3rd New York Light Artillery Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
CAPT. MERCER'S BATTERY.—This battery is encamped near Newbern, in rear of Fort Totten. Letters should be directed to Battery G, 3d N. Y. V. Artillery, Newbern, N. C.
Army Correspondence—
Our readers will find a very interesting letter from D. J. EVANS, of the 3d Artillery, now station at Newbern, in to-day's issue.
We have also a lengthy epistle from W. W. BALLARD, of the 81st reg't N. Y. S. V., stationed at Beaufort, which, for want of room we hold over until next week.
Capt. D. L. Aberdein and Lieut. Patterson will to-morrow open an office for the purpose of recruiting a battery for the third N. Y. Artillery, to be stationed at Newbern, N. C., for the defences of that place. The highest bounties will be paid for recruits. This is a first-rate chance to enlist in one of the easiest branches of the service. The battery will be stationed in one of the most delightful portions of the country. Due notice will be given of the locality of the recruiting office.
LIEUT. JOHN O'NEIL, of this village, a member of the 3d N. Y. Artillery, stationed at Newbern, is recovering from the very serious illness with which he was afflicted, and which it was feared would prove fatal. His friends hereabouts will be glad to hear it.
ACCIDENT.--IEA H. WILLIAMS, OF MOHAWK, and a member of Capt. Mercer's Company 3d New York Artillery, met with an accident at the Depot in Utica, on Saturday evening. While getting off the platform he fell so that a car-wheel ran over and crushed two of his fingers. One of them had to be taken off--the other will probably be saved.
Second Lieut. James S. Fuller, of the 3d N. Y. Artillery, has been promoted to be a First Lieutenant, and is detailed upon the Colonel's Staff as Adjutant. He started on Tuesday evening to rejoin his Regiment at Newbern, N. C.
LIGHT ARTILLERY.--Lieut. W. E. Mercer, of the Third New York Artillery, has received authority to recruit a battery for that regiment, of which he is to be Captain. His office is in Utica. Lieut. Mercer has been in Capt. Riggs' Rome company, of the same regiment, in which the other Lieutenant is J. D. Clark, also of Rome.
RAILROAD CASUALTIES.--The name of the man killed at Weedsport on Thursday night was Samuel Davis, a returned soldier of the Third New York Artillery. He was struck by the locomotive and killed instantly.
The boy reported killed at Warner's was very severely and probably fatally injured.—He was this morning lying in an insensible condition. He is only seven years old.
AIDE-DE-CAMP TO GEN. PECK.—The following official announcement of the promotion of Lieut. James S. McVey to the position of Aide-de-Camp on Maj. Gen. Peck's staff, will be gratifying to the many warm friends of that gallant young officer in this city.
NEWBERN, N. C., January 6th, 1864.
General Orders No. 5.
First Lieutenant James S. McVey, Third New York Artillery, having been detailed upon the staff of the commanding General as Acting Aide-de-Camp, is announced as such, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly.
By command of Major-General PECK.
BENJ. B. FOSTER, Assistant-Adjutant General.
Absent Without Leave.
2d Lt. Breide,
Rudolph Brant,
Anton Conrad,
George Eyrich,
Jacob Hanimere,
Godfrey Helendorfer,
Adam Hobyschmider,
Theodore Ricker,
Theodore Kellenbert,
" John Schmitt,"
William Kieper,
Fred. Warrigold.
Edmond Korbach,
Louis Wurbach,
Henry Volincina,
Francy Whittman,
Corporal Fred. Meyer,
Jacob Braace,
August Rappard,
(Aug. 6, 1862)
DEATHS IN THE ARMY.—Thomas Campbell, a well-known Albany boy and a member of the Third Regiment, was recently killed by being struck with a piece of shell, which tore away one half of his face. Wm. Hevens, a member of the Seventh Artillery died at one of the hospitals at Washington.
Brig. Gen. Ledlie, yesterday, received authority from the War Department to raise two Regiments of Artillery in the place of the 3d N. Y. Artillery, recently mustered out of the service, from Gen. Foster's Department. Gen. Ledlie will return to New York and commence recruiting immediately. He expects to have his Brigade in the field in four weeks. So says a telegraphic despatch from Washington.
PERSONAL MENTION.—Maj. E. S. Jenny, late of the Third N. Y. Artillery, who was captured with the Steamer Fawn in the Dismal Swamp, N. C., by the rebels, was paroled by his captors, and has reached home. He was taken and paroled by a rebel captain, and it is claimed that the parole is worthless, because not executed by a general officer. Maj. Jenny desires to accept the Colonelcy of the 185th N. Y. V., and if the War Department decides that his parole is invalid, he will do so.
Capt. Theo. H. Schenck, Battery E, 3d N. Y. Artillery, left for Albany to day to offer his services to Gov. Seymour in any capacity for the defence of New York city.
REGIMENTS OF ARTILLERY.—A dispatch from Washington states that Brig. General LEDLIE has received authority from the War Department to raise a brigade of two Regiments of Artillery, in place of the 3d New York Artillery, recently mustered out of service. He will commence recruiting immediately, and hopes to have his brigade in the field in a few weeks. General L. is an accomplished soldier, and has made a brilliant record.
PERSONAL.--A notice highly interesting to the friends of Major E. S. Jenney, of the Third Artillery, and to the friends of the lad mentioned in connection with him, appears in our matrimonial column this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jenney left for a tour in the West last night.
THIRD N.Y. ARTILLERY.—Lieutenant John O'Neil, of Captain Riggs' company, 3d New York Artillery, is said to very ill. A letter from his wife, dated at Newbern, to her relatives in this village, received yesterday, says that he is not expected to recover—the physicians having given up all hopes of saving him.
LIGHT ARTILLERY.—Lieut. W. E. Mercer, of the Third New York Artillery, has received authority to recruit a battery for that Regiment, of which he will be Captain. Capt. ENOCH JONES, and Lieut. C. D. Staring, of the Twenty-Sixth Regiment, have joined with him in the enterprise, and will be his Lieutenants. They are all good officers, and all have seen service. They will open an office to-day or to-morrow, and be ready for business.
One Hundred Men Wanted,
$8,000 IN BOUNTIES !
NOW READY TO BE PAID by the Government to all good and true men enrolling to serve their country. Call on Lieuts. VAN HUSEN and HILLIS. Now recruiting for the 3d Reg't of Light Artillery.
