60th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
By Telegraph to the Utica Morning Herald:
The 60th regiment N. Y. S. Y., the second regiment from St. Lawrence county, Col. Hayward commanding, left this morning for the seat of war. The regiment numbers 969 men.
Besides the regiment now encamped at Camp Wheeler, in Ogdensburgh, and the recruiting going on for the 16th, two Cavalry Companies are forming in the county, and the prospects are that all will be filled. Capt. J. H. Ransom's company, from Champlain, arrived at Camp Wheeler, Friday, and went into barracks. There are now between 600 and 700 men at this camp, ten companies in all. When all the men enrolled have arrived, the regiment will number 830.
— The Regiment at Camp Wheeler, Ogdensburgh, is under orders to march to-day, under command Col. Hayward, late a Captain in the regular army.
Died, at the camp of the 60th Regiment N. Y. S. V., near Little Washington, Va., on the morning of August 4th, of typhoid fever, GUY HOGAN First Lieutenant Co. I.
Lieut. Hogan had been connected with the company from its organization and had been enthusiastic in sustaining its character and discipline. As a friend and adviser his presence was invaluable to its commander. He was faithful honest and energetic. As a companion and officer his loss will be mourned by every member of the company.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
ORWELL.—An enthusiastic meeting was held at Kremlin Hall, Moscow, on the evening of Nov. 1st, to enlist men in Capt. Briggs' Company, to join the Jefferson County Regiment, now forming to fill the barracks at Sacket's Harbor, which resulted in adding three more to the great number already gone from this town. Speeches were made by D. A. King, Esq., of Pulaski, and Rev. Miron H. Stevens, of Orwell. READER.
The Regiment encamped at Camp Wheeler received information Saturday afternoon, that they were to be ordered off next week. This was rather sudden to the men, and a stamped commenced for furloughs to see their friends at home. All these are ordered to be limited to Tuesday next.
—Hiram Place, a volunteer in Capt, Hyde's company at Camp Wheeler, broke both bones of his right leg, while wrestling, a day or two since. This is the second accident of this kind which has occurred since the camp was established, yet the soldiers will scuffle.
—The regiment at Camp Wheeler has been designated as the 60th, instead of the 33d, the original number. It is now under the command of Colonel Hayward, who arrived at Ogdensburgh for that purpose on the 29th inst. At dress parade on the day of his arrival, he made a short speech which gave the utmost satisfaction to his regiment, especially his motto, "My God and my country." The Colonel has been an officer in the regular army for many years, has been engaged in active service, and was formerly stationed at Sackets Harbor. He is an excellent disciplinarian….
REGIMENTAL FLAG PRESENTATION.—The ladies of Ogdensburgh presented the 60th Regiment of New York State Volunteers, now at Camp Wheeler, with a superb regimental flag on the afternoon of October 31. The regiment made an excellent appearance being all uniformed and mostly men of stalwart frames, fitted to endure the fatigues of a campaign. At three o'clock the regiment was paraded and formed in a hollow square by Col. Hayward, when the stand was occupied by the respective speakers of the occasion, while Hon. Preston King, Judge James, Rev. L. M. Miller, and other notables, occupied seats thereon to give dignity to the ceremony. A large number of spectators were present, a great proportion of whom were ladies in carriages. Prompt to the moment, Gen. Thorndike presented to the regiment as the speaker of the day Hon. John Fine, who, in behalf of the ladies, presented the flag in appropriate remarks.
At the conclusion of the presentation address, three heartfelt cheers were given by the regiment for the speaker and the ladies of Ogdensburgh.. The flag was then received by Col. Hayward in a neat little speech. Three vigorous cheers by all assembled, and a tiger by the regiment, were given for Col. Hayward, followed by a national air from the band. The flag was then handed to the standard-bearer, who took his place in the ranks.
The flag is of superior, blue silk, with the State and Union arms in the center, over which is the inscription: "60th Regiment N. Y. Volunteers," with the motto: "Jehovah Nissi," the whole lettering being in gold. It was mounted on an elegant standard, surmounted with a golden eagle, the whole forming a regimental flag excelled by none. The Colonel now advanced to the carriage of the ladies most prominent in the enteprise, and in feeling words returned thanks in the name of the regiment.
After the flag presentation, B. H. Vary, in behalf of the ladies of Rensselaer Falls, presented the regiment with a box of superior woolen socks. His remarks were appropriate and interesting. Col. Hayward accepted the gift in behalf of the soldiers, with a short and to-the-point speech. Music by the band, with cheers for the donors of the stockings.
Major Brundage now escorted Adjutant R. G. Gale to the front of the stand, where he was made the recipient of a sword and revolver, presented by his friends and associates of New York city. Col. Hayward read the presentation letter, and Adjutant Gale replied in eloquent and touching words, which I would be happy to give did space permit. Three hearty cheers were given for Adjutant Gale.
Rev. L. M. Miller made some excellent patriotic and Christian remarks, closing with an impressive prayer and benediction. A short dress parade then took place, and the ceremonies of the day were over. The whole was a most interesting scene, and enjoyed by all.
(Chancellorville, May 1863)
Major W. M. Thomas, slightly. Lieut. Wilson, slightly; Captain Thos. Elliott, slightly.
