Civil War Newspaper Clippings
MITTENS WANTED FOR THE 16TH CAVALRY.—The following is a copy of a letter recently received by the Secretary of the Ladies Soldiers' Relief Association, from Lieut. Col. Root, viz :
GRISBON POINT. D. C., NOV. 12th 1863.
MADAM: Knowing the anxiety of the ladies of Onondaga County to do everything in their power to make the life of a soldier as comfortable as circumstances will permit, and thinking it is more the fault of officers, in not making their wants known, than the ladies in not furnishing such articles as are needed and not issued by the Government, I take this method of informing the ladies of your county, through you, that the men of this regiment have no woollen mittens, and that they cannot be bought in this part of the country. The regiment at present numbers over eight hundred men in camp, and two hundred will be added this month.
A large majority of this regiment is from Onondaga county, and we hope she will secure the credit of supplying the mittens.
(Signed.) A. J. ROOT,
Lieutenant-Colonel, &c.
As the ladies are busily engaged in getting up 1,000 pairs of mittens for the 122d and 149th regiments, will not the young gentlemen of this city, who were saved from the draft by reason of our quota being supplied by this cavalry regiment, be generous enough to furnish these men with the asked for mittens immediately? They can be purchased, ready knit, for fifty cents a pair. Who will start the subscription paper, to-day. L.
EXECUTION IN THE ARMY.—Several days ago, the telegraph stated that Frank Gillespie, a member of the Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry, was executed at Charleston, Va., for shooting Lieut. Shaver, of that regiment. Gillespie was a young man, and formerly a resident of the Third Ward of this city, where his wife now lives. Lieut. Shaver was active here when the Fifteenth was being raised, in aiding Capt. T. G. Putnam to recruit his company.
VETERANS FOR THE NEW REGIMENT.--Capt. S. E. Thompson, Lieuts. Weed and Spore, who have all seen much active service, to-day commence raising a company for the new regiment. They have established their recruiting office at the west end of the platform in Hanover Square. The nucleus of organization consists of re-enlisted veterans, who have already been through one term of service. Men intending to enlist cannot do better than join this company.
SICK SOLDIERS NEEDING HELP.—The Hospital of the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment is located in the Washington Block, over Messrs. Rust's undertaking rooms, and five members of the regiment are sick there.—Three of these men have blankets only,—the others have comfortable beds. Thus far their wants have been supplied by the Surgeon and officers of the regiment, from their private means. They need food, such as is suited to the palates of sick men. The patriotic and generous citizens are asked to furnish it,—will they immediately send such articles of light food as they may be disposed to contribute, direct to the Hospital rooms?
THE FIFTEENTH NEW YORK CAVALRY. Recruiting for this organization commenced some time in June, under the auspices of Col. Richardson, and Lieut. Col. Root, of Batavia, late of the 12th New York Volunteers. The headquarters were established at Syracuse with branch recruiting offices at Batavia and Lockport. We learn from Col. Root that the regiment now numbers nine hundred men. One battalion of this regiment was sent forward from Syracuse on Thursday. The cavalry seems to be a very popular branch of the service.
CAPTURED AND PAROLED.—Capt. John F. Moschell, of the Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry, reached his home in Clay, several days since. He with four other members of the regiment were taken prisoners by some of Rosser's troops, on the 7th of June, about sixty miles from Martinsburg, and after being marched on foot about one hundred and twenty miles, they were paroled by their captors and allowed to rejoin their Union friends, which they hastened to do, also on foot. They were held as prisoners six days. Capt. M will remain at home until he shall have been exchanged, when he will rejoin his regiment.
— The drawing for the first Thousand Dollar fund, contributed by citizens to be distributed among the first hundred volunteers in the 15th Cavalry since the 3d inst., took place last evening at six o'clock, in Hanover Square. The following were the recipients of the principal prizes:
Albert H. Prescott $200
Elisha C. Burt 150
Peter Devine 85
Richard Tobin 50
Paul Delaire 25
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—It is decided that the First Battalion of this regiment will not leave for Staten Island until Monday.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—The draft has already commenced in the 16th Congressional District, and a general draft will be made very soon. By enlisting in the 15th New York cavalry, Col. R. M. Richardson, enormous bounties may be secured, and the draft evaded. If citizens will assist in filling up this regiment, the draft may be materially lightened in this county.
Cavalry.--Capt. Geo. M. Ellicott, late of the 28th, is doing well in recruiting for the Cavalry Regiment in raising which he is engaged. His Company is now in camp at Syracuse, and numbers over forty members. Capt. E. may be found at his office in the Eagle Block.
It must be remembered that his is to be one of the Veteran Regiments, and that men who have already served, are paid a bounty of $552!
MUSTERING IN THE CAVALRY.—COL. Marshall, Mustering Officer, arrived here, this morning, and is engaged in mustering in the members of the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment, in camp at the Fair Grounds. Companies A and B, Capts. Auer and Shearer, were, mustered in, with full numbers, this forenoon. Three other partially filled companies are being mustered in.
THE FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—The prospect of an immediate draft is having a good effect on recruiting. Many prefer to enlist with $175 bounty than to wait and take the chance of being drafted with no bounty. The Fifteenth Cavalry is recruiting men at the rate of about forty per day at all of its stations.—Four companies encamped in this city at the Fair Grounds, number 170 men. They are ready to muster as soon as an officer can be found to do it. Other companies are expected to go into camp here soon.
Capt. John Whitlock is to be Major of the 15th N. Y. Cavalry, commanded by Col. Richardson, and rendezvousing at Syracuse, and is raising a battallion. Major Whitlock was one of the best Captains of the 32d Regiment, and we hope to see him raise his battallion promptly.
BALDWINSVILLE VOLUNTEERS.--The Baldwinsville Gazette says that Capt. J. Herron, already has thirty-two men in his company for the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment. Twelve enlisted under him and the remainder were "turned over" from another company which exceeded the required number of men.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—Col. Richardson has been authorized to pay the same bounties to volunteers in the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment as are paid to recruits for the old regiments. This places the Fifteenth on the same footing as the old regiments and will doubtless serve to speedily fill up the two companies now needed to complete the regiment.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.--All members of Capts. Hicks' and Herron's Companies of the Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry, not mustered in, are ordered to report at the Camp on the Fair Grounds, for muster, on Saturday the 26th, at 9 A. M.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—Col. Marshall, mustering officer, reached here this morning, and is engaged in mustering in Capt. Ellicott's (the fourth) company for the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment. The four companies mustered in will form the First Battalion. Colonel Richardson expects to organize the Second Battalion before the close of next week.—Three of the companies to compose it will be ready for muster the first of the week.
THE CAVALRY MUSTER.--On Saturday Col. Marshall mustered in three full companies of the Fifteenth cavalry regiment,—Co. A, Capt. Auer, Co. B, Capt. Shearer, and Co. C, Capt. Bigelow. There are several other companies nearly full. Col. Marshall will be here again on Thursday, to muster in the other members of the regiment at that time.
MUSTERED IN.--Three companies of the Second Battalion of the Fifteenth Cavalry were yesterday mustered in by Col. Marshall--Capts. Hathaway's, Colgrove's and Boyer's commands. Capt. Moschell's men are to be mustered in.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—Capt. Michael Auer, late Lieutenant of the old 12th, has hung but his recruiting flag in the rooms in the Syracuse House Block on Salina street, recently used as a barber shop. The cavalry service for which he is recruiting is the gay, dashy arm, and from present appearances, is to have an important part to act in finishing the war. He offers full Government and State bounties.
