187th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings
The Dunkirk Union.
OUR LOCAL TRAIN . . . . NOV. 9, 1864
Letter from Capt. D. Loeb.
October, 29, 1864.
Editors Union and Journal:
GENTS:—Knowing the anxiety that many of our readers feel in regard to the members of Co. I, 187th N. Y. V., I hasten to write you the result of our first brush with the enemy.
On the night of the 26th, the Regiment were furnished with four days' marching rations, with instructions to hold themselves in readiness to move at a moment's notice. At 2 o'clock the next morning, we were awakened quietly and ordered to strike our tents and pack up for the route, which was done silently and speedily.—At 4.30 the regiment took up its line of march for a point on the South Side Railroad, called "Dinwidde Court House," distant six miles which we reached about 8 o'clock. Getting within 300 yards of the rebel works, we formed in line of battle, when a charge was ordered, and our boys moved forward in good style, in spite of a dense thicket of under-growth and heavy timber. When within 150 yards of the Rebel Fortifications, we wore checked by a withering fire of musketry, causing us to fall back some 50 yards where we reformed, and again advanced, driving the enemy to their rifle pits. Finding we could not dislodge them, we fell back about 150 yards and commenced to throw up breastworks, while exposed to a galling fire from the rebel sharpshooters. Brevet Brig. Gen. Gregory professed himself well satisfied with the behaviour of the regiment, in this, their first time "under fire," undrilled as they were. I regret to say that we have lost two of our brave fellows, besides some of our best men wounded. Below I send you a list of killed and wounded from my company. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning we received orders to leave our impromptu works and move to the rear, which we gladly did, having been in front of the enemy 26 hours, in a drenching rain, and exposed to a severe fire from the rebel sharpshooters and skirmishers. We reached our present camp, which is about a mile from the one we occupied before, at 2 o'clock p. m.
We are in the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corps.
KILLED.—Privates—David Coleman, and Christian Breckel.
WOUNDED.—Sergeants Geo. P. Parker, groin, slight, and Henry Schaffer, slight, (remaining with company).
CORPORALS.—Jerry Sullivan, slight; John Long, calf of left leg, flesh wound; Richard Cameron, wrist; Jacob Resell, left leg, above the knee, flesh wound.
PRIVATES.—Michael Miller, left leg, severe; Thomas H. Starr, left arm, severe; William Weiler, shoulder, slight: David Hammond, knee, slight, (remaining with company); Milton Love, ancle; Seth Simmons, right shin.
Besides these I have 4 men missing, viz: Oscar Howe, Henry W. Page, James F. Tompins, Henry V. Alton. I will give you due notice as soon as I can ascertain what became of them. The remainder of the company are all well and in good spirits, all busy this bright morning cleaning their arms ready for another "brush." Regards to all the friends at home.—I will write you when anything of interest transpires. Respectfully yours,
Com'dg Co. I, 187th N. Y. V.
CASUALTIES IN Co. I, 187th N. Y. V.—
We are indebted to Mr. Caspar Weiler for the following casualties in Co. I, 187th N. Y. V., he having received a letter from his brother Ferdinand, in the Medical Purveyor's Office, at City Point. A reconnoitoring party composed in part of the above named company, had an engagement with the enemy near Burntown Plank Road, on the 27th ult., of which we have (at the present writing) no particulars, but in view of the casualties resulting from it, conclude it must have been severe;
Fred Bomann, private.
—— Carrier, corporal, of Great Valley.
David Coleman, private.
George Parker, seargent, bruised in left groin.
John Long, private, slightly, in calf of left leg.
Cameron Richard, private, lascerated left hand.
David Hammond, private, right wrist.
T. H. Starr, private, right arm amputated near shoulder.
Michael Miller, private, left leg amputated above the knee.
Milton Love, toe amputated.
William Weiler, chest, slightly.
We subjoin a list of casualties which we find in the local columns of the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of the 1st inst., omitting the names above given:
Jacob Rice, corporal, knee.
Nelson, levi, private, foot.
P.S.—Later information renders it uncertain whether private Bowmann has or has not been killed.