67th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
THE SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT.—Yesterday morning, the following dispatch was received at this office:—
Harrisburg, July 8.
The regimental sneaks are on to-day's train. Hope the tin horn and whistle bands will give them an appropriate reception.
Nine of the returned members of this regiment reported at this office; but upon enquiring we learn that about one-third of the regiment arrived in the city, yesterday morning. The reasons for their departure are said to be that they could not be legally compelled to swear into the service of the United States; that the necessity for their services no longer existed; that they were not well used; that they wanted to come home and attend to business. We make this statement upon hearsay. There may possibly be some other and better explanation. The men have come back just in time for the draft.
REINFORCEMENTS FOR THE 67TH.—A squad of fifteen or twenty men, under Lieut. Welch, left Saturday afternoon to join the 67th Regiment, at Harrisburg.
THE 67th REGIMENT.— This regiment of State Militia, in which is one company from this county, is now on its return from Pennsylvania. Those who went at such short notice and have remained until regularly discharged are entitled to credit for this exhibition of patriotism, although their experience of soldier life has been short, and without opportunity to distinguish themselves.
THE 67TH REGIMENT.—The. following letter from a perfectly reliable officer of this regiment will be read with interest, especially by our readers in the country towns, and will serve as an antidote to the miserable attempt to palliate the shameful conduct of a portion of the regiment, contained in the Courier of this morning.—Commercial.
The Courier made no attempt, miserable or otherwise, to palliate the conduct of the deserters of the 67th Regiment. This the Commercial will ascertain, if it will read the article in the Courier, and can understand English. We merely gave the facts which show the conduct of these deserting men in its true light. We obtained these facts in advance of the Commercial, and hence the spleen of our grandmotherly neighbor.
DIED OF FEVER.—We learn that George Warner and M. Leeworthy of C. H. 68th Regiment, Captain Crowell, have died of fever since the return of the Regiment, and that James Wiley and Rush Brown of the same company are quite ill.
OFF TO THE WARS.—We see Martin of the Silver Creek Mirror has gone on with the "Bloody" 68th and left the Mirror in charge of his wife.—We welcome her to corps editorial. We trust the present marching of patriots in defence of Harrisburg, may produce as fortunate results, as the going forth of the Warren Co. Volunteers last year in defence of the same capitol. Of that gritty band of unterrified heroes, we had the honor to be one, and no sooner did the redoubtable Stonewall Jackson hear that we were coming, than he fled the State, and died within a year! We never bear malice towards a chivalrous foe. Peace to his ashes.
One of the returned members of the 67th Regiment has called upon us, and made a statement in regard to the causes which led to the return of a portion of this regiment, before the expiration of the thirty days. The regiment arrived at Harrisburg, Friday night, June 26th and passed the night in the depot, no provision having been made for their accommodation.—The men were obliged to pay five cents for a drink of water and forty cents for an apology for breakfast. Saturday morning, they were marched to Camp Curtin, where poor army rations were furnished them. Saturday night volunteers were asked for to chop timber, and 170 members went and chopped all night. On Sunday night the whole regiment worked on the entrenchments within one-half mile of the enemy's pickets, and most of Monday night. They then returned to Camp Curtin, where they remained until Wednesday, July 8th, being drilled every day.
On this day, the Colonel announced that those who did not wish to swear into the United States service, would be discharged, but urging the men to remain. About 150 of the men declined to muster in, all the members of the cavalry Co. except two—about one-half the artillery, and about one-half the infantry, except Capt. Stillwell's company, refused. All of Capt. Stillwell's company except one man swore in. The muster roll was made out for one month from June 25th, but the oath was for a time indefinite, and the men could obtain no assurance that they would be released.
The discharged members of the regiment then started for home, each on his individual hook. Some had money enough to pay their fare, and some were almost penniless. Those who had money lent to those who had none; but there was not enough to go the rounds, and the consequence was that a considerable number were invited to leave the cars at the first stopping place. One party walked a considerable distance, and then begged money to pay their fare to Sunbury. At Sunbury, they begged enough to convey them to Williamsport, and in the same way they reached Elmira, where they borrowed money to pay the fare to Buffalo. This party arrived here Saturday morning, looking the worse for their military experience.
The officers of the 67th all remained, and the regiment now numbers from 112 to 150 men.
The fact is, that the majority of the Regiment was much dissatisfied with the service, and could not contemplate the contingency of more than thirty days soldiering with anything like resignation, and so they resigned their claim to laurels and returned, not as they went.
We learn from one of the members that the 68th reg't was in the battle at Carlisle, and that officers were in Camp Curtin on Wednesday last looking after the men who have been missing since the skirmish. It is represented that the men of this Regiment were very unwilling to be mustered in, and our informant states that he saw the Colonel hold up a boy's hand while the oath was administered to him.
FOR THE 67TH REGIMENT.—A squad of ten men from Wyoming county leave this evening to join the 67th Regiment, Col. Abbott.
