26th Infantry, US Colored Troops
This regiment, Col. William Silliman, was organized at Riker's Island, New York harbor, February 27, 1864, to serve three years; it served in the Department of the East to March, 1864; in the District of Beaufort, Department of the South, to April, 1865; at Port Royal, S. C., until it was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. William B. Guernsey, August 28, 1865.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 21 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 2 officers, 7 enlisted men; of disease, 2 officers, 102 enlisted men; drowned, 1 officer, 4 enlisted men; murdered, 1 enlisted man; of sunstroke, 2 enlisted men; of causes not stated, 3 enlisted men; total, 5 officers, 140 enlisted men; aggregate, 145.

26th Regiment US Colored Troops | National Color | Civil War
After a severe rainstorm prevented a grand flag presentation scheduled for March 26, 1864, the 26th USCT received its colors, including the national…

26th Regiment US Colored Troops | Regimental Color | Civil War
This one-sided blue silk regimental color carried by the 26th Regiment USCT features a gold embroidered oak wreath encircling the old English letters…