105th Infantry Regiment Roster
These names were taken from A short history and illustrated roster of the 105th Infantry, United States Army, Col. James M. Andrews commanding, 1917. (Philadelphia, Press of Edward Stern & Co., printers, 1918)
Each name is accompanied by a photograph in the book.
Last Name First Name Rank Regiment Company
Byrnes T. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Abare Wesley E. Bugler 105th Infantry Company E
Abbate Salvatore Private 105th Infantry Company D
Abbot J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Abbot Michael J. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company L
Abbot Thomas F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Abeling Frederick L Private 105th Infantry Company H
Abramson Samuel 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Acker Edward O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Adams . Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Adams Charles Private 105th Infantry Company E
Adams Charles W. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Adams Edward F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Adams Elvin R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Adams Frederick B. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Staff
Adams George W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Adams Harry L. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Adams Howard Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Ahearn Walter P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
A'Hearn Walter F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Aiken Joseph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Albanus Frederick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Alexander Charles A. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Alexander Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company H
Alexander, Jr. Jeremiah N. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Allen Alfred E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Allen Alonzo B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Allen Atwood C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Allen Herbert H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Alless Arnold E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Alley Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company M
Alston Richard D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Alteriee Gerald Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ames Herbert H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Amoruso J. M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Anderson Arthur 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Anderson Axel S. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Anderson Frederick J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Anderson Guy H. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Anderson James Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Andrews James M. Colonel 105th Infantry Staff
Anthony L. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Antinolefi O. F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Antos Frank W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Apalone Michele Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Aquino Charles M. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Archambeault Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company B
Armann John W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Armour E. E. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Arms Philip M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Armstrong Eben P. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company F
Armstrong James Private 105th Infantry Company G
Arneson Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Arnold Albert J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Arnold E. K. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Artus Ernest Private 105th Infantry Company F
Ash Earl F. Cook 105th Infantry Company F
Ashley George 1stClass 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Ashworth George Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Aston Enock Private 105th Infantry Company C
Atkins Marvin L. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company K
Atwater John H. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Augustine Andelo Private 105th Infantry Company L
Austin Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Austin O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Austin Roy 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Avenius Theobald D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Bacheldor A. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Bachur Robert 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company D
Bahan Wm. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Bahr Jacob A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Baier, Jr. Charles J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Bailey James H. Cook 105th Infantry Company A
Bailey John J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Bain Roland Private 105th Infantry Company K
Baker Albert Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Baker C. E. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Baker Clifford Private 105th Infantry Company K
Baker Everett W. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Baker Frank P. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Baker Fred C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Balandis John L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Balch Floyd H. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Baldwin David C. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Baldwin Lester Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Baldwin W. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Ball Everertt W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Ball William E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Banks William T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Banta Edwin V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Barber Walter E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Barbour Carl E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Barclow Paul H. Cook 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Barkhuff Harold C. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company H
Barlow Fred L. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Barnes William V. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Barrell Joseph A. 2nd Lt 105th Infantry Company B
Barrett Frank E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Barry Edward F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Barry John F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Bartholemew G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Bartlett Arthur Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Bartlett Henry B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Barton Rufus Private 105th Infantry Company G
Barton Willard K 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Baschovski, Jr. Andew Private 105th Infantry Company B
Bassakalis George J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Batalitizki Eugene C. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Bateman E. J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Bates Charles E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Bates Charles M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Bates George A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Bath Joseph E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Bathman E. E. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Bathrick Webster 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Battle Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Bauer George Private 105th Infantry Company F
Baumert W. R. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company E
Beagle John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Beakey Charles W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Beattie David S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Beatty J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Beaudoin, Jr. Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Beaudreau Joseph R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Beauregarde Joseph Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Beck Arthur C. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Bedle T. F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Behan William X. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Belknap Harold Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Bellegarde A. V. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Bellen William E. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Bellman Myer Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bellows G. A. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Benchley J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Bender W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Benjamin Max Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bennett M. E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Bennett Raymond 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Bennett William G. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Benson Gustave G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Benway Arthur B. Cook 105th Infantry Company K
Berg Max Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bergen James T. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company H
Berry Frank Private 105th Infantry Company G
Berry Samuel G. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bessette Arsene J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Beswick Arthur G. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Beyerl Harold R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Bidwell Frank A. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company A
Biette Charles N. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Billetdoux Harry J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Billings, Jr. Edward H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Binck Leroy J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Bird George H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Bird Howard 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Birkby T. Bugler 105th Infantry Company D
Birkby, Jr. William Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Bishop Clifford H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Bishop Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Bishop Leonard A. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Blackbird Roy A. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Blackmer Albert R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Blaesser Charles Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Blaikie George Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Blaine John J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Blair Frank Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Blair R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Blakely Harold O. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company A
Blanchard Vernon W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Blanchette Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Blanchette Louis J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Blanchi L. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Bleau Alfred J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Bliss Raymond T. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Blomquist August J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Blowers Fred Private 105th Infantry Company G
Blumlein J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Bly Chester B. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Bock William H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Bockino Charles Private 105th Infantry Company E
Boddington Russell W. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Boerner F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Boers Herbert C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Bogart Raymond Private 105th Infantry Company M
Bohl Lester H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Bohn Charles H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company F
Boink R. B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Boller, Jr. Frederick Private 105th Infantry Company B
Bolles Nathan W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Bolster George E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Bolz William J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Bonczek Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company B
Bondy Robert H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Boone Raymond L. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Boram Edward F. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Borgeson Arthur C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Bosworth Foster A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Botsford Benedick L Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Boucher Edward J. Cook 105th Infantry Company L
Boucher Leo H. Cook 105th Infantry Company L
Boughton William H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Bourdeau Amos J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Bourke John Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bowlyer E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Boyce John W. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Boyd John W. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Boykin Samuel D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Brack Jacob E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Bracken John E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bracken John J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bradford Frederick C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Bradford Reginald Private 105th Infantry Company G
Bradshaw George F. Captain 105th Infantry Company C
Bradt Edward T. Bugler 105th Infantry Company F
Brady William F. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Bramwell George M. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company B
Branagan Frank A. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Branca Frank E. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Brand George W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Branley Michael P. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Brayman Harold W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Breen J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Brennan E. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Brennan George L. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Brennan P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Brennan T. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Brenner Max Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Bresette Wilfred Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Brewer Robert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Brewer Sidney Private 105th Infantry Company M
Brewer W. T. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Briger A. H. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Briggi Louis Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Briggs Albert S. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Briggs Charles H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Britt J. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Britton George W. Mess Sgt 105th Infantry Company C
Brochelle H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Broderick Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Broderick James C. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Bromson Aaron Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Brooks Charles C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Broomhall G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Browd William L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Brower Harry H. Mechanic 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Brown E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Brown Earl G. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Brown Earnest J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Brown Frank Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Brown Frank A. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Brown Harold L. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Brown James W. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Brown John L. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Brown Leon A. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Brown Samuel Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Brown Thomas F. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company G
Brown Tracy 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Brown Vincent Private 105th Infantry Company M
Brown Wallace H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Brownell Densmore G. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Bruce Richard T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Bruley W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Brust Charles F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Buckley Benjamin 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company C
Budd Vernon 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Bukley Stanley Captain 105th Infantry Company L
Bullock William R. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Burch Frederick D Private 105th Infantry Company K
Burdett W. V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Burdick F. V. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Burke Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Burke John F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Burke Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Burke Robert V. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Burke Thomas F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Burke Wm. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Burkhart Charles H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Burlinson John V. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Burnes John A. Corporal 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Burns Charles R. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Burns J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Burns J. V. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Burns James F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Burns M. J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Burns Michael Private 105th Infantry Company B
Burns Patrick D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Burpo William T. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Burrows Daniel S. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Burt Oscar B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Burton Richard C. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Busch Andrew M. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Bush E. W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Bush Earl Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Bush Warren Private 105th Infantry Company B
Buss Ansel Mechanic 105th Infantry Company M
Butler J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Butler J. C. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Butler Vincent 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Button J. Scott Major 105th Infantry Second Battalion
Button J. Scott Major 105th Infantry Second Battalion
Butz Stanley Private 105th Infantry Company C
Byington R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Byrne E. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Byrne R. J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Byrnes A. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Byrnes Joseph B. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Cadmus Warreen Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Cady George W. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Cady William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Cady William W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Cahill E. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Cahill James A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Cahill Joseph M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Cahir Frank Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Cain James J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Cairnes A. !st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Cairns James Private 105th Infantry Company K
Caldwell William H. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Callahan Arthur J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Callahan Edison D. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Callahan John J. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company A
Callahan Joseph S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Callahan Thomas F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Callary Lawrence J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Callen William F. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Camero Mellic 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Cameron Jaes Private 105th Infantry Company K
Camp Harold A. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Campbell Alonzo T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Campbell Charles A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Campbell Lewis N. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Campbell Lloyd E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Campbell M. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company D
Campbell Robert V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Campbell Sidney W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Campbell William T. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Campochairo J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Canepi J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Canfield Edward K. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Cantor J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Capel Peter Private 105th Infantry Company H
Caplan Abraham S. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Caponi Antonio 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Carberry James D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Carbonelli Michael Bugler 105th Infantry Company H
Carero Anthony Private 105th Infantry Company H
Carey Gilbert Private 105th Infantry Company C
Carey Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Carhart Gustave G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Caridieo Louis Private 105th Infantry Company F
Carlin Thomas G. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company L
Carlson Emil W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Carmody Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Carney Daniel P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Carney J. Private 105th Infantry Companh E
Carney Thomas F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Carnohan Robert G. Cook 105th Infantry Company L
Carnwright G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Caron Eugene Private 105th Infantry Company L
Carp Stanley J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Carpenter Amos J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Carpenter Harry Private 105th Infantry Company H
Carpenter Lester G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Carr John E. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Carr John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Carrol James Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Carrol John P. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Carroll Albert R. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Carroll James R. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Carroll Nicholas Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Carroll Patrick Private 105th Infantry Company A
Carron Floyd Private 105th Infantry Company C
Carrtta William Private 105th Infantry Company H
