Civil War Newspaper Clippings
MISCELLANEOUS. (October 11, 1862)
From the 130th Regiment.
CAMP THORP, Suffolk, Va.
EDITOR NEWS:—Another week has passed without our being ordered into battle, though the sound of distant guns reminds us that skirmishing is going on between the rebel pickets and our own. Drill for the present is interrupted, and all the men in the brigade are employed on the entrenchments. Extensive earthworks are being thrown up at different points, and each day finds us better prepared to resist an attack. For the present we are obliged to act in the defensive. The sudden change we have undergone in climate, water and manner of living has very naturally increased the number of sick in the Regiment. They have been removed from the hospital tent to comfortable quarters on the premises of a wealthy Secessionist. Our Surgeon, Dr. Kneeland, and his associates are deserving of the highest praise for their constant and assiduous efforts in relieving the wants of the sick. The doctor, as you are aware, is a strong Unionist; and in his labors, being influenced by the two-fold motive—humanity and patriotism—will aim to keep the Regiment in the best fighting condition possible.
The 6th Massachusetts Regiment, of Baltimore notoriety, have pitched their tents next to ours. Our own Campus Martius is our especial delight. Its cleanly swept streets laid out with mathematical accuracy are the scene of constant bustle during the day, and by night the frequent resort of those whose delight it is to "trip the light fantastic toe." Camp life has its pleasures as well as its privations. Without being able to comprehend the plan of the campaign, and not being allowed to anticipate the movements of his own regiment, the soldier is to a certain extent, free from care and anxiety. His motto is, "Let us eat and be merry to-day, for to-morrow we die."
The constant routine of duty, with the excitement of an occasional alarm, absorb the attention and prevent any disagreeable feeling of ennui.
The influence of military discipline upon an individual is in some respects highly beneficial. If any parent has a froward [sic] son in the army, he has cause for self-congratulation in the fact that his son is in a good school, and must there learn for the first time, perhaps, the lesson of strict obedience to those placed in authority over him. No matter how perverse and self-willed he may have been at home, here he must perform promptly every duty assigned to him, without consulting his own inclinations. Cleanliness of person and attire, courtesy towards superiors, and mutual kindness is enjoined upon all. Habits of early rising are soon formed and a praiseworthy indifference to the quality of food is manifested. Skill in the manipulations of arms, courage and endurance constitute the chief points of excellence in the education of the soldier. In actual service but little time is allowed and scanty provision made for moral and intellectual culture. If in these respects the soldier remains statue quo ante bellum, he does well.
Our new Colonel has arrived, and his personal appearance is preposessing. "A front like Jove, an eye like Mars, to threaten and command."
I trust you will hear good reports from the 130th when called upon to meet the rebels. J. N. Official Compliment to the 130th Regiment.
At a meeting of the Military Committee of the Thirtieth Senatorial District, held at Camp Williams, in Portage, September 30th 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were passed unanimously:
Whereas, We, the Members of the Military Committee of this Senatorial District, have assembled here this day, by invitation of Col. Wood, Commandant of the 136th Regiment N. Y. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of inspecting the appearance and discipline of the Regiment, prior to its leaving Camp, and whereas the Colonel has had a review of the Regiment in our presence, and shown to us the arrangements and order of the Camp--Therefore,
Resolved, That the organization and discipline of the Regiment, for the time it has been forming, reflects the highest credit upon its Commanding Officer, for his ability, energy, activity and industry in raising said Regiment, and that the thanks of this Senatorial District are due to Col. James Wood, jr., for the able, faithful, and efficient manner in which said Regiment has been organized.
Resolved, That our thanks are also due to the Staff and Commissioned Officers for the able discharge of their several and respective duties in bringing the Regiment to its present high military bearing and discipline.
Resolved, That the non-commissioned Officers and privates of said Regiment, for their subordination and good conduct while in Camp, are also entitled to our thanks, and inspire us with confidence that the 136th Regiment will acquit itself with credit wherever and under whatever circumstances it may be placed.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be signed by our Chairman and
Secretary and transmitted to the Secretary of War, the Governor of the State, and published in all the newspapers of the District.
CHA'S COLT, Chairman.
J. B. Skinner 2d, Secretary.
List of Promotions in the 130th Regiment.
VA., Oct. 10th, 1862.
The following appointments and promotions are hereby made in this Regiment, subject to the approval of His Excellency, Maj. Gen. E. D. MORGAN, Governor of the State of New York:
Co. A—1st Lieut. John R. Robinson to be Capt., vice Bills, absent without
leave since Sept. 1st 1862.
George T. Hamilton to be 1st Lieut. vice Robinson promoted.
1st Sergeant Wm. J. Luther to be 2d Lieut, vice Dayley resigned.
Co. G—1st Lieut. Cha's L. Brundage to be Capt. vice Alanson B. Cornell resigned.
2d Lieut. G. Wiley Wells to be 1st Lieut. vice Brundage promoted.
1st Sergeant Alonzo W. Chamberlain to be 2d Lieut. vice Wells promoted.
Co. H—1st Lieut. Ira Sayles to be Capt. vice Wakeman resigned.
2d Lieut. E. S. Osgood to be 1st Lieut. vice Sayles promoted.
Asa R. Burleson to be 2d Lieut. Vice Osgood promoted.
Regimental Staff—1st Lieut. Russell A. Britton to be Adjutant vice Cowee resigned.
Co. I—2d Lieut. Franklin S. Adams to be 1st Lieut. vice Britton Adjutant,
1st Sergeant Cha's E. Lewis to be 2d Lieut. vice Adams promoted.
Co. K—1st Serg't Oliver W. West to be 1st Liet. vice Slayton resigned.
By order of Col. Alfred Gibbs.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
Below we give a letter from a member of Capt. Smith's Company, which we doubt not will he read with interest. The 130th is with the force that moved from the lower Peninsula, and there can be little doubt but their cannon are already thundering at the gates of Richmond, if our forces do not occupy the rebel capital.
Gen. Foster in command in North Carolina, on hearing of the advance of Lee into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and without waiting the slow "red tape" process, started his whole force for Fortress Monroe, where he joined the forces under Gen. Dix, and the whole force has made a move "on to Richmond." It is not known outside of the command and the War Department how large our force is, but from all that can be gathered it must be from 50,000 to 60,000 strong. The latest dates from Richmond represented that the city was garrisoned by about 40,000 men, many of whom were conscripts. It cannot be many days before we have stirring news from that quarter:
WHITE HOUSE, VA., June 27th, 1863.
* * You see by the heading of this letter that we keep moving around some. I wrote home last Tuesday from Williamsburg, and received one to-day by Capt. Smith, who joined us to-day at this place. We marched here today from Cumberland Landing, five miles from here. We left Yorktown last Monday, and have been on the march every day except one, which was last Wednesday, when we laid all day 10 miles this side of Williamsburg.—Thursday night we slept at a place called Ropers Church, a small building in the woods, about half as large as Dick's shanty, and most a quarter of a mile from any house. We left there yesterday morning and marched so far as New Kent Court House, 30 miles from Richmond. We then left the Richmond road and turned to the right and went to Cumberland Landing, three miles from there, where we staid all night, and then came here. Getty's Division has just landed here, and Spears' Cavalry have landed and gone on somewhere, I believe up towards the Chickahominy. I don't know how many troops there are here, but to use a Secesh expression, "there's a right smart lot of us, I reckon." We find country produce CHEAP up in these parts. Milk is offered at four shillings per quart, and butter from two to four dollars a pound, onions five for ten cents, &c. The houses are so far from the road that there is no chance for foraging, but when we stop to camp those who get to a house first look out for the garden truck, &c. We drew two days rations this morning of hard tack, pork, coffee, and sugar. I am on guard to-day, the first time since we left Suffolk. We are roughing it for certain now.—No home, money, or clothes, except those we have on our backs. CHARLEY.
Our Correspondents.
We are in receipt of a letter from Lieut. E. S. OSGOOD, Comp. H, 130th Regiment,, dated Suffolk, May 4th; also one from Lieut. JOHN BARTON, of the 141st Regiment, at the same place, dated May 6th. Time and space precludes the possibility of our publishing these letters entire. Lieut. O's letter is dated ' ' In the Rifle Pits," showing that they are on hand for the enemy. He says the place has been invested by the Rebs on three sides, since the 10th of April, since which time his company (which is largely made up from Almond) has been in camp but part of three nights. He speaks of a hotly contested skirmish on the 17th of April, on the South Quay, in which his company took part, and although in the hotest of the fight, the entire company escaped without a scratch. They have been constantly annoyed by rebs in their immediate vicinity, and had frequent skirmishes, sometimes with strong rebel forces, but in each instance have succeeded in holding the rebs at bay or repelling them. On the morning of the 4th they were surprised to find the rebs had skedaddled during the night, when they were ordered to provide themselves with three days rations, and to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moments warning. He also speaks of meeting several of his old acquaintances in the 141st.
Lieut. BARTON mentions the fact that the members of his company received four months pay on the 2d inst. and that $3000 of the same had been forwarded by them to their friends to the care of MARTIN ADSIT, Esq., of this village, besides which at least $500 had been sent directly to their friends, which shows a laudable prudence and economy on the part of the members of company F, without a parallel.
He says, on Sunday the 3d 10,000 of our troops crossed the Nansemond and attacked the enemy, driving them some miles to their strongholds and capturing about 600 prisoners. The prisoners he describes as a rough looking, half naked, barefooted set of follows—some heartily sick of fighting, not wishing to return again to the rebs, while others were very bitter and were anxious to return and fight us again.
On the morning of the 5th, the Division to which the 141st is attached, received marching orders, and at 10 o'clock A. M. took cars for Norfolk, to report at Fortress Monroe. Beyond that Lieut. B. was ignorant of the direction his Regiment would take, but supposed Yorktown or the army of the Potomac. He did not go forward with the Regiment when it. left Suffolk on account of ill health, but expected to be able to follow in a day or two.
He describes Suffolk as a small but rather pleasant town—says the health of the regiment is good—boys feeling full of fight, &c. Speaks of being on the field in the fight of Sunday, and hearing the bullets whistle—says the churches and public buildings at Suffolk are used for hospitals, and Dr. J. W. ROBINSON has been promoted from the post of Brigade to that of Division Surgeon.
To Be MOUNTED.—By a letter from HENRY ROOT, a member of the 130th regiment, we learn that the arrangements for changing that regiment into Cavalry has been made, and the orders for that purpose issued. It is expected that the regiment will camp at Annapolis Junction during the time the change is being made, and instruction given in the new tactics. The 130th Changed to a Cavalry Regiment.
Capt. H. M. Smith has just informed us that an order has been issued from the War Department, transferring the 130th Regiment into Cavalry, and that they will soon be ordered to Annapolis Junction. This regiment needs 200 men to fill it up to the maximum number. Its officers are extremely desirous to secure these men from this Senatorial District, and several are to be sent here immediately to promote enlistments. It is to be hoped that the Senatorial Committee of last year, under whose direction this regiment was organized, will at once take hold of the matter and assist in speedily securing the number of men wanted. This arm of the service is the most desirable in the field.—New recruits will at once go into the company of old associates and be under the command of friends.
From the 130th.
A letter from M. F. HOLTON, of Captain KNAPP'S company, written from "Headquarters Array of Potomac, Warrenton, Va., August 1st," contains the following important statements:
"This morning Col. GIBBS came from Washington, and our Regiment is now a Cavalry Reg't instead of Infantry. We leave to-morrow morning for our camp of drill between Washington and Baltimore. We are to furnish our horses and the Government take them off our hands at the place of rendezvous—probably Portage or Elmira,—where they are to be apprized and the Government pays the cash there. The apprizer is to be from our Reg't. The Reg't is to be raised to 1200 men—200 conscripts and 200 volunteers being added."
"ALONZO HODGES of Co. D, died day before yesterday. He was from Pike."
—A letter written one day later says the Reg't is at Germantown, but will be at its place of drill near Washington very soon. It is numbered the "17th N. Y. V. Cavalry."
SICK IN HOSPITAL.—WE regret to learn that S. Mills Fisher and Homer O. Holly, of the 130th Regiment, are sick in Hospital. Mills Fisher was taken sick on the Peninsula, during the advance on Richmond, and was obliged to be left behind. He was afterwarys taken to the Hospital at Portsmouth, Va., where he is at present. He is doing well.
From the 130th Regiment.
This Regiment was in Frederick, Md., on the 15th inst. A member writes to the Dansville Advertiser: "Our brigade is all broken up. We are to be put in the 5th Army Corps, commanded by Maj.-Gen. Sykes--formerly Meade's.
It contains Sykes's famous Regulars. The commanding officer here told Col. Gibbs that the reputation of the 130th had preceded it, and it should be put in good company. Had it not been for gen. Terry, we would have stood a good chance of being retained in Washington to be mounted. But he wouldn't even let Col. Gibbs leave the boat when we arrived, but trotted off himself and got orders for us to start forthwith for the front of the Army of the Potomac."
—A letter from Capt. KNAPP, dated, Uniontown, Va., July 21st, states that the 130th Reg't is detailed as guard to Gen. Meade's headquarters.
From the 130th Regiment.
Tuesday, July 14th.
DEAR FRIENDS—Here we are in Maryland, arrived here last night. Will probably leave here for Boonesboro to-morrow. We leave our knapsacks here in private houses. I am well and in good spirits. Saw F. Thomas in Washington. C. House, Hinman, and all the boys are well. C. Chilson is in the convalescent hospital—will be with the Regiment in a few days. Direct to Washington. Things are as cheap here as at home—all we need is a little money to buy with.
Yours in haste, CIIARLEY.
Major S. H. Lancey, aid to Gen. Ewen, of the Army of the Shenandoah, was captured by Lee's cavalry, near Carlisle, and is in Washington on parole, and under surgical treatment for a severe wound in his foot.—The wound is doing well. Mr. L. was formerly 1st Lieut. in our Co. B, 130th Regiment.
Lieut.-Col. THORP, Capts. ROBINSON and SMITH, and a detail of non-commissioned officers of the 17th Cavalry (late 130th infantry) are at home for the purpose of getting men and horses for their Reg't. Two companies of 100 men each and 500 good horses are wanted. It is likely that some of the conscripts from this District will be put into this veteran and favorite Regiment. The officers offer good inducements to volunteers, and will pay from $125 to $160 for horses.
—An officer of the old 33d Reg't, re-organizing as cavalry, has a recruiting office at Bingham's, and has enlisted 8 or 10 men.
—Capt. A. J. Leach, of the 130th, arrived here last week, on a furlough of thirty days.
PERSONAL.—On Thursday last, Captain H. M. Smith, of the 130th, returned with ample orders for recruiting two hundred men and purchasing five hundred horses for his Reg't. As mentioned last week this Regiment has been transferred to Cavalry, and our indefatigable Captain returns to us bearing the well-earned commission of Major in the new Regiment, The Major is not in prime health, but since his advent to his old stamping ground, his former elasticity is apparent.—His indomitable will, like his patriotism, needs no bidding. In his new position his many friends wish him great success.
Sergeant Justine Smith, Jr., son of our worthy townsman, also returns with Captain Smith for a short time, on business connected with this Regiment—he is looking well, makes a brave soldier, and is sure to distinguish himself on the field. Who ever knew a true member of the "Smith" family who, if right and justice demanded, would not fight.