Lieut. HILLIS SICK.—We regret to learn that Chas. E. Fitch, Esq., brings intelligence of the severe illness of Lieut. D. D. Hillis, of the Third
N. Y. Artillery, at Newbern, N. C. His disease is fever of a malignant type.
'Twas a young and fair haired soldier
Yet seemed with many a scar,
Came hastening home to his father's hearth
From the heaving surge of wars;
And he rested in the moonlight,
Neath the porch at his father's door;
Gazing on scenes of his boyhood days,
Those merry, merry days of yore:
And his little sister chatted
As she clambered on his knee,--
Come brother! tell of brave deeds done,
'Neath the banner of the free!
The soldier spoke as he kissed the child,
That nestled on his knee;
You love to hear of struggles wild
'Neath the banner of the free:
Well, sister! since you've asked of me,
A tale I'll tell to you,
Of a battle fought on the twenty-fifth
Of April, eighteen hundred sixty-two.
Which happened many miles away
On North Carolina's fertile shore;
Where the proud Atlantic forms a bay,
And loud her billows roar.
Near the mouth of Beaufort Harbor,
Fort Macon doth grimly stand,
Her deep mouthed cannon looking forth
Upon the sea and land;
Within her walls five hundred men
Whose proudest boast had ever been,
That Yankee mudsills from the north
Could never step one foot within.
Above them floated the Traitor Flag,
The far-famed Stars and Bars,
Defying the lads who bravely fight,
'Neath the glorious Stripes and Stars.
'Twas April--and the moon shone bright
Upon a gallant little band
Of brave true hearts as ever beat
In the breast of mortal man.
On, on they went, that little band
Of scarce one hundred men,
And soon their work they had begun
'Neath the guns of the rebel den.
But see! they have discovered 'them,
And Fort Macon doth swarm with men;
While thick and fast the shot and shell,
The traitor hoard now sends.
You should have seen that gallant band,
On that well remembered day;
When the cannon sweeps the beach along,
How they sternly stood at bay
When grape and shot and ten-inch shell
Came sweeping o'er the sand!
It seemed more like the gate of hell
Than the work of mortal man.
But see! from out our works there comes
The clear report of a gun,
And the well known shriek of a Parrott shell
Tells that the work's begun.
Our mortars too, begin their work,
Which soon begins to tell!
And thick and fast within their walls
We send our shot and shell,
And high above the Traitor's den
Arose a gloomy pall;
Which seemed to tell of death within
Fort Macon's battered walls.
But hark! I hear a glorious shout,
That seems to meet the sky;
For o'er Fort Macon's gloomy walls
We see the White Flag fly.
It seemed as though the Lord above
Protected us that day,
For through ten hours of steady fire,
But one fell in the fray.
'Twas DART—long may his name remain
Upon the books of fame;
He fought as does a soldier true,
His country to maintain.
And now his comrades eyes grow dim,
Whene'er they speak the name,
Of him who there gave up his life
The glorious Union to sustain.
Since then our banner proudly waved,
O'er Kinston's bloody fight!
And at White Hall our cannon spoke
Out boldly for the right.
And on the bloody field of Golds-Boro,
We made the Traitor's fly;
And now they curse the 3d New York,
And gallant Battery I:
And they have cause, for well they know
Our Battery knows no fear,
And we'll fight to maintain the right,
In the cause of freedom dear.
Newbern, May 1853. Curtis C. Morgan.
Nearly thirty years ago, there was a very funny picture printed in a German almanac.--After everybody had been amused by it, a motherly woman rent the figure from the pages, adopted it as her boy, gave him the name of Levi and succeeded in bringing him up "by hand." When Levi was sixteen he came to this country. He finally reached Utica and has ever since been engaged in peddling apples and peanuts. Almost everybody in town has patronized him more or less,—consequently almost everybody knows him. His many acquaintances will be startled by the announcement we are about to make, but it is an undeniable fact that--Levi has enlisted. Levi wears the uniform of the Third Artillery; and if he was two feet high while he sold apples at extravagant prices, he looks full an inch taller now. We wouldn't for the world give "aid and comfort" to the enemy, but we can tell the rebels that they must shoot low if hit Levi.
ARTILLERY RECRUITING.—Men are wanted for Howell's Battery (M) of the third New York Artillery. Men going into this excellent battery receive all the bounties paid to recruits for any of the old regiments, and will have the same opportunities for promotion (if they deserve it) as men now in the battery. Several recruits have recently been forwarded for this organization; there are about forty men from this section in the battery. Application may be made to J. P. Van Vleck, Government Recruiting Agent, in Rome; to Asa S. Sherman, Durhamville, Madison county;—or to any of the recruiting agents in this city.
THE THIRD ARTILLERY.—Lieut. MERCER and his aids have commenced doing a fine business this week at recruiting for their company, to be attached to the 3d Light Artillery. On Monday they enrolled eight new names and yesterday nine more. Their company now numbers sixty-five. The most of the men are quartered comfortably for the present in the city. They receive their clothes and advance bounty immediately on enlisting. It is now a good time to enlist, and the 3d Artillery is a desirable regiment to be connected with. The draft is close at hand, and the offered bounties and benefits of voluntary enlistment may soon be among the things that were.
Ashby's Battery.
List of casualties in Battery E, 3d N. Y. Light Artillery, during the action at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 14th, 15th and 16th, 1864.
Capt. Geo. E. Ashby, wounded in head severely.
1st Lt. J. S. Fuller, wounded in arm and leg severely.
Sergt. Wm. How, shoulder, severely.
" E. A. Havens, struck by piece of shell, slightly.
Sergt. L. Ercanbrack, grazed by rifle ball, slightly.
Stephen Briggs, in head severely.
Wm. Lewis, struck by piece of shell, slightly.
Richard Tiernay, in hand severely.
James Simpson, struck by piece of shell, slightly.
Jeff Portugall, wounded and missing.
Francis Cook, missing.
Edward E. Gibbs, missing.
S. K. Nichols, missing and wounded.
Franklin Reed, killed.
B. W. Burnett, leg, severely.
Patrick Hickey, " "
Barney Loftus, " "
A. J. Fox, slightly.
Frank Wooleh, slightly.
A DESERVED TRIBUTE TO A GALLANT CORPS.--This morning we observed on exhibition in the window of Mr. Geo. Leach's bondoir Jewelry establishment, a beautiful battle flag, which has been purchased by subscription through the agency of J. P. VanVleck, Esq., to be presented to our fellow townsmen, Capt. Riggs's Company of the 3d N. Y. Artillery. The flag was purchased in New York. It is pennon shaped, in two sections, the upper one red, and the lower white, the whole bordered with a small border of beautiful cerulean blue. The staff is of richly polished rosewood, tipped with a burnished silver spear. Upon the red field of the flag is embroidered in white silk letter, script style—
On the white, embroidered with red, are the names of the actions in which the battery has been engaged.
Washington, North Carolina, Sept. 6th, 1862.
Kingston, N. C., Dec. 14, 1862.
