9th New York Heavy Artillery Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The second Cayuga and Wayne Regiment under the recent calls, left Auburn at 8:35 this morning. They will reach this city early this evening.
The following are the officers:—
Colonel—Joseph Welling, Wayne.
Lieut.Colonel—Wm. H. Seward, Jr., Cayuga.
Major—Edward P. Taf, Wayne.
Surgeon—Theodore Dimon, Cayuga.
Quartermaster—Henry P. Knowles, Wayne.
Adjutant—Wm. R. Wasson, Cayuga.
1st Assistant Surgeon—S. A. Sabin, Wayne.
2d Assistant Surgeon—Byron DeWitt,Cayuga.
Chaplain—Warham Mudge, Wayne.
Co. A—Captain, James Snyder; First Lieutenant James H. Hyde; Second Lieutenant, Rufus Campbell.
Co. B--Captain, Truman Gregory; First Lieutenant, Kelson F. Stickland; Second Lieutenant, W. E. Greenwood.
Co. C—Captain, Loyal W. Alden; First Lieutenant, Harvey Fotlett; Second Lieutenant, Marshall B. Burke.
Co. D—Captain, Chas. L. Lyon; First Lieutenant, Anson S. Wood; Second Lieutenant, Samuel C. Redgave.
Co. E--Captain, Selah Cornwell; First Lieutenant,
Seth F. Swift; Second Lieutenant, Geo. Stoyell.
Co. F— Captain, Chas. Burgess; First Lieutenant, George W. Bacon; Second Lieutenant, Sul. B. Lamereaux.
Co. G--Captain, Wm. Wood; First Lieutenant, Wm. Hawley; Second Lieutenant, Seymour Woodard.
Co. H—Captain, John L Crane; First Lieutenant, Tunis Yosburgh; Second Lieutenant, Daniel Harmon.
Co. I—Captain, Hugh Hughes; First Lieutenant, Orson Howard; Second Lieutenant, Philip R. Freeoff.
Co. K—Captain, Irvin Squyer; First Lieutenant, Dennis E. Flynn; Second Lieutenant, G. Preston Knapp.
(Aug. 12, 1862)
Wayside Rambles, No. 4.
Fort Mansfield,
April 24th, 1863.
DEAR TIMES:—For the past few days I have become quite accustomed to camp life, and the boys begin to claim me as one of them. Previous to my coming here, I could form no idea, of the mode of life and the daily occupation of the soldier. Living so far from the immediate scene of war, I could not realize that a few short months of camp life had transformed our farmer boys into manly and well disciplined soldiers.
The ninth Artillery is encamped on one of the most romantic and beautiful hills I ever saw. A more commanding position, and the same time healthy, could not have been selected.
In the centre of the encampment, and near Fort Simmons, is a beautiful Pine Grove, which rises like an oasis in the surrounding devastation. In this grove are located the officers quarters,—Colonel, Chaplain, &c.
The regiment is divided into two wings—one is located at Fort Simmons, and garrisons, while the other is stationed at Fort Mansfield. These fortifications are connected by rifle-pits with the whole chain of Forts that surround Washington for ten or twelve miles.
One would imagine that Washington was the Gibraltar of America, on looking over the great number of Forts that surround it. On every side, and on every prominent hill I find a frowning battlement with the Star-spangled Banner waving o'er it.
To the right, over the Potomac, the hills of Virginia are covered with Forts and the tents of the soldiers: and for miles around, the woods have been cut away, and hundreds of acres of beautiful oaks cover the ground.
I found the boys much more comfortable than I expected. They have erected cabins of pine logs, generally small trees, which they have fastened together after the fashion of a log-house, and plastered the crevices with mud. Each company have erected their cabins in rows with a wide street between them, the officers cabin being at the head. This gives the encampment the appearance of a log village, similar to those that used to exist when Wayne County was a wilderness. Some of the Cabins, the boys have set out Pines around, which gives them a neat appearance.
In each cabin there is a small stove and on one side there are bunks for sleeping—each bunk accommodating two persons. In each bunk there is a plenty of straw and blankets, and in some tents the boys say, a number of little fellows that generally follow camp life.
The roof of the cabins is made of boards with one small window and door in front. Two holes a foot square serve for ventilation, one in each end of the cabin. A small pine table and a shelf with their tin plates and cups complete the interior arrangements. Their rifles are arranged in a row with the sabre bayonets, so that in case the long roll should beat each man could be armed and in line of battle in a few moments.
In regard to fare, of which I had heard so many different stories, I will say that the boys have plenty of good bread, coffee, sugar, tea, and plenty of beef and pork. The latter in a few instances sometimes is spoiled, so the boys tell me. But this is very seldom, and when a barrel is ascertained to be spoiled it is returned. The boys appear to be in good spirits, and enjoy themselves very much as at home. But I could discover traces of home-sickness in many, and why should they not be? Many of these boys have been reared by a kind father and mother amid the fond endearments of home! and now they are separated from the society of kind friends, and all the comforts of their homes, and placed in the stern realities of war.
When the shades of night approach, they will all gather in their cabins and relate old stories of by-gone days; and then will come conjectures of how their friends are off at home and what they are doing.
The cabins are lighted by candles until nine o'clock, when each man must be in bed and the lights out.
In the morning they all jump at the sound of the drum, and are on the ground for roll call. There is a great sameness to the life of a soldier, unless on a march and in the terrific execitement of battle; and when the novelty of their life wears away, a monotony ensues that is only dispelled by a departure for new scenes and places. Thus they lead a sort of wandering Arab life, pitching their tents for a few weeks in each place and then moving for another.
The boys drill in fine weather with their rifles, and on the heavy Artillery.
They have become well accustomed to the manual of arms, and have made a great improvement since I saw them in Auburn last fall. They are now capable of meeting the enemy, and if that time should ever come, I am sure they will never disgrace; the name of the county from where they came. I have perfect confidence in the boys, and some of the officers, and if there should ever be a battle in which the ninth Artillery is engaged, and it should end in their defeat it will not be owing to the cowardice of the rank and file of the regiment.
In the future of this war, I predict a glorious carreer for the men who compose this regiment.
In rainy weather, the boys amuse them selves by fishing in the streams near the camps, and others will assemble in their cabins and amuse themselves by writing letters home to their friends, reading the papers and playing various games of amusement. On the whole, there is something romantic and captivating in a soldier's life, and the longer I stay, the more I enjoy it. To-morrow, I must, at early dawn, set out for Brockville, where I have a friend residing.