Carson Alfred B. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Carter Lake T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Carter William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Cartwright Joseph R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Carwein Raleigh D. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Case Edward W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Casey Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Casey Henry E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Casey R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Cassidy Alexander A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Caswell George D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Catalano Vingan Private 105th Infantry Company M
Cataldo B. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Cavanagh J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Cavanaugh Jesse 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company L
Cavanaugh John S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Ceder, Jr. Andrew Private 105th Infantry Company B
Cermack Anthony W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Chamberlain B. M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Chamberlain Harold 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Charters William J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company C
Chase Homer Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Chatterton John D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Chernin Max Private 105th Infantry Company B
Child William S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Chisholm John A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Christman Henry O. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Christman Spencer 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Christman William S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Christopher J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Chuckrow Benjamin 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Clancey Frank P. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Clancy John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Clarens, Jr. Harry F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Clark Leland Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Clark Ralph Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Clark William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Clark William Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Clarke Lawrence P. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company F
Clarke Ralph H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Clart George F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Clart Reginald F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Clear Francis J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Clear Maurice J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Clearwater Harlie V. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Clement Albert W. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Clement Jos. B. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Clemmons Daniel A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Clifford Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Clifford John E. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Cline H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Clinton Jacob S. Captain 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Close George W. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Clossick William H. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Clough Floyd Cook 105th Infantry Company A
Clune D. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Clute Daniel V. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Clute Fred N. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Cochrane Henry DeG. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Coey Milton J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Coffey Michael J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Coffi Mario 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Cohen Ellis Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Cohoo William M. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Coleman Andrew A/ 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Coleman Arthur E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Coleman C. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Coleman O. B. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Coleman R. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Colfer Stephen W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Collins Leonard 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Collins P. V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Collison Edward F. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Colts C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Colwell E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Combs Henry E. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company F
Conant Herbert S. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Condo Anacleto Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Condon Frank B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Conklin Laten Private 105th Infantry Company G
Conlon M. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Connary Edmund L. Stable 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Connell James J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Connelly Edward S. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Connelly Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Connery F. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Connery Michael H. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company H
Connery W. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Conniff Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Connolly J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Connolly John J. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Connoloy Raymond L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Connors Eugene G. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Connors J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Connors John B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Conover Ralph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Conrad Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Conrad Lowell W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Conroy Edward W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Conroy William J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Conroy Charles H. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Conroy David J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Conroy Francis M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Conroy James J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Constantino Dominick Private 105th Infantry Company C
Constantino Guiseppe Private 105th Infantry Company F
Conti J. A. Cook 105th Infantry Company E
Conway Harry L. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company H
Cook H. Gilbert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Cook H. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Cooney John J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Coons John C. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Cooper Clifford R. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company K
Cooper Edward Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Corbett James P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Corbett V. J. Cook 105th Infantry Company D
Corbett W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Corbin Percil E. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company M
Corcora James F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Corless J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Corliss Richard J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Costello A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Costello T. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Costenzo J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Cotta James A. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Cotter George V. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Coudert, Jr. Frederick R. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Coupal John Private 105th Infantry Company C
Courter William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Covey Floyd R. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Cowalski Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company H
Cowen Tracey C. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Cowieson William S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Cox James F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Cox John S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Coyne William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Crabtree Harry A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Cramer Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Cramer George H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Crandale Charles R. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Crandall Emden B. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Crane R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Crean N. F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Creavy Charles A. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Crego Ernest R. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Crehan Eldridge F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Cretton, Benjamin J. Private 105th Infantry Company C* in regiment but not in A Short History...
Crewe Rexford 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Crooks Morris F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Cropsey Floyd A. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Croston William R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Crowe J. J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Cuddihy Michael E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Cudney P. F. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Cullen Patrick A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Cullette Arthur P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Cullings Robert E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Cullly J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Cummings Harry M, Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Cummings, Jr. Joseph Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Cummins M. L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Cuneo Andrew P. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Cunningham Edward D. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Cunningham Joseph L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Cunningham Roscoe M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Curcio Michael Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Curran Edward Private 105th Infantry Company G
Curran John T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Curry T. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Curtin P. N. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Curtin W. L. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Curtiss Summerfield S. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company D
Curtiss William H. Captain 105th Infantry Company M
Cuthbert Alexander H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Cutler Ernest L. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Cutler Morris Private 105th Infantry Company B
Cuykendall E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dacey William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Dailey Daniel Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Daley Luke Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Dallas Arthur A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Daly Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Daly Patrick F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Daly Thomas P. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Damarais Tellesphore 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Damberg A. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dames Edward P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Dames Erest E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Damlier Charles F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Damp Harlan Private 105th Infantry Company F
Danaher James T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Daniels Ralph E. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Darfler W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dartley Joseph L. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Davenport Gurney Reg Sgt Maj 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Davies William L. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Davis K. T. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Davis Harry A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Ddahlke Edward C. Private 105th Infantry Company G
dDavis Carlos Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
de Kay Sidney G. Major 105th Infantry Third Battalion
De La Montayne John E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
De Lancey John Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
De Wees C. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Dean J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company D
Deary F. Private 105th Infantry Company E
DeBoer Jacob P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
DeBova Leonard Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
DeCatur Beecher E. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Deckelman William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Decker George Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Decker Gordon L. Private 105th Infantry Company H
DeConca Frank P. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company H
Dee Charles Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
DeForest Damon B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
DeForest Walter Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
DeFrance James Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
DeFreitas Edward A. Cook 105th Infantry Company H
Degenaar Christopher B. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company E
DeGroat H. N. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Deitz W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Del Guidice Christy Private 105th Infantry Company L
Delaney Cornelius Private 105th Infantry Company M
Delaney Joseph J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Delehanty Patrick J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Delekta John Private 105th Infantry Company F
DeMartino Henry D. Private 105th Infantry Company L
DeMarzian O. X. Cook 105th Infantry Company E
Demers Leo R. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Demirjion George Private 105th Infantry Company M
Dempsey Joseph X. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Deneher J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dennen John HJ. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Dennis Roy R. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Dennison A. L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Denton Thomas E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Denue Clarence W. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Dertinger Gus C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Desimone Joe L. Mechanic 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
DesRoches V. P. Private 105th Infantry Company E
DeTroy W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dever E. W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Devers E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Devine James J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Devlin T. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Devlin Walter A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Dewar Alexander M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Dewar Charles Private 105th Infantry Company B
DeWitt A. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Di Benedetto Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Dickens Clarence J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Dieneman H. G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Dietzel Henry Private 105th Infantry Company A
Dillingham Clarence E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Dillman Harry L. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Dillon James J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Dillon Thomas G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Dillon W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Dillon, Jr. John E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Dingley G. B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Dingman George Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
DiVico Tony Private 105th Infantry Company H
Dixon Clarence A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Dixon Thomas S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Dixon Walter Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Dixon, Jr. Thomas Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Dodd Charles G. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company H
Dodds William N. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Dodge Albert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Doherty Thomas S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Dolan Edward J. Bugler 105th Infantry Company A
Dolan Harry D. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Dolan Herbert T. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Dolan Robert Private 105th Infantry Company M
Dollicker John Private 105th Infantry Company A
Dollinger George R. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Dominick Louis Private 105th Infantry Company L
Donahue Herenuag O, Sgt, Bugler 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Donaldson George W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Donnelly Arthur M. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Donnelly P. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Donohue John W. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Donovan James C. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Donovan John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Donovan Lawrence W. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Dooley Walter J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Dooly John P. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Doran Leland E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Dorian Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Dorvee James H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Dorvee Seward Private 105th Infantry Company K
Doty F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Dougher William L. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Dougherty John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Doughty Frank R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Douglas Joseph R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Dowd Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Dower James Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Dowling James F. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company C
Downey James 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Doyle Cornelius F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Doyle William J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Doyle C. P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Doyle R. F. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Doyle W. H. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Drasser John H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Drazen Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company E
Dreher Ernest C. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Staff
Driscoll Edward F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Drosdowski William Private 105th Infantry Company F
Droulette E. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Drummond John V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Duane William J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
DuCharme Milton A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Duell Charles E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Duessell Emil Private 105th Infantry Company F
Duffy James M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Duffy S. E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Dugan T. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Dumar J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Dumphy James J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Dundas Dominic J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Dunham Marcus V. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Dunham W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Dunn James M. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Dunn Marc. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Dunne R. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Dunnigan Edward M. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Dupius Lous A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Dupre Alfred Napolean 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Duquette William N. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Durfee Harold H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Durnin Patrick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Duryee Harry C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Dutcher R. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Duval Leo P. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Dwyer John B. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Dwyer John J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Dwyer John J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Eagle Thomas J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Eates F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Eaton C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Eaton Livingston Y. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Eayers Edward B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Ebbit John F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Eben Leon A. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company E
Ebner Harold L. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Eckert Victor 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Eckman John V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Edwards Frank C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Egan P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Eglof Clarence B. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Ehlers G. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ehmke Ernest W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Eilbacher Felix 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Elder W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Elias William Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ellery W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Elliott Frederick W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Elphee Byron E. Bugler 105th Infantry Company G
Ely William A. H. Captain 105th Infantry Company G
Emory William B. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Engert Reinhart F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Englat Tony 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Englehardt Henry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
English George E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
English Harold J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Ensige William H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Ertz John H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Eshleman G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Essman Harold Private 105th Infantry Company H
Etes Anthony R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Evers Stephen F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Ewing William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Exner Richard J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Eychleshimer Ralph W. 2dCl Musician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fager Oscar Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Fake Walter E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Falkenstern A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Fallon Bernard Private 105th Infantry Company B
