Civil War Newspaper Clippings
Capt. Francis M. Cooley, of the Eleventh regular infantry, now stationed here, has accepted the proffered position of senior Major in the Griswold cavalry, provided he can obtain a leave of absence for that purpose. We hope the War Department will grant this. Frank is a splendid officer and a thorough gentleman. He entered the service as a lieutenant in a Pennsylvania regiment, and was advanced to captain. While holding that position, he performed a special service of peculiar hazard, for which no other officer in the regiment would volunteer. Some days after, during a review of the division to which he belonged, by the President and Secretary Cameron, he was called to the front. The President asked him how he would like to adopt the profession of arms become an officer in the regular army. Captain Cooley responded that such fortune would accord with a wish dear his heart. Secretary Cameron then asked him to consider himself a Captain in the Eleventh infantry. Soon after, a commission was forwarded him, dated from the time of performing the special service alluded to. Never was honor more worthily bestowed. The cavalry regiment will be fortunate if permitted to have Captain Frank as Major.
GRISWOLD CAVALRY.—We hear from the Twenty-first New York (Griswold) cavalry, through a late visitor to their camp at Giesboro Point, about seven miles from Washington.—Camp Stoneman, as their headquarters are called, is situated in a beautiful little valley on Giesboro Island, well supplied with water, and protected from the effects of wind and storm. There are two small streams running across the island and through their camp, one of which is used for washing purposes, and the other supplies the purest of water for cooking and drinking. No better site could well be selected for cavalry quarters, and the "boys" express themselves satisfied to remain here all Winter, which is more than probable they will do, as the location is an admirable one for a camp of instruction.—The regiment has not yet been furnished with horses, but they are expected within the course of a week or two. The regiment entire is in a most excellent condition, both as to its health and discipline. Indeed, the state of discipline at which the regiment has now arrived, is reported as admirable and quite commendable.—This was more easily to be reached, perhaps, on account of the large number of old and tried soldiers in the organization. The regiment is now under the command of Major Boutelle, who is a thorough and competent officer. Those who have relatives or friends in the Griswold cavalry, will be pleased to learn this favorable account of the regiment's condition.
GRISWOLD CAVALARY.—The Washington Republican of Thursday, thus speaks of the Griswold Cavalry and its commander:
" The Twenty-first New York Volunteer (Griswold) Cavalry regiment, which has been raising in that State for some time past, is now complete, and Colonel Wm. B. Tibbitts will assume command in a few days. This regiment is wholly composed of the choicest material the Empire State has hitherto afforded in this important and most useful arm of the service. The men are uniformly well constructed, and uncommonly hearty and vigorous, as demonstrated by the health of the command at present in the field, about five miles from this city, under Lieut. Colonel Fitzsimmons, a brave and accomplished officer. The regiment is named in honor of John A. Griswold, member of Congress from the Rensselaer and Washington district, in New York, and is to be commanded by Col. Wm. B. Tibbits, of Troy. Col. Tibbits is one of the representative heroes of the war.—Possessed of large wealth, a splendid education, and patriotic and social traditions in the great wealthy State of New York, he laid all these willingly aside at the outbreak of the war and took up arms in defence of his country, as Captain in the original Second New York volunteers, wherein he served for the two years' period with signal patriotism and devotion, being promoted to the rank of Major for gallantry in the field.—During the Captaincy and Majority of Colonel Tibbits, he fought with marked valor in the actions of Big Bethel; the first and second Bull Run; the two Fredericksburgs; Bristow Station and Chancellorville, and was repeatedly commended in official dispatches for gallantry. As Colonel of the Griswold Cavalry, he will bring to the discharge of his duties a brilliant reputation for bravery, a comprehensive and intelligent knowledge of military affairs, acquired only after persistent study and practice, and a patriotism that has been tried and proven on many a field of the great rebellion. In the Colonelcy, Col. Tibbits will be most efficiently assisted by Lieut. Colonel Fitzsimmons, Majors Otis, Boutelle and McCunn; all of whom have seen honorable service in the war, and are all ambitious for the immediate quelling of the rebellion."
From the Griswold Cavalry.
Correspondence of tha Troy Daily Times.