In my next I will give you my first impression of Slavery, its influence on the country and the people; until then, good-bye. Ever thine.
From the 9th Artillery
Fort Mansfield, May 4, '63.
Mr. EDITOR:—There has not been any very important news since my last. The past week has passed off very pleasantly with us; the weather having been fine, and the health of the regiment is very good, and all seem to enjoy themselves. We have got our streets well made with large evergreens upon each side, and everything is pleasant and comfortable with us. We were paid on the 27th ult., up to the first of March, which made many happy faces among us, and what a happy thought it must be to all to know that the Government is able to pay us our due, notwithstanding many think the wages are small; but what we do receive is at par throughout the loyal States, and the Government money is taken first of all, and the friends of our cause will ever be remembered by the soldiers for their kindness in sustaining the Administration in its efforts to establish a sound Governmental credit, and by their labor our monied resources astonish the world when the fact is known that a single State is able alone to pay our gigantic debt.—Who can say that we are not able to carry on this war to a successful termination even if it should cost us five more years like the past. When we compare our resources with those of our enemies, we see that which gives us hope and encouragement. We feel that the war is progressing finely for our cause, and there is no need of despondency. Take a broad view of the workings of our noble army, and we can see its mighty power winding itself around the would be destroyer of our nation unto death.
Our regimental inspection and muster came on as usual on the last day of April and the review passed off finely. We had the pleasure of meeting Lt. Colonel Seward, and he was received with three times three welcome cheers. The review was witnessed by a number of our Wayne county friends, among whom were Alex. Williams and Mr. Vanmarter of Lyons, and also Col. Haskin from Washington.
The people of Wayne and Cayuga counties may well feel proud of the 9th Artillery after viewing them while on parade. I flatter myself that there is not a finer appearing regiment in the service, and all are able and middle aged men and well drilled. Our regimental Brass Band now numbers fourteen members, and are highly complimented by Cols. Welling and Seward. Vegetation is looking finely and everything looks favorably for a very bountiful season. R. C. B.
From the 9th Artillery.
Fort Mansfield, May 18, 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—It becomes our duty as a wise people to review our situation at different times in our present struggle for our existence as a Nation, in order that we may know where we are drifting. We have had this great crisis two years, and we should know where we are at the present day.
Have we made any progress towards a re-union, or have our labors been in vain, and our patriotism retrogressive? If we were to take the opinion of the many thousands we would receive as many different answers; and why is this a fact? It is caused by ignorance, self-will, faction and treachery. Then we find the true Loyal people, which I am happy to know are largely in the majority; and it is a consolation to know that our beloved army is composed of this class.
Now what is our true situation? Two years ago the present loyal Stales were as a standing monument in peace and quietness, and in this attitude knew no enemies, but as the assassin comes to your door so the hydra monster secession sent forth its venomous powers with great clerity which came near the vitals of our once happy nation, and at that time it was almost an impossibility to make the loyal north believe that we had raised and nourished such a monster in this christian land; therefore, we were slow to meet the storms, and in this situation the enemy with its stolen powers made great preparation to resist the constituted authorities of the government, and at that day held the possession of all the revolting States. After we saw the situation we were in we drew the sword from its sheath and have sworn that it shall never return until every traitor is swept from our once happy country.
Since this vow was made what have we accomplished? We have regained the military possession of nearly all of the rebellious States and to the degree which makes those States appear to the enemy a perfect pandemonium; but they have the consolation of viewing the loyal army marching and re-marching through their once happy land bringing famine and extermination to their doors—are made to see what was once a wealthy planter, now begging for bread and the almost once gardens of Eden now lays as a barren isle. We have regained possession of many of our National fortifications and rivers with the entire sea coast, and have brought out their entire strength in men and resources to the field of action; this is made manifest by their own confessions.
How do we stand upon this one point? While their entire strength is called out we have only made a commencement. We will take the State of New York for a sample—she has sent into the field two hundred thousand men, and if we should want more she is able to send as many more and keep this up for twenty years if need be. But some will say, "how can this be?" and the answer is a very clear one. We are blessed with an emigration large enough to keep our population and army replenished to whatever degree our army or State needs, and this is the case with almost every northern State. We also see the same gratifying result in our wealth and other resources; and on the other hand we see a disaffection growing stronger every day among our enemies, and then we look at our own side and we see the loyal masses growing stronger every day with a determination never to yield one inch of our National domain, and with this feeling made manifest we hold the mighty powers of earth at bay, knowing our stength and loyalty they stand aghast. In fact when we review all things just as they are at the present day, we see the gigantic war brought almost to an insurrection.
Where are the men that brought this calamity upon us? such as Toombs, Hammond, Cobb, Slidely, Mason and J. B. Floyd, where are they to-day? They have been driven to the four winds by the main Generals of the southern army--men who were pushed, as it were, into this wicked attempt to destroy our Nationality, and have placed their leaders in the billows of obscurity; and this being the case, the instigators of the rebellion are without friends, living upon earth, and to make their case more desperate the most high has seen fit to take from their ranks the most thorough soldier within their army; so they go step by step, when I hope there will be but few such men left but what have been made to bite the dust, and have filled a traitors grave, where none but their like shall rest. With this situation before us we can see our duty, and all loyal people can see our destiny clear, which is a re-union and a more happy government than ever for our reward.
Why is it that we cannot all see alike? The reason is, as above stated, their ignorance, they could see by a very little exertion, they need only to take a true loyal county or weekly paper, and this will give them all the knowledge necessary, but will they do it? if not, no one is to blame. The factious portion of our people should be upon some barren isle that they may each be a government by themselves; this is the only true situation for such men; but when we come to the northern traitor, man cannot express his contempt toward them. The rebels in the field with arms in their hands should receive honor before the northern traitor and when you come to a fine point, all northern traitors are the worst of cowards they prove themselves to be such; but as the United States Currency spreads through the land Copperheads disappear, therefore, lot us take courage anew—the army is true and determined—light is before us, and we should have, no never, to complain as long as we have such men as Gen. Burnside to set things aright—we have no traitors to fear in our army, therefore we can strike together.
Col. Seward met with quite an accident last week; his horse fell with him and the horse falling partially across his hips caused a severe bruise, but I am happy to say that he is able to be about again upon crutches and am in hopes he will soon recover from his injuries. Colonel Welling is looking fine and well. We have some eighty odd families in our regiment, making a good company of the fair sex. The health of the regiment is quite good. We had the pleasure on the 13th of meeting the Rev. Mr. Brown of the 111th; he is looking fine and spirits good.