CAPT. MONTGOMERY’S COMPANY.—Corporal Peter Kasse, of Co. H, Long Island Volunteers, has written us a somewhat minute account of the travels of his company in the past two months. This company was recruited in Rochester and Naples, Ontario county, by Capt. A. S. Montgomery, in May, 1861, and taken to Long Island, where it went into a Brooklyn regiment. When the company left Rochester it numbered upwards of 70 men. There are but ten of the Rochester boys left, viz: Sergt. Thos. W. Wack, Corp. Peter Kasse, Privates. Barney McGuire, Peter Loy, George Jones, B. F. Sutton, Abraham Lucier, John F. Harris, John Doler, Standish F. O'Grady.
These men are all as well as can be expected after going through so many battles and so much hardship. On the 13th of June they left the Rappahannock to march northward and got back to Warrenton only last week, having traveled over 400 miles and fought at the battle of Gettysburg. The Rochester boys all escaped in that battle. J. E. Davis, of Rochester, one of the company, recently died of wounds received at Fredericksburg. He was a good soldier, and always did his duty, and his death was lamented by his comrades.
The company was resting near Warrenton when this letter was written, and expected ere many days to meet the rebels again.
July 16, 1863.
From the breastworks, mentioned in my last, we went to support the Third Corps. Here we received a report that Longstreet was captured. Very little fighting was at this time (5 p. m.) going on between the two armies. When the 'rebs' were coming to attack us they were told by their Generals that they would only meet 'Flat-footed Militia;' but after an hour's fighting one of them said they saw they had old troops to contend with; and sad and sorrowful was their disappointment. The enemy excel our men in desperate fighting; they will march up with steady calmness to the very jaws of death, when ours would probably flinch and probably turn. They know that any of their skulks or cowards are pretty sure of being shot down if they attempt to go to the rear; and if they go forward they stand a chance of escaping. We had Ewell's, Longstreet's, and A. P. Hill's corps opposed to us.
On the 5th our troops started on the afternoon of this day in pursuit of the rebels. Every farm house and barn we passed had the red flag (hospital) raised, and were filled with the wounded enemy. In one house near which we camped for the night, Ewell's chief was lying. Ewell himself had been there only about one hour previous to our arrival. The next evening, by taking a byroad we avoided a masked battery of the enemy, and marched to Emmittsburg ten miles, over a very muddy road. A slight misty rain fell, during the greater portion of the 7th, and in the midst of it we started for Frederick. When about five miles from it we took a road that led over what is called 'Hob's Knob' of the Acoctin Mountain to Middletown. The road was very narrow and rocky; near the top quite steep. I had rather march twelve ordinary miles than to have gone the three up that hill. Ere reaching the top it became very dark, the road very steep and a heavy rain falling, and to add to our pleasure the Artillery cut through our column, separating us from the rest of our Brigade. The next day we finished our ascent and commenced the descent, which was not quite as difficult as the ascent had been. When we reached Middletown about ten miles off, I was mud from above my knees down. The Middletown valley is accounted one of the finest and richest in Maryland. We were west of South Mountain and about four or six miles from Antietam. 'Twas said the 'Confed' Generals had a consultation on the old battlefield of Antietam. I write the part of my letter sitting on a rail fence and in the fading light of twilight. The next day the rebel cavalry attempted to get possession of the Gap through which we passed, but they were finally driven back. By the way, one of our men talking with a cavalryman, the latter complained about the worn out condition of their horses, and on comparing days and distances, it was found the 'foot' had outwalked the 'horse.' In fact up to this point our marching since we left the Rappahannock for ten days would average at least twenty miles a day. Our whole distance was over three hundred miles.
July 22, near Philmont, Va. The late campaign, as far as our Regiment is concerned, lasted just about seven days longer than the Antietam one. The army as far as I have seen are all in good spirits. Our late successes have, after so many reverses to our armies in all sections of the country, encouraged us to hope that the end is not far off. If we can only be reinforced by some of those interesting people called conscripts ere the army moves again, we will be better pleased with our next encounter with "Bob Lee." I believe the 'confeds' like Antacus (wasn't he the individual?) of old, regained their lost strength and courage on touching the 'sacred soil.' Their motto, in the gloomiest hour seems to be, 'never despair.'
But the captures of Vicksburg and Port Hudson and the probable taking of Charleston will tell, well in our favor, in reducing the size of their armies, let alone the loss they sustained at Gettysburg.
What are Gen. Meade's intentions for the future, I have not as yet heard. Some think he will lie near Warrenton or its vicinity until about the beginning of September, when with his army rested and reinforced by the new levies he will again 'On to Richmond' probably. But as yet it is difficult to predict. The army moves but slowly now as far as I can learn. The sixth, our corps is apparently in the reserve. An item here. The Assistant Adjutant General of the First corps, Major Russell, who went with our late Division commander, when Gen. Reynolds was killed at Gettysburg, is said to have been captured yesterday, 21st inst, by Guerrilla's in our rear. How he came to be so far behind I have not heard. Tomorrow our detail of officers and men will leave here to bring on our quota of drafted men. The duty I think will be anything but a pleasant one, and I certainly do not envy them the task.
