable service and distinguished bravery. The Legion, which three years ago mustered four thousand men, now returns to New York numbering as many hundreds.
The following is the roster of those officers whose fortune it has been to have lived through the dangers of the long campaign, and to whom belong all the honors and glories of the day, the majority of them being promoted from the ranks:—
Brevet Brig.-Gen. J. P. Melvor, commanding.
Adjutant W. J. Nevin, A. A. A. G.
Captain Charles Goodwinn, A. A. D. C.
Lieut. Pierce Butler. A. A. D. C.
Captain D. J. Mykins, Brigade Inspector.
Lieut. A. B. Villeplait, A. A. G. M.
Field and Staff—Lieut.-Colonel, John Coonan; Major, Robert Heggart; Adjutant, W. J. Nevin; Quartermaster, A. B. Villeplait; Surgeon, W. T. Nealis; Assistant Surgeon, F F. P. Cowley.
Captains—D. L. Sullivan, M. McGuire, J. Bell, L. H. Douett, Patrick C. Nevin, C. Glynn, Joseph Murphy, C. Goodwin.
First Lieutenants—Jospeh Keele, John Owens, K. F. Knowles, Wm. H. Carney, Wm. Ivey, J. T. Connelly, J. Foley, P O'Farrell, P. B McCarthy.
Second Lieutenants—Richard McGee, Samuel Woolley.
Field and Staff—Lieut.-Colonel, John Byrne; Major, Francis Page; Surgeon, S. S. Lounsbury; Adjutant, C. Dodd.
Captains—Hugh Mooney, Thomas Dunbar, Michael Dobney, Charles Priest, J. D. Mitchel, W. Hartford.
First Lieutenants—Michael Brennan, Christopher Galvin, Richard Wallace, J. F. Eustace, T. Bourke, R. A. Lee.
Second Lieutenants—J. B. Duff, G. B. Wilson, John Hanlon.
Field and Staff—Lieut.-Colonel, William De Lacy; Major, John Beattie; Adjutant, J. McCarthy; Quartermaster, J. Dunne; Surgeon, Joseph L. Hasbrouck; Assistant Surgeon, James Kinster.
Captains—T. H. Kelly, Bernard O'Reilly, Timothy J. Burke, David J. Beattie, D C. Moynihan, G. M. Davidson, John Ryan, Thomas McGarn, Stephen A. Callaran.
First Lieutenants—Daniel Crowley, C. M. Sheehan, J. Etchingham, Wm. Webb.
Second Lieutenant—James Cunningham.
Field and Staff—Charles Hagan, Lieut.-Colonel commanding; Adjutant, P. R.Dunne; Surgeon, J. H. Olmstead; Assistant Surgeon, John O'Flaherty; Quartermaster, Simon B. Robbins.
Captains—John Mitchell, D. J. Mykins, John Cunningham. Michael Quigley.
First Lieutenants—John Doherty, Thomas M. Costelloe, James Freelan, James O'Connell, Pierce J. Butler.
Second Lieutenants—Robert Skelly, Patrick C. Quinn,
Michael McGuire.
Entwined with the Stars and Stripes the green flag of Erin has proudly floated over them, riddled with balls, torn by the winds, blackened by smoke and powder—the emblem of the Harp still remains on it and the Sunburst flashes. These flags have never been tarnished by dishonor, and have ever waved where the fight was thickest. Those who carried them in the din of battle may proudly boast, "I was the color bearer of the Irish Legion." Among the many banners which grace the Capitol, none have waved over more brave, more Christian, or more patriotic, soldiers than those of the Irish Legion.
In the crowded highways of the city to-day, while the procession of Irish soldiery passes by joyously marching home, many an anxious heart beats, of wife, of mother, or of sister, and piercing, agonizing eyes are searching the bronzed features of the veterans for the familiar face of the loved one gone from them three years ago. Alas! that same are sadly, sadly disappointed; for, in the dismal swamps and in the thick forests of Virginia many a father's hope, and many a mother's pride, many a brave young Irish soldier has breathed his last, and many a fatherless and brotherless home is now desolate.
