Erie County, New York Civil War Newspapers: The Draft And Conscription

PROVOST MARSHALS—Gen. G. A. Scroggs has been appointed, by the President, Provost Marshal of the 30th Congressional District, (embracing the county of Erie) and has been ordered to report for duty, and to establish his headquarters in Buffalo.
—Mr. Joseph P. Richardson, of New Hartford, has received the appointment of Provost Marshal for the twenty-fist (Oneida) District, with the rank of Captain of Cavalry. His headquarters will be in Utica.
— The Auburn Advertiser announces that J. N. Knapp, of that city, has been appointend [sic] Provost Marshal for that District, comprising the counties of Cayuga and Wayne.

The Conscription.
The work of drafting men in this State to fill the National quota of 300,000, has begun, and is proceeding in various portion of it. At present there are but few signs of hostility to the draft in this State, and those are confined to newspapers, whose sympathies are manifestly more with the Rebellion than with the government. The New York World leads off by characterizing it as "a mysterious draft," and likens it to such as "is common in Russia and Austria, but is quite new in this country." Then, to inflame the passions of the cowardly and disloyal, and afford them occasion for inaugurating open hostility to the draft—it says—"So far we have no assurance that it is to be an equal conscription." Then again its base insinutions [sic] run off in this wise: "In the absence of any official announcement by the government of the number of men it requires, how do we know but what the secret instructions of the Provost Marshals are to conscript, heavily in the Democratic Districts, and lightly in the Republican Districts."
What baseness must possess a mind that would conceive such an idea, and how much more base must it be when it gives utterance, to it, to poison and inflame the popular feeling against the government. The draft is as fair as any lot can be—and will be perfected under the strict principles of evenhanded justice. Republicans, Abolitionists, War Democrats and Copperheads, will enjoy an equal chance under the turn of the wheel, to enter the ranks of their country, and we hear none but Copperheads whining at the prospect of being drafted into the National service.
It is refreshing to see the Courier take a more manly position on this question than that occupied by the World. It says that the draft "will be conducted fairly and above board at the Provost Marshall's office." This being so, there will be no excuse for the man who may undertake to resist the draft. He acts upon his own responsibility and under motives of "pure cussedness."

POSTSCRIPT.—Since the above was written the first harvest of the sowing of the N. Y. World, Express, FERNANDO WOOD & Co., has been gathered in the city of New York. A mob, incited by those influences, has broken upon the city with a demoniac fury which involves the destruction of property if not of life. At the present writing the telegraphic communication with that city, is broken, so far as we can learn at all points, and hence we are without information as to the extent and destructiveness of the mob which ruled hour when last heard from. This is but the legitimate consequence of the teaching of such presses and men as we have named, and until the majesty of the law, either of statute or of the forces, subdues this spirit and subjects it to a more benign power, all the rights of person and property will tremble in the balance. Mob law is the ruling spirit of Copperheadism, and it seeks vent, whenever and wherever it can strike at the Government or its supporters or defenders. It is time now for the true men of the country to decide the question, whether or not we are capable of self-government under our institutions. This issue must be met boldly and promptly, and with a power which will hereafter command respect. Every friend of Government has a duty to perform in this crisis.

The Common Council and the Draft.
A special meeting of the Common Council has been called for this evening to consider the subject of the draft. It is expected that a imposition will be made to raise a fund by tax upon the city to relieve the poor men who may be drafted. We are not advised what action is contemplated, but it is presumed that the object of the meeting is to afford relief to those upon whom the draft may be oppressive.
Such a meeting is timely and proper. There is no reason to fear a disturbance of the peace in this city, or any of that disregard for law which has disgraced other cities. Still without some action like that suggested there would be cause for much of that dissatisfaction which was the origin of disturbance elsewhere. If the Common Council of this city act promptly with a determination to relieve the poor from the suffering which the draft may cause, it will be sustained by all liberal minded citizens, and secure the confidence and gratitude of those who are thus to be benefited. Let the Alderman act discreetly in this matter and secure the end desired—relief for those who will be really oppressed by the draft, and they may rely upon the support of all fair minded citizens, and Rochester will maintain its good name as a city of law abiding, people, while sister cities will be convulsed and disgraced by outrages upon persons and property.

The Draft.
The draft has been the absorbing and universal topic of conversation about town for the past few days, and numerous have been the rumors and speculations current on the subject. Some authorities had it on Saturday that the conscription was to begin, sure, on Monday.—Others were confident that it was going on even then in the shady recesses of the Provost-Marshal's office. We are able to set the minds of our readers at rest to some extent, although unable, on account of an order from the War Department, to give full particulars in advance of the event itself. The Draft, then, has not begun yet, nor will it begin to-day, probably not even to-morrow, so that conscripts in anticipation may yet breathe a few breaths of free air. The order to proceed with the draft in this county as speedily as possible has, however, been received, and the delay is simply owing to the non-completion of some details. When it begins there will be no secrecy about the operation. It will be conducted fairly and above board at the Provost Marshal's office, Granite Block. Like any other game of chance, it will be a very interesting and perhaps even an exciting thing for spectators.
The number to be drafted in the county or  even in the State has not been officially announced, but from the quota required elsewhere, we judge that the State will be required to furnish about 70,000; the county between 2,000 and 2,500. These will be drawn from what is known as the first class—that is unmarried men from 20 to 45 years of age, and married men from 20 to 35. Fifty per cent. additional will be drafted to allow margin for those obtaining exemption through disability or other sufficient cause.—Thus, about 3,000 or 3,500 will be the number "broken on the wheel " in this county.
The disposition to be made of drafted men has not been made public. They are probably designed to fill up old regiments. Captain Tidball we hear is to take charge of those in this district. Lieut. M. Kay advertises for subsistence [sic] for the conscripts. Provost Marshal Scroggs publishes an advertisement elsewhere which will be of use to those claiming exemption.

ARRIVAL OF GEN. DOUBLEDAY.—Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday, whose appointment to the command of the depot of the drafted men for this district we mentioned several days since, arrived in the city, accompanied by his wife and staff, yesterday, and took quarters at the American Hotel. Lieuts. Lee and Martin constitute his staff.
We learn that Gen. Doubleday was waited upon by persons representing one of the trades unions, last evening, who informed him that in case the process of drafting could be witnessed by a committee of the working men, all would be satisfactory, and that no disturbance would follow. The General informed his visitors that there was no objection to the course proposed; the conscription would be conducted openly and fairly, and any who chose to witness it could do so.
The selection of Gen. Doubleday for this position is a very judicious one. He is an officer who has served with distinction, and is in every way qualified to discharge the duties. He commanded the Division in which the 21st regiment served in the battles of Antietam and the second Bull Run.

Wednesday Evening, July 15, 1863.
The Draft in Erie County.
We are informed by Provost-Marshal Scroggs, that he will be unable to perfect his papers for several days to come, and that meanwhile the draft will necessarily be postponed.
The Marshal's office has been removed to the State Arsenal, on Batavia street, where all persons having business with him may find him during usual business hours.
Notice will be given of the time and place of making the draft.

Drafting in Buffalo.
We were in many parts of the city on Wednesday the first day of the drating [sic] in Buffalo, and were much gratified at the general quiet and order prevailing everywhere. Not the slightest indication of riot presented itself at any point. There was clearly indicated in every group, upon the corners and at public places, a spirit of quiet submission to the mandate of the General Government. In the most reckless and abandoned resorts not the slightest show of insubordination was manifested.

The drafting was conducted at Fort Porter in a fair and public manner. In the grounds of Camp Morgan were perhaps 1,000 soldiers, including about 300 from Gen. Rosecran's army. A half hour's conversation with these heroes was very instructive and profitable.—We sat amid a group of a dozen or two several of whom were very talkative and frank in their expression of sentiment. It was interesting to hear them speak of "Rosy," as they termed their favorite General, in terms of such universal esteem. They say he is the "commonest fellow" in the world; associating with the "boys," freely when not in active field duties. They express the assurance that the "western, boys" would rush through any danger, however imminent at the bidding of "Rosy." But the most marked feature of their conversation, was their bitter hate for "northern copperhead traitors." They declared it would give them greater pleasure to shoot one of these, than "Jeff. Davis" himself. This feeling is very general amid all soldiers.
We saw the result of the drawing in three wards, and noticed several friends among the lucky ones. N. G. Benedict our successor in Public School No. 32, drew a prize.—Another teacher in the same ward was elected. "Uncle Samuel" may depend that these "conscripts'' will do the honorable thing. The Courier is almost half indignant that the fair fame of Buffalo has been thus misrepresented, by intimating that there was any danger of riot, and making ample preparations for any emergency, however great. Has the Courier forgotton [sic] how the fair city of Buffalo was disgraced a few weeks since by a murderous riot? Has this rowdy element disappeared? It is all in Buffalo, but it is held in most complete and beautiful subservience by the intelligence and strong arm of the people. Thus can our people ever do. The intelligence and foresight of the American people are competent to maintain law and order.

AN INDIANA REGIMENT FOR BUFFALO.—Last evening the 32d Indiana Regiment, consisting of 350 men, passed over the New York and Erie Railway, en route for Buffalo, to remain in that city during the draft. This regiment was ordered from Rosecrans' army, about three weeks since, for service in New York. Not being needed any longer in that city, they have been transferred to Buffalo.

THE DRAFT.—Notice is hereby given to parties interested in the impending draft, that they can secure the means to provide for their exemption under the "Conscription Act" now being enforced, by availing themselves of the benefits offered by the "North America Life Insurance Company of New York," who are issuing "Special War Permits," at a cost of $100, with life policies,—at table rates. Parties who may avail themselves of this method, if drafted, by surrendering the special war permit to the company, can realize $300 for it, thus enabling the party to commute with the Government or furnish a substitute, as they may elect. Parties intending to avail themselves of this method, must do so before the draft occurs in the district in which they live. For further particulars, call at the office of the company, over the "Old Post Office." an5t11                         H. J. BROWN, Gen'l Agent.

The Draft.
It has already been announced the Draft for the County of Erie will commence in this city, at Fort Porter, at 10 o'clock this morning. The question who is to be called upon to assist in dealing the death blow to the already reeling rebellion will be decided publicly, and in spite of all that disloyal cowards have said or may say, in the fairest manner.
The following are the sub-districts interested in the turning of the wheel to-day, with the quotas required from each:
                        Sub-District. Quota.
1st Ward             1st.    160
     "                      2d                    76
    2d "              3d               296
    3d "             4th               214
The Provost Marshal's guard at the Fort, was strengthened last evening by the arrival of 274 troops of the invalid Corps, from Elmira, under command of Major G. S. Jennings, formerly Lieut. Colonel of the 26th Regiment, N. Y. Vol. The names of the other officers are as follows:
Adjutant Frank D. Garrety, formerly of the 15th Kentucky Vols.
Co. A.—Capt. H. Yoho; Lieut. Bowers.
Co. B.—Capt. H. H. Read.
Co. C.—Capt. Thompson; Lieut. Rowe.
Co. D.—Capt. Culver; Lieut. Dart.
The 65th and 74th Regiments are under orders from the Mayor for duty, and some three thousand of our citizens have been summoned by Sheriff Best, to appear at the Court House this morning, to act as a
posse committatus during the draft.
The most ample preparations have been made to secure peace and good order, but it is to be hoped, for the good name of our city, that nothing will occur to render military or civil interference necessary.
For the public information we subjoin the following opinions in regard to exemptions were promulgated by Col. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate General of the army, Aug. 1st.
The only son of aged or infirm parent or parents is not exempt unless his parent or parents are dependent on his labor for his support. If he is in a condition to support, and does support them without his personal labor for that purpose, he is subject to draft because he is in condition to perform military service without depriving his parents of the support the law designs to secure them. The parents need not be wholly dependent on the labor of their son for support. If they are so dependent for the principal part of their support the right to exemption arises.
In the case of a widow having four sons, three of whom are already in the military service, the fourth is exempt, provided his mother is dependent on his labor for support.
In the case of a widow having two sons, one of whom is already in the military service, and the other has been drafted, the latter is exempt, as the only son liable to military duty in the sense of the act.
In the case of aged or infirm parents having two or more sons subject to military duty, election of the son to be exempted must be made before the draft, and his name should not then appear in the draft-box. If one of only two sons of such parents is already in the military service, the other is exempt, provided his parents are dependent on his labor for their support.
Persons having conscientious scruples in regard to bearing arms are not on that account exempt. They are not found in the list of exempted classes, and the act expressly declares that no persons except those enumerated in the list shall be exempt. The Society of Friends and others entertaining similar sentiments, if drafted, may find relief from their scruples in the employment of substitutes, or in the payment of the $300.
The children of an insane mother, who may, at any time, recover her reason, cannot in the sense of the law, or with any propriety of language, be termed motherless children. The father of such, though they may be dependent on his labor for their support, cannot, therefore, claim exemption from the draft. The case is a hard one, and probably would have been provided for had it been foreseen. It is, however, the law as it is and not as it may be supposed it ought to be, that it is to be so enforced. In the case of a father having four sons, two of whom have died in the military service, it seems clear that the remaining two are not exempt from draft. Before such exemption can be allowed it must be shown that the father has not had two sons in the military service, so the law is written. Congress might well have accepted the loss of two sons in the field as equivalent to their continuance in the service, and therefore securing the same privileges to their family; but this has not been done. To hold otherwise would not be interpretation, but legislation.
In the case of aged and infirm parents having two sons subject to military duty, the father, or if he be dead, the mother, may elect which of them shall be exempt. The right of this exemption does not rest upon the parents' dependence on the labor of their sons for support. The law does not contemplate any such dependence.
Gen. Doubleday has been relieved from his command in the army of the Potomac and ordered to take command of the depot for drafted men to be established in Buffalo, and where the quota for this county will report.

GONE TO BUFFALO.—An order came to Col. Marshall yesterday to send a detachment of his men to Buffalo to preserve the peace during the draft. One hundred or more left at 11 this A. M. for that city.

THE QUOTA OF ERIE COUNTY.—We are happy to receive and publish the following note from the Provost Marshal of this District. We shall, at an early date, avail ourselves of the promise of Gen. Scroggs, and shall lay what information we can obtain, and deem important, before the public:—
BUFFALO, July 27, 1863.
MR. EDITOR,—In your paper of this date, after speaking of the result of an investigation, made as to the quota in the 28th District, you make the following inquiry:—
Should not a similar investigation be made in this county, before proceeding to the draft? In other districts, the quota for each ward and town is published. Is there any good reason why this should not be done here?
In reply I beg leave to say that any person desiring information or themselves or for the public, concerning the quota of this district, or that for each town and ward, can have now, and could have had at any time heretofore, all I possess in reference to these or any other matters relating to the draft, by calling at my office and making their wishes known. I am, Sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
G. A. SCROGGS, Provost Marshal,
30 District, N. Y.

The Draft in Buffalo, Etc.
BUFFALO, N. Y., August 17.
The draft in this district, the Thirtieth, was completed on Saturday without the least difficulty.
Drafting for the Thirty-first district commences  in Dunkirk to-day. No difficulty is apprehended.


The Quota of City and County by Wards and Towns.
We are permitted by Provost Marshal Scroggs to present the following table, showing the quota of Erie county, by towns and wards, under the new enrollment. The county or district is divided by the Provost Marshal into sub-districts, the boundaries of which can be ascertained by application at his office. There are enrolled in the district, of all three classes, about 24,000 persons. The first class, consisting of unmarried men from 20 to 45 and married men from 20 to 35, foots up 13,195 persons. The second classes, comprising all other persons subject to do military duty, consists of about 8000 or 9000 persons. The balance, known as the third class, is made up of persons in the military service of the U. S. at the time of enrollment. The quotas given below, include the fifty per cent additional, the real quota of the county being 2,539:—
                             Sub-district.    Quota.
1st Ward—                 1st                   160
  "     "              2d                      76
2d     "                         3d                    296
3d    "              4th                  214
4th   "              5th                   120
  "     "              6th                   107
5th    "                         7th                   198
  "     "              8th                     53
6th   "              9th                   151
  "    "                           10th                  64
7th   "              11th                 158
  "     "              12th                   25
8th   "              13th                 238
9th   "              14th                 140
10th "              15th                 129
11th "              16th                 139
12th "              17th                 107
13th "              18th                  40
Alden              19th                 57
Amherst                      20th                  90
Aurora.                        21st                  50
Boston                         22d                  39
Brant                           23d                  41
Cheektowaga 24th                 56
Clarence                      25th                 71
Colden                        26th                 36
Collins                         27th                 28
     "                              28th                 31
Concord                      29th                 69
East Hamburg             30th                 50
Eden                            31st                 60
Elma                            32d                  50
Evans                          33d                  65
Grand Island   34th                 50
Hamburg                     35th                 58
Holland                       36th                 37
Lancaster                     37th                 95
Marilla             38th                 45
Newstead                    39th                 80
North Collins  40th                 36
Sardinia                       41st                 45
Tonawanda                 42d                  60
Wales                          43d                  39
West Seneca                44th                 57

OVERPLUS ON LAST YEAR'S CITY QUOTA.—An interesting question for our citizens at present is, whether the city or county will be allowed credit on its quota for the men who have been enlisted here since the quota of last year was declared full. We learn that in Rochester it is fully expected that such will be the case. A calculation was made of the number of men thus enlisted; and their names were sent to the War Department, coupled with the enquiry whether they would be counted on the present quota.—The answer received was that fair play would be observed, and that no district or part of a district but would receive full credit for what it had done. Buffalo was declared in February last to have filled her last year's quota. Since that time there has been an amount of recruiting done here, which would materially alter the face of affairs in the event of a draft, provided this reasonable expectation were fulfilled.

The Draft in Buffalo.
[From the Courier of yesterday.]
We are not disposed to regard lightly the stern necessity which seems to have rendered a draft necessary all over the northern states. The measure is as severe as any to which a loyal people can be subjected; but the "powers that be," who are supposed to know more about the immediate wants of the nation than those who do not occupy their high stand point, have decreed that conscription is necessary, and the people can only submit with the best grace possible. That there has ever been at any time in this city a serious disposition on the part of any responsible organization to oppose the enforcement of the draft with violence, we have never had good foundation for believing. It is true, that to a very large proportion of the people here as elsewhere, conscription is distasteful, and it is equally true that the people of this city have believed that there was just cause for complaint, in the fact that they had not received proper credit for the herculean efforts which they had put forth to raise men for the support of the government. If we add to this the fault-finding which has been indulged in against the $300 clause in the conscription bill, we think we may say, in fairness to all classes in the city that the offending, of what are spoken of, as the laboring classes, "hath this extent no more." If our neighbors were to give credence to the statements made by a portion of the press of this city, or were in any way to sympathize with their melancholy forebodings, they must needs have set our city down as one entirely at the mercy of a set of murderers and thieves, who were only awaiting for a pretext to destroy life and property. That the case is otherwise, is not the fault of these heated scribblers, who have left no means untried to bring about the very disasters which they would seem to deprecate.
The scenes of yesterday, however, showed how willingly and cheerfully all classes could submit to a measure even as severe as that of conscription.  During the draft at the Fort, the scene was one of jolly merriment, and still later on the streets, instead of gathering mobs, and terrible mutterings, we saw nothing but smiling faces, and heard nothing worse than the jest at the expense of the good-natured conscript. It would be impossible to justice to the draft in Buffalo, yesterday. Of course the manifestations of outside indifference, or joy, gave no clue to the sorrow which the wheel of fate had brought to many a home; but it proved that the people of Buffalo had been most wofully [sic] belied.