Whitehall, " 16, "
Goldsborough, " 17, "
This will be a most acceptable gift to the brave artillerists and their gallant Captain.
From the 3d Artillery.
Detachment 3d N. Y. Artillery,
St. Helena Island, S. C.,
April 15th, 1863,
Mr. Editor;—The star expedition has returned from off Charleston, and your readers are long since acquainted with the pretended failure of it. Now that it is over with, I will give you an account of the part our regiment took in it, although we are almost ashamed to let it be known that we had anything to do with it since it has failed so disgracefully, and that through personal ambition on the part of the General commanding, and the Admiral.
The 27th of last month Capt. Morrison's battery was ordered to embark, which it did, on the same day, and sail for North Edisto Inlet, and there await further orders. Orders soon came after it arrived there, for it to go on to Edisto Island; and the last I heard from it, was upon that island accompanied by an infantry force, to hold possession of the island. Capt. Morrison has gone on a visit to the north, and the battery is at present under the command of 1st Lt. Clark Day, an able and experienced officer.
On the evening of the 2d, Major Kennedy received orders for the remaining light batteries, F, I, and K, to embark at once, and sail for Stono Inlet, and there await further orders. We embarked at once, and ere the hour of midnight the members of the three companies were quietly snoozing in their old bunks upon their respective schooners. Companies A, C, D and E were ordered to embark same night we did, consequently we left them in their camp.
They were not long their however, for on the morning of the 5th they embarked on their respective schooners and sailed for Stono Inlet, which place they reached on the morning of the 8th. The light batteries reached Stono Inlet on the morning of the 5th.
We found a number of transports in this inlet laden with perhaps 10,000 men all ready and caged for an advance upon the mother city of treason. With what breathless anxiety we waited the result of the bombardment of the city by our iron-clads, and when the news came to us that our fleet had drawn off, never was there a more disappointed number of men than those lying on board of transports in Stono Inlet. We suspected that something had occurred to mar the harmony heretofore existing between Gen. Hunter and Admiral Dupont or operations would not have ceased as they did. All the Monitors except the Keokuk which was sunk in Charleston Harbor are now quietly lying in this harbor ready and fit for action.
The different companies of our regiment, except Co. H remained on board the schooners in the Inlet until the 11th, when the last of the troops on board of the transports started for this place, and they arrived here on the 12th. One brigade and Jenny's Battery remained on James Island where they are strongly entrenched and fortified.
I need not say that all the troops now in this department from North Carolina, are disgusted with affairs here, and desire to return to their old department. It is claimed by some that we should not speak derogatory of our superiors or their doings. We may not understand why the siege of Charleston was abandoned, or why the forces were withdrawn; perhaps there was policy in it, but if an attack was really intended and Gen. Hunter withdrew because he thought the Iron-clads would fail, or did fail, we think it is right to speak upon the subject. Will it go out to the world and be said that our Iron-clads failed in an attack upon the rebel Forts in Charleston Harbor, and that the fortifications there are impregnable—that the Union Army cannot take that city either by land or sea or both? If so, we soldiers of this department will ever deny the statement and proclaim to the world that Charleston can be taken either by land or water, and that the reason it has not been taken, ere this is that no real attempt has been made.
From the 3d Artillery.
Newbern, N. C., May 18, '63.
FRIEND FAIN:—It is with the greatest of pleasure that I seat myself this pleasant day to write a few lines to the Times—the last probably that I shall write from the seat of war for the time is near at hand when the term of enlistment of the old 19th N. Y. Volunteer's expires, and consequently the members of that organization will soon leave the seat of war where they have been so long, for their homes, to see their many friends, and try civil life for awhile. Being a member of that organization, I shall return and consequently be in the army no longer, at least for a time. Our regiment will undoubtedly be the last of the two years regiments that will leave the seat of war for home. The small force in this Department, and the great danger of an attack upon this place has been the cause of our being kept so long, and not allowed even the ten days, usually allowed soldiers to go home in.
Since our return from the Department of the South, but little duty has been required of us, and consequently we have very easy times. In fact it is so warm here that the troops drill but little. The habit some officers have of drilling their men three or four times a day is not tolerated in this department, and well it should be so, for the troops could not endure so much during the warm days of summer.
All the members of the old 19th are here. Co. G having arrived here from Little Washington with the past week. This company has seen much hard service and suffered considerably during the siege of Little Washington, by the rebel Hill, for seventeen days, every man of the company was at his post constantly doing his duty. Although they have suffered so much, yet their confidence in the preservation of the Union is unshaken. Many of the members of this regiment will re-enter the service after a short visit to friends at home. Those who return will come to this department as Artillerymen, and join the organization of the 3d Artillery, which organization will be kept up so long as the war continues. The army of North Carolina know of no such word as defeat, and patriotic young men prefer to join such an army, especially when its General is a fighting man.
North Carolina has its charms. Its beautiful scenery, its fertile soil and beautiful roads, all tend to make it one of the most pleasant States south of Mason and Dixon's line. The sympathies of the mass of the people of the State are to-day in favor of the Old Union, and a great majority would leap for joy could the war cease to-day, and the Union be restored as it was before the war commenced. The North Carolinaians, as a people, are better educated and more intelligent than those of any other southern State. As a natural sequel to this the negroes of the State are far in advance of those in other States. If I should assert that the male this State are fully as intelligent as the poor whites, hundreds would not believe me; but it is nevertheless true, and thousands will bear witness to the fact. Beaufort Harbor, the Tar, Neuse, Trent and Roanoke rivers are constantly white with sail boats manned and owned by negroes, and many have made a nice little fortune with them since the commencement of the war. All these negroes are perfectly familiar
with the sounds and coast, and make the most reliable pilots.
A man has only to observe the great industry of the negroes here, their eagerness to get an education, and their tact and skill in looking for the future to solve at once the problem. What shall we do, or what will become of the negro if this war ends with the salves all free?
A good share of the able bodied negroes in this place have been sent to Little Washington by Gen. Foster to work upon intrenchments. On the 9th inst., Gen. Ledlie's Brigade of Artillery was reviewed by Gen. Foster and Staff. Seven Light Batteries were upon the ground all well manned by experienced Artillerists. Gen. Ledlie commanded the review which passed off pleasantly and in good order. It might have been called an inspection, as the General paid particular attention to see that everything was in excellent order. The 3d Artillery will consist of the following full Batteries after the two years men have been mustered out, viz.
Battery B., Capt. Day, 6 guns, Napoleon's.
Battery E., Capt. Schenck, 4 guns, Parrotts.
Battery F., Capt. Jenny, 6 guns, Wiarels.
Battery K., Capt. Angel, 6 guns, Rodmans.