We received marching orders at 10 o'clock P. M. on the 14th instant, and at daylight next morning bade adieu to Camp Stoneman, and took up our line of march through Maryland, carrying each three days rations for man and horse. We reached Harper's Ferry, of John Brown notoriety, on Sunday afternoon, crossing the railroad bridge in single file on a single railroad track, planked and intended for foot passengers. This Blondin feat was accomplished safely, with the exception of a single accident, a horse in company H slipping and throwing his rider on the bridge, while the animal was precipitated into the Potomac, a distance of some eighty feet. Strange to say, he was uninjured, as he swam up the Shenandoah river and landed all right, and is now in the regiment apparently as good as ever.
On the route through Maryland we met and passed divers wagons from Pennsylvania, loaded with Government produce, probably friend Merriam's fifty thousand bushels of beans which he has contracted to supply Uncle Sam with. William stated in Washington he had a "big thing" of it, and expected to pocket a number of Uncle Abraham's photographs by the transaction, as no doubt he will, as it is asserted by competent authority he is a fair judge of beans "when the bags are opened."
Well, the Twenty-first have been under fire for the first time—though I am sorry to say it was not against the enemies of the Union. Yesterday afternoon, some fifty or sixty men from the First New York cavalry, who were encamped near us, and who were evidently under the influence of lager beer, made a raid on our camp, and cut loose some men who were tied up by the wrist to trees, undergoing punishment for misdemeanor committed on the march to this place. They stated very boisterously that they did not allow any of their officers to inflict any kind of punishment upon them, and would not allow any men near them to be punished previous to a court-martial. Our officers and men were busily engaged in arranging our camp, and were entirely unprepared for any such proceedings, as we had no guard on at the time. A guard was immediately put around the camp, the men who were cut loose were again secured, and everything was quiet along our lines. Later in the day, some sixty men, braced up with more lager and armed with revolvers, made another rally upon our guard tent. The guard were drawn up in line, and being reenforced by a number of our officers, armed with carbines and revolvers, made a stand against the insurrectionists. Some sixty or seventy shots were exchanged, when the rioters were driven back to their own camp. News of the transaction was conveyed to the Ninety-eighth regiment, Pennsylvania infantry, who were stationed at Charlestown, some half-a-mile distant, and who marched immediately to the scene of insurrection. Some sixteen of the ringleaders were arrested and lodged in jail at Harper's Ferry, and as they can be identified by a number of our officers and men, they will no doubt be severely punished as they richly merit. Our casualties are one private, of Co. K., wounded in the leg, and two horses killed. Loss of the rioters: one wounded and sixteen taken prisoners. Everything is now tranquil. I must state in justification of the officers of the First New York cavalry, that they done everything in their power to quell the disturbance and aid in suppressing the riot. The regiment have been in the field over two years, and were to go home in a few days on furlough -- a large number of them having reenlisted for three years longer. Gen. Sullivan, who is in command of the post, states that he will now keep them the field until the expiration of their term of service.
Lieut.-Col. Fitzsimmons is now Chief-of-Cavalry at this post, having three regiments and a battalion under him, and Major Otis has command of our regiment.
Orderly Sergeant Donohue, of Co. E, had his fingers blown off this morning by the accidental discharge his revolver.
John M. Mitchell, of Co. D, is now incarcerated in the jail at Harper's Ferry, for the attempt to shoot Capt. Farron, of Co. K, the ball from his revolver grazing his glove. John is a Tonawonda Indian, and was intoxicated at the time. It will probably go pretty tough with him. We are now living in shelter tents (officers men), but will probably receive other tents more comfortable ones in a day or two, when a bettor location for a camp will be selected.
Yours, &c, CARBINE.
From the Griswold Cavalry.
Correspondence of the Troy Daily Times.
HALLTOWN, Va., Feb., 14, 1864.