THE DRAFT YESTERDAY.—We are not disposed to regard lightly the stern necessity which seems to have rendered a draft necessary all over the Northern States. The measure is as severe as any to which a loyal people can be subjected; but the "powers that be," who are supposed to know more about the immediate wants of the nation than those who do not occupy their high stand point, have decreed that conscription is necessary, and the people can only submit with the best grace possible. That there has ever been at any time in this city a serious disposition on the part of any responsible  organization to oppose the enforcement of the draft with violence, we have never had good foundation for believing. It is true, that to a very large proportion of the people here as elsewhere, conscription is distasteful, and it is equally true that the people of this city have believed that there was just cause for complaint, in the fact that they had not received proper credit for the herculean efforts which they had put forth to raise men for the support of the Government.—If we add to this, the fault-finding which has been indulged in against the $300 clause in the conscription bill we think we may say in fairness to all classes in the city that the offending, of what are spoken of, as the laboring classes "hath this extent no more." If our neighbors were to give credence to the statements made by a portion of the press of this city, or were in any way to sympathize with their melancholy forebodings, they must needs have set our city down as one entirely at the mercy of a set of murderers and thieves, who were only awaiting for a pretext to destroy life and property. That the case is otherwise, is not the fault of these heated scribblers, who have left no means untried to bring about the very disasters which the would seem to deprecate.
The scenes of yesterday, however, showed how willingly and cheerfully all classes could submit, to a measure even as severe as that of conscription. During the draft at the Fort, the scene was one of jolly merriment [sic], and still later on the streets, instead of gathering mobs, and terrible mutterings, we saw nothing but smiling faces, and heard nothing worse than the jest at the expense of the good-natured conscript. It would be impossible to do justice to the draft in Buffalo, yesterday. Of course the manifestations of outside indifference, or joy, gave no clue to the sorrow which the wheel of fate had wrought to many a home; but it proved that the people of Buffalo had been most wofully [sic] belied. We have every reason to believe that the draft will go on from day to day without any more serious disturbance than our city was afflicted with, yesterday,

The Draft.
BUFFALO, Aug. 17.
The draft in this district, the 30th, was completed Saturday without the least difficulty. The drafting in the 31st district commenced at Dunkirk st., to day.
The 4th Massachusetts, and 28th Maine regiments, arrived Sunday morning, and left immediately for home. The 47th Massachusetts arrived Sunday afternoon, and left in the evening, all via the Central Road. Five soldiers died in the hospital here, yesterday. Two of the 16th N. H., two of the 15th N. H., and one of the 26th Maine regiments.

THE DRAFT.—The draft for the city of Buffalo was brought to a close yesterday, much to the gratification of everybody. The very best of feeling has prevailed throughout the work of conscription, and it is a noticeable fact that the city has not been as quiet in a long time.
This forenoon the draft in the country towns commences. The following are the towns to be drafted, with their respective quotas: Alden 57; Amherst 90; Aurora 50; Boston 39; Brant 41. The names of those of our country friends who may be lucky enough to draw prizes will be published in full in the Courier & Republic of this afternoon.

HOW TO TELL A WILLING CONSCRIPT.—Since the first day of the Draft in this city, persons have been frequently seen in public, wearing a red ribbon in the button hole of their vest or coat. This, we understand, is a mark of honor; those wearing them, having taken the advice of the Express, and disdaining to claim exemption from physical inability, or pay the three hundred dollars, or furnish a substitute, have concluded to abandon father, mother, wife, children, property and all, and upon the call of General Scroggs, rally to form the conscript corps of the "Eagle Brigade." These patriots are numerous and comprise members of some of our first families, and should be greeted with a cheer whenever met.

A Few Words to the Drafted.
For the "Buffalo Commercial Advertiser."
FELLOW-CITIZENS: The enemies of the rights of man, falsely called nobles, and would-be aristocrats, have made war on our nation. They saw the continued prosperity, the increasing power, the rising greatness of a people for the most part educated in public schools—by nature's right rulers, by nature's law noblemen; and in their fear and fancied superiority they wickedly attempted to weaken and ruin that people, to dissever and disgrace our nation. They forced war upon us. If they succeed, if they dissever our nation, they, the English, French and Southern enemies of the rights of man will dictate to us terms of peace; they will control our legislatures, they will force on us their interpretations of international law, they will make us and our children their by-word; they will hold us their inferiors, their dependents, their vassals, their slaves.
Shall these things be? Shall we not resist them? Shall we not fight them? Shall we not humble them? Shall we not maintain our glorious independence? Shall we not show them that in moral and educated men there is the highest nobility, no matter where such men may be born, or where they may labor? Shall we not honor ourselves and our posterity forever?
Fellow-Citizens: To meet these enemies of the rights of man, our noble-hearted brethren voluntarily offered themselves. They have done valiant things. They have restrained our foes. They have contracted their boundaries. They have stripped them in part of their pride, their confidence, their resources, their strong holds arid their armies. But to subdue these rebels against wise laws and universal prosperity—to make them cry "Hold, enough"—our brethren now in the field are insufficient. You, fellow-citizens, by a process approved and adopted in all times, by all nations, and lately by our nation's highest councils, are called to stand side by side with your soldier-brethren, and join in this mighty contest. To leave your families, to take your places in the line of battle, are painful duties. But what nation ever existed whose citizens were not called on to perform such duties? What citizens were ever called on to perform such duties in a juster, nobler, holier cause? Bear in mind that this war must be fought through to the victorious end by us or by our children, or else we and they must be snubbed, mocked and controlled by a law-made nobility [sic]; and pitied, reproached and despised by the advocates of human freedom in other lands. Will you, then, fellow-citizens, now shrink from the calls of justice, of humanity, of honor, of patriotism? No! Never let it be said that freemen shrunk from the defence of their freedom! Never let it be said that freemen sought to live at their ease, knowing that thereby their children would become slaves! However heart-rending it may be to take the first step towards answering your country's call, yet take it. Go, like men, to your duty. Go, leaving to your wives and children the long-retained inheritance, the memory of patriotic husbands and fathers. Go, trusting your families to the kind providence of your and your father's God. Go, looking confidently, wherever need be, to the generous sympathy of your fellow-citizens remaining at home. If, in your absence, your dear ones shall be abundantly provided for, O how encouraging it will be to you, and how blessed to those who may give! Go, fellow-citizens, to the performance of your high duty. Go cheerfully, go manfully, go trustfully.

THE DRAFT FOR THIS DISTRICT —The Draft commenced at Dunkirk, on Monday, at 1 P. M. The place selected for the drawing was the Lodge Room in the Eastern Hotel building. A blind man, Patrick Mahon, who furthermore, "to make assurance doubly sure," was blindfolded, drew the names while the wheel was turned by Deputy Provost Marshal GLISAN. A detachment of the 17th N. Y. Cavalry came up from Fort Porter to serve as a guard during the drawing, and a portion are stationed in the building to act as sentries, while the remainder are held in readiness for any emergency. A special police force of citizens was also sworn in by Sheriff Kannedy. No fear, however, is entertained that their services will be needed. A large crowd was in attendance at the drawing on Monday and to-day, and a jovial feeling seemed generally to prevail, which became uproarious whenever the name of any prominent individual was announced. The lucky prize-holder fonud [sic] troops of friends to congratulate him, and an intense thirst seemed to be generated, which caused a speedy adjournment to the nearest lager stand. We publish the names of those who have been drawn up to this time, comprising 737 names, leaving 417 more to be drawn in the County to:day and to-morrow.

THE EXAMINATION.—The examination of claimants for exemption continues to-day. The following is a schedule of the work of the board up to noon to-day:
Number examined                               300
Number rejected                                 199
Number accepted                                101
Exempted for alienage, &c.      86
Number of substitutes accepted   51
Number of substitutes rejected    12

Thus far but one man has been before the board with his receipt for $300 from the collector of internal revenue.

THE LATEST DRAFT CIRCULAR.—AS there are various questions concerning the draft, exemptions, &c., which are not generally understood, the following from the renowned exhibitor of "wax figgers," Artemus Ward, may be regarded as decisive and final. Our friend " Harry" may depend on  its entire correctness:

CIRCULAR NO. 78.—As the undersigned has been led to fear that the law regulating the draft was not wholly understood, notwithstanding the numerous explanatory circulars that have been issued from the national capital of late, he hereby issues a circular of his own; and if he shall succeed in making this favorite measure more clear to a discerning public, he will feel that he has not lived in vain.
1. A young man who is drafted and inadvertently goes to Canada, where he becomes embroiled with a robust English party, who knocks him around so as to disable him for life, the same occurring in a licensed bar-room on British soil, such young man cannot receive a pension on account of said injuries from the United States Government, nor can his heirs or creditors.
2. No drafted man, in going to the appointed rendezvous, will be permitted to go round by way of Canada on account of the roads being better that way, or because his "uncle William" lives there.
3. Any gentleman living in Ireland, who was never in this country, is not liable to the draft, nor are our forefathers. This latter statement is made for the benefit of those enrolling officers who have acted on the supposition that the able-bodied male population of a place included dead gentlemen in the cemeteries.
4. The term of enlistment is for three years, but any  man who has been drafted in two places has a right to go for six years, whether the war lasts that length of time or not—a right this department hopes he will insist on.
5 The only sons of a poor widow, whose husband is in California, are not exempt, but the man who owns stock in the Vermont Central Railroad is. So also are incessant lunatics, habitual lecturers, persons who were born with wooden legs or false teeth. Blind men—unless they will acknowledge that they "can't see it"—and people who deliberately voted for John Tyler.
6. No drafted man can claim exemption on the ground that he has several children whom he supports and who do not bear his name, or live in the same house with him, and who have never been introduced to his wife, but who, on the contrary, are endowed with various mothers, and "live round."
A. W.

THE DRAFT.—The order of business before the Board of Enrollment at Fort Porter yesterday was as follows:
Receiving and examining of substitutes for the whole district.
Examination of drafted men who proposed to serve.
The regular order of business, as already announced was gone through with for the First Ward, and the Second Ward was called as far as applications for exemption on the ground of erroneous enrollment.
The following is a summary of the exemptions granted:
Over age                                  16
Under age                               10
Physical disability                   48
Only son                                    5
Aliens                            3
Error in enrollment        4
Paid $300                                  2
Thirty-two substitutes were accepted, and fourteen rejected.
Two conscripts presented themselves to be examined for duty: Thomas Orr, a porter at the American Hotel, and Frank S. Carpenter, formerly a member of the 21st Regiment, The former was accepted, and the latter rejected because of imperfect front teeth. Those papers which "have yet to learn of a single instance in which drafted men propose to go," will please make a note of these cases.
There are now 119 substitutes in Fort Porter, and appearances indicate that a much larger number of men than was generally anticipated, will be obtained by the draft in this District.
The order of business for to-day will be substantially that of yesterday.
The draft has its ludicrous aspects, and presents them after the editor of the Orleans Republican who is drawn and is going advertises for a substitute for the editorial chair:

"SUBSTITUTE WANTED.—Anticipating a pressing invitation from his Uncle Samuel to give his valuable aid toward restoring to sense certain refractory members of this 'great keantry.' The editor of this great paper desires to procure a substitute to conduct this journal during his absence; should he be included in the invitation now being issued. The applicant must believe in Andrew Jackson and Stephen A. Douglas; must have the reasoning powers of Bacon, the humor of Lamb, and the wit of A. Lincoln; the mildness of William Penn, the pugnacity of the Benecia Boy, and the general sweetness of character of a first class cherubim are indispensable. To such a person, in want of engagement, will be paid the munificent salary of $13 per month (U. S. notes or current funds) and rations. Apply in person."


According to announcement the long and anxiously looked-for draft was fairly inaugurated yesterday forenoon at Fort Porter. The attendance on the Grounds was not large, and from all appearances but little anxiety was manifested by our citizens generally as to the result of the day's operations. If we may except the soldiers which constituted the Provost Guard, the number at any one time in the neighborhood of the Fort, could not be estimated at over three hundred or four hundred. The first business of the
day was to dispose of a certain number of armed troops, around the Fort in such a manner as to prevent any interference with the business in hand. The Wheel of Fortune was located in the right front room of the Fort. The Board of En­rollment was present, consisting as is generally known of G. A. Scroggs, Provost Marshal; William F. Rogers, Commissioner of the Board, and John F. Trowbridge, Surgeon of the Board. We also noticed present Col. Brooks of the staff of Major A. S. Diven, Assistant Provost Marshal General of the Western Division of the State.—Nelson J. R. Guenther and Mr. M. Cadwallader acted as clerks.
The hour of half past 10 o'clock having ararived [sic], Provost Marshal  Scroggs, in the presence of some forty well known citizens read the order for the draft, and after some consultation with those present. Mr. Wm. S. Rice was selected to make the drawings, and was accordingly blindfolded. Four criers were stationed at different points leading from the room outward towards the assemblage gathered at the end of the bridge leading from the fort to the bank, the duty of each being to catch the name announced by the Commissioner and Clerk, as it came from the lips of his predecessor and give to it all the publicity which good lungs and sonorous voices would admit of. Everything being ready the draft for the First Ward was commenced.
The Commissioner then counted into the box the slips containing the names enrolled in the First Ward First District. The number thus placed in the box by Col. Rogers, was 553; number to be drawn, 160. On a second count the number of tickets was made 535.

1st Ward—1st District.
Louis Cheveaux,                     Patrick Mack   Lorenzo Kent,
James Adams              John Kelly                   John Mannigan,
William McCarthy                  Thomas Lanen,            John Fanner,
Frederick Bowers                    Lansing Jackson,         Michael Coffee,
Patrick Murphy                       Patrick Hickey,           George Turner,
muel NeaSil,                George Austin,            Andrew W. De
Jas. Finley,                              James Barber,     Crofyt,
Thos S Hamilton                     Alex Moore,    Patrick Hays,
Martin Connor,                       Edward Regley,          Seth V. Warner,
James Lacy,                 John Ready,    John Sullivan,
John Smith,                             John Burns,                 Harvey Felguin,
Sylvester Daly,                        Anthony Noonis         James Doyle,
Ferdinand Fickler                    Richard Mackin          John Gregory,
Wm Weston,               John Reither    Alex D Shelden,
John Egan,                              Wm Mockderidge       Michael Haly,
Daniel McGaw                        Peter Faher                  Michael McCarthy
Francis Western,                     Volser Tachi,   William Wilson,
Matthew Campbel                  Michael Given,            Thomas Meyers
Abram T Kerr,                         William A Putnam Patrick Enright
Thomas Hill,                Samuel Hart,   John Dalton,
Isaac McClusky,                     Alex Wade,                 Jacob Wolf,
Williasm Glenn,                      Phillip Frank    Judson Barker,
William Gray,              Thomas Hanley           Thomas Kinnear,
Wm Parrish,                Louis Gerhard             Thomas O Day
William Slevan,                       Abraham Rose,           James Mullane
Tobias Campion                      Patrick Whitley           Thomas Jordon
Chas M Fellows,                     William Davis,            John Power
Henry Beadle-                         Edward O'Brien          Pierre A. Smith
    come                                    Samuel Hogan,            John Pilotti,
James Walsh,               Thomas Sennitt,          John Wurster
Thomas Ruxinger                    Patrick Dolan John Green
Robert Brown,                        James Byrnes,             John Buckley
Chas Sangster,                        Thomas H. Burges John Chard,
Wm Baker,                              John Chamberlain       Peter Shields
John Williams,                         John Clark                   William Buckley
John Ryan,                              Edward Connolly       John G Mabbett
Wm Bailey,                             Michael Collins,          Frederick Munsen
Chas Carter                             John Gordon, Peter Hill        
John King,                               William Harrison         Wm Chickard
Geo Dietrich,              Delos Eldridge,           Jas Schoonover
John H Meech,                        David Shepard,           William Nicklis
John Fitzhugh,                        Henry L Meech,          Michael Carr,
Thos Mullen,               Mathew Markham       Joseph Evans,
John Jackson,              Michael Ryan Richard Kelly,
Joseph Delany,                        Edward Van Vick- John Buckley
Michael Slattery,                         lin,                           Robert Tallman,
William Lyon,                         Patrick Moore,            James Lanergan
Thos Sweeney                         Henry Rousger,           Edward Dowser
Henry C Fiske,                        John Gleason, Edward Percival,
Francis A Davis                      Adam Elinbach,          Robert B Buck,
John Malony               Wm Sanders,   John Hannagan
Geo Cole,                                Henry M Judson         Joseph Balo,
Chas H McComber     John Donovan,            John Clarey,
Christian Fuche,                      James Kane                 Chas. Silver,
Patrick Ready,                        Thomas Grath.

Walter Braalecome      John Moore                 Daniel Borst,
Thomas McGrath                    John Manaher Michael Charnues
Simon Hastings                       John Gavin                  Arthur Fennel,
John Mooney              Simon Grimes             John Made
John McCarthy,                      Francis Lowry,            James Kane,
Calvin C Burt             William Pere    Thomas Duggan
Thomas Cotter                       Newton Welch            Michael Erhardt
Thomas Martin,                       Patrick O'Brian,          Timothy McCarthy
John Johnson               Edward Corbell          M. Hayes,
James Hart,                             Michael Landrigan T. Klinhane
John Londigan                        Thomas Lester,            J. Roughan
Thomas Keenan,                     Thomas Harridan        T. Hiland,
John Nugent,               John Mahony,             John Ferguson,
Jas Windsor                 Dennis Lynch,             John Marshall
Harmon Meyers                      Cormack Ferguson James Mugridge
Stephen Barrett                       James Griffin Thos Connors
Jos. Newman               Charles McCarthy       Thos Mooney,
Jos Windsor,               Michael Donovan,       Wm Seeley,
Dennis Collins,                        Emanuel Taft Barney Carr,
Jno. Sharock,               Michael Caughlin        Patrick Ryan
Duncan Campbell                   Edward Malony          Hugh Sloan,
John Sullivan,              Andrew Reese,           Matthew Dwyer
Thos. Fitzgerald,                     Weston Henderson Edw Carroll
Edw'd Lonnergan                   KingsburyWalker        Thos Traverse
Patrick Carroll,                        James Sullivan             Dennis Callinan
Thos Wild.


2d Ward—3d District.
SECOND WARD—1036 in the box, 290 drawn.