Our young friend, Sergeant S. McNeilly, son of policeman McNeilly, has also dismounted from steed at Newbern, N. C., and is now breathing the invigorating air of his Northern home. He is a fine soldier boy, and under no circumstances will he show his "heels" to the rebels. He has been ordered home on service connected with the draft.—Mount Morris may well be proud of her representatives on the field.
Capt. JOHN P. ROBINSON of Co. A. 130th Reg't N, Y. V., arrived here last week accompanied by private A. W. TALLMAN of our town. The above has been changed to a Cavalry Reg't, and Capt. E. is engaged in procuring horses for the same, to rendezvous at Portage. He is also ordered to take charge of drafted men at Elmira, (possible enough to fill up his regiment.) Both the above gentlemen are looking in fine health.
Mr. D. W. ERICKSON has disposed of his Meat Market, and will now devote his entire energies to the service of his country—unless he is exempt or pays his "three hundred"—one of which is probable. His successor in business is Gen. RANDALL WATROUS, who will serve up his wares in the best style. Let us patronize home institutions.
The Rev. J. E. SAGE will preach at the Universalist Church next Sunday. This Society has not had a settled minister since the departure of Rev. Mr. TOMLINSON, a year ago.
The wool market appears to be slow this season—probably because the farmers cannot realize their "great expectation."
Aug. 11, 1863.
We are allowed to make the following extracts from a letter of HOMER O. HOLLY, of the 130th Reg't, whose duties as Division Postmaster have detained him at Portsmouth, Va.:
"We returned from Fortress Monroe yesterday (26th July) after an absence of 24 hours. We spent most of our time at Hampton, where the Hampton and Chesapeake Hospitals are, 1 1/2 m'ls from the Fort. I found four boys of Co. D in each Hospital, several having left a day or two before for the Reg't. There were Reynolds, Lewis, Osborn, Chas. Austin (started yesterday for the Reg't,) Clifford, Gliss, Thompson and Jenks.
The Chesapeake was formerly a Female Seminary. It is a large, five story brick building, situated very near the waters of the Bay, and commanding
a fine view of Hampton Roads. The managers are very strict, and will not allow the patients to walk out of doors. There are separate buildings for kitchens, dining rooms, &c, and tents for the convalescents. I like Hampton Hospital much better. It consists of 22 wards,—each ward a separate wooden building, one story, over a hundred feet long and twenty-five wide, very airy and roomy, with plenty of windows and doors, and clean, soft beds. The wards are arranged in the shape of a letter A:
___3 shade trees
dining rooms ___12
___15 shade trees
Shade trees are started all around in the center, and the grass is kept clean. The sick ones that are able can get out and walk around as much as they please. A week or so ago there were fifteen hundred in this Hospital, but there are only about half that now.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
Below we give a letter from a member of Capt. Smith's Company, which we doubt not will be read with interest. The 130th is with the force that moved from the lower Peninsula, and there can be little doubt but their cannon are already thundering at the gates of Richmond, if our forces do not occupy the rebel capital.
Gen. Foster in command in North Carolina, on hearing of the advance of Lee into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and without waiting the slow "red tape" process, started his whole force for Fortress Monroe, where he joined the forces under Gen. Dix, and the whole force has made a move "on to Richmond." It is not known outside of the command and the War Department how large our force is, but from all that can be gathered it must be from 50,000 to 60,000 strong. The latest dates from Richmond represented that the city was garrisoned by about 40,000 men, many of whom were conscripts. It cannot be many days before we have stirring news from that quarter:
WHITE HOUSE, VA., June 27th, 1863.
* * You see by the heading of this letter that we keep moving around some. I wrote home last Tuesday from Williamsburg, and received one to-day by Capt. Smith, who joined us to-day at this place. We marched here today from Cumberland Landing, five miles from here. We left Yorktown last Monday, and have been on the march everyday except one, which was last Wednesday, when we laid all day 10 miles this side of Williamsburg.—Thursday night we slept at a place called Roper's Church, a small building in the woods, about half as large as Dick's shanty, and most a quarter of a mile from any house. We left there yesterday morning and marched so far as New Kent Court House, 30 miles from Richmond. We then left the Richmond road and turned to the right and went to Cumberland Landing, three miles from there, where we staid all night, and then came here. Getty's Division has just landed here, and Spears' Cavalry have landed and gone on somewhere, I believe up towards the Chickahominy. I don't know how many troops there are here, but to use a Secesh expression, "there's a right smart lot of us, I reckon." We find country produce CHEAP up in these parts. Milk is offered at four shillings per quart, and butter from two to four dollars a pound, onions five for ten cents, &c. The houses are so far from the road that there is no chance for foraging, but when we stop to camp those who get to a house first look out for the garden truck, &c. We drew two days rations this morning of hard tack, pork, coffee, and sugar. I am on guard to-day, the first time since we left Suffolk. We are roughing it for certain now.—No home, money, or clothes, except those we have on our backs. CHARLEY.
Promotions in the 130th Regiment.
The correspondent of the Rochester Union in the 130th N. Y. V. gives the list of the late promotions in that Regiment. The Regiment has many friends in this vicinity who will be pleased to learn of the advancement of the officers. Those of our acquaintance who have been promoted are deserving of the honor.—The Regiment has recently been transformed to the Cavalry branch of the service. We doubt not that in their new capacity they will earn as fair a reputation as they won in the Infantry department:
Capt. Howard M. Smith, to be Major, from Aug. 1, 1863.
1st Lieut. Samuel Culbertson, to be Captain, vice H. M. Smith, promoted. 2d Lieutenant Henry Gale, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Culbertson, promoted. Sergt. Fred. A. Bayer, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Gale, promoted.
Sergt. Wm. C. Morey, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice J. M. Bills, promoted.
2d Lieut. Leander S. Callaghan, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice S. F. Randolph, dismissed.—1st Sergt. James L. Crittenden, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Callaghan, promoted.
2d Lieut. Jared M. Bills, Co. D. to be 1st Lieutenant, vice S. A. Farman, resigned. 1st
Sergt. Charles B. Alford, to be 2d Lieutenant vice Oscar Henning, resigned.
1st Lieut. G. Wiley Wells, to be Captain, vice Charles L. Brundage, resigned. 2d Lieutenant Alonzo W. Chamberlain, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Wells, promoted. 1st Sergt. Justin F. Coy, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Chamberlain, promoted.
2d Lieut. Asa B. Burleson, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Osgood, resigned. 1st Sergeant Allen O. Abbott, to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Burleson, promoted.
The third Major is not yet determined upon, the organization of the Regiment into twelve companies not yet having been fully consummated.
Our Army Correspondence.
From the 130th Regiment.
SUFFOLK, Va., May 2d, 1863.
To the Editor of the New-Yorker:
For over three weeks great excitement has prevailed concerning the expected battle at Suffolk. Each day has given new evidences that our expectations would be realized and a hotly contested engagement ensue. Scouting parties have been sent out in all directions, and each time have found the enemy in large force and well fortified, about two miles from town, and the fact that Gen. Hill has abandoned the attack on Washington, N. C., and is advancing in this direction, is another evidence that the rebels intend to give us battle.
Deserters report Stonewall Jackson to be in command of their forces, and that Longstreet is in arrest for not attacking us sooner. Though we cannot place any confidence in what they say —however it seems probable that such might be the case.
The 130th have been stationed for the past week along a rifle pit in front, from which place we can plainly see the enemy's pickets, only half a mile distant. We are not allowed to fire only in case of alarm. At night about half our regiment are detailed to dig entrenchments, while the other half remain as guard. Over a thousand contrabands are kept at work on the fortifications, and it is said they work with a determination to ensure themselves safety. Continual firing is kept up by the enemy's sharpshooters, doing but little injury. The list of casualties in the 130th since I last wrote you are: Private James Wescott, Co. H, wounded in hip; privates John Williams and L. Smith, Co. K, both in the head.
The barbarity and extreme depravity existing in the rebel forces is fully demonstrated to us each day. While on our last skirmish one of our dead was accidentally left on the field. The rebels not being satisfied with leaving him unburied, robbed him of all his clothing, blacked his face with coal, placed his body in a conspicuous position, and thus left him. Such vile and devilish outrages committed upon the dead is a disgrace to the brute creation.
The majority of the inhabitants outside our fortifications have gone over to the rebs. Some of them her heretofore professed Union proclivities, and were allowed equal privileges with loyal persons. In haste, L. A. C.,—Co. A.
(Livingston Republican)
Our Army Correspondence.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
SUFFOLK, VA., May 29th, 1863.
Mr. EDITOR:—You have, no doubt, heard long ago that the rebels have abandoned the idea of taking Suffolk, and turned their attention in another direction, and you may have wondered at my silence while so much was going on in this department of which to write and gossip. The fact is, I have been waiting for something to be accomplished. Some decided result to be brought about, whereby I can perceive an advantage gained. True, the rebel army that invested our stronghold has for some cause retreated, but surely it was not as it should have been, on account of a severe drubbing by us. From all the evidence that can be gathered, it is evident the enemy intended to give us battle when they should have their arrangements complete, up till Saturday noon, May 2d, and it cannot be denied but they had some show of success. During the afternoon they undoubtedly received orders to hasten without delay to the defence of Richmond. Consequently, Saturday evening our advanced pickets were driven in, and a demonstration made on our lines to cover the movement. At the same time a movement was on foot by Gen. Peck, to give them battle the next day. The plan and subsequent execution of which, I shall offer no comments upon, but leave your readers to criticize for themselves, according to their knowledge of military matters. The bridge over the Nausemond had been destroyed at the first appearance of the enemy, and on Saturday Lieut. James, Chief of Engineers, received orders to repair the bridge, and have it in readiness for the crossing of troops by nine o'clock Sunday morning. Sunday morning, therefore, at an early hour the troops of Gen. Gettz's division, together with portions of Terry's and Foster's brigades, left their camps, and began to assemble in the streets near the bridge preparatory to crossing. At eight o'clock the bridge was finished, and so reported to the commanding General. But, for reasons which I have no means of ascertaining, the crossing was delayed until eleven o'clock, the troops in the meantime, occupying a position in the streets of the town, so as to be visible to the enemy they were preparing to attack, giving them ample opportunity to concentrate their remaining forces so as to hold ours in check until darkness should put an end to the fight, and allow them to move off unmolested. At eleven o'clock, however, the crossing was made, and under the direction Of Gen. Gettz the troops moved out in the open field, and in fine style took up their positions in front of the enemy. Capt. Howard's Battery of light regular artillery was on the field, one section of which was commanded by Lieut. Beecher, a son of Henry Ward. Also Capt. Davis, 7th Massachusetts Battery. These opened upon the enemy's lines with fearful effect, and forced them back to the cover of the woods. Here they made a stubborn resistance, and the fight continued without any apparent advantage being gained by either side during the day. On Gen. Terry's front a sort of an armistice had been agreed upon for the day, and the men could be seen walking back and forth on their breastworks, or lying about at their ease as inclination demanded. Darkness finally closed the scene and brought most of our troops back upon this side of the river. The early morn revealed the fact that the bird had flown, but it was thought best to give him a fair start before starting in pursuit, that the glory of catching him might shine with greater lustre on the page of history. The morning hours, therefore, were spent in getting ready with that indispensable article "three days'' "hard tack," and it was plump nine o'clock before the chase was fairly commenced, and resulted in catching only about two hundred deserters and worn out soldiers, who could neither fight or run. So endeth the siege of Suffolk. Since then our forces have been employed in removing the iron from the railroad tracks between this place and Blackwater.—To do this, a large force was sent out under the command of Col. Foster, Acting Brigadier, who proceeded towards the Blackwater until he encountered the enemy's pickets. Then forming a line of battle in front, a working party of one hundred "contrabands" was set to work removing the rails. This somewhat irritated the "rebs." and they concluded to try titles. But finding martial law in vogue they were compelled to give up their claim, and remain silent spectators of the scene.—The work has been going on now twelve days, and will take about one more day to secure the ___ to a point within range of our guns, which will make on the two roads about thirty miles of track. This looks as if a forward movement from here was abandoned, if so the next thing will be an evacuation of the place. Already the idea is quite prevalent among the soldiers, who anticipate a splendid ___ over the event. The weather for the past two weeks has been extremely hot and dry, and at times the clouds of dust in the streets are almost impenetrable. The 130th Regiment is in their usual good health and spirits, and unlike those regiments whose terms of service have expired, they still have a hope to walk the streets of Richmond with the Stars and Stripes floating over them, before they return to their homes.
It is somewhat amusing to us "country soldiers," to notice how determined the New York reporters are to attribute all captures or successes in this department to the gallantry of Gen. Corcoran and his legion. An instance of their bravery occurred a few days since, which is worth relating. While the troops were engaged in securing the railroad tracks, the 170th ("Irish Legion") was proceeding to the front to reconnoiter, h__ by a small detachment of cavalry, when entering a wood a horse in the front file became frightened, rearing and wheeling, he made a dash to the rear, at the same time by accident the rider's piece was discharged. The brave Legions let fly their pieces in the air, then strewing them in all directions upon the ground sought refuge in the woods on either side of the road. So great was their fright that it was with great difficulty that they could again be brought into line.
The news from Vicksburg creates great excitement here, although full confidence is had in the final success of Gen. Grant. Our regiment to-day is five miles out of camp, guarding the working party on the railroad. During the past week we have taken the parting hand of the 6th Massachusetts Regiment, whose term of service expired. They arrived here a few days after us, and have been side ....
From the Camp of the 130th.
YORKTOWN, June 21, 1863.
DEAR FATHER—You see by the above, we are in Yorktown, a place of which we have all read and heard so much. We left Suffolk last Friday about 7 P. M., for Norfolk, and arrived there about 10 o'clock, then took the boat and came to this place, arrived here yesterday morning, pitched our tents and here we are encamped in a peach orchard. on the bank of the York River. We do not expect to stay here long, are going to store our knapsacks, and go up the Peninsula to give Richmond a pull, we expect. About all of the forces have left Suffolk, and I guess it will be evacuated. Capt. Smith is sick at Fortress Monroe.
Our Regiment were called into line this morning, to see how many of us could furnish our own horses for Cavalry; about all agreed to. All that is wanted now to change us to the Cavalry service, is horses, the Government agreed to furnish some, and we the rest. The fortifications Gen. McClellan threw up here, still remain, as he left them. The tree "California Joe" was in, and shot so many rebels from, still stands here. The place where Cornwallis surrendered is a short distance from here. The fortifications, &c., the Rebs occupied, we are now in, and heavy guns are mounted in them. There are more fortifications here than I should think could be built in three years, but they were all made in a few weeks. I have not time to write much. Direct letters now to Yorktown, Va., via Fortress Monroe. Good by.—Your affectionate son, CHARLEY.
Later advices state that the 130th have left Yorktown, leaving their knapsacks stored in that place, and that Lt. Culbertson is ill, leaving the command of Co. B to Lt. Gale.
June 24, 1863.