Between scouts, raids, picket duty and changing camp grounds, my time has been so much taken up that I have not until now had time to communicate matters and things transpiring the Griswold cavalry. Since I last wrote to you we have fallen back from our old camping grounds near Charlestown to a much better and pleasanter one at Halltown. Motives best known to the War Department have no doubt caused this movement. Certainly not any of the enemy, for they have not been seen in any numbers within fifty miles of the place. Of the reconnoissance to Moonfield in force, and our skirmish with the enemy, you are already posted on. A portion of the regiment is now out nearly every day up the valley of the Shenandoah, and scarcely a day passes but we bring in more or less "greybacks." We have had several brushes either with bushwhackers or small bodies of Mosby's guerrillas, and have lost three men from the regiment, Co. B, Captain Gere, being the only sufferers. Private Garrison was killed, and Private Eldridge was so severely wounded by a party of bushwhackers that his recovery is extremely doubtful. He now lies at a farm-house this side of Berryville, unable to be removed. The facts are these: A small scouting party consisting of nine privates in command of a Sergeant belonging to the First New York cavalry, had been out as far as Berryville, distant twelve miles from Charlestown, and finding everything quiet, were on their return to camp, when about six miles from here they were attacked by a party of guerrillas in citizen's dress, numbering about twenty, who rushed from the woods and fired upon them, killing Garrison instantly and wounding and taking prisoner Eldridge, who was subsequently left at the farm-house where he now lies. Garrison's body was left lying upon the road where he fell, his arms were taken from him, but his horse was found quietly grazing by the roadside some mile distant, by a party of the First New York cavalry, who went in pursuit of the marauders. The corpse was brought in and buried at Harper's Ferry by Commissary Ronalds, of the Twenty first New York cavalry. Last night, Charles Brennan, of Co. B, was shot through the breast while on picket duty and his recovery is also considered doubtful. Day before yesterday our regiment returned from a scout out as far as Winchester, bringing in six prisoners, and some two hundred of our boys are now absent with three days rations, scouting and patrolling the country. Our pickets now extend as far as Charlestown, and our forces at this post are concentrated here and at Harper's Ferry.
To-day, the First New York Cavalry left for home on furlough, that is those who have reenlisted for three years longer, which number comprises nearly two-thirds of the regiment. The residue are, I understand, to remain at Frederick City, Md., until the regiment again returns. By the way, I noticed in the Times an extract from a letter from one First New York Cavalry, which denies the statement I sent you concerning the riot that occurred on our arrival here, with that regiment. I sent you a true version of the facts, with the exception that the ringleaders were not incarcerated in jail, as they richly merited, and as I was erroneously informed they were. Our men were not drawn up in line of battle until they had made the attack on our camp, some 300 yards removed from them, and tired a number of shots at both our officers and men; and as for mother F., of whom your correspondent makes mention, I know nothing of her. The writer may no doubt know "whereof he writes," but he sends you far from correct account of the occurrence, as numbers of our own officers can vouch for. As for what he says of Major Quinn, who was absent at time in Washington, I cordially endorse it, as he is evidently a perfect gentleman and a brave officer, and in fact so are all the officers of his regiment whom I have been fortunate enough to meet. The regiment in all is composed of good and brave men, have done most effective service since breaking out of the rebellion, but "lager-bier" will sometimes get best of a few when indulged in too freely.
Sergeant Charles H. Rice, of Co. D, and formerly of the "old Second," died suddenly at Sandy Hook hospital on the 9th inst. of congestion of the lungs. He was a good comrade and a brave soldier, and his loss is severely felt by those who knew him. Lieut. Ronalds is now acting Quartermaster, and Commissary for the regiment, and although his double duties are both arduous and laborious, he gives evident satisfaction to all. Lieut. Ronalds an old caterer and "knows how to keep a hotel." May his shadow never be less, as he is the right man in the right place.
Lieut. Henry E. Snow, of Co. D, is now Acting Assistant Provost Marshal and Aid-de-Camp, to Col. Taylor, who is now Chief of Cavalry.
Lieut. E. E. Hedley has been promoted to the Captaincy of Co. E.
Yours truly, CARBINE.
From the Griswold Cavalry.
Much anxiety has been caused by the publication of a dispatch in Friday's Times, announcing that the Twenty-first (Griswold) cavalry had had a fight, and lost several men. We have been awaiting further details from our enterprising and reliable correspondent "Carbine." We received the following letter from him this morning, dated on Saturday last, in which he mentions a fight, but speaks of no casualties in the regiment—so that we hope the rumor of last Friday was unfounded:
"Halltown, Va., March 12, 1864.
" Our regiment has, within the past few days, been considerably augmented, by the arrival of Col. Wm. B. Tibbits, Quartermaster Wm. B. Laithe, and Dr. Catlin, with some two hundred and ninety-five recruits from Camp Stoneman. Important business connected with the regiment compelled Col. Tibbits to return to Washington for a few days, but he has since returned, and on the 9th inst. assumed command. His arrival was hailed with joy by the many veterans of the well remembered, 'old Second,' and they are now awaiting anxiously and keenly a brush with the 'Johnny rebs,' with their brave and well-tried 'old commander' at the front.