THE ST. L...
Letter from the Sixtieth.
Camp Michigan, Qrs, Co. A, 6oth Regt.
Annapolis Junction, May 1st 1862.
Editor Plaindealer.
SIR:—It is a rainy morning, and having no duty to perform in the military line, I thought I would write a short contribution for your paper.
The regiment is serving in detachments as usual on the Railroad, and there is no prospect of a removal as long as the war continues.
Cos. A. and G. are at Annapolis Junction, about half way between Baltimore and Washington. Co's, K, C, E and I, are at Camp Preston King near Baltimore, and the remainder of them are at Camp Miles near Relay House. This Camp is the Head Quarters of the Regt. and was named in honor of our Acting Brig. Gen. Miles, the man who made himself so famous at Bull Run.
Col. Green has been nominated and confirmed Brigadier Gen. but will retain his command until he receives his commission as such.
The appointment of Col. to succeed Col. Green, is a matter, about which every man in the Regiment is solicitous. We only ask not to be duped as in times past by some aspiring worthless office seeker, whose sole object is to fleece the government and expand his own purse. Deliver us from such a reverse as that would bring us!
You have been advised ere this, of the sudden death of W. Smith, of our company. The accident was the result of unpardonable carlessness on the part of all that were implicated. Mr. Smith was an intelligent, honest, upright fellow, and is much missed by his comrades and fellow soldiers.
The health of the Regiment is good, and especially of our company, there being but two in the Co. reported sick. Preparations are constantly being made at the Union Relief Association in Baltimore, for the soldiers that may be wounded at Yorktown. Much feeling exists in Baltimore in regard to the siege of Yorktown, and it is thought by many that there is a gang of "secesh" there ready to uprise and make an attempt to escape from the city, and join their comrades in arms against the government whenever they think the golden opportunity has presented itself.
Yours respectfully,
R. C.
The Flag of Company A, 60th Regiment.
We have been shown by Hon. Silas Baldwin, the flag presented to Company
A, 60th Regiment N. Y. S. V., by the citizens of Canton, on the day of their departure for Camp Wheeler, Sept. 10th 1861. It was brought home by Captain D. M. Robertson, and deposited, by request of the Company, with Mr. Baldwin for safe keeping: It is shattered and torn by being carried through many long and stormy marches, and is but a wreck of the once beautiful banner, the Eagle and motto "Excelsior," being almost obliterated.
Many both sad and pleasing reminiscences are brought up by this flag. It will be remembered by many of our readers that almost two years ago upon the presentation of this flag to the late Colonel Goodrich, then Captain of Company A, he briefly remarked that he "accepted the banner in behalf of his company, not because of the attractiveness of its beauty, but because it represented a principle and was emblematic of the sentiments he and his companions went forth to sustain. In leading his company forth to the fray he expected the eyes of this people would be upon them, and if they did not return—and they should not without honor—they left behind them the memory of their good intentions." We cannot remember but few of the many fitting remarks which he made. He closed by thanking the people in graceful terms for the banner, assuring them he would neither turn his back upon friend or foe, and pledging to protect the banner with his last drop of blood. How nobly he performed this promise, all are well aware. Although his natural ability as a commander soon raised him to the head of his regiment, he ever had an eye single to the welfare of Company A, and had he been spared, the position of that company and regiment would have been far diferent to day. Who, therefore, can look upon this tattered flag without feelings of sadness at the fate of this brave and noble man.
This flag can be seen at this office during the remainder of this week, and afterwards at the office of Hon. Silas Baldwin on Court Street.
Accident in Co. A. Sixtieth Regiment.
The following letter was handed us last week, but to late for publication, and
thinking perhaps it might be news to some portion of our readers, we insert it this week.
CAMP MICHIGAN, Annapolis Junction,
April 25th 1862.
MY DEAR PARENTS,—I seat myself to write you under very different circumstances from those when I last wrote. I have stood and seen one of the finest boys of Co. A. shot through the breast, a most distressing and heart rending circumstances. His name was Walace Smith. He was in his Bunk with one of his comrades, and they were playing with one of the pepper-box Pistols, snapping it, &c., when his companion raised it to his breast not knowing it to be loaded, and shot him through. I was about ten paces from them when I heard the report and thought it was merely a cap. I saw him rise up in his Bank and say Oh Rose when the blood rushed to his lungs and streamed in torrents from his mouth. I stood and looked at him for a moment, saw I could do nothing to help him, and left for the other side of the room; but never, never shall I forget his last look at me. He was highly respected, and much beloved by all the Co. Co. A. has not had such a blow since we left home. We raised a subscription amounting to ninety five dollars to defray the expenses of sending home his remains and buying a coffin &c., and never did I pay a dollar more freely than that.