We have witnessed another sad accident. It happened on the 4th, caused by the explosion of a shell which private Moody picked up (it was thrown by one of our guns, but did not burst) and brought it to company F and took out the fuze, and as he supposed turned out the powder and as many are apt to do C. Bostler put a coal of fire within the shell which caused it to explode, wounding three young men of Co. F. Charley Runion, Drummer, Corp. K. Long, and C. Bostler, their wounds are very bad.
We have received a new stand of colors which are made of the very best yellow silk with cross cannons in the centre made of gold leaf which gives it a rich appearance. This is our Artillery banner, and by receiving this we lose the Infantry colors, but let this be as it may, the sight of our National Emblem is enough to put courage and patriotism in any loyal man's heart.
Yours, &C., R. C. B.
From the 9th Artillery.
Fort Mansfield, May 24, 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—It is with great pleasure that I undertake the pleasant task of writing once more for the benefit of my many friends who are directly or indirectly connected with our noble regiment.
We have had very fine weather during the past week, and have had plenty to do, with every thing to make us feel lively. We have had regimental inspection three different days the past week, and are to have the same twice a week hereafter. I expect this is for the purpose of keeping the men in good order, that we may be prepared for any emergency; and we can see a decided improvement at each inspection. On the 20th while we were out for roll call and about to return to our quarters for the night, when the sound of the long roll struck our ears, and in one moment there was a rush made by every soldier for his arms, and within ten minutes our regiment was in line of battle; Here was the test of a true soldier, and to my surprise I could not tell who was the most anxious to be the first out and the first to give the telling blow. Our field pieces were got in position, and the regiment put into the Forts and along the line of breastworks, all ready for an attack. Every officer and soldier showed the composure of a tried soldier, the tick of a watch could be heard by any one, so breathless was the emotion of every one to be ready to strike at the given word; but, alas! no enemy appeared and they were ordered to re-form in battle line, and then each company were ordered back to their respective quarters, feeling as though they had not seen a very hard battle, and every one as sound as when called out, and all left to guess for himself why he was called out on the 20th.
We had the pleasure of meeting your townsmen, Messrs. G. W. Cowles, Dr. Colvin, Mr. Coffin, Mr. Morley, and their friend Isaac Miller. They seemed like friends at home, and we were happy to meet them and they all seemed pleased to meet so many friends here and to that we were as determined as ever to sustain our beloved country in its hour of trial. They have gone to the front and are expected to return next week, when they will make us a good visit.
The health of our regiment is as good as can be expected; those that were wounded are doing well. We are building a fine regimental hospital, while other buildings are going up at a good rate, and families are still moving among us, and we find this a good thing for the regiment as we all know that the company of the fairer sex keeps society more refined, and of all places that their presence is needed the camp is the place; it makes us all feel more at home and among friends; and for camp life we are situated as comfotable as can be.
The country now makes a fine appearance in all respects. One thing I wish to say to our friends, and it is this, never believe any flying reports or sensation reports from the seat of war as no reports should be depended upon except official—all baseless reports tend to distract the mind and distrust the powers that be. We find a large amount of our northern news, purporting to be from the army, manufactured entirely in northern cities.
Our camp is supplied daily with correct news and we also receive papers from the north with the same news and the addition above spoken of. Now it is the duty of all to judge before going into spasms in one particular thing. If we are defeated in any great battle we shall all know it in due time, and when a victory the same. The army is contented with its lot, then why not our friends. Let us all be patient and every thing will be well at last. R. G. B.
From the 9th Artillery.
Fort Mansfield, June 7, '63.
MR. EDITOR:—The camp of our regiment has been thrown into quite a commotion since my last. On the 28th ult., we were called out at 9 o'clock p. m., and everything put into position to meet the enemy. We were out all night and laid upon our arms with every man at his post. Col. Welling and Lt. Col. Seward showed themselves good commanders, being cool and composed and were not satisfied until every thing was in its right place ready for any emergency. This excitement was kept up for two days and nights. We were out blockading the roads, and have kept out a strong picket force since the cause of this excitement, which was a report that the rebels had crossed into Maryland and were making a raid towards Washington; but it proved to be but a small force and soon made their way back. The small force that made towards Harpers Ferry were all captured by our command.
The regiment was inspected on the 1st inst., by Gen. Barry; he made quick work and showed himself to be a very fine General, and we received a good report from him. Col. Welling and Seward are determined to do their utmost to keep the soldiers under their command in a good condition and well drilled, as we have company drill every except on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays which are set apart for battalion drill. On the 4th we had the pleasure of meeting Secretary Seward and family.
We came very near having a fatal accident a few days ago. Mr. Failing; our hospital steward, was accidentally shot by a soldier who was shooting his revolver. The ball entered the left side directly over the heart striking a rib then running around about four inches At this point the ball was extracted and I am happy to say that he is around again.
We were favored with a visit from your friend L. W. Burton, he seems to enjoy himself very much in camp. Jas. Bowles, of Co. H, has been promoted to Corporal; he is a worthy soldier and well deserves the position assigned him.
Our fortifications are now completed with a good supply of guns. The health of the regiment was never better than at the present time. The weather is fine with us, but very dry. We received an order from brigade head-quarters on the 4th that all women, except four required for laundress, of each company, within this brigade, shall leave camp. This order causes quite an excitement among the fairer sex, there being from eight to ten females in most of the companies. We hardly understand why this order was given, and are in hopes it may be revoked for different reasons. Many here have gone to quite an expense in building for their families, and some are hardly able at present to send their families back to their homes, and their society is needed among us, therefore, we wish them to be allowed to stay. Many of them showed themselves, during the excitement of the past week, to be brave women and worthy to be a soldiers companion. B.
From the 9th Artillery.
FORT MANSFIELD, June 14th, 1863.
MR. EDITOR:—The 9th Artillery is yet the same, as good and its ranks as full as when I last wrote, notwithstanding the rebel raid in Maryland the past week; and I hope it will remain the same until we are once more a united and happy and united people. The excitement has been kept up nearly all the past week, with the expectation of meeting the enemy, but they came within ten miles, but dared not come any farther. The account of this raid will be published before this reaches you, therefore I will not take up the space for the same.