Battery I., Capt. Amnion, 6 guns, Napoleons.
Battery H., Capt. Riggs, 6 guns, Napoleons.
Battery L., Capt. Cowan, 6 guns, Rodmans.
Battery N., Capt. Howell, 6 guns, Parrotts.
So the readers of the Times will see that the 3d Artillery will continue to be a formidable organization, and present a strong front to the enemy.
As I shall be with the regiment no longer this will be my last from the seat of war. I recollect that during our first three months in the service, and at near the conclusion of it I wrote you the same, but I think that this time we shall not be disappointed. We have now served two years and one month in the "War for the Union," and I am glad to be able to state that during this time none of the members of the Regiment have ever done aught to bring disgrace upon the Union cause. All have done their duty as soldiers of their country. Although there was on the 22d of August 1861, a revolt, (so called) on the part of some of the men, yet all soon returned to their duty as soldiers, satisfied that our Government was a strong one, and that no duty was so honorable as that performed in the service of our country. The confidence of all the men in the Government is unshaken, and all are confident that the right will triumph in the end, and peace, quietude and happiness be the future inheritance of the American people.
In the many letters which I have written, and which have appeared in the Times from time to time, there have been some trival mistakes as I afterwards observed, but in the main I have endeavored to give as correct an account of things as possible. It would occupy too much space to correct them in detail, consequently I will omit corrections.
Although I shall be with the regiment no longer, yet I have a friend in it (Curtis C. Morgan) who will occasionally write to the Times and do greater justice to the subject than I have thus far. In introducing Mr. Morgan to the readers of the Times I should do injustice unless I spoke of his high social qualities and the great respect which all his comrades have for him. Diligent and unassuming in the discharge of his duties, he has already won the admiration and respect of both officers and men in the regiment. Appending Mr. Morgan's note I will close.
Yours, &c., MAC.
To the Editor of the Clyde Times:
Dear Sir:--As your correspondent and my old comrade is about to take his leave of the 3d Artillery for a more peaceful life, amid the scenes of his northern home, he has pursuaded me to try and fill his place, as a correspondent to your valuable paper. Vain will be the attempt to fill the place of as finished a scholar as your old friend "Mac," but I will try and keep your readers posted in regard to the movements of the Old Third, and if I fail to interest them the fault will be in my head and not in my heart. Respectfully Yours,
Curtis C. Morgan.
For the Auburn Advertiser.
From the Sixth Corps.
Camp near Fairfax C. H.,
June 24, 1863.
MESSRS. EDITORS.—Soon after writing my last we evacuated our position the other side of the Rappahannock, crossing the river the night of the 13th inst. in a drenching rain.
The Artillery posted on the banks, covered the engineers till daybreak, when the pontoons removed, we took up our march in rear of the Corps, and reached Stafford C. H., about five o'clock in the evening: here three batteries were left with a Division as rear guard, but the road was so full of wagons, we did not move half a mile for five hours. Having charge of the ambulances of the Artillery they were drawn out of the line, into park in a field, and the horses fed, groomed and watered, and a cup of hot coffee, made for the men. One of the men fell insensible from sunstroke at this place, and though he has been very sick since, is now able to walk out.
At ten o'clock P. M., we fell into line again, and moved forward slowly all night, and all the next day, till about three o'clock P. M., when Dumfries was reached. We had thus been without food or rest—except what we obtained by ten minutes halt on the road--for nearly forty-eight hours, of the warmest weather experienced here this season.
The dust was so thick before we reached Dumfries, that at times I could scarce see the head of my horse—the rain only wet the valley of the Rappahannock—and men fell every moment from the effects of the heat. A great error is frequently committed by those who command troops, in marching rapidly a few hours in the middle of the day, when they might just as well march them those miles morning and evening and take more time. Three men died in one Division from the effects of the heat. We did not march more than twenty-five miles to reach D. and were from daybreak Sunday morning to three o'clock Monday Afternoon doing it. It seemed to me some of those lives might have been saved, though it might have been a "military necessity" which caused their death.
Getting a bath and resting ten hours, we marched from Dumphries at daybreak the next morning, and marching thirteen miles halted at 11 o'clock, watered, fed and rested men and horses, and at three P. M. moved three miles further where we encamped near Fairfax Station. We looked really like "greybacks," when we went into camp.
Resting there all the next day, on the 18th inst., we marched through the Station on to Fairfax and out on the Winchester turnpike about five miles, and have been encamped here ever since.
Howe's Division, with the 1st Massachusetts and 1st New York Batteries, were sent to Bristow's Station the 20th inst.—Only two men of the eleven hundred in this brigade of artillery, fell out on this march, the reason being, that all are old troops, and artillerymen half of them ride horses, and the cannoniers carry only haversacks and canteens, and frequently exchange places with the drivers. The sick reports show rather less than before the march, only from seven to ten being the daily reports for the past three days, while nine to thirteen were daily reported unfit for duty last month. Of the seven reported to day, four are surgical cases, two being dislocations of the elbow, the others concussions. A sergeant who was thrown from his horse the 10th, breaking his leg, was sent to Washington and returned to duty with his battery (D, 2d U. S). He had been twelve years in the service.
This is the first time this Corps has not been in the front, since the last Bull Run.
The 1st New Jersey, and 1st Pa. batteries have been ordered to the Artillery Reserves, and batteries C and G, 1st Rhode Island, take their places in this Brigade, which is now paid to be the finest in this army.
Col. Tompkins of the 1st R. I., commands the brigade, an excellent officer, universally liked by those acquainted with him.
The following batteries comprise his command: 1st Independent N. Y., 3d Independent N. Y., Batteries C and G 1st
R. I., Battery F, 5th U. S. rifled ten-pounder iron guns, and Batteries D and G, 2d U. S.; and the 1st Mass. Battery; Brass twelve pounders—(Napoleons)--most effective at short ranges, throwing cannister and precussion shells.
We hear the firing from our cavalry fighting, and prisoners pass here daily.
We get the daily papers now at the reduced price of five cents. Privates getting thirteen dollars a month are no longer spending twenty cents a day for a New York and Washington papers as hitherto.
Yours as ever,
J. W. C.
North Carolina Correspondence.
Newbern, N. C., July 1st, 1863.
Mr. EDITOR:—Notwithstanding the activity, battling and bloodshed that is daily being realized upon the Potomac and Mississippi, quietness regns supreme throughout the department of North Carolina; and with the exception of the usual amount of picket skirmishing, there exists an entire lull in military operations here. In the meantime all classes are watching with the most intense interest, the further development of affairs in Virginia, and at Vicksburg and Port Hudson.
The arrival of a boat from the north is hailed with unfeigned delight, and Tribunes, Times and Heralds are greedily purchased and read by all.