TO BE MUSTERED IN.-—Col. Marshall goes to Syracuse to-day to muster in the 15th cavalry regiment, lately raised in Onondaga county.
THE FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.--Col. Richardson, of the Fifteenth N. York Cavalry, went to Rochester yesterday to make arrangements with Col. Marshal, U. S. Mustering Officer, for his presence here on Saturday next, at which time it is believed several companies will be ready for muster. Enlistments are going on rapidly, and it is thought the regiment will be speedily filled up and ready to take the field.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—We learn with pleasure that Lieut. Joseph H. Wood, of the Fifth Regular cavalry, has been commissioned as Major of the First Battalion of the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment. He is a gallant officer and was severely wounded at Gettysburg.
CAVALRY RECRUITS.--On Saturday, thirty-three volunteers were reported as having been that day enlisted here by the officers recruiting for the Fifteenth cavalry.
KILLED AND WOUNDED.—John H. Gracey, of this town, has lately returned on furlough, having been wounded slightly at Olustee, Florida. His son, James H. Gracey, of the 15th N. Y. Cavalry, was shot dead on the 18th of May, in an attack on Fort Darling.
FIFTEENTH CAVALKY.—Col. Marshall, mustering officer, reached here this morning, and is engaged in mustering in Capt. Ellicott's (the fourth) company for the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment. The four companies mustered in will form the First Battalion. Colonel Richardson expects to organize the Second Battalion before the close of next week.—Three of the companies to compose it will be ready for muster the first of the week.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY—CASUALTIES.—In the fighting of Sigel's command near New Market, Va., the Fifteenth Cavalry from this city were engaged and suffered some losses, which are reported as follows:
Killed—Ephriam Seamen, James White.
Wounded--Lieutenant Duncan Campbell, Corp. John Wallace, Thos. Dulligan.
Missing--Corp. Edward Gaunndy, Corp. Wm. Greenman.
MUSTER.--The members of Capt. Auer's company of the 15th Cavalry, are ordered to appear at the barracks at Camp Munroe for muster at ten o'clock Thursday morning.
Fifteenth Cavalry.
SYRACUSE, FEB., 6TH, 1864.
All men on furlough of the 15th N. Y. Cavalry, are ordered to report to these Headquarters on Monday, Feb. 8th, 1864, at 2 o'clock P. M.
ANSON W. EVANS, Provost Marshal.
A SOLDIER SHOT AND KILLED BY ACCIDENT.—A few days ago a fatal accident occurred in the camp of the Fifteenth Cavalry regiment,--Camp Stoneman, near Washington,--the victim being Private John C. Clark, of Capt. Moschell's command, Co. H. He was engaged in cooking, when a stray shot from the gun of an infantry picket struck him in the side, and he survived but an hour. Deceased was a resident of the town of Onondaga, aged about thirty-five years, and leaves a wife and one child.
THE FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—A letter from Lieut. Col. Root, dated Washington, the 15th inst., states that the Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry regiment, which has been in camp of instruction at Camp Stoneman, near that city, was under orders to proceed to Harper's Ferry, on the next day, the 16th. The regiment was fully armed and equipped, and supplied with horses, and was ready for active service.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—The First Battallion of this regiment is in a camp of instruction near Washington. The Second Battallion is in camp on Staten Island.
The Fifteenth cavalry.--Unpleasant rumors were in circulation here on Sunday and Monday, to the effect that the Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry regiment, which has been with Hunter's expedition in its daring and successful movements, had suffered a reverse, that Col. Richardson, was a prisoner, &c. The following dispatch from Col. Richardson puts a quietus to these groundless reports:
Col. J. Dean ...., Western Virginia, July 4, 1864
The Fifteenth cavalry is all right with appetites keen as mustard.
RIOTOUS CONDUCT OF SOLDIERS.--A SMALL party of the Fifteenth Cavalry last evening visited the residence of Mrs. Sarah Coles, on Cortland avenue, known as "Fort Weed," for the purpose of hunting up straggling members of the regiment. They were refused admission, and told that none of their companions were there. They threatened vengeance for the refusal to admit them, upon which Mrs. Coles sent for the protection of the police, and the Chief and officer Smith went there. They were hardly in the house, when an attack was made upon the building by twenty or thirty of the soldiers; the officers warned them off, and fired their revolvers in the air, which served to disperse the assailants. An hour later, a large body of soldiers, said to number from one to two hundred, made an assault on the house with stones; this time the officers, who had also been largely reinforced, after giving fair warning, fired into the crowd, when the assailants speedily disappeared. It was loudly threatened that the house should come down, but no further demonstration was made during the night. "Fort Weed" is a disreputable institution.
The Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry—The Death of Lieut. W. B. Shearer—Tribute of his Fellow Officers.
AND CUMBEBLAND, MD., July 8th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
At a meeting of the officers of the Fifteenth Regiment New York Cavalry convened on the march between Parkersburg, W. Va., and Cumberland, Md., to take action in reference to the homicide of First Lieutenant William B. Shearer, B troop of the above Regiment,
Resolved, That in being called upon to chronicle the death of Lieutenant Shearer we feel that the service of the United States has lost a brave, gallant and efficient officer, and that too at a time when the country most demands the exercise of such qualities as bravery, gallantry and efficiency. That this regiment in losing the benefit of his services, has sustained a loss which is nearly or quite irreparable. That we have ever recognized in him the qualities of a good soldier having the best interests of the service and the country at heart, and that such an one should be lost to us at this time, by the hand of a cowardly assassin, we can but heartily deplore.
Resolved, That to the widow and relatives of the deceased we extend our heartfelt sympathy on this, the occasion of their sudden bereavement, and while we regret the act which has deprived them of a husband and valued friend, we can but comfort them with the assurance that Lieutenant Shearer died as every true soldier should wish to die, in the immediate and vigilant discharge of his duties.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the wife of the deceased, and the same be published in the Syracuse Daily Journal and the Onondaga Standard.
Col. 15th N. Y. Vol. Cav., President.
FREDERICK MANN, Adjt. 15th N. V. Cav., Recorder.
— EDITOR STANDARD:—An old soldier, one who has served two years in the army of the Potomac, wishes to give expression through the medium of your paper, to the confidence he has in the officers comprising the command of the 15th Cavalry, now being raised in this city. The impetus which is being given to enlistments, by the patriotic efforts of our citizens is worthy of all commendation, and I doubt not, will be borne in grateful remembrance, by the State and nation. We are now fighting against a stupendous and wicked rebellion, and it is the duty of every patriot, —every lover of his country,—who would preserve the, fairest and best government the sun ever shone on,—to use every effort to sustain that government. In no way can the people better show their devotion to their country, and at the same time secure to the soldier who may volunteer, the comforts and advantages of the most pleasant arm of the service, than by filling up the 16th Cavalry. The officers are true and tried men, and worthy of unbounded confidence. The writer of this note served two years under Col. Richardson, and as a proof of confidence, has again volunteered, without the promise of reward. As a cool and sagacious officer, a true and humane friend, he endeared himself to his old command, and built up a friendship which will endure to the end of time. As a shrewd and sagacious manager, he will secure every just right to his command, and I am confident will give universal satisfaction to those who may place themselves under his charge. Industrious and self-sacrificing to the comforts of the soldier, he will be ever found ready to counsel and direct. Let the cavalry be immediately filled up to its standard , and upon the word of an old soldier, none will regret having enrolled themselves under the control of the gallant Colonel, and his accomplished subordinates. B.