Our Colonel has recently been promoted to Brigadier General. Mr. Church,
Recruiting officer, has just arrived here. I have not asked him yet if he stopped at Canton, Received A——letter yesterday for which I was very grateful. Will answer soon. Write soon and often. I close as my time is much limited
Yours with Love,
On the afternoon of Thursday, Oct. 24th, a flag was presented by Hon. W. A. Wheeler, of Malone, to the regiment at present known as the Thirty-third, now quartered at the camp bearing his name. The hour for the presentation was 2 P.M. A special train came up from Malone with ten loaded passenger cars, and still more on the regular train at 1 P. M. Large numbers came over from Canada, and Ogdensburgh was at the camp in force, a large proportion of the attendance being ladies. When the hour arrived some thousands were on the ground as spectators, and the scene presented was an animated and interesting one. The speaker's stand was in a hollow square, surrounded on three sides by the regiment, while the fourth was appropriated to spectators, and kept in a straight line by sentinels. The ceremonies commenced by a national air from the fine regimental band, when Mr. Wheeler was introduced by Hon. D. C. Judson, and received with clapping of hands and general applause. He commenced by a beautiful tribute to our country's flag, reviewing our nation's history, adverting to the scenes of revolutionary times when "that flag floated in the chilly blast that howled around the camp at Valley Forge;" when "that flag saw the great Washington, who marched from victory to victory under its folds, till finally the Revolution was crowned with success." He spoke of the various scenes and hardships of our sires in their struggle for liberty. "That flag" saw the victory of McDonough on Lake Champlain, of Perry, on Lake Erie, the gallant conduct of Scott on our frontier, the victory of Jackson at New Orleans, and many other triumphs, all gained under the same Star Spangled Banner. He spoke of its later history, when "it has borne our national glories upon every sea and every land."
He then in a few words referred to the unnatural and causeless rebellion which had called this regiment in their patriotic impulses from their peaceful homes, to meet privations, and perhaps death, in defending this starry ensign, (which he then presented them) and in thrilling and eloquent words, charged them to defend it. The flag was the national ensign, made of silk, of the brightest red and purest white. The blue field was studded with golden stars. It was surrounded by a handsome fringe, and mounted upon a fine standard. Lieutenant Colonel Wm. B. Goodrich received the flag, and returned thanks in the name of the Regiment, making a few proper and patriotic remarks, and promising that they would carry it to victory or death. The band played the "Star Spangled Banner," followed by Mr. Ellsworth of Malone, who sang the song of the same title in a superior manner, eliciting applause. The Regiment was reviewed by the officers, General Thorndike accompanying Mr. Wheeler the entire length of the line. The Regiment then passed in review by companies, both in quick, and double quick time. They showed quite a proficiency in drill for the short time they have been in camp and under instruction.
The whole proceedings were well conducted and reflect credit upon all concerned. The Regiment is almost up to the maximum standard, and is holding itself in readiness to leave on a day's notice, though it will doubtless remain for a week at least. Capt. Heyward who has served for many years in the regular army, and is a graduate of West Point, will probably be Colonel.
His appointment, if made, will be highly satisfactory to the Regiment.
It is with deepest feelings of regret that we are compelled this week to announce the death of our former townsman WM. B. GOODRICH, Colonel of the 60th Regiment N. Y. S. V., who was killed in battle near Sharpsburgh, Md., on Wednesday the 17th inst. At the time of his death he was acting as Brigadier General and went upon the battle field at daylight on the morning of the 17th, and about 9 o'clock, while gallantly leading his men was struck with a rifle ball in the breast and lived but two hours after.
AT the first call for troops, Mr. Goodrich raised a Company in this town and vicinity for the 60th Regiment. Before leaving Ogdensburgh he was appointed Lieut.-Col., and was afterwards promoted to Colonel. He has served with his regiment steadily, never even visiting home since they left Camp Wheeler, always being with his men, endeavoring to make them as comfortable as possible. He was universally beloved by his men, and his death will be a great loss to them. His remains reached Canton on Monday evening, accompanied by Sergeant Wilson, and was conveyed to his late residence on Judson street, where it now lies in state.
As a citizen he was upright in all his dealings, kind and conciliating in all his intercourse with his fellow citizens, and respected and honored by all, and his death is deeply deplored, not only by his bereaved family, but by all who knew and appreciated his worth, and few who have fallen in defence of their country will be more sincerely mourned, for in him Canton has lost a good citizen, and our Army a noble and brave officer.
Death in the Sixtieth.
A letter from Mr. Eddy to the Ogdensburgh Journal says: Another death occured in our regiment this morning.—Aaron Geer, a resident of Pitcairn, and a member of Co. D, died of Typhoid Fever. Hugh Adrian of Heuvelton, a member of Co. F, is lying very sick with the same disease. He is at the Hospital and has every possible care and attention. Several who have been very sick with fever, are rapidly recovering. The measles are very prevalent in camp.—About forty are now in different stages of sickness. Dr. Gale and his Assistant are meeting with good success in their treatment of this so much dreaded disease. In many camps about us it has been attended with great mortality.
The Condition of the Sixtieth.
HEAD-QUARTERS 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
Camp Rathbone, near Baltimore, Dec. 1861.
Editor Plaindealer:
SIR: It is evening, and having gone through with the usual round of duty, I seat myself at my desk to form a short communication for the benefit of your readers.
This itinerant body has at last come to a "halt," about two miles Southwest of Baltimore on the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. for reasons that are not yet disclosed. It is conjectured, however, that compromise cannot be effected with Maj. General Dix, to permit us to retreat any further in this direction. It is, therefore, conclusive that either we shall have to remain where we are, or "countermarch by file left," towards Washington; but, in as much as we have perambulated Western Maryland rather extensively, the former inference is, perhaps, probable.