The work upon the fortifications is being prosecuted with increasing vigor, and the several forts, blockhouses, and formidable lines of breastworks, which hem the city upon every side, are rapidly approaching completion. It has been ascertained that the rebels have no important force in this part of the State. Gen. Foster's command has undergone quite a dimminution of late, in consequence of the expiration of the term of enlistment of nine months' men Massachusetts Volunteers. The Third, Fifth, Eighth, Twenty-fifth, Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth and Fifty-first regiments have already returned to their homes. Others leave in a few days. Also several regiments, including Gen. Spinola's brigade, have received orders to report immediately at Fortress Monroe.
Notwithstanding this vast exodus of troops from this department, no fears are entertained in regard to the safety of the town; for so admirably has Gen. Foster planned and constructed its defences, that 5,000 men can safely hold in check a force of five times their number.
The following order has been issued by Gen. Foster, and caused no little trepidation among the citizens in the department:
General Orders No. 84.
June 20th, 1863.--The Commanding General orders that all white male citizens between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five within the lines of this department, shall be at once enrolled, and the rolls forwarded to these headquarters. Commanders of districts will appoint enrolling officers, and take such steps as may be necssary to fully and promptly carry out this order.
By command of Major General Foster.
Those in the North, therefore, who think to escape the draft by coming south on frivolous pretexts, will find that the strong arm of the Government can reach them here as well as at home. This is as it should be. Those who enjoy the protection of the Government should be willing to take up arms in its defence. If they do not appreciate the value of this protection, let them feel the effects of their want of patriotism.
Brigadier General Wilds has been authorized by the President to recruit and organize a brigade of colored soldiers, from the "contrabands" in this department. The work of enlisting is progressing finely. Over two thousand of our sable allies have already been mustered and properly equipped in Uncle Sam's livery. These troops are to be officered by white men; they are to receive seven dollars per month for their services during the war, and are to be provisioned and equipped in accordance with the army regulations of the United States. They will be required to perform both active and garrison duty, as circumstances may require.
The heat has been very oppressive here during the past month, and but little rain has fallen. Its effect upon the health of the troops has hot been as serious as might be expected; a few cases of sun-stroke are recorded, and not a few have been prostrated by fever. But, thanks to the good management of our sanitary department, in providing the sick with good nurses and proper food under the skillful treatment of competent physicians, none but a few of the worst cases have proved fatal. The thanks of the whole department are due to the Commanding General for the wholesome manner in which he has fitted up the hospitals of this department, and for his prompt arrangement in providing for the every need of the sick.
It is really a sad sight, and one that can not fail to leave a deep and melancholy impression upon the heart, to witness the performance of the last solemn rites to the remains of a departed comrade. A burial: a sad duty among all conditions of life, and under every circumstance; but to lay a loved one gently 'neath the turfs and flowers of home, is not attended with such utter loneliness as characterizes the interment of a soldier in a distant state, far from home and weeping friends. The preliminary preparations are brief. As soon as death has ensued, the body of the deceased is placed in a rude pine coffin and conveyed to the place of burial; his comrades, with a slow and steady tramp, and "arms reversed, " sadly follow their old companion's remains to the grave side; while the band, with muffled drums "beats the soldier's last tattoo."—
The body is soon lowered to its final resting place, the earth is restored to its place, and a small new mound marks the spot where lies in obscurity another soldier of the army of the Union. A parting volley is fired over the grave, and he is left, "to sleep the sleep that knows no waking."
Are now being granted to the soldiers in this department for the space of thirty days. Five p e r cent. of the troops leave monthly, in accordance with this order. Lieut. Fields of this battery, formerly of Lee, is now at home. Mr. Fields has proved himself to be a good officer and a brave man, as his conduct in the several engagements through which he has passed sufficiently proves.
Yours Respectfully,
D. J. EVANS, Battery H.
PECULIAR.—The way our village cotemporary announced the terrible riot in New York: 'The Draft resisted." "New York Aroused!"
Is comment necessary?
Advertiser and Union
Local, Literary, Miscellaneous.
Auburn, S e p t . 20, 1864.
DEPARTURE OF CAPT. RUSSELL'S BATTERY.—The Central depot was crowded this morning by the large numbers of friends assembled to bid farewell for a year, to the brave boys of Battery A, Third N. Y. Artillery, recruited principally in Auburn by Capt. S. P. Russell, and comprising the most excellent material--equal to any organization ever sent forth from the loyal States, and one that will prove an honor to their home and friends.
The boys occupied three passenger coaches, and were full of spirit and enthusiasm. The faces of mothers, sisters and wives were plainly distinguishable from those of disinterested ones, as the hour for parting drew near, and many a hand grasp, accompanied by the parting kiss, in which all of a year's yearning and anxiety were impressed, were exchanged by the loving ones so soon to be separated. But the brave fellows bore the parting with manly determination for the sacrifice, and were given up perhaps tearfully but always hopefully and with patriotic courage and devotion by the loyal women—wives, sweethearts, mothers and sisters, who will watch and pray for, and love them steadily, till the glad chimes of peace shall be sounded at the war's termination, when they may again be united and happy in recalling the sadness of the Past, made so happy by its contrast to a brighter Future.
At about a quarter past seven the train moved off bearing with it the benedictions of the crowd of soldier-boys, who to the number of 157 were thus en route for Elmira, on their way to join the Third at Newbern.
Ledlie's Division.--The following from the war correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer describes the operations of the division commanded by General James Ledlie, formerly of this city in the battle of the 18th.
In my last I mentioned the assault by the Third division of the Ninth corps, at 3 P. M., yesterday, which was unsuccessful. The charge was made on the line of the breastworks opposite our left, and running across a cornfield front of and parallel with a track of pine woods. At 5 P. M. General Ledlie's division of the First corps was ordered to renew the attempt.
Gen. Ledlie formed his attacking column under cover of the ravine above mentioned, in three lines--the First brigade, Col. Gloud; Second brigade, Col. Pierce, and the Third brigade, Col. Marshall, succeeding each other in the order named. Reaching the open field at the top of the slope, and emerging, they started on a run for the entrenchments, with fixed bayonets, and without stopping to fire a gun. Two batteries to the left and one to the right poured a heavy enfilading fire of grape and canister into them as they advanced, while another was firing at extremely short range directly in front, combined with musketry. It was a terrible tempest of deadly missiles to pass through, and many a good man fell on the way, but the work was nevertheless accomplished in gallant style.