Henry C. Beebe,                     Frank Evans    Joseph Cook
Augustin Keogh,                     Paul Sherman Walter Stephens
John Schadler,                         Charles Green             John Munger
Ed Cadwell                             Chas G Williams         Alex Rouse
Luther Leese               Arvin Parmalee           Lanson A Long
Archy McDonnald      Wm Williams Walter S Farrell
Lyman B Dwight                    Benj VanNest             Edwd W Hayes
A McNaughten                       John Kellehen             Peter Deihl
George Wright                        Edwd McKenzie         James Jamison
Almon Clark               Albert Williams           Alfred Vincent
Geo W Hughson                     Wm McClaun Chas Moore
W Archibald               Alex M Brown            Edward Clark
Henry Brayman                       Joseph Kosinskey        Renssalaer Ford
William Kennett                      Joseph Tyler    William Ward
Cyrus Streeter                         Chas E Williams          David McGee
John Turrell                 Bernhard Delitsch Albert Gillespie
Wallace Humph-                     Henry N Martin          John Dodsworth
   rey                                        Leonard Havens          James L Jenkins
Edwin A Buck                        Edward P House         Joseph K Tyler
Albert Genett              Albert L Beckwith Patrick Mullen
John O Dunklen                      Nelson Derrick            Wm N Martin
George Ambrose                     Henry Sprague            Louis Derling
James Campbell                      Jacob Garrison            Levy Wolf
John Christer               Milton M Cone           Jas L Brownell
Wm H Davis               Daniel D Benson         Patrick Flanigan
Daniel Foster               Hobart Weed Augustus C Hoxie
Thomas Knowles                    William Late   Isaac Jewell
Henry Millard                         Michael Gill    Samuel Aaron
Harrison Mills                         Joseph Perkins             Frank McWhorter
Chas Loomis               Patrick Butler Casper P Dresher
Wm F Bond                Hiram Corbin Michael Madigeu
Henry D Garvin                      Amos Barnes   Edgar W Denni-
Henry Gernster                       Joseph Parlver                 son
Wm Robinson                         Edward Greiner          Henry Elwood
George A Purring-      Chas H Phillips           Olive C Dnlanty
    ton                                       James Garrison            Mathew Middle-
Edward Little                         Seigmund Levien      ditch
Chas H McLauren                   James E Ham-             Walter S Ovens
Chas Taylor                     mond                       Darwin A Slaght
Edwin A Locke                      Daniel Bolson             Joseph S Havens
Edwin A Locke                      John Moran                 Josiah Cook
Aaron F Craig                         David Gumsley           Erastus Gillett
Hobart Loomis                        Edward McGovern Christopher J
Daniel Sourwine                     John Blakely       Ward
John Waltho                Mathew Davey           Fred'k Barth
William G Lewis                     Ira M Stockbridge       John Meadow
Henry Short                John Rice                    John K Smith
Geo F Kimball                        Rodney M Daniels George B Hayes
David Perry                             Albert Adams             Fred'k J ones
Charles Wayne                        Philip R Weick            Henry Baum
Edward Palmer                       James Shafee   Thomas Kelley,
Thomas Carby                         John Taft                     Joseph Orr
Charles Veyl               Harvey W French        Daniel Simpson
Josiah Walker              Franklin B Cond         Charles Rathbone
John B Spencer                       George Hallett            Isaac N Carr
Thomas B French                    Frederick Cock           Thomas Reily
David Lothrop                        Frederick Danford      Henry Rose
Jolm Rossiter               Thomas Burns             George Fiske
Henry C Winslow                   Edward W Evans        Franklin Van
Jeremiah Hickey                      Wm H Collins                  Naughton
George Howser                       Robert Beyers             George Wilson
Daniel Bennett                        Charles A Gibbs          James B Platt
William Roberts                      William Buffam          Hugh Sloan
James Harvey              Julius Claude   Frank Gould
Charles Pardridge                   Joseph Palmer             Conrad Vader
Horace Dodge                         James Wall
Albert Lewist              Sheldon W Fair-          George Merritt
George C Sweet                          child                        Philander B Hitch-
Richard M Lints                      James Keegan                 cock
Fayette Hill                             Edwin R White           Frank Mason
Chas Gregg                             Richard B Lyon          Sidney Hall
John A Bench                         Chas C Clemens          James G Young
John W Dickson                      Abraham Binnard       John W Roeback
Sam'l H Rathbone                   David Tucker Francis M Chan-
Homer Flint                 Chas Blashe        dler
Fred'k Bastion                         Sam'l D Oakes            Jacob Greiner
Edward Harris                        Joseph Eihle    Joshua Norton
John King                                Edward Relf   John Gitner
Samuel Koon              Thomas Orr                 Sam'l J Richards
Lyman Rumahar                     Nathan Benedict         Dwight Palmer
Thomas Perrine                       Gilbert I Allen             Robert Erskiern
Harvey E Pitkin                      Abram S F Rose
John L Parmalee                      Lorenzo Newell          Chas Spencer
Hugh Hastings                       Benjamin Loper          Geo Mathewson
John V Hall                            Henry F Jerritt             Wm Pollard
Joseph Whalen                        Robert Culver             John Egglestone
Job S Dawley              Louis Clark S Douglass Cornell
John R Zook               Moses W Cook           George T Morgan
Henry W Scott                        Geo Stonehouse          Nelson Nickols
Chas Castle                             Richard Camp             Wm B McMaster
Isaac Brun                               Grover Cleveland        Valentine Otto
Alfred H Beers                       James Logie    William Smith
Horace Stanley                        Jerrold Obrion             Alex G Green
Philip Stevens                         Herris Gregg   Job Shaw
James F Crooker                     Edwin J Erlson            John Goldie
Cornelius Davit                       Thomas Perrin             A S Winan
George Parker                         James Brown   John Cox
John Johnson               Oliver Brown Charles A Sweet
John Martin                             Henry H Stitt James Sullivan
Albert Waters              Mich'l McConnell       Allan M Adams
Stephen B Butts                      Stephen J Solman        Wm Peebles
Hugh Price                              Emery Chapman         William Flay
John Hagen                             Wm H Smith

Third Ward.
718 in the box, 214 drawn.

Christian Bres-                        Patrick Shanna-           Daniel Ellsworth
    chel                              han              Andrew Lynn
Jacob Lessing              John E Butt                 George E Pratt
Louis Waldo               Frederick Ginter          John Burke
Gotlieb Louis Rit-                   John McGee    John Phillips
    ter                                        Morgan Fox    Edward Butler
Jacob Cramer             John Handerband        John Nimhold
Robert Hull                             Joseph Maycock          Harry Schultz
Geo Rappold               Peter Glands   Patrick Hickey
John Cavanagh                        Robert Burrows          John Colk
Peter Prost                               Wm Glass                    Ernst Liable
Harry Halfin                James little                  John Pentecost
Wm Riester                             Geo W Newell
Theodore Letson                     Ed D Wollcott            Fred H Jopp
W M Peacock              Jacob Green    Lewis Neiser
Richard Calverly                     John C Crosby            James Reed
W H Gurney               John Watts                  Robert White
Peter Rudolph                         H B McCulloch           James Barney
Chas Johnson              John Goodwin            W H Barnes
Marcom Ross              Fred M Turner             Lawrence L Ste-
Richard Bowdin                     Wm Thompsom               vens
John Streich                David Salters Barney Bowles
Jas H Dennis               Walter S Lewis           Benj Parker
Daniel M Gregor                     James Thomson           Lewis Wilcox
William Task               Barnhardt Herr            W T McCormick
John Webber               Frank Ihde                  Wm Ramsay
Dennis Gleason                       John Crowell   Geo G Newman
George E Giles                        Jacob Keppell Henry Murray
John Davis                              Wm M Bean    James Parkinson
Alden M Rann                        Wm Mullen                 Geo W Mosier
James L Cleland                      Wm Wagner    Nelson Gorham
James Smith                James Leo                   George Tyler
John Bean                               Lorenz Schoegel Jr George Hallhouse
Daniel Pauley Jr                      Michael Bensler          George Diton
Edward F French                    Frank Tudao    Gayl'd S Stannard
Joseph Larreau                        Richard Harrison         Charles M Rann
Thos Fitzpatrick                      James Borst                 Richard Flemming
Merritt F Cook                        George Sargent           Mich'l McNamara
Wm C Jacus                James Hall                   Edward Bennett
Otis French                             Wallace C Hill             Chas B Smith
George Blackman                   Orlando M Chee-        Gustav Moschel
Thomas Phillipp                          ney              Thomas Gratten
George Cramer                        John Quigley   Paul Kingston
Joseph H Whit-                       Wm Hothouse             Jeremiah Fitz-
    field                                     Chas L Pond       patrick
Edward F Wha-                      Jacob Eisler                 John Glass
    land                                     Thomas Parmin           Chas Hitchberger
Archibald Walter-                   Israel Groginsky          John McFarland
    house                                   Michael Hemerle         John Richie
John Lynch                             Wm F McCollum        Bruce R Clark
David Ryan                             Steward McGowan Joseph Mugridge
Henry Tappen-                        Wm N Barnes             Samuel N Spafford
    doen                                    John Sweeney             John Wilson
John Ross                                Jacob Theobald           John H Hintzed
Thomas Simpson                     Charles Sherman         Frekerick D Pla
Wm Whipple               Jacob Radensky          Lewis Wilcox
TimothyMcCarthy      Louis Dettman            John Lawrence
Ernet C Dorman                      John Thomas   Peter Hallman
Wm Goodenough                   Andrew Iseley            Mich McCaley
Peter Cramer               Wm Gall                      Casper Usher
David Hunt                             Wm White                   Frederick Myers
Brock Thompson                     Lawr Schreckel           Michael O'Leary
Geo Dart                                 Hubert Tatro   Albert C Calkins
Wm Simpson               Henry S. Riddle          Herman Greener
John Cottier                James Harrison            Benj B Hill
David Mitchell                        Ephriam Barnes           Geo W Kenyon
James Parley                Martin Rehorn             Phillip Winstein
Fred G Keech                         John Nash                   Geo Douglas
John Estean                             Jacob Shaffer Ed J McCormick
John Jones                               Adam Man                  Franklin Anderson
Jacob Schmidt                         David Scanlan             John Valle
Charles B Dautzer                   Edward Dwyer           Michael Maney
Thomas Howard                     John McDermott   Patrick Killarley  
Thomas Lickman                     Jacob Blessing       Patrick Kane
David Lafalin                          David Stewart

The Draft was resumed at Fort Porter this morning at 10 o'clock, the Fourth Ward being the first to pass under the fateful wheel. The following are the names drafted:

Fourth Ward—5th District.
(No. of names in the box, 405: No. drawn 120.)
Wm Bedford               Jacob Warr                  Fred Finader
John Clark                               Ed Moeller                  Geo Marcel
Brandon Bell               Hyman Coon   Frank Lovell
Thorn Sanders                         Gotthel Weinhold       Elihu Cole
Henry Schaeffer                      Geo P German            Alfred H Smith
Unol J Winship                       Conrad Ostheim          Joseph Ranch
Peter Gardiner                         Nic Weiss                    Allen Shepperd
M E Bennett               Abraham T. Bosse Franz G Brotz
Geo Black                               Marshall M Lorenz Chas Crawfort
Fred Wilhelm              Andreas Hornung       John Kieffer
Geo E Johnston                       John Graff                   Chas Johnson
Michael Jung               William Lang Geo Herrington
Oliver Beinck              Ed Gilbert                   Val Otto
John Hall                                 Geo Jeeger                  Mathew Welder
Homer B Reynolds     Wm Weber                  Wm Bergholtz
Louis Eckel                             Francis J Stephan        John G Bickel
Geo Kock                                Lucius McDonnell Henry Schenk
Wm Foster                              Geo Keller                   Ed Chappil
Chas Geyer                             John H Mar                 Geo Efner
W Scheffel                              Rans Palmer    Peter Jung
John Penter                             Fred Hampt                 Guston Grimmart
Martin Loewe                         Joseph Watts   Wm Gerloch
M Meyer                                 Fred Kloke                  A Vanderlinden
Chris Smith                             Anthon Schmitt          Mart Wiedderkehr
S W Whitkansky                     Henry Hurstig             Fritz Yacker
John Philips                 Geo Westerman          Jacob Yacker
Joseph Schmitt                        Thos Robinson            Andrews Karl
Chas Chester               Abraham Wendell       Joseph Schiebel
Daniel Weiss               Joseph Mox                 Conrad Young
Chas Meier                              William Johnson          Nicholas Moersch-
Louis Ulrich                Jacob Frick                      felden
John Geyer                              John A Bieber             John Meyer
John Seipp                               Frank Bartelle             Fritz Beiser
Michael Schneider      Jacob Eckel                 Peter Hoffman
John H Walter                         John Paul                     Mathias Gardner
John Balmann                         Thos Pierce                  John Graff
Peter Weller                John Strike                  Theodore Weigel
John Schafer               John Welder    John Kuhner
Joseph Terry                Fred Kurtzwarth         Carl Stroh
Phil J Fahrman                        Henry Lux                   Wm Sanford


4th Ward—6th District.
(No. of names in box, 360; No. drawn, 107.)

Adam Cornelius                      Daniel Howard           Martin Kuhn
Allan M Wilbur                       George Van Vleck William Lenettke
Joseph Albroster                     Charles Smith John Colligon
D D Benedict              Chas Hillbrecht           F A Valentine
Frank Gallenbach                    Marx Bertman             Lawrence Green
Edwd D Gardner                    Royal Berry     Robert Henneage
Robert W Miller                      Andrew Shiels            Jos G M Rogers
Martin Lampp                         George Smith Francis Handel
Fredk Wendelin                      Francis Bell                 Wm Gethoefer
Thomas E Riddle                    Joseph Field    Wm Linnenkohl
Louis Maner                Jacob Hafner   Chas Harries
Joseph Parmentier                   Chas Vogel                 Beno Birckell
Alex H Dixon                         Chas Hetterich            Martin Gollenbach
Chas Bronner              Richd Callahan           George Seyler
Wm Rice                                 Robert Blume Chas Miller
Christian Auer                         Louis Frey                   Asa White
Phil N Besancon                     Wm D Davis   Philip Miller
Hugh Wall                               Jacob Herman             Walter Weldon
Samuel Cobb               Chas Baul                    Gustavus Fuchs
Thos S Cutting                        John Werner    John Frasier
Chas W Lampman      Philo A Balcolm jr Peter Weigel
Christoph Hinne                      Eugene Christoph       Wm Litz
Chas Steimel               Andrew Flick Henry E Kraus-
Fredk Gram                             John Winterstein             kopf
Louis Retscher                        Edwin Barth   Bernhard Festner
Wm H Smith               Wm Wood                  Geo Peck
James Johnson                         Hiram L Lewis            Frank Lang
Peter Miller                             Benj S Tupper             August Behring
Philip Meyer                Philip Murphy             John Sharp
Louis Freund               Frederich Preiss           John Garnett
Wm H Graves                         Daniel Herrbach          Michael Pitkin
Lucian C Sibley                      John Philip Kopf         Herman Cosack
Wm Jones                                Wallace Smith             Frederick Kempf
John Irlbacher                         Wm Oniunko Adam Gehringer
Henry W Bleyr                        Otto Sohm                  Jacob Vanderwerf
John Haag                               John Franklin Charles Heimerle

5th Ward—7th District.
(No. of names in box, 666; No. drawn, 198.)

Geo B Cook                Robt Milledge             Otto Besser
Augustus Schmidt                  John Lueks                  Sebastian Schre
Ezra J Varney              Theod'e Berthranie Geo Grise
Geo Rohl                                 Jacob Lutz                   C Schenkelberger
Henry Wind                           Chas A Thomas           Jas Coyle
Andrew Wilhelm                    Carl F Mutter Morris Thum
Francis Duhl                Chas W Shaw             C P Chamot
G Mettsger                              John Humble   John Meyer
Jacob Witmer              Jacob Wallaber            Frank Keyser
Nicholas Kieffer                     Valentine Jones           Ferdinand Kell
Alois Yerger                Wm Minnis                 John Dinnerberger
Fred Gaiser                             Fredk Klipfel Jacob Reimann
Theo Carrington                      Michl Diebold             Joseph Wilson
John Fhiedens                         Otto Jager                   Louis Meyer
Michl Hummel                        Chas Spork                  Andrew S Baldwin
Henry Jansen               David Bruce    Chas J Hamlin
Joseph Metz                Frank Brecker             Joseph Reimar
Louis Mesner              Linus Speidel Chas Danun
John Pfeiffer               Henry Zeller    Frank Bittel
Wm Jarvis                               Henry Christ   John L Flagg
Adam Kohl                             Fred M Fries   Patrick Henry
Bernard Leibler                       Louis Schafer Joseph Hogg
Michael Kutz              Fred Willard    Chas Husted
Geo Erllbacher                        Rich A Lay
Hiram Woodward                   Peter George   J N Rechtenwald
Geo Pfister                              John Miller                  Nicholas Huss
Jacob Behm                 John Bensing   John Colligon
Benedict Huber                       Albert A Gillett           John Mensch
John Schmiltz              Thos Schlenker            Henry Menich
John Schmidt              Austin V Sprague       Jacon Hoffer
Enick Erickson                        Wm Devereaux           George Roos
John Geo Hoffer                     Joseph Sindell             Charles Herintzke
Henry Argus               John Groetsch             Xavier Koch
Simon Frazer               Fred'k Thompson        Augustus Kaiser
Willi am Jackson                     Joseph Houck John Morris
John Walsh                              Christian Steigel          Henry Myers
Frederick Fitzer                       John Moody    Jacob Schwinn
Peter Baude                            George Richter            John Schefflen
Henry Gross                            John M Pomroy           Frederick Lutz
Charles Scheu                         Conrad Steffel            Frank Grostephan
Michael Kein               Henry Gerono             Nicholas Menneir
John Mehring              Casper Retel    John Roedel
Jacob Marhover                       Jacob Hackemar          Michael Stack
Smith Nichols                         William Meyer            John A Metzger
Daniel Bowen                         Frank Berger   Andr'w Kamerling
William Byers                         Joseph H Benzino
Bertold F Brown         Jacob Meyer          John M Kelly
Jas Frazer                                Nicholas Isla   John Schwartz
Jacob Furch                             Anthony Meupert       Rodney Kendrick
John Kupner                John Terry                   Solomon Abraham
John Stack                               James A Husted          Wm E Cattell
Fred Schroeck                         Andw Armstrong        Jacob Poh
Antoine Degenfel-      John Kamerling           Frank Wilhelm
    der                                       Conrad Schuler           Thomas Perkins
John Grobe                              Jacob Knoell   Theob Walter
John Ginchrist                         Joseph Schutz             Peter Farber
John Beck                               Frank Eber                  Danl Duane
Christoph Seil-                        Jacob Becker   George Childs
    heimer                                 Henry Cier                  Joseph Alfes
John Durr                                Addison P Mason       Michael Downey
Conrad Reinsber-                    William Smith             Michael Hiller
    ger                                       Valentine Zeigler        John Beck
Albert Downs                         John Wilson    John H Weeks
John Storm                              John Thilen                  Henry W Phillips
John H Ecles               Geo J C Woehnert      Hosmer Quinn
Samuel McCut-                       Daniel Bergtold          William McGean
    cheon                                   William Kraengle        Isaac W Colie
Henry Roos                             James A Eeles             Andrew Snaib

5th Ward—8th District.
(No. in box, 184: No. drawn, 53.)