There is a Sergeant in one of our country companies, who read a letter from his father, stating that his three eldest brothers had been drafted, and it was fun to all who heard him, to listen to his expression of pleasure, at the thought they had to come out and trudge around as conscript soldiers. He hoped that they would join his Regiment, and he'd warrant they should not straggle if he could help it.
When we left Boonsboro, on the 10th inst., we advanced about two miles, and did not move again until noon of Sunday the 12th, when we passed through Funktown; we entered about two hours after the rebels had left. The enemy had made every preparation according to the nature of the ground to give us a warm reception, but concluded to fall further back. We went about a mile and a half from Funktown and halted for the night. That night we threw up breastworks. When the pickets were sent out that evening the picket line was advanced, and smart skirmishing ensued, but we succeeded in driving the enemy back. Monday p. m. our regiment sent out a detail of 250 men and ten officers as pickets. All was quiet that night save that we heard the rolling of wagons. The next morning revealed the fact that the enemy had left. The neighboring farmers came in to camp and said that the 'rebs' had gone over the river. Troops were immediately moved forward as soon as it was certain they had moved back. Prisoners, (stragglers and men designing to desert) were taken. The 'rebs' had a very good position. Where we were A. P. Hill's troops had been on picket. I picked up one of their parting effusions, as full of braggadccia as usual. The writer seemed to be aware of the capture of Vicksburg, but was not at all despondent. He was a Tennesseean; 'twas quite a rich production—I would like to send it to you as a specimen. We moved again this time to Williamsport, and there found plenty of traces of their encampments. The next day we retraced our steps to Boonsboro and the following day found us at Berlin. Here the officers and men had a chance to get at their baggage and have a change of clothing, having, in many instances, been deprived of the privilege for two weeks. The 17th and 18th was principally occupied in making out our muster and pay rolls for May and June —these rolls should have been made out and sent in by the 3d of the month, but our continual moving prevented it--on the 19th we once more crossed the Potomac at Berlin. This is the eighth time since March, 1862, that our regiment has crossed the Potomac —five times to enter Virginia.. Our camp that night was near Wheatland, not far from where we camped the first night, in Virginia in November of last year. There were two pontoon bridges laid at Berlin, and a little below could be seen the bodies of wagons said to have been rebel, that had been lost in attempting to ford the river. On the 20th we reached Philemont. At this place last year our cavalry had a skirmish with the enemy. Thus we are now in Loudon Co., the hotbed of secession in this section of country. We expect soon to move to Warrenton but as yet no orders have come. Our detail of "Conscript Fathers" and attendants leave to-day, 22d, to go to New York for our quota of conscripts.
The Riots in New York city have excited much discussion and conversation amongst us. Many officers and men wished that they had been sent there to suppress the outbreak. I can assure you that the mistaken humanity of firing blank cartridges upon them would not be practiced. Hence Col. O'Brien receives but little sympathy. Grape, canister and musketry are strong, but sure and effective arguments in such cases. There seemed to be too much system in the late outbreak for it to be the spontaneous action of a number of excited men. Men that did not appear on the scene must have been at the bottom of it; and the mob were but their tools to achieve their purposes.
Yours &c., E. K. R.
Monday Evening, July 13, 1863.
The following letter from a perfectly reliable officer of this regiment will be read with interest, especially by our readers in the country towns, and will serve as an antidote to the miserable attempt to palliate the shameful conduct of a portion of the regiment, contained in the Courier of this morning:
MESSRS. EDITORS: Aware that many reports have been circulated relative to the treatment and reception of the 67th Regiment on its tour to Harrisburg, and the unhappy difficulties that have since arisen out of the necessity of its being mustered into the U. S. service, and knowing that the returned slinks of the regiment would be home before ourselves to tell their own green-eyed stories, I have thought it proper to send you a brief account of our trip and the transpiration of things since our arrival.
It is unnecessary to mention the getting off of the regiment from Buffalo, as that is already well known. Suffice it to say, that though a manly tear did moisten the eye, and proud hearts did sensibly melt under the hasty partings from those sweet, those tender little ones of home (for most were married men), from whom they had been so ruthlessly snatched by the dire necessities of the nation, they bore upon their countenances a spirit of noble acquiescence and resolute determination to fully answer their country's call. But the soberness of partings, which in the uncertain fate of war might prove to many unending, were rapidly dispelled, as the ladies of Lancaster greeted us with showers of bouquets, with billets attached, breathing sympathy and blessings for those whom they supposed anxious to drive the invader from the firesides of a sister State; while from hamlet to hamlet, and town to town, all with patriotism inspired, raised the shout of joy and waved the hat or handkerchief as a "God speed you on."
Our boys grew in valor and patriotism, answering with cheer after cheer, until the very hills echoed back their shouts—and one would have thought none could have been daunted, though Jeff. Davis himself, with all his hosts, was to meet them on their way. At Sunbury, Pa., while the cars stopped a moment, the kind ladies of the place served us with a sumptuous repast, the most acceptable possible to the hungry soldiers, the best of refreshments; and from them we learned that the rebels were marching upon Carlisle, while their scouts were within a dozen miles of Harrisburgh, and we boys were wanted there. A change came over their valor. A cloud settled upon their brows, and immediately whisperings were heard of the illegality of taking us out of the State—of the impropriety of "swearing in"—that were we to do so, though only for 30 days, the government might hold us for three years, etc., etc. True, many of them protested their anxiety to get armed and march to meet the foe. One company, in particular, swore by all that was patriotic they would follow their Captain wherever he should lead, but in the same breath they urged the opinion that we were raw troops unfit to be led into action.
