Rensselaer County and City of Troy in the Civil War

The following is taken from Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Military Statistics of the State of New York, Albany: [The Bureau], (C. Wendell), 1866.

The citizens of Renasselaer county and of the city of Troy, were among the first to respond to the demands of patriotism when the national flag was assailed at Sumter. The intelligence of the attack reached Troy on Saturday, April 13, and was published in the afternoon edition of the Daily Times. Great excitement prevailed — partizan feelings were hushed — voices of all men united in condemnation of the outrage, and equally united in demanding that the insult should be avenged and the national Union preserved. On Sunday, allusions were made in the city pulpits to the traitorous act, and the aid of Heaven was invoked in the country's behalf. On Monday a call appeared, signed by men of all parties, for a meeting in the evening, to give expression to public feeling at the outrage. The largest hall in the city had been secured, but so general was the attendance that an adjournment had to be made to the great depot of the Union railroad company, where 5,000 people assembled. The Hon. John A. Griswold presided, assist ed by many other prominent gentlemen as vice-presidents and secretaries. W. E. Kisselburgh reported a series of resolutions, condemning the outrage, and pledging the people of Troy to a united and efficient support of the Government in every measure, to preserve and protect its integrity and unity. Eloquent speeches were made by the president, and Hons. J. McConihe, jr., M. I. Townsend; Clarence Buel and George W. Demers, Esq. The meeting adjourned by forming in procession and marching to the residence of General John E. Wool, where the veteran hero delivered a brief patriotic and eloquent speech. On the 17th of April, the work of forming a Troy regiment was commenced, and in less than one month the Second regiment N. Y. S. V. was organized, with Colonel Joseph B. Carr — subsequently Maj. Gen. U. S. Volunteers at its head. It was one of the first full Volunteer regiments to leave the State for the seat of hostilities. Subsequently, four companies for the Thirtieth regiment, Colonel Frisby, were raised in Troy and Lansingburgh. The ladies of Troy organized a society, and labored daily for three weeks to furnish the Second regiment with clothing and supplies. Big Bethel was fought June 9, and another season of excitement followed, the Second regiment having been engaged.


Civil War Newspapers
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See also: Units recruited in Renasselaer County during the Civil War