David Nesley              Valentine Sadler         Charles Olfe
Wm Erdman                Philip Martiner            Michael Beigler
Geo Betterman                        Adam Smith    Henry Wegers
George Fester              George Polock            Fred'k Schron
John Stricke                Charles Houser            Thos J Lockwood
Michael Cormick                     Theodore Malson        John Hannell
Christopher Lang                    John Hold                   Ebener Wasson
Jacob Hold                              John Rosle                   John Young
John Rosbeg                Benj Fowler    Michael Kuber
Louis Seibold              Fred Freyschlag          John Lencanhuler
Patrick Gordon                       Thos Hobson   Miles Wasson
Louis Luipold                         Chas Long                   Conrad Deumener
George Whypert                     Edward Bushy            Henry Foote
John Vantlander                      Philip H Arand            Oscar Wust
John Bamcold                         Michael Meyer            Seymour Schneber
Patrick Lanchen                      John Gregor    John Lipland
Michl McGinnis                      William Zimmer          Sylvanus Eckloff
Henry Weess

6th Ward—9th District.
(No. of Names in Box, 496: No. Drawn, 151.)

Daniel Young              Clem't Schmering        Louis Dentinger
Joseph Densinger                    Henry Georger            Jacob Kerlein
Chas Ditloff                Casper Frier     Frank Steindeil
Peter Shoemaker                     Valentine Hess            Wm Folk
John Barth                               Philip Wagner             Augustus Kesler
Fred Kreitz                              Chas Keiser                 Jacob Schwartz
C F Almendinger                    Joseph Conrad            John Wagner
Geo Baer                                 Jacob Gehart   C'as Bartholomew
Peter Sonnick              John Siegele    Christian Sumner
Franz Steble                Peter Schanck             Peter Schneidel
Max Schweitzer                      John Wagner   Jacob Wackerman
Jordon Butler              Phil Springwater         Henry Bieler
Moritz Shoeneberg      Martin Morloch           George Satler
Peter Schmale                         Stephen Meyarius       Hiram Arnas
Martin Reifer              Christn Eberhart          John Weller
Conrad Filhauer                      Eng Vanderbush         William Herlan
John Ham                                John Schieffer             Harrison Jones
Christian Kreiger                     John Hughs                 Henry Spann
William Sherer                        Christian Koners         Wending Sherer
Andrew Sigourney      Adam Rubach             Fredk Ribbel
Nelson Baker              Louis Braun    William Nagel
Jacob Schmall                         Joseph Meyer Andrea Stdichams
Chas Glassman                        Joseph Lang    John Reinhardt
___ Schmidt                Henry Wagner             John A Miller
Jacob Deiner               Mathias Bales John Burch
John Meher                             Irbardt Ottiger            John Merkle
John Voegele              John Kinsley   John Heintzelman
John Hain                                John Peter                   John Walter
Fred Brechtner                        Henry Kulbacher         Jacob Kramer
Jacob Peter                  George Mart                Nicholas Reitz
George Renback        Fred Weiss             Gottlieb Vegle
Jacob Krichner            Martin Beyer          Philip Dick
George Schoeder        Jacob Kern             Joseph Dinneber-
Justis Nowish              Roland Reither           ger
Jacob Beyer                 Adam Kochuns       Wm Ostheymer
Gottleib Kronig-                     Carl Phillips     Frederick Beck
    feld                          Casper Rohrba-           Nicholas Clop
Frederick Joutze                          cher                         Frederick Willing
Chas Schwartz                        Joseph Oeler    George Schneider-
George Sele                 Gustave Plank                 wine
Sylvester Hilbert                     Alise Staub                  Joseph Frieden-
Philip Busher               Barthasser Euler              berg
___ Geiger                              Frank Rankenber-       William Hunsche
Nicholas New                             ger                           George Knipel
Peter Kochraber                      JohnAdler                   John Williams
Isadore Schlegeter
Henry Hopfner                        John Wuest                 Franz Jung
___ Voght                               Michael Louis             Franz Schuler
Frank Jackman                        Charles Braun             Henry Wolfle
Mich Zimmer              Chas Kanzon   Ferdk Shultz
John Ruhlandt                         George New    August Knetsch
John Ritter                              Joseph Figart   Thos Johnson
Con'd Brinkmeyer                   Eugene Noel   August Meng

6th Ward—10th District.
Number in Box, 226—To be drawn, 64.

Conrad Hartman                     John Domil                  John Seibert
Michael Zacher                       Michael Siedel            Peter Profeck
Valentine Frank                      Peter Graffen Antoine Frey
Carl Schaeffer                         Franz Hepf                  Carl Hoffman
Joseph Gallmeyer                    Benjamin Steng           George Ziffper
Philip Buck                             Fred'k Ehrle    Justice Betcher
Michael Wierd                        Henry Haas                 Adam Koch
Job Leonard Fish-                   Valentine Wolf           Andrus Roths-
    er                                         Peter Braun                     meyer
Felix Groser                Selastian Steigler         Michael Zeller
George Hertel                         Henry Dgen    August Ginter
Carl Logeler                John Frierman             John Seibel
Fred Buhler                             George Neihert           John Schutram
George Herbold                      Joseph Ivan                 John Kurtz
Wilhelm Godwin                    John Zimmer   Albert Kuntz
Johan Beiber               Nicholas Geiger          Michl Buhler
Mathias Duffman                    Wil Schlothauer          Geo Englehardt
Philip Saffel                Edwd Barnes Philip Gerlach
John Mertis                             Wilhelm Graver           John Baltz
Nalis G Adams                       John Wolf                   Michl Schreiber
Wilhelm Zahler                       John Johe                    Andrew Eder
August Long               Valentine Betz            Andros Leins

POLICE DRILL.—The armed, unarmed, and special police, will have a drill and review ...

The City and Vicinity.
At ten o'clock last Saturday the draft was resumed   at Fort Porter. Notwithstanding the rain that prevailed, the attendance on the grounds      was by no means small. The best of order attended the morning's proceedings. Mr. Diederich Erdmann was selected to make the drawings for the day. The wards to be drafted from, were the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth. The following is the result:

7th Ward---11th District.
SEVENTH WARD—550 in the box, 156 drawn.

Marvin Church                        Henry Halbach            John Match
Charles Stroh              Peter Rerer                  Louis Levening
John White                              John Gaufman             Fred'k Bush
John Sherber               Sebastian Bickle-        Pat'k Cunning-
Emanuel Deten-                          man                             ham
    dal                                       Christian Koons          William Binder
David Burger              James White    Martin Raab
Michael Bieler                         Thos Wilkeson            Conrad Mausch
Peter Harter                             Michael Winters          Eli Hoflens
George Leterer                        William Ware Daniel Hartlett
Henry Donner                         George Lininger          John Reckert
Joseph Mitchell                       Christian Gewhart       John Shafer
Stephen Cellent                       Fred'k Hark
E;isha C Dean                         Florin Danlor   Jacob Kimberly
John Koch                               Charles F Roth            Chas Regan
Philip Kalla                             Henry Funk                 Edward Bryant
Christian Betz                         John Hellenger            Franz Zitter
Chas J Baker               John Zawslosky          Michael Zegler
Chas Haad                              Frederick Lauer           Adam Bingeman
Frederick Brown                     John Schrier    Erastus S Dean
Frederick Krabel                     Henry Smith    Ludwig Miller
George Hooker                       Eugene Grosgans        Frederick Beier
John Klein                               Baptiste Redpiler        Ernst Gratzmacher
Henry Scheu               Michael Hinold           William Knorr
Philip H Danner                      John Pileger     Peter Geering
John A Andress                      John Bakhover            Fredk Neaman
Theo Howman                        Lambert Hubbers        Mark Mitchell
Robert Anderson                    John Schleewise          Andrew Wasner
John Bair                                 John Rochert   Fredk Wagner
Levi Ostedt                             Michael Roth Henry N Smith
Nicholas Jackman                   John Balz                    Jacob Rauenrock
Joseph Agan                Rudolph Wolter          John Right
John Kappel                Peter Fromholz            Horace Green
Albert Unhole                         Benhard Zitt   John Chambers
Chas Garber                Jno Grobinstader         Lewis Geid
Peter Heloff                Christian Roder           George Dewalt
Fred Hoffens              A Baumstarck             Michael Ulrich
Lobert W. Gibson                   Thomas Sthreit            Robert Venelor
John Kesler                             August Haun   Michael Brantman
Andrew Storgs                        John Kroe                    Frederick Muller
Irwin Seely                              James Wilson George Maderer
Nicholas Reinlan-                    John Zimmer   Michael Fencel
    der                                       John Shoder    Schnitz Aelle-
Henry Daer                             John Peters                      wacker
Geo Connor                Geo Ziler                     Casper Lesser
Martin Hacker                         John Rodemon            Fred Nicolas
John Hagel                              Owl Penderfer            Johh Burwick
Peter Lany                               Michael Keller             ___ Hickler
Wolfgan Schikert                    John Winter     Gottleib Larnke
Chas Krichkoff                       Franz Rabonstau-        Jacob Wagner
Geo Fisher                                   ber                           Fred Fredericks
Peter Kuhner               Peter Sharer     Nicholas Ast
Jacob Wert                              John Rechner Chas R Butters
Martin Fisher               Wm Wisherhoff          John Younger

7th Ward---12th District.
No. of names in box, 94; No. drawn, 25.

Richard Fort                James Townsend         Martin Vogt
Henry Himbex-                       John Neller                  Christian Bersch
    ein                                       Otis McColloch           Michael Hertel
Philip Riel                               Frank Reiley    James Baetz
Franz Rossel                Conrad Phillipi            John Zimmerman
James Braun                Albert Hitzel   John Selvis
Henry Beischi                         George Seeman           Geo Keller
Christian Senzler                     Geo Schnellinger         Charles Glass
Fred'k Moore              John Hause


8th Ward---13th District.
Number in Box, 799--To be drawn, 238.

George Rider              James Golden Henry Foslin
Charles Clark              Robert Polley William Foreman
Patrick Carey              Henry Morgan             John Ostield
Albert Pennell                         William Hightan          Daniel Dunn
Jacob Smith                 Augustus Gerse           Andrew Kirby
John Dowling             Michael Herbin           Little Black
Charles Williams                     Robert Bader William Wallace
John Curl                                 Benjamin Cady           William Rowan
Benjamin Page                        William Firth   Patrick Higgins
James Smith                Silas Merrill     Thomas Cole
James Tonlan               Patrick Tooey John Taylor
Danl Sullivan              Wm Long                    John Roundstand
Owen Tracey               Cornelius Sullivan Abram Rome
Patk Geren                              Wm Taylor                  Wm Mulligan
James Meed                John Weston   James Mullin
Richard Short              Cornelius Dunn           James Milan
James Pomroy                         John Whitnell Lyman Francis
David Felger               Martin Cruice Wm Lannagan
Edward Ryan              James Campbell          Thos Enright
James Henry                Cyrus Summers           James Sloan
Michael Hurley                       John Sinclair    Albert White
Moses Deevin                         Chas Allen                  Geo Middleton
Isaac Morehead                       Sidney Byron Thos Murphy
Ditman Mintel                         George Ryder             Usual Noble
William Smith                         Alfred Phayal Thomas Daly
Eli Standish                             Conrad Schiener         Charles Blair
Michael Wolfe                        John S Haefer             Merritt Shomberg
Charles Darcy                         Fred'k Hitt                  Charles Hucee
William Doherty                     Thomas Daly   John Pye
Thomas Forbes                        Richard Sterne            Joseph Bomber
Michael Milroy                        William Archer            Thomas Wogan
John Velger                             Hugh Brady    William Felton
Patrick Lafferty                      Peter Chick                 John McGee
Thomas Fairburn                     Isaac Martin    Bernard McManus
William Alford                        Chas Gaetz                  John Sheehan
Ottner Walheim                      John Vanderberg         William Hamilton
James Shaver               James Tanner   John Milburn
Chas Noble                             Cornelius Burns          John Murphy
Alex Rogers                Frank Thornton           Oliver Donlinson
Nicholas Karens                      Jacob Johe                   John McDougal
_erry Donovan                        James Ash                   William Franklin
Robert Bornes                         Chas Sweegels            John Kinyon
Henry Turner               John Connell   John Frolic
Richard Nichols                      William Hill     Alonzo Thayer
_uther Weston                         Pete McAulibbe
James Carpenter                      Louis Pfohl                 George Somers
HenryWeisenha-                     Andrew Milbach         Jonathan Kean
    mer                          Henry Miller    Andrew Kahlus
James Carey                James Reily                 Charles Boyce
Adam Wallennel-                    John Francis    Chas Beadhalt
    len                                       Thomas Cotrell            Pat'k Sullivan
Martin Manahan                      Stephen Flint   Christian Hoff-
Patrick McCue                        James Gibbon     man
Thomas Hunter                       Isaac Thompson          John Brennan
James Dillon                Joseph Robinson         John Holden
George Kimbell                       Adam Judgner            John Clement
Charles Kilberg                       Edward Meyers
John Cox                                 Francis Bocelit            Chas Rafer
Henry Effner               John Taylor                 Henry Brooks
Isaac Brown                Jas Perkins                   LenafarThare
John Frederick                        Henry Schnyder          Casper Strobel
Miles Foley                             Thos Braham   Edw Workman
Abraham Harris                       Wm Boston                 John Dutch
Nicholas Weott                       John Nata                    John Daly
Lewis Davis                Jas Dorian                   Thos Durkin
Rich'd Hall                              Frank Williams            Conrad Ott
Andrew Jackson                     Hugh Gibson   Peter Fempil
Geo W Stall                Ed Whalen                  Geo Kemp
Wm Mezelons                         Wm Haskins
John Day                                 Isreal Lockard             Jeremiah M'Carthy
John Huntz                              Adam Burton James Milton
William Welsh                         Edwin McCoy            James Burns
Samuel Sterman                      Peter Thomas Fred Billing
Chas Derby                             Asa Covell                  Chas Steller
Albert Lyman              Chas Clark                  John Blilal
Hugh Carney               James Duff                  Wm Kanderback
John Kaldenback                    Samuel Barnstone       Henry Amstrong
Thos Magget               Joseph Maloy John Thompson
Andrew Fail                Thos Dickinson           Chas Maloy
Peter McClarry                        Albert Howey             Adam Muster
Christ Bonhart                        Stephen Schellnean Fred Unhold

9th Ward--14th District.
(No. of names in box, 475: No. drawn, 140.)

Frank A Sears                         Lyman Hunt    Goodwin J Bowen
James Kent                              Harry Smith    Ludewig Le Clear
Alfred G Lathrop                    Francis Schell Jerry Fairman
John I Avery               Adam Hill                   Roselle Lyman
John D Johnson                       John C Nagle Chas Pierce
Chas E Marvin                        Thos B Wright            Peter Hiser
Giles Slocum               George King   John Van Vert
John Bindler                George H Hoover       William H Moore
Oscar Folsom              Oscar C Lindsey         Henry Bierma
John Wallace               A L Washburne           David Burt
Henry Brunn               Levi Bronson Milton Provoost
A Francis Deto-                      Joseph Havens            George Heard
    drig                          Henry Smith    Wm T Bryan
George W Towns-                   James Prusham            John Dolan
    end                          Conrad Warren-          Chas A Clinton
James Wilson                  wager                      Chas D Holaman
James Reynolds                      Henry Sauerwine        Lyman K Bass
Chas N Laurey                        George Shirmer           William Bisgood
Richard P Jones                      George A Krupp         Thos Cummings
Zadoch D Norton                   Moses Dudley             John Rogers
Henry Sage                             Bernard McDon-         Edward Smith
George P Barker                         ald                           John Folger
Geo W Reese              George McCrinn         Henry Richmond
Andrew Hickey                      William Barlow           James Penfield
Geo W Crosier                        Alonzo H Coit            William H Wood-
John May                                George Oatman               ward
George A Stringer                   John Elligott    George Winter
Wm Kent Jr                             Hen G Morehand        David G Jackson
Edwin Pardridge                     Geo Wynhamer           John Reid
T V N Penfield                       John McCaffny           Wm Dorsheimer
Daniel Congreve                     John B Sage    Chas D Marshall
John A Dorr                John Scovill
Ebenezer B Guth-                  Wm L Swan    Sam'l Bidwell
    rie                                        Owen McCannon        Edw Harrington
Robt Liermont                        Chas A Best    Samuel Merrick
Laban Fortier              Wm G Schrader          Francis Tenant
Thos Galligan              Leander Joslyn            Elmore H Walker
Wm H Newman                      George Going
Thos Chepler               Stoughton C    James Vanin-
John L Hickey                             Moore                          wagen
Cadwallader Bull                    John E Gleason           James H McKen-
Horace L Pember-                   Frank W Tracy                zie
    ton                                       John Bulger                 George W Stickney
James Ladd                             Wm Reid                     James G Stevens
Henry Small                John M Brown            Adam Reibeling
John S Provost                        Hubert Murray
Hamilton Cowan                     Steph Lockwood        Thos A Jebb
John F Hoover                        Jacob Erb                    Frank Lenk
James L Barton                       Thos Henry                 Benjamin B Clark
Peter J Hanour                        Elias O Salisbury         John Levi
Frank Carpenter                      Louis D Voltz             Theo S Coburn

The draft was resumed at Fort Porter yesterday forenoon at ten o'clock. The wards to be drafted from, were the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th, which closes the draft in the city. Mr. Norman B. McNiel was selected to make the drawings. The attendance on the grounds was large, and the best of feeling prevailed.

Tenth Ward--15th District.
(No. of names in the box, 428: No. drawn 129.)

Wm H Walker                         Oliver G Steele Jr        Nathaniel Hucker
James Dudley              Frank W Fiske             Louis Longman
Rich'd Townsend                    Addison J Lyman       Thomas Gramon
Nathaniel Hall                         Oliver Burt      Dennis Roach
Robert Robinson                     Chas H Brothers         Wm Hackett
Nicholas Smith                        Cornelius Gleason Edwin Dows
Wm C Armstrong                   Wm Murphy    Frank Rode
John M Karney                       Frank Shadrick            Robert Adams
Nicholas Getz                         John H Tryon Wm K Allen
Henry Morey               Fred B Squier Wm Curtis
Edwd B Phillips                      Cassius C Candee       Patrick Kinney
John P Greisen                        Edward Dowes           Chris Hoffman
James O Munroe                     Geo Olds                     Chas W Woodruff
Fred'k Masten                         Frank Finger    William Hagan
Henry Taynbee                        John P Diehl    Hugh Morrow
Patrick Dooley                        Edwd D Holman        Pete Bartholomew
Peter J Ripont                         Wm V Wilkeson         Mattis Tomison
Samuel Mulligan                     H B Starkweather       Chas Townsend
Wm E Young              John Campbell            Henry B Moulton
Robt Croford              Pat Magee                   Geo Kager
Wm A Kellogg                        Minor Williams           Lemon L Culver
Wm McCarb               Wm C Rudolph           Wm Williams
George J Hill               Holden Storolan          John Rouke
Anthony Gaslle                       Rufus H Beckwith Chas D Noble
Francis Martin                         Thos Sully                   Jas Demming
Geo J Bryan                Chas I Clark    John Jimerson
Gilbert Noughton                    Saml D Flagg Jr          Wm Starke
Thos Whilwall                         Louis Mathews           Wm Blackmar
Jas B Sheehan                         Phillip King     Frank Kim
Chas Ensign                Wm Brown                 Walter L Curtis
Wm Golden                James Sidway             Samuel Williams
Wm Jones                                Henry Deihl    Stephen C Clark
Ed Bogert                  Steph E Roberts          Jas H Hall
John B Manning                      Walter Campbell         Geo B Ketchum
Harden A Ross                       Francis Kerson            Theobold Burgard      
Robt Dunlap                           Anthony Kinskey        F M Comstock
James Dunlap              George Landin            Pearl Spencer
Casper Hizer               Christopher Seford  Marshal N Jones
James Norris                Henry Bristol Chas Yackley
Horace Wilcox                        Francis J Atwater        Lyman Demmon
James Finley                William Pease Thomas W Toye
William A Chard                     Josiah Sweeney           Phillip Bower
Wm O Holbrook                     Charles H Hodra         John G McKinley

11th Ward—18th District.
(No. of Names in Box, 473; No. Drawn, 139.