And at last signified their valor, with but two honorable exceptions, aside from the commissioned officers, by flatly refusing to muster in, though every inducement possible was held out by their Captains. After being in camp a short time, as the rebs didn't pounce upon us, all were becoming accustomed and rather attached to the excitement, and soon pretty much every man signified a readiness to be "mustered in." The proper officer was notified to that effect. Before his appearance, however, shell and cannon were heard in the distance. Columbia bridge was burned, Carlisle was fired, and some wily officer of the 68th whispered to them, if they refused to be mustered in, they would be sent immediately home. Though assured that they should be mustered in for only thirty days from the day they left Buffalo, and would as assuredly be mustered out at the expiration of that time, no amount of entreaty, persuasion, hiring or shame, could move a patriotic throb in their soulless hearts.
There is in the ranks of the 67th as pure patriotism and devotion to country as can be found any where. The feelings of mortification that the fair fame of the regiment should be sullied by the conduct of these sneaks can be better imagined than described. Our only consolation is that by their return, the sheep are in a great measure separated from the goats, and that it can be readily determined who are responsible for the non-action of the regiment. On the 6th ult. the bone and sinew of the regiment were mustered in for thirty days from the 25th of June, under the following officers:
Colonel—Chauncey Abbott.
Lieut. Colonel—H. S. Clough.
Major—George Gilmore.
Engineer—Lucius Abbott.
Quartermaster—A. S. Washburn.
Surgeon—George Abbott.
Assistant Surgeon—John McBeth.
Co. A—Captain—F. G. Grannis, Wales.
Co. B— " —B. K. Buxston, Hamburgh.
Co. C— " —Wm. H. Candee, Evans.
Co. D— " —M. Stilwell, East Hamburg.
Co. E— " —L. Needom, Concord.
Co. F— " —Lott Shaw, Sheldon, Wyoming co.
Co. G— " —D. C. Corbin, Aurora.
Co. H— " --M. L. Fargo, Warsaw.
We have drawn our clothing, &c., and are now in working order. Uncle Sam may depend upon a few, at least, in the old 67th. G.
July 10, 1863.
FROM THE 74th.—The following letter from a member of the 74th will post the friends of the regiment in regard to its recent movements:
LOUDON, PA., July 8, 1863.
EDS. COM. ADV.: Here we are, in Loudon, 14 miles west of Chambersburg. Our march from Mount Union was 43 miles, over mountains and through mud, which distance we came in 48 hours from the hour of
starting. It is the first experience the 74th has had in long marching. The boys stand it remarkably well for green hands, as most of them are. We left but two or three sick at Mount Union, and have few stragglers. This afternoon, after 22 hours' rest, we move again towards the Potomac. We left all our baggage, except what was absolutely necessary for immediate use, in Mount Union. Col. Fox and many of his officers have no clothing with them except what is on their backs. We have to forage for rations except a short allowance of flour and hard tack. But Col. Fox is a good provider for his boys, and well is it for them that he is. Lieut.-Col. Seeley received his splendid horse from his Buffalo friends just in time for the march. The other field officers have, with some difficulty, procured horses for themselves.
This town is full of scattered portions of Gen. Milroy's force. The 1st N. Y. Cavalry, on the 5th inst, captured 600 rebel cavalry with a long baggage and commissary train, which they brought to this place. We are going towards the front. What may be our destiny is known not to mortals. We received a mail today from Buffalo via Mount Union. Letters to the Regiment should be directed to Mount Union, Pa., care of Col. W. A. Fox. J.
The First Regiment Long Island Volunteers, Colonel Julius Adams, is now encamped near Port Hamilton. They are uniformed and fully equipped with the exception of having the Springfield altered musket, instead of the Minie rifle, which they expect in a few days.
An interesting ceremony took place at South Brothers Island on Saturday last, when a beautiful flag was presented to the Astoria Company of the Brooklyn Phalanx, Col. Adams. The presentation was made in the name of the Astoria Committee by Lt. Col. Tinelli of the Garibaldi Guard, who made an eloquent address on the occasion, the regiment, consisting of nearly 1,000 men, being formed in hollow square. Col. Tinelli, in the course of his remarks, said "the presentation colors to a military corps is a solemnity as holy as the baptism of a family of converts, or of a new Christian community. Like Christian neophyte a soldier, by his oath of allegiance and fidelity to his flag, is bound to support and defend, even at the sacrifice of his life, the principles and interests of which his standard, like Ark of the Scripture, is the true symbol and exponent." After the presentation the regiment went through various evolutions, which elicited great applause.
(July 1861)
Our Brooklyn friends across the river are about showing their patriotism in sending another body of men to the battle field, This will be the fourth regiment which has left the "City of Churches" for the war—the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Twenty-eighth, who are at present in the midst of the encounter. The Phalanx has been got up under the peculiar auspices of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and is now encamped at Fort Schuyler, 1,046 strong. They are ready to march to-day, but will not go until to-morrow.