The long roll called us out on the night of the 12th. The alarm was given by our pickets, but I have not yet learned the cause. But let it be what it may, we are ready for the enemy at all times, and would give them a warm reception whenever they choose to meet us.
The weather is quite warm and very dry. The inhabitants are cutting the grassland and had a fine crop. The health of the regiment is good, all feeling quite well and in good spirits.
We are not free from accidents yet. Private P. R. Wilson of Port Byron, a member of Co. F. was on guard on the night of the 9th. and while stacking his gun it accidently went off, the ball passing through his left forearm, taking away a portion of the bone, which will make him crippled in that arm. It is a very sad affair, and should be a warning to all and learn us to be more careful while using loaded arms.
A. S. Wood has been promoted to Captain of Company M. We have no better officer than Anson S. Wood, and he is in command of as fine a body of men as we have in the regiment. R. C. Worthington has been promoted from 2nd to 1st Lieutenant, Wm. J. Parrish and A. M. Abbey to 2nd Lieutenants, all of Co. M, and 1st Lt. W. D. Pringle of same Company appointed Adjutant. I understand that Major Snyder is to retain his position. We all hope it may be so, for we can ask for no better officer.
R. C. B.
From the 9th Artillery.
FORT MANSFIELD July 6th, 1863.
Mr. EDITOR:—One more week has passed only to be remembered as a mark of time, and to be engrafted in the history of this great crisis.
The past week has not only divided our beloved companies from each other, that more good may be done, but many a family who one week ago were bound in one chain of the most sacred ties, are to-day mourning for the loss of a kind father, brother or son, who nobly gave his life for the sake of his honored State and Country, to repel the invading foe, to keep the invaders hand from polluting the sacred soil which by the hard fought battles and will of God, were given to us that as a free and christian people, we could live as one happy family.
It has been a week which shows to us who is pro et con in our country. The invasion of the Border States causes us a great excitement. Most of the time the enemy makes his appearance often near our pickets, and they have been driven in a number of times the past week, which has caused us to be called out ready for action. The 2d we were about to appear upon our drill ground, when our pickets were driven in. At the alarm we were ordered to the Forts. We remained in the Forts during the afternoon and night.
I could not help but take notice of the expression made by Col. Welling. He ordered the Brass Band into the Fort, and we mounted the magazine; then says the Col., if we have got to go under, I want to have good music to march by. The answer from us was the lively strains of Yankee Doodle, and many National Airs, while the sounds of the sweet music resounded as if to tempt and dare the enemy to come. Our Commanders could be seen looking through their glasses, hoping that we could have the chance to give them an honorable reception with ball, shell and grape; but the Rebels were well aware of our ability, therefore their nonappearance.
We were somewhat surprised at the removal of Gen. Hooker, when such important events were about to transpire, but accepted the change thinking we did not know best. So far Gen. Meade gives general satisfaction, and we all hope he will learn Lee a lesson that he will never forget; also show to traitors that the Army of the Potomac is not so much of a political machine as supposed to be, and we are able to give the death blow to this unholy Rebellion.
Co. G and D are at Fort Thayler doing duty. Co. C is at Battery Cameron doing duty until the excitement is over.
We feel quite lonely to have our comrades absent from us, but at the same time feel proud to know that our Regt. can do such an extensive guard for our Capitol. We expect to be re-united soon.
The health of the Regt. is good. We have Battallion drill daily from 1 and ½ to 5 o'clock P. M. The weather has been very warm the past week. We were blessed with a bountiful shower on the morning of the 4th, and hope one year from yesterday we may see the 4th of July one of peace and prosperity for our glorious Union. R. C. B.
A Merry Christmas for the 9th N. Y. Volunteer Artillery.
Fort Foot, Dec. 29, 1863.
FRIEND VAN:—In the absence of almost every thing of interest, I will give you a simple statement of how this portion of the 9th Artillery fared on Christmas Day—that day of universal joyousness throughout the civilized world. Capt. Lyon, of Co. D, having procured some ten gallons of oysters and Dick Terpin having confiscated some dozen dollars worth of poultry, men were detailed to dress the poultry, and our worthy Commissary and his assistants set about preparing the supper. Henry Porter, of Sodus Point, and J. W. Vickery, of Lyons, took their dogs and guns and started down the Potomac. After they had been gone an hour or so, word reached our camp that ten men were wanted to bring in the game. Men were sent, and about 5 o'clock they returned, bringing with them a deer weighing 200 pounds—a noble buck. With Capt. Lyon's oysters, Dick Terpin's poultry, Purter and Vickery's venison, and the et ceteras, Co. D had a supper which would have done no discredit to Congress Hall or Graham's Hotel. Toasts were drank in which the dear ones at home were remembered, and the enemies of our Union denounced in plain English. Everything passed off as it should, and reveille brought forth every soldier for duty.
By the way, I think I can safely say that Co. D can beat any Company in the Regiment in the way of good living, if it can be obtained in the State of Maryland. Dick Terpin, our poultry provider, is a tall specimen of a man, always has plenty of money, but the Johnny rebs boars that he cannot but their poultry with his money if it is green on the back. He, however, procures the article he desires, and to people at a distance it may seem as if he resorted to some dishonest mode of obtaining it, but he assures me upon the honor of a man and a soldier, that he bought everything he furnished for our Christmas supper, and he says he has a fine lot of fowls in prospect which he intends to order into camp in time for New Year's, and my companions in arms join in an invitation to you and your friends to be here on that day and test for yourselves one of our Holiday dinners. Be here and you will receive a hearty greeting from the 9th.
Ever Yours, Lt. O. B. C.
The 9th Artillery—their number, services, condition, &c.
Hospital Dep't, 9th N. Y. Artillery,
Fort Mansfield, Md., March 11, '64.
TO THE EDITOR DEM. PRESS:—There has been a great deal said in Lyons and vicinity respecting the number of men in the Ninth Artillery--the number ranging, as stated by different reports, at all points from eighteen
hundred up to three thousand. For the information of those who are not posted, I will state that the aggregate number in the Report which was this morning sent to Brigade Headquarters was 1,674; of this number 79 are recruits who have lately arrived, and are not yet assigned to companies. The number of men in each Company is as follows: Co. A, 127; B, 147; C, 99; D, 121; E, 91; F, 132; G, 102; H, 146; I, 148; K, 147; L, 147; M, 137. These numbers, of course, do not include commissioned officers.