Sylvester Cham-                      John Gross                  Thos McDuff
    berlain                                 James Brown   Jacob Roesser
Elisha Quacken-                      James Root                  John Falls
    bush                                     John Butcher   Alex Hatler
Robert Herniman                    James Rody                 Wm Thomas
Geo M Love                James Sweeny             Emery C Squier
Vincent Schoule                      Henry Hess                 Isaac Driesbach
John Darcy                              Frederick Beck-          Chas S Tripp
Austin Allen                    man                         Benj R Devoe
David Robb                            Mich'l Gorman            Fred'k Morton
John Kennedy                         Edward Mabius          Orvin L Gridley
James Jones                 Leonard Dodge           Sam'l Kelderhouse
Patrick Mahan                         Francis Martin             Daniel Silvus
Arthur Welsteed                     Harrison Wade            Michael Wilson
Patrick Carroll            Moses Doyle   James Bohan
Frank Johnson                         Wm Walker     Wm Hill
Barton Collins                         Patrick Lyons George Kantz
Edward Pangman                   Henry Dagner             Chas H Williams
John Stevens                           George Kent               Ebenezer Ludlow
Robert Hassen                         Chas Deming Jno C Stephenson
Ernst Henkins                         Geo Newbrook           Wm Schaffer
Wm Jacobs                              John Fix                      Geo Dickson
Chas Dedman                         Michael Farley            Sam'l McGowan
Peter McDermott                    Anthony Casper          Frank Stoebell
Fred'k Schlutter                      Chas Ragan                 Hurley Demming
John Lees                                Michael Daly   Henry Usel
Henry Thauer              John Ryan                  M J Harney
Edw'd S Rich              Hurl Bristow   Chas Fry
Alfred Morey              John G Groess             James Haley
Thos D Collarton                    Edward S Dann          Valentine Volz
Chas Crandall                         Burlington R   Wm Fitzgerald
Martin Ryan                    Vaughn                   James G Coots
Edward Campbell                   Chas McBeth John Lanyon
Gustave Krendell                    George Faulkner         Peter Kehr
Stephen Barker                       Wm Porter                   Patrick Dickson
George Foy                             Edw'd C Taintor         Wm Gaul
Wm Huston                             Adney Callahan          H J French
Francis C McDer-                   John Kennell   James Welsh
    mott                                     William Connor           Daniel Coyne
Wm McCready                       George Harley             Edmund S Ralph
Thad C Davis              Philip Simmons           Augustus Frees
John Serries                 Herman G Woods Alfred Stratford
Hall Thompson                        Nathan Scoville           Richd Armstrong
Stephen Zink               Warren Wood             Albert Kurnell
Barker Talisman                      Henry Dechard           James Fitzgerald
Wm Leehman              John H Crandall          Michael Collins
Charles Castle                         Henry Tanner James Delany
George McClury                     Thomas Valentine       Isaac Caddock

12th Ward—17th District.
(No. in box, 368; No. drawn, 107.)

James Hollaran                        Norman Whitman       John Cheeke
Wm Williams              Wm Ader                    John Haty
Fred'k Zeller                Thomas Mulls Wm F More
Wm Dimmick              Sam'l Austin    John Carrol
Frank Balsor                Calvin G Austin          Thos Hamond
Randolph Krutz-                     Frank Kientz   Norman Whitman
    man                                     Louis Hoeck    Jacob Ailinger
Charles Fredel                         Jacob Gibie                 Fred'k Wolf
Jacob Houck               Philip Sherman            Jos Groesei
Hartman Lusher                      Philip L Wirnig           John L Bear
Frederick Wilkie                     Joseph Hirt                  A A Snow
Martin Simmer-                       Washington Rus-        Michael Hem-
    man                                         sell                               ming
Charles Durst              John Cherry     Chas Metzger
Wm Crysley                Frank Oatmeyer          John Styan
Hamond Leorman                   Michael Shiber            Peter Striker
Henry Steymer                        Frank Vogel    Michael Winter
Chester Van Cam-                  Chancey Muine           Stephen Ripstock
    pin                                       Louis Stechman          George Oatman
Michael Stan-              George Jewtsch           Chas Verner
    houser                                  Harrison Wells            Henry Rope
Jack Bonhardt                         George Libes   Peter Backhizer
Phil Kirschmeyer         Alexander Fee             Henry Safford
Henry L Ciezer           Christopher Kraft        Frank Schulze
John Sekelar                Leopold Leip Fred'k Hornky
Nicholas Mader                       Casper Sannif Charles Cup
Chas McNelly                         Adam Backhiser         John Striker
M C Follick                             William Taylor            Anthony Geygie
Chris Bronner              Wm Stowerline           Peter Goss
Filan Wheedle                         Chas Ackerman           Fred'k Crubrer
Michael Fox                Martin Sherman          James W Bowling
Jacob Clock                 John Cise                     John Phinney
John DeWitt                Henry Coons   Joseph Lasso
John Roberts               Gabriel Ailinger          Fred'k Wilkie
Joseph Newhouse                   Aaron Maguire            Sam'l Blossom
Geo Gier                                 Adam Blust                 Casmere Sherer
Fred'k Garribar                        Adam Sholder John Argus
Alex Leeman               John DeWitt

13th Ward—18th District.
No. of names in box, 144; No. drawn, 40.

Wm Stirman                Peter Besher    Charles Hall
Michael Morrisey                    Joseph Fisher   Bartlett Hawkins
John Kelly                               August Roase Lambert Laycock
John Vanderslice                     Bernhardt Ham-          N B Browley
Francis Roots                  mersmith                 John Easley
Christian Klink                        Jacob Lenhard             Henry Swanson
Alfred Clark                Henry McPherson       William Koppe
Henry Wilbur              Michael Free   Charles Shoeber
John Winters               Lyman Gage   Auglis Elahue
John Kanserby                        George Strong             James Smith
Frederick Peters                      Nelson Emerson          Wm Little
Frank Tonner                           Ephraim Robin-           Geo Lowry
Charles Arey                               son jr                       Andw Sleislinger
John Thompson                       John Kinney                Jacob Eckhart

The draft for the Country Towns commenced yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, at Fort Porter. The towns to be drafted from were Alden, Amherst, Aurora, Boston and Brant The various places interested were pretty well represented. Mr. John C. Rogers, of Alden was selected by the assemblage to make the drawings. The following is the result of the day's draft:

Alden---19th District.
No. of names in box, 195; No. drawn, 57.

George Walter                         Azor Rowan    Wm E Saunders
R F. Barnes                             Phelix B Durkee          Chas Baum
Christian Kessel                      Mathias Walter            Wm Barringer
Samuel Barber                         Jesse Monroe   Henry Yotter
John M_rnan               E.R Skull                     Jacob Yuncker
John Hagar                              Fred'k Vine                 Fredk Rodloff
Andw Phiester                        Aaron Colby   Barnhard Yerker
James O'Donald                      George Luart   Wilbur Frink
Francis B Fulton                     Gregory Starbell          John L Gay
Wesley Larkins                       Frederick Stein-          Stephen Garlock
Joseph Reinhardt                        brecher                    R N Butler
George Redfoot                      Chas Cook                  Frank Barnhard
Ans A Blackmail                     Issa M Messinger        John Schwegler
Justus L Butter-                      Max Issinger   Nelson Kegler
    field                                     Joseph Pobb    William Warner
Wm Barnes                             Chas Weybush            Michael Lash
Fred'k Thatcher                       Jacob Barge     Joseph Kigler
Walter Howard                       Michael Deckerd         John Sumners
Andrew Sperback                   William Dryer             Wm Fuller
Bernhardt May                        George Starbell

Amherst--20th District.
(No. of names in the box, 313: No. drawn 90.)

Eli Bush                                  John Myer                   John Deihl
Jeremiah Fogel-                       Nathan B Wright        John Witmaur
    songer                                  William H Hoover Benjamin B Ream
Andrew Boye                         Joseph Seifert George Rummel
Jacob Baker                 Henry Foltine James D Webster
Christian Wolf                        Augustus Wolgas        Charles Ludkey
Philip Burgart              George Sheasley         Charles Berdot jr
Robert Craxton                       Martin Frick jr             William Balt
Eli Long                                  Andrew Deffen-         Andrew F Blucher
Elford Hinckley                          bach                         Benjamin Fry
Jno M Fogelsong-                   Wm H Hayden            Levi Metz
    er                                         Wm Brock                   Michael Arlogast
Frank S Hoover                       Andrew J Eggert         Wm Barker
David Frick                             Joseph Weatick           Jeremiah Sheasley
Nicholas Magel                       Dauid J Fogel-            Benj Metz
Fr'cis Southworth                        songer                      Supere Depore
Wm Cole                                 Geo Sheasley David Roquet
Abraham Shank                      Joseph Moyer Silas Hoover
Phil Allabach               Edw'd Metz                Benj Bush
Fred'k Herr                              Albert W Bush            Nicholas Rider
Geo Steinbremmer      Peter Fill                      Wm M Whitemar
Chas Morris                 Florence Freorf           Jacob Snyder
George Hartell                        James Rumbolt            Peter Fisher
Philip Kuhl                              Rudolph Peters           George Baggley
Joseph Demonois                    Jacob Snyder   Andrew Zink
John Gludy                             David Casey   Chas Browner
Lyman G Hoover                    John Sharer                 Henry Fisher
Joseph King                Louis Wahl                  Daniel Riest
John Lehn                               Jacob Hanna    Augustus Burke
Nicholas Garlock                    Wendell Fogel-           John Grove
Alois Rinebold                            songer                      Frederick Gantz
Philip Zink                              John White

Aurora--21st District.
(No. of names in box, 175: No. drawn, 50.)

Stephen Elsworth                    Ezra N Warner            Eugene Haines
Frederick Green                      Charles Cutter             Emanuel Grant
Chaun'y C Church                  Hen R Furguson          Henry Mayson
Julius Maynard                        John H Gale    Henry C Darbee
James S Stiles              David Wilcox Fayette Baker
George Bragg              Chris C Mattison         George Marcellus
Wm H Griffin                         Louis Decker   Allen Eaves
Theodore Olden                      Henry Boise    Colin Boyd
Ed'd G Hambleton                  John Dick                    Jos Prenn
Chas Dean                               Abram Roberts            Jos Coon
Zelolus D Hyde                      Fernando C Cham- Geo W Decker
Israel Dual                                   berlain                     Wm A Bragg
Amos B Paxon                        Theodore A Hen-        Chas C Parker
Jos D Lewis                    shaw                        Josiah R Brockins
Lovett Doty                            Geo Brown                 John W Griffin
Robert Boyd               Wm Henshaw             Floyd B Anderson
Jas R Wiliiams                         Lorenzo F Boise          Wm F Boise
Chester C Williams


Boston—22d District.
Number in Box, 139—To be drawn, 39.

Jonathan H Buck-                   Jacob Meal                  Paul Dayball
    land                                     James Lipsatt Joseph Harget
George Shuster                       Hiram Yaw                 Martin Kummer
John O Churchill                     Edwin Becker             Josiah H Kester
Philander Wait                        Moses McClure           Louis T Newell
Lauren P Vander-                   Jacob Yantz    James Bowen
    lip                                        Geo M Churchill         George N Holt
John Mushrat              Andw J Walker           Henry Miers
Cyrenus Weber                       Geo Martin                  Sam'l B Irish
Nathan Middle-                      Reub Farnsworth        Coonrad Cole
    ditch                                    George Cosline           Isaac L Knapp
Geo F Howard                        Asa Torrey                  Sylvester Rice
Ambrose Wood-                     Sylvanus Pierce           Jacob H Bastian
    ward                                    William Kester            Rasco Wait
Saml E Britton

Brant—23d District.
(No. in box, 147: No. drawn, 41.)

Harvey Campbell                    Chas Dengler Elmer Stone
Henry B Harrison                    Franklin Sprague         John Wealthy
Philip Schwinier                      John Grannis   Edward A Fox
William Johnson                      Gilbert H Stud-           Chas Grannis
John Andrews                             well                         Groten T Willel
John Wolfley               Manville D Wins-        Smith R Martin
                                                    low              Daniel Belote
Henry Meshe               Joseph W An-             Geo Forbes
Augustus Ambras-          drews                      Porter Calkins
    ter                                        Simon Watkins            Samuel Thomas
Wm Travis                               Nicholas Mertz            Perry Sisson
Joseph Hall                              David Marshall           Martin J West
John Carpenter                        Martin Miller   Franklin S Baker
Josiah W Smith                       Thos L B West            Geo Richie
Edwin Harrison                       John Horton    Alex Sisson


The draft was resumed yesterday morning at the usual hour at Fort Porter. The towns drafted from were Cheektowaga, Clarence, Colden, Collins 1st and 2d, and Concord. Mr. S. H. Joslyn of Cheektowaga was selected to make the drawings. The list of prizes, is as follows:—

Cheektowaga—24th District.
No. of names in box, 194: No. drawn, 56:

George Weithe                        Martain Fillinger         Fred'k Person
Manly W. Kenne-                   Charles Neff   Jerome Eighme
    dy                                        Amos Wingert             Patrick Haley
Patrick Tony                George Deihl   Peter Fuchs
Louis Hockstein                      Sebastian Burg-           John Reimer
Frank Kolb                                  man                         George Kling
George Shetler                        Fred'k Bart
Henry Thomas                         Peter Deihl                  John Green
Joseph Anstadt                       Fredk Lang                 Christian Halter
George Mohr               Kelian Whitby             RudolphTombros-
Thomas Burns                         Thomas Scanlan              sky
Christian Wil-              Philip Koebel Anthony Pfohl
    loung                                   Fredk A Kerman         Jacob Long
Alice Ewitt                              Christian Tonni-          John Gangloff
Albert S Joslyn                            worth                       Peter Pitts
Edwin Illingworth                  William Gobelin          David Ganspitel
Louis Kemp                Peter Ferand    John Abendschein
Frank Breton               John Hersch    Blasius Kraft
Anthon Hamon                       Henry Jerge                 Louis Outier
Michael Anstedt                     Joseph Monnin            John Glass
Timothy Fogarty                     Henry Zunstein

Clarence--25th District.
(No. of Names in Box, 243; No. Drawn, 71.

Henry Lorish               Jacob Lapp                  Henry C Long
George Kroll               O K Parker                  Jos Lefler
John W Perkins                       Jacob Root                  Solomon Hershey
Conrad Lauber                        Henry Newhouse        Geo Helwick
Franklin Clair              James J Cummins        John Martin
Fred'k Gost                             Francis Steinmetz        Curtis Cummins
Ebenezer Utley                       Hiram Dodge John F Hersh
Horace Browning                    Robert N Leak            Louis Bach
A C Ladd                                Sam'l Shamel   Wash Wyckoff
Thos Weeks                 Jonas Bovemoyer        Wm Ferris
Luther D Young                     Anthony Zierhald       Gust Trippensee
Levi Eshleman                        Saml B Eschleman      Andrew Shafer
John Shamel                James Ford                  John P Fisher
Albert Heroy               Henry Diller    Alfred Weeks
Conrad Sebenhair                   Abraham Berry           Henry Carpenter
Charles Bath               Edward Barker           Ray Burdick
Adam Ritz                              Wm W Fisher
Benjamin Lapp                        Bartlett Bodine           Wm Mochon
Jacob Grauten-                        Geo A Bigler   Augustus Engle
    berger                                  Charles Pless   Geo Kroll
John A Snell                Dan'l Wichteman        Samuel Riegle
John McGoffin                       Jacob S Lapp   Jason Carmer
John Danman              Geo Freemam Michael Fisher
Michael Brown                       Geo Dodge                 Simon Lapp
Jacob Halm

Colden—26th District.
(No. of names in box, 130; No. drawn, 36.)

Sebastian Smith                      Stephen A Bowen       Jolm Curran
Orville Blood              Albert H Buffum        Chas D Buffum
William H Hand-                    Horace Woodruff       Alonzo W Irish
    shaw                                    Henry B Vail   Carlos Knapp
Edward L Pierce                     Brewster M Swain Smith A Gould
Myron W Perkins                    Jerome Irish     Andrew ___
James Wright              Ira Eaton jr                  John M Wiley
Nathan N Irish                        Orlando Wheelock Cyrenus C Irish
John L Crump                         William Corah             Philo Lewis
Alonzo Booth                         Ezekiel Getchel           Frederick Bosiear
Albert G South-                      Zadoch Marsh             Abram Stevens
    wick                                    Orlando Young           Henry Murray
Peter B Taleb              Jacob Gunther jr


Collins---27th District.
(No. of names in Box, 103; No. drawn 28.)

Martin Lewis               Walter W Allen           Henry C Kronz
Nathan Peasley                       Munroe Kelly John Beverly
Noah Conger               Horace Pike     Edwin M Farns-
Leonard Neis              Joseph Payne       worth
Jacob Krassler                         Gilbert S South-          John Geiger
James Coon                                 wick                        Wm H Heath
John Smith                              Sylvester Reyn-           Stephen W Huel-
Moses J Potter                             olds                             son
Webster Wood                        Hiram W Cook            Harvey Shaw
William M Cook                     Seth Bartlett    Chancey Wickham
Franklin Pike               James O Crandall

Collins---28th District.
No. of names in box, 116; No. drawn, 31.

John Wing                               Ale Croup                   Wm Willicks
Henry Hitchcock                     Isaac H Russell           Isaac A Wells
Perry Wilcox               Roman Killinger          Charles Trunk
Daniel F Lindsley                   Chas Haynes   Wellington Jolls
Reuben Reming-                     John C Robbins           John Haiges
    ton                                       Sylvanus B Linds-      Smith Bartlett
Andrew J Hol-                            ley                           Jared Farnham
    comb                                   Albert P South-           George F Smith
Wm H Hanson                            wick                        Henry Kerr
Peter Rink                               Joseph A Etsler           Charles Robinson
Hiram Lindsley                       Andrew Snyder          Frank S Smith
Sumner C Waner                     Joseph Taylor

Concord---29th District.
No. of names in box, 240; No. drawn, 69.