Our present Camp is about two miles from the city, on an elevation of land that gives us an excellent view of the city. "Towering nearly above everything else in the city, is a monument sacred to the memory of Washington. To the right is Patapsco Bay, which separates us from Fort McHenry and Federal Hill. These places are strongly fortified, should the shelling of Baltimore be necessary, it would be an easy matter to effect it from these points. The greatest inconvenience we suffer here, and in fact, in all the places we have been, is a want of good pure water. It is not healthy in consequence of the vast amount of Sulphur in it. You would perhaps, like to know something of our mode of living. Our tents are about 5 feet by 10, at the base, running up to a point, and forming a sort of triangular prisom. Some of the boys have introduced a small sheat-iron stove into their tents which is very aggreable these cold mornings. Others with the Irish ingenuity, have dug a hole near the middle of the tent, and made a kind of a subterranean furnace which answers every purpose of stoves. So far as subsistence is concerned, we have enough to eat, and that which is not only healthy and good, but is really luxurious at least, to us. The neatness and style in which our food is cooked and served up is more easily imagined than discribed. The health of our Regiment has been very good, until quite recently the measles broke out, and are working their way of destruction very fast. Within three days four of our fellow soldiers "have gone to that home from which no traveler returns." The names are as follows: Aron Geer, Pitcairn; James Cavanang Diana, Lewis County; Samuel Melvin, Vermontville, Essex County; M. Stevens, Heuvilton; all of whom died from the measels. Provision has been made with the Express Co. I understand, to transport the bodies of the desceased to their former homes. It is done by the voluntary subscriptions of the several Companies to which they belonged. The remainder of the measles patience, I think, except one, are on the convalescent side, if properly cared for. Our hospitals have been visited by the Baltimore Ladies Aid Society. They seemed ready and willing to make any sacrifice to promote the comfort and happiness of the sick. We have the pleasure of acknowledging the reception of a large box filled with quilts, mittens and other valuable articles, at the hands of the Ladies Aid Society of South Canton. The articles were very thankfully received, and the kind donors may rest assured that these favors will not be forgotten. The taps, the signal for retiring, have just beat, so I will close.
Yours in haste, and with much respect,
R. A. C.
The Sixtieth.
The Advance has a letter from Capt. DAY who has recently visited the Sixtieth Regiment. The boys are much improved in health and spirit, and are preparing comfortable winter quarters. The loss of most of their clothes last winter, however, has rendered many of them quite destitute and anything in the way of gloves, mittens, blankets, quilts and stockings would be gladly received. We trust the communities in which the different companies were raised will endeavor to do something in their behalf. The Sixtieth is composed of a fine body of brave men who deserve our heartiest efforts in their behalf.
History of the 60th Regiment, N. Y. V.
This is the title of a new and interesting book just published, giving a history of the 60th Regiment from its organization at Malone, in 1861, to its reception as a veteran regiment, Jan. 7, 1864, at Ogdensburgh.
The main interest centers in its local history, but it abounds in choice and amusing reading which make it interesting and valuable to the general reader. It gives the best idea of every-day camp life we have seen; the author, Rev. Richard Eddy, having been Chaplain of the Regiment from its organization and familiar with its duties.
Price $1,25. Address.
L. C. ROOT, Canton N. Y.
The Sixtieth Regiment New York State Volunteers En Route.
Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1861.
The Sixtieth New York State Volunteers arrived here last night, and were hospitably entertained at the Cooper Shop refreshment saloon. They started for Baltimore at six o'clock this morning.
The Flag of Company A, 60th Regiment.
We have been shown by Hon. Silas Baldwin, the flag presented to Company A, 60th Regiment N. Y. S. V., by the citizens of Canton, on the day of their departure for Camp Wheeler, Sept. 10th 1861. It was brought home by Captain D. M. Robertson, and deposited, by request of the Company, with Mr. Baldwin for safe keeping. It is shattered and torn by being carried through many long and stormy marches, and is but a wreck of the once beautiful banner, the Eagle and motto "Excelsior," being almost obliterated.
Many both sad and pleasing reminiscences are brought up by this flag. It will be remembered by many of our readers that almost two years ago upon the presentation of this flag to the late Colonel Goodrich, then Captain of Company A, he briefly remarked that he "accepted the banner in behalf of his company, not because of the attractiveness of its beauty, but because it represented a principle and was emblematic of the sentiments he and his companions went forth to sustain. In leading his company forth to the fray he expected the eyes of this people would be upon them, and if they did not return—and they should not without honor—they left behind them the memory of their good intentions." We cannot remember but few of the many fitting remarks which he made. He closed by thanking the people in graceful terms for the banner, assuring them he would neither turn his back upon friend or foe, and pledging to protect the banner with his last drop of blood. How nobly he performed this promise, all are well aware. Although his natural ability as a commander soon raised him to the head of his regiment, he ever had an eye single to the welfare of Company A, and had he been spared, the position of that company and regiment would have been far different to day. Who, therefore, can look upon this tattered flag without feelings of sadness at the fate of this brave and noble man.