The Ladies' Relief Association, through the influence of Mrs. Walton of South Fourth street, E. D., Brooklyn, have kindly presented to the above regiment a quantity of Havelocks, shirts, drawers, &c., which the men had much needed. The officers appreciated the kindly feeling and attention bestowed upon the regiment by the ladies of Brooklyn. The regiment is still further in need of changes of linen, which would be thankfully received.
DEATH OF LIEUT. GIBBS.--Information has been received of the death of Lieut. Thomas O. Gibbs, formerly of this city. He helped to raise a company here which went into a Long Island regiment--the 67th N. Y. His time would have expired in a week from the date of his death, the 12th inst. His wife, who now resides at Scio, Allegany Co., has a letter from the fellow officers of her husband, stating the particulars of his death, which took place suddenly. They speak of him as a brave and gallant officer, having the respect of all his associates. The blow falls with crushing weight upon his wife, who was looking forward to his return with much anxiety. Lieut. Gibbs was a son of our late townsman, Dr. O. E. Gibbs, and a nephew of E. N. Buell, we believe.
Several members of the 67th Regiment, N. Y .V. (1st Long Island), having expressed a desire to contribute toward the erection of a monument over the remains of Captain Daniel R. Sullivan, Co. I, 67th N. Y. V., a subscription paper has been left in the counting room of this office for that purpose. Captain Sullivan was mortally hurt at Fair Oaks, May 31st, 1862, while gallantly leading his company as its First Lieutenant, was recovered from the scene of battle next day, promoted on the field by Colonel J. W. Adams, and was sent home, where he died of his wounds June 26th, 1862. He was beloved by every member of his company and universally respected by his Regiment.
DEATH OF ANOTHER HERO.--Died, at the Albany Army Hospital, on Tuesday, July 1st, 1862, Patrick Mackin, Company A, 69th Regiment, New York State Volunteers. At the breaking out of the war he promptly enlisted in the ranks of the old 69th, and with them at Bull Run, shared the honor which was universally accorded to that regiment for their noble conduct on that bloody battlefield.
Returning to New York, his place of residence, he remained in civil life till the organization of Meagher's Brigade, when he joined the 69th Volunteers. At "Fair Oaks" he was wounded in the arm so severely, that amputation was deemed necessary. The amputation was performed be the Regimental Surgeon, but the wound failing to do well, caused a rapid sinking, from the too heavy drain on his already exhausted strength. Though suffering the most intense pain, he never murmured, and many a lesson on patient endurance did he teach those who ministered to him during his sickness, and watched the waning of his star of life. His mother, who was with him during the last few days of his illness, bore with her to her home in New York, his wasted body, today by that of another son, who, but three weeks before, as a member of the old 69th. lost his life in the service of his country. Truly, indeed, as she remarked to those who stood around his death bed, she has done her part and suffered her share in the service of her adopted country.
The UNION is for sale at the following news rooms in Brooklyn: H. S. Green, corner Fulton street and Myrtle avenue; P. Affonso, corner Myrtle avenue and Walworth street; E. G. Heath, corner Fulton avenue and Ormond place.
Our readers will be glad to learn that we have good reason for thinking that our First Long Island Regiment—the Sixty-seventh New York--have re-enlisted to a number sufficient to entitle them to the thirty-five days furlough, are coming home to recruit, and may be expected at any time. Our information is from the Adjutant of the regiment, and we may any day look for the arrival in our midst of these noble boys, battle-worn and weather-beaten, the heroic survivors of those who have given up their lives in this war. We do not need to ask our citizens to give them a hearty welcome. There is not a man or woman in the city whose blood will not flow faster on reading this announcement.
But the return of one of our own regiments to fill its thinned ranks suggests a lesson that we would do well to attend to. Many regiments in the army have among their members large numbers of soldiers who are willing to re-enlist, but not a sufficient number to obtain for them the furlough allowed by the War Department. These men, if applied to now, would gladly rejoin the ranks. They are the toughest, truest, and most tried of soldiers. One of them is worth ten of the striplings who have not attained their majority. They are the kind of men Napoleon wanted when, in 1809, he wrote to the Senate "I must have man; boys serve only to encumber the hospitals and the roadsides." For all military uses their discipline more than doubles their efficiency, and every means that is practicable should be employed to secure their services.
Our Supervisors' Committee are now in Washington to endeavor to procure a postponement of the draft. This is well enough; but would it not be well to turn their attention to this resource also? The Government gladly allows all proper influences to be brought to bear on the veteran troops. Let the committee be instructed to go themselves, or promptly send agents to the army to secure to the credit of Brooklyn such re-enlistments as they can induce. Other towns in other States are doing so. It is stated that Jersey City relies on this means alone to fill her quota. The movement is suggested in New York. Why not here? We trust our Supervisors' Committee will give it prompt attention, especially as the law in its present form limits the $400 bounty to veterans to the 5th of January.
Arrival in Brooklyn of the First Long Island Regiment.