Capt. Moschell to Raise a Company for the 15th Cavalry.--Capt. John F. Moschell, late of the Third New York, (formerly VanAllen's Cavalry) has entered the field to raise a company for the 15th Regiment of Cavalry. Captain Moschell served twenty months in this arm of the service during the present war, in the States of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, and to all who desire to join the service we can recommend him as one of the best qualified officers in respect to experience, proficiency in drill, &c., now in the recruiting business. Capt. M. is well-known to the citizens of this county, having been elected twice as Supervisor of the town of Clay. During his last term he raised a cavalry company and left to serve his country on the tented field, where he remained until last Spring--leaving on account of failing health. His health being now fully restored, he proposes to again enter the service. He has associated with him E. T. Griffiths, a former member of the 3d Cavalry Regiment. His recruiting station is close by the Speaker's stand on Hanover Square.
An Appeal to the Patriotic.--It known to most of our citizens that the Fifteenth Regiment of N. Y. V. Cavalry, is recruiting in this city, under Col. Richard- son and Lieut. Col. Root of the old Twelfth. Among the number of soldiers already recruited, some are already sick and one at least is suffering from a broken leg. A room for a hospital has been secured in the Washington Block, Salina street, immediately over Rust & Son's Undertakers Rooms. There is instant and pressing need of hospital furniture and stores. Cots, matrasses, sheets, bedding, towels and such things are wanted. Will the benevolent patriotic ladies or gentlemen of this city interest themselves at once in this matter and send such things as they have, to the hospital? This object soliciting our sympathy and charity near not far off. Let us prove by our ready response that it is not "distance that lends enchantment," and stimulates our patriotism. The sick and suffering soldier is there in our midst, as well as in Pennsylvania, Virginia and other localities more re- mote.
The Fifteenth Cavalry.--No military organization now forming in this State is expressly fitted to recover the full benefit of the four hundred dollar bounty order except Fifteenth cavalry. The order requires that the veterans to receive the bounty shall enlist in old organizations already in the field, or in new organizations officered entirely by officers who have before been in service. The regimental officers the 15th and all the Captains thus far authorized to recruit for it, have served as officers during the present war and been honorably discharged. Eleven officers have thus far been authorized to raise companies. They are as follows:
Syracuse.—Capt. Auer, formerly of the old 12th; and Capt. Shearer of the 3rd Cavalry.
Baldwinsville.—Capt. Heron , 14th infantry.
Oswego.—Capt. Hutcheson, 24th infantry.
Cenandaigua.--Capt. Bigelow, 33d infantry.
Batavia.--Capt. Ellicott, 28th infantry.
Cortland.—Capt. Hathaway, 23d infantry.
Oneida.—Capt. Ware, 157th infantry.
Gouverneur.—Capt. Walling, 16th infantry.
Medina—Capt. Davis, 27th infantry.
Auburn.--Capt. Gilbert, 3d cavalry.
All the above have raised within two weeks over thirty men each. They expect to fill up the regiment in the course of a month.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—The members of Capt. Shearer's Company are notified to appear at the barracks on Friday morning next at nine o'clock, for muster.
The several recruiting officers in this city report forty-three recruits as the result of yesterday's work.
Two Companies have passed the maximum number,—Capt. Auer's, Co. A, and Capt. Shearer's, Co. B.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.—On Saturday, Col. Marshall mustered in Capt. Moschell's Company,--the eighth,--filling up the Second Battalion of the Fifteenth Cavalry. Eighty-two men were mustered in. The commissioned officers are,—Captain, John F. Moschell, of Clay; First Lieutenant, Joseph F. Herron, of Baldwinsville, and Second Lieutenant, Burritt N. Hurd, of Fayetteville.
Two companies of the Second Battalion will join the First Battalion at Staten Island on Wednesday. Forty-two men belonging to the First Battalion, left here to join their companies, on Saturday.
Lieut. Col. Root was here on Saturday, and reports the men on Staten Island, three hundred and fifty in number, in excellent health and doing well. He started on his return to Staten Island last night.
MILITARY. Co. "H," Fifteenth Cavalry.
ABOUT TWENTY MORE MEN WANTED to fill up this Company. Also a good Farrier, a Blacksmith and a Teamster wanted. The Company is already mustered in. First Lieutenant, B. N. Hurd, Second Lieutenant, E. GRIFFITHS.
Recruiting Officers.
DEPARTURE OF CAVALRY.-- The First Battalion of the Fifteenth Cavalry was expected to depart for Staten Island last night, but for several reasons did not go. The time of departure was this noon fixed at about three o'clock this afternoon, when a special train will follow the Steamboat Express to Albany. There has been a lively time for several days in collecting the men who compose the four companies of this Battalion. (Aug. 28, 1863)
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.--Lieut. Hicks is recruiting for Col. Richardson's Cavalry regiment at Canastota.
The first Company in this regiment reached the maximum number to-day. Captain Michael Auer, First Lieutenant Joseph La Beff and Second Lieutenant John H. Phillips, are the officers. They were last week mustered into the United States service, and their men are this week to be mustered in. Capt. St. Auer's is Company A of the new regiment.
MUSTERED OUT OF THE SERVICE. —Maj. Gen. Hunter has issued an "Imperative Order in relation to derilect officers of guards and outposts," dated his headquarters, near Cedar Creek, West Virginia, the 23d inst., the first paragraph of which reads as follows:
Capt. Michael Auer, Company A, Fifteenth New York Cavalry, having, on the morning of the 22d inst., allowed a reserve picket guard of about thirty men, under his command, to be disgracefully surprised and captured by a party of the enemy, consisting of mounted and dismounted men, the reserve picket guard not firing a shot, and the result being the loss on our side of eleven men, forty-five horses and some small arms captured Capt. Michael Auer, Company A, Fifteenth New York cavalry, is hereby dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States from this date, subject to the approval of his Excellency, the President, to whom this order will be immediately forwarded.
DEPARTURE OF CAVALRY.—Three more companies of the Fifteenth Cavalry, left last evening by special train, for the rendezvous at Staten Island, making nine companies in all that have been recruited here and sent on. The headquarters of the regiment are now at Staten Island, but some of the officers will remain here on recruiting service until the regiment is filled up.
Last evening, when the departing companies were marching from the camp ground to the depot, the residents along the route quite generally turned out to bid them farewell. These compliments were fully appreciated by the soldiers, who answered the kindly words of farewell with cheers.
The officers of the companies leaving last evening, are as follows:
Co. G.--Capt. Boyer, Lieut. H. S. Crumb, Lieut. Wm. Whitlock.
Co. H.--Capt. Moschell, Lieut. Herron, Lieut. Hurd.
Co.K.—Capt. J. S. Hicks, Lieut. Lester, Lieut. Kraft.
THIS REGIMENT IS PLACED on the same footing, as to bounties, as old regiments in the field.
New organizations only get $477 for new recruits.
Come and enlist where you get your full bounties.
The Fifteenth is now in Washington in camp of instruction, in good, warm and healthy quarters.
Only a few men wanted to fill the Regiment.
Bounties cease on the 5th instant. Don't lose your chance for bounties and then be drafted.
Office on Bridge street next door to Jacob Tobacco Store.
jn2 Recruiting Officer.
Extraordinary Inducements to Volunteer.
To the Patriotic Citizens of Syracuse:
We hold the sum of One Thousand Dollars, deposited with A. Wilkinson & Co., to be distributed among the first one hundred men who shall volunteer after this morning in the 15th N. Y. Cavalry, with L. T. Hathaway, Frederick Waters, W. D. Pearse, or John S. Hicks, recruiting officers, as follows:
To the person drawing the first prize $200
To the person drawing the 2d prize 150
To the person drawing the 3d prize 85
To the person drawing the 4th prize 50
To the person drawing the 5th prize 25
To the next 25 persons, each $10 250
To the next 25 each $5 125
To the next 25 each $3 75
To the next 25 each $2 50
Immediately after the one hundredth man has enlisted with the above officers, we will have a drawing, and the money will be forthwith paid to the men in accordance with the above scheme.