EDITOR MIRROR:—Since writing you last we have, as they say of Hooker, changed our base, or, in other words, "dug out;" but as I have quite a long story to tell, I will commence at the beginning. On Friday, the 12th inst., we left Suffolk with a force of sixteen regiments of infantry, two batteries and one regiment of cavalry, and marched to Holland's corners and camped for the night; next morning we went to South Quay, on the Blackwater. Here the rebels retreated across the river and we had good "picking" in the shape of all the butter, bacon and honey we could eat; that night we marched to Carsville, ten miles, and lay down. Sunday morning we went to Franklin, also on the river, and the 130th which had the advance in every instance during the whole march, was deployed as skirmishers; we made our way down most to the river bank, and burned several fine houses, concluding the day by marching back towards Suffolk, to Anderson's corners. Monday we went back eight miles to within half a mile of the river at Blackwater Bridge, where the artillery threw a few shells, returning again to Anderson's corners and eating our supper, and then marching to Carsville again, seven miles. Next morning we went again to within a mile of Franklin, and camped during the day and night. Wednesday morn we took our way again to the river bank and deployed as skirmishers. Here we had two men killed and three wounded. S. M. Skiff, of Co. A, and Samuel Bowen, of Co. B, being killed. That night we marched once more to Carsville, and stopped for the night. Thursday morning at four o'clock we were moving and marched to the Deserted House, and eat our breakfast, and then made our way to camp, where we arrived at one P. M. We had marched while out over one hundred miles through dust and sand. We found orders awaiting us to pack knapsacks and be ready to move at any moment. Accordingly at eight o'clock, P. M, of Friday, we took the cars, reaching Norfolk at eleven, and went on board the steamer Thomas A. Morgan, and at nine o'clock Saturday morning we marched off the boat at Yorktown. We camped about a mile east of the town in a peach orchard, and near McClellan's old works. They are on a grand scale, and it is no wonder that the rebels evacuated. The rebel works are now garrisoned by troops from Pa. There are a great many very heavy guns mounted on the works which were taken when the rebels left, particularly on the side fronting McClellan's works. They are not on so large a plan as I had supposed, but mount a great number of guns. The works completely encompass the town, which is very small for a town around which cling so many historical associations. We saw the tree in which California Joe secreted himself while he picked off the rebel gunners. On Monday morning last we left our camp and took the road to Williamsburg. We passed over the old battle ground of a year ago. The rebels had quite extensive fortifications here, among them as you know is Fort Magruder. But few guns are mounted on these works now, but troops are camped inside. We camped about a mile from the town. Yesterday at four o'clock, P. M., we left our camp and marched to our present resting place, nine miles from Williamsburg. It is a village of considerable size and contained at some time past some very fine buildings; among them is William and Mary's College. This building is of goodly size, but totally dismantled now, the windows and floors torn out, the roof off, and the brick walls tumbling down. Here a great many of Virginia's illustrious sons were educated. In front is a statute of the Right Hon. Norman Berkeley, one of the old colonial Governors. The State Lunatic Asylum is also located here. The town is utterly deserted, not a store of any kind to be seen. We saw a few of the daughters of the F. F. V.'s, but they did not seem to like the looks of us, and kept out of our sight as much as possible. The soldiers and negroes were the principal bipeds visible. One church attracted my attention; it was a quaint old structure of brick, with gable roof and windows of an ancient pattern.
The country bears a better name than some of our newspaper correspondents have given it; it looks finely to us, after being so long in the swamps near Suffolk. Troops are coming up all the while, and we go on in the morning. The outside line of pickets is twelve miles from here. We are under command of Gen. Keyes. What the movement means we privates are unable of course to tell, but time will show. A. W. T., Co. A.
Letters from the Army.
From the 130th N. Y. S. V.
White House Landing, Va.,
June 28th, 1863.
My Dear Parents:--Our Brigade Camp now occupies a portion of Gen. Robert Lee's plantation ... be seeded down by our government. We arrived here yesterday about noon, after marching six miles in a little over two hours. On Friday night we bivouacked, where rebel pickets were on Wednesday; which was at Cumberland Landing on the Pamunkey river. On Friday we were at New Kent Court House, about thirty miles from Richmond. From our present camp it is only eighteen miles from Richmond.
Col. Spier, of the 11th Pa. Cavalry captured a train of forty-five baggage wagons, together with two hundred prisoners, and a few horses. He also burned three bridges in the rear of Lee's army. Among the prisoners were four Captains, one Major, one Lieutenant-Colonel and a Brigadier-General. Their names, and regiments to which they belonged, I could not learn. I think if Col. Spier had twenty thousand Cavalry and Infantry to support him, he would go through Richmond with but very small loss. He is a very bold and daring officer, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. In my opinion he merits all praise that is given him.
We are to have an inspection and parade tonight at six o'clock. It is to be a Brigade inspection. On Tuesday we have the usual muster. At that time we will have four months' pay due us. Our Paymaster is said to be Major Smith, the same that paid us before, and the slowest mortal on earth. He has been three months paying our regiment. One if Uncle Samuel's paymasters would be very acceptable now, but those that keep their money, for the purpose of purchasing things here, would very soon be relieved of it, as things are very highly priced. Corn meal is quoted at $8.00 per bushel, flour 9 cts. per lb., butter $4.00 per lb., chickens $2.00 a piece, and other things in proportion. Cheese among sutlers is 30 cts. per lb. Captain Smith bought a cheese and divided it among the boys, and is to wait until pay day for his pay.
Since we left Yorktown, we have received mail twice. That was yesterday and to-day, I think, it is the general opinion, that Gen. Lee's raid into Pennsylvania is the best thing that ever happened since the 1st gun of rebellion was fired. I wish he would go through to New York, and by the time he got to the line, some of the sporting men of said State would then see danger, or something worse.
Who is drafted around our place? Tell ___ he had better go to Dansville and enlist in the Heavy Artillery, and receive the bounty.
They very seldom have to go on a march, as they are stationed in some fortifications. Your son, E. MARSHALL.
From the 130th Regiment.
In Camp, White House, Va., June 28th.
DEAR ONES AT HOME:--You see by the above that we are not many miles from the rebel capitol, and a long way from where I wrote you last. We left Yorktown last Monday with two days rations, shelter tents and rubber blankets, and have been on the "go" ever since--arrived here yesterday noon. The 89th, in Getty's Division, were here before us. I saw Miller Ruggles last night, he was well, so were all the Mt. Morris boys in that Co. Capt. Smith joined us last night, he is looking quite well. Lt. Culbertson is in Yorktown, in charge of the camp. I have stood the tramp up the Peninsula "tip-top" so far, and feel as "gay as a lark," this morning; had fresh beef, hard tack and coffee for breakfast. We do not know when we may leave here; before long, I expect. When you write please send, for the present, a sheet of paper, an envelope directed and a stamp, as I have left all such things in my knapsack at Yorktown, I have been down to the landing this morning, there are transports and gun boats there of all kinds. I saw Gen'ls Dix and Keyes there.
The sun has not shone four hours at a time since we left Yorktown, which makes it much more pleasant for us in traveling, as we have been, from eight to twelve miles a day. I had new potatoes for supper the other night; we have lots of black berries, mulberries, and raspberries here; there is a fifty acre lot of them not far from here, and we will not starve while we can get at them. Good bye,
Yours affectionately, CHARLEY.
Our Army Correspondence.
From the 130th Regiment.
June 30th, 1863.
EDITOR MIRROR.—I wrote you last at nine mile Ordinary.—Ordinaries are country taverns scattered along the road from Yorktown to Richmond We left there Thursday morning and marched to two miles this side of Barnestown and encamped in a drizzling rain; in fact it has rained nearly every day since we left Yorktown. On the following morning the 130th was put in the advance next to the 5th Pa. Cavalry, and we came on to New Kent
Court House and halted while the force marched by us, and then followed them to Cumberland Landing, on the Pamunkey. Saturday morning we started again and arrived here at noon. The country thro' which we passed is looking finely, but there is still a lack of what Northern people would call thrift. Little or no stock is to be seen. As we approached the Confederate Capital greenbacks ceased to become a legal tender; that is, the people did not wish to take them. But if you were in possession of a Confederate note you could buy whatever they had to sell, if you would pay their prices—there being no distinction between greenbacks and rebel money. Chickens at one dollar, milk 50 cents per quart, and other things in proportion.
The day we arrived here Col. Spear, of the 11th Pa. Cavalry made a raid as far as Hanover Court House, capturing Col. Fitzhugh Lee with one hundred and fifty prisoners and eighty baggage wagons and ambulances. These cavalry raids are doing more execution than the whole of the army at present. By the way, there is great talk of the 130th going into cavalry; we understand that if we furnish half the horses we will be transferred.
There is a large number of troops here,—probably 40,000, and transports are bringing more every hour. Gen. Keyes has had command till we reached here, but Dix has control of us now. We are in excellent fighting condition, the sick boys having been left behind and none but those who could march were allowed to come. We are anxious for a dash on Richmond, but I hear to day that we are to commence fortifying our present situation. How true it is I cannot tell. Several gunboats are lying in the river and every precaution is taken to guard against a surprise. A. W. T., Co. A.
Our Army Correspondence.
From the 130th Regiment.
WHITE HOUSE LANDING, Va., July 1st, 1863.
To the Editor of the New-Yorker:
Thursday evening the 25th ult. we left the camp from which I last wrote you, and marched about ten miles and camped for the night. Before we had our tents pitched it commenced raining, and continued all night and part of the next day; notwithstanding the whole force set out at half past six, the 130th taking the lead. The mud was long, deep and wide, and traveling became extremely difficult, yet we made as good time as on any previous day. One boy who got badly fatigued trudging through the mud said, "It was sweet for one's country to die" when he could die suddenly, but to wear out his existence in that manner, he thought it didn't pay. On this day's march we passed through the best portion of Virginia. The buildings and fences along the road were looking well, and all the plantations seemed to be well cultivated. The grain and grass was all harvested, and evidently a good crop had been raised. The country along the Peninsula, like that about Suffolk, is perfectly destitute of young men. The farm labor is all done by the negroes, under the superintendence of some dried up old women ... apparently in the success of the rebellion. At 2 o'clock we halted for dinner at a little town called Kent Court House, the center point between Richmond and Williamsburg, being thirty miles to either place. An old lady here who presided over a "one horse" boarding house told us that Gen. Wise and his Legion were there but a week previous—also that she had recently paid $3 per pound for butter and $1,75 for bacon—both of which statements were no doubt true.
At 6 P. M. we arrived at Cumberland Landing, on the banks of the Pamunkey river, and went into camp. We did not enjoy a very good sleep, owing to a drenching shower, accompanied by a severe wind which rose in the night, rendering inconvenience to our slumber. Here we met Spear's Pa. Cavalry, with whom we had pleasant associations at Suffolk. At 7 the next morning our march was resumed, the roads being hardly passable; however at 11 A. M. we were pleasantly located at White House Landing, a distance of 7 miles. Here the rebels were in large force and well fortified but three days previous, and were driven back by our gunboats, which are numerous and do good execution. In the afternoon, while going down to the river to bathe, we passed by the ashes of the noted White House, where the rebel Gen'l Wm. E. Lee (son of Robert E.) formerly resided, and which was burned just a year ago on that day. On enquiring I learned that Gen. Lee at the time of entering the service was in possession of about 10,000 acres of land surrounding his dwellings and was esteemed the wealthiest man in this section of the state. There is a tribe of about one hundred Indians and squaws living on his premises, who till land enough to support themselves and live peaceably with the world. They are without exception for the Union. It will be remembered that this is the memorable place where George Washington took the widow Custis by the hand and under the solemnity of an oath administered by a Methodist divine, declared that he would love and protect her, rain or shine.
At night Gen. Dix arrived and took command of the expedition which had heretofore been commanded by Gen. Keyes. It is estimated without actual knowledge that there are from 30,000 to 35,000 troops in this command, and they are constantly arriving by transports.
In the evening it was reported that Col. Spear with his regiment, on their arrival here, had advanced into rebeldom and been surrounded by rebel cavalry and captured. In the morning the rumor proved just what we could expect of Col. Spear and his brave men, when he marched one hundred and forty prisoners and over five hundred horses and mules into our lines, besides several wagons loaded with ammunition and provisions. Among the prisoners is Brig. Gen. Lee, (who is badly wounded) one Lt.-Col., two Captains and four Lieutenants. The Colonel went within seven miles of Richmond, to burn a bridge on the Richmond & Fredericksburg R. R., which he did, and on his return encountered the enemy, and after a severe struggle, killing and wounding a large number of the rebels, succeeded in making the capture with the small loss of three killed and five wounded.
Yesterday we were mustered for pay—having four months due us. It is said we leave here this afternoon. The boys all remain in good health and spirits, and are anxious to move.
In haste, L. A. C.,--Co. "A."
The Republican.
The 130th Regiment has moved from Suffolk, but where to does not appear to be known, but doubtless the Regiment is with the force reported at White House on the Pamunky river, eighteen miles from Richmond. The boys may see some warm work before the week closes.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
MR. EDITOR:—The time intervening since the date of my last letter has been filled with stirring events for this Brigade. A few days previous to the departure from Suffolk, our forces were thrown out in front of the enemy's works on the line of the Blackwater, and engaged the enemy in several skirmishes, in all of which the 130th Regiment took the lead, and acquitted themselves with great credit.
Corporal S. M. Skiff, of Co. A. and Samuel Boor, of Co. B, were killed in one of these skirmishes on the banks of the Blackwater.—The Brigade returned from this march on the 18th of June, and on the 19th took cars for Norfolk. Arrived there at 9 o'clock P. M., and with as little delay as possible embarked on transports for Yorktown, which place we reached at 10 o'clock A. M., of the 20th. Here we camped over Sunday, and on Monday the 22d, took up our line of march up the peninsula, leaving knapsacks, overcoats, and woolen blankets in camp at Yorktown. We reached White Hous [sic] Landing, on the Pamunkey river, on the 28th inst., and encamped on a large open plain on the south bank of the stream. We found quite a large body of troops already on the ground, having been conveyed here by transports, of which the river was literally crowded. It was expected an advance would be made as soon as the requisite number of troops should arrive, consequently no pains were spared by the General and his staff to have the entire Brigade in the best possible order to march at a moment's notice. On the evening of the 30th an order was issued by the corps commander, Major General Keyes, to march early next morning in the following order: Col. West's Brigade of King's Division, Capt. Mink's Battery, and 150 of the 5th Pennsylvania Cavalry, under charge of McCandles, to form the advance, commanded by Col. West, to move precisely at 5 o'clock A. M. The balance of the force under the Corps Commander, to move at 7 o'clock A. M. it was quite an interesting sight to observe the long lines of troops as they moved over the plain and passed out of sight. The advance, under Col. West, reached Baltimore crossroads, without interruption, but were met here with such numbers as to compel them to fall back. Gen. Keyes, on hearing this state of things, immediately sent orders to Col. West to force his way up to his former position, and there fight until he should arrive, if it cost him his entire command. The fighting was kept up during the after part of the day, and much cannonading was heard during the night, but with what result, up to the time of writing this, I have not been able to learn. Much anxiety is felt by those remaining in camp, for the fate of this brave army, and eagerly we catch at every rumor concerning them. Lieut. Knapp, Regimental Quartermaster of the 167th Pennsylvania was captured yesterday, having lingered a little too long in the rear, visiting farm houses, and picking blackberries.
In addition to this force, Gen. Getty's Brigade accompanied by the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Col. Spear, crossed the Pamunkey, and took another route, intending to throw themselves on the flank and rear of the enemy. We can hear no firing from either force to-day and the general opinion is that the enemy have fallen back; I can hardly believe that this movement is intended for an attack on Richmond, as we have only a limited supply of transportation, and no guns heavier than twelve pounders. The uncertainty of matters in Pennsylvania, no doubt, has an important bearing on our movements, for it is even now rumored that preparations are being made to convey us to Washington. The only news we can get from the front to-day is that the enemy have fallen back. Our Brigade is in the rear acting as reserve. I regret to say that Capt. Smith of Co. B, is unable to accompany the Regiment. Hoping I shall be able in a few days to chronicle a brilliant achievement of our little army, I remain yours, &c.