Welcome to the Heroes of Seventeen Battles.
Their Reception at Home.
After an absence of nearly two years and a half, and a participation in many of the bloodiest battles of modern times, the remnant of the First Long Island Regiment, or Brooklyn Phalanx as it was at one time called, have returned home for a brief stay of thirty days. Below we give a list of the battles in which they have been engaged, and a brief HISTORY OF THE REGIMENT.
Just previous to the breaking out of the war Mr. Nelson Cross, a lawyer, doing business in Cincinnati, Ohio, but formerly a resident of Brooklyn, returned to the City of New York and opened an office for the prosecution of his business. He had been so engaged but a few days, when one morning he read in the newspapers of the attack on Sumter. He locked his office door, and has never been back since. He immediately came to Brooklyn, opened a recruiting office in Fulton street, and commenced the organization of the First Long Island Regiment. The enterprise received the cordial support and co-operation of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Postmaster Lincoln, and other gentlemen equally earnest and devout in the cause of the Union.
The regiment was in a short time filled up to the maximum number. Mr. Cross being a civilian refused to take command as colonel, though it was mainly through his exertions that the regiment had an existence, and Mr. Adams, a graduate of West Point, was put in command.
Thus the First Long Island Regiment was recruited, armed and equipped, and departed from our city one thousand strong, having the Coat of Arms of Brooklyn upon their regimental flag, and all without the cost of a single dollar to the City of Brooklyn. They were forwarded to Virginia and became a part of the great army of the Potomac. They spent their first winter at a place known as Queens Farms, and were notable for efficiency and excellence of discipline.
The full measure of their usefulness cannot now be stated. Their numbers have been reduced from upwards of a thousand to less than 250, and their conduct from the very first has been marked by the greatest gallantry and heroism. They particularly distinguished themselves in the following battles:
1. The Siege of Yorktown.
2. Battle of Williamsburg.
3. Battle of Seven Pines or Fair Oaks.
4. Battle of Glen Dale.
5. Battle of Turkey Bend.
6. Battle of Malvern Hills.
7. Battle of Chantilly.
8. Battle of Antietam.
9. Battle of Williamsport.
10. Battle of Fredericksburg.
11. Battle of Fredericksburg—second attack.
12. Battle of Salem Heights.
13. Battle of Gettysburg.
14. Battle of Rappahannock Station.
In some of these battles the regiment lost as many as two hundred men, and in every one was distinguished for zeal and unflinching bravery, and its important services have been repeatedly acknowledged by the commanding Generals.
It is with such a record that the regiment returns home on a short furlough—soon, however, to return again to the scene of conflict to help in the closing up of the great work in which they have taken so important a part.
After innumerable delays and disappointments the regiment arrived in New York at 12 o'clock to-day, and proceeded direct to the Park Barracks, where a much-needed breakfast awaited them. The regiment numbers 234 men, all of whom have reenlisted for the war, and will return at the expiration of the furlough of thirty days. The following is a partial list of the officers:
Colonel—Nelson Cross.
Lieut.-Col.—A. L. Van Ness.
Major— Beldon.
Adjutant—G. B. Lincoln, Jr.
Surgeon—G. F. Andrews.
The men appear to be in fine health and the best possible spirits. They are war-worn and travel-worn and many bear upon their persons honorable scars, which at once attest their valor and the desperate nature of the work in which they have been engaged. But they are all as earnest, as enthusiastic, and as patriotic as when they first shouldered a musket in defence of our liberty and common country.
As we write, the brave fellows are enjoying a brief rest after their fatiguing journey, but due preparations have been made for their reception in Brooklyn, with a brief account of which we will conclude this article.
At 3 o'clock the 28th Regiment, N. Y. S. N. G., Col. Pratt, will assemble at the Armory, and proceed thence to New York to act as escort to the Long Island Regiment to Brooklyn. A force of police in charge of Superintendent Folk, and a portion of the Invalid Corps are expected to take part in the reception. The regiment thus escorted will proceed up Fulton street to the City Hall, where they will be received by the Mayor and Common Council. A collation has been prepared for their entertainment, after which the men will be dismissed to proceed to their respective homes. That they return to us with a bright and honorable record none will deny. We, therefore, bespeak for them during their brief stay among us such a welcome and entertainment as their gallant deeds entitle them to receive.
We learn that Col. Cross and the other officers of the First Long Island Regiment, just returned from the front and now mustered out of the service, have tendered their services to the Government, through Gen. Duryea, in the present emergency, offering to serve without rank and without pay. This is no more that was to be expected from these gallant men, who have proved on so many fields their willingness to lay down their lives in the service of their country.
In connection with the above announcement it may not be out of place to reproduce the following sketch of the services of this regiment; written by Capt. E. A. Paul, the well-known correspondent of the New York Times:
IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG, Thursday, June 23.