This flag can be seen at this office during the remainder of this week, and afterwards at the office of Hon. Silas Baldwin on Court Street.
The 60th N. Y. Vols.
Accounts of the late battles in Penn. give the 60th Reg't N. Y. V. the highest credit for gallantry during the engagements in which they had a part. They are in the 12th Corps, under Gen. Slocum, one of the best officers in the service.
Sergt. Wm. H. Kimpton sends us a list of the casualties in Co. K, on the 1st and 2nd inst., as follows:
1st Lieut. M. D. Stanley, Commanding Co. D, mortally wounded.
Corp. A. H. Wilcox, slightly wounded in the hand.
Private Joseph Greene, wounded in both wrists.
Barnard Morrow, wounded by shell, slightly in the leg.
Geo. Cheeney, slightly in the hip.
Michael Sherridan, slightly in face and leg.
Geo. Marshal, severely in arm—the ball striking the shoulder and passing nearly the whole length of the arm.
Stephen Collins, slightly in shoulder.
DECEMBER 16, 1862.
Military Appointments.
In the last official list of promotions by the Governor, we notice the following in our Northern New York regiments:—
Lieut. Col. Joel J. Seaver to be Colonel, September 29, 1862, vice J. Howland, resigned.
Commissary-Sergeant Duncan M. Robertson to be 1st Lieutenant, August 4, 1862, vice G. Hogan deceased.
1st Lieut. John Snyder to be Captain, August 5, 1862.
2d Lieut. Lester S. Willson to be Adjutant (1st Lieut.) October 8, 1862, vice R. C. Gale, resigned.
1st Lieut. Abner B. Shipman to be Captain, September 16, 1862, vice A. Godard, promoted.
2d Lieut. James Hurst to be 1st Lieut. August 5, 1862, vice J. Snyder, promoted.
1st Sergeant Charles H. Houghton to be 2d Lieut. August 5, 1862, vice L. S. Wilson promoted.
1st Sergeant Langdon Clark to be 2d Lieut., October 8, 1862, vice L. S. Willson promoted.
2d Lieut. Edward A. Rich to be 1st. Lieut.
September 16, 1862, vice A. B. Shipman, promoted.
1st Sergeant James E. Kelsey to be 2d Lieut., September 16, 1862, vice E. A. Rich, promoted.
The funeral of the lamented Col. GOODRICH took place at Canton on Saturday last at ten o'clock. A large number of citizens from various parts of the county were in attendance. The services were opened in a few appropriate remarks and an impressive prayer by Professor GOODRICH, at the conclusion of which the band played a solemn dirge. The procession was formed by Col. BARBER in the following order:
Gentleman Citizens.
Marshal of the Day.
Canton Brass Band.
Officers of the Sixtieth Regiment.
HEARSE, draped with the American Flag.
The Horse of Col. Goodrich.
The Pall Bearers.
The Mourners.
The Ladies.
The procession moved slowly to the Presbyterian Church to the solemn music of the band. The services at the church were opened by music by the choir, followed by reading from the scriptures by Rev. Mr. HUNT and a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Quaw. After an appropriate hymn Prof. FISHER delivered an eloquent address alluding to our national troubles, and giving a sketch of the gallant officer, whose remains with his trusty sword beside him, lay in the coffin before the altar.
At the conclusion of the address, the procession again formed and marched to the place of interment, which was on a beautiful rise of ground in the rear of Col. Goodrich's late residence, where the body will remain till a new cemetery is laid out.
After lowering the body to the grave the benediction was pronounced, and the tomb, enclosed with mason work.
Thus has passed to his final resting place the good citizen, the faithful friend, the true hero, dying the most glorious death vouchsafed to man and sealing in his life's blood his devotion to his country. With thousands of others he has laid his life on the altar of freedom, leaving behind him the proud record of duty fulfilled and to his fellow citizens a bright example of pure, unsullied patriotism. Though called away in the midst of peril, and while the fate of the republic was trembling in the balance, he fell at the post of duty, and his spirit passed to that perfect peace, where "the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.
" O shroud him in the flag of stars,
Beneath whose folds he won the scars,
Through which his spirit fled,
From glory here to glory where,
The banner blue in fields of air,
Is bright with stars forever there.
Without the stripe of red,"
Army Correspondence. Head-Quarters, 60th Regiment N. Y. V.
Near Racoon Ford, Rapidan River, Va.,
September 20th, 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—As it is generally known that the Army of the Potomac has moved, perhaps it would be of interest to some of your readers to know where the 60th displays its colors. At present they can be seen in front of the Colonels tent, enveloped in a thick oilcloth case, to keep off the heavy dew that is falling. But we are stationed near the above named Ford, on the Rapidan River, and about seven miles from Culpepper Court House, which is the Head-Quarters of General Meade.
We are doing picket duty and watching the movements of the enemy, who display themselves in pretty large numbers on the other side of the river. By climbing a mountain, one of the lookouts, their fortifications can be seen for nearly two miles, and they appear to be hard at work strengthening their position.—With a good glass they can be seen very plain. Quite a number of pieces of artillery can also be seen.