United States and State bounties will be the same as others.
The above named officers have recruiting offices on Hanover Square.
This sum was raised by the following subscriptions:
Hamilton White $100
H. K. White 100
D. McCarthy, Keene & Co. 100
Ellis, Wicks & Co. 100
Price & Wheeler 100
George Barnes 100
C. T. Longstreet 100
Allen Munroe 100
Burr Burton 100
Sedgwick, Andrews & Kennedy 100
R. M. Richardson,
DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZE FUNDS.—The drawing of the first Thousand Dollars, furnished by patriotic citizens, to be distributed among the first one hundred men enlisted in the 15th Cavalry regiment, subsequent to the 3d inst., will take place from the stand in Hanover Square at five o'clock this after noon. The following is the list of men who are to draw for the prizes in this fund:
John Ashfield
Silas Bradshaw
Joseph Brown
Maxwell Bonetry
J A Bagley
John J Balcomb
Fred Babst
Elihu C Burt
Henry Brown
Stephen Barrows
Henry Bower
Stephen Barrows
Mathias Chrysler
Sylvester Campbell
Pierce Caggy
Edward Doyle
Thomas Daily
Paul Delaire
William Dwyre
John Duffey
Roger Dwyre
Thomas W Durston
James Donihue
Peter Devine
John Delaney
Samuel Frisbee
Wm. Fazakerley
John Fitzgerald
Henry Fagen
Lewis Gineune
Wm McCoy
Dennis McCarthy
James M onahan
Jas McDormandy
Geo McIntyre
John McColey
John H Murray
Wm McCadden
Henry McCoy
George W Nash
Edward Osgood
Patrick O'Donald
Albert H Prescott
James Phillips
John H Putney
Oliver Robinson
George B Sloan
John Standen
James Smith
John Sharp
Charles Goodrich
George Gray
George Graham
John Greenfield
John Hennessy
Edgar Johnson
George Korwell
Charles Kenyon
Thos Kiesinger
Peter Kling
Michael Keeting
William Kam
Fred Keeho
James King
Joseph Kiff
Conrad Kiffer
Elijah Loomis
John Leach
John Livingston
James V Lounsbury
_____ Larkin
William C Martin
Allen Moulton
James Moor
Anthony Meher
John Manning
Joseph McLean
William M Ginley
Charles McCleuthen
John Murphy.
Thomas Smith
Homer H Storing
John Smith
Orlando Sykes
Patrick Stack
Theodore Snyder
Dennis Sweeney
N L Turner
Richard Tobin
William Taylor
John Tobin
James Tobin
Barnard Welch
Aaron Woodcock
Nelson B Wilcox
Lorenzo Wilkinson
David L Whitcomb
James Wellington
George Wilmot
Jacob Zimmerman
Presentation Correspondence.
W. D. Pearne, son of the Rev. W. H. Pearne, of this village, having recruited forty-five men for the Fifteenth New York Cavalry, has received a commission as First Lieutenant, and for the fourth time leaves home to serve his country. The regiment being suddenly ordered south, some of his friends have presented him with a sabre, as a token of their respect and confidence. The time being too short for the purchase and formal presentation here, as he had to go on and join his company immediately, the funds were raised, and the presentation made as follows:--
NEWBURGH, September 19, 1863.
LIEUTENANT W. D. PEARNE: It is with the greatest pleasure that we, your undersigned friends, present you with this small token of our esteem. Your father will purchase the sabre and present it to you in our behalf. Hoping that it will always be used in the defence of our rights and liberties.
We remain, yours truly,
J. W. Anderson,
J. H. Gardner,
F. Scott,
A. W. Caverly,
A. S. Mapes,
A. Brown, Charles Lyon, A. Hunter,
John K. Masters,
William Traphagen,
Frank Reid,
John Noe,
Charles Lawson,
Nathaniel Smith,
Samuel Johnson,
Frank Holmes,
William Lisle, Jr.,
Lute Lefever,
E. G. Fowler,
R. W. Haight,
N. Haight.
CAMP SPRAGUE, Sept. 23, 1863.
To Messrs. J. W. Anderson, J. K. Masters, J. H. Gardner, and others:
DEAR FRIENDS: The beautiful saber you kindly presented me, through my father, is received. Its reception awakens emotions which cannot be described. It brings up the pleasant associations of the years past, as we have been growing up together, and fitting ourselves for usefulness in life, in the various spheres of duty we had selected. It reminds me of hopes indulged and pleasures anticipated for the future, now for the present cut off by the demands of a bleeding country. It tells me there is a tie of friendship binding us together which shall never be broken. This polished blade shall not only be a remembrancer, bringing my young friends to mind, when far away among the scenes of strife and death which are before me, but it shall also be an emblem of that friendship, "true as steel," and lasting as life.
Be assured it shall never be disgraced so long as life and strength remain, or I can raise a hand in defence of my country; it shall never be sheathed, except in the hearts of traitors, until every foe shall be exterminated from our loved country.
Accept my heartfelt thanks for this beautiful token of your patriotic regards, and believe me, sincerely, Your friend,
Lieutenant Company F, Fifteenth N. Y. Cavalry.
A Soldier's Letter.
To the Editor of the Journal:
The following extract from a letter, written by one of the Fifteenth N. Y. V. Cavalry to his friends here, may be found interesting to some of your readers:
January 30th, 1864.
Last Sunday two squadrons of our regiment went on a scout to Snickersville, up the Loudon Valley. On our return we had a light skirmish with the enemy. Five of our men were taken prisoners, but a squad from the main column under command of Lieutenant Pearne, drove the rebels back recapturing two of the men taken by them.
Tuesday I was in command of the pickets. Wednesday left camp and came to this place without food or blankets and bivouacked for the night in a beautiful piece of woods on a dry hill. Thursday waited for orders, and while thus employed, or rather unemployed, went to see an old friend who is in the First N. Y. Cavalry.
That night, blankets and rations having come, we slept finely on the ground, with the bright stars looking down upon us. This morning went back to our old camp to bring up tents and baggage. Got tents up, and now, with a candle on the saddle of Lieutenant D—, I upon my own, leaning upon the side of the tent, I am writing to loved ones at home.
We are now in the valley of the Shenandoah, and will probably scout over the ground which I traversed with the Fourth N. Y. Cavalry.
I am tired and must go to bed, the first time for four nights under shelter. Fortunately, it has been very pleasant until just as we got our tents up, when it began to rain.
Letter from Lieutenant Pearne of the Fifteenth New York Cavalry.
We are permitted to publish the following extract from a letter written by Lieutenant Pearne to his parents, and received Monday the 7th inst. It shows that the Fifteenth are busy making their mark on Western Virginia, and with such officers in charge of so noble a body of men, they will leave a noble record for themselves:
March 1, 1864.
Saturday the 20th of February I was at Strasburgh and had a skirmish with the Rebs. Thursday the 18th I left Martinsburgh in command of fifty men, and joined a squadroon of the Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry. We went to Winchester and scouted through the mountains, reaching Strasburgh about 3 p. m. Saturday. We were ordered to wait there until 6 p. m., and if not joined then by Colonel Taylor, to return to camp.