The 130th Regiment N. Y. S. V.
Hampton, Va., July 9th, 1863.
DEAR FRIENDS:—I have concluded to devote a portion of this afternoon to writing to you, to let you know how I am getting along. From what I said in my first letter from here, you may think that I ought to be about able to join the Regiment now. Well I am getting about strong enough, and I don't know but they will send me to the Regiment when the examining committee gets to see me. They will probably get to our ward the last of this week or the first of next. I am ready to go at any time, and if I keep on gaining in strength I shall want to go next week any how. Capt. Smith gave out and was sent from the Regiment to the Chesapeake Hospital last week. He brought the news that Col. Gibbs had received orders to report his Regiment to Staten Island, to recruit and drill men and horses for the cavalry service. We are to stay at New York two months, (I say we because I expect to be with them then.)
The Regiment is almost daily expected at Yorktown by the boys here who are all anxious to join the Regiment when it starts for Staten Island. We shall have to be recruited to twelve hundred men, and each man must have his horse. Those furnishing their own horses will get $10 per month for their horse's services and if the horse is ever killed in action $120 will be allowed for him. When I learn more about this thing I will let you know.
Colored "Gemmen," who were so plenty when we came here are getting rather scarce. Uncle Sam has made a requisition for every able bodied negro in the place that is not already in the employ of the Government in the Hospitals, stables, &c., and they have all been taken off it is supposed to Washington.
The sick in our ward are all getting along finely now; nearly all are now able to go to the table. Seven was all that at first was put on full diet and went to the table. The good news lately (the whole particulars of which we get every morning in the daily papers) makes us all feel pretty well and cheerful. The news of the fall of Vicksburg, the sound thrashing which Lee and his hosts have received in Pennsylvania, and the victories of Rosecrans over Bragg, all coming so near together, ought to make a sick man well if he is strictly loyal. I would like to know how the news was received in old Livingston. I can almost see some of the faces smiling all over. I know just how they looked, while others looked just the reverse and had nothing to say on the subject. The prospect for the future does indeed look favorable now.
The weather here is very fine and pleasant; however it would be excessively [sic] hot were it not for a cool and refreshing breze [sic] that blows continually from the water that nearly surrounds the place.
A member of our Company died in the Chesapeake Hospital and was buried yesterday.—His name is Wm. N. Loveland. He was naturally a very lively fellow. He has a brother that belongs to our Company. There were eight pairs of brothers in our Company when we came out, besides a father and son. But now three pairs of the brothers are separated by death. Our Company has lost two men by disease and two by the bullet; five have been discharged, two enlisted into the regular service, and one was sent home on a furlough from Portage for three years or during the war. After making these deductions it leaves eighty-six non-commissioned officers and privates in the Company. Well, enough for the present write soon, and all of the particulars, From your son and brother. H. S. MCMASTERS.
P. S.—I have just heard from a pretty reliable source that our Regiment left White House for Yorktown day before yesterday.
Our Army Correspondence.
CAMP NEAR BERLIN, VA., July 18, 1863.
EDITOR MIRROR:—We are now in the Grand Army of the Potomac. We left White House, on the Pamunkey, on the morning of the 1st inst., and marched to Rose Cottage, four miles from the Chickahominy where we had a slight skirmish with the rebs—their main body being at Bottoms Bridge. We lay there till four o'clock in the morning of the 2nd, and came back five miles to Baltimore Cross Roads. Here we lay till the 8th, feasting on blackberries which grow in the greatest profusion. At noon of the 8th we commenced our march back to Yorktown.—We came sixteen miles to Roper's Church, the rain coming down in torrents and the mud 6 inches deep. Next day came to Williamsburg and camped, reaching Yorktown Friday, at noon. We have been up the Peninsula, that great bugbear of which we have heard so much;—of its swamps, &c. But with the exception of one day, I never saw better weather, and the country is as fine as any I ever passed through.
Saturday morning we struck tents, packed knapsacks, and went down to the wharf and took the transports for Washington where we arrived Sunday afternoon. We marched through the city to the Soldier's Relief and took supper. We were greeted while passing up Pennsylvania Avenue, by the waving of handkerchiefs and tiny Union flags in the hands of the ladies.— But few soldiers were to be seen, every available man having gone to reinforce Gen. Meade. At nine P. M. we took the cars for Frederick city; at dawn we were at the Relay House where the junction is and were all day Monday reaching Frederick. We had a splendid chance to see the country although it rained incessantly. The inmates of the little hamlets and farm houses along the road came out with flags and greeted us with the most enthusiastic cheers. This road was built at great expense; it passes through a very hilly section of country, especially after leaving the Patapsco river. Huge cuts have been blast-ed out of the solid rock and in one place a tunnel. It is guarded by the 3d Md.
We reached Frederick Junction at four P. M. The Monocacy is here spanned by a very fine wooden bridge. We camped half a mile from the city, and next morning two companies—A and B—were sent on picket at the Junction. We had a slendid [sic] time as this is the first place we have found where we could get eatables at a reasonable price; but even here we were not little better off for we have had no ... for four months, and the boys are completely out of money. ... were called in and marched through the city which is splendidly built, and at 11 P. M. started for this place; we marched all night through the mud and rain, reaching here yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. It is a little burg about six miles below Harper's Ferry, on the Potomac. We are only a short distance from the river. A pontoon bridge crosses it, and the army has been crossing all day and part of yesterday. I hear that the 130th is to be as Provost Guard in the rear of the Grand Army, in its pursuit of Lee. No time to write more. T., Co A.
From the 130th Regiment.
WARRENTON, Va., July 27, 1863.
DEAR FATHER:—We have at last received some of our back mail. We arrived at this place Saturday about noon, and went into camp. This A. M. were ordered down in the city on Provost Guard, I happened to be on the first thing, stood three hours, till 11 A. M., don't have to stand again till 8 P. M. Charley Hinman and I ate our dinner here at a private house—had potatoes, roast beef, gravy, coffee, and good bread, and now we are sitting in a room at a table writing. They are fine people here, and very kind to us indeed. I do not know how long we shall stay here, but quite a while, I hope. I saw Let. Richardson this morning. It is thought here that if Lee can only be put out of the way and prevented from getting to Richmond, that this campaign will end the war—but we cannot tell—one day the prospect is bright, and the next all looks dark and gloomy. I had a good time yesterday; went out and picked six or eight quarts of blackberries, got three pints of milk, and some sugar, and ate till I dislike the SIGHT of a berry. This is the greatest country for berries I ever saw. I wish you had two or three bushels of them. It is a busy place here now days, but aside from the army dull and quiet; no business done, though there are several fine stores. The 136th Reg't. are out four or five miles; I have not seen them since we left the Potomac. We came very near going to New York city to quell the riot, but got to Frederick before the order came; two regiments of our brigade went. Captain and both Lieutenants are here with us, they are well and looking tip top. I am well, as usual. Good bye. Love to all.
Your affectionate son, CHARLEY.
From the 130th Regiment.
August 5th, 1863.
DEAR SISTER—We left Warrenton Sunday, at 1 p. m., for Warrenton Junction; arrived there about 9 p. m., took the cars Monday morning, and arrived here in the afternoon.—Do not know how long we shall stay at this place, but hope not long, as it is a wild, rough, hilly spot; we can neither buy nor STEAL anything, do nothing but eat, drink, and sleep. Our talk about Cavalry has at last come to a reality. Col. Gibbs returned from Washington, with the cheering intelligence that we were to be a Cavalry Regiment as soon as the change could be brought about. Lieut. Col. Thorp, Capt's Robinson and Smith, of Co's A and B, and several noncommissioned officers and privates, started or home Monday to recruit two hundred men, and see about the horses. The Regiment is to be filled up to ten full Companies, by Government, and they are to raise two Companies more, as it requires twelve Companies for a Cavalry Regiment. I hope they will meet with success, as I think they will. Col. Thorp says, if he fails to bring back two hundred men, and five hundred horses, we will have to get a new Lieut.-Col., as he will not belong to an institution that fails in ANYTHING. I hope those who have friends in the Regiment, and the citizens generally of Wyoming, Allegany, and Livingston, will turn out and help these officers all they can, as it is for the benefit of the soldiers in the Regiment, and also the wish and desire of them all. I hope you will see Col. Thorp, he, with the aid of Major Scott, has made this Regiment what it is so far as drill and discipline [sic] goes, but the style and general appearance is due to Col. Gibbs—the best Colonel the Union Army can boast of.
We will probably go in the vicinity of Washington to drill and. recruit, which will take till Fall. It was just one year ago yesterday that I enlisted, and will be a year the 11th that the Regiment has been in service, that is the day the Muster Roll dates from.—We have not got our pay yet. I lost my knapsack in Washington; when we arrived at the depot, we stacked arms, and left our things with them while we went up to supper, were gone about fifteen minutes and when I returned my "knab" was gone, contents and all. My house-wife, the heaviest loss of all, and my shirt were the only things I cared much about. I see by the list that Willie is drafted; "poor boy," what will he do? Don't know that I can give him any advice, I hate to see a man go against his will. I hope the conscripts won't go to kicking up any more N. Y. city rows. Men are wanted now, and with plenty of them we can knock this rebellion into "pi" before November, I think. Our Colonel and Major are a little "under the weather," but will be all right soon, I hope. Lieut's Culbertson and Gale are well, and anxiously waiting for their "dapple grays." Charley Chilson is still at the hospital, I suppose. Hinman, House, Coffin, Carpenter, and all Mt. Morris boys are well as usual and in tip-top spirits, I tell you. I saw _ourt Lattimer the other day, he is connected with the Railroad here.
We are having very warm weather just now, warmer than I ever knew before. The country about here shows war, and its attendant evils—all along the Railroad are ruins of burnt cars, engines, &c. It is fortified all through here; rebel camps are numerous, it looks hard, not an inhabitant for miles around; houses all deserted. I must close, as it is dinner time. Love to all. Your ever loving brother, CHARLEY.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN.—SIR: Thinking that a few lines from the 130th might be acceptable to the friends of the Regiment at home, I take the opportunity of addressing them through the columns of your paper. You and your readers have doubtless learned ere this of our having been transferred into a cavalry regiment. We are still doing duty as Infantry, not having received our cavalry equipments. Col. Thorpe, Capt. Smith and Capt. Robinson have gone North to procure men and horses. The Regiment is to be recruited to the maximum number of a cavalry regiment. Our present Companies are to be filled up with drafted men, while Col. Thorpe will endeavor to raise two companies of volunteers. The men and officers of the Regiment are, in general, well pleased with the change. Col. Gibbs has been a number of years in the cavalry service, and I have no doubt that through his exertions we shall in due course of time attain that proficiency for which the cavalry arm of the service is so justly celebrated. We are encamped about a mile from the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, in a beautiful grove, and are enjoying ourselves finely after the hard marches of the last two months. We received two months pay the 8th, not having been paid before since the 6th of April. The country hereabouts is well adapted to farming purposes although there are but few crops growing here now. Many of the people express Union sentiments, although there are some secesh here. At the town of Warrenton, where we encamped a few days, the people were almost all secesh, and did not hesitate to avow themselves as such. In regard to the news of the day, there does not seem to be much at present that is exciting. The two antagonistic armies of the Potomac seem to be mutually availing the approach of cooler weather before making any further demonstrations. The siege of Charleston seems to be progressing favorably and we hope ere long to hear of the downfall of that hot-bed of Treason. When it becomes cooler weather, and our armies have been recruited by the men now being raised on the Draft, we may expect to see an exciting campaign. The Regiment is in a remarkably healthy condition, and feeling well over the disposition of affairs. The Republican is received in camp occasionally, and is always welcomed by those hailing from Livingston County as a faithful chronicler of affairs and events at home.
Yours, &c.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
August l5th, 1863.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN:—Once more I find myself in camp with my regiment, now the 19th N. Y. Cavalry, participating in the scenes and incidents that go to make up camp life in Virginia.
I left Washington the 6th inst., and arrived at Manassas Junction the afternoon of the same day. Found the Regiment camped in a beautiful grove one half mile from the Station, where they had arrived that day from Union Mills. It was not exactly in accordance with our sense of propriety to be set down here two or three months to re-organize, and learn to swing sabres and ride horses. We had our faces set a little farther North, where camps were already formed and conveniences more to our tastes. But wayward children cannot always do as they like, and so we shall have to submit to those that rule over us. For several days after our arrival here we were very busy gathering boards and constructing small huts to live in. After having sufficient time to provide for ourselves comfortable quarters, an order was issued requiring every man to provide himself with a wooden sabre, and three hours of each day must be set apart and especially devoted to instruction in the "manly art of self defence." Jack knives were set in motion, and the "deadly weapons" turned out at a rapid rate, until all were supplied.
A small detail was made every morning for guard and picket; and thus things went on in a quiet way until yesterday, when a small party of men were sent out one mile from camp to get a load of boards from an old building. So great was the security felt in the existence of our wooden sabres, the men were allowed to go unarmed. While the men were engaged tearing the boards from the building, the driver (Milan Parker, a member of Co. I,) took occasion to water his mules at a spring a short distance away, and while so doing was pounced upon by four mounted guerrillas, all armed to the teeth, and ordered to surrender. Three of the party dismounted and began cutting the mules loose, while the fourth held a pistol to the driver's head to force obediency from him. Not being satisfied with the activity of his comrades, however, he returned his pistol to its sheath, and while in the act of drawing his knife to assist them, Parker put spur to his mule, bid good-bye to his captors and struck a ''double quick" for camp. The party at the house offered no assistance, and the rascals made off with four mules, leaving the harness and wagon. The alarm sounded and Co. I was ordered out in pursuit. We followed their trail about two miles, but as they seemed to be making off pretty fast, we gave up the chase, and called to a farm house to make inquiries. The old lady in charge professed to be neither for or against the Union; but, to use her own expression, she was "nothing no way." She denied having seen any rebel soldiers in that vicinity, although it was fairly proven she had met them in the road not an hour previous.—We searched the house, but found nothing of a suspicious nature. Three good sets of harness were found in an outhouse, which partly retrieved the loss of the, mules, and with them we returned to camp. This little incident awakened us to the tact that we were in an enemy's country, and that safety depended on a more rigid observance of military laws.—Strict orders were immediately issued in regard to leaving camp, pickets were strengthened and everything kept on the alert.
August 18th.—Yesterday a report came to camp that four thousand rebel infantry were within fifteen miles of us, at 4 o'clock P.M., and advancing with the intention of capturing the commissary stores at this place. This made things look as if we should have fun before morning, but trusting in the ability of Gen. Meade to reinforce us, we set things in order, and quietly awaited the result. Every man slept with his "harness" on, and was ready to turn out at the first alarm. Reinforcements arrived during the night, but no enemy appeared, and to-day, as usual, the woods are ringing with the clash of our wooden sabres.
August 24th.—The past few days have wrought a remarkable change in the appearance of this Regiment. Our old infantry clothing has been cast off, and entirely given up to the ravages of the "vermin" that have for some time been disputing our titles to occupancy, and like the butterflies in spring, we have "rag'd out" in our orange tiped suits, out-shining everything around us.