" Gangs of Mosby's Guerrillas still continue to harrass our pickets and outposts. On Thursday last, a force, consisting of some sixty men, made a demonstration on our pickets, stationed some three miles outside of Charlestown, driving them in and taking a number of them prisoners, among them two Lieutenants. Major Sullivan, of the First New York veteran cavalry, who was in command of the picket force, made a charge on them with some thirty men, and in the skirmish Major Sullivan was killed, Lieut. Baker, of the First New York, mortally wounded, and two privates killed, and some few taken prisoners. A dispatch was sent into camp of the occurrence, and in a few moments, a detachment of one hundred and fifty men of our regiment, under command of Capt. W. G. McNulty, were in the saddle, and joining a portion of the First New York cavalry, the whole under command of Col. R. F. Taylor, went in pursuit of the rebels, but notwithstanding they scoured over many miles of country, failed to find the enemy.
" Capt. John S. Jennings, of Co. C, has been promoted to Major of the Third battalion; Lieut. L. W. Truesdale, of Co. B, promoted to the Captaincy of Co. C; Second Lieutenant T. D. Geer to First Lieutenancy of Co. B, and Orderly Sergeant H. P. Johnson, of Co. B, promoted to be Second Lieutenant of Co. B.
" Dr. Gatlin is busily engaged in rearranging the affairs of the medical department. Quartermaster Wm. B. Laithe is also devoting his time most assiduously in straightening up things in his department, relieving our rotund friend, Commissary Ronalds, of a portion of the duties he was obliged to perform while fulfilling both positions, and allowing him to attend solely to the commissary department, which he has done with evident satisfaction to all.
" I am sorry to state that Adjutant James H. Hill has been unable to attend to his duties, through serious indisposition, but I learn that to-day he is much better, and hopes are entertained that in a few days he will be able to resume the affairs of his office, which, by the way, no one understands better.
" Captain 'Sim.' Clark, an old and well-known Trojan, and a Captain in the Sixty-second New York regiment, is now filling the position of Commissary of Musters at Harper's Ferry, and is on Gen. Wheaton's staff. Capt. 'Sim.' is well-known, and has many friends in Illium.
Thursday, June 16, 1864.
May 17, 1864.
DEAR FRIENDS AT HOME: I improve the present moment to write a few lines to you, knowing that you will all feel anxious about me after the late battle. I am well, with the exception of a boil on one of my limbs, but, I trust that this will be well in a short time.
We have had a heavy fight, as you no doubt will know before this reaches you, at New Market. Last Saturday afternoon, Gen. Sigel sent a part of his force forward from Woodstock, to drive the rebels out of Mount Jackson and occupy New Market, if possible. They met them at the first named place, and had a running fight, with them to New Market, where they made a stand, but our men drove them five miles beyond. They then fell back to the town and throwing out pickets and bivouaced for the night, we was not in this engagement. We started for New Market Sunday morning at an early hour. The 21st was in advance, and I was on the advance guard which was commanded by Lieut. Cramer, of company D. It rained hard all day. When we reached Mount Jackson we heard from the front, where the two forces were skirmishing. As soon as we got on the field they shoved us right to the front. Our batteries soon got into position, and they opened on the enemy who lay beyond the town. This drew the fire of their guns which occupied as good a position as I ever saw, for artillery. In a few moments the earth fairly shook with the thunder of cannon, shell traversed the air in every direction making frightful music, and scattering death and terror wherever they
went; at about two o'clock the enemy advanced their first line of infantry, which was over a mile long, and they presented as good a front as I ever saw. They threw out skirmishers on a hill to the left of their artillery, but our guns opened on them and they scattered for the road, like sheep. Their infantry advanced down the hill a short distance and then halted, as they came on, two more lines came into view, when I saw their force I knew that we had not force to stand against them.
When we got into line, there being but parts of companies they formed us into squadrons. Company B was all on the right of second squadron, but myself being the left particular guide of the same, nearly half of second squadron were sent out on the skirmish line. Co. B was all out but I. Orderly Sergt. Coryell was in command of the right of the line.