The enemy displayed the utmost pertinacity, and in the rifle pits the fight was waged hand to hand, and large numbers of dead rebels were left in them, mingled with our own men. After being driven from the main line, the enemy rallied at the second and smaller line, not more than one hundred yards in the rear, from which also they were driven, but rallying again retook them, but again were compelled to retreat. Still they returned to the charge four several times, rushing from the woods in our front with a determination that seemed inexhaustible; and after dark, when the firing had somewhat subsided, their skirmishers crawled forward and scooped out in the light sand soil their little rifle pits, as close as possible to our lines. During the night, however, they withdrew to a position further back.
The severity of the fighting in this assault is attested by the losses sustained, which are estimated at nearly one thousand. Major Hedges, of the Fourteenth New York heavy artillery, was killed while leading his men in a charge. Col. Marshall, of the same regiment, received a contusion of the thigh, Lieut. McKibben, Fourth U. S. infantry, Aid D. C. to Gen. Ledlie, was wounded in the neck.
Besides their losses in killed and wounded, the enemy left in our hands, at this point, a considerable number of prisoners and one stand of colors, captured by Ledlie's division.
Gen. James H. Ledlie.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
SIR:—In an extract from the correspondence of the Springfield, Mass., Republican, copied into your paper a few days ago, the failure of a recent assault on the enemy's works at Petersburg is attributed principally to jealousy among rival commanding officers. It is also charged by the same correspondent that Gen. Ledlie who led the first assaulting column on the occasion referred to, is addicted to the intemperate use of ardent spirits, and it is insinuated that this had something to do with the failure. Whatever of truth there may be in the allegations of jealousy, I know not. In times past the prevalence of this feeling was undoubtedly the cause of heavy disaster; but it is generally supposed that the thorough weeding which Gen. Grant gave the Potomac Army when he assumed the immediate command had removed this element of mischief and rendered that army what an arm of patriotic soldiers should be, a unit in purpose and action. But whether this be so or not, I will undertake to say that there is no whatever in the charge made against Gen. Ledlie. Camp followers, of various kinds are, I suppose, a kind of incurable evil in every army, but no army was ever worse cursed by a certain class of them than the Army of the Potomac. I refer to the anonymous scribblers to be found in almost every headquarters of regiment, brigade, division or army corps, who for a night's lodging, a bottle of whisky, the loan of a saddle horse or some other equally undeserved attention, will slavor with praise the most obscure and least deserving officer; while the refusal to bestow any such attention will as readily call down on the head of the independent commander, a volly of detraction in some far off newspaper. I by no means intend to stigmatize the whole corps of army correspondents as mercenary penny-a-liners, for I know many who, in all requisites honorable gentlemen, can not be excelled anywhere; but the class I mention is far too numerous, and in influence too baleful to allowed to be passed by in silence. It is more than probable that the slanderer of Gen. Ledlie is one of this class; perhaps one who for some just cause has felt the vigor of his discipline, and having no fair mode of redress, has ta- ken this method to blacken fame of one whose military record is not only an honor to himself but to his family and the county of his birth.
I have known Gen. Ledlie from early boyhood, and have been in his company many times, both before and since he entered the military service, under circumstances when if he had been at all inclined the free use of stimulants, he must certainly have shown the effect; but I can say truly, I have never seen him when I could detect the appearance of improper indulgence. Here, where the General is well known, the charge, I am sure will not be credited for a moment. The most serious effect of such calumnies is to create a distrust among the people, of the character and capacity of our officers, and thus lessen public confidence in the successful issue great struggle in which we are engaged for the salvation of the government. From the period when Grant made his first flank movement at the wilderness up and including terrible assault, which followed explosion of mine at Petersburg, Gen. Ledlie has been foremost in the hardest fighting and has received repeated encomious from his superior officers for his genius and bravery. He has been for several weeks confined in bed, sickness, contracted in the service, is unable at present to speak for himself.— Doubtless, when he shall become sufficiently convalescent, he will pay due attention to the responsible authors this "fire in the rear" calumny. As a friend who feels a just pride is his well earned fame, I can do no less than to say what I have done in his vindication.
The Late Lieut. D. D. Hillis—Resolutions of the Officers of the Third N. Y. V. Artillery. HEADQUARTERS THIRD N. Y. V. ARTILLERY, NEWBERN, N. C., Sept. 28, 1864.
At meeting of the officers this regiment, held these headquarters on Monday evening, the 27th inst., express their regard for the late First Lieutenant D. D. Hillis, Third N. Y. V. Artillery, and their sympathy with bereaved relatives, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It is proved consistent with the plans of an all-wise God to call away spirit of our much-loved highly esteemed brother; therefore, be it Resolved, That as fellow officers in the service of our country, we feel it our duty and desire to express our sympathy with the afflicted relatives of the late First Lieutenant David D. Hillis, who has fallen while engaged in his country's cause.
Resolved, That though he did not fall in battle, but by disease engendered while in the performance of his duties, yet he fell none the less honorably. He died at his post, as the true soldier dies, and it must ever be a source of pride and consolation to his family relatives, that he spent the last days of his earthly career thus honorably.
Resolved, That we offer to his bereaved mother and mourning sisters our heartfelt expressions of sorrow, and join our grief with theirs in this hour of trouble and bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions be signed by the President and Secretary of this meeting, and that copies of them be furnished to the editors of the Syracuse JOURNAL, Standard and Courier, and the Auburn Advertiser, for publication.
Colonel Third N. Y. V. Artillery, President.
G. W. Leonard, 2nd,
First Lieut. Third N. Y. V. Artillery, Sec'y.
Resolutions of the Sigma Phi.
Pursuant to notice, the members of the Sigma Phi, resident in this city, met at the office of Pratt & Mitchell, on Saturday evening, October 1st, 1864. On motion, the Hon. Daniel Pratt, of the Alpha of N. Y., was called to preside, and Charles E. Fitch, of the Alpha of Mass., appointed Secretary. The President stated that the object of the meeting was to take action in relation to the death of our late brother, Lieut. D. Duncan Hillis, of the Delta of N. Y., whereupon, the following committee was appointed to draft resolutions suitable to the sad event, viz., Hon. Thomas T. Davis and Sherman D. Canfield, of the Beta of N. Y., Z. Charles Foot, of the Delta of N. Y., and Charles E. Fitch, of the Alpha of Mass. The committee retired, and subsequently introduced the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted;
Whereas, Intelligence has been received that our brother and friend, D. Duncan Hillis, late First Lieutenant in the Third N. Y. Artillery, died at Newbern, N. C., on the 24th of September last, of disease incident to the climate, and while in the service of his country; therefore,
Resolved, That in the death of Lieut. Hillis our fraternity has been bereaved of a true and valued member, his family of a devoted son and brother, and his country of a brave and faithful defender.