The Irish Brigade and the Irish Legion were only a part of the many Irish regiments which, hailing from every State in the Union, have been merged in the grand armies, and whose distinctive nationalities are known only to those who take an interest in them. The Irish race in America have surely done their part in protecting the liberties of the land of their adoption.
Will the Republic be ungrateful of those deeds of her adopted sons, who have on every battle field of the Union so freely shed their blood in their defence? They are, at least, deserving of the acknowledgment: and when the history of the past four years of American trial shall be written, if the history be true, the deeds of the Irish Brigade, the Irish Legion, and the talismanic number—69—will be emblazoned imperishably on its tablets. The Irish soldier has, in the Western hemisphere, added more laurels to the bye-gone transatlantic fame and deeds of his forefathers at Fontenoy, and on many other battle-fields of Europe; the inheritance of gallantry, courage and generosity transmitted to them has not been lost on the Irishmen of to-day. In this land of freedom they will now change their swords into plowshares; but, how proud would they be, and how proudly would their pulses beat could they but strike one blow for Ireland, that dear land of their birth, which has never been forgotten by them, and the disenthralment of which is their most cherished aspiration and hope.
J. DWYER, M. D.,
ex-Surgeon 69th Regt., Irish Legion.
Civil and Military Reception to the Legion.
On Friday afternoon, at the special invitation of our municipal authorities, the Legion was formally received by their fellow-countrymen, and by the great mass of the citizens of New York, as well as by several of the crack regiments of the New York State National Guard.
To say that the entire reception was a grand success is simply to say what is ever said of the ceremonies of a similar character gotten up by our enthusiastic Irish citizens. The history of the Corcoran Legion was a noble one, not far behind its fellow, the Irish Brigade, and only differing from it by reason of its entering the field at a later period of the war's history; and it was but right that our citizens should manifest their appreciation of the services of the Legion, representing as they did the natives of the "green isle beyond the seas."
The Irish legion assembled at the Centre Market Armory at one o'clock, p. m., on that day, and after forming, marched down to Grand street, where they formed in line, right resting on Broadway, as follows:
The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment, Colonel Byrne.
The One Hundred and Seventieth Regiment, Major Hagan.
The One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regiment, Col. Wm. DeLacy.
The Sixty-ninth Regiment, Col. Coonan.
The brigade was under command of Brevet Brigadier General James P. McIvor.
An escort of police, from the Fourteenth Precinct, was present, under Sergeant Brooks.
The following officers, composing the Staff of General McIvor, were also on the ground: Lieut. Wm. J. Nevin, A. A. G.; Captain D. J. Mykins, Brigade Inspector; Surgeon Wm. T. Nealis, Medical Director; Capt. Charles Goodwin, A. D. C.; Lieut. A. V. Villeplait, Brigade Quartermaster; Rev. Paul E. Gillen, Chaplain.
The Legion Association met at half-past twelve o'clock, at the Metropolitan, Colonel M. C. Murphy taking the chair.
At No. 6 Vareck street the ex-officers and members and the wounded soldiers of the Legion assembled at ten o'clock A.M., under Major Doran, and from thence marched to Grand street, near Broadway, where they took up a position in rear of the Legion Association.
Among those parading with the members of the Legion Association were Colonel M. C. Murphy, Judge Connolly, Mr. Alex. Brennan (Secretary), Col. Wm. McIvily, Capt. James Breslin, Lieut. Edmond Connolly, Mr. Nicholas O'Donnell. Ex-Lieut. C. J. Bell, Mr. James J. Coonan, Colonel Thomas M. Reid, Mr. Patrick O'Rourke, Dr. John Dwyer, Ex-Surgeon of the Sixty-ninth. The badge worn by the association was of blue and green ribbons.
The Fenian Brotherhood also assembled at ten o'clock at the armory of the Fifty-ninth Regiment N. G. S. N. Y., under James A. Rogers, Esq., State Centre, and reported at half past two o'clock. Among those present, the following Circles were duly represented:
Hamilton Rowan Circle., Laurel Hill Circle.