"Old Jack," (Col. Gibbs) is in his element. He is putting us through a regular "course of sprouts." Officers and men are alike subject to his scrutiny, and each in his turn is made to "toe the mark." Moustaches are becoming quite popular with him, and he has lately caused an order to be issued requiring every man that is able to wear one. This caused considerable merriment among the men, and every means is resorted to by the destitute to start the "fuz," all feeling that their chances of promotion lies in their ability to sport a haired lip. I haven't a doubt but Beckwith & Hurlburt would make well to send on a few packages of their "Sterling's Ambrosia," as something of the kind will certainly be needed, and the first in the market will realize the largest profit.
Quite a number of promotions have recently been made in the regiment, among which is that of Lieut. Samuel Culbertson, of Groveland, to Captain of Co. B, vice Capt. Smith promoted to Major. The health of the Regiment is good, and the M. D.'s are obliged to "fall in" at the Officers' drill and take a sweat with the rest. We are looking forward with bright hopes and joyous anticipations for the future, relying on the sagacity of our Colonel to conduct us in safety through the perils of the war, when, through the blessings of Divine Providence, we expect to return to our homes and enjoy the peace we are laboring to purchase. Yours, ALBERT SWIFT,
Troop I, 19th N. Y. Cav.
The 19th Cavalry, late 130th Infantry.
August 16, 1863.
One hundred and thirtieth N. Y. V. Infantry no longer. The General Government has changed us into cavalry, and Gov. Seymour has given
Us the numerical designation.
The following promotions was read on dress parade to-day, subject to the approval of the Governor of the State of New York, viz.:
Capt. Howard M. Smith, to be Major from August 1, 1863, to fill an original vacancy.
1st Lieut. Samuel Culbertson to be Captain, vice H. M. Smith, promoted. 2d Lieut. Henry Gale to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Culbertson, promoted. Sergt. Fred. A. Bayer to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Gale, promoted.
Sergt. Wm. C. Morey to be 2d Lieutenant, vice J. M. Bills, promoted.
2d Lieut. Leander S. Callaghan to be 1st Lieutenant, vice S. F. Randolph, dismissed. 1st Sergt. James L. Crittenden to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Callaghan, prompted.
2d Lieutenant Jared M. Bills, Co. D, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice S. A. Farman, resigned. 1st Sergt. Charles B. Alford to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Oscar Henning, resigned.
1st Lieut. G. Wiley Wells to be Captain, vice Chas. L. Brundage, resigned. 2d Lieut. Alonzo W. Chamberlain to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Wells, promoted. 1st Sergt. Justin F. Coy to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Chamberlain, promoted.
2d Lieut. Asa R. Burleson to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Osgood, resigned. 1st Sergt. Allen O. Abbott to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Burleson, promoted.
The third Major is not yet determined upon, the organization of the regiment into twelve Companies not yet having been fully consummated.
We are situated in a pleasant camp here, and working hard at cavalry drill, and well pleased at the prospect of cavalry service. HESPER.
The 19th Cavalry, late 130th Infantry.
August 16, 1863.
One hundred and thirtieth N. Y. V. Infantry no longer. The General Government has changed us into cavalry, and Gov. Seymour has given us the numerical designation.
The following list of promotions was read on dress parade to-day, subject to the approval of the Governor of the State of New York, viz.:
Capt. Howard M. Smith to be Major from August 1, 1863, to fill an original vacancy.
1st Lieut. Samuel Culbertson to he Captain. vice H. M. Smith, promoted. 2d Lieut. Henry Gale to he 1st Lieutenant, vice Culbertson, promoted. Sergt. Fred. A. Bayer to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Gale, promoted.
Sergt. Wm. C. Morey to be 2d Lieutenant, vice J . M. Bills, promoted.
2d Lieut. Leander S. Callaghan to be 1st Lieutenant vice S. F Randolph, dismissed. 1st Sergt. James L. Crittenden to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Callaghan, promoted.
2d Lieutenant Jared M. Bills, Co. D, to be 1st Lieutenant, vice S. A. Farman, resigned. 1st Sergt. Charles B. Alford to be 2d Lieutenant vice Oscar Henning, resigned.
1st Lieut. G. Wiley Wells to be Captain, vice Chas. L. Brundage, resigned. 2d Lieut, Alonzo W. Chamberlain to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Wells promoted. 1st Sergt. Justin F. Coy to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Chamberlain, promoted.
2d Lieut. Asa R. Burleson to be 1st Lieutenant, vice Osgood, resigned. 1st Sergt. Allen O. Abbott to be 2d Lieutenant, vice Burleson, promoted.
The third Major is not yet determined upon the organization of the regiment into twelve companies not yet having been fully consummated.
We are situated in a pleasant camp here, and working hard at cavalry drill, and well pleased at the prospect of cavalry service. HESPER.
Suicide.--About 8 o'clock last night, a young man, named George Cowee, committed suicide at his boarding house., No. 514 Broadway, the residence of Dr. Dean. Mr. Cowee, who served in the army as Adjutant of the 13oth Regiment, contracted typhoid fever while in camp, about a year ago, and although apparently recovered from the fever, so much impaired was his constitution that he was compelled to resign. His home, it appears was in Rensselaer county, but he came to this city and remained here, part of the time being employed in the office of Major Wallace, U. S. Disbursing Officer. He never, however, fully recovered from the effects of the fever, and consumption finally followed. Losing strength and ambition every day, he at last became so dispirited that, as is apparent from the following letter, he determined to take his own life; but from some unexplained cause delayed the self-murder from the 14th until last evening. We scarcely need add that during his illness he recieved [sic] every attention at the hands of
Dr. Dean and his family.
ALBANY, Dec. 14, 1863.
DEAR BROTHER.—Life is too great a burden for me to bear. I am soon to die, perhaps this very night. You will hear of my death. I would like to have all my brothers and sisters attend my funeral. Please have Uncle Timothy come down and take my body to Berlin to be interred, either in Malcolm's place or in the burying ground, where Aunt Abigail's folks are buried, because Uncle Timothy told me if I should die while I was with him that I would be buried there.
The world holds self-destruction as an ignominious act, but I feel myself justified because my own relations will not come to see me to know my condition or whereabouts.
I now ask all my relations to forgive me for what I have done. I have struggled against the temptation, but something tells me I am right.
You will all soon follow me, and perhaps we may meet again in the other world. Good bye,
Your affectionate brother,
Casualties in the Frist [sic] Dragoons and the Ninth Cavalry.
Col. Gibbs; Capt J Lemen; Lieut Hamiltion, Co. A ; L W Pinder, G; C Gallagher, A; J Murphy, E ; Corp Harvey Hibbard, D; B A Riley, F ; D W Clark, I; Silas Armstrong, C; G H Weaver; T Fransworth; Corp Worrell; H Grusly; D Maguire; N Hooker; G F Unnderhill, H; T O Arander, H; J H Fouse, H; C H Barber, H; H L Cummings, A; S H McGibney, H; C H Crocker, D; Cor A Seipman, K; Ira Mc Intosh, A; Sergt F L Bonner, G; W A Luce, I ; L Haight, I ; J G Williams, K; W Kelly, F; Lieut J F Coy, G; Corp W Smith, I ; ___ Atwood, C; G F Demy; R Collins; Sergt Decatur Bishop, D; G Lawdy; P Williams; C J Mather, E; C Buckley, G; M Reymont, D; C Keller, M; D Page, C; J Albright, B; J Burkhard, B; F Barnhart, G; H Towsley, D; ____ Raymond, D.
KILLED—Ennis Barnes and Henry T Gay, D.
1st N. Y. Dragoons.—This regiment was formerly the 130th, and was recruited in part from Livingston county. The Geneseo Republican publishes a letter from Capt. W. S. Culbertson, of Co. B, which mentions the following casualties in his company. It is dated 16th, and includes losses up to that time, and during the first severe fighting:
Serg't W J Hansher, killed.
Lieut Henry Gale, wounded in shoulder.
Serg't B W Keith, " side.
Corp C T Stout, severely in breast, has since died.
Corp C Voorhees, " leg.
Private P B Annis, " "
" H Selover, " breast.
" I M Sleight, slightly in head.
" S W Sendell, severely in leg.
" John Grow, mortally in shoulder.
Serg't J Young, prisoner.
" M Herrington, "
Corp Jim White, "
“ Chet Moore “
Serg't J Smith, "
Private Chas Palmer, "
" J Dennison, "
" J Gill, "
" M Dalrymple, "
PRESENTATION AT CAMP PORTAGE.—A pleasant affair occurred at Camp Portage last Saturday. The members of Company G, 130th Regiment, after dress parade, presented to Capt. E. B. Cornell an elegant, sword, belt, and sash —the whole costing nearly fifty dollars. The presentation was made by Sergeant Coy, in behalf of the men, and Capt Cornell responded in a fitting manner. The Captain is fortunate in enjoying the fullest confidence and respect of his men.
From the Camp of the 130, N. Y. V.
SUFFOLK, VA., May 10th, 1863.
DEAR FRIENDS:—This is a beautiful day, the sun shines warm, with a good stiff breeze blowing. The trees are blowing out, and all Nature looks lovely. The Rebels have left us, bag and baggage, they went to reinforce Jackson, Lee & Co., at Fredericksburg, and if they succeed in whipping out "Old Joe," it is very likely "Old Longstreet" will give us another pull, and I hope he will whip them, so they won't get over it in five hundred years. We'll tan their dog-skins for them if they do not keep away from here. Our forces are still at work strengthening fortifications, choping [sic] down woods, burning underbrush, and slashing—as we intend giving them a warmer reception than before, if they come again. Our boys are all well, and feeling "bully." Marrying is getting to be quite the fashion in Mt. Morris, if it keeps on much longer, there won't be any pretty girls left for the soldiers. The mail just came in, and I received the "Union" and "Leslie." Coffin and Putman are in our tent looking at them.
MONDAY.—LT. Bursley has resigned on account of ill health, we all feel sorroy [sic] to lose him, he seams like a brother to us, but he cannot live here, he and Ed. Kennedy started for home to-day. Lt. Culbereson has recovered his health and is again with us. We are all anxiously watching the movement of Gen. Hooker, as on him rests the fate of the campaign; if he is defeated, the war will run along two or three years longer at least, but if he is successful, it will undoubtedly be settled by fall. Our army here put full confidence in his ability to wipe the rebels out.
The enclosed scrap, letters. &c., were found in the rebel rifle pits, and may interest you some. Good Bye. Love to all.
In haste, CHARLEY.
Among the "scraps" were two Rebel postage stamps. The design on them is the head of Jeff. Davis, printed in blue. To give our readers the benefit of a little Rebel spelling, we will copy a portion of one of the letters literatim. It is dated camp near Wilmington, N. C., April 8th:
DEAR BROTHER:—I take my pen this morning to rite you a few lines to let you know that I am well and Alpheus is well and I hope when this reaches you it ma find you improving. I rote you in answer to the one you sent me but hav never got any answer. I got a letter from home dated the 24th thy ware well. I havent much nuss to rite oanly that the yankies crost over the bar at Charlestown three vesels crost over and atacted fort sumter, the nuse is we cripeld two of them and thy went back we had one man killed and five wounded.
Another letter almost illegible says: "I believe the people in Charlestown will starve beef is 1 dollar and 50 cents a pound, sweet potatoes 8 dollars per bushel, butter 3 dollars per pound.
Letter from the 130th Regiment.
Below we give a letter from a member of Capt. Smith's Company, which we doubt not will be read with interest. The 130th is with the force that moved from the lower Peninsula, and there can be little doubt but their cannon are already thundering at the gates of Richmond, if our forces do not occupy the rebel capital.
Gen. Foster in command in North Carolina, on hearing of the advance of Lee into Maryland and Pennsylvania, and without waiting the slow "red tape" process, started his whole force for Fortress Monroe, where he joined the forces under Gen. Dix, and the whole force has made a move, "on to Richmond." It is not known outside of the command and the War Department how large our force is, but from all that can be gathered must be from 50,000 to 60,000 strong. The latest dates from Richmond represented that the city was garrisoned by about 40,000 men, many of whom were conscripts. It cannot be many days before we have stirring news from that quarter:
* * You see by the heading of this letter that we keep moving around some. I wrote home last Tuesday from Williamsburg, and received one to-day by Capt. Smith, who joined us to-day at this place. We marched here today from Cumberland Landing, five miles from here. We left Yorktown last Monday, and have been on the march every day except one, which was last Wednesday, when we laid all day 10 miles this side of Williamsburg. Thursday night we slept at a place called Roper's Church, a small building in the woods, about half as large as Dick's shanty, and most a quarter of a mile from any house. We left there yesterday morning and marched so far as new Kent Court House, 30 miles from Richmond. We then left the Richmond road and turned to the right and went to Cumberland Landing, three miles from there, where we staid all night, and then came here. Getty's Division has just landed here, and Spears' Cavalry have landed and gone on somewhere, I believe up towards the Chickahominy. I don't know how many troops there are here, but to use a Secesh expression, "there's a right smart lot of us, I reckon." We find country produce CHEAP up in these parts. Milk is offered at four shillings per quart, and butter from two to four dollars a pound, onions five for ten cents, &c. The houses are so far from the road that there is no chance for foraging, but when we stop to camp those who get to a house first look out for the garden truck, &c. We drew two days rations this morning of hard tack, pork, coffee, and sugar. I am on guard to-day, the first time since we left Suffolk. We are roughing it for certain now. No home, money, or clothes, except those we have on our backs. CHARLEY.
Letter from the 1st N. Y. Dragoons.
1st N. Y. Dragoons, In Camp
At Bristoe, Va., Oct. 22d, 1863.
Editor Republican:--This morning our regiment is camped on the late battle-field at Bristoe Station, and I am seated to pen you a hasty letter, as time will not permit me to detail all the events that have transpired with us in the last two weeks. The stench arising from the dead horses that lie scattered all around us is anything but agreeable, and creates a great desire for us to "dig out" as soon as possible. Last Saturday we had a "right smart" brush with the 9th Va. Cavalry and drove them pell mell to the wall. We left Centreville at noon in company with a brigade of regular Cavalry, and one battery of Artillery. We crossed the Bull Run at Blackman's ford, leaving Companies G and A to support the battery, and expected the regular brigade to follow immediately in our rear. We followed up the road to Manassas Junction, where our advance guard found the enemy's pickets strongly posted along a line of old earthworks running at right angles with the railroad.—Lieut. Chas. E. Lewis, of Co. I, in command of the advance guard was wounded at the first fire, which caused them to fall back on the main body. The regiment was then formed in line of battle across the plain, and some minutes were occupied in waiting for the regular brigade and the battery to come up. This they failed to do and Col. Gibbs determined to move forward and take the consequences.
Giving the command "Forward, guide left," in his own peculiar style, he put spurs to his horse and dashed to the front at full speed.—The whole line then moved off at a brisk gallop, giving the rebels a volley from our carbines and dashing on towards them, they broke and fled in great confusion. It was just at the dusk of evening and the scene was truly an exciting one. The sheets of flame belching forth from our carbines, the heavy tread of our horse's feet, and the triumphant yells of our men as they pursued the flying rebels all went to make up one grand scene, the beauty of which must be seen and heard to be realized. We drove them two miles and then fell back to the Junction to await the arrival of the regular brigade. We lost in this fight three men killed and three wounded. We buried six rebels and one that was left at a farm house has since died of his wounds. We laid on our arms through the night, all day Sunday and Sunday night, but "Johnny Reb" was too wise to interfere with us. Monday morning we mounted again at early dawn, and during the day advanced as far as Catlett's Station.—We were out of rations so there was no quarreling about supper, and we were obliged to go to bed hungry. Tuesday morning without breakfast we started back to Briscoe, where we met our supply train with rations. Here we pitched our camp again, and were soon feasting on fried hard tack, pork and coffee, which we were prepared to relish, having been four days with only one meal per day. The railroad is all destroyed from here to Culpepper, and a construction train is now busily engaged in repairing it. At present we are guarding this work, on the extreme left of the Army of the Potomac. We enjoy the Cavalry service much better than we did the Infantry, it being much more exciting. Last week we had the pleasure of meeting the 104th Regiment, for the first time since entering the service. Prominent among the familiar faces we saw there was that of their honored Chaplain, and many were the familiar scenes that it recalled to mind to press again his ever welcome hand.