Resolved, That Lieut. Hillis fell as a sacrifice to an exalted patriotism; that as an only son of a loving and widowed mother who looked to him as the counsellor and protector of her children, as a brother, leaving his young sisters to a mother's care while he went forth to battle and to die for his country, he could give no higher evidence of loyalty or set an example more worthy of patriotic imitation.
Resolved, That while we admire in him such noble qualities and the spirit which made him a soldier, we feel the deepest pity for the afflicted family which thus mourns the loss of a son and a brother, and that we cordially offer to them that sympathy which may alleviate but not remove their sorrow.
Resolved, That as expressive of our grief we will drape our badges in mourning for the period of fifteen days.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the city papers, and a copy sent to the mother of Lieut. Hillis and to each of the chapters of the "Sigma Phi."
After various remarks by different brothers, expressive of the feelings entertained for the lamented deceased, and the void which his death has created in family and fraternity, the meeting adjourned.
CHAS. E. FITCH, Secretary.
RETURN OF THE THIRD ARTILLERY, ORGANIZED AS THE NINETEENTH INFANTRY.—Word was received Monday night that 550 of the Third Artillery, Col. Stewart, would reach the city yesterday morning at 5 o'clock, on the steamer Vanderbilt, and promptly at the hour, the boat reached the dock, and the men were marched to the Delevan House, where a sumptuous breakfast was prepared for them, of which they partook with a relish.
The regiment was recruited in Cayuga, county, by Col. Clark, now of General Banks' Staff. It was mustered into service at Elmira, 734 strong, and reached Washington on the 1st of June. Soon afterwards, it was attached to Gen. Patterson's corps, and was with him through all his marches and skirmishes in Virginia.
When Patterson was superseded by Banks, the regiment continued with him. Col. Clark was placed upon Banks' staff, and Lieut. Col. Ledlie was promoted to the command. They continued with Banks through the entire of his Virginia campaign, did their duty in every emergency, and was subsequently organized into an artillery regiment, and, for a time; occupied Fort Corcoran and several other neighboring forts.
When Burnside's Expedition was organized, the regiment, recruited up to 1800 men, went with him to Newbern, and have participated in the following battles—which are inscribed upon their tattered banner, now with 550 of the original two years men who are returning home, viz:
Fort Macon, Washington, South East Creek, Kinston,
White Hall, Goldsboro, Newbern, Washington (siege).
In these several battles, the regiment acted as light artillery; and lost 187 men.
For his gallantry at Goldsboro, Col. Ledlie was promoted to Brigadier, and Lieut. Col. C. H. Stewart was made Colonel.
The regiment (1100 strong) is still in the field. Both Gen. Ledlie and Col. Stewart are with the men now on their way home, but will return in a few days to new fields of glory,
At 8 o'clock, took a special train for Auburn, where they met with a cordial reception from their friends and fellow-citizens.
THE THIRD NEW YORK LIGHT ARTILLERY, three batteries, arrived here this morning about 8 o'clock, on board the steamer Edward Everett, direct from Morehead City, N. C. They were received by the Citizens' Committee, and properly cared for. At the conclusion of the breakfast at the Stanwix, the Lieutenant Colonel, in command, made a brief and appropriate speech, referring in proper terms to the services and privations of the regiment, and returning thanks to the citizens of Albany for the kind and unexpected welcome extended them. At the conclusion of his remarks, he proposed three cheers for the ladies in attendance, three for the loyal and generous citizens of Albany, three for wives, sisters and sweethearts, and three for a restored country in peace, which were given by the boys with a hearty good will.
The Regiment was originally the Nineteenth New York Volunteers, and was mustered in at Elmira, April 16, 1861, with 778 men. It was early converted into light artillery, and had added to it a large number of men, making in all 2,400 men. It was then divided into twelve batteries, which were detached on service in the Armies of Potomac and James, and in North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. Combined, these batteries have been engaged in over one hundred battles. Most of the men who returned to-day have been in service four years and two months, during which time they have covered themselves with glory. And Battery A (composed of one years' men) has not been behind, it having been given the credit by General Cox, at Kinston, of having saved day by the turning of the flank of the enemy.
The batteries returning to-day have been in service in the Department of the South, before Charleston in the Florida campagn, and in all the battles in North Carolina. They return under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Terrence J. Kennedy, who went out as Captain. He was the first man to enlist in Cayuga county. He commenced recruiting on the 9th of April, 1864, six days before Sumter was fired on, and was looked upon as mad by his neighbors, who laughed at the idea of war. He raised his men, and applied to Gov. Morgan for arms and equipments as Light Artillery; but his Excellency was compelled to deny the application, the rascalities of Floyd having deprived the Country of the necessary material. The men were then converted into infantry, and the work was completed on the 16th of April.
The following are the officers of the Batteries returned, in accordance with their rank:—
Battery D—Captain Stephen Van Husen; went out as Sergeant. Lieutenants John Stevenson, Jr., Vandenbergh and Brinkerhoff.
Battery G—Captain Mowers; went out as Sergeant. Lieutenants Edward Cunningham and P. J. Newcomb.
Battery A--Captain Russell; Lieutenants Richardson and Morlecy.
The boys were principally recruited in Cayuga county, and the remainder are from Oneida and Onondaga. They are to remain here until paid off.
GENERAL SCHOFIELD'S ESCORT, consisting of Company G, Seventh Ohio Cavalry, fifty-four in number, under command of Captain Ashbury, also came up with the above regiment. Their material wants were properly cared for by Adam Blake. The following special order was issued by General Schofield in parting with them:
RALEIGH, N. C., June 19, 1865.
Special Order, No. 96:
Company G, Seventh Ohio Cavalry, is hereby relieved from duty as escort at these headquarters, and will be mustered out of service and sent to Camp Dennison, Ohio, for final payment and discharge, under the provisions of General Order No. 94, C. S. , War Department, Adjutant-General's Office. In taking leave of this Company, I desire to tender my thanks to the officers and men for their uniform soldierly bearing, obedience to orders, and the prompt manner in which they have, at all times, discharged the duties intrusted to them. The same qualities carried into civil life will bring them success wherever they may be. J. M. Schofield, Maj.-Gen. Com'dg.