Yesterday about 6 o'clock P. M., we were considerably startled by heavy firing on our left. We thought the enemy had crossed and were attacking our flank All were in line instanter, and ready for most anything, but we soon learned that our fight was nothing but Kilpatrick's Cavalry force discharging their pieces, they having just come in from picket, or rather an expedition.
Friday, the 18th, we were called on to witness one of the most sickening scenes that is shown in the army, and that the execution of a couple of deserters.—Though the punishment is just, still it is hard to witness. They were shot by musketry while sitting on their coffins.—The whole Division was in line and after the execution the column was marched past their bodies that all might see them.
The sanitary condition of this regiment was never better than at present.—
Almost every man is in good health, and all are in good spirits. Only two or three are reported sick in the regiment. We were paid off a few days since and if anything will make a regiment feel good it is the Pay Master with his Green Backs, and the Commissary with his hard tack. The latter, however, are of greater consequence, and Uncle Sam is very careful that the supply is equal to the demand. Quarter-Master Merritt, who now acts in the same charitable capacity that Chaplain Eddy did while with us, that of Expressing money for the men, has taken to the Express Office to-day $5000, to be transmitted to our friends at the North, Mr. Lyon of Ogdensburgh, who has a son in this Regiment, and who has been on a visit here a few days, starts for home to-morrow, and I believe takes with him about $700, which he kindly offered to do, and that, with the amounts sent by mail will make a total of fully $6000, which I consider a large amount out of two months pay, and from so small a Regiment.
The prospects for the closing of the war we think looks bright, but still there is work to be done, and though we have passed through many hardships in the past two years, our resolves have grown more firm, if possible, and whenever the bugle sounds the alarm, the 60th is ever found ready to do its work.
Yours, Very Respectfully,
Camp of the 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. V.
Murfressboro, T enn. Oct. 15, 1863.
Editor St. Lawrence Plaindealer:
Permit me to transmit through the columns of your paper the state of affairs existing at presnt in the 60th, and especially in Co. A., and about its Captain Wm. H. Fitch, formerly a resident of Canton, and his recent promotion. He was among the first who enrolled his name in Co. A, and as a member of his company I take pleasure in announcing to the readers of the Plaindealer, and to all it may interest, the cause of his promotion. He is the only man in the Regiment that has yet been promoted for acts of bravery, he having gained the rank he now holds through meritorious conduct, being always prompt to duty, and above all, for bravery on the battle field which I can attest to, having fought by his side through all the battles in which the 60th have been engaged, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, three battles fought on the largest scale, with the severest fighting, the greatest slaughter, the most terriffic cannonading, the fiercest charges, and the most fearful repulses on either side since the war began, besides other battles of lessor magnitude, all of which he has passed through without ever once shrinking from his duty and the perils which beset him on every hand. In camp, on the march, on picket or on the field of carnage surrounded by dead and dying, he is ever the same, quiet, noble Captain Fitch, sharing without murmur, (unlike his brother officers) the hardships deprivations and perils only known to the soldiers with the rest of us, thinking more of his duty and country than his shoulder straps. At Chancellorsville while the contest raged the hardest, he was wounded, not very severe however, but remained on the field while some others with a wound more slight sought safe quarters far to the rear. For this and other heroic acts he was lifted from first Sergeant to first Lieutenant, and was afterwards promoted to Captain at Ellis Ford, Virginia, for meritorious conduct and bravery at the battle of Gettysburg. It is useless to write a lengthy letter to prove him more than worthy of the office he now holds, or to reiterate what I have already said with regard to the acts of bravery he has shown on the battle field, or the noble traits in his military character, to win the applause of his friends at home. All that I need say more is, that he is strictly temperate in all his habits, always setting an example worthy of imitation, is a favorite in his company, and is highly esteemed by his brother officers and men of the Regiment.
Yours Respectfully,
H, a member of Co. A.
May 30, 1864.
Complete list of casualties in the 60th N. Y. S. V., during the battle near Dallas, Ga. From the 25th of May up to the night of the 29th of May, 1864.
Co. B—WOUNDED.—Corp. GEO. H. Knight, mortally, since dead.
Co. C—WOUNDED.—Henry Wood, mortally, since dead; John Barnhard, mortally, since dead; Nathan Bush, shoulder, severe; Samuel _arcy, leg, severe; Sergt. James Ryan, foot, slight; Sergt. Wm. L. Reed, hand, severe.
Co. D.—WOUNDED.—Martin Ayres, leg, severe; Sergt. Samuel Richards, upper jaw, slight; John Brown, arm, slight.
Co. E—KILLED.—Henry McArthur.
WOUNDED.—Sylvester Griffin, arm, slight; C. Archambault, arm, slight.
Co. F—KILLED.—Corp. James R. Chilton.
WOUNDED.—Charles Weymouth, right side, severe.
Co. G—KILLED.—Corp. Chas. Dano.
WOUNDED.—Oliver Craig, shoulder, severe.
Co. H—WOUNDED.—C. Huckins, side, severe; Jas. Thurber, shoulder, severe.
Co. I—WOUNDED.—Lieut. Jas. Brown, wrist, slight; Corp. C. E. Waist, leg, slight; J. Connor, leg, slight; Orlius Sabine, shoulder, severe.