Allow me, also, to disabuse the minds of your readers in regard to another point. This regiment has been styled the "pet Regiment," Life Insurance Regiment, &c. Probably there is not a Regiment in the Defences of Washington that has done more fatigue duty and real hard work than the Ninth. If it has not fought as many battles as some Regiments, the work which it has done has been as valuable to the Government. Besides building Forts Simmons, Mansfield, Bayard, Gaines andd Foote, (one of the largest in the Defences,) it helped build Forts Reno and Sumner, two very large Forts, and has dug miles upon miles of rifle pits and built miles upon miles of Military roads and in addition chopped over more land then a good many of the farms in Wayne County put together would compose. Notwithstanding this vast amount of "drill" with the pick, shovel and axe, Col. Welling has brought the Regiment to as high a state of discipline as can be desired. If the boys have not worked, who has?
Yours, W. L. G.
The Ninth Heavy Artillery Moving to the Front.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
The Ninth New York Heavy Artillery regiment moved last Wednesday from Fort Richardson, Va., to Alexandria, and from there we took transportation for Belle Plain. We had a very pleasant ride down the Potomac.
The regiment numbers about two thousand strong, and I think will do some good fighting before this reaches you.
We are now encamped on a high hill near Belle Plain.
Eleven companies have gone to Fredericksburg to guard supply trains. The other company will go tomorrow.
All the artillery regiments that were in the defences of Washington are now with Gen. Grant, The 100 days' men relieved us.
The day we landed at this place, about 2,500 rebels were shipped for Washington, and many are sent each day. There are also a good many of our wounded coming in.
The prisoners said when they saw the Ninth New York and Second Connecticut aboard of transports in the bay, that "Grant is getting reinforcements right smart." They admit that Grant is a hard fighter, and that he follows them up rather close.
It is reported that Capt. Sinclair's company (L, from Syracuse,) was attacked by guerrillas while on the road with the trains, and that the Captain was wounded in the head, but it is not credited in camp nor confirmed by other trains coming in.
The Thirty-second Maine is just starting for the front.
Yours Truly, C. J. SPAULDING.
Correspondence of the Republican Advocate.
In the field near Strasburg, Va.,
August 14, 1864.
Mr. Waite:—Although we have seen no fighting this month, or in fact since the battle on the Monocacy on the 9th of July last, and in consequence thereof, it is not my painful duty to chronicle the name of any who has either died or been forever lost, on account of wounds, to do future service in their country's cause; still we have had some of the most severe marching, and that too in the warmest of the Summer months it has ever been our lot to experience. I think, that by the time this war is over the 6th Corps can furnish mankind in general with a very good map of Virginia and Maryland, especially any where near the Shenandoah River, upon which we have been operating more or less for the past four weeks.—Take, for instance, your maps of the present day and let us examine them.
From Washington, we discover that Linchen Gap is 50 miles distant, that is 100 miles there and back; but take it in the manner in which we marched, through fields, by-ways, and intricate paths, the distance will exceed 150 miles. This we accomplished in 8 days, having rested out of this exactly 58 hours; fording the Potomac once and the Shenandoah twice in the meantime.
This crossing the Rivers sounds very nice, and looks easy on paper, but if you could once witness it, you would think it would take a lifetime to accomplish it. And yet, in spite of all this the scene itself is extremely ludicrous. The jokes and witticisms on each other's personal appearance, especially, as now and then, one would stumble over some of the huge boulders in the river, and were subjects of laughable conversation among our troops. I, with several other unfortunates lost my shoes, but luckily after having marched a few miles, Captain Wood of our Regiment presented me with a pair of boots, I promising in return a pair of number 11 shoes.
But I must hasten on to the time of our once more starting forth from Washington, on the 26th of July, marching to Harper's Ferry, via of the Monocacy and Frederick, recrossed the river, and marched back to Frederick, where we rested nearly a week. Once more to Harper's Ferry, resting three days, and then here; making up to this time over 125 miles, on this our last raid. Where our next move will be time alone will determine.
Lieut. W. DE W. PRINGLE, of this Regiment, has been appointed A. D. C. on Gen. Upton's Staff. We have for duty now less than 170 enlisted men and 8 officers. The rest of the command being absent, sick, wounded, or straggled.
My letters from home this morning, inform me of the death of Corporal JEROME CLARK, Co. L, 8th N. Y. Artillery. This sad news comes upon me like a thunderbolt. It reminds me but truly, "That in the midst of life we are in death." He was one of my most esteemed friends, and his departure from this earthly life causes a void in my companionship which can only be effaced by a life time. Yours, &c., G. A. BROWN, Ser'gt Maj. 9th N. Y. Artillery.
The Casualties.
The following is a partial list of the casualties in the Ninth New York heavy artillery, Colonel W. H. Seward, Jr., at the battle of Monocacy:
Company A-Wounded--Sergeant M. H. Crawford, side and arm, severe; Corporal P. McWiggin, where not known, supposed prisoner; John McNeil, head and shoulder, severe, and prisoner; Edward Rider, where not known; M. Martin, leg, severe; M. Shalt, spent ball, severe; John Elmer, breast, slight; E. P. Merrill, back, severe; George Strickland, side, severe; Charles Carpenter, hand, slight; Ungel Phillips, leg, severe; Amos Smith, arm, severe; Albert Derby, hip, severe; George Mullice, arm, slight; George Ellsworth, head, severe; William Boll, where not known, supposed a prisoner; William Merrill, supposed a prisoner; James Windouer, head and leg, severe; Fideles Searles, thigh, severe; W. Mitchell, where not known.
Company A--Missing—Captain J. H. Hyde; Corporal Judson Mead, prisoner.
Company B--Wounded--Anthony Cooman, hip, slight; Josiah E. Nath, arm, slight.
Company C.--Wounded, Lieutenant W. B. Burke, elbow, severe; Lieutenant James Tifft, thigh, severe; Granger Van Kleeck, back and neck, severe; William Todd, arm, severe; Charles Grant, leg, severe, and prisoner; Simeon Lewis, breast, severe.
Company C.--Prisoners--J. B. Lasher, James Tucker, Charles Earlly, Levi Emrick and eighty men, names not known, were taken prisoners near
Frederick city.