Being with the picket on the Woodscock road I saw a force of infantry deploy into the woods on Fisher Hill, which is a short distance from Strasburgh. Shortly afterward a party of cavalry came out on the road and formed line by sections. I immediately formed my twenty men by sections, drew sabres and charged. The Rebs. being about the same strength broke and run, and we retired to our former post. In a few moments out came about forty more and formed across the road; thinking this time they would stand, we charged with sabers again, but when within about fifty yards they broke and ran.
I was then convinced that they wanted to draw us into ambush, and concluded not to go. Again they came out with increased force and advanced slowly along the road, in a solid column that extended entirely across it. Ordering the sabers drawn, I cautioned the men to loosen the covers to their holsters, and be ready to seize their revolvers at a moment's notice. Again we started, twenty men to charge sixty. But when within a few yards they broke and ran again, thinking, doubtless, that we being anxious to take some of them, and having apparently so sure a thing of it, would pursue too far and fall into their trap.
But such was not our intention; so, as soon as they broke I ordered pistols drawn—ready—aim--fire! and four traitors fell from their saddles, three wounded and one dead. It being then six o'clock, we left and traveled to Winchester, passing the night there, and reached camp about noon Sunday.
Thursday last, we were ordered here to join the regiment, and marched across the mountains, reaching this camp at about five p. m. Sunday. That evening I went with twenty men on a scout towards Petersburgh, and, it being dark, passed for a Reb with the people at Williamsport, gaining thereby some information. On ascending a hill some seventeen miles from camp, I saw a great many fires not a quarter of a mile from us, and halted. Then taking four men, went to reconnoitre. I got so close to the fires—which proved to be Rebel camp fires—as to hear some of the talk. It seems they had been informed that General Averill was here, and had come to meet him.
After learning all I cared to, we returned to the horses, and facing column about started for camp. We had proceeded but a short distance when we met two of the rebellious sons of Jeff. After taking their arms, we offered to escort them to Burlington, which offer they accepted because they could not do otherwise. I was extremely fortunate, for the camp we came upon was that of Ross' Brigade and Mc-Niel's rangers, and they had two parties, one of fifty and one of twenty-five men, scouring the country, while I had but twenty.
But I believe your prayers for me have been heard, and answered, and Providence has graciously kept me from harm, and enabled me, not only to almost enter their camp, but also to take two prisoners, and return safely to our quarters without injury to one of my men. But this service is very hard. I have not had a night's rest in two weeks, and am tired. Your affectionate son,
The Battle at Staunton, Va.—The Fifteenth Cavalry in the Reserve.
The following is a copy of a private letter to Hon. R. Woolworth, from his son-in-law, a member of the Fifteenth Cavalry, who is detailed upon Gen. Stahl's staff. He writes under date of
June 8, 1864.
We came along our route very comfortably and with but little opposition, until we reached Piedmont, about twelve miles north of this, on Sunday last, (5th inst.,) in the morning about seven o'clock. Met the enemy in full force, and they pitched in, expecting another New Market affair. Very soon the ball commenced with artillery, and very soon the whole army on both sides were hard at it; and continued so until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when the battle was ended by some of the rebels throwing down their arms and others running away, leaving their killed and a portion of their wounded on the field. Among the killed was the rebel Gen. W. E. Jones, a brother-in-law of Dr. Brown, at Saltville. I went to see him, and sure enough, it was him, with a rifle-ball through his head, entering at the corner of his right eye. He is a horrible looking sight. The battle-field I visited, and never wish to visit another, as it was the worst looking place I ever saw. The part occupied by the rebels was literally covered with the dead; officers and privates lying side by side, and not a bit of difference between them then—one as good as another. Their loss was immense, and their killed alone must have been certainly three or four hundred, and possibly more, and their wounded, no one knows how many, as they took with them all they could and left a large number on the field. Every house and barn between the battle-field and Staunton is a hospital.
Our troops entered this place and took possession of it without firing a gun. We captured in the fight about nine hundred rebels, and have them yet (many commissioned officers) in a large yard that they had just prepared (I have been told) with a high fence for the purpose of keeping us in, but we are not there yet. They are a curious looking set of beings, hardly two in the whole lot dressed alike, old and young mixed together, and all in all, they are a miscellaneous looking set.
This town is very finely situated in a valley, and a person can hardly see it until he gets to it, but the majority of the residences are of the first- class and are very tasty, and the grounds, which are large, are laid put with much taste.
The General Hospital of the Confederate States is located here and is a beautiful building, very large and spacious, and the grounds, they say, are magnificent; but I have not visited it, and probably shall not. The railroad and its buildings, bridges, and all the freight stored in them, have been burned by our folks, and all the Government stores here have been destroyed that could not be transported. The cars left here the night before we came, with a large train of supplies, but a very large amount was left behind and is destroyed. They have not been in regular running order for two or three weeks, but occasionally making a trip for stores. They run from here to Lynchburg and then to Richmond, but their direct route is from here to Gordonsville, and then direct by the Virginia Central Railroad, but they do not, I suppose, consider it safe just now.
During the engagement on Sunday, General Stahl was slightly wounded in the shoulder, but is improving rapidly, and soon, I hope, will be able to take his saddle again. You need not think, by any means, that in the fight our men all escaped; but our loss, I do not think, is near as large as the rebels, and in fact I know it is not, but as yet the result is not ascertained.
The 15th Cavalry was not engaged that day, being on duty as rear guard to the train, so they all escaped.
I write this on rebel paper so you can see it, but don't think that we have no other, as we have a plenty.
Yours, A. W. D
Letter From the 15th N. Y. Cavalry.
CHARLESTON, W. VA., July 3, '64.
You will be apprised by this time of our arrival here.
You never saw so hungry a crowd in your life, and you can hardly imagine how much we have had to endure on our march from Lynchburg here. All I had to eat one day was onions, all I had to eat another day was new potatoes the size of your thumb—and another day, I had nothing but clover flowers, and birch bark.
From the time we left Staunton, till we reached the foot of big Sewell Mountain on this side, we had only four day's rations of bread issued to the Regiment, and all we had to eat besides, we had to forage for from the country; flour, meal, corn, bacon, and any thing that man or beast would eat; and yet we were forbidden under severe penalties to enter houses on the way.
At the foot of big Sewell we met the advance rations going up the Kanhawa valley to our relief, and then, what a shout went up from a thousand hungry souls! The rain poured in torrents, but no one minded that; the hard tack was grabbed at eagerly and devoured with wonderful rapidity. It was a sight never to be forgotten to witness a field full of men, lay down on the wet grass, munching their hard bread. Officers and men, without distinction, yielded to the dictates of hunger.
Then followed sleep, drowsy sleep, with full stomach and a wet skin. No fears of cold or stiff joints--nature was satisfied, and nature would take care of her own. OI don't know how to describe ourselves better than I have, unless I say that Fallstaff, with his motly command, could not compare in raggedness and variety of dress, with the cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland. One had a Union jacket out at the elbows, and secesh pair of pants, off at the knees. One had a straw hat, one a plug hat, one a beaver hat, one a cap blue, one a cap gray, one no covering at all, for his head. One a mismatched pair of boots, one a boot and a shoe, and one nothing for his feet, and so on. I had a straw hat, my jacket, corduroy vest, blue summer pants (borrowed) and my big boots with the leg of the left one gone, and single flannel shirt, that I had worn forty-one days, without change or interruption, I was a picture.
We have had lots of fun, lots of raids, great and small, lots of skirmishing, bushwhacking and fighting, lots of hard work, traveling sometimes all day and night; once I was 26 hours in the saddle. Our experience has been large, and I would not give it, for the best farm in Onondaga.