Co. K—KILLED.—ERASTUS Webster. John Kennedy, flesh wound in left shoulder.
N. Y. S. V.—The 60th Regiment N. Y. S. V., arrived at 7 o'clock last evening from New York, via Hudson, River Railroad. The Citizen's Committee, as usual, received the troops and fed them at the different hotels. The 60th was attached to the 2d Division of the 2d Army Corps. It was organized in St. Lawrence county, and two companies were recruited for it in Franklin county. It left for the field in October 1861, with 990 men, 150 of whom return with it. The total number of men in the ranks last evening was 460, this number being made up of recruits who joined the regiment in the field. It was the second regiment in the army that re-enlisted as veterans.
It took part in the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburgh, Lookout Mountain, (was in the advance, and one of the first to ascend the mountain,) Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw, Peach Tree Creek, (in which battle it saved a battery, and probably the day,) Atlanta, (it was the first to unfurl the old flag in Atlanta,) Savannah, Averysboro, and the campaigns in the Carolinas.
The following are the officers:
Lieutenant Colonel—Lester I. Wilson, commanding.
Major—A. B. Shipman.
Adjutant—E. J. Otney.
Quartermaster—John Shull.
Surgeon—S. H. Mapes.
Assistant Surgeon—J. E. Comfort.
Captains—Wm. H. Fitch, Jas. Brown, Loren W. Tuller, Michael Nolan, L. L. Buck, J. H. Brockway, Thos. Hubbard and E. R. Follett.
Lieutenants—A. M. Skiff, commanding; D. A. Nash, commanding; Robert A. Church, Horace T. Smith, E. L. Crane, G. W. Newman, G. F. Ryan, Wm. McIntyre, W. C. Greeley, C. B. Morell, S. E. Richards, E. R. Stancliff, J. Fairbanks, E. Donnelly, W. C. Lewis, A. G. Luther, H. A. Castle and J.
R. Mills.
Presentation of the 60th Battle-Flag to Hon. Wm. A. Wheeler.
HD. QTS. 60TH REGT., N. Y. V.
OGDENSURGH, July 30th, 1865.
Brig.-Gen. E. A. Merritt, Quartermaster-General,
State N. Y.
GENERAL:—We the undersigned officers of the 60th Regt., N. Y. Vols., respectfully request you to present in our behalf to Hon. Wm. A. Wheeler, the remnant of the old battle flag presented by him to the regiment in October, 1861, and which is now in your custody.
Please express to him our high appreciation of his character as a gentleman and a patriot, and especially thank him as we do for the gift of that banner, to defend which we pledged our lives.
You can assure him that it has not been dishonored, and that when it became unfit for service, it was sacredly preserved with the records of the regiment until placed in your hands.
You can assure him, also, that the numberless services rendered the regiment and its members while he was President of the Ogdensburgh Railroad, have not been forgotten, and that we shall ever cherish for him a grateful remembrance.
Lester S. Wilson, Lt. Col., Comd'g.
S. H. Mapes, Surgeon.
J. E. Comfort, Asst. Surgeon.
Edwin I. Olney, Adjutant.
John Scholl, Quartermaster.
Wm. H. Fitch, Capt. Co. A.
Thomas Hobart, " I.
Michael Nolan, " D.
P. H. Brockway, " H.
James Brown, " B.
Leffert S. Buck, " G.
E. R. Follett, " K.
Geo. F. Ryan, Lieut. Co. C.
Robt. A. Church, " A.
D. A. Nash, " F.
C. B. Morrill, " D.
H. A Castle, " K.
W. A. McIntyre, " C.
P. S. Sinclair, late Capt. Co. E.
HON WM. A. WHEELER, Malone, N. Y.:
SIR:--The compliance with the request of the officers of the 60th Regt. N. Y. V., addressed to me in a communication dated July 30th, 1865, a copy of which is herewith transmitted, I take great pleasure in forwarding to you the remnant of the battle flag presented by you to the regiment in 1861, as it was about departing for the seat of war. The kindness exhibited by you and other friends of the regiment did much to encourage at the most trying period in a soldier's experience, his leave taking of family and friends to enter upon the perils and uncertainties of active warfare. I can assure you, sir, that the eloquent words uttered by you on the occasion of the presentation, confirmed the patriotic resolve to defend our nationality at whatever cost. The regiment was worthy of your friendship and confidence. That friendship is heartily returned, as expressed by making you the custodian of this relic, which they have cherished with the greatest love and affection during all the war now so happily terminated.
How well this regiment, which has received so much aid from you, has proved its devotion to the emblem of national unity you presented, let Antietam, Chancellorville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Ringgold, New Hope Church, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta and Savannah answer. Many of those who listened with tears and anxious hopes as you portrayed the glory of the Union and the danger which threatened it, have since laid down their lives in its defense —glorious martyrs in the cause of civil liberty and the maintainance of the Republic.
On behalf of the regiment then, which has ever esteemed you one of its best friends, accept this mark of regard and affectionate remembrance. Allow me to add my own personal respect and high consideration.
Respectfully, your ob't serv't,
MALONE, Oct. 12, 1865.