But I must drop this or the bugle will blow and my horse not in order. Yours, &c.,
Q. M. Sergt., Co. _, 1st N. Y. Dragoons.
Letter from the First N. Y. Dragoons.
In CAMP NEAR CULPEPPER, Nov. 13, 1863.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN—This is the second day we have been encamped at this place, and a rest of two days in one place is a luxury we have not before enjoyed for some time. The weather is as fine as one could wish, and our boys have taken advantage of the time to do up their washing and have a general clean up. We were ordered to-day to get ready to move, but for some reason did not go. An order was also issued that hereafter, immediately after breakfast, and before 9 o'clock of each day, our overcoats, blankets and grain sacks must be rolled and strapped to our saddles, and on pleasant days our tents struck, and every thing in readiness to move on short notice.
Notwithstanding the excessive fatigue and exposure we have underwent for the last six weeks, the health of the regiment is good, and we certainly were never in better spirits. The "Johnys" (as we call the rebels) are in full retreat before us, and so long as we can keep them a good distance ahead we are not much afraid. Our boys are getting nearly destitute of boots, the last issue to us being of an inferior quality. I noticed one man to-day, with one foot bare, with his spur strapped on to his heel. Many others are nearly as bad, and all are in a sorry condition for a cold rain storm. We are entirely ignorant of what is going on on our left, as no papers have reached our camp for several days. There is a camp rumor prevalent to-night that our troops now hold Fredericksburg, but I am loath to credit it
November 15th—Yesterday, in company with three comrades, I went to Brandy Station to obtain a few luxuries for our mess. The weather was fine when we left camp, and we paid no heed to the old adage that "a wise man carries his overcoat in fair weather," but left our overcoats and rubbers behind. The distance to the Station is six miles, and it was nearly sunset ere we were ready to return, and a heavy thunder storm was fast closing in upon us. We set out on a good round gallop, but rain and darkness enshrouded us before we made one half the distance. Occasional flashes of lightning enabled us to detect the windings and gullies in the road, and we finally succeeded in piloting our treasures safe to camp, where we found the water running in and through our tents, paying no heed whatever to our bodily comforts, but causing the men to stand erect, each holding his bedding at a safe distance from the earth. The night passed rather unpleasantly, but present indications are favorable for a calm, and then all will be right again.
This morning a spirited canonading took place about six miles to our left, lasting about thirty minutes, but as yet I have heard no particulars. Our regiment has gone on a reconnoisance to the Rapidan to-day, and will return to the picket lines and remain on picket to-night.
Later—The firing on our left to-day was occasioned by an attempt of Gen. Kilpatrick to cross the Rapidan. The enemy did not seem inclined to grant him a free pass; so after indulging in a little loud talk, he withdrew to await a more ''convenient season." Major Scott of our Regiment has also returned from the front, and he reports the enemy in force and fortified along the river. Our boys exchanged a few shots with them to-day, but no casualties occurred on our side. It is therefore probable that any farther advance on our part will be met with some resistance, and it must now soon be determined whether we are to have more hard fighting this season, or whether we are to halt here and remain through the winter. It is evident that our late movements have frustrated the plans of the rebels in a great measure, as the general appearance of things about here indicate that they intended wintering on this side of the Rapidan. Four thousand pounds of salt was found to-day in Culpepper, which was the quarterly allowance for Culpepper County.
November 18th—The weather is beautiful to-day, but there is no sign of an immediate advance. One engine has run over the road to Culpepper, but the road is not yet in a condition to run heavy trains upon.
Thus far we have drawn our hard bread and pork pretty regular, but being deprived of the beans, rice and vegetables which we usually draw, it makes our living rather scant. Our horses are obliged to go without feed about one day in three, and al together will rejoice when the time comes that we receive our full allowance for man and beast.
Occasionally we hear the report of canon on our left, which betokens that there is reconnoitering going on in that direction. And it is the opinion of those best entitled to know that we shall move in the direction of Fredericksburgh [sic] soon, as it is generally believed that Lee will not make a very strong resistance there. Time alone, however, can develop to us the facts in the case, and until it is decided let us patiently wait.
Yours, &c., ALBERT SWIFT,
Q. M. Sergt., 1st N. Y. Dragoons.
From the Army of the Potomac.
CULPEPPER, Va., Dec. 14th 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—I have for some time past been trying to find leisure time to write you a letter, but when anything has occurred of much interest I have been too busy until it has become old; it will here be so, and I will now take time. It has been the fault of my life to love excitement, and a constant recurrence of something new. My present position affords abundant gratification of this propensity; for example: I will not draw on fancy when anything important occurs at the extreme front.
I start out from Washington under instructions not to spare money or horse flesh, nor allow myself to be beaten in time, and reach the nearest railroad station—perhaps in the night—and hand my horse to a stranger with some doubts whether I ever see him again, for there are no hotels here and no parties responsible for the safe keeping of animals or baggage, and then make the last train. This is a forage train affording only box cars empty or filled with soldiers. Fortunately I sometimes find one sufficiently empty to allow the spreading of my blankets on the floor, and then securing a few hours rest rendered quite comfortable by the necessities of the case. The next thing is to telegraph to the Washington office to hold open until my arrival, which as our trains runs now days is about one o'clock A. M. Events in prospect for the morning require attention, and require the same eager haste neccessary [sic] in returning, and I have only to tell the engineer to wait for me while I walk to the telegraph office and back, and then make up my bed again on a pile of sacks and grain, very close to the roof of the car and sleep over forty miles; the road being rough enough to satisfy any reasonable man. If I was fortunate enough to have anything to eat in my haversack all right, if not the faithful Railroad Commissary will give me a cup of coffee while the change of trains is being effected at Alexandria; provided I have time t o get the benefits of his kindness. Kind heart, he keeps his coffee and beef steak warm all night for the benefit of night workers. A repetition of this or a similar round whenever important matters about which to write are on hand, are my reasons for not sooner redeeming my promise to write occasionally.
Having been sent here to spend a few days with the cavalry, I happened to drop right into the camp of our old friends and neighbors of the 1st New York Dragoons. If a man has yet to learn the full value of a meeting with familiar faces, let him come to the army, far away from the "loved ones at home," and wander over poor desolate Virginia a few months, with a daily change of faces new and strange, and I think one visit will set him right on that score.
The 1st New York Dragoons, formerly 130th N. Y. Infantry, are now brigaded with four regiments of Regular Cavalry and a regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, in Gen. Buford's division, and are guarding the front between this point and the rebel lines on the Rapidan River near the railroad crossing; the duty alternates between picketing and scouting. The position is one of the utmost importance, as will be readily seen by a glance at the position of the two armies.
I have enjoyed a two days ride with them much indeed. It i s rough, but exciting, and a little spice of danger makes it the more interesting; I will describe one trip which will give you a very good idea of the duties of this branch of the service, latterly of so much importance to our army: Four companies of the 1st. were on picket, and one squadron consisting of the companies of Captains Culbertson and Leach, under command of Capt. Leach, with another squadron under Capt. Lemen, when about noon the order came for a scout to James City and Thoroughfare Mountain, distant eight miles from the picket post, and twelve from the camp near the town. It was a beautiful day for such a ride, clear and cold, and the roads good for the time of year. On Thoroughfare Mountain this regiment had broken up a rebel signal station of three days before, and the first object of this order was to learn whether they had re-occupied it. At James City a mile and a half from the base of the Mountain, the companies separated, taking different roads to scour the country around the Mountain, as well as to secure whatever might be found on the summit if possible. Near the Mountain Capt. Leach's men who were ahead, ran on to three or four rebels in an unpleasant manner to them, for they went pitching headlong down the Mountain, and some of our men dismounted and followed in a vigorous effort to capture them, but their exit was by a route too wild and rugged to be followed with any prospect of success by strangers to its hidden paths; none of our party was hurt. One man had his horse shot under him about ten rods from me, and one carbine was hit with a bullet. A rebel was shot off his horse, but was able to mount again and ride off, marking the spot with his blood. What so surprises me is the amount of firing in this kind of fighting and so few casualties, as is always the case; the two parties were not more than ten or twelve rods apart when they fired. I was directly in line of the rebel fire at the rear of the squad, and two bails passing about the same time went both sides of my head, satisfied me fully of the accuracy of their aim.
We returned to camp late in the evening, most of the distance after dark. While riding with Capt. Leach and his squadron some half an hour in advance of the others, we noticed a bright fire in the yard of a farm-house near the road, and some surprise was manifested at it, but its object was made known by some half a dozen shots being fired from the woods opposite at Capt. Lemen's men, when they came up to where the light exposed them to view. The rascals were too shrewd to fire on our party, knowing the other squadron to be still behind. Fortunately no one was injured by this dastardly attack. The house should have been destroyed, and the citizen dweller punished for his evident complicity in this affair. I trust that he will yet be attended to as he deserves.
More anon, Yours &c., T.
From the Dragoons.
The New Yorker makes the following extracts from a private letter of a member of Captain Knapp's Company dated:
Mitchell's Station, Va., Jan'y 18th, 1864.
* * * Captain Knapp arrived here last night, looking as though his furlough had done him a vast amount of good. At present the Dragoons are doing but little except picket and guard duty. Great numbers of deserters from the Rebs are coming into our lines. Not a day goes by but what some of these deluded wretches escape from the fangs of the Slave Power and throw themselves upon the mercy of Uncle Sam. They all agree that this Rebellion is in its death throes. They represent the condition of the Southern people as that of terrible destitution.
Our company has met with a loss in the resignation of Lieut. Bills which they will feel deeply for many a day. He took his departure from our midst this morning, and already we miss him. An acquaintance of eighteen months has endeared him to every member of company "D." We have learnt to respect him as an officer of great ability and bravery, and to love him for his kindness and humanity to the soldiers in his charge. Our best wishes will accompany him wherever he may go.
The boys of Co, "D" are in good health, have snug winter quarters erected, have plenty to eat, and are living as comfortable and cosy as soldiers have any right to do.
From the Cavalry Reserve Brigade.
Feb. 5th, 1864.
EDITOR EXPRESS:—Believing that all good Union men and women of the North are ever anxious to hear from the soldiers—especially those from the Empire State—I attempt to pen such scenes and incidents as may be most interesting to your numerous readers. I shall not undertake to reiterate what has already been thrice told—the midnight marches to repel a haughty and wicked foe—the unflinching courage of the brave soldiers while rushing to the deadly conflict—the thousands that have sacrificed their pure heart's blood on the altar of Freedom; nor shall I picture the agony of the many hearts which throb in anguish for the loss of a loved one who fell in battle. When an army goes into winter quarters, there are many men (?) at the North who sadly complain because it is idle. They say, "drive the thing through and have it ended—we have money, would go ourselves, but our business is such that we can't, possibly—we have just invested a large amount in "Public Stocks;" and—we've been getting married—let the single men go, they have no one to mourn their loss—we'll give the Government a little of our money, but we can't leave home just now."
I will not call such men shirks and cowards, but they are men with narrow souls, uneven balanced heads, unfortunate in their general observations, and men who don't care anything more for the interest of the United States than they do for the icebergs that cluster around the North Pole. Do any of the Northern people doubt the result of this cursed Rebellion, that it will not end with a total annihilation of every principle extraneous to the hearts of a brave, just and proud nation; let them come down here, see the dear "Old Flag" float in graceful folds towards Heaven, let them count the stars and ask any soldier if he will stand and see one plucked from that flag, and mark the answer:—"The stars may fall from Heaven's blue vault, that e'er in splender shone; but none shall drop from thee, dear Flag, till life's warm blood has flown."
Many of the inhabitants comprising your large city, know little, if anything, of war. True, it may affect some—those of sensitive organizations and nervous temperament, who shake at the thought of blood, and go cowardly, groveling in the dust. Let them crawl into their hiding places, we don't want them here; better send us cattle; they can be used for some purpose, at least. It is gratifying to know that, while many are using such strenuous efforts to keep out of the field, there are those who are willing to sacrifice their lives and fortunes for the great cause of Right, Justice, and Liberty. Cherished be their names forever. History shall shed a halo around their memories, and a future generation shall rise up and call them blessed.
The sentiments of the soldiers, now in the field, are undivided; their confidence of victory unshaken; and their reverence for President Lincoln amounts to almost adoration. And why should it not? Has he not knocked the shackles off of near a million of poor, helpless human beings, and bidden them "breathe the pure air, you are free!" Who will say he has done wrong? Verily, none, for the decree has gone forth from the Almighty, "Slavery shall no longer exist among an enlightened Nation, but every chain shall be broken; the mother shall press her babe in peace, and the father shall lead his little son unmolested." And who will lift an arm against God's commands?
Our Brigade is in "winter quarters" 67 miles from Alexandria, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and about three miles from the Rapidan, which is the established line for picketing this winter. The rebels' tents are distinctly seen from our camp, and the pickets are separated only by the river, which is about as large as the Genesee. Our Regiment goes out every five days, and the rebs and our boys are getting somewhat acquainted, holding their nocturnal conversations. They sometimes exchange papers, I am informed. One reb was asked who he thought would be his next President, and he said "Old Abe."
Many deserters come into our lines, and they all tell the same story—that Rebellion is actually starving to death. When they enter our lines, the first question invariably is, "Have you got anything to eat? we are starving!" They declare if they can't get in any other way, they will fight it in. I suppose many deem it right that they should come over to us, but I am no friend to deserters, and would advise the Government, now that so many are coming over, to keep an eye out and see that the Southern gentlemen conduct themselves with the utmost propriety. Yours, truly, E. WALTER LOWE,
1st N. Y. Dragoons.
Letter from the Army.
STATION, Va., Feb. 25th, 1864.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN: —There is but little to break the dull monotony of camp life here on the Rapidan at present, and when one sits down to write, it is with great difficulty that he can hatch up a theme over which to expend his talent of mental power, that has not already been stripped of its plumage by some of the numerous correspondents now resident in the army of the Potomac. But, however, I have been thinking that perhaps I might interest your readers by giving a description of our camp, and a programme of our daily routine of duty, which by the way, is very much like the old woman washing dishes, it is every day alike.