The time of the Sixty-seventh New York Volunteers —better known as the First Long Island Regiment-- having expired, they left for home yesterday. This regiment was one of the first of the three years' regiments mustered into the service, and has participated in nearly every battle of the war. Leaving Fort Schuyler in June, 1861, for Fort Hamilton, it was shortly afterward sent to Queen's Farm, near Washington, where it was placed in a brigade in which it has ever since remained. The first campaign participated in was the celebrated one made to Manassas, by McClellan, when our troops discovered plenty of wooden guns but no enemy. The regiment next took part in the Peninsula campaign, and was one of the first to land at Old Point. It was actively engaged at Yorktown, Williamsburg, Seven Pines and Fair Oak, (at the latter fight losing 185 men;) then in the seven days' battle, Chantilly, Antietam, Williamsport, and subsequently, under Burnside, at Fredericksburg. At second Fredericksburg, it stormed Mary's Height and Salem Height, when they were compelled to recross at Banks' Ford, the First Long Island, with eight other regiments, under command of Col. Cross, covering the movement. Was with the Sixth when that corps crossed the Rappahannock as Lee moved on with the rebel army to Pennsylvania, and subsequently was engaged two days at Gettysburg. When gen. Newton took command of the First Corps the Sixth was near Westminster, and marched thirty-six miles between 9 o'clock P. M. and 4 A. M.., and went into the fight under Gen. Sykes just in time to render important service. After the affairs at Rappahannock Station and Mine Run the regiment was sent to Johnson's Island to guard prisoners, and last April was again sent to the front and rejoined the Fourth Brigade, First Division, Sixth Corps, and has participated in nearly every battle of the present campaign, in the Wilderness losing 123 out of 270 men. In the Wilderness, Col. Cross assumed command of the brigade as Gen Sykes had been taken prisoner. At Spotsylvania the colors were pierced in twenty-three places by bullets, and the flag staff was shattered and the color-bearer killed. After the battle of Spottsylvania the Twenty-third and Eighty-second Regiments Pennsylvania Volunteers, heretofore temporarily detached, rejoined the brigade now composed of the First Long Island, Col. Cross, commanding brigade; U. S. Chasseurs, Col. Hamblin; One Hundred and Twenty-second New York, Lieut.-Col. Dwight; Eighty-second Pennsylvania, Col. Bassett; Twenty-third Pennsylvania, Col. Glen. At Cole harbor the brigade lost out of 1,500 rank and file, 458 men, besides twenty officers. The Lohg Island Regiment was relieved from duty in the front lines (at Petersburg) on the very day their time expired. The regiment took the field with 950 men, since which time 200 recruits have joined the command; 100 re-enlisted men remain in the army, and 70 men go home with the colors. At the commencement of the present campaign the regiment numbered 325 men.
Six officers have been killed, viz.: Captains Cooper, Sullivan, Demady, and Lieutenants Rizsdyk, Hideley, and Gibbs. Thirteen officers have been wounded, viz.: Captains Reynolds, Van Ness, Peck, Harper, (twice,) Morgan, Baldwin; Lieutenants Adjutant Lincoln, McDonald, Middough, (twice,) Hughes, Thoro, and Van Nostrand.
The field officers of the regiment were originally Colonel Adams (who resigned), Lieut.-Colonel Cross and Major P. M. Dezeny, who were dismissed. The Colonel soon after entering the service was placed in command of a brigade, so that the command of the regiment devolved upon its present commanding officer, Colonel Cross, who, in fact, raised the regiment. The present field officers are Colonel Cross, Lieut.-Colonel Van Ness, and Major C. O. Belden. The staff are
1st Lieutenant George B. Lincoln, Jr., Adjutant.
1st Lieutenant A. H. Doty, Quartermaster.
Surgeon, George F. Adams.
Assistant-Surgeon, C. P. Staats.
Surgeon Adams and Quartermaster Doty have served from the period of the original muster. The brigade in which this regiment served its full term of three years was successfully commanded by Graham, Wessels, Abercrombie, Adams, Cochrane, Shaler, and Cross. The regiment has an imperishable history, creditable alike to officers and men, and to the State of New York, so that this brief and necessarily incomplete account of its services requires no comments.
THE FIRST LONG ISLAND REGIMENT, which was expected to arrive on Monday morning, and was to receive a public reception, is still in Washington, awaiting transportation. The arrival of the regiment in Brooklyn will be announced by ten strokes upon the City Hall bell, when the reception will take place. (Jan. 1864)
BROOKLYN. (Jan. 1864)
The remnant of this veteran regiment arrived in Brooklyn last evening. The 23d Regiment, National Guard, having been detailed for escort duty, were under arms every day since Sunday, awaiting their arrival. In compliance with previous directions given by the Mayor, the City Hall bell was rung at 3 o'clock P. M., which was the signal of their arrival on this side within one hour thereafter. Gen. Duryea and staff, Gen. Spinola and staff, with the 23d Regiment, commanded by Col. Pratt, proceeded to New York and escorted the veterans to this city. There was an immense concourse of persons at the ferry, and the veterans were greeted with the greatest enthusiasm on landing from the boat. The column marched up Fulton st. to the City Hall, where the regiment was welcomed by Mayor Wood in a brief address. It then marched to Montague Hall, where an ample dinner was prepared for them. After dinner was over the men left to see their friends. Their clothes are considerably worn, and their flags are tattered, but the men presented a robust, healthy appearance. The regiment is known in the service as the Sixty-seventh New York Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Cross.