DEAR GENERAL:—I am in receipt of yours of the 1st inst., covering the communication of the officers of the 60th N. Y. V., and accompanied by the remnants of the national standard presented by me to that regiment on the eve of its departure for the seat of war, in the Autumn of 1861. This battle-stained symbol of our national unity has been placed by me where it will be a daily remembrancer, as well of a preserved and regenerated nationality, as of the heroic, persevering, conquering constancy and self-sacrifice of the noble men who so faithfully obeyed the injunctions under which it was commited to their charge. My warmest thanks for its return.
The brave officer who received it, as also many who stood sponsors to his pledge to honor and defend it, sealed the promise with their lives. A grateful country will ever revere their memory. They as well as their survivors in the regiment have conferred imperishable honor as well upon our own locality as upon the country at large.
Appreciating most fully the personal esteem and kind wishes of yourself and late comrades in arms, I am, sincerely yours,
Brig.-Gen. E. A. Merritt, Q. M. Gen., State of
New York.
Head Quarters 60th Regiment, N. Y. S. Vols.
Camp Morgan, near Relay House,
In order to more effectually carry out the important duties assigned to you with your command, you will hereafter observe the following points:—
1st. All Bridges and Culverts between the Relay House, at Washington Junction, and the three city stations of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at Baltimore, namely: "Mount Clare," "Camden Street" and "Locust Point," must be carefully observed, particularly between the hours of sunset and sunrise. The most important of these structures are first, the Carrollton Viaduct, or stone arch bridge, over Gwinn's Falls, at the City limits, near Mount Clare and Locust Point Junctions:—second, the Iron Truss Suspension Bridge, over Carey Street, Baltimore, between Mount Clare Junction and Mount Clare Station: and third, the LONG WOODEN TRESTLING on the Locust Point Road, near the Locust Point Station.
Besides these principal structures, there are numerous Stone Culverts intermediately at various intervals, at any of which mischief may be done by the use of powder or other agencies.
2d. All the Switches, especially those upon the Main Track, between the City limits and the Relay Junction, should be carefully observed, particularly from Sunset to Sunrise. The changing of a Switch leading from the Main Track, may be done by one person silently and unobserved, unless prevented by the exercise of constant vigilance. Serious calamities, particularly to troop trains, involving large loss of life to the Soldiers occupying them, may ensue from the derangement of a Single Switch.
3d. Another form of malicious interference with the Track, to which your attention is directed, is the Displacement of the Rails. This may also be committed by one person, requiring simply, in some cases, the withdrawal of the spikes by which the rails are fastened to the sills or cross-ties. This is the more dangerous, because it would be less likely to be observed or discovered by the Enginemen, or others in charge of the trains, until too late to avoid serious consequences by a run-off of the engine and the destruction of property and life that might attend it. Upon Curved Places, or near a Culvert or Cattle Stop, or upon Embankments, this form of interference with the road would be most disastrous, and, consequently, most likely to be attempted.
4th. Another, and perhaps the readiest source of malicious injury to the road—against which it will be your duty to guard it—is the Placing of Obstructions upon or between the Rails. The placing of a cross-tie, an old rail or other lumber, or metal, or stone, which may be often found convenient to the road-side, is readily calculated to throw off a train and blockade the road, with serious consequences. In order to prevent, however, the possibility of any injury, derangement or obstruction to the track, or bridges, or any portion of the same under your charge, it will be best to require your sentinels and pickets to challenge and warn off all suspicious persons who may attempt to occupy, or even walk along the track. As the road-bed and the tracks upon it are the private property of the Railroad Company, and not a public highway, (except for the trains operated by them,) no right exists on the Part of others to use the road as a highway, or to occupy it for private purposes.
As a subject of incidental interest to the Government, you will direct your Guard at Locust Point and Mount Clare, in charge of the bridges near those places, to give attention to the loaded cars that may stand during the night in their vicinity. The contents of the greater number of these cars, being the property of the Government in transitu, embracing much powder, valuable ammunition, and equipments and packages of every description, it is of course desirable that they should not be molested, in any form, by wilful persons. In moving your officers and men from one position to another, in cases requiring the use of a passenger train, you will see that they confine themselves to the Accommodation, known as the Ellicott's Mills Train, As this passes over your part of the line four times daily, in each direction, at good intervals, it ought to afford sufficient facilities for your objects. It is desired that you will not stop any other passenger trains, especially those to and from Washington, at intermediate points, unless upon some very urgent necessity.
In the performance of all these duties, you will directly, or through your officers, confer from time to time with the Agents of the Railroad Company respectively as follows: Mr. A. J. FAIRBANK, Mount Clare Station; J. T. ENGLAND, Agent at Camden Station; J. D. MCKEAN, Agent at Locust Point. The officer in charge of the Track, throughout your limits, is Mr. FREDERICK THEIMEYER, Supervisor of Road. The object of such intercourse as is here suggested, is simply that you may avoid any interference, upon the part of your men, with the prompt operation of the road, and to insure a mutual facility in furthering your objects, as well as those of the Railroad Company.
[Editor's note: There is one article that most likely deals with the 60th. It has been listed under the 66th. It can been seen on this page. Thanks to S.D. Glazer, Lieutenant-Colonel of U.S.A.R. (Ret.), for pointing this out.]