I have not time to give you a detail of our trip, but will endeavor to do so when we reach Martinsburg.
Suffice it to say now, the casualties in the regiment have not been large, although we have done our whole duty, and no regiment in the service stands better with Gen. Hunter, or Gen. Duffie. Every brigade commander has tried to get us in his command, and as an evidence of our good standing we are assigned to proceed to-morrow, as an escort to the Artillery to Parkersburg. All the blacksmith shops were given to us to-day for our horses. No one else could get a horse shod. We go to-morrow in an independent command. We shall probably be five days in reaching Parkersburg.
Newburgh, N. Y.
FIFTEENTH CAVALRY.--We this morning met Lieutenant Fuller, of Company M, in which are quite a number of Newburgh boys, including Lieutenant Charley Lyon. The company is now at Charleston, Va., and doing Provost duty. They were in the fight at Lynchburgh, where Lieutenant Fuller was the only one of the company known to be wounded, though two or three men were missing. The regiment have seen a great deal of hard service, and at one time the number of mounted men in Company M was only seventeen. They have, however, since been in part remounted.
Obituary. (15th Cavalry)
NEWBURGH, August 6, 1864.
To the Editor of the Journal:
SIR: In looking over the columns of yesterday's Journal I noticed a communication from Lieutenant Lyon announcing the death of Sergeant Celle, of Company M. Allow me to say that it was with the deepest regret I learned of the death of one so young and promising. His relatives and friends, whoever they may be, have every reason to feel honored by his conduct as a soldier. Being a member of the same company to which I am attached, I have had ample opportunities to judge of his courage and ability, and it is evident to me that had his life been spared for any considerable length of time he would have won for himself a name and position of which any young man might well feel proud. But Fate otherwise decreed, and his young life was cut short upon the battle field. Killed means but little to those who have lost no friends in this desolating war. But it is a terrible word when it comes home to the heart. At its sound the world grows strangely dark; clouds gather upon the horizon of life, and soon the tempest of sorrow sweeps over the soul, desolating for a time everything that is bright and beautiful along its path. But those who lose friends in this war have a consolation in the knowledge that they have not died in vain; that the cause for which they have laid down their lives is a just one, and one that will be maintained as long as there is patriotism, courage, or honor left in the land. And those who voluntarily seal their devotion to their country with their blood their names will be handed down to posterity as martyrs fallen in defence of the great cause of humanity. But their blood will rest with fearful weight upon the guilty heads of those who fed and fanned to a flame the cruel war that is now desolating our firesides, and drawing down to the dusky arms of death the young, the brave and the beautiful of our land. Lieutenant E. FULLER.
List of Casualties in the Field and Deaths by Disease—The Creed of the Soldiers.
CUMBERLAND, MD., Sept. 17, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Subjoined you will find a list of the casualties and mortality in Co. F, 15th N. Y. Cavalry. As many of the readers of your journal are personally interested in members of that company, I wish you would have the kindness to publish it:
Sergeant John F. Putney, at Waynesboro, Va., June 12, 1864.
Bugler Burton L. Reynolds, at home on furlough, time and disease unknown.
Private Frank Dolson, at Cumberland, Md., May 15, 1864, of typhoid fever.
Private Henry Bloom, at Cumberland, Md., May 15, 1864, of typhoid fever.
Henry McCoy, at home on furlough, time and disease unknown.
Private Francis T. Hovey, New Town, Va., May 26, 1864, severely in hand.
Private Charles Fahrenwald, New Loudon, Va., June 18, 1864, slightly in arm.
Sergeant Edgar F. Johnson, New London, Va., June 18, 1864, slightly in arm.
Private William Taylor, Ashby's Gap, Va., July 24, 1864, severely in thigh.
Private Nelson B. Wilcox, since May 13, 1864, skirmish near Front Royal, Va.
Private Ephraim Seaman, since May 13, 1864, skirmish near Front Royal, Va.
Private George Rowe, since May 12, 1864, skirmish near Moorfield, Va. Private Robert Pittock, since May, 12, 1864, skirmish near Moorfield, Va.
Corporal Thomas Turner, since May 26, 1864, skirmish at New Town, Va.
Farrier John St. Germain, since May 16, 1864, skirmish at New Town, Va.
Private James Tobin, since July 2, 1864, skirmish near Bunker Hill, Va.
Private Jeremiah Bageley, since July 2, 1864, skirmish near Bunker Hill Va.
Private George E. Russell, since June 18, 1864, skirmish at New Loudon, Va.
Private Theodore Snyder, since June 18, 1864, skirmish at New London, Va.
Private Jasper Parker, since June 19, 1864, skirmish at Lynchburg, Va.
RECAPITULATION.—Killed, 1; died of disease, 4; wounded, 5; missing in action. 11; total loss, 21.
The general health of the company is good, and the men are, notwithstanding the fatigues of Hunter's raid and the subsequent campaign in Maryland and Virginia, ready for another demonstration of their belief that armed traitors need to be coerced before they can be argued into peace. Hoping and believing the end surely coming, I remain truly yours, for Lincoln, Johnson, and a stern prosecution of the war,
Capt. Co. F, 15th N. Y. Cav.
Letter from the 15th N. Y. Cavalry.
Oct. 18, 1864.
EDITOR STANDARD:—So long a time has elapsed since I laid hold of the quill to pen you a few lines, that I almost forget how to commence.
Such a long catalogue of incidents, (many of which would be interesting to your readers,) have occurred in our regiment since my last, it would be impossible, from want of time and space, to detail. I will state, however, one, which must interest every citizen of Syracuse, as well as a soldier; and that is the case of a brave officer who is now in the hands of the enemies of his country. I mean Captain Auer, who, as you are aware, was captured at Front Royal on the 22d of May. Your readers were given to understand that he was dishonorably dismissed the service of the United States for neglect of duty. Such was the ease, under a very hasty review of the circumstance. But upon a more close investigation it was found that Capt. Auer had turned over the command to Major Rosell, who on seeing the consequences likely to result to the Captain, came forward and assumed the responsibility, as was his duty as an officer and gentleman. That put a very different face on the matter, and left room for an application to rescind the order, and reinstate Capt. Auer. Every available step was immediately taken by Col. R. M. Richardson, and is being pushed with vigor, to a successful termination; and as soon as an exchange of officers takes place, he will return, not the branded dismissed criminal, but the honored, brave and gallant commander of Co. A, 15th N. Y. Cavalry.
Our present camp is a very pleasant one, as regards locale. We are on a side hill in sight of Cumberland and in full view of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and a branch road leading to Clarysville, down whose heavy grade roll vast trains of iron cars laden with coal, from the mines near Frostburgh, some ten miles distant from here. The Clarysville U. S. Government Hospital, with its immense wooden wards, is well worth a visit; here may be seen some two thousand sick and wounded soldiers in clean and comfortable quarters, and every attendance that medical skill can devise. Most of its present inmates are a part and panel of the Summer Campaign, under General Hunter through the Shenandoah and Kanwah Valleys. This regiment formed a part of the cavalry force, and earned many high compliments for its bravery before the enemy. It adds another to the list of regiments of which Onondaga county may well feel proud.