Company D—Wounded-Lieutenant Lewis D. Williams, hip, severe; Sergeant Lewis Barton, head, slight; George _phar, leg, severe; Captain Eben Newburg, foot, slight; Henry Houghkirk, foot; Dennis McCarty, thigh; Leonard Stormer, arm, slight; Byron Brown, arm, slight; Ely Davis, head; Melvin Fleming, breast; William Anderson, arm, slight; Daniel Roys, arm, severe; Frederick Still, Joseph Williams, arm, severe; Thomas Wilson, foot; Davis Haskill, arm; Walter Duell, shoulder; John L. Comstock, side; Vincent E. Clark, where not known.
Company E--Wounded—Captain William Hawley, arm, slight.
Company E--Killed—Lieutenant James H. Ellis.
Enlisted Men Killed—Norman Lawrence, Oliver A. Wilson, Henry L. Biglow.
Wounded--Barrett Riggs, thigh, severe; Patrick Kirby, where not known; Edward Yorkhead, severe; John Main, wrist; Henry Lansing, back, severe; Dwight Brown, thigh, severe; Cornelius Dobson, thigh, slight; Anson Moorhouse, finger, slight; B. F. Barnes, arm, severe; Fredalin Thomas, arm, slight; Anthony Fales; J. E.Merrill, neck, slight; Michael Doyle, leg, slight.
Company H—Killed—Corporal James Conklin. Wounded—Corporal J. D. Pettys, shoulder; Corporal E. Turner, thigh; Henry Bluff, H. Cronkite, arm; Benjamin Fowler, ankle; Sanford Forbes, missing; A. J. Hutchins, thigh; John Tape, lungs; John Kewman, finger; Dallas Pantry, hand; John Vanderberg, wrist; C. Warner, lungs; W. Wilkins, thigh.
Company K-Killed—Adelbert River, and Charles Prine.
Company K--Wounded--Sergeant P. G. Morgan, back and side; Corporal Timothy Foley, ankle; Andrew Hutchings, back and neck; William Allen, body; Charles Clark, hip; Joseph Ebart, shoulder; Cornelius Collins, eye, severe; George Mann, arm and side; Patrick Wallace, face; W. Blake, shoulder; W. Church, head; Augustus Mitchell, leg; Daniel Black, throat; A. Crosselman, missing; L. Keely, hands; C. Monroe, missing.
Missing--Company K—Lieutenant P. King and eighteen men.
Company M--WOUNDED—G. Dobson, arm, severe; H. Multy, leg, slight; M. Carney, arm, severe, and prisoner; Elias Eastman, side, severe.
Killed--John Barnhart and J. B. Miller; Lieutenant-Colonel E. P. Taft, wounded and taken prisoner; Assistant-Surgeon D. S. Chamberlain, prisoner; Lieutenant E. C. Comstock, acting battalion adjutant, missing.
The regiment has about one hundred and seventy-five missing, names not yet fully ascertained.
The Lyons Republican.
Friday, October 7, 1864.
The Ninth Artillery in the Shenandoah Valley.
H. H. Wheeler, Jr., (Regimental Postmaster,) writes from Woodstock, Va., Sept. 23d:
" We had a great fight on the 19th, and drove the rebs. through Winchester on double-quick. We went in with about 250 men, and lost about 70." Two days after, our Regiment was ordered back, to guard hospitals, so that our boys have had no fighting since." Mr. W. sends a list of casualties, as does also Hospital Steward Failing, from which we compile the following report:
John Billings, wounded in left leg, badly.
David H. Dyre, in head, severely.
Jacob Sours, in right hip.
Foster Whiting, in leg, since dead.
Jacob Browning, in groin, seriously.
Lieut. Chauncey Frisby, wounded in arm, slightly.
J. A. Blythe, in arm.
A. Paine, in bowels, since dead.
____ Van De Maker.
E. Terwilleger, in shoulder.
E. D. Niles, slightly.
A. Andrews, in bowels, since dead.
J. Hall, in bowels, slightly.
Joseph Sage, in both legs.
Corp. E. Case, in left leg.
S. Webster, in right leg and left arm, (amputated.)
M.M. Fish, killed.
Charles Thomas, killed.
Samuel Meyers, killed.
J. F. Rice, in spine, since dead.
F. B. Holton, in right arm.
T. P. O'Flynn, in breast.
Lewis Gardner, in right hip.
S. Vanderwacher, in left hip.
Wm. Finley, wounded in arm slightly.
Chester Hooker, in arm, badly.
John Dowley, in leg, slightly.
Jas. B. Hanna, wounded in shoulder.
Simon Haselback, in head, slightly.
Joseph Gooseline, in left arm, slightly.
L. Falch, in shoulder.
Silas S. Billings, in knee, badly.
Jno. W. Filoon, in bowels, mortally—since dead.
Andrew Rineheart, killed.
Addison Goodridge, killed.
John Sanderson.
Lieut. Sidney H. Colvin, wounded in hip, slightly.
Sergt. A. Jenkins, in head, slightly.
Jacob Mayer, in left breast, badly.
Aaron Veile, in shoulder, badly.
Reuben G. Kelson, in both legs, since dead.
Joseph Stead, in thigh, since dead.
Barnard Keefe, killed.
W. Bowman, wounded in shoulder.
John Winsella, in foot, severely.
P. Hilton, in head.
A. McIntosh, wounded in foot, (toe off.)
The friends of any of the wounded soldiers named in the preceding list, may learn particulars concerning them by addressing J. F. Failing, Hospital Steward, 9th N. Y. Artillery, Washington, D. C.
The Ninth N. Y. Heavy Artillery.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Dear Sir:—As I am confined to my bed by sickness and the painful state of my wound, it is impossible for me to answer the innumerable letters which I have received from those having friends in my company, asking information in regard to them. The 9th is now at their old quarters at the defences of Washington, and all letters directed there as heretofore will reach them without any difficulty.
Hoping that those who have written to me will accept this as an apology for my neglecting to answer.
I remain, respectfully yours,
Ninth N. Y. H. Artillery.
Mottville, July 20th, 1864.
MILITARY FUNERALS:—The remains of Capt. John W. Swift, late of the 138th regiment new York Volunteers, were yesterday conveyed to their last resting place in Greenwood Cemetery. The religious ceremonies were held in the Fleet Street Methodist Church, which was filled with relatives and sympathising friends. A company of the 52d regiment National Guards escorted the remains to the grave. Captain Swift died in hospital at Bermuda, Va., on the 1st inst., from wounds received in the assault upon the enemy's works at Chapin's Farm, 29th September.