When the enemy's line had advanced to the brow of the hill, our artillery, opened on them, and I saw them fall like grass before the scythe. It opened huge gaps in the ranks, but they closed up as cooly as though on dress parade.—The enemy finding that it was too warm work to stand such a fire, they lay down, then our guns shelled them. I saw the shells burst right over their line, within a few feet of them. A few such shots, and they up and with a yell charged down the hill to take the battery.—As they came on, our battery poured grape and canister just as fast as they could load and fire, into their very bosoms, but still they advanced. They did not send out skirmishers in front to cover their advance, but threw their whole line forward upon our small force, which consisted of three regiments of infantry, two laying in reserve, three or four regiments of cavalry and some artillery. There were a good many more troops laying back, but Gen. Sigel had not time to bring them up. When the artillerists found that they could not stem the tide of opposition that was pouring up the hill onto them, they tried to limber up, and move to the, rear, but the Johnnies were so close on to them that they had to leave one of their pieces. After driving the battery they advanced. The line of cavalry consisting of the 1st, 21st and 1st Veteran N. Y. regiments, and some cavalry from Pennsylvania, Col. Tibbits, intended to have charged the line as it came into view, but as the enemy came yelling on, the 1st Veteran broke for the rear, all the other regiments followed in quick succession with the exception of the 21st, which was the last to leave the field. "Huzza," said Major Otis, " the 21st is the last to leave the ground." We marched by fours in good order to the rear of the 1st Va. (Union) infantry, who received the rebs with a galling fire, which sent many a tool of the Southern Confederacy to his final home, but this never staggered them for they closed right up and continued to advance forcing our infantry backward upon our second line, if you may call one or two regiments a line.—At this time the battle raged in all its fury. The 21st had now fallen back behind the second line of infanty, and as they were retiring it got in some disorder. Wishing to see how our infantry received them, I lingered behind. As the rebels came over a slight elevation which hid our men as they lay on the ground, they arose and exchanged shots with the foe. The leaden storm fell around me like hail stones, men and horses were falling in every direction. This was the first fight of importance that I had ever been in, and I thought that I should be awfully frightened, but I was not in the least, I was just as calm as though I was on a review. I do not wish to boast, but this was the case. Our line could not long withstand the overwhelming force that the enemy, poured in upon them, so they broke and started for the rear. I thought that this was getting pretty warm for me, for I was in the rear of the cavalry, and the rebels had broken our infantry. I turned from the field, and such a scene of wild confusion I never saw, hundreds of men, both cavalry and infantry were going from the field just as fast as their horses or limbs would carry them. The left of the pike was one complete jam, so I crossed to the right into a wheat field and went towards the rear. I crossed two fields, when I came upon a party of cavalry rallying, I fell in with them, but finding none of the 21st there I fell out, and recrossing the pike went back a few hundred rods where I found Colonel Tibbits had rallied a part of his command. The artillery and infantry had fallen back and occupied a commanding range of hills. To this we retired and lay here until the greater part of our forces had crossed the bridge over the river at Mount Jackson.
When our artillery and infantry had crossed the wide plain that intervened between the hill and the bridge, and taken up a strong position on the other side of the river, we commenced slowly to retire. We marched in line across the plain. When we came near the bridge the rebels, got their guns in position on the hights that we had just evacuated, and soon the shells were bursting all around us. As our column advanced upon the bridge our pieces opened in reply to those on the heights, and for nearly a half of an hour was kept up as lively an artillery duel as I ever heard or seen.
As soon as we had crossed the bridge, the pioneers commenced to prepare for burning the bridge, which was soon wrapped in a splendid flame. Captain Pearl and I sat on our horses on a neighboring hill, and watched it until an explosion and sudden lightening up of the heavens succeeded by darkness, told us that the bridge over the Shenandoah was no more. I cannot speak more at present of our retreat, but we lie at Cedar Creek, two miles and a half below Strasburgh. We lost one Captain from our regiment, Capt. Mitchell, of Co. A, and two Lieuts. severely wounded. There was quite a number men killed arid wounded in the regiment, but company B came out of it without a scratch.
Of our officers, I must say a word. Col. Tibbits was all and more than I expected. A cooler person I never saw, and it was so with Lieut. Col. Fitzimonds, and Major Otis. Captain Gere was not in the fight, for he is at Beverly, West Va., but Lieut. Gere was, and he stood up to the work like a man, he is the Adjutant of the regiment now. Thus is all at present, but know that this is from your unworthy but dutiful son. More anon.