Since coming here we are collecting our scattered forces, and the regiment once more assumes its wonted appearance. The general health is good, and but one thing drags heavily with us, and that is the non-appearance of the Paymaster. We have due nearly nine months' pay, to say nothing of bounty, and we are all ready to sign a receipt in full when Uncle Sam sends on the greenbacks. Many families are, no doubt, suffering by the overlong delay, which makes men having such, feel very uneasy indeed. We have had quite an addition to our regiment for the past two weeks. A chaplain, Rev. Mr. Fillmore, of Syracuse, who is said, by those well acquainted with him, to possess all the requisite qualifications of a good chaplain for the army—a rare thing indeed. He bears every semblance to his reported abilities, and is destined to become very popular with his flock, some of whom, I fancy the reverend gentleman will discover, are not lambs, as the following rather amusing incident will show: Having been in Cumberland a few days ago, he discovered a "disciple of Vulcan" of this regiment, in rather an elevated condition; and, nothing fearing, the reverend gentleman approached, and after sundry remarks persuaded the "knight of the hammer and anvil" to mount his horse and return to camp, Mr. F. assisting him. Having horsed his man, he proceeded to mount his own horse; and on getting ready to start, discovered that smithy had dismounted; and before Mr. F. could remonstrate, his customer, (holding his horse by the bridle,) led him up to Mr. F. and coolly asked him to "hold his horse—'hic'—till he got another--'hic'—glass." SPUR.
Letter From the 15th N. Y. Cavalry.
Editor Standard—Since my last to you, we, have changed the comfortable quarters of camp near Cumberland, and are once more on the move. We had right snug quarters for winter, but by some chance, whether mistake or design of our brigade commander, our regiment was ordered to report to Gen. Sheridan, in the Valley. We struck camp and reached Martinsburg on the 18th of November. We were not armed or equipped for the field, and so were ordered to this place to fit out, which has been promptly done, and next Sunday "per order," will see us on the march for the front, where the gallant Sheridan is making such havoc among the Southern chivalry, and where we hope to gain a place among the noted of Onondaga's sons.
We left Martinsburg on Thanksgiving morning, thinking of all those nice turkies, pickles, and fixings, that the kind ladies of Onondaga had collected for the soldiers, wondering if our masticators would ever reach even a "drum stick," but feeling satisfied, nevertheless, that if ours did not, some that stood more in need would, and we can join with them in a hearty "God bless you, ladies," and may heaven smile on your noble efforts to comfort the war-worn and bleeding soldiers.
I mentioned to you that, efforts were being made to reinstate Capt. Michael Auer. It has so far succeeded that a Major's commission awaits his return. A well merited compliment to a brave officer.
There have been several promotions to Lieutenatcy here lately. Among the number is Sergeant now Lieutenant William Stanton, of Syracuse, a member of the old twelfth. He was also the recipiant of a splendid sabre, sash and belt, a pair of silver spurs, and a handsome gold watch, as a slight token of regard, from his comrades in his company. Comment is unnecessary; worth like murder, will out. E. F. Johnson, of Syracuse, is another Lieutenant, sprung from the ranks; "by perseverance we thrive."
Our railroad communications are now open to Gen. Sheridan's front. Occasionally the prowling guerrillas pay a flying visit to some unguarded spot, and destroy enough to interrupt travel for a few hours, but their satisfaction is short loved, and calls forth a terrible vengeance. Already have measures been taken to rid the Loudon Valley of Mosby, Mobly & Co., and the torch and rifle are playing each a part, so that the smoudlering ruins of many a harborer of Mosby, is now all that remains to be seen, where once stood the well stored barns and stately houses of the ill-starred secessionist.
The blood of many a murdered patriot calls loud to heaven for vengeance on a gang of human Hyenas, who would not dare face our boys in honorable fight, but prowl like the sneaking assassin to strike in the dark.
I regret to state that we lost from the regiment one of its promising young officers, Brevet-Lieutenant Lorenzo W. Hatch, who was severely wounded at Ashby's Gap in July last.—He went home on a short furlough, and returned to fall mortally wounded at Green Spring Run, Virginia, Nov. 1st. The memory of his bravery will ever be cherished by his comrades-in-arms, while all would do well to emulate his many virtues.
Your paper, from some cause, does not reach me, only occasionally. I suspect they reach the regiment, and I would feel much obliged if they would be given to me, even second handed.
Yours, in haste, SPUR.
Present Situation and Condition—Future Movements—A Cold Snap.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
Camp Russell, Va., Dec. 19, '64.
As some of your readers may wish to know the whereabouts of the Fifteenth, I improve the opportunity of again dropping you a line to that end. We are now about four miles from Winchester, up the Valley, where most of Gen. Sheridan's army lies. The Fifteenth is one of six regiments in the Second Brigade, under Brig.-Gen. Chapman. We are in the Third Division, (Gen. Custer's.) There are three Cavalry Divisions here—"Merritt's" "Powell's," and " Custer's," with Gen. Torbett, Chief of Cavalry.
On arriving here from Remount Camp, Pleasant Valley, Maryland, the regiment was reviewed by Gen. Chapman, who, we learn, was much pleased with our appearance. We number about one thousand, present and absent,—eight hundred being present for duty. At this time our duty is mostly picket, occupying about two hundred men at a time, through the brigade.
It is not supposed that we will remain here any great length of time, but probably shall move further to the rear before long, as it is difficult hauling the amount of forage we require.
The weather for the last week has been very severe. On the 10th snow fell to the depth of eight inches. Our houses consist of little shelter tents, and the cold searching wind made many a man wish he was in better quarters. Ice formed to the thickness of four inches; but as the sun again greets us with his genial rays, we all feel braver and more determined for the work that is before us.
The "cold snap" between the 10th and 13th insts., froze hundreds of horses to death.
The enemy gives us a wide berth, but once in a while we pick up a stray "Johnny."
Yours, CO. H.
Letter from the 15th Cavalry.
NEAR WINCHESTER, VA., Dec. 24, 1864.
Ed. Standard:—As I informed you on a previous occasion, we were to march from Pleasant Valley on Sunday; and we did so, arriving at the headquarters of brevet Maj.-Gen. Custer, near Kearnstown, Va., without anything of note transpiring. We were soon shown into quarters by that veteran, where we remained until last Monday.
It was three o'clock A. M., when the bugle sounded reveille, and with the usual preparations, everything was in motion connected with the Third cavalry division, and long before day light the column moved off, amidst a dense fog, and cold misty rain, the roads were muddy in the extreme, but nothing to impede our progress, we arrived at Woodstock early in the evening, and with the help of board and rail fences, were soon snugly quartered for the night, the usual precaution of strong picketing was of course, necessary as we were advancing upon the enemy.
We pursued our course early on the following morning, which was clear and cold, our march was rappid and as we met no opposition thus far, we passed New Market some eight miles, and encamped for the night. About twelve o'clock, it commenced snowing and continued to do so until morning. At early dawn our pickets were fired on, and soon the whole force was under arms. It was yet dark and the Johnies were mostly dressed in our uniforms, which caused some mistakes of rather an unpleasant character. The ruse however was soon discovered, and a sharp hand, to hand, ensued, which lasted but a short time, as our lads were in good fighting trim, and made short work of it, killing, wounding and capturing a "right smart lot of rebs," when the balance "skedaddled" leaving pursuit almost impossible, owing to the dense fog. It was not however the intention of our General to bring on a general engagement, but merely to divert attention from other divisions of flanking cavalry. Several instances of personal bravery are mentioned, where the sabre did some sharp work, one of which I understand was by Colonel Richardson, who had joined the regiment the day previous to marching, looking hale and hearty. He is said to have split a "reb" to the saddle with one blow of his heavy sabre. Lt. Col. Root, had a narrow escape, from instant death, and it certainly was not his "bodily" proportions that saved him, for he carries a large calibre in a fight which your correspondent "knows" from many a hard fought field since 1861. It would be superfluous to mention all the cases, and so I will give you the casualties, in the 15th.
