90th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Casualties in the 90th Regiment (Col. Morgan's.)
We have received the official report of the casualties in the 90th Regiment in the assault at Port Hudson, on June 10th, which we publish for the benefit of those who have relatives and friends in the regiment:
Private Levi Crampton, Co. A.
Private Frank Opelet, Co. A.
Private Michael McNamara, Co. B.
Private Thomas Heffron, Co. F.
Private Simeon Koets, Co. D.
WOUNDED—CO. A. First Sergeant D. Shea, in left side of neck, has since died.
Corporal Jno. Daly, slightly. 
Private Gaylord B. Evans, third toe, left foot, amputated.
Private George Condron, shell wound, left side.
Private Patrick Coffee, flesh wound through right arm, penetrating chest.
Private Allen C. Bennett, conical ball grazed right scalp.
Private Wm. Davy, flesh wound, left shoulder.
Private Christopher Mooney, slighly.
Lieutenant Chas. N. Smith, slight wound in the spine.
First Sergeant Jas. McConvery, right arm amputated.
Private Jas. Quinlan. Conical ball in left shoulder.
Private Thomas Anderson, fracture of Pelvis, by rifle ball.
Private Albert Barnes, flesh wound in right breast
Private William Harrington, right leg amputated above knee.
Corporal William Palin, slight wound in left ear and neck.
Corporal William Broker, slight wound in foot.
Private William Armanda, scalp wound by conical ball.
Private Edward Burrows, shot through back.
Private Michael Cassidy, left leg amputated above knee—has since died.
Private John Conklin, gun-shot wound in right hand.
Private Kerin Claffey, very slight wound in the back.
Private Wm. Doyle, scalp—ball extracted.
Private Jno. McWilliams, slightly.
Private Valentine Reilly, wound of right shoulder.
Corporal Charles Lawrence, left leg and arm amputated.
Private Jos. Cannon, left breast.
Corporal George Hartenstein, left breast.
Corporal George Remsen, flesh wound of right thigh.
Corporal Jos, Bush, right leg amputated above knee, has since died.
Private John Gallagher, third finger of left hand amputated.
Private Richard Johnson, flesh wound left thigh.
Private William H. Morrison, foot and ankle amputated.
Private Ralf Van Houghten, flesh wound left thigh.
Private William Weir, fracture of head.
Sergeant George W. Bush, right fore arm amputated.
Sergeant John Jacobs, Minnie bail left knee joint, amputated, has since died.
Corporal Josiah H. Banker, slight flesh wound in back.
Private William Young, wounded in the hand, two fingers amputated.
Private Alanson K. Conklin, shot through body, since died.
Private Isaac Burnett, finger amputated.
Private John Byrne, flesh wound left leg.
Private Nicholas Heeney, shot through the body, has since died.
Private John Le Buff, ball in left lumbar region, has since died.
Private Joel Nichols, right arm amputated.
Private Richard White, wounded.
Respectfully, your ob't servant,
Commanding 90th Regt., N. T. Vols.
CONRAD D. LUDEKE, Lieut., Act'g Adj't.

CRAMPTON.—Killed instantly, at Port Hudson, June 14th, in the attack on the rebel entrenchments, Levi W. Crampton, brother of Dr. H. E. Crampton, formerly of this village, aged 21 years and seven months. He was a member of Company A., 90th Reg. N. Y. S. V., and was a most estimable young man.

The companies attached to this splendid corps have gone into camp at Fort Hill, Staten Island, one of the healthiest and most picturesque localities on the island. The city head-quarters of the regiment are at No. 84 Nassau street, where additional recruits are daily enlisting. Several companies left yesterday for the camp. Colonel Le Gal, late of the Fifty-fifth Regiment, is in command of this regiment. His reputation as a thorough officer and experienced soldier is well known. Its lieutenant-colonelcy is still vacant, being reserved for a regular officer of the army. Most of the staff and line officers have been associated with regiments who have returned on account of the expiration of their term of enlistment. One of the captains is Captain De La Patourelle, of the Chasseurs de Vincennes and Chevalier of the Legion of Honor; and another is Fitz James O'Brien, the well-known litterateur and near connection of Wm. Smith O'Brien, the celebrated Irish patriot. Departure of the Ninetieth New York Volunteer Regiment.
The Ninetieth New York volunteer regiment, Colonel Morgan—a consolidated organization, formed principally from the McClellan Rifles, Infantry and Chasseurs, left its encampment at East New York yesterday. At the Brooklyn City Hall it was presented with a handsome flag; and after coming to this city and marching through Fulton street, Broadway and Canal street, embarked for Governor's Island, whence it will probably be transferred to Fort Pickens. It is a fine regiment and its appearance in our streets elicited very general applause. The number of men is nearly nine hundred, all well uniformed, equipped and armed. (Post, Dec. 19, 1861)