Job Woodward                       Victor Collard             Hiram A Curran
David D Barrett                      Bryant J Davis            Warren Gates
Henry Rhodes                         Abner Wilson Charles M Vaugh-
Hiram Scott                             John Brown                     an
John Carr                                 James Quinn    Oliver P Scott
Franklyn S Gay-                      Justice A Warden        Edward Graff
    lord                          Jedediah Churchill Stephen R Smith
Peter Shear                              Darias T Madison        Truman R Stock-
Thos S Squiers                                                                ing
Frank Warner              Wilbur H Stanbro        Erben J Sanford jr
Isaac Vosburgh                       Ashly D Walker          Adolphus Burt
Calvin Cooper                         Jacob Denny   Alonzo Booth
Sullivan T Fowler                    Alonzo L Vaughan Henry Palmer
Rich'd W Tanner                     Joseph Gates   Martin Woolhuter
Ed'w'd C Drake                      Chas A Ferrin Franklin J Dag-
Hyman J Trivett                      Wm Waite                       gert
Jacob Ball                                Geo W Aldrich           Jacob Cotteral
Bertrand Chaffee                    John Trailer                 Vincent Warner
William Marmlo                      Richard J Arnold        Hosea S Heath
Norman A Free-                      Benjamin F Free-        Albert A Abbey
    man                                         man                         Francis Aldrich
Mortimer Parker                      Lovel Winship             Marshal Kelso
Orton A Spalding                   Frank McLin   Spencer Perijo
George Miller              Norman Beebe            Samuel Wheeler jr
Samuel Hanes                         Charles Wilson            Harry Foote

The draft was continued yesterday morning at Fort Porter. The Towns drafted from, were East Hamburg, Eden, Elma, Evans, and Grand Island. Mr. Z. Ferris, of East Hamburg, was selected by those present to make the drawings for the day. The attendance from the rural districts was large, and decidedly good natured.
The following is the result of the day's operations:—

East Hamburgh---30th District.
(No. of names in box, 185; No. drawn, 50.)

Thomas Kelly              Sam'l W Webster        Uriah Barber
John Waltz                              Geo A Baker   John C Cook
Hilton Wheelock                     Wm H Hollbrook  Theo C Hoag
Horace J Pierce                       Jerome Baker         Amos Hambleton
Myron D Kester                      Nicholas Carr Franklin Powers
Solomon Sweet                       Silas Oaks                   Benj Hamptom
Charles H Titus                       Peter Conroy   Harlow Nichols
Israel B Deuel                         John Maxwell Wallace Hambleton
Alba Oaks                               Henry Engels Theo S Barber
Orson Godfrey                        George Meal   Cyrus Chilcott
Orson Colvin               Isaiah Griffin Jacob Bellow
George Norton                        John Cristman             Reuben Deuel
Conrad Mercon-                      James Holmwood       Nicholas Meal
    tiler                          Silas S Webster           Mortimer F Smith
George Rosier                         John Redfoot Casper Woltz
Orson Bullis                            Elisha F Smith             Orville Ayer
Louis Stebenger          Norman W Oaks         John Michael

Eden—Thirty First District.
No. of names in box, 208; No. drawn 60.

Peter Stedenbauer       Lyman E Foster          Jacob James
Christain Knoll                        Josiah Dole                  Cornelius Haskell
Henry Eckot                Michael Walken-         Joseph Platner
Peter Smith                                 plot              Albert Chapin
Joseph Ensear              Jacob Lepp                  Andrew Coppos
Geo N Webster                       Wm Hunt                    Jacob Amhold
Arnold Wilson                        Benj Baker                  Mich'1 Rook
Sylvanus Staffen                     Frank Schume             John Bartoo
Jacob Haas                              Wm H Slocum            Benj Slocum
Leander Hill                John N Calkins            Henry Hale
John Winkelman                     Valentine Butcher       Adam Hicher
John Walkenplot                     Sterling Titus   Stephen Walter
Rich'd M Redfield                  Ferdinand Gress-        Joseph Phillips
David Lackler                             man                         Robert Spoonly
Geo Pax                                  Edward T Ryther        Sam'l F Barnum
Jacob Lama                             Anthony Anavine       Joseph Gress
Rob't Titus                              Pliny Davis                  Wm Gressman
Wm Tabor                               Jacob Dercy    Philip Dower
Jacob Brunner                         Adam Yokum             Henry Metz
Henry Tally                             Joseph Frew    Fred'k Woolheter
Daniel Robb                Carmic Ryther

Elma---33d District.
(No. of names in box, 177; No. drawn, 50.)

Horace S Fair-                         Barton Joslyn John S Hart
    banks                                   James C Davis             Hiram D Hard
Charles McCoun                     Henry N Weeks          Oliver Bailey
Christian Garbee                     Franklin Crane            James B Hanby
Gordon U Chatter-     Thos E Wier    Harrison W Fair-
    don                          Luce A Barto     banks
Albert T Van               Horace Blood Wm D Wallace
    Antwerp                              Oscar C Briggs            Thos Somerfield
Simeon P Noyes                      Dial P Harvey             Amos Noyes
Henry Homan                         Michael Foran             George Bell
Wm Holladay              George Gould             John Hoffman
Marcus Flood              Erastus J Mark-           Edwin H Ding-
Christian Fath                             ham                             man
Christian Foss                         Augustus Smith          Stephen N Calkins
Frederick Buck                       Frederick Reed           James Lock
Caspar Jerge                Herschell W Ells-        Alonzo Gould
Chas De Witt                  worth                       Chas A Bullis
George Keaver                        Stephen B Northrop James Hatch
Erastus W Chilcott      Jeremiah J Perry          Henry W Stitz

Evans---33d District.
(No. of names in Box. 222; No. drawn 65.)

Hiram Cooking-                      Harvey T Hill Francis Faulks
    ham                                     John Lary                    John Donlin
Orson Earle                             Chas P Nichols            Chas Plits
Allan W Burlin                        Henry Wilcox Edward Paine
George Dunfee                       John West                   Augustus Sobel-
Jacob M Ingersoll                    Horatio Gates     son
Cornelius Olmsted      John Woods    Rufus Lincoln
George Bartholo-        John Letter                  Simon A Teft
    mew                                    James Marhar  Alfred Cash
Charles A Pitts                        George L McCul-        Fayette Reed
Gideon Orton                  lough                       George W Agard
Nathan L Webb                      John M Miller John C Slocum
John Lahle                               Francis White Wm W Morsman
Geo W Woodson                    Jeremian Stone            Abner Dunffee
Martin Butler              James M Shep-            Clark H Caryl
Schuyler Backus                         pard                         Judson O Bennett
Malcolm G lnger-                    Edw'd Waterman        Solomon R Stocker
    soll                           Ira Gilbert
Jonathan M Val-                     Andrew P Wood         Irving Height
    entine                                  Major F Wood-           William Irwin
Eber Wilson                    ward                        Joseph Martin
Titus L Camp              Jacob Glosser Charles W Pike
David C Oatman                     Jeremiah Taylor           Joshua D Barney
Darius Hilliker                         Louis L Briggs            Joseph Almondin-
Wm J Higgins                         Barnard Conroy              ger

Grand Island--34th District.
(No. of names in Box, 178; No. drawn, 50.)

Julius Page                              Thos Mathew Fred'k Young
John Ide                                  William Gilden            Thos C James
William Skinner                      John Hardy                 Michael Cornway
John Tigen                   George Reis                James Langen
W Rykeu                                 John Harteg                 John Dickinson
John White                              Henry Gray                 John Zinc
John Moyes                             David Hess                 Alex McCauley
Joel Pittis                                 Isaac Chambers           Asa Ransom
John Forbes                             Cornelius A Jack-        Patrick Stacks
Dwight Bedell                            son               John Carroll
Augustus Kohls                      Adam Hartmann         John Myles
John Hess                                William Bement          John Mowrer
Sam'l Carroll               George Johnson          James Shaw
John Densmore                       David B Dill   Philip Burnes
Ransom G Bronson     John Porti                    Gottleib Reis
John Carroll                 Thomas Flaming          __ _mont
Wm Long                                Chas Lassdale             __ __ten
The towns to be drafted ... Hamburg,
Holland, Lancaster, Marilla and Newstead.

Local, literary and Miscellaneous.
The Draft.
Yesterday morning drafting took place at the Fort for the towns of Hamburg, Holland, Lancaster, Maila and Newstead, and Mr. A. E. Williams, of Hamburg, drew the following names from the wheel:


No. of names in box 200. No. drawn 58.

Mathias Faler              Wm Davis                   Christopher Mur-
Jeremiah Kilder-                      Elton D Jackson              dock
    house                                   Geo Deitrick   Wm Cross
Wm Foulharber                       Francis A Gould         August Lilga
Adam Hank                            Jacob Boheler Wm Hamilton
Henry Canfield                       Milford Fish    Fredk Storms
Jacob Koch                             John Kliess                  John Viox
Peter Wingle               Chas Salisbury            Thos Kating
Christian Casner                      Henry Dietrick            Horace Platt
Andrew Sleigel                       Henry Robinson          Fredk Spyiovor
Jacob Fronhiser                       Christian Knoll            Wm Harmon
John Petrie                              Theodore Bush-          Neighbor Potter
Henry T Filon                  man                         John Morits
Oscar Sowle                John Hooper    Sam'l Theohost
Rush Craig                              Fredk Thompson         Bradley Lazill
Wm H Sanders                        John Wagner   Wm C Blanchard
John Hill                                  Adam Bramiller          Albert Flint
Peter Condy                Wm Eighme    John Riddle
Andrew Qua               Nelson Ames   Alexander H Cran-
Moses Dart, Jr.                        Nathan Clark       dell
Geo W Thompson                   Jacob Koeyfler

No of names in box 134; No drawn 37.

David Rogers              John Kruchtman          Francis Sleeper
Enos Davis                              John Van Valken-       Franklin Rogers
Joseph Colby                   burg                         Mather Wilkins
Edwin Cooper                         Benj Whaley   Ezra Van Slyke
Wm H Davis               Kyes McArthur           David Hopper
Sylvester Rogers                     Oremus Chilas             John Connolly
Henry Kuhn                Elester Rogers             Peter Shellman
John Rich                                Leander Colby            Burritt Hays
Ira Ward                                  Wm B Odell    Jerome B Monry
Truman McArthur                   Benj W O'Brien          John Hopkins
Noah Kelly                              Leander Rogers           Sebastian Little
Freelon Wagoner                     Gordon Parker            Ira Davis
Pliny Snellman                        Paige E Cooper

No. of names in box 325; No. drawn 95.

Chas Seaman               John Patrick    John C Brewer
Geo Robinson                         Thos Reminger            David Strifler
Henry Lore                              Lafayette Glass           Daniel Persons
James O Long                         John Kinney    Philip Homel
John Heimbook                       John Johnson   George Cogerber-
Christiae K Bergd-      Richard Kurtz                 ger
    told                          Wm G Bailey Henry Gruthers
Geo Gipple                              Joseph Blake   John Dillon, 1st
Christian Striffler                    Adolph Rohl   Andrew Stetts
Hiram Agard               Albert Jelly                  Daniel Stootsman
Jacob Jerge, Jr                         John Keefer, Jr            Christian Hansel
David Wilhelm                        Joseph Goss    Bradford Kidder
Wm Emmert                Henry Leimerger         Michael Will-
Josiah Hopkins                        Joseph Nab                      young
Louis Scheineder                    Wm Clark                    George Sondel
Frederick Gerber                     John Kopka                 Robert Neal, Jr
John Dill                                  Adam Ray                   Wm Ischerberger
Christian Vinekee                   Daniel Schnider          Henry M Kimball
George Whitlen-                     George Little   John Schraugel
    ger                                       Ramsdell Swar-           Henry Kroop
Joseph Yurann                            dout                         Philip Bottleber-
Bernhadt Stephan                   Adam Seafret     ger
Wm Lisch                                Philip Sondal   Edgar H Perry
Chritian Reyer                         Wm Shaver                 Peter Barkee
Patrick Lynch              George Koch   Frederick Winig
Jas E Gilbert                J Wilson Howard        John Wicker
Celestian Lawson                    Calvin Powers             Valentine Sondal
Wm Post                                 John Willhelm             Amos Batcheldor
Jacob Bentz                             Wm Gereche   Jerome C S
Daniel Strickier                       George Erb                      Choate
Joseph Nath                Henry Helwick            Joseph Knouse
Byron Cunning-                      John Bergdoldt           Peter Zink
    ham                                     Frederick Weber         Chandler Eggle-
Gleason F Erb                         Thomas N Hutch-           stone
Joseph Helb                     inson                        Conrad Sauer

(No. of names in box, 159—To be drawn 45.)

Truman A Willis                      Andrew J Brooks        Geo Jourdon
Jacob Detrich              Benj Foan                    Lloyd A Cook
Wm J Beardsell                       Fayette Moore             Patr'k Mead
Austin Foares              Rob't H Miller             Sam'l A Willard
David Cook                            Harlin Mose    Thomas Morris
Rob't Donovan                        Henry C Sargeant       Albert J Parker
Tomlinson Tom-                      Julius Bennett             John P Marvin
    linson                                   Andrew Fry                Wm Blanchard
James Pierce                Henry C Black-           Chas Sebert
Michael Hide                  man                         Hugh J Beardsell
Addison N Winch                   Fred'k Clarkson           Darwin R Chees-
Hiram M Black-                      John W Hatch                 bro
    man                                     Edmond B Kenne- Frank Cheesbro
Chas E Parker                             dy                            Andrew Tabor
Albert H Hall                          John Smith                  Henry Lannes    
Allen Brown                           Hiram Pettingill           Julius Parmley
Henry W Durstin                    Geo Dabb   

No. of names in box 279; No. drawn 80.
Louis Davis                             Winslow H Town- Wesley Eckerson
Benj F Strickland                        send                         Chas U Spencer
Geo Barney                 John M Price   W O C Perkins
Philos E Pratt              John Loftus                 John Clement
John Dorst                   Wm H Wilkeson         Wm Beman
Wm Loftus                  Joseph Alwardt      Harrison S Davis
Arthur Stapleton                     Sidney A Burlison Egbert E Allen
Frederick Fink             Geo D Swift               John Downey
John Middleton           Abner K Baker            Oscar Stage
Thos Boyle                  Dunnan McDun-    Martin Newman
Jerome G Carver                         nit                       Marvin C Amaden
Ferdinand Avery                     Sherman M John-        Roby Boyce
James Harrington                        son               George Pierce
Austin D Smith                       David L Eldrid           Wm Davis, jr
Benj Price                                Isaac Rockwell            Addison T Saxton
Eugene C Phillips                    Lorin P Swift Henry Cattermole
Wm H Knight                         Lett S Rue                   Alex H Swift
Michael Stales                         Benj F Beardsley        L J McMullen
Jas Skidmore               Henry B Tarsell           John Tyler Wilke-
Perry Coughron                       Collins B Ranney            son
John Wilder, jr                        Henry W Jackson        Edwin Hawkins
Asa Hart                                  Geo W Johnston         John W Draper
Henry Downy                         Reuben Thayer            George H Drew
Edwin Stimpson                     Wm S Downey           Frank Swartz
Chas Graves                Geo Homer Butler      Wm H Cottrell
Wm Bishop                             Hiram Patrick Frank McDonel
Thos Kirby                              Asher Wheeler            Harvey Smith
The towns of North Collins, Sardinia, Tonawanda, Wales and West Seneca, will be drafted to-day.

The Draft was continued last Saturday at the            usual hour. The Towns drafted were North Collins, Sardinia, Tonawanda, Wales and West Seneca, Mr. J. J. Picking, of North Collins, was selected to make the drawings. The result of the day's draft is as follows:—

North Collins---40th District.
No. of names in box, 128; No. drawn, 36:

Clinton Parker                         Wm B Avery   Sylvester Scott
Wm Ansley                             Geo W Potter Chas Bartholomew
Stephen W Lawton     George J Metsker        James A Call
Julius Anthony                        Anthy Shenhofer        Nichls Boardway
Wm W Wood              John Winter     Sidney H Mosher
Olden W Potter                       Elmore Stone Nathan Sisson
Elisha H Lawton                     David P Hale Geo Hofman
Henry Willett              Alvin G Whitmore Nathan F Starks
Chris W Bangert                     Andw Benkelman       Jerome N Part-
Cary Sloan                              Alexander Hale               rige
George Metsker                      George Hennet            John Keller
Orrin Lewis                             Chas Rotfuss   Jonathan Russell
John Gint


Sardinia---41st District.
No. of names in box, 161; No. drawn, 45.

James H Colwell                     Alfred Wood James Cateral
Wm E Dresser                         Scott Woodworth       Horatio S Simons
Edwin Rice                             Robert Pierce Bradley S Pierce
Robert Griffith                        Horace F Briggs          Chauncy Wood-
Sanford E Love-                     Patrick Hand       worth
    land                                     Reuben E Long           Aziaz W Butler
Henry Fattey               Eli G Woodard           Augustus C Edy
Chas Spencer              Reuben Alexander Columbus Wiley
John J Bailey               Geo W Orr                  Chas Wilose jr
David Butler               James Grossman          Wm Park, jr
James Bidder              Christian Puff             Nathan E Wheeler
Peter Huckleburg
James B Andrews                   Daniel W Hop-            Byron Childs
George P Martin                         kins              Wm H Pingry
Seward Sears              Chancey Stone            Chancey Gearrield
Thomas Morrow                      John H Collins            John Hadley
Volney Johnson                      Asa Tyler

Tonawanda---42d District.
(No. of names in Box, 228; No. drawn, 60.)

Isadore Keller                         Adam Franle   John Kleppler
William Noeller                       Christian Snyder         Ferdinand Erauss
Patrick Dorhorthy                   John Maillot    Frederick Smith
Jacob Schwinger                     George Young            Henry Lendell
Henry Lawrence                     Daniel E Daharst         Patrick Parate
William Schime                       Peter Johnson
Fred'k Cramer                         Chas D Edrick            Henry Baest
Fred'k Falks                Jacob Zimmerman George Kibler
Richard Jacobs                        Wm A Rowland          Christian Eckhart
Peter Billard                Philip Ulrich    Jas H DeGraft
Alex C Leonard                      Henry Seip                  Steph O Hayward
___ Shineman                         Jonathan Quipp           Henry C Driggs
Edwin R Porter                       Alfred Little    Robert Krebler
Albert Bigelow                       Chas Enschwinger Joseph Wolf
Lorenzo Zimmer-                    Edward Walt Fred'k Fanner
    man                                     Fred'k Fink                  Horace Carney
Leverett Barber                       Michael Beck John H Bedell
Frank Tully                              James Clark     Fred'k Wagoner
John Bacon                             James Hefrom             Philip Fomer
James Cramp               Dwyght Taylor            Fred'k A White
Miles McNeff                         Byron Rose

Wales—43d District.
(No. of names in box, 134; No. drawn, 39.)