Fallon J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Falls James J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Falls W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Farnum T. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Farrell Arthur F. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Farrell Edward F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Farrell Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Farrell Frank E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Farrell Frank P. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Farrell Harry J. Reg. Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Farrell James J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Farrell John H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Farrell Joseph V. Bugler 105th Infantry Company B
Farrell Michael J. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company C
Farrington Edwin O. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company F
Farrington J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Farrr Justin P. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Fauerbach C. E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Favreau Leo N. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Favro P. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Fay William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Febbie Alexander A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Fedigan Lawrence J. Cook 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Feidler W. F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Feltham Ralph H. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Ferri Anthony L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Fetterer W. J. Bugler 105th Infantry Company I
Fetzer A. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Feyl John W. Band Leadr 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fiala J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Fielder Harold W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Fifield Stephen H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company G
File Walter J. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Filson Morris Private 105th Infantry Company C
Finch Albin C. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Findlay John A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Fink Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Finke August F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Finley Colin J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Finn John J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company G
Finn William F. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Finnerty Jos. A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Finnigan David P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Fish George E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Fishbaugh Carl H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Fisher Edward C. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Fisher George L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Fisher Harry Private 105th Infantry Company F
Fisher Henry Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Fitzgerald Harrington 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Fitzgerald J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Fitzgerald John A. Band Cpl. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fitzpatrick Edward P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Fitzpatrick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Fitzsimmons J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Fitzsimmons William C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Fiumo Cesare Private 105th Infantry Company F
Fivel Benjamin Mechanic 105th Infantry Company C
Flaherty William A. Bugler 105th Infantry Company A
Flanagan Edward A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Flanigan Charles A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Flannigan O. F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Flansburg John V. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Flarherty James J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Fleming John S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Fletcher Harry Private 105th Infantry Company F
Flicker Conrad J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Flood Harry Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Florian, Jr. Paul A. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company I
Flynn John Private 105th Infantry Company L
Flynn Lawrence F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Flynn William Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Flynne Ashley Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Flynne Percy Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Fodder George Hl 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Foden Frederick R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Fogerty J. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Foley William M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fonda Earl S. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Fonda Harold A. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fonda Justin Private 105th Infantry Company G
Fonda Nelson Private 105th Infantry Company G
Fones Louis E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Fontaine M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Forbes, Jr. Wm. L. Captain 105th Infantry Company D
Ford Blakeman 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Ford James J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company E
Ford John A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Ford William Private 105th Infantry Company K
Ford William A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Forte Patrick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Fosmire Max Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Foster Hallet J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Foster James Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Fountain E. C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Fox Arthur B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Fox Walter J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Fox Walter R. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Fox William F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Foy James E. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Frank Horace Private 105th Infantry Company H
Frank John C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Franklin L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Fredericson Harold V. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Freebern Beecher B. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Fregeau Clarence L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Freidman Herbert Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Freiser Abraham Private 105th Infantry Company F
French Francis F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
French George H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
French Joseph P. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Freygang C. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Friedman Bernard Private 105th Infantry Company A
Friedman David A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Frister Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Frost John W. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company D
Fry George 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Fuchs J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Fuller James G. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Fuller Wm. H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company F
Furke Thomas E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Furst J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ga Nun W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Gabel Frederick W. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company F
Gadoua Joseph A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Gaffney Hugh Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Gaffney John B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Gage Leland H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Galbraith Walter F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Gallagher Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Gallagher Joseph J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Gallagher Thomas M. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Gallic Raymod H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Galpin William G. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Galvin F. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Galvin Francis L. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company G
Galvin Timothy J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Gange George H. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Gannon John A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Ganung LeRoy W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Gardella A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Gardiner Joseph F. A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Gardner Albert H. Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Gardner Robert Private 105th Infantry Company M
Garibaldi Emil Private 105th Infantry Company K
Garner N. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Garrett John F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Garrison M. R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Gartner Charles L. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Gast John J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Gately R. P. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Gavagan William T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Gaynier Edward G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Gaynor Harry J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Geary John A. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Geasa F. X. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Geasa P. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Geis Matthew T. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Genie C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Gensler Stanley B. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Gentner Irvin O. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
George James D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
George James H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Gerdes William O. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Gervasi Frank Private 105th Infantry Company G
Gerwo Cjadwocl Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Getman Daniel A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Getman Harold V. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Gibbes Lewis H 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Gibbons John D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Giblyn George F. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company K
Gibson J. H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Gibson William Private 105th Infantry Company B
Gilboe T. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Gildea Charles B. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Gill Emory O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Gillen James E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Gillig John Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Gilligan James N. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Gillis James W. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Gilman Arthur 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Ginty Joseph M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Glaser Benjamin L. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Glatterman Moe Private 105th Infantry Company G
Gleason John Private 105th Infantry Company L
Glennon Thomas W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Glisman Phillip Private 105th Infantry Company H
Glynn Andrew Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Glynn Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Glynn Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company C
Glynn Joseph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Glynn (1) J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Glynn (2) J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Godfrey James 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Goewey James J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Goggins John J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Gokey Arthur J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Goldberg Alexander H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Golden James J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Golden William Private 105th Infantry Company H
Goldin Barney 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Goldner Max Horseshoer 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Golebwski A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Goll Frederick Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Goode J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Gooding LeGrand T. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Goodman George Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Goodrich Waldo E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Goodsonzian John Saddler 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Gorard P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Gordon H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Gordon Harold Private 105th Infantry Company H
Gordon Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Gordon Joseph F. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Gordon Robert J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Gore Edward B. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Gore Frederick L. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Gorko Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Gorman E. J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company D
Gorman Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Gormley James P. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Gormley, Jr. Robert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Gorsline Ira 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Goss John A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Goudier A. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Gould William Mechanic 105th Infantry Company K
Graff Charles H. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Graham Guy B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Graham Jesse L. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Graham T. E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Grahe Charles A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Granat Alexander 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company I
Granger L. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Grant Alan B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Grant Francis G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Grathwol Albert A. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Gratto Cornelius A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Graziani V. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Grdner Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Greeley Sylvester Private 105th Infantry Company B
Greeley Thomas F. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Green C. H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Greenburg George Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Greenburg Saul Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Greene E. Capt. 105th Infantry Staff
Greene H. C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Greene Harold E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Greene Sidney A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Greene William A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Greenewald John G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Greenough Kenneth S. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Gregory John E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Gregory Leroy D. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Grenawalt George J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Griffin C. E. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Griffin Frederick V. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Griffith Lindsey J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Grimmer J. W. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company I
Grimshaw Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Grippo S. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Groff Clarence 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Gronski William Private 105th Infantry Company H
Groom Albert D. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Grooms James W. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company L
Grossman Alexander 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Groth Frederick Private 105th Infantry Company A
Grunwald Stephen H. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Guardia John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Guevin George H. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Guido F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Guilfoyle F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Gunkel Oscar Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Gunning John J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Gurtler William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Gurtler, Jr. George Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Gwathmey Archie G. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company D
Gwinup Orlie Private 105th Infantry Company K
Gwynn Arthur E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Haddy G. R. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hadley Rex S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Hageman Edward D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Hagen Howard Private 105th Infantry Company C
Haight Carl L. Band Cpl. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Haldenby Wesley Private 105th Infantry Company L
Halik Frederick Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Hall Benedict C. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Hall K. C. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Hall Robert S. Captain 105th Infantry Company K
Hall Thomas C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Hallenbeck Milton H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Hallett Chester W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Hallock W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Halpin Earl 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Halstead Allen Private 105th Infantry Company M
Halstead Floyd Private 105th Infantry Company M
Ham Clarence C. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Ham George P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Ham Theodore Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hamell Cral B. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Hamilton E. D. Stable Sgt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hamilton Frederick W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Hamilton J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hamm Anthony 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Hammer Benjamin H. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hammer Charles J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hammond Luther G. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Hanaway James T. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Hancox F. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Handy Harry W. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hanley John L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Hanlon Charles Private 105th Infantry Company C
Hanlon Dennis J. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hanlon George Private 105th Infantry Company C
Hannigan Daniel J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Hannon John P. Cook 105th Infantry Company F
Hannon L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Hanrahan David A. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Hanson Niels M. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Hanvey John Private 105th Infantry Company H
Harkrider George W. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company L
Harlan Thomas R. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Haroian Dick Private 105th Infantry Company M
Harper Edward W. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Harrington A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Harrington Jay F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Harris Alfred L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Harris Benjamin Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Harris Guy B. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Harris Morgan F. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Harris R. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Harris Richard H. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Harrison Daniel F. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Harrison Robert J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Harrison W. G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Harrison William Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hart Harry B. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company G
Hart J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Hart J. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Hartnett Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Harvey F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Harvey Thomas A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Harvey John Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Hasselberger Henry P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Hassett J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hassett T. G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Hastings Harold Private 105th Infantry Company F
Havens Lawrence A. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Hawkes Charles J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Hawkins Dana Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hawkins Eugene Private 105th Infantry Company B
Hawkins Norman Private 105th Infantry Company A
Hawthorne Harry Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Hayden Harry R. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hayden Richard V. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Hayes Edward F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Hayes Harry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Hayes Harry W. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hayes J. A. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Hayes W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Haynes C. L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Hazleton H. L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Healy Stephe Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hearty Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Heath Frederick J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Heath Raymond D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Heath William E. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hector W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Heer Clyde W. Color Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Heeren Gustav Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Heffern C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Heffernan J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Heilemann G. H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Heimburg F. W. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Heiser Herman F. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Heiss William Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Heitkamp, Jr. Henry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Heney John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Hennessy W. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Henningsen F. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company I
Henry Clarence J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Henshaw J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Herman Frederick F. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Herrick Howard L. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company E