— The 90th Regiment, New-York Volunteers, Capt. F. J. Steers commanding, arrived in this city last Saturday evening from the Shenandoah Valley. Three years ago the 90th left Brooklyn eleven hundred strong. It was sent to Key West, where it performed garrison duty for some time. Three hundred members of the regiment died while there from yellow and typhoid fevers. From Key West the regiment was ordered to Port Hudson, arriving in time to participate in that siege. After the capture of that city, the regiment was sent to the Shenandoah, where it has since been stationed. On Saturday the regiment will be mustered out of the United States service at No. 23 St. Mark's place, by Capt. Ellis. It numbers 55 men and the following officers: Capt. F. J. Steers, commanding; Quarter-Master, William H. Ireland; Chaplain, J. G. Bass; First Lieut., J. Hagen; Second Lieut., Phillip Lumbreyer; Third Lieut. P. M. Lediard.

The Ninetieth regiment returned yesterday from Maryland, on a brief furlough of thirty days. They were organized in Brooklyn three years since by Colonel Joseph Morgan and started for Key West, where they were stationed for a long time. They were afterwards sent to Louisiana, where they participated in the siege and capture of Port Hudson and also in several battles in the Apache country. Recently they were transferred to Maryland and fought at the battle of Monocacy. Although preparations had been made to receive them, the delay in arriving prevented the Thirteenth regiment, detailed for that purpose, from turning out. They will be welcomed to-day. The regiment numbers about two hundred men and is under the command of Colonel Nelson Shaurman. They marched to the arsenal in Portland avenue, Brooklyn, and after stacking their arms were dismissed. The men look as if they had seen hard service.

List of Killed and Wounded in the 90th N. Y. V. on the 10th and 14th June before Port Hudson.
Private Levi Crampton, Co. A.
Private Frank Opett, Co. A.
Private Michael McNamara, Co, B.
Private Simon Koets, Co. D.
Private Thomas Heffron, Co. F.
First Sergeant D. Shea, in left side neck.
Corporal John Daly, flesh wound, left shoulder.
Private G. P. Evans, third toe left, foot amputated.
Private Geo. Condron, shell wound left side.
Private Pat Coffee, right arm and chest.
Private A. C. Bennett, conical ball, right scalp.
Private Wm. Davey, flesh wound, left shoulder.
Private Christ. Mooney, slightly in back.
Lieutenant Chas. N. Smith, (commanding) slight wound in spine.
First Sergeant Jas. McConvery, right arm amputated.
Private Jas. Quinlan. conical ball, right shoulder.
Private Thos. Anderson, fracture of Pelvis, rifle ball.
Private Alber Barnes, flesh wound, right breast.
Private Wm. Harringon, right leg amputated above knee.
Corporal Wm. Palm, slight wound left ear and neck.
Corporal Wm. Broker, slight wound in foot.
Private Wm. Armanda, scalp wound by conical ball.
Private Edwin Burrows, shot through back.
Private Michael Cassidy, left leg amputated above knee.
Private John Conklin. gun shot wound in right hand.
Private Kerin Claffy, slightly in back.
Private Wm. Doyle, scalp wound.
Private Valentine Riley, severe, right shoulder.
Private John McWilliams, slightly.
Corporal Charles Lawrence, left leg and arm amputated; private Jos. E. Cannon, left breast and lung.
Corporal Hartenstein, left thigh, flesh wound; Corporal George Remsen, right thigh, flesh wound; corporal Jos. Bush, right leg amputated above the knee; private John Gallagher, three fingers left hand amputated; private Richard Johnson, left thigh, flesh wound; private W. H. Morrison, right foot and ankle amputated; private Rulif Van Honten, flesh wound, left thigh; private William Wier, fracture head ulner.
Sergeant G. W. Bush, right fore arm, amputated; sergeant John Jacobs, left knee joint, amputated; Captain Josiah H. Banker, flesh wound; private Wm. Young, left hand, two fingers ampued; private A. K. Konklin, through the body, since dead; private Isaac Burnet, lost a finger; private John Byrne, flesh wound, left leg; private Nicholas Heeney, through the body, since dead.
Private John LeBuff, ball in the left lumbar region; private Joel Nichols, right arm amputated; private Richard White, wounded and missing.
Cheplain 90th N. Y. V.