MITCHELL KILLED IN SIGEL'S BATTLE.—Lieut. Chas P. Cramer, of West Troy, one of the most popular officers in the Griswold cavalry, reached home this morning, on a short sick leave. During the battle fought by Sigel against Breckinbridge and Buckner at Newmarket, on Sunday the 15th, Lieut. C. was wounded in the groin, and was given a leave of absence for fifteen days to recover from his injuries. Lieut. Cramer brings the first tidings which have been received from the regiment since the battle of Newmarket, in which they bore a conspicuous and honorable part. The fact that they met with slight loss, will allay the anxiety of numerous residents of Troy and vicinity, who have sons or other relatives in the Twenty-first. On the 13th inst. a detachment from the regiment, under command of Major Otis, with Lieut. Cramer in charge of the advance guard, met the enemy at Edinburgh, and drove them for six miles. At the battle of Newmarket, two days afterwards, Gen. Sigel complimented the Griswold boys on being his best cavalry regiment, and as the rebel papers say that our cavalry alone saved the entire army, this is no slight distinction. Three were killed—two of them from Rochester, and the third the brave and beloved Capt. Mitchell, who had just returned from a brief stay in Troy and a wedding tour to Boston. The deceased, while gallantly leading his company into action, was struck on the leg either by a shell or solid shot, and he died in a short time from the effects of his wound. In the loss of Captain Mitchell, the regiment is deprived of one of its most respected officers. It seems but yesterday since he stepped into our office with the latest news from his command—and the announcement of his wedding was published in the Times of May 7th. His wife, who is stopping in West Troy, heard the fatal news from Lieut. Cramer, this morning. She is almost heart-broken at the sad tidings, Capt. Mitchell came to this city from Boston, Mass., and assisted Major Otis in raising his company—of which he took command when the former was promoted. Intelligent, loyal, brave and modest, he deserves an honorable place in the memory of our citizens, who regard the Griswold cavalry as their own regiment.
— Of the other casualties, the sufferers mainly belonged to Rochester. There were fifteen wounded in all. Adjutant Sill and Major Jennings each had a horse shot under them. Lieut. Cramer says the regiment is lavish in praise of its commanding officer, Col. Tibbits, whose courage and coolness was only equalled by his good judgment in the battle. The Griswold cavalry is probably by this time marching up the valley again.
— The ranking officer of the brigade, which has for some time been under Col. Tibbits' command, having rejoined it, the latter was relieved from his Brigadiership in a complimentary order, of which the following is an extract;
" Col. William B. Tibbits, Twenty-fourth New York cavalry, is relieved from his present duties as commanding officer of the consoldidated First and Second brigade of this division. Col. Andrew T. McReynolds having reported at these headquarters, is hereby assigned to the command of the consolidated brigade. The commanding General tenders his thanks to Col. Tibbits for the efficient manner in which he has performed his duties while in command of this brigade. By command of Major-Gen. STAHL.
GRISWOLD CAVALRY.—A letter to the Rochester Express, from Major Jennings, of the Griswold cavalry, says:
" I have this to say of our regiment, that there was not a single man of them that failed to obey the orders of his officers, even in the most trying moments. Not a man retired that was not wounded, except when ordered to do so—they were the first on and the last off the field, and stood a very galling fire almost stoically."
The Major speaks of the late Capt. Mitchell as being "as fine a gentleman and brave an officer as ever drew a sabre." Joseph Patre, of Co. C, and James A. Trewin, of Co. M, were killed.—Samuel Brininshal, of Co. F, Troy, was mortally wounded. Lieut. Riley, acting Commissary, was hit in the cheek by a piece of shell. Out of one hundred and sixty-five horses, sixty-eight were killed.
FROM THE GRISWOLD CAVALRY.—Lieut. Col. Fitzsimons, of the Griswold Cavalry, has arrived at his home in Rochester, suffering from a wound in the right arm.—He gives some facts concerning the regiment to the Union, from which we make an extract:
He was wounded on the 19th ult., since which time he has not been with the regiment. The 21st was with Sigel in his Southern movement in the Shenandoah valley, and later still with Hunter in his great raid, and performed a gallant part in that difficult work. Since the return of the army of Hunter to northern Virginia the 21st has been following and harassing Earley's raiders, and has suffered considerable loss in these movements. The recapture of a large number of wagons on the 15th inst. from Earley, as he was going up the valley of the Shenandoah, was performed by 300 of the 21st and 70 Maryland cavalrymen under Col. Fitzsimmons. They took out of the train 52 wagons and burned many more.