The body of private Samuel J. Lusk, of Company D, 4th regiment N. Y. S. M., was also conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery. The funeral ceremonies were held at the house of his mother, No. 377 Carlton avenue. A large number of persons were present, including Franklin Engine Company, No. 8, of which deceased had formerly been a member. The remains were escorted to the cemetery by a company of the 14th regiment. The deceased was killed in front of Petersburg, Va., on the 28th of June last.
The 9th Heavy Artillery.—This regiment was one of those sent from Gen. Grant's army to repel the rebel invasion of Maryland.—A Herald dispatch says that "Col. Laft, of the 6th New York Artillery, is killed." This name is probably intended for Edwin P Taft, who went out as Major of the regiment when it was organized as the 138th infantry. The 9th Artillery was from Wayne and Cayuga counties; and further intelligence from it will be anxiously looked for in those localities. It has done good service during Gen. Grant's campaign, and is now again sent to the post oi active duty.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY.—Letters from Syracuse volunteers in this regiment state that volunteers whose enlistment applies on the quota of Onondaga county, received $275 as their local bounty, it being stated to the volunteers that $25 in each case was needed to prepare the proper "forms" so as to secure the bounty. The men were being drilled in infantry as well as artillery practice, and this was understood as being a sign of a transfer to the field as infantry. Mr. Stephen Richardson, a volunteer from Mottville, died suddenly, on the 17th inst.
The 9th N. Y. Artillery.--This regiment is from Cayuga and Wayne counties, and was recruited originally as the 138th infantry, but was changed to artillery November 9th, 1862. The list in the Washington Chronicle mentions two names: Frank Blankey, Co. I, and George W. Stowell, both in the 3d Division, general Hospital, and probably sick, as we believe the equipment has not been to the front. The Lyons Republican saya the main body of the Ninth has moved from its old camp, some five miles, has been joined by the portion formerly at Rosier's Bulffs, and is now garrisioning a line of forts near Fairfax Seminary. The Regiment numbers more than 2,000 men.
Deaths of N e w York Soldiers.—The following deaths of New York soldiers were reported from the Washington hospitals on Monday:
Jabez H. Tuttle, Co. E, 9th Artillery; J. B. Perkins, Co. B, Eighty-first; Lafayette Meade, Co. B, 2d Rifles; N. G. Stebbins, Co. C, 3d Rifles; J. E. Provist, Co. F, 22d Cavalry; W. W. Lamb, Co. I, 22d Cavalry.
FOR ELMIRA. -Lieut. RASSMUSSEN left here this afternoon with 150 recruits for the 9th and 11th Heavy Artillery. They go to Elmira. The men went away in good spirits, receiving cheers from the large crowd accompanying them through, the streets, and to which they heartily responded.
HEAVY ARTILLERY—Sergeant F. A. Sinclair has established a recruiting station at Hutchinson's Hotel, on West Fayette street, with the intention of raising one hundred men for the Ninth Heavy Artillery. This regiment is permanently stationed in the defences of Washington. All the bounties are paid recruits for its ranks. Sergeant Sinclair is one of the most successful recruiting officers in the volunteer service.
Ninth Heavy Artillery.--The reported wounding and capture of Col. W. H. Seward, Jr.,—son of the Secretary of State,—in the battle in Maryland on Saturday, would indicate that his regiment, Ninth N. Y. Heavy Artillery, had been sent into that State from Grant's army near Petersburg.
We have a letter from a Syracuse member of Ninth, dated near Petersburgh the 6th, which states that he had just heard that the regiment was ordered to return to Washington.
These circumstances would indicate that forces have been sent from Grant's army to repel the rebel invasion of Maryland.
Col. Seward not taken Prisoner Nor Wounded.
The Secretary of State has received the following despatch from Gen. Wallace:
To Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State:
I have the pleasure of contradicting my statement of last night. Col. Seward is not a prisoner, and I am now told is unhurt. He behaved with gallantry.
Lt. S. C. Redgrave, of the 9th Artillery arrived in town last week--hale and hearty. He reports the boys all comfortable and enjoying themselves.
Lt. L. A. Rogers, of the 98th reached home on New Year's day--looking well. He always enjoys life whether in camp or in town, and has hosts of friends wherever he is known
ACCIDENT IN THE 9TH ARTILLERY.—Three members of the 9th Artillery were wounded on Tuesday last, at Fort Bayard, near Washington by the explosion of a shell, which a foolish fellow named Moody, had picked up and partly emptied of its powder, bringing it into camp for a plaything. Another named Cony Bostler, touched it off with a coal of fire, getting his face and eyes blown full of powder.
Corporal Alpheus K. Long, son of Rev. J. D. Long, of this city, was struck by a fragment of the shell, which cut his foot, though not seriously. Chauncey Runyan also received a wound in the ankle, which will probably cause the loss of his limb.
Capt. A. S. Wood of the 9th artillery arrived in town on Saturday. He is in good spirits, and enjoys a soldier's life. He left on Monday for Elmira, whither he was detailed to take charge of such conscripts as might be allotted to his regiment.
Capt. W. H. Adams late of the 98th was in town a short time ago. He has taken up the study of law, which he abandoned for the service.
Casualties in the 9th Artillery.
The Auburn Advertiser publishes the following list of wounded of the 9th Heavy Artillery, in the late battle off the Monocracy:
M. Harmon, Micon Petry, Henry Laning, Jno. Shoonmaker, Darius Haskell, J. J. Fish, Dennis Mcnam, Geo. H. Cooper, Elias Potter, Anthony Cooman, Partick J. Morgan, Chas. Risley, Dewitt Brown, Andy Smith, Geo. Hammond, James W. Burk, Geo. Peckham, Geo. A. Brayford, Alonzo McNett, Henry H. Miller, Gribbron McDaniel, Francis Jetty, Jos. Ebert, Burrett Riggs, James Wendover, W. M. Allen, Byron Brown, Edward Turner, F. Babbitt, W. Denel, Albert Derby, Myron Fish, F. M. Loomis, J. O. Mason, S. B. Cutler, Geo. Ellsworth, E. P. Merrill, G. W. Dodson, Henry Nolts, Michael Masten, John Maur, T. Feley, G. Strickland, Lieut., LJ. M. Allen, Peter Suttler, Jas. Taylor, John J. White, Milton Wooster, B. Fowler, J. E. Nash, William Blake, Capt. W. Hawley, Granger Van Bleek.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY.--J. H. JORDAN, of Company L, of the 9th Heavy Artillery, now stationed at Fort Stanton, Washington, is in this city on furlough, and brings with him messages and parcels from several Oswego boys, but has not time to go around and find all the parties addressed. It behoves those having friends in the Company to call on him, the more especially as the kindly offers to carry back to Fort Stanton any present from home. He reports the Company in good health and spirits. Mr. JORDAN can be found at his home, on East First street, near Whilber's Livery stable.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY-- DEFENCES OF WASHINGTON.—Veteran Bounties, $552; New Recruits, $377. Last week for Veteran Bounties. Better pay, bettor living, more comfortable quarters and an easier service than is offered in any other service. $200 more bounty to new recruits than is offered by any other regiment in this county. Apply to Capt. F. Sinclair, or Lieut. Chas. Y. Squler, Recruiting Officers, Hanover Square, Syracuse, N. Y.