First then cames [sic] the camp, the main avenue of which runs east and west, and upon which all our line officers' quarters are made to front being built upon the north side so as to lengthen the distance between them and the rebs as much as possible. Running to the south, and at right angles with this avenue are five squadron streets, upon which are built the quarters of the men, fronting to the west. Still farther on to the south are the stables, each squadron occupying ground on a line with their quarters. A floor made after the style of Michigan plank road sometimes called corduroy, serves to keep the animals above ground in case of mud and to shelter them from storms of snow and rain, we have only broad canopy of Heaven, which, owing to some mysterious freak of nature has thus far done us remarkably good service. From the corner of Main Avenue and First street, starts Broadway, running to the north far enough to admit the quarters of our field and staff officers, a sutler and the few other necessary appendages that go to make up the headquarters off a regiment. On the corner of Main Avenue and Broadway stands the Post Office, a splendid cedar front edifice, built after the most modern style of Gothic architecture, the cost of which owing to a deficiency in our mathematics we have never been able to compute. A little farther to the east, and fronting third street stands Canterbury Hall, which is open once a week for gymnastic exercises. Cupid's Corp d' Afrique of Juber dancers being the principle dramatists. But as no one is admitted to the hall but gentlemen of rank and color. I cannot dwell on the merits of the actors, as I have not been favored with a personal observation
So much in explanation of our camp. Now then for the programme of duty. First, we have a bugle and a man to blow it, on whom is thrown the responsibility of awakening us from our slumbers at early dawn, but by what process this man is warned of approaching day I have neglected to inform myself, therefore in this respect my narrative will be incomplete. But certain it is that at six o'clock in the morning he is always on hand to blow the bugle.—This arouses animation throughout the camp, and as fast as the men can rub open their eyes and draw on their boots and caps they emerge into the streets and fall into line for roll call. At the expiration of ten minutes from the first call the bugle sounds another blast when it is expected every man will be in line. This is called revelle and comes as regular as cow milking or dish washing used to down country. As soon as time has been given for roll call, the man with the bugle plays another tune, which in military parlance is stable call. The companies are then marched to the stable, the Q. M. Sergeant gives to each man his proper feed and the horses are then fed and properly groomed, when the men repair to their quarters to cook and eat their breakfast, which must all be done before nine o'clock, for at that hour the man comes forth again with the bugle and blows the water call, when the men again march to the stable and the horses are taken to the most convenient watering place and watered. This over and we have the sick call and the fatigue call, the former for the benefit of any who may desire to consult the doctor on the best manner of obtaining good health and a general tendency to long life, and the latter to remind us that our tents need cleaning and airing and our camp generally policed. At eleven o'clock is guard mounting, and at fifteen minutes before twelve, stable call again when the horses have to undergo another grooming. From this time until three o'clock P. M. the men are allowed to do about as they please, provided they keep within the bounds of military etiquette. Then again we have the water call, at four and a half o'clock stable call, and at sunset, retreat. About this time also we have a daily arrival of mail and then can be seen a gathering about the Post Office not unlike the gatherings It have seen about the Post Office in your pleasant village, while the mail was being distributed, each anxious to catch a line from some "loved one far away" to cheer him in the solitude of his tent, or to recall to pleasant memory while treading his lonely beat on the banks of the Rapidan.
The evenings are spent in various ways of amusements, such as reading, writing, singing and dancing. At eight o'clock the man with the bugle gives another blast, and the whole camp is again turned out for roll call. Fifteen minutes more and the last trumpet of the day is sounded which is a signal for all lights to be extinguished and for silence to reign throughout the camp. Aside from these duties, every fifth day we have to send out one hundred and seventy men for picket, who remain on duty twenty-four hours. Another detachmrnt [sic] of ninety men are sent once a week to protect a signal station on Ball Mountain, and remain on duty three days.
Our picket line is the Rapidan River, and our pickets and those of the rebs, stand in fair view of each other, and within easy musket shot. It is seldom, however, that any shooting occurs, except occasionally a careless Dragoon ventures a little too near the stream, and then the shot is not dangerous on account of its elevation.
Frequently the men indulge in a pleasant chit chat across the river, and on several occasions have exchanged papers. Desertions are quite frequent. Last week five men deserted their post in the morning and came into our lines. That day five others were put upon the same post, from the same regiment and the following morning, they too were absent without leave, in search of their comrads [sic] on this side of the river. Cavalry reviews are becoming quite popular of late. Yesterday we attended the third one in the month of February, and allowing us to be the judge, we should say that in magnificence of display and drill of horsemanship, it far surpassed anything of the kind we have ever witnessed. It came off near Culpepper, and was witnessed by a large concourse of people, which we would say, judging from their attire were mostly non-residents. Rumor says there is another on foot for to-morrow, but as yet we have no official notice of it.
Yours, &c.,
From the 1st New York Dragoons.
An Accurate List of Their Casualties.
The Warsaw Democrat is indebted to Dan. P. Waller, former publisher of the Arcade Press & Union, but now in the army, for the following list of casualties in the 1st N. Y. Dragoons. Mr. Waller's letter is dated, "Camp Dismounted Battalion Cavalry Reserve Corps, near Fredericksburg, Va., May 17th, 1864." The loss occurred during the fights of Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th, near Spottsylvania C. H. He informs us that communication between the Army and Washington was stopped, and he got the list mailed to us through the U. S. Sanitary Commission:
Co. A—Wounded—Serg't Geo.W. Clute, Corp. John Hare (since died); Privates E. M. Carpenter (since died), D. W. Harrington, Wilber Brainard, Martin Gitchel, J. M. Allen, Geo. N. Barrel.
Co. B—Killed—Serg't W. J. Hampshire. Wounded—1st Serg't Henry Gale, Serg't Benj. W. Keith, Corp. C. T. Stoat (since died), Corp. Chas. C. Varries; Privates P. B. Annis, Harrison Sillover (since died), L. Sendal, J. M. Stought. Missing—Serg't Matthew Harrington, Serg't John Young, Corp. Jas. H. White; Privates John M. Dennison, Chas. S. Palmer.
Co. C—Killed—Private Michael Redding. Wounded—Serg't Wiiley, Privates Harvey Guile, (since died); ___ Hopper. Prisoners—Serg't John Parker; Private G. Burke.
Co. E—Killed—Private Earnest Harst. Wounded—Serg't LeRoy Green (since died); Privates John Donnelly, Albert Clark, A. J. Barlow. Missing—Private Wm. Snyder.
Co. F—Wounded—Serg't H. P. Nelson, Privates E. S. Parker, A. F. Quinton, A. H. Lindsley, Wm. L. Lowell. Killed—Peter Fox, C. S. Steenrod.
Co. G—Wounded—Private Wm. Hulbert.
Co. H—Killed—Private Wm. Andrews. Wounded—Serg't H. G. West, Serg't Reuben G.Potter; Privates Martin Karr, Martin V. Barber, Marcus Prentiss.
Prisoners—Capt. R. A. Britton, 2d Lieut. R. O. Abbott, Corp. Geo. Merrill; Privates Dan. A. Atwell, David M. Cox, Orlando Emerson, Nathan Fobes, Chas. Hall, Sam. M. Klind, Sam. A. Wescott, Albert A. Whitney.
Co. I—Killed—L. H. Weed; Privates Wm. Black, Hiram Roff.
Wounded—Serg't Christian Smith, Corp. Emerson Rood (since died), Corp. Marcus M. Wood (since died); Privates E. F. Ames, Wilson Jones, James Penderghast, Phillip Smith.
Wounded and Missing—Leonard Russell (since died.)
Missing—Serg't Milton T. Hills, Corp. Hiram Woodward; Privates Jas. Christie, Corydon Lovejoy, Horace C. Viton, Geo. H. Spoon, Walter E. Town.
Co. K—Killed—Private Wm. P. Cook. Wounded—Lieut. O. W. West, Serg't Wm. Sarvis; Privates Jas. Talls (since died), Ruel J. Edminster (since died), George R. Torry.
Missing—Privates Squire L. Herrick, Wm. Gillons, Phillip T. Whiting.
Killed and died of wounds, 19
Wounded, 38
Missing and Prisoners, 24
Total, 81
Leonard Russell's body passed through Attica last Wednesday, and was taken to Nunda.
Our fellow townsman, Irving Pratt, of Co. C, wounded and since dead, is not mentioned in the above list.
Letter from the 1st N. Y. Dragoons.
We have been kindly furnished with the following letter written by Captain S Culbertson, of Troop B, of the above Regiment, giving an interesting account of the operations of the Regiment in the fight near Chancellorsville, and also of the part they took in the raid of Sheridan to and around Richmond. The Dragoons were formerly the 130th, and were recruited largely in this County. It is composed of good material, and the boys appear to have nobly and heroically performed their full duty.
* * * You doubtless are very anxious about us, and I take this my first opportunity to write you. On the morning of May 4th we broke camp near Perry Mountain, Va., and crossed the Rapidan at Ely's Ford. On the morning of the 5th we moved two miles beyond Chancellorsville and camped for the night. Next morning, the 6th, moved to right of Chancellorsville and then back to old Camp. The 7th we started for Todd's Tavern, reaching there about 2 P. M. and soon became engaged. Our Regiment was dismounted and moved to meet the enemy. We received the fire of two Brigades but were successful in driving the rebels from behind their breastworks. I went into the fight with 22 men and lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, 13; the heaviest of any Co. in proportion to the number engaged. I was under a perfect shower of bullets. I presume there were a hundred that struck within two feet of me. I remained on the line till I had but two men left. I saw the Richmond Despatch of May 10th, in which they admitted a loss of 225 wounded and that they fought a whole division, but this is a mistake as they only fought the 1st N. Y Dragoons. I came very near using myself up as I had the next thing to a sunstroke. Until Saturday last I was not able to command the Co. Next day, the 8th, we had another fight on nearly the same ground, in which I lost another man, severely, if not mortally wounded. After the fight the Infantry came up and released us, when we fell back to Chancellorsville. Monday morning, May 9th, our corps started on the Sheridan raid, which has proved one of the greatest on record. The 9th we advanced as far as Beaver Dam station, on the Virginia Central Rail Road, where Custar's Brigade charged the station, capturing three trains of cars, loaded with rations for Lee's army, beside recapturing 190 men and 20 officers that were taken in the fight of Sunday. At the station were stores enough for Lee's whole army for 10 days, and it must prove a great disaster to him. Had we not burned the cars that night we would have got more trains but the rebels saw the fire and run back the cars. May 10, we started early and marched to Hungary or Glen Allen and destroyed another branch road, while the 3d division went to Ashland and destroyed two trains of cars. About noon we had a sharp fight, but were successful, we driving the enemy, capturing about 100 prisoners and three pieces of artillery. In that fight I lost another man, mortally wounded. We started at 1 A. M., the 11th and moved to within four miles of Richmond, arriving at daylight. Nothing happened until about daylight when we found that the demons had planted torpedoes in the road. One exploded near my Co. but did no harm. About 9 A. M. we charged across meadow Bridge which crosses the Chickahominy, but the rebels had fell back too far to engage them. We came back taking the road to Mechanicsville, where we halted till the command came up. You perhaps remember the place where McClellan had a fight previous to the Gaines' Mill fight. We started from there about noon, skirmishing all the way to near Gaines' Mills, when they made a stand. Our brigade having the advance, the 5th U. S. Cav. and 6th Pa. charged and were being repulsed, when the Dragoons were ordered forward and we soon made them give back, without any loss on our side, capturing some twenty prisoners and killing a number. We then moved on and camped for the night on the battle field of Gaines' Mills. Next morning, 13th, we broke camp and marched to this place without opposition, arriving about 4. P. M., and now are encamped on the Melvern Hill battlefield. I forgot to mention that on the morning of the 10th our squadron went down to Davenport Bridge, which we destroyed, besides a camp of Engineers, and captured a wagon and four mules. All went well till we were returning, when the advance, the 5th U. S. Cav., which went as a support to us were fired into, when they broke and I was obliged to follow suit. Then began a race which I shall never forgot. It made me thing of the Indian warfare when they run the gauntlet, for we did nothing more than the same. In the race Sergt. Smith, Corp. Moore, privates Gill and Dalrymple were taken prisonees.—Since the fight of May 7th to this time I have lost 19 men, killed, wounded and prisoners.—Most of the wounded are very severely.—Please let Corp. Tim. Stout's friends know that he was severely wounded in the breast, but I hope not mortally. Tim. was a noble fellow and was in the thickest of the fight when he fell. When I look around and see the thinned ranks of my Co. my heart is too sad for me to say anything. My boys fought like veterans, and will fight till the last. Oh!
God, when will this wicked war end? Soon, I pray.
This morning there has been terrific firing up the river and as we supposed it to be, at Fort Darling. I understand Butler holds the first line of works on the south of Richmond. It is just one week to-day since we started on the raid and a week last Saturday since our first fight. Yesterday (Sunday) was really a day of rest to us, as we had been fighting nearly every day since we started. When we started we had but two days' forage and light at that. The roads were very dusty and dry. The roads were lined with blankets, overcoats and dead horses. On Wednesday we had a beautiful rain which was everything to our poor men and horses. Yesterday we got rations and forage, and are now resting a little. I presume we will not remain here long.—The Richmond papers put the fight of Saturday, May 7th, as the hardest fought cavalry fight of the war. The prisoners that we took say they don't want to meet the Dragoons again. They say we fire too fast for them.—
I will give you a list of the casualties of my Co.
List of killed, wounded and prisoners since May 7th to date, 16th.
Sergt. W. J. Hamsher, killed,
Lieut. Henry Gale, wounded in shoulder,
Sergt. B. W. Keith. " side,
*Corp. C. T. Stout, severely in breast,
" C. Vorbees, " leg,
Private P. B. Annis, "
" K. Selover, " breast,
" H. M. Slaight, slightly in head,
" S. W. Sendell, severely in leg,
" John Grow, mortally in shoulder,
Sergt. J. Young, prisoner,
" M. Herrington, "
Corp. Jim White, "
" Chet Moore, "
Sergt, J. Smith, "
Private Chas. Palmer, "
" J. Dennison, "
" J. Gill, "
" M. Dalrymple, "
* Died since above report.
Warsaw, August 10, 1864.
Our Army Correspondence.
July 29th, 1864.
EDITOR MIRROR:—Perhaps your readers would not be averse to reading a few items from the 1st N. Y. Dragoons, and thinking this to be the case, I send you a few lines commencing with the recent raid.
We left Bottom's bridge on the 5th of June, going through Hawe's Shop, crossing the Pamunkey at Newcastle and continuing our march to Aylett's, Dunkirk and thence to Polecat Station, where we crossed the Fredericksburg and Richmond R. R., and on up the North Anna, crossing to the south side of the river,—when about twelve miles from Gordonsville, encamping on the night of the 10th inst., some five miles from the river near Trevillian Station on the Va. Central R.R. On the morning of the 11th we again commenced our march toward Louisa C. H., but found our way blocked by the enemy strongly posted in the woods on the north side of the railroad. Here we fought them from 8 A. M, until dark, driving them across the railroad and leaving it for us to destroy, which was done immediately. We lost heavily. Lt. Col. Thorp was taken prisoner, and Capt Lemen, Lt. Coy, wounded. We lay on the field during the night, and the next day about 1 o'clock P. M., crossed the railroad and again found the rebels, who had been strongly reinforced during the night, waiting for us to commence the action. We fought them until dark again but could not drive them from their position. Capt. Wells, Co. G, and Lt. G. T. Hamilton, Co. A, were wounded in this day's fight. During the night we fell back to the river, recrossing on the morning of the 14th. We marched to Spottsylvania C. H., passing through those tremendous earthworks which Gen. Grant compelled the enemy to abandon, only by his famous flank movement. To have taken them in front would have cost an immense loss of life. But Grant throws his left around towards Fredericksburg, and Lee finds that his right flank is turned and that instant retreat is the only way to save his army.—We went from Spottsylvania to Bowling Green and thence to the Mattapony at King and Queen C. H., then back to Dunkirk, passing the place where Col. Dahlgren was killed, and crossed the Mattapony and moved to White House. Here we ascertained that Gen. Grant had made another flank movement and was now across the James river. This of course admonished us to be wary and we moved to Jones' Bridge, crossed the Chickahominy and started for Harrison's Landing; but Sergt. Gregg, who had the advance, was driven back which changed our course and we moved to Wilcox's Landing, or Ferry, and crossed the James on the 30th of June, and marched that night to Prince George C. H., going on the next morning to Ream's Station where the 6th Corps had preceded us. The Weldon RR. had been torn up there. We were in search of Gen. Wilson with the 3d Cavalry Division, who had been defeated, so report said. We moved back to this spot July 2d, and have lain here since. We have a splendid camp in the woods, and the men and horses have had a long rest. On the 26th the Corps had orders to move with four day's rations and forage, so that the camp is deserted all but a few sick. We learn from those that came back that they crossed the Appomattox at Point of Rocks, and the James at Jones' Neck, on Pontoons. The 2d Corps crossed with them, and they encamped near the river, all but the 1st Division which is farther out. Whether it is a raid or an attempt on Richmond from the north side of the river, no one knows. Those who do know of course have no information to impart.