Killed—Orrin G. Dusenberry, Co. G.
Wounded—Lieut. Col. Root, pistol shot in head; Lieut. Wm. Stanton, ball in left elbow; Regimental Q. M. S., Thos. W. Durston, scull cracked; Anthony Finck, Co. G, sabre cut in head; Elias Fox, Co. G, sabre cut in head; J. M. Canfield, Co. G, sabre cut in head; Wm. H. Carney, Co. G, sabre cut in head; Wm. Brill, Co. H, sabre cut in head; Micheal Hyde, Co. H, sabre cut in head; Delos Huntley, Co. H, sabre cut in head; Corporel G. L. Lacey, Co. I, wounded and missing; Corp. Wm. Burt, Co. I, sabre cut in head; Corp. Hezekiah Delmatre, Co. M, sabre cut in head; Noyes F. Crandle, Co. M, sabre cut in head.
Missing—James Brookmyre, Co. G, James Wallace, Co. G, Bugler, Chas. H. Squires, Co. H, Corp. N. Burton, Co. I, Corp. Francis R. M.
Grame, Co. I, Dewit Clayton, Co. I, James W. Hue, Co. I, Williard Lounsbury, Co. I.
Gathering our prisoners together, we took up our line of march towards Winchester, it being two days travel and rations and forage scarce, we moved along pretty lively, the first day was very pleasant travelling. But the second would compare favorably with some of your coldest days north, in fact it was intensely cold. So much so that not withstanding the troops walked, from one half, to two thirds of the time, hundreds had their feet and other portions of their bodies severely frost-bitten, it was, to say the least a genuine specimen of winter campaining. Christmas was in prospective and our lads soon forget their troubles, which were greatly lessoned by the appearance, "as natural as ever," of Capt. "Sid" Ketchum, Post Commissary, and his worthy clerk "Dave" King, who with liberal hand supplied all orders on their stores, and many toasts were offered in praise of Old Salt Point, and the rest of mankind generally. Hoping that the Standard boys, or "any other man," may have a happy New Year.
I am, in haste, SPUR.
Letter from the 15th N. Y. Cavalry.
NEAR WINCHESTER, Va., Jan. 30, '65.
ED. STANDARD:—On the bleak cold plains of Winchester, every foot of which has, again and again, been fought over by our armies of the Valley, and every stone wall of which has served for a breastwork, either for the Union or the Rebel soldier, and where hundreds of graves are strewn promiscuously, some of which are marked, others leveled with the surrounding earth, losing all identity of the final resting place of those who left their far off homes, to join the fortunes of war. Such is the ground now occupied by our forces here, for winter quarters.—We have been fortunate enough to secure a thrifty piece of white oak and black walnut woods in which we have erected comfortable winter quarters, for men and horses. The monotony of camp life being broken by occasional reconnoisances, which generally result in the capture of a squad, more or less, of the enemy, many being willing captives, as from day to day they deliver themselves up to our pickets, or patrols. On Friday of this week, one Lieut. and ten men gave themselves up, and were sent forward to take the oath, being in a manner half starved, and completely disgusted with their former occupation. Often as the account of the wretched condition of the people of this Valley has appeared before the public, yet they are not half informed on the subject, nor can a northern citizen, unless an eye-witness, form the most remote idea of the utter state of destitution to which families here are reduced, from ease and affluence, to absolute starvation, and to add still more to the miseries of their situation, the rigors of an uncommon cold winter are now upon them. You who in your comfortable warm homes, away from all that sickens the soul of war, learn to look with sympathy, instead of anger, on the erring ones, as well as those whom circumstances, and not self-will has placed them in this dreadful situation. The various successes of our armies and navy, are telling wonderfully on the once confident and boastful citizens of every town in this Valley, and has so far changed their views, that they are, ready and willing to accept peace at almost any sacrifice of property and prejudice, anything that will let "a vista but gleam through the gloom of their country." Thrice welcome would be the old flag in their midst did their tyranical leaders but lay down their arms, and acknowledge the supremacy of the government.
In connection with the regiment the death of Lieut. Ralph D. Short, leaves another vacancy, which, it will not be easy to fill, with one who will be more endeared to his fellow officers for his many soldierly qualities. Another and still greater change has unexpectedly taken place, namely: the resignation of Col. R. M. Richardson. Few, if any, had the least idea that one who had spent so much time and labor in the organization of the regiment, would thus unceremoniously abandon its command for the gratification of an immaginary slight, to say nothing of any other motives, thus throwing open the door for speculative enterprise to cope with the hitherto undisputed title of the next ranking officer.
Without entering upon the merits or demerits of the succeeding Colonel, "who we understand is a gentleman every way fitting to fill honorable position," or attributing him any complicity in the affair it is but just to remark that had proper steps been taken with regard to the resignation Richardson, regiment could have secured an adequate commander within its own organization. But let the consequence be what it may, we hope the Fifteeth New York Cavalry may bring to Syracuse at expiration its term, as bright a name as any its predecessors.
Many of our men are now in Syracuse and vicinity, orders have been issued from headquarters to grant the usual furlough for winter. Many rumors are afloat regarding programme future operations, but what is to come is not for soldiers to know, only do as you are ordered, which must ever be the motto for,
Yours in haste, SPUR.
Near Alexandria, Va., June 2, 1865.
Editor Standard:
Foremost in the exciting topics of the day comes the all prevailing question, are we to be mustered out of the service? or are we to remain for the period of our enlistment? This is a question which never, for a moment, was thought of until the surrender of the armed forces of the confederacy. Now, however, it comes with full force, more especially to men who enlisted to fight to put down the hellish organization to destroy our glorious Republic. Among the men composing the 15th New York
Cavalry are those who have served the full term of two years in various infantry regiments, received an honorable discharge, and re-enlisted to take up arms again in the cause of Liberty. The view taken by such is this: The war is over; we have stood by our allegiance through good and evil; we have fought the battles of our country, and we have triumphed over the insolent foe; no longer are our keen blades needed, no longer is there any necessity for the quick glance over the glittering barrel of the unerring rifle; we are conquerors, and now as eagerly wish to be restored to the bosoms of our families, to train the uprising generation in a way that, should their services ever be needed by their country, they would as willingly and effectually respond as those who are now about to resign their arms.
There are a certain portion of the officers attached to this regiment who are anxious to retain in the service, under the pretext that it is the wish of the rank and file to remain. It is difficult to impute motives of self interest to any one, yet it is very difficult, to say the least, to view the matter in any other light. The citizens of Onondaga, too, may rest assured that the brave soldiers whom she sent forth, in the hour of our country's peril, are now impatient to return to the peaceful pursuits of citizens.—Already has a very elaborate statement fully signed by the soldiers, been forwarded to his Excellency, Governor Fenton, repudiating all prior statements that the regiment was anxious to be retained. The fact is that not one of all the men I see around me but what can earn an honest livelihood at home, consequently they wish to be there. If others are anxious to remain, why, if Uncle Sam can find use for them, so mote it be.
By far the largest portion of the officers who have seen service are anxious to go home, and I hope that there are influential men sufficient in Onondaga to procure a speedy return of men for whose services there does not appear the slightest use in the field.
I would not have you understand that there is any undue haste in the wish of the regiment to be discharged. We are now as ever willing to obey orders, and should necessity require it are just as willing to fight as ever, but thank heaven, that is beyond a probability, and we do hope, and in hoping, I express the sincere desire of a large portion of the officers, and, I venture to say, every man in the regiment, that notwithstanding counter influence to the contrary, we shall have the great satisfaction of celebrating our National Holiday at home.