Oscar G Miller                        Cadwallader Stew- Charles Enzian
Chas Carpenter                           art                            William Enos
Herman Hall                George Deal    John Allen
Nelson Carpenter                    Wm K Tabor   Walter P Shaw
Arby Shaw                              Marvin E Searles         George Walker
William Wright                       John Macbeth
Nicholas Shang                       George Stephens         Lafayette Hill
Nelson Carpenter                    Irwin A Blair   John Sturtevant
Josiah G Lee               John E Lill                   Robt E Stephens
Lester Moores                         Alfred Robinson         Edwin Moorse
Richard Wood                        Benj E Wightman       George Griffin
Edwin Farrington                    Delos Ackley              Henry Rich
Chas Northrup                        William Blogget          Clark Warner
John McElvaine          George C Mason

West Seneca---34th District.
(No. of names in box, 192; No. drawn, 57.)

Henry Grotke              John Wicks                  Louis Meth
Conrad. Lenhard                     Dennison Wilson         Paul Shaffer
Rudolph Baghman      Nicholas Reading        Thos S Hinds
John Mormah              Ludwig Obelin            Alexander Gibson
Christian Ulrig                        Eugene Smith Martin Ruhlman
Didrich Orson                         Henry Thomas             William Fisher
Fred'k Sutz                              William Clark John Kosof
Edward Forsyth
Oliver E Pierce                        August Millers            Richard Murphy
Christian King                         John Navgel    Wm Allen
Henry Satler                Jas U Wernuntier        Henry Schof
Henry Leonhard                      Peter Inglet                 John McConnell
Fritz Dinkhamer                      Jacob Kuhn                 George Gibson
John Yond                              George H Avery         Peter Stefan
Honey Snyder                         Dietrich Brant             John Brant
Henry Engler               Frank Ham                  Fredk Hening
Henry Leher                Frederick Toeth           Clemetz Overly
John Smith                              William Strugh            John Templeton
William Hubby                        Leonhard Mukel         Augustus Slender
Delos W Cole              Wm Folker
This concludes the Draft in Erie County, a fact which we contemplate with much satisfaction.

The Town Meeting in Aurora.
The town meeting, in reference to issuing the bonds of the town for an amount sufficient to pay $300 for each drafted man, to be used for the support of his family if he should go to the war, or for the purpose of hiring a substitute, or paying the exemption fee, was held on Monday, in pursuance of a call made by the Town Clerk.—The town Board, consisting of four Republicans and one Democrat, by a partisan vote refused to sit in an official capacity. The citizens present, on the plea of "military necessity," organized the meeting and appointed two of the Justices of the Peace to act as tellers. The polls were kept open all day, and 187 citizens voted on the proposition, all but four depositing their ballots in favor of it. Those who opposed this measure, did not vote, although martial law had not been proclaimed in Aurora, and the polls were not guarded by bayonets.
The understanding at the preliminary meeting was that if the proposition to raise the money should be adopted by the town meeting, the citizens should unite in a joint note or obligation on which the money could be raised, relying upon the legalizing of their action by the Legislature. After the expression of opinion at the informal town meeting, the obligation was drawn up, and twenty-five citizens signed it, nearly all of whom were democrats, the Republicans generally declining to carry out the original understanding. The number of men volunteering to become obligated for the amount not being sufficient, the project fell through and the plan was abandoned. There was no disposition to make a party question of this matter on the part of the democrats, but the Administration men raised the cry of "Copperheads," and forced the issue as has been stated.
These men were zealous in stating that the Administration wanted men and not money, and that the object of their movements was to embarrass the Government. This being the case, every Republican drafted will, of course, go to the war. No one, not a "Copperhead," will insult the Administration by offering to procure his exemption with money. To be sure, the Administration says "give us men or money," leaving it entirely optional with the conscript; but this fact cannot be used by the "Blueskins" in extenuation of the crime of accepting the alternative offered. We learn that the young men of the town, almost without exception, supported the proposition to raise the money.

The Draft—Examinations before the Board of Enrollment—Exemptions—List of Substitutes, &c.
At the regular hour yesterday forenoon the Board of Enrollment resumed their labors. The examinations made by the Surgeons were as follows:—
Number of substitutes accepted                     29
    "         "       "            rejected                         3
    "         "  Conscripts exempted        47
    "         "      "             passed                           6
    Total                                                 85
The following exemptions were made by the Board for the various causes assigned: Substitutes 29; disability 50; over age 9; under age 3; elected son of aged parents 3; error in enrollment 7; in service on 3d of March 1; only son of a widow 3; aliens 10; paid commutation fee 1, not properly enrolled 1; only son of aged parents 4. Six were passed for duty, making the number of examinations 125.
The following is the list of the drafted persons who received their discharge yesterday, with names of substitutes, &c.:

Name of              From what        Name of        Commencement
Principal.            Enrol. Dist.      Substitute.          of Service.
Theodore Olden          21st Dist          Henry Gray            Aug 11th
Charles Strot   5th     "            P W Hammet              "      7th
Wm Weittig         24th     "      John Easterly   "    12th
Sidney Hall            3d      "     John Muldon   "      5th
John Dalton           1st      "     John Murphy   "      5th
Gottleib L Ritter   5th      "     H Thurmann    "      5th
Thos Riexinger     1st              "           Chas Glosser   "      8th
A V M Sprague           8th       "           Chas Landry   "      5th
Grover Cleveland        3d        "           Geo Beniski    "      7th
Gustavus Fuchs           6th       "           Hugh McClosky          "      7th
Wm Litz                      6th       "           T Malderhill    "      7th
Jacob Wilhelm 5th      "           Peter Brady                 "      5th
Horace Stanley            3d       "           Geo Williams "      7th
Jacob D Wollaher        7th       "           Thos Mills                   "      7th
Geo B German            5th      "           Wm Thompson            "      8th
E B Guthrie                 14th     "           Michael Tanor             "      7th
Michael Diebold         7th       "           Philip Smith    "     10th
Chas H Williams         16th     "           Chas Burke                 "       8th
Christian Kraus           11th     "           James Allen     "       7th
Mathias Gardner         5th       "           James Hatch    "       7th
Robt Learmouth          14th     "           Philip Brady    "       8th
J Grabenstiller 11th     "           Chas Orem                  "       8th
Peter Brown                10th     "           Conrad Schnap           "       7th
Louis P Maurer           6th       "           Joseph Turner "       7th
John Kelly, jr   18th     "           Louis D Henry            "      10th
H W Ellsworth            32d      "           John Laird                   "      13th
Fred'k B Squier           15th     "           Chas Sergeant             "      10th
Wm H Collins 3d       "           Pat'k Riley                   "        3d
Hilton Wheelock         30th     "           Jas McCabe                 "      15th
Robt W Gibson           11th     "           H Churchill                 "        8th
John Irlbacker 6th       "           Gabriel Liebfried        "        7th
Michael Pitkin 6th       "           Jas Kelly                      "        7th
John P Deihl    15th     "           Wm F Zelle                 "      10th

The following is a list of the conscripts exempted for Physical Disability, for the four days, ending yesterday.

                    Name.             Dist.                               Name.                  Dist.
Aug. 18           Geo Dietrich   1st                    Aug. 18           John Terry                   5th
   "                    Wm Nickles    1st        "                       Wm Linnenkohl          6th
   "                    Jas Kane              2d                "                       H W Scott                     *
   "                    John Donahue  1st      "                       Thomas Parron              *
   "                    John Power      1st       "                       Wm C Hill                    *
   "                    James Welch   1st        "                       Wm Glass                      *
   "                    John Riedy         1st                "                       Casper Erber     *
   "               Wm Chilcolt    1st           "                       John Londigan              *
   "                    Adam Erlenbach 1st               "                       Homer B Reynold    *
   "                    Alex Moore    1st        "                       Carl T Nuetter                *
   "                    Timothy W Lyon 1st   "                       Wm Krangel       *
   "                    Wm Muckderidge 1st             "                       Wm Peacock      *
   "                    Ferdinand Fickley 1st             "                       Jacob Baker        *
   "                    Judson B Barker   1st "                       John Young                    *
   "                    Wm Weston    1st       "                       Timothy McCarthy   *
   "                    Chas Heichberger  4th            "                       Anthony Newport     *
   "                    Lewis Neiser           * "                       Philip Martini    *
   "                    Daniel Skanler              *         "                       John Meyer                    *
   "                    Jacob Shaw                  *         "                       Wm Crever                     *
   "                    John K Smith  *
Aug 19            Patk Butler              3rd     Aug 20      V Jones                      7th
   "                    A Brinnard            "        "                   Thos B French        3rd
   "                    Frank Bodwell      "        "                   Jos Tyler                 3rd
   "                     R D Ford              "        "                   Hyman Chon           5th
   "                    Jos H Tyler           "        "                    Orlando K Parker   25th
   "                    P D Hitchcock      "        "                   Jeremiah Hickey      3rd
   "                    Wolff Levy           " "                   Henry Argus             7th
   "                    Thos Marson       1st      "                    Wm Roberts                   3rd
   "                    Joshua Norton    3rd      "                    Dwight Palmer         3rd
   "                    Hobart J Culver   "        "                     G S Stannard             4th
   "                    Wm Slavin         1st      "                     W H Davis                     2nd  
   "                    Chas A Gibler      "       "                                 F M Chandler   3rd
   "                    Walter L Stevens  "       "                                S J Salmon                    3rd
   "                    John M Taff         "        "                    Henry Short      3rd
   "                    Henry Roese        "        "                                Saml D Oakes               3rd
   "                    Chas T Gregg      "        "                                 John H Burch   9th
   "                    T J Kelly             "         "                     F McWhorter   3rd
Aug 20            Hubert Murray l4th       "                                Henry H Stitt   3rd
   "                    Louis Eckel       5th       "                                Frank A Sears              14th
   "                    S H Rathbone   3rd        "                               Jos C Cook                     3d
   "                    Wm Buckley     1st        "                    Lewis Fry                      6th
   "                    Abram T Kerr   1st        "                    Peter Kehr                    16th
   "                    Amsy Dorman  4th        "                    Alex B Rouse   3rd
   "                    John Watts        4th        "                   Henry Small     14th
   "                    David Tucker  14th        "                   E H Walker                  14th
   "                    F J Carpenter   14th        "                   S M Streeter       3rd
   "                    H W French      3rd        "                   Emory Chapman            3rd
   "                    Henry L Schaffer 5th
   "                    George Wright  3rd        "                   Josiah Walker    3rd
   "                    Mich'l Madigan   "          "                   J Van Camp      17th
   "                    Ed'd Mueller     5th         "                  Corn's Dunn      13th
   "                    Walter Campbell 15th     "                  Paul Sherman    3rd
   "                    Nath'l Hall             "         "                  Chas B Noble   15th
   "                    Da'd C Oatman   33rd      "                 Walter J Ovens               3rd
   "                    Ed'd W Eam'es     3rd       "                Jno M Hunger                  "
   "                    Segisman Levyn    "          "                 Peter Hanour     14th
   "                    Alden B Rand     4th         "                David Bury                    3rd
   "                    L W McDonald   5th         "                Chas Lamont     34th
   "                    August Kuster     9th         "                James Sheffield              3rd
Aug 21            W A Putnam       1st          "                R H Camp                   "
   "                    Her'n S Wood   16th          "               John E Butt                    4th
   "                    Jas G Stevens   14th          "                Jas G M Rogers              6th
   "                    Benj B Hill             4th          "                        Chas Spencer    3rd
   "                    John M Kelby     7th          "                Wm Scheu                       9th
   "                    Henry M Martin 3rd          "                Lyman Hunt          "
   "                    Martin Cruysa 1  3th         "                Homer Flint        3rd
   "                    Abram D Croyft  1st         "                Chas A Sweet                  "
   "                    John Wurster        "           "                 John Bean                       4th
   "                    John L Hickey 14th          "                 Zadock J Norton      14th
   "                    Fred'k Mastin  15th           "                Henry Wagner                 9th
   "                    Jno Sutherland  1st            "                John E Smith       7th
   "                    Edw'd Dowser  1st             "               Rich'd Callahan               6th
   "                    Job H Tryon   15th             "               Edw'd B Smith              14th
   "                    John G Groess 16th            "               Chas T Hamlin                 9th
   "                    Sam'l Merrick  14th            "               Adam Cornelius               6th
   "                    John P Kopf      6th             "              Joseph Schutz                  8th
   "                    Jacob Greiner   3rd             "               Jas T Crooker     3rd
   "                    Henry Smith    14th
* Not Reeorded."

—The cordial greeting, with which our worthy Mayor has so abundantly been plied since his safe return from Eldorado to the bosom of his municipality, must have convinced him long ere this of the heartiness with which Buffalo welcomed him back. But if any doubt on the subject lingered in his mind, it would have been dispelled by the ratification of the general welcome which occurred at Bloomer's Hotel last night. The occasion was a complimentary dinner, tendered to him by a number of his personal friends. At nine o'clock about fifty gentlemen sat down to the following bill of fare, elaborated in Mr. Bloomer's best style. We give the bill with its very appropriate heading:—
"Home Again."
Given to
by his friends at
Bloomer's Hotel, Friday, Aug. 21st, 1863.
Blue Fish, boiled, Egg Sauce; Spanish Mackerel,
broiled; Brook Trout, fried with Pork.
Chicken, Parsley Sauce; Ham.
Fillet of Beef, larded, Mushroom Sauce; Spring
Buffalo Tongue; Chicken Salad.
Soft Crabs; Stuffed Clams Broiled Oysters.
Prairie Chicken, broiled, on Toast.
Cherry and Apple Pic; Snow Custard.
Peaches, Melons and Pears.
Almonds, Raisins, Figs.

After the cloth had been removed, Judge Verplanck, the Chairman, gave utterance to the uppermost sentiment of the company in the fol­lowing happy address:
Mr. Fargo:—
We have invited you here this evening to express to you, as your personal friends, our heartfelt joy at your safe return from your long and hazardous journey, and to bid you welcome home.
And not only as your friends, but as citizens of Buffalo, we welcome you back to your office of Chief Magistrate of the city, which you fill with so much honor to yourself and advantage to the public; and it is no flattery to say that the office of Mayor of the city of Buffalo has had no worthier occupant, or one who has enjoyed to a higher degree than yourself the esteem and confidence of the citizens.
We are proud to do honor to you, Sir, not only as our friend and Mayor, but also as one of our principal business men, and we recognize the fact that to you as much, to say the least, as to any other person, we are indebted for the establishment of that indispensable institution, the Express business; and that this agency, with the Overland Mail, in which you are also largely interested, has done much to bind in a Union never to be broken, the Pacific with the Atlantic States.
Above all, we honor you as a lover of our country, and its unity; and we rejoice with you, Sir, in the recently glorious victories of our army, and the repulse of the rebel invasion of the loyal States. I repeat, sir, you are welcome home.
Gentlemen, I have the honor to propose a toast to which I know you will most heartily respond: The health of our friend, the Mayor of Buffalo.
His Honor, the Mayor, responded as follows:

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,--For the complimentary manner in which you have been pleased to allude to my return, and for your expressions of personal kindness and partiality, I thank you. Returning from a long and wearisome journey, next to the welcome of home, nothing could be more pleasant than to enjoy the hospitality of the gentlemen with whom so many years of my life have been passed, and to whom I am indebted for so many evidences of good will.
Since leaving Buffalo, I have traveled two thousand miles by stage, and have crossed the mountains and traversed the desert which separate the Pacific States from the fertile prairies of the West. A few years ago, the overland passage to California was known only to explorers; now this route is traversed with as much regularity as a well conducted railroad. The tables at the eating houses on the line are spread in anticipation of the arrival of the passengers, and the coach very rarely disappoints the landlord.
Twenty years ago the Express business was in its infancy, and confined to carrying small parcels between the principal cities of the eastern States. Now its connections extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and with the Overland Mail Company and the Telegraph Company, unite the civilizations of the East and the mighty West. These companies have suggested what the Government ought to carry into effect at the earliest possible day. My journey has satisfied me that the Pacific Railroad is a national necessity. This work would make the Union more positively and materially valuable to the people of the Pacific States, and would bring them into closer relations of commerce and intercourse. If proper attention is paid by the Government to their mining and other local interests, and this bond of national unity is constructed, no people will be more loyal and patriotic.
You have alluded in terms more eulogistic than just, to my discharge of the duties of Mayor of this city.—Whatever success may have thus far attended my administration, is due simply to the effort to do the business of the city as I do my own. I am so fortunate as to know little of politics beyond the cardinal duty of supporting the Government, respecting the National and Municipal Constitutions, and obeying and, so far as my office requires it, enforcing the laws. If the policy I have pursued has met the approbation of the community at large, or of any considerable portion of it, I am amply rewarded for my labors.
You will excuse me, gentlemen, for taking this opportunity of expressing my obligations to Ald. Beckwith for the able manner in which he has borne the honors and the burdens of the Mayoralty during my absence. Unfortunately for him, the past three months have devolved unusual cares and responsibilities upon the City Executive. It is a matter of pride with me, as it doubtless is with you all, that our city has escaped whatever dangers were impending, and wears, to-day, an untarnished fame. The credit for this gratifying fact is certainly not mine.
Again thanking you most cordially for the honor you have done me, allow me to propose:
The Citizens of Buffalo—A Union-loving, order-loving, law-abiding people. It is a pleasure to serve those who know so well how to govern themselves.
To this toast the chairman called H. S. Cut­ting, Esq., to respond. Hon. A. M. Clapp, Wm. Dorsheimer, Esq., Dr. F. C. Brunck, Hon. F. A. Alberger, C. S. Macomber, Esq., and other gentlemen, followed in response to a succession of appropriate toasts, which we have not space to detail. We make room only for the following, received from R. N. Rice, Esq., Superintendent of the Michigan Central Railroad, a gentleman who, on account of his proverbial success as a generous host, ought to have had his turn at the festive board last night as a guest:
DETROIT, Aug. 21, 1863.
It not being in my power to join you in honor of the distinguished guest, I propose the following sentiment:
To our Honored Guest: May a long and prosperous career be the fortune of one who shall so Far-go from the friends of his bosom, and be restored to them again unscathed and unscalped amidst the temptations and perils lying in his path. To welcome him back is one of the most joyous events of our lives.
The dinner as a whole was one of the most harmonious and happy affairs of the kind we have ever known. We exercise an amount of self-denial when we express the hope that the occasion may not soon arise for its repetition.

EXAMINATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SUBSTITUTES.—The Board of Enrollment convened yesterday morning at Fort Porter, for the purpose of examining and accepting substitutes. The substitutes first offered were the first received for examination. The formula of examination is as follows: The conscript gives to the Board his name, age, place of birth, occupation, date of enlistment, &c. His substitute is then examined by the Surgeon of the Board, and in the event of his being accepted, a card is given to him to that effect, which being passed over to the Clerk, he is at once enrolled. The conscript is then placed in possession of triplicates of the following document, which must be sworn to before a Justice of the Peace, by the substitute, and upon the return of same to the Board the conscript is released, and the substitute is at once turned over to the service of the United Slates. The affidavit reads as follows:

STATE OF ____, TOWN OF ____. I, ___ born in the State of ____, aged ___ years, and by occupation a ____ Do hereby acknowledge to have agreed with ____, Esq., of ____ to become his Substitute in the Military Service, for a sufficient consideration paid and delivered to me, on the ___ day of ___, 1863: and having thus agreed with said ____, I do hereby acknowledge to have enlisted this ___ day of ___ 1863, to serve as a Soldier in the Army of the United States of America, for the period of Three Years, unless sooner discharged by proper authority: I do also agree to accept such bounty, pay, rations, and clothing, as are, or may be, established by law for soldiers. And I do solemnly swear that I will bear true and faithful allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all   their enemies or opposers whomsoever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the Officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War.
The following is the Certificate of the Board of Enrollment:—
WE CERTIFY ON HONOR, That we have carefully examined the above named Volunteer Substitute agreeably to the Regulations, and that, in our opinion, he is free from all bodily defects and mental infirmity which would in any way disqualify him from performing the duties of a soldier; that he was entirely sober when enlisted; that he is of lawful age, (not under 18 years;) and that, in accepting him as duly qualified to perform the duties of an able-bodied soldier, and as a Substitute in lieu of ____, drafted in ____, 1863, we have strictly observed the Regulations which govern in such cases. This soldier has ___ eyes, ____ hair, ____ complexion: is ___ feet ___ inches high. The Declaration of the Substitute is as follows:—
I ___ desiring to enlist in the Army of the United States for Three Years, do declare, that I am __ years and __ months, of age; that I have never been discharged from the United States Service on account of disability, or by sentence of a Court Martial; and I know of no impediment to my serving honestly and faithfully as a soldier for three years.
The business transacted during the day was confined in the main to the first order of business, although some examinations of those who were physically disqualified were made. The names of the substitutes examined and accepted, with names of principals, the district enrolled from, and commencement of term of service, will be found below. It was found impracticable yesterday to adhere strictly to the order published by the Provost Marshal, hence it will be seen that the Districts do not appear in a regular order. It is possible .... two's experience matters will .... smoothly.
The following is the list:

Name of.                 From what           Name of             Commencem't
Principal.             Enrol. Dist. Substitute.              of Service.
Michael Carr   1st Dist.           Johh Stuard                 Aug. 5th
N G Benedict, jr         3d "                 Jacob Raino              "             "
Chas G Williams         5th "                Franklin Peck    "        "
Jno W Roraback          3d "                 Wm B Wright                "        "
Cassiu C Candee 15th "                      Benjamin Ordin             "        10th
H B McCulloch           4th "                John Sands                     "        5th
Delos Eldridge            1st "                 John Williams    "        "
Seth V Warner            1st "                 Joseph G Grant              "        "
Edward Relf   3d "                 Geo A Jackson               "        "
James Riley                 13th " Chas Murphy    "        7th
Henry L Meech           1st "                 James Horton    "        5th
Wm Dorsheimer          14th " John Allen                      "        7th
Frank W Tracy            14th " George Lawson              "        "
Fred E Danforth         3d "                 David Wilson    "        5th
A B Sheldon   1st "                 James Lynch      "        "
Augustus Schmidt      7th "                John G Meyer                "        7th
Chas F Dantzer           4th "                William Hallock             "        5th
Wm H Little    18th " William Davis                "        8th

The Draft—Examinations before the Board of Enrollment—List of Substitutes, and Exemptions for Physical Disqualification.

The Board of enrollment continued operations yesterday. The examinations made by the Surgeons were:
Conscripts exempted                                      30
     "            passed                                                       7
Number of substitutes acccepted [sic]                        6
    "         "        "          rejected                                    7
Total number of examinations                                    50

The following is a summary of the Examinations, &c., by the Board:
Physical Disability                              30
Furnished Substitutes                         7
Over age and married                         34
Aliens                                      13
Over 45years of age                6
Under age                                           12
Error in Enrollment                 1
Only son of Widow                3
Mental disability                                 1
One of two sons elected                     1
In the service 3rd of March    1
Convicted of felony                1
Paid commutation fee                         1
Passed for duty                                   8
Total number of Examinations 119

The following is a list of the substitutes with names of Principals, &c., &c.

Name of                 From what            Name of                Commencem’t
Princip'al.               Enrol. Dist.           Substitute                    of Service
Wm H Smith   3d Dist            Sidney H Burr             Aug 5th
JamesO Munroe          15th " Wm Jennings   " 10th
Martin Frick Jr            20th " John Farrell                 " 11th
Jacob James     31st "   Geo Carpenter             " 13th
John C Cherry             17th " Chas Brown    " 10th
Lambert Laycock        18th " Otto Haass                  " 10th
Louis Luippold           8th "                LaFayette Brown        " 7th
Chas Johnson 5th "                James Coates   " 7th

The following is a list of the Conscripts exempted for Physical Disqualification:

Name.                          Dist.                Name.             Dist.   
Jacob Fronhnhaiser Jr.             35th                 Chas W Shaw             7th
John Ham                                9th                   John Bulger                 14th
Geo E Oatman                        14th                 Wm C Bailey 37th
Geo Bowie                              14th                 Frank Stabell   16th
Patrick Gordon                       8th                   Henry Sourwine          14th
Geo Argus                               17th                 Conrad Rumsberger 8th
Chas Townsend                      15th                 Celestian Lawson  37th
Wm Holbrook                         15th                 Theobold Walter         7th
Wm Pask                                 4th                   Daniel Hartnett           8th
A J Winship                5th                   John A Smith 7th
Chas Chester               6th                   Eugene Noll    9th
Stephen B Butts                      3rd                   Henry Schenk             5th
John Hupner                7th                   Norman C Whitman 17th
Jas A Husted               7th                   Geo Zeiler                   11th
James Carry                 13th                 Bertrand Chafee         29th

Buffalo, Thurs, Aug. 20, 1863,
At 7 1/2 o’clock, P. M.
The Roll having been called, and a quorum not having answered to their names,
Ald. HOPKINS moved that the Common Council do now adjourn. Carried.
The Common Council then adjourned to meet next Monday afternoon, August 24th, 1863, at 2 o'clock.
C. S. MACOMBER, City Clerk.

The Draft—Examinations before the Board of Enrollment—Exemptions—List of Substitutes, &c.
The Board of Enrollment resumed their arduous duties yesterday at the regular hour. The examinations made by the Surgeons were as follows:—
Number of substitutes accepted [sic] 32
    "         "       "            rejected                       14
    "         " Conscripts exempted         50
    "         "      "            passed              00
Total                                                                96
The following is a summary of the business transacted by the Board of Enrollment for the first three days:

EXEMPTIONS, &c.       Aug. 18       Aug. 19        Aug. 20
Over age                                  13                    6                      16
Underage                                3                      0                      10
Disability                                 36                    20                    48
By Substitutes                         21                    67                    33
Only Son, &c              1                      0                      5
In Service, March 3d 2                      0                      0
Alien                                       1                      1                      3
Passed for duty                       0                      1                      1
Error in Enrollment     0                      2                      4
Paid $300                                0                      1                      2
Father of Motherless Children
                                                0                      0                      1
Total                                        77                    98                    123
Less Substitutes                      21                    67                    33
                                                56                    31                    90
It will be seen that the number of Conscripts exempted yesterday, as given by the Surgeons, differs from the table furnished above for the same day, the former being 50, and the latter 48. We are inclined to the opinion that one of the number was finally held for duty, and that the other furnished a substitute. Our future lists will explain the matter more satisfactorily.
The following is the list of the drafted persons who received their final discharge yesterday, with names of substitutes, &c.


Name of              From what   Name of      Commencem't
Principal.         Enrol. Dist.      Substitute        of Service
Jas L Brownell    3d Dist                    Frank Bement Aug. 5th
Oscar Folsom      14th "                      Richard Wilson " 8th
James Ash           13th "                      Wm Thornton   " 8th
H. Weisenhamer  13th "                      Wm Swan         " 8th
Charles M.Rand     3d "                      Chas H Moore  " 5th
Phillip D. Weing 17th "                       George Meier    " 10th
Chas Green            3d "                       Henry Ferguson " 5th
ChasCastle          16th "                      James Brady      " 10th
Herman Greener   4th "                       Jos Schaumbeyer " 5th
Walter Weldon     6th "                       Thos H Caldwell " 7th
Henry Foote         8th "                       Robert Burrow    " 7th
Peter Miller          6th "                        James Henry        " 7th
Joseph Maycock  4th "                        James Walters     " 5th
Joseph Conrod     6th "                       William Dunn     " 7th
Frank Lang          6th "                        Sam'l Luthe         " 7th
Wm H Stark      15th "                        Chas Jones          " 10th
Geo J C Woehnert 7th "                      Peter Stewart       " 7th
Henry Tappenden 4th "                       Alex Cook           " 5th
David W Burt    13th "                       Vencent Percince " 8th
Christ'n Bernhardt 13th "        Wm Smith            " 8th
Angus McPherson 18th "        Joseph Irving        " 10th
Chapin W Jones    15th "                    John McCarthy     " 10th
Martin Fischer      15th "                     Joseph Huber        " 5th
Wm Riester            4th "                     John Monzze        " 5th
John Gilbert Allen 3d "                       Henry Williams.  " 5th
Felician Besancon 6th "                      Joseph Morgan    " 7th
John S Hoffer      13th "                      Peter Schaffer      " 8th
Francis Stephen     5th "                      James Mar            " 7th
George Westerman 5th "                     John McDonald    " 7th
Andrew Shiels        6th "                     James Smith          " 7th
Geo F Kimball        3d "                      Frank Williams     " 5th
Dan G Foster          3d "                      Samuel Long         " 5th
Theobold Burgard 15th "        John B White         " 10th
Jacob Eckel           15th "                    Jas McChesney      " 7th
Cornelius Sullivan 13th "        Edward Haries       " 8th
William Goll          4th "                      George Russell       " 5th
Rufus H Beckwith 15th "       James Carney         " 10th
Mat Middleditch      3d "                    John Tuttle             " 5th
Benj B Clark          10th "       Jas McMannus       " 8th
Mar'l M Lawrence 5th "                      William Rawlins    " 7th
Edward S Rich     16th "                     Alex Wood             "  10th
Albert A Gillett      7th "                     Wm Willet              " 7th
Gottlieb Weinholt  5th "                     John Warren           " 7th
T V N Penfield     14th "                     Pope Gibbs             " 8th
Killian Wettig       14th "                     John Easterly          " 7th
John Humble          7th "                     Edward Fogg          " 7th
James Finley          2d "                       John Shawley         " 5th
Geo W Newell      4th "                      John Atkins            " 5th
William Walker  16th "                       Jos T Florence        " 10th
Joseph Larreau      4th "                      John Blacker           " 5th

Draft—Examinations before the Board of Enrollment—Last of Substitutes, and Exemptions for Physical Disqualification.
The examinations by Surgeons Trowbridge and Dayton on Saturday, were as follows:
Conscripts exempted                          67
Number of substitutes accepted [sic]              21
     "        "          "         rejected                         7
Total number of exemptions               102
The exemptions declared by the Board were: For physical disability 67; furnished substitutes 21 over age 20; aliens 18; under age 7; error in enrollment 4; two or more in military service &c., 2; only son of a widow 1; only son of aged and infirm parents 1; elected, &c., 1; seven were passed for duty, making the whole number 149. The following is a list of principals, substitutes' &c.:

Name of                From what             Name of              Commencem’t
Principal               Enrol. Dist.             Substitute               of Service
George Roas   7th Dist           Wm Bossarrd Aug 7th
Daniel Bowen             7th "                John E McGee            " 7th
John R Zook   3d "                 Thos Cooley    " 5th
James Reid                  4th "                Chas Campbell            " 5th
Frank Rassel    12th " Chas Howell   " 8th
Jerry Kilderhouse        35th " Wm Elliott                  " 14th
Joseph Seindle            7th "                Jas O'Connell " 7th
George Dickson          16th " Allen Coons    " 10th
Joseph A Lang            9th "                Geo Burmagen            " 7th
And J Holcomb           28th " Geo Lovell                  " 12th
Nathan Peasley           27th " Chas Richardson         " 12th
Wm Sturman   18th " Wm Smith                   " 10th
Thos Wogan    13th " Hugh Collins   " 8th
Benj S Tupper             6th "                Wm Johnson   " 7th
Simon E Tifft 33d "               John Harrison, Jr         " 13th
John Kinney    37th " James Dowes " 14th
John Scoville   13th " Thos Sullivan " 8th
William Volk   13th " Mich'l Herchmar         " 7th
Christian Klinck          9th "                Rob't Patterson           " 10th
Richard A Lay            18th " Orris J Cook    " 7th
Chas M Fellows          1st "                 Martin Kinyon            " 5th

The following is a list of the Conscripts exempted for Physical Disability on Saturday:

Name.           Dist.                  Name.                          Dist.
Geo A Krupper           14th                 Francis Sherman                      31st
John Pye                      13th                 Louis Freund               6th
Christian Halter           24th                 Geo Douglass              4th
John O Dunklen          3d                    Giles Slocum               14th
Joseph Alfes    7th                   Royal Berry                 6th
Joseph Martin              33d     Wm Nagle                               9th
A P Mason              7th           Michael Henecle                     4th
John Persch             8th           Philip J Thurmanne                 5th
Geo W Reese         14th          Josiah W Smith                       23d
John M Brown       14th          Ephraim Robinson Jr   18th
Wm Wagner            4th           Fred'k Beiser                           5th
John Volkart          14th          Chas L Pond                           4th
Geo Merritt              3d           W B McMaster                       3d
Frank S Galord      29th          Edward F French                    4th
Chas C Pierce        14th          Fred'k Koch                            3d
Walter L Lewis           6th                   Wm Wood                              6th
L LeClear                    14th                 Jas Rumbold               20th
Horace C Green          7th                   Lawson A Long                      3d
James M Shepard        33d                  Frank Diehl                             7th
Kenin Mullen 13th                 Wm Thompson                        4th
Almon Clark   3d                    Geo Rappold               4th
Martin Wiedakehr       5th                   Geo Herold                             10th
Chas Vey                    3d                    Mathias Meyer                        5th
Anton Vanderlinden 5th                     Stephen Barker                       16th
Geo Winhammer         14th                 Louis Detmar              4th
Chas Sweegler            13th                 John E Chrypler                      3d
John Quallander          8th                   James Parker               4th
Henry W Bleger          6th                   Louis W Witkouski     5th
Henry Brayma             3d                    Geo Seeger                              *
Martin Beryer 9th                   Nicholas Keefer                      *
William Mullen           4th                   Moritz Thum               7th
Joseph Windson          1st                   Thomas J Lockwood   7th
Peter Crimmar             4th                   Wm K Allen                15th
Edward Dows             3d

The Draft--Examinations before the Board of Enrollment--List of Substitutes, and Exemptions for physical Disqualification.

The business before the Board of Enrollment was continued yesterday. The examinations made by the Surgeons were:
Conscripts exempted              41
   "              passed                               18
Number of substitutes accepted   7
    "         "        "           rejected    5
Total number of examinations    71

The following is a summary of the entire business transacted before the Board of Examination yesterday:
Physical Disability                                          41
Furnished Substitutes                                                  7
Over 45 years of age                                        4
Over 35 years of age and married                   31
Under age                                                                   13
Aliens                                                              25
Only son of Widow                                          7
Only son of aged parents                                              1
Only brother of motherless child under 12       1
Error in Enrollment                                           1
Paid commutation fee                                                   1
Passed for duty                                                           16
Furloughed to obtain substitutes                      2
Total number of Examinations                                150


Of the conscripts passed for duty two of them were negroes. One of them was sent to the Commissary Department, where he donned the uniform of Uncle Sam, and acknowledged his willingness to fight. He will be sent to Ullman's Brigade. The other obtained furlough for the purpose of obtaining a substitute.
The following is a list of the substitutes with names of Principals, &c., &c.

Name of             From what    Name of           Commencem’t
Principal            Enrol. Dist.    Substitute             of Service
Chas Gilbert            13th          John Robinson       Aug. 8th
Conscript delivered                  Daniel McGregor      "    7th 
   for service              4th          Thos Corbett              "    7th
Joseph Metz              7th          Eli Colvin                  "   15th
Edw'd D Holman     15th         Thos McGuire            "     5th
Gerald O Brien          3rd         Chas Canley               "     8th
Thos Galligan           14th         John Quinn                "     7th
Bernhard Festner        6th         Elliott Green              "    10th
Fred'k Zeller             17th         Jas R Williams           "    11th
Conscript deliv'd for                 Eugene J Murphy       "      8th               
   service                   21st         
John Hickler             11th

The following is a list of the Conscripts exempted for Physical Disqualification:
Name.                    Dist.           Name.                 Dist.
Thos L Squires      29th           Chas J Baker     "
Chas Kilbert          13th           Thos S Hines   44th
Nicholas A Menarr  7th          John Thilon                 7th
David G Jackson   14th          John Reichert 11th
Geo E Giles            4th           Geo Dewald      "
Sam'l O Bigelow  14th            John Meier                  5th
Joseph Metz           7th            Max Dichinger            19th
John Streich           4th            Andrew Shwab           7th
Orlando M Cheeney "             Henry H Phillips         5th
Channcy Crosby      " Fred'k Tennyson         7th
Daniel Ellsworth     "   Alfred G Lathrop        14th
Jacop Hafner         6th Joseph Pollock            8th
Edward H Myers 13th            Peter Johnson 42nd
Geo J Bryan        15th Henry B Moulton        15th
John Welder          5th Thos Howard 4th
Sylvester Hilbert   9th             Fred'k Feller    17th
Henry Bierma     14th             Fred'k H Gopp            4th
John Wilson         4th  Fred'k M Turner            "
Christian Seilheimer 7th Wm Barlow                         14th
Rich'd Fleming     4th      Horace Wilcox      15th
Theodore W Letson 4th   John Hicker           11th
Jacob Wort          11th             Bernard Lelble         7th

[Article in German, omitted here, this is available in the PDF version. If anyone would like to translate this article and donate it, we would be very appreciative.]

EXEMPTED.—Wm. Mullen, who is conductor of a freight train on the Central Railroad, was drafted at Buffalo. He procured a substitute, for whom he was to pay $250, and went with him to the Provost Marshal's office to he examined. While waiting to have his man examined, an individual stepped up and offered his "sub" $60 more. The latter said he must go where he could get the most money. "Go to—thunder!" replied Mr. Mullen; "I wouldn't send you to fight for me now, under any circumstances. I'll go and fight first myself, rather than send you!" The conductor went in to see if he would be received, when lo! he was rejected by the examining surgeon. He thinks he had a narrow escape from sending a substitute who would have deserted on the first favorable opportunity.

An Anti-Draft Riot there
The Buffalo Evening papers of yesterday has not yet been received here, but the following is significant:
(From the Rochester Union, last evening.)
We hear from passengers from Buffalo this forenoon, that that city is again disgraced by a mob—this time on account of the draft. Fears were expressed that thee mob would seize the State Arsenal there and government property. What arrangements have been made to quell the riot, we have not ascertained.