On the 19th Lt.-Col. Fitzsimmons, who has been in command of the 21st most of the time, was sent on a hazardous expedition with 300 men to feel the strength of the rebel force at Ashby's gap. They proved to be strong and a sharp fight followed, in which the 21st lost 72 in killed, wounded and missing. Colonel Fitzsimmons here received a bullet in his right arm, which inflicted a severe and painful wound. The bullet lodged, but was extracted by the surgeon. The regiment has now about 1000 men and is not reduced, as was stated by a letter published at Troy recently. There are five Rochester companies in the 21st.
The following is an extract from a letter written by Adjutant James Hill, after he was taken prisoner, dated
July 23, 1864.
We arrived at Winchester from Charlestown last night. We have had several fights, in which we have lost several of our best officers and men. This morning our regiment was ordered to charge the enemy, but being unsupported, were compelled to retire. I was taken prioner, but unhurt. You will probably next hear from me at Richmond or Salisbury. My horse ran against a tree, throwing me upon my head, and stunning me for a time. But I am all right now. I am grateful to the officers of the guard for permitting me to write. J. F. H.
A PERTINACIOUS DRUMMER.—Some time since, while the Griswold Cavalry were at Staunton, Va., Captain Scott, the Band Master, received permission to supply himself with a new bass drum, if one could be found in the place. He accordingly bestirred himself and succeeded in discovering one—a very large one, which according to an inscription upon it, had been captured by the rebels in 1862, at Winchester, when General Banks was driven through that place by "Stonewall" Jackson. Scott, appropriated the instrument and delivered it over to his drummer. The man has it in possession yet, but has had hard work to keep it. When General Hunter retired from before Lynchburg, and the troops were compelled to make a retrogade movement of over six hundred miles, occupying sixteen days in its execution and involving the most severe labour, this plucky fellow stuck to his drum and carried it through. Several times he was advised by the officers to throw it away, but refused, preferring to undergo almost any amount of fatigue rather than abandon his trophy. His perseverance attracted the attention of General Hunter himself, who told Lieut. Col. Fitzsimmons that the man deserved a gold medal for his persistence and pluck.
FROM THE GRISWOLD CAVALRY.—DEPUTY Provost Marshall R. W. Laithe returned yesterday from a brief visit to the camp of the Griswold cavalry at Cumberland, Md. He has two sons who are prominent officers in the regiment, and his trip was rendered pleasant, as well as instructive.
Mr. Laithe assures us that the Griswold cavalry is in the best condition as far as the spirits and discipline of the men are concerned. A finer regiment does not exist in the service. It is over one thousand strong, and is constantly receiving new accessions. Fifty-four men reached there last Sunday, among them Mr. Cole, a well-known lawyer of this city. At Cumberland there are about nine hundred men, who are in process of reequipment for active service. Five hundred of them have horses, but no saddles or arms, except sabres, as they are soon to be furnished with Spencer's seven-shooters. Major Otis is in command, and a capital officer he is, too—popular among the men and justly respected by his superiors. Lieut.-Col. Fitzsimmons is expected to return every day from Rochester, where he is recovering from a recent wound. One company is at Sir John's Run, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and two companies, under Captains McNulty and McCue, were sent last week to Clarksburg, in West Virginia, about one hundred miles from Cumberland. Enough carbines were found to equip these men. Around the Griswold camp matters are lively. There are several regiments stationed upon the romantic hills that surround this pleasant town. Scott's band, of Rochester, attached to the Twenty-first cavalry, is the life and soul of the place. Marshal Laithe went by the first train that ran on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, with engines ironclad, or so covered with a shot-proof lining of boiler metal that guerrillas cannot pick off the engineer or fireman. The devastation to the road is complete, and the land is almost a barren waste.—This satisfactory report of a favorite home regiment from one whose opinion is so well worth having as that of Marshall Laithe, will be gratifying to its numerous friends here and elsewhere.--Col. Tibbits, it is well known, has been for some time in command of the cavalry brigade to which his regiment is attached.
From the Griswold Cavalry.
Correspondence of the Troy Daily Times.
Among the many changes a soldier's life is heir to, that of moving camp is the most often and most perplexing, especially at this season of the year. Two companies of the "Griswold Light" has been stationed at Weston, West Virginia, since October last, until recently, when they joined the regiment. I refer to Cos. D and F, under command of Capt. Wm. G. McNulty. The regiment is now in snug Winter quarters, and with the exception of picket and scouting, the duties are not very heavy.—The weather lately has been extremely cold, the winds blowing from the Northwest for four successive days.