—Arthur Clyde, son of Thornton Clyde of Unadilla, died in the hospital at Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, on the 19th ult. He was a member of the 90th N. Y. V.

COLONEL MORGAN AT KEY WEST.—Colonel Morgan commanding the very important post at Key West, has been distinguishing himself by attempting to outvie Fremont, Phelps and Hunter. Accidentally left in charge of Key West by the transfer of General Brannan to South Carolina, he has signalized his little brief authority by issuing several abolition manifestoes. One of these precious documents frees all the slaves at Key West, whether they belong to loyal or rebel owners. Another authorizes these freed negroes to seize and occupy any property they may find unoccupied, whether it belongs to loyalists or rebels. This, it strikes us, is rather in advance of anything we have yet seen in the emancipation line, and puts Fremont, Phelps and Hunter in the second rank of abolition heroes.
This Colonel Morgan knows as little about military matters as he does about the policy of the government. A man who acts in this way in regard to slavery, in direct contravention of the express orders of the President, is guilty of the grossest insubordination. But, this slavery question aside, Colonel Morgan is totally unfit for the command of so important a station as that at Key West. The accident which gave him the position was most unfortunate, and should be immediately remedied. Colonel Morgan will have quite as much as he can do to take care of his regiment—the Ninetieth New York Volunteers—without interfering with matters for which he has no capacity whatever. A real military man should be sent down to take command at Key West immediately. The station is of too much importance to the government to be longer left in such weak hands as those of Colonel Morgan.

THE LATE LIEUT. MULLIGAN.—The decease of Lieut. Greig H. Mulligan, 90th N. Y. S. Volunteers, which occurred at Key West, Florida, on the 20th of August last, was announced in the papers of this city, a few days since, but with such brevity that a more extended notice seems to be proper.
Greig Howell Mulligan was about 20 years of age. The grandson of the late Hon. Nathaniel W. Howell, of Canandaigua, he had, even in his early youth, much of the decided, determined and persistent character which belonged to the early settlers of Western New York, among whom Judge Howell was conspicuous as one of the best specimens of those earnest, energetic, educated persons who settled at Canandaigua while yet a wilderness, near the beginning of the present century. When the first call for troops to put down the present rebellion was made, young Mulligan was pursuing his legal studies in the office of Judge Hall, in this city, with the intention, in due time, of entering the profession of the law.—Abandoning his studies, he was among the first who offered their services to the government, and those who knew him well are aware that this was resolved upon, not from excitement or sudden impulse, but from a clear and conscientious conviction of duty. As a non-commissioned officer of one of the companies, and afterwards as color-sergeant of our gallant 21st, he showed his devotion to duty and his intelligence and ability as a soldier; and, having fitted himself for promotion, he was offered and accepted a commission in the 90th Regiment. Ordered to Key West, and thus deprived of opportunity to distinguish himself in the field, he endeavored, without success to make arrangements for his transfer to active service. Service upon court-martials, first as a member of the court and afterwards as Judge Advocate, for a time afforded him a less-desired field of labor, and reconciled him in some degree to his confinement at this isolated post; and when the yellow fever appeared there he pursued the even tenor of his way, discharging his duty without fear and shrinking from no service which his position required. But soon he fell a victim to the fatal pestilence, and, far from his family and his home, the gallant soldier breathed his last.
An affectionate son, a loving brother, a generous, faithful and confiding friend and a good citizen, his conduct was exemplary in every relation of life. As a professing Christian, he gave, by his "daily walk and conversation,'' the most conclusive evidence of the sincerity of his convictions and of his undoubting faith in the Redeemer; and the letter of the Chaplain of his regiment, which announced his death, carried consolation to his friends by the assurance that he met his end calmly, without fear and in the abiding and triumphant faith of the Christian believer. Thus too early for his country and his friends, but not too early for himself, died this Christian soldier.