Herrington Ernest C. Horseshoer 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hersog Henry J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Hertnett Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Hertzog Emil F. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company A
Herzog Elmer J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hess Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Heuck H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Hewitt Frank E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hewitt John O. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hickes Daniel T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Hickey Andrew M. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Hickey Joseph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Hidegh Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company F
Higbee Lester C. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hildenbrandt John Private 105th Infantry Company C
Hilderbrandt Marcley J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hilderbrandt Paul 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Hildreth Albert G. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hildreth C. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Hill C. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Hind J. A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hines H. C. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Hirakas Theodore Cook 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hlivyak Theodore J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Hodgdon Raymond F. Captain 105th Infantry Company H
Hodges H. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hodgins Leonard E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Hoffay Adeline Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hoffman Arthur Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Hoffman Howard D. Corporal 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hoffman Hugh Horseshoer 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hoffman W. R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Hoffmeister George F. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hofseas William Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Hogan Augustin L. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hogan Edward A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Hogan George J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hogan William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Hogle Leonard 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Holcomb Howard C. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Holland John J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hollis Walter H. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Holmes John Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Holmes Walter Mechanic 105th Infantry Company G
Holpp Henry C. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Holub H. C. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Hones William Private 105th Infantry Company E
Hoodmaer Wilbur A. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hook Edward W. Cook 105th Infantry Company G
Hooker Roger F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Horan John Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Horan Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Horan John J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Horstmann Herbert H. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Horstmann William F, Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Houghton John H. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Houlihan C. Private 105th Infantry Company D
House Cyrus O. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Houser Edward R. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Houser William F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Houston Elmer J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Howard George L. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company L
Howard James E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Howard Leonard J. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company K
Howe Chester Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company D
Howe Clifford D. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Howe Ed. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Howe Frederick W. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Howe James C. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Howe Theodore Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Howland Sylvester J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Howlett James E. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Hudson Harold Cook 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Huestis Erwin T. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hughes Frank P. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Hughes J. J. Cook 105th Infantry Company M
Hughes John Private 105th Infantry Company H
Hughes John E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Hughes Lewis E. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Hughes Michael T. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Hughes R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Hull Charles S. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Hunter E. R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Hupman R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hustace Allerton M. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Hutchings Hugh H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Hutchinson Harry J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Hutton Cecil J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Hyames Frederick C. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company I
Hyams Lewis Private 105th Infantry Company K
Hyatt W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hyland C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Hyland Joseph P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Hyland William J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Ingram Lee H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Ingram William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Irick Frank K. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Irish Merritt H. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Iverson Valentine J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Izzo Antonio Private 105th Infantry Company F
Jabick A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Jablonka Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company H
Jackson Arthur P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Jackson F. E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Jackson Jerome B. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Jackson Job V. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Jackson Thomas J. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company C
Jacob J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Jacob Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Jacobs Samuel Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Jacquinn Edward Private 105th Infantry Company H
Jahn Walter N. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
James Alfred Private 105th Infantry Company C
James Joseph A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Jameson, Jr. William Private 105th Infantry Company B
Jarboe Harold H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Jeffers F. W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Jenison James C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Jenkins Claude G. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Jenks Austin R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Jennings Merrill C. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Jensen Leslie M, 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Jerome Nelson Private 105th Infantry Company F
Jeselson R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Jewett Ernest A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Jewett William R. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Jiombottisti John Private 105th Infantry Company H
Johns Raymond Bugler 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Johnson Chester H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Johnson Edward B. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Johnson Herbert C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Johnson J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Johnson James F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Johnson L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Johnson Raymond Private 105th Infantry Company H
Johnson William Private 105th Infantry Company G
Johnson, Jr. William E. Cook 105th Infantry Company G
Johnston Arthur R. Stable Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Johnston Charles W. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company I
Johnston Edward A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Johnston Stewart W. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company L
Johnston John Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Jones E. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company E
Jones Edward L. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Jones Frederick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Jones George Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Jones R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Jones William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Jordan David 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Jordan E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Jordan H. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Jordan John F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Jordon Patrick Private 105th Infantry Company L
Jorito [sic: Jorio] Richard 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B (misspelling of last name confirmed with his card at NYS Archives)
Joseph Alphonse F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Josephs Morris Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Joslin George J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Joubert James M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Joyce James F. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Julien G. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Julien W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Justice Albert Private 105th Infantry Company K
Jutton Frank E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Kalaidjian Harotune Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kamber Stanley Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Kandel Charles T. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Kane Andrew Private 105th Infantry Company G
Kane M. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Kane Thomas D. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Kane Arthur J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kane William P. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kanowitz Herman 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Kapusta John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Karbowski I. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Karker W. D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Karr Raymond H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Karsten Albin E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Kasparian A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Katz Michael Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kaufman Edward D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Kaufman Percy Cook 105th Infantry Company C
Kaye Fred W. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Keane Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Kearns P. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Keegan John T. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Keelan Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Keenan C. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Keenan Owen Private 105th Infantry Company G
Keenan Peter J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Kehn George E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Keirnan Daniel A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Kelephant Frederic M. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Kelly Anthony J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Kelly J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Kelly J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Kelly James J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company B
Kelly John C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Kelly Justin Private 105th Infantry Company L
Kelly Matthew J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Kelly P. M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Kelly Russell L. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Kelly Samuel J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Kelly W. E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Kemp Harold F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Kendricks Adelbert Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Kenison D. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Kennedy F. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company I
Kennedy Michael T. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Kennedy W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Kenney Thomas 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Kenny John Private 105th Infantry Company L
Kent Howard E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Kent Leon V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Keolian Charles G. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Kerins Martin H. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Kern Edward J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Kern Valentine Private 105th Infantry Company C
Kernaghan Charles Private 105th Infantry Company B
Kernaghan Walter Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Kernan Richard J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Kerr Howard Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Kerr Raymond S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Kerslake John F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Keyes B. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Keyes Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kie Morris N. Lt. Col. 105th Infantry Staff
Kiernan Bernard P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Kiernan George W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Kilfoyle John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Killion Louis F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Kimball George A. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Kindsley James F. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
King G. Private 105th Infantry Company E
King H. C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
King J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Kinkead Thomas M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Kinney Edward R. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Kinney James H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Kipp C. S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Kipp Marcus V. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Kirk Henry S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Kitson William Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Klein Otto Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Klein Samuel Private 105th Infantry Company K
Klinge Walter Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Kneeskern Adelbert C. Private 105th Infantry Company G
kniffin Fred M. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Knight Edward F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Knight William E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Knoth William O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Knowlson Leland K. Cook 105th Infantry Company A
Knowlton John R. Mechanic 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Knox George J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Knox Harold Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Kobiczeuski F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Koch Carl G. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Koch O. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Kochersberger George A. Cook 105th Infantry Company H
Kochersberger William Private 105th Infantry Company G
Koerner John Private 105th Infantry Company M
Koert Cornelius C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Kohl Arthur Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Kolts H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Konotchy Teddy Private 105th Infantry Company H
Kopf Solomon Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Koutney L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Kovatch John B. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Kowynia John B. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Kozimer Paul 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Krafft George M. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kramer William Private 105th Infantry Company B
Krasnansky Martin Private 105th Infantry Companh F
Krause Otto G. A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Kroessig, Jr. Joseph F. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Kromfoth Herman I. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Krough Phillip 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Kruger, Jr. Emil Cook 105th Infantry Company H
Krupzack Albert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Kruse A. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Kubelle G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Kubes John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Kuhlkin T. M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Kulakowski Joseph M. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Kundell Frederick J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Kuss Charles H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
LaBounty Joseph Mechanic 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Labravico Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company B
Lademann O. F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
LaFarr Louis H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
LaFountain Adolphus G. Private 105th Infantry Company K
LaFountain Clifford 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
LaLone D. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Lamb C. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Lamberton William H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Lamonte Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Lamouree Adelbert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Lanahan Thomas R. Buglar 105th Infantry Company C
Lance Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Landor Joseph M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Landrigan J. A. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Landrigan M. D. Cook 105th Infantry Company D
Lane Harry Private 105th Infantry Company M
Lane John J. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company E
Lanfear John H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Lang Edward C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Lang Frederick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Lang G. F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Lang George Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lang William E. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lange Albert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lange Thor Private 105th Infantry Company F
Langley Frederick J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Langton William J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Lansing Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lapisky Meszeslas Private 105th Infantry Company M
LaPlante Alphonse Private 105th Infantry Company F
LaPorte Edgar J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
LaPorte L. W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
LaPrarie Leo C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Large Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company G
Larkin Patrick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
LaRose H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Lauton William Private 105th Infantry Company L
LaValle Walter D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
LaValley Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
LaValley V. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Lavigne Clarence Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Lawler Cornelius 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Lawlor Edward J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Lawlor James J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Lawrence Arthur B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Lawrence C. A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Lawrence R. P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Lawson E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Lawyer, Jr. Charles Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Layden James P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Laymon F. F. W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Leach M. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Leahy Michael Private 105th Infantry Company H
Leahy Walter H. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Leary John P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Leathem John A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Leavy D. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
LeBlanc, Jr. Charles C. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ledner Jack Private 105th Infantry Company H
Lee Everett J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Lee James V. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Lees Roy W. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lehey Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Leiberman Morris Private 105th Infantry Company C
Leicher W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Leitzer Edward A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Leland Herbert H. Asst B. Ldr. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
LeMay M. J. Cook 105th Infantry Company I
Lendrum Chester H. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Lennen C. L. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lenz John J. Buglar 105th Infantry Company C
Leonard John A. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Leonard Maurice J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Leonetti Charles Private 105th Infantry Company G
Lesperance Leland H. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Lesselroth A. J. Bugler 105th Infantry Company D
Lester Anthony T. Private 105th Infantry Company G
LeTarte Augustine 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lettaris J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Letteiri Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company C
Leveechia Pasquale Private 105th Infantry Company L
Level, Jr. John A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Levo Sabbath Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lewis Frank Private 105th Infantry Company H
Lewis George F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lewis J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Lewis W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
L'Homadien Leonard I. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Liebmann John D. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Staff
Lighthall James H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Lillley Charles J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lillly Crosby G. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Lincoln L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Lind J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Lindsay Walter A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Liney James W. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Linnane James J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Linscott J. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Linz A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Lisa James R. 1st. Lt. 105 Infantry Sanitary Det.