--Last week on Wednesday, Gen. Tibbits, having returned from Troy, assumed command of the brigade.--A day or two after, the cavalry corps of the army of the Shenandoah was inspected and reviewed by Maj.-Gen. Sheridan. Though the day was chilly and "old Sol" refused to shed his warm soft rays over us, the review was a complete success. The parade ground selected was a wide flat two miles East of Winchester, on the Berryville pike. At 10 o'clock A. M., the different divisions commenced forming by squadrons in close column. At near 11 o'clock, Maj.-Gen. Sheridan, accompanied by his division Generals and their staffs, rode through and inspected the lines, and soon after, the whole corps was in column by squadron passing in review, making a splendid and imposing scene, the different bands of music enlivening the affair with spirited airs. It was about 1 1/2 P. M. when the last squadron passed the commanding General. The whole corps was then formed again in column and proceeded to Winchester, passing down through the city on the main avenue, on which was Gen. Sheridan's headquarters, and up another, and passing the parade ground, from which the last squadron was just leaving. It was a grand review, and as the most perfect uniformity in dress, &c., was observed, the whole corps made a very attractive appearance. We arrived at camp, at 3 1/2 P. M., with very keen appetites for the repast Uncle Sam daily offers us.—Lieut.-Col. Fitzsimmons is in command of the Remount Camp at Pleasant Valley, Md.--Major Otis commands the regiment.—Lieut. A. Smith, Co. F, has been promoted Captain and assigned to Co. L.--Capt. Snow assumed command of Co. A after arriving here from Weston, West Va.--Capt. McNulty recently joined the regiment, having been quite ill a week in Grafton Hospital--Capt. Geer reported last night, having been home on leave.--So it goes. Change is life of the soldier.
From the Griswold Cavalry.
Correspondence of the Troy Daily Times.
NEAR WINCHESTER , Va., March 12.
February has passed away, and with it the gay season at the front, and now all is mud and preparation for a vigorous campaign. Last month witnessed an unusual amount of snow here in the valley. For a while, the sleighing was excellent, and of course taken advantage of by the numerous lovers of a merry time. At one time the camp was rendered quite lively by the numerous merry parties dashing by in their "pungs" drawn by four or six horses and driven by "intelligent contrabands" whose broad grins and dilated eyes betokened the novelty of such methods of traveling in the "sunny South." The most recherche affair of the season, however, came off at brigade headquarters on the night of the 20th of February, in the form of a ball given under the auspices of Gen. Tibbits and staff. The ball room was most beautifully decorated with evergreens and banners, and though of small dimensions, yet sufficiently large for the select party assembled for the evening's enjoyment. Scott's Band, far-famed throughout the whole department of West Virginia for their artistic skill and excellency, furnished the music, to the exciting strains of which, "fair women and brave men" threaded the mazes of the dance. The supper was in itself a master-piece of cuisine art, and did great credit to "ye genial caterer,"' cuiest honor in this line. The affair passed off most pleasantly and satisfactorily to all, and was repeated during the ensuing week, much to the delight of the fair ladies of Winchester. On the morning of Monday, Feb. 27, Gen. Sheridan with ten thousand cavalry moved up the valley. Until the night preceding, it was confidently expected that we would join the expedition, but owing to the numerical weakness of this brigade, it was left behind. A few days ago, eleven hundred prisoners, captured by Gen. Sheridan at Staunton, came through here on their way North. It is reported here that since the capture of these eleven hundred, Sheridan has caught Early and eighteen hundred other rebels, with a battery of artillery. Although no official intelligence relative to the report has been received, yet the stories of deserters, agreeing in every particular, seem to warrant the credence of it. Duty has been plenty and varied this Winter. Scouting parties have completely overrun Loudon county this Winter, and Mosby has been unusually quiet and inactive. Friday morning, a scout of about six hundred men under command of Major Charles G. Otis, went up the valley to look after Rosser, and "to see what they could see." They returned this noon, bringing with them about thirty prisoners, who tell pitiful stories of the depredations and sufferings from want of the rebel troops. There have been numerous promotions since last I wrote. First Sergeants Joseph Franklin, Eugene B. McWhorter, Frederick Wallace and John Mandeville, and Quartermaster Sergeant Chas. B. Laithe, have been promoted to be Lieutenants to fill vacancies in the regiment. The Griswold Glee Club, which, during the Winter, have exhibited so much artistic skill and vocal power of high order of merit, I regret to say is showing signs of speedy dissolution. CAVALIER.