J. G. Campbell, Lieut.-Col. and A. A. G.
(Eve. Journal, June 28, 1865)
ARRIVAL AND RECEPTION OF BATTERY M, THIRD NEW YORK ARTILLERY.--Battery M, Third New York Artillery, Capt. John H. Howell, arrived about 6 o'clock yesterday morning, on the steamer Vanderbilt. The Citizens' Committee cared for the boys handsomely, as usual. The Battery was re-organized as a veteran organization on the 1st of January, 1864. When it first went out it had 180 men, and about one hundred have been added since. It now numbers one hundred and seventy-five. The Battery was originally organized in this city. It has served in Virginia and North Carolina, has been engaged in thirty-eight regular engagements, and has been one hundred consecutive days under the enemy's fire. The following are some of the principal battles: Wilson's Landing, Fort Powhatan, Siege of Petersburg, Bermuda Front, Dutch Gap, Fort Harrison, Deep Bottom, Siege of Richmond. The regiment entered Richmond on the 3d of April, among the first troops. One of the battle-flags of the regiment was the first flag planted in the Capital square. Capt. Howell had Charge of the artillery in the New York riots. He went out as orderly sergeant in Capt. Bates' battery, Utica, and was prompted to First Lieutenant. At Fair Oaks he was wounded, and returned home.
He then received an appointment as Captain Third Artillery and was placed on Gen. Naglee's staff, and went with him to South Carolina. When that officer was relieved, Capt. H. was ordered to his battery, at Newbern, N. C. The Battery did duty there until the fall of 1863, when it went to Norfolk, after which it went through the Carratuck campaign, being stationed at Great Bridge; was organized with the army of the James, and was in the advance during all its movements.
Senior First Lieutenant W. H. Sanford, of Clinton; went out as private in Twenty-sixth New York; and was promoted to First Lieutenant, when he was discharged May 28, 1863. Then he re-enlisted and was made Second Lieutenant in Battery C, Third New York Artillery, was promoted to First Lieutenant in Battery M, and has been with it through all the engagements.
First Lieutenant Julius Cole; went out as Sergeant.
Second Lieutenant George H. Taylor; went out as Corporal.
Second Lieutenant Edwin C. Brennan; went out as private.
Orderly Sergeant Smith and Quartermaster Sergeant Yeatles both went out as privates.
The Battery left at 9 o'clock for Syracuse.
ARRIVAL OF THE THIRD ARTILLERY.—Two batteries of the Third Artillery arrived Saturday, and two more yesterday morning.
The regiment was organized May 22, 1861, as the Nineteenth N. Y. Infantry, with 742 officers and men, Colonel John S. Clark. December 11, 1861, it was changed to Third N. Y. Artillery, Col. U. Ledlie. Col. Stewart took command May 27, 1863. The regiment has participated in almost every engagement in Virginia, North and South Carolina.
December 20, 1861, new Company K joined. February 22, 1862, new Companies B, F, H, and M joined. March 28, 1862, new Company L joined. May 22, 1863, 532 officers and men mustered out, expiration of two years service. October 1, 1863, new Company C joined. March 21, 1864, new Company D joined. March 26, 1864, new Company G joined. Sept. 20, 1864, new Company A joined.
The total number of troops received since organization was 4,408; killed in action, 217; wounded, 233; died, 247; deserted, 355.
The following is a list of the engagements in which the regiment or some of its batteries has participated:—Martinsburg and Lovettsviile, Va.;
Fort Macon, Washington, Rawl's Mill, Southwest Creek, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Springbank, Newbern, Deep Gully, Blount's
Creek, Gum Swamp, Cove Creek and Bachelor's Creek, North Carolina; Seabrook island, bombardment of Fort Sumter, Fort Wagner, siege of Fort Wagner and Morris Island, South Carolina; Camden Court House and Dismal Swamp, Virginia; Newbern, Bachelor's Creek Beech Grove and Brice's Creek, N. C.; Folly Island, S. C.; Fort Clifton, Harrison's Court, Drury's Bluff, Harrison's Plantation, Springhill, Fort Powhattan, Wilson's Wharf, siege of Petersburg, Petersburg, Walthall Farm, Friend's Field's, Chapin's Fort Harrison, Fort Burnham, Fort Harrison and Rebel iron-clads, James River, Va.; Honer's Hill and Devereaux Neck, S. C.; Camp Holley, Va.; Gardner's Bridge, Foster's Mills, Butler's Bridges and Wise's Forks, N. C.; Richmond, Va.; Plymouth siege and Tarboro; Ruffin's Farms, Va.; siege of Charleston, John's Island and James' Island, S. C.; South Mills, N. C.; Pocataligo, S. C.
The following is complete roster of officers :—
Colonel—Charles H. Stewart.
Lieutenant Colonel—Terrance J. Kennedy.
Major--Theodore M. Schenck.
Major—William J. Riggs.
Surgeon—-Alfred D. Wilson.
Assistant Surgeon—Francis W. Benjamin.
First Lieutenant and Adjutant—Jay E. Starke.
First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster—Ogilvia D. Ball.
Battery A—Captain, Samuel P. Russell; First Lieutenant, William Richardson; Second Lieutenants, Edward Cunningham, John Morley.
Battery B—Captain, Thomas J. Mersereau; First Lieutenants, George C. Buck, George H. Crocker; Second Lieutenants, Richard Jones, Thomas H. B. Martin.
Battery C— Captain, William E. Mercer; First Lieutenants, James S. McVey, George W. Leonard, 2d; Second Lieutenants, William W. Coffin, Martin Webster.
Battery B—Captain, Stephen Van Hensen; First Lieutenants, John Stevenson, Jr., Jay E. Storke; Second Lieutenants, Thomas Van Derbergh, John J. Brinkerhoff, Jr.
Battery E—Captain, George E. Ashby; First Lieutenants, Milan B. Goodrich, Roswell Willis; Second Lieutenant, Edward Delister.
Battery F—First Lieutenants, Edgar H. Titus, Edmund C. Glark; Second Lieutenants, George W. Taylor, Abner B. Hoyt.
Battery G—Captain, William A. Kelsey, First Lieutenant, Ogilvia D. Ball; Second Lieutenants, Charkes A. Moore, Rowland D. Wade.
Battery H--Captain, Enoch Jones; First Lieutenants, Horatio U. Thomson, William Quinn; Second Lieutenant, Albert C. Devendorf.
Battery J—Captain, William M. Kirby; First Lieutenant, David W. Stewart; Second Lieutenants, Edgar W. Seymour, William H. Goodrich.
Battery K—Captain, James R. Angell; First Lieutenants, C. De Witt Staring, Benjamin G. Gibg; Second Lieutenants, George B. Andrews, William H. Chase.
Battery L—Captain, Lewis H. Mowers; Second Lieutenant, Lucius S. Newcomb.
Battery M—Captain, John H. Howell; First Lieutenants, William H. Sanford, Julius Cole; Second Lieutenants, Edgar W. Brennan, George E. Van Dewater.
Non-Commissioned Staff—Sergeant Major, Chas. E. Waldron; Quartermaster Sergeant, Amos H. Dean; Commissary Sergeant, George H. Wright; Acting Hospital Steward, William T. Eldridge.
(Alb. Journal, July 3d, 1865)