Lissner Sylvester Private 105th Infantry Company A
Livingston C. Lot Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Locifero Felix Cook 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Locke Harold F. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company F
Lockhart J. H. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lockhart W. H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Lockman George B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Lockwood James H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Loeffler Albert L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Logn Raymond D Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Long E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Long Frank E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Long William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Longo Louis L. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Longyear E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Looney D. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Lopez John J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Lopez John J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Lore John W. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Lorer Walter Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Lorney J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Lotwin H. S. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Louden Patrick F. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Loughlin Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Loughlin Joseph T. 1st. Lt. 105 Infantry Sanitary Det.
Loughman Stephen M. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Loughran William Private 105th Infantry Company B
Love Harry B. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company A
Lovejoy John E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Loveland George Mechanic 105th Infantry Company L
Lovelett William H. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Lovell Frederick E. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company B
Lowery John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Loyche T. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Lucas A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Luchtenberg Carl O. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company M
Luckhardt Carl H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Lunine Samuel N. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Lunny James S. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Lutkoski Stanley Private 105th Infantry Company B
Lynch George A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Lynch George G. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Lynch H. P. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Lynch John E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Lyons J. D. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Lyons Maurice 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company C
Mabie Dorr J. Bugler 105th Infantry Company F
MacArthur Chas. A. Captain 105th Infantry Company A
MacCormac Percy D. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
MacCulloch George D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Mack E. W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Mackenzie George R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Mackin James P. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Mackin William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
MacKittrick William R. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Mackly Leo Private 105th Infantry Company G
Maclauchlin Wallace F. Cook 105th Infantry Company G
Madden Frank R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Madden M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Maddock, Jr. James R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Maderer Ansley O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Madison George W. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Madsen Henry W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Madsen Neils J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Magadieu Waler J 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Magovern A. J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Maguire Duncam Private 105th Infantry Company K
Maguire John Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Maguire R. P. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company I
Maguire William R. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Mahar Daniel H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Mahoney Fred Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Mahoney John F. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mahoney Joseph B. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mahoney R. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Mahoney William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Mailander William C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mako Edward G. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Male George G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Malka Frank W. Sgt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Malloy F. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Malloy William P. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Malone Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Malone John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Maloney Michael M. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Maloy John P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Mammen Frederick A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Mancini Cesare Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Mangassarian R. Cook 105th Infantry Company I
Mangine Louis F. Horseshoer 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Maniet John P. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Mann Horace E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Manning James J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Manning Thomas Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Manny Ernest Private 105th Infantry Company C
Manupella Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company M
Maplesden R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Marchiente Louis Private 105th Infantry Company E
Marciano James F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Marcil Victor 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Marcus Nathan Private 105th Infantry Company B
Margiotta Vincent Private 105th Infantry Company F
Marino J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Marks J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Markson David Private 105th Infantry Company A
Maroney William B. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Marousek Gastave C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Marsand E. P. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Marsh F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Marshall John W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Marshall, Jr. John 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Martin A. E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Martin Albert J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Martin E. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Martin Francis Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Martin Frank Mechanic 105th Infantry Company K
Martin J. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Martin James J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Martin John P. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Martin Lewis A. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Martin Luke 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Martin Albert A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Martin George 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Martin John D. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Martin Thomas L. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Martino Frank B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Maselli Frank Private 105th Infantry Company C
Maslin Henry Captain 105th Infantry Company D
Masoian Peter Private 105th Infantry Company C
Masren Frederick L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Mass Fred W. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Massett C. S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Massucci A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Masten Walter H. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Matera J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Mathias Allen E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Mathias Lee A. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Mathwes Walter R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Matronech Daniel Private 105th Infantry Company A
Matson Leon R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Matt Frank A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Mattalo Anthony Private 105th Infantry Company H
Matthews A. H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Mattisom William B. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Matwa F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Mau Leonard F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Mauriello R. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Maus Joseph Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Maxson Earl W. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company G
Maxwell Blaine R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Maxwell Frank Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Maxwell John J. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Maxwell William J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Maybe DeWitt D. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Mayer Claude J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Mayer F. C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Mayer R. W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Mayeski Peter Private 105th Infantry Company M
Mayotte Clifford J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Mayotte Roland J. Cook 105th Infantry Company K
Mayrand Leonard W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
McAllister C. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
McArdle Edward J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
McBain John S. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company K
McBride Patrick J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
McBride, Jr. James M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
McCabe Charles V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
McCabe Joseph Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
McCabe Harry Private 105th Infantry Company F
McCarthy Arthur Private 105th Infantry Company F
McCarthy Harry H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
McCarthy James A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
McCarthy John Private 105th Infantry Company M
McCarthy John C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
McCarthy Joseph F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McCarthy W. B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
McCauley Francis H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McCauley Oliver J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
McCauliff Eddie Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
McClellan O. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McClelland George F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
McClure D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
McClusky Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
McCormack R. B. Private 105th Infantry Company E
McCormack W. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
McCormick Charles Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McCormick David C. Private 105th Infantry Company B
McCourt H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
McCrea John F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McCreesh Raymond S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
McCullough James A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
McCune Raymond F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
McCurdy George D. Private 105th Infantry Company K
McCurry Michael L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
McDermott A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
McDermott Charles F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McDermott F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McDermott F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McDonald David C. Private 105th Infantry Company K
McDonald Edmond J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
McDonald Grant J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
McDonald J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
McDonald John J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
McDonald Edward M. Private 105th Infantry Company K
McDonald Vincent A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
McDonnell Eugene F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
McDonnell James F. Private 105th Infantry Company F
McDowell James W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
McEvoy George L. Private 105th Infantry Company B
McEvoy Walter P. Private 105th Infantry Company K
McEwan R. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McGaha Thomas E. Private 105th Infantry Company H
McGarrigle EdwardJ. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
McGarty Joseph Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
McGee R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
McGinn James J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
McGinnis George P. Private 105th Infantry Company B
McGinnis John J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McGinnis Mathew 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McGinnis W. H. Cook 105th Infantry Company E
McGirr J. A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
McGirr W. H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
McGoldrick Patrick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
McGory J. P. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McGovern Charles Private 105th Infantry Company F
McGovern Leo J. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McGowan Emery Private 105th Infantry Company L
McGrane William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
McGrath Charles H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
McGrath J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
McGrath J. E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
McGrath Joseph E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
McGrath William B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
McGrouty Joseph J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
McGuigan W. B. Private 105th Infantry Company F
McGuire Austin J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
McGuire Hugh J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
McHugh J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
McHugh Myles Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
McKenna W. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
McKeon Joseph F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
McKinney John Private 105th Infantry Company G
McLean Clarence M. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company G
McLoughlin George B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
McLoughlin J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
McLoughlin J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
McLoughlin Michael Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
McLoughlin T. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
McLucas James Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
McMahon James Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
McMahon John T. Private 105th Infantry Company A
McMahon Schuyler H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
McManus Frank J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
McManus J. D. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
McMaster John A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
McMickle Aloysius B. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
McNally William J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
McNeary Dennis Private 105th Infantry Company C
McNeil Harry Private 105th Infantry Company G
McNett Floyd 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Mcoughlin Albert E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
McQuade Milton L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
McQuade V. E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
McShalley Hubert J. Cook 105th Infantry Company A
Meally J. F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Mecca John B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Meehan Leslie A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Meenan C. G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Meinsinger George C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Meissner Henry Reg. Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mele D. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Melius William H. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Memelo Joseph Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Menell W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Meriwether Edward R. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company C
Merz Harry 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company C
Meyer E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Meyer Ernest H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Meyers Jacob G. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Meyers W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Michel Joseph A. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company G
Miller Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Miller Frank Private 105th Infantry Company L
Miller Frederick S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Miller Gabriel Private 105th Infantry Company F
Miller Gilbert Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Miller Harold D. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Miller Harold F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Miller Henry C. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Miller Howard E. Cook 105th Infantry Company G
Miller John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Miller John J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Miller Morris Private 105th Infantry Company K
Miller Simon 1st Cl. Sgt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Miller William E. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Millett Daniel F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Millett Henry B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Millington Wm. H. Sgt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Mitaller Emill J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Mitchel J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Mitchell William Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Mochon Arthur L. Cook 105th Infantry Company C
Moffit Michael Private 105th Infantry Company A
Molloy Arthur A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Monahan Harry Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Monahan Harry J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Monahan T. F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Monahan Thomas F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Monger Guy S. Bugler 105th Infantry Company E
Monguzzi Charles J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Montemagno Charles J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Montford J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Montgomery Charles S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Monthony Fred H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Montmarquet Edward A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Moody Harry C. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mooney William J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Moore F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Moore John B. Cook 105th Infantry Company M
Moore Ralph L. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Moore Thomas R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Morahan George W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Moran B. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Moran David J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Moran George Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Moran Howard C. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
More Harold C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Moreland Walter A. Band Cpl. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Morgan H. D. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Morgan John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Morgan Leon Private 105th Infantry Company L
Morgan Walter L. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Morgan George B. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Moriarty Daniel A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Mormando John Private 105th Infantry Company F
Morris James R. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Morris Robert Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Morris Robert F. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Morris Royal E. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Morris Stephen P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Morrison Elmer H. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Morrison George W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Morrison J. J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Morrison Joseph B. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Morse Alfred A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Morse Walter Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Mosca Thomas C. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Mosher G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Mosier Clifford M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Moss Nelson A. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company K
Mossee Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company C
Mossey Charles A. Cook 105th Infantry Company B
Moynihan Daniel D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Mugavin Thomas G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Muhlbauer Frederick M. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Mulcahy Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Mulford Loyd R. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company L
Mulford Ralph S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Mullaney Robert S. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Mullen Cornelius J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Mullen Frank F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Mullen Hugh J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company A
Mullen John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Mullen Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Mullen William F. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Muller Harry L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Muller William J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Mullin Harry H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Mullins Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Munn Alois I. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Munson Clarence T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Munson L. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Munton Albert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Murnaghan Bernard F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Murphy Clarence Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Murphy Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Murphy John F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Murphy John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Murphy Michael S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Murphy Patrick F. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Murphy Walter J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Murphy William A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Murphy Joseph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Murray Archibald Bugler 105th Infantry Company G
Murray Arthur A. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Murray Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Murray F. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company D
Murray George Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Murray James A. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Murray John F. Supply Sgt. 105th Infantry Company A
Murray Peter 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Murray Robert M. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Murray T. V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Murtha F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Myers J. W. S. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Nadeau Roland J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Nagle Chester C. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Nagle Cornelius F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Nagle John F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Nagle John H. Cook 105th Infantry Company C
Nagy Julius Private 105th Infantry Company G
Nailor Arthur Private 105th Infantry Company B
Narge J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Nash Patrick J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Nash William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Nathan C. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Neander Herbert W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Neary James T. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Neary Michael W. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Needham John Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Neely James R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Neilon Thomas J. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Neilsen Ebbe C. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Neimeyer Arthur B. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Neir Theodore G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Nelson Samuel V. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Nelson Stanley A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Newbauer Peter Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Nicholas Frank J. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company K
Nichols Norman L. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Nickerson John G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Nicoll Alexander M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Niemczyk J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Nies, Jr. William H. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Niest F. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Nims Henry S. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Noble Peter H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Nolan Thomas J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Noonan John J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Norris Arthur H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company A
North Emory D. Private 105th Infantry Company M
North Herman C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Norton A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Norton Lee 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Norton Louis J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company K
Norton Peter J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Novy William J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Nowik Anthon J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Noyes Clarence S. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Nugent Benjamin F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Nugent George W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Nurnberg Harry Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Nurney Francis E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Nurse Tracey E. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Nusbaum Frank W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Oaksford Homer H. Major 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Oathout Elmo E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Oatting William H. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
O'Berti John Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
O'Breiter Harry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Obrey F. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
O'Brien James J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
O'Brien John Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
O'Brien John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
O'Brien John J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
O'Brien Michael Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
O'Brien Terence J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
O'Brien William J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Ochs Shea Private 105th Infantry Company A
O'Connell Frank Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
O'Connell John C. Cook 105th Infantry Supply Co.