This morning we can hear Grant's Petersburg Expresses booming away. We have the greatest confidence in Gen. Grant and President Lincoln, and a heavy majority will roll up from the army in favor of prosecuting the war until peace is obtained in the only honorable manner.—There is a great feeling here against those blots upon humanity at the North who, by their infamous peace propositions are endeavoring to defeat the best laid plans and to continue the war longer than is necessary. We think that Gen. Grant will take Richmond, but can tell nothing of the length of time requsite [sic] to do it.
The weather is warm but the rain of a few days ago has made traveling better. Col. Gibbs commands the regiment. Maj. Scott has returned; his wound is nearly healed. We were all glad to see him once more, for he is an officer universally loved and respected by the regiment.
A. W. T., Co. A.
List of casualties in the 1st N. Y. Dragoons in battle near Newtown, Va., Aug. 11th, 1864:
Major Rufus Scott, right shoulder; flesh.
Lieut. H. N. Schlick, right elbow; slight.
Sergt. Robt. Sears, killed.
1st Sergt. Jno. McCabe, left side, neck; severe.
Private George Barrell, left arm; slight.
do. E. T. Hunt, left lung; severe.
Private Henry Booher, left side; flesh.
Sergt. D. R. Phelps, both thighs; flesh.
do C. J. Gardner, right ankle; severe.
Private Jos. Button, right leg; flesh.
Sergt. L. C. Cruttenden, killed.
Corp. S. W. Gibson, left thigh; flesh.
Private John B. Litchard, left hip; slight.
Private W. Duane, right thigh; flesh.
do D. Grey, right leg; flesh.
do B. F. T. Place, abdomen; dangerous.
Sergt. A. J . Aldritch, right thigh; flesh.
Private Calvin A. Shepard, killed.
Corp. F. W. Agard, right hand; slight.
Private David Bushnell, right lung; severe.
Corp. J. M. Langworthy, right hip; flesh.
do E. Sortor, right thigh; slight.
Private John Gothard, killed.
do Geo. Durfee, left lung; mortal.
do John Callahan, right leg amputated, wounded in left hand.
Capt. E. S. BRITTON, of the First New York Dragoons, captured near Todd's Tavern in the recent fight with SHERIDAN, arrived in Baltimore yesterday morning from Richmond, having left there on Saturday last. Three cavalrymen were paroled with him, and one chaplain and seven surgeons released and sent down on the same boat; They had only been in Richmond about ten days, and were very fortunate in so soon escaping from their captivity.
Capt. BRITTON informs the American that the excitement at Richmond was very great, especially during the recent fights at Drury's Bluff, when the cannonading, and even the volleys of musketry could distinctly be heard in the city. Women and children who are able to leave, are moving off in large numbers, though the greater proportion of the present inhabitants of the city were compelled by their necessities to remain with their families. There is still a large population in the city, and the military authorities express great confidence in the ability of LEE to frustrate all the plans of Gen. GRANT.
The rebel Government is impressing provisions, and gathering as large a stock of supplies into the city as possible. Flour is held at from $400 to $500 per barrel, and everything else is correspondingly high.
It has been asserted by some of the correspondents from Bermuda Hundred, that Gen. BUTLER lost several thousand men with General HECKMAN when taken prisoner. The lowest estimate given was 1,500 but Captain BRITTON states that the whole number captured from General BUTLER is but 460. Indeed all the prisoners brought to Richmond from General BUTLER and the Army of the Potomac up to Saturday last, did not exceed eight hundred.
The following are the names of the Federal officers at Libby Prison on Saturday last, all of whom have been captured during the present campaign, those previously occupying it having been sent to Georgia. There are also about a dozen wounded officers in the hospital, the names of whom Captain BREITTON could not ascertain:
Brig.-Gen. C. A. Heckman; Cols. H. C. Lee, 27th Massachusetts Infantry; R. White, 55th Pennsylvania; Lieut.-Col. W. G. Bartholomew, 27th Massachusetts; Capts. R. R. Swift, 27th Massachusetts; J. H. Nutting, 27th Massachusetts; Adjt. P. W. McMannus, 27th Massachusetts; Lieuts. Skinner, 27th Massachusetts; J. H. Judd, 27th Massachusetts; W. G. Davis, 27th Massachusetts; J. Lyman, 27th Massachusetts; Capt. E. H. Kissam, 9th New Jersey; Lieuts. G. Peters, 9th New Jersey; J. M. Drake, 9th New Jersey; Capts. D. W. Fox, 55th Pennsylvania; James Metzger, 55th Pennsylvania; J. Belger, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery; Lieut. S. P. Hedges, 112th New York Infantry; Captains J. H. Pierce, 118th New York Infantry; D. Stone, 118th New York Infantry; Lieutenants J. W. Pitt, 118th New York Infantry; F. H. Lay, 117th New York Infantry; H. D. Grant, 117th New York Infantry; Capts. H. J. McDonald, 11th Connecticut Infantry; J. E. Lewis, 11th Connecticut Infantry; H. Jenkins, 40th Massachusetts; Adjt. J. Gottshall, 55th Pennsylvania Infantry; Capts. A. R. Willis, 8th Maine Infantry; H. Biebel, 6th Connecticut Infantry; B. C. Beebe, 13th Indiana Infantry, May 10.
All of the above-named officers were captured near Fort Darling.
Captain Emlen N. Carpenter, Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry, May 7 ; Lieuts. A. O. Abbott, First New York Dragoons, May 7; O. W. West, First New York Dragoons, May 7; C. E. Lewis, First New York Dragoons. May 7; Lieut. E. J. Hazel, Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry, May 7; Captains C. Vaughan, First Maine Cavalry, May 11; O. J. Downing, Second New York Cavalry, May 12; Lieuts. G. W. Hill, Seventh Michigan Cavalry, May 11; A. B. Isham, Seventh Michigan Cavalry, May 11; R. Sweetman, Fifth United States Cavalry, May 10; R. P. Wilson, Fifth United States Cavalry, May 10; J. A. Goodwin, First Massachusetts Cavalry, May 10; E. S. Wilson, First Massachusetts Cavalry, May 10; Captains R. J. Wright, Sixth Ohio Cavalry, May 18; E. H. Green, One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania Infantry, May 21; Lieutenants Wm. S. Damrall, Thirteenth Massachusetts Infantry, May 21; J . Post, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania Infantry, May 23; J. Rauff, One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Infantry, May 23; Captain C. W. Hastings, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, May 24; Lieutenants G. W. Creusey, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, May 24; H. S. Taintor, Eighty-second New York Infantry, May 24; R. H. Chase, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, May 24; H. M. Cross, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Infantry, May 24; J. C. Justus, Second Pennsylvania Reserves, May 24.
William Cromack, U. S. N.; William Rushmore U. S. N.; H. Marron, U. S. N.; C. Hickey, U. S N.; E. D. Smith, U. S. N.
The officers from the Army of the Potomac were
captured in the various engagements from the Wildernees [sic] to the North Anna River.
From Richmond Papers.
Richmond papers to Saturday last are received:
The rebel Congress are discussing a motion to adjourn on the 1st of June, but the Virginia members are strenuously opposing the adjournment, accusing members of cowardice, and insinuating a desire on the part of those who favor the motion to get away from the beleagured city. The further discussion of the motion was postponed to the 28th.
Brigadier-General WINDER has been relieved by order of Gen. BRAGG, from the command of Richmond, and ordered to report to General BEAUREGARD, with headquarters at Goldsboro, N. C. The Department of Richmond and Henrico remains in full control of Gen RANSOM.
The Richmond Whig of the 28th, says: We are glad to be able to state, upon the authority of his medical director, that General LONGSTREET has so far recovered from the wound he received in the battle of the Wilderness, that he expects to take the field in about three weeks.
A letter from M. M. GRAY, captain in charge of torpedoes, dated Charleston, May 29, addressed to Major-General MAURY, published in the Richmond Sentinel, thus settles the fate of Lieutenant DIXON and crew, whose torpedo vessel sunk the Housatonic off Charleston Bar in February last:
Since that time no information has been received of the torpedo boat or the crew. I am of the opinion that the torpedo being placed at the bow of the boat, she went into the hole made in the Housatonic by the explosion of the torpedo, and did not have power sufficient to back out, and subsequently sunk with her.
The Rebel Congress has adopted a series of resolutions declaring that in "no event will this Government consent to a division or dismemberment of the State of Virginia, but will assert and maintain her jurisdiction and sovereignty [sic] to the utmost limits of her ancient boundaries, at any and every cost."
The Richmond papers claim a constant series of victories, "handsome repulses," &c., both in Virginia and Georgia. The word "reverse" has no place in the rebel vocabulary at present.
The Atlanta Confederacy sums up the movements of Gen. SHERMAN in Georgia, as follows:
The impression is general now that JOHNSTON will hurl his forces upon the enemy at some point between his present line of battle and the Etowah River, upon the result of which, with our knowledge of that army and its great commander, we are willing to stake our hopes of independence.
A letter from Atlanta says that a general engagement will soon take place, and adds:
Our wounded who came down from the front represent that our troops are in the best of spirits, and confident of success when the decisive fight takes place. They say JOHNSTON knows what he is about, and that the Yankees will find out when the proper time comes.
All of the Relief Committees have been ordered from this city to the front. This looks as if JOHNSTON contemplated to commence his work soon.
ASHLAND, May 27.
Advices from the front are that the enemy have re-crossed the North Anna, and are again on the move, in the direction, it is supposed, of our right. The enemy are said to have made an effort this morning to burn the bridge over the North Anna, on the telegraph road, but were foiled. There was some skirmishing this morning, and also some between 10 and 12 o'clock last night.
ASHLAND, May 27.
Our army is moving rapidly on lines almost parallel with the route which GRANT is following. At 12 o'clock to-day a heavy force of the enemy appeared at Hanover Court House, and were pressing our cavalry back at that point. Two prisoners have just been brought in belonging to the Sixth Corps. They say their command received orders yesterday to march to the White House.
ATLANTA, May 27.
Our advance came up with the enemy at New Hope, four miles East of Dallas, at noon Wednesday. HOOD'S Corps was first in the fight, parts of two divisions—STEVENSON'S and HINDMAN'S—only were engaged. We had but one line of battle, which the enemy charged twice, but were handsomely repulsed. A private note from General JOHNSTON'S headquarters at sunrise yesterday says that the affair of Wednesday afternoon was handsome. We are having a renewal this morning. During the day firing continued, but was evidently receding from us, and a few guns have been heard this morning apparently at a still greater distance.
General CUMMINGS is severely wounded in the breast and arm. General REYNOLDS wounded slightly.
The army was moving up to the field yesterday morning in fine condition.
ATLANTA, May 27.—Letters from the press reporter on the field say that the operations of yesterday were confined to skirmishing, and the enemy feeling for our positions. Our right rests on the road from Acworth to Dallas, about three miles Northeast from New Hope Church, and extends from the latter point nearly West.
The movements of the enemy continue to extend toward our right, indicating a diposition [sic] to get near Etowah River and bridge. Firing was heard early this morning but died away soon.
{From the Richmond Examiner, May 26.]
Besides the resident population of Richmond, the number of people in the city has been increased by the addition of many sick and wounded in the hospitals and in private lodgings, and the presence of large bodies of troops, creating an active demand for all kinds of food, especially vegetables. It behooves every one, therefore, who has anything of the kind to spare to send it at once to this city. Let not the smallness of the quantity prevent its being sent, for if many persons forward small amounts of vegetables, meat, poultry &c., the aggregate will be large. There is hardly a farmer in the neighborhood of the railroads and highways leading to Richmond who cannot spare some one article of food which would meet with a ready sale at high prices in our markets, benefitting [sic] the producer pecuniarily at the same time that it would add to the comfort and health of the consumer.
The Charleston Courier says:
It has frequently been asked, "What is the difference between the Cummings' Point Batteries and the Swamp Angel?" A mathematical friend, who has taken some pains to measure the distances on a map, shows that the Cummings' Point batteries are a half a mile nearer to the Eastern portion of the city, and a quarter of a mile to the Western portion.
A New York Regiment in Sheridan's Army.
To the Editors of the Evening Post:
Noticing in your journal yesterday some account of this gallant regiment, an old correspondent takes the occasion to hand you the following extract of a letter from an officer in this regiment, dated: "CAMP NEAR MIDDLETOWN, October 21, 1864.
"The cavalry held the left all day, and about noon Phil Sheridan came up and changes the fortunes of the day. We went in (cavalry) with two divisions of the Nineteenth on the left, and the Sixth corps on the right, and drove them all to smash, captured sixty-two pieces of artillery, five hundred prisoners, fifty wagons, fifty ambulances, and any quantity of ordnance, muskets, &c.; also five stand of colors, &c.
"The First New York Dragoons, led by Colonel Gibbs, captured ten pieces of artillery, four caissons, thirty ambulances filled with wounded, twenty-nine wagons, one hundred and ten prisoners, one United States recaptured guidon, and other small matters. Won’t that do for two hundred men on a cool October day? To-day we ran the enemy clean beyond Edinburg. They are completely broken up and demoralized."
Letter from the 1st N. Y. Dragoons.
LOVETTSVILLE, Louden Co., Va., Feb. 7, 1865.
MR. NORTON:—Having a few leisure moments I thought that I could not improve them better than by writing a few lines for your journal, thinking that perhaps a little information, however vague, concerning this Regiment, might prove acceptable to some of the many readers of your paper. We left Winchester the last of December, and came here for the purpose, I suppose, of preventing rebel raiding parties from crossing the river either at Berlin or Point of Rocks. Our camp is situated two miles from Berlin, and about six miles from Point of Rocks. We were transferred from the Regular Brigade to the Second, sometime last August, but still belong to the Old First Division. Gen. Devin, formerly Colonel of the Sixth N. Y. Cavalry, commands the Brigade. Major Scott is in command of the Regiment now. Colonel Gibbs, I suppose you have learned ere this, having been promoted to a Brigadier, and assigned to the Regular Brigade. The guerrillas trouble us some here, driving in the pickets and charging our camp occasionally, but have not made much as yet, although they express it as their determination to drive us out of here before spring. Whether they will or not remains to be seen. There has been very little sickness in the Regiment thus far, since we have been in camp here, which may be attributed in part to the excellent water we have here, and also to the fact of our having learned better how to take care of ourselves. There has been some pretty cold weather here this winter, although the past week or more has been quite warm and spring-like, until last night, when it changed for the worse, and to-day it is snowing and blowing at a great rate.
Very Respectfully,