See advertisement in another column.
PERSONAL.—Surgeon Byron L. Flower, 9th N. Y. Artillery, died at Fort Simonds, Georgetown, Va., Oct. 24. Dr. Flower was a native of West Rupert, in this State.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLEY.-—This regiment, which contains a good number of Onondaga boys, has been transferred from one part of the defences of Washington to another. It now garrisons several forts from one to four miles east of that city. The greater part of the Onondaga volunteers are in Fort Stanton, one mile from Washington, and the others are about a mile further out. The regiment changed positions March 26th, to give two older regiments a chance to move to the front.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY.—Letters from Syracuse members of the Ninth N. Y. Heavy Artillery, state that on the 10th inst. they still remained at Cold Harbor, Va., where the two companies from this county were in reserve. They had not been in the line of battle, but were employed every night at work in constructing rifle-pits and trenches.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY.—We have letters to the 5th inst. from Syracuse members of the Ninth N. Y. Heavy Artillery. This Regiment was near Cold. Harbor, Va., in Grant's advance, acting as infantry. Eight of the companies had been twice in the battle, and had suffered some losses. The other four companies, including Cos. I and L, containing the Onondaga volunteers, had not been in the fight, but were acting as supports of a battery of light artillery. They were, however, in range of the enemy's shot and shell, and expected soon to be sent into more active service.
Deaths of New York Soldiers.
The following deaths of New York soldiers were reported from the Washington hospitals yesterday: Jabez H. Tuttle, Co. E, Ninth artillery; Wm. Smith, Co. I, First artillery; John M. Fairchild, Co. G, Tenth cavalry; Valentine Beck, Co. E, Second cavalry; J. B. Perkins, Co. B, Eighty-first; W. Mason, Co. H, Seventh heavy artillery; Lafayette Meade, Co. __, .... Rifles, James Dolan, Co. K, One Hundred and Sixty-fourth; James Gibney, Co. L, Second artillery; Edward McKeon, Co. B, Eighty-second; N. G. Stebbins, Co. C, Second Rifles; J. E. Provost, Co. F, Twenty-second cavalry; W. W. Lamb, Co. I, Twenty-second cavalry.
The Ninth N. Y. Heavy Artillery.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Dear Sir:--As I am confined to my bed by sickness and the painful state of my wound, it is impossible for me to answer the innumerable letters which I have received from those having friends in my company, asking information in regard to them. The 9th is now at their old quarters in the defences of Washington, and all letters directed there as heretofore will reach them without any difficulty.
Hoping that those who have written to me will accept this as an apology for my neglecting to answer,
I remain, respectfully yours.
Ninth N. Y. H. Artillery.
Mottville, July 20th, 1864.
BRIG. GEN. W. H. SEWARD, Jr.—The following letter, which we are permitted to publish, is a deserved compliment to the officer named above:
War Department, Washington City,
Sept. 3, 1864.
GENERAL:—Enclosed herewith, I have the pleasure of transmitting to you a Commission as Brigade General in the United States. In making this appointment, it gratifies me to know that it is well merited by patriotic and
gallant service; unsolicited by you, it has been conferred by the Department as a just acknowledgment of your deserving, and to promote the good of the service.
With sincere respect I am,
Yours, Truly, EDWIN M. STANTON.
Col. Wm. H. Seward, Jr.
The many friends of this gentleman, both in this city where he is well known, and at Auburn, the place of his residence, where he is deservedly popular, will regret to hear that in the battle of Saturday he was wounded, and taken prisoner. He went out, two years ago as Lieut. Colonel of the 138th infantry regiment, which was subsequently changed to the 9th Heavy Artillery. The regiment, we believe, has been stationed in the defences of Washington until the inauguration of GRANT'S campaign against Richmond, where it first saw service in the field. The Colonel of the regiment having recently resigned, Governor SEYMOUR promptly promoted Col. SEWARD to the vacant position. That he has been wounded and taken prisoner in the hard fought battle of Saturday, is stronger evidence of his courage and gallantry than anything we can say of him.
Serious Accident.
We learn that a son of Lieut. R. M. Campbell, of Co, A., 9th Regt., N. Y. S.
V. Artillery, Recruiting Officer at this station, was run over by a horse and wagon in the streets of South Butler, on Monday last. News was brought to the Lieutenant, who, as a true soldier, was attending to his duties here, and leaving the Station in charge of Sergt. S. V. R. Cale, of Co. K., 9th Regt. N. Y. S. V. Artillery, who is a very competent and efficient recruiting officer, he went to South Butler, where he found, to the relief of his intense feelings, that his son was though severely, not so dangerously hurt as his paternal affection had led him to suppose. It appears that the little fellow was trying to be smart, by crossing the street before a team, which was coming, could reach him, and misjudging his distance, was knocked down by the horse and trampled on and run over, causing a serious abrasion of the face supposed to be by the corks of the horse shoe, and wounding the knee and the muscular part of the fore-arm. The wounds, though severe, are not dangerous, and the little fellow bears it with the fortitude which all can see depicted on the father's face.
NINTH HEAVY ARTILLERY.— J. H. JORDAN, of Company L , of the 9th Heavy Artillery, now stationed at Fort Stanton, Washington, is in this city on furlough, and brings with him messages and parcels from several Oswego boys, but has not time to go around and find all the parties addressed. It behoves those having friends in the Company to call on him, the more especially as he kindly offers to carry back to Fort Stanton and present from home. He reports the Company in good health and spirits. Mr. JORDAN can be found at his home, on East First street, near Whilber's Livery stable.