Phoenix Zouaves., Heber McMahon Circle.
McManus Circle., Owen O'Reilly Circle.
Wolf Tone Cadets, St. Lawrence Circle.
Yonkers and Spuyten Duyv_l Circles, Brian Borholme Circle.
O'Mahony Circle.
Emmet Circle, Williamsburgh McHale Circle.
Benburg Circle.
Seventh Ward Circle., Sarsfield Cadets.
Shamrock Circle. Lavelle Circle.
Faugh an Bullagh Circle. Wolf Tone Circle.
This whole number of delegates from these several "Circles" numbered something over 2 000 men, and the appearance of the Fenian Brotherhood attracted considerable attention. Each member wore a handsome green rosette, with the letters "F. B." in silver. That of the State Centre was magnificent. It had two splendid gold tassels, and the letters, "S. C." in the sceptre.
These badges were, we understand, manufactured by our friend, Mr. Robert Wilson, Monroe street, and reflected infinite credit to his good taste and skill.
The military escort made its appearance in Broadway a little after two o'clock, and consisted of the Seventy-first N. Y. S. N. G., under command of Major Libby, having some four hundred muskets; the Second new York, which were the recipients of a hearty ovation from the excited crowds who lined Broadway; the Ninety-ninth New York, under Colonel John O'Mahony; the Sixty-ninth N. Y. S. N. under Lieut.-Colonel James Cavanagh commanding, and the First Regiment of Cavalry, under command of Col. D. C. Minton, dismounted. The entire military escort could not have been loss than 2,100 men, all told.
July 22, 1861.
To the Editor of The New York Leader:
Doubtless you have heard, ere this, of the terrible engagement of last Sunday. The affair is of such importance in our annals that hasten to give you a succinct account of it from personal observation.
After the bad affair of Thursday at Bull's Run Ford, where we lost a good many men of the Union troops, our regiment, with all the others engaged and in the immediate vicinity, were encamped in and around Centreville, on each side of the road leading to that place and toward Manassas Gap. We remained perfectly quiet on our respective camping grounds, save when our pickets and those of the enemy met. That the Rebels were receiving reinforcements, was proved by the constant arrival of trains every night, as well as by outside intelligence. We, too, were receiving reinforcements and by Saturday night were ready for making an attack. We were ordered to hold ourselves in readiness by midnight, and accordingly, by that time, we were awake, prepared to march. When we reached the road, we went double-quick for nearly two miles. Then, having crossed a bridge safely, and gained the hilltop, which had been obstructed by the enemy, we turned into the woods, and remained there for some time, drawn up in line of battle.
Our good chaplain, Father Reilly, blessed us, and many were the prayers sent up to Heaven that our arms might be nerved to strike terror into our enemies, and thus save our distracted country.
The large gun, "Long Tom," commenced throwing shell at 6:30 A. M. The Rebels did not answer, but reserved their fire for a more favorable opportunity. Failing to bring them out, and our regiment having the right of the line, or advance post, we were ordered to move our quarters, and approach in front. In doing so, we were obliged to move at double-quick most of the way, and to ford a stream or two, knee-high. This was a serious disadvantage to us, but our brave boys seemed not to mind it. Still further on, we had to defile along a narrow path-way among trees and shrubbery. Even this we did in safety, and soon gained an open plain, where we could perceive the position of the enemy, from the constant discharge of heavy guns.
Again changing our locality, we had to move through some meadows, and just as we nearly passed the last one, a murderous fire was opened upon us from a ravine to the left by the enemy's sharp-shooters. Our entire regiment halted, and facing about, fired two volleys into them, though without seeing them. This stopped their fire, and upon examination afterwards, we found that terrible chastisement had been inflicted upon them by us. The place was strewn with their dead, and one officer had no less than seventeen balls in him. But we paid well for this, for one of the first men to fall was our recently appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, Captain Haggerty, of Company A. His loss to us was beyond repair, as he had proved himself a true soldier under every circumstance, and was endeared to us all. He was brimful of courtesy and kindness to the humblest as well as to the highest in rank or station, though seemingly rough at times in his manner.