O'Connell Roderick O. Private 105th Infantry Company K
O'Conner John J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
O'Connor Francis F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
O'Connor Fred W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
O'Connor Frederick V. Corporal 105th Infantry Supply Co.
O'Connor Kevney 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company F
O'Connor Patrick F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
O'Donnell Frank Private 105th Infantry Company C
O'Donnell Michael S. Private 105th Infantry Company L
O'Donnell William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
O'Flaherty John T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
O'Grady W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
O'Haire Leo G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
O'Hea John A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Ohlhausen George N. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Oktavec G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
O'Leary Charles D. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
O'Leary Humphrey J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company C
O'Leary John A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Oliver W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Olmstead Harry C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Olmstead T. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Olsen E. A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Olson A. E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Olson C. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Olson George E. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company E
O'Malley Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
O'Meara Edward Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
O'Meara John W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
O'Neil Bernard F. Private 105th Infantry Company K
O'Neil Owen J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
O'Neil Samuel J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
O'Neil Thomas Corporal 105th Infantry Supply Co.
O'Neil William F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
O'Neill Charles Private 105th Infantry Company B
O'Neill Michael J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Oreans F. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ormond J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ormsby Elmer H. Capt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Orr Clarence J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Orr James C. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company F
Orth George J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Osborn Herman F. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ostendorf Andrew G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Osterhoudt E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Osterhout H. D. Private 105th Infantry Company E
O'Sullivan Frank J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
O'Sullivan M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Oswald William Private 105th Infantry Company C
Ott Charles J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Ott George Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ouimette Henry J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Owens G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Owens Henry Private 105th Infantry Company C
Pabis T. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Paddock Earl B. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Paddock Ralph C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Page H. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Page Harlan Private 105th Infantry Company K
Palmer Harry E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Palmer Thomas Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Palsinalli D. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Papparlardo R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Pappas George Private 105th Infantry Company F
Pariele John J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Parisi Guiseppi 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Park Earl E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Parke Henry T. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company B
Parker Beach S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Parkinson Joseph L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Parmatier Arthur J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Parsons Theophilus 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company E
Partland B. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Partridge B. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Paskell Ernest W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Passero Samuel N. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Pateman Everett E. Major 105th Infantry First Battalion
Patnode Ambrose E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Patterson Robert A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Paye Robert G. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Payes J. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Payton Frank B. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Pearce George Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Pearman J. B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Peartree Louis F. Cook 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Peaslee Irvin B. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Pecarsky Abraham Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Pellerin Alphonse Band Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Pender James A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Pepper Harold E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Perkins Arthur Private 105th Infantry Company L
Perrault Cryille Mechanic 105th Infantry Company B
Perrone Peter Private 105th Infantry Company G
Perry Chauncey F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Pesch C. W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Peskin Michael Private 105th Infantry Company C
Peter Richard J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Peters Edward Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Petersen Harry P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Peterson Andrew P. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company G
Peterson Howard E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Petterson Enoch Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Pettit Eugene G. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Pfanmuller Frederick Private 105th Infantry Company K
Phelan Edw. J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Phelan John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Phelps Roscoe C. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Phillips Dewey D. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Phillips Niles P. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Phillips Richard M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Phoenix Ernest T. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Phoenix Frank L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Piche Armand Private 105th Infantry Company B
Pickering George N. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Pickett George J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Pierpont Nathan N. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Pigott Patrick Private 105th Infantry Company G
Pilling Thomas B. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Pillsworth R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Pinchin Harold L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Pitcher Franklin Private 105th Infantry Company G
Plass John H. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Platto George H. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Pluckrose Charles H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Plude L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Plumley Albert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Plumley Charles B. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company B
Plumley Frank E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Poach Anthony Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Polenecz J. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Pollock Edgar Z. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Poniber Thomas F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Porett W. E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Pornes Edward L. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Port Harry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Porter Frederick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Porter Lenny Private 105th Infantry Company H
Post H. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Potter Frank R. Captain 105th Infantry Company F
Potter H. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Potter Morgan Private 105th Infantry Company K
Poulioutte Joseph P. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Powell Levitt C. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Powers J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Powers John J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Powers R. W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Powers Robert Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Powers William J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Powers William J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Powley James L. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Prescott William A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Prevost George Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Price E. C. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Prochaska J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Proper C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Prouty Earl E. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Provost Leo E. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Pulver George J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Purtle James E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Putnam Harry P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Putney Wilfred B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Putz Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Puylara J. G. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Quandt Leo H. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Quay Glen R. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Quin John J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Quinan James F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Quinn James Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Quirk George G. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Race Frederick W. 2dCl Musician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Rae William J. G. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Raferty T. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Rafferty James Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Rafferty William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Rafter H. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Rafter Edwin J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Ragone Richard Private 105th Infantry Company B
Ragone Vincent 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Raino H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Rampe William J. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company A
Ramroth Lawrence J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Ramsay, Jr. James Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ramsey George E. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company E
Ramsey H. C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K Company K
Rapport George D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company G
Rasback Frank E. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Rasmussen Fred C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Rasmussen John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Ratigan Frank Private 105th Infantry Company M
Raught Lester H. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Rautenberg Fred Private 105th Infantry Company B
Raven B. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ray William J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Raymoned Fred L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Rayno Clarence E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Read Albert C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Reader H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Reardon John J. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Redfern Alexander G. Supp Sgt 105th Infantry Company B
Redmond Denis J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Reed Edward M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Reed James M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Reed John L. Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Reed Samuel J. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Reed Willis H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Reed Arthur S. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Rehm John E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Rehm T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Rehn A. A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Reicherter Augustine 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Reid Richard J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Reiff William C. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Reilly Francis J. Reg. Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Reilly Frank Private 105th Infantry Company C
Reilly Harold V. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Reilly John A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Reilly John J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Reiman Joseph A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Reisler Clarence P. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Relihan Edward J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Remick Irving Private 105th Infantry Company A
Resseguie Clarence L. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Revor J. F. Cook 105th Infantry Company I
Reynolds E. G. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company E
Reynolds Joseph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Rhodes Clalyton W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Rhodes William S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Rhodes, Jr. Frank B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Richards G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Richardson Charles L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Richardson Harvey A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Richardson Leo H. Cook 105th Infantry Company L
Rickard Charles P. Bugler 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Rigney William J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Riley Frank M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Riley Stephen Mechanic 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Ring R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Ringer Lewis C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Ringklib Karl H. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Rising Walter L. Cook 105th Infantry Company K
Ritter Raymond 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Rixon William J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Roauer, Jr. Tobias Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Robb A. M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Robbins John M. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Robbins William E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Robertson A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Robillard Wilford J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Robinson Edward 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Robinson L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Robinson William G. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company M
Robinton Charles H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Robitaille Henry A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Roche Thomas L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Rock Ellwood H. L. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Rock H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Rocker W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Rodd E. S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Rodd M. J. Cook 105th Infantry Company I
Rodden Hugh A. Capt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Rode F. G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Roeck Fred W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Rogers Francis G. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Rogers Frank M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Rogers Joseph Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Rogers Peter J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Rogozinski Emil Private 105th Infantry Company F
Roig Ventura Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Rolandelli George A. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company F
Rollins Michael R. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Roman Steve A. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Romano John R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Rometo Joseph S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Ronan John P. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Ronzino Dorsey Private 105th Infantry Company G
Rooney Dennis F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Rooney Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Root Adelbert R. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Root Herman Mechanic 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Roscoe Louis 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Roscorla Raymond T. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company B
Rose R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Rosebrook Warren F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Rosen Benjamin 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Rosen David Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Rosenblum Murray Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Rosewater Maurice E. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Ross Carl G. R. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company M
Ross John F. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Ross Leon R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Ross Nicholas Private 105th Infantry Company H
Ross Ogden J. 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company A
Rostrom Wallace Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Rotchford Martin M. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Rote Frederick 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Rotger Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company K
Roth J. P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Rothwell Benjamin J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Roure Joseph M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Rousa John Private 105th Infantry Company G
Rover Harry J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Rowe Joseph Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Rowe T. V. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Rowland Ambler C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Roy P. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Royce Harry H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Rozelle Alonzo H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Ruane Edward T 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company B