The regiment numbered about nine hundred men when they left for the seat of war, and although a number of recruits have since been added, they count less than four hundred now. Of these, two-thirds have re-enlisted. They have participated in seventeen battles. The men have a furlough of thirty days, within which time a number will doubtless be added to their present thinned ranks.
These veterans—who have been among us for the last month—left day before yesterday, by the Erie Railroad, for Sandusky, Ohio, as announced briefly in The Union of that evening. There they join their old brigade—which has been ordered to that city to guard rebel prisoners since the First Long Island left Virginia. These men return cheerfully to duty, and with a feeling that their services in the past are appreciated by their fellow-citizens at home—who, during their stay, have done what they could to manifest to the officers and men their sense of gratitude for the honor their regiment has conferred upon the City of Brooklyn.
Notwithstanding what the regiment has done in the past, it now relieves our county on the coming draft of over two hundred men—thus placing under obligations to them every man in our community liable to do military duty. While here, the enlisted men of this regiment have borne themselves creditably, so far as we have heard. The money paid over to these men has not been lost or stolen by the sneak-thieves who prefer to steal the soldiers' money to earning it in uniform. Supervisors Booth and Osborne have warned the soldiers against these prowlers--hence most of the money is either in bank or invested in such a way as to be of benefit to them or theirs in the future. Some have bought them homes. One young man bought a house and lot out in the country for his mother, for which he gave one thousand dollars—and paid the entire sum for it out of his bounty money and what he had saved since his first enlistment.
Mr. Williamson has taken a fine cabinet picture of Color-Sergeant John F. Von Gunten, who has carried the colors in seventeen different engagements, which is to be deposited with the colors in the rooms of the Long Island Historical Society.
Von Gunten was born in the Jura Mountains, in Switzerland, and is a brave and good soldier, a creditable specimen of his liberty-loving race. We shall watch these heroic men with a new interest in the grand future that is before them.
The First Long Island regiment (Sixty-seventh New York Volunteers), or that portion whose three year term of service has expired, returned to Brooklyn yesterday from the front at Petersburg, Va. They arrived in Jersey City at six o'clock A. M., and at once proceeded to the Soldiers' Home, in Mercer street, where they were provided with breakfast, after which they crossed to Brooklyn, under command of the senior Captain, T. M. K. Mills, and quartered at the Brooklyn city armory. Their arrival being unexpected, no arrangements had been made to give them a formal welcome, and they marched up Fulton street without any escort.
The regiment left Brooklyn on the 20th of June, 1861 with one thousand two hundred men, and at this day only one hundred and forty remain, including those who re-enlisted. The returned veterans number seventy men, with the following officers:—
Colonel—Nelson Cross.
Lieutenant Colonel—H. L. Van Ness.
Major—Charles O. Belden.
Adjutant—George B. Lincoln, Jr.
Surgeon—George F. Adams.
Assistant Surgeon—C. P. Stotts.
Company A--Captain T. M. K. Mills (commanding
Company C—Lieutenant John C. Hughes.
Company D—Lieutenant G. W. Phelps.
Company E—Captain George Harper.
Captain Mills is the only original officer of the line who remains.
The re-enlisted men have been formed into a battalion, under command of Captain Henry C. Fisk, who volunteered his services to remain. They are now known as the Long Island Sharpshooters, numbering some seventy men. Captain Fisk went out as orderly sergeant, and was promoted to his present position for gallant conduct. The regiment numbered three hundred and twenty muskets when they left Brandy Station at the commencement of the present grand campaign. Their number when they came in front of Petersburg had dwindled down to less than half.
The regiment, during their term of service, participated in the following battles:—
Yorktown, Williamsburg,
Fair Oaks, Seven Days Fight,
Malvern Hill, Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Gettysburg,
The Wilderness, Spottsylvania,
Coal Harbor, South Anna,
As soon as the return of the regiment became known to the military authorities, Colonel J. B. Woodward tendered the Thirteenth regiment as an escort to a reception which had been improvised as short notice. The veterans having been invited to attend the meeting, at the Academy of Music, in aid of soldiers' families, the Thirteenth escorted them through several streets, after which they entered the Academy, where they were enthusiastically received. The quarters of those who do not reside in the city will be at the city armory until mustered out of the service.
The First Long Island Regiment (Col. Cross), or Sixty-seventh N. Y. S. Vols., have arrived at Washington on their way home, having re-enlisted for three years, and will reach here to-morrow. Their arrival in Brooklyn will be publicly announced by twelve taps on the City Hall bell. They will march up Fulton street to the City Hall, where a review by the Mayor and members of the Common Council will take place. They number about two hundred men, having lost about eight hundred in the fifteen battles in which they have been engaged.
An anonymous correspondent sends us a communication taking exception to our statement that it was mainly through the agency of Col. Nelson Cross that the regiment of Long Island volunteers was raised and gives credit to Col. Adams. While we have no disposition to detract in the least from the credit of Col. Adams, we are still, after careful inquiry, bound to believe in the correctness of our statement. (Jan. 20, 1864)