65th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry | Flank Markers | Civil War

Flag dimensions: 28 3/4" hoist X 29 3/4" fly.

Flag dimensions: 28 1/4" hoist X 30 1/4" fly.
These two blue silk flank markers with green discs are believed to have been carried by the 65th Regiment NY Volunteer Infantry, also known as the “1st United States Chasseurs.” The regiment, mustered into service for three years in July and August 1861, wore a distinctive chasseur uniform. Period photographs reveal the unit’s dual persona - soldiers wore the 1858 Hardee hat with the standard infantry insignia featuring the numeral “1” rather than “65.” Both flags also exemplify the duality with painted inscriptions in gold, shadowed in red, along the top and bottom including the state designation, “N.Y.S.V.,” and the unique green painted discs or shields in the center with the regiment’s chasseur designation, “1,” painted in gold.