Rudd Earl J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Ruddock Frank Private 105th Infantry Company A
Rudolph Ralph Private 105th Infantry Company M
Rudolph William J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Rugar William H. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Rugge George F. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company D
Ruhl Alfred G. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Rundel R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Runner R. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Ruser, Jr. Augustus Private 105th Infantry Company H
Rush G. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Rushlow William J Cook 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Russell George E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Russell Harley R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Russell Herbert J. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Rutledge Cornelius R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Ryan Frank Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Ryan G. P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Ryan John J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Ryan John M. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company H
Ryan Joseph A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Ryan M. F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Ryan Thomas B. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Ryan Thomas C. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Ryan William . Private 105th Infantry Company K
Ryan William P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Ryan Dennis J. Sgt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Ryder Clair S. Cook 105th Infantry Company A
Ryderowiczf. F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Sabino J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sabo J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Sadder John W. Sadder 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Sager Raymond 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Sales John H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Sales Thomas E. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Salisbury Loyd H. F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Salmon C. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Salmons F. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Salomon Alfred B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Salsbury Fred A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Salvatore Joseph Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Sancomb L. B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Sancomb P. B. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Sandquist Hans Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Sanford Maurice 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Santonio Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company H
Santspree William Private 105th Infantry Company B
Sargent Edward B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Sargent F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Sargent J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Sauer William F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Savage Harry A. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Savoy Fred Cook 105th Infantry Company H
Sawin Walter H. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Schaefer T. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Schaible Harold E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Schalle Ernest Private 105th Infantry Company H
Scheff Bertram R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Schenck L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Schermerhorn Harrison J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Schermerhorn Ira M. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Schermerhorn William L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Schick V. F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Schick William F. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Schmidt Frederick E. 1st Sgt. 105th Infantry Company E
Schmitt Christian Private 105th Infantry Company A
Schmitt Walter J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Schnack Clifton W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
SchnackenbergJ. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Schoenblum Herbert B. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Schoenfelder Anthony 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Schoenfelder William Private 105th Infantry Company F
Schofield Abraham Private 105th Infantry Company B
Schofield J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Scholevitz M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Schosland O. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Schroeder C. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Schuessler George E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Schultz G. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Schutt William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Schwartz Albert Private 105th Infantry Company A
Schwedersky A. J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Schwerm Fred Private 105th Infantry Company H
Scott Charles H. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company L
Scott David S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company L
Scott Elvin 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Scott Floyd Private 105th Infantry Company G
Scott George W. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Scott Ivan M. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company M
Scully Leo C. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Seabury Raymond D. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Searles William Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Sebastin Augustino 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Seckey F. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Seeley Frank Private 105th Infantry Company K
Seely Frank Private 105th Infantry Company F
Seitz Joseph C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Selby Ralph C. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Selce Antonio Private 105th Infantry Company H
Selke O. H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Semple Andrew C. Sergeant 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Senter Isadore Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Serger Frank Private 105th Infantry Company K
Sess Daniel J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Sexton J. B. Cook 105th Infantry Company E
Sexton John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Shackett Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Shackleton Roy V. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Shanny William P. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Sharlett Paul Private 105th Infantry Company I
Sharp Gilbert Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Sharp Robert J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Sharp, Jr. George A. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Sharpe E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Sharpe J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Sharpe R. H. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Shaw Daniel E. 1stClMusician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Shaw H. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Shaw Percival 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Shea Edward A. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Shea H. T. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Shea Harold A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Shean David Private 105th Infantry Company L
Shearer John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Sheid Arthur J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Shepard Jophn 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Shepard P. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Shepardson E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Sheppard Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Sherline Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sherman Alwin A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Sherman George B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Shiel Thomas V. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Shiely Harry J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Shine Edward H. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company B
Shoemaker Charles Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Short H. W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Short W. M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Shupe E. B. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Shuurman Henry J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Sigmund Forrest E. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Silverson Walter L. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Simmons Frank T. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Simmons S. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Simon Jerome A. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Simon Nicholas G. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Simpson George L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Sims William J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Singleton Edmond O'C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Sirakides Stavros H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Sisler Floyd S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Sivick Michael Private 105th Infantry Company H
Sjambelluri Frank Private 105th Infantry Company F
Skehan Robert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Skellie George V. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company M
Skellie Willard J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Skinner Harry Private 105th Infantry Company M
Slattery Ernest Private 105th Infantry Company F
Slattery J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Slattery John J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Slattery Timothy Private 105th Infantry Company F
Slavin John F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Slawson Howard 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Sleasman John J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Sleeper Eaton F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Sleicher William C. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Slocum G. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Slocum William R. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Slosson James S. Captain 105th Infantry Company E
Smaldone George 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Smith Harold F. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company L
Smith Henry 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Smith John H. Cook 105th Infantry Company M
Smith Josph A. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Smith Leon R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Smith Stanley D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Smith Stephen 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Smith Willard R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Smith William Private 105th Infantry Company M
Smith Charles A. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Smith Charles W. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Smith Edward A. 2dCl Musician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Smith Frederick R. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Smith George H. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Smith John D. Color Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Smith Peter 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Smith Peter G. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Smith Victor P. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Smyth Ralph M. Bugler 105th Infantry Company H
Smythe Nelson Private 105th Infantry Company M
Snell Clyde D. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Snell Hiram L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Snover Albert G. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company A
Snover Harold Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Snyder Irvin L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Snyder George L. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Snyder Walter F. 1st. Sgt 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Sohmer William Private 105th Infantry Company K
Solomon Benjamin 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Sommerfeldt S. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Sonnick Philip Private 105th Infantry Company F
Soodel Albert Private 105th Infantry Company H
Soterkos James B. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Soulier Charles J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Spaeth, Jr. Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Spahr Frederick W. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Spain Joseph E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Sparling J. C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Speanburgh Harry Private 105th Infantry Company K
Spearman Dean O. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Speilholz Morris Private 105th Infantry Company A
Spencer Howard Private 105th Infantry Company G
Spooner W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Sprague Frederick E. Cook 105th Infantry Company K
Sprague Kenneth Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Squazzo Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company M
Squires E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Sroka Philip Private 105th Infantry Company F
St. Peter R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Staats E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Stack Joseph R. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Stalarum J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Staley Edward C. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Staples Warner W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Stearns Jerrold Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company D
Stedman Gordon M. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Steed Robert L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Steenburg Frank J. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Steenburg William S. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Steinbac Raymond R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Steindler Percival J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Steinkamp Edward H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Steir John S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Stephenson Frank R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Stephenson W. S. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Stern Albert D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Stern Frederick Bugler 105th Infantry Company B
Stevens Carl W. 2nd Lt 105th Infantry Company B
Stevens J. R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Stevens Theron 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Stevens William T. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Stevenson Richard 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Stewart Charles W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Stewart Oscar 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Stewart Ralph F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Stiles H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Stillman J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Stillwell John C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Stiner Ralph Private 105th Infantry Company G
Stitt W. H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Stock Harold L. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Stoddard M. L. Cook 105th Infantry Company E
Stolarczyk A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Stone J. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Stoneham Michael L. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Storey John H. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Strack William B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Strickler Charles S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Strobel Albert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Strong Ernest W. Captain 105th Infantry Company B
Strugnell J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Studdard Francis E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Styles Oscar F. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Subcliff Clement E. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Sullivan Cornelius J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Sullivan Daniel E. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Sullivan Frank E. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Sullivan J. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sullivan J. L. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sullivan James F. Cook 105th Infantry Company F
Sullivan John Private 105th Infantry Company K
Sullivan John J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Sullivan Patrick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Sullivan Timothy J. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Sullivan W. A. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sullivan W. J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Sullo James Private 105th Infantry Company E
Sulzer E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Surprise Thomas C. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Sutcliffe James O. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Sutherland John L. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Sutton Dale B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Swanson A. D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Swart James H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Swatling H. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Swatling Howard M. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Sweeney Clayton W. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Sweeney Cornelius J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Sweeney Edward J. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company F
Sweeney W. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Sweet Henry W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Sweitzer Louis E. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Swenson E. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Swett Edwardd H. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Swift William R. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Swords M. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Symeolon John Mechanic 105th Infantry Company H
Syretchen Edward F. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Tabor Ralph E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Taggart James A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Taheny T. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Talbot Taine N. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Talbot William F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Tallman E. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Talmadge Charles Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Tamaselli Humbert J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Tanner Lewis M. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Taub Phillip A. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Taxter Andrew A. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Taylor Bernhard J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Taylor Floyd W. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Taylor Frank R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Taylor James F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Taylor John A. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Taylor Joseph E. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Teeling William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Teetell Augustus L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Tenzer W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Terriault George F. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Terry George F. Captain 105th Infantry Company I