Poor Costelloe of ours—Company K—a recent arrival from Waterford, Ireland, and beloved by us all for his amiability and tenderness of character, fell also in this first fire, with three balls in his left breast and right cheek. They both died easily, almost instantaneously, for their wounds were too near the seat of life to permit them to suffer long.
When we had rounded the house used by our skirmishers as a hospital, directly in the enemy's front, we were permitted to halt and rest after our severe march, and to recruit for the coming struggle. We could see one regiment after another of our forces assault the enemy and advance upon his position, but it was evident to us that up to this time no effect had been produced upon his batteries, though death and destruction were dealt out to him by our brave volunteers.
At last the order came for the Sixty-ninth to try and do what the others had failed in. We advanced with hopeful hearts in close line of battle, exposed to the hot shot and shell which were instantly poured into our ranks, though, fortunately, at first with little effect. One ball, however, came near killing our brave Colonel, who treated the matter quite coolly.
A field of over a quarter of a mile had to be crossed, then a fence to be cleared, and then another field of equal length, till we reached the foot of the hill and woods occupied by the enemy. Here we halted a few moments, and then flanked along to the right across another field, and through an entrenchment and high stream, and then up a hill, before we stopped to fire or give the enemy a proof of our storming capacities. Worn out by our long and quick march, still more so by the fatigue of clearing fences, ditches, and streams, we stopped for a moment and fired deliberately into the enemy. Then another volley, then another, and we charged up the heights to their battery with all the impetuosity of our race; but we were like "sheep sent to the slaughter." The cannon belched forth their shells in our midst, killing our men in groups, and scattering them in all directions. But even then they halted, tried to close up, and fired again; and then, just as we seemed to be carrying our point, we found ourselves fired into on the right flank and rear by the Rebel cavalry, who emerged from the woods and struck down and picked off all the men near them. It is even said that we were fired into by our own troops—of course, by mistake. But of this I am certain, our own cavalry, who had partly broken our ranks, when charging up the hill, were not to be found when we needed their protection.
Our flag of the Stars and Stripes was well struck, and the standard-bearer of the dear old Green Flag was shot down; but the flag was instantly raised again. One of our wounded men who carried a flag was shot down, and the flag was torn from his grasp. Raising himself up, he again attacked his Rebel antagonist, struck him down, and carried off one of the Secession flags; but this was not long permitted to remain with him, for he was again charged upon, and the trophy taken from him, besides being taken prisoner. However, having a concealed revolver, he shot down the two soldiers in charge of him, and captured a captain's sword and a prisoner, both of which he brought in safety to our camp. His name is John D. Keeffe, and he is worthy of being recorded among our truly brave men.
I could recite to you numerous other instances of bravery deserving of record, but it would not be possible to do justice to all.
Captain Thomas Francis Meagher gained the greatest credit of the day. His horse was shot when he first reached the field, the ball going further and killing one of Company E., and when we reached the gap at the foot of the hill he brandished his sword and called upon the brave Zouaves and Sixty-ninth to follow him. His valor and bearing during the entire battle is the theme of every tongue. Lieut. E. K. Butler also distinguished himself, and gained much in the favor of his scattered and decimated company. Our Colonel, too, showed the greatest coolness and bravery throughout the fight. He stood to the last and rallied the remnant of his shattered forces, and took us off the field in a square and with our colors flying high; but he didn't do this till after all the other regiments had retired or were retiring. When we had gained the road, and had halted at the temporary hospital, we were charged by the cavalry again, who made sad havoc among the flying remnants of every regiment which had not gained the road. They broke and fled in all directions, and were pursued and cut down at all points. Such a scene was scarcely ever before witnessed.
This was the last point at which I saw our gallant Colonel, who, I am told, was wounded in the leg. He slipped quietly off his horse, and tried to rally his men; but the