Terry Herbert J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Teter Stanley Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Tevlin John E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Thackrah, Jr. Benjamin F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Theal Walter K. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Therin Joseph 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Theroux Edwin F. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Thibadeau Frederick H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Thibodeau Fred A. Cook 105th Infantry Company M
Thomas Edward C. O. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Thomas Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Thomas M. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Thomas Roy Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Thomas W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Thomkins R. S. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Thompson William J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Thomson E. N. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company I
Thomson S. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Thorn Robert Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Thornton James M. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Thorogood William Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Thorp Alfred 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Thoruman William J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Thuon Francis L. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Thuon Raymond J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Thyseluis John G. Bugler 105th Infantry Company K
Tidmarsh Harry W. 2dCl Musician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Tiffany Stewart D. Captain 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Timeson Earl 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Tinsley Gservaise R. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Tisdale C. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Todd Reuben H. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Toma John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Tonkin James Private 105th Infantry Company C
Tonkin Joseph S. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Topping Thomas Private 105th Infantry Company H
Torpery Henry V. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Tower J. J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Towle Frank J. Mess Sgt 105th Infantry Company B
Towne Eugene W. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company K
Towne LeRoy 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Townsend Edward J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Townsend Richard J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Tracey Homer F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Trackey O. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Tracy Charles H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Tracy T. J. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Trayer Louis F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Trechal S. J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Tredo F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Tresnan J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Triola C. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Trohn Lewis C. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Trojakowski Edmund Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Trombley Clifton 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Trombley William J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Trong H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Troy Thomas A. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Truesdale Erskine J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Trumble Leo C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company C
Trumble Roscoe B. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Tuck Gilbert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Tucker Royal K. 1st. Lt. 105th Infantry Staff
Tuper Frederick Private 105th Infantry Company L
Turner N. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Turner William Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Turner William B. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company M
Turschmid W. F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company I
Tycholis Maryan Private 105th Infantry Company G
Tyler Frank W. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Tyrell Nathan 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Tyrell W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Umpley J. F. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Underhill George Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Underwood R. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Untener Frank E. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Upright Robert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Urbane Frank 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Utter Joseph W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Utter Maurice Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Vacarro Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company B
Vallee J. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Van Buren Francis E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Van Der Kar Walter F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Van Derhoof William D. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Van Deusen M. K. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Van Duesan Richard Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Van Etten C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Van Gorder Charles N. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Van Heusen, Jr. Leslie Private 105th Infantry Company K
Van Horn W. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Van Reed Arthur Private 105th Infantry Company G
Van Schoonhoven Jacob I. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company A
Van Schoonhoven Jr John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
VanAlstyne Frank F. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Vance Bussey H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Vandenburg Russell S. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Vanderbeck George Private 105th Infantry Company F
Vandercar Charles H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Vanecek Charles Private 105th Infantry Company B
VanLoan John O. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
VanNetten Ward C. Mechancic 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Vannier Walter E. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
VanSleet Patrick J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Varley J. J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Varmett Dewey L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Varney Ralph A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Varrone Louis Private 105th Infantry Company E
Veit Joseph J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Vella, Charles, Private, 105th Infantry, Company F (name and confirmation supplied by his son Frank)
Vena M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Verchereau Edward Private 105th Infantry Company B
Vernon H. M. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Verwiebe H. C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Vicat John Private 105th Infantry Company A
Vickers Thomas A. Private 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Vieweg Walter W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Vines Edward H. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Vizet Harry G. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Vokes Patrick Y. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Volpe J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Vose Vera E. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Voteretsas Victor T. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Vradenburg F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Vrooman Harmon M. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Vuolo Nicholas Private 105th Infantry Company A
Wack Peter Private 105th Infantry Company B
Wagar Lewis E. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wagar Roy M. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Wagner Charles Private 105th Infantry Company F
Wagner John F. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Wagner Joseph Private 105th Infantry Company G
Wagner Peter 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Waite H. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wakely Edward J. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Walker J. A. Corporal 105th Infantry Company D
Walker Walter Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Walkup W. H. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company I
Wallace Joseph W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Walley Robert S. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Walrath Sherman 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Walsh E. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Walsh Harry A. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Walsh Harry J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Walsh James J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Walsh John J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
Walsh John R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company E
Walsh John T. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Walsh Richard J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Walsh Thomas J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Walters F. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Walton Charles C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Walton William F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Wanser Stephen W. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Ward John 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Ward Joseph T. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Ward Richard Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Ward T. B. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Wardwell L. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Warkoski Stanley Private 105th Infantry Company B
Warnock W. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Warren Raymong B. Private 105th Infantry Company M
Warschauer Edward 2nd Lt. 105th Infantry Company G
Wasburn Lester G. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Washburn George H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Washburn William Private 105th Infantry Company K
Waterman Frank J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Waterman Frederick H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Waters B. M. Corporal 105th Infantry Company E
Waters Thomas F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Watson F. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Watson George Private 105th Infantry Company C
Watson Ross H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Watt Charles F. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Watts Robert J. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Waugh J. H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Waverla J. P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Wealthdale Bert Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wealthdale Frank Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Weaver Horace A. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company K
Weaver William Private 105th Infantry Company F
Webb Cyril Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Webster H. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Webster S. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Webster Churchill P. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Weed John Carl Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Weeks Holley Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Weible B. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Weigman Herman B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Weinburger Max J. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Weir Frank Private 105th Infantry Company K
Welch Wesley W. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Wells Ernest J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Wells Frank H. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wells LaGrand Sgt. 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Wells Morton K. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Welsh George 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company C
Welsh James J. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Welton Menzo 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Wenk Edward F. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Wenz Joseph J. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company A
Werdano Gustae E. Supply Sgt 105th Infantry Company E
Wermes Leo H. Corporal 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Werner Frederick G. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Weston David 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Wettje W. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Weyer Harry Corporal 105th Infantry Company G
Whalen Edgar C. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Whalen G. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Whalen J. C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company D
Whalen Thos. J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Whalen Walter Private 105th Infantry Company C
Wheeler Arthur H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Whelan Thomas W. Private 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Whimple Walter Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Whipple Charles R. 1st Lt. 105th Infantry Company M
White Bernard J. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
White Charles E. Private 105th Infantry Company B
White Leo F. Mechanic 105th Infantry Company M
White Lewis E. Sgt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
White M. Private 105th Infantry Company I
White Robert 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company B
White Thomas Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
White Thomas J. Private 105th Infantry Company M
White William D. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Whiting Thomas 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Whitmore L. Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Whitmyre Carl F. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Whitmyre Raymond Band Cpl. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Whitney Floyd 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Whitney George H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Whitney Harold H. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company L
Whitney Harry D. Private 105th Infantry Company H
Whitney L. E. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Wicker William Private 105th Infantry Company M
Wickham Richard E. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Widden William J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Wiencik P. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wierniski Walden Private 105th Infantry Company B
Wilbur John Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Wilcox Grover C. Wagoner 105th Infantry Supply Co.
Wilcox M. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wilcox Wallace Private 105th Infantry Company M
Wilkins L. J. Private 105th Infantry Company L
Wilkins R. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wilkinson Earl L. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Willets Walter Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Williams Aaron F. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Williams E. Cook 105th Infantry Company D
Williams H. Corporal 105th Infantry Company I
Williams John J. Private 105th Infantry Company K
Williams Wallace Private 105th Infantry Company K
Willis Rodney R. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wilsey Leslie A. 3rdCl Musicia 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wilson A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wilson James D. Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Wilson Leonard H. Mess Sgt. 105th Infantry Company E
Winkel Anthony 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Winne Clinton H. 1stClMusician 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Winterfield Samuel Private 105th Infantry Company B
Winters Walter B. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wise Michele Private 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wise Samuel Sergeant 105th Infantry Company C
Wiseman Robert C. Private 105th Infantry Company C
Wismer Emil J. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Wistrand Gustave A. Cook 105th Infantry Company C
Wohlfarth William C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company B
Wojtusiah John J. Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Wolfe Howard W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company F
Wolferst Charles W. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Wolff Andrew G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Wollen Jess C. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Woltjen William Sergeant 105th Infantry Company D
Wood Nelson W. 1st. Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Sanitary Det.
Woods John Private 105th Infantry Company F
Woods Patrick E. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Woodward Belmont H. Private 105th Infantry Company A
Woodward Frank C. Corporal 105th Infantry Company L
Woodward Hally W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company K
Woodward Wallace J. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Worf A. Private 105th Infantry Company I
Wright Edmund G. Corporal 105th Infantry Company H
Wright Frederick A. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company K
Wright John F. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company F
Wright Roy E. Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wright Sylvester Corporal 105th Infantry Headquarters Co.
Wynne George S. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Wyzykowski William 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company H
Yarrington R. Private 105th Infantry Company D
Yendall William C. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Yeo Charles 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Yerenton Oscar B. Corporal 105th Infantry Company M
Yetto Charles W. Corporal 105th Infantry Company A
Yohn William S. Private 105th Infantry Company B
Young Elmer C. Private 105th Infantry Company G
Young Gavin Private 105th Infantry Machine Gun Co.
Young Verne Private 105th Infantry Company G
Youngling, Jr. Henry W. 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company G
Yozzo Frank B. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Zabicki John Cook 105th Infantry Company B
Zeek` Harold R. Private 105th Infantry Company F
Zeidman S. Private 105th Infantry Company E
Zigmunt Stanislaw Sergeant 105th Infantry Company H
Zirt Abraham 1st Cl. Pvt. 105th Infantry Company M
Zotti Nicholas Private 105th Infantry Company H
Zwack Andrew F. Private 105th Infantry Company C